harry-bowie-mercury · 4 years
I’m such a sucker for soulmate aus so if you find any good ones involving Harry styles or Spencer Reid or any marvel characters please tag me in the comments! Or send the post to me. Or Finn wildcard or timothee chalamet. Please I’m begging you. They bring me a so much joy. Thank you so much all you lovely and beautiful people.
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wolfiebucky · 5 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader Fluff
Part 1.
A/N So this is my first published imagine hope you guys like it :)
Plot: You were are introduced in the 2nd season as a love interest for Gaten's Character, but who really was crazy about you is Finn, and when during a promoting interview Finn accidentally confesses he has a crush on you the fandom goes crazy.
" Schnapp you better come here right now if you don't want me to kick your ass!" Noah and you were running around his dressing room while the others were out fixing their microphones.
Since season 3 was about to come out every single cast member was currently part of the promotion Tour, which was honestly your least favorite part. Yes you enjoyed spending time with the cast, they are like your second family, but infinite interviews and having jet lag is no fun at all for anyone. You're in Australia right now waiting for everyone to get ready and Noah had took your phone and was checking your DMs to the girls and the group chat that you guys have.
"Oh come on (Y/N) what can be so bad that you don't want to show me?" He laughed while trying to run from you, you went around the couch and snatched from his hand.
"HA!" You immediately turned it off and put it in your purse.
"What? you don't want me to see how much you talk about Finn with Mills?" He layed on the couch while eating some chips and taking out his own phone.
"I knew you were dumb but apparently you are crazy as well." you tried to ignore him while fixing your hair in front of the mirror and re-doing your lipstick.
Finn and you have been Best friends for almost 2 years know, your characters didn't talk much or even liked eachother, but out of the screen you guys were inseparable and had so much fun. He went to your house often he teached you how to play guitar, took you to many of his concerts and even let you appear in one of his music videos along side Caleb. You soon realized what you biggest fear was... you had a crush on him. Your first instinct was telling Sadie since she was the one you were closer with out of the girls. But slowly everyone started to realize and soon the fans did too starting the (YourShipName) Movement.
"Oh stop pretending, all of us know you're crazy for him, even Gaten! you know, he might be the one you kiss on TV but the way you look at Finney is no performance"
"So what if I have I crush on him?" You turned around and faced Noah "it's not like anything will happen, he doesn't see me that way and I accepted that".
Noah raised an eyebrow and sigh "You're delusional" he said smiling "Have you even asked Finn?!" he said frustrated.
"No but-"
"Ask me what?" There he was, standing right next you, you looked at Noah waiting for him to anwser but he just smirked and kept quiet. "Quick think of something (Y/N)" You thought for yourself.
"Uhmm...I...I-...I was just going to ask when do we have to be on stage?" You knew Noah rolled his eyes behind you and even heard him sigh, you gave him the middle finger behind your back and he laughed.
"Oh, right about now actually. They gave us a sitting order by the way , (Y/N) you're next to Gaten, I’m next to (Y/N), Millie is next to me and Noah next to Millie , I think they want to appeal to the fans and stuff ". he smiled.
You gave him a smile back "Cool see ya there toad" you said sarcasticly to Finn while he was exiting the room.
"Be there on time midget!" Finn said referring to your height and laughing while leaving.
You gave Noah a sign for him to get up the couch and looked at him with a cold expression.
"You're a chicken (Y/N)" You smiled and hit his shoulder "UH OUCH?" You smiled "That's what you get idiot, come one we can't be late"
"Today we are welcoming a couple of young talented actors who had made their way through success for the last couple years with their successful show avilable on Netflix. Please welcome the cast of 'Stranger Things', Finn Wolfhard, Millie Bobby Brown, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Sadie Sink, Noah Schnapp and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
The moment you heard your name you entered the stage, you saw this big crowd screaming and applauding while you were walking next to Gaten and waved to the people while you were walking to your sit.
"Hey guys , first of all welcome! thanks for coming" Said the host, she was a 20 maybe 25 year old blonde woman greeting you with a big smile " I am so exited to meet you and we have some questions for you that are from your fans all over the globe so if you guys are down we can get right into it!"
"Of course go ahead" Said Finn with a big smile.
"So the first question is for Caleb from Jean all the way from the UK, and it's about your character 'Will Lucas stop being underrated and have some badass moments?". The audience cheered and applauded.
"I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks my character needs some justice" We all laughed "Definitely Lucas will get to prove how badasd he is so don't worry" The audience applauded.
"Awsome!" Said the woman.The next questions were more Mileven related than anything or about Funny stories that happend during filming, you weren't really paying attention anymore your feelings were all over the place Finn wise. Maybe Noah was right maybe you should tell him what you feel, but what if by saying it you ruin everything? what if he rejects you or say that he looks at you just like a friend?!, or sister?! or-
"How do you feel about that (Y/N)?" You heard you name all of the sudden, they asked you a question and you didn't heard it.
"Im sorry?" You tried to played it off, Finn and Gaten laughed at you, and you gave them a cold stare.
The interviewer smiled "How does it feel being a newbie to the cast? considering that your character "April" was introduced along side Max. Have you had any issues or do you think you fit right in?"
"Oh no no, I definitely feel at home. When I started this i was definitely scared, and the biggest helpers were Finn and Winona they just took me under their wing and will forever be thankful for that." the crowd went awwww and Finn out of nowhere grabbed your hand for a second and whisperd "Thank you" while smiling.
Your heart was beating so fast and your face was as red as a tomato, you couldn't help it you were crazy about him and to not be able to tell him drove you insane.
"So Finn and (Y/N), you guys are very close everyone knows that, you always post pictures on instagram while you hang out, and do lives together tell us about that!" She had a smirk on, like she was trying to find something out, something that you won't allow the world to know.
"Well..." Finn started "i don't really know what to tell you, we are just, really close and i feel comfortable around her and how she is" he makes a pause and looked at you "How her Jokes are so bad they make me laugh" You can hear the audience laugh but you don't laugh, you just pay attention to Finn's eyes and lips "How she's always supporting me, my band, my projects...How she lights up the set when she arrives and How she laughs when she says the wrong line...She's just amazing"
Everything was quiet, it felt like it was only you and him at that moment, he looks at you with the sweetest smile you've ever seen coming from him "is this really happening?" You thought "He thinks I'm amazing!" you really couldn't believe it. He basically admitted he likes you in front of thousands of people.
What broke the silence was the applause coming from the crowd, you had to stop looking at Finn, the cast were looking at eachother laughing and smiling but you could notice how Finn turned red and tried to hide it.
After a few more questions the interview was over and you were happier than ever, after you guys walked out you could've swear you heard someone screaming "YourShipName!", and you couldn't be more happy about it.
Part 2 comes next if this gets to 5 notes :)
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worldofandromeda · 5 years
Snapchat: Boyfriend Finn.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Richie: who the actual fuck...
Richie: whomst the actual sexual intercourse...
Eddie: what the fuck
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roxybefab · 5 years
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Hi my inbox is open and I write for about anything
I desperately want to make a short series, Finn Wolfhard related, but I have no I M A G I N A T I O N
Someone please help me
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notusinghjhj · 7 years
you’re cool// finn wolfhard
summary: finn wolfhard comes to your school, and your shocked. you also build an awesome bond with him!                                                                                    request: “can i request one where the reader hates school, and she dreams of being apart of the st cast. (isnt that all our dreams) and finn wolfhard comes to their school, and he gets along with the reader like ALOT”                                     A/N: this is my first imagine and i really hope you like it!! i actually had a dream about this holyy
I groan as I step foot in my classroom. Another day of my teacher yelling at me for nothing I did. I hated school, especially how there are literally no nice people at my school. Only two people are nice, and those are my friends. They knew I love the Stranger Things cast, (which they do too). I set my bag down, stiffly pulling out my textbook. I lock eyes with my teacher. Ugh, I hated him, he’s such a moron. He hates me only because my mom refused to dance with him at homecoming. Even if I get a question right, he’ll mark it wrong.
‘Alright kids, turn to page 2017.’ he asks, still glaring at me. I was used to it. I eventually drifted off into my own world, once he said ‘In the early 1630′s.’ I doodled on my page, begging for a miracle to happen to get me out of this hell hole. And then it happened. There was a knock on the door. Three men walked in my classroom. One, being my principal. Second, being a man I’ve never met. And third, being; Finn Wolfhard. I couldn’t catch my breath. Finn Wolfhard was standing in the door way of my classroom. The popular girls in my class went nuts, not that they knew what shows he stars in. They all ran up to him, asking questions, such as; ‘OMG, are you single?’, ‘You are super hot!’. I mean, yeah he’s adorable, but it must be uncomfortable for him. After twenty minutes of waiting, I become face to face with Finn.
‘Uh, hey, I’m y/n.’ I stutter. ‘Hey, I’m Finn.’ he says, shaking my hand. ‘I’ve noticed.’ I smile. ‘I’m sure a lot of people know to be honest, it’s actually kinda creepy.’ he laughs. ‘Well I’m not surprised, people ARE obsessed with you.’ I giggle, as he joins my laughter. ‘Do you wanna talk outsi-’ he begins, as my teacher interrupts him. ‘y/n, please take your seat, we don’t have time for chit-chat.’ he murmurs. ‘yeah, well does it look like I care?’ I say sarcastically, leaving drops of ‘oohs’ from my classmates. ‘Let’s go.’ I whisper to Finn, pointing to the door. 
‘So, can you tell me why you’re at my school?’ I question, giggling at the same time. ‘Well Vancouver is my hometown.’ ‘I know.’ I laugh. ‘Stalker.’ he teases. ‘And I thought it would be cool if I surprised some schools.’ he finishes. ‘Well, it’s a nice way to surprise fans, especially me, I was in shock.’ I say leaving a smile on his face.
{time skip cause’ i cant write}                                                                                   We talk for what seems like hours. I notice that me and Finn have a lot in common, that’s why he’s so easy to talk to. I’m not nervous around him, which helps talking to him. We laugh the entire time. ‘You know, you’re different.’ he grins, leaving a confused look on my face. ‘What do you mean?’ I ask, hoping the answer won’t be bad. ‘Like you’re easy to talk to. Usually the girls I meet trample over me, but you’re cool.’ Finn answered. okay, keep calm, Finn Wolfhard just said you’re cool. My thoughts raging through my head. ‘Oh, uh, yeah, thanks.’ I stutter. He checks his watch. ‘Crap.’ he mutters to himself. ‘One last thing before I leave, I wanna ask you something.’ he sputtered, barely getting the words out of his mouth. ‘Sure, yeah, anything.’ I answer, my expectations getting way too high for what he was about to say. 
‘Can I have your number?’ Finn offered. I couldn’t process on what he just said. ‘I- uh- yeah totally.’ I stammer. I hand Finn my phone, almost dropping it in the process. He quickly types his number. ‘Okay, cool. Text you later?’ he asked, kindly. ‘Totally, yeah.’ I confirmed. ‘Alright see ya!’ he exclaims. ‘Bye!’ I say, still frozen on what had just happened. I watch him open the gate, as the two men followed. I see him wave at me, as I do the same. I could hear the engine start, as I saw Finn Wolfhard drive away, briskly.
Should I do a part 2?
(i already am)
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fandomxfanfics · 7 years
Dating Finn Wolfhard (Headcannon)
Pair: Finn Wolfhard x Reader
Warning: None, just fluffffff
A/U: IM ALIVE HAHA IM NOT DEAD (lol this account is dead BUT IM BRINGING IT BACK) I’ve been thinking of making more fanfics even though i’m not really good at writing. You can request me anything, i’ll be posting like the fandoms i’m currently in huehue
*Your always hanging out with the ST and IT cast.
*You guys were probably bestriends before officialy dating
*Finn loves cuddling
*He can be annoying sometimes
*Especially when playing videogames
*He looks so cute when he’s vv focused on the game
*When you guys started dating, the fandom went berserk and kept on saying Fillie is the best but Finn calmed them and they’re fine now,,,,we don’t know
*He’s v clingy
*He’s really awkward when talking to your relatives, parents, etc.
*You guys would bake together since he would just play videogames all day long, now it’s kind of a tradition with you two
*The first time he baked cupcakes, he named it every one of it and he would always remember it and then ask you, “Did you remember Bob? Our cupcake son?”
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"Finn you're like a little girl who just saw Cinderella at Disneyland" - from Schizophrenia ~ F.W Imagines (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/w2CnSIDaSN
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harry-bowie-mercury · 4 years
I’m down to ship people. Like give them ships with certain fandoms. Just send me something. A description of yourself. I’ll give you a marvel, a Harry Potter, a criminal minds character or a celebrity that I ship you with. Send in a description of your appearance and your personality your hogwasts house. Send me what you would put on a dating site I’m bored. Anyways please send me something!
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harry-bowie-mercury · 5 years
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So, I was looking at my photos on my computer, and I had all these screenshots from quizzes I took. It’s safe to say this only furthers my Finn Wolfhard fantasy.
Also look at all these pictures.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader: First Appearances
Part 1.
It was the night season 3 of Stranger Things went up on Netflix. The Duffer Brothers were throwing a party in celebration, with the entire main cast invited. You were fairly new to the cast, but decided you might as well go anyways.
You knocked on the front door and Matt Duffer opened it after a moment. He smiled, before telling you that most of the cast was already there and in the backyard. You hesitantly walk out the sliding glass door to see half the cast hanging out by the pool deck.
You stepped out onto the grass, the springy green blades grazing the sides of your sandals. As you set the small cloth bag you brought down by the table, Sadie noticed you and walked over. 
You and Sadie had become fast friends after meeting. After all, you were both relatively new and the original cast had a different bond. You two were of course friends with them as well though. Your other closest friend on the cast were Noah and Gaten.
“Hi Y/N! I’ve been waiting for you since I got here” She said, smiling. Her fiery hair was tied back in a ponytail, which she had over one shoulder. “Caleb and Gaten have been having a weird pun war for the past 10 minutes”
You laughed, and headed over to the two boys. They sat hunched forward in the poolside chairs, facing one another. Millie sat with her feet in the pool, laughing as she watched the two boys try and out-pun each other.
After watching the two boys fight for a few minutes, Gaten turned to you. “Y/N, tell this fool that my puns are obviously better than his” he said, and Caleb opened his mouth in protest, but you interrupted before he could say anything.
“Sorry Gaten, but I have to say that Caleb might be better” you said, and Gaten looked at you with a look of disbelief on his face. Caleb laughed before saying “Told you so!”
As Gaten moved on to asking Sadie and Millie who they thought was better, you turned and saw Noah and Finn walking through the sliding glass door. The two boys had on swim trunks and T-Shirts, but as you watched them walk over to Joe and Dacre. who were sitting at a table on the opposite side of the pool deck.
You kinda liked Finn. A lot. But then again, who wouldn’t? It just sucked that the boy seemed to dislike you for some reason, even though you only interacted with him in interviews and scenes you had together in the show. He just always seemed to ignore you, and only talked to you if he had to.
You watched for a moment as Finn said something to Joe, and took something off his plate of food. Without even looking up Joe picked up his waterbottle and lightly splashed his shirt. Finn started back, and you heard him shout “That’s cold!”
Joe laughed and said something and Finn motioned with his hands, before tugging his shirt off and throwing it aside. Immediately after you saw this you felt a blush creep across your cheeks, and turned back to Sadie and the others before anyone noticed you staring at him.
An hour later, after eating and talking with the cast, Matt and Ross Duffer had the idea to take a picture of everyone jumping into the pool together. Everyone was excited and agreed to do it.
Soon, the actors walked to the edge of the pool. You had on a dark 2 piece, and stood awkwardly beside Sadie and Millie, who both looked amazing. Sadie had taken her hair down and it flowed around her shoulders in gorgeous fiery waves, and Millie looked as amazing as always with her dark hair falling to her shoulders.
Ross was near the other side of the pool, camera in hand, telling everyone to get into a line. You obliged, standing on the end with Sadie next to you. As you two chatted, Noah walked over, Finn following. As Noah stood, leaving a gap between you an him for Finn to stand, Finn turned and said “Never mind, I’ll go to the other side”
As he walked away, his dark curls bouncing slightly, you noticed her shot you a look. It looked like a look of annoyance, but it was hard to tell as it lasted only a moment.
Noah watched him, and sighed. “What was that?” Sadie asked him, peering around you. She couldn’t help but notice what had happened. Noah shook his head. 
“He hates me is what happened” You sighed, and looked down. Noah immediately looked at you in surprise. 
“He hates me. Or at least dislikes me” You said again. 
Noah laughed, and moved so the sunlight reflected across his bare torso. “What makes you think that?” he asked, but you didn’t have time to respond as Ross began a countdown to jump.
“Tell you later” you said quickly, and turned to face the iridescent surface of the water. 
“3! 2! 1!”  
You sat on the stairs in the shallow end of the pool. You swished your legs underwater, watching the little rainbows and reflections under the surface. Sadie had gone to the deep end and was talking with Millie and Finn, hence the reason you were alone.
As you watched Sadie say a sarcastic comment, followed by her splashing Finn with a handful of water, you couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly a body jumping into the water a foot in front of you made you jump. You hadn’t noticed Noah as you were too busy staring at Finn.
Noah broke the surface of the water, and laughed at the look on your face. He brushed his sopping hair back with one hand and sat on the step next to you.
“So why do you think Finn hates you exactly?” he asked after you shot him a look that plainly said ‘shut up’
“Well he always ignores me. And only interacts with me when he absolutely has to. I don’t even know what I did! Plus you saw what happened earlier” you complain. Noah ponders this for a moment, his hazel eyes unreadable.
“I-I’ll....talk to him” he said, a small smile on his face. And you instantly became suspicious.
“You know something” you said, narrowing your eyes. Noah just smiled and insisted he didn’t, but you hung out with him enough to know something was up.
After a few minutes of him insisting he knew nothing, you gave up and he suggested a game of Chicken. You were hesitant to agree, but the more he asked and tried to persuade you the funner it sounded.
“Fine. But only if Sadie plays” you eventually agreed.
Since apparently it was “unfair” if you and Sadie were on the same team, you paired up with Noah while Sadie got Joe. 
“Hey! That’s not fair” Noah shouted as Sadie brought him over, but as Joe started saying he wanted to be on her team, he gave up.
You got onto Noah’s shoulders, and Sadie onto Joe’s. Then the two boys started moving towards each other and you and Sadie started awkwardly shoving each other, water droplets flying through the air as the boys struggled to maintain balance.
Eventually Sadie succeeded in pushing you backwards, with the help of Joe being much bigger than Noah. You splashed under the water, and came to the surface gasping.
“we are the champions!” Sadie exclaimed, a victorious smile playing her lips as she raised her hands above her head. Noah muttered something under his breath about her only winning because of Joe, and you laughed. 
“I’m gonna go dry off now” you said, and turned only to bump into Finn. He turned and looked at you before you narrowed your eyes. He looked startled for a moment, but you turned and swam towards the steps on the opposite side of the pool before lifting yourself out of the water. 
two can play at that game
You were inside now. You chatted with Millie beside a bowl of chips. You had just asked how things were with Jacob and she had smiled and blushed, and pulled out her phone, revealing he had been texting her at that very moment. You smiled. Despite the media and fanbase always saying how much they despised Jillie, you couldn’t help but think that it was almost cute how happy he made her. In the end it was her decision, wasn’t it?
As Millie showed a picture of her and Jacob at the beach, you looked behind her out the door and saw Noah walking Finn across the grass. Noah had a towel around his shoulders, and Finn had just put on a shirt. Noah appeared to be encouraging Finn, making hand movements and talking. Finn had an almost nervous expression on his face, and his eyes were focused on the ground. 
Then they opened the sliding door and Noah pushed him in, giving him a quick thumbs up, and looking over at you. When Noah said you looking, he hastily pretended to be doing something else. 
You focused back on Millie, only to realize seconds later Finn was walking towards you two. He tapped Millie on the shoulder and she stopped talking. “Um Millie? Do you mind if I talk to Y/N for a moment?” he said. Millie raised an eyebrow.
“Sure” she said, and waited for Finn to speak. He awkwardly coughed. “Actually...I was wondering If I could talk to her alone...” he trailed off, and you realized this was the first time you had seen the curly haired boy like this. He seemed nervous, his dark eyes flickering from you to Millie.
“Oh. Sure!” she said, and backed away, shooting you a confused glance and mouthing “whats happening”. You simply shrugged and turned to Finn.
There was silence for a second until Finn awkwardly began. “So, Noah said you think I dislike you?” he started, and you instantly regretted telling Noah. If you knew he was going to tell Finn, it would have saved a lot of awkwardness to just be quiet.
“well, not so much as dislike as hate, but sure. Yeah, I do think that” you mumbled. And Finn searched your face with concerned eyes, before taking a deep breath.
“Well, I don’t just to be clear. In fact, things are almost the opposite” he said, and your eyebrows shot up in a look of surprise. What was going on? Was this some type of prank?
“I actually really like you Y/N. I see you on set with Sadie and Noah, and how  you are always so amazing. You are super pretty and smart, and I just didn’t know how to go about it” he said. Your eyes widened. You were speechless for a moment before you realized he was waiting for you to say something.
“Oh! I-What? Then why would you always ignore me?” you stuttered. Finn nervously messed with his hands. 
“Well I had never really felt this way for someone before. Sure, I had a tiny crush on Millie when we started, but by time Season 2 started that had ended. This is nothing like that” he began. “I originally asked Noah for advice but he didn’t really know what to say, and I knew Gaten and Caleb might tell you. So I asked Joe and he said I should just...play it cool. Seem ‘uninterested’” he finished, and you inwardly thought that it was a tiny bit funny to see how flustered he was.
“That doesn’t mean completely ignore though” you pointed out and he nodded. 
“I know, that was really stupid of me” he admitted. “Anyways, I guess what I’m trying to say is....would you-”
Finn was cut off as Millie shrieked from outside. She was talking to Noah and was looking inside with a look of shock on her face. 
“Really!?” she exclaimed, before looking inside and realizing that both you and Finn were looking at her. She looked at the door she had forgotten to shut all the way and flushed, tugging it shut. Noah was face palming next to her. It was obvious what Millie had just found out, from the way she was looking at Finn.
You looked back to see Finn’s face completely pink. “I-I think I’m gonna go outside now. Talk to you later Y/N” he mumbled, and walked away into the house before you could reply. 
You stood in shock for a moment, and grabbed the table for support. There was no way that had happened. No way in hell. What was he going to say? 
You sat down and put your head in your hands, your heart pounding. What was next? 
Okay so I don’t even know what that turned into. I was originally planning on writing a short but found it too fun writing smaller scenes, like the chicken fight and the pun-war. I’m going to continue this, but as of right now I have no idea how long it will take for a second part. Please let me know if you want more and feel free to leave ideas and suggestions. Also let me know if you like it because I will work harder to continue it if I know people actually like it.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader First Appearances
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
wow I’ve finally been on tumblr long enough to learn how to link stuff! improvement!
After Sadie explained her idea, you were immediately on board with it. A half hour later, you had perfectly arranged everything to annoy to boys. 
You and Sadie had started with Gaten. Grabbing numerous items from the room, you set his sleeping form into several ridiculous positions to take pictures, the best one of which was featuring him holding one of his slides like a pillow against his cheek. Millie walked in on you two laughing and carefully taking the slide back, and after standing in the doorway for a moment looking confused, she just threw her hands in the air and walked away. After taking a few pictures, you two moved on to Noah and Finn.
Opening the door quietly to make sure they were both still asleep, you turned back to Sadie and nodded. You both stepped carefully into the room, before starting to search for objects that would make good pictures. First, you took pictures of Noah. There was a potted plant on the shelf, you set it between his arms so it looked like he was hugging it. Satisfied with the results, you moved onto Finn. Seeing a hat sticking out of Noah’s bag, and setting it on Finn’s head backwards, Sadie paused.
“hmmm...it still needs something...” she said, before clicking her fingers. You shushed her, and she turned to you. 
“I need you to get in the picture and do a thumbs up” She said, and you obliged. Plastering a smile on your face, and sitting next to the sleeping Finn, you posed for her as she began taking pictures.
“Okay, done!” she exclaimed, after taking pictures from both phones, forgetting that the two boys were literally sleeping 5 feet away. Finn stirred beside you, and opened his eyes. 
“What-What’s going on? Y/N” the boy yawned, and sat up before realizing he had a hat on. He tugged it off his head, ruffling his curls so they were even more unruly.
You giggled, and made a move to stand up. Finn however, saw the phone in Sadie’s hand, and caught on to what they had done. “No no no!” He shouted, and he moved forwards, grabbing your hand and pulling you backwards. You lost your balance, falling back to him with a small shriek.  Sadie was silent, hiding her phone behind her back.
“Delete it!” He breathed, and you turned to face him. Inches away, the boy looked at you with playful eyes. You shook your head. Finn loomed closer, sitting forward. A grin played his face, and you felt like you were barely breathing.
You responded after a moment. “Make me”
As Finn drew closer, you could feel your face heating up. He reached out with his hand halfway to your face when you heard the clicking of Sadie’s phone, which she had forgotten to silence. You both turned to her, and she looked at you with a guilty expression. 
A couple minutes later, after tackling Sadie, you three agreed on a truce, for now. Finn allowed you two to keep the pictures, as long as you sent him the ones of Noah and Gaten. You and Sadie happily obliged. Both Noah and Gaten had woken up during your noisy conversation, and now Dacre was the only one asleep. 
When you and the other kids walked out into the living room, the second you saw him you caught Finn and Sadie’s eye, and you all knew you were thinking the same thing.
“That one’s my favorite” Sadie laughed, looking at her phone. You looked at her screen to see you, Finn, Sadie and Noah with your elbows on the couch, looking at Dacre as he had a sombrero placed on his sleeping head. Gaten had happily taken the picture, but he might not have if he had known there were pictures of him sleeping as well...
You let out a small laugh. The five of you were sitting in a circle on the carpet. “You need to send that to me!” Finn exclaimed, when Millie walked into the room. She surveyed the room before sitting on a chair and crossing her legs. She had on a tank top and baggy ripped jeans, her hair curled and tied half up. You immediately noticed Finn’s eyes darken, and the girl seemed to be doing everything to try and ignore him.
“Whoah Finn, you look like you wanna kill someone” Sadie said, surprise lighting her face. She crossed her legs, and looked at the boy, who lightly exhaled.
“Its nothing really. We got into a fight about..the events of yesterday” he said carefully, his eyes flitting over to you. You flushed, and guilt began to swirl inside your stomach. What if the fight lasted for a while? It was because of you that was happening, and Finn and Millie had always seemed like such good friends. What if this fight ruined it?
“Well, this is Millie we’re talking about. It’ll be over in a few days at most” Gaten assured Finn, but he looked uncertain. 
After the next few minutes of laughing at photos, Matt called out from the kitchen. “If anyone’s hungry, I’m making eggs. Come tell me if you want any” 
At once, Sadie dragged you over to the kitchen, followed by Finn, Gaten, and to Finn’s displeasure, Millie. As Matt stood with a notepad, like a waiter, listening to what the kids wanted, you hung back. You didn’t feel like eating for once. Maybe it was nervousness or something. 
As Sadie thanked Matt a million times, she headed back over to you, but you had just noticed Millie talking with Finn. “G-Go back to Noah real quick. I think I will get something...” You ushered, and she gave you a look before walking back to the brunette.
You drew closer to the two, who were behind Gaten, who was talking to Matt about the long lost art of frying eggs or something like that.
“Why do you even care? You have Jacob, as we all know because you won’t shut up about him” Finn hissed, and the girl spiked up, her eyes flaring. She crossed her arms over her chest before spitting out her response.
“The fans. They ship us not you two! The show might lose popularity if-” she started, but Finn cut her off. 
“Thats what this is about? “Popularity”? Christ, the fans know we have personal lives, and they can’t control our descisions, especially these kinds” He said in disbelief. You stood in shock, forgetting to try and look like you weren’t listening to the quiet argument. “Besides, if it were about fan ships, why are you dating Jacob?” he finished, leaving Millie with a furious expression on her face. 
“Y’know what? Thank you Matt, but I’m not that hungry” She said to the director, interrupting his conversation with Gaten. You didn’t hear his response, too shocked by the conversation you had overheard.
After a moment, you realized it was just you standing next to Matt. Finn and Gaten had gone back to the group. “Umm, just 1 scrambled egg is fine for me, thanks” you said to Matt, and he looked at you with concern as you looked distractedly back to where Millie had crossed the room, tapping angrily at her phone. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Matt asked and you looked back at him. “I’m fine, just...a little distracted is all” you said, and turned to go back to the cast.
The rest of the talking done by the group was mainly done by Noah, Sadie, and Gaten. Finn remained quiet, his dark eyes focused on the floor. You kept casting anxious glances at him and Millie, kneading the soft carpet with your palms.
Soon, group members began to leave. Noah was the first to leave, at around 10. Then Millie, Gaten, and Dacre. Finally, it was Sadie’s time to go. 
“Bye Y/N, Finn” She hugged each of you in turn, grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. Sliding on her light blue sandals, she went to thank and say goodbye to Matt. Finally, as she went to walk out the door, she turned back to you. 
“See you in two days” She smiled. Oh yeah, the interview. The Duffers had scheduled an exlusive interview with the cast of kids for the day after tomorrow, and it would be the first interview since the entire season was released that they would all be seen in public together.
“Oh thats right! Now I won’t have to miss you as much” you teased the girl, and she stuck her tongue out at you before getting into her dads car that had pulled up on the street. You both waved your goodbyes, and as she pulled away you head back into the house.
You sat down on the couch, pulling out your phone. A moment later, Finn sat next to you. You instantly remembered it was just you two alone now, and your heart began to beat quicker.
“Today and yesterday were fun” you said lamely, at an attempt to start a conversation. To your delight, Finn didn’t seem to think it was a weird thing to say. “Yeah. It was pretty awesome...” he said, but his voice trailed off.
“What? Is it about that Millie thing?” you questioned, and he looked up in surprise. 
“Actually...no...i’m fine with her being mad at me for now, it’s just...” he sighed.
“I wish yesterdays conversation had gone a bit differently” He finished, and your breath caught in your throught.
“W-what do you mean?” you stuttered, and he noticed how nervous you seemed. 
“I dunno, it’ll sound really stupid” he muttered, but you found yourself leaning towards him. 
“No it won’t. What is it?” you said softly, and he met your gaze.
“I just-ugh. I really like you Y/N, and I know you said we should to get to know each other, but after this morning...last night...I just like you even more” the boy’s pale face was tinted a light pink as he scrambled to find the words that fit his thoughts.
“I just-just feel like....ugh I’m really no good at this” he smiled apologetically, and you were lost for words. Did that really just happen??
“Y/N? Did I weird you out or so-” The boy was cut off as you quickly moved forwards and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips, before getting up and running to the guest room. You ran around the corner, and shut the door almost all the way. Looking out through the small opening, you watched as Finn sat, frozen, before a blush lit his entire face. You assumed you looked the same. Checking your phone one last time, you saw a text from your mother saying she was here and outside waiting for you. 
Grabbing your bag, slipping on your sandals, and saying a quick thank you and good-bye to Matt, you headed for the door, when you saw Finn, still on the couch.
He lying on stomach, his face pressed into a pillow, presumably hiding his pink face. You held back a laugh. “Bye Finn. See you in two days” you called sweetly, and the boy just raised an arm feebly in a quick salute. 
It was nightfall. You now lay in bed, on your phone, reminiscing the day, replaying that moment over and over again in your head. You scrolled through Tumblr, looking at cute memes from the IT fandom, Reddie, when Sadie texted you.
“Look at Millie’s Instagram”
“Just do it”
And so you opened the app, only to find hundreds of notifications awaiting you. Half of them just seemed like random fangirls screeching stuff, so you closed out of that and went to Millie’s page. She had posted a collage of photos from the party, featuring the pool jump photo, and others with her and Dacre posing while everyone was watching IT. She posted 6 photos in all, and as you scrolled from the 5th to the 6th, you nearly dropped your phone. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you stared at it. It was the photo of you and Noah by the pool, and Millie’s caption read  “My ship has sailed” with little hearts next to it. All the comments were screaming, and you could see they were confused, angry, and happy...
“When did she post that?” You asked Sadie after scrolling through the comments for a few minutes.
“A couple hours ago”
You sighed, tossing your phone aside and staring up at the ceiling. At least Sadie had known that it was fake. However, there will thousands of fans who didn’t, and you were just too tired to deal with that at the moment. So, you rolled over, plugged your phone in, and decided to try and get some sleep. You would just deal with this tomorrow.
Gag-what even was that ending? I was mid writing it last night, and when i started finishing it this morning it was like i didn’t even know how to write. Anyways, I moved the story along! :) 
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader:  First Appearances
Part 4
//slight Noah x Reader but not really//
mild cussing, small spoilers if you haven’t watched the 2017 remake of IT
Finn walked away, and you had only one word to describe how you were feeling.
After realizing you had been standing there for a good minute, staring at where Finn had left you room, you came back to your senses and went back outside. A smile was on your face, but no matter how hard you tried to fight it, it kept reappearing.
You opened the sliding door and sat back down with Gaten, Sadie, and Noah. Gaten was telling the other two his weird fan encounter now, where a fan had licked his hand. He looked at you as you sat down, before raising an eyebrow. 
“what happened?” he said suspiciously, and you kept fighting to keep your smile from showing, but it didn’t work.
“Oh, nothing” You said airily, waving your hand in the air like it was nothing, but Sadie shook her head. 
“No wait. Why are you smiling so much?” she asked, and you covered your mouth. Soon, all three of them began pestering you, and you started laughing.
“Come on, Y/N! What could it possibly be?” Noah asked, before realization dawned on his face. “Wait...” 
Noah then hopped up and ran to the door, sliding it open and fast-walking through the house. You chuckled softly, and that only made Sadie and Gaten more curious. 
“Come on, he knows but I don’t? I thought we were best friends” Sadie said, and fake pouted. You rolled your eyes, and lay down on your back, gazing up at the dark, star-filled sky. 
“wellll maybe something with Finn happened...but you can’t tell anyone. Especially don’t mention it to Finn because then he will know I told you” you smiled as Gaten and Sadie both swore not to tell a soul. Then you relayed everything from the day to them, watching as they gasped at the dramatic parts. 
When you told them  the end where Finn had said about getting to know her better, Gaten flipped his shit. 
“So he told Noah...and Joe?! But not me? Dude that is not cool” he complained. “I’m a way better ladies man than Joe!’ 
You and Sadie laughed, and turned when you heard the sliding door shut. It was Dacre, and he walked across the yard to them.
“We are gonna watch a movie inside if you wanna join” he said. Since getting out of the pool he had changed into dark jeans and a white button up shirt, with the top 2 buttons undone and a chain necklace visible. 
“What movie?” you asked, sitting up. 
“IT. Finn picked it” He said, and walked back inside.
“Of course Finn picked it. Literally” Gaten said, then laughed at his own joke. You smiled. 
“Well, I want to watch it. It’s getting freakin’ cold” Sadie said, and you looked at her still damp hair. You nodded in agreement, but Gaten then looked back and forth at you like you were crazy.
“How are you cold? You are both wearing sweatshirts?” He gaped, blue eyes wide.
“Because I’m also wearing shorts, and my hair is wet. Sorry my hair isn’t short” You say, and you and Sadie get up. Gaten rolled his eyes, before getting up too.
The three of you walked inside to the living room to see everyone already there.
Noah sat on the corner of the couch, chewing Finn out while Finn just laughed. Dacre was on the opposite side of the couch, sprawled out and talking to Millie, who had her back pointedly turned to Finn. It was obvious they hadn’t made up.
Gaten went to sit on the couch beside Finn, and you were perfectly okay with sitting on the floor with Sadie, but she slapped his arm. 
“what?” he yelped, and she shushed him, motioning to Finn. The brunette was to busy laughing at Noah’s reaction to notice, and you sighed as you realized what Sadie was trying to do.
“Sadie its fine” you murmured as she attempted to get Gaten to move to the floor, or even scoot over. 
“No. It. Is. Not” she huffed, tugging at Gaten’s arm. The brunette groaned as the girl tried moving him. “I’m not moving” he said persistently.
“Popcorn!” Matt Duffer’s wife called from the kitchen, and appeared with a large bowl in her hands.
Gaten shot Sadie a glare. “You win this round” he hissed, and got up to go get a bowl.
Sadie then shoved you down onto the couch lightly, causing you to lightly bump Finn. You instantly blushed, and cast Sadie a look. She just smiled, before taking a seat next to you.
Soon after, the lights were turned off by Matt, and his wife put in the DVD of IT. Sadie grabbed your arm, holding it with her eyes fixed on the screen. The movie began, going to the scene with Jaeden in it. 
You only seen IT once, but it was in a crowded movie theater with voices and whispers. This was better, and quieter. You glanced at Finn to see him with a small grin on his face, eyes fixated on the film he starred in.
The movie soon turned to the scene everyone had seen in the trailers, Georgie, running along the street in the rain, chasing the boat, You grimaced, knowing what was next. 
Sadie’s grip tightened on your arm. She hadn’t seen the movie yet, and her nails lightly dug into your skin. You watched for her reaction as you knew Pennywise would appear any minute. Georgie was looking into the gutter, peering into the darkness as water splashed around his yellow galoshes.
A pair of eyes appeared, bright against the darkness, and something cold tightened around the back of your neck. You yelped, startling Sadie, and turned to see Noah withdrawing his hand from behind Finn’s back.
“Rude!” You hissed. How were his hands to freaking cold? You fllushed and sunk down into the couch slightly as you realised Millie and Dacre were looking at you strangely. They had probably thought you were scared of the movie.
Looking at the ground, you grabbed a soft pillow and leaned into it. Squinting, you mentally prepared yourself for the scene to come. Georgie began reaching for the paper boat, extending his arm...
“Ow, that kinda hurts”
You turned to see Finn smirking, and realized you were holding his arm, not a pillow. His sweatshirt was soft though. You began to draw away, but Finn shifted slightly.
“It’s fine. I didn’t mind” He murmured, and you blushed harder, if possible. You looked away, hiding your face behind your hair, and you hugged his arm again.
By the time the movie ended, eveyone had moved around. You had swapped with Noah after he had seen you start to get tired. You insisted it was fine, but he said you could always use the arm of the couch to sleep on if you fell asleep. Him and Sadie were now leaning on each other, Noah’s head resting on Sadie’s flowng hair, and their fingers were mere inches apart. 
Millie and Gaten had stayed pretty much the same, though Dacre had fallen asleep. Not wanting to engage with anyone near Finn, Millie instead told her comments on the move to Gaten. Dacre’s head rested on a pillow, his body awkwardy spead with his body curled inwards and his legs bent. One arm went off the side of the couch, and his mouth was slightly open.
You, on the other hand, were doing the exact opposite of what Noah suggested. Instead of using the arm of the couch, you used Finn.Your head resting on the side of his chest, his arm was around your shoulders. You were vaguely aware of leaning onto him, his warm only making you want to sleep more than you already did. 
As the movie ended, everyone began getting up to go to the guest rooms. You blinked a couple times, before standing up and stretching, You watched as everyone dragged theselves off, Gaten snapping a quick picture of Dacre sleeping, before whispering “Blackmail” when he saw you looking.
Sadie waited by the hallway for you. You looked at her, noticed the blush dusting her pale face. You gave her a sly grin, before giving a small gesture to Noah walking into the guest room a few feet away. She blushed even more, smacking your arm lightly, but you could tell she was pleased.
As you walked with her down the hall, conveying words about how tired you were and how IT was such a cool movie, you turned to walk with her into the room. 
“Nuh Uh! You’re in that room, remember?” she gave slight giggle. You blinked, turning to the room directly opposite. 
“Forgot” you mumbled, and she winked. 
“Tell me if anything happens with him. In the morning” she said, before turning to walk into her guest room. You flushed. You almost forgot Finn was going to be in the same room as you. 
Opening the white door, the first thing you noticed was the bed. It was a dark blue trundle bed with lighter spiral patterns on the matching blankets. Realising it was only a 2 layer trundle, your eyes widened, and it felt like the exhaustion you had felt only minutes prior had evaporated.
“Okay, so either someone shares a bed, or they sleep on the floor” Noah said to you, grinning. You began debating whether or not you could fit under the desk in the corner, when Finn walked in.
“Oh. Hi Y/N” He said, looking a bit shocked that you were here. You gave a small wave, regretting it almost instantly. Could you be any more cringe? You had just almost fallen asleep on him, but couldn’t say a freaking ‘hi’ back?
However, he didn’t seem to notice, as Noah began telling him the situation. “I could always sleep on the floor” He said simply after Noah told him the story.
“I-I call a bed to myself, top bunk” Noah said, a devilish grin appearing on his face. Your face fell as your realized what that meant. 
“Guess I’m sleeping on the floor then” Finn said, and you instantly began to protest.
“No, it’s fine! I can take the floor, you take the bottom” You insisted, but Finn wouldn’t have it. After a minute of argueing, Noah suggested an idea from where he watched on the topbunk.
“Howabout you two share” he said with a grin, and you realized this was his plan all along. You and Finn turned to each other, both blushing and stuttering for a moment. 
“H-Howabout you take the floor, I take the bottom, and Finn takes the top” you said to Noah, but he cast a smile your direction.
“Nah. I like my idea better” 
You woke up the next morning at an abnormally early time. Peeling the blanket off, you reached for your phone on the floor by the shelf. How you had woken at 8:13, after the late night you had yesterday? You had no clue. Rubbing your eyes with one hand, you looked around.
After Noah kept insisting he kept the top bunk to himself, and you and Finn kept fighting about not letting the other sleep on the floor, you had ended up sharing. It was a very awkward time, and after an hour of laying in the bed you had finally fallen asleep. You grabbed your phone, and rolled to the side, jumping when you realized how close Finn was. His closed eyes were mere inches away, and if you wanted you could count the freckles that speckled his face.
Noticing him an Noah were still asleep, you began to try and get out of the bed without waking either of them. Oh, the struggle of being the first one to wake up at a sleepover...
After standing up, you noticed the hilarious position Noah was in. His mouth was open, and his hand moved off the side of the bed to graze Finn’s shoulder. You quickly paused to take a picture (future blackmail, for Noah and Finn), before opening the door, grabbing your bag, and stepping out.
Walking down the hallways of the house felt like a surreal experience. Not a sound was heard except for your soft footsteps, and the occasional creaking of a floorboard. However, as you neared the bathroom you heard a soft humming.
The door was slightly ajar, and you could see the shadow of a girl brushing her hair in the mirror. Knocking softly, you were greeted a moment later by Millie, who pushed the door open slightly more to let you step in.
“Mornin” you said, and yawned, before catching sight of your reflection. You hair was a frizzy mess, and you pulled a hairbrush out of your bag to fix it. Originally, you hadn’t planned on bringing it, but after your mother reminded you that it would be good to brush it after swimming, you had. Boy, were you happy you listened to her.
“Morning” Millie said, a slight edge to her voice. As you tugged the brush through the knots in your hair, you thought she seemed slightly awkward. After smoothing your hair out, satisfied with it for now, you turned to her. 
“Is Sadie awake?” You asked, and she shrugged. 
“I don’t know actually. I’ve been awake since 5:30, and when I left the room she was still asleep” She said, and you raised your eyebrows. The girl noticed your shocked expression and laughed.
“Gaten snores” she explained, and you laughed. After talking with her for a minute, you left her to continue doing her hair. She had seemed prepared for a sleepover, bringing a small bag which had makeup, an iron, and a curler in it. 
Walking back down the silent halls, the floor cold against your bare feet, you decided to see if Sadie was awake. Pushing on the already slightly open door, you saw her stretching on the floor, her hair flowing down her back. 
“Morning Saaaadie” you sung softly, and she turned sharply. 
“Y/N!” She said, before covering her mouth with her hand. Casting a look at Gaten, who was still sleeping on the bottom of the trundle, she stood up. “Sleep well?” She asked once she reached you, a sly smile playing her lips.
You sighed, rolling your eyes, as Sadie pulled out her phone to reveal your texts from the night before. As you lay in the bed, Finn inches away, you had been texting her frantically, freaking out about the whole situation.
“From what you said, you seemed to be dying” She let out a soft laugh that echoed slightly through the hallway. 
As you explained the situation of the night before, her blue eyes widened. “Woah, If Noah hadn’t already sent me a picture of you two last night, I might actually be suprised!” she said, and went to her messages with the brunette.
As she scrolled through a suprising amount of messages, she pulled up a picture Noah had sent. It featured you and Finn. His arm was resting on your shoulder, and you were buried in the blankets, facing away from him.
“I’m gonna kill him” You said, before changing topics. “Speaking of Noah...you two seemed very friendly last night...and I can see you were talking a lot last night” you wriggled your eyebrows, and Sadie laughed, shoving you good-naturedly.
“Well, now what should we do while we wait for the boys to wake up?” you asked, after it was clear Sadie wasn’t going to mention her late-night talk with Noah. She put a finger to her chin, thinking before a smile lit her face. 
“Oh. I have an idea. And I think you’ll like it” 
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"God he's such an idiot..." - from Curls; Finn wolfhard x Reader (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/05T3aqCQlN
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader: First Appearances
Part 3
//Contains elements of Noah x Reader//
The rumors of the sleepover turned out to be true. As you and Noah decided to go hang out with Sadie and Gaten, who were still on the blanket, Matt Duffer came out with the news that anyone who wanted to stay the night were welcome, as long as they told him.
You felt a shiver of excitement run through you. A cast sleepover? Awesome! So through the next half hour, everyone decided if they could stay or not. Caleb, to everyone’s disappointment, had an early interview the next day in the next city over. He had to leave by 10 PM at latest, giving him only another hour to spend at the party. 
Winona and David had to leave as well. They never had any intention of staying, and probably had better things to do. Joe had already left a while ago, as he had an audition to prepare for the next day. And Natalia and Charlie had ridden together, and went back to Charlie’s place for the night. Only you, Sadie, Gaten, Noah, Millie, Dacre, and to your delight, Finn, were staying.
As Matt and his wife discussed who would sleep where, Gaten started scrolling through his instagram, reading the comments on the picture he had posted of you and Noah. “Look Millie saw it” he exclaimed, and turned the phone to show you all.
You gasped when you saw the picture. He hadn’t shown it to you yet, but it was an actually amazing picture. 
Your face was tilted down, and it was too dark to make out detailed features. Your body was curled into his, and one arm was around your waist while the other held your shoulder. His face was tilted down at you. The steam from the pool rose up in visible but transparent clouds around your legs, and the lights under the waters surface cast a glow on its surroundings. 
Millie’s comment read “amazing picture! Hope you don’t mind if i steal it and post it on my account :)” you laughed and looked up to see Noah smiling at the picture. “You need to send that to me” he told Gaten, and you chuckled softly. You looked at Sadie to see her smiling at the photo, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes.
You made a mental note to tell her that you didn’t like Noah and he was just helping you through something. You wouldn’t want anything to come between the two of you, and despite him being a great friend, Sadie would come first. He was a close second though.
“Where is Millie, anyways?” Sadie said, brushing past the picture. 
“I actually don’t know. Probably with Finn or something” Gaten said, and you and Noah exchanged a look. “D’you happen to know where? I think Y/N wants to talk to him or something” Noah said carefully. Sadie’s blue eyes widened slightly.
“Oh. Try the kitchen maybe? I dunno” Gaten shrugged, and went back to scrolling through his phone. You heaved yourself off the blanket, and brushed yourself off. Since getting out of the pool you had changed into a simple pair of shorts and a hoodie, and the soft sleeves now had bits of grass clinging to them from the edge of the blanket.
 As you started to walk away, you quickly turned back once. “Oh, Sadie why don’t you tell Noah the story about that crazy fan? The one you told me earlier? I think he’s had some crazy stories too” you said, and watched as Sadie flashed you a quick smile before Noah began questioning her.
After wandering Matt Duffer’s house for a few minutes, looking for the kitchen, you passed Matt’s wife. “Do you have anywhere particular you would like to stay? Dacre’s already taken claim to the couch, and I’m about to go ask the others. We have 2 guest bedroom and each can fit 3 people” she said, carrying a small bag of trash.
“A guest bedroom is fine” you said distractedly. 
“Do you have a preference? Finn has opted to stay in the smaller one, and Millie is staying in the bigger one. And I know most people wouldn’t allow opposite genders in the same room but Matt says he and Ross trust you all” she questioned.
“Oh! Then, umm, I’ll take the smaller guest bedroom. By the way, where is he?” you ask, the sudden opportunity to talk with him jumping out at you.
“Oh, he’s with Millie by the kitchen. They offered to help clean up-” she began, but you cut her off.
“Thanks!” You said and hurried through the house. 
Finding the large white room in a few quick steps down a hallway, you see Finn and Millie both sitting at the table, speaking quickly and quietly under their breath. Millie’s eyes were narrowed and Finn’s face was flushed. They were having an argument. Both heads turned towards you as you entered however.
“Er...bad time?” you stuttered, taking a step back. 
“you could say...” Finn muttered, glancing at Millie.
“Actually” Millie said, and she stood up, casting Finn a mutinous look. “We just finished talking. He’s all yours” She finished, her fury vivid, and stormed out of the room.
“So..umm...what was that about?” you attempted. The butterflies were now back in your stomach, more like a hive of bees than like butterflies.
“oh. Earlier” Finn said awkwardly, brushing his curly hair out of his face.
“oh” you said lamely. This was so unbearable awkward, you wished you could melt through the floor and disappear. 
“Listen, about earlier...” Finn began, and your heart began beating so hard. You began trying to think of possible responses to any question he might say, but inside you knew what you would have to say.
“...I meant what I said. I really like you and you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met and-” Finn began, and started fumbling with his hands. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to say.
“I like you too Finn, its just we hardly know a thing about each other. I’ve spent the past few months thinking you hated me, and the only times we’ve talked are in interviews” you paused, looking at Finn for some type of reaction. He was hanging onto every word, looking hopeful, determined, and understanding all in one look.
“I just think we should get to know each other, before anything happens...” You finish, and wait for Finn to speak. He took a moment, and you awkwardly stood there, rubbing your arm nervously. You couldn’t even believe this was happening.
“I get it. We should have actual conversations and stuff” Finn said, and gave a nervous smile. 
“yes. But I do want you to know I really do feel the same. Well, except for the girl thing. Because you aren’t a girl. But you are really amazing. And-you know what I’ll just shut up” you realized you were rambling and blushed. Finn laughed and you smiled.
“Well then Y/N, I hope we get to learn more about each other soon” he said, and you smiled, you heart fluttering in your chest.
I’m finally getting somewhere! Someone please tell me how to make a masterlist though where I can link my chapters and stuff, because I have no idea how to use this website. Please also let me know what you think of this! <3
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader: First Appearances
Part 2
//slight Noah x Reader but not really//
You stared down at the bowl of chips, unable to process what had just happened. Your mind kept replaying what Finn had said. He likes you. You thought he hated you. You closed your eyes and rubbed your temple. Jesus, it was almost too much.
Did you like Finn? Yes, right? But now that he liked you, what do you do? This had never happened before. Your literal celebrity crush liked you back.
A hand tapped your shoulder, and you jumped. You whipped around and saw Noah. “So Y/N...I saw what happened...” he began, pulling up a chair. 
“Yeah, so did I. What happened? Was that planned? And what did you tell Millie?” you shot the questions, crossing your arms, and Noah sighed. He folded his hands on his lap and looked at you.
“I might as well start from the top” He said, and for the next few minutes you sat and listened to what Noah had to say.
It had started when you joined the cast. At first Finn wasn’t sure what to do when he noticed he had feelings for you. He didn’t know if it was another mini crush like he had on Millie, or if it was something bigger. He began paying more attention to you, and you were a topic he always had in the back of his mind.
When he finally opened up to Noah about it, Noah was thrilled. Noah had suspected you liked Finn for a few days when he caught you staring at him. He wanted to find a way to get them together.
After Finn got the advice from Joe to play hard to get, and you started noticing how he ignored you, Noah had started to get worried. He told Finn not to do it as much, but Finn didn’t know what else to do. He kept ignoring you.Finally, today when you told Noah it felt like Finn hated you, he told Finn. 
“-I told him about what you said earlier, and that’s when he came up with the idea to tell you. I don’t think he was serious about it at first, but after I pumped him up about it outside, and shoved him in here, there was no going back” Noah finished.
You gaped at the story. Finn had liked you for that long? “What happened with Millie then?” you asked curiously, and Noah flushed. 
“Well, she came outside and started talking to me about Jacob and I’ve been kinda fed up with her always talking about him. I wasn’t thinking. I said ‘Well you might not be the only one in a relationship around here soon’. It was an accident I swear” Noah confessed. He talked quickly and quietly, as if nervous you might get mad at him.
“and then...?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. Noah sighed. 
“That’s when she screamed. She completely freaked out out about it. I don’t know if it was excitement, or that it was literally happening right there or what. Please don’t be mad at me though” He finished, his hazel eyes fixed on yours.
You moved forward and embraced your co-star and friend in a hug. “No way I would be mad at you. If you had planned to ask out, I don’t know, Sadie or something, I probably would’ve told someone” you admitted after letting go, and he smiled, his teeth a flash of white.
“What makes you say Sadie?” He asked slyly, and you realized you messed up. You tried to play it cool. 
“B-Because she is the only other member of the cast left who is a girl. I mean, Millie’s taken” you said, but when Noah noticed the stutter you knew it was all over.
“Y/N, you never stutter. Is there something you aren’t telling me?” he smirked and you mentally cursed yourself out for revealing Sadie’s secret. She had told you a couple weeks ago she liked him after you had a two person truth or dare game. She said that they had started hanging out together more often when she realized, but she would never act on her feelings for fear of ruining their friendship and messing with her job.
“No. Anyways, I gotta go. Talk to you later” You said, and it wasn’t a total excuse. You had just seen a head of black curls push through the small amount of people inside, and go out the back door. You got up, ignoring Noah calling you out behind you.
You opened the sliding door and looked around, but Finn was nowhere. You’d think it would be easy to find him, considering there were only about 40 people total at the party, but it turns out Will Byers isn’t the only one who can hide well.
You absently ran a hand through your hair as you walked over to Sadie, who was on her phone scrolling through Instagram by the pool. 
“Have you seen Finn anywhere?” you asked, and she looked up. 
“Last I saw he was with Dacre and Joe going out front” she said, and turned her cornflower blue eyes back to her phone. “Also, you should definitely check Millie’s instagram. She’s posted so many pictures of today”
You thanked her and turned away, although instagram was the last thing on your mind at the moment. You had to find Finn.
After a while, you sat down at a table outside. There was no sign of Finn, but Dacre and Joe had made an appearance. Joe had driven them to a 7/11 down the block to pick up some candy and drinks. They said Finn had gone with them, but the second they got back he had hopped out of the car and was gone again.
You sighed and rested your head in your hands, staring at the pool. By now it was around 7:30 and getting dark. As you watched the water, which was still and smooth, a pool light turned on and lit the pool up with a flickering golden glow.
“Its like the Demogorgon!” A voice exclaimed, followed by two voices laughing. You turned, hoping to see Finn, but all you saw was Sadie and Gaten laughing together on the grass. The Duffers had laid out several blankets across the lawn, and rumors of a sleepover had begun to spread around. Whatever ended up happening, you just wished you would be able to confront Finn before the night ended.
Sighing, you pulled your phone out of your pocket only to be greeted with a low battery warning. You set it on the table with a groan, and half shut your eyes.
After being left to your own device for a couple minutes, you saw Noah go over to the edge of the pool and sit down, his legs breaking the surface. Water lapped quietly at the edges of the pool from the small waves he created. You walked over to him, hoping he could help clear the turmoil inside your chest.
“Hey” you said dejectedly, and sat down. You dipped your legs into the water up to the calf, surprised when the water turned to be more cold than warm. 
“Hey” responded Noah. “why so depressed”
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, and as you stared into the water, you felt sadness start to rise within you. At first you didn’t know exactly why you felt this way, but after thinking about it you realized why.
Even though Finn had never talked to you before, the result of him “playing it cool”, he never blatantly avoided her. Besides earlier in the day when he had walked away from her by the pool, he just didn’t talk to her. What if he never talked to you again now? What would happen if he did? What choice would you make? The risk of losing a potential friendship? Messing with your job? 
As your mind began creating worse and worse scenarios, your eyes filled up with tears. You tried to stop, and took several deep breaths to hold them in, before a final thought popped into your mind. 
what if Finn hates you, for real now
a tear rolled down your cheek, and off your chin into the pool. The sound attracted Noah’s attention and when he turned to you and noticed you struggling not you full on bawl, he came closer and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him.
“come on Y/N, whats up. You can tell me, I swear I won’t judge” He said quietly. You sniffed, embarrassed he had seen you cry. 
“...what if Finn hates me for real now” you mumble into his shoulder, and wrap both arms around his waist. His arm around you shoulder tightened slightly, and you could feel his every breath.
“He won’t. That’s impossible. Not just for him though, for everyone. I don’t think anyone is capable of hating you Y/N” he murmured and you smiled despite how sad you felt. Noah was definitely one of your favorite people, and it was times like this where you really appreciated him. He always helped you feel better when you were sad, and although Sadie would always be you best friend, he was definitely a close second.
You stayed with him by the pool for a few minutes, as the sun set and the stars came out. Someone inside had messed with the pool thermostat and the water had risen to just under 100 degrees, and a thin layer of steam began wafting through the air, barely visible. It was peaceful, and as Noah hugged you you knew you would remember this moment forever.
Suddenly a small flash lit up the yard for a moment. The light bounced off the surface of the pool, and you looked up to see Gaten snapping a picture of you two. 
“This is Instagram, like it or not!” he yelled, and you looked up to meet Noah’s eyes, before you both broke into laughter. It was the type of laughter that started out small, but gets bigger and louder until you are both wheezing and your chest hurts. After finally stopping, you smile at him. Not just for the laughter, but for the tears. 
Okay so I honestly don’t know what this is turning into, but I do have ideas and it IS a Finn x Reader, though as you can tell it had elements of Noah x Reader. I hope you enjoyed, and I have a big thing coming for the next part. Please remember to tell me what you think, whether anonymous or not. Anything helps. :]
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