#Finally it's the right time to share my fave version of this song
thesuetyouforgot · 11 months
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lynzishell · 9 months
✨23 Faves of 2023✨
I've been tagged on a few different versions of this throughout the month. For mine, I've decided to take 23 moments from my story and share them in chorological order. 💖TYSM for tagging me @hannahssimblr, @jarakio, @rebouks, @theosconfessions, @bloomingkyras, @igotsnothing 💖 I'm sorry if I missed anyone... I'm usually better at keeping note of who tagged me but I dropped the ball on this one and had to search through my mentions lol!
Alright... let's dive in shall we?
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✨First up: Looooook at baby Phoenix 🥹 hehe! This was the first time he visited Mt Komorebi and the first time he saw snow... sparking his love affair with both. If you listen carefully, you can hear Wolfgang yelling in the distance, "Yo Penis!" (I miss that nickname. Special thanks to Becca for never letting it die 😅)
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✨Ahhh The Bluffs -- I think this is my favorite lot in game, and look how stunning it is at sunset! This is from Phoenix's 18th birthday... aka that fateful night when [redacted] was [redacted]
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✨Just me being obsessed with San Myshuno... particularly the Spice District. This is from Phoenix and Dawn's movie night... back when they were still just friends/co-workers.
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✨Eeee this moment still gives me all the feels! When these two finally crossed the line from friends to lovers.
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✨This one doesn't need a caption... just look at them... and the vibrant colors... 😍
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✨The moment they became official
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✨Falling in looooooove
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✨I don't know why, but this is actually my favorite pic of them
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✨Greta returns...lol! It was actually unintentional how well these two match the environment, but it made taking screenies so fun!
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✨My second favorite pic of these two... *sigh* just look at them
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✨Enter my Asher obsession... I can't tell you how happy I was when I found this pose because this is exactly how I envisioned him entering the room... against the door frame all leaned over and relaxed... even the way his feet are crossed and his left arm just hangs... it's just sooo HIM.
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✨I mean... ahhh! I love him! and Lex too lol... we don't see much of her in my story, but these two have been BFFs since middle school. She's super sweet and funny.
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✨Atlas and Asher, my loves. There's so much in this scene for me... I had such a clear picture of it in my mind looong before I created it in sims, and I was pretty happy with how it came out. And the song I used was very purposeful (even if I never state why lol) This moment here was actually quite self-indulgent if I'm honest.
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✨Yep, still obsessed with these two lol! I just love this shot... the colors and the way they're holding each other. This is actually the desktop background on my laptop lmao
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✨I had soooo much fun making this post!! Omg this song is so fkin good! I'll probably reblog this post on New Year's just for funzies 😊
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✨Back to Phoenix and Dawn as they prepare to move in together... Had to get a shot of the fountain before saying goodbye to the Spice District
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✨Ahaa and here we are.. beginning the journey up Mt Komorebi! I think this little bridge is my favorite spot along the way. It's really cool, and I got lots of great screenies from all angles. I really like this one.
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✨Love how this shot came out! We all know this moment, yeah? Right before Dawn [redacted]
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✨Yay! Celebrating the fact they made it to the summit... enjoy you two, you earned it!
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✨Me carefully side-stepping the sad posts... love this moment of the two of them reconnecting... with the water and the city in the background... I just think it's nice.
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✨Relaxing in their favorite summer spot... I love all the blues
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✨I really like this shot from Kiyoshi and Kaori's wedding, with only their ceremony in the distance in focus, and the vibrant colors.
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✨This seemed like a nice one to end on. I love the snow falling out the window, and the way Dawn is lit up by the candles. And I know there are mods to get rid of the z's when they sleep, but tbh, I kinda think they're adorable lol
Thank you to anyone who took the time to go on this little journey with me! If you made it to the end, please help yourself to a cookie 🍪 and know that I adore you!
My story will return on Jan 1st yay!! 🎉
I'm not going to tag anyone because a post like this doesn't need a tag! If you haven't done this yet, PLEASE do! Revisit your work from the year and share your favorites with us! Let's all go into 2024 feeling excited and inspired 💖
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bologna-whale · 3 months
The brain rot is real, here are Kendrick Lamar songs that I think Dragon Age Characters (mainly DA:O tbh) would bump at max volume and why:
PRIDE - Solas (obviously, I mean common it’s in the name). Not just the opening line of “Loves Gonna get you killed but pride is gonna to be the death of you and you and me.” But there are some lines that stick out. “In another life I was surely there; Me I wasn’t taught to share, but care; I care, I care; maybe I wasn’t there (x4)” - the self awareness of the song, the regret, the themes of resentment and mentions of broken promises. Great addition to any Solas playlist especially for freaks like me who romanced the egg. “I wouldn’t blame you for the mistakes I made or the bed I laid” also stands out lyrically.
Father Time - Morrigan (hear me out, ignore gender for a second) and Alistair as well. This is one of two songs that make me think of him so I won’t talk about him to much, just know the line “My Life is a Plot, twisted from directions I cannot see” fits both of them SO WELL. For her, I can’t help but replace Kendricks father in this song with Flemmeth. The themes of expectations placed on someone by the parent of the same gender is a tale as old as time, both Morrigans story and this song highlight this beautifully. Kendrick mentioning his father calling him weak for crying, dedicating oneself to work (or duty) instead of healing, yourself, and family, all make me think of her and make me want to hug her. Also the lyrics: “What’s the difference when your heart is made of stone; and your mind is made of gold; and your tongue is made of sword, but I may weaken your soul?” Chefs Mother fucking kiss
Count Me Out - Alistair, and arguably the warden and other protags (they’re getting two songs here so I’m going to focus on Alistair but know these apply to them too). This is def a post DAO song for him though. Especially if you romanced him, even more so if your ass is dead. A song about righting wrongs, trying better and forgive oneself, facing regrets, how love for the woman in his life is part of wanting to change. One of many songs on this list where I could go line for line, but I think that’s because this is one of my favorite Kendrick songs and one of my fave characters. “I love when you count me out” is such a lyric for any character in general. Here are some other stand outs since this song is why I’m making this post to begin with: “I care too much, wanna share too much; in my head too much, I shut down too” - “This time I trust myself; please everybody else but myself; All else fails I was myself; out done fear outdone myself” - “You made me worry; I wanted my best version but you ignored me; then changed the story” - and finally “Somethings I can’t forget; Lord knows I tried my best; you said it’s not my best; I came up out my flesh; somethings I must confess; spoke my truth, paid my debt; Can’t you see I’m a wreck; Let me loose I digress; This is me and I’m blessed (x4); Anybody else fighting through the stress?” ❤️
United in Grief - The protags, but especially Warden and Hawke. I didn’t play 2 but have seen a lot of content with it, so I won’t speak to much on that end. I just feel it would fit from what I have seen. But the warden??? The line “I grieve different” is reaching a part of their soul otherwise untouchable. Especially Cousland and City Elf origins imo. Also how the song is half bragging and half self criticism? The wee of throwing yourself into work to ignore the pain you’re in? Chefs kiss. Very good protagonist song i general, even outside of dragon age.
Crown - Another protagonist song, for no particular reason I really think do the inquisitor with this one. The mentions of control and responsibility, the age old notion that heavy is the head that wears the crown. Most notably the repeating line of “I can’t please everybody.” There’s also the opening “You walk around like everything is in control; favors come with favors, you can’t say no” I quite literally RPGs in a nut shell LMAO
Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe - Lelianna all day. I think she would resonate with the repetition “I am a sinner; Who’s probably going to sin again; Lord forgive me (x2); Things I don’t Understand; Sometimes I need to be Alone;” Also, mentions of change due to fame/power, of how some contemporaries feel soulless, making mistakes and wearing one’s heart on their sleeve. Lyrically and sonically this song is so beautiful, and has always made me think of her since I heard it during one of my replays. Also, bitch please don’t kill her vibe thanks.
Mother I Sober - Cullen. For one the mentions of faith. Easy way to relate to him. But also, this songs story of how Kendrick’s mothers trauma led to false accusations against a family member, how Kendrick was used as pawn in those accusations, how this continued to haunt him into adulthood, I could see this really resonating with a character like him. A song about generational trauma for a man who’s trauma has deeply effected him in catastrophic ways, cussing him to hurt others. I could see him relating to the lines “I wish I was somebody, anybody but myself” to a heart breaking degree.
m.A.A.d City - Zeveran. I know for a fact he’s actually going ape shit to this song. I mean I think everyone would be but especially him. He knows all the lyrics. He’s freaking his shit every time at the “Yawk, Yawk, Yawk, Yawk!” Part in the opening verse and I know the opening line hooked him instantly. “If Pirus and Crips all got along; they’d probably gun me down by the end of the song,” You’re telling me this doesn’t make you think of the Crows? Wild. Also dumb head cannon, Zeveran would introduce Kendrick to Alistair, Alistair would then become the biggest surprise fan of Kendrick in all of Theda’s if they had Spotify. This is a more silly one but I gotta show love to Zeveran.
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lashton-is-my-drug · 1 year
5SOS5 (Deluxe version) track by track overview
Who I have gathered each song is primarily written by/whose story.
As of May 8, 2023 (can always change of course where I’m still unsure in a few places, I remark where).
"Complete Mess" - Luke brought the romantic “you make me complete” chorus, Ash and Cal went and wrote the verses. So basically Luke and Ash, it’s their story together. Ash has the pic of Luke wearing the associated shirt on his phone, ready to show people.
"Easy for You to Say" - Ash wrote the topline (aka lyrics). Which is cool because that’s who I suspected the first time I heard it on their tour. It sounds like his writing. It’s about wanting to settle down in Australia.
"Bad Omens" - possibly Ash wrote, he’s also replied about it on twitter to a fan saying it’s about letting go of people in your life (he also gave the director idea for the music video), I have suspicions though that its about Michael and Calum’s relationship because of hints in the music video. The main character is wearing an earring like Michael. Reference to brown eyes (Crystal’s are blue, Cal’s are brown)
"Me Myself & I" - has a Michael feel to it but I’m not 100% on this one. Being selfish and self sabotaging and excessive lying.
"Take My Hand" (Joshua Tree version) - Luke credited as sole writer, it’s about his own transformational experience.
"Carousel" - Ash, no one talks about lyrics that passionately unless they write them (see the Making of Carousel video), also pay attention to how Luke and Ash are towards each other. “Epic voice” heart eyes ❤️, “epic song”, then Luke singing like Nickelback (shared fave band of theirs).
"Older" (featuring Sierra Deaton) - Luke and Sierra wrote the start of a take on 50’s love songs, then after Luke jokingly sent a voice note to Michael, he pushed them to finish it. Stunt song, but they shaded it for music video. Ash dances with a BLONDE curly haired lady as his partner. At end of video only see the back of a female with Luke for a few seconds. Should’ve been Luke and Ash duet.
"Haze" - not sure, Ash said it took the longest time to write. The part where Luke and Ash are singing to each other about when they’re together don’t have to play pretend. “And when you pick me up, now I don't have to play pretend, And I am human once again”
"You Don't Go To Parties" - Ash, wanting someone who isn’t right there. Reference to 5 years, it’s possible when they finally locked it down since they moved in together (2017) 5 years from when this song was released. Then, there’s the blue sapphire ring (5 year anniversary) that showed up on Ash’s hand where he had been wearing the matching with Luke black onyx ring, on 5sos5 listening party day. Can also have a theme relating to sobriety changing how you relate with partying.
“Blender” - seems to be Calum?
"Caramel" - Luke and Ash written, with John Feldmann for production, Cal for bassline. Lashton love song dealing with how life has gotten more complicated “it used to be easy” but they've been in love so long "It's been a while since you and I have been where we started, I don't want to let it fade away" don’t want to give up on how they’ve felt since the beginning of falling in love “don’t like it fake, I relate, I think it’s true love”. “Love like a landslide, I kiss you Goodnight”, Saying at the end of the day, I still love you. Possibly connected with Fleetwood Mac “Landslide”, sonically the guitar strumming is similar. Ash is a big fan of FM. Landslide about Nicks’ romance with bandmate Buckingham.
“Best Friends” - the whole group, written late in the album making process about their own friendship and to give fans a camaraderie song.
“Bleach” - written with Sarah Aarons, was originally a jingle pitch for Clorox. I'm unsure if to connect this with anything or what to connect it with. Sometimes, a song is a song.
“Red Line” - Ash being melancholy, The Red Line was the train the boys took while living in London, to their songwriting sessions (and whatever else in the area they needed to get to).
“Moodswings” - All 4 have credit. Response to Luke’s “Slipping Away”? Seems to parallel in concept to that song a bit. My suspicion is the lyrics are written by Ash and Luke, Cal for the bassline and/or helping with cohesive lyrics, then Michael for production.
“Flatline” - Ashton wrote, when asked what it was about during the youtube live, Luke slid the laptop towards Ash to answer. I think Ash wrote it for himself about Luke (with a dark twist to it like he did with Complete Mess).
“Emotions” - Michael?, During Ash ig live, right after the line  "I don't wanna think about it, Maybe that's why I'm always high”, Ash said “it’s about me”. Possibility it’s not written by Michael, it was just Michael who sang it because he sounded the best. The guys have said they choose who sings certain parts by who sounds the best at it.
“Bloodhound” - not sure. Too much coincidence with Ash solo album song titled “Greyhound”. So could be Ash.
“TEARS!” - Ash, of course. “Diamond tears”. Is it a coincidence Luke has a song called “Diamonds” on WFTTWTAW? Doesn’t feel “alive” and is “crying”. Why such torment? Depression/sadness and how alone it can make you feel.
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jones-friend · 2 years
I wanted to take some time to share some other tunes I’ve really been enjoying lately. I have a few core sources of inspiration these branch from: The Hotline Miami OST, Vaporwave, and Late Night Tales.
Straight from the composer behind Hydrogen is Come! See!! Its opening track Kintsugi a haunting beat best taken past 10pm. Its a good mix of electronic moods I really enjoy, Have Trust In You being another big fave.
El Huervo really got me through the worst of the pandemic. Another Hotline Miami composer, he was responsible for the dingier dive bar tracks between missions. Its music to vibe to, to let yourself simmer over for good and for bad.
Luxury Elite is THE vaporwave album, second only to the big boss Floral Shoppe. Many vaporwave albums end up being partial songs. Luxury Elite, to me, evolves past this sampling issue into a fully fledged artist in her own right with Signal being such a haunting final note to end on. 11/10, the best of the best.
This is a compilation album that does not miss. Forlorn, corporate cold yet emotional, after listening to a number of compilations I can safely set this up next to any late night tales mix. Excellent tunes for keeping your cool.
Aquatic tunes that visit what makes vaporwave good without just copying the format. I love Water Slide, in my vaporwave binges it breathed new life into the the interest, and the composer has a “pictures at an exhibition” style album as well.
In the vein of late night tales: Kennebec. Nature leaning, Im loving the instrumentation and lyrics they use for this genuine sense of wanderlust.
Soft club beats with darker tones, Mediterranea really hit whatever the smooth feels version of a funnybone is for me. Music for late night cruising, letting your brain wander and feel.
I’d love to hear what youre listening to as well, I love exchanging tunes and I’m always up for new stuff!
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
hi, i LOVE the vibe of your blog, it's so cool! 💖 this is a really big question, but who are your fave bands/musicians right now? (give me a top 5 in no particular order, if that makes things easier!)
ah, hi hello camper! i'm so glad you enjoy Camp Halfwit :) this made my day especially with how this week has gone.
this is such a tough question, but still pretty easy for me to narrow down. i love to listen to a ton of different genres, but i would say that these are my core groups.
Gorillaz: I study interactive media and game development (writing), so I love their transmedia storytelling tools. They have truly created their own lore and universe, and I adore the little tidbits you can find. Like Russel owns a Hot Sauce brand!
The Clash: The only band that matters. One of the core originators to mainstream punk. I love their early stuff, because that's when you really hear their original messages and ideology. However, they did get wrapped up in the record label to become more popular, and that's where they kind of fall flat for me.
Green Day: This is childhood nostalgia, right here. I remember sneaking down to my dad's old apple desktop to go through his music library (especially Green Day). When I was in second grade, my teacher asked what our favorite songs were, and we went around the room sharing them. I said Horseshoes and Hand-grenades, and she kind of froze until she asked if I meant the clean version. I said no.
Now, those are the three pillars of my music pantheon. Gorillaz really came in recently as I deep dived further into their work during college, but I've listened to them since I was a kid. The next two I would say change depending on what my current music deep dive would be. So, this next one is dear to me, but not because I listen to them frequently.
Royal Blood: iTunes used to do this thing where they had a single of the week, and it would be free. I remember checking in my sophomore year physical science class what this week's was and it was Figure it Out by this band. I was obsessed from the heavy bass and drum duo immediately. I was also so excited that it was specifically a rhythm section duo- that is unheard of. Like I'm sure there are others that I don't know about, but these guys were it. They were the first band that I discovered on my own, and I still put them on once and awhile.
And I mention deep dives, right? So, right it would be the 80s. Sure it resurged with the new season of ST, but I genuinely curious to see how much I listen to on my own. I made a playlist with all my bands and songs that I've listened/enjoyed through my life ... 203 songs, 13 hours 38 minutes. I always stand by "I like what I like, so I'll listen to anything and give it a try". Without further ado, this final one might be the odd one out.
ABBA: My mum loves this band, so much. When we were driving up to Acadia Park this summer, I put on this playlist and she sang along to all their songs. To the point where she had my dad put the greatest hits album on when we were coming home. I also just love Voulez-Vouz- that is my ABBA happy song.
A close second that I really had a difficult time not including officially would be these legends.
Guns n' Roses: The only reason I didn't include them is since I don't listen to a ton of their music. However, Sweet Child of Mine and Paradise City have an absolute grip on me. Love those songs, and I always scream along to them when they come on in the car.
How about you? What are you favs?
Counselor Mythos, out!
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97-liners · 2 years
ok I listened to the recs, thank you for that btw <333, so far i think nct u is my fave unit just cause i'm absolutely obsessed with misfit (and ok! and 90s love) but i both don't know who's in that unit and don't really understand the concept of the unit (side note i think i have successfully gotten to the point where i can recognize and name all of the 127s just from seeing them on my dash all the time even if i just found out that jungwoo existed like yesterday oops ) from the songs you recommended you're so right back 2 u is CRAZY especially the bridge + final chorus and love on the floor is also super fun (second side note i feel bad that i didn't know they could sing like that but to be fair their title tracks, or at least the title tracks i've heard, are NOT doing them justice) but yeah overall i think i prefer their rap heavy songs and uh mark if you're reading this i'm free on saturday which is the day that i am free which is saturday (third side note i am choosing to ignore the fact that johnny is from northbrook because i am 100% sure that someone in my life has probably met him before and i refuse to ever have less than 5 degrees of separation with any idol)
my next goal is to learn about wayv, the only things i know is a. they get diarrhea a lot and share that information frequently??? b. ten is shorter than i thought he'd be and c. that video of xiaojun vlogging in a flood
i was gonna answer this ask this morning but then i forgot so. <3 i can't believe i'm seeing noa nctzen transformation in real time. nct u is like,,,, a changing subunit and imo the coolest thing about the whole nct concept. like, depending on the theme of the comeback, the nct unit could have different members. misfit, ok!, and 90's love all have different lineups, tho i think mark is the one member that's in all three.
tbh i think nct as a whole is great for people who are fans of concept groups, because nct is sooo flexible yet consistent for that. like, 127's sound isn't unique anymore but they were doing boy group noise music since 2016, back when people were using noise music as an insult for them. wayv has such a consistent sound and concept (and tbh the only nct unit with lore) and nct dream.... used to have a very strong concept but now just makes generic 4th gen boy group music but i digress
also. wayv and 127 are definitely the music units, and wayv is my bias unit. they're having a comeback soon!!! imo all their title tracks are good (except regular chinese version) but my favorites are take off, moonwalk, and turn back time. second tier wayv title tracks would be bad alive and kick back. and.... that's all for wayv.
AND ALSO, SAME ABOUT JOHNNY LJFDSAKJFDSL he went to glenbrook north !! and he graduated in 2013 and i graduated in 2015 and i'm very sure our degrees of separation is like. one. if he went to IMEA or science fair or model un or scholastic bowl, then we might have even met at state or smth.
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fragileswift1313 · 1 year
Fortnite characters!
Kia ora, folks.
I posted a note on Substack the other day and I have no idea if anyone saw it because I don’t understand how Substack notes work. So I thought I better reiterate what I said in my note here in case you all (maybe? probably?) didn’t see it. As is often the case, I have had some mental health stuff going on this week, and it has kind of prevented me from finishing my thoughts on The Marvellout Mrs Maisel final season, and that’s basically all I have that’s close to ready right now, so I thought I would do something a bit different this week that doesn’t take a lot of concentration or other brain energies.
I played a bunch of Fortnite this week and last week, and this Sunday just gone (the day I am writing this), I wrapped up some of the season stuff there so I didn’t miss the couple battle pass things I wanted to get before they’re gone - it ends in a few days, and I’m excited to see that apparently Optimus Prime is coming next season, and whatever else Transformers-y they put in!
With all that in mind, I thought an easy thing I could do this week that some of y’all might be interested in is share some of my favourite characters I have collected over the years playing this game. Sound good? Sounds good. Here we go!
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Spider-Gwen is one of my ultimate favourite characters in the game. Some friends and I played almost every day toward the end of this season to unlock all of the different customisations you could get for her. Admittedly, this version of her is just the standard colours because, even though I unlocked all the fancy holographic ones, I still think this one looks best.
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This li’l guy, who I have decided in my headcanon is non-binary, was a surprise drop during the christmas event last year. I love them and they look very silly doing all the different dances and other emotes you can do in Fortnite.
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Ariana Grande, Aloy and Padmé Amidala are three of my absolute favourites among the ones I had to individually spend money on to acquire. Padmé was available during some special Star Wars content that happened earlier in the season, while Aloy I picked up earlier this year I think. Ariana I fell in love with a couple years or so ago, and even though I really only like a handful of her real-life counterpart’s songs, as soon as I saw her I knew I had to have her - she has a normal mode, but this one is my favourite. Ariana also came with a glider that matches her dress which is also one of the coolest looking gliders in Fortnite, in my opinion.
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And then lastly, we have Lynx. Lynx is a character I picked up in I want to say 2019, when I was having an even rougher time with my mental health than I am now, completely untreated, and playing Fortnite at that time was one of the few things I could do to turn my brain off and just have fun. As such, she’s one of my very top favourites not necessarily aesthetically, I mean she does look great, but she helped me through some stuff and that earns her a place both in my regular rotation, and in my heart.
For more of my faves, check out the Substack version (for free) here!
Apologies again folks for the smaller, image-heavy post! Come hell or high water, I will have that Mrs Maisel post for you next week!! You can count on it. In the mean time, if you haven’t already, and you want to read more stuff written by me, you can check out my Letterboxd. I recently reviewed The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023), Hellraiser (1987), Scream VI (2023), and The Final Destination (2009). And a reminder too, that you can read my first ever short story for FREE on itchio.
Thanks so much for reading everyone, I hope you have a great week, and I’ll talk to you again soon. Ka kite anō au i a koe. 💚
- Rebecca
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mangekyuou · 3 years
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☻  /  commentary . . . full title would be one piece characters as kpop fans i’ve encountered. being kind of in and out of that community for the past 7 years now, i’ve encountered my fair share of fans. plus i just wanted to make some kind of shitpost between posts. kind of a call out post but all in good fun
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solely a girl group stan !!
doesn’t have anything against boy groups but she prefers girl groups
has a soft spot for 2nd and 3rd generation girl groups
her fave groups would be sistar, after school, t-ara, and exid
she knows their most popular choreographies
she would eat up touch my body by sistar
buys albums, lightsticks, and other merchandise in BULK, just to scam...i mean sell them to other fans online
a casual listener
she’s more of a ballad person as they soothe her and make nice background sounds
btob and iu are her go-to’s.
doesn’t have a preference over boy or girl groups. she’s honestly just there if the music is good
i like to think of her being a fan of groups with brighter/cuter concepts
enjoys late 3rd and 4th gen groups despite all of them being younger than her. she’s like a little proud mom watching them achieve their wildest dreams
“good for them”
like nami, solely a girl group stan but for all the wrong reasons
is like those male fans you hear at the beginning of an idol’s performance who are screaming the fan chants. he knows all of the fan chants by heart
loves all girl groups
his fave group would be twice and no one can tell me otherwise
his phone wallpaper is a picture of either sana or nayeon during the feel special era. yes, feel special is his favorite song
camera roll is full of female idols, he could run his own update blog/fansite
album collector. buys all his merchandise from nami who overcharges him BIG time. but he’s too busy trying to buy every version of each album that comes out to add to his photocard collections
could care less about actual fan culture, he’s just there for the music
was an AVID hater of kpop, thought it was dumb and he didn’t understand the appeal of it or why people dedicated so much of their time and money into these groups
until he discovered ateez through a fancam and he’s been a fan ever seen
his favorite song would definitely either be wonderland or answer
listens mostly to the title tracks, could hardly be bothered to listen to the b-sides
has a workout playlist full of energy-boosting songs that he listens to while he’s training
definitely shows luffy ateez music videos
the gatekeeper.
you would think it’s his goal to go out of his way and stan groups who are underrated
and when they finally blow up, he’s always quick to remind people how much they slept on them
his pfp is definitely somebody from loona holding a gun
is a tiktok editor. all of his edits are amazing and always get a lot of love within the community
also posts videos of him doing girl group choreographies with chopper and nami
cannot name a single member of any boy group
teen crush concept/bright concept enthusiast !!
his fave group is stayc
“stayc girls...it’s going down”
pretty much the opposite of usopp in this regard. he loves when his favorite groups get more attention and love because they really deserve it
definitely helps new fans with learning members’ names and personalities
is always getting into concerts, fan meets, and fan signs ( spending robin’s money on getting into these )
carries a photocard in the back of his phone case that he switches out every two weeks
LAW  (  me lmaooo  )
the secret stan who would rather die than admit they are a fan
looks around and makes sure everyone else is not around before he slips in his earphones and puts to love bomb by fromis_9
so help no one discovers he loves cute girl groups.
on the outside he’s just 😐😐😒😒 and then the music in his earphones is ✨🌸🎀🍬💖
supper yuppers is his most listened-to song right now, knows the choreography by heart, and every time he hears it he can’t help but do it. secretly he’s a really good dancer
has been caught by the other heart pirates who never let him live in down
the toxic twitter fan who uses charting and views as a defense against other groups and their fans that he doesn’t like
not only is he fighting other fandoms, but he is also fighting other fans within his OWN fandom
refuses to accept the fact that his faves have released a song he doesn’t like. therefore he will force himself to listen to it 20 times and like it just to be different
broke as hell. will probably never be able to get tickets to any of his faves concerts, is always watching them illegally on someone’s live stream
has a fake light stick because he’s too broke to buy the official one plus it looks real enough 
the dance cover stan who learns the choreographies the day they are released and post them on tiktok and instagram
tends to dress in similar outfits as the members of the group
she posts a lot of those “kpop in public” videos to her youtube channel of half a million subscribers
was a big wiz*one. was absolutely devastated when they disbanded
loves female soloists, chungha and somi are her faves
the well-seasoned fan who has been here in the community for YEARS
misses the good old days of when 1st gen was coming to an end and 2nd gen was starting up
a sechskies fan, nearly cried when they got back together for a reunion
is still around, isn’t really stanning any new groups though. kind of just there for the music. last group he stanned was probably girls’ generation
the one at the concert who doesn’t record or hold his phone out because he just wants to enjoy the moment
also, the protective one at the concert who doubles as security and makes sure everyone around him is safe and not in any need of medical attention
the stan that other stan look up to and aspire to be despite her usually always being broke because she spends any money she has left on merchandise
she’s the one who has a fandom of her own somehow
has the aesthetic room you’d see on pinterest with posters, tapestries, and vinyl on the walls
is always dressed her best
she’s an f(x) and red velvet fan. f(x)’s pink tape was the first album she ever listened to and she hadn’t looked back since
does the fandom selca days with all of her biases from every group she stans
decorated her photocard toploaders with cute little stickers and they always look so pretty
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i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
What kind of relationship would Louis have with Viktor? He is blonde, polite, and prefers arson. A diluted version of Louis in Lestat's body. I think it would be hilarious had Louis met him before the PL trilogy and had """similar ideas""" like Lestat in IWTV.
It's hard to imagine Louis and Viktor having any kind of meetup before the PL trilogy, but in the timeline, I guess you're right, Viktor did exist before the PL trilogy begin!
As a quick aside, this seems like a similar question to a lot of other fandoms with newer characters in their later installments: ppl want to know how Han Solo, Princess Leia/General Organa, and Luke Skywalker feel about Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, and Rey, etc. In a very real way, when you like the newer characters in a series, there's a need to feel a thread of continuity to endorse the new characters with an intravenous of the love the fans feel for the established veteran characters. Ppl want to see that the long-beloved veteran characters care and endorse the new set that are, to some extent (as in Star Wars) replacing the older set.*
In that frame of mind, I would think that Louis is canonically welcoming to new vampires who approach him with respect, who share at least a little of his admiration for humanity in whatever form that takes. Sybelle's music, Benji's radio show, etc. I think Louis really did enjoy parenting Claudia, I think it rescued him from dwelling on his own misery/frustrations at the time; being a parent warmed him and drew things out of him that he had only seen the edges of when he was Paul's older brother. Maybe he was too occupied as the man of the house to have as much time as he might have wanted with Paul. I think a part of Louis will always have that parenting/mentoring lean, bc he genuinely has good advice and intellect to offer and enjoys the feedback from those "children" he cares about.
So I think he would take Viktor under his wing, and they might do fire experiments in the backyard, maybe build birdhouses of various flammable materials just to burn them up, practice pyrokinesis, maybe even build rocket kits, set off fireworks...
It's always a cute moment when Lestat walks into the backyard to find them writing their names in the night sky in cursive with sparklers...
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*I think that kind of thing is hard for ppl like me, who grew up with our veteran character set, to welcome and embrace the new characters, like seeing your favorite band on stage announcing, "Ok, we're going to play some songs off the NEW ALBUM now!" and we're groaning and wanting them to play their hit from 1998, but the band doesn't want to, it's the 2,700th time playing that old song. Maybe this is personal to me, but it takes a long time for me to finally say, "Ok, yes, the new music actually is great, and fresh, and I'm happy my fave band is still out there doing what they love!"
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putschki1969 · 3 years
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「Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16 〜Sing a Song Tour〜」 Report
Performance title: “Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.# 16 ~ Sing a Song Tour ~” July 28 Broadcast date: October 8; Open: 19:30 Start: 20:00 [Participating artists] Yuki Kajiura (Piano / Chorus) KAORI (Vocal), KEIKO (Vocal), YURIKO KAIDA (Vocal), Joelle (Vocal), Guest Vocal: Aimer
Once again, I come bearing gifts. ^_^ As mentioned earlier, e+ makes it almost impossible for foreign fans to register and purchase tickets, it’s a huge shame. Therefore, I have decided  to share this with you. Please enjoy!  〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
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Random Thoughts
Note: Finally got to watch the YKL. Since this wasn’t a live broadcast, it wasn’t too high on my priority list but of course I couldn’t resist buying a ticket. My report/review will focus mostly on Keiko and whatever else strikes my fancy. I apologise in advance to all Joelle/Kaori/Aimer fans, while I would never bash anyone I typically don’t have a lot of nice things to say about them.
Outfits: YK’s “gown” is simply the best, hands down her most gorgeous outfit up to date. The utahime dresses are meh, nothing to write home about. Keiko in thigh-high boots is always a win though. 
Beginning: This Saeko Chiba cover is totally new to me, it’s my first time hearing the song. The overture is adorable and so mesmerising. YK mentioned a while back that she wanted this to be a sort of musical/theatrical introduction to all the participating artists and she certainly achieved her goal. Love how everyone gets their turn to shine. Having the spotlight on Keiko right from the start is such a treat. She is using her cutesy voice but it fits the vibe of the song so I am not mad. Cuteness overload. And you know me, I am so weak when it comes to “lalala”s. Immediate fave!!  Not a fan of Joelle’s singing here, Kaori is Kaori. OMG, Yuriko blew me away. Perfection. Surprisingly one of my favourite performances from this live. Did not expect that. 
記憶の森: Also new to me. I don’t know any of Yuuka’s songs if I am being honest :P A solid song, not an instant favourite but it might just take a few more listens to grow on me. Very happy about the focus on Keiko :-) She sounds amazing! Love it when she gets lots of solo lines. Once again, Yuriko delivers some epic parts towards the end,  - MC -
Distance: Have always enjoyed this song, I am not missing Wakana too much here but I can’t say I love the version without her. For some reason Joelle’s singing is rubbing me the wrong way during this live. 
Fields of hope: Not my cup of tea. Doesn’t do anything for me for some reason. Maybe too much Kaori. Sorry to all Kaori-fans! I don’t wanna bash her or anything, I have just never liked her voice too much. 
宝石: Will never get tired of this. 💕 Beautiful performance by Keiko. However, I don’t think this is as good as some previous versions of the song. 
凱歌: Damn, one of my all-time faves but without Wakana it really isn’t the same. *sobs* She is sorely missed here. These cool WaKei harmonies just cannot be recreated. Also, I swear, I typically don’t mind Joelle’s singing but so far during this live she just sounds ughhh to me, I am having a really hard time appreciating her parts. Has she always sounded this squeaky?  - MC -
moonlight melody: Cute! More “lalala”s for me!
ひとりごと: Okay but I have never been a big fan. 
約束: Next
花の唄 (Aimer): No thoughts. Not familiar enough with the song to appreciate it. Sorry T_T 
I beg you (Aimer): Ohhh, I can get behind this, a REALLY cool song. Loved the performance (and Keiko wasn’t even on stage XD). Still can’t find it within myself to love Aimer’s voice though. Of course it’s all up to personal preference. - MC -
wonderland (Aimer): Uhmmm...Next
春はゆく (Aimer): Wanna get into it because it’s a ballad and it has lots of Keiko harmonies but for the life of me, I can’t bring myself to like it.  - MC -
eternal blue: Usually skip this song. Not because it’s bad or anything. It’s okay but nothing special. I really only like the short Keiko solo :P
stone cold: Just like “Gaika” this is one of my all-time faves but I miss Wakana in the chorus. I can still enjoy the performance without her though. Keiko is having a blast. Love her interaction with Kaori, On a side note, I actually kinda liked Kaori covering Wakana’s parts this time around - MC -
ユメノツバサ: LOVE 💕 - EN -
目覚め: Epic. Yuriko slays. Joelle also sounds great here. Not missing Wakana too much. Solid performance. 10/10. 
zodiacal sign: The Ongaku of YK Lives. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don’t. Guess I have to be in the mood for it. LOL at Yuriko waving into the camera, so adorable. Keiko was totally flustered XD - MC -
maybe tomorrow: Still not over the fact that Joelle was given all of Keiko’s solo parts T_T I don’t like it
*sighs* I kinda regret buying a ticket for this. Definitely NOT my favourite YKL setlist. This once again reminded me how picky I can be sometimes, I am surprised by how many songs I disliked. I wonder if I got a little overstimulated today so my reactions to this were overly negative...? Will have to rewatch it tomorrow. At least my “lalala” needs were fulfilled XD And it’s nice to see Keiko recruiting a new member to her harem. She cannot help herself and almost tackle-hugs Aimer from behind, typical Keiko-attack :P   
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Favs of 2020 (Guys edition)
A/N: This is just personal opinion, everyone has the right to disagree. Also all title tracks are linked!
Girl’s Version
TOP 10 of 2020: 
1. Spin off - ONF (Sukhumvit Swimming) 
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All the songs on ONF’s ‘Spin off’ album are really fun. But ‘Sukhumvit Swimming’ is definitely my song of 2020. ‘Cactus’ is my favorite b-side though. The amount of happiness this song brings me is absolutely insane. Even though I severly misheard what they were saying (I LIKE IT STUPIDDDD SWIMMING) the first time, I love the song and the mv concept. Very fresh, very happy, sparks a lot of joy and very Onf. 
 Onf is one of my favorite discoveries of 2020. 
2. Treasure Epilogue: Action to Answer - Ateez (Answer) 
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The end of Treasure era and well one of my favorite title tracks like ever. ‘Answer’ hits a nostalgic nerve in me and I love it so much. The ending always makes me emotional and I think this was the era everyone served their best looks too. My favorite b-side was most definitely ‘Horizon’ because it also hits that nostalgic nerve. 
Ateez hits different and I was supposed to see them live this year so in the words of Hwasa: “Corona... fuck you.” 
3.  So, 通 - N.Flying (Oh Really) 
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Okay, N.Flying has really become my favorite band this year so I couldn’t not mention this album. Especially not with how many times I have played it. This whole album is really good but ‘Flower Fantasy’ definitely takes the cake for me. I love a good power rock ballad. Also Kim Jaehyun has made his way to share Johnny’s ult bias position. 
I love N.flying so much. 
4. Hey, Go Smile - Bloo (When I smoke) 
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(this is a gif from Nae Tat, I’m aware. Couldn’t find one from the actual mv) 
Bloo’s song ‘Downtown Baby’ blew up this year and rightfully so. However the song he released this year is sooooooooooooo much better (in my opinion) The way ‘When I smoke’ starts remind me of a movie, the song is so good throughout and also makes me weirdly emotional alot like ‘Answer’ does. ‘Let it Go’ is also such a good b-side. 
I am even considering getting ‘Go smile, it’s your time’ tattooed. 
I hope Bloo returns soon. 
5. So Beautiful - DPR Ian (So Beautiful) 
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A piece of art from a man I deeply, deeply respect. Christian Yu created an absolute masterpiece with this one, not only visually but also for the ears. The classic music and jazz elements in it make it such a fun trip to listen too. I’m so glad this was his long awaited “debut” I can’t wait to see what else he brings out. 
I’m also painfully whipped for him but that’s besides the point. 
6. From Home - NCT U (From Home)
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This song on their 2020 compilation album is by far my favorite. I love the mixing of Korean, Japanese and Chinese in the track. The lyrics are phenomonal and their voices are absolutely lovely. I’ve listened to this every day since it came out and it’s just so pretty. It gives me a lovely comforting feeling and makes me all warm and gushy. 
Maybe my favorite NCT U unit and I want another song like this. 
7. Mayday - Victon (Mayday) 
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Victon is also one of my favorite finds of 2020. When I tell you I listened to this song daily since it came out. It’s just such a good track and I love the build up and also how the music demonstrates the chaos around like a mayday. Very good song also, all of them looked phenomonal. So this definitely made my top 10 this year, I preferred it over ‘Howling’ immensly. 
8. Neozone: The Final Round (Punch) 
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The song that gave everyone temporary memory loss. I loved ‘Punch’ so much, from the concept to the styling, to the song. It was soooo good. It made me kind of regret not waiting for the repackage and buying the ‘Neozone’ album. But it seemed my man’s is slowly getting his time to shine and it was about time. This song gives me those nostalgic future vibes. Like what people in the 70′s thought the year 2020 would be like. 
9. Chocolate - MAX (Chocolate) 
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The legend who dropped an album and got married. Changmin’s album is absolutely amazing and the title track ‘Chocolate’ makes me feel like I stepped into a luxurious ceo’s office. I fully, fully love this album as well. ‘Piano’ is definitely my favorite b-side and I hope to own this album some day. 
Also congratulations getting married Changmin! You deserve the very best. 
10.  Zero: Fever Part 1 - Ateez (Inception   Thanxx)
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The start of Fever era. Although this era is bittersweet, the songs are absolutely amazing and I have listened to them nonstop. Aside from the double title tracks, I loved ‘Good little boy’. I remember when the tracklist was released and the fandom was like “the fuck is ‘good little boy’” But yes this album the diary film, the music videos. It was grand. 
Favorite boygroup debut: 
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Now ‘Magnolia’ was a song I didn’t quite like at first. I thought it was just another dark concept boy group and it didn’t really speak to me. But then they released ‘Count 1,2′ and they got me. They really got me. That song and album were both contendors for my top 10 this year. BEcause of that song I revisited ‘Magnolia’ and ended up really enjoying it.But still I hope they do more songs like that ‘Count 1,2′ in the future. 
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Okay... another group I didn’t enjoy the song from at first. But ‘Sorry Mama’ got back on my radar recently and I really, really, really enjoy it. But their most recent release ‘Work hard’ is soooooo good. Look I’m completely here for concepts other than dark lately. The world is dark enough so let’s bring cute and happy concepts back please. ‘Work Hard’ is just sooooo much fun.
Favorite solo debut:
It’s a tie between Wonho and Seungwoo from Victon
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This whole album was really good and I’m just really proud of Wonho and I don’t have much else to say about that. (Open mind) 
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I love Seungwoo’s album so much surprisingly! I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did but it really caught me by surprise. I loved ‘Child’ and ‘Sacrifice’ is also just so good. 
A/N: Keep in mind these are just my favorites, your favorites may differ as they should! Let me know what your top faves are this year!
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choicemillionaire · 3 years
Curiosity tag !! <3
I was tagged by @bowieisworried. Apologies that it’s taken me so long to finish this.
which artists make you instantly smile when you hear their laughs?
Probably Seokjin. His laugh is just so good. Never fails to make me smile.
what’s a song you’d like to recommend to the person who tagged you?
That’s difficult considering you know a good few of my faves xD. These are probably not your thing but I think Red Moon by Kim Wooseok, My Youth by Jinyoung or Abyss by Jin might be some you haven’t heard. Red Moon might be your thing though.
which artist/s have your favourite voices?
This is a hard one but I think Taka - ONE OK ROCK, Ken from VIXX, Yonghoon from ONEWE, Hui from Pentagon and more recently Eunkwang from BTOB. I know the first one isn’t kpop but his vocals are by far my favourite of all so I had to include him.
what are some sets from the wonderful ccs here that you find yourself thinking about often?
I don’t really have any to be honest. Don’t get me wrong there’s some stunning sets out there and loads that I love and the cc’s are very talented but none really pop into my mind right now. Apologies.
if you could steal (affectionately akcnjd) an idol’s pet, who’s would it be and why?
He sadly doesn’t have them anymore but Jin’s sugar gliders. They were so adorable. I loved them. But also Yugyeom’s dog Dalkyum is so cute too.
which artists that share your star sign do you like?
My Sagittarian biases: Seokjin - BTS, Kanghyun - ONEWE, Minhyuk - BTOB, Eunkwang - BTOB, Young K - Day6, Soobin - TXT, Kang Daniel, Chan - VICTON to name a few
do you have any favourite photoshoots that your ults have done?
Hakyeon’s The Big Issue Photoshoot I just love it so much.
The entirety of A.C.E’s Siren Dawn concept photoshoot. Specifically the water/underwater ones. Absolutely stunning.
For ATEEZ this DAZED Photoshoot for sure was just stunning
what songs do you always get stuck in your head?
At the moment AuRoRa - ONEWE and 0X1=LOVESONG - TXT but there’s been many
who are your favourite dancers in kpop right now?
Cha Hakyeon for sure. He’s mesmerising. Fate will always own my heart. And Passionate Tango is *chefs kiss*
Rocky. He just needs so much more recognition. He’s truly incredible. I mean look at him
This Juyeon lives in my head rent free. I’ll never be over it and through RTK and Kingdom he’s shown over and over again how good he is.
are there any photos of your ults that you find yourself thinking about a lot?
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These Leo photos are just very aesthetically pleasing. But I honestly have a thousand Leo photos I adore.
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Del Mundo Seonghwa was just something else and Into The A to Z Seonghwa was fabulous.
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The pure gorgeous aesthetics of Donghun. Like damn that man is stunning.
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The man that currently owns my heart and soul. He’s just 10/10. Also get well soon Minhyuk 💕.
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And lastly I’ll throw in my very first ult bias because even though I’ve moved on from ulting BTS, Jin will always hold a very special place in my heart.
which artist/s do you feel you can see yourself in?
I genuinely don’t know. They’re all so different. I don’t really fit with any of them to me. They’re usually all so…well… good, brave, talented, determined, warm, funny, extroverted, supportive and I’m just me xD
who’s rapping do you always find yourself vibing with?
Jisung. Honestly pick any Stray Kids song and I can guarantee he sounds amazing in it.
Changbin same as Jisung. He really hit me with his flow in Hellevator all those years ago and I’ve never looked back.
Rocky. He just has such a good tone. I love it. His rap in ONE was my favourite part of the whole thing.
are there any artist/s who’s talking voice you could listen to forever?
Taka. Again not kpop but honestly at this point I don’t want to live without his voice in my life
Ken. By far Ken is my favourite kpop vocalist and he really does deserve more attention for his vocals. I mean even though he made this for a laugh those vocals are no joke. And let us not forget his Rolling In The Deep cover. Honestly I could go on forever about his voice. From all his duet song festival performances to his solo album and covers to his career in vixx.
Yonghoon just has one of those voices that I adore. Whenever I listen to him everything feels like it’ll be okay again. It’s not the first time I’ve listened to this whole 30 min vid and it won’t be the last.
is there anyone who always manages to give you gender envy?
So many. So so many of them because they’re all stunning and it’s not fair.
and finally, what idol do you think the person who tagged you is most like?
Leo probably. For all the reasons you listed in your own version of this xD
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bradwillshawn · 4 years
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cherry blossom reaction/review 
it is about 12:15am in Toronto, ON, Canada, and that means it’s officially album release day (FINALLY), so here’s my first reactions!
TRACK 1: GLORY DAYS (INTRO) this sounds like opening a door to a new world and i'm so here for it TRACK 2: GLORY DAYS honesty what a great song to start the album. it def feels like an intro song to their new vibe. also the chorus?? FAVE LYRIC: can we connect and communicate? TRACK 3: BETTER out of all the songs that were released before the album, this was by far my fave lyrically & musically. it's just so good!!!!! (remember when i asked who claimed these lyrics? it's me. i claim them) FAVE LYRIC: did things get better or did we get used to it?//i won't settle for less than best, i say it so i don't forget TRACK 4: MARRIED IN VEGAS the first intro to this new vamps era. this really will be a banger when they play it on tour and i can't wait to see how they choose to perform it during their shows. that piano riff post chorus is literally iconic. FAVE LYRIC: a pretty little thing could wreck me at 25
TRACK 5: CHEMICALS tbh, my least fave from the pre-album releases. it just seemed too dark and i was scared to hear the rest of the album but then they released better and i felt better (no pun intended). FAVE LYRIC: swimming in a pool of people, the only one i see is you
TRACK 6: WOULD YOU first seconds: SOUNDS SEXY. the passive aggressive lyrics and the beat? honestly this song is hot. FAVE LYRIC: and i wonder how you talk about us, do you light up when you start to speak?
TRACK 7: BITTER ANOTHER HOT SONG??? damn is right bradley. this reminds me of a grown up version of kiss from night edition? is that just me?? ooh love that outro. FAVE LYRIC: bit of this and a bit of that, it's bittersweet how you bring me back 
TRACK 8: PART OF ME i have no words. this song is good. the chorus? love. the beat? love. the lyrics? relatable. wow. FAVE LYRIC: wonderin' where i lost you, now i can't find myself in anybody else 
TRACK 9: PROTOCOL i was lucky enough to be part of a mini listening party this morning, and my eyes went wide when the song started bc i truly wasn't expecting it. i didn't really expect any ballads on this album, but i'm SO glad this song exists. i would like this to be a single bc i would love to see this story play out in a music video. FAVE LYRIC: a future of stories, kiss you good mornings; gone and it's what i deserve TRACK 10: NOTHING BUT YOU A BOP!! i can def see this song used in a rom-com. FAVE LYRIC: i'm overdosin' over emotions. i know you know this, so can we skip to the good bit? 
TRACK 11: TREADING WATER wasn't ready for this song bc i know brad was saying he wasn't in his best place mentally when he wrote it. but going through the lyrics, i just wanna cry. I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER BRADDY. FAVE LYRIC: patiently, i waited patiently to share all of my insecurities, but first i really gotta work on me 
VERDICT: manager joe was right, this album is full of hit singles. this album is fully the vamps from songwriting to production, and that makes listening to it even more enjoyable. they took their time with this album until they thought it was absolutely perfect, and it is. this is such a new sound for them, but it also just works. album #5 and each album is different from each other?? that's insane. these songs are literally all hits, and this album can really gain a new audience for them, and that's so exciting. this album is so deserving of a #1 and i really hope it happens for them. 5 stars all around.
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Survey #405
“today i went to therapy, told him the embarrassing issues that i’m having with my life  /  he told me that i need to change; life is not a video game, so stop playing & open up your eyes”
What was your favourite sweet as a child? Things like Baby Bottle Pops, Ring Pops, Airheads, etc. Do you like to wear socks to bed? NOOOOOOO. I don't wear socks unless I have to. What’s your favourite berry? Strawberries. If you have a job, how long is your shift? I don't. Do you like sunflowers? Well yeah. Are you counting down for anything? No. Are you watching TV? What’s on? No. Do you have make-up on? No. I haven't worn makeup since last October. Are you any good with kids? People have told me I am, but I beg to differ. What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both cisgender women, we physically couldn't. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? It'd be nice honestly, but I kinda doubt I will be. What is your favorite card game? Magic: The Gathering. What is the weirdest thing you’ve done in public? Ha, probably the times I've gotten down on the ground beside the road to photograph roadkill... More than once has someone stopped and asked if I was okay, haha. Favorite sleeping position? Twisted half on my side and stomach with my legs just sorta splayed out. What is your dad’s name? Ken. Have you ever been on a diet? Multiple times. Do you own any jersey shirts? No. Are you proud to be of the nationality you are? There are two moods I have on this: I'm either neutral or embarrassed. Can you remember what you last clapped for? Omg the woman who facilitates my TMS treatment was telling Mom and me about this one time a tiny snake got in the lobby and I did a lil squeal and clapped a bit because I was just excited to hear about a little snake, haha. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? *shrug* Maybe game soundtrack music. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Well, not really the fridge, but w/e. I'll usually get a granola bar or something of the sort. What is the little physical habit that gives away you're insecure moment? Kneading/wringing my hands together is a dead giveaway. Do you have too many love interests? No. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? If you want honesty... probably no amount would lmao. I rely way too heavily on the Internet for so many things. Do you talk a lot? It depends on my mood and who I'm around. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? What a fucking awful question. They don't annoy me. It can be awkward driving past them, but they're in no way annoying. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I definitely try to be. What is your ideal marriage location? Either a gothic-looking mansion or something of the sort or a wooded area in the fall. Do you tell your friends about your sex life? I don't have one to talk about. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted? Yeah? No shame. What kind of watch(es) do you wear? I don't wear watches. What do you cook the best? My family likes my scrambled cheesy eggs... basic as that is, haha. When my sisters would go to Taco Bell all the time and save the hot sauces for later use, I would use some packets in the eggs I cooked. Honestly amazing. What's one car you will never buy? "Anything that is two door, or low to the ground." <<<< This right here. On the other end of the spectrum, I also won't ever buy a car that's high up. I need a good medium so I can actually get in with ease. What's one thing you're a sore loser at? Hm, I dunno. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? "Wow, she's awkward." What's one thing you like to do alone? Draw. When's the last time you cried? Not long ago at all because I was just so exasperated over my weight gain. Do you think you're cute? God no. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? I don't change in front of anyone if I can avoid it. Did you like kissing the last person you kissed or the one before that more? The last person. I gotta say I was not a fan of kissing Girt because for whatever reason his lips were ALWAYS wetter than lips naturally should be and I just didn't dig it, man. That and every kiss with him was awkward. Whose bed other than yours did you last lay on? My mom's. What turns you off immediately? Acting sexist, to name one. Which city do you particularly enjoy visiting and for what reasons? I don't like going into cities. Do you often take pictures with the camera on your phone? No. I don't like the camera on my phone. In the past year, have you lost weight or gained weight? How much? Gained. You don't need to know. What year was the last car you rode in/drove? I have zero clue. What’s your worst/funniest experience with one of your neighbors? "Worst" and "funniest" are very different... but I can tell you the worst easily. At my childhood home, our next-door neighbors had a pair of Rottweilers in their back yard within a chain-link fence, and we had a LOT of outdoor cats at the time. (I will emphasize every time I bring it up to NOT keep cats outside.) Somehow the dogs got loose and went on a rampage trying to kill our cats; one young one was killed, while our fearless mother cat, Chance, literally fought them off to defend her new kittens. More were maybe killed, I honestly can't remember. My mom was hysterical and threatened to call animal control if it ever happened again. I was absolutely, utterly heartbroken. The last time you burned your tongue or mouth, what were you eating? Ummm I want to say it was some sort of pasta that I didn't let cool long enough. Honestly, are you shallow? Far from it, honestly. Can/could your parents tell when you were lying? Not always. Besides clothes, shoes, and accessories, what’s your favorite thing to shop for? I love window-shopping at Morph Market, haha. AAAAAAAAAALL those ball python morphs, man... *drools* Does/did your parents ever go through your computer or cell phone? When I was younger, Mom was very intent on figuring out why I was always so secretive about what I did on the computer (mostly RP-related things) that ohhhh yeah, she'd do some digging. The night she finally snapped, demanding I tell her my passwords to everything, and she ultimately found out about me being a forum RPer, was literally almost traumatic to me, I think. I know, that sounds INCREDIBLY overdramatic, but I'm not fucking joking. I was in my room SOBBING on my best friend's shoulder, who was spending the night. I was just so embarrassed, and I *still* am when I share that fact with people I know, even though I have no reason to be. Like I don't do any weird or kinky RP shit, it's just genuine, artistic writing with actual, well thought-out plots, but I still feel like people would think it dumb, childish, and just weird. What song reminds you the most of a particular day in your life? Why is that? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. I've talked about it a few times before and really don't feel like doing it again. Do you have any close friends that were adopted? I don't think so. Who, in your opinion, is the best thriller writer? I don't know. Does your mom eat meat? Yeah. Was your dad ever on a sports team? Lots in high school, I believe. Do you prefer thick or thin crusted pizza? Thick, by a long shot. What do you have in your fruit salads? Not a fan of fruit salads. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? I've only needed a wheelchair once in my life, and that was just to get inside and maneuver around the doctor's office when I tore a ligament in my foot. So no. What are your favorite word? Serendipity, tranquility, lucid, etc.; pretty, peaceful words like those. Is there a lot of drama in your life? Nope. I don't do enough or have enough people in my life for there to be. What are you listening to? An extended version of "Nightsong" from WoW. Do you hear any animals right now? No. I'm sure I'd hear birds if I didn't have my earplugs in, though. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? Yes. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Who is the last baby you held? Emerson, my youngest niece. Do you have any scars from an animal? Yeah; I've got looooots from my cat playing too rough. Have you ever seen an Igloo? I don't believe so. Do you like Korn? They're high on my list of faves. Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Absolutely tornadoes. Do you like mushrooms? Ugh, NO. Have you ever been on Omegle? No. So do you have a favorite M&M? Just the regular ones. Have you ever snuck out? No. Do you currently feel like you have pretty stable career goals/a pretty stable life plan? Have you ever felt this way? I don't know, man. I know what I WANT to do, I just don't know if I'm ever going to get there. Or if what I want will be financially supportive enough, now that I'm really losing interest in photographing people. I might just have to if I want to be financially stable with photography, which would be okay, but bleh. I'd much rather just work with nature. If you could buy an android that was was convincingly human and could be tailored to be your perfect partner, would you want one? No. I don't want to build my own partner, nor do I want my romantic partner to be an android. I want life to just introduce me to a person who is uniquely themselves, who have built themselves from their own life experiences, and not just have a perfect spouse tailored to everything I like. If you do not identify as being “straight,” can you remember back to your childhood some things you did that were, in hindsight, possible indicators of your future sexuality? Yes, especially in middle school. I thought women were prettier than probably a straight kid would, and looking back, I definitely found the natural curves of the female figure to be attractive. When you consume media (movies, books, etc.) with a romantic element, what sort of romance scenarios interest you most? Hm. I know I prefer serious ones over silly; like I'm a sucker for Nicholas Sparks' style, if that says anything. If you are female, do you feel connected to other women as a class? What sort of things make you feel a strong sense of sisterhood or female empowerment? This is too big of a question for me to feel like delving into right now, haha. But I can say it more so depends on the individual than the gender when it comes to feeling connection over anything.
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Gretchen Lieberum Interview: Eerie Nostalgia
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Singer-songwriter Gretchen Lieberum wanted to make an album of standards while totally subverting your preconception of what that sounded like. With This May Only Be A Dream, which came out Friday, she succeeds, in both capturing the magic of old recordings and performance styles while talking full advantage of the time-bending quality of modern production. In BAFTA-winning composer Keefus Ciancia, Lieberum picked the perfect partner. After singing over piano, she sent what were basically demos to Ciancia, who removed the piano, deconstructing and reconstructing the songs to then be rerecorded with session musicians. The result shares the ambition of something like Julia Holter’s version of “Hello Stranger” but over a whole album. Album opener “Come Rain or Come Shine”, which has been recorded by Ray Charles, Billie Holliday, and Chet Baker, combines lurking, fluttering woodwinds with reverb-laden vocals and chaotic orchestration. On “Blue Skies”, a song that you expect to build up with drums, strings, and chorus, like in a climax scene in a Hollywood epic, the strings cut in and out, toying with your perception. While there are some songs that sound familiar, like the Fiona Apple-esque percussive clatter of “Angel Eyes” or the solemn, quiet closer “While We’re Young”, the back-and-forth between subtlety and Technicolor orchestration keeps you on your toes.
A couple months ago, I spoke with Lieberum from her home in L.A. and Ciancia from his in France about how the album was constructed, their approach to recording, and how they would describe the music. Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: So this seriously just started with you singing over piano, Gretchen?
Gretchen Lieberum: I have a friend who has a studio in his house. I wanted to do an album of standards for years and years. It’s just an idea I’ve had I couldn’t let go of. I wanted to do an album of these songs but interpreted in an unusual way, not acoustic bass, drums, piano, and that’s it. I’ve known Keefus for years, and he was the only guy I wanted for the job. So I waited years and years, and finally, the timing was right to start working on it. I’d just record vocals with my friend Peter at his studio playing piano, which is great because I do much better in low pressure situations. If I’m in a big fancy studio, I’m like, “Oh god, how much is this costing?” It’s hard for me to be emotional and in the moment. I was just able to go to my friend’s house and record any song that popped into my head or I was feeling. I would send them to Keefus, and he would pick his faves. I think I recorded maybe 25 songs in all, and we ended up with 10.
Keefus Ciancia: The most important part is what Gretchen said--the comfort zone that Gretchen was in where she could get to the feel and heart of the song, comfortably with Peter. He’s an amazing piano player, and they had such a good rhythm that everything I was getting made it so that it was just real. It felt right. That was always fun to be able to open these and also have total separation, pick out Peter’s stuff and start reimagining things, erasing the chords. Gretchen was on fire! She was knocking them out. A lot of great pieces I’ve never heard, too, which I really enjoyed. Maybe that was good for me, too, to not know those standards as well so I wasn’t trapped in the chords. Maybe my lameness of being a hack--I wanted to be a jazz player but I couldn’t do it! [laughs]
GL: That’s what’s so great. I didn’t want a jazz guy to produce it. That’s what ended up happening--he would choose his own chords underneath the melodies that were really interesting and cool.
SILY: Did you know he was gonna remove the piano?
GL: Oh yeah. I know Keefus’s aesthetic and how he works, so I was like, “I’m gonna send you this, have fun, go to town.” I sent him literally zero notes and never knew what I was gonna get back. There’d be a song that’s a stark ballad that would come back with a full orchestra, some of the tempo sped up, some of it slowed down. Different lines chopped up into different places. Quite a few times, I’d take the song and rerecord the vocal to go with what Keefus did, to emotionally match what he created. Sometimes not--the song “Come Rain or Come Shine” was one take I did at Peter’s house and didn’t change at all.
SILY: How did you whittle down from the initial list of 25 songs for this record?
GL: This project was so much about emotion and love and love of these songs. What songs I loved singing and what was inspiring me. I grew up in a house where jazz was constantly playing. My father wasn’t a musician but a huge fan. It was a big part of my life growing up. I was in the jazz band as a singer in high school. These are songs I’ve known my whole life. There were some that I tried that I didn’t feel that I didn’t send to Keefus.
There are a few that aren’t jazz standards, too. We do a Beach Boys song, which is also a song that I love.
SILY: They’re standards nonetheless, independent of genre.
GL: Yes.
SILY: What made you want to release “Come Rain or Come Shine” as the first single and open with it?
GL: It’s just one of my favorites. One of the ones I’m most proud of. It’s indicative of the project as a whole. It’s a standard I approach traditionally from how I’m singing it, but there are these surreal flourishes around it. Also, I mean, what an intro, that [screams] “Ahhh!”
KC: I agree.
SILY: What was the process of getting the session musicians in after Keefus worked on the songs?
KC: Basically, it was kind of known all the way through that once we got these bodies we’d get some more breath and air on it to get more of the quality Gretchen and I love from old 50′s recordings but also taking it somewhere new. That studio is now closed--Vox Studios--such an amazing place that was perfect for that record. It was the first commercial studio in Hollywood through Paramount.
GL: It was the longest continuously running studio in the world, I read.
KC: Someone will move in, I’m sure. Woody [Jackson], who owns it, there was no rebuilding the rooms because they sounded so good from how they were built in the 40′s. The room is amazing, and his engineer Michael Harris is incredible. He was the first one to get his ears on this stuff besides Gretchen and I. To be able to put it in a room, listen through a different system, warm things up for his outboard gear. We had some of our favorite musicians. It wasn’t a ton of folks, but the dream scenario where we had 5 days and a rolling, “Get moving”. The next day, Gretchen sings, then some more people come in.
GL: Jay Bellerose is so damn good. So tasty. He just goes in and does his thing.
KC: His heart breathes all the old jazz but he’s also someone who likes to keep pushing things. I think that was the trick with us--we always want to hear something new. Of course, there are some things that sound great that you should do again, but we all listen to music so much you just want something new. Sometimes, you have to make it yourself.
SILY: The album does sound new even though it has older reference points, both the songs themselves and aesthetically. A lot of older jazz tunes with woodwinds and fluttery strings have something eerie and disorienting about them. Thinking about a track like “Blue Skies”, when the sound cuts in and out. That’s not something you hear on traditional “standards” records. To what extent were you trying to achieve that eerie nostalgia?
GL: I think “eerie nostalgia”’s just our M.O., you know? [laughs]
KC: I like that, eerie nostalgia.
GL: I don’t even think we try. 
SILY: “For All We Know” starts out with quiet plucks of string but ends up a swinging jazz tune, the moment on here that’s the most “traditional.”
GL: Even on that one, it’s funny because our friend David Ralicke, who plays the horns on everything--he’s incredible and has such great taste. But this one, I was like “Keefus, I don’t know.” Keefus was like, “It’s gotta get big. It’s gotta be a party at the end, an explosion!” Ralicke, he sent a bunch of horns. When he sent them in, they were very bright and intense, and I was like, “Oh god, this is a little weird!” Keefus was like, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make it weird and demented.” It is traditional, but something about the way it’s mixed or the added affects give it that eeriness, which I love.
One thing Keefus often did that was really surprising to me was there were songs I sent as straight ballads, like this one. If you listen to the lyrics, the first half is like, “Who knows what’s gonna happen? Life is so uncertain.” But then it’s like, “Who cares? Tomorrow may never come.” And it’s a celebration. It’s one of my favorite songs now after being most uncertain about it at first. Keefus, you sent me Frank Sinatra, Jr. singing “Black Knight” [as a reference]. It starts as a ballad and explodes, an emotional outburst.
SILY: Is there any other specific track on here you think is a standout?
KC: Each one is such a little episode, that even that was tricky to put in order for the record. It almost would have been interesting to go old school and release 45s, make each one of them a single and B-side. When you hear “Wild Is The Wind”, on my radio, I would make that a single. It’s totally different than the others. It’s not this powerhouse. But if I bought it as a single, I would think it’s a really beautiful single. Same with “Who Knows Where The Time Goes”. That’s on Keefus & Gretchen radio. [laughs]
GL: “Who Knows Where The Time Goes” was the very first song Keefus did. It was the only vocal recorded at my house, with a different friend in my dining room, with a little laptop mic set up. We used that vocal. It’s a pretty special one, and genre-defying. “Wild Is The Wind” fits comfortably in the jazz section. Or not--I don’t know. It’s a weird question. One of the things I hate more than anything is when I’m uploading my music and it asks you to pick a category. I don’t know. I hate picking a category. Nothing feels quite right, and it feels like a mixture of all of these things.
KC: Gretchen is a huge jazz fan listening for a long time, but jazz records strayed from her and my tastes as it went along. Jazz records went on a different road and started getting not such a punk rock vibe. It was a classy thing, not so underground. That was one thing we were talking about when finishing the record. We think it should be heard by all age groups and invite them to learn these pieces because they might not have the chance to learn them as often. To pick a genre can really be dangerous for all artists because there are a ton of artists that like a ton of different music and can make a ton of different music and change their records as they go. That was big, too: approaching this apart from being a jazz record and bringing in new listeners. Gretchen and I don’t know exaxctly how this works with the tagging on Spotify, but if you put “jazz” on it, does that mean other people will never listen to it?
GL: I don’t think it is a jazz album. It’s an album of standards, but I wouldn’t call it a jazz album.
KC: I like to call it torched songs instead of torch songs.
SILY: What was the overall approach to the sequencing?
GL: I really pulled my hair out. I was crying myself to sleep at night. It was hard. One thing we ended up doing, which was Keefus’s idea, was he felt like the A-side of the record leaned themselves more to samples and surreal electronic elements. Keefus was like, “Once you get sucked into the album, the vibe is very complementary, and you can take people anywhere.” So after the first 4-5 songs, “Wild is the Wind” comes, which is a stripped down ballad. From then, you’re just on the ride.
SILY: What was the inspiration behind the album title?
GL: I had this idea of taking a line from one of the songs as the album title. I went through all the songs and went through some of my favorite lines. At one point, I thought I was gonna call it “How Blue The Sky” which is from the last song, “While We’re Young.” But then I thought “This May Only Be A Dream” felt really good with the dreaminess of this music and the somewhat surreal journey it takes you on. One thing I’m really proud of about the record is it takes you on an emotional journey from start to finish. I know the kids don’t listen to albums anymore. Peter was one of the people I sent it to, and he said, “I feel like I watched a film listening to this album.” That felt right.
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SILY: What’s the story behind the cover art?
GL: Keefus’s daughter Raven [Violet Ciancia-Vincent] is a really talented visual video artist. She’s the one that directed the video for “Come Rain or Come Shine.” We made a video for the song “Don’t Explain”, and that’s just a still from the video. She layers things like a collage, so there’s a video of me with fireworks on top of it. When I was trying to come up with something to make the cover, I took a bunch of stills from the video, and that one jumped out at me, especially with the title, This May Only Be A Dream. I just thought it really worked beautifully together. The font, to me, is a throwback to the Blue Note covers. I know a lot of people do Blue Note covers, so I wanted to do a little nod to it without fully going there.
SILY: Are you planning on doing any shows?
GL: When we do end up playing live again--Keefus, I should probably talk to you about what the hell you think I should do--but some of it would be laptop-tracked songs with live bass or drums on top of it. That’s possible, right, Keefus?
KC: I would dream of a full-on 10-to-12 piece orchestra. For a special show in Los Angeles, and when everything explodes, a special show in New York and Paris. I think you could get the right band, and it’s all completely playable.
GL: Maybe a keyboard player adding samples.
KC: Do you play, Jordan? Gretchen’s looking for band members.
SILY: I don’t.
GL: Show me ya stuff, kid! [laughs]
SILY: What else is next for you?
GL: My husband [filmmaker Jacob Aaron Estes] ended up doing an alternate video for “Don’t Explain” that we’re gonna release that I’m pretty excited about. The other thing that I do--which is a totally other universe--is my Prince cover band with Maya Rudolph. I hope we start playing again. That would be great. I am glad, though, that I had so much time to focus on my own music. As much as I love doing Princess, it’s not totally me. I want to really focus on this for a while.
KC: I’m doing Pringles commericals. [laughs] I’ve been working on a bunch of shows and some records and a new soundtrack for a show [Made For Love]. I’ve made a lot of music during the last year and a half. There’s some fun stuff coming up. I’ll start a new Unloved record when our band is allowed to fly over here.
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading that’s caught your attention?
GL: My mind just went utterly blank. [laughs] Utterly. I’ve been reading a lot of weird dystopian future stuff to distract my anxiety about the dystopian future stuff we’re dealing with in real life. Reading it calms my nerves.
KC: I watched the Bee Gees documentary [How Can You Mend a Broken Heart] the other night on HBO. I thought it was beautiful. They just touch those places, when you hear those voices.
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