#Fig. 163
mechanical-drawing · 14 days
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09 September 1876
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asoftershipwrecked · 2 years
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adalinda-selwyn · 4 months
𝑨𝒅𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑺𝒆𝒍𝒘𝒚𝒏
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⚘ The Heroine of Hogwarts ⚘
𓆩⟡𓆪 Basic Info 𓆩⟡𓆪
Name: Adalinda Marie Selwyn, although she pronounces her name more like Adalin (Ah-duh-lin). Her most popular nickname is Ada (Ah-duh)
Title(s): The Heroine of Hogwarts
Birthday: March 12th, 1875
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: British and Chinese
𓆩⟡𓆪 Appearance 𓆩⟡𓆪
Hair Style: Slightly wavy hair, usually worn down but sometimes put in a makeshift ponytail, especially in tense situations
Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Warm beige
Body Type: Slightly toned from running around protecting the Scottish Highlands
Height: 5’4” or around 163 cm
Clothing Style: Dresses practically in the sense that skirts are off limits when planning on taking down any enemies. Enjoys wearing skirts and cute outfits. Otherwise, will wear anything she finds in order to make a bizarre outfit for her own amusement.
Always wears her necklace with its emerald pendant
When she wears gloves, they are black and preferably fingerless so she can still firmly grip her wand
𓆩⟡𓆪 Magic 𓆩⟡𓆪
Blood Status: Unknown
House: Slytherin
Wand: Hornbeam, Dragon Heartstring, Surprisingly Swishy, Twelve and a half inches
Special Ability: Ancient magic - mostly known by others because of the thunderstorms she can summon
Patronus: Nightjar
Polyjuice: Clearspring green, tastes like a mix of lemongrass and mint
Amortentia: Chamomile, Freshly cut lilacs, Nectarine, Old books
Boggart: Jeers, or even worse, silence of loved ones directed at her from cloaked figure(s)
𓆩⟡𓆪 Academics 𓆩⟡𓆪
Best subject: DADA
Favorite subject: DADA and COMC
Favorite teacher: Hecat, Sharp, and Garlick
Worst subject: Divination
Least favorite subject: Transfiguration and History of Magic
Least favorite teacher: Binns
As a student:
Almost always arrives just in the nick of time
Somehow balanced saving the Wizarding World and schoolwork during fifth-year
Teacher’s pet despite not trying to be one (it's because she always wants to show the professor her appreciation for them, so she thanks them after every lesson)
𓆩⟡𓆪 Personality 𓆩⟡𓆪
Traits: Compassionate, loyal, protective, strategic, resilient, self-sacrificing, energetic (due to either too much or not enough sleep), sarcastic (rudely sarcastic when upset), rash (when already angry), “motherly”, overbearing, overthinker
Likes: Winter (as long as she’s bundled up, otherwise it’s Fall/Autumn), sleeping (despite lacking it basically 24/7), sweets or food in general (put anything in front of her and she will practically inhale it), cooking, reading, watching the sky, playing the piano, lighting things on fire, dueling Sebastian, hyping up her friends
Dislikes: Seeing her loved ones upset or in pain, smelling/feeling dirty, roaches, flies (she will go out of her way to kill it, same thing applies for mosquitos)
Fears: Being abandoned, becoming bad, roaches (will kill it but freak out while doing so)
MBTI: ISFJ-T (The Defender)
Zodiac: Pisces sun, taurus moon, sagittarius ascending
𓆩⟡𓆪 Relationships 𓆩⟡𓆪
Parents: Mr. Selwyn and Mrs. Selwyn (Presumed dead) (No, her dad is not Silvanus Selwyn)
Relatives: None were ever mentioned
Paternal Figure: Professor Fig (Deceased)
Love Interest: She needs time to sort out her own life before getting around to her love life.
Friends (in chronological order from first to most recent): Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Natsai (Natty) Onai, Lucan Brattleby, Garreth Weasley, Poppy Sweeting, Amit Thakkar, Adelaide Oakes, Imelda Reyes (took a second to warm up to her), Leander Prewett (didn't like him for a hot minute)
Acquaintances (in closeness from first to last): Anne Sallow, Lenora Everleigh, Nellie Oggspire, Samantha Dale, Nerida Roberts, Arthur Plummly, Richard Jackdaw
Pet(s): Tayla (and any magical creature rescued that really doesn't want to go back into nature)
Tayla is a tawny owl that was formerly the school's
Around turning 13 weeks old, she watched Adalinda barge into the Owlery to find field guide pages
Tayla followed Adalinda out and around the school. When Adalinda realized Tayla wouldn't leave, she got permission from (passionately begged) Professor Fig to keep and name her
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paganimagevault · 1 year
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Sassanid helmet (6th-7th C. CE) & Luristan helmet (6th-9th C. BCE)
"The helmet housed at the Römisch Germanisches Museum in Mainz, Germany (Inv. O. 38823; Fig. 26) is dated to the late 6th-early 7th century CE. Discovered in Iran’s Amlash region, this helmet was built of bronze, silver and Iron. The Varanga “feather” (?) and/or “scale” pattern (?) is again evident as would be expected of late Sasanian helmets from the empire’s Western regions. The band enclosing the bottom area of the helmet is also decorated in the same Varanga/scale design. At the front of this area is a rectangle that has within it two vertical “sine wave” graphics. At the bottom edge of the rim can be seen punched holes, along with some cracks.
Unique in the case of this helmet is a crescent moon decoration like the one seen on Figure 25 cited previously. Atop the rectangle with the two “sine wave” designs on the helmet from Mainz is an upright crescent motif apparently based on a much earlier tradition; this is strikingly similar to the much more ancient 9th-7th century BCE one-piece domed bronze helmet (possibly Kassite in origin) excavated in Luristan (Fig. 26). At the back of the Luristan helmet is a repoussé hook and dot pattern, with a notched band of flecked triangles appearing along the border.38 The frontal decoration attached on this helmet consists of opposing mythological beast heads with a crescent ornament atop the figures. Interestingly, the Luristan helmet’s crescent motif appears in the same upright orientation as the Sasanian helmet suggesting a possible design motif spanning over 1000 years (Fig. 26)."
-Farrokh, K., Karamian, Gh., Kubic, A., & Oshterinani, M.T. (2017). An Examination of Parthian and Sasanian Military Helmets. In “Crowns, hats, turbans and helmets: Headgear in Iranian history volume I” (K. Maksymiuk & Gh. Karamian, Eds.), Siedlce University & Tehran Azad University, pp.121-163.
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finitefall · 2 years
out of curiosity have you watched the youtubers hills alive dany vids ( I avoided them because she seems to be a dany anti given the title of the vids ) but is she one of the people you talk about when talking about dany antis since recently she made a vid saying that her crucifixion of the masters proves she is a bad queen
I just watched it since many people are talking about it. More nonsense, but I’m sure a lot of people are eating it up - including antis Dany who insisted for years that it made her a tyrant, or mad, and who will now say “have you watched this video? it’s proof that she’s a bad queen!” because they found someone who sounded smarter than them. I’m not gonna comment everything, only a few parts:
Killing people who have enslaved, abused, mutilated, and murdered countless people for their own profit is not something anyone will ever be inclined to argue against.
Funny, because that’s exactly what antis Dany have been doing for years.
Ultimately, regardless of who did what, these are all masters who engaged in human trafficking and all sorts of unimaginable violations of basic human rights.
Duh. So it’s wrong because...? Ah, yes, an “interesting” take on why it makes Dany a bad Queen: she didn’t know which masters were responsible for the 163 crucified children, so she shouldn’t have allowed the Meereenese to pick which ones would be killed. There was no investigation or trial. Please explain to me how she could have discovered the ones responsible for the 163 crucified children, how she could have been sure those were the ones guilty of that particular crime with everyone accusing each other to be spared? It wasn’t possible. Either she’s delusional about it, either she’s aware of it and is, in fact, saying that Dany shouldn’t have killed any of the masters.
Ironically, despite the fact that this was meant to be a harsh punishment to the slavers [...], it actually provided a lot of the more politically intelligent and manipulative masters of Meereen with an opportunity to strengthen themselves and get rid of potential rivals. [...] They would put forward their enemies and protect their allies. Or they would simply throw out the weakest of the bunch because there would be little consequences for betraying the people who aren’t truly powerful in their societal structure. So what that in mind, it is a near certainty that some if not most of the people who Dany killed were not only not responsible for what she was killing them for, but wound up on the literal cross because they were not powerful enough for their compatriots to bother protecting them, or because someone with more sway or political acumen wanted them gone.
That sounds like an interesting, logical argument. Except that Dany isn’t stupid and she knew she couldn’t discover who was responsible for the 163 crucified children. So she sent a message instead by asking the Meereenese to hand over 163 of their leaders and crucify them: you shouldn’t have done that, and this is what’s gonna happen to you if you touch innocents again. If she had picked herself who would be punished, she would be blamed too since she had no way of knowing which slavers were behind the crucifixion of the 163 children. If she had thought that it would be the ones responsible for it, the most powerful people in Meereen, the most dangerous who were chosing which ones would die and decided to punish the former ones instead, she would have been accused, again, of not having any proof.
So Dany was supposed to go to Meereen and tell them they were terrible people, but not do anything. That’s what she’s saying in this video.
She largely seems to see Meereen as a trial run to figure out how she is going to rule Westeros.
That person has literally zero understanding of Daenerys. She chose to fight slavery because she’s been a slave herself. She cares about those people. She’s not fighting slavery to figure out how she’s gonna rule the Seven Kingdoms: she’s fighting slavery because it’s a fight she believes in. It’s so important to her character, you can’t even talk about Daenerys Targaryen without talking about this.
If there were anyone among them who supported Daenerys or had some kind of ethical agreement with her desire to revolutionize the slave cities, they ironically were almost certainly among those that the Meereenese offered up to be killed.
That’s only a wild guess, with no proof to back it up. Does she truly believe any of those slavers wanted things to change? Of course they didn’t.
She then points out Dany’s previous mistakes, because apparently everyone is allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, except Dany. Once she made a mistake, they have the proof that she’s not a good ruler and will never be a good Queen. What’s interesting though in this video is that she points out the subtext in ASOIAF, how GRRM is writing a storyline with a message behind it. She’s doing the same thing here, avoiding the past mistakes of antis Dany. She doesn’t try to defend the slavers, she doesn’t try to excuse any of the masters, she doesn’t say Dany shouldn’t have done anything. Instead, she’s pointing out how Dany is a bad Queen because of how she tries to fight slavery, offering absolutely no opinion on what she could have done to succeed.
And that’s really the whole point of this video, in fact: Dany doesn’t offer a good justice and made enemies because of course slavers don’t want her to be in Meereen fighting slavery. There’s no good way to fight slavery, so she shouldn’t have been in Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen. If she’s gonna make mistakes, it’s best not to do anything. If she’s not gonna succeed, it’s not worth trying. Slavery is absolutely atrocious, she insists on this in her video and I do believe she is sincere (edit: after knowing more about her, she isn’t being sincere at all), but it’s not our business and it’s not Dany’s business. We can’t fight it, so we’re just gonna sit around and cry about it. It’s nor our fault, really. In fact, people like Dany trying to break the status quo are the ones in fault because they start huge fights and wars instead of coming up with a miraculous way to peacefully end slavery.
With those kind of videos, it’s always interesting to read the comments and here’s one:
All of this has me wondering about Faegon. He's a lot like Egg (King Aegon V) from the Dunk and Egg stories if you think about it. A prince who knows what it is to live like a commoner and have a hard life and who generally seems like he'd be an advocate for the commonfolk and perhaps not too brutal as well. He seems, by all accounts, someone who might be a good King yet he is likely not the real Aegon VI but something like a Blackfyre imposter. In contrast, Dany is unquestionably a Targaryen who even has dragons yet she fits the way Varys describes Tommon to Kevan "Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right." and is quite brutal. I think George might be saying "She is technically the rightful Queen but this imposter would actually make for a better ruler than her." a sort of play on the common trope of a rightful heir rising, regaining the old Kingdom and ruling justly. She won't rule justly, I reckon, but the imposter would have and therein lies the irony. My pet theory anyway.
This comment was liked by Hill’s Alive, and I had a feeling that was proven right when I looked to see if she had made a video about Young Griff. I didn’t watch it and have no intention to (there’s also so much bullshit I can take from one person), but her theory is that Young Griff, a character introduced in the fifth book, is actually the real Aegon (son of Rhaegar and Elia). I’m certain she explains very well how he will be a good King unlike Dany. She already didn’t have much credibility in this video about the 163 crucified masters (she tried though, and sounds much more convincing and intelligent than the “mad queen killed innocents slavers” antis, I’ll give her that), but she doesn’t have any credibility left at all with Young Griff.
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wiispywitch · 7 months
Attack on Titan OC - Bethany Sawyer🌷💜 🦋
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♡. ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
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Name: Bethany Sawyer
Meaning: Bethany- house of figs; Sawyer- woodcutter
Nickname(s): Beth, Bethy (by Joanna), the Temptress of Karanes
Alias (if any): N/A
Age: 17 (850); 21 (854)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Eldian (Celtic descent)
Birthday: January 26th, 833
Birthplace: Karanes District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: A small village on the outskirts of Wall Rose
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Taken, later married
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To inspire others in the town with the fine arts and have a family with the love of her life
Goal(s): To marry Joanna, to rebel against the Military Police, to make sure Joanna's family is taken care of while she's away, to advocate for the Scout Regiment against the rebellion
Like(s): Flowers, dancing, upbeat music, festivals, animals, exploring new places, making people smile, the fine arts
Dislike(s): Intolerance, the Military Police, Joanna's mother, rainy days, cold weather, birds, tomatoes
Bad Habit(s): She can be snarky when she wants to be, is a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes takes it overboard, doesn’t get a whole lot of sleep, procrastinates on important tasks, gossips
Hobbies: Dancing, making flower crowns, singing
Fear(s): Losing Joanna to the titans, failing to take care of her family, the Military Police harming her partner 
Personality: Kind-hearted, charming, flirtatious, creative, extravagant, perfectionist, artsy, dreamy
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Sweet potatoes
Color(s): Lavender
Season(s): Spring
Activities: Dancing, singing, acting, picking flowers, hiking, making flower crowns
Time of Day: Mornings
Extras: Art- fine arts, acting; Animals- toads, butterflies; Literature- poetry; Flower- tulips
Height: 5’4” (163 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs. (54 kg)
Hair style: Long, wavy, bangs centered on her face
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Gunmetal blue
Skin Tone: Ivory
Body Shape/Build: Slim frame, skinny waist, flexible
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): N/A
Other: N/A
Parent(s): Jared Sawyer (father), Cynthia Sawyer (mother)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): Diesel (pet dog), Joanna Elytis (wife), Filip Elytis (father-in-law)
Love Interest: Joanna Elytis 
Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): Tay Schuyler, Mel Oglethorpe, Nathanael Schuyler
Enemy(ies): Leah Elytis 
Rival(s): The town shrews that demonize her
“People seem to have this idea that I’m some siren trying to seduce them to follow a ‘wicked path’—I’m just here trying to brighten other people’s days and celebrating life. They like to make everyone else miserable instead of taking a moment to just let loose and enjoy what they have.”
“So you're friends of Jo's? She talked so much about all of you in her letters. It’s very nice to finally meet you.”
“I know I wasn’t thrilled when you told us you would be going away, and it’s been scary not having you around or not knowing when...what I’m trying to say is I am so proud of you. Just please promise me you’ll come back so we can start our life together.”
History/Life: Bethany Sawyer is a young dancer from Karanes District and the lover of Scout Regiment member Joanna Elytis. She is the daughter of two theater actors, and they are often traveling around Wall Rose performing the fine arts; sometimes Bethany would come along with them to give her a chance to experience new things, and other times they would leave her with a kind caretaker of the inn they resided in. This gave her a sense of independence, and she would often spend her time out of the house, sometimes leaving the sight of her caretaker to go out and about on her own, which has given her caretaker quite a scare a couple of times.
Being the daughter of performers, Bethany has formed a love for the fine arts even at a young age. She grew to have an adoration for dancing, and she loved to dance whenever there were musicians playing music in Karanes. Her dancing quickly became the charm of the town, often drawing in crowds to watch her dance as though no one was watching. Aside from a few jeering comments and rumors spreading that she was a siren that was trying to lure others down a path of sin, Bethany continued to dance and use it as a way to bring joy and positivity to others. It especially became a huge benefit for her when people would throw coins at her, and she would use this as a way to save up that money to help those who were less fortunate than her. 
One night in the spring of 845, Bethany was celebrating another festive night with fellow musicians and had finished up another one of her dances when she suddenly crossed paths with a young girl who looked to be in a hurry. Bethany caught up to her upon seeing she was crying and attempted to comfort her, and she helped cheer her up by taking her to explore the beauties of the town at night. The girl introduced herself as Joanna Elytis (someone who always admired Bethany from a distance), and it wouldn’t be long after that night that Bethany and Joanna developed romantic feelings for each other. Joanna’s father accepted Bethany with open arms and was thrilled to see that Joanna had someone that cared for well-being; she began to spend more of her time at their home after the departure of Joanna’s mother, and the young couple would talk for hours about what they wanted for their future together. Initially, Bethany was hesitant about the idea of Joanna enlisting in the Garrison, but she knew the benefits would be to help them in being able to start a life together the way they wanted. They still kept in close touch by writing to each other almost every day, discussing their plans to leave Karanes and have their dream wedding and adopt children. While Joanna was away, Bethany permanently moved in to help look after Filip and take care of their dog Diesel. Joanna would end up changing career paths after being motivated by the fall of Wall Maria to fight back against the invading titans, so it was very hard for Bethany not to worry so much about her well-being—she tried many times to sway her decision and convince her to go to the Garrison like she said, but she knew her hard-headed girlfriend wouldn’t change her mind once she made her decision. To ease her anxiety, Joanna promised to make time to see her girlfriend after they return for their mission, which came to a brief halt postponed when word quickly spread that there was a traitor amongst the scouts. Bethany traveled to the capitol to protest against the Military Police wrongfully imprisoning the members of the Scout Regiment, causing an uproar in the town that were already becoming more critical of the government. After the rightful heir to the throne was taken by Queen Historia Reiss, Joanna and Bethany were reunited at last, and Joanna made the quick decision to propose to Bethany and marry her as soon as possible, knowing she would soon possibly be facing death when the mission to reclaim Walk Maria was approved. Joanna and Bethany had a small wedding ceremony in a small village outside of Wall Rose with Joanna’s comrades and Filip (as well as a pampered Diesel) attending. It would be one of the best nights that Bethany would forever cherish in her heart.
After Joanna was tragically killed in battle, Bethany resented the Scout Regiment and forever mourned for her fallen lover. She still maintained a friendship with most of Joanna’s friends and would write to them often, however she saw the Scout Regiment as responsible for leading Joanna and many others to their deaths. She continued to use her art of dance to in memory of the love of her life.
Bonus Facts
-Her voice: Japanese- Rumi Ochiai (Rouge the Bat, Sonic the Hedgehog); English- Jamie Marchi (Chizuru Maihara, Ouran High School Host Club)
-She’s an Aquarius.
-She smells like sugar plums.
-Her character design is based off of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
-She and her family are middle-low class.
-She hates wearing shoes and likes to walk around barefooted.
-Her role in the story was going to be a lot smaller and have her only be mentioned in flashbacks and by name, even perhaps one small role, but I thought it would be nice to add a little more detail about her character and give her a bigger role.
-In a modern AU, Bethany would be very much into idol culture and be a theater kid
-Her spirit animal is an orchid mantis
OC Profile Credit- AliceCantBeStopped; Divider- fairytopea
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deathlessathanasia · 2 years
“Why Themis should be in command of oracles: ... our Themis is nothing other than divine law, emanating from the very summit of goodness, and so ordained for the nature of the universe that it might not exist without her. Therefore the Platonic philosophers argue that she contains a pure fountain even of oracles and divination... Stephanus Pighius, Themis Dea seu De Lege Divina (Antwerp 1568, 82)
. . . The earliest literary evidence for worship of Themis at Delphi comes in an ode of Pindar (P. 11.9-10) of 474 BC, where the victor's compatriots are exhorted to come 'where, when night falls, you shall hymn sacred Themis and Pytho and the right-judging navel of the earth ...' Also from the first half of the fifth century are a pair of statue bases found near the Kastalian Spring, inscribed with the names Themis and Earth (Ge) respectively, by the same hand; cuttings on the bases suggest that they stood next to one another, with a bronze laurel tree between them. We have little further information on Themis, but from a fourth-century inscription and Plutarch's description we know that Earth had a shrine just south of the temple of Apollo. Our earliest evidence for the Previous Owners myth and for the historical worship of Themis and Earth at Delphi, then, dates from the first half of the fifth century. If there was no historical tradition for the myth to be based upon, how did it arise and gain currency? The answer surely lies in the conceptual links which both Earth and Themis have with the oracle, vague associations which the myth systematizes. The omphalos in Apollo's adyton symbolized Delphi's position as the centre of the earth, the meeting point of the mythical eagles of Zeus sent from furthest east and west, but the term 'navel' inevitably suggests Earth in anthropomorphic form. According to Pausanias (5.14.10), Earth also had an oracular role at Olympia, possibly again linked with a cult of Themis. He records an altar of Ge, where 'they say' there had 'in even more ancient times' been an oracle of Earth; immediately after this he tells us that 'the altar of Themis is built at what they call the Mouth (Stomion)'. Whether the two were located together is unfortunately not clear, as this falls in the section on 'all the altars at Olympia' (5. I 4.4 ff), where Pausanias has departed from his usual practice of describing things in the order he found them: 'my description has wandered around in the order in which the Eleians sacrifice' (5.14.10). The idea of an Earth oracle at Delphi would also be in keeping with the general association of oracular powers with chthonic cults, such as the Oracle of the Dead at Ephyra and that of the hero Trophonios at Lebadeia.
Themis' association with the oracle is most straightforwardly explained by the usage of the plural themistes for 'oracles' and themistuein 'to give an oracle', from Homer onwards: 'the frequent use of themis with reference to divine law and divine pronouncements eventually gave rise to the idea that the goddess' had once lived at Delphi. The oracle's role as advisor to individuals and states is paralleled by Themis' role as advisor to Zeus, and the goddess is explicitly represented as Delphic advisor in the condo of the Codrus Painter's cup in Berlin, 440-430 BC (Fig. 3). The Athenian king Aigeus stands in a temple, indicated by the column and entablature, opposite a female figure, in the guise of a priestess, sitting on a tripod and holding a laurel branch and a phiale in her hands. Iconographically, she is clearly the Pythia, but an inscription identifies her as Themis, the personification of the Pythia's utterances. The version of the Aigeus myth in Euripides' Medea, more or less contemporary with the vase, makes use of the word themis in the context of the oracle: Medea asks 'Is it themis for me to hear what the oracle said?' (676-8). Likewise in Euripides' Orestes (163-5) Elektra refers to the Delphic tripod as that of Themis, making an ironic oxymoron with the, in her view, unjust (adikos) Apollo. Such a Delphic Themis is perhaps also evident in the Tubingen red-figure skyphos of 430-425 BC, on which Themis is shown carrying a torch and a kanoun (tray for offerings), apparently welcoming the newly arrived huntress goddess Bendis to Athens; a plausible interpretation is that Themis is here fulfilling Delphi's traditional role of sanctioning the establishment of a new cult. An explicit association between Delphi and the 'wise-counselling' Themis of the Kypria is made in the scene depicted on a fourth-century pelike from Kertsch by the Eleusinian Painter, where Themis is advising Zeus, perhaps suggesting the Trojan War plan to him, seated on the omphalos.”
 - Worshipping Virtues: Personification and the Divine in Ancient Greece by Emma Stafford 
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sherlokiness · 1 year
"She probably ate 12 grapes that day so she went with the number 12, had she eaten 14 then she would have chosen 14."
Do you really think that was the case?
It's as good as any imo. She literally pulled the number 12 out of her ass. Dany couldn't really have thought that the age one should start to denounce slavery starts at 12, could she? Like they should stop perpetuating slavery of their own. Using her own metric, she would fail. Slit your own throat omg. Girlie was out there using slaves by Illyrio, Drogo, and Qartheen by the age of 11 to 15. She didn't rebel against those people yet expected those Astapori children born in slave society to know better. You could argue she wasn't willing to be part of the slave trade but those 12 year olds didn't ask to be born in that kind of society either. She had them executed just for being in a slave family wether they were actively selling/buying or not. I don't know how directly profitting from slavery doesn't make her technically a slaver. 🔪🔪🔪
Her justice is based on her whims. She punished 163 masters for the crime of killing 163 children. Nobody in good faith could say those exact 163 she had nailed were the ones guilty. It could have also been that she had eaten 12 figs before the battle, not grapes.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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ghostlyplacetobe · 2 years
Prime Numbers(1-600): 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599 There are a total of 109 prime numbers from 1-600. Pucci's 14 Words (Not Racist): Spiral Staircase (らせん階段 Rasen Kaidan) Rhinoceros beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi] Desolation Row (廃墟の街 Haikyo no machi) Fig tart (イチジクのタルト Ichijiku no taruto) Rhinocerous Beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi) Via Dolorosa (ドロローサへの道 Dororōsa e no michi) Rhinocerous Beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi) Singularity point (特異点 Tokuiten) Giotto (ジョット Jotto) Angel (天使エンジェル Enjeru) Hydrangea (紫陽花 Ajisai) Rhinoceros beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi) Singularity point (特異点 Tokuiten) Secret emperor (秘密の皇帝 Himitsu no Kōtei) //////------//////------//////------//////------ What you need is my Stand "The World". What you can find beyond the powers of my Stand is where you need to go in order to find Heaven. What you need is a trustworthy friend. He must be someone capable of controlling his own desires. He must be someone who is not interested in political power, fame, wealth, or sexual desire, and who chooses the will of God before the law of humans. Will I, DIO, be able to meet someone like this one day? What I also need is the lives of more than 36 humans who have sinned, because those who have sinned harbor a strong power within. I'll engrave these words onto my Stand so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is "courage"; I must have the courage to destroy my Stand momentarily. As it disintegrates, my Stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and will give birth to something utterly new. Whatever is born will "awaken". It will show interest in the 14 phrases that my trusted friend will utter... My friend will trust me and I will become his "friend". Lastly, I need an appropriate location. North latitude, 28 degrees, 24 minutes, West longitude 80 degrees, 36 minutes... Go there and wait for the New Moon... That's when Heaven will come.
Very interesting information *consumes it*
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quoteoftheweekblog · 6 months
Firs sentence:
'Maria was ten years old.' (White, 2014, p.1).
On writing:
'Maria's governess was a Miss Brown. She had been appointed by the local Vicar, who was Maria's guardian. Both the Vicar and the Governess were so repulsive that it is difficult to write about them fairly.' (White, 2014, p.3).
On 'Miss Marsham's Repose':
' ... on the island, there was a plastered temple in the shape of a cupola, or rather to give it its proper name, of a monopterion. It was a dome like the top of an egshell, raised on five slender columns, and it was called Mistress Masham's Repose.' (White, 2014, p.6).
On literature:
' ... "The Pilgim's Progress', about which Huckleberry Finn once remarked that "the statements were interesting, but tough".' (White, 2014, pp.22-3). ' "Parents," says the immortal Richard Hughes, who wrote the best book about children that was ever written, "finding that they see through their child in so many places the child does not know of, seldom realize that, if there is some point the child really gives his mind to hiding, their chances are nil." ' (White, 2014, p.163).
On writers:
' "We know that authors suffer from the absent mind." ' (White, 2014, p.29).
On thinking:
' "Think!" cried the Professor, bashing himself on the head with Lewis and Short, which looked as if it could weigh about ten pounds. "Think! Great Powers of Pedantry assist me now!" ' (White, 2014, p.109). 'An hour later the Professor tried to scratch his head, found that the hat was in his way, and wondered why he had put it on. He made several attempts to solve this problem, by free suggestion and self-analysis, finally deciding that he had put it on because he was going out.' (White, 2014, p.199). ' "I believe it is a mistake to make a mock of people, just because they think. There are ninety thousnd people in this world who do not think, for every one who does, and these people hate the thinkers like poison." ' (White, 2014, p.250).
On knowledge:
' ... if you are not a biologist nobody cares a fig for you ... ' (White, 2014, p.120).
On politics:
' " ... this world is run by 'practical' people; that is to say, by people who do not know how to think, have never had any education in thinking, and who do not wish to have it. They get on far better with lies, tub-thumping, swindling, vote-catching, murdering, and the rest of practical politics. So, when a person who can think does come along, to tell them what they are doing wrong, or how to put it right, they have to invent some way of slinging mud at him, for fear of losing their power and being forced to do the right thing. So they always screech out with one accord that the advice of this thinker is 'visionary', 'unpractical', or 'all right in theory'. Then, when they have discredited his piece of truth by the trick of words, they can settle down to blacken his character in other ways at leisure, and they are safe to carry on with the wars and miseries which are the results of practical politics." ' (White, 2014, p.250-51).
White, T. H. (2014 [1946] ) 'Mistress Masham's Repose'. London: Vintage.
0 notes
usafphantom2 · 2 years
84th FIS Convair F-106A Delta Dart 57-2490 by Wing attack Plan R Via Flickr: F-106A-90-CO. C.N. 8-24-73. Last unit: 186th FIS / 120th FIG, Great Falls IAP. Withdrawn from service to AMARC 1 April, 1987 as AA FN0129. Departed AMARC 19 August, 1991 to American Electronic Laboratories, East Alton, IL., converted to QF-106A (AD 163). Shot down by AIM-120 from a Sea Harrier. Photo Credit's: Unknown to me (reprint scan). Photo was taken in 1975, (with bi-centennial marking on speed brake). 84th FIS was stationed at Castle AFB in this time period.
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weightloss431990 · 2 years
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‏‎Calories in all meals and fruits One peach = 40 calories. One plum = 40 calories. Berries 80 grams = 80 calories. Blueberries cup = 83 calories. One pomegranate = 100 calories. One kiwi fruit = 29 calories. One pear = 45 calories. A cup of grapes = 280 calories. Black grapes = 76 calories. Banana is a large fruit = 121 calories. Banana is a small fruit = 117 calories. Orange medium fruit = 62 calories. Orange is a large fruit = 86 calories. One tangerine = 35 calories. 100 grams of strawberries = 35 calories. Green apple = 67 calories. One avocado = 150 calories. Blackberries one fruit = 1 calories. One fig = 47 calories. Dried figs = 288 calories. One lemon = 20 calories. One mango = 47 calories. One cantaloupe = 25 calories. One green olive = 6.8 calories. Watermelon = 28 calories. Red dates = 163 calories. Dried dates = 300 calories. One pineapple = 50 calories. Guava = 65 calories. 1 dried raisin = 5 calories. Fruit salad (1 cup) = 129 calories‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMt2HGN4yK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 4 years
Okay so @modoru-mono brought it to my attention that the English translation of Franz Kugler's Geschichte Friedrichs des Großen that I own is based on a later edition than the German edition digitized by Trier University which means it has a couple different Menzel engravings than the ones we all know and love!
So, for convenience, I cross referenced my copy and the Trier digitization and scanned the new images. Enjoy!
Opening credits:
My copy actually doesn't have any of the illustrations shown on the Trier scan, instead it has these two (which aren't in the Trier scan):
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Chapter IV: Disunion between Father and Son:
Two new engravings for this chapter!
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Countess Orzelska leading Fritz out of the dance hall at the Dresden Carnival. Placed between p. 34, fig. 2 and p. 38, fig. 1
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Augustus the Strong presenting a nude woman to Friedrich Wilhelm and Fritz. Placed a page after the one with Orzelska but before p. 38, fig. 1
Chapter XI: Residence in Rheinsberg:
This one's weird. Technically there's no new engravings with new subject matter, just an updated version of the same engraving. The Trier version is on the left while my book's engraving is on the right:
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It's a hand holding Fritz's Anti-Machiavel up to a bust of Machiavelli. Wonder why it's different...
Chapter XV: Campaign of the Year 1741
Two for this chapter
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We have the first of a couple of atmospheric engravings added into this edition. The accompanying text on this page is about March-April during the 1741 campaigns to capture fortresses in Silesia and the heavy snow that fell that spring. This one's between p. 163, fig. 2 and p. 165, fig. 1
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Next is this one! Prussian-Austrian negotiations ended the first Silesian war with Austria conceding Lower Silesia to Prussia. The engraving shows the Prussian celebration for this victory, the phrase "Suum Cuique" (roughly "to each his own") being the motto of the Prussian Order of the Black Eagle. This one's that last engraving of the chapter, after p. 154, fig. 1 but before the next chapter.
Chapter XIX: Campaign of the Year 1745
This one only has one.
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Another atmospheric one. It's the final image in the chapter, showing the mountains Frederick and his army marched through to get to Silesia after their victory at the battle of Soor. Again, it's the very last image in this chapter, right after p. 191, fig. 1 and all the text, right before the next chapter.
Chapter XXVIII: Conclusion of the Campaign of 1757. Leuthen
Last one!
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Aaand another atmosphere one! This one's from the Battle of Leuthen, depicting the dense fog over the battlefield. This is between p. 300, fig. 1 and p. 302, fig. 1
And that's it! The rest of the engravings are the same as the Trier University digitization!
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wikioftheweek · 3 years
List of Baby Geniuses Wiki of the Week Articles
0 Baby Geniuses
1 ASMR (unofficially; did not have a Wikipedia page at the time)
2 Fan death
3 Figging
4 Schmidt sting pain index
5 Bald-hairy
6 Mary Toft
7 Jenkem
8 Polyphasic sleep (now redirects to Biphasic and polyphasic sleep)
9 James Randi Educational Foundation
10 List of unusual deaths
11 Koro (medicine)
12 List of common misconceptions
13 Mojave phone booth
14 Action Park
15 Witzelsucht
16 Krampus and Zwarte Piet (Black Peter)
17 Scratch and sniff
18 Bummer and Lazarus
19 Jeanne Calment
20 Nickelodeon toys
21 Daggering
22 List of sexually active popes
23 Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
24 Emperor Norton
25 Paris syndrome
26 ALF (TV series)
27 Fossil word
28 Spite house
29 Women in piracy
30 Art competitions at the Summer Olympics
31 List of animals with fraudulent diplomas (now redirects to List of animals awarded human credentials)
32 Prostitution among animals
33 Tenderoni
34 My Way killings
35 Mike the Headless Chicken
36 List of inventors killed by their own inventions
37 Inedia
38 (Episode does not exist)
39 Tarrare
40 Sweater curse
41 Death from laughter
42 Dude
43 List of people claimed to be Jesus
44 Lucy the Elephant
45 How to keep chickens from eating their own eggs (Wikihow article)
46 List of nicknames used by George W. Bush
47 Cryptozoology
48 Bob the Railway Dog
49 Magic Castle (discussed very briefly)
50 Wartime cross-dressers
51 Streisand effect
52 Self-cannibalism
53 Sex in space
54 Other World Kingdom
55 Death erection
56 Taboo food and drink (now redirects to Food and drink prohibitions)
57 (no Wiki of the Week)
58 Florence Foster Jenkins
59 Kentucky meat shower
60 Susunu! Denpa Shonen
61 Felix Moncla
62 Walter Jackson Freeman II
63 You're So Vain
64 McDonald's urban legends
65 List of paraphilias
66 Hedy Lamarr
67 Last meal
68 Hatoful Boyfriend
69 United States presidential pets
70 Maginot Line
71 Finnish profanity
72 McArthur Wheeler (now redirects to Dunning-Kruger Effect)
73 List of unusual deaths
74 GamerGate Controversy
75 Scaphism
76 Dancing mania
77 Non-English Versions of The Simpsons
78 Fart proudly
79 List of humorous units of measurement
80 Rumpology
81 Takanakuy
82 White Day
83 Max Headroom signal hijacking
84 Cymothoa exigua
85 Ganguro
86 Reborn doll
87 Drukpa Kunley
88 Crush, Texas (now redirects to Crash at Crush)
89 Cotard delusion
90 Why did the chicken cross the road?
91 Berners St hoax
92 Evander Berry Wall
93 Premastication
94 List of objects that have gone over Niagara Falls (now redirects to List of people who have gone over Niagara Falls)
95 Largest body part
96 You can't have your cake and eat it
97 Urine therapy
98 Oak Island mystery
99 Fearsome critters
100 Swan dress
101 List of selfie-related injuries and deaths
102 Potoooooooo
103 Julie d'Aubigny
104 (no Wiki of the Week)
105 Gavle goat
106 William Hale Thompson
107 List of Olympic mascots
108 Walter Lingo
109 Pam Reynolds case
110 Smigus-Dyngus (Dyngus Day)
111 Tio de Nadal
112 June and Jennifer Gibbons
113 Hairy Hands
114 Sunshower
115 Hypoalgesic effect of swearing
116 Lloyd's of London
117 Struwwelpeter
118 Haru Urara
119 Anti-Barney humor
120 Hundeprutterrutchbane
121 Accidental damage of art
122 Lisa Nowak
123 Tilberi
124 Hair of the dog
125 Bill Clinton Haircut Controversy (now redirects to Public Image of Bill Clinton section Haircutgate)
126 Penis captivus
127 Candle salad
128/129 Responses to sneezing
130 Gef
131 Melon heads
132 Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
133 Telling the bees
134 Kappa (folklore)
135 Shrek (sheep)
136 Concealed shoes
137 Highgate vampire
138 Zozobra
139 Dirty blues
140 Office assistant (also known as Clippy)
141 Virgin boy egg
142 Fartons
143 Balloonfest '86
144 Lapland New Forest
145 Curse of the colonel
146 Squatting position: Hunkerin' (section no longer exists)
147 Margaret Howe Lovatt
148 Cobra effect (now redirects to Perverse Incentive)
149 Frozen Dead Guy Days
150 Republic of Molossia
151 List of premature obituaries
152 Athletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics - Men's Marathon
153 Agnodice
154 The Most Unwanted Song
155 Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
156 Death during consensual sex
157 Catalan mythology about witches
158 List of gestures
159 Clamato
160 Each-uisge (water horse)
161 Flatulence humor
162 Mariko Aoki Phenomenon
163 Goofy
164 Chicken eyeglasses
165 Mozart and scatology
166 Ming of harlem
167 Twelve Tribes Communities
168 Andree's Arctic Balloon Expedition
169 Joey Skaggs
170 Amy Bock
171 Greenland shark
172 Mabel Stark
173 Person
174 Wikipedia:Long-Term Abuse/List
175 Dhinga Gavar
176 Skunks as pets
177 J. I. Rodale
178 Witch bottle
179 List of U.S. Presidential campaign slogans
180 Bernd das Brot
181 George Tirebiter
182 Lloyds Bank coprolite
183 Tama (cat)
184 Wizard of New Zealand
185 Learned pig
186 Miss Baker
187 Forty Elephants
188 Sheela Na Gig
189 Planetary mnemonic
190 Seedfeeder
191 John Titor
192 Lek mating
193 Roar (film)
194 Acoustic Kitty and JD & The Straight Shot
195 Soucouyant
196 Trash talk and Flyting
197 Mannekin Pis
198 Curse tablet
199 Dancing Baby
200 Cassie Chadwick
201 Serge Voronoff
202 Groom of the Stool
203 Safety coffin
204 Table manners
205 Tempest prognosticator
206 Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples
207 Icelandic Christmas folklore
208 Guy Goma
209 Extreme ironing
210 Victor Lustig
211 Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos
212 El Gran Juego de la Oca
213 Long-time nuclear waste warning messages
214 The Mad Pooper
215 Nim Chimpsky
216 Bridey Murphey
217 Grunge speak
218 WWF Brawl for All
219 Elizabeth Klarer
220 The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars
221 Top euphemisms for "period" by language (not a Wikipedia page)
222 Tristan da Cunha
223 Nils Olav
224 Giulia Tofana
225 Alvin "Shipwreck" Kelly
226 Egg War
227 List of sandwiches
228 Mr. Blobby
229 Robert Coates (actor)
230 Crime in Antarctica
231 Worm charming
232 McDonald's Characters (now redirects to McDonaldland)
233 Kitty Fisher
234 Jimmy Carter Rabbit Incident and Puzzle jug
235 Fascinus
236 Computer rage
237 Nutty Narrows Bridge
238 Australia's Big Things
239 Billiken
240 Loveland Frog
241 List of CB slang
242 Salmon chaos
243 Great Michigan Pizza Funeral
244 Dustin the Turkey
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kerblackthorn · 4 years
A Rite to Brew Ensorcelled Water
In the Shakespearean Folger library, the summation of which makes up "The Book of Oberon", words of power are described which Adam spoke in Paradise to speak with different nonhuman creatures. The text explains:
“Here followeth the names of Semoferas which God gave to Adam in Paradise, in which be four letters compared and likened to the four parts of the world, to the four elements…” (Harms, Daniel, James R. Clark, and Joseph H. Peterson, eds. The Book of Oberon: A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2016 pg. 163, Folger V.B.26).
The original grimoire says that “Adam spake” with many different creatures by use of these words, meaning that these words open up channels of communication between nonhuman entities. The revelation of the truth of animism may be accomplished through these words... I began to glean and draw from parts which I had success with fifteen years ago, including using the following “Semoferas” words some ten years ago or so.
Without further ado, this is the rite that causes the Water necessary for ritual baptism and all other manner of sorceries concerning such Water to be created. For spells which bring a Poppet to life or grant initiation, harvest a local herb that is known to be an herb of beginning: good trees to look out for include Aspen, Birch, Myrtle, Fig, Orange, Apple, or Peach. These trees are womb-like, nurturing and fiery.
To put yourself in contact with the Otherworld for works of sorcery, look to harvest Acacia, Ash, Maple, Oak, Rowan, Pine, or Willow. For protection, Cypress and Juniper trees are best when dealing with a malevolent spirit, as are herbs from the Salvia family, the Sage species, for cleansing. Whatever you pick, it must be local to you.
I usually use Aspen or Birch for workings of birth, Oak or Pine for workings of typical sorcery and Otherworld contact, and Juniper for protection. All of these trees grow in my yard. I also love to use Rowan, but it is scarce in the Forest near me, so I use it sparingly.
I also take my water source into consideration, preferring snow melt, river, or storm water to purified water, and putting a crystal charged by the last Full Moon (and stored covered) into the water after cooling just as the Cherokee priests and Irish seers did long ago when making their own distinct forms of "holy water".
Without using metal to harvest and without setting down the plant parts to touch the ground, take a little bark and/or some leaves while saying these words:
“Liaham, Lialgana, Liafar, Vialurab, Lelara, Lebaron, Laasalilas. The Hand of the Banebdjedet is plucking you, dryad of this (_____) tree [or “nymph of this (_____) herb” or “anthousai of this (_____) flower”]: that you would not withdraw the essence of yourself which I pluck from your body, but rather bless my sorcerous work. Here is a blessing for your aid”,
and at that, drop some clotted cream, honey, or other mixture that is not harmful to the body of the plant upon the ground at the roots. Any time you use a plant in sorcery, you must say these words.
Next, boil some water, and as it is boiling, say these words to the water:
“Letamynyn, Letaglogen, Letafyryn, Babaganarityn, Letarimitim, Letagelogrim, Letafatazin. Mastriss Phorbas whispers to you, blessed nixie: become clean and pure and dissolve the essence of this (_____). The Hand of Noumios Luterios is offering this herb to you that you may give (newness and purity/the blessing and favor of the Good Neighbors/protection and cleansing) to whatever you touch”,
and then, you drop the herb into the water to boil. Any time you are addressing a spirit within an elemental object, those words may be used to clear the way of communication. What I mean is that whenever you are addressing rivers, stones, or fires for the purpose of sorcery, even if it is to take a stone and leave a small offering in exchange or some other small thing, those archaic barbarous words should be used before stating your intentions and your exchange. Once cool, the Ensorcelled Water is complete.
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” Preparation Files Part 1
Three weeks before First Class…..
Dr. Evans walks down the corridor just finishing the response meeting from the other council members eager to tell her colleagues the news. She walks into the office of Senior Researcher Wolfshire where the beastie researcher and armored Agent Ravencroft had been waiting. “Well how’d it go?” “C'mon don’t keep us in suspense” the agent and researcher said looking at the O5. “I’m sorry Jordan and Embo” Dr. Evans said in a deceitfully somber tone, the beastie researcher sighed then started saying “Its okay Anne, I fig-” before getting cut off “That we're gonna have to go on overtime cause the proposal got approved!” Dr. Evans exclaimed. The room's atmosphere quickly shifted from suspense to disappointment to jovial as Jordan pulled Anne and Embo in for a bear hug. “Jordan I understand you're excited but could-” Dr. Evans said before being cut off by a tighter squeeze, this went on for ten more seconds before Embo said “Girl you're crushing us we can’t breathe!” Researcher Wolfshire released them from her clutches before putting her head down in embarrassment. “Sorry guys, let my strength get the better of me, I’m just so happy right now” “I am to Jordan” “Me too beast woman” Wolfshire half jokingly growled at Ravencroft’s response, she hated but liked the nickname he gave her.
“Okay so what now O5-3?” Embo said to refocus the trio, “Well now comes the prepping, I had already put in the transfer orders for some of the students and will put in the rest two weeks after the letters are sent. In the meantime Embo what's the progress of the students equipment?” Dr. Evans said switching her demeanor from casual to professional. “The prototypes are ready ma’am Wolfshire and I just need access to certain SCPs to test them” Agent Ravencroft stated before Wolfshire continued “We would like to use SCPs 096 and 173 to test 5000-B1, 513 to test 5000-B2, 163 to test 5000-B3, and lastly 1504 to test 5000-B4.” “Good I’ll get you the greenlight for use of SCPs 096, 173, and 513 for the experiments after which Embo” Dr. Evans said “Yes ma’am?” Agent Ravencroft responded “You’ll head to Site 62 in Newfoundland to visit SCP 163, in the meantime Jordan?” “Yeah Anne?” “I got you approved to use one of your D-Class on SCP 738” “Thank you Anne” Researcher Wolfshire said with gratitude.
“Alright you have your orders, I’ll head back to my office to fill out the paperwork while you two get busy, let's go team.” Dr. Evans said before departing as Senior Researcher Wolfshire and Agent Ravencroft got busy on their parts. Upon reaching her office Anne started to type, going through the necessary bureaucracy of the foundation’s process.
Use of SCP 096 and SCP 173 for testing 5000-B1? APPROVED
Use of SCP 513 for testing 5000-B2? APPROVED
Agent Ravencroft proceeding contact with SCP 163 for test 5000-B3? APPROVED
Dr. Evans and Senior Researcher Wolfshire using 5000-B4 on SCP 1504? APPROVED
Anne went on like this for a while until a certain experimentation file appeared once again on her desktop, it was a file she was hesitant to accept or decline so once again she chose the third option.
Use of SCP 040, SCP 2295, a full grown swine, and an Asian elephant for experimentation on SCP 321? Still Pending
To be continued...
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