#Fiero Elena of Avalor
lilacthebooklover · 1 year
We Made a Quiz >:]
Which Elena Of Avalor Character Are You? (buzzfeed.com)
Find out. Tell us (@charismabee and I). We must know.
Have fun! <3
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tale-of-two-queens · 1 year
Must be tough
First and foremost, this is not a ship. I don't ship them and I doubt that I ever will, these are just the adults having a normal conversations like any person would do.
As for context, I don't want to spoil too much about the events being worked into progress, but they are in the Northern Islands in a sorta house imprisonment but not an actual arrest. There is a brief moment where Fiero almost get his tamborita confiscated by the Caspian (Who is a political figure in the Northern Islands) but was given it back when Caspian realized that he was a wizard and his Avalorian magic counter reacted with the Northern Island magic when Fiero was given a wand instead (as Caspian intended to examine the tamborita, since he studies magic) The tamborita is returned but they are under a spell that prevents them to leave more than 10 feet from the palace(and Sokushi explicitly denied Shuriki the use of a wand)
Also, they have more casual clothing because....because I just wanted them to expand their wardrobe. I tried my best to put them in something that still stays true to their character in some way.
So, the two eventually find a spot while they planned their escape, before the conversation turns about magic usage (Right after Fiero hit Shuriki's ego hard enough o get her to stop her self-indulging shenanigans) so Fiero does explain a bit about how his inheritant Avalorian magic reacts differently to the Northern Island magic, due to being part of different branches of magic. This also gets into a softer side of Shuriki (not redeeming her, but rather showing she's a human) as she expresses a bit of a similar experience saying that her magic never fully bonded due to not being a form Avalor, before diving into her frustrations with magic in general as she had so much pressure to reach the same level as her siblings (who had a pretty good balanced dominion over Northern Island and Satu magic), so that added into self-esteem issues and self-worth + she was one of the rare cases of a sorceress who was rejected by familiars or never got one (She actually inherited this from her mother) So, in a small moment of ""bonding"" (as the two will have a platonic relationship that is close to friends but they aren't) they got into a small descent moment together
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colored Sketch without the effect
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Note that I don't intend to redeem any of them, but I do believe they are capable of forming healthy relationships without betrayal. They still want to get revenge and do evil deeds, but after all as evil as they are still human with emotions (+ I will make clear that Shuriki's evil because of her actions and NOT because she has NPD. NPD has a lot of negative stereotypes and I very much intend to step away from them)
I might draw them together studying magic or talking about Crystal magic (as Shuriki does seem to know a bit about it, so I headcannon that growing up it was always something that interested her). You know, the usual let this two be...well a Wizard and a Sorceress for once XD
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Anyways, I headcanon that Victor demanded Shuriki made him and Esteban malvagos during his reign to ensure their position of power, but this actively went against Shuriki’s ban on magic save for her own, and his frequent demands made her realize she was a threat so she banished him and his family whilst Esteban remained because he was already too scared of what Shuriki would do.
And when he found Shuriki in the forest, he knew that he could strike a deal with her to become a wizard without the threat of banishment, which they did, but both of them planned on betraying the other once they took down Elena.
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notmoreflippingelves · 10 months
Hi! I just read your post about Mateo recently. If I may, can you give me any specific instances in the narrative of the show where Mateo isn’t called out as heavily as they should have? I’m just curious?
During the Shuriki returns arc in particular, Mateo makes some pretty glaring mistakes that I feel like he should've gotten much more flack for (and based on what we see elsewhere in canon, I feel pretty confident that if Gabe, Naomi, Isa, or Esteban at least --and possibly even Elena-- had made these mistakes, they wouldn't have been swept under the rug nearly as quickly as they were for Mateo).
While it's unfair to completely blame Mateo for Carla's manipulating him during the "Rita" arc, I feel like it's reasonable to hold him a *bit* accountable. He did after all blab highly confidential information (on more than one occasion) to try and impress a pretty girl with how clever and important he was. (Something tells me that if any of the others had done likewise, they would've been called out for it. But because it's "beloved" Mateo, we don't even get "wait, you told Rita how to get into your workshop? And you've known her for only a few weeks? What were you thinking, Mateo?") Moreover, he never even apologizes for this or promises to do better/be more careful with such important, sensitive information in the future.
Even more aggravating is his behavior in "The Scepter of Night." Mateo is so eager to play the hero and claim all the glory for himself that he twice (!) disobeys a direct order/abandons the plan and goes looking for the scepter piece on his own. This directly leads to Fiero and Victor finding the scepter piece and (temporarily) stealing it. And it's really only due to luck and very conveniently-timed infighting amongst Shuriki's allies that Elena and co. are able to get the scepter piece back. While Mateo does receive some (brief) criticism, it's nowhere near the level that it should be.
Also noteworthy Elena doesn't really get particularly "mad" at him (especially considering how angry we see her get at other characters even for more minor things) . She's not truly, actually angry at Mateo (and Gabe and Naomi are only a bit angrier); she's just a little frustrated and disappointed at him in the moment. And apart from a (very short) little "do better next time" speech, Mateo doesn't face any real consequences or lingering resentment unlike other characters who do.
When Isa obeys direct orders in "Sister of Invention," she has to face consequences (Elena grounding her). Similarly, Elena holds a grudge against Esteban for days (if not weeks) after he interfered with the Feast of Friendship (a much lower stakes mistake than Mateo's imo). Moreover, it's possible to interpret Esteban's staying behind in Avalor when the others go to see the Norberg Lights as a punishment (either self-inflicted or imposed by Elena) for his actions in the previous episode.
In contrast, Mateo just gets a brief "I expected better from you" speech from Elena and Gabe jokingly assigning him push-ups as punishment (which he immediately takes back when Mateo tries to do them). I'll give Mateo a little bit of credit for actually apologizing this time (which he doesn't always do). But it's still frustrating that everyone is so ready to forgive and forget Mateo's missteps immediately while this same courtesy is seldom shown to others.
I think it's worth directly comparing a few Mateo-centric episodes with a few more similar ones that focus on other characters so that we can see how there does seem to be a noted narrative bias in his favor compared to the others.
Let's start with two "feeling kind of insecure" episodes: "Spellbound" for Mateo vs. "Naomi Knows Best" for Naomi. In the former, Mateo expresses doubt that he's capable of rising to the occasion as royal wizard. No one (except Gabe and he gets over it by the end of the episode) blames him for not having reached his full level of confidence and potential right away and not being able to immediately solve the problem. And Elena in particular (and by extension the narrative) gives him so much validation and support. Whereas in "Naomi Knows Best" (and to a lesser extent "Finders Leapers" and the "Carla-as-Rita" arc as well) the narrative "punishes" Naomi for her feelings of self-doubt. We're told that *if only* Naomi had trusted her gut instincts and stood her ground right away, Elena and co would not fallen right into the trap and that Naomi needs to screw her head back on straight and embrace confidence ASAP to fix her mistake.
When Mateo feels insecure, the narrative gives him every reassurance about how capable and special he is, that he can learn at his own pace, and his insecurity isn't really such a problem after all. When Naomi feels insecure, the narrative encourages her to get over her doubts as quickly as possible because unlike with Mateo, there's "no time" for her to wallow in self-doubt and actually the fact that she even had said doubt in the first place is what "caused" the disaster.
On a slightly different note, Naomi is also called out for taking a little free, fun time for herself in "The Last Laugh" when the group needs her, and yet somehow I have a feeling that Mateo would've been allowed to take a day off if he wanted without any protest. He complains about long hours in "Movin' on Up" and Elena gives him the big royal wizard's chambers for him to relax and unwind in. Naomi asks for one (1) day off to spend with her childhood friend for her birthday , and suddenly it's big drama. (And at the time, Naomi asked for said day off, all Elena needed from her was help doing paperwork. The Team Ash stuff came up unexpectedly.)
Similarly whenever Gabe and Mateo get their little rivalry on ("Spellbound," "Party of a Lifetime," "Captain Mateo" and a few other examples) , the narrative either presents them as equally at fault or Mateo as the only one in the right.
When Gabe brings in Bronzino to train the Royal Guards in magic, it's specifically because Mateo failed to explain how and why he was training the guards in the way he was. If he'd just explained how they were going apply the seemingly basic exercise they were doing to real magic, Gabe likely would've allowed Mateo to continue the training at his own pace.
(Also like. it's super hypocritical imo for Mateo to get annoyed at Gabe feeling impatient/impulsive about their apparent-lack-of progress when Mateo himself is easily the second most impulsive character in the show after Elena.) Mateo feels entitled to keep important information to himself (or blab it to a cute girl he barely knows) even when its no one else's best interest. He's only okay with being "cautious and patient" when he specifically is the one setting the pace. And yet, Gabe is the only one who is called out for his behavior in this episode--even though he might not have acted as he did if only Mateo had trusted him and the guards with an explanation in the first place.
And then there's just a few other "dude not cool" little moments that never really get acknowledged/Mateo never apologizes for. For instance, there a two low-key terrifying Mateo moments in "Captain Mateo" that are not only not acknowledged but are also framed in context as Mateo being just "so funny and quirky". Near the end of "Should be in Charge," Mateo magically gags Gabe so he can't protest anymore about Mateo taking over as leader of the mission. And this is after having already enchanted one of the stationary suits of armor to come to life and fight Gabe. (Gabe admittedly does lightly shove Mateo out of the way during his parts of the song, but that's still a far cry from literally drawing a sword on Mateo as Mateo does via magic to Gabe.)
It's played for laughs (The Grand Council is just smiling happily in the background throughout the scene which is so yikes), so it's easy to overlook what's actually happening. Frankly, it's pretty horrifying that Mateo's natural instinct upon his experience/authority being questioned is to literally attack and then silence. (And attack and silence someone who is supposed to be one of his best friends and closest allies at that!)
Rather than the narrative acknowledging that maybe it's a bad idea to immediately grant power to someone to someone who is so retaliatory against fairly minor criticism, the Grand Council just gives Mateo exactly what he wants and doesn't even offer a "maybe next time, let's not gag or attack our friends, okay?" alongside it. I mean sure Mateo does step down as captain at the end of the episode, but it's very specifically presented as his and Gabe's voluntary choice and not an order from Elena/the Council.
#elena of avalor#eoa salt#it's not mateo that bothers me so much; it's the double standard that nearly every other character is held to while he is not#gabe is the only one who ever seems to call mateo out on his shit regularly#and most of the time; it's framed as petty jealousy and/or gabe being unreasonable#even when gabe is the one talking sense#i feel like i've heard that mateo is one of the writers' faves and dang does it SHOW!#we were owed a dark mateo arc tbh#mateo thinks he's the next alacazar but I don' think it would be all that hard to turn him into the next fiero instead#it writes itself and honestly i would've liked him more that way#instead of just presenting him is as the specialest; cutest; quirkiest magical boy instead#let him go dark for a short time before realizing his mistakes and then have to work hard for everyone's forgiveness#esteban has to sacrifice his life in order to earn forgiveness for an (admittedly huge) mistake he made 40+ years ago#yet it's apparently too much for mateo to get more than the mildest rebuke over a (also big) mistake he made less than an hour ago?#also like whenever esteban or gabe are really proud/cocky or naomi gets single-episode acquired situational narcissism in “my fair naomi”#the narrative absolutely punishes them for it#whereas mateo is free to be as over-confident and braggy and vain as he wants and seldom gets called out on it#because i guess he's genuinely as 'cool and special' as he claims so he deserves the right to brag?#whereas the others' apparently aren't and don't?#anti mateo de alva
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Elena of Avalor is a really solid show. There are like, almost no flaws in the narrative that I can find, and the ones I DO find are all minor and don't really effect it in the grand scheme of things, which is really impressive!!! But if I have one major complaint, it's with how the show handles it's magic system.
Not counting any contradictions between EoA and StF, the lore isn't so much inconsistent as it is vague. There's a lot I wish they elaborated on, mostly about Elena's powers, that they just didn't. So here's a bulleted list of all the things I wish got dug into a little deeper :D
The difference between normal wizards and malvagos. All we get on that front is that malvagos use dark magic that wizards are incapable of using? And that you become one by getting a spell cast on you??? And they have animal motifs?????? Like wtf is up with that.
How much magic Elena gained from being in the amulet. She was literally marinating in magical juices for 41 years, which you'd think would have deeper effects then just seeing ghosts and being able to use a cool scepter??? But she doesn't get any powers independent of magical objects until Takaìna, which is kinda weird and leads into my next point...
How the magic Elena gained from the amulet effected the magic she gained from Takaìna!!! Obviously Takaìna is a MUCH more powerful source of magical radiation then the necklace, so falling into that gives you more magic, but did the stuff Elena got from the well just get added on to her amulet magic? Did it enhance the already present magic?
Also, how does Takaìna even work? Is it like radiation but not deadly? Does falling into a well full of crystals hurt? Because I bet that would fuckin hurt. Why does falling into a well of crystals even give you, or the stick you're holding, powers in the first place? Does it actually even GIVE humans inherent powers or does it just give them the ability to use magical items? Is Elena's DRESS the actual source of her mood magic??? I mean we never see her use the mood magic WITHOUT her color changing dress so like-
On an unrelated note, why is Zuzo the only chanul Elena sees consistently? Is it because he's her chanul? Is it because she's just coincidentally never in the same room as anybody else's? Given how chanul's powers work being pretty similar to the way spirits come to the living world on Dia De Los Muertos you'de think she'd be able to see all chanuls all the time. Also cAN ESTEBAN SEE GHOSTS TO???? LITERALLY WHY HAVEN'T I SEEN ANYBODY EXPLORE THAT POSSIBLITY THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE-
How the fuck does the Scepter of Light work? Elena's the only person who can use it at the beginning of the series, and up until the Scepter of Night is introduced I just kind of assume it was because the amulet gave her a Very Special type of magic. But then Shuriki uses the Scepter of Night with no issues whatsoever???? What's her source of inherent magic??????? And then ASH can KIND OF USE THE SCEPTER OF LIGHT????? IS IT BECAUSE MALVAGOS HAVE INHERENT MAGIC IN THERE SOMEWHERE?????? BUT THEN ELENA SAYS IT ONLY RESPONDS TO GOOD MAGIC WHICH IS CONFUSING BECAUSE I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT AT LEAST ELENA'S MAGIC WAS PRETTY NEUTRAL!!! THEN ESTEBAN CAN'T USE IT UNTIL HE SWITCHES SIDES BUT WHY???? WHAT MAKES MAGIC GOOD VS EVIL!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?
Okay this one's kind of just a nitpick but there are several spells that just. Do the same thing. Like the turn somebody upside-down spell is just Levaluke with extra steps 💀
Why is Esteban's hair like that after he falls in the well? We know it isn't stuck like that forever because he manages to get it under control during the coronation. Is making the users hair stick up his staff's version of the scepter glowing to signify somebody can use it? If so WE WERE ROBBED OF ELENA'S HAIR STICKING UP LIKE THAT IN THE FINALE THAT WOULD'VE BEEN SO FUCKING FUNNY-
Okay those are all the things I can think of right now. Tbh I'm kind of just posting this to open up a discussion? I wanna rally together what little is left of this fandom to try and piece together a coherent magic system!!! It's what this show deserves!!!!!!!!/pos
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glorytoukraine2022 · 1 year
An under appreciated villain
In the world of Elena of Avalor, we are introduced to many interesting villains throughout the series. Whether they are easily reformable characters who were never evil, just misguided, such as Victor and Carla, or truly cruel and evil people, such as Shuriki and Ash, who you despise as people, yet respect and appreciate them as villains all the same.-
However, there is one EOA villain that I feel does not get enough appreciation: Fiero.
I believe that a big part of the reason for this is because for most of Fiero’s appearances throughout the show, he was subordinate to Shuriki, and was turned back into a statue in “Song of the Sirenas” and never seen again.
Yet for the time we did see him, he proved himself to be a powerful Malvago, turning an entire ballroom to stone and has a vast knowledge of dark magic, seeing as he instructed Shuriki in learning how to use the Scepter of Night.
He is also shrewd and cunning. He knows how to maneuver people in the way he wants them to in order to achieve his goals, as shown when he turned everyone at Mateo’s ceremony into stone, knowing that undoing the spell would require finding the Codex Maru. Fiero is a planner. As early as “Rise of the Sorceress”, he takes the information from the codex on the Scepter of Night, knowing that they would needed a weapon of equal strength to Elena and immediately takes charge in planning Team Shuriki’s next steps. In “The Scepter of Night” he immediately comes up with a plan to have Mateo lead him right to it, while everybody else is distracted by Shuriki and the Delgados. The plan probably would have been successful had Victor not gotten in the way at the time.
I can’t help but feel that being a subordinate of Shuriki really limited Fiero’s full potential. He is magically powerful enough to serve as a challenge, while also having a sharp intellect that enables him to plan and outsmart the heroes. If he can be this devious while working under Shuriki, he would be deadly as a main villain.
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Gabe puts himself together and makes a list.
Fandom: Elena of Avalor
Characters: Gabriel Nuñez, others mentioned
Other: rundown of basically the whole show, angst, no happy ending, no resolution, monologue
Word count: 1086
Gabe rubbed the coarse towel on his head, ruffling his still wet hair. He felt a little lighter now, calmer, like he could finally start putting his thoughts in order.
It all started four years ago already. He should've taken a hint when he let himself and Isabel be kidnapped on his very first day on the job. And not long after he let Fiero in to that party where he turned everybody into stone, and then almost made it impossible for Elena to defeat Orizaba, when she first discovered her scepter's powers. He didn't really shine that first year of his service.
He froze for a moment when he realised what he just said sounded like a pun. He pinched the bridge of his nose in shame. He really needed to take a break from both Mateo and Elena.
His most embarrassing failure to this day though, was probably taking El Guapo's sword back when he was competing for his post. It was selfish, it was dangerous, it was breaking the law - and it was just so stupid. And the worst part was that during those two days when Guapo was possessing his body, there were moments when he didn't want him gone. There were moments where he was glad - delighted - that he was stronger, he was faster, he was more confident, and just how difficult it was to decide to actually use Mateo's cure. There were moments back then when he finally felt like a true knight.
His gaze absentmindedly went to the training dummy set aside in the corner and felt the fresh abrasions on his knuckles burn. Nowadays he often wondered if he wasn't too similar to the cursed general. If maybe Mateo's potion didn't work completely and some part of the ghost was left in him. But he always quickly abandoned these thoughts.
His first year as captain wasn't much better than as a lieutenant. He didn't notice anything off about Rita for the weeks that she's been around. He was just as fooled as Mateo and just as dismissive to Naomi as Elena's been. And then he even let Shuriki herself into the palace. Shuriki. The one worst nightmare Avalor had to face in the past half a century and he didn't even notice though he might've passed her himself in the crowd. That would be it, in terms of his security skills.
He reached for his uniform that he's left on the chair earlier and slowly took to buttoning it up.
And what followed - oh stars, what followed. In the weeks after Shuriki returned they all - he, Naomi, Elena, Mateo, even Isa - they all could've died a thousand times over. And during all of that. He. Was. Useless. He lost the scepter piece to Shuriki, he couldn't help Isa when Shuriki set the tower on fire. Magic fire. And he was powerless against magic, against wizards, against scepters.
He squeezed the comb in his hand until its teeth painfully drove into his palm. He took a few breaths in and out before he turned to the mirror.
Then of course he got captured by Fiero during the battle of Nueva Vista and let the Delgados escape. And if he wasn't good at keeping criminals away, he was even worse at finding them. He spent what? Three months? Four? Chasing Delgados all throughout the country, combing through every inch of the jungle and every abandoned house and he would've never found them if they didn't reveal themselves. Not to mention that he couldn't capture them even when they basically served themselves on a silver platter.
He took the report from his desk and skimmed the even lines of text one last time. He let out a sigh before putting it in a file.
He seemed to be getting worse at his job actually. They had them all imprisoned, even the ex chancellor when he turned out to be a criminal too. And finally everything seemed to be over, everything seemed to be well and almost too good to be true. Well, it was definitely too good to last. He let his guard down, he allowed himself a moment to relax and those dangerous criminals escaped, again. And again on his watch. And he wasn't even able to catch Ash and Esteban despite being right behind them. He wouldn't have caught the other two if one of them didn't get turned to stone and the other gave up.
He stopped for a moment before the mirror to make sure he looked presentable. He took a few deep breaths, unfurrowed his brows. He already had to explain himself of one thing, he didn't need any extra attention to his shortcomings.
Doña Paloma's words stung when he heard them, of course. It hurt even more knowing that two of his friends agree with her. But what was probably the worst was that deep down he knew she was right. Why was he still leading the guard? And how long was he still going to? He now saw that the moment someone more skilled, more competent came along, he was going to lose his position. He was replaceable.
He controlled his pace through the palace corridors, even though he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. He answered with a nod to a salute, when he passes the guard posted before the treasury.
But that's why he was taking action. There were enough fights where he was knocked out, his sword cast away and he was simply useless. But he was going to do better. He had a plan now he just- he just can't make such stupid mistakes as he did today. He has to do better.
He raised his head high as he reached with fist towards the door and took one last deep breath.
Was it really so bad that he finally wanted to show what he's worth?
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Dreamcatcher - When Elena’s dreams magically start coming to life, she must confront the underlying feelings causing them.
Rise of the Sorceress - Elena comes face-to-face with Shuriki in a magical battle and the evil wizard, Fiero, returns to join Shuriki on her quest to retake control over Avalor.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
Who are your favorite writers in the eoa fandom? Why?
So first off @lostbutterflyutau is amazing at romance and angst and nsfw all wrapped in one. She has a great way of expressing emotions so you feel like you’re on the emotional roller coaster with the characters. She’s excellent in character work, especially Carla.
@halloweennut does an amazing job with her Convergence fic. Not only in integrating her OCs and creating a lavish new kingdom but also in exploring tough topics and more Esteban depth.
@lieutenant-amuel goes back to Gabe’s past in a great fic that reminds me of those old Victorian ensemble fics. You know the one where you not only follow the main character, but also the lives of everyone else there to create a really multi dimensional view of Avalor and other kingdoms before Elena’s return.
There’s also @ograndebatata with his awesome Au of Fiero’s life that is at parts angsty, moving and again, emotional roller coaster.
Those are just a few still on tumblr, there’s plenty more in ao3 that I also enjoy.
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Make me choose: Victor or Shuriki?
Sorry for the delay, had to take care of my mental health.
Umm this one is a hard one lol. Choosing between one of my favorite animated dads and blorbos and my ultimate favorite Elena of Avalor villain (who has been a comfort character for me for many years)?
I have to say both lol.
Victor is everything in what I love for an animated dad to be. He is a bit of a goofball, he is very loyal to his family, he prioritizes the well-being of his child and even had to keep his anger towards Ash from Carla herself. Victor is such an underrated character with so much potential that often just gets overshadowed by Esteban and his arc.
Look as much as I love the bestesteban, I got to admit he is a little overrated. Esteban is a great morally gray character and I'll say an anti-hero too due to doing heroic things both for good and for selfish reasons. I get that he's well written but like, we got other good characters like Victor who is just in the corner.
Now for Shuriki
We all know I adore my evil Northern Island sorceress. I enjoy Shuriki as a villain. As much as I love complex villains with complicated morals that are not truly evil but not truly good, I do enjoy a pure cynical ball of pure evil and that's Shuriki for me. She had a lot of character potential and honestly other sides to explore. I was curious at that small glimpse of self-doubt during her scepter practices.
I was also curious to see the relationship she had with Fiero (Not in the romantic sense because I do NOT like that ship) which had a great potential of a dynamic that could parallel Elena and Mateo's wholesome friendship but the twist is that these two are using "keep your friends and enemies closer"
Honestly, I found interesting the idea of Shuriki being like the other side of the coin of Elena, like they're connected by the also wasted potential in the two scepter stories.
I just feel this characters don't tend to be work a lot in the fandom due to being overshadowed by characters like Esteban and Ash.
Thank you so much for the ask, my dude!
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dittomander · 2 years
I'd be interested in hearing your 'entire other headcanon dump just on the Alacazar & Fiero situation.'
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alright alright, twist my arm :P - grab a snack and buckle up because this one's a whole saga:
The Early Days
Alacazar and Fiero were both orphaned at a young age and grew up together in the same orphanage. They don't remember a time before then - they were so young when it happened that there wasn't even a proper record of their birth names. "Alacazar" and "Fiero" were names that they eventually picked themselves from a series of adventure books they both enjoyed, and as adults, they couldn't even really recall the names the orphanage matron had given them in the interim.
(They never really had surnames either - it wasn't an issue as children, and they both had enough fame/notoriety as adults to get away with the One Name Only thing. "De Alva" is actually Rafa's mother's surname.)
They got along well as children, bonding over their mutual fascination with magic. They'd spend their free time at the local library, scrounging around for any spellbooks that had made it into circulation, or loitering outside the local magic academy, trying to peek into the classrooms at the day's lessons and mimicking the students' tamborita techniques. Any pocket change they got went straight toward potion ingredients for them to study, and when they once found a secondhand theory of magic textbook at the bookstore, they pooled together to save up for that. It was an obsession for them both - getting whatever resources they could to cobble together their own basic magical education - and they had big dreams of attending the academy themselves someday.
Not that their motives were exactly the same. As the elder of the two by about two years, Fiero took his role as the responsible, surrogate older brother very seriously. He did his best to shield Alacazar from the harsher realities of the world, from the derision and pity they tended to receive from their classmates and teachers. While he certainly had an intellectual curiosity in the subject as well, he saw magic as a way out of his station, a way to gain respect and authority.
Alacazar was the far more carefree of the two, in no small part because of Fiero's efforts. He had a fondness for riddles and jokes that Fiero never quite shared, and was more prone to goofing off, of the belief that Fiero took things too seriously. Magic, to him, was about the adventure of it, the exploration. He shared Fiero's genuine interest in it and certainly wanted to be respected, but his idea of what that looked like was being someone people could trust and be happy around. He wanted to impress people, and he especially wanted to impress Fiero.
Motivations aside, though, they both had the same main goal of becoming famous wizards one day, so when the at-the-time Royal Wizard paid a visit to the orphanage shortly after Fiero's 13th birthday, the two saw their opportunity and took it...
Zarwin, the Royal Wizard
The Royal Wizard at the time was an older man named Zarwin, who had been the Royal Wizard for a long time already and was expected to be retiring soon, so a lot of established wizarding families were vying to get their kids into the position by way of apprenticeship with him. Problem was, though, that Zarwin notoriously hated the "magic as political clout" crowd. Magic was Serious Business to him - it was a force of nature, deserving of awe and fear, something to be tamed but never truly controlled, not something to be used for frivolities or personal advancement. He did generally believe that the more people that understood it, the better, and he was the one to establish a second branch of the Avaloran magic academy in Nueva Vista, but he also believed that it needed to be approached with a strong sense of discipline and humility.
Because of this mindset, he had staunchly refused to take on an apprentice for his entire tenure as Royal Wizard, believing that none of the available options would take it seriously enough.
...Although, that wasn't the only reason.
See, he actually did have an apprentice back before he became the Royal Wizard. He'd been training his own granddaughter back in the day, but she had died during a training accident caused by Zarwin's own negligence. The incident estranged Zarwin from his son, and he never really forgave himself for it, either. It instilled his strict approach to magic in him, and also a sense of sheer terror that he would get another kid killed if he tried with another apprentice - a terror that he hid behind a stern, grumpy, no-nonsense facade.
Not that Alacazar and Fiero knew all that, though. They just knew that he didn't have an apprentice at the time, and they knew, just knew, that they were the right ones to take the role, despite still being a few years too young. They spent Zarwin's day at the orphanage following him around and peppering him with questions, insisting that they show off the little bit about magic they'd taught themselves, and slipping away from the orphanage staff every time they tried to rein the boys in.
Basically, they pulled this number on him:
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But the thing is, it worked. They were persistent, and more than a little obnoxious, but Zarwin found that he appreciated their enthusiasm for magic and their dedication to their goal. Plus, he did kinda need to take on an apprentice at some point if he didn't want one of the more elitist noble wizards to end up in the position once he was gone. (And he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to fill a bit of the hole his family had left.) So, he decided to at least give the boys a chance and moved them into the palace.
Their initial training wasn't quite what they'd been expecting. Zarwin, trying his damnedest to be careful with them as well as impress upon them the importance of theory, absolutely refused to let them near tamboritas at first. They were still too young, they didn't even know the basics, etc. etc. The boys were often frustrated by this, and Fiero felt especially put out by what he saw as a lack of trust. So naturally, his solution to not feeling trusted was to go behind Zarwin's back.
Fiero cajoled Alacazar into helping him "borrow" a tamborita to practice with one night fairly early in their training, which went about as well as you'd expect. The two ended up pinning themselves under a bookcase and getting stuck there until Zarwin woke up and came to rescue them. Neither was too seriously hurt, but they were pretty shaken up, and Zarwin lost his temper with them pretty badly, especially with Fiero for instigating it. He was supposed to be the responsible one, after all. He should've known better!
They thought they would lose their chance at apprenticeship over the incident, but to their surprise, Zarwin said he would let them stay, saying that he hoped the accident had taught them a lesson.
Time passed, and despite Fiero having been behind the that first major issue, it was actually Alacazar that was a bit of a problem student. He was forgetful and easily distracted, and his more playful nature could easily get him into trouble or have him goofing off with his magic. He ended up needing far more attention than Fiero as a consequence since Zarwin had to keep a closer eye to keep him from acting up, and Fiero would end up getting jealous and feeling neglected. Compounding the issue was the fact that when Alacazar did end up causing actual problems, Fiero would still get in trouble alongside him since again, he was supposed to be the responsible one. Why didn't he stop him?
And so the seeds of discord were sown, and the two began to drift apart as they grew older. Fiero began to resent Alacazar for somehow having both more attention and fewer expectations and began to retreat from their friendship, throwing himself more fully into his studies. As Alacazar was forming closer bonds with the other teenagers around the palace, like the young Prince Raúl (and his friends, the ladies Lucía and Margarita), Fiero was inserting himself more directly into Zarwin's work in a bid to be Good Enough.
By the time they moved up from apprentices to full-fledged wizards under Zarwin's employ, Alacazar had mellowed out quite a bit, as had his relationship with Fiero. They were colleagues and still, ostensibly, friends, but they weren't nearly as close as they were as children, both in the figurative sense and in the literal one. Zarwin would often bring Fiero along with him for conferences and research trips, since he was now being trained specifically to take over as Royal Wizard, leaving Alacazar behind at the palace to, ironically, take care of the real-time responsibilities of the Royal Wizard position, and the two saw less of each other as their work diverged.
When Raúl took the throne a few years after Elena was born, it was sort of presumed that Zarwin would retire. Raúl initially extended his appointment as a courtesy to his father's Royal Wizard, but what he wasn't expecting was for Zarwin to actually accept. He was incredibly old by this point and had been preparing his two former students for this for a long while, so everyone figured he'd step aside for the new generation. The thing was, though, there was still a bit of unfinished business that he didn't want to leave the next Royal Wizard to deal with alone. He was a Professional, see, so when he and Fiero, while out on a research trip together, started hearing rumors of a dangerous, shapeshifting malvago operating out of the volcanic regions of central Avalor, he wanted to make sure that got wrapped up first.
And that's where things really started to fall apart...
The Scepter of Night
Zopilote was only getting more bold with time, and he was being spotted in villages closer and closer to Avalor City itself. Zarwin and Fiero were constantly out trying to track him down (Fiero insisting all the while, "I can do this alone, Master Zarwin; I'm not an apprentice anymore!" And Zarwin coming back with, "Then stop acting as petulant as one."). Alacazar, meanwhile, was back at the palace, digging through all their spellbooks and trying to find anything they could use to help fight him.
And he happened to find some... rather interesting hidden writing on the blank pages in the back of Zarwin's Codex Maru.
When they return from another failed mission one day, Zarwin and Fiero enter the workshop to find Alacazar, casually leaning back against the worktable, twirling the Scepter of Night in one hand. "So guess what I did while you were out?"
Fiero thinks the Scepter is basically the coolest thing ever, and is honestly pretty jealous that Alacazar got to find it without him. It occurs to him, for a moment, that the two of them could've been having adventures together this entire time, like when they were little, but now with the magic at their fingertips that they'd dreamed about as children. The mutual excitement over the Scepter reignites their old friendship, and they start really spending time together again for the first time in years as they begin planning how to best use it.
Zarwin is significantly less excited. He knows what the Scepter is. He knows it's too dangerous to keep around. And since he's still the Royal Wizard, he's the one that gets the final say when he decides it needs to be locked up somewhere safe. They can figure out how to best dismantle it after Zopilote has been dealt with.
But old habits die hard. Fiero and Alacazar fully believe that they can handle the Scepter, and they're not about to waste what could be their best tool against Zopilote (nor are they about to waste this chance to reconnect).
So they decide they're going to "borrow" the Scepter.
This goes about as well as you'd expect.
The bad news is that it turns out to be damn near impossible for them to use. They don't have enough of a raw magic reserve themselves to actually power it, even as they learn what spells it can perform. In their hands, its just a useless chunk of metal. The good news is that they don't need to look for Zopilote anymore. Because he finds them.
They're out practicing at an odd hour, in a remote location, since they didn't want to get found out by Zarwin, so they're far from any help, and as wrapped up as they are in their study of the Scepter, they're in a prime position to be ambushed. Zopilote attacks, and while they're able to defend themselves, he's able to take the Scepter from them and escape. Horrified by this outcome ("Master Zarwin is going to kill us,") Alacazar and Fiero resolve to chase Zopilote down themselves and fix their mistake before Zarwin can find out.
What they're not planning for is that Zopilote can actually use the Scepter of Night. They're able to find him before he goes too far, but with the power of the Scepter backing him up, he's able to fight them both within an inch of their lives. Just like when they were kids, Zarwin has to show up and bail them out (and they never do find out how he knew where to find them), but unlike back then, the stakes are bit higher than some bruised arms and egos. The three wizards together are able to retrieve the Scepter and force Zopilote into a rout, but he takes one last cheap shot as he's fleeing that ends up leaving Zarwin mortally wounded. He dies with the dawn.
The Scepter of Night, Pt 2.
So yeah, that happened.
Alacazar and Fiero have a massive fight in the aftermath of Zarwin's death about What To Do With The Scepter Now. Alacazar wants to destroy it or hide it away, in accordance with Zarwin's wishes. ("We should have never taken it in the first place! I should have never taken it from Tepet Muul!") Fiero wants to try and use it again, for revenge against Zopilote. The fight gets bitter. Alacazar accuses Fiero of only wanting its power for himself, not for any kind of noble ambition or consideration for Zarwin. Fiero is livid at the suggestion ("How dare you suggest I don't care! He was the closest thing I ever had to a father!") and accuses Alacazar of being a coward who'd still rather hide his mistakes than fix them.
The fight isn't resolved by the time they get back to the palace - they're still furious with each other, but they've at least agreed to present their positions to King Raúl and see what he thinks. However, Alacazar goes behind Fiero's back and takes the Scepter, breaking it into three pieces and taking off to hide them. Fiero catches on when he goes to try and talk to Alacazar again and finds him missing, and tracks him down all the way in Vallestrella. He knows now that he's not going to be able to convince Alacazar to keep the Scepter around, so he plans to make a distraction to draw him out and keep him busy while Fiero finds where the pieces are hidden.
His distraction? Releasing Kizin. This backfires a little bit. Kizin attacks Fiero as well and he's forced to flee, so he's never able to find the Scepter parts. Kizin continues to rampage through Vallestrella, and the jaquins have a brutal time trying to contain him again. They're eventually able to get him corralled into a space where Alacazar can perform a sealing ritual, but by then, the damage has been done. Verago, the still fairly new King of the Jaquins (who has just had his first big catastrophe as King and feels like he has to be decisive), basically accuses Alacazar of terrorism. Alacazar swears he doesn't know how Kizin got released. It must have been an accident! But accident or not, Verago has made his decision, and throws Alacazar out of Vallestrella, institutes the human ban, and closes the gate between their two worlds indefinitely.
Alacazar tries to look on the bright side: if humans can't get into Vallestrella, then there's no risk of the Scepter of Night being found again. He did leave clues, he supposed, but they were mostly for his own benefit, so he could remember where he hid them, and he made sure to conceal them and style them as riddles. And its not like anyone else knew the Scepter had been broken anyway, right?
Still, he ultimately has to go back to Raúl, ashamed, and inform him that Avalor will no longer have contact with the realm of the jaquins because of his mistake.
The End of an Era
Time passes, and after an appropriate mourning period has passed for Zarwin, Raúl decides its time to appoint a new Royal Wizard. Tradition would dictate Fiero as the obvious choice. He was the older and more experienced student of the previous Royal Wizard, and (at least on paper) didn't have "ruined Kingdom relations with a neighboring realm" on his resume. But Raúl is nothing if not loyal to his friends and allies, even if against all advice or tradition, so maybe his choice to appoint Alacazar instead shouldn't have been all that surprising. It wasn't completely unreasonable politically either: Alacazar was the wizard that had actually been around the palace for the last however-many-years. He was the wizard that the general people of Avalor were actually familiar with, even if he really wasn't All That to the wizarding community.
But still, tradition is tradition, and Fiero and Alacazar are shocked. Alacazar tries to deny the appointment, insisting that Fiero is the more deserving wizard. Fiero also insists that he, himself, is the more deserving wizard. Raúl stands firm. Incensed, Fiero starts shouting about Alacazar's recent failures. "What about what happened with Zopilote and Master Zarwin? What about what happened with Kizin?"
But see, when Alacazar told the story of what happened in Vallestrella, he didn't actually include Kizin's name. He points this out, Fiero tries to save face, but Alacazar has put two and two together by now and realizes that it must have been Fiero that released Kizin. He's furious at the realization and everything that it entails - Fiero was fine with endangering an entire realm for his own goals, and was fine with letting Alacazar take the blame for it - and finally challenges Fiero to a duel. Fiero accepts.
The day of the duel comes and the two head to the designated area. Raúl decides to officiate himself, since this is involving one of his direct appoints. The duel is as long and as bitter as their last fight, before Alacazar split the scepter, and ultimately, Alacazar wins by throwing Fiero out of the arena by deflecting one of his own spells back at him. Fiero, however, refuses to respect the result of the duel and attacks again, and in a fit of thoughtless rage outright tries to kill Alacazar.
Fiero flees, Raúl declares him a malvago (which Alacazar initially tries to protest, before Raúl points out that he literally just tried to kill him), and Raúl and Alacazar realize slightly too late that Fiero is probably fleeing back to the palace. They hurry back themselves.
Fiero is fleeing back to the palace, in a bit of a panic - he's hoping he can grab the Codex before the guards get the memo that he's a malvago now. He didn't have enough of a head start, though, and when Alacazar and Raúl return, the guard is mobilized against him. He decides to show just how dangerous a wizard can be. Alacazar engages him again, but he's trying to keep the collateral to a minimum, which is pretty difficult to do in a wizard duel, and Fiero isn't bothering to hold back, so despite having a numbers disadvantage, Fiero is still making headway toward the Codex.
It's Lucía who ends up being linchpin in the fight. Fiero is expecting guards at every turn, but he's not exactly expecting the Queen to come barreling down a hallway out of nowhere with a rapier, screaming bloody murder. Wizards aren't typically as good in close combat, so once she closes the distance, Lucía is able to get a blow in. Wounded, and knowing his chances of success have now dramatically diminished, Fiero finally decides to leave for good, swearing that he'll be back, and he'll have his revenge.
Loose Ends
The first thing Alacazar does after officially being named Royal Wizard is relocate the workshop so Fiero can't find it later if he comes back. He was always pretty good with pocket dimensions and hammerspace (how else do you think Mateo can stash entire books in his robes?), so he would rotate the workshop around to be "inside" different paintings in the palace every few months to keep it hidden. He kept clues in his journal on how to get in, just in case he ever forgot where he'd moved it last.
Fiero was never able to find the Scepter of Night again on his own. He knew Alacazar had initially found it in Tepet Muul, and that there was a clue to the location in the Codex Maru, and that it had been broken into pieces, and that some of those pieces were in Vallestrella, but he didn't know how many pieces there were, or what the actual clues to find them were, or if there were any other potential hiding places, so he just didn't have enough info to figure it out alone.
Fiero and Alacazar encountered each other a few more times in the next few years, and every meeting was as awful as the last. The only time they worked together again was when they happened to both be fighting Zopilote. They both considered him the higher priority to defeat, and the fight forced Zopilote into relative hiding for the next few years. Alacazar made one last appeal to Fiero's former goodness afterward. It didn't work.
Elena doesn't remember Zarwin very much, just that she always thought he was kinda scary. She conflates Fiero with him in her mind, and doesn't actually realize that the Fiero that attacked the night of Mateo's ceremony was technically someone she knew. She also doesn't really remember the final showdown at the palace. She remembers her mom ushering her into the nursery and telling her she had the very important job of keeping her sister quiet, and she remembers going out into the hall afterward and taking one look at her mom (hair disheveled, tiara askew, a bloodied sword in one hand, rolling her eyes as Raúl chides her for doing something so reckless) and deciding that she's the coolest person ever. That was when Elena started pestering Lucía for fencing lessons.
Alacazar never got around to telling Rafa the whole story. He wanted to, but he was worried that if he told her that he and Fiero had been friends once while she was still young, she would naively try to "redeem" him herself, and he didn't know if he could trust Fiero to not exploit that. He wanted to make sure Rafa would stay safe if Fiero ever came by the house. He meant to tell her someday, he did. But then Shuriki happened, and, well.
Fiero actually missed the memo on the Shuriki thing and popped back into Avalor in the middle of her reign. It was weird for everyone. He'd been out of the country, studying darker forms of magic, and was a bit surprised when he came back to take his revenge and found out that someone had kinda sorta beaten him to it? He offered to work for her as her Royal Wizard, which she declined. And she was like, okay, so I don't want wizards in Avalor so that's kind of an issue, but also the only reason you're here is to fight the people I killed, so we're kinda on the same side? So how about this: You leave Avalor right now, immediately, and never come back, and I won't kill you for being a wizard in Avalor. Fair? And Fiero was like. Hm, yeah, fair. You know, this was honestly kinda anticlimactic for me. And he left, more than a little disappointed. When he heard through the wizard grapevine that Shuriki had been overthrown and Avalor was getting a new Royal Wizard, he decided it was high time to go back.
Fiero absolutely hates that Mateo reminds him of Alacazar. Hates hates hates it. He sees Alacazar's grandson running around in Alacazar's old robes and using Alacazar's old tamboritas and he can't shake the awful cocktail of anger and regret and grief and guilt that he never bothered to sort out, and he's not going to start sorting it out now, so he just hates Mateo instead. And he hates that he can't seem to bring himself to just kill the brat! because of it. He always finds himself stalling, or hesitating, or just leaving when he'd otherwise have the perfect opportunity to finish him off, and he tells himself its because the boy caught him off guard once and he doesn't want to take that chance again, but deep down he knows. He knows that in another life, if he'd made other choices, if he'd been a different person, he would've been this kid's grunkle, and he doesn't know how to deal with that.
("Fiero's the malvago? He said he was a friend of your grandfather's!"
"Friend? That's his worst enemy!")
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
EoA Incorrect Quotes... But The Names Are Randomised By A Generator
Victor, in Shuriki’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Mateo, climbing past Victor: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Ash: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? Naomi: Well, it’s frowned upon. Ash: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? Ash: That’s okay, right?
Mateo, digging his grave: Long story short, this is my grave.......Want me to make you one too?
Armando: Guys! I found a 100 dollar bill! Armando: *looks around* ….Should I keep it? Elena: Armando, just do the right thing. Victor: And put in your bag. Elena: No—
Shuriki: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Carla, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Ash, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Carla: Coming right up.
Carla: Ugh, the printer broke while printing out Esteban's birthday invitations. Naomi: Well, what are they supposed to say? Carla: "Esteban's birthday". Naomi: So, what do they say instead? Carla: "Esteban’s bi". Naomi: Naomi: Works out either way.
Gabe: My only talent is being stress. Luisa: Don't you mean stressed? Gabe: No.
Dona Paloma, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be… Isabel: I’m literally just going to the store.
*Dona Paloma is in the kitchen and they hear a crash from the living room* Dona Paloma, running into the living room: WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!?! Esteban, looking at the broken TV screen and the remote on the floor: I was trying to throw the remote onto the TV stand! Dona Paloma: And Shuriki didn’t stop you?! Esteban, pointing at a sleeping Shuriki: She's been asleep for the past three hours. Victor, walking in, oblivious to the situation: Hey guys- Victor, realizing: Wait, is the TV broken? Why?! Dona Paloma, pointing at Esteban: He threw the remote onto the TV stand. Victor: Come on! That’s the 5th time this week and it’s 2 in the morning on a Tuesday! Shuriki, waking up to see the situation: *yawns* How long was I out? Shuriki, seeing the broken TV: OH GOSH NOT AGAIN! ESTEBAN, I TOLD YOU NOT TO! Esteban: You were asleep! And I always take a window of opportunity when I see it! Dona Paloma and Victor, in unison: But you broke the- Esteban: My work here is done. If anyone asks, I was never here. *dashes out of the living room*
Francisco: What if we were stranded on a desert island? Who would you eat? Naomi: Mateo. Francisco: So fast? Wh-what about me? I would eat you! Naomi: That’s very nice, I guess. Francisco: Why wouldn’t you eat me? I’m your best friend. Naomi: Look, if other people are having some, I’ll try you.
Dona Paloma: How would you like your coffee? Luisa: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Dona Paloma, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Elena: So, I've been thinking Isabel- Isabel: That's dangerous.
Mateo, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me. Gabe: Yeah, Mateo will straight up cry in public. Don't try him. Mateo: Exactly, I will straight up- Mateo: Mateo, tearing up: Gabe, why would you say that?!
Shuriki: Elena is okay. Armando: She's okay? She said she was going to break my legs! And don't tell me she didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause she gave me the mackerel eyes, she meant it! Shuriki: Armando, Elena threatened me. She threatens Carla every day. She probably threatened Luisa before breakfast this morning. It's what she does. Grow a pair.
Francisco: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke? Isabel: I only like dark humor. Francisco, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle? Isabel: Francisco: An IMPASTA!
Shuriki: I'm not doing too well. Isabel: What's wrong? Shuriki: I have this headache that comes and goes. *Mateo enters the room* Shuriki: There it is again.
Carla: So, you lied to me? Fiero: That depends on how you define lying. Carla: Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it? Fiero: Um, reclining your body in a horizontal position?
Naomi: Esteban, don’t go picking a fight with Gabe. Don’t forget, he's powerful, he could make life difficult for you. Esteban: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
Isabel: I drink to forget but I always remember. Carla: You're drinking orange juice.
Esteban: Oh no! I’m doomed! Isabel: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Dona Paloma at her own memorial service. Esteban: Exactly! It’s impossible!
(I really want the stories behind these adlsjflhk)
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aurorasilverthorne · 3 years
Hi! I’ve seen you around, but don’t know much about your blog besides your love for Shuriki and Esteriki;) Would you mind telling me more about your blog so I can get to know you better?
Well, my blog is mostly dedicated to Esteriki (Esteban x Shuriki). I post fanfics, theories, headcanons, and my general ideas/opinions about EoA. I also take Esteriki fanfic requests. They don't even have to be romantic. I'll write an Esteban & Shuriki story in any genre a requester asks for as long as their request appeals to me. I ship Victor Delgado x Doña Hortensia Paloma, Fiero x Chatana, and Ash Delgado x Duke Cristóbal as well. I will include Princess Isabel and the abuelos in my stories if an opportunity to do so presents itself. I'm on Deviantart, Archives of Our Own, Wattpad, and Fanfiction.net if you're interested in checking out some of my fanfics and EoA OCs.
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Elena of Avalor fics/AUs that I’m likely too lazy to write
The War on Avalor
Princess Elena has finally become Queen, leaving the dark days of Shuriki’s rule behind… that is until the Queen receives a declaration of war from the Northern Islands - Shuriki’s old domain where she served as the royal sorceress and helped her rulers’ attempt to invade and colonize Avalor’s allies, only for her rulers to be foiled and arrested by Raul and Lucia, leaving Shuriki in charge to set her sights upon Avalor. The Queen soon learns about Avalor’s long lasting war with the Northern Islands for their threat to the nation’s heritage, allies, and culture, and must defend Avalor once again.
2. Magic From Beyond
An alternative universe where Victor and Esteban are both banished from Avalor following Shuriki’s takeover. With no surviving family left, Esteban is taken in by Raul’s royal treasurer, and is forced on the run with the rest of the Delgados.
Shuriki’s former partners-in-crime are struggling to keep their secret of the true cause behind the King and Queen’s murder, as well as getting used to live outside of the palace - Until they bump into a malvago - Fiero, who, like Shuriki, promises them grand magical power - The power of the crystal forge of Takaina.
Neither side are loyal to one another. Victor and Esteban immediately plan on betraying Fiero with their power to avoid getting screwed over by him. Meanwhile Fiero plans on using the children to get back at Shuriki and surpsede her as Avalor’s powerful wizard. All the while, Esteban and Victor must keep their deal with Fiero, AND their former deal with Shuriki a secret. And of course, Shuriki hunting the boys down also doesn’t help.
3. Esteban’s Time
For 44 years, Esteban Flores suffered the earth-shattering guilt of playing a hand in the murder of his aunt and uncle, the attempted murder of his cousin Elena, the imprisonment of his other cousin, and grandparents, and the banishment of his longtime friend, unable to change the weight of his mistakes. When he is hunted down like a rat for his crimes, he comes across the Four Shades of Awesome, lead by Cahu, the time shade.
Realizing the opportunity, Esteban demands that he be sent back in time, 44 years into the past to defend Avalor and his family from Shuriki. Cahu obliges.
With the power of Takaina, and the four shades, Esteban prevents the disaster of the kingdom’s usurpation, only to discover that the Four Shades were using him. They set their sights on the royal family, seeking the power of the Amulet of Avalor to conquer the EverRealm. The only way to stop them is to send them back to the spirit world, which would also undo their handiwork upon the timeline as well.
So now, the former Chancellor of Avalor must choose the lesser of 2 evils. Stop the Four Shades and return to a future where Avalor sees him as the villain, or help them, and live to see a future where Avalor is no more.
4. Shuriki the Cursed
Believing that she had killed Princess Elena, Shuriki finds the Princess’s Amulet, and decides to wear it as a way to show her victory over the Castillo Flores family (which sounds like a stretch but this bitch literally crushed Lucia’s tiara after stealing it so it tracks).
Little does she know that the Princess is inside the Amulet she covets. And imprisonment isn’t enough to stop the orphaned teenager’s judgement. Elena’s revenge knows no bounds as 40 years of curses, one more chaotic and deadly than the last, rain upon the false Queen. It isn’t until the 41st year, where Elena decides to strike the ultimate karmic blow. Summoning the deposed Princess Ivy, who claims to seek a new Kingdom with the help of her anrthropod army. The people of Avalor are initially quick to follow her, only to discover that the angry princess puts her own need above the people’s. A three-sided war between Shuriki, Ivy, and the Avalorans, (lead by the Crown Princess’s estranged cousin, Esteban) ensues, and only one side will wind up on top.
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magicwithineleteo · 4 years
happy international women’s day to my favorite women <3
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ograndebatata · 4 years
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So... in a sense, this can be said to need less introductions, so to speak, as it’s probably recognizable from canon, but this is a picture of a younger Fiero as I perceive him to have been shortly before Shuriki took over in my Tales of the Ever Realm Fanfic AU, drawn by @c-rose2081​.
You may notice that he looks more filled out here that he does in canon... and well... without giving too much away, besides him being over 40 years younger here, there is the fact that, in my AU, the emotional toll of losing his wife and daughter was intense enough that it affected his physical health, and the effects lasted enough that, by the time he appears in ‘present day’ he hasn’t recovered yet. 
And well... again without giving too much away... the differences in his outfit and tamborita are meant to be deliberate. 
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