#Fidget is the only one with braincells and sense Matt has 0 self preservation
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
This is what I think of while I'm at work, multiverse brain stuff featuring the wonderful perfect holdable smoochable loveable surrender all my possessions to Fidget (And Ivy is mentioned and also all those things), belonging to @blues-sues, hope you enjoy my bullshit
Loopholes!!! I will finds them!!
"Welcome to the dreaded brain world, full of mystery, horror, romance and mostly just horrid angst and being rotated for 5 hours at a time, ha!" Matt threw his hands about posing in emphasis to his words before throwing his hands up and lightly slapping the other Mewtwo, an individual of dark purples, on the back which caused them to jolt slightly forward in surprise with casual disregard for personal space.
Fidget spun round in a panic, eyeing up the other Mewtwo, "you shouldn't touch me!" His voice filled with an awareness of his danger to others as his eyes frantically scanned over the red individual waiting for their state to rapidly deteriorate with purple and rot. Matt held his hands up in surrender casually floating back but still hanging close as his feet found the floor again.
"Sorry! Not the touchy type then? Shoulda known that was on me," with a hand he rubbed the back of his neck, "sorry again." Fidget watched his brows coming together in confusion.
"I…." he hesitated unsure what words he needed, "I'm, poisonous, how, are you fine?" Despite knowing better he leant his upper body closer to the red individual, "are you, immune?" He tried to not let the hope creep into his voice. Matt blinked at him with wide slightly vacantly stupid eyes.
"Huh, you are?" Matt looked at him and made a noise, "that, does explain the purple, but uh if you're poisonous then," he glanced at the hand which slapped Fidgets back before snorting, dumbfound, "OH! Yea!" He snorted again in laughter looking back at Fidget, grabbing his elbow he pulled off his arm and after a few seconds the psychic illusion dropped revealing a prosthetic, "not my real hand!" He grinned wrinkling his snout, "neithers the other it's just psychic energy." He chuckled again as Fidget stared at him bewildered.
"Aren't you, worried about handling that? It might have my poison on it still?" Fidget watched the prosthetic flop as Matt twisted it about making a sound.
"Oh yea..guess it could. I'll just stick it in the washing machine or something." He grinned again as Fidget blinked, 'washing machine???' he puzzled.
"That isn't going in the washing machine you numpty or the dishwasher it's not machine safe!" a different voice yelled from elsewhere aimed at Matt as Fidget glanced brows furrowed in deep confusion as Matt made a noise sticking his tongue out in the general direction of the voice though Fidget couldn't see anybody yet.
"Bugger, guess I gotta wash this by hand then, with a wet wipe or somethin'," with a casual shrug he went to reattach his arm only for a new individual of deep gray blues to grab the prosthetic at the connection port and steal it flying off with it casually.
"No you're not, I'll be needing that thank you," her voice was casual, cool and mocking as she shot off with the prosthetic as Matt stood looking baffled before promptly yelling, "HEY!" After the Mewtwo who has already disappeared. Fidget swallowed uncomfortably hoping to not know what they wanted with his poison.
Matt threw his remaining psychic hand in the air as what was left of his other arm raised in emphasis to join before both his shoulders dropped down with his psychic hand bumping his side, "unbelievable, can you believe that," Matt moved to point with his stub pausing and motioning with his psychic arm pointing after the other Mewtwo, "honest, leaving me armless like that." Fidget could only provide an awkward smile looking at Matt in pure confusion while occasionally glancing at the psychic false arm seeing it shimmer and sway with energy.
Fidget jumped a flinch ducking his head down and taking a step back at the giant Mewtwo that seemed to appear besides him, a towering 9 foot maybe more he wasn't sure, sporting darker colors than standard and a fluffed tail.
"What's all the commotion over here, some of us are busy, Matthew." The tall individual didn't regard Fidget watching Matt who cringed with his tongue out at the using of that name.
"Darkness stole my prosthetic which I kinda need to like do things and interact with my new buddy here," moving with casual abandon he wrapped his psychic arm around Fidgets shoulders without pulling him too close, his psychic energy was warm on Fidgets shoulders and felt wobbly ripples of overconfident aura warmed Fidget through the contact, "he's poisonous so kinda need like arm that's not gonna absorb poisons," Matt shrugged at the taller two followed by looking back at Fidget, "no offense." Matt offered a smile in apology as Fidget awkwardly shrugged since he wasn't wrong.
With an awkward vocalization of distress and confusion purple psychic energy lifted and moved Matt to the side, "and any less consideration with your mobility would've resulted in your friends shoulder into your chest plate and a hefty poisoning no doubt, your lack of spatial awareness is, something alright." The tall one casually swayed his hand to the side as he removed the weird warmth of Matts psychic from Fidgets shoulders as Fidget once more swallowed having not realized how close he was to potentially hurting his friend.
"And why don't you simply create a psychic barrier over yourself if you're so worried about poisoning?" The tall one finally regarded Fidget looking at him with a steely level gaze, "observe," the tall Mewtwo raised a hand and Fidget leant back.
"I - I wouldn't really! My poison is really really bad it'd be quite serious if-!" The hand touched his forehead and he froze, much like Matts psychic arm there was an odd sensation the touch was both cool and warm, he could sense a barrier of sorts preventing direct skin on skin, but unlike gloves and other protective measures it didn't feel rough or squeak as a thumb idly moved rubbing casually above his brow below his horns. The psychic energy was more stable and didn't wobble the same way Matts did and it almost assured Fidget with the level of confidence and strength behind it, the aura was cool but not freezing as the psychic energy faintly warmed like a cool gel that warmed with body temperature.
Blinking and slowly lifting his gaze upwards the tall one was glancing over at Matt still slightly levitating for psychic energy as though scruffed, "You see? A simple barrier is all you need."
"Ohhh…like a psychic condom for your fingers."
The hand moved from Fidgets forehead to accusingly point at Matt, "you unspeak that from existence right now you horrid wretched waste of breath and space." Fidget frowned at the loss of touch and the harsh tone of the taller two but noticed Matt simply beamed at him with his tail wagging behind him, clearly proud of himself for causing such a reaction.
The hand unconsciously returned to Fidgets forehead palm resting on the top of his head as he blinked and quietly allowed and enjoyed the sensation of touch.
"That's all well and good but not all of us are as gifted as you are Axel, some of us are a bit shit.," Matt shrugged within his scruff as the tall one Axel exhaled a deep sigh rubbing his temple with his spare hand.
"Yes I'm aware of how much my genes have deteriorated and what has unfortunately arisen from that." Fidget quietly wondered if he should even still be there but the gently touch on his head was still there and still nice but he had the self control and awareness not to shove into the touch less Axel pay attention to him again.
From the sky the prosthetic fell and hit Matt on the head causing him to wince with an oof before clumsily catching it with his psychic hand and gasping realizing the hand had hit his head.
"Stop panicking doofus I cleaned the poison and any residual poison off its sterile won't kill ya unless I beat you to death with it," the dark mewtwo from before glided past casually, "Hi Fidget, bye Fidget." he blinked awkwardly wondering how she knew his name as she passed. "having fun there grandpappy?" Her mouth turned into a taunting grin before she was once more gone flying off. Axel watched after her confused before realizing his hand was still situated on Fidgets head. He slowly lifted his touch with a faint huff like exhale turning his head away.
"As I demonstrated, no poisoning, but I suppose you'll just have to make do with your false parts." Axel turned, his feet leaving the ground as he floated away as Matt was dropped after reattaching his arm.
"Yea thanks for that! I'll remember your weird advice when I get powers, come back whenever you're ready to admit you actually want interaction with your own kind rather than denying it and thinking yourself better!" Matt hollered after the large mewtwo who either didn't hear or chose to ignore him.
Wandering back over to Fidgets side his prosthetic hand pat his shoulder, "sorry about all that, crazy family crazy situations and stuff, happens all the time here." Fidget nodded memorizing how the prosthetic fingers articulated and felt against his skin, cooler now that he took note of it and not as defined as usual mewtwo hands missing the ball like finger ends, but the way they wrapped around his shoulder and offered a light squeeze was unusually pleasant and welcome.
"Yes it's quite strange here… but.. I guess I might enjoy it. Especially if I find my sister." Fidget nodded to himself, while enjoying the attention he missed Ivy and hoped she was okay.
"Well, let's go look yea? She'll be here somewhere, probably being rotated." Matt grinned walking ahead before stopping and offering out his hand, with a moment of cautious hesitation Fidget sighed and took the hand to go with.
"She isn't actually being rotated is she?" He asked as he floated along keeping steady pace with Matts walking, not at all reassured by his shrug.
"Dunno! Maybe? We'll see!" Fidget raised a confused brow but floated along, not minding how the fingers squeezed his hand feeling them growing warm with contact.
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