#Fic: The Witch's Cat
merceyca · 10 days
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We’re back!! Have another chapter of kandreil witchiness on me with a little cat!Jean on the side 🐈‍⬛💜
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iamthemess · 4 months
More fic stuff! Halloween skk
one shot, witch Chuuya, cat Dazai
somehow completely free of any profanity or mature themes which an accomplishment for these two.
3365 word count
Black cats are bad luck.
There’s a well known fact about Port town, Everyone who’s ever lived there knows that it used to be a town of witches, now days it’s filled with ordinary people but if you believe so called tall tales of the children playing in the square and the rambling of elders in the pub you’d know that the quaint little town is still home to one witch.
He comes into town two or three times a week to buy the strangest of herbs and ingredients and if you play in the woods you might find him collecting the wild plants and the bones of small creatures. The townspeople don’t believe that he’s a witch but that doesn’t stop them from keeping their distance from his cabin in the woods.
Children do not heed the warnings of parents and teenagers in particular are famous for breaking such rules and sneaking out into the woods to spy on the alleged witch.
“Your footsteps are so loud you’ll get us caught!” Gin whispered as the group of three snuck through the forest at dark
“What? Are you scared the witch will curse us?” Tachihara teased and rolled his eyes, he wasn’t much of a believer in the supernatural.
Higuchi on the other hand was shaking like a leaf beside him which was appropriate for the bush they were hiding in. “Why did we have to come out at midnight again?”
“Witches come out at night.” Tachihara replied but Higuchi didn’t believe that. “Isn’t that vampires and werewolves?”
“Shut up and look.” Gin whispered to the other two as she turned their attention to the open window of the cottage.
The house wasn’t as hard to find as the older townspeople had them believe, it was actually very easy as it emitted a bright glow in the dark being the only place lit up with candles at the darkest hour of the night.
In the light they could see everything around the cottage, pots and jars filled with water, left outside and the hanging herbs covering the inside and the drawings in ash on the window of weird symbols and a large triangle with a cross through it. The witch was inside mixing ingredients into a bowl in what must have been an evil way like how witches stand over boiling cauldrons as they conjure curses.
“We’re totally going to get cursed.”
Gin smacked the back of Tachihara’s head as the witch's attention turned to the bush outside his window. It continued to rattle and shake, the three all looked at each other to stop moving around but they were completely still. A shadowy figure jumped from the bush and a crow flew from within the bush into the sky.
The fright had them dashing back home in the dark of the woods. The witch, Chuuya, opened his door and watched the backs of those three fade out into the forest back toward the town. He looked down at his feet to see a thin cat with short black hair standing proudly at his door. The little thing must have been what scared them off, Chuuya smiled at the small creature “Good job.” He whispered.
The cat ran between his legs into the cottage as if it had been invited inside. Chuuya closed the door behind him.
He watched the cat wander around the room, looking at all his things.
“Look only, don’t touch.” Chuuya said as the cat jumped onto one of shelves, a glass bottle shook in fear as the small animal sauntered by without a care whether it would fall or not.”I said be careful!”
Chuuya wished cats were more like crows, they always listened to him unlike this curious feline who was tapping at his baskets and pots. Chuuya desperately dived to catch a fallen jar, falling into the table where the cat sat in his foraging basket. “Not for cats.”
He picked the cat up only to find mushrooms growing in the bottom of the basket so he picked that up too but they were infesting his walls. The wild mushrooms had climbed onto the ceiling without him noticing. He really should’ve given more attention to the messy state of his house. The cat slipped out of his grasp as if it was made of jello and continued the it’s rampage through the cottage.
It jumped up onto furniture and knocked over containers of old water that had started to grow algae and the flower petals that had wilted and started to mould. Chuuya should’ve been mad but it was more of a wake up call about checking his ingredients rather than the nuisance cat who was wrecking his house.
It managed to shove a few more things to the ground before Chuuya got a proper hold on it again. This time he had the cat trapped under a blanket that he shook out the window, getting rid of the dust and old leaves sticking to it along with the cat. After that he made sure to close the window so it couldn’t get back in.
He gazed out at the moon feeling a vibrant connection, or the realisation that it was very late and he shouldn’t keep staying up so late trying to make his spells work.
When the sun rose Chuuya got up from his bed as he did every morning and opened the window. A crow cawed, perched on the sill of the window, Chuuya greeted it pleasantly and it dropped a pretty rock into his hand as it had been doing for sometime now. There used to be two crows that would bring gifts but lately they would only come one at a time in turns.
He decided not to speculate too much and got on with his day. He ate his breakfast, put on his cloak and took up his mushroom covered basket, leaving his cosy home behind for the deeper woods that morning.
The ruckus from that night made him realise he hadn’t forraged in some time and found himself drawn to the idea of wandering out into the woods to find new plants and fungi.
His boots left tracks in the grass, one foot in front of the other leaving behind footprints, one, two, three?, four?, five?, six? Four extra small tracks were left beside his own.
That damn cat was following him. A small meow came from his side where the cat happily sat in his basket. He tipped it to the side, forcing the feline to jump out, even so it kept following him, it even swam across the river to meet him on the other side after he had jumped on a moving log to cross the water. There was a bridge not far down but he preferred the adventure.
For a brief moment he watched the cat walk with him, only now noticing something like a collar or more of a strong with a gem tied to it around his neck. Maybe it belonged to someone. Chuuya shook the idea out of his head, he didn’t care much for that cat so he wouldn’t let it worry him.
Chuuya tried to ignore the cat, opting to look up at the trees instead of on the ground at the cat. There were more crows than usual today, he counted them, eight crows. Unfortunately he was too focused on the trees to see where he was stepping as he walked over a fallen tree trunk and slipped on some moss. He landed in the dirt, at least the cloak protected his clothes from getting dirty, that was the reason he bought it after an unfortunate incident with a mud puddle.
While his clothes were fine he couldn’t say the same for his face, he landed face down in the dirt, leaving little scrapes on his nose and cheeks as well as smeared dirt everywhere. He cursed the little bits that fell into his eyes and the ones that covered the scratches that made them sting.
That mangy cat only looked at him with what he assumed was a pleased expression. “Damn cat.” He scowled.
His anger was only interrupted by a loud gasp. He looked over to see a kid, one of the ones from that night staring at him wide eyed.
"Witch." She said allowed as she stared
"So what?" Chuuya stared back at her. She looked like she would faint at any moment under his gaze.
She heard his voice for the first time in a menacing tone. "Oh warlock?"
"Don't lump me in with those bastards! I'm a witch!" He yelled in a menacing tone. The kid was frightened and ran off.
Chuuya returned home with no new ingredients and a bruised ego.
The next morning was the same as always, only this time that stupid cat had taken up residence on the other side of his bed. He was too tired to complain and kept on as usual. Today there was a large number of crows watching from outside.
At first he thought there were only six but their numbers grew to nine or even eleven but only one brought him a gift, today a silver coin.
He readied himself for the day, this time he dressed to go into town. He picked up one of his baskets as he left and called out into the air of his house "I'm going out now."
Satisfied with himself he left for the town. Just as the day before the cat followed along, this time with more difficulty. The cat was only a small creature after all and was easily swept away among the crowds of people at the market.
Chuuya didn't pay any mind, his only goal was to stock up on the herbs for his new spell and replace anything the cat had broken.
His eye was caught by a stand selling dried rosemary and lavender as well as other scented plants, the lady behind the stall encouraged him to try putting them in some water for a nice bath. He inspected a stalk of rosemary as he gave it some thought.
His eyes wandered around meeting familiar brown eyes. The girl stared back shocked. Under her breath she whispered "witch." And quickly shuffled away into the crowd.
With his attention averted he missed the sneaky antics of the cat as it snatched the rosemary right out of his hand.
"You jerk! Stop causing trouble."
The cat looked back at him and started running away, Chuuya gave chase after it as it bounded under another stall. Chuuya stopped not wanting to disturb the stall owner, the cat had disappeared but Chuuya was now greeted with spices.
Salt and pepper, cinnamon, bay leaves and other useful tools. The stall also had a small selection of dried flowers hanging from the frame of the shop.
He needed more salt and having bay leaves was always useful. Despite having some, Chuuya didn't use many flowers in his practice but he found himself drawn to them.
He reached out to touch the petal of a rose and the wood of the stall squeaked. In a second the top of the frame fell down over him while the legs of the stand gave out causing the poor seller's products to fall out onto the path in a mess.
He pushed himself out from under the wooden frame and apologised profusely to the store owner and offered to help clean up, meanwhile the cat was snooping around at the goods fallen on the floor.
As he helped pick up the flowers he noticed the little thief pawing at the gold coins, the shop owner's earnings. The little jerk picked up a coin and scampered off. Of course Chuuya couldn't let such injustice slide and gave it a chance again, demanding the cat stop running at once.
Sadly the chase ended much like the day before with Chuuya tripped and fallen onto the ground. This time into the water of the fountain in the middle of the square where the cat proudly sat on the centre piece and dropped the coin, hitting Chuuya on the head before falling into the fountain.
"I wish you were dead, you little trouble maker."
Chuuya went home in defeat.
While his shopping trip didn’t go as planned he wasn’t going to let that stop him from finally completing his spell without failure. He had his candles lit, his space cleansed and all of his ingredients on the table with the jar he would be using for the spell. This time he picked out a new jar from the last one that had been through dozens of failed attempts. Hopefully this one will change things.
He wanted to start with sun water but as he reached for the bottle he saw the water dripping down onto the floor and a calm cat sitting on his work space. “Get down from there!”
He yelled at the cat which it did but not without grabbing one of the candles and running off with it, luckily the flame blew out but that just left a trail of smoke around his house as the cat ran off with it.
“You little-!” Chuuya picked up his broom, chasing the cat as it jumped around on his furniture “You! Since you’ve been here I've had nothing but bad luck! I want you out of my house right now!”
He chased the cat around with his broom, swiping at it as it frantically ran around, knocking down baskets, bottles and books off of shelves and tables. Chuuya got one good swing at the cat which sent it flying in a puff of smoke, barrelling towards his work. The sound of the cat hitting the table was much larger than it should’ve been for a small creature.
Chuuya watched the smoke clear to find that there was no longer a cat but a person laying over the top of his table, dazed and dizzy.
“What! You’re- You’re!” Chuuya stumbled over his words as he gawked at the sight.
The man looked up at him with the same smug grin as that cat “Cat got your tongue?”
“A man! What are you doing?” Chuuya yelled out, pointing his broom in the man's direction like it was a weapon.
“My name is Dazai and I was hoping you would take me on as your familiar, and give me the pampered life I deserve but you're really rude you know!” He looked offended as he got up from the table, dusting himself off.
Chuuya looked livid as he shouted back “Me! Rude?! You’re the one who came in here looking to leech off of me and bringing your bad luck with you!”
“How rude! Bad luck, I have no such thing! And to think I wanted to help you.” Dazai Huffed, turning his nose up at the shorter witch.
“I’m going to curse you!”
Dazai didn’t contain his offensive laugh. “You can try but without a familiar you won’t have much luck. You can’t even make wishes come true, little witch.”
“Get out.” Chuuya pointed to the door and started sweeping him out.
“Fine but when you regret it I might not be so easy to find.” Dazai willingly walked out of the house, poofing back into a cat and scampering out into the woods.
Chuuya closed the door with a sigh, happy to finally be rid of his bad luck. He picked everything up off the floor and started the spell again, calming his mind. He reached for his other bottle of sun water, perfectly stored in a glass bottle with a handle which promptly broke off as he picked it up, sending shards of glass all over the floor.
A minor setback, he swept up the glass and returned to the spell one more time. By now he’d run out of his sun water but substituting for moon water wouldn’t cause any problem. He had his list of ingredients written down but the list had disappeared somewhere amongst all the chaos.
Chuuya tried to list the ingredients off in his head, quartz and maybe rosemary or thyme? He looked around at his ingredients not being able to find any of what he prepared earlier. Somehow his luck seemed to get worse and that stupid cat's words lingered in his head. He was regretting getting rid of that cat, he probably had the answers to his horrid luck.
He grabbed his broom and stomped outside to the bush by the window.
“What way did the cat go?” Chuuya demanded the three hiding in the bushes answer, they looked up in horror, pointing to the town with some shaky hands.
Chuuya got on his broom and flew away. Yes, like all those fairytales and speculations about witches riding brooms, Chuuya could fly on a broomstick, something he didn’t do very often on account of his terrible landing skills which were demonstrated when the front of his broom collided with the walkway.
Luckily no one was around to see it but it was still embarrassing at best. He dusted the dirt off of his shirt and looked around for any suspicious looking black cats. He did find a few but they all ran off like ordinary cats and they hissed and scratched at him if he got too close.
It was safe to say Chuuya became a menace to the town's cat population as he ran around angrily screaming at felines.
“Where is that stupid cat! Dazai I swear I will curse you!”
“You couldn’t even if you really did want to.” Dazai’s mocking voice rang out behind him.
Chuuya turned around to find Dazai practically standing on him but this time in his human form, which was stupidly tall for such a small cat.
“Help me finish my spell.” Chuuya demanded, refusing to hear no as an answer.
“You’re so rude. But I suppose I could-” Dazai couldn’t even finish his sentence as Chuuya started to drag him by his tie into the square where Chuuya threw down his broom.
“I can’t carry you like that so transform.” Chuuya made more demands much to Dazai’s unenthusiasm about being thrown around.
“The least you could do is say please.” Dazai argued back but only got a stern glare from the witch. He rolled his eyes and complied, turning into a cat and hopping up onto the stick of the broom with great balance.
Chuuya followed after, scooping Dazai into his lap and holding onto him with one hand while the other stayed on the handle of the broom. As if they were feathers they were hoisted up into the sky and flying over the forest.
Cats weren’t ones to be afraid of heights but Dazai had never flown before so he made sure to stick tightly to Chuuya. Unfortunately it didn’t matter how hard he held on, even with his claws hooked in Chuuya’s shirt it didn’t stop him from flying off as they crashed through the window of the cottage.
Chuuya brushed it off like it was nothing but Dazai on the other hand was stiff with fear as he stood in the middle of the room with his hair standing on end. “What kind of maniac witch are you!”
“I’m still in training you ass!!” Chuuya yelled back as Dazai once again took his human form, straightening out his clothes and tidying his hair.
“Come over here and make yourself useful.” Chuuya patted the side of the bench for Dazai to come stand at.
Dazai stood in place, trying to look offended. “I am not a dog nor did I agree to be your familiar so stop trying to boss me around.”
“What? You don’t want to anymore, I thought you wanted a cosy life but if you want I can dump you back on the street.”
“I might prefer that over a rude little witch like you!” Dazai argued
“My door is right there.” Chuuya said as he gestured to the still open door.
“... I’ll help you. With one spell but if you feed me I just might have to change my mind.”
“Good kitty, now come show me what to do.”
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hippolotamus · 9 months
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Fuck it Friday 🖤
Tagged by @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @giddyupbuck @wikiangela @weewootruck @fionaswhvre @jesuisici33 @pirrusstuff @your-catfish-friend Thank you loves!
Tagging (for future or for interest purposes) @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @disasterbuckdiaz @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @buddierights @spotsandsocks @statueinthestone @forthewolves @911onabc @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @heartshapedvows @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess special shoutout to @ladydorian05 for the inspiration for this scene
It's late but it's still Friday somewhere and I put too much effort in to not post this. Please enjoy a long snippet of The Darkest Fairytale (aka cat!buck/witch!eddie). Prev snippet here. Putting it under the cut because there's some mild description of mishandling Buck while he's in cat form. For reference Buck and Eddie are both teenagers here.
Evan is- well, he’s a lot of things right now. Scared. Confused. Pissed off. Cornered. 
Maddie isn’t around, their parents are worse than ever and, to top it all off, he’s stuck as a goddamn cat. It’s something that’s happened a few times now. The thing is he has no idea how it happens or what exactly it is he does to become human again. All he knows is that one minute he’s Evan and the next he’s got four legs, paws, fur and a tail. And all he can do is helplessly meow or hiss because apparently nobody can understand him. Right now that’s a big fucking problem. 
Three teenage boys – he’s pretty sure he recognizes them from a rival high school’s football team – are crowding around him, backing him into a clump of bushes and trees. He had just been out for a walk, trying to blow off some steam from the latest fight with his parents, and then he became this. Of course, they noticed.
One is wearing a backwards ballcap, another has a Steelers jersey, and the third one has a Zippo lighter he keeps flicking open and snapping shut. 
“It’s okay, kitty cat. We’re not gonna hurt you,” Jersey Kid says, lunging for Evan as if to prove that’s exactly what they’re planning to do. 
On instinct, Evan swats at him, successfully leaving a deep scratch on his forearm. 
“Dude! What the fuck!” Jersey Kid yells and nearly tries again, but Ballcap stops him. 
“You can’t go being an asshole about it, dumbass.” 
Ballcap leans down, reaching out for Evan. He really should have seen it coming. Unfortunately, Evan is so focused on Ballcap he misses the fact that Lighter Kid is behind him, ready to grab him the moment he’s backed up far enough. 
Evan hisses and growls, flailing his body in an attempt to break free. He thinks he manages to claw at Lighter Kid’s face. Despite his efforts he suddenly finds himself in the dark. Evan stops long enough to realize he’s in a bag of some kind. Maybe a backpack? One of the kids must have had it on them and he never noticed. 
Bile rises in his throat and he’s angrier than before. He lets out a throaty yowl and begins to thrash around again, determined to get away. 
“Christ, Jimmy, is it really worth it for a stupid cat?” One of them says.
“I told you. That’s not just a cat.”
“I don’t give a fuck if it’s god himself - OW! Fucking thing scratched me through my bag.” 
Good, Evan thinks. At least until the hit comes and he’s knocked to the bottom of the pack. 
“Knock it the fuck off.”
He’s going to get out of here. If he has to wait until they open the bag so he can dart off, so be it, but he’s getting the fuck away from them. 
A new voice, another boy not part of the original group. Evan makes himself as small as possible, hoping this person won’t catch on that he’s there. 
“You got some kinda animal in there?” Shit.
“What the fuck do you care?” Backpack kid sneers. “It’s none of your business.”
“Well,” New Guy says, “It kinda is based on the way you just elbowed that bag. Pretty sure no one does that and says ‘knock it the fuck off’ to a textbook.”
Backpack kid makes some kind of offended sound, and there’s muffled offerings from the other two. It feels like they’re moving again, but that doesn’t last long before the bag slams into his back and they come to a stop. After that everything becomes a bit of a blur. 
Evan can’t help the surprised yowl that escapes when the bag gets thrown to the ground. At least that’s where he hopes he is. Outside there’s what sounds like shoving, grunting and cursing. Evan scratches frantically at the zipper line hoping to escape while everyone is distracted. It’s not budging though. Distantly he thinks he hears more yelling, but then everything falls silent except for the sound of footsteps approaching. 
“Hey there.” New Guy’s voice is soothing. There’s no hint of malice like the others. Still, Evan isn’t entirely sure he can trust him and prepares to bolt when he has the chance. 
A thin stream of light shines in, growing wider as the zipper opens. He watches the gap increase until he’s certain there’s enough clearance. Evan wants to quickly get as far away as possible, but not before making sure New Guy knows not to mess with him. He wriggles through the opening right into New Guy’s hands. 
Evan squirms and bites. Hard. New Guy tenses but doesn’t fight Evan. He simply deposits him gently in the grass. 
“It’s okay little one. You’re safe now.” 
New Guy has tan skin, dark brown hair that falls forward over his forehead, and eyes the color of a Hershey bar. He smiles at Evan and tentatively holds his hand out as an offering. He smells like sunshine and evergreens.
“I’ll bet someone’s missing you.”
I highly doubt it. 
“Oh.” New Guy abruptly pulls his hand away. “You talk.” 
You- understand me?
“Yeah. I, uh, well. I’m a witch and you’re a familiar, right? Am I not supposed to understand you?” 
Evan’s heard of familiars, but he’s not- that’s not what he is. He didn’t have the slightest inkling he even had any magick until recently. 
I think you’ve got it wrong. Whatever you think I am, I’m not. 
New Guy scrunches his brows for a moment before offering a soft smile and extending his hand again. “I’m Eddie by the way. I didn’t realize you were- or I guess you’re not. Either way I should have maybe introduced myself earlier.”
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zacharyleigh316 · 9 months
A Friend to Bee
Suptober Prompt: Day 7 - Black Cat | A Friend to Bee | 2.8K | Teen and Up | Read on Ao3 (or below cut)
Dean befriends a neighborhood cat, and, against all odds, it might just bring luck his way...
As if on cue, the second Dean stepped over the threshold to his home, he sneezed, groaning at the way his eyes watered as a result. He quickly hung up his coat on the rack, and tossed his keys in the dish on the stand by the door, before fleeing into the kitchen, only to sneeze again. It was only a matter of time, Dean surmised, before his eyes burned, and he’d need to stubbornly fight the urge to rub them, as was his daily routine as of late—that, and popping allergy pills like candy. Pills of which he was currently out of, and thus doomed to suffer, slowly succumbing to his allergies.
Dean took his phone out and shot his brother a text, before setting out to put some leftover chicken and rice in a bowl. And, summoned by the prospect of food, the source of all of Dean’s current health problems—and well-being—jumped up onto the counter, signaled by another sneeze.
“You’re lucky you’re so friggin cute.” He muttered, putting the bowl down in front of the fur ball that could, quite possibly, be the death of him—if he couldn’t somehow find a way to manage his cat allergy.
It hadn’t been that long since they first encountered each other, Dean and his hairy, four-legged visitor—be it a miraculous act of fate or what have you—but it sure felt like forever, seeing as Dean hadn’t had a moment’s peace since.
Two weeks ago, on Dean’s way back home, he encountered the most unusual pair of blue eyes, that, upon further inspection, belonged to an even more unusually mannered black cat, perched perfectly poised atop the front steps to his home. He recalled how the eyes seemed to glow then, a trick of the lights Dean’s sure, but they drew him in nevertheless. Since then the cat has, beyond any feasible reason Dean could see, stuck around. Enough so that yes, he’s even begun to feed and water the damn thing—despite said allergy.
The little rascal didn’t seem too pressed to leave any time soon, and you could say that he even, perhaps, got used to having it around—not that he’d tell anyone that. He wasn’t sure who exactly owned his new friend, just that it had to be someone in the neighborhood, but sincerely hoped they wouldn’t mind how often he spoiled the guy’s pet.
Dean’s phone buzzed from where he left it on the countertop, and pulled himself from his reverie, reading the reply from his brother. 
<< hey sammy, were you able to pick me up some more of those allergy meds?
>> Yeah, they should be in the bathroom.
And then, a few seconds later, came another.
>> You know, you never told me why you needed them?
<< nunya
>> What?
<< sorry, let me rephrase that
<< nunya business
<< Wow, really mature Dean. I didn’t have to get them for you, but it sounded urgent, so I did.
<< The least you could do is tell me why. Or even how you ran out of the other bottle so quickly.
Dean sighed and looked over to the cat, who was now pinning him with its starling azure gaze, apparently finding him more interesting than finishing off the bowl of food.
“I dunno, what do you think? Should I tell Sam?” He asked, not really understanding why he thought the cat would answer, but directing the question toward it anyway.
Predictably, it just sat there and blinked at him.
Dean sighed again, deciding to just bite the bullet and tell his brother.
<< I maybe sorta got a cat?
>> You WHAT?!
>> Dean, you’re allergic to cats
<< uh yeah, Sammy, that’s why I needed the allergy meds duh
Dean let out a groan and pressed his forehead to the cool countertop, as his phone began to ring, Sam’s caller ID posted across the screen. He let it ring a few times before picking up.
“Heya brother-o-mine, shouldn’t you be working?”
“I’m on lunch break right now actually, Dean,” Sam whispered harshly into the receiver, straight to business as always, “what’s this about you getting a cat?”
“Well, it’s not technically mine. It just showed up one day, and won’t leave.”
“And you didn’t think to call authorities?”
“Authorities?” Dean snorted. “What am I going to do, Sam, get it arrested?” 
Dean could hear the eye roll through the phone. “I mean animal control, Dean. Or maybe even a vet?”
“Course I thought about doing that…”
“You can’t just steal a cat, it could belong to somebody. It could have a microchip or something. Maybe its owner is looking for it.” Sam sighed, and now it was Dean’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Dude, I’m not stupid, okay? ‘Sides, I didn’t steal it. It just showed up, and never left. I mean, the little guy comes and goes, but it always comes back and ends up staying for a few hours, before disappearing again.” He shrugged, despite his brother being unable to see it.
As if knowing it was being talked about, it padded over to Dean, and head butted the palm of his hand. Dean smiled, and ran his hand down the creature’s back, before letting out another sneeze.
“Yeah, sounds like a real healthy arrangement you’ve got there, Dean. Why do you even let it inside?” 
“That’s the strange thing, Sammy. I didn’t. It showed up on my doorstep, but I just let it be, and went inside. Don’t ask me how, but the damn thing is smart or something, and lets itself in. And out.”
“Uh-huh…” Sam trailed off, sounding skeptical.
Dean wouldn’t believe it either if he hadn’t witnessed it time and time again.
“I’m serious. I know it sounds crazy, but the cat is a friggin weirdo. I’ve tried to keep it out, but it always finds a way. Hence why now I just…let it do its thing.”
“Okay, well, even if what you’re saying is true, Dean, this isn’t sustainable. You need to find its owner, and tell them about their cat.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Now I’m serious, Dean. You can’t just keep going through allergy meds just because the cat likes to loiter.”
“Sure thing, whatever you say, mom. Don’t get your panties all in a twist, Samantha. I’ll take care of it.”
“I mean it, Dean.”
“And I promise, I’ll take care of it. Now get back to work, slacker. Don’t spend all of your lunch break talking to your big brother.” 
“Alright. Talk to you later. Love you, jerk.”
“You too. Love you, bitch.”
They hung up, and Dean put his phone back down onto the counter, turning his attention back toward the adorable, furry interloper, who was still staring unblinkingly at him.
“That was my baby brother, Sammy. He’s this big shot lawyer, and, don’t tell him this, but I’m a pretty proud big brother.” 
The cat meowed and tilted its head to the side, earning an amused chuckle from Dean.
“Can’t have his head grow bigger than it already is, y’know? Don’t know what’s in the water these days, but the kid’s huge, and I mean humongous.” He joked, shaking his head fondly.
“Anyway, Sam’s right. Not that I don’t enjoy the company, but you should probably get back to your owner, yeah? Got one of those, don’t you?”
Again the cat meowed, but Dean was, unfortunately, sorely lacking in the knowledge department for ‘how to translate cat language’. He watched as it went back to finish the food he’d set out, and chuckled, albeit a bit bitterly. 
“Yeah, I’d be bored of me too.” 
Letting the cat go about its business Dean pulled away from the kitchen island and sauntered into the bathroom. He figured that, in the meantime—or at least until he located the cat’s owner—it’d be wise to take some meds while it was here. Dean was rather fond of breathing, thank you very much. And the, however temporary, relief of itchiness was an additional perk. 
It was some time later that afternoon, Dean sat on the couch with the fur ball curled in his lap, when his phone buzzed with a text message. He leaned over to put his half finished beer down on the coffee table, and exchanged it for the phone, reading the text from Sam.
>> Have you tried following the cat when it leaves? Maybe you can do that.
Dean hummed thoughtfully, and looked down at the cat. He hadn’t tried that, no, but it wasn’t a bad idea actually. He’d have to try that next, though, if anybody in the neighborhood caught him following some dude’s cat to said dude’s house, he didn’t want to know what they would think of him. He’d rather sooner admit to being an avid fan of chick flicks than deal with the repercussions of being labeled a friggin creepy weirdo.
“What do you say to me taking you home this time?” He asked, raising a brow at the little shit still snoozing in his lap, who had the audacity to peel open one of its eyes, before opening the other and leveling Dean with a look that was oddly reminiscent of one of Sam’s bitch faces. 
Dean opened his mouth, a smart ass remark on the tip of his tongue, when the cat leaped off his lap and quietly padded over to the door, in lieu of responding, or well, as it’s response since it was an animal, and it couldn’t actually talk back—unless you counted the, albeit perfectly timed, meows it gave Dean sometimes.
With a groan, as his thirty-something almost forty-something body protested, he hefted himself off the couch and, against his better judgment, he followed the damn thing out his front door.
Thankfully his four legged guide was waiting for him, and even stopped every so often on the way to wherever the fuck, looking back to check if Dean was still behind, following. He couldn’t believe he was actually doing this, and that it was actually working. It certainly didn’t ease his anxiety, especially since he was completely in the dark as to where he was even being lead—to his death maybe—but of all panned out, maybe he’d bake his brother a pie or some shit. He’d see how he felt about it later.
Though Dean didn’t have to wait long to find out what his imminent death looked like, because after a ten minute or so walk down the street, the cat made its way up some steps to a rather unassuming house, much like his own—and everyone else’s in the neighborhood. This one was painted a pretty blue, nothing like the eyes of his new friend, but a softer, grayer shade.
On the door, as Dean approached, hung a gorgeous, decorative autumn wreath, with the words “Blessed Bee”—no that was not a typo, and to which Dean assumed was a pun referring to the little plastic bees dispersed within. Though, with an additional quick, cursory glance towards the house, the owner’s aesthetic was growing increasingly apparent, if not for the garden beds of flowers attached to each window sill, and the immaculately groomed bushes (hah) lining the front. 
Even the grass was a lively color, a rich, vibrant green, and neatly trimmed to boot. Dean couldn’t help the whispered, “Damn,” that slipped out in awe. This guy had some serious gardening chops, that Dean couldn’t help but be a little envious of. The only plant he could remember growing was a little succulent he nicked from the local supermarket for him and Sam when they were little, and he couldn’t tell you what became of it. 
The cat meowed, once again with the intention of pulling Dean from his reverie, and he, with a final resolve, reached up and knocked on the door. Though, nothing could have ever prepared him for what happened next.
The front door swung open, revealing possibly the hottest guy Dean has ever seen, looking all soft and—albeit artfully—rumpled, in a sweater and jeans, and holy fuck this dude’s eyes. If he thought the cat’s eye were an unusual shade of blue, they were nothing compared to this man’s, and if Dean didn’t say anything and just stood there frozen, gaping like a fish, being spotted and labeled as a creepy weirdo were the least of his worries.
“Uh…” he said, rather intelligently.
The man didn’t seem to mind, however, and just smiled, reaching down to pick up his cat, who was winding between his legs.
“You must be Bee’s new friend.”
Dean blinked, taking a moment to realize that, son of a bitch, the hot dude just spoke to him, and then another to realize that that is what he sounded like. Deep and gravelly, and god friggin’ dammit Dean was fucked. Truly and utterly fucked.
Wow, nice going Dean, he mentally scolded himself.
As far as first impressions went, this was probably as worst as it could get. He’d spoken a total of three words to this strange (sexy) man, and they only seemed to feed the narrative of what a fool he was. He could flirt with women with the ease of driving his baby, no problem. But put a pretty guy, let alone a pretty guy with gorgeous blue eyes, in front of him and he was rendered speechless, dumber than a sack of potatoes, and probably as useful as one too. He was not good at this.
The man chuckled, and gestured to the cat in his arms, before giving who Dean knew now as Bee chin scritches. 
“My cat. She’s been telling me all about you.” 
“Oh, uh, all good things I hope?”
The man smiled again, and Dean felt his knees grow weak, like they could buckle at any moment, and he’d just melt into a puddle on this guy’s front steps.
“Hm, yes, I must thank you for taking good care of her. She likes it there very much.”
“Haha well, I’m glad? But, uh, about that…” Dean swallowed against the lump in his throat, and reached up to rub the back of his neck. 
“I’m actually allergic to cats.” 
Dean inwardly cursed as the man frowned, and furrowed his brows in concern. He looked down at Bee then, and gave her a disapproving stare.
“You didn’t tell me that.” He shook his head, and put her down, ushering her into the house. “Go on, shoo. We’ll discuss this later.”
They both watched her disappear around the corner, before the man turned back to Dean, now looking apologetic.
“My apologies, I didn’t realize you were allergic. Had I known, I wouldn’t have encouraged Bee to visit so often.”
“Don’t worry about it man, I just, uh, thought you should know, I guess? But really, ‘s’no big deal. I actually enjoyed the company.”
The guy smiled softly, and hummed. “That’s good then. I’m glad. She enjoyed the company too.”
“I’m Dean, by the way.”
Dean nodded, feeling his cheeks heat the longer they stood there, just staring at one other. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, and cursed himself again for his eternal awkwardness. 
“R-right, well…” he trailed off, not wanting to say goodbye just yet.
“Maybe next time you could come over too? If you, um, if you want. Bee knows where it is.”
Castiel beamed, and damn, if that wasn’t easily on Dean’s ever increasing list of favorite things about him.
“I’d like that very much, Dean.”
“Yeah? Awesome.” Dean grinned back, and then even wider when Castiel ducked his head bashfully.
Dean liked him so much already, it was wild. Even more wild that a black cat was beginning to be the luckiest thing that ever happened to him.
“See ya later, Cas?”
“Yes. And I’ll try to whip up something to help those allergies, if you’d like?”
“I have no idea what that means, but sure why not?” He shrugged with an easy smile, and started to back away, his eyes never leaving Cas’.
“Don’t worry, it’s not of import.” Cas dismissed with a wave of his hand. 
“Until we meet again, Dean.”
“Bye Cas.”
They waved their goodbyes, and Dean finally turned around to make his way back, but only after he may—or may not—have stumbled, earning another, rather amused, chuckle from Cas from behind him.
Dean laughed awkwardly, brushing off his totally-not-a-stumble, you know, as a man does, and raised his hand in one more final parting gesture, before hurrying off back home to bake that pie.
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rockitmans · 7 months
Unusual Fic-Specific Asks for Authors
A Thousand Words: I’ll create a photoset/gifset that, IMO, sums up the main themes/concepts I intended for [that fic]
Oooh could you do this for Witch Wanted?
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Kurt wonders if Blaine is his own kind of magic
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vhalesa · 1 year
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Hello, it is me. Writing an actual diakko fic!! Somehow Amanda/Lotte ended up being in there too
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
Klarion the witch boy, but give him the Cat Miraculous.
Do it maribat fandom, you cowards.
there was a design of chat noir but it was all witchy looking on here a while ago and thats where this idea came from,
do you think teekal and plagg would be friends? cat besties of chaos and destruction?
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ashs-random-writing · 7 months
Witch Patton One-shots
Part 2
Patton has magic. But, that doesn’t mean he knows how to use it
Janus hissed in comfort, under his heat lamp and on his blanket.
Patton was sleeping, and so was the other human, who he’d since learned was called Roman.
Roman was still annoying, if Janus was honest. Still making a lot of jokes at his height.
The door to the bedroom was ajar, like always, letting a small stream of light into the bedroom from where the living room lamp was always left on
Janus didn’t understand why humans had so many different kinds of rooms. There was the kitchen, to prepare food (Janus didn’t go in there often, he didn’t need to eat), there was the bathroom, for bathing, but Janus had never been in there, because humans were strange creatures and decided they needed to keep their bodies hidden from others.
There was the living room, which was for talking and ‘hanging out’ in. They did that in the other rooms as well, so Janus didn’t understand the purpose. But it had comfy blankets and cushions, and it was warm, so he didn’t care. There were the bedrooms, as well. Private rooms for sleeping, and ‘chilling out’. This one, Janus understood ever so slightly more
He hated being bothered when he was sleeping, so he didn’t mind that the bedrooms were private.
There was noise in the bedroom now.
He cracked an eye open, and surveyed the room. Oh, that was the source of the noise
He opened his eyes fully. Patton seemed to be having some kind of night terror
Janus absolutely didn’t care about the human that had cursed him into such a tiny body, but he had found that Patton’s magic got stronger when he was emotional. Even after he’d stopped holding his magic inside, the number of magical accidents didn’t seem to decrease that much
He looked at the human, and he could feel the magic starting to spark off of him
Well, he certainly needed to wake him up, to prevent any further damage to the room, but he really, really did not want to be cursed a second time.
He slithered towards the second human’s bedroom. Better Roman than him, he decided, before entering the room.
They had a lot of memorabilia from something Janus didn’t know or care about.
He woke them up and directed them towards Patton’s room to deal with the nightmare.
He watched from a safe distance as they tried to wake Patton up, and got hit by a stray beam of magic.
Janus couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips as he saw what happened to the annoying human.
Or, rather more accurately at the moment, cat. Now a little orange cat, they were sitting dazed on the ground.
Janus found this a rather fitting form for them.
Of course, he’d still be able to hear what they were saying, being a creature of nature magic, but he’d be the only one.
Patton woke up a little while later, and stared at the cat on the ground
“Huh? How…?”
Patton looked over at Janus, who had curled up rather comfortably after adequately making fun of Roman
“Janus, how did this cat get in,”
Janus opened his eyes, and smiled.
“Well, that’s a good question,” he responded simply, closing his eyes again
“Janus..” Patton said, with a sort-of warning to his words
He rolled his eyes, and looked up at his human friend
“Fine,” he relented “your magic lashed out while you were sleeping, and Roman tried to wake you up” he laughed
“Rather stupid of him, if you ask me,” he added
Roman’s eyes snapped towards him
“You told me to, you slimy snake!” Roman shouted, words coming out more like a yowl to anything but Janus
Patton looked between them with visible confusion
“So… Roman’s a cat now? Oh gosh, how am I gonna explain this to Virgil?”
Janus rolled his eyes at the mention of the humans’ other friend.
He wasn’t too fond of them, since he wasn’t allowed to roam freely or as himself, rather than a regular snake when they were in the apartment.
Roman was still yowling about something or other, and Janus slithered away.
Patton approached him a little while later
“Janus, since I know that you can understand animals, and therefore you know what Roman is saying, I’m gonna need your help, is that okay?”
Janus, instead of responding, simply hissed at the orange cat that was in Patton’s arms
Roman hissed back at him, swiping a claw towards him
Janus turned away indignantly
“Alright, both of you stop that. You’re acting like kids, and I want you to at least attempt to get along with each other, or you’re both going to have to be stuck like this,” Patton said disapprovingly, gesturing to their cursed forms
Janus definitely didn’t pout
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it,” he replied
Roman also mumbled an agreement
Roman was set down on the couch, next to Janus, who definitely didn’t glare
Patton cleared his throat
“Alright, so I have some questions about what exactly happened, so, Janus, you tell me what happened first, and then you need to translate Roman’s answer for me, okay?”
Janus crossed his arms
“What if I don’t want to?” He challenged. Patton stared at him disapprovingly
Eventually, he agreed
“Basically, you were having a nightmare or something, and then Roman came in to help you, and then you cursed him. That’s it,” he said, casually
He could feel Roman’s glare, before Roman told him what to say for his side of the story
“I was sleeping peacefully, and then Baby Snake over here came in and woke me up, and practically dragged me to your room” he said
Janus felt his anger spike at the Baby Snake comment
“So, he’s saying that he came into your room completely of his own accord, and happened to get cursed,” he said, instead of saying what he was told to
Roman started shouting, or yowling rather, at him
“I did not, you are a liar, you-!”
Patton looked between them and sighed, cutting off Roman’s angry tirade
“Alright, I’m getting the sense that Janus might not have given an accurate translation, is that right, Roman?”
The cat traitorously nodded. Janus hissed
“He’s lying to slander my name,” he hissed out, turning his face away
Patton rubbed at his temple
“Listen, I can sense your emotions and it’s pretty obvious to me when you’re lying, so please just tell me the truth,” he asked, practically begging. He sounded tired
“Alright, fine, I lied, but- but he called me Baby Snake again!” He complained dramatically, watching Patton’s disapproving stare move to be focused on Roman instead
Roman grumbled about how he should be able to call Janus whatever nicknames he wanted since it was Janus’s trickery that got him in the situation
Janus hissed more viciously.
Patton’s magic seemed to be reacting, meaning that Patton was getting some kind of emotional reaction.
“Alright, you two try not to kill each other, I’m going to get ready for work, and you two are going to stay here, and preferably think of a cover story for us for where you,” he pointed at Roman “have suddenly disappeared to, and why I’ve suddenly acquired a cat, is that clear?”
Patton’s voice sounded firmer than usual, less like the soft voice he often used. It sounded more like a scolding parent.
It was probably because of all of the stress of the morning. Janus relented, and nodded
He could see Roman nodding in agreement as well, looking just as guilty as Janus
The second that Patton left the door to go to work ten minutes later, they both turned to each other
“You are a rude, deceitful little snake,” Roman mewed at him
Janus crossed his arms
“And you are a very rude and annoying human- oh, sorry, I mean little kitty cat,” he hissed out, coiling up
The argument dragged on for hours, with neither of them admitting that they were wrong. And Janus was absolutely right for that, totally; Roman was the one in the wrong in entirety.
“I could attack you, you know,” Roman said matter-of-fact-ly, and rather suddenly after a while of silence “I have claws,”
Janus laughed at that, feeling more than a little amused
“You could try, but I’m sure you realise that I’d win that fight with ease, don’t you, kitty cat?” He teased, his hissing words sliding out of his mouth like a stream
“Oh, please, all you do is sit around and nap all day. You don’t even need to eat, so excuse me for doubting your hunting skills”
Janus couldn’t help the way his anger deepened
“I’ll have you know that I occasionally partake in hunting to help the local ecosystem be the best it can be, and I think you should know that I am very, very good at it,”
He let the implied threat linger in the air. Roman’s claws were kneading the cushion below him, and piercing the silence.
“Besides,” Janus added “this body is new to you. I’m experienced,”
Roman took some time to think of a response in his small brain, much to Janus’s amusement
“Yeah, well, you were a lot bigger when you were hunting, so I’m not sure you’ll be as good now that you’re all itty-bitty,”
Janus hissed
“I’m sure I’ll be fine, considering the prey I’m thinking of happens to also be, as you put it, itty-bitty,” he looked at Roman’s small body pointedly
“Okay, well, we’re not actually gonna attack each other, are we? Patton wouldn’t like that,” Roman, said, clearly realising that Janus was superior
“No, he wouldn’t like that, which is the only reason I haven’t attacked you yet,” Janus responded in his superiority
They went back to sitting in mostly silence for a while. Janus got cold and decided to leave the living room and go back to his blankets and lamp
He was napping by the time he heard very loud yowling from the living room
Roman trying to complain about Janus to Patton, it seemed. He couldn’t make out individual words
Of course, with the witch unable to understand cats, the complaining would be futile, unless Janus was to give an accurate translation of what exactly he was saying
Patton called him in
“Janus, would you very kindly be able to explain what Roman is trying to say?” Patton asked, and he turned to Roman
“Tell him that you threatened to attack me, and that you’ve been rude to me all day,”
Janus rolled his eyes
“He’s upset that after he threatened to attack me, I informed him who’d win that fight,” Janus said, adding truth to the words.
Roman yowled another complaint
“Is that what he said?” Patton asked, clearly not believing that Roman was saying things to incriminate himself
“Well, no, but it’s the truthful side of the story, his version is all lies and slander,”
Patton sighed.
“Will you two please just try to get along with each other? I know this isn’t an ideal situation, but I’d like you to get along, because otherwise it will just keep going on until you’re both miserable. Do you want that?”
Janus crossed his arms and perhaps did a little bit of sulking
“Now, does anyone have any ideas on how to explain this little incident?”
Janus looked at Roman
“We.. we could ask my brother for help?”
Janus translated
There was a small sidetrack when Patton had to ask why, exactly, Roman’s brother Remus knew about Patton’s magic (answer: Roman was predictably bad at secrets, much like how he was bad at not being insufferable, and told his brother everything)
Eventually, it was agreed that they’d say that Roman had decided to visit his brother for an undetermined amount of time, and Remus had agreed to cover for them.
Janus almost rolled his eyes, in fact the only reason he didn’t was that he and Roman were under careful supervision to make sure that they weren’t getting at each other’s throats
Patton had looked at his security camera’s feed, and had found that from the one side of the conversation he could understand, Janus hadn’t in fact started the argument and it was Roman who had threatened first.
Unfortunately, Janus was still told off for being mean about it.
Then came time to think of a name for the cat that Roman had turned into; they for some reason couldn’t call him Roman in front of people, as that would apparently cause a small amount of suspicion.
Janus wondered if there was some human rule against naming someone or something the same name as something else. He didn’t get it.
He yawned, starting to curl up. He started to nap once again, making up from being woken by Roman’s insistent meowing and complaining.
The next few days were annoying, much to Janus’s dismay. Not only could he not nap as much, but he had to hang around Roman to act as a translator. And, to top it all off, he got told off if he gave a wrong translation, even if his version was better
He would often hiss at the former human
Roman still slept on his own bed, which was great since it meant that Janus could have some peace and quiet in Patton’s bedroom
No one was very happy at this situation. As funny as it was at first, now that he had to help? No, thank you.
The name they had used for cat-Roman was Pumpkin, since they were both orange. Roman didn’t seem to mind it, but he was pretty much sulking all the time since he was cursed. Janus couldn’t relate, he was always perfectly composed.
@a-chilly-pepper @da3dm
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apinchofm · 1 year
Hi I thought of something but I don't know if you'll like it, what if you wrote a story involving the development of Marcus and Phoebe and her cat, they start dating and Marcus tries to conquer Phoebe's cat🐱🐱
I love this idea!
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Marcus adored Phoebe. He had never met anyone like her. She was fierce, funny, intelligent and had so much heart.
But her cat? Her cat was a different story.
Persephone was a black kitten who Phoebe had picked up on her way home, the poor thing in a box outside of Splatfields market and she had fallen in love with her. She was an angel.
But to Marcus, she was a demonic cat. At first, he thought it was because he was a vampire. Cats did not like vampires and vice versa..
"I am not getting rid of my cat, and you will not drink from her!" Phoebe said after catching the two hissing at one another.
Marcus glared at the kitten, who was resting atop one of the many piles of books in her flat.
It started small. Scratch marks in his satchel and on any loose bits of paper that belonged to Marcus.
Then she pissed in his shoes. His expensive, handmade shoes.
Phoebe sighed, "Okay, how do we fix this?"
Marcus huffed, thinking of many scenarios in which he killed the cat. But he knew she would be upset and the last thing he wanted to do was upset Phoebe.
Phoebe was surprised when she returned home from work, and her living room had been rearranged. There was a new velvet-green cat bed and tower in the corner near the balcony and a large green cat tree in which Persephone was happily settled atop one of the platforms.
Marcus was sitting on the couch, the news playing on the tv as he typed up some notes for work, "Hi, love, how was your day?" He asked.
"Uh, great. Why is it so peaceful in here?" Phoebe whispered.
He looked up at her, "Well, I remembered how my grandfather used to temper my aunt Verin's temper. He would buy her stuff."
Phoebe held back a laugh, "So, you went shopping for Sephy?"
"Yes." Marcus sighed, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek.
"You really love me." She smiled, and he grinned.
"Yes. And if that means I must concede to that demon, then so be it." Marcus said.
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hi this is my 3rd time writing it (my app keeps crashing) and ngl im kind of annoyed so ill keep this short and sweet cus the last time i tried writing the idea out here it just disappeared, so:
a magic au
mickey is a dealer of sorts, he gets his clients all and any ingredients they need for spells and potions, as well as other things they might need. he gets a new client and the first meeting doesnt go well, the person isnt too keen on his gruff and no-bullshit attitude. they end up fighting and mickey is cursed into a cat, the only way to break the curse being to get someone to treat him the way he treated the witch.
ian is a healer witch, he meets mickey in one of the worst ways he could - as hes walking out of the corner shop he almost knocks the cat out with the force with which he opens the door.
the cat - mickey - hisses at him, his tail held out stiff and straight very obviously unhappy with being hit. ian, lover of all things living, immediately feels terrible crouches down and takes something out of one of his grocery bags and holds it out to mickey.
the cat looks at him doubtfully but smelling the piece of ham the red head is holding out in his palm mickeys tummy rumbles almost painfully (its been two days since hes been turned and hes had no luck in getting anyone to feed him or finding anything to eat in the wild) so he carefully moves closer to the man and takes the ham out of his hand quickly and practically devours it.
ian feeds him a few more pieces until the cat visibly calms down, he even pets it scratchingg behind its ear as he whispers apologies. then he stands up slowly and with one last look at the cat moves to get to his apartment. he doesnt notice the panicked look on the cats face.
it takes mickey all of 3 seconds to decide that hes going to follow the man. in the last 2 days no one seemed to even notice him, he cant chance another 48 or so hours of hunger and general misery.
he follows the man home and hopes the stranger will at least give him some more food before he closes his doors in his face.
ian doesnt notice the cat is following him until hes in front of his house, and by then he feels like he has to get the cat in for at least one night.
he makes dinner for both himself and the cat and after spending the evening in front of the tv he goes to bed. during the night mickey wakes up and decides its as good time as any to get started at annoying the man until he shouts at him. admittedly he feels kind of bad to be pushing stuff to the ground and digging in the plants but its his only chance at getting back to being human. by the time hes done its almost dawn and the sky is turning grey, he curls up next to the bed and waits for the man to wake up and start screaming.
except he doesnt. when ian gets up, moves out if the bedroom and into the combined living room and kitchenhe notices the mess right away, but instead of getting angry he just chuckles to himself lowly. he did bring a cat home and as far as hes aware cats need entertainment to stimulate their brains. he quickly cleans up before getting breakfast (for himself and the cat), getting dressed and leaving for work. when he comes back, hes carrying a bag filled with different types of cat toys.
mickey is so fucked.
mickey gets cursed into a cat and to break the curse someone has to treat him the same way he treated the witch (i.e. yell at him) ian finds him in front of the grocery store and feeds him, mickey follows him home and ian takes him in after which mickey gets fed again only to decide during the night that if hes ever to go back to being human he needs to piss the guy off in a major way, cue mickey knocking stuff off the table, and other places. it seems to be going well, the destruction not too much but seemingly enough to get yelled at. except ian doesnt yell, he doesnt even get mad. he lets out a barely audible giggle and as he comes home from work later that hday, hes carrying a variety of cat toys.
i got this idea at 2am yday and couldnt get it out of my head or write it down in a way that made sense so here is a bunch of words that seemed to make sense to me, hope you dont mind. also would really appreciate your thoughts♡
mickey is a dealer of sorts, he gets his clients all and any ingredients they need for spells and potions -> This reminds me of a fic I read but I can't think of the name...
mickey is cursed into a cat, the only way to break the curse being to get someone to treat him the way he treated the witch. -> okay this is very fucking cool. So he treated the witch like shit and now he needs someone to treat him like shit...
ian, lover of all things living, immediately feels terrible -> of course he does! I would too! poor kitten! He's so tiny and pretty.
he doesnt notice the panicked look on the cats face. -> poor Mickey! he's probably so tired, especially after finally eating for the first time in two days. he probably needs a warm place to take a fucking nap.
but instead of getting angry he just chuckles to himself lowly. -> Oh Ian you're such a sweet man. Mickey is never turning back into a human, isn't he?
MARS I need more! I am not kissing you better continue this story! This is such a cute idea. Mickey will try to do the most fucked up things and while Ian probably punish him (no snack, spray him with a water when he tries to eat the plants) he doesn't yell. Mickey tries to bite him and Ian thinks that they're playing.
But life as Ian's cat isn't so bad. He gets cuddles and warm bed and food, He can watch tv while Ian is at work. I'm dying to know how long it takes Ian to realize this isn't a real cat.
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merceyca · 8 hours
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Slightly delayed update this week but the new chapter of my Kandreil witch!au is posted!!
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btschooseafic · 1 month
AO3 Recs
i won’t ask where you came from, and neither should you by wildlikeawolfpack [completed]
namjoon x yoongi (namgi), witches, familiars, magic, cat yoongi, soft vibes, lowercase fic
namjoon has given up on finding a familiar when a cat gets into his greenhouse
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hippolotamus · 8 months
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WIP Wednesday 🖤
tagged by the super talented @welcometololaland @your-catfish-friend @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @wikiangela @eowon @disasterbuckdiaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @weewootruck @thewolvesof1998
These days I am taking whatever will let my brain write some words until I'm back on track. Please enjoy a snippet of The Darkest Fairytale (all prev snippets here)
Evan stays rooted in place, skeptically eyeing Eddie. Life experience so far tells him not to bother with any sort of trust, even with someone as seemingly friendly as this. But something deeper, a difficult to ignore instinct in his gut overrides it. He cautiously steps forward, stretching his neck to sniff and take in Eddie’s scent again.  This time he gets a mix of lavender and pine mixed with a hint of musky and spicy. Evan chances another step closer, until his nose touches Eddie’s skin. He’s this close, and everything in him is burning to lessen the infinitesimal space, so he closes the final gap to rub his cheek against Eddie’s hand, not missing the accompanying sharp inhale.  Eddie doesn’t pull away, in fact he lowers himself to sit cross legged on the grass, so Evan assumes he hasn’t caused any pain or discomfort. He so desperately wants to climb into Eddie’s lap, but he knows he’s always asking too much of those around him. It’s easier to stay where he is and allow Eddie’s fingers to gently rub under his chin and behind his ears. He’ll take what he can get until Eddie decides it’s enough. A deep bark breaks through the peaceful silence, setting Evan on edge again. A full grown chocolate lab lumbers across the grass, heading straight for them. All of his survival instincts kick in, sending him racing out of the park, away from the lab and away from Eddie. He runs at top speed, sticking close to bushes and other objects he can easily climb or duck under, until he no longer hears the jingle of the lab’s collar. He only stops when he realizes he’s made it home. Now all he has to do is wait for whatever turns him back into a human. Perfect.
it's late so tagging some folks who showed interest @shortsighted-owl @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @buddierights @monsterrae1 @forthewolves @911onabc @hoodie-buck @giddyupbuck @statueinthestone @wildlife4life @heartshapedvows @honestlydarkprincess @steadfastsaturnsrings @stereopticons
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sirenspells · 2 years
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[Witch Sunny AU]
You and your friends get lost in the woods and are led to a house by a weird cat and meet a guy wearing a hood over his face who calls himself “Stranger”. wyd
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Oh, right. Chapter 3 of my Midam witch/familiar AU is out.
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casadefreewill · 2 years
Fic Rec
Functionally Immortal by @miranda-gilastorm
You are Functionally Immortal, however, your life force is connected to a cat that can die to anything but old age. You must protect the cat to stay alive. Having lived alongside the cat for centuries, one day it disappears.
Hell yeah! Literal actual cat (cursed) Adrien! Guardian/witch Marinette! I wish there was more of this fic
Paws Fur Coffee by Zaphirite
He was so sure that Ladybug would already push him off a rooftop if she knew his civilian identity worked at a café called “Paws Fur Coffee” of all names (the owner is a dog person, but he’ll take it), but his flub on the chalkboard menu just topped it all off.
His neat handwriting read back to him: “Chai Noir”.
(In which Adrien Agreste has some really cool ideas about the special drink of the week and gets to know a regular customer.)
Lol, this is cute ☕️ 🍵 ☕️🧋☕️ 🍵 🧋 ☕️
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