#Fic by Admin Pidge
vxltrxn-imagines · 7 years
The Voltrons- Heather AU- KeithxReader
Chapter Three- Fight For Me
(A/N: Ah the song that started it all. I've imagined this song with Keith ever since I first saw Voltron then was rewatching Heathers again. Also sorry this took a while I really was trying to work hard to make sure this was different from earlier fic I’ve posted of this, and I just had my wisdom teeth removed, so it was hard to write in the pain plus the loopiness. Hope you guys enjoy this though!)
(Y/N) was curious as she approached the empty table this guy was sitting at, she opened her mouth to start to speak before he interrupted her thoughts and spoke first,
“You shouldn't have bowed down to them. Like some sort of dog.” He scowled softly,
“W-What??” She asked, taken aback, it was a small shock that someone still would stand up to her,
“You clearly have a soul. That guy was your friend, they're all going to crush him.” He sat up from the table and began walking away,
“Hey! Wait! I didn't catch your name!” (Y/N) called, causing the guy to turn back and look at her through his mullet,
“That's because I didn't throw it.” He said as he walked off, causing (Y/N) to stare at him as he walked away. Something in her felt...different. Like she was never truly happy until this moment; Something just felt right.
From across the lunchroom, Kurt and Ram were watching in a huff,
“Who does that guy in the jacket think he is anyway!?” Kurt huffed, “That mullets so gay!”
“(Y/N) seems to be into his stupid act though.” Ram said with his arms crossed, not happy,
“Let's go kick his ass!” Kurt called as he walked up to the guy who now was sitting in the corner, “Hey sweetheart. What did your boyfriend say when you told him you were moving to Ohio?” He snickered, as the guy rolled his eyes and tried to ignore them,
“Doesn't the cafeteria have a no fags allowed rule?” Ran asked, as the guy sighed, finally having enough,  
“They seem to have an open door policy on assholes though.” He responded, brushing part of his mullet out of his face and stood up, knowing what he just said was going to start a fight. Sure enough, Kurt and Ram came at him, but he was prepared for it. Students started to gather around excitedly,
“Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit!” They chanted, loving whenever there was drama, causing (Y/N) to look up from where she was. Her jaw dropped as she saw the fight that was ensuing, and she softly sang to herself,
“Why when you see boys fight Does it look so horrible Yet... feel so right?” She asked as she got closer to the crowd around the fight, “I shouldn't watch this crap That’s not who I am But with this kid… Daaaaamn”
She fawned, as she slowly walked up to the crowd, to get a better look at his face and at the fight. It was pretty easy, kids automatically started moving out of their way for her now since she joined The Voltrons, she held her diary close to her heart as she slowly was singing to herself, as Ram and Kurt were getting their asses handed to them,
“Hey, mister no-name kid So who might you be? And could you fight for me” She sang, staring at him adoringly, “And hey, could you face the crowd Could you be seen with me and still act proud”
She wandered up closer to the fight, as suddenly everything paused,
“Hey, could you hold my hand And could you carry me through no man's land” 
She cried, as she held his hand that wasn’t busy punching Ram, loving the feeling of it, loving the feeling of feeling protected by it.
“It's fine if you don't agree But I would fight for you If you would fight for me”
She let go of his hand and backed up, as everything around her started playing again, but she was too busy imagining a world where they were together, kicking some ass and kissing passionately as they finish, “Let them drive us underground I don't care how far You can set my broken bones and I know CPR”
She slightly leaned left, totally swooning as she sang that, imagining how the feel of his lips would be against hers, “Well, whoa, you can punch real good You've lasted longer than I thought you would”
Nobody had ever lasted this long against Kurt and Ram together, and she was totally into it, finding him incredibly hot,
“So hey, mister no-name kid If some night you're free Wanna fight for me? If you're still alive I would fight for you If you would fight for me”
She finished her song as the students around her started chanting again as the fight was ending, with Mr No Name Kid as the clear winner, “Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit Holy SHIT!” (Y/N) started to make her way back up to the stranger, before he and Kurt and Ram were all dragged to the principal's office, and The Voltrons started gathering around her to gossip about what just happened, before (Y/N) told them to come over after school to talk about it instead. She was much too distracted in thoughts of him right now to talk about anything else.
Later that afternoon, (Y/N) and the Voltrons were playing croquet in (Y/N)’s back yard. It seemed perfectly convenient that all of them had color balls that matched the colors that they always wore, like some force perfectly planned this scene. Shiro rolled his eyes as he looked over at (Y/N),
“God. Do you always droll this much over guys? You were practically throwing your panties at the new kid,” He paused, and took a look around the house surrounding him, “And, judging by the look of this place, you can’t afford new panties.” He finished his sentence, as Lance and Pidge laughed, but it was more forced than natural laughter; After all, this was what they were ordered to do, Obey and follow all of Shiro’s cues.
“Oh come on, I don’t even know his name. I was just admiring his fighting style.” (Y/N) immediately replied, getting defensive.
“Righhhtt.” He said, as he walked over, and purposely hit his ball to knock Pidge’s off the field. “Your turn, Pidge.” He smirked as Pidge looked back at her ball with annoyance and walked over to it,
“Oh give it up girl.” Lance called out to her, but Pidge was annoyed and determined. She took a deep breath and hit the ball to bounce it off a tree, and through the hoop. Immediately everyone started to cheer for her, except Shiro, as she took a small victory.
“Come take a break, have some pate!” A woman called from a small garden table, causing (Y/N) to look up and smile,
“Sure thing mom! Be right there!” She replied as she walked up, Shiro walking behind her as he began to inspect the plate,
“This isn’t pate this is liverwurst…” He said, with disgust in his voice. (Y/N) shot a look at her mother begging her not to blow this for her. Mrs. (L/N) shined a fake smile,
“Yes, I’m aware. It’s a family joke.” “Oh..haha. Verry funny.” Shiro shot sarcastically,
“So. Do you all have any plans for tonight?” Mr. (L/N) asked. “We’re taking (Y/N) to her first big homecoming party~” Lance cooed from the background, causing Shiro to look at his Swatch,
“Speaking of which…”
“Right! Sorry mom, we have to motor if we want to be ready for that party.” (Y/N) called as everyone started to walk off, until her mother took her arm to hold her back,
“Hey..don’t let those populars change you.” She warned, “You have other friends. You have Hunk.” She spoke softly, causing (Y/N) to look down, still feeling horrible about earlier with him,
“Maybe-Maybe I want more to life than liverwurst and cooking mom…” She replied, as she pulled her arm away from her mother, and wiped her tears secretly. Forcing a brave face as she headed up to get ready for the party later.
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I'm going to be writing some fanfics in the mean time (aka not doing schoolwork at school) and some fics I have ideas for are
1. Punk Allura and Preppy Pidge based off of 'My first kiss' because nostalgia.
2. Lance and Allura highschool AU with teen pregnancy. It's a thing I see at my school and what I was a product of so I'm very interested in it.
3. Hanahaki Pidge and Allura with suffering and sadness.
-Admin Pidge💚
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klance-fics · 3 years
Hiiiii!! I was wondering if you have any
1) Sports AU fic recs, prefferably with intense rivalry klance or enemies to lovers? Some of the ones I've read and enjoyed are Vicodin on Sunday Nights and On Thin Ice
2) Mystery/Detective/Spy Klance fics, preferably ones where they dont get along and they're forced to take on a case or something together
*nervous laughter* No I definitely don't have a thing for enemies to lovers what makes you think that😅
Thanks a tonn btw!!!!🙂
hi, first of all amazing url stan annabeth chase (both admins are pjo fans lmao). i have a few for each i hope they're enough! (enemies to lovers is indeed a spectacular trope anyway)
I'm waiting for the light of your supernova
Lance loves the idea of being literally written in the stars with another, but so far it hasn’t been the love story he’s dreamed of; the fated meeting, the instant and momentous connection. A klance soulmate AU where each person is born with their soulmate's constellation on their skin, the marks changing colour as their bond grows.
I Know You Want Me
Lance and Keith have been rival soccer players since their freshman year of college. But they also have been pining for each other since freshman year. Tonight is another big game between UOA and UOM. Who will win?
blink if you want me
He wakes up to Pidge’s face hovering above him. “You gotta stop running into him like this.” “Dude, he fucking shot me.” “I know. We saw.”- A hitmen AU wherein two thirsty assholes fall for each other and then jeopardize their respective missions because of it.
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key: angst = ★ | fluff = ☆ | nsfw = ✯ | crack = ✘
headcanons = ❅ | fics = ✿ | scenarios = ♛
admins: L =💗 | Rori = 💜 | Sera = 💝 | Lue = 💚 | Kay = 💙
anons: Virgin Cake Babe | irl!Alex | Aries ♈️ | Lil Moon🌙 | 🌌 | Pumpkin | Mountain Blue Bird |
Original Masterlist || Prompt Request List || Out of Context Prompt List
Lastest Post: Artist Reader Drawing Them w/ Shiro, Keith, & Hunk💜
Matt Holt
James Griffin
Big Brain Hours
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College au pidge is my favourite pidge they're literally a gremlin
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klanceficatalogue · 6 years
could i rec my own fic called "mistakes were made?" its currently ongoing and is a group text fic au
dsfjksh okay im not talking to you specifically but when yall rec ur own fics, could you blease put ur username i wanna make sure i rec the right one,, im just a dumb-dumb and the other admins probably don’t care but im just,,, dumb sjkdfh (like i said im not talking about you in particular i just remembered bc there were a few results for this title
Mistakes were Made by silentglare (13/? | 15,840 | Teen And Up)
(Season 7 if the Earth wasn’t invaded by Galra and they weren’t stuck in that weird thing for three years)Pidge creates a group chat to pass time as the Paladins make their journey home.
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No one requested this but to help deal with my writers block, I was writing a small little fic with Shiro and a female S/O and I felt like posting it. And I’ve also been dealing with my monthly and it’s pretty bad. Sorry if that was TMI >_< Writing helps take my mind off the pain too. So the fic is kind of based off that for anyone who’s also going through the same pain. Hope you all like it! I might delete this later
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The moment her eyes opened, she knew she wasn’t leaving the bed that whole week. Figures that now of all times, mother nature decided to finally catch up with her body and it sure was giving her hell. Zarkon and the Galra could wait as her battle now was with her own body. It was also a battle she must carry out in secret. The male to female ratio in the Castle of Lion was not in her favor. How could she expect them to understand her pain. Sure there was Pidge yet she was a champ through any sort of pain that it was almost unfair. Heck if Altean women even experienced this sort of hell. So she locked herself away in the room to suffer through the storm alone. The mood swings and everything that went with it was something she didn’t want anyone to see. 
Nothing got past Shiro ever! He could everyone like a book, always sensing when something was wrong with anyone inside the castle. It was just another thing that made him such a good leader. He was very sensitive to the different struggles and concerns of everyone. It was also probably because of this that the team nicknamed him ‘Space Dad’ but he happily embraced the role. And today was no different. The empty seat beside him at breakfast already raised multiple red flags. She never was one to miss breakfast or morning meetings. No, he wasn’t going to worry about it. He didn’t want to be that overbearing boyfriend who gets worried over every little thing. So he waited, thinking she just running late. 
Breakfast and lunch had come and gone and still no sign of her all day. Shiro even asked around to the others, hoping he might of just missed her. But no one had seen her; not a single sign of her. Now he felt he had a decent reason to worry and quickly turned to walk the familiar path to her room with thousands of possible scenarios of what could be wrong. The thoughts scared him as he drew closer to her room, slightly picking up his pace. 
A soft knock at the door made a groan arise out of her throat, muffled by pillow her face was buried in. Endless repositioning and she had finally found one that eased the pain so she could fall asleep. Yet the damn knock at the door brought her out of that sweet moment blissful sleep. It made her blood boil and she would have snapped at whoever it was if it weren’t for the wave of pain that quickly rushed over her the moment she popped her head up. She tried to get up but quickly realized how futile it was when she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Sharp pain lanced through her lower abdomen and colorful spots flashed in front of her eyes, it felt like her whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache. It felt like her gut had been stabbed repeatedly and violently. Her face buried back into the pillow did nothing to muffle her small whimpers of pain from the Black Paladin standing outside her door, his mouth hanging open to ask if everything was alright. From the sound he just heard, everything was not alright. 
The door opened slowly, the lights from the hall illuminating the darkened room. The light slightly illuminated his partner who lay on their bed, her back towards him as they curled up into a ball. Her whimpers continued as she tried to shield her eyes from the light in the halls. Shiro quickly felt relieved in a way that she wasn’t in any danger yet was still worried. She was obviously in some sort of discomfort or pain. He approached the bed slowly as the door closed behind him. Crouching beside her bed, he rubbed her back as her whimpers continued. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong? What can I do to help?” He called out to her softly, watching her movements to see if he could pick up on what was wrong should she not answer.
“N-nothing. I dealt with this all the time back on Earth. I’m fine. I’m sure you have other important things to do, Shiro. Go on, I’ll be fine.” She hugged her stomach tightly as another wave of pain surged over her. It was then Shiro finally understood what was wrong with her and let out a small sigh. Sure a part of him was embarrassed about learning what was causing her pain but his main concern was helping her through the pain. Toss aside the covers and kicking off his shoes, he curled up behind her, wrapping his arms around her stomach. “That’s not really helping with the pain.”
“But does it make you feel a little bit better?” Sure cuddles can’t slow everything but he really didn’t know what else he could do in this situation. This wasn’t his area of expertise but no way was he going to leave her to suffer through it alone. 
“A little bit...” One of her hands wrapped around his, squeezing it with yet another wave of pain coming. With the countless times she had been there for him for comfort after every single nightmare, he was happy to help her in this moment with her pain. And from how hard she squeezed his hand, it must’ve been horrible. A small whimper escaped her mouth as the pain intensified. “Why do we have to be punished like this every month?” She cried but he just kept his mouth shut and pressed a kiss to her cheek. 
“It’s only for a week. You do survive it and I’ll be here the whole time.” Shiro was determined to go above and beyond for her in this moment so that next time he could come prepared for anything. Yet in the meantime, he’d just have to figure out his game plan in the future.
Another crappy fic done! My own little personal fics are not very good either but oh well. I’m trying so that’s all that counts. ~Admin Mae
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xanderuwu · 7 years
This is an ao3feed of klance fics that filters out minor/adult ships, crosstagged OT3 fics, smut, genderbends, romanticised lotor/paladin, trans boy pidge, & rape/non-con. The feed is drafted by a bot, and then hand-sorted and queued by the admin of this blog. This means that the fanfictions from the feed may appear slower than they do on other ao3feed blogs, but you get them properly filtered.
i thought now would be a neat time to promo this again
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Welcome to gay theatre hell. I’m one of your two admins, Tay, and this is just an introductory post about everything on this blog. So, to begin, this is something me and my friend M, who is the other admin, came up with one day because we’re both Voltron and drama trash. You can find me here: @goodbye-seeyouthen and M here: @the-gays-all-here 
Both of us use they/them pronouns, please!
The general idea of the AU is this- Garrison High has a diverse and wild drama department, featuring all your favorite characters and then some. Lance is top dog of drama there, always the lead and all that. Keith is a shy ex-baseball player who got thrown into drama against his will. But it turns out Keith is also super talented. They’re competing for the male lead here, so there’s they’re classic rivalry, but there’s also a shit ton that goes down, so stay tuned.
There’s a fic that I’m writing called ‘Triple Threat’ and it’s already up on AO3! Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9580988/chapters/21662138
This is an ask blog for the drama department and its stars from the fic. If you’re asking a question directed at a certain character, please specify so. If you’re asking something to an admin (or both), make sure you say so, so that we can give you the answer you need! There will occasionally be answers formatted as drawings (neither of us are like super duper fancy and talented but we’re not terrible), but not all will be. We’ll do our best!
In the AU, there’s obviously Cuban Lance. I’ve been studying Spanish for over 10 years, so I’m doing my best, plus I’m from Florida so I know a lot of Cuban slang. But translations will be added if there’s anything not in English anywhere here or in the fic. 
The AU mostly revolves around Klance, but don’t worry, you’ll get some adorable Shallura too. We’ve got bi Lance, gay Keith, NB Pidge, and just sweet ole Hunk. 
So, that’s it! M will probably post something about themselves too, but for now, this is what we’ve got. Asks are open as of now and until further noted. 
We hope you’ll enjoy this AU, the characters, the responses, and the fic!
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vxltrxn-imagines · 7 years
Shiro x Admin!Shiro(Cassie)
(Mod Shiro’s birtdhay was Sunday! I wrote this for her and forgot to post this here!! Her name is Cassie, and I go by Lovie and am in this too! -Admin Pidge)
Shiro woke up early, he knew what day it was today, and he wanted to be up to make sure everything was in place. Shiro quickly ran a hand through his hair, to help fix it quickly but also to help his nervousness. Why was Shiro so nervous you ask? Because today was the birthday of someone very special to him, Cassie. Cassie and her friend Lovie had randomly appeared one day, and since that day the two had managed to befriend everyone in the castle, Lovie even to the point of beginning to date Keith(whoops had to sorry xD) Shiro, admittedly, had fallen for Cassie as well, but was way too shy to ask the girl out, even though Lovie insisted that she felt the same way about him.
So how did that lead to why he was nervous today? Well, Shiro was determined that he was going to Cassie’s birthday make amazing for her, and by the end of the day, maybe he'll be able to muster the courage to ask her out.
Shiro went to his bathroom, and washed up quickly before he headed off into the castle more to grab his supplies he had made to set up outside Cassie’s door. He smiled as he saw Lovie already in the secret closet,
“Shiro! Are you gonna finally ask her today?” She asked with a smirk. Lovie seemed to enjoy teasing him about this sort of thing, and playing “matchmaker” for the two. Shiro looked down at his hands as he was picking up some of the streamers he had made in Cassie’s favorite colors.
“Are you absolutely sure she likes me like that??” He questioned, he was still worried. He didn’t understand how someone as perfect as Cassie could like him.
“I’m absolutely positive, Shiro.” Lovie said quickly in response, knowing that Shiro was still going to be uncertain, “You know how shy and nervous she is. She’s never going to make the first move here, but I can guarantee you she likes you back. It’s obvious to everyone but you two.” She was sitting perfectly on the table, her legs folded, and her hands supporting her leaning back a bit. She had clearly gained some confidence from being with Keith. Shiro was silent for a few moments, as if contemplating if what she said was actually true, before standing up,
“I have to worry to set these up before she wakes up…” He was looking away from her as he walked off, causing Lovie to sigh, before speaking into a radio system she had set up with everyone in the castle, minus Shiro and Cassie.
“He’s still shy about asking her.” She spoke simply,
“Maybe he needs some extra motive! Something that’ll push him.” Hunk was the first to reply,
“What if I flirted with Cassie?” Lance called out
“Please you just want the excuse to hit on her.” Keith groaned,
“No I think that might actually work!” Pidge interjected, “If he sees another guy is after Cassie, it might give him the push to confess to her before someone else takes her.”
“But then in order for that to happen wouldn’t Cassie have to show interest back?” Hunk questioned,
“I know Cassie, if any guy or person ever compliments her or flirts with her, she will get extremely flustered, regardless of feelings. That’s enough to trick Shiro into thinking she returns them.” Lovie joined back in the conversation.
“Are we sure this is going to work?” Princess Allura spoke up for the first time, causing the rest to slightly jump, forgetting she was in this radio channel.
“Well, does anyone else have any other plans?” Pidge asked, causing dead silence,
“Alright, Plan Jealousy it is then!” Lovie smirked, “Let’s get this plan in action Team Wingmen!” Lovie hopped off the table, as everyone helped Shiro set up the rest of the Castle before Cassie woke up.
Shiro was pacing nervously, should he get out the flowers to give her when she wakes up or not? Should he even give them to her at all?? Were they too intimate? What if she secretly hated flowers? What if Lovie has been lying to him this whole time and it was all some big joke? Shiro stared at his reflection in some glass and sighed. He looked around at everyone who had come to help say good morning to Cassie, and felt like something was...off. Like they had some sort of plan. Part of him was worried that it wasn't going to end well, since he knew them all too well, but the other part was too focused on the matter at hand. He opened the door with everyone, as Lance blew a party horn,
“Happy birthday!!” Everyone cheered, unfortunately for them, Cassie was rather shocked by this wake up call and jerked up before falling off her bed,
“Oof!” She exclaimed as she hit the ground, before looking up and seeing everyone standing there with party hats, and Allura holding a tray with breakfast foods on it, “What's this??” She asked
“We wanted to surprise you!!” Lovie replied with a cheer, causing Cassie to tilt her head before waking up more,
“Oh! Right! Today's my birthday!” She smiled softly, getting off the floor, “You guys didn't have to do this for me.” Shiro smiled down at her, his heart loving how sweet she was,
“You deserved something special.” He said softly and was about to say more before Lance slid in and up next to her,
“Andddd we planned a paaaaaataaaayyyy for tonight.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and winked at her, causing Cassie’s face to grow red. Shiro stepped back slightly, and watched. His face started to grow hot, and he didn’t understand why. He didn’t understand why he was getting so...angry; that was the word. He didn’t understand it, but he felt like punching Lance through a wall all of a sudden. He was too distracted to connect that this was everyone’s plan, and he faked a smile throughout the rest of the day, until later that night.
Everyone was dressed up; Even Keith was wearing his fancy jacket, the one without any blood on it. Shiro had rented a nice suit, to try to impress Cassie. He felt furious. All day, Lance was flirting with Cassie. Every time he turned around, Lance was there with an arm around a flustered and blushing Cassie. He knew he didn’t have time to waste anymore. He had to tell her his feelings.
Shiro ran a hand through his hair again, making sure he looked absolutely perfect as he grabbed the bouquet of Peonies. He walked out to the party room, with the stars lighting up the ceiling, and the area decorated with balloons and banners all about. Shiro saw Cassie, and his jaw dropped, She looked absolutely gorgeous but then again she always looked gorgeous. He walked up to her,
“Hey Cassie. Do you mind if I steal you away over there for a second??” He asked, as Cassie looked up at him with a soft blush,
“Of course Shiro.” She nodded, and blushed more as Shiro took her hand, and lead her to a private room, where he revealed the bouquet he had from behind him,
“I got you these..Lovie told me they were your favorites.”
“Shiro! That’s incredible!” She exclaimed, grabbing and sniffing them, “This had to be so hard to get...especially since we’re so far from Earth…” “It was worth it for you.” He smiled softly, and started rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I-Have something I want to tell you.” “W-What is it Shiro?” Cassie asked nervously,
“Cassie...You’ve had my heart for a while now.” He paused, taking in a deep breath to try to stop from sounding too nervous, “Do you want to go on a date with me sometime??” He asked, causing Cassie to blush,
“Shiro...O-Of course!” She sputtered, “I would love that!” Shiro smiled at her response, and lightly stroked her cheek with his thumb, before the two shared a soft and gentle kiss,
“WHOOOO LOOK WHO FINALLY DID IT!” Lance called out, interupting the kiss as the two jumped up and turned around, seeing everyone near the door,
“About time you two admitted it.” Lovie smirked,
“So glad the plan worked.” Keith smirked also, causing realization to hit Shiro as he looked over at Lance,
“You were trying to get me jealous so I would ask her!” “Bingo!” Lance replied with finger guns at him, “Worked like a charm.” “I’m not sure if I should thank you or kill you…” Shiro mumbled, before Cassie spoke up,
“Can you two leave so we can get some privacy?” She asked, causing the rest to get red and leave as Cassie looked up at Shiro and stood on her tip toes, “Now...where were we?” She asked as she pulled him into a nice, warm kiss,
BONUS: It was the next morning, everyone in Team Voltron was up early to train, “Alright, Lance! You’re up against me first!” Shiro called with a smirk, causing Lance to pale,
“He’s so gonna kill me for yesterday isn’t he?” He asked, looking back at the others,
“Yep.” “Nice knowing you man!” “Give God a good word for me!”
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Admin Pidge Podge's rambling
So I kinda want to write a fic involving my au lance where his last name is Kurogane (bc no last names are confirmed and i really want to use it bc I still love Isamu). In it his dad is Japanese and his mom is Cuban (AU Isamu and Fala p much bc I'm kurofala t r a s h)
Idk what fanfic to write for it tho
It's either gonna be Shance, Allurance, or Plance but most likely Shance because I'm bad at writing women;;;;;
Ah well I hope I write it someday. I love different au's and stuff.
- Admin Pidge💚
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Hello!! Can I request a sleepover AU? P L E A S E? It'd kind of be like idk, Shiro is always stealing the blankets or something XD You can do with a s/o or not ^^ Thanks!!!
I love this???? like a lot????????? this is a wonderful thing that I love and am so fuckin here for
I’m also unsure if you’re asking for headcanons or like a fic so imma do hcs, lemme know if you want a fic as well!
Shiro being a total blanket hog
Hunk somehow always pulling food out of nowhere and keeping up the snackies
Lance has wayyyyy to much energy and everyones thankful but also pissed bc of it
Keith is pretending he’s not interested in being there but is secretly thriving
Pidge is either already knocked tf out or trying to get the group to decide on a movie before ultimately just saying fuck you and picking one
Allura has never done a sleepover before and is quite confused as to what to do
“isn’t this just normal?? we do this every night don’t we?”
“nonono Princess, this is a sleepover, it’s a special human bonding activity. it’s nothing like every other night we spend together.”
Coran is already asleep, with an eye mask, taking up the entirety of one couch by himself
and you’re just hanging out, munching on snacks and chatting with your peoples
I imagine Lance passes out first in the middle of Mulan
(it’s always the loud ones that crash first on me and it’s always in the middle of the first movie smh)
Pidge and Keith are drinking coffee at 3 and discussing conspiracy theories
Shiro is probably trying really hard to stay awake, bless his heart
everyone who’s awake trying to sneak past sleeping dad shiro to go get ice cream
sleeping dad shiro waking up and scolding them for eating ice cream that late at night
over his own bowl of ice cream, at the kitchen table
pillow fights that started as a funny cliche and ended in a fuckin every person for themself bloodbath
Allura being absolutely ruthless
Keith and you working together to target Lance
(but you were also working with Lance to trap Keith)
and then you double cross both of them with Shiro by your side
Pidge wanted nothing to do with the pillow fight until a pillow smacked the laptop
then it was game on bitches
Hunk trying to dodge moreso than throw bc he’s not a huge fan of violence
also bc he could knock any of them tf out if he didn’t pull the throw enough
Coran curled up on his couch peacefully sleeping through all of this
accidentally staying up stupid fuckin late talking into the darkness after everyone finally calmed down and got settled
Hunk is defo the one to ask if anyone’s still awake after two and a half minutes of quiet
which is followed by Allura cheerfully saying she is, everyone groaning, and someone throwing a pillow at both of them
after a few more moments of silence:
Lance: the snack that smiles back...
Pidge, Keith, You, Shiro, Hunk: goldfish- DAMNIT LANCE
Allura is very confused and scared now and decides to just go to sleep instead of trying to figure out wtf that was
Hunk making everyone pancakes in the morning
~Admin Rori💜
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klanceficatalogue · 7 years
Halloween Masterlist
Happy halloween from the admins to everyone to celebrates it!!
(our halloween tag)
He Who Fights Monsters by magisterpavus (13/13 | 64,888 | Mature)
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed…and so are the true monsters.
//blood //injury //kidnapping
Ignorance Is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp (30/30 | 17,2675 | Teen and Up)
As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?
Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he’s the less-evil one, too, so that’s always a plus.
//violence //implied suicide //suicide attempt //character death
(minor hunk/shay, minor shatt, minor shallura)
fuckign witches by blue000jay (26/26 | 38,111 | Teen and Up)
Keith Kogane wasn’t really interested in the art of witchcraft until he found a small shop in the city - and it honestly was one of the best decisions he ever made.
We’ll Stir the Stars by Latios (6/6 | 50,472 | Teen and Up)
Lance is somewhat of a talent in a family full of sea witches; His usual days consist of practicing his element, flirting with mermaids, and helping his mother brew potions for the local myths around the island. Finding an injured and stubborn dragon named Keith isn’t part of that routine, but definitely changes it—and sends him travelling across the sea to recover the dragon’s one and only family who was captured by hunters.
Lance only hopes they won’t bite each other’s heads’ off before they even get there.
Handbook of Demonology by squirenonny (8/8 | 47,754 | Teen and Up)
This psychic—Lance the Lucid, according to the posters, and Keith wasn’t even going to comment on that—was a charlatan, plain and simple, and Keith kind of wanted to punch him. Sure, Lance knew how to put on a show, but Keith doubted there was anything more to the act than charm and dramatic flair.
Pidge sighed, catching Keith’s eyes. “At this point, they’re pretty much our only hope.”
While searching for the truth behind their families’ disappearance, Keith and Pidge hire a pair of amateur witches to help summon the demon Zarkon. They accidentally summon Allura instead.
Feelings On Fire (Guess I’m A Bad Liar) by melancholymango (1/1 | 22,678 | General)
“I don’t know, it kinda makes sense?” Hunk suggested carefully, picking Lance’s legs up just enough to sit down beneath them and then allowing them to fall onto his lap. Hunk rubbed soothingly at Lance’s calves, the blue paladin having gone back to hiding his face in the cushions. “The witch wanted to teach Lance a lesson in truthfulness and if there’s anyone that Lance lies to the most, it’s Keith. I mean, he acts like he hates the guy when in reality he-”
“Doesn’t.” Lance grit out, word slightly distorted and muffled from where his face currently was. He lifted his head, looking back at Hunk with a glare. “We don’t need to go into detail about it, Hunk.”
(AKA that one fic where Lance is cursed to be honest to and about the person he lies to more than anyone else. Hijinks ensue.)
Wheel of the Year by crystallineflowers (1/1 | 6,457 | General)
When Lance first meets Keith, it’s at a Beltane festival. They don’t actually speak, but Lance nearly steps into the fire because he was so entranced. And then Pidge has to go and invite him into their coven.
Your Cat Is Lit by WindyWordz (1/1 | 7,379 | General)
By happy chance or mysterious accident, Lance finds himself entering the unappealing shop labeled with a rotting sign in the window that reads “Enchanted”.
What he sees is messily packed bookshelves filled with aging literature, the lights dimmed low, and the air filled with dust particles like fallen snow.
What he finds is something far more magical.
The Quiet by MilkTeaMiku (28/? | 56,500 | Teen and Up)
Does he not realise he’s dead?
Keith can see ghosts. As a part of his Garrison training, he’s sent to a hospital to do one year of medical clerkship - it’s there that he meets a charmingly irritating ghost who definitely needs to learn what boundaries are.
Glow in the Dark by mishcakes (9/9 | 35,571 | Teen and Up)
Keith and Shiro are real estate agents tasked with fixing up a once abandoned house. It’s a mystery why the house was abandoned, until Keith realises that it’s haunted by an annoying ghost named Lance.
(mentioned hunk/shay)
Say You Won’t Let Go by Julietisntdead (15/15 | 40,215 | Teen and Up)
After being hospitalized for a serious accident, Lance comes home to his roommate, his cat, and a… strange ghost?
Keith just wants to chill as a ghost, but his world turns upside down when he meets Lance, the only person who’s ever been able to see him.
Despite his own problems, Lance is dead set on helping him. It may be the death of Keith. For a second time.
//major character death //anxiety //amnesia 
Scream Manor by SeveralSmallHedgehogs (1/1 | 1,991 | General)
The Voltron gang goes to a haunted house. Takes place in the same universe as my fic Lifeline, probably the Halloween after Lifeline happens. (There are no real spoilers though)
Part 2 of Lifeline
//blood and gore
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klanceficatalogue · 7 years
are y'all anti shatt or shallura ? and also are you guys anti pidge/ anyone? just wondering
we vary among the admins but for me personally im anti to all of those listed above, we still sometimes rec fics with shatt and shallura but its a general rule to try and avoid it
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vldklanceficrecs · 7 years
Do you know of any fics that work in canon 'verse but are soulmate AUs?
Admin Hunk rubs his soulmate loving hands together
Blueprints by UnderTheSilentStars
Rating: M
Length: Multichap [25/?]
Type: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Summary: “While soulmarks themselves were common, it was rare for someone to have anything other than the name of their other half…and Lance had a red paw print.”
Love and Other Questions by squirenonny
Rating: T+
Length: Multichap [16/18]
Type: angst
Summary: One week after news of the Kerberos disaster broke, Pidge receives a new Mark–proof that Matt is still alive. She breaks into the Garrison to find him, only to find herself caught up in the fight for the fate of the universe.
Keith keeps his arms covered so he doesn’t have to watch Shiro’s scars compounding on his skin–but doing so means cutting off contact with his romantic soulmate, who greets him each morning with a new (and terrible) pickup line.
Shiro and Matt thought they were the luckiest people alive when they found out they were going to Kerberos together. But Shiro hasn’t seen Matt’s untidy scrawl on his arm in almost a year, and he has no idea if his soulmate is even still alive.
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I've been reading this Pallura fic on AO3, and it's pretty good! It's a high school AU, and I think it's called "My Little Lesbean(TM)". My favorite thing is probably the chapter names. "Cats for boobs" was the best.
That sounds beautiful to be honest. I'll have to check it out!- Admin Pidge💚
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