halucygeno · 9 months
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Happy new year, Bravery Network Online!
(Too tired to finish this, and if I did it tomorrow... well, it wouldn't be a new year's celebration anymore, would it?)
Character designs by Guillaume Singelin and OKAYKELLYK.
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sin city wasn’t made for ya
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hum-suffer · 1 year
The way you can't be as happy for your most beloved, your brother, because your father is doing the thing that is making him happy and the dread that your father will always hold it over him is curling in you.
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ankapistan · 2 years
Hi centricioids I come bearing gifts
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mon-stxr · 5 months
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ghoulishbatz · 7 months
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I'm actually going fucking insane this is so awful why did I draw that star trek yaoi and post it fuck my life is so over
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vivid-badsquad · 2 years
hmmmmm, I feel like doing some experiments on you <- poking and patting you to see what happens
oug getz poked and zquizhed like zlime...
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joltning · 5 months
Better than hand holding. they do this:
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portrait-of-a-moron · 1 month
Drawing my OC’s and trying not to have an aneurysm is like impossible
An angel without wings dare I say
Because it’s not a drawing of mine unless I stare at it and wonder what the FUCK IS MY ARTSTYLE WHY DOES IT KEEP CHANGING WHAT IS FHIZ!?!?! 😭
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urgrossdaughter · 4 months
Is it weird that I'm genuinely embarrassed to have big tits. Like its embarrassing honestly 😭 just, when i wear low cut tops or anything its literally SO embarrassing. Does fhiz mean i have body image issues or that im just like way too sexy for this world
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startuft · 8 months
the reason why ive suddenly began posfinc on fhiz blog agIn is because im dreadfully sick And its takinf a toll on me.all i think about is big whining jocks cuddling me and dominating guys like reverend putty with a switchblade to his neck ITS BAD. I just finished life is strange before the storm and i love chloe. I still wish mark jefferson would tie me up and photograph me though. sigh A boy can dream amirite
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yellowhearther0 · 3 years
i am. in physical fucking pain rn
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chrisbangs · 4 years
oscar keeps uprooting the plants in the tank and no one is upset we're all just like wow amazing best boy oscar djdjdkdks i can't believe this whole family is just whipped for a fishy 🐠
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kkukkung · 7 years
joséphine baker, salvador dalí
lov u... smorch 💖💖
Joséphine Baker: Do you see yourself as a sensation?
no,,,,,,,,,,,, ur the sensation??? i think i gave up on the idea of like... Being Someone... sounds sad when i say it like that but it’s more that i feel like people (everyone?) can always change the world in small ways and i don’t necessarily need all that external attention + validation if i have my own personal conviction... like when i was younger i rly craved being Noticed and Adored but as i grow up it’s hard to admit but i’m trying to admit that i’m not going to be someone everyone will like and that’s just how it is
Salvador Dalí: How do you think people should see the world differently?
wish people would be more compassionate? and also just...... stop and think every now and then... corny but i don’t want to ever lose that sense of wonder i still feel like i have abt the world? feel like we are all very prone to categorising + compartmentalising things to offer a coherent world narrative but sometimes it’s better to just... let things be you know? accept the fact that we live in the postmodern debris and build a home out of it?
lost generation asks!✨✨
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bestbearfriend · 5 years
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glqwberries · 5 years
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