#Festina Mejzini
stella-rose91 · 8 months
7)Festina Mejzini-Melos.
The perfomance:
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eurovision-del · 9 months
The final of Festivali i Kenges is happening tonight! Albania are sticking with the format of having a separate televote for their Eurovision entry, which I’m very happy about. Some songs have already been eliminated in the main contest, but since all are still eligible for the Eurovision vote, here’s my ranking of all 31:
Erina and The Elementals – Jetën n’Skaj
Luan Durmishi – Përsëritja
Troy Band – Horizonti i ëndrrave
Arsi Bako – Zgjohu
Andi Tanko – Herë pas here
Festina Mejzini – Melos
Martina Serreqi – Vetëm ty
Olsi Ballta – Unë
Elsa Lila – Mars
Jasmina Hako – Ti
PeterPan Quartet – Edhe nje here
Anduel Kovaçi – Nan'
Besa Kokëdhima – Zemrën n’dorë
Michela Paluca – Për veten
Santino De Bartolo – Dua të rri me ty
Eden Baja – Ajër
Mal Retkoceri – Çmendur
Jehona Ponari – Evol
Olimpia Smajlaj – Asaj
Stivi Ushe – Askush si ty
Tiri Gjoci – Në ëndërr
Kastro Zizo – 2073
Shpat Deda – S’mund t’fitoj pa ty
Eldis Arrnjeti – Një kujtim
Irma Lepuri – Më prit
Sergio Hajdini – Uragan
Kleansa Susaj – Pikturë
Melodajn Mancaku – Nuk jemi ne
Bledi Kaso – Çdo gjë mbaroi
Besa Krasniqi – Esenciale
Big Basta & Vesa Luma – Mbinatyrale
I generally enjoy FiK, and while there were no songs that I really disliked, unfortunately for me this year there were a lot more songs I felt were just fine, or felt myself getting bored of part way through, though there were enough I liked that I had a bit of a struggle organising my top ten. However, three songs stood out to me above the rest.
Jetën n’Skaj and Horizonti i ëndrrave are both rock songs, and very unsurprisingly, I really enjoyed them! Both have female vocalists with rich, lower register voices which work so well for this style of music, but Erina Seitllari sound especially good on Jetën n’Skaj. She’s a powerful singer, I particularly enjoy her in the chorus with those long notes over the descending chord sequence played by the band. Horizonti i ëndrrave is great too, I love listening to it, but I do think the music is a little basic with a pretty simple strummed chord progression in the verses, which is why I ranked it lowest out of my three favourites.
The other song that really stood out to me was Përsëritja. I think it’s kind of an unfair comparison, but I can’t help but be reminded of In Corpore Sano with an experimental, off-kilter song built around a repeated Latin phrase which makes for a super memorable chorus – it even has the chanting choir. However, that’s not a complaint, I loved all those aspects when Konstrakta did it, and I love what’s going on here too. It’s repetition used well, to make a point and explore a theme, and it makes the song stick with you – I could sing it after first listen. I was a little caught off guard by the almost screamed notes of ‘Është nana jem’ about halfway through, they do lack musicality, but they certainly shake up the song and add some emotion to an otherwise very detached performance. I think there’s so much potential to do more interesting staging than just be sat on a box, but the robotic movements and off centre camera cuts work very well. I’d also be very curious to hear how this song would be tightened up to three minutes.
All that said, I think I’d be very lucky to see any of my favourites at Eurovision. Luan Durmishi failed to qualify for the final, so although he’s still in the running for the Eurovision vote, I’d expect it to go to someone who did qualify. I would love Jetën n’Skaj to win, but I think that song is a bit too tailored to me, it might lack wider appeal. Many of the songs competing tonight run well over three minutes, so we’ll almost certainly get our usual Albanian revamp, so I don’t want to talk at all on Albania’s chances in May. I’m just gonna watch the show and see what happens!
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guysofeurovision · 4 years
Have you listened to any of the Festivali i Kenges songs yet?
Oh yes and I must say there are some very good songs! Lockdown must have let creativity spike last spring, right?
Consider that I haven’t looked at odds at all, so this is my humble opinion, under no media spell.  The best are: Inis Neziri, Mirud and Rosela Gjylbegu.
Then there’s a second group of artists that I’ve enjoyed but are not my very favorite ones: Anxhela Peristeri, Evi Reçi, Erik Lloshi, Era Rusi, Florent Abrashi and Kastro Zizo.  
Erik and Era probably 4th and 5th in my chart.  (Evi Reçi 6th).
Last, songs which I really haven’t enjoyed, sung by: Stefan Marena, Wendi Mancaku, Orgesa Zaimi, Devis Xherahu, Fatos Shabani, Festina Mejzini, Klint Collaku, Sardi Strugaj, Manjola Nallbani, Enxhi Nasufi, Gigliola Haveriku, Xhesika Polo, Franc Koruni, Gjergj Kaçinari, Viktor Tahiraj, Kamela Islamaj and Agim Poshka.
If you’re fav is among these, I’m sorry but we’re not on the same page :P
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nickelhatton · 7 years
Eugent Bushpepa Will Represent Albania at Eurovision 2018 with 'Mall'!
Eugent Bushpepa Will Represent Albania at Eurovision 2018 with ‘Mall’!
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The final of the Albanian Eurovision national final Festivali I Kenges concluded tonight and saw Eugent Bushpepa selected as their artist for Eurovision in May. He will sing the song ‘Mall’. (more…)
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anotherescsite · 4 years
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Festivali i Këngës 59 is the first national final out of the gates in Albania which has been a tradition for a little while. There was a time in the early 2010s were the Ukraine tried to muscle in on the honour, but the Albanians have stayed strong to continue with the tradition. The semi finals begin December 21 and the final is on December 23.
RTSH have decided to hold their national final outside in the winter evening air. I expect everyone will be performing in a puffer jacket, a beanie and mittens and no scantily dressed women and bare chested men. The national final splits the list of 26 songs (there may be a withdrawal - keep reading) into two semi finals to with the top 10 each going to the final for the right to represent the country at Eurovision 2021 in Rotterdam. As usual, the songs are in native language. They have the ability to request a language change after they win the Festival. 
I am listening to them for the first time without any bias towards any of them of the preferences of others. I’ve only heard of one of these performers that I can recall. They are in alphabetic order for no particular reason and have listened to studio versions.
Agim Poshka – “Vendi im” (“My place”) The music is very pleasant to listen to; it is like the music to accompany a hymn. Agim’s voice is a little lackluster and it drones on which is a shame because the musical accompaniment is very nice.
Anxhela Peristeri – “Karma” This begins with a loud opening and then scales back to a ballad which I found unusual. Anxhela has a decent voice and at half way it picks up an Oriental beat and some pace.  It doesn’t reach its potential though, and I’m somewhat disappointed. Her name translates to ‘Angela Pigeon’ which i found amusing.
Devis Xherahu – “Peng” (“Hostage”) A lovely Spanish guitar and Devis vocals are appropriately mournful and suitable. It picks up the pace and I like it alot. May not set the scoreboard alight. Decent entry.
Durim Morina (Mirud) – “Nëse vdes” (“If I die”) An attractive ethnic entry with the addition of electric sounds. I like the vibe and mood of the song; it has some challenging vocal moments that make it sound like an anthem, but not so.  
Enxhi Nasufi – “Njësoj” (“Same”) Upbeat number and Enxhi has pleasant vocals. It seems a bit dated like a mid 90s number. It’s okay as songs go.
Era Rusi – “Zjarri im” (“My fire”) A very different sound which sounds almost modern indigenous. Very exciting sound and I’m eager to see the stage production for the song. It does morph into a different creature for the chorus, but still interesting as a whole.
Erik Lloshi – “Jo” (“Not”) A quiet ballad song that suits Erik’s voice. Drum beat adds some drama, but it could be forgotten without a decent performance.
Evi Reçi -“Tjerr” (“Spin”) It is an interesting soundtrack to the song but I don’t know where it is heading. Sometimes sultry, sometimes country, sometimes traditional making it a very awkward song.
Fatos Shabani – “Ty” (“You”) I like the way the acoustic guitar works with his voice and the strings. He wrote it and it seems very personal. It works, but it won’t set the world alight.
Festina Mejzini – “Kush je ti dashuri” (“Who are you love”) There are some nuances to this song that make it special, but I’m not sure there are enough to sustain the interest of the audience. Festina seems to have a nice voice, but I’m not too taken by it.
Florent Abrashi – “Vajzë” (“Girl”) Florent took part in FIK 54; and doesn’t have the power seen back then. This is a sweet ballad, it is restrained and it’s very safe. I’m really disappointed.
Franc Koruni – “E morën botën” (“They took the world”) Franc brings some class to the show. It is a studio version which is a little restricted by has scope to be much more interesting live. Franc has a voice that could go down well, or fall flat.
Giliola Haveriku – “E lirë” (“Free”) Ballad with predominant piano, well placed percussion, touches of electronica and soaring notes. This could do very well if performed and styled well.
Gjergj Kaçinari -“Më jep jetë” (“It gives me life”) It begins with spoke singing which I don’t like. While the music is dramatic, but I’m really not taken by the style of it or the singing of the song. 
Inis Neziri – “Pendesë” (“Penance”) A power ballad which has the classic Albanian anthem punch to it. This will work very well with an orchestra and Inis has a very nice voice to carry it. 
Kamela Islamaj – “Ajo vajza” (“That girl”) A piano ballad which seems like elevator music. Not a powerful song or much interest for me. It seems very washed out and dated. 
Klevis Bega (Kastro Ziso) – “Vallja e jetës” (“The dance of life”) Thankfully, a non ballad. The music is great and the beat was louder and faster. It could perform very well on a stage with the right back up. Could be a bit to repetitive. 
Klinti Çollaku – “Do t’ja dal” (“I will do it”) I’m sorry to say it, but this sounds like a filler. It’s a bit quiet and there is a unpleasant droning electric organ. It changes to a more grungy electric guitar sound, but it changes back quickly. Klinti does some vocal aerobic near the end; not saving the song though. 
Manjola Nallbani – “Ora e jetës” (“The hour of life”) has disappeared from Youtube and the link to the song on the RTSH gives an error. Expect it will be withdrawn or replaced.
Orgesa Zaimi – “Valixhja e kujtimeve” (“Suitcase of Memories”)  Albanian jazz. Not a bad thing if you can pull it off. Orgesa’s vocals suit the song, but I’m not a fan of the style.
Rosela Gjylbegu – “Vashëzo” An interesting song that has a curious sound and vocal combination. It seems like a Oriental-Albanian fusion which is really lovely to listen to. Looking forward to this live.
Sardi Strugaj – “Kam me t’ba me kajt” (“I’ll make you cry”) Mournful opening and creepy opening and I was expecting a bit of an explosion of sound which didn’t come. The songs music is quite dramatic to add tension to the song, but it overshadows and overwhelms the singing. Shame.
Stefan Marena – “Meteor” This could be better live; I think they were trying to get a sound that hasn’t been captured in the song. Quite a conventional song that I don’t think is special, but with the right sound it may be a surprise. 
Viktor Tahiraj – “Nënë” (“Mother”) I’m not a fan of songs about their Mummy, so this is at a disadvantage already. And a gentleman of this age should know better. The song is decent actually; the sound is good contemporary number. Viktor’s voice less so. 
Wendi Mancaku – “Si ajo” (“Like Her”) Quiet number that is well written to highlight the pleasant voice of the vocalist. It’s tempo is slow and can be mistaken for a boring song, but it is far from it. There is a sensual velvety sound to the song. I like it. 
Xhesika Polo – “Më mbron” (“It protects me”) Xhesika has a very rich voice and this is another song that has been written to take advantage of the singer’s talent. It is a very well written ballad that seem like a journey in a song. This could be a dark horse depending on the live performance.
The Albanian Festivali i Këngës always brings forward new music that is different to what has been heard before and has it’s own flavour. It is a good selection of songs for a national final with few songs that don’t interest me.
I can’t pick a favourite of the lot. If i was going to name a winner, I’d say  “Pendesë” more than anything else. It has all the makings of the usual Albanian entry. I would welcome a win for E lirë,  Më mbron, Vashezo or Nëse vdes. 
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stella-rose91 · 8 months
7)Festina Mejzini and Florent Abrashi-Mes Nesh Është Dashuria.
The perfomance:
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stella-rose91 · 9 months
Hello everyone. Today i decided to write my own review of songs albanian musical contest "Festivali i Këngës". I didn't watch previous contests from past years, because i didn't hae time. But now i think it's right time. So, let's start it!
1)Stivi Ushe-Askush Si Ty.
Not bad beginning. But a little boring. Although this singer sang not bad. I give 4 points from 10.
You can watch the perfomance here:
2)Besa Kokëdhima-Zemrën N Dorë.
At the beginning Besa gave a little false tune, but next time she sang this song with her powerful voice. But her dress shocked me a little bit. But the performance was not bad. I give 6 points from 10.
The link of perfomance: https://youtu.be/08gRcY8N67E?si=x1pVblQP3zlCM16B
3)Mal Retkoceri-Çmendur.
Oh my God. Mal wasn't singing he was more roaming than singing. But at the end he took a high note an it's shocked me a little. Everything is ok, if it's only not his roaming. I give 6 points from 10.
The link of perfomance:https://youtu.be/2fUoQ_hmsjE?si=IJtelId61JtAHf63
4)Eldis Armjeti-Nie Kujtim.
Eldis have a beautiful voice. But a song again have nothing catching. Although i don't understand albanian, i don't know what he was singing. But Eldis have a amazing voice. I give 5 points from 10.
Link of the performance:https://youtu.be/IrtFvWJABcI?si=Pz2rcPKPDxvB6CDl
5)Shpat Deda-S'mund t'tiroj pa ty.
Well, not for me. Although he also sang not bad, but too much he made grimaces when he sang. And song was veery boring. I give 3 points from 10.
Sadly i didn't find the performance, maybe because it was blocked. But here's the link of official audio.
6)Jehona Ponari-Evol.
Music in this song was cool, but Jehona sang not very good in my opinion, maybe something was with her voice? I give 5 points from 10.
Link of the performance.
7)Peter Pan Quartet-Edhe Nijë Herë.Very good song with amazing catching melody. Not bad, i liked it. I give 7 points from 10.
Link of the perfomance
8)Festina Mejzini-Melos.
Well, not bad, not bad. It's all i can say. I give 5 points from 5.
The link of the performance:
9)Kastro Zizo-2073.
Well, not for me, but back-up singer made the ending magical with her opera voice. Kastro didn't impress me. He only whispered and screamed all the song. I give 4 points from 10.
The link of the perfomance:https://youtu.be/TFWQ-8-y9WM?si=aTlVm6yVzPUiKBBk
10)Luan Durmishi-Përsëritja.Wooow, very super and catching song, although performer moved like a robot, but he sang very nice. I give 7 points from 10.
The link of perfomance:
11)Melodajn Mancaku-Nuk jemi më.
Well, nothing catching i didn't find in this song Performer with her song didn't impress me. I give 4 points from 10.
The link of the performance:
12)Olsi Balta-Unë.Yes! Finally rock song appeared in this song festival. Something that colored this musical contest. Guitar break very impressive and Olsi sang very powerful. I give 8 points from 10.
The link of the performance.
13)Andi Tanko-Herë pas here.
Well, not bad, not bad, good song, which give some kind of super energy. And Andi sang very impressive, but previous song was very the best. I give 6 points from 10.
The link of the performance:
14)Sergio Hardini-Uragan.Not bad, not bad, but song didn't seem to me very catching. Although Sergio sang very good, it didn't save that this song seemed to me a little boring. I give 5 points from 10.
The link of the performance:
15)Santino De Bartolo-Dua te rre mi ty.
Oh Boy! I was hoping that will something energetic, but no. Again nothing catching, nothing interesting, fully boring. I give 3 points from 10.
The link of the perfomance:
16)Olympia Smajlaj-Asaj.
And at the last song there's more sadness, so you can cry from this. This song can fit to some sad, tragical scene of the some movie. I give 4 points from 10.
The link of the perfomance:
So, that was my first review of songs from first round of "Festivali i Këngës". Sadly that there were a little dancing songs and were more uninteresting ballads. But we'll see what will in second round. Well, see you tomorrow.
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nickelhatton · 7 years
14 Songs Compete in Albania's FiK56 Final!
14 Songs Compete in Albania’s FiK56 Final!
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Following two semi finals hosted by Albanian broadcasters RTSH over the past two nights, the fourteen qualifying songs will compete in the final of Albania’s Festivali I Kenges this evening to determine the first song that will compete in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest (more…)
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eurovision-del · 4 years
The final of FiK is happening soon but before that here’s my ranking of the finalists!
Orgesa Zaimi – Valixhja e kujtimeve
Kastro Zizo – Vallja e jetës
Anxhela Peristeri – Karma
Rosela Gjylbegu – Vashëzo
Kamela Islamaj – Ajo vajza
Xhesika Polo – Më mbron
Devis Xherahu – Peng
Viktor Tahiraj – Nënë
Inis Neziri – Pendesë
Mirud – Nëse vdes
Gigliola Haveriku – E lirë
Florent Abrashi – Vajzë
Festina Mejzini – Kush je ti dashuri
Evi Reçi -Tjerr
Wendi Mancaku – Si ajo
Sardi Strugaj – Kam me t’ba me kajt
Gjergj Kaçinari -Më jep jetë
Era Rusi – Zjarri im
I found it so hard to diferentiate between Orgesa and Kastro’s songs, they’re my clear top two by miles, and the only two I’ve added to my playlist. Orgesa completely sold me with her live performance, and now I’ve had time to listen to the song on it’s own it’s really grown on me. Vallja e jetës has also only grown on me since the songs first came out, and I enjoyed the performance (what a look) but it did feel a little low energy - he was just standing there during the instrumentals and I needed some visual intensity to match the song’s intensity, more than just flashing lights and backgrounds. In the end, I ranked them based on performance, as I think Orgesa was better. 
The next two I also separated based on performance - I probably slightly prefer Vashëzo to Karma at this point but the performance was a little dull, whereas Anxhela not only sung perfectly the performance had dancers and energy to it. Mirud and Gigliola both slipped down my rankings a little due to bad lives, though in Mirud’s case I loved his acoustic performance, if I was just ranking that it would rank so much higher. I’d love to see him at Eurovision one day, maybe not with this song, but if his confidence performing it increased it would be a good entry. On the other hand, Xhesika shot up my rankings with her live performances, both were really emotional and connected with me live in a way the studio cut just didn’t.
I’m really happy with this set of finalists, all the ones I really wanted to qualified, as did some others with great semi performances. I enjoyed a lot of these songs more live than in the studio cuts, and I also surprisingly really liked the acoustic versions, some even better than the actual arrangements - nearly everyone sings really well and the songs were all thoughtfully arranged. I’m not sure it’s an idea that should catch on across national finals but I enjoyed it for these songs.
I honestly have no idea who I want to win. I don’t think either of my two favourites stand a chance in winning, and while I’d love to see Orgesa at Eurovision I’d prefer if she bought something like one of her previous entries to the competition. All the ones I’ve seen people talk a lot about (Inis, Anxhela, Mirud) would all be fine entries, and I like them all well enough. Era would also be a great winner, Zjarri im is not my genre at all and I don’t particularly like it but even I can see how much she enjoys performing it and it’s a good song, just not my thing.
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eurovision-del · 4 years
The FiK songs were released a couple of days ago so I’ve had some time to get familiar with them and I’ve done my first ranking of the season:
Kastro Ziso – Vallja e jetës
Anxhela Peristeri – Karma
Orgesa Zaimi – Valixhja e kujtimeve
Rosela Gjylbegu – Vashëzo
Kamela Islamaj – Ajo vajza
Inis Neziri – Pendesë
Franc Koruni – E morën botën
Viktor Tahiraj – Nënë
Giliola Haveriku – E lirë
Devis Xherahu – Peng
Enxhi Nasufi – Njësoj
Florent Abrashi – Vajzë
Mirud – Nëse vdes
Festina Mejzini – Kush je ti dashuri
Agim Poshka – Vendi im
Evi Reçi -Tjerr
Xhesika Polo – Më mbron
Wendi Mancaku – Si ajo
Sardi Strugaj – Kam me t’ba me kajt
Klinti Çollaku – Do t’ia dal
Stefan Marena – Meteor
Erik Lloshi – Jo
Manjola Nallbani – Ora e jetës
Fatos Shabani – Ty
Gjergj Kaçinari -Më jep jetë
Era Rusi – Zjarri im
Firstly, there is not a single song here that I dislike, which might be the first time that’s happened in a national final, especially one with this many songs! The ones at the bottom of my list I’m neutral on at worst. It helps that FiK likes it’s guitars and ballads, and so do I. On the other hand, there’s nothing here that really stands out to me. This is my fourth year following national finals, and in the last three editions of FiK my favourite song (Mall, Hije, and Kutia e Pandorës) was one of my favourites of the entire national final season and all left such an impression on me, but unfortunately there’s nothing like that this year. Still, I guess that is a lot to expect. I do like Vallja e jetës a lot though, it’s a rock song with an eastern sound and I haven’t heard much like it before! It’s a little repetitive, but I feel it really builds the intensity rather than getting dull, especially at the end. Karma has a killer opening, that diva wail followed by those blaring guitars is fantastic, but the rest of the song doesn’t live up to it in my opinion. I like it a lot though - the melody is simple (just the ascending scale on the chorus) but nice and I could listen to this over and over easily. I also do like Orgesa’s song, even if I was hoping for another Ngrije Zërin or Hije, I understand why she’s gone in a different direction, both those songs were painfully underrated by the jury. That said, I’d be really disappointed if by some chance she managed to win with this year when I know she’s capable of so much more interesting songs. I was really surprised by Vashëzo, I just love how it sounds and can’t help but move along to it! I’ve seen Inis and Mirud get hyped up - I like both ok. Inis has a pretty unoriginal ballad, but it’s good, and I like the brass at the end of the chorus. Mirud’s song is really well produced, and I prefer the slightly more subdued approach to an ethnic dance track than the more ‘in your face’ ones we sometimes get, but it still just isn’t really my genre. My top seven is pretty clear, but after that it gets a bit harder to sort the songs apart, they’re all fine. I’d be happy with any of my top seven or Mirud winning (though maybe not Orgesa this year) and I think they’d all be decent entries for Albania, though I think I’m hoping for one of Vallja e jetës, Karma, or Vashëzo at this stage. Let’s see if any of the lives change that!
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nickelhatton · 6 years
Eugent Bushpepa- 'Mall' (Albania) Lyrics
Eugent Bushpepa- ‘Mall’ (Albania) Lyrics
Eugent Bushpepa will sing ‘Mall’ for Albania at Eurovision 2018. Check out the lyrics to his song along  with an English translation! (more…)
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