#Ferrous Gluconate Market
marketsndata · 18 days
Ferrous Gluconate Market Size, Demand and Forecasts 2031
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Global ferrous gluconate market is projected to witness a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period 2024-2031, growing from USD 703.4 million in 2023 to USD 1095.98 million in 2031F. The market expansion is supported by the rising requirement by the food and beverage companies, increasing awareness about various health benefits offered by the product, and expansion of pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry.
The chemical compound is commonly used as an iron supplement to treat or prevent iron deficiency in humans and animals. Due to their requirement for managing and preventing iron deficiency in animals, their demand increases as the adoption of pets rises in various regions across the globe. For instance, the Humane Society and Shelter Animals Count estimates that between 2.2 million and 2.6 million dogs and cats are adopted annually in the United States. Due to this increase in the adoption of pets, the requirement for ferrous gluconate as a supplement for preventing iron deficiency in animals is increasing.
The chemical finds applications as a food additive for fortifying processed foods with additional nutritional content and as a coloring agent in various food products and cosmetics. It is most used in bread, cereal, grains, and flour to enrich their iron content. The global ferrous gluconate market growth is supported by the development of technologically advanced manufacturing processes to improve the safety and efficacy of ferrous gluconate. This results in improved product formulation production and supports the expansion of the market. Furthermore, the rapid expansion of the pharmaceutical sector is bolstering the requirement for ferrous gluconate, as it is found in various pharmaceutical applications, including intravenous iron therapy and oral iron supplements. Thus providing lucrative growth opportunities for the market in the coming years.
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Increasing Prevalence of Anemia Supports the Market Expansion
The rise in several cases of anemia in various regions across the globe is boosting the requirement for ferrous gluconate. For instance, World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 40% of the children of the age 6-59 months, 30% of women aged 15-49 years, and 37% of pregnant women are affected by anemia. The growth in the prevalence of cases of anemia is propelling the global ferrous gluconate market demand as the product is commonly used for iron supplementation for treating iron deficiency or anemia. A 600 mg of ferrous gluconate dose, if taken two to three times daily, ensures iron supplementation in anemia. Thus, this will bolster the requirement for ferrous gluconate for individuals suffering from iron deficiency and support the market's growth.
Rising Health Consciousness Among the General Population
The increasing consumption of health supplements owing to growing awareness about various nutritional deficiencies and rising emphasis on maintaining a healthy lifestyle will provide lucrative growth opportunities to the market. The consumption of these supplements aids individuals in ensuring that they receive all the nutrients essential for improving and maintaining their health. For instance, the data collected from the 2023 Council for Responsible Nutrition Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements confirms that supplements play a crucial role in the lives of most American individuals, with 55% qualifying as regular users and 74% of the population of the United States consuming dietary supplements. It, in turn, is propelling the requirement for health supplements derived from ferrous gluconate as these supplements allow the treatment and management of various conditions caused by iron deficiency.
Moreover, the medication derived from ferrous gluconate is used to prevent and treat low blood levels of iron, which are usually caused by pregnancy or anemia. The iron obtained from ferrous gluconate becomes a part of the myoglobin and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood to the organs and the tissues, whereas myoglobin aids the muscle cells in storing oxygen. Due to the growing awareness about the increasing prevalence of various health conditions, individuals around the globe are taking regular health checkups to ensure that their health is maintained. It ensures that they are made aware of any deficiencies on time and can initiate the consumption of any required health supplements. Thus, boosting the demand for ferrous gluconate and supporting the expansion of the market.
North America Accounts for Significant Global Ferrous Gluconate Market Share
The rapid expansion of the market in North America can be attributed to the strong presence of various market players, the increasing prevalence of anemia, and the growing consumption of health supplements. The rising consumption of health supplements in the region can be attributed to the growing health consciousness and increasing emphasis on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The increasing prevalence of anemia in the United States is further augmenting the market's growth in the region. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that approximately 2.8 million visits to the physician’s office receive a primary diagnosis of anemia and approximately 5,987 individuals die from anemia annually. This rise in cases of anemia is propelling the requirement for ferrous gluconate as the product aids in regulating the iron levels in the body.
Additionally, in cosmetics, the gluconate ion is employed as a vector of penetration that aids the transportation of electrolytes through the skin. The rapid growth of the cosmetics sector in the region is further aiding the expansion of the market. For instance, the L’Oreal 2022 annual report estimates North America accounts for 28% of their global market share. The expansion of the cosmetics sector in North America is providing lucrative growth opportunities to the market as ferrous gluconate finds applications in various hair and skin care products as an iron source.
Ferrous Gluconate with More than 99% Purity Accounts for a Significant Share of the Market
The segment's growth can be attributed to the rising requirement for ferrous gluconate with more than 99% purity by the cosmetics sector. For instance, approximately USD 49.2 billion worth of cosmetic products are sold in the United States every year, and on average, Americans spend somewhere between USD 244 and USD 313 on cosmetics every month. Thus, the cosmetics sector is witnessing significant growth, which, in turn, is propelling the requirement for ferrous gluconate with more than 99% purity, thus boosting the segment's expansion and providing lucrative growth opportunities to the market.
Increasing Requirements for Cosmetics Boost Global Ferrous Gluconate Market Size
The increasing utilization of cosmetics and skincare products in various regions across the globe is propelling the requirement for ferrous gluconate and supporting the market expansion as the chemical finds various applications in the development of cosmetics and skin care products. For instance, Cosmetics Europe estimates that Europe cosmetics and personal care products market was valued at USD 95 billion (EUR 88 billion) in 2022. The various markets for cosmetics and personal care products in region are in France with USD 13.96 billion (EUR 12.9 billion), the United Kingdom with 11.37 billion (EUR 10.5 billion), Germany with USD 15.48 billion (€14.3 billion), and Italy with USD 12.45 billion (EUR 11.5 billion), and others. Due to this growth of the market for cosmetic and personal care products the demand for ferrous gluconate is increasing as it acts as a keratin restructurer in hair products and as a skin conditioner in various skin care products.
In cosmetics, the chemical is deployed to ensure easy transport of different electrolytes through the skin. Gluconate is a cellular revitalizer generator implied in the pentose synthesis pathways, which are the main source of Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate. Thus, boosting the demand for ferrous gluconate and aiding the market growth.
Future Market Scenario (2024 – 2031F)
According to global ferrous gluconate market analysis, the market will witness significant growth over the forecast period owing to the rising number of cases of anemia in various regions and increased product demand from the cosmetics sector. The growing investments in the cosmetics industry and rising utilization of skincare and cosmetic products will boost the requirement for ferrous gluconate due to varied applications of the product in the development of skin and hair products. The market growth will be supported by the increasing efforts of the market players towards the development of technologically advanced manufacturing processes to improve the efficacy and safety of ferrous gluconate.
Report Scope
“Ferrous Gluconate Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of global ferrous gluconate market, industry dynamics, and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, opportunities, and forecast between 2024 and 2031F. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
Click here for full report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/ferrous-gluconate-market
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priyanshisingh · 9 months
Liquid Iron Supplements Market Size, Industry Share, Growth Demand, Supply Chain, Trends Future Outlook, Forecast 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Liquid Iron Supplements Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2022 – 2030. The Liquid Iron Supplements market steadily grew, with revenue reaching USD 597.5 million in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 1,020.5 million by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.63% from 2023 to 2030.
The liquid iron supplements market has gained substantial attention and growth in recent years, reflecting the increasing awareness of iron deficiency and the convenience of liquid formulations. Iron is an essential mineral vital for various bodily functions, including the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and other health issues, making iron supplements a crucial product category.
Liquid iron supplements offer several advantages over traditional pill or tablet forms. They are often preferred by individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills, including children and the elderly. Liquid formulations are also absorbed more rapidly by the body, leading to quicker results and reduced digestive discomfort, a common issue with some solid iron supplements.
Another significant factor driving the growth of the liquid iron supplements market is the increasing prevalence of iron deficiency, which is often related to dietary habits, medical conditions, or lifestyle choices. This has led to a rising demand for convenient and easily consumable iron supplementation options.
The market has seen a surge in product innovation, with manufacturers introducing various flavors and formulations to enhance taste and palatability, making liquid iron supplements more appealing to consumers. Additionally, the incorporation of other essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, to enhance iron absorption, has contributed to the market's growth.
The liquid iron supplements market is not limited to a specific demographic; it caters to a wide range of consumers, including pregnant women, athletes, vegetarians, and individuals with medical conditions that affect iron absorption. The availability of different dosage strengths and packaging options adds to the versatility of the market.
Browse 245 pages report Liquid Iron Supplements Market By Application (Medical Supplements, Pediatric Use, Geriatric Applications, Pregnancy and Prenatal Care, Sports and Fitness, Others), By Type (Ferrous Sulfate, Ferrous Gluconate, Iron Polymaltose Complex, Iron Bisglycinate, Others)  - Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030 https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/liquid-iron-supplements-market
Liquid Iron Supplements Market Drivers refer to the factors that propel the growth and development of the market for liquid iron supplements. With increasing awareness about maintaining good health and preventing nutritional deficiencies, there has been a significant surge in demand for liquid iron supplements. One of the primary drivers of this market is the rising prevalence of iron deficiency anemia across various age groups, particularly among women and children. This condition necessitates effective supplementation to restore healthy levels of iron in the body. Moreover, as liquid iron supplements offer better absorption rates than traditional pill forms, they have gained popularity among consumers who seek quick and efficient results. Additionally, changing dietary patterns, including vegetarian or vegan diets that may lack sufficient sources of dietary iron, further contribute to driving this market forward. The convenience factor associated with liquid formulations also influences consumer preferences by making it easier to incorporate supplementation into their daily routines without any hassle or discomfort.
List of the prominent players in the Liquid Iron Supplements Market:
FoodState Inc.
Glanbia PLC
Strides Shasun Ltd.
Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc.
SALUS-Haus (Floradix)
Rexall Sundown Inc.
Mission Pharmacal Company
NOW Foods
The growth of the liquid iron supplements market worldwide can be attributed to several key factors:
Increasing Awareness of Iron Deficiency: Growing awareness among consumers about the prevalence and health consequences of iron deficiency has led to a greater demand for iron supplements, including liquid formulations. Education campaigns by healthcare professionals and organizations have played a significant role in this awareness.
Convenience and Palatability: Liquid iron supplements are often preferred over traditional tablets or capsules due to their ease of consumption, especially by individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills. The improved taste and reduced risk of digestive discomfort associated with liquid formulations make them an attractive choice for many consumers.
Faster Absorption: Liquid iron supplements are absorbed more quickly by the body compared to solid forms, leading to faster results. This rapid absorption can be especially beneficial for individuals with severe iron deficiency or those who require immediate replenishment of iron levels.
Diverse Target Demographics: Liquid iron supplements cater to a wide range of consumers, including pregnant women, children, athletes, vegetarians, and individuals with medical conditions that affect iron absorption. This diversity in target demographics has expanded the market's reach and potential customer base.
Product Innovation: Manufacturers have been introducing a variety of flavors and formulations to make liquid iron supplements more appealing to consumers. The incorporation of other essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, to enhance iron absorption has also contributed to the market's growth and attractiveness.
Health and Wellness Trends: The increasing focus on health and wellness, along with the desire for natural and organic ingredients, has driven the demand for liquid iron supplements with clean and transparent labeling. Consumers are seeking products that align with their overall health-conscious lifestyles.
Global Prevalence of Anemia: Anemia, often caused by iron deficiency, remains a significant global health issue. The high prevalence of anemia, particularly in developing countries, continues to drive the demand for iron supplementation products, including liquid supplements.
Aging Population: As the world's population ages, the elderly demographic, which may have a higher risk of iron deficiency, becomes a key market for liquid iron supplements. This demographic is often more receptive to liquid formulations due to ease of consumption.
Marketing and Promotion: Effective marketing campaigns highlighting the benefits of liquid iron supplements, such as improved energy levels, better skin, and overall well-being, have contributed to increased consumer adoption. These campaigns have helped dispel myths and misconceptions about iron supplements.
Medical Recommendations: Recommendations from healthcare professionals and physicians for iron supplementation, particularly during pregnancy, menstruation, or specific medical conditions, have driven the demand for liquid iron supplements, as they are considered a convenient and effective option.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Liquid Iron Supplements Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Liquid Iron Supplements Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major player analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Full Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/liquid-iron-supplements-market
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ferrotone · 11 months
A guide for women to choose the right iron supplement.
In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to prioritize our well-being, but in reality, it is often overlooked, causing low iron levels. You wake up feeling exhausted, struggling to find the energy to conquer the day ahead. Your focus wanes, and even the simplest tasks feel like impossible challenges. Does this seem like an everyday thing to you? If yes, then you have come to the right place.
As a woman, you understand that life can be demanding, from juggling careers to managing households and caring for loved ones. But what if there was a simple solution that could help restore your vitality? The answer is iron supplements.
Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout our bodies, so iron plays a vital role in their production. Maintaining healthy iron levels becomes even more crucial for women, as they are more prone to developing iron deficiency. This is due to factors such as menstruation, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. 
The market is filled with countless options for iron supplements, so selecting the right one can seem complicated. You may have questions like, "Which one is the most effective? Which will be gentle on my stomach? Should I opt for capsules, tablets, or liquid forms?" Don't worry; we're here to simplify the process and equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.
In this article, we're here to guide you through selecting the right iron supplement that suits your needs and helps you regain your strength.
When choosing the right iron supplement, several essential factors must be considered. Here's a breakdown of these factors:
Check how much iron you need
Before taking iron supplements, it's crucial to determine your iron needs. This can be done through a blood test that measures your iron levels. Your healthcare professional will help interpret the results and recommend the appropriate iron supplementation.
Check how much iron the supplement can provide
Look at the label or packaging of the supplement to determine the amount of iron it contains. It is typically listed as "elemental iron," representing the amount of iron available for absorption.
Different forms of iron supplement
Supplements with iron come in different forms, such as ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate. These differ in how much elemental iron they provide and how well the body absorbs them. There are also other forms like iron tablets and syrups. However, the liquid form is most easily absorbed by the body. 
Check for side effects
Iron supplements can sometimes cause digestive issues such as constipation, nausea, or stomach discomfort. Be aware of any potential side effects and discuss them with your healthcare professional. They may recommend adjusting the dosage or trying a different iron supplement to minimize these effects.
Elemental iron
Pay attention to the amount of elemental iron in the supplement. This is the actual quantity of iron available for absorption. Different forms of iron contain varying levels of elemental iron, so it's crucial to compare supplements based on this measure. The supplements which have at least 30% elemental iron are considered best iron supplement for anemia.
Convenient dosage
Consider the dosage form and frequency that suits your lifestyle. Some supplements may require multiple capsules or tablets per day, while others offer once-daily dosing. Choose a dosage schedule that is convenient for you and promotes consistency in taking the supplement.
Have an iron-rich diet
While supplements can be helpful, it's essential to incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet. In addition to lean meats, seafood, beans, lentils, and dark leafy greens, fortified cereals also contain good amounts of dietary iron. Combining a balanced diet with supplementation can increase iron levels effectively.
Final thoughts
By considering factors such as your iron needs, the amount of iron provided by the supplement, the form of the supplement, incorporating an iron-rich diet, checking for side effects, evaluating the elemental iron content, and ensuring a convenient dosage, you can make an informed decision.
Ferrotone is the best iron supplement on the market. Ferrotone contains 30% elemental iron, providing a potent dose to support healthy iron levels. Its vanilla fragrance ensures a non-nauseating experience, and the chocolate-flavored liquid iron makes it a tasty and enjoyable part of your daily routine. 
Consult with your healthcare provider to understand the right iron supplement for you. Remember, your health is a priority, and choosing the right iron supplement is a step toward ensuring your well-being.
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discoverybody · 4 months
Do Iron Supplements Work For Hair Loss
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Hair loss is a widespread problem that can have a big influence on one's self-esteem and quality of life. Iron supplements have been marketed as a potential treatment for hair loss since iron is essential for hair growth. Iron deficiency anemia, which occurs when the body lacks enough iron to generate hemoglobin, can cause hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia symptoms include fatigue, weakness, a pale complexion, shortness of breath, and hair loss. Iron supplementation is an effective treatment for iron deficiency anemia and may help prevent hair loss. There are various types of iron supplements available, with ferrous sulfate being the most widely suggested. It works best on an empty stomach and can be used with vitamin C to increase absorption. Other forms, such as ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate, are also widely used and can be consumed with or without meals. Iron supplements can help reduce hair loss caused by iron deficiency, although improvements may take many months to appear. It is critical to take iron supplements as prescribed by a healthcare practitioner and have regular blood tests to monitor iron levels. While iron supplements might be beneficial, they may cause constipation, nausea, and vomiting. Excessive iron intake can result in overdose or poisoning, so stick to the appropriate dosage and avoid drugs that may interfere with iron absorption. In addition to supplements, include iron-rich foods in your diet can help improve iron levels and potentially reduce hair loss. Iron from animal products, such as meat, fish, and poultry, is readily absorbed. Vegetarians and vegans can get iron from plant-based foods such as nuts, grains, and lentils. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods alongside iron-rich foods can help improve absorption. Finally, iron supplements can effectively treat hair loss caused by iron deficiency anemia. Follow medical guidance and have your iron levels checked on a regular basis. Including iron-rich foods in your diet can also be useful. However, it is critical to be aware of the potential side effects and hazards connected with high iron intake. Hair loss, a common concern for millions of individuals worldwide, can have a substantial impact on self-esteem and quality of life. Among the various therapies claiming to combat hair loss, iron supplements have garnered attention for their potential role in promoting hair growth and thickness. In this essay, we will examine how iron supplements effect hair loss.
By delving into scientific evidence and expert viewpoints, we seek to evaluate the efficacy of iron supplementation in treating hair loss and the elements that influence its success. Join us as we investigate whether iron supplements are truly useful at restoring luscious locks and rejuvenating hair health.Hair loss is a widespread problem that can have a big influence on one's self-esteem and quality of life.
Iron supplements have been marketed as a potential treatment for hair loss since iron is essential for hair growth. Iron deficiency anemia, which occurs when the body lacks enough iron to generate hemoglobin, can cause hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia symptoms include fatigue, weakness, a pale complexion, shortness of breath, and hair loss. Iron supplementation is an effective treatment for iron deficiency anemia and may help prevent hair loss. There are various types of iron supplements available, with ferrous sulfate being the most widely suggested. It works best on an empty stomach and can be used with vitamin C to increase absorption. Other forms, such as ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate, are also widely used and can be consumed with or without meals. Iron supplements can help reduce hair loss caused by iron deficiency, although improvements may take many months to appear. It is critical to take iron supplements as prescribed by a healthcare practitioner and have regular blood tests to monitor iron levels. While iron supplements might be beneficial, they may cause constipation, nausea, and vomiting. Excessive iron intake can result in overdose or poisoning, so stick to the appropriate dosage and avoid drugs that may interfere with iron absorption. In addition to supplements, include iron-rich foods in your diet can help improve iron levels and potentially reduce hair loss. Iron from animal products, such as meat, fish, and poultry, is readily absorbed. Vegetarians and vegans can get iron from plant-based foods such as nuts, grains, and lentils. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods alongside iron-rich foods can help improve absorption. Finally, iron supplements can effectively treat hair loss caused by iron deficiency anemia. Follow medical guidance and have your iron levels checked on a regular basis. Including iron-rich foods in your diet can also be useful. However, it is critical to be aware of the potential side effects and hazards connected with high iron intake. Hair loss, a common concern for millions of individuals worldwide, can have a substantial impact on self-esteem and quality of life. Among the various therapies claiming to combat hair loss, iron supplements have garnered attention for their potential role in promoting hair growth and thickness. In this essay, we will examine how iron supplements effect hair loss. By delving into scientific evidence and expert viewpoints, we seek to evaluate the efficacy of iron supplementation in treating hair loss and the elements that influence its success. Join us as we investigate whether iron supplements are truly useful at restoring luscious locks and rejuvenating hair health.
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assetsstock-blog · 6 years
Global Ferrous Gluconate Market 2018- Isaltis, Ferro chem Industries
Global Ferrous Gluconate Market 2018- Isaltis, Ferro chem Industries
Global Ferrous Gluconate market analyses the present industry situations on a broad scale to provide the Ferrous Gluconate market trends, market size and growth estimates. The key details related to Ferrous Gluconate market drivers, vital market segments, development opportunities and Ferrous Gluconate market constraints are presented in this report. Further, this report lists the product…
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wbcil1 · 2 years
Ferrous Ascorbate vs. Other Iron Salts
WHO & UNICEF have recommended taking oral iron supplements for adolescents and young children in the countries where 40% of anaemia is prevalent in population. Most of the oral iron formulations are available in the form of ferrous sulphate as well as in the form of ferric compounds consisting of Iron Polymaltose complex.
These iron compounds differ in the bio-availability, safety, cost and side effects. Apart from the different chemical states of iron formulations available in the market, they also exist in different genic forms.
Clinically, iron salts that are bivalent like Ferrous Sulphate, Ferrous Fumarate and Ferrous Gluconate are widely used than the ferric iron forms. The bio-availability of ferric forms of iron is 3-4 times less than the ferrous forms (10 to 15% bio-availability).
Ferric forms of iron are poorly soluble in alkaline solutions and hence they have to be transformed into ferrous forms before they are absorbed.
Oral iron preparations have followed the conventional ‘prolonged-release’ formulation, which improves the toleration capacity of the gastrointestinal tract and enhances the bio-availability. After the ferrous form absorption, iron reaches its maximum in the blood for about 7 hours and stays in that state for 24 hours.
Advantages of Ferrous Ascorbate
Ferrous Ascorbate results from the reaction of Ascorbic Acid with Iron. Iron is absorbed very well in the presence of ascorbic acid, as this compound is known to convert ferric iron into ferrous iron.
1. Ferrous form of iron is soluble at neutral pH and can be absorbed three times higher than the ferric form. Oxidation is prevented by Ascorbic acid, which can thus act as reducing agent as well as maintain the iron in ferrous form.
2. Ferrous Ascorbate is known to exist intact inside the gastrointestinal tract due to the stable chelation of iron with ascorbate. This compound does not dissociate due to any of the food inhibitors.  Iron gets absorbed easily in vivo from Ferrous Ascorbate than from Ferrous Sulphate.
3. It is found that Ferrous Ascorbate dissociates in aqueous solution into ascorbate ion and ferrous ion where ascorbate ion acts as a monodentate. Ferrous Ascorbate is known to dissociate at pH5. At pH6 to 8, the solubility effect is enhanced by ascorbate, which is beneficial for the absorption of iron.
Study on Ferrous Ascorbate Formulations
A clinical study was conducted comparing the ferrous ascorbate formulation with that of ferrous sulphate in 18 healthy volunteers. The intestinal absorption was not different when measured after 21 days. But, haemoglobin content has come to baseline values in both the groups. Another study by the same research group was conducted in which the bio-availability of trivalent iron form (Ferric Hydroxide Polymaltose Complex) was compared with the bivalent form (Ferrous Ascorbate).
The iron absorption in the intestines was evaluated in the fasting state by the estimation of plasma iron tolerance curves and whole body iron retention values. The estimation of plasma iron showed lower Fe (III) content (1.2+/-0.1percent) compared to 43.7+/-7.1percent of Ferrous Ascorbate. After taking a meal, there was a change in divalent iron absorption than the trivalent iron absorption.
The increase in haemoglobin levels after prescribing 100mg dosage of iron for 28 days was higher in the case of divalent formulations than that of the trivalent formulations. A few other similar studies have proved that divalent form of iron or Ferrous Ascorbate has greater bio-availability than the trivalent form of iron. Hence, ferrous salts and especially Ferrous Ascorbate is chosen over other iron forms for preparing the drugs as they are efficient, cost effective and have tolerability.
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robotvirgin · 3 years
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Cilantro Edamame Salad (vegan & gluten-free friendly) from Market of Choice (in Corvallis, OR); Edamame (soybeans), Grape Tomato, Corn, Green Onion, Black Beans (bean, water, salt, ferrous gluconate, calcium chloride), Dressing (red wine vinegar (diluted with water to 5% acidity) & potassium metabisulfite (as a preservative)), Expeller Pressed Safflower Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Blend, Cilantro, Lime Juice (water, lime juice concentrate, sodium benzoate & sodium bisulfite (preservative)), Sugar, Garlic, Modified Food Starch (corn), Salt, Spearmint & Jalapeño! (at Market of Choice) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEao_9pICJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jayu123-me · 4 years
Ferrous Sulfate Market is projected to reach US$ 4 Bn by 2027
Ferrous Sulfate Market: Introduction
In terms of value, the global ferrous sulfate market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 3% from 2019 to 2027 and reach ~US$ 4 Bn by 2027. Asia Pacific dominated the global ferrous sulfate market in terms of volume in 2018. It is estimated to be the leading region of the global ferrous sulfate market during the forecast period. Various companies engaged in wastewater treatment are focusing on expanding their business in Asia Pacific. For instance, in February 2018, Suez SA, a France-based water treatment company, announced plans to start a drinking water production plant in Indonesia. This is anticipated to drive the ferrous sulfate market in Asia Pacific.
Ferrous Sulfate Market: Key Drivers and Restraints
Increase in usage of ferrous sulfate to treat anemia is anticipated to boost the ferrous sulfate market during the forecast period. Iron deficiency occurs when the required amount of iron decreases to low levels and the amount is not sufficient to support normal RBC production. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2017, 42% of children aged less than five years and 40% of pregnant women worldwide were anemic. Ferrous sulfate is employed to treat and prevent anemia. It replenishes iron. It helps in oxygen transport and storage, electron transport, energy metabolism, and provides beneficial pro-oxidant functions.
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Rise in cases of anemia has led to initiation of iron fortification programs in various parts of the globe. For instance, more than 20 countries in Latin America have implemented mass iron fortification programs. Most of these involve the fortification of wheat or maize flours. Countries in Latin America are using ferrous sulfate as a fortificant for most of their food. Increase in usage of ferrous sulfate in the cement industry is expected to create lucrative opportunities for the ferrous sulfate market in the near future.
Ferrous sulfate is primarily used as a reducing agent in the cement industry in order to reduce chromium VI to chromium III, as chromium is known to cause dermatitis (also known as cement itch).
Moreover, rise in construction activities is anticipated to boost the demand for cement, thereby augmenting the demand for ferrous sulfate. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Government spent US$ 1,369.2 Bn in overall construction activities in January 2020, exhibiting a 1.8% increase from US$ 1,345.5 Bn in December 2019. Ferrous sulfate carries various side effects. As a result, various alternatives of ferrous sulfate are being employed across the world. Carbonyl iron is used as a substitute for ferrous sulfate.
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It is highly recommended for children and women, as it has a slower release of iron. Besides carbonyl iron, ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate are used as alternatives for ferrous sulfate. Thus, emergence of such alternative is likely to lead to a change in preferences of customers. This is projected to hamper the global ferrous sulfate market during the forecast period.
Ferrous Sulfate Market: Key Business Strategies
In October 2019, Kemira won the European Responsible Care Award for a project, which helped convert unutilized by-products into valuable raw materials. The company mined a landfill that contained several tons of ferrous sulfate raw material, putting almost 30 years of accumulated industrial by-products back into use in the circular economy. The company gained recognition in the market with this award. In April 2019, Venator Materials PLC acquired Tronox’s titanium dioxide (TiO2) paper laminates business. The company invested approximately US$ 8.9 Mn in the acquisition. Ferrous sulfate is a by-product of titanium dioxide. The acquisition is likely to help the company meet the increasing demand for ferrous sulfate among customers.
Competition Landscape of Ferrous Sulfate Market
Major players operating in the global ferrous sulfate market include Venator Materials PLC; Kemira; KRONOS Worldwide, Inc.; CINKARNA Celje d.d.; Gökay Group; Crown Technology, Inc.; and Verdesian Life Sciences
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Greek Salad with the BEST Dressing
Greek Salad is a fresh, crunchy, vibrant salad with the BEST Greek dressing!  Every bite is packed with color and the best flavors that will keep you digging in for more!
I absolutely can’t get enough of salads with a feta crumble in them.  I find myself poking around in the salad to try to get some in every bite!  For more salads with feta cheese try Grilled Berry Feta Chicken Salad or Italian Avocado Cucumber Tomato Salad.
Greek Salad
Juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumber, and a sweet and savory dressing, with feta crumbles throughout… Wow, when I read the description of a greek salad on a menu recently, I was so ready to go home and make it my own!  This vibrant salad is so full of color and flavor.  It easily compliments any meal or it can stand alone as the main dish.  Packed full of nutrients, it is a must try for any salad lover!
The Greek dressing the girls have been helping me make at home is so perfect on this salad! It brings the flavors of the fresh fruits and vegetables to life!  I love how fresh and light this salad is!  Simply said, this dish is amazing!  It is ready in just minutes and will be a favorite in our house for a while to come!
Greek Salad Ingredients:
All of these fresh ingredients are flavorful and delicious, but need to be washed before tossing together.  The best way to wash them is to fill a clean sink or large bowl with cool water and rinse each item thoroughly.  The dirt and debris will sink to the bottom.  Then, your left with clean fresh ingredients that are ready to combine, toss, and enjoy!
Romaine Lettuce: Adds a crunch to the texture of this salad.
Cucumber: Fresh melon flavor.
Roma Tomatoes: Sweet and colorful addition to the salad.
Kalamata Olives: Large, dark purple olive with a smooth, meaty texture.
Large black olives: Soft meaty texture with tart, tangy, slightly acidic flavor.
Feta Cheese: Crumbly Greek cheese with bright white color and a salty flavor.
We’re Making Salad!
The great thing about salads is they are so easy to make! Simply grab all your ingredients, toss them together with your favorite dressing, and voila a great meal or side dish is ready to go!  I love to wash and prep all the ingredients as soon as I get them home from the market or store and have them ready to go in the refrigerator.  This extra time is so worth it when I can pull all the ingredients out and toss them right away and have a delicious salad in minutes!
Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl add the romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, olives , and feta cheese.
Make Greek Dressing: Make the recipe for greek dressing.
Toss: Toss together ingredients and Greek dressing to evenly coat all ingredients with the dressing.
What are Roma Tomatoes?
A Roma tomato has a thick fruit wall and few seeds.  They have a dense and slightly grainy flesh.  They are oblong and a little heavy for their size.  The are more firm than other tomatoes.  They can be eaten raw or cooked.  They are often used to make tomato paste since they have less water content than most tomatoes.
What is the Difference Between Kalamata Olives and Black Olives?
First of all, Kalamata olives are purple whereas black olives are..wait for it…black.  However, in addition to the obvious color differences, there are some other differences between the two olives as well.  Kalamata olives are known as “Greek black olives” but are bigger and more oblong in shape than a black olive.  The cool thing is they are picked by hand in order to avoid bruising the olives.  They have a stone in the middle and are usually not pitted before being served. They are bitter when they are first picked so they go through a process of “debittering” which can take up to 3 months!  Their flavor is compared to that of a fine wine.
In contrast, a black olive that we would generally find in a jar at the grocery store is actually picked green then pumped with oxygen to turn them black, their new color is kept by adding ferrous gluconate. Both olives are high in sodium, rich in healthy fats and contain a natural antioxidants.  I prefer a mixture of the two in my greek salad because I think together they are just right.
  Greek Salad Tips and Variations:
No lettuce: I know, I know, you’re thinking a salad with no lettuce? But traditionally in Greece, their salads are served with no lettuce.
Feta Cheese: The crumbles of cheese throughout the salad are a favorite of mine.  However, if you are going for an authentic Greek presentation, place large chunks or blocks of feta cheese on the top of the salad instead.
Serve with: In Greece you will find this salad served with bread.  (Yes, please!) Also, I love the contrast of pairing this cool, fresh salad with a creamy warm soup.  Something about the yin and yang of that is just so perfect!
Storing: Eat it up quick because this salad will not last long in the refrigerator. Once prepared, the salad will last a maximum of 2 days, but you will probably experience sogginess.  Instead, I suggest you store the ingredients separately from the lettuce and mix up individual serving sizes as needed.
Optional Ingredients: Sometimes I love to just keep adding on to this delicious Greek salad.  Capers, lemon or lime juice, shrimp or chicken, red onion (Rinse in warm water and drain before adding to the salad), avocado (weird but good).  Really the options are limitless with this extremely versatile flavor base.
How to store olives: Unopened your olives can be stored at room temperature up to 2 years. Opened olives need to be refrigerated in their own liquid in a non-metal container.  When stored properly, they will last for 1 to 2 months after opening.
More Delicious Greek Favorites:
Greek Salad with the BEST Dressing
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Author Alyssa Rivers
Servings 24 Tablesppoon
Greek Salad is a fresh, crunchy, vibrant salad with the BEST Greek dressing!  Every bite is packed with color and the best flavors that will keep you digging in for more!
3 cups romaine chopped
1 cucumber sliced
2 roma tomatoes sliced
1/2 cup kalamata olives
1/2 cup large black olives
1/4 cup feta cheese
Greek Dressing Recipe
In a large bowl add the romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, olives , and feta cheese. Make the recipe for greek dressing and toss with the salad.
Nutrition Facts
Greek Salad with the BEST Dressing
Amount Per Serving
Calories 12 Calories from Fat 9
% Daily Value*
Fat 1g2%
Saturated Fat 1g5%
Cholesterol 1mg0%
Sodium 62mg3%
Potassium 44mg1%
Carbohydrates 1g0%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 1g1%
Protein 1g2%
Vitamin A 581IU12%
Vitamin C 1mg1%
Calcium 13mg1%
Iron 1mg6%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/2zAZxA5
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Greek Salad with the BEST Dressing
Greek Salad is a fresh, crunchy, vibrant salad with the BEST Greek dressing!  Every bite is packed with color and the best flavors that will keep you digging in for more!
I absolutely can’t get enough of salads with a feta crumble in them.  I find myself poking around in the salad to try to get some in every bite!  For more salads with feta cheese try Grilled Berry Feta Chicken Salad or Italian Avocado Cucumber Tomato Salad.
Greek Salad
Juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumber, and a sweet and savory dressing, with feta crumbles throughout… Wow, when I read the description of a greek salad on a menu recently, I was so ready to go home and make it my own!  This vibrant salad is so full of color and flavor.  It easily compliments any meal or it can stand alone as the main dish.  Packed full of nutrients, it is a must try for any salad lover!
The Greek dressing the girls have been helping me make at home is so perfect on this salad! It brings the flavors of the fresh fruits and vegetables to life!  I love how fresh and light this salad is!  Simply said, this dish is amazing!  It is ready in just minutes and will be a favorite in our house for a while to come!
Greek Salad Ingredients:
All of these fresh ingredients are flavorful and delicious, but need to be washed before tossing together.  The best way to wash them is to fill a clean sink or large bowl with cool water and rinse each item thoroughly.  The dirt and debris will sink to the bottom.  Then, your left with clean fresh ingredients that are ready to combine, toss, and enjoy!
Romaine Lettuce: Adds a crunch to the texture of this salad.
Cucumber: Fresh melon flavor.
Roma Tomatoes: Sweet and colorful addition to the salad.
Kalamata Olives: Large, dark purple olive with a smooth, meaty texture.
Large black olives: Soft meaty texture with tart, tangy, slightly acidic flavor.
Feta Cheese: Crumbly Greek cheese with bright white color and a salty flavor.
We’re Making Salad!
The great thing about salads is they are so easy to make! Simply grab all your ingredients, toss them together with your favorite dressing, and voila a great meal or side dish is ready to go!  I love to wash and prep all the ingredients as soon as I get them home from the market or store and have them ready to go in the refrigerator.  This extra time is so worth it when I can pull all the ingredients out and toss them right away and have a delicious salad in minutes!
Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl add the romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, olives , and feta cheese.
Make Greek Dressing: Make the recipe for greek dressing.
Toss: Toss together ingredients and Greek dressing to evenly coat all ingredients with the dressing.
What are Roma Tomatoes?
A Roma tomato has a thick fruit wall and few seeds.  They have a dense and slightly grainy flesh.  They are oblong and a little heavy for their size.  The are more firm than other tomatoes.  They can be eaten raw or cooked.  They are often used to make tomato paste since they have less water content than most tomatoes.
What is the Difference Between Kalamata Olives and Black Olives?
First of all, Kalamata olives are purple whereas black olives are..wait for it…black.  However, in addition to the obvious color differences, there are some other differences between the two olives as well.  Kalamata olives are known as “Greek black olives” but are bigger and more oblong in shape than a black olive.  The cool thing is they are picked by hand in order to avoid bruising the olives.  They have a stone in the middle and are usually not pitted before being served. They are bitter when they are first picked so they go through a process of “debittering” which can take up to 3 months!  Their flavor is compared to that of a fine wine.
In contrast, a black olive that we would generally find in a jar at the grocery store is actually picked green then pumped with oxygen to turn them black, their new color is kept by adding ferrous gluconate. Both olives are high in sodium, rich in healthy fats and contain a natural antioxidants.  I prefer a mixture of the two in my greek salad because I think together they are just right.
  Greek Salad Tips and Variations:
No lettuce: I know, I know, you’re thinking a salad with no lettuce? But traditionally in Greece, their salads are served with no lettuce.
Feta Cheese: The crumbles of cheese throughout the salad are a favorite of mine.  However, if you are going for an authentic Greek presentation, place large chunks or blocks of feta cheese on the top of the salad instead.
Serve with: In Greece you will find this salad served with bread.  (Yes, please!) Also, I love the contrast of pairing this cool, fresh salad with a creamy warm soup.  Something about the yin and yang of that is just so perfect!
Storing: Eat it up quick because this salad will not last long in the refrigerator. Once prepared, the salad will last a maximum of 2 days, but you will probably experience sogginess.  Instead, I suggest you store the ingredients separately from the lettuce and mix up individual serving sizes as needed.
Optional Ingredients: Sometimes I love to just keep adding on to this delicious Greek salad.  Capers, lemon or lime juice, shrimp or chicken, red onion (Rinse in warm water and drain before adding to the salad), avocado (weird but good).  Really the options are limitless with this extremely versatile flavor base.
How to store olives: Unopened your olives can be stored at room temperature up to 2 years. Opened olives need to be refrigerated in their own liquid in a non-metal container.  When stored properly, they will last for 1 to 2 months after opening.
More Delicious Greek Favorites:
Greek Pasta Salad
Easy Greek Lemon Chicken
Greek Spinach Pasta Salad
Slow Cooker Greek Chicken Gyros
Greek Chicken Sliders
Greek Salad with the BEST Dressing
Greek Salad is a fresh, crunchy, vibrant salad with the BEST Greek dressing!  Every bite is packed with color and the best flavors that will keep you digging in for more!
Course Dinner, Dressing, Main Course, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine Greek
Keyword greek salad
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 24 Tablesppoon
Calories 12kcal
Author Alyssa Rivers
3 cups romaine chopped
1 cucumber sliced
2 roma tomatoes sliced
1/2 cup kalamata olives
1/2 cup large black olives
1/4 cup feta cheese
Greek Dressing Recipe
In a large bowl add the romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, olives , and feta cheese. Make the recipe for greek dressing and toss with the salad.
Calories: 12kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 62mg | Potassium: 44mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 581IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 13mg | Iron: 1mg
from The Recipe Critic https://ift.tt/2LZbrGH https://ift.tt/2Xur2DB
Greek Salad is a fresh, crunchy, vibrant salad with the BEST Greek dressing!  Every bite is packed with color and the best flavors that will keep you digging in for more!
I absolutely can’t get enough of salads with a feta crumble in them.  I find myself poking around in the salad to try to get some in every bite!  For more salads with feta cheese try Grilled Berry Feta Chicken Salad or Italian Avocado Cucumber Tomato Salad.
Greek Salad
Juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumber, and a sweet and savory dressing, with feta crumbles throughout… Wow, when I read the description of a greek salad on a menu recently, I was so ready to go home and make it my own!  This vibrant salad is so full of color and flavor.  It easily compliments any meal or it can stand alone as the main dish.  Packed full of nutrients, it is a must try for any salad lover!
The Greek dressing the girls have been helping me make at home is so perfect on this salad! It brings the flavors of the fresh fruits and vegetables to life!  I love how fresh and light this salad is!  Simply said, this dish is amazing!  It is ready in just minutes and will be a favorite in our house for a while to come!
Greek Salad Ingredients:
All of these fresh ingredients are flavorful and delicious, but need to be washed before tossing together.  The best way to wash them is to fill a clean sink or large bowl with cool water and rinse each item thoroughly.  The dirt and debris will sink to the bottom.  Then, your left with clean fresh ingredients that are ready to combine, toss, and enjoy!
Romaine Lettuce: Adds a crunch to the texture of this salad.
Cucumber: Fresh melon flavor.
Roma Tomatoes: Sweet and colorful addition to the salad.
Kalamata Olives: Large, dark purple olive with a smooth, meaty texture.
Large black olives: Soft meaty texture with tart, tangy, slightly acidic flavor.
Feta Cheese: Crumbly Greek cheese with bright white color and a salty flavor.
We’re Making Salad!
The great thing about salads is they are so easy to make! Simply grab all your ingredients, toss them together with your favorite dressing, and voila a great meal or side dish is ready to go!  I love to wash and prep all the ingredients as soon as I get them home from the market or store and have them ready to go in the refrigerator.  This extra time is so worth it when I can pull all the ingredients out and toss them right away and have a delicious salad in minutes!
Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl add the romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, olives , and feta cheese.
Make Greek Dressing: Make the recipe for greek dressing.
Toss: Toss together ingredients and Greek dressing to evenly coat all ingredients with the dressing.
What are Roma Tomatoes?
A Roma tomato has a thick fruit wall and few seeds.  They have a dense and slightly grainy flesh.  They are oblong and a little heavy for their size.  The are more firm than other tomatoes.  They can be eaten raw or cooked.  They are often used to make tomato paste since they have less water content than most tomatoes.
What is the Difference Between Kalamata Olives and Black Olives?
First of all, Kalamata olives are purple whereas black olives are..wait for it…black.  However, in addition to the obvious color differences, there are some other differences between the two olives as well.  Kalamata olives are known as “Greek black olives” but are bigger and more oblong in shape than a black olive.  The cool thing is they are picked by hand in order to avoid bruising the olives.  They have a stone in the middle and are usually not pitted before being served. They are bitter when they are first picked so they go through a process of “debittering” which can take up to 3 months!  Their flavor is compared to that of a fine wine.
In contrast, a black olive that we would generally find in a jar at the grocery store is actually picked green then pumped with oxygen to turn them black, their new color is kept by adding ferrous gluconate. Both olives are high in sodium, rich in healthy fats and contain a natural antioxidants.  I prefer a mixture of the two in my greek salad because I think together they are just right.
  Greek Salad Tips and Variations:
No lettuce: I know, I know, you’re thinking a salad with no lettuce? But traditionally in Greece, their salads are served with no lettuce.
Feta Cheese: The crumbles of cheese throughout the salad are a favorite of mine.  However, if you are going for an authentic Greek presentation, place large chunks or blocks of feta cheese on the top of the salad instead.
Serve with: In Greece you will find this salad served with bread.  (Yes, please!) Also, I love the contrast of pairing this cool, fresh salad with a creamy warm soup.  Something about the yin and yang of that is just so perfect!
Storing: Eat it up quick because this salad will not last long in the refrigerator. Once prepared, the salad will last a maximum of 2 days, but you will probably experience sogginess.  Instead, I suggest you store the ingredients separately from the lettuce and mix up individual serving sizes as needed.
Optional Ingredients: Sometimes I love to just keep adding on to this delicious Greek salad.  Capers, lemon or lime juice, shrimp or chicken, red onion (Rinse in warm water and drain before adding to the salad), avocado (weird but good).  Really the options are limitless with this extremely versatile flavor base.
How to store olives: Unopened your olives can be stored at room temperature up to 2 years. Opened olives need to be refrigerated in their own liquid in a non-metal container.  When stored properly, they will last for 1 to 2 months after opening.
More Delicious Greek Favorites:
Greek Pasta Salad
Easy Greek Lemon Chicken
Greek Spinach Pasta Salad
Slow Cooker Greek Chicken Gyros
Greek Chicken Sliders
Greek Salad with the BEST Dressing
Greek Salad is a fresh, crunchy, vibrant salad with the BEST Greek dressing!  Every bite is packed with color and the best flavors that will keep you digging in for more!
Course Dinner, Dressing, Main Course, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine Greek
Keyword greek salad
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 24 Tablesppoon
Calories 12kcal
Author Alyssa Rivers
3 cups romaine chopped
1 cucumber sliced
2 roma tomatoes sliced
1/2 cup kalamata olives
1/2 cup large black olives
1/4 cup feta cheese
Greek Dressing Recipe
In a large bowl add the romaine, cucumber, tomatoes, olives , and feta cheese. Make the recipe for greek dressing and toss with the salad.
Calories: 12kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 62mg | Potassium: 44mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 581IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 13mg | Iron: 1mg
from The Recipe Critic https://ift.tt/2LZbrGH via Blogger https://ift.tt/2A6jChQ
0 notes
priyanshisingh · 11 months
Plant-Based Iron Supplements Market Is Expected To Generate A Revenue Of USD 271.9 million By 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Plant-Based Iron Supplements Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028. The global plant-based iron supplements market has witnessed steady growth in recent years and is expected to continue growing at a CAGR of 4.80% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued at USD 195.8 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 271.9 million in 2030.
Plant-Based Iron Supplements Market Drivers refer to the factors that propel the growth and development of this specific segment within the nutritional supplement industry. With an increasing number of individuals adopting plant-based diets, there has been a surge in demand for iron supplements derived from natural sources such as plants. Not only do these supplements cater to vegans and vegetarians seeking alternative ways to meet their iron requirements, but they also appeal to health-conscious consumers looking for clean and sustainable options. Moreover, growing awareness about the harmful effects of synthetic ingredients commonly found in conventional iron supplements has led many people to seek safer alternatives.
Plant-based iron supplements are typically derived from natural sources such as:
Ferrous bisglycinate: Extracted from legumes, this form of iron is highly bioavailable and is known to cause fewer gastrointestinal side effects compared to traditional iron supplements.
Iron-rich plants: Some plants naturally contain higher levels of iron. Examples include spinach, kale, spirulina, moringa, and lentils. These plant-based sources can be processed into iron supplements.
Iron-fortified foods: Manufacturers also enrich certain plant-based food products with iron to increase their nutritional value.
The market for plant-based iron supplements has seen a surge in the number of products and brands offering various formulations, including tablets, capsules, powders, and liquid supplements. Additionally, the rise of e-commerce platforms and health-focused retail stores has made these products more accessible to consumers worldwide.
Key factors driving the growth of the plant-based iron supplements market include:
Health consciousness: The increasing awareness of the health benefits associated with plant-based diets has encouraged consumers to seek iron supplements that align with their dietary choices.
Rising vegan and vegetarian populations: As more people adopt vegan or vegetarian lifestyles, the demand for iron supplements from plant sources has risen significantly.
Reduced side effects: Plant-based iron supplements are often considered gentler on the digestive system compared to traditional iron supplements, attracting individuals who may have experienced discomfort with other forms of iron.
Sustainable and ethical considerations: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their choices and prefer plant-based alternatives that are more sustainable and cruelty-free.
Product innovation and marketing: Manufacturers are continuously developing new formulations and marketing strategies to cater to the specific needs and preferences of plant-based consumers.
Government initiatives: Some governments and health organizations are promoting plant-based diets for their potential health benefits, indirectly driving the demand for related supplements.
Browse 210 pages report Plant-Based Iron Supplements Market By Type (Ferrous Sulfate, Ferrous Gluconate, Ferric Citrate, Ferric Sulfate) By Application (Additional Supplements, Sports Nutrition, Medical Supplements) - Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030)- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/plant-based-iron-supplements-market
Benefits Driving the Growth of Plant-Based Iron Supplements
Plant-based iron supplements are known to have higher absorption rates and less gastrointestinal side effects compared to their synthetic counterparts. This is largely because they are made from whole food sources, which provide a more bioavailable form of iron.
Market Segmentation:
The market for plant-based iron supplements can be classified based on type, application, and distribution channel.
By Type
The types of plant-based iron supplements include iron extracted from legumes, grains, fruits, and vegetables.
By Application
These supplements find their application in treating iron deficiency anemia, boosting immunity, improving muscle strength, and enhancing cognitive function.
By Distribution Channel
Distribution channels range from retail pharmacies to online stores and supermarkets/hypermarkets.
Competitive Landscape and Key Players
A variety of companies are making their mark in the plant-based iron supplements market, but a few stand out due to their innovative products and extensive market reach. These include companies such as Garden of Life, Solgar Inc., and Thorne Research.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Plant-Based Iron Supplements Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Plant-Based Iron Supplements Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Full Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/plant-based-iron-supplements-market
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Related Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/electrolyte-and-vitamin-water-market
Related Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/coffee-beans-market
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About Us -
Credence Research is a viable intelligence and market research platform that provides quantitative B2B research to more than 10,000 clients worldwide and is built on the Give principle. The company is a market research and consulting firm serving governments, non-legislative associations, non-profit organizations, and various organizations worldwide. We help our clients improve their execution in a lasting way and understand their most imperative objectives. For nearly a century, we’ve built a company well-prepared for this task.
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marketreports3 · 4 years
Research On World Ferrous Slag Market Report 2024
Report on World Ferrous Slag Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2024 by DecisionDatabases.com
Ferrous Slag market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.
The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market.
The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/44667-world-ferrous-slag-market-report
The Players mentioned in our report
Lehigh Cement/Hanson
TMS International
Ash Grove Cement
Global Ferrous Slag Market: Product Segment Analysis
Blastfurnace slag
Steel slag
Global Ferrous Slag Market: Application Segment Analysis
Global Ferrous Slag Market: Regional Segment Analysis
South East Asia
Download Free Sample Report of World Ferrous Slag Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-44667
There are 10 Chapters to deeply display the World Ferrous Slag market. Chapter 1 About the Ferrous Slag Industry Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape Chapter 3 World Ferrous Slag Market share Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis Chapter 5 Company Profiles Chapter 6 Globalisation & Trade Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries Chapter 9 World Ferrous Slag Market Forecast through 2024 Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview
Purchase the complete World Ferrous Slag Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-44667
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
World Ferrous Fumarate Market Research Report 2025 (covering USA, EU, China, Japan, SEA, India and others)
World Ferrous Gluconate Market Research Report 2022 (covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India, South East Asia and etc)
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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Organic Acids Market 2018-2024 Analysis and Prediction by Leading Manufacturers, Dosage Form, Distribution Channel & Forecast
According to the latest market research report, published by Fast. MR covers a detailed analysis of, “Organic Acids Market - By Product Type (Acetic Acid, Formic Acid, Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Propionic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Gluconic Acid, Fumaric Acid, Malic Acid, Other Products), By Application (Bakery & Confectionery, Dairy, Beverages, Poultry, Meat, Seafood, Livestock Feed, Companion Animal Feed, Pharmaceuticals, Industrial, Others) & Global Region - Market Size, Trends, Opportunity, Forecast 2018-2024.” The study comprises of major industry trends and insights that play an important role in the market growth. Also, the report covers forecast revenue growth at global, regional and country levels, providing a detailed analysis of the industry.
Vast Expansion Of Poultry Industry Driving Organic Acids Market
Tumblr media
The poultry sector is observing a steady growth in the production of chicken meat. As per the stats released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 2018, chicken meat production increased from 11,700 kilotons in 2018 to 13,800 kilotons in 2019. To sustain a higher production rate, poultry farmers use therapeutics and antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) to control the microbial population. Excessive use of these promoters results in antibiotic resistance leading to a public health concern.
Get Exclusive Sample Report of “Organic Acids Market”
Due to the imbalance created by the use of AGP or related products, researchers started looking for a new alternative solution. Organic acid proved to be one of the potential substitutes as they contain antimicrobial elements against pathogenic bacteria, thereby directly improving nutrient digestion and providing health growth. Thus, growth in the production of poultry is anticipated to drive the organic acid market growth.
Preservative Food Sector Commencing Growth Of Organic Acid
Busy lifestyle coupled with the rise of work culture is the key driver for fueling the demand for preservative foods. Food preservatives are the ingredients used to increase the shelf cycle of the product. These preservatives act as a barrier against microorganisms, thereby, delaying spoiling and increasing shelf life. The global food preservatives industry observed a growth rate of 3.1% from 2017 to 2018 as per the stats released by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2018.
The steady growth of the food preservatives sector directly relates to the growth of organic acids. These products are characterized by their strong microbial action over pathogenic bacteria. The shift in the consumer’s paradigm, especially towards long shelf value food products, is projected to boost the demand for organic acids.
Rising Popularity Of Organic Acid Additives In Coolant Technology
Organic acid technology (OAT) coolants consist of two or more carboxylic acid additives that provide superior protection to ferrous metal and aluminum. The use of organic acid for coolant purposes was first employed by the British Military in 1970. Over the time period, European automotive manufacturers combined with coolant producers derived the OAT coolants.
Increasing demand for an effective coolant system in heavy-duty vehicles is projected to drive the demand for organic acids. The sale of heavy-duty construction vehicles increased from more than 800,000 thousand units in 2017 to more than 1,000,000 units in 2018. Alone, in India, the sales volume of machinery reached nearly 98,000 units in 2018. Thus, the strong growth of construction equipment is projected to fuel the demand for coolants and thereby, positively augmenting the growth of the organic acid market.
Rapid Growth Of Food Processing Centers
The number of food processing centers over the last decade has observed substantial growth, especially in the Asia Pacific region. The region is the home of nearly 60% of the global population consisting of two most populous nations of the world India and China. The significant growth in the region's population fueled the demand for food processing centers and thereby, for food preservatives such as organic acids.
In India, the food processing industry is one of the biggest industries and accounts for nearly 32% of the nation’s food sector. Food processing manufacturing in the country represented nearly 14.0% of its GDP in 2018. The total export of food-related products from India valued at nearly USD 1.3 billion in 2017. To support this prominent growth, the government of India is offering supportive licensing and 100% export-reliant units. Thus, healthy domestic demand coupled with steady export-oriented strategies is likely to prosper the food processing centers in the country.
Rising Importance of Healthy or Fresh Food Hamper Organic Acid Market Growth
An increasing movement towards adopting a healthy lifestyle and using fresh food for consumption is resulting in a wide range of adoption of veganism. The rising momentum of veganism is projected to affect meat consumption and thereby, directly threatening the demand for organic acids.
Movement of veganism started gaining prominence since 2014, the highest rate of veganism adoption was observed in the UK. The UK was responsible for launching the highest number of vegan foods compared to any other nation in 2018. In addition, food orders for vegan food observed the growth of nearly 387% from 2016 to 2018. In addition, meat-free product demand in the UK increased by nearly 980% in 2017, suggesting a heavy inclination of consumers towards veganism. The continuous adoption of veganism is projected to restrain the market growth of organic acid over the coming years.
Organic Acid Definition
An organic compound comprising of acidic properties is defined as the organic acid. The most common forms of the products include lactic acid, formic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, uric acid, malic acid, among others. Lower molecular mass organic acids show miscible properties in water whereas higher molecular mass organic acids are insoluble in molecular form.
We have segmented the market on the basis of the following categories:
By Product Type
- Acetic Acid
- Formic Acid
- Lactic Acid
- Citric Acid
- Propionic Acid
- Ascorbic Acid
- Gluconic Acid
- Fumaric Acid
- Malic Acid
- Other Products
By Application
- Bakery & Confectionery
- Dairy
- Beverages
- Poultry, Meat, and Seafood
- Livestock Feed
- Companion Animal Feed
- Pharmaceuticals
- Industrial
- Others
By Geography
- North America (U.S. & Canada)
- Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe)
- Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Rest of Latin America)
- Middle East & Africa (GCC, North Africa, South Africa and Rest of the Middle East & Africa)
Company Profiles
- Archer Daniels Midland Company
- BioAmber Inc
- Cargill
- Celanese Corporation
- Corbion NV
- DowDuPont
- Eastman Chemical Company
- Elekeiroz SA
- Fuso Chemical
- Genomatica
- Henan Jindan Lactic Acid Technology Co. Ltd.
- Koninklijke DSM N.V.
- LUXI group
- Myriant Corporation
- NatureWorks LLC
- Polynt-Reichhold
- Tate & Lyle
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trendingnewz-blog · 5 years
Ferrous Fumarate Market Leading Players are Lonye Technology Limited, Allied Biochem Pvt. Ltd., Galenica Group, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals.
Another name for iron (II) fumarate, ferrous fumarate is an iron supplement or medication that is commonly sold under brand names such as Hemocyte, Ferro-Sequels, and Ferretts Iron. Apart from providing the required amount of iron to the body, ferrous fumarate could be prescribed for treating conditions other than anemia. The European pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and U.S. Pharmacopeia Convention (USP) regulate the manufacturing process of ferrous fumarate while the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulate its application in pharmaceutical products.
The world ferrous fumarate market could be analyzed taking into consideration key factors such as application, end use, and product differentiation. It is important for participants to closely examine the critical segments of the world ferrous fumarate market in order to progress successfully.
Interested parties are expected to have access to an in-depth analysis of the world ferrous fumarate market that exposes some of its vital portions deemed important to study with a view to sustain their position in the industry.
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The international ferrous fumarate market is expected to take lead from the extensively expanding and speedily growing pharmaceutical industry. Holding a valuation of more than US$900.0 bn, the world pharmaceutical market is one of the substantial end users of ferrous fumarate. The international ferrous fumarate market could gain a strong impetus due to the application of the compound as an iron supplement to meet the iron demand of all organisms. The pharmaceutical sector engages ferrous fumarate frequently because of the odorless, tasteless, and non-toxic nature of the compound and its high iron content. Moreover, the marketed line of ferrous fumarate exhibits the absence of cell culture-derived and animal additives and products.
The international ferrous fumarate market could also be benefited by the need to prescribe the compound during pregnancy and to deal with anemia. Although ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate come under the same classification of oral iron supplements, the latter is more commonly used as it does not support severe potential side effects. Moreover, baby foods incorporate the usage of ferrous fumarate additives during their preparation as recommended by food scientists.
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Accounting for a gigantic share in the North America ferrous fumarate market, the U.S. could be a cream geographic for the sale of the product. With behemoths such as Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer taking precedence in North America as global drug manufacturers, the regional ferrous fumarate market is predicted to outclass by attracting an impressive demand. Besides this, the well-settled pharmaceutical sector could support the growth of the ferrous fumarate market in North America.
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Intravenous Iron Drugs Market to Witness Comprehensive Growth by 2025
Iron, one of the essential element, plays an important role in biological processes such as the synthesis of heme, energy metabolism, neurotransmitter production, formation of myoglobin, formation of collagen, and immune system function. Deficiency of iron is one of the major causes of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) associated with increased morbidity and mortality. According to a survey conducted by the Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System in 2017, around 30% of anemia in women and children in developing countries is due to iron deficiency. In the 19th century, Pierre Blaud introduced ferrous sulfate which became the standard treatment for IDA.
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Iron supplements are available in two forms: oral and intravenous. Intravenous iron preparations are superior to oral supplements, as these lead to higher and faster increase in iron and Hb levels. Oral supplements have disadvantages such as GI adverse events, poor adherence, poor gastrointestinal absorption, and non-compliance.
Major drivers of the IV iron drugs market are increase in incidence of iron deficiency, rise in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing dialysis, and surging diabetic population. Increase in iron deficiency anemia in gynecology, oncology, and gastroenterology, noncompliance of oral therapy, and accurate, easy, and convenient access to IV iron dosages drive demand for intravenous iron drugs. However, complex approval process, stringent regulations, drug side effects, nutraceutical alternatives to prevent iron deficiency, and product price are likely to act as major restraints of the IV iron drugs market.
The IV iron drugs market has been segmented based on product type and therapeutic area. Product types are ferric gluconate, ferric carboxyl maltose, iron sucrose, and iron dextran. Ferric gluconate accounts for the largest market share of the IV iron drugs market as it is one of the most effective forms of treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. However, at present, there is no data comparing it to existing preparations but it is expected to grow relatively faster due to the superior performance and increasing application.
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Based on therapeutic use, the IV iron drugs market has been divided into oncology, nephrology, gynecology, gastroenterology, heart failures, and surgeries. Increased usage of IV iron drugs among chronic kidney disease patients has led to the nephrology segment capturing the largest market share. Chronic Heart Failure is expected to be the fastest growing segment owing to rise in number of patients with heart related disorders.
In terms of region, the intravenous iron drugs market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. North America accounts for the major market share owing to rise in use of intravenous iron drugs in oncology. The market in emerging countries such as India and China in Asia Pacific is expected witness strong growth due to increasing investment by governments and private companies in biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industry, growing investment opportunities in developing countries, increase in diagnostic laboratories, and rise in prevalence of IDA among women in the developing countries. The intravenous iron drugs market is competitive, owing to emergence of new entrants in the market and presence of well-established firms.
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Key players in the intravenous iron drugs market are Allergan, Inc., AMAG Pharmaceuticals. Inc., Galenica Ltd., Actavis, Inc., American Regent. Inc., Sanofi, Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co., Pharmacosmos A/S, and Vifor Pharma Ltd.
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Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a U.S.-based provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMR’s global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.
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jayu123-me · 4 years
Ferrous Sulfate Market reach ~US$ 4 Bn by 2027
Ferrous Sulfate Market: Introduction
In terms of value, the global ferrous sulfate market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 3% from 2019 to 2027 and reach ~US$ 4 Bn by 2027. Asia Pacific dominated the global ferrous sulfate market in terms of volume in 2018. It is estimated to be the leading region of the global ferrous sulfate market during the forecast period. Various companies engaged in wastewater treatment are focusing on expanding their business in Asia Pacific. For instance, in February 2018, Suez SA, a France-based water treatment company, announced plans to start a drinking water production plant in Indonesia. This is anticipated to drive the ferrous sulfate market in Asia Pacific.
Ferrous Sulfate Market: Key Drivers and Restraints
Increase in usage of ferrous sulfate to treat anemia is anticipated to boost the ferrous sulfate market during the forecast period. Iron deficiency occurs when the required amount of iron decreases to low levels and the amount is not sufficient to support normal RBC production. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2017, 42% of children aged less than five years and 40% of pregnant women worldwide were anemic. Ferrous sulfate is employed to treat and prevent anemia. It replenishes iron. It helps in oxygen transport and storage, electron transport, energy metabolism, and provides beneficial pro-oxidant functions.
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Rise in cases of anemia has led to initiation of iron fortification programs in various parts of the globe. For instance, more than 20 countries in Latin America have implemented mass iron fortification programs. Most of these involve the fortification of wheat or maize flours. Countries in Latin America are using ferrous sulfate as a fortificant for most of their food. Increase in usage of ferrous sulfate in the cement industry is expected to create lucrative opportunities for the ferrous sulfate market in the near future.
Ferrous sulfate is primarily used as a reducing agent in the cement industry in order to reduce chromium VI to chromium III, as chromium is known to cause dermatitis (also known as cement itch).
Moreover, rise in construction activities is anticipated to boost the demand for cement, thereby augmenting the demand for ferrous sulfate. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Government spent US$ 1,369.2 Bn in overall construction activities in January 2020, exhibiting a 1.8% increase from US$ 1,345.5 Bn in December 2019. Ferrous sulfate carries various side effects. As a result, various alternatives of ferrous sulfate are being employed across the world. Carbonyl iron is used as a substitute for ferrous sulfate.
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It is highly recommended for children and women, as it has a slower release of iron. Besides carbonyl iron, ferrous fumarate and ferrous gluconate are used as alternatives for ferrous sulfate. Thus, emergence of such alternative is likely to lead to a change in preferences of customers. This is projected to hamper the global ferrous sulfate market during the forecast period.
Ferrous Sulfate Market: Key Business Strategies
In October 2019, Kemira won the European Responsible Care Award for a project, which helped convert unutilized by-products into valuable raw materials. The company mined a landfill that contained several tons of ferrous sulfate raw material, putting almost 30 years of accumulated industrial by-products back into use in the circular economy. The company gained recognition in the market with this award. In April 2019, Venator Materials PLC acquired Tronox’s titanium dioxide (TiO2) paper laminates business. The company invested approximately US$ 8.9 Mn in the acquisition. Ferrous sulfate is a by-product of titanium dioxide. The acquisition is likely to help the company meet the increasing demand for ferrous sulfate among customers.
Competition Landscape of Ferrous Sulfate Market
Major players operating in the global ferrous sulfate market include Venator Materials PLC; Kemira; KRONOS Worldwide, Inc.; CINKARNA Celje d.d.; Gökay Group; Crown Technology, Inc.; and Verdesian Life Sciences
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