#Felix saying Seungmin actually does look similar and kinda being right
fauna-and-floraa · 1 year
this segment is still my favourite. like it actually makes me cry with laughter.
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movedbl0g · 3 years
Skz reacting to you being sick
A/N: I’m actually kinda sick right now (it’s just a cold so I’m still good) and this idea popped up in my head ~ i hope you guys like it!!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: sickness, slight swearing(only once)
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————gifs belong to their original owners————
We all know that he takes care of other ppl VERY well
I feel like he would check up on you frequently and bringing you the stuff you need
Would not leave your side, would try to comfort you in every way possible
“Y/n??”, Chan called through the apartment after he opened the door and saw that all the lights were turned off. He walked further into the apartment looking around , but there was no sign of you.
When he finally opened your bedroom door he saw you laying in your bed, covered in blankets with a pile of tissues besides you. As you noticed his presence,you gave him a weak smile that was probably not even visible due to the dim lights.
“Are you okay??”, Chan asked, sitting down on your bed and giving you a little kiss on the forehead. You just shook your head no while you clinged on Chan, in which he responded with a tight hug, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into his lap.
He just held you for a while,his hands sliding through your hair and light kisses in your forehead from time to time.
“Do you need me to get you anything??Should i get some meds??”, he asked after a while but you just held him closer.
“No,don’t worry,cuddles are enough for now”
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Lee Know:
He would try to cheer you up and distract you from your suffering fhchrhdh
He would cook some comforting food like soup for you
We would insist on doing everything thing for you so you can take proper rest
You just texted him that you couldn’t make it to your date today because you weren’t feeling that well and now, ten minutes later he already stood at your door step, a bag of groceries in his left hand and a bag with different medications in the other.
“What are you doing here lino and what’s all that stuff for??” You asked as soon as you opened the door and got a sight of him being packed with stuff.
“I didn’t know what you needed so i brought all different kinds of medications and since i already was about to come over i also thought that i can cook something for you so you can take proper rest”, he started talking with a pout on his lips.
As he started cooking you tried to help him but he immediately scolded you, saying that you shouldn’t spread all of your germs around and should rest on the couch instead while he will cook for you.
(Small time skip)
“This soup was amazing lino!! i already feel way better now and i can help you clean the kitchen-“
“No you’re not doing anything but rest, you’re sick baby!!”
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I feel like he would give you A LOT of cuddles to make you feel better
Would try to make you laugh and lift your mood
But would also give you the rest you need
you couldn’t really sleep last night due to your horrible headache, that wouldn’t get better even tho you took several painkillers and tried to avoid anything that’s bright,it just wouldn’t get better.
When Changbin visited you after he was done with practicing for the day and turned on the lights, you immediately responded with a groan, causing him to immediately turn off the lights again while giving you a worried look.
„What’s wrong honey??“, he asked while walking up to,laying himself on the bed right next to you, immediately wrapping his arms around and holding you against his chest.
“I’m not feeling that well and i think I’m really hot...i should probably check my temperature...” you said while nuzzling your head into Changbins chest. “But honey”, he chuckled, “you’re always hot”
You playfully slapped him as response, making him ruffle through your hair so it looks all messy and it eventually turned until a play fight, until you held your head,mimicking that it hurts a lot.
Changbin immediately stopped and laid you down in the bed again, tucking you under the blanket,giving you one small kiss on the forehead, saying that you should rest now before he left the room.
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So we all know how dramatic he is
So i can definitely imagine him running around and screaming after telling him you’re sick
He would keep his distance so he doesn’t get sick too but would still take care of you really well
Would order your favorite food and watch a movie with you (plus he probably would give in to cuddles after a while too)
“WHAT”, he yelled out dramatically, eyes and mouth wide opened. “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT YOU HAVE A COLD WHAT IF I GET SICK AND-“
“Hyunjin, calm down it’s just a light cold and it’s almost gone again-“ you tried to calm him down, reaching out for his hand. “Ahhh don’t touch me- all of your germs are on my hand now-“ he dramatically said while walking away from you, shaking his hands as if it would shake of any germs.
You rolled your eyes,seeing Hyunjin running out if the room completely panicked and at this point you couldn’t even tell if he was teasing you or if he was serious.
He didn’t return for a quite long time, you got a little bit suspicious, but after a few more minutes,he returned with a grin on his face.
“I thought you died because you drank hand sanitizer or something to get rid of the germs-“ you teased him, cocking up your eyebrows while looking at him.
“Not that buuuutttt”, he then replied, a smirk appearing on his face,” i ordered your favorite take out food and I’m willing to watch a movie to you, but only with a safe distance,okay”
“Thank you babe”, you smiled at him and blew him a kiss afterwards “but are you sure that you don’t wanna cuddle??”
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I feel like he’d be really panicked at first
“are you sure that you’re okay??do you need any meds??maybe you should go to the doctor i can-“
After making sure that you’re not dying, he’d make sure to give you a lot of cuddles and kisses (but only on the cheek/jawline/forehead kisses)
Jisung was completely freaked out when he say you sitting in the couch, wrapped up in thousands of blankets, tons of used tissues laying around you and your face red from the fever you were having.
He immediately dropped all of his bags, running up to you grabbing your hands full in panic, looking you in the eyes like your about to die.
“Are you okay??”, he asked with big eyes squeezing your hands.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a little cold”, you said in a raspy voice, forcing yourself to give him a little smile.
“Are you sure your not dying??” he continued asking, his face expressions more serious that ever “or do you need any meds?? I can get some for you if you want...and you really don’t wanna go to the doctor...i mean you can go just to be sure....wait I’ll make you some tea, i’ll be right back”
You tried to calm him down a bit,but he already disappeared in the kitchen,coming back minutes later with a huge can of tea.
“And just to make sure that you’re not dying,i guess i have to pepper you with kisses babe”
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would not let you out of his embrace
would probably bake some brownies for you because he knows you live them while you sleep
he would just be so sweet and caring in general my heart is melting if i just think abt it ahhhh
You were waking up in Felix’s arms,your head pressed against his chest and his lips resting next to your forehead. As you slowly woke up, you felt a horrible pain in your throat and you noticed that you could barely breathe through your nose.
“Baby?”, you whispered to him,getting a hum as reaponse. “I don’t feel that well, i think I’m going to get sick” you said, feeling him shuffle away a little bit to take a look at your face.
“You really look a little bit sick” he said, his eyes carefully scanning your face. “Do you need any meds or should we go to the doctors?”, he carefully asked while his eyes came back ti yours, making eye contact.
“No i think it’s not that bad,but i like that you’re really warm”, you told him while coming closer to his chest again, the warmth of his embrace sending shivers down your spine. He immediately held you closer, his long arms wrapping around you and carefully drawing circles on your beg,until you drifted of to sleep.
When you woke up it was way brighter,so you probably slept for a few hours. When you noticed that Felix was gone, you let out a small cry, but you immediately got distracted by the smell of fresh brownies.
Just now the door opened,Felix walking in with a cup of hit chocolate in his one hand and a plate with a brownie in the other.
“Here, to make you feel a little bit better” he said while handing you the plate and a fork, giving you a huge smile.
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I feel like he would be similar to Changbin
We would look super concerned at you with his puppy dog eyes
Would try to make you laugh with corny jokes
You told Seungmin that you were sick before he came over,warning him from yourself, but when he came over and actually saw how sick you looked with glassy eyes, a red,runny nose and burning hot cheeks.
He looked at you scanning you from head to toe, his puppy eyes furrowed concerned, slowly walking up to you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were THAT sick??”, he asked worryingly while pulling you into a hug, the tone of his voice almost making your heart break.
“It’s really not as bad as it looks”,you reassured him,your hand gently rubbing over his back. “But did you bring the thermometer, i think i really should take my temperature”
“Of course”, he said with a smile, breaking the hug to reach into his bag,grabbing the theometre and holding it against your forehead
“And??what does it say??”,you asked curiously.
Seungmin just let out a little chuckle before saying “well,you know..... i always told you that you were hot as fuck....”
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I think we wouldn’t quite know what to do bc the others always took care of him
But he‘d definitely make you some warm tea to make you feel better
Would probably end up calling chan for advice lol
This poor baby got so concerned when you started sneezing nonstop and would rest, but now that you were in your bed, basically knocked out from your fever.
“Uhmmm...is there anything i can...like give you??” He asked,his voice filled with uncertainty. “
“Yes please”, you groaned,”i really think that i need some meds”
“Uhmm sure, I’m gonna look at what i have here, but i already made you some tea, so drink that while i be looking for...uh whatever medication that will make you feel better...just uhmm...wait here...”, he said while placing a cup of tea on your nightstand.
As soon ad he disappeared to look for the right meds, he called chan.
“Channie, i really really need your help....you know y/n is sick and i don’t know how the right medications look like....yeah i need something against fever....the one with the red or blue label?? And do we have to go to the doctor or-“
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zedwards · 4 years
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stray kids x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: intended for male reader, but can be read as gender neutral; my first fic 👉👈 im nervous; lowercase aesthetic; does “bastard” count as a swear word..?
i hope you enjoy this little gift :)
bang chan
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he likes romantic comedies
tbh being chan’s s/o would feel like a romcom of its own
since he doesn’t like crowds, your movie dates together usually wouldn’t involve actually going to the movies
instead you’d probably both opt to stay in for the night and watch a movie on the couch
under multiple blankets
in each other’s arms
hugs and cuddles
with the occasional kiss on the top of your head
it’s so soft
it’s chan :)))
he does the little claps at the end of the movie
because happy endings ^–^
y’know those awkward scenes where the main couple meets for the first time?
he likes to point out which character you were most similar to when the two of you first met
“i didn’t know you were in this movie!”
“you look so different! i could hardly recognize you!”
he’s such a dork
all your movie nights would end in one of three ways:
1.) you falling asleep in his arms
2.) him falling asleep holding you close (yeah not really, this man doesn’t sleep that much T_T)
or 3.) you both make it through the movie, and one of you says something like
“this is nice...i wish we could just stay like this”
and so you both (in theory) fall asleep right where you are
either way, chan is the best boyfriend and neither of you know what you did to deserve each other
lee know
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he’d get you to go see a horror movie
even if you protest, he’d manage to convince you somehow
pokes fun at you every time you get scared
during a suspenseful part in the movie, he’d suddenly put his hands on your shoulders and shake you (lightly) out of nowhere, just to startle you
and he’d have to stifle his giggles because your reaction is just too priceless
absolutely relishes in how you never let go of his arm
like ever
seriously, his arm might as well be an extension of your body at this point
he may act like he’s annoyed
but he loves it
cuz he knows it’s because you feel safe with him
and if you hide your face in the crook of his neck
he’d get this look on his face...
something between an evil smirk and an amused grin
why? because his plan is working
plot twist: the whole reason he chose to see a horror movie with you was so that you would cling to him
surprise!! >:]
but even if you catch on, he’ll never admit it
“did you even see any of the movie?”
you just kinda grumble in response, still latched onto his arm
“i can’t believe it... i so generously paid for your ticket, only for you to hide your face the whole ti- OW!”
you jab him in the side with your elbow give him a “love tap” :)
but it’ll take more than that to get him to stop teasing you about it
he’s a cocky bastard but you love him to death for it
seo changbin
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superhero movie!!!
like something from the mcu
seeing him get so excited/invested in the movie??
but he might get a little too excited
in other words, going to the movies with changbin is an...interactive experience
meaning that he talks at the movie
not to the movie, but at the movie
like...he talks at the characters on screen
as if they can hear him
honestly it’s kinda cute
but occasionally you have to remind him to keep his voice down
“shhhh alright calm down a bit-”
“changbin i love you but please don’t get us kicked out of the theater”
10/10 would have his arm around you throughout the movie
even if his arm goes numb, he’d refuse to let anything stop him
“changbin, you don’t have t-”
lowkey feels like a pillow
bc he beefy
on very rare occasions he might fall asleep during the movie
if he does end up dozing off and you catch him in the act, he’d deny it profusely
he likes to spontaneously slip his hand into yours :)
and lace your fingers together :))
you’re holding hands now :)))
his presence is just so warm and fuzzy and you make each other so happy
hwang hyunjin
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the funnest(?) most fun bf in existence
he’s definitely the type to try and smuggle outside food into the theater
he insists that he’s inconspicuous about it
and he tries to be
but he’s not :)
“uh... hyunjin, why are you wearing two hoodies?”
“i uh... i’m... cold?”
“so you’re sticking bags of microwaveable popcorn in between your sweatshirts...to keep warm?”
*visibly sweating* “i can explain...”
ok ok
so y’all seeing a comedy
it’s so bubbly and contagious
so naturally, you’d both be laughing up a storm at the back of the theater
and sometimes it’s because of the movie
but most of the time it’s because of the side comments the two of you keep making to each other
and it doesn’t help that he keeps making these ridiculous observations about the characters in the movie
“what’s up with that guy?”
“what about him?”
“why is he built like a refrigerator?”
about halfway through the movie, you both reach that delirious state where literally anything and everything becomes funny
even if it’s not supposed to be funny
...especially if it’s not supposed to be funny
the two of you? lowkey hyenas
long story short, you’re both asked to leave the theater not even two hours into the film :)
han jisung
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action!! movie!!
finishes the popcorn within the first ten minutes of the film
that is, if he doesn’t scarf it all down during the previews
he talks through the entIRE THING
he’s always got something to say
it’s like watching the director’s commentary version of a movie
but instead of the director talking about the film-making process
it’s jisung muttering nonsense in your ear
sometimes pertaining to the movie
and other times...
“hey did i ever tell you about the time i saw a seagull eating garbage?”
...yeah, other times it’s...not
either way, you don’t mind
because you aren’t really paying much attention to the movie anyways
you’re too busy admiring your boyfriend
how could you not?
the way he’s on the edge of his seat, giving the movie his full attention...
the light from the screen flickering dimly on his face, highlighting his gentle features...
you’re the luckiest person in the world, no doubt
his eyes light up whenever something particularly cool/badass happens in the movie
but he also gets startled by the explosions every now and then
when that happens, you just look at each other for a moment
and then burst into a fit of giggles
“stoooppp!! it was loud, ok??”
you just hum in response and rest your head on his shoulder
y’know that thing he does where like...
he’s giggling, but he has something he wants to say, so he keeps trying to talk?
but his words keep getting cut off by his own laughter?
yeah... that’s what he’s doing
he’s adorable
lee felix
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animated movie
a firm believer that you’re never too old to enjoy cartoons
he never lost that child-like energy/enthusiasm, which is part of what makes him such a gem
so of course, when the new disney movie came out, he knew he had to go see it with you
he would definitely load up on snacks from concessions
if you don’t stop him, he’s gonna be buying two giant things of popcorn and at least five different kinds of candy
and when he walks back to you after paying, he’d just smile brightly from behind the mountain of junk food in his hands like
“snacks :D!!!!!”
seriously though, try to keep track of how much popcorn he eats
bc he might overeat and get a stomachache :((
obviously he can take care of him self, cuz he’s an adult
but like
he loves when you look out for him
because he knows just how much you care about him
sunshine boy :((
y’all already know how much of a cuddle bug this man is
so of course that means lots of cute, affectionate gestures during the movie
holding hands
you resting your head on his shoulder
and him resting his head on top of your head
and most importantly SNUGGLES
snuggles are a must
for him, movie dates are just an excuse to be extra touchy with you
even though he never needs an excuse to get cuddles whenever he wants
because c’mon
it’s felix
what are you gonna do, say no?
kim seungmin
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murder mystery film
tends not to talk all that much during movies
he’d just be so completely engrossed in the movie that he’d forget about his surroundings
but that’s not to say he won’t hold your hand or drape his arm over your shoulders
every now and then you can catch him leaning forward in his seat
with his mouth slightly ajar
it’s so endearing
but if for whatever reason you want to get his attention...
yeah, good luck with that
you’d have to maybe give his hand a lil squeeze to get his attention
and at first he’d just turn his head in your direction, keeping his eyes glued to the movie
but if you gave his hand another squeeze, he’d snap out of it
“hey, seungmin?”
“huh? yeah?”
“i love you”
if that doesn’t make his heart SWELL—
his dazed expression would quickly shift into one of pure elation and fondness
he might not respond verbally
but he’d gently bring your hand up to his lips
press a soft kiss atop your knuckles
and then lower your hand again without letting go, turning his attention back to the movie
but that bright smile of his would never falter for even a moment
he loves you too
so so much :)
yang jeongin
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another one for romantic comedies
he likes it when there’s a little less “rom” and slightly more “com”
and so do you
because it means you get to hear his laugh more
oh god...
his laugh
the little giggles in between the short gasps for air...
so cute
“no. i’m not cute.”
he is very cute
probably won’t initiate any skinship
but if you do, he will absolutely go along with it
sometimes he’ll nod off in the middle of a movie
and then wake up during the credits, completely disoriented
“where am i”
“you fell asleep”
“you drooled a little on my shoulder, you goof”
unlike hyunjin, he’s really good at sneaking food into the theaters
like really really good
almost to the point that it’s scary
usually people try to sneak in popcorn or candy or maybe soda
well not jeongin
“hey, you want some?”
he’s not telling
like or reblog if you enjoyed ^^ feedback is always welcome and very much appreciated!
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cotccotc · 3 years
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 ✰ you coming out PART 2 !!
part of my eight as fate event !! ( requested by anon ♡ )
genre/s: ot8 reaction headcanon, gn reader, platonic, fluff & humor
wc: ~1.3k
warning/s: descriptions of coming out as non-binary, brief mentions of gender dysphoria, my dumb commentary once again (hehe), these are just my opinions and ideas !!
a/n: i reference the first version of this reaction a few times and i recommend reading it first !! i got some really sweet responses to the original so i hope y’all like this one too :) OH ALSO i should mention that i decided to make it platonic since i found that easier and more natural to write.
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i feel like even if he already knows a bunch about gender identity, non-binary and genderqueer people, dysphoria, pronouns, etc. he would definitely enjoy you giving him a full rundown on it !! and specifically what your interpretation is and how you identify
do you remember that vlive where felix is talking and chan’s just sitting back and looking at felix with immense amounts of love in his eyes? yeah…
he’d be so. incredibly. proud. of you.
idk why the chan portions of these reactions have both been super sappy but anyways-
he’d be very dedicated to using your preferred pronouns and finding new ways to compliment you !!!
his google search history would most definitely include “genderless adjectives” and “enby dad jokes” and he’d keep a running list on his phone
chan: “what do you say when your non-binary friend is sad?”
you: [dead silence]
chan: “their, their....” [giggles]
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my first thought is that he’d be the type to ask for your new pronouns and immediately use them in a sentence.
for instance, say your new pronouns were xe/xem. he’d immediately say, “well, i’m very proud of my y/n, and i love xem very much.”
so then i’d start crying in the background.. blah blah blah omniscient narrator struggles :’)
i can’t see him being anything but casual and accepting !!
if you want to talk about things, he’ll most definitely let you, but if you don’t want to he won’t push.
but regardless, he just wants you to know he supports you in whatever way he can.
would also politely correct people if they misgender you in public !!! he wants you to feel safe !!!!!
i saw him as a wingman in the other reaction but in this context he’d definitely serve as your personal information pamphlet for people who you might not know too well.
random person: “what exactly does that mean?”
you: “it-”
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just like in the first version, he’d get pretty emotional !!
i think he would really sympathize with you even though he can’t fully understand what you had to deal with externally or emotionally.
honestly that would probably make him even MORE emotional.
the fact that he can’t fully relate to those complex feelings would really tug at his heartstrings as he listens to you speak. he really wishes he could understand your struggles more, and maybe even take on the burden for you.
but let’s get less emo, shall we?
ok picture something with me bestie:
first, he casually refers to you using your new pronouns in a group conversation.
next, after the topic changes in the conversation, you look at him while the others continue talking.
this mf WINKS and flashes you the silliest smirk
you let out a little chuckle and you both continue on in the conversation
[end scene]
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i feel like he might question his own gender identity a little as well sometimes, especially due to what people say online (like calling him “pretty”, the edits some people make, praising him for breaking stereotypes, etc.)
so, he probably understands a bit deeper than some of the other members might.
in that same vein, i think it might make him a little bit emotional to hear your story !!
over the years, i think it’s plain to see that he’s become more comfortable with expressing his more feminine attributes, which has always comforted you as his friend.
he understands the feeling of being uncomfortable with the gender roles one is expected to follow, so he empathizes with you.
in terms of his actual first reaction, i think it would be pretty similar to what i suggested in the other version of this.
(my bias is showing but oH MY GOSH I STILL THINK THIS WOULD BE SO CUTE-)
“woo~” *insert little jazz hands here*
[cries] anyways-
you feel really comfortable coming to him with this, and you’re happy when you do !!
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maybe it’s because i’ve seen tweets about it, but i feel like this dude knows everything there is to know about modern gender identity topics and neopronouns and stuff
after the initial awkwardness of the conversation (and a big supportive hug ofc) he’d be stoked to talk about it !!
would ask for your pronouns right away !!! he might also do the thing where he uses them in a sentence.
“y/n !!! ze’s so cool !!!!!!!”
i think if he saw someone misgender you (by accident) he wouldn’t correct them for you out of in-the-moment nerves, but he’d be very proud of you if you do it yourself !!
might buy you a snack afterward tbh
but if HE ever misgenders you OHHHHH goodness gracious
he’d get so very embarrassed and apologetic SDKFJ you’d have to really assure him that it’s not that big of a deal since he’s still adjusting to things, but he’d still feel like he has to make it up to you in some way
would probably buy you snacks again LMAO
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i think he would be really excited !!
we know felix really loves and is passionate about androgynous/genderless forms of expression, especially in regard to appearance, so he’d probably really enjoy talking about gender and stereotypes with you !!
(if you’re comfy with it, ofc)
honestly, felix would be really encouraging and would help you gain more confidence !!!!!
if you ever feel like trying out a new look, he’d be like “OK BESTIE LET’S GO SHOPPING”
tbh he’d probably try it out with you !! or if you hang out often, he’d probably subconsciously start finding inspiration in your style and adopt it a bit himself
on days where you feel a bit down for whatever reason, especially in regard to dysphoria, his first instinct would be to cheer you up by reminding you how unique and cool you are.
and it’s not just because you’re nonbinary but also because you’re just a super cool person !!!!!!!!!! and i think so too !!!!!!!!!!!! never forget it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so overall, i feel like felix wouldn’t be very hard to come out to once you get over your initial nerves, and the end result would be super fun :D
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i think his initial reaction would be pretty similar to chan’s !!
he also seems like the type to be super, super diligent with adjusting to whatever pronouns you feel comfortable using or words you’re okay with him using to refer to you.
(maybe it’s because we know he was a good student and he’s diligent with practicing his english. training his brain to correct itself would be like studying for him lol)
for example, instead of calling you “pretty” or “handsome,” he might even try simply pointing out a part of your appearance that he thinks looks especially great !! something like your eyes, your hair, your outfit, etc.
your hair looks great today, btw. anyways-
aside from that, i think he would just try to be as courteous as possible without making a big deal out of things.
and if he ever slips up with your pronouns, descriptors, etc, he’d be super quick to apologize and correct himself before keeping the conversation going like normal !!
there’s just generally a lot of mutual respect all around :)
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this is somewhat similar to my other version of this reaction, but i think he’d just be really intrigued and a little shocked
IDK WHY I KEEP THINKING HIS ABILITY TO GAUGE THESE THINGS IS SO BAD DKFJ every time i think about someone coming out to him i just can’t help but picture him being like “reaLLY??? since WHEN”
still, something deep within my soul is telling me that jeongin would truly think you’re the coolest person on the planet.
being as he can’t personally relate to this, jeongin would be pretty psyched to hear about your journey to finding out !! kinda the opposite reaction to changbin lol
honestly he’d be a super good listener !!!!
he’d hear you out for however long you explain things to him, and if you ever get a bit emotional, he might smile at you or reach out to hold your hand :’) or both :’’’’’)
then, when you tell him your preferred pronouns he’s like “oH okay !! coOL !!!” lmao
so, he understands the concept and is super happy for you but he just didn’t really expect it !!
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tags: @stayndays​, @hanniiesuckle17​, @leggomylino​, @freckledberries​,@kisskissbanggang​, @mr-jisung-main​, @childofthecosmos​,@kpopscape​, @skzwriternet​, @hyunsins​, @sleepylixie​, @sunshine-skz​, @vera-liscious​, @moonlit-lixie​, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​, @sunshine-skz​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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pips-fics · 3 years
omg cas hiiii i was gonna say do ptg but uv e already done them :(( uhmmm how abt im evil and u have to fight lucy qand stray kids hehehe >:3c
and and um akmu!! do akmu too >:3c
((sorry im a but. drunk rn. so sorry iff im not making sense lolp)
rayyyy hi <3 i hope u are still having a great night!!! stay safe and have fun and thank u very much for this ask 🥺💛
so stray kids is actually easy-ish bc i would throw hands with a lot of them, let's go
chan: 7/10 will force him into a coma if i need to in order to make him sleep
minho: 12142323/10 ig he's my bias or smthn but uhhhhh anyway i bet you anything he started it does anyone not want to fight minho actually?
changbin: 3/10 surprise maybe? i just wanna give changbin head pats. > 0 because he's very loud
hyunjin: 5/10 depends on the day, i feel like we're kinda similar in some ways so yeah things could go down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
jisung: 4/10 just because he'd probably tell me i'm bad at rapping and he'd definitely be right but still :( and even if he didn't, he just. he does everything i do but better so sure, we can wrestle a lil
felix: -999999999/3 nope no never, i fight anyone who breathes on felix the wrong way
seungmin: 9/10, like hyunjin, depends on the day, but most days yes i would fight seungmin
jeongin: 8/10 - just slightly less than seungmin? because smol and also strong and sorry seungmin i actually think jeongin is more intimidating so fear :')
i realize now that the three i most want to fight are all of the ESFJs which explains a lot
lucy is also not too difficult for me and idk what that says about me let's just move on
yechan: 9/10 and no we are not psychoanalyzing me and my urge to fight my so-called biases tonight but he's the closest to my height and very loud and infuriatingly talented i'll uhhhh flick yechan in the forehead sure
sangyeop: 0/10. hm. nah. yeop is just. too nice and too good to fight :(
wonsang: -99999999/10 hhhhhh cannot fight wonsang both because he is second on my Softest Boys list you can probably guess who's first and also because. i am tiny i don't even want to stand next to wonsang thankyouverymuch i would look like an ant
gwangil: 10/10 oh yeah i'd fight gwangil. we can throw insults at each other in spanish it will be fun. this is just becoming me wanting to fight people for being too talented but also it's a crime so i'm right
akmu 🥺
chanhyuk: 5/10, because, once again, the talent, and also we were born in the same year so i have The Right i think
suhyun: -1230982/10 because uhhhh smol, precious. also she's friends with so many idols i feel like it would be very hard to not get along well with suhyun
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honeyjxsung · 5 years
Stray Kids reaction to their s/o having naturally cold hands and being called ‘olaf’
request:  How would Skz react to their s/o having natural cold hands and their nickname being olaf 🤣
a/n: im so sorry this took so long! im beating myself up because i was so busy and couldn’t work on this sooner. please enjoy <33
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you never told chan that you had naturally cold hands
it was something he picked up at the beginning of your relationship
he grabbed your hand to hold it
but was really surprised by how cold it was
would get lowkey worried
would wonder if you’re sick because they were constantly cold no matter the weather but he’d calm down when you tell him it’s normal
would find the nickname olaf cute
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minho would really question everything
like why were your hands so cold all the time?
sounds like he’s judging you but he’s genuinely curious
thinks olaf is a funny nickname but not good enough 
‘babe is that even normal for humans?’
‘why did your friends even call you olaf? they should’ve called you elsa’
‘awww is it because i’m sophisticated and majestic?’
‘because you’re cold-hearted and stubborn’
‘says you!’
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would be quite taken aback
once he got used to it, it would be natural for him to just take your hands and try to warm it up 
even though you tell him multiple times that he’s not helping
but at least it’s a reason to hold your hand
you tell him that some people call you olaf because of your hands
will jokingly get defensive but will even call you olaf too 
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will crack up once he heard the new nickname for you
just finds the name clever and fitting
he also exaggerates so much. 
you’d tap him and he’d act like he just got hypothermia or something
like it’s not that deep
but you’ll use it to your advantage because when he’s not looking you’d sneak your hands up his shirt and touch his bare skin, causing him to yell hella loud 
but payback am i right?
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he’d honestly torment you the most
there would be times where he would literally not call you by anything else but olaf
will probably have your contact name saved as that too
will joke around and pretend to use your hands like an ice pack
just to make you laugh 
or pout
he most preferably wants to see your pout because he find it cute
and he tells you that he’s only messing around with you so you won’t get actually upset
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felix is a sweetheart we all know
he knows how naturally cool your hands are
when he hears that your friends call you olaf because of it, he confronts you about it 
he thinks it’s kinda mean of them
he’s pretty sensitive and he thinks that you’ll get offended but he’ll be fine when you reassure him that you’re fine too
when he sees that you’re okay with it, that’s when he proceeds to also call you olaf 
and you’re just like ‘i thought you were on my side though???’
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he thinks your cold hands aren’t really a big deal
like it doesn’t really bother him at all
like some people have naturally colder hands and you just happen to be one of those people
he gets that
but like
he’s also the person that made up the nickname olaf
so you just look at him like ??tf?? ‘i thought you said it wasn’t that deep? why would you do me like that?’
and he just teases you because that’s what he does 
really that trait of yours was an excuse to tease you
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it’s the first time holding hands with jeongin
he made the first move and intertwined his fingers with yours 
And you could literally feel him flinch and you already knew why 
you knew he wouldn’t want to comment about it because he’s too shy and scared too
so you just tell him that that’s how your hands normally are
and he’d laugh and be like ‘yeah i wasn’t expecting that’ 
then you proceeded to tell him about the nicknames you were given, and he’d widen his eyes
he found it funny and teased you for a bit but eventually dialed it down
he liked ‘olaf’ but didn’t put that as your name on his phone 
pretty similar though 
‘my snowflake’ it read at the top of your screen
yeah that’s way better than olaf
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staylovehearts · 5 years
yes it's crazy right?? my ult is chan but minsung are a close second so i really feel u, i'm so bad at picking a bias :( you didn't tell me what was your favourite thing about each of them though!! i really hold chan close to my heart and i don't really consider my bias in a way? he's so special to me, if that makes sense. i hope you're having a great day/night and taking care of yourself!! are you currently a student or are you already working?? tell meeee -secret santa🤶
I’ll try to not make the whole school work thing confusing because I often find that with every country’s school system being so different and the terms also being different I often got mixed up when I try to explain what’s going on (like I’m European, I have no idea what the difference between college and university is, if there even is a difference at all, English is not my first language).
So basically I went to university for the last three years to get my Bachelor’s degree in English and American studies, I’ve submitted my thesis a couple of months ago but haven’t received my degree yet cause grading is taking forever. So atm I’m kinda doing this voluntary internship thing? Not sure if like this specific thing even exists outside of my country? But here it’s called FSJ (short for freiwilliges soziales Jahr aka voluntary social year) and basically, I’m working in this art school/arts centre/event location kinda place for a year and it’s really nice. But I plan to try and apply for a master’s degree next year once the whole situation with my bachelor is resolved^^
And omg I can’t believe I forgot about the most important part last time, I’ll put it under a cut again because I’m gonna ramble for a bit :D
Okay so I’ll try to just go through them one by one, starting with the youngest and then slowly working my way up to Chan
Jeongin is just incredibly cute. Not that that is the main thing about him, but it’s like one of the first things that come to mind when I think about him. I remember the first time I noticed his braces and I had this really strong protective feeling like omg he’s a child, a precious little baby, my literal son. Of course, he also has a really nice voice and I personally feel like out of all of them he made the biggest progress in term of skills? 
Seungmin is actually someone I didn’t notice much at first but I really started to love him once I got to know their personalities a little more. Even though the fandom used to (?) joke about him being a savage I think he’s actually such a kind person. He’s incredibly sweet, maybe just likes teasing his friends but let’s be real, who doesn’t? (also, again, great voice, feel like I could just say that for all of them tho)
Felix is actually the first one I really noticed out of the bunch (I think a lot of Stays initially bias him from what I’ve seen so far?). Like he’s just this really adorable freckled kid and then that voice comes out of him and it’s like ??? Also I feel like I can just relate to him a lot? Watching his language struggles during the survival show was something I could understand really well. (And I feel like both of us are kinda meme influenced nerdy kids that spend too much time online xD)
Jisung, I don’t even know where to start with this one. Little fun fact, when my sister and I started watching the survival show we both agreed that somehow he had a similar face as Mark from Got7? No idea how we got there but we did? Either way, I think at first he really stood out to me because of how talented he is? Especially considering how young he is. Like he’s a rapper, but he did that amazing high note in Hellevator? And he writes lyrics and helps with composing and he’s still so young?? It’s insane how incredible he is. (also cute cheeks, uwu)
First thing I noticed about Hyunjin is that he is incredibly gorgeous. But I think what’s really amazing is that he is just so much more than just a pretty face and he works so hard to show that. I mean, please don’t get me wrong, but he could so easily lean back and have his looks work for him, he could easily be successful as a model or maybe drama actor but he works so hard to show people that there’s more to him and I just admire that so much. He’s an amazing dancer, watching him is so mesmerizing.
Changbin’s voice really stood out the first time I heard them all do that showcase performance. Like he just started rapping in this deep, straight from hell, rumbly voice and his whole appearance made him seem like this really edgy, mysterious dark bad boy archetype but he’s just not that at all??? Like he’s actually so funny and adorable in ways that I think are often even unintentional and he just seems so bubbly and full of joy sometimes. And it just feels like he refuses to limit himself to a fixed persona and just run with playing that grungy rapper archetype and that makes his such an interesting personality in my opinion.
So, I reached Minho and this is where it’s getting harder to word because omg, I have so many feelings about this guy. Okay, so I feel like, kinda the same as with Changbin, Minho kinda looks like he should be one thing, but isn’t afraid to act like the complete opposite. He could be a pretty boy but he’s actually so weird? Like in an incredibly funny way. He’s so witty, almost only posts selfies with silly filters and says the weirdest shit sometimes. Also, he seems really intelligent, like in a ‘thinking out of the box’ kinda way (remember when they did that escape room and he was just solving everything?). I also admire his passion, I think he always strives to improve himself and be a little better than last time, I think he’s really passionate about what he does which makes him just so genuine??
I think we both feel the same way about Chan, like I also see Chan as someone who is just very dear to me? It’s weird, but I think I relate to him the most. Like, we are around the same age, have a similar music taste and so on and so forth. I feel like in some alternate universe we could have probably been very good friends. He just seems like someone I could talk to, someone who’d understand. He’s also a very inspiring person, not only because of his incredible talent and how much he has accomplished at such a young age but he’s also said some things (especially during his live streams) that I thought were really touching and hit close to home for me :’)
Finally, I’m going to include Woojin as well. Even though he isn’t part of the team anymore and that’s something we’ll have to get used to I still feel it would be wrong to exclude him here. Okay, so obviously his voice is incredible. The first time I heard him sing I was like ah yes, a very nice voice for ballads. But actually, he has a very nice voice for everything??? He’s so versatile. And something about him just feels warm. His voice, his personality, just this whole aura he gives is somehow caring. I obviously have no way of knowing what happened and I don’t want to make assumptions, but I wish him the best :3
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every1studio · 6 years
REQUESTED: “prince of tennis” [STRAY KIDS]
genre: FLUFF + ANIME inspired
ficstyle: bulletpoints + reverse harem
anon asked: “ Hi, I just saw your skz volleyball manager au, and I was just wondering if you could do a similar one but with tennis 👀 -leftie anon “
GIF originated from: @punkimwoojin @stray-but-okay @etherealstraykids @firexfelix @167cm @hanones-archive @changbeanie
You never really wanted to be involved in any sports. Seeing as though you had nothing under “After School Activities,” for extra curricular credits, you took it upon yourself to find some club to join. Boy, everyone was involved in clubs and after school activities but you. Nothing was available until, you heard that the boys tennis club was in dire need of a manager. You filled out your application and walked into the tennis court.... now here are the members of the tennis club you might encounter...
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(uses “aggressive baseliner” style; first year)
seems like he could be one of the quiet ones of the club
but the quiet ones are the ones you look out for
his play style is very aggressive as he likes to dictate the play to his benefit
but since he is still a new member, he may also be a little clumsy
looks up to the captain a lot and always asks him to duel
very hardworking
won’t be easy to get him talking
answers the question with the least amount of words as possible
it’s only because he’s shy but he doesn’t show it
will probably avoid any form of communication with you until he feels comfortable with you
lightens up if you wanna help him practice to beat the captain
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(uses “the server and volleyer” style; second year)
appears to be a little awkward and a little weird but means well
only joined tennis because his friends were
grew a little place in his heart for tennis and is actually pretty good at it
likes to tease the youngest member of the club out the kindness of his heart
he kinda pops up out of no where and disappears all in a couple of seconds
you can’t take him seriously most of the time
the other times that you can, is when he is playing tennis
the kind of guy who gives you your daily trivia
acts like he’s been your friend since birth even though you just met the guy
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(uses “the serve and volleyer” style; second year)
is always taking a break and taking his pulse during practice
also joined because his friends told him to
will try to get of practice; and fail
is really great a serving though
but if you break his serves, he can panic 
always happy and jumping around; grateful for his club members
is always interested in the things you say; a good listener
will strike up a conversation with you so he can get out of practice
you’ll probably meet him as he is trying to escape from practice and some of the other club members are dragging him back to practice
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(mainly uses “counterpuncher” style; second year)
probably would befriend you first out of all the club members
he’s super nice and caring
always seemed to be the easy target when it comes to being teased by the members
it’s probably they can never get through his defense
they say that a strong defense is a strong offense
it’s his strongest play; but he can definitely utilize different plays as well
which marks him as one of the best players in the club
although the team does tease him, they do it out of love and respect
pouts a lot
you would probably develop a tendency to protect him from other members
in exchange, you get to pull on his cheeks
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(mainly uses “the all-court player” style; 2nd year)
you didn’t know someone like him existed in real life, you only saw guys like him in movies and tv shows
regardless, he is a humble tennis player who is serious about the sport
sometimes forgets what breaks are
always almost on the verge of passing out and not even realizing it
this boy needs a lot of taking care of
his head is way too into the game to focus on his health
yet somehow cares about other’s health before his
just by meeting him on the first day, you can tell that he is really selfless
he wants to be a good player so that he can make his upperclassmen proud of him
seems like he has a strong personality but he is actually really fragile inside
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(mainly uses “the aggressive baseliner” style; 3rd year)
another club member who knows how to utilize the tennis court
even though he’s not very good at games and sports, somehow he excels in tennis
he knows that he can come off as a little scary but he’s literally the nicest person you could ever meet
when he isn’t talking, it’s like he’s a leader of a pack of crows
but when he is talking, it’s like you’re in a field of flowers
he’s the perfect example of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”
will protect his underclassmen but might be a little scared inside; lowkey doesn’t want to get his ass kicked
is always insecure about something but leave it to his club members to encourage him
except for his height, they will always say something about that
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(mainly uses “the serve and volleyer” style; 3rd year)
he’s the type to be super lucky that he’s talented
the luck lands in his serves; they don’t look like they’re hard to hit but they are
he doesn’t know the reason for it either but he enjoys winning
not all his tennis playing skills are from luck but he really does try his best to be a better tennis player
super giggly all the time; no one knows why
links arms with you after meeting you for the first time
when he’s really in a game, it’s kind of scary
he becomes serious and his smile becomes sinister
but he goes right back to his giggly self after the match
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(mainly uses “the counterpuncher” style; 3rd year/VP)
you thought he was the captain at first
since he was so welcoming and had the “captain” vibes
when he broke it to you that he was just the VP, you were shooketh
he’s defense is really strong; probably one of the best defense players on the team
he holds a little competition with the captain; 19 to 25
word has it that he gave the captain some of those games because he really didn’t want the captain to nag about it all the time
takes good care of his teammates
but will also make sure that they are disciplined
the members are lowkey scared of him and you don’t know why
just make sure that you don’t get on his bad side
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(mainly uses “the all-court player” style; 3rd year/Captain)
you thought he was an underclassman
he was probably the most childish member there
but the moment you saw him playing tennis, you weren’t surprised that he has the title as captain
whether he loses or wins, he’s still positive and optimistic
can be super smart
yet dumb at the same time
can be sassy
but can also be sentimental
without a doubt becomes your shoulder to cry on
although the team likes to give him a hard time, they all love and appreciate him
[masterlist + guidelines]
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felixthekoala · 6 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*soft bias tag*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
tagged by: @bangchcn and @changbeanie ily guys <333
So, after popular request, I decided to do this for Jeongin, even though he’s technically not my bias, I’m just scared of Felix rn lol.
(Lemme just warn you I kinda got carried away lol)
*♡  。・゚゚・ 1. Who is your bias?
Felix, but I’m doing this for Jeongin!
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 2. What made you notice them?
I’m gonna answer this as what made me first start straying into his lane.  So he’s always been a wrecker of mine because we’re similar and we’re close in age, plus I love his eyes so much and his personality is just so lovable.  Also his singing voice gives me chills.  I just love Jeongin oof.  But he’s really become a huge wrecker for me ever since I went on asc and my friends (who call themselves love detectives XD) were convinced that he had a crush on me, and while I don’t fully believe it bc like that’s impossible esp for me lol, his reactions and stuff were cute and it just made me soft seeing him be so sweet and adorable when interacting with me.  And then I started watching a bunch of videos of him and stuff and I’m even softer for him.  Yeek someone help me.  
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 3. What’s your favorite thing about them?
Oof this is hard.  I really love his eyes, but I think the thing I like most about him is his smiley personality.  his smile is so beautiful and I love the fact that he started smiling more when he was told people were scared of him because he looked intimidating.  I actually can relate to that, because when I was in middle school as well, people thought I was mean because I had rbf.   Also I just love his interactions with the other members, especially Seungmin and he’s such an underrated meme like the faces he makes XD  Also the way he literally freezes when he does aegyo is like the cutest thing ever???  Like what’s not to love about him tbh.  But anyway yeah he’s just such a sweetheart and he’s so precious. 
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 4. Who would initiate skinship more?
honestly, I’m not sure, because we’ve seen him reject the members countless times, but idk if that’s him trying to maintain his savage maknae image or if he really isn’t comfortable with that sort of thing.  I am a koala though, and I even cuddle anything next to me when I’m sleeping, so I’d probably unintentionally initiate skinship constantly, so probs me?  But like I’ve seen him interacting with Felix on vlives and like Felix one time just leaned back on him and was like playing with his knee and Jeongin actually like lowkey put his hand through Felix’s arm and it was really subtle but sweet and adorable so I feel like he might do like really lowkey stuff like that that he might not realize at first?  Like absent-mindedly putting his hand on my arm or elsewhere and stuff like that.  Idk I just feel like he isn’t as afraid of cooties as he seems but he’s still pretty shy.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 5. Who would hog blankets more?
oof me.  I pull blankets off everyone.  But I can see Jeongin being like one of those grumpy sleepers who fights back so it’d turn into an all-out blanket war with neither of us conscious and we’d wake up with random footprints and bruises on each other XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 6. Who would be more clingy?
Probs me tbh, unless he was like really whipped for me, but I feel like this boy would try to seem cool or whatever and be like that subtle clingy type, like pretends he doesn’t care but comes up with excuses for his s/o to stay with him.  Like ya know that typical “you should be near me so you don’t die of hypothermia” kinda thing.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 7. Who would say ‘I love you’ first?
honestly, probably him because I’d be so scared of being rejected I’d wait for him to say it first, which might take a while lol.  Watch it be like months of us shying away from saying it but talking about it 
*♡ 。・゚゚・  8. Who would be more easily flustered?
Jeongin is a shy floof, so probs him, but like that boy makes my heart race so idk we might be equal...  Like we’d take turns making each other flustered.
“Hey Cait”
“hehe hey Jeongin”
“Hehe u look nice today”
“Hehe u look even better”
*both faces red as tomatoes*
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 9. What cuddling position would you two have?
I’m the little spoon all the way.  But like couch cuddling (if he’d permit it lol) I’d def just like curl up with my head on his shoulders and his arm around me cuz that’s like my fav position.  When I sleep, like I’ve said before, I am literally a koala, like anyone or anything that is in bed with me (ask my various friends who have shared a bed with me on school trips lol they have some hilarious stories XD) will end up with all of my limbs (arms and legs) wrapped tightly around them and my head tucked into them.  So I feel like Jeongin is just gonna end up getting used to me falling asleep while with him and wrapping my entire body around him.  who knows?  Maybe he’d eventually find it endearing/enjoyable XD.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 10. Which colours remind you of them and why?
pink, bc both of us really love pink and pink is a soft color just like that soft boy.  Also he said he wants to dye his hair hot pink and I’m actually dyeing my hair rose gold next week so lol we could be the pink 01 liner squad/duo  jkjk idk what im saying lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 12. Which season would you like to spend with them?
all of them autumn.  Autumn is my favorite season, and plus it’s the season for cozying up by the fire with my favorite autumn scented candles and hot apple cider and I can bake cookies and pies and stuff.  And autumn is also halloween, so we could wear amazing couple costumes and eat a bunch of candy and watch scary movies together (with me ending up in his lap hiding my face in his chest bc I’m the jumpiest person ever).  It’s also the time my family tends to go to Disneyland, so I could go there with him over Thanksgiving while the festival of holidays is going on so we can go on all the special revamped rides and eat a bunch of the special foods and enjoy the ambiance and take a million cute couple photos at different parts of the park and go on California screamin and the Guardians ride a million times and take adorable photos on them as well.  Oof I’m sorry I could go on about all the Autumn things I’d kill to do with Jeongin omg
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 13. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
I’d bake and he’d steal the batter, but I’d def take a bunch too.  Tbh, it’d end up a full-out batter battle with more batter on our faces/in our hair than in the bowls.  Then we’d just go out for ice cream XD
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 14. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
I’d make the bad puns and he’d half judge me half laugh shyly bc he thought it was cute?  (this is hypothetical, if he liked me lol just gotta remind y’all i don’t actually think Jeongin thinks I’m cute XD)  
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 15. Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
BOTH OF US  I already have 3 dogs and 2 cats and I’m sure Jeongin would love all of them, but he’d also want one that was like ours so he’d probs get at least another puppy and name it some cute name that’s like an inside joke or something that only we would get.  Or tbh he’d name it a marvel name like Loki bc we’re both geeks like that XD  (one of my cats’ full name is Loki’s Bolt of Chaos, so...)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 16. Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
I’d def burn down the kitchen, I’ve already burned myself countless times and set myself and my school’s chem lab on fire...  and Jeongin would come in a panic and try to stop the fire but he’d be clueless how to stop it and end up having to call Chan to help.  Cut to twenty minutes later after all the boys were dragged out of bed by the commotion, glaring at me and Jeongin while Chan lectured us about the dangers of trying to make a snack at 3am while half asleep.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 17. Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
He’d lean over and I’d pull him back because one of the major fears I have is losing things I love over a railing/bridge (ahem my phone, I always have a hulk-like grip on it when on bridges and the like) so I’d be terrified he would fall off and if he didn’t go down immediately I’d probably have a panic attack and end up crying bc like I said that’s like one of my biggest fears and I couldn’t afford to lose him.  Obvs my crying would make him immediately jump down and see what was wrong.  And after that I’d hold his hand tight and make sure he didn’t get within 3 feet of a railing.
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 18. What would watching a horror film with them be like?
I feel like we’d both be pretty terrified (tho I’d def be more terrified cuz I’m the jumpiest person ever), and Jeongin would try to seem cool but inside he’d end up being too scared to go to sleep that night and we would just end up staying up and talking and watching comedies and stuff.  Maybe he’d find it cute when I squeaked and jumped during the horror movie??  Idk lol
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 19. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I feel like both of us would be the shy flirt.  Like Jeongin is a shy floof and I just spazz out when trying to flirt, so I wouldn’t actually be able to flirt with him until I was more confident with our relationship.  Like I’m okay flirting around people I’m not crazy about, but with Jeongin I’d be super shy and end up tripping over a trashcan and falling on top of it as a result of me trying to look cool in front of him.  (funny story that actually happened to me.  The guy definitely noticed me lol.  And talked to me.  Literally just to ask me if I was okay bc he saw the whole thing including me walking into two walls right before then... yea... and that’s def not the only time I’ve embarrassed myself and spazzed out in front of my crushes...)
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 20. Who is more competitve?
Probs me.  But when I like someone I either turn like extremely competitive to look good in front of them or whatever or I do the exact opposite and let them win bc I don’t want them to feel bad or be annoyed by me.  But with Jeongin I can totally see myself getting super competitive with him while baking cookies or something and we like turn it into a contest to see who can make the best cookies and then he tries to sabotage my batter and I try to retaliate and it ends with both of us on the floor covered in flour and chocolate
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 21. Who would have to be given constant reminders? (Remember to eat, don’t forget to your keys, etc)
Probably Jeongin, like I’d take care of him whenever and obvs I’d be constantly worried about him, but I feel like he’d nag me for being awake/on my phone at 4:00am and I’m very forgetful and all that lol.  I can see him trying to seem all judgey or savage ahem fact attack Jeongin u guys like “tf are you doing up, we both know you need that beauty sleep” but after a few months of me panicking and thinking he actually meant exactly what he said, I’d realize that’s just Jeongin’s way of showing he cares so I’d start sassing him back and wow I just turned this into a rant/me just droning on about texting Jeongin someone help me
*♡ 。・゚゚・ 22. Who sends memes and who sends cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
I’d def send memes and tbh he would too lol, but if either of us sent like a sweet serious text (esp him), we’d reply with a lovely wholesome meme (esp me).  But tbh once I got comfortable around him (cuz I’d be shy af at first), I’d def just send him a million sweet messages, although tbh I’d more likely call him 24/7 bc I miss him and I’d say it to him over the phone as opposed to through message.
tagging: @doublekn0t  (I made this extra long and detailed just for you def not bc I got carried away in my love for Jeongin heh)  @realstraykids @maaatryoshka @kpop-stole-my-lyfe @minhomygod @straycuties @bangchanmix @bangchant @bangchcn @meatmeinthemiddle-mark @strgaykids @himeaegyo @hey-hey-chan @jiisung @xxstraykids @s0ftminho @busanjeongin@awoojinstan @bangchanstic
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