#Felix Hellmann
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olafkroenke · 11 months ago
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Felix Hellmann
@ Berlin
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deprotagonisten · 4 years ago
Enfant Terrible
Recensie Enfant Terrible ★★★ - vanaf 9-9 in de bioscoop en op @PiclNL Rainer Werner Fassbinder zou dit tijdperk als regisseur niet overleefd hebben. Maar ja, feitelijk heeft hij zijn eigen tijdperk ook niet overleefd! #EnfantTerrible
De dramafilm Enfant Terrible gaat over de Duitse regisseur Rainer Werner Fassbinder, een van Duitslands belangrijkste naoorlogse regisseurs. In de jaren ’70 brak hij door, maar zijn leven als superster was niet bepaald bevorderlijk voor zijn gezondheid. Wat wij van Enfant Terrible vinden, lees je in onze recensie. (more…)
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eolewyn1010 · 3 years ago
An ode to fallen heroes?
Dear writers of German television, in this case of Tatort: it is not a good idea to kill off your long-time characters, neither for the audience nor for the character. Spoilers btw, only warning. Of course the actors and actresses can decide anytime that they're through with the role, but there are other ways to write them out - ones that don't look like outright sadism. You torture the character for years only to let them die anyway at the end? That feels very Game of Thrones-ish. You make a ship canon just to kill off one half of it? Someone around here alrady called you out on the Destiel route. In case of Bönisch... well, it was at least par for the course; that team always consisted of a lot of suffering, but that makes her end just another kick in the face of the audience. That sucks. And since it's not necessary to off them that way, it feels like twisting the knife. I'll keep with the ones in my conscious memory here, meaning I'm definitely not covering all of them all the way back to 1970, but we're already in for five teams in my limited frame of reference.
Tatort Kommissare killed on duty:
Felix Stark († 2014)
Nils Stedefreund († 2019)
Nadeshda Krusenstern († 2020)
Lessing († 2021)
Martina Bönisch († 2022)
Not even getting creative there; they were all unceremoniously shot. Stedefreund and Bönisch at least got to die in the arms of a crying partner to squeeze the last bit of enforced emotion out of it, the rest went out alone. In case of Stark, they let us hang on that ominous "perhaps he'll survive", only to then come around with, "whoops, you'll never find out; he never shows up again and his successors don't comment on this, lol, byyyeee". In case of Lessing, the episode was an uncomfortable tonal dissonance with the rest of the Weimar series - it didn't fit the episodes before at all. Understandably so, with one of our protagonists killed, but it really didn't sit well. Also, we very obviously know that there are other ways.
Tatort characters who got away alive:
Robert Hellmann - quit police service for a nicer job
Carlo Menzinger - hit it rich and quit working altogether
Till Ritter - quit police service for whatever reason
Henni Sieland - quit police service out of bitterness
Daniel Kossik - quit police service for a nicer job
Nika Banovic - no idea; she either quit or got promoted
Mario Kopper - got into illegal shenanigans, was fired, emigrated to Sicily to live the sweet life with his fiancée
Emilia Alvarez - got confirmedly promoted
Inga Lürsen - series ended with the death of her partner
Nora Dalay - quit police service out of bitterness
Kira Dorn - series ended with the death of her partner
And yeah, obviously those are not all cheery happy endings or even satisfying explanations, but they are ways to send the characters off without going for the most obvious, the shock value - which is there for one second and is then outweighed by bitterness. That's just shitting on the character, and on everyone who liked that character for a good while and in some cases had hopes for them developing and getting better.
I may not be in the place to complain about that here because it didn't happen to my faves... yet. I'm kinda afraid. I feel like I read an interview with Wachtveitl somewhere that they won't go for a shocker with the end of their München Tatort but do something simple that fits them, so I lowkey hope they'll end on Franz and Ivo newly retired going fishing or poisoning pidgeons in the park or whatever, getting a call from Kalli and giving him some advice, and then we blend over to Kalli on his new Hauptkommissar desk and he's like, "on it." Something like that.
Kinda anxious for the Wien and Dresden teams; those two have a lot of drama potential. And then there's Stuttgart. *sigh* Admittedly, they sent off both Alvarez and Nika unceremoniously but alive, but also, SWR has proven several times that they don't handle either of the Kommissare well in writing their characters. Sebastian with his colorful bouquet of issues, Thorsten with his "retiring is about my greatest fear" attitude - they might go for the kill there, and I already hate them for the possibility. That'd just be the fucking cherry on top of the whopping shit whipping cream.
Admittedly, I have a certain morbid curiosity as to how Münster will end. Like, they love big drama, but they hate continuous changes, but when the actors are getting out, they'll have to face the change definitely, so might as well go out crashing? Heh, I'm not emotionally invested in there enough to care, but it might either make me roll my eyes till I get a headache or get out the popcorn to watch this part of tumblr blow up and burn.
At least I'm not afraid for the Saarbrücken team yet. They do love their tragedy, but also there's so much potential in the Leo and Adam dynamic they'll wanna utilize, and aiming at a younger audience they won't go for killing off the ladies just for the hell of it; they should know by now that fridging a female character for pure drama is not getting them anywhere. As for the format... no idea. They might keep onto the continuing narrative and maybe round it out before it outlives itself, but even then there's no promise they won't end it on a character death just to fuck with the audience.
tl;dr? Just let them Kommissare retire, or find a new job or race off into the sunset with their queerly beloved (as if). The audience won't be happy about any farewell of a character they love, but they might not hate you if you don't go, "lol, HBO does good writing; we should do that to our characters". You're already not serving us shipping, or sweet moments with no arguing in the team, or positive development, or continuity - we're already expecting nothing, so don't let us down on that, too. Just let us imagine they're free to live a better life. Fucking face it; the continous characters and an audience that loves them are what keeps the format alive, not the idiotic case of the week. The point of Tatort is comfy Sunday evening entertainment with not much aspiration or challenge, not chucking something painful at us.
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thomasmuellerfcbayern · 3 years ago
Bayern-Star lässt Sky-Duo mit frecher Frage ratlos zurück
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Das Top-Spiel machte seinem Namen alle Ehre. Was für ein fußballerisches Spektakel war das zwischen dem BVB und Bayern München. Nach emotionalen 100 Minuten gab es zudem noch einen frechen Auftritt von Thomas Müller (32) im Sky-Interview.
In allen Interviews nach dem Spiel wurde intensiv über die strittigen Elfmeter-Entscheidungen gesprochen. Beim Top-Spiel am Samstagabend (4. Dezember 2021) zwischen Borussia Dortmund und dem FC Bayern München (2:3) bekamen die Bayern nach VAR-Eingriff einen Elfer zugesprochen, der BVB nicht. Als Reus im Strafraum gefoult wurde, schaute sich Schiedsrichter Felix Zwayer (40) die Szene nicht an.
Nachdem Marco Reus (32) und Emre Can (27) in ihren Sky-Interviews ihrem Frust freien Lauf gelassen hatten, kam Thomas Müller (32) an den Tisch von Moderator Sebastian Hellmann (54) und Lothar Matthäus (60). Müller hatte Verständnis für die BVB-Wut: Bei der Szene von Reus „kann man den Elfmeter auch geben. Wenn ich auf der anderen Seite wäre, würde ich das auch fordern.“ Ehrliche Wort des Bayern-Stars.
„Solche Entscheidungen gehören im Fußball dazu - und das ist das Bittere, dass dieses intensive Spiel so entschieden wird. Daher kann ich den Frust und Ärger verstehen. In beiden Aktionen kann ich den Schiedsrichter aber auch verstehen“, ergänzte der Nationalspieler.
Kurz vor dem Gespräch stellte er eine kleine Wasserflasche auf den Rasen, nahm vorher noch einen kräftigen Schluck, auch bei einer Unterbrechung des Sky-Gesprächs ging er wieder zur Flasche und trank. Das hatte einen guten Grund: Müller sagte am Ende: „Ich muss jetzt noch zum Doping.“ Heißt: Dopingkontrolle.
Und dann ließ er das Sky-Duo mit einer frechen Frage stehen: „Und Eure beiden Proben – wären die auch sauber?“ Müller lachte dabei und gab das Mikrofon ab, um davon zu düsen. Hellmann und Matthäus schauten sich zunächst sprachlos an, dann stellte Hellmann klar, dass alle Proben wohl sauber wären.
Thomas Müller neckt Lothar Matthäus und Sebastian Hellmann
Und Matthäus schüttelte grinsend den Kopf: „Wenn es den Thomas Müller nicht schon gäbe, müsste man den erfinden. Der ist einmalig…“
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whozwho · 7 years ago
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“Lieber offen als zu”
Production: Production-World.de Creative Direction: Kuni aka Kunhild Haberkern Photo/Film: Olaf Kroenke
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astargatelover · 7 years ago
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i am terrible at taking screenshots (why yes i am very bored)
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astargatelover · 7 years ago
Get to know me
e5Rules: Tag Nine People You Want to Know Better I was tagged by @poolsareperfectforholdingwater. Yay, someone’s interested in me!
Relationship status: Happily in love. Not in a relationship, but in love. He makes me smile. *sigh* <3 Favourite Colour: Dark yellow. Something like rapsgelb, which, in English, has the unfortunate name rape yellow. *ahem* Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick. My lips are hella dry. Last Song I Listened to: “My Petersburg” from the Broadway version of Anastasia. More than once. Way more. It’s very awesome Last Movie I Watched: Technically, I am watching “Tatort Berlin - Dagoberts Enkel” right now. Top 3 TV Shows: Tatort Berlin (YES, it’s a TV show and movies), errm Death in Paradise, and... this is hard. But Stargate Universe has to be somewhere on that list, right? Top 3 Characters: This one’s hard because I can’t decide whether to put Till Ritter or Felix Stark first. They’re both awesome-amazing in their own ways, and especially together. I can’t pick just one! They’re definitely #1 and 2. And third, Robert Hellmann ��cause I’m having feels about him rn. (I love my Berliner Tatortkommissare a.D., okay?) Top 3 Bands/Artists: Owl City (ie. Adam Young), PUR and... this one’s hard, too. I am a fan of Alan Silvestri. Books I’m Currently Reading: The novelization of “Der Wixxer”, Bill Bryson’s “It’s teatime, my dear!” (hilarious author, that one) aaand... Elizabeth von Arnim’s “All the Dogs of my Life”. I’ve been at those for a while, though, and “currently reading” might be stretching it a bit.
I’m tagging (less than 9 people; I’m happy I got those 6 together): @jean-luc-picaardvark @science-bish @spaceytrash @jeremybrettfan @black-cat-aoife @eingaensebluemchenzwischenrosen
If you don’t feel like doing it, don’t. If you do feel like doing it and I haven’t tagged you here, do. And feel free to let me know. ^^
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maxwellyjordan · 7 years ago
Friday round-up
At CNN, Lauren Fox and others report that “Senate Democrats are threatening to sue for documents related to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s record, the latest escalation in a partisan battle over the court.” Burgess Everett reports at Politico that “[t]he potential lawsuit would come right as Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings begin in early September.” Additional coverage comes from Kevin Daley at The Daily Caller, who calls the threat “one of the few procedural weapons Democrats can use to slow progress on a Supreme Court confirmation some see as inevitable.” At The Hill, Jordain Carney reports that “[t]he National Archives is distancing itself from President George W. Bush’s legal team as both groups work to hand over hundreds of thousands of documents tied to … Kavanaugh.” In an op-ed for The Washington Times, Matt Mackowiack maintains that “[t]he record will show that Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican and Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, is leading the most transparent confirmation process of all time.”
 At the Washington Examiner, Susan Ferrechio reports that “Senate Democrats say they are planning to meet with Brett Kavanaugh, adding to a short list of party lawmakers who have now sat down with President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.” Niels Lesniewsky reports at Roll Call that “Democratic senators have, at least from Republican states, started meeting with … Kavanaugh, but they are mostly avoiding the press when doing so.”
At The Hill, Jessie Hellmann reports that “[t]he possibility of another Trump nominee ascending to the Supreme Court bench has created a sense of urgency among abortion supporters in the states, where activists are pushing to safeguard access to the procedure.” For this blog, Charlotte Garden surveys Kavanaugh’s record in labor and employment cases. At The New Republic, Matt Ford presents “some questions that Democrats could ask Kavanaugh that he might feel compelled to answer, rather than parry,” at his confirmation hearing. At The Federalist, Chad Felix Green pushes back against claims that “Kavanaugh would allow a ‘license to discriminate’ that would affect the everyday lives of LGBT Americans.”
For The Economist’s Democracy in America blog, Steven Mazie explains that the outcome of Weyerhaeuser Company v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a challenge to the federal government’s critical-habitat designation for the dusky gopher frog that will be argued on the first day of October Term 2018,“will be important not only for the three-inch-long, warty, speckled frog but for the fate of a long-standing principle of judicial deference to federal agencies.”
At The Federalist Society Review, Richard Raile argues that last term’s decision in partisan-gerrymandering case Gill v. Whitford “is not the meaningless punt it is advertised to be,” but instead “articulates principles that undermine partisan-gerrymandering theory at the most fundamental level” and “should be read to definitively end these claims.”
For Harvard Magazine, Lincoln Caplan looks at the evolving role of the solicitor general, who “remains, by a wide margin, the most frequent and influential advocate before the Supreme Court.”
At the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Political Insider blog, Tamar Hallerman reports that “[t]he latest chapter of Georgia’s long-running water rights battleagainst Florida has cost the state’s taxpayers nearly $50 million — a price tag that will undoubtedly rise after the Supreme Court punted the case earlier this summer,” but that “legal bills for the two states are likely to mount a little slower thanks to a decision quietly made by the justices late last week,” when they replaced the private attorney who had been serving as the special master with a federal judge.
In an op-ed at USA Today, Jack Phillips, the cake artist at the center of last term’s Masterpiece Cakeshop case, explains that he is suing the Colorado state officials who are “attempting to punish me for declining to create a different custom cake — one that the customer admits was intended to express a message contrary to my faith.”
We rely on our readers to send us links for our round-up.  If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, podcast, or op-ed relating to the Supreme Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at] scotusblog.com. Thank you!
The post Friday round-up appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law http://www.scotusblog.com/2018/08/friday-round-up-432/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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olafkroenke · 1 year ago
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Sarah Bauerett, Carlo Ljubek, Ralph Herforth & Felix Hellmann
The Actors and TV/Movie Stars on Set in Berlin.
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envionicoreviews-blog · 7 years ago
Is Envion Legit or Another Scam?
What's Envion?
They're hoping to solve a few of the issues using cryptocurrency mining by developing a new decentralized remedy which uses green energy.
They are likely to develop new 'Mobile Mining Units' inside shipping containers that could easily be transported to areas having the least expensive type of renewable energy available, such as hydro or solar power plants across the world.
Their brand new MMU units will permit them to combine 2 of the fastest growing markets together, the cryptocurrency mining and renewable energy sectors.
The new job will be decentralized with token holders able to vote on significant decisions through the platform.
The Business intends to mine with ASIC and GPU miners in a 50/50 split.Problems with the mining marketplace
Despite one of the significant selling points of cryptocurrency being that it is decentralized, cryptocurrency mining has come to be highly centralized, some of the largest mining facilities dominate the marketplace. It has meant that crucial decisions within certain cryptocurrencies like hard forks can be decided by only a few people.
Another major issue is that the energy consumption, since the purchase price of cryptocurrencies has exploded in the past 12 months so has the price of mining, the total amount of energy being used to mine is now obscene and the quantity of energy used to deliver just a single transaction on the Bitcoin network has reached 100s of kws.
How Envion aims to fix these problems
They state in their whitepaper they believe cryptocurrency mining ought to be decentralized. Using their own token on the new platform that they hope to do that by distributing 100% of earnings into token holders and between nominal holders in any essential conclusions. Using their brand new MMU units they also plan to have a cost efficient mining alternative. By building these in 20 foot shipping containers they'll be able to station them everywhere in the world that cheap energy is available. They'll use a database that will enable them to discover the cheapest possible renewable energy prices across the world.
Gain for Money holders
Envion will be distributing 100% of the profits that they make to nominal collectors. 25% of this sum will be utilized to further extend their operations by reinvesting to more hardware. The remaining 75% will be distributed to token holders weekly. In their whitepaper they've stated that the ROI must be 181 percent.
Envion Key team members
Matthias Woestmann: He has been an investor in renewable energy for over a decade. He funded SOLON AG, which subsequently went on to become one of the leading module manufacturers in Germany. Jasper Hellmann: Experience conducting multiple eCommerce companies. In 2016 he founded an eCommerce company and produced 30 million euros of revenue in just 12 months.
Felix Krusenbaum: An IT professional with 6 years experience working as a strategy consultant for A.T. Kearney.
ICO Details
The EVN token will probably run on the Ethereum network.
Token sale runs from December 15 until January 14.
Total tokens for sale: 150 million.
Token cost: $1.
The cryptocurrency mining market has clear problems if it's going to keep growing. The amount of electricity used by proof of work established tokens is becoming obscene, with lots of news bureaus lately reporting about it.
Envion looks well poised to help solve this problem. The team behind the project has a lot of experience in green energy based businesses and expertise running many successful companies.
The profits being spread into token holders will offer an apparent incentive for individuals to continue to the tokens and ought to see the token price increase.
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whozwho · 2 years ago
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MAXIMILIAN DIRR & FELIX HELLMANN sind die Primetime Stars @zdfmediathek in DIANAS LETZTE NACHT @maximiliandirr @crush.agency.berlin @felix_hellmann_ @agenturheppeler Foto @olafkroenke Creative Director @kunhildhaberkern für WHOZWHO MAG #whozwho #whomag.eu #photography #portrait #starswienirgendwosonst #makethedifference https://www.instagram.com/p/CgzYY39M4Ti/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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olafkroenke · 7 years ago
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SEBASTIAN STRÖBEL & FELIX HELLMANN sind die Primetime Stars @zdfmediathek #zdf in ‚MÜNCHEN MORD:KEIN MENSCH, KEIN PROBLEM‘! Unsterblich Stars und Statements in den WHOZWHO Mags @seltmannundsoehne und unserem FB Shop. Foto: @olafkroenke, CD: Kuni @kunhildhaberkern, Produktion: Britta Naumann/Production-World.de Text: Julia Malz #julemalz #whozwho #photo #photoart #magazine #olafkroenke #kuni #brittanaumann @britzsch #starswienirgendwosonst #ewiglebeninfotosvonwhozwhomagazine @sebastianstroebel_official @gizaletta #felixhellmann #münchenmord https://www.instagram.com/p/BmEHsICBs4K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vbucs3sxmnod
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