#Feline Friday BlogHop
servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: How To Beat The Heat And Treat Overheating In Cats
Service Cats: How To Beat The Heat And Treat Overheating In Cats
The followin’ post will be written in human English fur reader and translator ease. Our Service Cat posts aren’t intended to be an all inclusive Trainin’ Manual but rather Tips, Tricks and Techniques used/developed by mommy A thru her many years of animal trainin’, cats in purrticular. And to offur insight into your questions about Everything Feline. Always remember, Training is all ‘bout…
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servicecatsus · 5 years
Feline Furiday Update
Meow-llo Furiends. It is Service Cat Furiday, however, with all the turmoil here over the past week, mommy said we wouldn’t be postin’ this week. We did wanna update everypawdy tho’. Fur those of you who only visit on Furidays, long story short, our air conditioner caught on fire on Monday. Since our ‘pawrtment is bein’ remodeled soon, the manager decided not to fix or replace our unit. Mommy…
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servicecatsus · 5 years
Feline Furiday And Bloopers
Feline Furiday And Bloopers
MeOW-llo Furiends, welcome to the Three Belles Ranch, as Raena would meow. Me knows you’re all here fur Service Cat Furidays, so let me start by offurin’ our ‘pawlogies. Mommy thought she’d be back to “normal” after a week; but no sooner did we get home from the funeral, we’ve had to deal with the ‘pawrtment manager and all of her nonsense. Needless to say, mommy’s brain is purretty fried. She…
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servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: Prey Model Raw Made Easy Part 4: Dezi’s Journey to Raw
Service Cats: Prey Model Raw Made Easy Part 4: Dezi’s Journey to Raw
MeOW-llo Welcome to Service Cat Furiday. Here we tackle any topic and answer any question you may have about the frisky feline in your home. Ifin you’ve missed any post in this series or want to reread any, just click the links on our Training Tips and Everything Feline page. And purrlease leave your questions and topic suggestions in the comments section below or send us an email via our Contact
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servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: Pet Food Ingredients Part 3
Service Cats: Pet Food Ingredients Part 3
MeOW-llo  Welcome to our furst Service Cats and Everything Feline Friday of 2019. As promised, we’ll be pickin’ up where we left off, talking about pet feeds/food and propurr nutrition for the little Obligate Carnivore in your house. Ifin you missed any of the posts in this mini series, you can check them out here and here. You can see all the posts in our Service Cats series by checking out the…
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servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: How Toxic Is That Food To Kitty
Service Cats: How Toxic Is That Food To Kitty
The followin’ post will be written in human English fur reader and translator ease. Our Service Cat posts aren’t intended to be an all inclusive Trainin’ Manual but rather Tips, Tricks and Techniques used/developed by mommy A thru her many years of animal trainin’, cats in purrticular. And to offur insight into your questions about Everything Feline. Always remember, Training is all ‘bout…
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servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: Kitten/Cat Proofing Your Home Pt. 2
Service Cats: Kitten/Cat Proofing Your Home Pt. 2
MeOW Welcome to Service Cats and Everything Feline on Furidays. We’re runnin’ on our 3rd no sleep day and adrenenline cuz of early meownin’ ‘pointments. But, we didn’t want to skip postin’ today, cuz our current topic is very ‘purrtant, and we hope lots of kitties find their new furevers befur the end of the month. Anyways, as always you can ketch up or re-read any of the posts in this series by…
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servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: What Happens To Your Pets When You Die
Service Cats: What Happens To Your Pets When You Die
MeOW  Welcome to Service Cats and Everything Feline on Furidays. Are ya’ll ready fur the long weekend? We’ll be celebratin’ mommy’s birthday here, which means lots of huggin’, cuddlin’ and luvvin’. We purray that any of you travelin’ have a safe and uneventful trip and return home rejuvinated. Alright, we got that outta the way so let’s get back to the reason you pawed by today. We’ve got a great…
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servicecatsus · 6 years
Service Cats: Does Your Garden Contain These Natural Flea Preventatives
Service Cats: Does Your Garden Contain These Natural Flea Preventatives
MeOW  Welcome to Service Cats and Everything Feline on Furidays. Don’t furget you can always ketch up on any post you may have missed in this series by clickin’ the links on our Training Tips and Everything Feline page. You can also submit your questions and/or topic suggestions in the comments below or by email using the contact form on our Contact page. Just remember, when asking behavioral…
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