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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Blest Sunday: 2020 Gift Picks
Blest Sunday: 2020 Gift Picks
Hey dear furiends, we purray you all had a wonderful thanky Thanksgiving. We celebrated our Blessings of being together with lots of luvs, a roof over our heads, warmth from the rains and our cherished furiends, all of you. What a glorious day it was in spite of the overcast skies and dreary wet grasses. 
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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Hey, hey dearest furiends, I’s sure hope you’re all well. It was a crazy week around here, so we’re running way behind. Mommy said something about a road and good intentions. Anyways, we’ll meow about all that another time. Today, we wanna tell ya’ all about those pawsum Kitty Whip cat toys. I’s gotta tell ya’, there ain’t a kitty alive who doesn’t luvs a good string or strap of leather. And when ya’ put it on a pole with your favorite human at the other end…Well, it just doesn’t get much better than that.  
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                RaenaBelle, those sure are some broad sweeping statements you’re making.  
  Well sissy, it’s cuz it’s true. Least it is with every kitty I’s know. 
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  Disclaimer: We received the Kitty Whip Cat toys in exchange for our honest
opinion. As always, we only bring products we use or have tried and
feel would be of interest to you, our readers and friends.
                Yeah Raena, me’s too. Me’s just meowin’, ya’ might not wanna lump every kitty in there just in case. 
  Hmmmmpht  Whatever. So, I’s told ya’ll last week, we got the oppurrtunity to attend Catcon from your couch. Thanky thank you fur makin’ that happen awnty Anonymous. Well, while there, mommy spotted these really cool wand toys called Kitty Whips. Let me tell ya’, we’ve torn up more than our fair share of those cheapy plastic jobs thru the years. Problem is, they’re not always all that cheap on the pawcket book. But, they sure aren’t made to last. Obviously, there are a few exceptions to every rule.  
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    courtesy of KittyWhipCatToys.com
              That’s better Raena. Altho’, me’s never seen a wand toy that could hold up to you no matter the cost.  
  (Raena pauses a moment to think about what Dezi said) Yeah sissy, mommy said the same thing. I’s not sure ifin ya’ll are being nice or not. Anyways, when mommy saw the Kitty Whips, she just had to find out more about ‘em. Thanky thankfully, she was able to connect with the peeps thru that zoomy thingy and befur ya’ could meow catnip, they were sending ‘em out to us. Let me tell ya’, Etsy is full of talented peeps and wonderful products.
                Yeah Raena, when they arrived, mommy said she thought this might actually be the wand toy to stand up to just about any kitty, including you. And, each one is hand made right here is the good ole US of A. They’re made of 100% natural and sustainable materials. That’s right, the handles are a beautiful sturdy piece of hickory wood. Attached to the end is your choice of a leather strap, sisal rope or braided cotton rope. There’s even a smaller Kitty Whip fur the kittens out there. There’s a metal ring where the “cord attaches to the handle so you don’t have to worry about it falling apart. And, at a price of only $10.00 to $20.00, the Kitty Whip is a must have. Y, You could get all of ‘em fur only $50.00. 
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    Yeah sissy, especially right now when everypawdy can use our code, “DEZIZWORLD” to get 15% off their entire order and free shipping in honor of your birthday/gotchaday. You know you’ve spent way more than that on that plastic junk at the big box store. Now you can support small business and get exceptional quality. But hey, don’t just take our word fur it. Mommy took ‘em down to the neighbor’s and asked them what they thought about it. Here’s what Jubal had to say, “Oh Kittens, this is like the best toy ever RaenaBelle!!!” Like us, he’s a big kitty, and his favorite was the sisal rope.    
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  Jubal: This is pawsum!!!
                Yeah Raena, the Kitty Whip is definitely at the top of our gift ideas this year. It’s well made, kitty approved, and affordable. Seriously, ya’ just need to get one fur your self and maybe one fur a gift. You won’t be disappointed. 
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        Now that’s the truth sissy. We’d also like to thanky thank those of ya’ who have already ordered yours. Your purchases are what allows us to be able to continue to introduce you to great products that kitty will luvs. 
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        We also want to remind you, that the annual Blessing Train will be departing soon fur the annual run around the world. Grab your boxcar below, decorate it and send it to us at [email protected]. Let’s make this the bestest year ever.  
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                    We are already receiving entries Raena. Me’s so excited. We’re also still taking donations towards our car fund. You can donate directly thru paypal here. All donations are still being matched, so every bit helps. We thank all of you fur your luv and suppurrt. Me’s gonna go link us up with the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies, and then take a wee nap.  
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        Thanky thanks sissy. As we do each week, we’d like to remind you to take a minute today and every day to Give Thanky thanks fur the Blessings in your lives. Thanky thank you fur being Blessings in ours. Now, go get your Kitty whip and leave us a comment below.
  Till the next time………………………………………………….Be Blest!!! 
  Don’t forget to grab your boxcar and join the Blessing Train.
  Let us know which Kitty Whip you bought or would love to have. And use our code “DEZIZWORLD” for 15% off thru 12/31/2020.
  Raena: Navy Blue 
Dezi: Vibrant Blue 
      Luvs and Hugs and KittyBelle Kisses 
  RaenaBelle and Deztinee
Blest Sunday: It’s A Kitty Whip
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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Blest Sunday: A Birthday Surprise For All
Blest Sunday: A Birthday Surprise For All
Hey everypawdy, I’s so excited to be here with ya’ today. Can you guess why? Huh? Well? Can ya’?   
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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Blest Sunday: It’s Blessing Train Time Again
Blest Sunday: It’s Blessing Train Time Again
Hey dearest furiends, welcome to our weekly Blest Sunday from the Three Belles Ranch with I’s RaenaBelle, and sissy Deztinee. 
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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Blest Sunday: Keeping It Low Key
Blest Sunday: Keeping It Low Key
Hey Furiends, you pawsumly amazing peeps and fur pals, it’s RaenaBelle coming to you from the Three Belles Ranch. How’s your week been? We sure hope you’ve all been safe and happy. Sis Dezi had a really bad start to the week, but things seem to be calming down again. We’re still purraying we can find a way to get to the V-E-T someday soon. 
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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Blest Sunday: The Claw of the Matter
Blest Sunday: The Claw of the Matter
Hey everypawdy, how’ve ya’ been? Just another typical week around here. We’ve kept mommy on her toes and even caused her to break a nail or two. (Raena giggles) You should see it, she can’t hardly button her shirt or type. Ya’ know, when ya’ get used to having claws, it can really disrupt your whole way of life ifin ya’ lose ‘em. 
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servicecatsus · 4 years ago
Blest Sunday: We Went Camping
Blest Sunday: We Went Camping
Hey everypawdy, how’ve ya’ been? It’s been a purretty typical week here. Altho’, it is finally cooling off some. Y, It was actually 50° one morning. ‘Course, that didn’t last and it quickly warmed up befur noon. Regardless of the outside temps mommy still enjoys her coffee.  
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! pt. 1
Blest Sunday: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! pt. 1
Hey everypawdy, we purray you’ve all had a pawsumly Blest week. It’s been…, well…(Raena pauses and thinks back over the last several days). Let me just tell ya’ll a story. Now of course it’s true, but some of the facts may have been a bit exaggerated. I’s do luvs mommy, but when she gets panicked… 
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Late But Blessed
Blest Sunday: Late But Blessed
Hey everypawdy, it’s I’s, RaenaBelle; coming to you live from the Three Belles Ranch. We purray you’ve all had a pawtastic week. It’s been stormy here. As mommy so often says, it’s just that time of year. Altho’, I’s told mommy, it seems it’s always that time of year. Anyways, we’re really behind today. 
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Hey everypawdy, it’s me, RaenaBelle, coming to you live from the Three Belles Ranch. It’s Blest Sunday, and we’re full of Blessings. Let me tell ya’, the weather around here lately has been all over the place. It can’t decide whether it wants to be winter or summer. And then there’s the storms. That’s a whole ‘nother topic altogether. 
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              Raena, you can’t meow we’re full of Blessings and then start complaining about the weather. 
  Why not sissy? I’s think we’re Blest to have a roof over our heads so we don’t have to be out in the storms and colds and hots. 
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  Let’s call our furiends.
                Well, ifin ya’ put it that way, me guesses it’s okay. It just sounded like you were gonna be complainin’. And right now ‘specially, peeps need some cheerin’ up. Even tho’ we’re homebodies, this social distancin’ thing is beginning to get tiresome. We can’t even ‘magine what it’s like fur those who get out a lot.  
  Ain’t that the truth sissy. Mommy actually got out fur a little bit yesfurday. Mrs. N was goin’ up town and asked mommy ifin she’d like to ride with her. So they headed off to the store to look around. We can’t believe the toilet paper shelves are still empty. We’re beginning to wonder ifin the toilet paper companies shut down. Cuz there’s no reason why it shouldn’t have been restocked by now. 
            Sure nuff Raena. It is a bit strange. It really made mommy give double fanks fur the toilet paper that was sent to her last week. 
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        Meowin’ of fanky fankfuls sissy, I’s wanna fanky fank our handsum floofy furiend Valentine, his bootyful sisfur Myrna and sweet gawjus awnty Kerry fur the bootyful birthday card they sent me. Mommy says I’s got a gift comin’ from the amazon too. 
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                They’re so sweet, aren’t they Raena. Happy early birthday.   
  Yeppers sissy, that they are, and fanky fank you. I’s just can’t believe mine’s birthday is almost here. Have you and mommy decided what kind of pawrty ya’ll are throwin’ me fur mine’s gotchaday?   
            Not yet Raena. Anyways, we still have a little time befur that happens. Now, let’s get on with our Blessings. We are so Blest to have the greatest furiends in the universe.  
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  Me wants treats now!!!
      Oh sissy, that we do. I’s luvs our furiends so much. And, we’re Blest to have a mommy who luvs us more than anythin’ else in this world. And, we’re Blest to have each other. What meowvalous lives we have.  
            We do Raena. Meowin’ of, mommy got us some tasty freeze dried hearts this month. Me’s thinkin’ that would be quite tasty right ‘bout now. Me’s gonna go link us up with the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selfies and then ask mommy fur a treat. 
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        Sounds good to me sissy. As we do each week, we’d like to remind you all to take a minute today and every day to Give Thanks fur the Blessings in your lives. Thank you fur being Blessings in ours. Stay safe. We luvs you all. 
  Till the next time……………………………………………………………..Be Blest!!! 
  Raena: Navy Blue 
Dezi: Vibrant Blue
      Luvs and Hugs and KittyBelle Kisses 
  RaenaBelle and Deztinee
Blest Sunday: Birthday Blessings
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Snowing In the Oven
MeOW-llo Dearest Furiends. Well, it’s gone and turned chilly again. Y, It’s downright cold. One night we’re goin’ to bed with the a/c on and wakin’ up to fureezing temps. You’d think we’d be used to it by now, after all, mommy says it happens every April. None the less, we were hoping to be thru with the cold fur this year. Oh well…  
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Homebound Is Our Norm
Meow-llo Dear Furiends. Another week has come and gone, and we purray all of you are staying safe and healthy. We’re fine here. We didn’t get out much befur this “pandemic”, so we don’t really notice much of a change. Y, ifin the store shelves weren’t purractically bare, we’d never know anythin’ was goin’ on.   
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Mer-Kittens
Hey everypawdy, it’s me, RaenaBelle, coming to ya’ live from the waterlogged Three Belles Ranch. It’s been stormin’ here two weeks in a row. Kittens, we’re starting to feel a bit waterlogged. Blest, but waterlogged.  
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Luck of the Irish
Hey everypawdy, it’s me, RaenaBelle. I’s bet you were expectin’ sis Dezi to greet you, right? Well, it’s been stormin’ here fur days and that means, she’s been spendin’ a lot of time hiding UTB (under the bed).  
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: Blessings In Sorrow
Blest Sunday: Blessings In Sorrow
Meow-llo Dear Furiends. RaenaBelle, where are you? It’s time fur Blest Sunday and the countin’ of our Blessings.  
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servicecatsus · 5 years ago
Blest Sunday: The Purrfect Valentine Gift
Blest Sunday: The Purrfect Valentine Gift
Meow-llo Dear Furiends. Well, it finally happened. We got that snow the weather guessers had been furcastin’. Yep. Sure ‘nuff, it snowed and left everythin’ all white and cold. Okay, so maybe we don’t get feet upon feet of snow like some of ya’ do, but hey, we live in the South, any snow is a lot. 
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