#Feel free to do so :)
hideawayfairy · 11 months
Sad thought but do you think Mammon ever used Fizz's relationship with Ozzie as a way to control him?
If there was ever a moment Fizz was being resistant or even a hint that Fizz could potentially leave Mammon's business, I can imagine Mammon just playing up how unfortunate it would be if word got out that Fizz was dating a Deadly Sin.
"Fizzie, my boy, if ya leave, don't ya think everyone will realize that you're cozying up to Ozzie? I've read the papers and it don't look good for ya. Oh, you know I don't have a problem with it. But the rest of Hell isn't as understanding as I am. And poor Ozzie, he'll be scorned and be made a mockery. And there'd be nothing I could do to stop it. So....you'll be here 8 o'clock sharp tomorrow, yeah? And keep up that smile, Fizzie. Everyone loves a smile!"
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randomprosho · 2 months
I really hate the whole "a predator might get off to this so it shouldnt exist AT ALL" types of beliefs. Because, how do you know if anyone will see it to do that? How do you stop people from doing anything you personally dont like them doing? This whole fear mongering about what other people MIGHT do is very controlling behavior.
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And then to tell victims they cant share their experiences/trauma in order to connect with other survivors/victims just because of the thought that someone MIGHT do something with their post is very disgusting imo. People should be allowed to do whatever without some rando coming up to them saying shit about some non-existant person MIGHT do and possibly trigger a paranoia/anxiety attack over it. You might feel that you're helping, but you're actually a dick.
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
Goldenheart AU
Should I really start thinking up a whole other AU when I'm still trying to plan out one? No. Am I gonna do it anyways? Yes.
Quick note #1, this is a mix of Band AU and "Separated Childhood friends who meet again as adults (except one doesn't know it's their childhood friend)" AU.
Also a note at the end.
Nimona Spoilers (Maybe? Not sure, but I'll out a cut here just in case)
In this AU, there's no kingdom surrounded by big ass walls with canons, although I'm not sure if there are shapeshifters or not (Nimona's still there, I'm just not sure if they can shapeshift or not or if they're just this weird energetic teenager). What is there though is social classes.
The Queen, aka Valerin, is Ambrosius' mother and she runs a very successful company. Ambrosius is therefor part of the richer class which basically has access to anything.
Ballister Boldheart, on the other hand, although he isn't living on the streets, his family isn't doing the best when it comes to money and he does some easy jobs to try and gather money to help his parents.
The boys meet at the park one day. Ambrosius was out playing with some friends from school (Todd maybe with a few random OCs) when he saw the scrawny boy picking up trash, so he decided to approach him. Turns out the scrawny boy (Ballister) was picking up trash to help the park keeper who'd then pay him depending on the amount of trash he picked up
Ambrosius felt bad for him so he decided to help him and didn't leave until his mom's secretary and his nanny (The Director, who else) came to pick him up
The Director obviously saw the two interact and didn't think much of it, until Ambrosius starts asking for money from his mom to help his new friend, which she actively gives him and praises him for helping people in need, and then Ballister's coming to visit and now the two are inseparable
Now she obviously doesn't like that, but she brushes it off thinking that this'll pass when Ambrosius grows up and realizes that he's much better than that
But then something happens (you choose what, can be a death, something good with the company) and Ambrosius has to move away, so the two boys who have been friends for like six-seven are now separated and heart broken, and since Bal can't afford a phone they won't be able to keep in touch, and he outright refuses to let Ambrosius give him one, so now they're separated
Fast forward a few years, it is now Ambrosius' 21st birthday, and to celebrate, he's allowed to choose one band that Valerin will pay to show up, and he chooses the Shifters/The Shapeshifters/whatever else references the movie or comic
The Shifters are a small band that's pretty recent, but Ambrosius loves their songs, and he thinks the lead singer, who goes by Bal, is cute
The band shows up and Ambrosius is having the time of his life, even more so when two members of the band, Bal and Nimona, come to personally wish him a happy birthday
Obviously, he's just talked to his celebrity crush, so he fails to notice just how familiar Bal is, and he doesn't think he'll ever meet the man again
Bal, on the other hand, is well set on seeing Ambrosius again, because holy fuck that's his childhood friend, and he had to practically beg Nimona and the rest of the band (some OCs maybe) to come here just so he could see him
Ballister started this band in hopes that it would take off and he could make a living out of it to help his parents (for plot convenience, it works out or not, depends what direction you wanna go)
So, when Ballister sees Ambrosius again in a cafe, he strikes up a conversation and they end up talking for a long while and end up exchanging numbers
What isn't planned in the plan is for the Director to recognize Ballister and know how much of a crush Ambrosius has on him (despite him not knowing who he really is) and she doesn't like that because someone from higher class dating someone lower class like Ballister hell no
Then starts her plans to foil everything, Nimona being slightly annoyed at Ballister desperately trying to get back in contact with his friend, Ambrosius having a celebrity crush that surprisingly actually works out and Valerin being oblivious to all of this
Ambrosius looks pretty much just like he does in the movie when he's wearing his civilian clothes, except he has long hair with the under part shaved (Is there a name for that haircut?)
Valerin and the Director dress like business women instead of royals
Nimona has basically the same style, except add a bunch of colour: pins, dyed streaks of hair, bright bracelets, etc.
Ballister has a similar style to Nimona, and he dyed a streak of his hair pink (because I can)
That's all I got for now. If this catches anyone's eye, I'll make another part exploring why the Director dislikes the mix of classes so much and how she frames Ballister this time, or the next part can also be about how Bal and Ambrosius get closer.
Quick note #2, this doesn't have anything to do with this, but I'm starting to realize most of my ideas come when I'm doing the dishes, and as dumb as it is, it gives me motivation to do them, so I'm not complaining
Quick note #3, I'm thinking of doing and angsty one shot of that one scene where Ambrosius gets stabbed and it's actually him, except Ballister sings "You Are My Sunshine" to him as he dies because Ambrosius used to sing it to him before everything. Would anyone read it if I posted it?
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padded-daydreams · 2 years
Shout out to age regressors who have to filter out a lot of common little stuff due to trauma. Just because it seems like you shouldn't be triggered by something so "harmless" that doesn't erase trauma that may have been associated with it. Childhood defines so many things. If your first experience with something is horrible, no wonder you're going to be upset by that thing. No matter what it is, there's no shame in not wanting to interact with it, and I want you to know that I'm proud of you. You're doing good, and its not your fault. Don't let anyone tell you its silly.
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choco-1601 · 8 months
Morston au where Arthur is a lawman and marston is an outlaw. Marston gets caught bc he was being drunk and a nuisance..and he drunkenly flirts with Arthur.. Arthur's bashful and yeah..this could end in a tragedy or with a happy ending
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ecstarry · 11 days
send me a 🤍 and i’ll assign u one of my fav albums
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askabbyandeva · 1 year
It's Munday!
For this Munday, I thought I'd do a specific theme for this one, and that is...
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SCP-978: The Desire Camera!
Send a character featured in my blog along with a 📸 and I'll give a test log for that character!
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slashaer · 4 months
also, i just wanna make it clear that, just because i move blogs, doesn't mean we can't continue threads from before. i'm down to continue anything and everything, so if there's a thread from a single blog you want to move here, just tag my multi, and i'll put it in my drafts.
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Sam Tutty, Andrew Barth Feldman, Stephen Christopher Anthony, Robert Markus - For Forever (from Dear Evan Hansen)
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a-girl-named-angel · 6 months
What Flower Are You?
Bee Balm
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“Are you the kind to follow a bee across the garden unafraid and unconcerned? To race outside because there's a hummingbird in the bird bath? Even in the dearth of winter, you hold out your hands and the birds alight, grateful for your generosity and kind heartedness. You're quick to spread out, to take up space and become a presence wherever you're planted.”
Tagged by: @scarlxtleaves
Tagging: @musedbymami , @bolinity , @kenta-koma , @redlineoffate , any other of my mutuals. ❤️
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qprstories · 1 year
Hellooo!! How do you ask your squish if they're already in a qpr without sounding weird? I kinda just want confirmation that they don't already have someone, y'know? :o
Honestly anon, it's likely that if they had a qpp they already would've mentioned it to you??? I dunno, straight up asking "do you have a qpp" might be the best option here, as like a, just wondering thing??? I feel like allos ask if you're "~seeing someone~" all the time LOL, so i suppose it could be like the same as that??? Also, even if they already have in a qpp, that doesn't mean you can't be in a qpp with them! QPRS can be polyamorous like romantic relationships and they're totally awesome <3
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vaduart · 10 months
So I was on Amazon the other day looking for a specific book series but difeon the ninth I think its called was suggested because of the series I was looking at.
Is the series like an anthology or something? I mainly started following you for your uncharted stuff, you know that. But your recent post got me to ask about even though I could technically Google these things, I kinda wanna hear an opinionated explanation from a mutual. Whats it like? 👀 What do you think, non spoilery, is the most gripping/engaging thing about the series? Maybe I'll give it a shot in time.
the series is really intriguing with big twists despite being very confusing. every reader who approaches these books is confused, it's a common thing lol It's part of the core of the series 🤷. the genre is a mix between thriller and horror, but it also has funny moments as well as heartbreaking ones! and is about necromancy and cavaliers in a universe recreated by the undying emperor and their nine houses (planets) and his nine houses from which the different characters come
you should know that the couple I'm interested in (griddlehark = gideon and harrowhark) are the opposite of chlodine. all the characters in this series have toxic and fucked up and codependent relationships in their own way. they are not books to be taken as manuals. you have to be aware of and adapt to the context in which the characters live in.
the locked tomb series consists of 4 books in order:
gideon the ninth
harrow the ninth
nona the ninth
alecto the ninth (book hasn't even come out yet and we still don't know WHEN)
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lucasoliko · 1 year
Y'all why is everyone always talking about the good the bad and the ugly when a fistful of dollars is much better like am I being gaslighted here or what
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joshsindigostreak · 2 years
My blog is a Hammer Toe™️ free zone I don’t need her negativity anywhere near my swamp.
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felinalain · 2 years
Minecraft measurement units
Ya know, I read a lot of fanfic, and I noticed that (probably for convenience which I totally understand) a lot of them use our measurement units. But for people that would live in the game as is, it wouldn’t make much sense.
So I had some fun here, trying to think of what the units might be, why, and convert them to our units to see what that would do.
Warning this is me rambling for a bit, but I summarize everything in neat bullet point at the end if you want to skip the ramblings.
So first you’d have distances:
The smallest unit of distance I think would be a pixel? If we go from the default texture size, that’s 1/16 of a block. Then the block itself (maybe also slabs?) Then above that, the unit that comes to mind is the chunk. So 16 blocks. And then I thought, what about bigger distances, cause chunks are still rather small. After a bit of poking around, I figured, either DeSpawning distance (128 blocks from player, from wiki) or a day-travel distance (flat surface, on foot: 2592 blocks using this blocktool direction finder/distance calculator).
Then you have volumes:
So this one is interesting because obviously you’d have a block for volume. But with flowing liquids, you could have liquids that don’t fill a full block, and since you can’t pick those up, I figured they wouldn’t count. So a source block. Which is also equal to a bucket. Or a cauldron. All of those are equals. Then you have bottles. If we count that we need 3 bottles to empty a cauldron, that mean you have 3 bottles to a bucket. (Bucket probably used most, because it can be transported unlike the other two) Bottles don’t stack, so that’s all for volumes, that was easy XD Finally we have amounts:
Which would serve for everything else, since we’ve never seen weight used significantly in minecraft. So obviously, single items and unstackables are the smallest unit. Then stacks. BUT not all stacks are equals. Thinking back on it, I noticed that (at least between me and friends) we tend to say “a full stack” when we mean a stack of 64. So I based the next part on this: A full stack is 64. A small stack is 16, for the items that stack only up to 16. (because quarter stack sound less nice IMO) And stacks can be put and transported un shulker boxes, or inventories which are the same size, so I’ll call the biggest unit Box for short, and it’s 27 slots. Since those can have full stacks and small stacks and a mix of both, I’m not sure how you could differentiate and I’ll put this question aside for now. I also won’t go into carrying 27 boxes of 27 stacks. (because I reached my patience XD)
Now to summarize this :
1 Pixel 
1 Block = 16 pixels
1 Chunk = 16 blocks = 256 pixels
1 Distance = 8 Chunks = 128 blocks = 2048 pixels
1 Daytravel = 28 Distance   = 162 Chunks = 2592 blocks = 41472 pixels
1 bottle
1 source-block = 1 bucket = 1 cauldron = 3 bottles
Single item/unstackable
1 small stack = 16 items
1 stack = 4 small stacks = 64 items
1 Box = 27 stacks OR 27 small stacks = 1728 items OR 432 items
Now in IRL values, if we assume 1 block to be 1 meter in side (as per wiki) that would be:
1 Pixel = 6.25 cm = 2.5 inches
1 Block = 1 m = 3.3 ft
1 Chunk = 16 m = 52.5 ft
1 Distance  = 128 m = 419 ft
1 Daytravel = 3.6 km = 2.2 miles
1 bottle = 333 L = 88 gallon
1 bucket = 1000 L = 264 gallon
Amounts (no conversion needed)
There we go. I dunno quite why I did this, I just had a random thought, and I decided to write it down, and share it.
Also, those are some magic bottles to fit so much in so little space XD
If anyone want to add to this, has other ideas, I’m super curious to hear them though!
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Hello all of you new/ old peeps and welcome to my dusty tumblr abode. Behind the cobwebs you’ll find pillows with faded colours and worn fabric to sit on, so do chase the spiders and make yourself comfy!
It’s very quiet here but also very loved. Like the accoustic concert version of twitter. Or.... something similar.
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