#February 1995 Penthouse
modelartist-demri · 1 year
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More all ages friendly approppriate versions of February 1995 Demri and her friends (who want to remain unidentified) for Penthouse magazine, vol. 26, issue 6, Feulner's Fantasies pictorial. Pictures by Cliff Feulner, pg. 123-131.
For the clothes, some of the photos are from the same set as the June 1994 issue.
These were originally posted at VEF on March 28, 2012. The friends' faces have been covered, as well as some nudity, you can find them uncensored at VEF.
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cccovers · 6 months
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Penthouse Comix #5 (January/February 1995) cover by Kevin Nowlan.
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Penthouse Lingerie, February 1995
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glcrified · 4 years
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march  19th  ››  sahar  patil  ,  wife  to  wall  street  legend  kumar  patil  ,  gives  birth  to  her  first  and  only  child  ;  divya  shiva  patil  is  born  at  exactly  3:19  AM  on  3/19/1990  in  mount  sinai  hospital  located  on  madison  avenue;  later  that  morning  ,  sahar  patil  passes  away  from  complications  of  her  natural  birth.  cause  of  death  is  ruled  as  sepsis. 
june  ››  kumar  patil  is  named  in  forbes  magazine  in  its  timeless  400  under  40  list  ;  his  biotechnology  company  has  made  numerous  moves  in  terms  of  innovations  that  have  revolutionized  the  field  of  medicine  and  nanotech  following  the  tragic  loss  of  his  wife  and  the  birth  of  his  daughter  ;  in  spite  of  the  months  that  have  passed  ,  though  ,  kumar  has  yet  to  debut  his  infant  daughter  to  the  public.
december  8th  ››  a  new  rival  company  emerges  in  the  bowels  of  brooklyn  to  compete  against  kumar  ;  sintek  industries  is  founded  by  a  man  named  gustaf  sinclair  ,  proving  himself  to  be  a  strong  competitor  quickly.
december  31st  ››  in  the  few  short  weeks  since  sintek’s  incredible  debut  ,  kumar  has  been  shown  to  grow  incredibly  irritable  ;  mass  lay-offs  have  occurred  throughout  all  branches  of  pi  (  patil  industries  )  institute  ;  rumors  have  begun  that  kumar  is  going  to  be  dethroned  and  lose  his  investors.  divya  has  turned  6  months  old  and  still  has  yet  to  make  a  public  appearance.
february  10th  ››  gustaf  sinclair  is  found  dead  in  his  brooklyn  loft  after  his  son  discovers  him  lifeless  on  the  kitchen  floor  ;  his  unfortunate  passing  is  ruled  a  heart  attack.  gustaf’s  surviving  children  demand  a  toxicology  report  but  due  to  unforeseen  circumstance  ,  a  proper  autopsy  is  never  performed  and  the  toxicology  report  becomes  lost  in  the  fray.  pi  has  returned  to  its  glory  as  the  top  biomedical  engineering  and  technology  company  both  domestically  and  internationally.
march  19th  ››  divya  turns  one  ;  her  first  birthday  party  is  a  small-scale  affair  ,  held  in  the  penthouse  owned  by  her  father  in  the  heart  of  tribeca  ;  the  only  guests  in  attendance  are  her  two  nannies  and  the  family  dog.  kumar  is  overseas  in  shanghai  to  seal  a  partnership.  he  never  calls.  she  doesn’t  remember  this.
november  ››  sintek  has  officially  gone  bankrupt  after  a  few  more  months  following  the  ceo  and  founder’s  death.  his  two  sons  continue  to  claim  that  foul  play  was  somehow  involved  ,  but  weeks  after  their  exclusive  interview  with  cnn  aired  ,  both  brothers  mysteriously  moved  out  from  new  york  city  and  have  since  gone  off  the  grid.
september  3rd  ››  (  tw:  physical  abuse  of  a  child.  )  after  divya’s  fifth  birthday  ,  she  is  enrolled  into  her  first  day  of  schooling  ;  after  years  of  keeping  divya  outside  of  the  public  eye  ,  kumar  finally  enrolled  her  into  a  private  academic  institution  with  a  glamorous  pricetag  attached  to  its  tuition.  in  the  many  months  prior  to  her  first  day  ,  divya  was  given  no  choice  but  to  spend  nearly  fifteen  hours  every  day  with  a  private  ,  hired  tutor  to  build  a  strong  academic  base  before  her  enrollment  ;  such  intensive  training  came  with  sharp  smacks  on  her  small  knuckles  for  wrong  answers,  kneeling  on  uncooked  rice  if  she  became  restless  ,  and  stern  lectures  from  her  father  when  she  failed  to  understand  material.  upon  her  first  day  of  school  ,  a  young  divya  clung  tightly  to  the  sleeve  of  her  nanny  ;  she  refused  to  let  go  ,  even  when  her  teacher  –  a  kind  woman  with  gentle  eyes  and  a  sweet  smile  –  reached  out  for  her.  when  the  child  flinched  ,  the  teacher  and  nanny  exchanged  a  quiet  look.  a  terse  shake  of  her  nanny’s  head  and  a  quiet  sigh  from  her  teacher  went  unnoticed.  all  she  wanted  to  do  was  hide  –  stay  away  from  all  of  it.  maybe  then  abba  would  be  content. 
october  15th  ››  one  and  a  half  months  into  her  first  year  of  schooling  ,  kumar  received  a  call  regarding  strange  ,  erratic  behavior  displayed  by  his  daughter  ;  at  first  ,  the  business  tycoon  hardly  seemed  interested  –  that  is  ,  until  it  became  clear  that  the  personnel  on  the  opposite  end  of  the  line  hinted  at  possibly  recommending  a  small  divya  to  external  childcare  facilities.  after  all  ,  uncontrollable  sobbing  at  the  thought  of  simple  errors  and  the  way  she  flinched  when  a  hand  was  so  much  as  lifted  above  waist  -  level  were  indicative  of  some  form  of  unearthed  trauma.  kumar  quickly  silenced  this  ,  insisted  that  his  daughter  was  merely  a  flighty  little  girl  who  often  grew  scared  of  the  smallest  of  inconveniences.  a  man  of  his  influence  ,  of  course  ,  could  hardly  be  argued  with  –  and  when  divya  came  home  from  school  with  small  hands  grasped  tightly  around  her  lunchbox  ,  she  nearly  cowered  under  her  father’s  stormy  gaze.  “  your  school  called  me  today  ,  “  he  started.  she  was  too  young  to  understand  why  ,  but  shame  coiled  in  her  tummy  and  she  looked  down.  “  they  told  me  that  you  are  disruptive.  do  you  know  what  they  do  to  little  girls  who  cause  problems  ,  beta  ?  “  she  whispered  a  feeble  no  ,  but  before  she  could  apologize,  a  hard  hand  grabbed  her  fragile  wrist  in  a  bruising  grip.  she  wailed  but  her  father  didn’t  relent.  “  if  you  tell  them  the  wrong  thing  ,  they  will  take  you  away.  is  that  what  you  want  ?  do  you  want  to  be  taken  away  ?  do  you  hate  me  so  much  that  you  want  to  go  away  from  this  home  ?  even  after  i’ve  given  you  everything  ?  “  she  sobbed  then.  nononono.  “  then  fix  your  behavior.  try  harder.  and  stop  crying.  if  you  want  to  be  a  big  girl  one  day  ,  you  need  to  stop  showing  your  teachers  how  weak  you  are.  “
november  ››  divya  is  fourteen  years  old  and  first  in  her  class  of  two  hundred  students  at  a  private  ,  high-caliber  academic  institution  ;  all  extracurriculars  point  her  into  a  direction  of  high  academic  excellence  ;  her  father’s  constant  and  unrelenting  watch  had  proved  to  be  successful  in  turning  her  from  a  frightened  little  girl  into  a  stoic  ,  intelligent  ,  and  bright  young  woman  with  the  potential  to  conquer  anything  she  set  her  mind  to.  she  remained  distant  ,  however  ;  while  so  many  of  the  girls  in  her  year  became  obsessed  with  the  frivolity  of  schoolgirl  crushes  and  make  up-enhanced  beauty  ,  divya  found  herself  scowling  with  mild  disgust.  she  wasn’t  like  them  ,  wasn’t  like  other  girls.  she  was  not  a  victim  of  her  basal  instincts  –  she  was  meant  to  be  powerful.  after  all  ,  why  else  would  she  suffer  kumar’s  incessant  belittling  ?  his  unrelenting  degradation  ?  she  would  never  amount  to  anything  if  she  let  herself  waver.  if  she  wanted  to  be  more  than  a  pretty  face  –  if  she  could  even  be  qualified  as  pretty  in  the  first  place  –  then  she  needed  to  exert  herself.  she  needed  to  surpass  everyone.  she  needed  to  be  ten  times  smarter  ,  ten  times  more  cruel  to  be  considered  even  half  as  good.
she  entered  her  school’s  science  fair  with  an  experiment  designed  by  her  own  father’s  company  ;  a  minimized  version  of  one  of  many  clinical  trials  being  run  under  pi’s  watch  with  live  rats  and  mice  as  her  test  subjects.  divya  felt  righteously  confident  in  her  presentation  ,  for  who  else  could  excel  as  much  as  she  did  ?  who  else  would  go  to  such  lengths  for  a  meager  science  fair  ?  no  one  would  –  and  she  would  win  and  move  forward  like  she  always  did.  she  was  the  alpha  ,  and  with  her  freshman  year  her  first  and  only  opportunity  to  prove  her  dominance  in  the  jungle  of  high  school  ,  she  remained  unwaveringly  certain  in  her  own  success.
that  is  ,  until  her  name  was  called  for  second  place  ;  first  place  loser  ,  as  her  father  always  called  it.  her  blood  ran  as  cold  as  ice  and  the  color  in  her  face  drained  where  she  stood  at  the  front  of  the  gymnasium.  the  crowd  ,  of  course  ,  clapped  enthusiastically  because  in  their  eyes  ,  second  place  was  a  success  –  but  divya  knew  better.  she  could  almost  feel  the  eyes  of  her  father  from  the  crowd  ,  disapproving  and  dark  with  unabashed  disappointment  ,  at  his  daughter’s  latest  failing.  she  was  mortified  and  shaking  fingers  curled  tightly  into  the  red  ribbon  handed  to  her.  her  father  ,  of  course  ,  hadn’t  been  in  attendance  –  business  had  called  him  overseas  as  it  always  did  –  but  she  could  feel  his  disgust  nonetheless.  as  if  he  would  march  to  the  front  of  the  crowd  and  slap  her  face  like  he  did  when  he  felt  nothing  but  disdain  for  her.  she  kept  her  gaze  averted  and  when  the  students  were  dismissed  ,  she  angrily  threw  her  ribbon  into  the  garbage.  the  gaping  hole  in  her  chest  throbbed  angrily.  never  be  second.  never  show  weakness.
june  16th  ››    divya  graduated  at  the  top  of  her  class  ,  valedictorian  of  the  class  of  2008.  she  secured  a  spot  in  the  entering  undergraduate  class  of  columbia  university  with  a  declared  major  in  risk  management.
september  8th  ››  divya  began  her  freshman  year  at  columbia  university.  
november  23rd  ››  kumar  ,  pleased  by  divya’s  midterm  grades  ,  gifted  her  with  the  position  of  an  intern  with  the  financial  branch  of  pi.  
december  26th  ››  pi  hosts  its  annual  christmas  themed  fundraising  gala  ;  divya  attended  and  made  her  debut  as  one  of  pi’s  latest  employee  additions.  for  the  first  time  ,  divya  saw  her  father  smile  when  her  name  was  mentioned  in  passing  ;  she  felt  proud  of  herself  and  began  the  process  of  networking  for  her  future  career.  during  this  gala  ,  she  met  a  strange  but  well-spoken  man  by  the  name  of  idris.  he  showed  great  interest  in  her  during  their  brief  conversation  on  divya’s  future  plans  ;  she  was  unsettled  ,  but  paid  no  mind. 
february  26th  ››  with  her  22nd  birthday  approaching  quickly,  divya  found  herself  using  her  gap  year  to  network  heavily  with  the  inner  circle  her  father  often  influenced  ;  she  graduated  one  year  early,  leaving  her  with  ample  time  before  pursuing  her  masters  degree  to  mingle  with  other  likeminded  individuals.  she  had  finally  began  to  feel  as  if  her  position  of  power  would  finally  be  taken  seriously  by  those  around  her  …  and  most  importantly  ,  by  her  father.  kumar’s  once-patronizing  glare  had  softened  into  near  -  respect  when  it  landed  upon  her  ,  making  divya  feel  tall  and  mighty.  on  the  evening  of  the  26th  ,  divya  was  afforded  the  prestigious  opportunity  to  join  kumar  in  one  of  his  legendary  black  circle  events  ;  the  black  circle  remained  one  of  wall  street’s  most  elusive  social  clubs  ,  accessible  by  private  invite  only.  divya  had  only  heard  brief  whisperings  about  it  from  her  father  when  he  picked  up  private  phone  calls  ,    making  her  first  appearance  in  the  coveted  circle  a  high  profile  affair.  her  father  had  finally  deemed  her  ready  and  for  that  ,  divya  nearly  cried.  she  was  stronger  now  ,  though  ,  and  she  had  no  tears  to  waste.  
she  always  wondered  what  such  meetings  involved  –  and  when  the  car  with  tinted  windows  she  and  her  father  called  that  evening  pulled  into  a  private  garage  in  tribeca  ,  she  found  her  curiosity  growing.  the  brownstone  they  entered  was  prestigious  ,  a  glamorous  private  home  fit  for  a  king.  the  ground  level  was  deserted  ,  save  for  some  stellar  art  pieces  that  divya  suspected  her  originals  worth  tens  of  millions.  
when  the  elevator  doors  finally  slid  open  ,  the  quiet  murmurings  of  hushed  voices  finally  filled  her  ears.  there  were  still  no  party  guests  in  sight  ,  though  –  merely  a  long  ,  winding  corridor  with  marble  floors  stretched  ahead  of  herself  and  her  father.  when  she  glanced  at  kumar  for  indication  of  what  step  to  take  next  ,  her  father  merely  gave  a  curt  nod  towards  her  left  ;  dark  hues  glanced  over  and  with  mild  surprise  ,  she  noticed  there  were  two  black  masquerade  masks  waiting  patiently  for  them.  hesitantly  ,  divya  took  one  and  placed  it  upon  her  face  and  made  sure  the  elastic  settled  neatly  against  her  braided  hair.  together  ,  they  entered  the  fray.  even  with  masks  ,  divya  could  pick  out  a  few  familiar  figures.  there  were  some  investors  she  recognized  from  previous  dinners  and  a  partner  or  two  she  vaguely  noticed  –  but  most  startling  of  all  ,  she  spotted  idris.  the  man  she  had  met  only  a  few  years  prior.  He  saw  her  and  before  she  could  look  away,  he  gave  her  a  nod.  
She  swallowed  her  pride  –  after  all  ,  she  had  made  it  this  far.  What  else  did  she  have  to  fear  ?  she  was  a  part  of  the  exclusive  black  circle  and  now  was  her  chance  to  investigate  exactly  why  she  sensed  something  dangerous  about  the  other.  when  she  approached  him  ,  he  looked  pleased  –  and  together  ,  they  chatted  all  evening.  before  they  parted  ways  ,  he  told  her  that  her  life  would  grow  far  darker  than  she  expected.  she  had  laughed  ,  but  nothing  could  properly  quell  the  chill  that  settled  in  her  bones  on  her  way  out.
june  30th  ››  divya  secured  her  position  in  columbia’s  masters  program  for  business  analytics.
september  9th  ››  she  began  her  masters  program.
december  15th  ››  in  the  last  ten  months  ,  divya  had  cemented  herself  as  a  regular  within  the  monthly  black  circle  meetings  ,  and  while  she  was  proud  of  herself  for  her  ability  to  maintain  a  strong  social  standing  amongst  the  elites  ,  there  lingered  a  deep  sense  of  foreboding.  it  wasnt  until  the  middle  of  december  that  she  finally  began  to  understand  what  idris  had  meant  in  his  chilling  parting  words  during  her  first  escapade  as  a  black  circle  member.  she  had  yet  to  be  initiated  –  she  had  only  been  foolishly  emulating  those  who  had  actually  been  christened  in  the  circle’s  name  around  her.  that  night  ,  divya’s  cell  phone  rang.  no  number  displayed  ,  the  word  PRIVATE  glaring  back  at  her  until  she  reluctantly  picked  the  call.  she  nearly  dropped  the  device  ,  however  ,  when  the  abrupt  sound  of  a  static-filtered  scream  cut  through  the  silence.  it  sounded  almost  familiar  –  and  it  took  a  handful  of  long  ,  drawn  out  seconds  before  finally  she  put  a  name  to  the  voice.  hoseok  park  –  another  young  man  close  to  her  own  age  ,  son  of  one  of  her  father’s  competitors.  a  nuisance  in  every  way  ,  the  two  had  a  silent  rivalry  brewing  since  their  teen  years.  he  had  always  been  obnoxious  ,  ready  to  belittle  divya  any  time  she  showed  even  the  slightest  hint  of  a  shortcoming.  she  had  always  despised  him  –  but  the  sound  of  his  anguished  yell  had  her  blood  running  cold.  she  didn’t  get  a  chance  to  speak  before  another  voice  cut  through  the  haze.  this  one  ,  though  ,  remained  calm  and  collected.  “  black  circle  initiation  has  begun.  say  the  word  and  your  greatest  obstacle  will  be  removed  and  you  will  be  able  to  become  a  full-fledged  member  of  our  prestigious  organization.  “  her  heart  raced  angrily  in  her  chest  and  beads  of  sweat  collected  at  her  brow.
she  should  have  said  no.
but  then  ,  she  thought  –  removing  him  would  mean  one  less  problem  for  her  to  deal  with.  one  less  set  of  prying  eyes  waiting  for  her  demise.  she  had  not  a  clue  what  her  approval  would  mean  for  him  –  but  there  was  something  in  her  gut  that  pulled  at  a  cruel  and  almost  carnal  instinct.  divya  almost  salivated  at  the  thought  of  having  the  power  of  life  or  death  dancing  in  her  palm  –  and  she  should  have  felt  guilty  for  it  ,  but  she  didn’t.  after  so  many  years  of  her  father’s  words  tearing  her  apart  and  building  her  apart  only  to  shatter  her  self  esteem  all  over  again  ,  the  young  woman  couldn’t  help  but  feel  liberated  at  having  such  a  choice  provided  to  her  and  her  alone.  the  initial  fear  she  had  felt  faded  into  head  spinning  euphoria.  her  grip  on  her  phone  tightened  and  almost  immediately  ,  she  gave  her  command.  “  do  it.  “
july 18th  ››  She  was  23  years  old;  under  her  belt  was  a  masters  in  business  analytics  from  Columbia  University.  Divya  had  foolishly  thought  that  such  a  fleeting  accomplishment  would  earn  her  father’s  good  favor  –  but  she  learned  quickly  that  not  even  exemplar  grades  and  a  prestigious  institution  would  be  enough  to  prove  that  she  was  worth  her  salt.  She  stood  idly  in  the  entryway  to  the  large,  sprawling  penthouse  her  father  called  home,  perfectly-manicured  fingernails  digging  ever  so  slightly  into  the  smooth  surface  of  her  iPhone.  Dark  hues  watched  with  thinly-veiled  anticipation  as  her  father’s  large  figure  paced  intermittently  in  the  wide  living  room.  There  was  an  air  of  impending  doom  sinking  deep  into  her  skin,  burrowing  into  her  bones  and  making  a  home  in  her  marrow  –  but  then  again,  it  always  seemed  as  if  a  deep  sense  of  foreboding  followed  her  wherever  she  went.  All  Divya  had  asked  was  whether  her  father  had  decided  to  appoint  her  to  the  position  of  CFO  or  not,  as  he  had  promised  he  would  upon  the  completion  of  her  degree.  She  had  spoken  calmly,  measured  tone  far  from  minced,  and  had  her  head  held  high.  Such  an  act,  however,  had  been  easily  misconstrued  as  defiance.  Heresy.  She  clenched  her  teeth  together  tightly  as  her  father  came  to  an  abrupt  halt.  Her  heart  raced  angrily  in  her  chest,  beating  wildly  against  the  confines  of  her  ribcage,  as  she  watched  him  turn  then  slowly  make  his  way  over  to  her.  Divya  didn’t  dare  speak;  if  she  wanted  her  moment  of  glory,  wanted  her  moment  of  appreciation,  she  would  have  to  bide  her  time.  When  she  looks  into  her  father’s  eyes,  though,  she  sees  nothing  akin  to  pride.  Instead,  there  was  a  look  of  disappointed  rage.  The  fire  lighting  up  her  insides  dimmed  and  before  she  could  part  her  lips  to  ask  what  concerned  him,  his  hand  came  sharply  down  against  her  cheek.  Head  snapped  to  the  side  and  the  dull  throb  of  angry  pain  singing  her  face  was  nothing  compared  to  the  shame  coiled  deep  in  the  pit  of  her  stomach.  She  lowered  her  gaze,  swallowing  back  the  protest  balancing  at  the  tip  of  her  tongue.  “Never  ask  me  again  for  something  outside  of  your  league,”  her  father  warned,  baritone  growl  low  and  menacing.  “When  you  finally  show  promise  worthy  of  anything  more  than  a  lowly  intern  position,  then  I  will  consider  it.  You  think  your  Masters  makes  you  any  more  qualified?  Please.”  His  patronizing  scoff  crawled  under  her  skin  and  twisted  her  insides.  “If  you  want  power,  you’ll  have  to  work  harder  than  that.”
august  7th  ››    the  circumstances  surrounding  hoseok  park’s  untimely  death  was  ruled  a  suicide  after  a  year  long  investigation
october  20th  ››  pi’s  cfo  drowns  during  a  business-sponsored  trip  to  cancun.  the  only  witness  was  kumar  patil  ,  who  was  seemingly  distraught  by  his  long-time  partner’s  death.
october  25th  ››  divya  was  appointed  the  new  cfo.
january  31st  ››  after  years  of  fighting  tooth  and  nail  for  every  promotion,  every  acknowledgment,  every  little  success  left  Divya  with  jaded  disgust  regarding  every  little  surrounding  her;  having  every  move  she  made  analyzed  so  relentlessly  by  the  tyrant  who  helped  birth  her  proved  to  push  Divya  to  maddening  extremes.  She  had  successfully  taken  on  the  role  of  CFO  of  her  father’s  company,  ousting  each  and  every  person  that  dared  to  gaze  upon  her  for  a  fraction  too  long  –  and  her  agonizing  temperament  left  her  with  few  friends  and  far  too  many  enemies.  She  was  unwavering,  a  beacon  of  pure  mental  fortitude  –  and  soon  enough,  her  name  became  associated  with  the  harbinger  of  figurative  death.  Women  like  her  were  never  meant  to  be  dainty.  She  was  as  jagged  as  a  blade,  sharpened  teeth  ready  to  destroy  anything  that  came  too  close…  and  such  a  tenacious  attitude  won  the  favor  of  her  soon  to  be  sire.  A  chameleon  Kindred  from  the  Ventrue  Clan  had  discovered  her  blazing  flame  of  potential  like  a  diamond  in  the  ruff,  spotting  her  at  a  Fundraising  Gala  with  the  astute  sharpness  of  a  hawk.  When  he  approached  her,  Divya  immediately  fell  into  the  dangerous  habit  of  sizing  up  her  supposed  prey  –  though  little  did  she  realize  that  the  man  before  her  was  an  apex  predator  to  the  nth  degree.  It  was  not  a  sordid  love  affair  nor  was  it  anything  romantic  in  the  slightest;  the  bond  Divya  developed  with  her  future  sire  was  one  of  mentor  and  mentee.  He  had  She  learned  how  to  control  her  surroundings  in  a  way  that  her  father  never  could  –  and  soon,  she  became  filled  with  the  thirst  for  more,  to  become  so  much  stronger  than  she  already  was.  
The  initiation  into  her  unlife  came  both  suddenly  and  slowly.  The  culmination  of  her  sessions  with  her  sire  came  in  the  form  of  a  singular  offer  –  would  Divya  like  to  become  the  strongest  there  ever  was?  It  felt  rhetorical;  she  had  laughed  at  first  before  finally,  she  said  –  “Of  course  I  do.”  It  was  the  clarity  of  her  voice  that  won  her  sire’s  confidence.  She  would  make  for  a  strong  Kindred.  The  Embrace  and  her  sire’s  careful  protection  produced  a  fledgling  with  stone-faced  potential.  She  learned  the  ways  of  her  discipline  carefully  and  diligently  until  she  was  able  to  take  on  her  most  coveted  task  –  to  take  out  the  man  that  had  turned  her  into  the  monster  she  was  today. 
january  31st  ››  One  year  after  her  Embrace,  her  Sire  made  it  clear  that  she  was  ready  for  her  Becoming.  But  to  prove  herself  one  more  time,  Divya  had  to  embody  her  most  carnal  desire.  When  she  slipped  into  her  father’s  penthouse,  the  man  was  sleeping  soundly  in  his  bed.  She  stood  idly  at  his  bedside,  head  cocked  and  dark  hues  intent.  When  careful  fingers  slowly  drew  the  blankets  back,  he  stirred  with  a  tired  groan.  It  was  the  last  sound  he  made  before  Divya  let  the  Beast  spill  free,  unbridled  and  fueled  by  rage.  She  still  remembers  the  warmth  of  his  blood  staining  her  palms  and  fingers,  and  the  way  he  tasted  so  foul.  One  thing  became  clear  –  her  curated  palate  had  no  taste  for  the  greedy.
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rkjei · 5 years
birthday    september 5, 1995 height    162 cm weight    42 kg place of residence    gangnam, seoul; south korea eye color    dark brown hair    black, long piercings    typical lobe skillset   dancing + charm
style    often wears extremely high end brands, namely chanel.  not above ordering one of a kind clothes if she can’t find exactly what she’s looking for at any point in time.  her style is really expensive, even a simple shirt and jeans combo could run a high price tag.  people will think that she’s extravagant, however this is just the kind of thing she’s used to  -  she truly believes that you get what you pay for.
NOTE *    all of this information is known both through public appearances and was released through her mga entry form.
has an older brother who became her legal guardian after the death of her parents.  he’s around 13 years her senior, so he often spoiled her  (   as seen above.   )  she and eric shared stocks in their parent’s company, but after jei came of age she gave him her stocks and made him the highest shareholder.  all of this is known information given that jei’s a seoul socialite  -  if someone follows along with things like this, that is.
will often donate to various charities.  she’s not a fan of volunteering or anything, but enjoys giving money and supporting various causes.
has two dogs and a cat.  wrinkles is her pet pug and he’s often nicknamed prince.  though it’s unknown, she bought a dog for hyun named jin who is featured prominently on her instagram so that hyun can see him grow up.  finally, her cat is named meimei.  hyun dropped her off and although jei didn’t want her at first, eventually she grew on her.  meimei makes the least number of appearances on her instagram because she doesn’t like the camera.
this information is currently unknown to the public as she was signed as a private trainee.  after her presence at the TRIPLE THREAT COMPETITION, jei was invited by tiger jk himself to a meeting in his office.  there, she was personally offered a contract based on her experiences and growth as a performer.
market o competition
though it isn’t well known what song she provided backup vocals to and the tape hasn’t been released to the public, it was said that she was involved with the competition via her mga entry form.
semifinalist on mga season 4, contestant #4011
the first contestant shown of the season, also had her martial arts skill featured on air.  well received as a leader and choreographer by netizens, though her no nonsense attitude was often under fire for not being “ funny”.  
sskt commercials
tried out for the kt commercials on a whim without realizing they were for kt.  ended up landing a role as an extra even though in her mind, it was an entire waste of time.  jei doesn’t think it’s very noticeable that she was even in the commercial, but fans may be able to recognize her in the background.
triple threat competition
basically being the petty bitch that she is, she performed myname’s tell me which is the song that got her kicked off the mgas.  this time though, it landed her a contract.  surprise?
HYUN OF CONVEX  -  ( current ) ex boyfriend.  probably the only man she’s ever truly been in love with even if she can’t quite admit it to him.  broke up with him recently for a number of reasons, namely that she felt neglected but also partially because she felt as if she was holding him back and he didn’t want her anymore.  none of this is known to the public, but it is apparent that they’re friends because he often likes pictures of jei on her instagram as well as pictures of one of her dogs, jin.  jin is the dog that jei got for hyun as a congratulations gift for debuting with convex. UPDATE  06092019  -  the day after hyun’s comeback preparations were over for very nice, he went to see her and they decided to give their relationship another try.
YIEN OF CONVEX  -  best friends  (  known  ), former friends with benefits  (  unknown  ).  yien is probably the only person jei trusts fully.  it often seems like she teases him which is unusual behaviour for her considering she doesn’t often interact with others in this way.  it is a way of showing her comfort with him.  she appreciates yien for a lot of things he did for her even if neither of them talk about what they are anymore.
MGA CONTESTANTS  -  it should be assumed that jei still speaks with some of the mga contestants she was in a group with.  the following are more known connections:
HA SUNGWOON  -  he had a (  small  ) crush on her during the mgas.  they no longer speak but the public doesn’t know this.
HWANG HYUNJIN  -  her mga son, probably the person she’s closest to after the mgas.
KIM CHUNGHA  -  grew closer during their group work for instruction and still remain close friends.
instagram  /  @ kimjeii ;   public, updated often features pictures of herself and her hobbies or food that she’s eating, along with pictures of her pets  (  mostly jin  ).  with her appearance in both the mgas + the trc competition, her follower count has shot up drastically in comparison to what it once was.  she now has around 20k followers.  
youtube   /  @ jeikimdance ;   public, updated sporadically there’s not a lot of updates on jei’s channel  -  it was opened after her stint on the mgas to showcase some of her dance routines and choreographies.  right now there are about three videos up, one of which is a video with team vista of the mgas doing the in my feelings challenge.  the others are a god is a woman dance choreography and a cover of valkyrie by oneus.
please note that this is information that shouldn’t be dug up unless the mun is asked!
attended university  -  studied business administration and fashion as majors;  graduated in february 2018.
recently broke up with her year -long boyfriend, hyun  (  yes, the one in convex  ).  they’ll be getting back together soon, but it won’t be found out by the public anytime in the near future.   note: have been back together since 05192019.
lives in a penthouse suite in gangnam.
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Luna - Maxwell’s Hoboken, New Jersey, February 22, 1992
Sunday re-up! Have you checked out the latest Luna releases? They are both excellent. Here’s what I wrote back in ... 2009?! Yikes. 
Keeping things somewhat Hoboken-related, here’s a Luna show recorded at the venerable Maxwell’s club in early 1992. According to Dean Wareham’s recent memoir, Black Postcards, this was the first show the band played with ex-Feelies drummer Stanley Demeski. I can only imagine after the literally crazy rhythms of the Feelies, Stanley’s Luna gig was positively relaxing. But he fit in with the band perfectly – when he left Luna after the band’s 1995 masterpiece, Penthouse, they lost a certain something (though there’s plenty of great post-Stan Luna jams too). The show also features Grasshopper from Mercury Rev on second guitar – this was before Sean Eden joined the band. Moreso than the band’s debut, Lunapark, which was released later in 1992, the Maxwell’s show provides a clearer transition between Wareham’s former band, Galaxie 500, and the sleeker stylings later-period Luna. There are even a handful of nicely re-worked G-500 songs in the set. 
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ipaulmusic · 8 years
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March Singles
Lady GaGa returns to the penthouse of my Most Played Singles after an almost 7-year absence as “Million Reasons,” one of songs performed at this year’s Super Bowl halftime show, debuts at #1 with 35 off-line iTunes plays accumulated last month. “Reasons” is GaGa’s 6th #1 following “Alejandro” which led in August 2010, and first Top 10 since “Born This Way” (#2) and “The Edge of Glory” (#10) in 2011.
Producer BT also returns to my Top 10 after a 6-year absence as his instrumental non-album track “The Upside Down” debuts at #2 with 24 combined off-line plays & Amazon streams. BT last reached #5 with “The Emergency” featuring Andrew Bayer in February 2011.
Futuristic’s first #1 “Scrollin” featuring Hopsin slips 1-3 with 23 Amazon Prime streams accumulated last month, a 34% decrease compared to the month before last; Futuristic also earns his 7th Top 10 as “The Time Is Now” jumps 18-6 with 20 streams, +54%.
Morgan Page’s 3rd #1 “Don’t Give Up” featuring Lissie falls 2-4 with 21 combined streams & off-line plays, –30%.
Sia’s “Move Your Body” soars 17-5 with 20 combined Amazon Prime streams (mostly of the Alan Walker remix) & off-line plays, +54%. The single has the same playcount and percentage increase as Futuristic’s 7th Top 10 “The Time Is Now” at #6 but ranks above it because “Body” is Sia’s 8th Top 10.
Radiohead’s “Present Tense” rises 10-7 to a new peak with 20 combined Amazon Prime streams & off-line plays, +18%.
Enigma’s “Amen” falls 4-8 with 18 off-line plays, –18%.
“Rock n Roll” by EDM trio Dropout debuts at #9 with 18 combined off-line plays & Amazon streams.
Nine Inch Nails’ “Dear World,” falls 3-10 with 17 off-line plays, –26%.
March Albums
Futuristic leads my monthly Most Streamed Albums for a 3rd consecutive month with “As Seen On The Internet” which is static 1-1 with 114 total Amazon Prime streams accumulated last month, a 30% decrease compared to the month before last. “As Seen...” is the very first rap album to lead my chart for 3 months since its inception in 1994.
Lady GaGa’s “Joanne” roars 10-2 with 88 off-line iTunes plays, +144%, and takes this month’s Greatest Gainer honors; furthermore, Lady GaGa’s debut “The Fame,” which spent 5 consecutive months at #1 in 2009, re-enters at #7 with 37 combined off-line plays & Amazon Prime streams.
Enigma’s “The Fall Of A Rebel Angel” slips 2-3 with 62 off-line plays, –24%.
BT’s “-” (or untitled) debuts at #4 with 49 off-line plays.
Rüfüs Du Sol’s “Bloom” debuts #5 with 45 Amazon Prime streams.
Nine Inch Nails’ new EP “Not The Actual Events” slips 5-6 with 43 off-line plays, –28%.
Roxette’s 1995 #1-peaking compilation “Don’t Bore Us, Get To The Chorus” re-enters my Top 10 yet again, this time at #8 with 36 off-line plays.
American ambient EDM project Tycho crashes my Top 10 as “Epoch” rockets 27-9 with 35 Amazon Prime streams, +94%.
Radiohead’s #4-peaking “A Moon Shaped Pool” is up 11-10 despite a 9% drop in playcount with 32 combined off-line plays & Amazon Prime streams.
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Elie Hirschfeld
Elie Hirschfeld is an American Real Estate Developer who was born on December 25, 1979. His father Abraham Hirschfeld also served as the same profession. Graduated from Brown University. He studied at the London School of Economics and then graduated from New York University Law School in 1974. He is a trustee emeritus of Brown University. He is also a theatrical producer, philanthropist and art collector. He owns more than 1,000 apartments and in excess of 1,000,000 square feet (93,000 m2) of commercial space in the NYC metropolitan area. The Grand Sutton, The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Park Avenue Court, the Gotham, and Exchange Tower, East Hampton are some of his developments. East Hampton estate was frequently leased as a summer residence by Bill and Hillary Clinton. It is worth an estimated $32.5 million. He brought the first Sports Authority to New York in 1995 after he successfully redeveloped the historic Hotel Pennsylvania. In 2014, he completed the fourth-largest Manhattan office leasing deal of the year, as ranked by square footage. In September 2016, he bought a 40-unit mixed retail and residential building in the Yorkville area for $23 million. He also acquired a 7,058 square foot condominium unit, a triplex penthouse in the Marquand building, for $37.5 million as an investment property. He is also a philanthropist. He has created the Hirschfeld Foundation in support of education, healthcare, athletics and Jewish causes. In 2011, Hirschfeld donated an additional $125,000 to Brown University, at that time making his total gift to his Alma Mater $1 million 2016, he supported the Adopt-a-Highway program, designed to encourage city pride and support efforts to clean and preserve the city's roadways. He adopted a portion of New York's Grand Central Parkway, stressing the importance, "Our roads are the gateways to our communities...”
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In February 2017, Sarah (his wife) and Elie Hirschfeld were honored by Israel Bonds with the Israel69 Award for their support of Israel and the Jewish Community. Over the years he has collaborated with other distinguished real estate development firms, including the Zeckendorf Organization, the Donald Trump Organization, Silverstein Properties, Empire Realty Group, Belz Enterprises of Memphis, and Simon Property Group. He is an epitome of excellence. He was featured in the ‘NYC Titans of Business’ panel discussion at the 2017 Luxury Real Estate Summit at New York City’s CORE club on April 28, 2017.
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modelartist-demri · 1 year
Penthouse February 1997
Cliff Feulner took some photos at the February 1997 Penthouse magazine, in the pictorial "Fear of Flying", starting on page 89 (source/source/source/source).
Since the photos from the February 1995 issue where the same as the ones from the June 1994 issue, i have a doubt...
As these photos are not fashion nor news/current world, is there any chance that they were taken much earlier and Demri is there? She died on October 1996...
Any info will be welcomed!
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cynthiabryanuk · 7 years
Vote: 10 UK Romantic Restaurants You’ll Fall In Love With
We recently rounded up the UK’s 10 most romantic cities to offer some inspiring ideas for Valentine’s Day getaways. Now, we’re serving up the most romantic restaurants in each destination and asking you to vote for your favourite. We’ll reveal the winner on Valentine’s Day, so be sure to cast your vote before midnight on 13th February!
Romantic Restaurants for Valentine’s Day
From traditional French fare to spicy Spanish dishes, you’ll be in food heaven before you can say “bon appetit”! And when it comes to choosing somewhere to stay, you’ll be spoilt for choice: whether it’s a cosy cottage or spacious penthouse, you’re sure to find a rental on Holiday Lettings with all the right ingredients for a romantic break. See the sights in Winchester or take a stroll past Oxford’s dreaming spires before settling down for a meal for two at one of these romantic restaurants.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.
Green Park Brasserie | Bath
Locally-sourced produce, great food and live music make the Green Park Brasserie one of Bath’s favourite restaurants. The Brasserie is popular with both residents and visitors to Bath, and has been independently owned and run for 25 years. Music fills the historic former railway-station booking hall four nights a week, showcasing some of Bath’s finest acoustic, jazz, soul and funk musicians. So why not book a weekend in Bath this year to enjoy the lively atmosphere and award-winning food at Green Park Brasserie before relaxing at a private rental?
Book a tasty break in Bath
La Tasca Restaurant | Durham
Be transported to the Mediterranean at La Tasca in Durham where you’ll be able to enjoy the vibrancy of Spanish cuisine. Situated on Saddler Street, on the doorstep of Durham Cathedral, the venue boasts a cosy, low-ceilinged dining room, authentic wood panelling and decorative Mediterranean-style tiling for the ultimate Spanish dining experience. Sink your teeth into authentic tapas, paella and desserts accompanied by a delicious Spanish wine. Cocktails are on the menu too, so it’s a great way to end an evening when you’re enjoying a holiday in Durham.
See all mouth-watering rentals in Durham
The Oxford Kitchen | Oxford
Established in December 2013, The Oxford Kitchen offers relaxed fine dining with a cosy and comfortable atmosphere in the heart of Summertown. Take your pick from their À la carte, Seasonal Tasting and Chef’s Tasting menus, which all change throughout the year. The new Chef’s Tasting Menu includes two dishes created by Executive Chef Paul Welburn, from The Great British Menu. You’ll also discover a comprehensive wine and cocktail menu, with regular specials created by their resident barman.
Find a foodie holiday in Oxford
Brasserie Blanc | Winchester
Romance and food go hand-in-hand at this elegant French restaurant on Jewry Street in Winchester. Split over two floors, this light and airy brasserie has sun-trap balconies, a secret alfresco courtyard and a fantastic bar area. The seasonal à la carte menu is filled with classic and contemporary French dishes, freshly prepared by skilled chefs. You’ll find a warm welcome and delicious food at Brasserie Blanc and, as Winchester is one of the most romantic cities in the UK, love is sure to be in the air.
Choose a romantic rental in Winchester
Cote Brasserie | Salisbury
French is known as the language of love and when it comes to cuisine, rich flavours, fresh ingredients and commitment to excellence is Côte Brasserie’s passion. Côte is inspired by the brasseries of Paris, welcoming guests from breakfast right through to dinner. The brasserie takes on a contemporary twist and offers a comprehensive menu of classic French dishes, freshly made using high-quality ingredients. They pride themselves on exceeding expectations, making it an experience to remember. And if you’re thinking about your next visit before you’ve even finished your dessert, why not book a rental in Salisbury so you can go more than once? This medieval city won’t fail to get you in the mood for love.
Book a ‘très bon’ break in Salisbury
Roger Hickman’s Restaurant | Norwich
Housed in a listed building in the heart of historic Norwich, this restaurant is cosy and comfortable, with romantic tables for two tucked into hidden corners, plush leather banquettes, and original artworks on the walls. Roger Hickman’s Restaurant is Norwich’s fine dining destination, holding a prestigious 3 Rosette Award and a ‘Notable Wine List’ award, both from the AA. It has also won The Good Food Guide’s Best Restaurant in East Anglia, and the Eastern Daily Press Food Award for Best Restaurant two years on the trot.
Find a romantic rental for two in Norwich
Lincoln Taphouse and Kitchen | Lincoln
The Lincoln Taphouse and Kitchen, nestled in a quiet spot between Lincoln’s castle and cathedral, enjoys some of the finest views in the historic quarter. Take in your surroundings on the rooftop with an exclusive cocktail range, or choose from over 16 craft beers. For a special occasion, why not hire their private outdoor domes and dine under the stars? It’s the perfect excuse to cosy up whilst enjoying a seasonal à la carte menu. With so much to see and do in Lincoln, you can make a holiday of it… and there are plenty of romantic breaks to choose from!
Dine under the stars when you book a rental in Lincoln
The View Restaurant | Dundee
The View Restaurant in Dundee sources fresh ingredients from local artisan suppliers, creating mouth-watering dishes for its seasonally changing menus. The team of award winning chefs lovingly produce a range of Scottish dishes which are not over complicated, letting the flavours speak for themselves. The friendly, relaxed and informal atmosphere is complemented by the the contemporary décor. The restaurant gets its name from the beautiful views of the River Tay: on a summer’s day, it’s clear, sparkling and bright and in winter, it’s dramatic, striking and romantic. Whatever the weather, a romantic meal at The View is well worth going on holiday for.
Delve into a tasty dish on your Dundee holiday
The Mustard Seed | Inverness
The Mustard Seed is an independently-owned restaurant in the heart of Inverness, offering a warm welcome and friendly service. Open since 1995, the simple cooking and relaxed atmosphere has made The Mustard Seed one of Inverness’s favourite places to eat out. Located on the banks of the River Ness in a converted church building, the unique surroundings make dining here a very special experience. Features include the double-height ceiling, magnificent open log fire and a mix of natural and modern finishes. The addition of the terrace on the top floor means you can tuck into a romantic meal for two, while enjoying uninterrupted views of the river.
Treat your other half to a holiday in Inverness
The Galleria Restaurant | Cambridge
This independent restaurant located at the foot of Magdalene Bridge overlooks St John’s and Magdalene colleges, so you’ll be able to see some of the famous sights as you settle down to a romantic lunch. Expect a modern fusion menu and a comprehensive wine list that’ll tantalise the taste buds and have you coming back for more. Known as a Cambridge institution, this award-winning restaurant is a firm favourite amongst both town and gown and a must-visit in the historic city. Why not book a romantic getaway and make a holiday of it? Your significant other will thank you.
See all scrumptious stays in Cambridge
  The post Vote: 10 UK Romantic Restaurants You’ll Fall In Love With appeared first on Holiday Lettings Blog.
from News And Tips For Traveling https://blog.holidaylettings.co.uk/best-uk-romantic-restaurants/
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
Katy Perry, personalised superyachts, and Russian spies: inside the crazy life of London property tycoons the Candy brothers
Nick Candy and Christian Candy are two super-wealthy property developer brothers, who went from redeveloping a small flat in southwest London to creating the ultra-lavish £150 million apartment block One Hyde Park.
The two brothers gained fame for a list of high-profile clients that reportedly includes sheikhs, Kylie Minogue, and oil billionaires.
Media reports peg the brothers as billionaires, but they told a UK court this year their combined wealth is around £600 million.
The brothers are known for paying as little tax as possible on their personal wealth and property deals — but they say they operate strictly within the law.
The brothers have just won a sensational £132 million court case brought by a fellow property developer who claims the pair loaned him money, then threatened his family to squeeze out higher repayments.
LONDON — Emma Holyoake's 14-page witness statement read like a soap opera script, and it even involved a former soap opera actress.
The statement described a dramatic scene: one-time "Neighbours" star Holly Valance walking into her hotel room to find her multimillionaire, property developer husband lying on the floor in the foetal position, crying "inconsolably."
The man on the floor was Nick Candy, one half of the wealthy Candy brothers, weeping because of his brother's alleged "bullying."
It's a contrast to the usual public image of the Candy brothers, who usually appear in press coverage as coolly imposing, or alongside their glamourous wives.
Valance confided the uncomfortable episode to Holyoake during a party in Ibiza. It should have remained private, but emerged in court as part of an explosive £132 million legal battle between Emma Holyoake's husband, Mark Holyoake, and the Candy brothers.
The Candy brothers have won the case, after a lengthy trial that featured a surfeit of dramatic details. The presiding judge, Justice Nugee, cleared the pair of all charges.
Holyoake, also a property developer, had accused the brothers in the High Court of intimidation, blackmail, and extortion after he borrowed £12 million from Christian Candy to finance a redevelopment.
The case was filed in 2015 and went to trial in February 2017, when the two opposing parties and a supporting cast of witnesses appeared before a trial judge to give evidence that veered like a novel between celebrity gossip, terrifying accusations of violence, and dry financial details.
The Candy brothers did not speak to Business Insider for this piece. In a statement given to the press after their win, they said: "We have won the case. The judgment shows that Mr Holyoake and his accomplices are well-practised liars and forgers of documents, and Mr Holyoake even lied to the Court repeatedly as part of the High Court proceedings. The Judge saw through his lies and dismissed every one of Mr Holyoake's claims.
"It has taken a great deal of time and effort to win this case and it has caused unwarranted damage to our personal and business lives. The claim should never have been brought. We look forward to time more positively spent with our families and in our respective businesses."
The victory doesn't come without a sting, and can't erase months of lurid headlines about dead Russian spies, the alleged threats of violence, and scrutiny into the pair's tax affairs.
While the presiding judge, Justice Nugee, dismissed all the claims against the Candy brothers, he also said the pair were "shown to be willing on occasion to lie when they consider their commercial interests justify them in doing so."
The Candy brothers are ultra-wealthy property developers who began with just a £6,000 loan
Nick Candy and his younger brother Christian Candy are celebrities in the property world and are behind some of London's most expensive redevelopments. They are known for buying up buildings, carrying out high-end renovations and refurbishments, then selling properties at a considerable mark-up. One example is their high-end apartment development, One Hyde Park. The pair bought the central London site for £150 million in 2004. When the complex was finished, it contained what was at one point "the world's most expensive flat", which sold for £140 million alone in 2014.
Nick is married to the popstar Holly Valance, while Christian is married to the socialite Emily Crompton. The brothers are fascinating for their combination of flashy glamour, and for the celebrities who reportedly buy their properties (singer Kylie Minogue is apparently one client.)
The two are often referred to as billionaires, but according to High Court disclosures, their net wealth is around £600 million. The last public estimate of their wealth dates from The Sunday Times' "Rich List" in 2010, when they entered the list with a net wealth of £300 million. They were subsequently dropped from the list after refusing to take part in the verification process, according to The Telegraph. 
According to The Guardian, the Candy brothers were born to Anthony "Tony" Candy, who ran an art studio, and Patricia, a drama teacher. They grew up in Surrey, a wealthy London suburb, and were privately educated at the £24,000-a-year Epsom College. Their parents eventually separated, but the brothers have spoken publicly about their close familial relationship.
Nick Candy told The Daily Mail of his love for his father, who died in 2013 after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, saying: "Money was no object. I spent a lot trying to find the best doctors — and I found the best one there is — but it was all too late."
And Christian Candy, during the Holyoake trial, revealed that he had briefly fallen out with his mother but was otherwise close to his parents — even nicknaming his father "Rockstar".
The brothers began their career in property in 1995, when their grandmother loaned them £6,000 to buy and renovate their first flat in Fulham.
During the Holyoake trial, Nick Candy told the High Court that the brothers spent the following decade amassing "millions and millions" from buying and refurbishing properties. During that period, he said, they had "done, I think, almost 50 properties."
"I mean all across sort of Earl's Court, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, we had done property development," he said, and reeled off a list of some of the most expensive areas in London. These included: Manresa Road, once known as the third-most expensive street in London, Redcliffe Square, Bramham Gardens, Bolton Gardens, Roland Gardens, and Roulston Street.
But it was in 2006 the pair would land on their blockbuster project: the lavish One Hyde Park.
One Hyde Park is located in Knightsbridge, where it's common to see Ferraris and Maseratis idling next to each other at traffic lights. According to earlier press investigations, the flats in the complex are owned by oligarchs, sheikhs, and celebrities, though the brothers won't publicly disclose their clients.
The luxurious development has come to symbolise one of the biggest problems with London's high-end property market: foreign millionaires parking their money in non-transparent, tax-efficient houses while the average worker struggles to buy a one-bed flat. There have been stories about how few One Hyde Park flat owners actually live there, and freedom of information requests in 2011 found that only a handful actually pay council tax.
The brothers operate through several companies, some registered offshore to the British Virgin Islands and Guernsey, but the two they talk about most publicly are Christian Candy's CPC Group, which buys properties, and Nick Candy's Candy & Candy, which does interior design. CPC Group is registered in Guernsey, while Candy & Candy is registered in London.
Here's a map showing some of the most expensive properties owned and redeveloped by the Candy brothers:
And here's a list of some of the boats, cars, and houses they've owned:
At least two yachts, called the "Candyscape" and "Candyscape II," and a powerboat called "Catch Me If You Candy." Nick Candy also reportedly owns a yacht called "II.II," named after his first daughter's birthdate.
A penthouse apartment in One Hyde Park, belonging to Nick Candy.
A row of mansions in central London worth £200 million, which Christian Candy plans to turn into three luxury homes.
An enormous Monaco penthouse called "La Belle Epoque," which the brothers sold for £199 million in 2010.
Two Rolls-Royces, a Mercedes SLR McLaren, two Ferraris, two Range Rovers, a Cherokee Jeep, and ... a Renault Clio.
That the brothers seem inseparable is all part of the Candy brand, but they are in fact two quite distinct personalities.
It would be easy to assume Nick Candy is the younger of the two brothers. He is less financially successful. His face and figure are more fleshed out, his hair is tufty and unruly, and he often became emotional while giving evidence in court. During the case, he occasionally referenced his own career failures (as an accountant), and took more interest than his brother in who was watching the trial from the public gallery. In one instance he asked a theatre professor who had turned up to watch the trial whether he was planning to write a play about the case.
It's actually Christian Candy who is younger, but it's his CPC Group which takes on the real risk of property development, before Nick Candy's Candy & Candy steps in to help out with refurbishment. He cuts a tall, slim, dark-haired figure who cultivates a serious image with well-fitting suits and a stern manner. In court he was controlled and sharp, speaking with a slight lisp.
Mark Holyoake accused the brothers of loaning him £12 million, then using 'blackmail' and threats to force a higher repayment
According to Holyoake's account, he met Nick Candy while they were both students at the University of Reading. The two became friends, lost touch for a decade, but became reacquainted in 2007 through a mutual friend. According to Nick Candy, the two became "close friends," seeing each other every two to three weeks.
During this period of friendship, Holyoake was running British Seafood, a seafood importer which then collapsed in 2010. Holyoake was investigated by the Serious Fraud Office, but the SFO terminated its case in 2013.
Then in October 2011, Holyoake decided to buy and redevelop a mansion block in Grosvenor Gardens, an exclusive area in London close to Buckingham Palace. Holyoake, through his company Hotblack, took on a debt facility from Investec bank to help with the approximately £42.5 million deal. But the bank didn't lend him the full amount — so he turned to other sources, including the Candy brothers.
According to Holyoake's account of events, Nick Candy unofficially brokered a loan from his brother Christian. Christian provided a £12 million loan to Holyoake, through CPC Group, in exchange for a 20% interest rate and 30% of the profit from the eventual sale of the revamped Grosvenor Gardens. On its face, the terms should have rung alarm bells — 20% is an unusually high rate of interest, the kind normally seen on high-risk credit cards.
Things went south from there.
Holyoake alleged the Candys' real intent was to "steal" the redevelopment and the subsequent profits. He claims he signed more loan agreements after being "threatened" by Christian Candy, and that he ultimately repaid £37 million. He said he was forced to sell Grosvenor Gardens earlier than planned, losing out on millions in planned profits.
All of this, he alleged, was because he was too scared for his family's safety to do anything except what the Candy brothers told him.
He alleged that Christian Candy behaved like "a gangster."
He said in his witness statement: "Chris had said previously, on numerous occasions, that he was going to ruin my life if needed that he would nuclear bomb me, fuck me up and fuck my world up and cause me complete financial ruin as well do everything in his power to make sure I never recovered. I can't remember a conversation where these type of threats were not said."
And while giving evidence in court, Emma Holyoake cried under cross-examination as she repeated allegations of harassment and intimidation.
At one point, according to Mark Holyoake, Candy referenced the fact Emma was pregnant.
He said in his witness statement: "Chris Candy said that 'You need to think about your pregnant wife' and said that he 'would feel terrible if anything were to go wrong during the pregnancy for her or the baby'.
"The manner and tone in which this was said was clearly intended to be a threat and I took it as such."
The Candy brothers denied making threats, but Christian Candy acknowledged that he had used "colourful language" while dealing with Holyoake.
When Holyoake's barrister, Roger Stewart QC, asked if Candy had told Holyoake he would "put him in a deep dark hole" at one point, Candy replied: "I said eff off and die. I was so frustrated with him, I had 28 months with this character. I didn't mean eff off and die, it wasn't an instruction to take a long walk off a short cliff."
Holyoake's lawyer pointed out connections between a murdered spy and an important Candy brothers associate
Stewart continued to pursue the idea that the Candys had issued threats during the cross-examination of other witnesses and defendants.
One strand of his inquiry involved the Candys and their coincidental connections to the murdered Russian spy and dissident Alexander Litvinenko.
One of the defendants in the case is Steven Smith, a founding director at Christian Candy's CPC Group. He was cross-examined during the trial about his association with RISC Management, a private investigations firm. Smith was director at RISC between 2005 and 2013.
The agency at one time made payments to Litvinenko, and the former KGB officer accused of murdering him, Andrey Lugovoy.
Under cross-examination, Smith laid out RISC's relationship with Litvinenko. He said Litvinenko and Lugovoy carried out investigations for the agency as "a double act."
Stewart quizzed Smith about RISC's "controversial" reputation. He then outlined how the Candys had hired RISC to run background checks on prospective buyers of One Hyde Park apartments. And Christian Candy revealed he had asked another former RISC director, ex-policeman Cliff Knuckey, for advice on recovering Holyoake's debt.
Stewart asked Candy whether he knew about Knuckey's reputation, describing him as an "illegitimate debt collector."
Knuckey was arrested in 2012 for alleged police bribery, though the charges were dropped. In an earlier case, a High Court judge ruled that Knuckey had pretended to be a representative for the Saudi Royal Family to dig for information on a prospective One Hyde Park buyer.
Christian Candy denied enlisting "thugs" to threaten Holyoake. He said: "It's not hoodies and baseball bats ... it's difficult to recover £17.4 million. I started with Cliff Knuckey as the ex-head of anti-money laundering."
Candy said he hadn't known of Knuckey's earlier arrest when consulting him about collecting Holyoake's debt.
There were more references to violence when Emma Holyoake said she "feared" for her husband's life because of mysterious deaths of three people linked to people who knew the Candy brothers, one of whom was a RISC client.
The Candys denied the allegations and in their closing statement described all of this as "unpleasant speculation", designed to "embarrass the defendants into settling."
In his judgement, Justice Nugee said it was "unorthodox" to have approached Knuckey to collect debt on behalf of the Candy brothers, but said it hadn't ultimately affected Holyoake.
In addition to allegations of threats, blackmail, and intimidation —   accusations of tax evasion could ruin their wealth
If Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) takes an interest in Holyoake's claims of tax evasion, their fortune might come under closer scrutiny too.
HMRC is the UK's tax body, and has already investigated the Candy brothers between 2003 and 2007. The outcome of that four-year investigation was never disclosed. HMRC declined to comment both on the original investigation and the likelihood of a second.
Holyoake's barrister alleged during the trial that the Candy brothers had structured their businesses to avoid paying tax.
In his closing statement, Holyoake's barrister said: "[There] is a lie at the very heart of CPC ... In straightforward terms, CPC was set up for illegitimate financial gain at the expense of HMRC and the UK taxpayers and the benefit of both Christian Candy and Nick Candy."
Stewart's argument is basically this: Christian Candy and Nick Candy purport to own and run their two separate companies, with CPC Group run out of Guernsey and Candy & Candy run out of the UK. But, his argument goes, the two brothers are incapable of separating their affairs. Instead, they run their businesses jointly, and don't declare this to the UK's tax authorities. According to Stewart, the brothers have avoided paying "millions" in tax.
Here's one way Stewart attacked the question:
Nick Candy's Candy & Candy doesn't pay him that much as a company. When Stewart described Candy & Candy as a "minnow" compared to CPC, Nick replied: "You're correct."
Stewart asked how he had therefore managed to pay an alleged £1.2 million for Katy Perry to come and sing at his wedding.
"That's not my lifestyle, that's a one-off event," Nick replied. "I won't get married again."
And he added under cross-examination: "I am not a director or shadow director [of CPC]. I have never been to a board meeting of the CPC Group, this is a matter of fact."
Stewart repeatedly tried to trip up the brothers about the separation of their businesses. If the brothers were so separate in their dealings why, in correspondence, did they often refer to "we" and "us" when it came to making property deals?
Christian Candy described the examples as "loose language."
Stewart retorted: "You need multiple versions of the truth for multiple audiences."
In their closing submission, the Candy brothers said HMRC isn't party to the trial and said the question of company ownership was "irrelevant."
One tax specialist, speaking anonymously to Business Insider, said the allegations could be enough to make HMRC "curious."
The person said HMRC opens enquiries for "any number of reasons" — randomly, for risk assessment, alerts from algorithms, and tip-offs. But they said it was also possible HMRC had already examined the Candy brothers' tax structures.
In his judgement, Justice Nugee said it wasn't down to him to examine CPC or the Candy brothers over alleged tax avoidance.
The Candys are open about paying minimal tax.
During a 2010 interview with The Financial Times, Christian Candy played Monopoly with a reporter. When he landed on the "Super Tax" square, he exclaimed: "What! I don't pay tax. I am a tax exile."
And during the trial, Christian talked about being "prescriptive" about, literally, which country he slept in.
He said: "I lived in Monaco for 12 years, and spent 183 nights in the UK. I was prescriptive about what country I spent my nights in."
Holyoake brought in the CEO of a failed music startup to give evidence about Nick Candy
If Christian Candy was the man with alleged ties to questionable organisations and people, Nick Candy was "Clown Candy" with a more fun personality, according to the Holyoakes.
This characterisation of Nick Candy stacks up with previous reports, which suggest Christian is the "numbers man," while Nick is the showman who promotes the Candy brand.
In one email referenced during the trial, Mark Holyoake referred to Nick as "Clown Candy," because he was "jovial." The Candys, according to their defence, felt this was a derisory nickname that showed Holyoake wasn't really much of a friend.
In the witness box, Nick was often humorous, even when talking about his own alleged shortcomings.
At one point he said of his relationship with Holyoake: "There was banter, no problem. He called me 'Ricky Butcher' because he thought I was thick as two short planks."
It was difficult for journalists in the public gallery not to laugh, and Nick continued: "We'll probably read all about that in the national newspapers tomorrow, I look forward to reading that."
And Emma described Nick in her witness statement as "ultra-materialistic, a terrible name dropper, and more than a little boastful." But she added that she felt "he had a good heart" and that "his 'loads-of-money' demeanour was just a shield to hide his insecurities."
But according to one witness, Nick could be equally "bullying" as his brother.
Ian Roberts cofounded music startup firm Crowdmix in 2013. Its main investor was Nick Candy, who put around £10 million into the startup through his investment vehicle Candy Capital.
It collapsed before it ever launched a product, having burned through millions of pounds by throwing parties, and hiring celebrities and expensive consultants. Roberts was ousted as CEO of the company, and Nick Candy eventually bought Crowdmix's assets.
Sources who spoke with Business Insider last year claimed Candy forced Roberts out to take control of the company.
And in the witness stand, Roberts spoke up for the first time since his company collapsed to say exactly that.
"I thought that what they were doing was effectively blackmail," he said in his witness statement.
He also described Nick Candy as "a gangster", and suggested Candy had undermined the company's fundraising efforts by firing him and CFO David Newland.
He said: "I agreed [with cofounder Gareth Ingham] that Nick was acting like a gangster. He had put us at point of a gun and we were cracking."
Under cross-examination, Candy shot back. He described Roberts as "delusional" about his former startup's value, and described his investment as "the worst deal I have ever done."
He denied any wrongdoing. He asked Stewart, rhetorically, why he would plough almost £10 million of his money into a startup only to undermine it.
Though not directly relevant to Holyoake's claim, Roberts' appearance was intended to show how ruthless the Candy brothers could be.
The brothers have a complicated set of interests — and Nick Candy is slowly building a tech startup empire
It is difficult to unpick every company the Candy brothers have invested in, owned, or been involved with. But what little information there is suggests their interests are diversifying.
Christian Candy often does major property developments through offshore vehicles, like PGGL for One Hyde Park, or Project Blue for the Chelsea Barracks redevelopment, which took eight years to get off the ground. Another offshore firm, Dukes Lodge London Ltd, owns empty property near Grenfell Tower in Kensington.
And CPC struck a deal to buy a plot near Windsor in 2006 not by buying the land directly, but by buying a holding company which owned it. This only became public after a massive leak of documents from the Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca, known as "the Panama Papers."
 The Guardian reported that Christian Candy has reshuffled almost £340 million in assets this year, amid a wider slowdown in the high-end property market. There is no suggestion that this is connected to the case, but The Guardian reports Holyoake is watching the transactions for signs of asset dissipation — a way of hiding how wealthy you really are.
Nick Candy, meanwhile, has branched out from property, investing in advertising, broadband, and music firms.
His name appears 10 times on the UK's companies register across 30 companies, though not all of these are still active. Filings show he often invests through his venture vehicle, Candy Ventures SARL, which is registered in Luxembourg. He has another investment vehicle in the UK, Candy Capital.
Business Insider examined Companies House filings in April and found Nick Candy is involved with the following startups:
Blippar — augmented reality
Audioboom — audio and podcasting
Sonr (acquired by Audioboom this year) — social listening
Crowdmix (renamed Music Media) — music and social media. Crowdmix's former CEO, Ian Roberts, gave evidence against Candy during the Holyoake case.
Hanzo — web analytics
Satellite Solutions Worldwide — broadband
Be Heard — marketing and advertising
It hasn't been an easy introduction to tech investment. Of these, Blippar, Audioboom, and Crowdmix are the best-known startups. Crowdmix collapsed, and ex-Blippar staff told Business Insider earlier this year that the augmented reality firm was struggling to generate recurring revenue.
The Candy brothers might find it tough to move on
The Holyoake case isn't the first or even second time the Candy brothers have had to fight a high-profile court battle. The brothers sued their Qatari partners for the failed Chelsea Barracks project in another expensive High Court battle, eventually settling out of court. And Christian Candy successfully fought to reinstate a private garden outside his £200 million Cambridge Terrace property in Regent's Park.
The Candy brothers have triumphed in this case.
But as Nick Candy noted in the witness box, it almost didn't matter what the outcome is.
"For the rest of my life," he said. "Whatever happens, people are going to think – even if you find us completely innocent – the rest of our lives there is going to be a slight smell, yes?"
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juliandmouton30 · 7 years
Duplex penthouse with expansive roof terraces tops Tadao Ando's 152 Elizabeth Street
Images of the penthouse at Japanese architect Tadao Ando's residential complex in New York City have been released, showing large rooftop terraces and an internal spiral staircase.
The 5,603-square-foot (1,707-square-metre) residence will include four bedrooms and 4.5 baths, as part of the seven-storey condo building in Manhattan's Nolita (north of Little Italy) neighbourhood.
Multiple outdoor terraces totalling 3,240 square feet (987 square metres) across three levels will provide additional space at the top of the building – Ando's first in the city.
Named after its location at 152 Elizabeth Street and taking up the entire block, the structure topped out in February 2017 and is formed of in-situ concrete, galvanised steel and large windows.
Of the outdoor spaces, a private terrace on the lower level will feature a custom water wall, while a balcony off the master suite will be situated on the floor above.
The third outdoor area on the roof will accommodate a large lounge area, with an outdoor kitchen and a granite stone fireplace designed the Japanese architect. The terrace will also include a carved granite soaking tub, a reflecting pool, and an outdoor shower.
Inside, the penthouse interiors by Gabellini Sheppard Associates will be decorated with white walls, stonework, and steel surfaces.
Floors will be lined with wide-plank Danish oak by Dinesen, which will also line a wall in the master bedroom.
The kitchen will be equipped with a sliding countertop island from Italian brand Minimal, which can be raised to dining height.
A spiral staircase will link the levels, while interior elements will include Eucalyptus wood cabinetry and an indoor fireplace framed in grey-toned Italian sandstone.
Another model apartment in the building, also with interiors by Gabellini Sheppard, will feature similar white walls and Danish oak floors.
Tadao Ando says he wanted to "create something that only a Japanese person could do" in a movie about 152 Elizabeth Street
The design for 152 Elizabeth Street was unveiled in June 2014, then more images were released a year later.
Ando, who won the Pritzker Prize in 1995 and is renowned for his use of concrete, described the New York building as "a very quiet piece of architecture" in a movie about the project.
Renderings are by Noë & Associates with The Boundary.
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topinforma · 7 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2hoSNMq
'Pirates of the Caribbean' star Johnny Depp continues his real estate purge
Another day, another real estate move for Johnny Depp.
The box-office star, who in summer reprised his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” has divested himself of his fourth penthouse at the Eastern Columbia Building and is readying another property for auction this month.
On the sale side, Depp sold a three-bedroom, two-bathroom unit at the building in downtown’s historic core for $1.82 million.
The 1,755-square-foot residence is the smallest of the five-unit collection that the actor put up for sale last year for a combined $12.78 million. The offbeat pad includes a great room that opens to a dining area and a kitchen with chrome appliances.
A just-sold three-bedroom, two-bathroom unit sits atop the Eastern Columbia Building.
(Stan Speth)
High ceilings, exposed brickwork and artful furniture are among the interior details. Oversized windows take in views of the downtown cityscape.
Depp purchased the penthouses, which combined to offer about 11,500 square feet of living space, in 2007, records show. The last unsold residence, a one-bedroom, two-bathroom unit, lists for $1.79 million.
Kevin Dees of Partners Trust was the agent of record for Depp. He holds the listing for the remaining unit.
Headed to the auction block Sept. 15 is the actor’s equestrian estate in Kentucky.
The 41-acre property, sitting among hills outside of the Lexington area, includes a main house of 5,944 square feet, a guesthouse and three barns. There are more than a dozen stalls for horses, as well as 10 watered paddocks.
The estate and horse farm sit on 41 acres outside of Lexington, Ky.
(Keni Parks Photography)
Previously listed for sale last year at $3.4 million, it will go to the highest bidder in an auction held by Halfhill Auction Group in collaboration with Gary Denton of Rector Hayden Realtors.
Depp, a Kentucky native, has history with the property: He purchased the farm in 1995 for $950,000, sold it in 2001 for $1 million and then bought it again four years later for $2 million.
A Lannister always closes escrow
The seventh season of “Game of Thrones” may be in the books, but that hasn’t stopped Cersei Lannister from conquering other plains.
Lena Headey, who plays the conniving queen on the HBO show, has sold her home in Sherman Oaks for $2.05 million. That’s $105,000 above the asking price and nearly three times what she paid for the property three years ago — $790,000.
The 1950s-era home, tucked behind walls and vertical fencing, was extensively remodeled and expanded during Headey’s reign. Updates include bright artistic tile, a reimagined kitchen and Fleetwood sliding doors that open to the backyard. Distressed-wood siding creates visual interest along the front of a new second-story addition.
The 1950s Midcentury Modern-style home in Sherman Oaks has been updated with contemporary finishes and a new, second-story addition.
(Todd Goodman / LA Light Photo)
A vaulted-ceiling family room, a living room with a brick-surround fireplace, five bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms lie within more than 2,900 square feet of living space.
Vertical gardens line the walls in the backyard, which features ample patio space and a swimming pool. An outdoor shower, hedges and drought-tolerant landscaping complete the setting.
The property came to market in July for $1.945 million and had an offer in hand in two weeks, records show.
Zoe Rudolph of John Aaroe Group was the listing agent. Jimmy Heckenberg of Rodeo Realty represented the buyer.
Headey, 43, had the title role in the 2008-09 series “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.” Among her film credits are “The Brothers Grimm” (2005), “300” (2006) and “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” (2016).
Their new kingdom lies in Laughlin Park
Actors Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell have bought a pedigree home in Los Feliz for $4.3 million.
The English Revival-style home in the Laughlin Park area sits behind private gates on nearly an acre of park-like grounds.
The roughly 4,050-square-foot house, built in 1922, has four bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. Rooms include a formal living room, dining room, library/den, updated kitchen and a breakfast room. French doors and picture windows take in gardens and grounds, which include a swimming pool and a carriage house/garage.
The English Revival-style estate, designed by Arthur R. Kelly and built in 1922, sits on more than three quarters of an acre in gated Laughlin Park.
(Charmaine David)
The three-story home was designed by noted architect Arthur R. Kelly, whose works include the Playboy Mansion and the Frost-Tufts House. It previously changed hands in February for $3.225 million and, before that, in 2000 for $2.1 million, records show.
Juan Longfellow and Louise Leach of Deasy/Penner & Partners were the listing agents.
Bell, 37, is known for her role on the television series “The Good Place” and “Veronica Mars” and as the voice of Princess Anna in the Disney film “Frozen” (2013). More recently she appeared in the 2016 film comedy “Bad Moms.”
Shepard, 42, has film credits that include “Without a Paddle” (2004) and “Employee of the Month” (2006). He wrote, directed and starred in this year’s film comedy “CHiPs.”
Polished loft to command top dollar
Tim Daly, who stars on the CBS political drama “Madam Secretary,” has ordered the sale of his condominium in Santa Monica.
Listed for $1.995 million, the loft-style residence features polished white floors, exposed ductwork, high ceilings and 1,730 square feet of open-plan living space. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as two side-by-side parking spots in the gated underground garage.
The industrial-vibe condo in Santa Monica has two bedrooms and two bathrooms in 1,730 square feet of open-plan space.
(Blake Worthington / Shawn Cordon Real Estate Photography)
The updated kitchen has a narrow, eat-at island and cabinetry finished in zebrawood; a dining alcove features bench seating. A sliding roll-top door leads to one of two private balconies.
Daly, 61, was a fixture on the sitcom “Wings” from 1990 to 1997. More recently, he has kept busy, appearing in the series “Private Practice” and the sitcom “Hot in Cleveland.” Last year, he was in the film “Submerged.”
He bought the property eight years ago for $1.075 million, records show.
Janelle Friedman of Sotheby’s International Realty is the listing agent.
A red carpet out of Pasadena
Nancy O’Dell, co-anchor of the syndicated TV show “Entertainment Tonight,” has put her home in Pasadena up for sale at $7.189 million.
Designed and built in 1931 by Wallace Neff, the renovated home sits on nearly an acre of grounds with mountain and tree-top views. An arched entry and flat, clay-tile roofline speak to the home’s Mediterranean Revival roots.
The 8,926 square feet of living space — awash in hardwood, marble and rustic Spanish tile floors — includes gallery halls, a living room with a fireplace, a coffered-ceiling dining room and an updated kitchen that opens to a two-story room. A speak-easy-style bar, movie/game room and wine cellar make up the lower entertainment wing.
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workreveal-blog · 7 years
Indian Real Estate Facts
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/indian-real-estate-facts/
Indian Real Estate Facts
  Over the previous few years, the actual property state of affairs in Pune and other towns in Maharashtra has visible a stagnation with builders complaining of slow income. The figures show real estate income have extensively long gone down within the fag give up of the modern Financial 12 months of India, Months of Might also and June had been surprisingly higher with 2,12,099 and a pair of,sixteen,911 registrations recorded however given that July the numbers have proven a decline. November — the month of demonetisation— was the worst as most effective 1,20,022 deeds were registered. with the aid of the stop of February, the nation has collected Rs 17,702.56 crore as sales from the registration changed into Rs 18,927 crore.
If the relators blame the reluctance of customers to make investments, consumers say the real estate prices are exorbitant for them in Pune.
Indian Real Estate Market
Sunil Pawar, an employee of an automobile manufacturer, said investments in areas like Aundh, Baner, Vishrantwadi cost more than a crore. “A single earnings person will locate it difficult to buy a residence in Pune at this juncture,” he said. But, developers have a different take. Manish Maheshwari, MD of Pune-based Majestique Landmarks said, demonetisation had resulted in a slowdown within the industry for three months. “seeing that then, the numbers have picked up and i bet by means of March-give up, we are able to see the numbers matching that of final yr’s,” he stated. Ruling out any chances of a rate drop, he stated, the mid-section housing may see a 20 in step with cent rise in fees in the coming Economic yr. “As developers, we know the existing state of affairs within the industry and so a charge drop is genuinely no longer inside the picture,” he said. Telangana actual property developers’ Association (TREDA) has announced the new Governing body for a yr term at some stage in its 21st Annual Fashionable body assembly held right here on Saturday. P Ravinder Rao has been elected as the President of TREDA, R Chalapathi Rao and M Vijaya Sai as govt Vice Presidents, B Sunil Chandra Reddy as Secretary Popular and Ok Sreedhar Reddy as Treasurer, In step with a announcement. APREDA changed into fashioned in 1995 and after the bifurcation of the state it became reorganised into TREDA and APREDA. TREDA turned into fashioned with the imaginative and prescient to end up a leading, credible and a guiding force inside the realty zone for all of the stakeholders. TREDA targets to complement the participants Via its knowledge Bank and permit them to create tasks with exemplary requirements. It really works in the direction of the enhancement of pleasant of existence of the society in concord with nature. TREDA’s task would embody to bring all of the builders on a common platform, building accept as true with and camaraderie together developing group spirit. It coordinates with all policy-making authorities in evolving and imposing actual-property friendly policies and carrier delivery structures if you want to stimulate improvement. all through the first sector of 2017, close to 8 million square ft of workplace Space absorbption has taken region, an increase of 8 in line with cent over Q1 of 2016. In keeping with CBRE South Asia, real estate property consulting company, IT/ITeS continues to lead in office actual property leasing marketplace, observed through engineering, production & BFSI. Transaction activity persisted to be pushed via IT/ITeS corporates, garnering a proportion of near 37 in keeping with cent of Typical Space leased at some stage in the area. However, the share of other sectors including engineering and production as well as the BFSI segments, rose marginally, accounting for 39 consistent with cent inside the Usual Space leased for the duration of the area. Leasing pastime turned into specially led by means of small to mid-sized deals ( less than 50,000 square toes) accounting for nearly ninety per cent of all transactions in Q1 2017.
Real estate
Anshuman Magazine, Chairman – India and South East Asia CBRE said: “in the course of the region, leasing pastime turned into led with the aid of the Delhi Country wide Capital place (NCR) with a proportion of 19 per cent of general transacted Space, followed with the aid of Mumbai (18 in line with cent) and Bangalore (18 in keeping with cent), accounting for over almost fifty five according to cent of the transaction interest throughout main towns.”
actual estate corporations Indiabulls actual property Ltd (IBREL) and Lodha builders Pvt. Ltd are inside the system of launching projects in London, after they bought high Properties foreign places throughout 2013-14. After a lull in the London assets marketplace in 2016, particularly Because of uncertainty over Brexit, costs and sales seem to have stabilized now, coupled with a weak pound that has made home purchases attractive for foreign customers as properly, current Studies reports said. In May additionally, Lodha will formally launch its Grosvenor rectangular venture in London, once the display flat is ready. The Mumbai-primarily based developer had offered the iconic MacDonald house belongings from the Canadian government for over £three hundred million in 2013 . A spokesperson for Lodha said that the Organisation has already executed choose pre-release income at over £6,000 consistent with sq. toes (Rs5 lakh in line with sq. feet), one of the maximum costs that any mission with an Indian connection has ever carried out. construction has also commenced. Indiabulls actual estate launched its undertaking Hanover Bond—a collection of eighty apartments and a 5-superstar resort—in March, and opened bookings for Customers. The developer bought the assets in London’s Mayfair in 2014 for around Rs1,550 crore at an acquisition cost of an anticipated Rs1.sixty five lakh per sq. ft. The mission has residences and penthouses at one of a kind sizes and price points. A 400 sq. toes studio is at a beginning rate of £1.95 million and goes Up to round £6 million for a three-mattress domestic. fees of the penthouses are disclosed on utility. “We released the task for humans to return and see. We’re now in discussions with inn operators and could finalize one for the 5-big name motel in the belongings,” stated Vishal Damani, joint coping with director, Indiabulls real estate. maximum of these Properties in London were sold by the builders a few years again in a bid to diversify their project portfolios and reduce dependence on the home market. Indiabulls actual property, for example, had in advance deliberate to regularly construct a portfolio of tasks in London however did not announce something new after the Mayfair venture. Lodha has a 2d challenge at Lincoln square in London, which it bought in early 2014 and released remaining yr. The task has accomplished extraordinary sales of over £one hundred fifteen million (Rs1,000 crore) in 9 months, Notwithstanding Brexit, the Lodha spokesperson said.
Real estate
production began ultimate year and the project is anticipated to complete by way of stop-2018. Analysts But stated that given the uncertainty inside the home property market, it’s unlikely that Indian builders will again go shopping remote places to buy property each time soon. “Although the Brexit-associated uncertainties appear to be over, we don’t see developers venturing into overseas markets. actual property is a regional Business and realty firms will awareness on middle markets. It’s not clean to clock property sales in any market, so in a overseas market, one has to paintings even more difficult,” said Ashwinder Raj Singh, Chief government officer, residential Offerings at belongings advisory JLL India. “For folks who had offered Those Houses, this may be a good time to release the ones projects.” The an awful lot awaited real property funding believe (REIT) list is inching toward fact and India has hire– yielding workplace stock of 537 million squaretoes really worth over $70 billion. Consistent with a joint document via KPMG, Naredco, Hariani & Employer and Knight Frank, titled ‘REIT-Able Space in India: A better truth’, $121 billion or 1.73 billion sq.ft occupied business real property across workplace, retail and warehouse segments may want to doubtlessly enjoy the REIT possibility Consistent with the file, the Indian real estate marketplace, which is supported via a sturdy economic boom, a big portfolio of finished commercial actual estate tasks and a conducive investment climate, offers a massive possibility for REITs. within the case of office and retail, about 537 million sq.toes and seventy five million squarefeet respectively is REIT-In a position location located in the pinnacle seven cities of Mumbai, NCR, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Pune. within the case of warehousing Area, the all-India estimate is about 1,127 mn sq.feet. Globally, the go back on fairness traded REIT has bettered that from leading stock markets indices during the last 10 years. The 5-year returns for REITs ranged between 7 and sixteen in line with cent globally. With Eastern and Malaysian markets offering returns of 8-10 in step with cent, expectations from Asian economies are at the upward thrust In Asia, REITs debuted in Japan accompanied by Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea. Japan and Singapore are the marketplace leaders in Asia for REITs. extra than 20 nations now have REITs or a similar shape. on account that, its beginning in the US near five many years in the past, the REIT market has mushroomed throughout the globe thats a booming area right now.
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