#Features of Video Telematics
Benefits of Using a Video Telematics System
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A vehicle is at risk of several things when they are on the road. But having dashcams integrated into the system can help fleet businesses reduce these risks. Fleet management systems have all the right features for you to implement and execute the best fleet optimisation. It can help you get real-time footage of your drivers and the vehicle’s on road navigation.
The advanced AI helps reduce distracted driving making the fleet a lot more safer. Let us learn about the various aspects of video telematics.
What Is Video Telematics?
To understand the meaning of video telematics software, it is important to break the name. Telematics refers to the process of transmitting information over a long distance. This transfer can be between systems, from vehicle to system, or even between vehicles.
Now that we have understood the menacing telematics, it is easy to see what video telematics is. While  traditionally, vehicles only transferred textual data to the system, technology has now advanced to also transmit videos.
This is done with the help of a dashcam integrated with the vehicle. This camera has a view of the road and also the driver to maintain surveillance of the vehicle's activity to maintain safety.
Features of Video Telematics
Video telematics is majorly divided into two parts. These include the driver monitoring system (DMS) and advanced driver assistance system (ADAS). These two make the perfect tag team for fleet safety. Managers can use the alerts that these systems produce to ensure that their vehicles are not engaging in any harmful practice.
Driver Monitoring System (DMS): As the name suggests, this system allows managers to ensure that drivers are not indulging in any harmful or distracted driving. The advanced AI and ML integrated with the dashcams reads driver’s body language alerts managers every time they are distracted. Thus, eliminating any chance of accidents.
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS): This system uses the road facing dashcam to detect unethical practices on the roads. The real time alert system ensures that there is no external force harming the vehicle. This can be a collision or sudden lane change. It can also detect and warn drivers about potential accidents that are not the driver’s fault.
Why Does Your Fleet Business Require Video Telematics?
Fleet businesses can be vulnerable to several threats, most stemming from the lack of supervision on drivers. Let us look at some of the way this is true:
Frequent Accidents: Distracted driving can have several repercussions, accidents being one of the top on the list. When drivers ignore their surroundings, collisions are inevitable. This can also be because of exhaustion on the driver’s part. They might be able to make the best decisions on the road in such conditions.
Loss of Productivity: There might be a chance that drivers pass their work on to other people. But they can lack the experience and qualification needed to manage a fleet vehicle. This can put the safety of the vehicle and consignment on the line. The fleet business might also lose their reputation because of this.
Loss Generation: A business that loses money to accidents and credibility because of their bad reputation, there is no way for them to make profits. Thus, managers need to look for ways to eliminate the threats to their fleet’s safety.
Difficult Decision Making: making decisions can be difficult when there is little data to base these decisions on. There might be issues that go unnoticed because there is no proper data documentation. This is nothing but an invitation for more losses for the fleet business.
Benefits of Using Video Telematics With Fleet Management Software
So how can fleet businesses benefit by investing in video telematics solutions? Here are some of the top advantages of using this system for optimisation:
Boosted Safety: When drivers know that they are under watch, they try to pay better attention to their task. This means that there is a lower chance of the vehicle getting into an accident because of distraction on the road. This saves the vehicle, consignment and driver vehicle they are on the road.
Lower Vehicle Risk: Video telematics ensure that vehicles are also protected from external threats like collisions with other vehicles or road obstacles. This means that they stay in good shape for longer periods.
Reduced Blind Spots: For larger vehicles, there can be blind spots that might hinder their performance. navigating a vehicle this way can be dangerous and time consuming. This is why using a multi-camera system for video telematics can reduce these blind spots. It can make operations a lot simpler.
Better Decision Making: The report that the system generates makes decision making much simpler. Managers can see if a driver is struggling on the road and can train them. They can also see the issues that might affect the fleet’s performance and decide to take action resolving these problems.
No Fraudulent Claims: sometimes accidents on roads happen due to another driver’s mistake. But they might blame your fleet driver for the doing, leading to fines and court cases. Having live footage of your road activities can be used as proof of good driving practices and can clarify the situation as well.
Lower Insurance Rates: Insurance for fleet vehicles can be very expensive. But having video telematics and proof of safety measures can help businesses reduce their cost. This further boosts their profitability as well.
Video telematics can be the perfect solution for fleet businesses to take their safety a step further. Managers can ensure that their vehicles adhere to road safety measures and do not get into accidents. But a fleet management system can do a lot more than that. The solutions that this system has to offer can help fleet businesses make better use of their resources. It can also optimize the planning process for fleet businesses.
Try out TrackoBit, a fleet management system that has all the right solutions to make your fleet profitable. They can help tackle several issues and make running a fleet businesses error proof with real-time tracking and data collection. Try out a demo!
Source: Benefits of Using a Video Telematics System
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yourusatoday · 12 days
CalAmp Corp.: Comprehensive Analysis and Competitor Overview
CalAmp Corp. (CalAmp) is a leading provider of telematics solutions, offering innovative products and services that enable businesses and government organizations to track, monitor, and manage mobile assets. Headquartered in Irvine, California, CalAmp's offerings span across various industries including transportation, logistics, and industrial markets. This article provides a detailed analysis of CalAmp's market position, product portfolio, and key competitors, aiming to rank highly on Google for related keywords.
CalAmp Corp.: Market Position
CalAmp has established itself as a prominent player in the telematics and IoT (Internet of Things) industry. Known for its robust suite of software applications, scalable cloud services, and cutting-edge devices, CalAmp supports businesses in enhancing operational efficiencies, reducing costs, and improving safety and compliance.
Product Portfolio
1. Telematics Devices
CalAmp's telematics devices are designed to provide reliable data collection and real-time monitoring capabilities:
LMU Series: Fleet tracking and management devices that support a wide range of applications.
V-Series: Vehicle tracking devices with enhanced GPS accuracy and connectivity options.
SC iOn™ Tags: Bluetooth-enabled asset tracking devices for monitoring high-value assets.
2. Software Solutions
CalAmp offers a comprehensive suite of software solutions that enable data analytics, reporting, and management of mobile assets:
CalAmp Telematics Cloud (CTC): Scalable cloud platform that provides device management, data analytics, and application integration.
iOn™ Suite: End-to-end software solution for fleet and asset management, featuring real-time tracking, geofencing, and reporting tools.
Here Comes The Bus®: School bus tracking application that improves student safety and communication between parents and school districts.
3. Professional Services
CalAmp’s professional services include customized solutions and support for businesses looking to optimize their telematics and IoT implementations:
Consulting Services: Expert guidance for implementing telematics solutions tailored to specific business needs.
Technical Support: Comprehensive support services to ensure seamless operation and maintenance of telematics systems.
Custom Development: Bespoke software and hardware solutions to address unique customer requirements.
Key Competitors
CalAmp operates in a highly competitive landscape with several key players offering similar telematics and IoT solutions. The primary competitors include Geotab, Verizon Connect, and Samsara.
Geotab is a global leader in telematics, providing fleet management solutions that help businesses improve productivity and safety:
Geotab GO: Fleet tracking device with advanced GPS and accelerometer features.
MyGeotab: Comprehensive fleet management software that offers data visualization, reporting, and analytics.
Geotab Marketplace: A wide range of third-party applications and add-ons to enhance fleet management capabilities.
Verizon Connect
Verizon Connect offers a broad range of connected vehicle and mobile workforce management solutions:
Reveal: Fleet tracking and management platform that provides real-time visibility and analytics.
Fleet Complete: Integrated solution for fleet, asset, and mobile workforce management.
WorkPlan: Mobile app designed to improve workforce productivity through optimized task management and communication.
Samsara specializes in IoT solutions for connected operations, offering a unified platform for fleet management, asset tracking, and industrial automation:
Vehicle Telematics: Comprehensive telematics solution that includes GPS tracking, driver safety, and vehicle diagnostics.
Site Visibility: IoT-enabled video monitoring solution for enhancing site security and operations.
Asset Tracking: Solutions for real-time tracking and management of high-value assets and equipment.
Competitive Analysis
Innovative Solutions: CalAmp is known for its cutting-edge telematics devices and scalable software solutions.
Industry Expertise: Extensive experience across various industries including transportation, logistics, and industrial markets.
Customer Support: Strong focus on providing excellent customer service and technical support.
Market Saturation: The telematics industry is highly competitive, with numerous players offering similar solutions.
Integration Challenges: Integrating new technologies and systems can be complex and time-consuming.
IoT Expansion: Growing adoption of IoT technologies presents significant growth opportunities for CalAmp.
Global Market Penetration: Potential to expand into emerging markets and enhance global presence.
Technological Disruption: Rapid advancements in technology require continuous innovation and adaptation.
Regulatory Changes: Evolving regulations in different regions could impact business operations.
CalAmp Competitors stands as a leader in the telematics and IoT industry, offering a comprehensive range of solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. By leveraging innovative technologies and providing exceptional customer support, CalAmp continues to thrive in a competitive market. Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with CalAmp and its competitors offers valuable insights into the dynamics of the telematics industry.
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Enhancing Safety in the Mining Industry: The Role of Advanced Telematics Solutions
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The mining industry faces significant challenges in ensuring the safety of its workforce amidst hazardous working conditions and complex operational environments. Despite stringent safety regulations and protocols, accidents and incidents continue to pose risks to personnel and assets. In this context, the adoption of advanced telematics solutions emerges as a critical strategy to enhance safety standards and mitigate risks within mining operations. 
In this article, we will discuss the role of telematics technology, its key features, applications, and benefits in the mining industry.
Understanding the Role of Telematics Technology in the Mining Industry
Telematics systems employ a combination of hardware and software components to collect, transmit, and analyse data from vehicles and assets in real-time. The GPS tracking devices installed in vehicles capture location coordinates, speed, and route information, which is transmitted to a centralised platform via cellular or satellite networks. In addition, onboard sensors and diagnostics systems monitor vehicle performance metrics such as engine health, fuel consumption, and maintenance status. 
This data is then processed and analysed using advanced algorithms and fleet telematic analytics tools to generate actionable insights and performance reports for fleet managers and stakeholders. By providing visibility into key operational parameters and safety metrics, mining telematics systems enable mining companies to proactively identify risks, implement preventive measures, and optimise resource allocation to enhance safety and efficiency across their operations.
Key Features of Telematics Fleet Management System for Mining Operations
Live Location Tracking: Track the real-time location of vehicles and equipment, enabling better fleet management and resource allocation.
Rash Driving Alerts: Receive alerts for instances of aggressive or unsafe driving behaviour, allowing for immediate intervention and corrective action.
Accident Detection: Detect accidents or collisions as they occur, enabling rapid response and assistance to affected personnel.
Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB): Automatically apply brakes in emergency situations to prevent or mitigate collisions, enhancing overall safety on the road.
Tailgating Detection: Identify instances of tailgating, a common cause of accidents, and alert drivers to maintain safe following distances.
Overspeeding Monitoring: Monitor vehicle speed in real-time and receive alerts for instances of speeding, helping to prevent accidents and ensure compliance with safety regulations.
Drowsiness Detection: Detects signs of driver drowsiness or fatigue and provides timely alerts to prevent accidents caused by impaired alertness.
Distraction Monitoring: Monitor driver attentiveness and detect distractions such as mobile phone usage or inattentiveness, reducing the risk of accidents due to driver distraction.
Application of Telematics in the Mining Industry
Enhanced Driving Behavior Insights
Gain comprehensive insights into driving behaviour, empowering mining companies to identify and address unsafe practices effectively. By analysing factors such as speed, acceleration, and braking, organisations can develop targeted strategies to promote safer driving habits among their workforce.
Access to Incident Videos 
Access to incident videos in real-time facilitates prompt response and investigation of accidents or incidents within mining operations. This capability enhances safety protocols by enabling timely review and analysis, ultimately contributing to the development of more robust risk management strategies.
Fleet Performance Optimization
Utilise data analytics to optimise fleet performance and efficiency in mining operations. By leveraging insights derived from telemetric fleet management systems, organisations can identify areas of inefficiency and implement corrective measures to reduce operational costs and enhance productivity across their fleet.
Benefits of Using Telematics in Mining Operations
Telematics technology finds various benefits in mining operations, contributing to enhanced safety, efficiency, and productivity. Some key benefits include:
Fleet Management: Telematics systems enable real-time vehicle tracking and equipment, allowing managers to monitor their location, speed, and status. This ensures efficient fleet management, optimal asset utilisation, and timely maintenance scheduling.
Remote Monitoring: Telematics enables remote monitoring of equipment performance and health, including engine diagnostics, fuel consumption, and maintenance alerts. This proactive approach helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, reduces downtime, and extends equipment lifespan.
Safety Enhancement: Integration with fatigue monitoring systems helps identify signs of driver fatigue, allowing for timely intervention to prevent accidents caused by drowsiness.
Data-Driven Decision-Making:  Historical performance data and trend analysis provide valuable insights for long-term planning and strategic decision-making, driving continuous improvement initiatives.
Scalability: Telematics solutions are scalable and customizable to meet the evolving needs of mining operations, accommodating changes in fleet size, geographic expansion, and technological advancements.
To sum up, investing in mining telematics solutions is important for safeguarding worker wellbeing and enhancing operational efficiency in the mining industry. By leveraging telematics technology, mining companies can proactively identify and mitigate safety risks, optimise fleet performance, and ensure regulatory compliance.
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haseena12 · 2 months
Demystifying Electronic Insurance: Understanding How It Works
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Electronic insurance, also known as e-insurance or digital insurance, revolutionizes the traditional insurance industry by leveraging technology to streamline processes, enhance accessibility, and improve customer experience. At its core, electronic insurance operates on digital platforms, offering policy management, claims processing, and customer support through online portals or mobile applications. Here's a closer look at how electronic insurance works:
Online Enrollment and Policy Management: Instead of filling out paper forms or visiting brick-and-mortar offices, consumers can browse insurance products, compare quotes, and enroll in policies entirely online. Through user-friendly interfaces, individuals input personal information, select coverage options, and customize policy details according to their needs and preferences. Once enrolled, policyholders can access their insurance documents, update information, and make payments through secure digital platforms.
Automated Underwriting and Risk Assessment: Electronic insurance streamlines the underwriting process through automation and data analytics. Algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, including demographic information, health records, and credit scores, to assess risk profiles and determine premium rates. By eliminating manual assessments and paperwork, insurers can expedite policy issuance and offer competitive pricing tailored to individual risk factors.
Digital Documentation and Communication: Gone are the days of cumbersome paper trails and snail mail correspondence. Electronic insurance provides policyholders with digital copies of insurance contracts, certificates, and endorsements, accessible anytime, anywhere. Communication with insurers, agents, and claims adjusters occurs through email, instant messaging, or online chat features, enabling swift resolution of inquiries and concerns.
Claims Submission and Processing: In the event of covered losses or damages, policyholders can initiate claims through online claim submission forms or mobile apps. Digital documentation, such as photos or videos of the incident, can be uploaded for review, expediting the claims process. Insurers leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to assess claim validity, estimate damages, and authorize payments efficiently. Electronic payments directly deposited into policyholders' bank accounts further streamline the settlement process, eliminating the need for paper checks.
Integration with Internet of Things (IoT) Devices: Electronic insurance embraces IoT technology to enhance risk management and preventive measures. Connected devices, such as smart home sensors, telematics devices in vehicles, or wearable health trackers, provide real-time data insights that enable insurers to offer personalized discounts, incentivize proactive behaviors, and mitigate risks. For example, safe driving habits recorded by telematics devices can lead to lower auto insurance premiums, promoting safer roads and reducing accident rates.
Data Security and Privacy Measures: With the digitization of sensitive personal and financial information, data security is paramount in electronic insurance. Insurers invest in robust encryption protocols, secure cloud storage, and multi-factor authentication to safeguard customer data against cyber threats and unauthorized access. Compliance with regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR or HIPAA, ensures adherence to strict standards for data protection and privacy rights.
Continuous Innovation and Adaptation: Electronic insurance is a dynamic landscape driven by innovation and technological advancements. Insurers continually invest in research and development to enhance digital capabilities, such as predictive analytics, chatbots for customer service, or blockchain for secure transactions and fraud prevention. By staying at the forefront of technological innovation, insurers can deliver seamless digital experiences and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
In conclusion, electronic insurance represents a paradigm shift in the insurance industry, harnessing the power of technology to simplify processes, improve efficiency, and empower consumers with greater transparency and control over their insurance needs. As digitalization continues to reshape the landscape of financial services, electronic insurance stands poised to redefine the future of risk management and protection in the digital age.
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ars-webtech · 2 months
Revolutionizing Custom Healthcare App Development: A Dynamic Review
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of Dubai, technology integration is transforming every facet of life, with the healthcare sector at the forefront of this digital revolution. This domain is becoming a hotbed for innovation, fundamentally altering how healthcare is delivered, enhancing patient interactions, and streamlining operations. This examination delves into the intricacies, costs, and emerging trends of custom healthcare app development, reshaping healthcare into a more effective system.
The Costs The financial outlay for developing a bespoke healthcare application can vary significantly, influenced by factors such as app complexity, feature diversity, development platforms, and the geographic location of the development team. Typical expenses encompass planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance. Further financial considerations include the seamless integration with existing healthcare frameworks, compliance with regulations like HIPAA, and ensuring robust data security. While basic medical apps may require an investment of thousands, more sophisticated solutions could escalate to millions.
Emerging Trends
Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: The surge in telemedicine and remote healthcare delivery has marked significant advancements, with developers in the UAE enhancing access to healthcare professionals and enabling constant health monitoring.
Wearable Technology Integration: Integrating health applications with wearable devices facilitates real-time health data management, assisting the elderly in monitoring their health goals and managing chronic conditions.
AI and Machine Learning: The incorporation of AI and ML enables the analysis of extensive health data, improving disease outcome predictions, treatment personalization, and diagnostic accuracy.
Blockchain for Data Security: Blockchain technology ensures the secure storage and transfer of sensitive patient data, prioritizing privacy and the integrity of communication networks.
Essential Features
User Authentication and Authorization: Robust authentication methods like biometrics and two-factor authentication ensure that health records and confidential data remain secure.
Electronic Health Records (EHR) Integration: Connecting seamlessly with EHR systems allows healthcare providers immediate access to comprehensive patient histories, facilitating swift decision-making.
Appointment Scheduling and Reminders: User-friendly scheduling and timely reminders enhance clinic efficiency by reducing missed appointments.
Telemedicine and Video Consultations: Integrated telematic capabilities support virtual consultations, enabling remote diagnosis and follow-up care.
Health Tracking and Monitoring: Dashboards and monitoring tools help patients manage their health by tracking vital signs and medication adherence.
Secure Messaging and Communication: Secure messaging allows confidential communication between patients and doctors, including prescription refills and test results.
Health Education Resources: A wealth of educational materials empowers patients to make informed health decisions and promote healthy lifestyles.
ARS Webtech - Your Partner in Custom Healthcare App Development With over a decade of experience in app and web development in Dubai, ARS Webtech stands as a leader in custom healthcare app development. We are dedicated to transforming the healthcare industry through tailored app solutions that enhance user experiences. Our expertise in developing robust, scalable applications ensures that healthcare organizations can improve care delivery, operational efficiency, and clinical outcomes. ARS Webtech's commitment to aligning with industry trends, regulatory standards, and consumer preferences allows us to deliver superior healthcare solutions.
Conclusion Custom healthcare app development presents a significant opportunity for healthcare professionals to transform suboptimal practices into exemplary ones by enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and patient outcomes. Through the adoption of innovative technologies, adherence to regulatory standards, and a focus on user-centered design, healthcare organizations can leverage custom apps to provide personalized, improved care and spark innovation in healthcare delivery.
Q.What factors influence the budget for custom healthcare app development? The cost is affected by the app’s complexity, feature set, development platform, necessary integrations, regulatory compliance, and maintenance expenses.
Q.How does ARS Webtech tailor its app development to the healthcare sector? ARS Webtech leverages its extensive experience and technological expertise to meet the unique needs of healthcare organizations, focusing on patient experience and regulatory compliance to enhance care delivery and operational efficiency.
Q.What are the key trends shaping the future of custom healthcare mobile apps? Significant trends include telemedicine, wearable integration, AI and ML, blockchain for data security, and the use of augmented and virtual reality for training and patient education, all of which contribute to more accessible, efficient, and patient-centered healthcare solutions.
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digitaltechside · 2 months
Best Fleet Monitoring Software in 2024
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Businesses that depend on vehicles and employees working on-the-go face many obstacles. Managing repair costs, gas expenses, driver safety issues, and following transportation rules are just some of the challenges. In fleet operations, managing and having complete control and visibility is the only solution to overcome all the issues faced. This is when fleet tracking solutions come as a savior for the management. In this article, we have prepared a list of the top 8 fleet monitoring software solutions that can help your fleet grow in no time.
List of Best Fleet Management Software in 2024
Fleet management software is designed to make the complex task of managing a fleet of vehicles simpler and more efficient. Here’s a look at some of the top fleet management software highlighted, and how it benefits businesses in tangible ways.
1.   TrackoBit
TrackoBit is a cutting-edge, white-label fleet monitoring software offering a comprehensive suite of solutions to optimize mobile operations. Its standout features include intelligent route optimization using dynamic routing algorithms factoring in over 120 real-world parameters, video telematics for monitoring driver behavior and promoting safety, seamless driver management tools for scheduling and compliance, and advanced safety measures like parking mode alerts and EV battery monitoring.
Additionally, TrackoBit provides fuel monitoring capabilities, real-time vehicle tracking, geofencing for asset security, and customizable reporting and analytics tools. By leveraging TrackoBit’s innovative technology, businesses across industries can automate fleet processes, enhance vehicle uptime, improve driver performance, reduce operational costs through efficient routing and fuel management, and ensure regulatory adherence, ultimately achieving operational excellence.
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govindhtech · 3 months
MediaTek Dimensity Auto Cockpit Expands Smarter Car Features
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The Automotive Business Unit’s VP and General Manager, Ephrem Chemaly, talks about the new era of automobiles, which calls for very fast connection and several SoCs cooperating to provide cutting-edge user experiences. MediaTek’s response to the increasing need for user-friendly, high-performing vehicle hardware is the MediaTek Dimensity Auto Cockpit, which aims to accomplish these objectives.
Known Software Platform
DRIVE OS, TensorRT, CUDA, and Nsight
Natural User Interface
Responsive, intuitive, and anticipatory
Advantages of Edge-AI Processing Quicker reaction increased dependability and accessibility
Increased customization
Processing on a scalable basis
Customized and Safe
Acknowledges the driver
Local data storage enhances privacy and security
Conversational AI makes use of spoken language
Responds to inquiries and provides entertainment
Questions are localized and confidential
3D Spatial Sensing
Monitoring of drivers and occupants
Gaze-aware user interface
Organic restraints
Top Technologies Specifically Engineered for Automotive
Customised and Safe
Acknowledges the drive
Retains your choices
Local data storage enhances privacy and security
Fantastic entertainment
Films with AI-enhanced visuals
AAA video games
Top Technologies Specifically Engineered for Automotive
Created entirely with the automobile industry in mind
The manufacturing procedure used for flagship products
Modern and cutting edge Armv9-A CPU with improved deep learning, security, and speed
NVIDIA RTX graphics, which include DLSS3 and raytracing
Strong, hardware-accelerated NVIDIA DLA offers generative AI capabilities by running LLMs at the edge.
BOM costs are reduced by highly integrated SoCs: CPUs, displays, cameras, audio streams, and networking
Innovative HDR ISP that works with the next generation of camera sensors.
MediaTek Dimensity Auto
Several audio DSPs for processing audio and speech
Several interior displays that support complete seat coverage, are ultra-wide, and pillar-to-pillar
Enables many separate multimedia streams
Data isolation, hardware virtualization, and security-first design principles
SAE J3101, ISO 21434, ISO 26262 ASIL-B for Telltales, Sound, Frozen Camera, and DMS
UN R155 and R156 ready
Allows for the simultaneous use of several virtual computers, such as QNX, Linux, and Android Auto
MediaTek Dimensity Auto: Promoting Innovation in Smart Vehicle Technology
MediaTek Dimensity Auto is a line of new automotive solutions that meet automotive-grade reliability standards and offer high-performance computing, impressive AI, extensive feature integration, innate energy efficiency, and leading connectivity solutions
These solutions are made possible by MediaTek’s world-class technologies and industry-leading expertise, which are reflected in its flagship mobile 5G chipset brand
Dimensity Auto Cockpit by MediaTek
The new platforms for MediaTek Dimensity Auto Cockpit were created specifically with the automobile industry in mind. Their cutting-edge Armv9 CPUs, NVIDIA’s RTX visuals, and complete hardware acceleration for LLMs and generative AI in-vehicle provide amazing AI cockpit experiences.
These platforms are designed to meet automotive-grade quality requirements and optimise performance, feature integration, and power efficiency employing flagship chip manufacturing methods.
MediaTek Dimensity Auto Connect by MediaTek
MediaTek has an industry advantage in the future of always-connected vehicles thanks to its unique wireless communication technology portfolio, which includes 5G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GNSS navigation, and the ability for NTN (Non-Terrestrial Network) satellite communication.
This is due to the Internet of Vehicles’ rapid development. MediaTek Dimensity Auto Connect, which combines high-speed telematics with high-performance Wi-Fi networking, will assist drivers in maintaining constant contact with their surroundings.
State-of-the-art 3GPP open standards-based vehicle communication technologies, such as MediaTek 5G NTN, V2X, and 5G RedCap 5G sub-6GHz with Carrier Aggregation WiFi 7, outfitted with MediaTek’s own hardware networking accelerator.
Broad GNSS coverage for more precise location.
Supports high levels of compatibility and coexistence of numerous wireless network technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 5G.
MediaTek Dimensity Auto Components
Diverse components are necessary to guarantee the Dimensity Auto platform’s supply. MediaTek is launching Dimensity Auto Components to actively participate in creative R&D to supply dependable automotive-grade chipsets and components for the next generation of connected, intelligent automobiles. MediaTek has been a consistent investor in the automotive business.
Complete line of guaranteed power management (PMIC) products
Support for cutting-edge integrated display technology opens the door for future EV models with large-screen, multi-display choices and flexible OLED panels.
Figuring out where your car is and how to navigate there, even in tunnels, subterranean parking lots, and other satellite dead zones
Dimensity Auto Drive by MediaTek
Dimensity Auto Drive, which forms the foundation of ADAS, makes use of the high-performance capabilities of MediaTek’s AI Processing Units (APU) to provide partners with intelligent aid and autonomous driving solutions a scalable and complete open platform
Extra Information on the MediaTek Dimensity Auto Cockpit
Specifically created with automotive-grade quality requirements for the automotive sector.
Cost is decreased with highly integrated SoC.
Enhanced ability to process images.
All things considered
Compared to conventional systems, MediaTek Dimensity Auto Cockpit delivers a major advancement in in-vehicle technology. It offers a more potent, perceptive, safe, and enjoyable driving experience.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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Smart Fleet Management Market: Advancing Transport Efficacy
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Smart fleet management refers to the integration of advanced telematics and data analytics to enable real-time monitoring, tracking and optimization of vehicle fleets. This technology is transforming the transportation sector by enhancing safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance. Key factors propelling spending in this space include rising fuel costs, need for operational efficiency, and stringent government mandates around safety and emissions. According to Triton Market Research, the Global Smart Fleet Management Market is projected to register a CAGR of 7.20% during the forecast period 2024-2032.
Interested in discovering more? Get a Free sample for key market insights: https://www.tritonmarketresearch.com/reports/smart-fleet-management-market#request-free-sample
Smart Fleet Management Market: Key Growth Enablers 
Fuel Expenses Compel Fleet Operators to Seek Optimization
Fuel constitutes the single largest operating expense for transportation companies, accounting for over 30% of total costs. With fuel prices surging globally, fleet managers are pursuing technologies like smart fleet solutions to analyze data, identify optimization opportunities, and implement strategies to enhance mileage and minimize fuel consumption.
Smart fleet systems leverage GPS tracking and sensors to monitor driver behavior and provide real-time feedback for improving fuel efficiency through reduced idling, speed optimization, etc. Studies indicate deploying such solutions can improve mileage by 5-12% annually, leading to substantial cost savings for large fleets.
Growing Advanced Analytics Demand Boosts Productivity and Safety Compliance
The smart fleet management ecosystem has evolved to offer rich analytics capabilities powered by AI and machine learning. These provide intelligent insights to improve asset utilization, optimize routing and schedules, reduce maintenance costs and enhance driver safety. Further, predictive analytics enable companies to identify potential equipment failures, thereby minimizing downtime. Video-based AI dash cams also improve fleet safety by detecting risky driver behavior. Such benefits are compelling transportation businesses to invest in smart fleet management platforms. For instance, DHL implemented a globally integrated telematics system that provides real-time visibility into the location, status, and behavior of its delivery fleets worldwide. This has optimized routes and load factors, contributing to higher revenue and customer service quality for DHL.
Government Regulations Fuel Smart Fleet System Adoption
Regulatory mandates are a key driver spurring the adoption of fleet telematics solutions worldwide. Rules such as ELD mandates in the US and AETR policies in Europe require commercial fleets to adopt certified electronic logging devices (ELDs) and telematics for monitoring compliance related to hours of service, speed limits, etc. Such regulations are an opportunity for fleet operators to implement smart fleet management systems that integrate compliant ELDs and other capabilities for data-driven dispatch, vehicle tracking, and fuel efficiency. Omnitracs, a leading provider of fleet management solutions, reported 16% year-on-year revenue growth in Q3 2022, driven partly by rising demand for its compliance-focused offerings. The company expects regulatory mandates to further accelerate adoption of its smart fleet platforms over the next 3-5 years. Moving Forward: Market Challenges & Opportunities to Watch
While regulatory push and efficiency needs are accelerating adoption, concerns around cyber security risks pose a key challenge. Fleets contain sensitive operational data, and connectivity increases exposure to hacking attempts. To address this, solution providers are striving to deploy robust firewalls, data encryption, and other security features. Nevertheless, developing regions like China, Brazil, and India offer strong growth potential as rising consumption expands the logistics sector. Smart transportation investments by government bodies to address congestion and emissions will further fuel fleet telematics system deployments through the next decade. Overall, smart fleet management is set to transform the global transportation industry by enabling the next generation of safety, sustainability, and productivity.
Q1) What role does telematics play in optimizing fleet operations?
Telematics provides valuable data on vehicle diagnostics, fuel consumption, engine health, and driver behaviour, enabling proactive maintenance, fuel efficiency improvements, and safer driving practices.
Q2) What are the key components of a smart fleet management system?
Key components include GPS tracking devices, telematics software, fleet management software, sensors, and communication systems.
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topfleetmanagement · 5 months
Top Fleet Management Products of 2024: Revolutionizing Logistics & Operations
As businesses continue to seek efficient, safe, and sustainable solutions for managing their fleets, the importance of cutting-edge fleet management software has never been more pronounced. The year 2024 ushers in a new era of technological advancements in this space, with several key players leading the charge. Here's a look at the top fleet management products of 2024, each offering unique features to cater to the diverse needs of modern fleets.
MiX Telematics - Fleet Management Solutions
MiX Telematics stands out for its robust set of features aimed at enhancing vehicle safety, improving operational efficiency, and promoting sustainability. With advanced analytics, real-time tracking, and fuel management capabilities, MiX Telematics helps businesses of all sizes optimize their fleet operations while prioritizing driver safety and environmental responsibility.
Verizon Connect - Integrated Fleet Tracking
Verizon Connect offers a highly integrated fleet tracking system designed to provide detailed insights into vehicle location, fuel usage, and driver performance. Its intuitive interface and customizable reports make it easy for fleet managers to monitor and improve their operations, ensuring compliance and efficiency across the board.
Fleet Complete - IoT-Driven Insights
Leveraging the power of IoT, Fleet Complete delivers comprehensive insights into fleet performance, maintenance needs, and driver behavior. Its focus on connectivity and automation makes it a great choice for businesses looking to harness the potential of IoT for streamlined fleet management and operational excellence.
Samsara - Intelligent Fleet Operations
Samsara's platform stands out for its intelligent approach to fleet operations, combining real-time GPS tracking, wireless sensors, and video-based insights to provide a 360-degree view of fleet activities. It's particularly valued for its safety features, including driver coaching tools and automatic accident detection and reporting.
Geotab - Scalable Fleet Management
Geotab offers a scalable fleet management solution that excels in vehicle tracking, maintenance, compliance, and sustainability. Its open platform integrates easily with existing systems, making it a versatile option for fleets looking to enhance their operational capabilities with minimal disruption.
Trimble - Specialized Solutions for Transport & Logistics
Trimble provides specialized fleet management solutions tailored to the unique needs of the transport and logistics industry. With a strong focus on route optimization, cargo management, and compliance, Trimble helps businesses streamline their operations and improve their bottom line.
Choosing the Right Fleet Management Product
The best fleet management product for your business depends on your specific needs, budget, and goals. Whether you prioritize safety, efficiency, sustainability, or all of the above, there's a solution in 2024's top fleet management products that can meet your requirements. By leveraging these advanced technologies, businesses can not only optimize their fleet operations but also contribute to a safer, more sustainable future for logistics and transportation.
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mdshariful · 5 months
Today we are reviewing the compact system on module based on the versatile Rockchip RK3588 Octa Core SoC, the MIXTILE CORE 3588E. you may also like Mixtile Blade 3 Best New PICO-ITX and Stackable Single-Board MIXTILE CORE 3588E Module Mixtile launches this new high-performance AI board (6 TOPS), with a small form factor (69.6 x 45 mm) with a 260-pin edge connector. It can be used on carrier boards that are compatible with NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX developer boards. This system-on-module has enough power to run high-resolution video encoding/decoding, graphics processing, and artificial intelligence applications. It is basically a computing module, so all inputs and outputs on the board are made through 260-pin connectors, communicating through four PCIe 3.0 x4 lanes and one PCIe 2.1 lane. The operating systems supported by MIXTILE CORE 3588E are Debian 11, Android 11, Ubuntu 22.04 and Armbian 23.07. Specification of MIXTILE CORE 3588E Module Feature Details Brand Mixtile Model CORE 3588E Processor Rockchip RK3588 (8nm) CPU 4 x ARM Cortex-A76 cores (Up to 2.4 GHz) 4 x ARM Cortex-A55 cores (Up to 1.8 GHz) GPU ARM Mali-G610MC4 RAM Options: 4/16/32 GB LPDDR4 Storage Options: 32/128/256 GB eMMC 5.1 Form Factor Compact System-on-Module (69.6 x 45 mm) AI Performance 6 TOPS Edge Connector 260-pin PCIe Lanes - Four PCIe 3.0 x4 lanes - One PCIe 2.1 lane Operating Systems Debian 11, Android 11, Ubuntu 22.04, Armbian 23.07 Video Outputs - DisplayPort 1.2a (Up to 8K resolutions) - HDMI 2.1 (Up to 8K resolutions) Camera Interfaces - 3 x 4-lane or 5 x 2-lane MIPI CSI @ 2.5 Gbps/lane - 48MP ISP Network Connector 10/100/1000 BASE-T USB Ports - 1 x USB 3.0 (Gen1) - 3 x USB 2.0 Other Connectors - UART DEBUG x1 - UART flow control x2 - SPI x2 - I2C x4 - CAN x1 - I2S x4 - SD 4.0, SDHOST 4.0, and SDIO 3.0 - PWM x3, GPIO x15 The MIXTILE CORE 3588E system-on-module is powered by the Rockchip RK3588 8nm processor. A chip that integrates 4 ARM Cortex-A76 cores at 2.4 GHz and another 4 ARM Cortex-A55 CPUs capable of reaching 1.8 GHz. In the graphics department we have a powerful ARM Mali-G610MC4 GPU. Thank you for completing the Mixtile Core 3568M/3588E Concept Survey! Pre-orders for the Mixtile Core 3568M/3588E system-on-module are now available! You can purchase it at the Mixtile store: https://t.co/YiEPk5b6n1 pic.twitter.com/OBlE21wUaW — Mixtile (@Mixtile) September 1, 2022 For RAM, we have options for all needs, including 4/16/32 GB LPDDR4 versions. For storage, we also have the option of 32/128/256 GB eMMc 5.1. You Can also like  Mixtile Blade 3 Mixtile Cluster Box Mixtile Blade 3 Case Mixtile Edge 2 Mixtile Edge 2 Kit Mixtile Core 3588E Mixtile Core 3568 Mixtile Core 3568M Mixtile Core 3568J Mixtile Core 3399E Mixtile Hub Mixtile Telematics Gateway 3 With this board we can use different types of ports such as DisplayPort 1.2a and HDMI 2.1 video output up to 8K resolution. We control up to 3x 4-lane or 5x 2-lane MIPI CSI interfaces with 2.5 Gbps/lane cameras and a 48 MP ISP. We have access to a 10/100/1000 BASE-T network connector, a USB 3.0 (Gen1) and 3 USB 2.0 ports. Price and availability The MIXTILE CORE 3588E SoM can be purchased from the official Mixtile store starting at $109 with shipping at the end of January. Optionally we can add a specific Heatsik for this board with dynamic speed adjustment between 0 and 5000 RPM. The board supports customization, please contact Mixtile for more information.
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flotillaiot · 8 months
Top Trends in Fleet Management Software 2023
Fleet industry is on the boom around the world. The fleet management market is anticipated to increase from USD 25.5 billion in 2022 to USD 52.4 billion by 2027, according to a recent Markets and Markets research. In the post-pandemic environment, the fleet management sector has advanced faster as businesses adopt new digital trends to boost productivity and cut expenses. New options are presented by service providers like white label GPS tracking software to cater to the varying needs of businesses.
Let us look at some of the top trends Fleet Management System trends of 2023.
1) Growing Adoption of Autonomous and Electronic Vehicles
As more businesses release high-end versions that improve communication through greater data sharing and sophisticated fleet software, EV usage is anticipated to increase even further in 2023. The global market for zero-emission trucks is expected to increase quickly over the following ten years, according to an IDTechEx analysis titled "Electric and Fuel Cell Trucks 2023-2043." By 2043, the market for medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission trucks will be valued more than $200 billion a year.
As the sector lessens its reliance on diesel-powered cars and transitions to electronic and autonomous fleets, technology like fleet management software will be crucial in assisting organizations in achieving their sustainability goals.
2) Greater General Safety
Advancements in GPS tracking software will lead to an increased focus on safety resulting in more innovation related to it. To lower risks and accidents, key elements including geofencing, driver behavior, alarm systems, and others will be strengthened. Accurate vehicle and driver activity notifications are anticipated to be sent by intelligent monitoring systems. Additionally, deeper insights and reports will help you find flaws in your safety-related operations and fix them.
3) Pay attention to telematics tracking
Fleet managers will use telematics and GPS fleet tracking to for achieving real-time diagnostics. In addition to knowing the status of their vehicles and tracking the whereabouts of their fleet drivers, they can also make sure that they are adhering to safety procedures. With new features like voice integration, improved Artificial Intelligence (AI), and sophisticated data analytics, tracking solutions will improve in 2023. In modern GPS tracking software, In-cab video is amongst the most popular emerging technologies.
4) Remote Fleet Administration
The COVID-19 epidemic has put remote fleet management at the center of transportation operations. Fleet managers are concentrating on new approaches to handle activities in a remote setting and track the efficiency of their fleet drivers. With the use of efficient fleet management software, managers can better interact with their team, track statistics in real-time, and communicate with their executives.
5) Additional Data Security
Fleet vehicles contain a substantial amount of confidential information that must be safeguarded. Fleet managers will concentrate on enhancing their cybersecurity measures in 2023. Many fleet managers are upskilling in IT to take on fresh tasks and moving their attention from tactical to strategic management. As data visibility rises, they will concentrate more on gathering and analyzing data.
6) Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) to Emerge Mobility-as-a-Service
MaaS will grow in prominence as fleet managers can tailor their services and modify their conventional methodology. According to estimates, the size of the worldwide MaaS market would rise from USD 52.56 billion in 2019 to USD 280.77 billion in 2027.
Fleet managers may try leasing or even using company-owned vehicles. MaaS will assist fleet managers in reevaluating existing fleet management procedures. Businesses may better utilize idle vehicles, manage costs, and lower their carbon footprint by embracing vehicle sharing. The most important fleet metrics will change as well, moving away from vehicle counts and statistics and towards things like timing, trip success rates, attendance rates, and annual cost.
7) The development of 5G networks
The top trend this year will be 5G fleet management. Fleets will be able to take advantage of 5G's key characteristics to improve productivity and decrease latency. The reach of tracking solutions will change as a result of the development of this technology resulting in more productivity. Employees can receive instructions from managers in real-time, which improves the overall operational productivity. With 5G widely available everywhere, now is the ideal time to invest in best white label GPS tracking software to maximize productivity and stay ahead of the competition.
Businesses that use a fleet management app will gain from 5G's enhanced coverage and productivity since it will improve communication. According to estimates, 5G signals can travel 20 times quicker than 4G. The developed nations of the globe already have 5G. However, it will be spreading worldwide in 2023-2024.
8) Increased Traffic Safety Procedures
Due to the pandemic, fleet owners and managers will concentrate on fleet and driver security. They will prioritize driver safety by tightening sanitization controls during vehicle inspections and ensuring they have the necessary equipment. Modern white label GPS tracking software can also be used to ensure that safety protocols are met by the staff. This will benefit your drivers and employees and show that you are ready to reduce risks and virus exposure.
Achieving fuel efficiency and cutting down fuel expense will be a main concern for commercial fleets in 2023 due to a record-high rise in diesel prices. In 2023, the fleet industry will experience advancements in technology and stronger tech integration, which will enhance the capabilities of GPS tracking software. Utilizing fleet management software will improve fleet tracking and management and operational efficiency.
Are you trying to find the best white label GPS  tracking  software for cars? Flotilla IoT is the ideal choice for you.
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aasthakumariyer · 8 months
Underwater Cables summer school at Lasalle (Aug 21st - 30th):
The Underwater Cable summer school program was about a Telematic performance. It included students from different parts of the world who specialized in varying arts. This was a 10-day program that had workshops where all students engaged in practicing the concept of submergence worlding, soundpainting, non-linear scripting, and other hybrid media techniques. In the Singapore group, we had students from London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Taipei. In real-time we were networking with The Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim, Norway, and The Zurich University of the Arts, in Switzerland. The summer program was led by Dr. Tim the head of the School of Contemporary Music at Lasalle College of the Arts, in Singapore.
The 1st 5 days of the program we had workshops in which we did various activities.
Day 1: The initial day primarily entailed an engaging icebreaker session orchestrated by Mr. Alan, fostering a unique avenue for us, the Singaporean cohort, to acquaint ourselves with one another. Departing from conventional introductions, we embarked on a series of interactive games that not only facilitated camaraderie but also engendered a sense of comfort and camaraderie among the participants. This departure from the norm proved to be an invigorating experience, as I found myself effortlessly establishing connections with my fellow participants, transcending the constraints of unfamiliarity, and forging new bonds within this dynamic setting.
Following these lively activities, we were afforded the opportunity to engage in more personalized interactions, facilitating an organic exchange of ideas and perspectives among the diverse group of participants. Despite encountering some initial technical setbacks, our collective enthusiasm remained undeterred as we reconvened at 3 PM (Singapore Time) for the inaugural session of the Underwater Cable Program. The session entailed an illuminating introduction to the overarching objectives of the summer school project, with each respective teacher from the participating countries delivering insightful presentations that set the stage for the upcoming sessions.
Day 2: On the second day of the workshop, Mr. Muhammad kick-started the session by screening a compelling video featuring students immersed in the art of improvisational acting. This visual demonstration set the stage for the immersive activities that lay ahead, piquing our collective curiosity and igniting our creative spirits.
With characteristic enthusiasm, Mr. Muhammad unveiled the intricacies of the upcoming activity slated for the following day, which entailed the dynamic task of embodying and improvising a storyline based on the unique character profiles crafted by our fellow classmates. Brimming with anticipation, we eagerly embraced our designated partners, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to breathe life into the narrative through diverse forms of expression, ranging from acting and singing to engaging in thought-provoking dialogues.
This exhilarating prospect of stepping into the shoes of our crafted characters, coupled with the collaborative nature of the exercise, engendered an atmosphere of excitement and creative fervor, fostering a shared sense of anticipation and camaraderie within the workshop cohort.
Day 3: On the eventful third day, we were privileged to attend an enlightening workshop led by Banni, an esteemed former Lasalle student, who delved into the intricacies of his work and its profound connection to the overarching theme of underwater cables. Through his thought-provoking presentation, he expounded upon the captivating concept of "Sub-merging Worlds," unveiling a rich tapestry of interconnected ideas and profound insights.
During the workshop, Banni orchestrated an engaging activity that prompted us to delve into the unfamiliar realms of language and etymology. Entrusted with the task of selecting two words whose origins and meanings were previously unknown to us, I found myself drawn to the words "faith" and "oblivion." The process of uncovering the deep-seated significance and historical connotations embedded within these words proved to be a truly captivating and enriching experience, unveiling layers of meaning that transcended mere linguistic definitions.
My research: Faith: Derived from the Latin word "Fides", the meaning is something coming from a belief system and some strong feeling and assurance with something. The word is used about a god or a person they trust.
Oblivion: Derived from the Latin word "Oblivisci", the meaning is that it is the state of unawareness of what is going around you. In other words unconscious. In some cases people of doing bad things and later they just say that they were completely unaware of the situation. So this can be something very negative or destructive.
As each participant began to expound upon their chosen words, I observed a palpable shift in the atmosphere, as our casual discussions evolved into profound deliberations on the nuanced nature of language and its contextual adaptability. Engrossed in the collective exploration of the transformative potential of words, we found ourselves engaging in earnest conversations, delving into the intricacies of how the meanings and implications of certain words could shift under different circumstances.
Empowered by the open and receptive environment cultivated by our Singaporean cohort, I felt emboldened to articulate my own perspectives and insights, confident in the knowledge that my contributions would be met with genuine attentiveness and a shared commitment to mutual learning. This collective spirit of receptiveness and intellectual curiosity fostered a sense of friendship and fellowship, underscoring the profound value of collaborative engagement and the shared pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
Photos of the ppt:
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Later in the day, at 3 PM, the entire cohort reconvened for the pivotal main session, which entailed the continuation of the workshop led by Mr. Muhammad, the esteemed instructor from Trondheim. Building upon the activities initiated on Day 2 of the program, Mr. Muhammad prompted us to delve deeper into our creative capacities by crafting distinct characters, exchanging their stories with fellow participants, and ultimately embodying each other's characters in a performative setting. Opting to narrate our character's narrative, I eagerly shared my story, having exchanged character profiles with Sandy from London.
The subsequent group performance segment of the workshop proved to be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. Paired with Tengshen from Taiwan, I embraced the opportunity to venture outside my comfort zone, exploring new dimensions of performance that transcended my familiar realm as a singer-performer. Despite the initial challenges, I wholeheartedly embraced the spirit of experimentation and growth, recognizing the significance of pushing personal boundaries and embracing the discomfort that accompanies artistic exploration.
This immersive workshop not only fostered individual growth but also facilitated meaningful connections among participants from Trondheim, Zurich, and our contingent from Singapore. It served as a catalyst for fostering understanding, bridging cultural divides, and encouraging the exploration of diverse creative perspectives and approaches.
Day 4: On the 4th day there 2 workshops one was the Sound Walk and then at 3 p.m. with all the students we did Sound painting which was conducted by Dr.Tim.
Sound Walk: Before going for the sound walk, the teacher explained to us what is a soundscape. The concept of soundscape is listening and understanding different sounds. This was later explained with the help of a diagram.
This diagram shows the relations of sound with the environment and an individual. Then later he explained 3 important questions: 1. What we hear what we listen to?
He explained different types of sounds, which are keynote sounds, sound signals, and sound marks. Explanation:
Keynote Sounds - This is a key or tonality of a particular composition. The main key on which the whole composition was being made around. They act as condition agents and it is not consciously perceived. Keynotes are the ground (figure and sound relation).
Sound signals - Noise or unwanted sound. Sound signals are always treated in their ambient or keynote context. The signal is what you desire to hear but not able to hear it.
Sound Mark - Has a special quality that is regarded by the people or the community. There are cultural and historical significance and merit preservation and protection.
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2. Is this how we listen to what we hear?
In this, he explains the connections between audio and vision.
The 3 listening modes: (Chion)
Semantic - Listen through the sound, significance in sound, especially that of language, from which meaning can be derived.
Causal - What caused it or the source of the sound.
Reduced - Abstraction, focusing on the pitch or in abstract values. Like the pitch or rhythm (repeated pattern).
3. We hear all the time but what do we listen to?
To make this concept clear, our instructor led us on a contemplative sound walk in the vicinity of the college campus. This novel experience entailed a serene and mindful exploration of our surroundings, where we embarked on a silent journey, attuned to the subtle symphony of ambient sounds. As we immersed ourselves in the present moment, a remarkable sense of tranquility gradually enveloped our thoughts, offering a rare respite from the ceaseless mental chatter that typically occupies our consciousness.
Following this introspective workshop, the collective cohort reconvened at 3 p.m. for an exhilarating session of sound painting. As a second-year music student at Lasalle, I had previously been introduced to the fundamentals of sound painting during my creative ensemble classes, albeit solely within the context of musicians. However, this session offered a transformative experience as we engaged in collaborative sound painting alongside dancers, actors, and fellow musicians. The dynamic fusion of diverse artistic disciplines infused the process with an unprecedented sense of excitement and novelty, fostering a rich and multifaceted creative environment that encouraged boundless experimentation and expression. This collaborative endeavor not only enriched my understanding of sound painting but also underscored the profound potential of interdisciplinary collaboration in fostering a vibrant and synergistic creative ecosystem.
Day 5:
On the fifth day, Banni returned to our college for the concluding session of his workshop series, delving deeper into the compelling concept of manifestos. He eloquently expounded upon the significance of these written declarations, emphasizing their pivotal role in publicly articulating the intentions, beliefs, or perspectives of their creators. An effective manifesto typically comprises three essential components: the thesis or introduction, the guiding principles or precepts, and a well-defined plan of action or implementation.
Prompted by his insightful guidance, each of us was tasked with crafting our own unique manifesto, channeling our inner convictions and aspirations into a coherent written statement. This immersive exercise inspired us to reflect deeply on our individual values and beliefs, providing a platform for us to articulate our personal philosophies and visions in a succinct and impactful manner. Through this process, we were encouraged to introspect and distill our core principles into a concise yet compelling narrative, thus encapsulating our collective desire for positive change and meaningful impact within our respective spheres of influence.
My Group manifesto and performance:
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Day 6 to 10: Throughout the course of the 6th to the 9th day, our schedule was dedicated to intensive group rehearsals, each group allocated a focused one-hour block for collaborative practice sessions. Within Group 1, our initial rehearsal day commenced with a thoughtful discourse centered on the overarching concept we aimed to convey, culminating in our collective decision to center our performance around the theme of love. Acknowledging the multifaceted nature of this profound emotion, we collectively endeavored to express its myriad dimensions through a harmonious fusion of music, dance, and technology.
As we delved deeper into the rehearsal process, we encountered a series of technical challenges that necessitated a concerted effort from our group, as well as the invaluable guidance and mentorship provided by our esteemed instructors. Navigating through these hurdles with a spirit of collaboration and perseverance, we gradually honed our performance, refining our artistic expressions and synchronizing our collective efforts to culminate in a cohesive and impactful presentation. Through this enriching journey of collective creativity and shared dedication, we ultimately succeeded in crafting a compelling and resonant performance that encapsulated the essence of love in all its nuanced forms.
Reflecting on this transformative journey, I am struck by the profound lessons I have gleaned, particularly in the realm of stepping outside my comfort zone and embracing the unfamiliar with a newfound sense of ease and adaptability. As a musician, I have always approached my craft with meticulous precision, striving for flawless performances and meticulous adherence to established norms. However, this immersive workshop experience has fundamentally altered my perspective, introducing me to the liberating art of improvisation.
Through this exploration, I have come to recognize that improvisation transcends the confines of right or wrong, offering a boundless canvas for creative expression and unrestricted self-discovery. Although initially apprehensive about relinquishing control, I have now come to appreciate the beauty of authentic self-expression, reveling in the freedom to explore new dimensions of creativity and embracing the innate fluidity of artistic interpretation.
In hindsight, my decision to participate in this summer project stands as one of my most rewarding and enlightening choices, offering me a profound opportunity for introspection and personal growth. This immersive experience has not only enabled me to unearth my authentic self but has also instilled within me a deep-seated understanding of the significance of collaboration and empathy in navigating diverse interpersonal dynamics. I am deeply grateful for the invaluable mentorship and guidance extended to me by my esteemed seniors and peers, whose collective wisdom and support have been instrumental in shaping my artistic journey and fostering a newfound sense of creative liberation.
Group 1 Members:
Trondheim - Branca and Olive
Zurich - Christa and Karol
Singapore - Khai, Mirjana and Aastha
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gaadi · 1 year
Top Tractor Companies in India- KhetiGaadi
A tractor is a powerful agricultural vehicle designed to provide efficient traction and power for various farming operations. It typically consists of a large engine, sturdy chassis, and durable wheels or tracks for navigating rough terrains. Tractors are equipped with a wide range of implements, including plows, harrows, seeders, and sprayers, which enable farmers to perform tasks such as tilling the soil, planting seeds, applying fertilizers, and spraying pesticides. Modern tractors often incorporate advanced technologies like GPS guidance systems, automated controls, and precision farming capabilities, enhancing productivity and reducing labor requirements. With their versatility and adaptability, tractors have become indispensable tools in modern agriculture, revolutionizing farming practices worldwide. 
Top 2 Companies in India  
Mahindra Tractors   
Mahindra Tractors is a leading manufacturer of agricultural tractors based in India. With a wide range of models and power options, Mahindra Tractors offers reliable and efficient machines for farming and other agricultural activities. They are known for their durability, versatility, and advanced features to meet the needs of farmers worldwide. 
Why Choose Mahindra Tractors 
Excellent fuel efficiency: Mahindra Tractors are equipped with DI (Direct Injection) engines known for their high fuel efficiency. This helps farmers save on fuel costs while maximizing productivity. 
 Dual-purpose functionality: Mahindra Tractors are designed to serve multiple purposes. They are not only suitable for farming operations but also for haulage tasks. This versatility makes them a reliable choice for a wide range of agricultural needs. 
 Affordable maintenance: Mahindra Tractors offer affordable maintenance costs without compromising on quality. The company strives to strike a good balance between the price of their tractors and the benefits they provide, ensuring that farmers get value for their money. 
 Best finance options: Mahindra Tractor provides attractive finance options to customers. They offer the highest loan LTV (Loan to Value) ratio among all tractor brands in India. This makes it easier for farmers to finance their tractor purchase and manage their finances effectively. 
 Easy availability of parts: Mahindra Tractors prioritize maximum uptime for their customers. They ensure that tractor parts are readily available, minimizing downtime in case of any repairs or maintenance. This accessibility of parts helps farmers keep their tractors in optimal working condition and reduces productivity losses. 
Messey Ferguson  
Massey Ferguson is a renowned agricultural machinery brand that specializes in manufacturing tractors, harvesting equipment, and agricultural implements. Established in 1958, the company has a strong global presence and is known for its durable and reliable machinery. Massey Ferguson products are widely used in farming operations around the world. 
Why Choose Messey Ferguson? 
Quality and Durability Massey Ferguson is known for manufacturing robust and durable machinery that can withstand demanding agricultural conditions. Their equipment is built to last and has a reputation for high-quality construction, ensuring longevity and minimizing downtime. 
Innovative Technology: Massey Ferguson consistently invests in research and development to incorporate the latest technological advancements into their machinery. They strive to improve efficiency, productivity, and precision through features such as advanced electronics, integrated automation, and telematics. 
Versatility: Massey Ferguson offers a wide range of agricultural machinery, including tractors, combines, hay and forage equipment, and more. Their product lineup caters to various farming operations and can be adapted to different tasks and field conditions. 
Visit our page for more information about Tractor, Agricultural tools, Tractor Price and Tractor Videos. 
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m1autorepair · 1 year
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Introducing our NEW Shop Management Connectivity Feature – Check out the FAQ page for answers in a short video format! -> https://hubs.ly/Q01QK6Nw0
Stay connected with your customers' vehicles, anytime, anywhere! Mitchell 1's Manager SE shop management system now integrates with the VOYOLink telematics platform. Receive alerts from your customer's connected vehicle to schedule appointments and order parts ahead of time!
Not a Manager SE Customer? GET STARTED TODAY with a 100% FREE 14 day trial of our Manager SE shop management software. There's no obligation to buy and no credit card required!
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dmpa2 · 1 year
Week 12: Facebook live
Link to Facebook live
By planning and delivering a livestream event to Facebook I gained the technical skills of setting up audio, video and planning questions. The purpose that the digital media type of livestreaming has to serve the Melbourne Tigers from a business performance perspective is increasing audience reach and attracting new fans, as well as providing engaging content with new and existing fans. A livestream event for the Melbourne Tigers would provide excitement for fans in the leadup to a big event or announcement. This is known because livestream content engages audiences and instills a fear of missing out for fans who can’t watch it (Muller et al., 2022). Livestreaming content is best described as the real-time audio and video transmission of an event over the Internet (Chen et al., 2018). The digital media type of Livestreaming content adds to the fan experience of consuming sport by providing fans with accessibility, live engagement, as well as interactive features from fan to player, or a fan to a team. According to a blog posted by a company called Epiphan other key benefits of livestreaming include: - Stay top of mind with your audience - Increase brand awareness - Build trust and brand loyalty - Provide more authentic opportunities for engagement
Chen, C. C., & Lin, Y. C. (2018). What drives live-stream usage intention? The perspectives of flow, entertainment, social interaction, and endorsement. Telematics and Informatics, 35(1), 293-303. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0736585317307244
Liu, Z., Zhang, W., Liu, X., Muller, E., & Xiong, F. (2022). Success and survival in livestream shopping.https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4028092
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tangerineaius · 1 year
The Role of Dashcams in Accident Management and Prevention
In the present scenario, installing a Dashcam provides protection from crash-for-cash scams, dashcams help monitor the incident and clear up the accident insurance claims more easily. The insurance company analyzes the hard evidence and comes to a fair judgment. As a result, disputes or disagreements with respect to claims are reduced to a minimum. The whole insurance claims process also speeds up.
 Driver Behavior
 Many of the factors associated with rising claims during accidents and loss frequency are rooted in poor driver behavior. Statistics from studies show that in-vehicle monitoring with Telematics show a clear relationship between vehicle monitoring and driver behavior. According to a survey, around one in five motorists use a dash cam each time they drive their vehicle.
 Driver training
 When it comes to new driver training, nothing compares to getting behind the wheel and experiencing life on the road first hand. Footage with a dashboard camera is also an invaluable learning tool, which will provide in-depth insights into various incidents. With driver training, the new drivers can learn to implement the corrective steps in different situations without making the other road users at risk.
  Advanced technology in Telematics
 The recent advanced technologies in Telematics, driver scoring, and in-vehicle technologies are quickly transforming the commercial lines insurance. There are new tools and technologies that ensure to acquire richer and more precise data from diverse sources. This data can be used to produce comprehensive driver profiles and scores, generate direct feedback to drivers, and encourage safe vehicle operation.
 Fleet Tracking
 Dashcams help locate, track, and manage your vehicles in real time. The Fleet tracking feature helps your fleet meet customer demand for fast, accurate, and seamless service, and ensures operational efficiency.
 Accident Analysis
 With  Telematics and Dashcams, you can keep track of your fleet while they are in the field or after they return. You can use the GPS-based fleet tracking device to locate active drivers and vehicle locations. In case of an accident get in depth analysis into the incident with continual video to gain more insight into the cause of the crash.
 Final Words
 With Tangerine’s solution for fleet management, you can analyze and understand the factors leading to a crash. The accident analytics system segregates the accident from non-accidents with a highly intelligent Jido vision and Vehicle telemetry. You can also ensure that insurers assess driver behavior and segregate at-fault claims from no fault claims. With the help of Tangerine’s Crash Analyzer, you can put an end to the false insurance claims fraud. The Crash Analyzer also enhances the functionalities offered by Tangerine’s fleet management solutions with a comprehensive and detailed reporting of an accident.
  To know more: https://tangerine.ai/fleet-safety/the-role-of-dashcams-in-accident-management-and-prevention/
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