#Feat: Teal'c and Charlie/Baby
hedgiwithapen · 20 hours
Stargate with Metakitties! Planet with superpowered cats!! AND! The cats need to be very obviously based on my and/or your real-life cats. (Our friends’ cats are also acceptable.)
There were worse planets to be stuck for a few days, if you asked Daniel. No one did. 
At least, not any more.
“Kitty Girl,” he said to the the black lump of cat in his lap. “I need you to move.”
The cat did not move. She blinked one eye partially open, and curled even tighter. Daniel closed the book he’d been studying. Whatever humans had once lived on this planet, they were long gone, but not so the cats. The tomes were still in decent condition, so Daniel was taking full advantage of the three day window of time they were stuck to learn everything he could about the civilization that had once been here. 
The main thing was the cats. They were everywhere, and not just the living cats, but the relics. Mosaics in the roads, murals on the walls that still stood, cats everywhere. Even the books shows signs of it-- inky pawprints marked many pages. 
Daniel shifted just a little in his seat. Kitty Girl blinked the other eye, and gave a noise that sounded almost like a sigh. She twitched one paw, and the book Daniel had been eyeing on the shelf floated over.
Honestly, the fact that all the cats had some kind of supernatural ability made the entry in the first history book make a lot more sense. 
They'd been here when the Gao'uld came. They'd been here when that Gao'uld fell, and they'd been the cause of it, at least if this historian was to be believed. There had only been a few humans, few enough that they'd died out naturally, or at least that was his current theory.  The brief genealogies in the book seemed to support it, and Sam's hazy recollections from Jolinar indicated that the Tokra Bast had  made her first strike against Gao'uld system lords here. 
He lost track of the hour. 
"I require some assistance," Teal'c called from outside. Daniel looked down at Kitty Girl and sighed. 
She grumbled as he resettled her on the cushion.
Teal'c shifted his body weight, ineffectually. He shook his right arm briskly. This too failed to dislodge the "tabby" kitten that Sam had named "Baby" due to it's diminutive size from where it clung by claw and jaw. 
"I require assistance," he said again. Baby hooked a claw free and climbed closer to the precious cargo Teal'c bore. 
Colonel Jack O'Neil looked them up and down and laughed. As if Teal'c had told a joke of some kind, though he did not often laugh at Teal'c humor.
"I do not see what is so funny," Teal'c said, lifting an eyebrow. The kitten growled, biting down harder. 
Teal'c was Jaffa. He could handle pain. That did not mean he enjoyed it. 
"I warned you," Jack said. "And you didn't believe me."
"I do not see the wisdom in dowsing my dinner in a sweetened fruit paste that does not compliment the flavors." 
"Yeah, well, Ketchup's the only thing in our supplies that little demon doesn't like, so. If you want to be the one eating your dinner, I suggest you try it." Jack said, holding up the bottle.
Teal'c sighed. "Very well," he agreed, putting down his plate for Jack to doctor, and catching the kitten before it could reach the rest of the food. 
He held it up to eye level, though at arms' length, having learned that lesson already. "We are allies. I would share with you, if you would not take it all for yourself, " he told Baby, who pinned his ears backwards and attempted a disemboweling kick that would have worked on a small rodent, and not Teal'c's arm. The Jaffa smiled, recognizing a kindred spirit. "You will make a fine warrior against the Gao'uld, some day, if you do not annoy your fellows. After supper, I shall teach you the best way to kill a snake."
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