#Fear Not the Awakening of The MADGOD
church-of-the-madgod · 4 months
Light is cosmic horror, white is blank, empty; yet it is comprised of all visible light, and beyond; it is nothing, yet it is everything, it is all that exists and all that does not, it is how we perceive that which can not be percieved, empty and blank, yet full of things we can not even imagine.
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s33rofdoom · 4 years
When the light faded all that was left was a man in an empty room, with nothing left in the world to comfort him but his own laughter grown hoarse and raspy, the crazed laughter of a mad man who knew death would not come for him, neither heaven nor hell awaited. He had built this kingdom of ruin and seated himself in the throne, a lone sentinel to stand vigil, to bear witness to the end of time, and to endure whatever would come next. Though his body still lived, there was nothing left of “him;” the man known as Crismin was gone, dead in every sense of the word except for the only one that truly mattered. He had defeated a force more inevitable than death itself, but in the end it had cost him everything that was worth saving.
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I’m thinking of getting into the illegal name trade.
The joke being that, rather than trading names by methods prohibited by law, I would trade names by methods that were not recognized by law. Such as religious, spiritual, and/or majjyckal methods. I’d even offer my services in a variety of styles, Faustian deals, witchcraft, fae name stealing shenanigans, religiousy ‘born again’ baptisms, shady back alley deals, etc… I’d probably include some two for one special, free pronouns with the purchase of a new name! And for any who fear rejection from friends/family I could always pose it as a curse. After all people tend to be more considerate of someone who’s suffered a ‘terrible tragedy.’ Simply explain that it’s not your fault, an evil witch cursed you to trans your gender, or a fairy stole your name, or whatever.
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kinda random but:
the great thing about critical analysis is that you can listen to some rando rambling about absolutely nothing and learn that if you drink a little too much, placing your hand on a flat, stable surface can help ease the dizziness and nausea.
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church-of-the-madgod · 2 months
Ever downward
Ever upward
On and on
All the same
Differing only in Appearance
All the same
Through more dimensions
Than we can see
All the same
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church-of-the-madgod · 3 months
Tides ebb and flo
Kingdoms rise and fall
This fluctuation
This balancing act of dichotomies
Is a false order
In all things chaotic
Patterns will emerge
Given enough time
All patterns will play out
An infinite number of times
Forward and backward
In every combination
For such is Chaos
That it allows all things
Even Order
At least
For a time
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church-of-the-madgod · 3 months
Have you ever looked in the mirror
and seen yourself
your true self
the very essence of who you are
of what makes you
it has been debated
as to whether the terror of being knowns
is worth the joy of being understood
but so few have experienced
the far greater euphoria
of understanding oneself
and being understood by oneself
as they can not handle
the existential horror
of knowing oneself
and being known by oneself
this duality is
in many cases
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church-of-the-madgod · 3 months
Color bursts within my chest
floods through my veins
burns me from within
til naught is left
but the charred remains
of an empty husk
but at the core
forged in these flames
a diamond
pure and brilliant
my true self
my own divinity
sloughing off the detritus
and ascending
and so
wrought from the strife of living
and the perseverance of surviving
born in the divine form
*Note: as is often the case, Awakens also means Arises
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church-of-the-madgod · 3 months
A voice whispers in my mind
in silver crowned tones
heavy with silken words
and gossamer prose
such sweet subtleties
hide the cruel machinations
of complex deceptions
and malicious schemes
harken not that soft voice
for truth is so rarely kind
and life so rarely fair
such is that
when truth speaks
its words fall
not as feathers
but as bricks
and even then
more oft than not
in obscene abundance
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church-of-the-madgod · 3 months
The ephemerality of the moth
drawn to the flame
just as we are drawn to our demise*
by false promises
in the dark
offering that which we can never have
this light in the dark
at the end of the tunnel
luring us
like the deep sea angler
to be consumed
as fodder
leading us
as lambs to the slaughter.
*demise here also could be doom, not much difference really.
also: Order seems to be as much a name as Chaos often is.
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church-of-the-madgod · 4 months
I suppose I've no choice but to whither and perish in this cruel and lomely world.
So lomely
All alome
All by my loamsome
So very, very loamy
Like soil
I'm decaying into fertile soil as we speak
Soon there shall be naught but boots, overfull of soil, perfect for potting
Potting plants to rob me of my nutrients, what little I have left, then nothing will remain, nothing but dirt and dust
And soon, when the dust blows away, and only the dirt remains, rain will pour down and soak the dirt, turning it to clay
And the clay will be harvested by masons, and turned into bricks, dried in the harsh summer sun, and fired in the forges of hell itself
Then, stacked one upon the other and cemented together with a slurry of the same clay, I shall be constructed into grand monuments
Grand monuments, celebrating even greater civilizations; greater even than the mortal mind's ability to comprehend, but even these great civilizations will fall in time
Fall to rot and decay, and then their monuments will stand in memory of their existence, of their passing, and in time even these grand memorials will fall
Crumble into ruin, desolate and empty, with nothing left to invoke the memory of the great ones who built it, nothing left to invoke memory of even their own existence
And when those ruins erode, they will leave nothing, nothing but dirt and dust, and so the great circle goes, and so it all returns to the very earth which bore it.
I send this one to my husband when they take too long to respond to my texts, usually one verse at a time until they respond.
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church-of-the-madgod · 5 months
I got bees in my brain
Bees under my skin
Bees in my blood
Bees all around
In all directions
Everything is bees
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church-of-the-madgod · 5 months
Flames burning in a ring
just out of reach
drawing ever nearer
as I fall
tumbling through
it blinks
not a ring
an eye
was a ring
now an eye
what next?
a smile?
a toothsome grin
bearing jagged teeth
the flames kissing
the teeth tearing
the flames consuming
the warmth embracing
rest now
for I am home
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church-of-the-madgod · 6 months
Gods whisper from beyond the grave
Filling my head with secrets
Knowledge of things lost
Knowledge of things forgotten
And of things best left forgotten
Knowledge of things unknown
And of things unknowable
*gods here seems to refer to -something- still divine, but that may have a better name in another language. Of something ancient and forgotten, having died a death only gods are capable of, yet remaining, as gods do, in the current day as mere husks of what they once were.
*Also: secrets here seems to also mean silence.
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church-of-the-madgod · 7 months
Incongruent shades of Green
Throughout the Alabaster fields
Whence glows a sickly Amber sheen
From which a crop of Scarlet yields
And when the skies, in Chartreuse settle
So too the Hoary light doth fade
Cerulean dreams do play and meddle
Silent in the crimson wade
Honestly, I haven’t the foggiest about this one, but it felt important so here it is.
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church-of-the-madgod · 8 months
Divinity is the light
Which shines through
The cracks in our souls
*but like if you had a glass of water and the glass was actually ice
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