musicarenagh · 11 months
Come Along As We Join Fat Bottomed Boys To Sing 'La La La' We would all agree to the fact inspiration comes in different forms, but when it comes to “The Sgt.,” who is the singer for Fat Bottomed Boys, you would be marveled to know his source of inspiration. In a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh he disclosed where his inspiration comes from “I find inspiration in everyday life. My dog, my son, my love stories, the people who annoy me.” You might find this strange, but when you listen to the music of “Fat Bottomed Boys” you will understand this better, to make this easier, let me introduce you to their latest single which is titled “La La La” In a way you can say “Fat Bottomed Boys” is the reincarnation of the band “Queens,” yet their sound is true and original. The duo creates retro music that carries you away and takes you on a musical journey of bliss, wonderful instrumentation, and breathtaking lyrics. "La La La" channels the spirit of Queen, particularly the iconic songwriting of drummer Roger Taylor, while bringing a captivating modernity to their music. In the interview, The Sgt. shed more light on his musical growth and some of the challenges he has faced on his musical journey, join us as we uncover who The Sgt. is outside of music. Listen to La La La below https://open.spotify.com/album/2iI72dJUCLydcVPgLow42l Follow Fat Bottomed Boys on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Youtube Instagram Tiktok What is your stage name? People call me The Sgt. Is there a story behind your stage name? It's simply my surname. Here's the scoop: my real name is Thibaut Sergent. Where do you find inspiration? I find inspiration in everyday life. My dog, my son, my love stories, the people who annoy me. Anything can be a pretext for a song, you just have to find the right angle. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? Music has played a major role in my life. A whole new world opened up to me when I discovered Queen at the age of 9, and I immediately became a 'fan'. Since then, there's nothing that drives me more than trying to follow in the footsteps of my idols. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Not at all! And I didn't have the chance to go to music school, learn music theory or play an instrument when I was young. I learnt the rudiments of the guitar when I was a teenager. In fact, I learned to play like a right-handed person, even though I'm left-handed, because the only guitar I had was a right-handed one. The same goes for singing and the ukulele: I'm self-taught. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I think it's impossible not to mention Queen, who remain my absolute role model. But I also have a lot of admiration for The Beatles, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Oasis, Jet... [caption id="attachment_52591" align="alignnone" width="2000"] I think it's impossible not to mention Queen, who remain my absolute role model. But I also have a lot of admiration for The Beatles,[/caption] How did you learn to sing/write/to play? All by myself! I've been writing lyrics since I was a teenager. Initially, they weren't songs. In fact, I'm very keen on writing short stories, and I've also started writing a novel. Writing songs is a bit different. The first difficulty is writing in English, which is not my mother tongue. But it allows me to find - I think - simple and effective phrases, which is perfect for rock music. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? My first concert was The Offspring, in March 2004. I skipped school to go with my best friend. I was in the front row, having never been to a concert before, I started off with a punk-rock concert, complete with pogos, slams and all that. Crazy atmosphere! How could you describe your music? Our music is a tribute to our favorite band, Queen, through original compositions. If you hate Queen, you're unlikely to like the music of Fat Bottomed Boys. If you love Queen... Go and listen to our 4 albums!
Describe your creative process. There isn't really a predefined recipe. Everyone writes and composes, even if we all have our own pre-dispositions and personal preferences. A song can be born from a guitar riff, a piano melody or pre-existing lyrics. In the end, it's Elash, our maestro, who takes care of the arrangements that make the songs sound like Queen. What is your main inspiration? Queen, of course! What musician do you admire most and why? At the risk of sounding like a mono-maniac, Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon. They managed to create music for over 20 years, without ever repeating themselves. They mixed genres, they managed to make complex music popular, and took music to the next level. And then on stage, what a show! Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? I'd say that with Fat Bottomed Boys, the more time passes, the more freedom we give ourselves. We're not trying to imitate Queen, or reproduce this or that song. Sometimes a song doesn't sound like Queen, and that's fine. That was unthinkable at the very beginning of the project. Who do you see as your main competitor? We are fortunate to be the only group to explore this concept. Maybe because it's a bad idea? I'm joking! Queen fans can be very demanding and sometimes a bit narrow-minded, when it's not the great Freddie Mercury himself. It's impossible to compete with the absolute master and so... I think our biggest rivals are Queen! What are your interests outside of music? I love stories, which is why I like writing and watching movies. I also like to eat. I like to eat *too* much. That's why I do sport: to avoid becoming a Fat Bottomed Boy. And I love dogs. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Music is not my main profession. I'm an industrial IT engineer. That's why we have to become rock stars: I can't do this job any more! What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Our biggest problem is expanding our audience. It's very difficult these days to find a place among the plethora of music available on streaming platforms. Generally speaking, when people listen to our music, it doesn't leave them indifferent... But we still have to reach the ears of our potential listeners. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? No longer to consider music as a commercial and consumable object. And to focus on quality. Why did you choose this as the title of this project? Fat Bottomed Boys is a direct reference to a Queen song: Fat Bottomed Girls. As we're not girls, we had to change the name a little. https://open.spotify.com/artist/6eLVGiLUu5Jf2aV8lanHp5 What are your plans for the coming months? Our 4th album 'Haters Gonna Hate' will be released on 24 November 2023. We will be promoting this new album on the next months. Concerts are planned in Paris, Lille and London. And we've already got tracks for our 5th album, which will almost certainly be the soundtrack to a novel by our friend Craig Mulhall, an Australian author. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans On our album 'Haters Gonna Hate', we recorded a duet with the band Secret Garden & The Dusty Man. They play bluegrass, and it wasn't an obvious collaboration, since our styles aren't very compatible at first sight. But that's the magic of music: the track that came out of this collaboration is one of the highlights of the album. What message would you like to give to your fans? Where are you? Fat Bottomed Boys will be in concert in London on November 26th at The Fighting Cocks. More info on fatbottomedboys.fr
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isitstraightvodka · 5 years
mutuals as good omens characters?
aziraphale - @fatbottomedboi (aka u my dear)
crowley - @snufkindyke
anathema - @haesthete
newton - @harryzayn
love u! xx
mutuals as [x].
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armandyke · 5 years
Happy birthday River!!
Thank you!!
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daddydeakydeacon · 5 years
this is the stl gift for @fatbottomedboi
The immortals always seemed to be displeased with you 
Mainly at this time of the year
Especially at this time of year
Then again, you did meet him
So maybe your fortune wasn’t that bad.
What started as just bumping into each other randomly on the sidewalk or in the café where you sometimes buy your morning coffee on your way to work became planned out lunches or devilishly plotted movie nights at your house.
This weirded you out a little because the rings on your ring finger slowly started to disappear, and that meant that you were about to find your true love. 
You were born with seven rings, two more than the average person, which meant that you’d find true love a little bit later in life than most other people. 
But the hard part was that all of your friends were off married and had kids already, so you had started wondering if you’d ever find the one.
And then the fateful day that they dwindled down to six. 
You got up, and got dressed for work like usual, but instead of walking straight to work, you went the long way around to the café to buy yourself a cup of fancy gingerbread cream cold brew coffee (because i edited this in later. please excuse the shitty grammar within these parentheses. i’m not changing it.)
As you were about to walk out of the café, you saw a beautiful, dark-haired man that winked at you as you walked by
His eyes were a ray of sunshine trapped in honey, waiting to be discovered by an explorer
So you asked him his name
And he graciously replied, “Freddie fucking Mercury, dearie.”
Your stomach flip flopped at this. 
Let’s get back on track
One night when you guys were watching a movie together (this was months after you guys formally met. No need to make this weird.) he made a move. 
Gasp. I know. Gorgeous dude. Named Freddie. Who’s a singer in a rock band. Making a move. With his gorgeous eyes. And his short, fluffy black hair that always seemed to be the perfect length.
God, I should really get to the story.
Point is, Freddie kissed you. 
You had known it was coming for weeks.
What surprised you was that it was today. On your couch. With a handsome young man that you loved. Right in the middle of when you guys were watching Terminator 2. (Don’t you dare make fun of me for putting the second Terminator here.)
And to make the moment perfect, you kissed him back with every ounce of your soul. 
Then all the rings on your finger disappeared. 
You knew you had found the one.
Looking at his left hand, you noticed that he had an absence of rings as well. 
“Look,” you said. “Our rings are gone.”
“So it would seem,” he kissed you again. 
It felt like a fever had run through your body, sending little sparks here and there, filling you with a warm feeling that you couldn’t shake. 
“I love you.”
And you both lived happily ever after because I don’t know how to finish this story because I’m that bitch.
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spikes-jonze · 5 years
hey there lovely! I’ve just posted your STL gift, I hope you like it! Happy Valentine’s Day 🥰
I absolutely adore it!! Thank you so much and I hope your day has been fantastic ❤️
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queen-paladin · 5 years
🌼 if I may 💕 hope you’re having a good night, love
Of course!!! I had a fun night and I am spent, but I’m never too spent for Tumblr, hehe
- I remember the sweet ship you wrote me with Brian and Aziraphale and it has given me some lovely daydreams and thoughts!
- You have such a pleasant, open attitude and you are so easy to talk to and befriend!
- I love the colors in your icon and that side profile of Crawley looks downright artistic! (I sometimes picture that you are a Crawley clone so sometimes I hear David Tennants voice in yours on your blog)
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i-live-for-queen · 5 years
6, 8, 22, 41! 🥰
Of course sweetie! Thanks!
6: Age you get mistaken for?
Hmm 14 or 16
8: Want any tattoos?
Yaas but only one or too in a place I can hide them so that I can get job offers easily. I'd love to have one in the back part of my neck that has to do with music (maybe a Queen lyric in the original handwriting) or one in my arm that has to do with flowers or art of both uwu
22: What I want to be when I get older
Hmm an artist or astronomer? Gotta decide but most likely an artist or designer
41: Where I want to be right now
In bed lol (but I'd love to be in France right now idk why)
Send me a number and I'll answer! (Gotta sleep so I'll continue tomorrow)
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goldhoran · 5 years
Hey there! 🥰 please? Thank you! Hope you’re having a lovely day!!
1. Rock Me - One Direction
2. Rocketman - Elton John
3. The King - Conan Gray
4. Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin
5. Circles - Post Malone
6. Instanbul (Not Constantinople) - They Might Be Giants
7. Dead On Time - Queen
I must say, I love your blog!! 🥰
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roombagreyjoy · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Learn to know your mutual and followers! x
Sleep. I really, really appreciate my sleeping time. Would like to be able to get more than four or five hours of rest a night someday. Damned responsibilities…
When I finally find a new book/show that really catches my attention for more than a few hours. Basically something I can become invested in and/or be passionate about.
Good Hair Days. I'm not joking when I say a Good Hair Day makes a big difference on my mood.
I don't know... kittens?
When the sky is beautiful and the clouds are actually... good... like... not bad clouds. I don't know how to explain it but clouds that are like... pgbshshsh make me so unbelievably angry.
This was nice. Thank you. :)
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freddie-mercurys · 5 years
Pass the HAPPY! 🌠☄ When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy! And then send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! ☄☄
1. Good music
2. Hanging out with friends
3. Good food!
4. Freddie’s smile 😍😍😍
5. Sleeping in
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willgaham · 5 years
hello there! I was wondering, if you have the time, could you maybe do crowley icons with the genderqueer flag colors (green white and purple) please? I really love all your edits I’ve seen! Hope you’re having a lovely start to your week 😊
hi, sure: x
hope you like them! thanks, you too!! 
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isitstraightvodka · 5 years
Kris 🥰 xxx
leather pants, bold piercings, a kind heart xx
send me your name, your fave emoji and i’ll associate you with three things!
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rushingheadlong · 5 years
Hello there! Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I’m your Queen secret santa and I’ve posted your gift (tbh I don’t trust tumblr to properly notify people when they’re tagged in things so I figured I’d tell you myself lmao) Have a great day love!
!!!!! I did see the notification and I’m looking at it now and oh my gosh??? Your moodboards are so beautiful, each of them is absolutely gorgeous and I might be tearing up a little like they are just PERFECT seriously thank you so so so much!!!!!!
(also I followed you back from my main @willowenigma !!!)
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transeliot · 5 years
i didn’t go on anon bc I’m not a coward
good I wouldn’t have it any other way
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hi there! if possible, could you ship me with one of the Queen boys? (thank you!) I’m 5’4” with short brown hair, with a kinda androgynous look. I study international affairs and I’ve been told I’m well suited for it because I’m stubborn, passionate, and not afraid to speak my mind. I’m also sarcastic and mischievous. Not the best at talking about emotions. I can be anxious meeting people for the first time but once I know them I never shut up. I’ve mastered fake it til you make it confidence.
Okay. This is a first for me, because I’ve never gotten Freddie vibes off of anyone in my entire life, but I got them from this ask (which is why i messaged you.)
Tumblr media
So Freddie! He loves that you aren’t afraid to put him in his place and keep him there. And you won’t back down or bend at anything ridiculous he tries to put past you. He supports your career whole-heartedly and wants you to be as happy as possible. Also, the stage presence you two have together is absolutely captivating (the Champs of Fake It Til You Make It) 
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70srogertaylor · 5 years
Happy birthday love!!! I hope you’ve had a lovely day because you deserve everything great in this world🥰💕
Oh my god kRIS THANK U SM 💓🥺
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