anakinsbunniee · 3 months
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Farmer!Anakin who couldn't be happier with the little life he has with you:3
When Anakin was in his highschool years, he never really liked to think about his future. It wasn't because he was scared or because he had no plans, rather it was because he couldn't see himself anywhere in a few years.
Whenever his teachers would ask about where the class would see themselves in the future he laid his head on the table, ignoring whatever they would say to him after that. Their words went in one ear and immediately left out the other.
Yet, everything changed when he was in college and had seen you for the first time. A nice, soft-spoken girl who he had met at a house party of one of his friends. Ever since he saw you helping a small kitten outside the house because it was raining he was in love.
Your personalities may have not exactly fit together, but he didn't care. A little while after he got to know you, his eyes had been opened – he could finally imagine a life for himself.
A while after you had started dating, he immediately used some of his saved up money to move out of that gross orphanage he was raised in to buy himself a farm far away. It wasn't like it was a stupid idea, Anakin already knew a lot about farming due to his mother, Shmi, teaching him everything about it before she died.
„Hey baby..I got us some new baby sheep from our neighbour.” He murmured when he entered the space you both called home, happy to be greeted by you standing at the door with your baby at your hip every day.
He wraps his arms around your waist and leans down to kiss you on your soft forehead before picking your little babygirl up into his arms, smooching her on her cheek when she reached out to him. “Hey baby..” he mumbles to her.
Usually after loooong days of Anakin being gone all day to work around the house, he's exhausted. He wants to just sit down on his couch in front of the TV with a beer in his hand instead of having to bother about more chores. Yet, there's always you who's begging to get fucked after a long day of getting ignored.
With you standing there in front of him with that short, red and white chequered skirt, fumbling with the hem of it while asking him to finally show attention to you again he can feel his heart aching. Yet he'll still deny you for a long time, pushing you away from in front of himself to see the news on the TV until he has had enough of your attitude.
The moment you snap at him with a “you don't even love me anymore!” you knew you had fucked up. The way his eyes darkened when he got up, towering over your shorter frame as he grabbed your arm had your heart sinking to the pit of your stomach.
At the end of the night he would have you on all fours on the bed, moaning for him while he's pounding into your cunt from the back, pushing your head into the pillows and only letting you up every few minutes to get some air:(
“Yeah? I don't love you? Cmon say that again..” he chuckles while basically putting all his strength into his thrusts. He grabs your chin and turns your head towards him, cooing at the tear streaks under your eyes.
“s'good baby..you wanted this didn't you? Wanted aaaall of daddys attention and now that you got it you're being ignorant.” he mumbles, nastily kissing those tears away.
“It's fine..I'll teach you how to be grateful again.”
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phoenixkaptain · 1 month
Canon straight ships in Star Wars always crack me up like
You have Mutually Obsessed and Making That Everyone Else’s Problem (anidala)
Or maybe you want Roguish Princess and Rogue Turned On By That (hanleia)
Maybe even a little “I’m Trying to Kill You, Stop Daydreaming About Being My Best Friend” (lukemara)
And over there in the corner is Only Considered Normal In Comparison to the Given Competition (obitine)
And outside, not even apart of the conversation: Actually Normal Human Beings Who Just Love Each Other With Little to No Murder Being Involved (Bail&Breha, Owen&Beru)
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Watching Revenge of the Sith with the context of Clone Wars makes the scene with Anakin asking Yoda for advice all the more ironic.
Like...Yoda. You know this man. He will kill six people, make a joke, and claim he’s fine. He’s still in denial of his feelings for Padme. Every week he finds a new red flag to wave off. If he is at the point of actually asking for help with his mental state, it’s bad.
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kingdomvel · 4 months
A Gift exchange
Stardew Valley au | farmer Anakin | Town doctor Obi-Wan
As he does most mornings now, Anakin takes Obi-Wan’s empty milk bottle from his doorstep and exchanges it for a full one from his cows. He wakes up early every day to milk his cows and come to the town early enough to beat the milkman to the bottle. Or most days. There are days when the animals need extra attention and he can’t get to the town early enough, or at all, but most days it’s Anakin’s cow’s milk Obi-Wan is drinking, and he also leaves some eggs and vegetables often for him.
Anakin is still crouching, empty bottle in his hand, when a sound makes him freeze. The front door to Obi-Wan’s house and clinic has just opened. Immediately to his right.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan says. And Anakin doesn’t answer, trying not to look as mortified as he looks as he feels at being caught. Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan, and what he finds in his face is a bit confusing. There is surprise, but he also looks like he expected to see him here and is pleased to be right.
“Uhh… good morning. I was just-“ Anakin gestures with the empty bottle in his hand. Purses his lips. Looks away. Looks at Obi-Wan again.
“Leaving milk for me before the milkman comes like you do most days?” Obi-Wan asks.
“I… guess. How did you know?”
“You know I do have to pay for the milk, right? The moment he told me that he was not the one leaving the milk for me every day I immediately thought about you.”
Anakin’s heart jumps in his chest, because Obi-Wan immediately thought about him.
“I will have to pay you for it, of course.” Obi-Wan says, and puts his hand inside of his pocket.
“What? No! I don’t want you to pay me.” Anakin exclaims, finally standing up so he is at the same level as Obi-Wan.
“It’s the product of your work, I need to pay you.”
“Well I don’t want you to. It’s a gift.”
“I assume the eggs and vegetables are also gifts from you?”
Anakin shifts his weight between his feet, purses his lips so he can take a second to answer. He didn’t know Obi-Wan had also put that together.
“Well, yeah.”
“Anakin I have not done enough to deserve so many gifts.” Obi-Wan says, and he may be right, but Anakin can’t really say I wanted you to pay attention to me and court you but I didn’t know how to so this is the best thing I could think of.
“You have taken care of me.” He settles on saying. And it’s true, Obi-Wan did his check-up, and has taken care of him when he has overdone it because of the sun a few times.
Obi-Wan sighs and shakes his head, like he is resigning himself to not argue more, but still doesn’t agree with him.
“Wait here for a second please, I have something for you.”
“Wait, you don’t-“ Anakin starts to call out, but Obi-Wan is gone inside his house before he can say anything more.
Anakin waits, and wonders if maybe he should allow himself inside to wait. A woman across the street is looking at him, and she doesn’t return his wave. When the milkman arrives and shakes his head with a smile at Anakin as he passes the clinic, Anakin decides to let himself in. He is just closing the door after him, one empty bottle in one had and one full one in the other and wondering what to do with them, when he hears Obi-Wan coming down the stairs and he appears in the corridor a couple of seconds later.
“Oh, I left you outside, excuse my manners.” Obi-Wan says from behind a black box. He leaves the box on a side table, takes the bottle of milk from Anakin and leaves it next to it. He takes the box again and offers it to Anakin.
“This is for me?” Anakin asks eloquently.
“Yes. You can open it.” Anakin does as Obi-Wan continues talking, “it’s not much, really, but I thought that maybe you wouldn’t wear a hat because you didn’t have one and, as I understand, this is what people wear in Tatooine farms-“
Anakin stares at the cowboy hat inside the box, lifts it carefully to take a good look at it. It’s dark brown, the sides lifted slightly. The material feels good in his hands and when he puts it on it fits him perfectly.
“You got this for me.”
“Yes. I’ll understand if you already have one and just don’t like wearing it, but I honestly think you should wear a hat when you are out in the sun, I hoped this would be an incentive.”
It IS an incentive, because if it’s a gift from Obi-Wan, Anakin doesn’t think he will take it off again. Wearing the hat will be a reminder that the man thinks about him, cares about him in some degree. Anakin did have a hat like this back in Tatooine, but the material was not that good and he had lost it when he moved here. He had looked into buying one, but the cost of the shipping alone was too much for Anakin, still trying to get the farm going again, which reminds him…
“I can’t accept this,” Anakin says, taking the hat off, as much as it pains him.
“Why not?” Obi-Wan asks, genuinely confused. He doesn’t make a move to take the hat from Anakin’s offering hands.
“It must have cost you a fortune getting this here, it’s too much.”
Obi-Wan waves his words off with a gesture. “Take it as an exchange for all the things that you leave at my door. And it wasn’t that expensive, a friend of mine came back from Tatooine not too long ago and he brought it with him.” Obi-Wan puts one of his hands on top of Anakin’s with a smile, and Anakin’s heart skips a beat. Anakin relaxes his hands under the touch. He hadn’t realised he was holding the hat so hard. “Please, accept my gift, so I don’t have to constantly worry about you out in the sun when the weather is warm.”
“Okay,” Anakin agrees, “but you will tell me if you need anything, no going back to the store for things I can provide you with.”
“Deal,” Obi-Wan says, “but please lower the amount of eggs you leave at my door, I’ve run out of things to do with them and room to store them.”
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girlscience · 5 months
I know everybody likes to give characters the same 10 songs on their character playlists, but I think the most egregious issue with this is that no one gives them any country songs. I am handing them out to characters like candy. You get a country song, you get a country song, you get a country song.
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solarlotus · 2 years
I'm so in lust with this man. Hot then, hotter now, because now he's sexy as well as pretty! Yes please, more Hayden in every sense.
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Obi-Wan, staring up at the Huge Orange Moon in the sky: You know that means-
Anakin, immediately: Werewolves.
Obi-Wan: -it'll be hot tomor- what? No???
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sw5w · 9 months
A Mother Kisses Her Son Goodbye
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:15:10
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moonofiego · 1 year
anakin skywalker verses !
main verse ! this verse is all about canon, so from the phantom menace to revenge of the sith, passing by some stuff from the clone wars. it's set before his fall ! so jedi general anakin skywalker— or padawan. unless specified, this is what i'll be mostly going with.
time travel verse ! anakin was sent into the past before the final events of revenge of the sith, so that he could see just what ( will ) happen if he were to make such a decision. so this verse includes : him being sent into the future as well as him coming back from the future and wanting to change things ... or let it fall into places without doing anything to change it.
darth vader verse ! padmé is dead, and so is his child ( not ) . the hero of the republic doesn't exist anymore, and is now known as a monster— more machine than man. this follows canon until his death in return of the jedi.
tatooine farmer verse ! anakin was never taken by qui-gon jinn to the temple, and instead kept in living in slavery with his mother until cliegg lars bought the two of them. soon, he came to consider the man his father as he married his mother. he lives on the farm, never knowing that his life could have been very different. he also does whatever he could to end slavery on tatooine, with powers he doesn't fully understand.
modern verse ! anakin is a mechanic, but it wasn't always the case as he was promised a florishing career in the army ... until his arm got blown up and he was sent back home.
what if verse ! anakin didn't fall and now gets to raise his children, and become a jedi master at some point.
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theysparked · 2 years
isms star wars tag drop
#*   &.  isms. ahsoka tano  /  we were taught to be keepers of the peace#*   &.  isms. anakin skywalker / darth vader  /  i am my greatest nightmare#*   &.  isms. armitage hux  /  fingers caked red and tongue as sharp as a knife#*   &.  isms. captain rex  /  good soldiers follow orders#*   &.  isms. cara dune  /  we fight to honor the ones we lost#*   &.  isms. cassian andor  /  rebellions are built on hope#*   &.  isms. cere junda  /  the struggle is the test everyone must face#*   &.  isms. grogu  /  a child with an old soul who’s seen far too much#*   &.  isms. dyn djarin  /  weapons are part of my religion#*   &.  isms. galen erso  /  anyone can make the right choice with enough courage#*   &.  isms. k2so  /  old droids can learn new tricks#*   &.  isms. leia organa  /  there are things that can never be taken from me#*   &.  isms. millennium “millie” falcon  /  she’s got a few surprises left in her#*   &.  isms. obi wan kenobi  /  a fate destined for infinite sadness#*   &.  isms. owen lars  /  a farmer takes care of his own#*   &.  isms. padme amidala  /  strike my voice down and thousands more shall rise#*   &.  isms. poe dameron  /  we are the spark that will destroy the first order#*   &.  isms. r2d2  /  he has seen the rise and fall of the greatest dynasty#*   &.  isms. rey kenobi  /  i am no one. i am all the jedi#*   &.  isms. trilla suduri  /  i’m stronger now because of the pain
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demilypyro · 4 months
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Love how this is phrased. Like Palpatine cooked up Darth Vader in the oven using fresh Anakins from the farmer's market
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st4rfckerz · 7 months
Farmboy | Farmhand!Anakin Skywalker x Farmers!daughter
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word count: 4.1k
warnings: MDNI 18+, oral (male receiving), face fucking (if you squint), unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, slow(ish) buildup, not proofread
summary: Anakin is your family's farmhand and after inviting him to dinner, you can't keep your hands to yourself
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Your family owned a farm out West, not far from the outskirts of town. It was quiet, as farms often are. The land was hilly, rolling out as far as you could see. The sun was shining, and the blue sky was bright with few clouds in it. The sound of horses and the wind rustling through the trees was all you heard. The air was crisp, and there was a slight tang of wildflowers.
Anakin was one of the farmhands that your family had hired a few months ago, a man who was quiet but skilled. As one of their hired hands, he was responsible for helping with the maintenance of the farm's livestock and machinery. His primary role was to ensure everything ran smoothly, which meant keeping the animals fed and watered while fixing broken machinery when needed.
It was midday when you approached him in the garden shed with a worried expression on your face. "Ani, I need your help. The sheep pen collapsed, and I can't find any tools nearby." Panic was evident in your voice, hinting at the potential consequences of leaving the sheep unattended for too long. Anakin followed you back to the dimly lit barn and you found the sheep wandering around their stalls, bleeting softly.
"I see," he muttered looking at the pen, he glanced over where the sheep were grazing. "I hope nothing else broke." he says under his breath, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of damage. He walked forward, whistling for the sheep that were scattered, and they came to him. He began leading them towards their pen, some were very fussy about it and didn’t want to go, yet he remained calm and gentle.
"Don't worry, I'll fix it," Anakin assured you, stepping over the fence and rummaging through the debris left by the fallen wood.
"You need me to help with anything?" you stand near him awkwardly, not sure what to do.
“Nope. I got it under control,” He said calmly, continuing to lead the sheep. You admired his patience and his ability to stay so level headed. "You can just sit there and look pretty while I get this done." Anakin shoots you a slick smile that makes your insides turn a little.
"I won't be bothering you?" you ask as you sit down on a bale of hay.
"You won't be bothering me at all sweetheart," He says, his eyes traveled over your body and he smirked at you. "You can be my moral support." He leans against the aged wall of the barn. His stance was relaxed, very casual as he was being nonchalant, but with you he was a little different. Something about you made him like this.
Anakin couldn't help but notice how good you looked in their simple dress, its hemline brushing against your thighs, revealing just enough skin to drive him wild. The sunset cast a warm, golden light over your body, creating a delicate glowy outline around your figure. It was almost like the sun was wrapping itself around you.
"You know you could stay for supper if you'd like," you suggest, breaking the silence of the barn. "I'm sure my folks won't mind." He watched as you leaned back on the bale of hay, and he couldn't help but notice your dress riding up a little. It was a small thing to notice, but he saw it.
Your dress wasn't that short, by any means, but the way it rode up on your legs was enough to make Anakin notice you. His gaze drifted down to your legs, and back up to your face.
"Oh I don't know, I don't wanna intrude or anything-" You smiled and cut him off, stopping him in his tracks.
"Please Ani? Just this once?" You walked over to him, and with that sweet tone in your voice, you were playing him like a fiddle. It was clear that your invitation was genuine, you wanted him to stay so you could keep his company. He smiled at you and looked away from your eyes for a moment. When he looked back at you, he was slightly speechless. The words were caught in his throat, and he couldn't speak, he wasn't used to someone that could make him flustered.
"Well, alright I s'pose I could join you." Anakin smiles. "What's mama bear fixin' up tonight?"
he smirked at you, his expression was playful, but you could tell he was serious. You laughed lightly at the silly nickname he often uses for you mother.
“She’s making beef stew, with biscuits. All from scratch, too.” you explain. "And there's fresh apple pie for dessert." His smile showed he was interested, and he couldn't help but admire your beauty. You looked like a little doll, with sweet doe eyes that could disarm any man.
"Then I'll be there." His voice had a masculine yet flirty quality to it, and it sent shivers down your spine. It was like music to your ears.
"Good, I'll see you later farmboy." You tease, knocking his hip with your own as you walked past him. You felt his eyes devouring you whole, looking at your sweet face and the sway of your hips.
As he continues to fix the pen, he can't help but think about the upcoming dinner. He's never had dinner with you and your family before, so he wondered how it would go. He didn't know if he'd be welcome, but you said they wouldn't mind, and you're pretty much like a little princess in their eyes so it shouldn't go wrong at all.
The evening rolled around, you were sitting at the table waiting for him, ready for the dinner to begin. Your family was already seated around the table, discussing various things. They all seemed pretty jovial, and you could hear the occasional laughter, as well as bits of conversation.
You looked around and expected to see Anakin walking through the door at any second, yet he was a bit late which was out of character for him.
Just as you thought he might've bailed last minute, Anakin's voice draws your attention towards the door, where he was finally walking in. His expression had a hint of embarrassment, since he was later than he thought he'd be. He had a shy yet sheepish look on his face, as if he expected you or your family to reprimand him.
"Sorry," he said quietly, looking at you, "I'm a bit late."
"Ani! I was afraid you flaked out on us." you joke as you abruptly got up from your seat to greet him. When Anakin saw you get up and come closer to him, he was initially confused as to why. But then you envelope him in a tight hug, catching him completely off guard. He didn't know how to respond, as he was taken aback by your show of affection.
"No, I'd never do a thing like that." he responds.
He hugged you back, his hands squeezing you tightly as you felt his body pressing against yours. He was caught by surprise, and he didn't expect you to show any affection. His body stiffened up as you hugged him, as he remained still.
However, he felt a wave of warmth rush through him and it caused him to relax into the hug. He wrapped his arms around you, feeling a new feeling of closeness between you both.
"Come eat, there's plenty of food." You let go of the embrace, but you still keep your hands on him, dragging him to the seat right next to you. He didn't hesitate to follow you, nor did he show any opposition. You both sit down, with you being right next to Anakin. You pull yourself slightly close to him, close enough that he could feel it.
Anakin's eyes look up at your father, his expression showing a bit of anxiety. Your father smiles warmly at him, and welcomes him to the table. Anakin smiles back in response, looking down at the table a bit. Your father proceeds to sit down, as does the rest of your family. The dinner proceeds like normal, everyone engaging in conversation with one another.
"So Anakin, how's everything been?" your father asks, his aged, gravelly voice booming throughout the room.
"I've been quite fine sir, same old news." Anakin says, smiling a bit as he takes a bite from his biscuit.
"Anakin fixed the sheep pen today." The conversation shifts as you interject, causing Anakin's attention to look up. Your words get everyone's attention, as they all look at Anakin, who is sitting to the side.
"Oh, did he?" your father says, looking at him. Anakin's ears pick up, and he looks over towards you. Your father continues, "I'm sure the sheep are happy." He blushes slightly, nodding his head humbly as he looks at your dad.
Your mother pipes up with her own question, pointing the discussion in another direction.
"So Anakin, what do you do in your free time?"
Anakin answers, keeping his tone relaxed and level.
"Nothin' too special really," he says, taking a few moments to respond, "Just hang around, or fix things. Y'know how it is." He's cordial, polite, and has a soft attitude.
He treats you with respect, yet his attention keeps flicking back towards you again and again, as if he was drawn to your charms. You felt as if you were a magnet to him, as he always looked over at you after he said anything.
As you lean forward to grab the salt, your fingers brush against Anakin's thigh under the table, a subtle gesture that sends a thrill through both of you. He raises an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He knows exactly what you're doing. You quickly return to your seat, trying to hide your flushed cheeks under the low light.
"The food is really good mom." you smile sweetly at her. While you speak, your fingers graze along Anakin's growing bulge under the table, a subtle hint of your growing attraction.
Anakin's eyes meet yours for a brief moment, he swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure as he continues the conversation. The tension between you two is palpable, yet unnoticed by the rest of the family.
Dinner comes to an end, and your mother presents a homemade apple pie for dessert. The family cheers in appreciation, and you can't help but smile at the delicious aroma wafting through the room. The scent of apple pie creates a cozy atmosphere that wraps around you like a warm blanket. Anakin compliments your mother on the meal, his eyes never straying far from yours.
As everyone digs into the apple pie, you feel Anakin's hand gently slide in between your thighs under the table. You try your hardest to suppress the smile creeping onto your face, the connection between you two growing stronger with each passing moment. The dessert is sweet, but it's nothing compared to the warmth you feel inside.
When you finish eating your piece of pie, you stand up and gather your plate and utensils, turning to head towards the kitchen sink. Anakin follows closely behind. You work side by side, the clinking of dishes echoing through the kitchen.
Anakin's hands are large and rough from farm work, but they move gracefully as he washes the dishes. He looks at you, his expression calm but also full of appreciation.
"It was nice having dinner with your family." he tells you, "thanks for inviting me over."
You give him a smile and use a nearby towel to wipe your hands. "It was no problem, they enjoyed your company." He smiles back, his jaw firm but his eyes showing that he was genuinely pleased.
Just as your family enters the kitchen with their now empty plates,  you lean in close to Anakin, your voice barely above a whisper. "Meet me in the barn in five minutes." you say, your eyes filled with anticipation. Anakin's gaze locks onto yours for a moment before he nods, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Your father approaches, engaging Anakin in conversation about the farm and the upcoming town festival. You turn to your mother, your cheeks flushed but your voice steady. "I'll be right back, I just need to check on the chicken coop."
Your mother doesn't seem to suspect anything unusual since this was usually the time you'd check on the chickens anyway. "Take your time, dear. We'll be in here for a bit longer." She waves you off, her smile warm and understanding.
You wait for everyone to settle down before slipping out of the house, making sure to lock the door behind you. The moonlit night casts a pearlescent glow over the yard, illuminating the path leading to the barn. You hurry inside, your heart racing with exhilaration.
Anakin watches you leave, his eyes never leaving yours as you exit the house. He knows what's coming next, and he can't help but feel a whirlwind of trepidation. The anticipation killing him, but he forces himself to continue the conversation with your father, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him.
Finally, your father finishes his glass of sweet tea and stands up, nodding goodbye to Anakin after he explains that he should be heading home.
The sound of crickets and distant frogs filled the air as Anakin walks towards the barn, his boots rustling against the grass beneath him. He approaches the old barn slowly, his heart racing faster than a stallion at the starting gate. He takes a deep breath before opening the door, the creak of the hinges echoing through the night. He called out your name softly, his voice tinged with anticipation. The barn is dimly lit, with the moonlight filtering in through the cracks in the wooden walls.
As he stepped inside, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. You were there, your eyes locked onto his.
"Hi." you say softly, your voice tinged with a hint of mischief. The barn feels smaller now, the air thick with tension. Your eyes lock onto each other, and the crickets chirping outside seem to grow louder. Anakin takes a step towards you, his confidence wavering only slightly.
"Hey," his tone is softer than normally, you could tell just from his voice he was nervous. His eyes are locked on you, scanning every inch of your body. "Your folks know you're in here?" he asks.
You shake your head, biting your lip to suppress your smile. "I told them I'm checking on the chickens." His eyebrow raises, a hint of amusement playing on his face.
Anakin clicks his tongue while shaking his head teasingly. "You shouldn't be lyin' to your parents sweetheart." He looks at you with a certain sparkle in his eyes, as if you made him feel special with a simple remark.
"Technically, I glanced over there when i was walking over here." you state matter-of-factly. Anakin steps closer to you, his fingers brushing the little strands of hair out of your face. His eyes never leaving yours. His touch is gentle, yet electric, making your heart race even faster. You step closer to him and you can't help but feel the pull between you two. The barn feels comforting and inviting, a secret haven away from the world.
"You look real pretty tonight." Anakin compliments sincerely, his hand still resting on your cheek. His thumb brushes against your jawline, sending shivers down your spine. You nuzzle your cheek against Anakin's big palm. "Thanks," you whisper, your voice barely audible in the silence of the barn.
Anakin's thumb traces a line along your lower lip, teasingly brushing against the corner of your mouth. His hand moves to your waist, his fingertips grazing the hem of your dress, sending electric currents through your body. Anakin leans in, pressing his lips against yours in a gentle peck. He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching for your reaction. Seeing your approval, he leans in again, this time with more intensity. His kiss is soft yet passionate, filled with a sense of longing.
The kiss intensifies, your lips pressing harder against each other, tongues dancing in a rhythm only you two understand. Anakin's hands slide into your hair, pulling you closer, his breath hitching in your mouth. You break the kiss, trailing your lips against the rough stubble along his jaw. He groans softly, his hand tightening on your hair.
"Been thinkin' about you all day," Anakin panted between breaths. He grips your waist to pull you impossibly closer as you continue to explore his neck with your lips. "You and that damn dress." His hands moved up to cup your breasts, massaging them roughly through the thin fabric of your dress.
You giggle softly, your teeth grazing lightly against his neck. "You're that worked up over a dress, Ani?" Anakin whines quietly in response, his hips desperately bucking in your direction. You pull back slightly, your eyes locked on Anakin's. His eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly dropped to your knees, your hands reaching for his belt buckle. He groaned, his hips rocking forward, his cock straining against his pants.
Your hands reach for the hem of his pants, slowly pulling them down, revealing his muscular thighs. You reach down further, your fingers brushing against the waistband of his underwear. With a quick tug, they fall to the ground revealing his thick cock, hard and ready just for you.
"You're killing me kid." He managed to croak out as you slowly wrap your hand around the base of his shaft, stroking it gently. You lean forward and kiss his angry red tip. It twitches in anticipation, leaking a small amount of precum onto your lip. Your tongue darts out, tentatively exploring the head of his cock, savoring the salty taste. You moan softly, your hands reaching down to cup his balls, massaging them gently.
Anakin's hands grip your hair tightly, his moans turning into groans of pleasure as you continue to tease him. "F-fuckin' hell," he growls, his hips rocking back and forth, pushing his cock further into your mouth. You stroke the part of him that doesn't fit into your mouth, your fingers gliding up and down his length. You can feel him twitching, his body trembling under your touch.
His cock pulses in your hand and his breaths come in ragged gasps. You gag slightly, your eyes watering, but you don't pull away. Instead, you take as much of him as you possibly can.
" 'M close- hold on, I'm- ah!" His cock twitches violently in your mouth, shooting a hot stream of cum down your throat. You swallow it unhesitatingly, eager to please him. Gazing up at Anakin, your eyes is fixed on his. He's panting heavily, his hands shaking slightly. His eyes are filled with admiration and desire. You can feel the heat of his gaze, and it makes you blush slightly.
"Come 'ere," he says, his voice hoarse. He pulls you to your feet, his lips crashing into yours. His tongue dances with yours, tasting himself on your tongue. His hands wandering over your body, cupping your ass and pulling you closer. As you kiss Anakin, you can feel him growing hard again, his cock pressing against your thigh. He slowly walks forward, guiding you towards the small tractor in the back of the barn. His lips never leave yours, his hands roaming over your body, exploring every inch. He moans into the kiss, slapping his big hand against the fat of your ass. "Turn around for me baby." he commands.
Anakin bends you over the tractor, and flips your dress up, exposing your pink cotton panties to him. He strokes the growing wet spot gently, his fingers grazing your bare skin.
"Jesus, she's practically dripping for me." he whispers, his voice filled with lust. His hands move to your panties, tugging them to the side, revealing your swollen, hot flesh. He licks his lips, his eyes locked onto your slobbering cunt. His cock pulses, ready to be inside you.
Anakin lines up his cock with your entrance, gently pushing in. You gasp, your body adjusting to his girth. He holds onto your hips, guiding himself inside you. He thrusts deeper, his cock filling you completely. You moan softly, your body quickly getting used to his size. "Thaaat's it, angel." he praises, his voice low and alluring. "Let me in."
His hips move slowly at first, his cock sliding in and out of you with ease. Your body responds, your cunt clenching around him, pulling him deeper. Anakin's breaths come in ragged gasps as he starts to move faster, his hips slamming into you, each thrust sending you further onto the tractor.
You cry out as he sweetly rolls his abdomen, his cock hitting your sweet spot with each movement. The tractor creaks under your weight, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the barn.
"Takin' me so good baby." he growls, you can feel his cock stretching you, filling you completely.
"M-more Ani," you beg, your voice hoarse. "Need more-"
"Yeah? You want more?" he rasps, his hands gripping the back of your neck tightly. Anakin pulls you up by your neck and your back is now pressed against his chest. He thrusts harder, his cock hitting your G-spot with every movement. You yelp in surprise, your nails digging into the arm he has wrapped around your shoulders to keep your body flush against his. "There you go, you can take it, I know you can."
"Needy little girl," he teases, his voice thick with desire. "Just couldn't keep your hands off me at dinner, shit, could've bent you over that damn table and fucked you raw in front of your folks if I wanted to."
You moan, your head thrown back, your body moving with his. Your walls flutter around him when you hear his vulgar words.
He chuckles, his hands gripping your neck tighter. "You'd like that wouldn't you? Oh, you're dirty." He turns your head roughly, his lips crashing into yours, kissing you messily.
His tongue duels with yours, his hands gripping your neck tighter, holding you in place. You moan into the kiss, your body trembling. "Ani- cumming, c-cumming!" You can't form any coherent words, your breath coming in gasps as you neared your climax.
"Let go sweetheart, I got you," Anakin's breath tickles the shell of your ear as he speaks. You cry out as your orgasm quickly wracks over your body, your cunt contracting tightly around his cock. "That's my girl, c'mon." His breath comes in ragged gasps, and sweat trickles down his forehead, his chest heaving. It takes a few more powerful thrusts for him to fully unload inside you, his cum filling you up completely.
He takes a moment to catch his breath, and carefully withdraws from you, his cock glistening with your wetness. He hastily pulls up his pants and adjusts himself.
"You did so good for me." he whispers, his voice filled with awe. He carefully fixes your dress, smoothing out the wrinkles. "You look even prettier now," he says, his eyes filled with admiration.
He reaches up, fixing your hair, his fingers grazing your face. "You best get back to the house," he says, his voice filled with concern. "You know I'll be here tomorrow."
You nod, your cheeks flushed, your heart still racing from your encounter with him. "Mhm," you hum quietly. He smirks, his eyes filled with mischief.
You smile, a blush spreading across your cheeks when he leans in and brings his lips to yours one last time.
Anakin leads you towards the barn door, his hand still wrapped around yours. "I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." he coos, his voice filled with promise.
You nod, your cheeks still flushed, your heart racing. "See you, farmboy." you say, your voice shaky. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze, and you step out of the barn, your body still buzzing from the encounter. As you walk away, you can feel his eyes on you, watching you every step of the way. You glance back, catching him standing by his truck, his hands on his hips, watching you walk away.
You enter the house, trying to compose yourself. Your parents were still awake, sitting in the living room, sipping on their drinks. They didn't notice anything amiss about you, thankfully. You made your way upstairs to your room, still feeling the evidence of your encounter between your legs.
You feel a thrill of excitement, knowing that Anakin will be waiting for you at that old barn, ready to have you whenever he wants.
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kingdomvel · 4 months
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shitty or artistic? you choose!
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anakinsbunniee · 2 months
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Having more silly thoughts about Farmer!Anakin!!
It was quiet. Too quiet. A few minutes ago before the air around you had turned silent, you heard and saw Anakin hammering against the fences outside while watching him from the little pink window of the kitchen. At first, he refused to paint it pink, but how could he deny the wishes of his wife who's also the mother of his sweet baby girl?
With a loud sigh, he turned around, looking at you inside the house. He throws the hammer back into his tool box and makes a little 'cmere' motion with his fingers. He seemed mad.
You put your baby into her crib, stroking her cheek one last time while she squeals, before quickly walking outside to your garden. Some of the lambs immediately run up to you, and with a loud giggle, you push yourself through the herd.
“Hun..you remember what you told me in the morning? Before I left for the market.” He asks strictly, holding you softly with his rough hands at your hips.
“Uhh..mhm hm! I told you that I love you and that I'll cook your favourite dinner tonight!” 
“Yeeees baby, but that's not what I mean,” he replies, trying to keep up his tough guy facade. You were just so sickly sweet; he could never stay mad at you.
With a sigh, he points towards the clothes line where your towels and some of his shirts are hanging. “You promised you'd get the clothes off and fold them together before I came back.”
"Awhhhh that, I forgot. I'm sorry..I was playing with the baby the whole time and completely forgot.” You mumbled, looking down a little.
To others, it would seem irrelevant. 'Oh, she didn't get the clothes and towel off, horribleeee’. But for you, it was bad. Anakin did everything for you. Paid the bills, worked around the house and farm, ect. Yet, you couldn't even remember to fold the clothes together.
“Sigh. It's fine, baby. I'm not mad, okay? Let's do it together, alright? We'll be faster that way.” He replied with a smile, wiping his hands with a cloth before putting it back into his pockets.
He lays a hand on the small of your back and leads you to the clothing line. When he noticed the tears in your glossy eyes he sighed. “Don't cry..I told you it's fine, alright?” He picks up the basket and starts to take the clothes and towels off the clothing line with you while folding them in the air. His muscles were just begging to get out of that tight shirt he was wearing:(
“See? 's waaaay quicker this way.” He commented, following you while you carried the basket back inside your little house you called home.
While you carry it upstairs, he goes to pick up your baby out of her crib in the living room, holding her softly while kissing her all over her chubby face. She squeals and reaches out for his collar with her small fists.
“Hopefully you don't grow up to be as clueless as your mama..” 
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skywalkr-nberrie · 3 months
I’m so done with the whining and groaning about the casting in TPM, like why not we get past the first glances, and focus on the story? Padmé was CANONICALLY a 14 yo girl, while Anakin was 9! It’s not that huge of an age gap, even if you “feel uncomfortable” with the visual aspect of it all. And at the same time, certain weirdos will think it’s more normal for this same 14 yo girl to have a crush on a 25 yo man, pushing 30?? Nah baby, what DOES make more sense, is for a kid to make a deep bond with another kid. And that’s exactly what happened with TPM Anidala.
Realistically, why would Padmé even acknowledge or give OW ‘special treatment’ beyond the gratitude of their business affiliation? She was only affiliated to the Jedi because of the Chancellor (at that time) Qui Gon and OW were assigned to her, to help aid the blockade in her homeworld. To Padmé, this is all only official business. However Padmé building a genuine connection to Anakin, a boy who has nothing to do with her work, her world, her position, and only sought to help her out of the kindness of his own soul and heart is a very valid reason to become attached to someone and feel a deep connection to them, that carried out for years to come in the future.
Anakin was interested in getting to know “Padmé”, he didn’t care that she was a “handmaiden” or a “farmer’s daughter.” Even after he found out she was a whole queen, Padmé was afraid that Anakin’s view of her would change, but it never did. He told her, he still likes her, if she still liked him (as a friend). Padmé was endeared by his genuine passion and optimistic view on life. Years later, Anakin is still that same kind and genuine kid, whom helped her in her times of deep despair but now she’s beginning to see him as a man. It was due to their already established deep bond/friendship/connection all those years that help take route in their love. It’s a gradual love story.
Nitpickers really gotta stop focusing on such trivial things like the casting ages “not adding up”, because It’s such an unserious complaint. Especially since in TPM, they’re not “in love” yet. They’re only two kids, forming their first real connection or bond to their fellow kindred spirit. Even Natalie P. says, that before meeting Anakin, Padmé was nothing but a “mask”. Completely void of her own desires and personality. She confirms that it was ANAKIN who broke her out of that repetitive cycle.
(Source: Star Wars Archives - 1999-2005)
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
I stumbled across your art and I love it but I'm afraid I have very little knowledge of Star Wars canon - I've seen all the movies but it's been a while, and I watched the Mandalorian with my parents but I haven't seen any of the other shows - so I think I am... a bit out of my element 😭 a little help?
dw bro i got u. so anakin is like space jesus and he gets taken in by the jedi, who legally can't marry, but he's kind of a slag so he marries the queen-now-senator he and his brother-father-bestie-master helped save 10 years ago, and she's also in love with him despite his numerous red flags. these red flags become a problem tho bc at the end of the war (theres a war btw. a star war if u will) anakin goes a bit delulu trying to save padme from dying in childbirth and goes evil, and padme dies of being sad anyway. BUT NOT BEFORE giving birth to twins who are given to anakin's step-brother and padme's best friend so anakin-now-vader doesn't find them
fast forward 19 years there's another star war between the evil empire vader helped found and the rebellion (good guys). leia (totally senator bail organa's daughter and not vader's) gets captured trying to deliver plans on how to blow up an evil empire planet-blower-upper. but she gives it to two gay droids who go find an even gayer farmer (luke) WHO'S ANAKIN'S SON who finds an old hermit man (gasp! it's anakin's brother-father-bestie-master) to save leia. then her planet gets blown up. but they still save her with the help of an ebay scammer and his carpet friend and then they blow up the blower-upper yayyy
luke then wants to get training but the old man died last movie so he has to get trained by a swamp guy but he runs away when his friends get captured by vader and then luke gets his ass beat and finds out vader's his dad. also the ebay scammer gets turned into a popsicle. and then hung up on a slug's wall, but it's okay cause luke's cool now and he and leia & co save the ebay scammer. then they have to stop a new planet blower-upper so they find some weird plushie bears, luke finds out leia's his sister & tells leia, luke goes to face the emperor and vader, once again gets his ass beat but vader saves him like the PTA mom he is and yayyyy empire down!!! new republic!! yayyyy
then the mandalorian's some years after that but season 3 isn't canon bc what really happens is din becomes mand'alor and marries luke. also some people will tell you there's a "sequel trilogy" but this is a lie, that was a mass hallucination
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