#Fanservant Prince Lindworm
novena-proxy · 2 years
Soo now that I have like 1 fanservant I guess I should like flesh him out a bit.
He has little fangs thier adorable
Valentines Gift:
"A flowercrown made of red and white roses given to you by prince lindworm, he warns you never to eat both the red and white flowers together or just nevermind don't eat any roses at all master!!"
Likes: I likes roses of all varietys, oh and Milk
Dislikes: lye and dragon slayers, they always tried to kill me when I was a lindworm thinking I was a dragon
Line About Siegfried "how interesting he's like me except he started out human, oh what he's a dragon slayer, well best to avoid him then"
Hes embarrassed about the stuff he did as a lindwrom ka know eating his first 2 wives, he tries hard not to be an asshole
He has mixed feelings about Siegfried as he's also a dragonlike servant like him so he's curious, but Siegfreids also a dragon slayers so he's cautious as well. He doesn't like dragonslayers he spend alot of his time as a lindworm avoiding them and old habits die hard.
single target NP, selfish damage dealer Buster/Quick deck, 2 Buster 2 Quick 1 Arts
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Ascension 1: Oh I'm more human now thank goodness. I did not enjoy being reminded of my time as a Lindworm. Also My tail kept bumping into things and my horns were rather inconvenient.
Ascension 2: oh my fangs, you think their cute. Why thank you master, that's very sweet of you to say.
Ascension 3: how do I look? I like having a lot of layers on it keeps me warm as I run a tad cool. You think it's suits me rather well ahh you are quite the charmer master
Ascension 4: I'm happy to be human again and you've helped me become that way. You've been very kind to me and put up with some of my … uh let's say eccentricities. Thank you very much master, let's go forward together shall we?
Default: Prince Lindworm is a character from the Prince Lindworm fairytale. His mother disobeyed the advice of a witch and as a result he was born as a Lindworm. He had a younger brother and being the eldest son he demanded a bride before his younger brother could marry. He ate his first 2 brides but the third bride on the advice of the witch broke his curse and turned him human.
Summoning Line: Hello, Caster class servant… well my name is not important, you can call me Prince Lindworm if you like. Also please keep your distance from me if I'm not needed.
(He's not mean and he doesn't dislike master he says this as he doesn't want to hurt them in his 1st most lindworm like ascension)
About the Grail: The Grail oh well I do have a wish for it, actually I'm split between 2 wishes one for my mother to have only eaten 1 flower or to have my 2 wives well not be dead.
April Fool: Rose-Type Servant Not quite a snake but also not really a dragon this servant likes roses he also his first 2 wives he feels quite bad about it. He still has some leftover dragon like behaviors so if he's ever acting odd that's probably why
Likes: I like roses of all varieties, oh and Milk any will do I'm not particularly picky.
Dislikes: lye, onions, and dragon slayers, they always tried to kill me when I was a lindworm they mistook me for a dragon
(Also sidenote he's not going to get married again he and marriage don't mix. He'll still be a devoted and good partner but he ain't putting a ring on anyone's finger)
If you have Merlin: oh there's someone here called the mage of flowers here! I love flowers roses especially, maybe we could talk about them! Ehh be careful around him he's a prankster and quite mischievous you say. I'll take that into consideration when I meet him. Thank you for the warning master.
If you have Diarmuid Lancer : A man with 2 spears approached me when I was in the cafeteria. He had a mole under his eye as well, He asked if mine was cursed. I told him no, as far as I'm aware it's just a regular beauty spot. He seemed conflicted about my answer. I think I may have upset him somehow.
If you have Siegfried: "how interesting he's like me except he started out human, oh what he's a dragon slayer, well best to avoid him then"
If you have Assassin and Caster Shuten: a girl with horns came up to me and said she heard I eat people, Oh it was so embarrassing and scary!! I only did it twice, I deeply regret it and I'm never doing it again. I hope she doesn't spread that across Chaldea. I don't want the other servants thinking I eat people all the time
If you have Marie (Caster and Rider) : I met the most delightful and charming white haired women. She said she's heard of my fondness for roses and invited me to try some Rose Petal tea with her!
If you Have Mori Nagayoshi: a very large man with sharp teeth was at the tea party with me and Marie. He's very… enthusiastic he said he'd let me try his Macha tea. I've never had it so I said yes, he seems like a passionate man. He's a bit intense but I think we'll get along alright.
If you have Rama: I met a man with long red hair and a sword who was talking about his wife. I mentioned my 2 deceased wives and my 3rd wife, he seemed so depressed after I mentioned my wives. I didn't mean to make him so upset. I hope he doesn't hold it against me.
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novena-proxy · 2 years
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Here’s some expressions for Prince Lindworm for @hasgudagudadoneanythingwrong if they ever wanna make any spite comics with him!
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Lindworm stats
Strength : C
Endurance : C
Agility : A
Mana : C
Luck : B
Alignment: Lawful Good
Rose Garden B : increase crit damage by 5% Serpents Skill B : increase Buster performance by 5%
Lindworm A: increase defense and buster crit absorption by 10%
Noble Phantasm: Drage Hage Av Ti Kjoler (Dragon Garden of 10 dresses) Rank B+
Anti Unit
5 hits
A single target buster np that deals damage to a single enemy and gives them a crit down demerit
Overcharge deals extra damage to female and dragon/dragonic enemies as well as bride of the dragon trait enemies
Skil 1 : Star absorb and attract up 3 turns
Skill 2: drain np gage of all enemies inflicts crit down for 3 turns
Skill 3: inflicts bride of the dragon trait onto a single enemy and increase Buster card effectiveness for 3 turns
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novena-proxy · 2 years
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since fgo isn't going to give us a sexy Summer male servant I'm gonna make a sexy Summer version of lindworm. I also am bad at drawing men soo
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Lindwrom stuff!
He smells like roses naturally and he uses almost all floral scented products like Lavender body wash and rose scented shampoo
He smells floral but not as strong as Merlin
Merlin always smells like a flower shop puked all over him
No allergies though he hates onions also he loves crepes
Is handwriting is good very fancy he has a habit of capitalizing the first 2 letters of his first name though
something he could go on about for hours is all the modern stuff he's learning about and roses of course he also knows alot about dragons and lindworms courtesy of being one
He gets lonley sometimes
His Least favorite animal is dragons they remind him of well himself
His love language is words of affirmation and hugs
The love language he prefers to receive is words of affirmation and acts of service
He's the type to sleep in till 10, not a morning person
His feelings on birthdays are complicated as he didnt celebtate them for awhile due to being a lindworm he's down to go to birthday party's and get others gifts but he doesn't mind if his own birthday isn't celebrated
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novena-proxy · 2 years
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after much hand cramping here is the final card art for Prince Lindworm
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novena-proxy · 2 years
More lindworm stuff
He and suzuka Gozen would be friends she'd teach him about modern stuff
He also has no idea who anyone is he was never super interested in mythology or history
If you have Suzuka Gozen: a fox girl complimented my hair earlier at leat I think it was a compliment I can't understand a word she says but she seems friendly
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novena-proxy · 2 years
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My hand hurts soooo much. Anyway ya know those traveling ces or whatever CE's have servants in modern clothing. This is Lindworms modern outfit.
Idk what he's wearing as a shirt under the jacket but idk rn.
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Lindworm Bond Lines
Bond 1: Are you heading out Master ? I'll go with you.
Bond 2: I'm sorry if I was rather rude to you upon my summoning. I was upset by being somewhat of a lindworm again and didn't wish to see you come to harm from me. Water Under the bridge you say. Good, good
Bond 3: Master I'm thankful you've put so much time into helping me and this place it's full of so many interesting people I'm happy you summoned me.
Bond 4: I spent a portion of life as a Lindworm so I may behave oddly at times please bear with me. Hmm you don't mind, in fact you think it's cute. Well what a odd person you are master
Bond 5: I have grown rather fond of you Master more than I expected to, and I hope we'll stay together for a long time master. This former dragon will go wherever you go.
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novena-proxy · 2 years
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Heres some more lindworm stuff the left pic is of his bride of the dragon trait symbol and the right is his glasses loops there not clear in the original art.
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