cinnamaldeide · 6 years
#Tag meme: Top 5 and Bottom 5
Following @hannibalsimago’s example, these are respectively my most and less popular fanfictions, according to their respective kudos :] thanks for the tag!
Your delight, my tolerance (2107 words)
Dropped bites often go uneaten (6051 words)
All manner of uncomfortable positions (10317 words)
Tea before the Cake (1614 words)
Dionysus Hall (4457 words)
Nothing beats omegaverses and multi-chapters, to no one’s surprise. It is also very important to see what has been beated, so let’s take a look at the less kudoed works as well.
-5. Animal I have become (418 words) -4. Pullin’ Me Backwards (494 words) -3. Apart at the Seams (411 words) -2. Beautiful Hands (1243 words) -1. Hunting Scene (1074 words)
Apparently, short works and not-explicitly-Hannigraham works don’t get much attention in this fandom. Also to no one’s surprise. To be fair, some of these are really not spectacular, despite my best efforts. Tagging @fhimechan, @mazephoenix, @niceven-silace, @littlethingwithfeathers :)
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red-earth-rising · 7 years
S4 #FannibalSelfRec
Filling in @hannibalficwriters self rec prompt, simply to cheer myself up since today is doom-y and gloomy.
The First Cold Day of October
A few weeks or months after surviving the Fall, somewhere up North, Hannibal and Will are carving a present for themselves. Until one day, they feel the first cold day of the season.
1. What does the piece mean to you?
I had, until recently, completely abandoned writing. I had half-started some series/ideas more than a year ago, but due to time I eventually gave up. After some unbelievably inspiring chats with @pragnificent​, I started very meekly to post a few ideas, here and there. This piece is the first “original” concept I explored in a non-draft format in over a year, and it has been absolutely massive for me.
Apart from it being monumental because I actually wrote it down, it is important to me because it deals with chronic pain. Which is close-and-personal. But also it is one of my more light-hearted Will and Hannibal stories; I am happy with where they are, in relation to each other, even if there are moments of struggle, consent issues and other unpleasantries. I adore them together in this fic, because they are still raw and potentially dangerous to each other, but they are willing to listen and act in whichever way makes the other happy, in the end.
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
Oh boy!
Will’s eyes focused on him. A gentle serenity eclipsed the frown. “You have been good. I never tell you that, but you have been so good since.” The thought broke.
“Since when, Will?”
“Since we eloped.” He allowed a smile, and Hannibal could feel the sun kissing his skin in the middle of the cloudy Autumn day.
It is more than one line, but fuck me I love them.
I LOVE all comments, adore treasure and hug them close, but I think Somethingeasy’s resonated with me in about every single level.
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
I... actually wrote a meta about that. Hannibal S4, Relative time & Relations, and this is my ‘realistic’ approach to S4. When it comes to entirely emotionally driven, Hannigram progression of forgiving one another and healing, tentatively, mind and body, slowly and occasionally painfully but always in love, well this series is where I put all my hopes and dreams in: https://archiveofourown.org/series/570961
I hope this was not too self-indulgent! This is the story link: AO3
In any case, thank you for bearing with me, and for every kudos, view and comment! And now back to writing...
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#FannibalSelfRec - Season 4
Scooting in just under the wire for @hannibalficwriters​‘s Fannibal Self Rec event!
I have to rec the work that is nearest and dearest to my heart.
Title:  Widow’s Walk
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Hannigram
Tags/warnings: case!fic, blood and murder everywhere! But also sexy time. Check the tags on the fic itself for a more detailed list. The sex scene isn’t until the final chapter so if you want to skip it, you’re not missing anything plot relevant.
1. What does the piece mean to you?
For me, this is my best stab at a post-season 3 arc. I’ve written some others like “The Apple Tree,” and “Whither Must I Wander,” but they felt more like personal flights of fancy. This fic feels more like an actual, plausible scenario... or at least as plausible as anything ever is in the Hannibal universe. I wanted it to feel very rooted in the world and the established canon.
And this is venturing into spoiler territory for the fic, but the whole thing with Scorpio looking like it was eating Mars is a celestial thing that actually happened during the summer that I was writing this. I watched it happen over the course of months... it was pretty amazing and I still think about it even now.
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
Favorite line:  “Dear Will, we are here with all the sanity and reality that we are ever going to be afforded by this world.” Hannibal replied, his smile parting to bare the slightest glimpse of his teeth.
And my favorite comment wasn’t really a comment, but @crossroadscastiel​ made a beautiful graphic when she recced this fic awhile back and I have treasured it ever since.
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
I want to see more exploration of Will’s character. I feel like we’ve only gotten warped peeks until now. And I want to see Hannibal being truly unguarded around Will.
But those two aside, I’d really like to see more of Alana, Margot, and Chiyoh.  Especially the latter. I feel like without one more season to round out her character, she feels very strange in the mix. Not like she’s a bad character or that I don’t like her... I just want to see more of what she’s about.
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weconqueratdawn · 7 years
#fannibalselfrec event - Hannibal season one
Thanks to @hannibalficwriters for organising this, I’m looking forward to checking out everyone’s recs :)
I nearly decided not to take part - I have problems with self-reccing, especially when I think something has received ‘enough’ attention. It just seems greedy. But that’s a) stupid and b) I have a story I want to tell about the writing of this fic.
I have literally only one (1) which qualifies. Others have strayed too far into AU-land to count as taking place in S1. That fic is *drumroll*:
Hannibal/Will ~ 57k words ~ Explicit
A Season 1 BDSM AU
Summary: What if Hannibal's sadistic tendencies only find expression through consensual BDSM relationships? Set in a Season 1 AU where Will is allowed to continue teaching, relatively undisturbed by Jack, and seeks Hannibal's professional help of his own accord.
The story I want to tell is how I went from not even thinking about writing, to writing something which juuussst about qualifies as a short novel (if we go by word count) in the same bound. (And how you can too! No, just kidding - I hate those kinds of terrible advice blogs. But stick with me, there’s things in this story which might be relevant for anyone reading.)
Before this fic, I wasn’t writing. Anything. Not only that, but I wasn’t even a frustrated writer who wanted to write but couldn’t. The idea of writing had never occurred to me. Sure, I was a frustrated creative person - I have been all my life, even since I was a very small child. Just before this fic, I had been studying fine art with a load of other adult learners and trying to engage with the contemporary arts scene in a fairly amateurish but genuine way. I would have described myself as an artist. My creative friends are sculptors and printmakers and painters. We had just finished putting on a group exhibition - just to see if we could - and were thinking vaguely of other things we might do together in the future.
Enter fandom. I had come to Hannibal post-cancellation and watched all three seasons breathlessly, then wandered around Tumblr reading meta and finding great fic and thinking WHY OH GOD WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS in a way which is familiar to anyone who has just Found Hannigram.
My gf is a fandom-savvy individual and we usually talk about our obsessions, whether they're shared or not. We came up with something which we found funny and which you most likely won’t - after steeping ourselves in Hannibal's god-complex we thought it would be hilarious to reduce him down to a common-or-garden bedroom sadist. He would make bad bondage puns and have a dungeon instead of a murder basement. Lololol etc. I even went so far as to refer to this as Fifty Shades of Graham, which if you know me, demonstrates how un-serious I was about it.
I DID NOT INTEND TO WRITE THIS is what I am trying to say. It was a joke, a bad one, and a private one. I never intended to be a writer* at all. 
Because apparently, unbeknown to me, that’s what I’ve been all this time. Secretly, under the surface somewhere. And what I think is this: I just wasn’t ready to be a writer before. I wasn’t ready to discover this about myself. The things that I did before - all the visual art, all my academic studies and crap jobs - all have, in differing and subtle ways, all fed into this part of me which wasn’t ready to come out yet. 
And I also think that this is happening to all of us. It’s just as true for you as it is for me. We all have hidden pockets of potential, things even the most self-aware of us do not know about, or refuse to look too closely at. Those pockets might not lead directly to anything life changing, they may be paths to other, deeper and more difficult to find pockets. Or simply to activities and interests we find enjoyable, a way of doing something just for ourselves or of meeting people we need in our lives.
A wise person on the internet said “follow the rabbit-holes”. They all lead to the same place anyway, and the easiest path there is the one of least resistance. Follow that strange tug, dive in, see where it leads you without worrying about the destination. You might end up being very surprised.
*It took me maybe six months to start to feel I could use the hallowed word Writer when talking about myself, and now I can even tell complete strangers this without blushing and feeling like a fraud.
18 months later and I can't imagine not planning all my not-work time around writing - I think about it constantly. It nags at me when I’m prevented from doing it by other commitments. My weeks and weekends are based squarely around which project I'm working on and how much time I have until that deadline, self-imposed or not. I have so many projects lined up they are constantly being juggled and re-ordered so I can try to maximise my available writing time in the most effective way. I’m even looking beyond fandom and beginning work on an original novel. And it all started with this fic.
For the really curious, here is how Cathexis got written (under the cut):
I read even more fic (really amazing and intimidatingly good fic too) and even more meta and I thought more and more about Hannibal and Will’s complex dynamic. The BDSM AU became less of a joke and more of a place where that could be explored without getting too tangled up in the difficulties of Will’s relationship with Hannibal. I thought about it often. There was so much discussion and activity in the fandom that the idea of putting down your feelings in the form of a story didn’t seem so strange.
But still, it didn’t seem like that was the route for me. Until, one morning after Christmas, I woke up with dialogue in my head (those moments just before and after waking are so good for weird happenings like this). I didn’t move, didn’t do anything at all, before I wrote it down on my phone. It felt like a strange thing to do at the time - trespassing in a place I didn’t quite belong. It was a compulsion. I just knew I had to do it.
I had no idea if more would follow or if I even wanted more to follow. But more did. I wrote that down to, in the same place (which, by the way, was the note app *not* anything as official as a Google Doc - the very idea :0 !!) 
It took me maybe three-four weeks of this to brave the idea of doing something with the snatches of dialogue and scattered notes which had built up. They had become pieces of a puzzle which I needed to solve - until then, I knew I wouldn’t find any peace.
I had been talking with @wraithsonwingsposts​ about the show and had encouraged her to work on a fic idea she had been playing around with. She returned the favour and was so fantastic and supportive all the way through - and therefore, this is all her fault, as she already knows ;)
The rest of the story was the same for anyone undertaking a piece of writing - one word at a time, much time staring at a blinking cursor, a lot of editing. But overall, I think what got this written and completed was keeping my aims simple. The were 1) see it through to the end (i.e. solve the puzzle), and 2) try not to make a complete tit out of myself.
I know for certain I hit one of those goals.
Bonus: for the very-very-very curious, here is the original and un-edited version of the I wrote that morning (a version of which appears in Chapter 8), and the first thing I wrote since school:
"What kinds of things do you say when you... afterwards?" "I thought you found it too difficult to hear?" "I want to know. I can catch the odd word, but the way you say it... I like the way you sound." Hannibal hesitated for a tiny moment. Will smiled and said, "I thought it was for my benefit only you don't say it in English." Hannibal sighed and conceded, "Perhaps it's easier, sometimes." He moved closer to Will, made it almost impossible for Will to escape from what Hannibal had to tell him, and to study his face as he spoke. "I call you my darling, my lovely Will, so precious to me. I tell you how beautiful I find you, how complete my desire is and how abandoned you make me. I tell you that you are mine and belong to me, that I shall never leave you, that you have made me yours. I praise you, for being so very good, for indulging me, and for indulging yourself also. I tell you that you deserve it, and more, and I tell you I love you." Will went very quiet, almost not breathing. He had known what to expect but to hear it stated so simply was almost too much. Hannibal continued to look steadily at him, waiting. Will turned over suddenly, so he no longer could watch Hannibal's face, and pressed himself back into his body. Hannibal moved to accommodate, folding him arms around him and holding him tight. He brought his legs up so his thighs pressed into the back of Will's, and his ankles tangled with Will's also. They lay there for a few moments without speaking, bodies perfectly aligned. Will felt safe again. "If you wish to explore these issues, I have a suggestion. There are things you could wear, even in public, which could serve to remind you of my possession. Something more concrete than a bruise or a bite mark." Will considered how it might feel to have such a reminder, one he could feel wherever he was. An image came to him of a collar made of plain but good quality leather. It could be concealed under his shirts, especially if he wore ties. It would be slim but solid, with one heavy buckle to fasten it. He could almost feel it's weight resting on the back of his neck, like Hannibal had placed his hand there. Will opened his mouth to speak and then realised Hannibal was holding and touching his hand gently. The gesture was so soft and specific that Will had to look, to watch Hannibal's hands. Realisation dawned on him. Hannibal was meditatively rubbing small circles up and down in between the second and third knuckles of his third finger on his left hand. Will turned over to catch Hannibal around the shoulders and demanded, "Did you just ask me to marry you?"
Cathexis on ao3
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wormsin · 7 years
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A Mirror in the Dark by @wormsin set in a season one au, this fic follows Will’s descent into madness as he explores forbidden desires with Hannibal. the differences to canon are as follows: Will also identifies with the victims of crimes, he has obsessive thoughts, and there’s a new serial killer in town – the Marionette Murderer. 1. what does this piece mean to you? this is my first hannibal fic ever so it’s totally indulgent. I’ve thrown in all my favorite things – mirrors, blood, ropes, guro, horror, myth, the metaphysics of eyes and gaze and representation, dark erotica. i’m having so much fun writing it that i’ve written 100k words in <2 months 2. favorite line / favorite comment Hannibal’s eyes bore into him, no longer neutral, but glinting with intent and desire. “I see something I wish to polish to perfection.” comment by draculaitisi GIVE ME MORE SIN 3. research I extensively researched the use of mirrors and their symbology in mesoamerican culture, which is so fascinating. mirrors are a major theme in the fic and I am particularly enamored with a “black mirror”. the aztecs made mirrors from obsidian, and one of their major dieties is named after obsidian, or ‘smoking mirror’. in mesoamerica, mirrors were associated with the sun and fire (and flowers and butterflies, also associated with fire) perhaps because they used concave mirrors to start fires. they also wore mirrors as armor, deflecting not only physical attacks but psychic ones. @hannibalficwriters
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fragile-teacup · 7 years
#FannibalSelfRecs: Hannibal S4
This was a lovely idea. Thank you, @hannibalficwriters!
My self-rec is for The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
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It’s my take on post-fall Hannigram, written in three volumes (Volumes 1 and 2 are up on AO3 - Volume 3 is completed and will begin posting weekly during the @murder-husbands-big-bang). It also has timestamps. The rating for Volume 1 is Mature. From Volume 2 on, the rating is explicit.
What does the piece mean to you?
This was my first multi-chapter fic. It’s not epic-length but the characters go on quite the journey, both literal and emotional. I wrote Volume 1 shortly after S3 had ended and I absolutely LIVED it while I was writing it. It seemed to pour out of me (yes, that old chestnut, but it’s true) and I had the time of my life incorporating elements from the end of the Hannibal book AND tackling loose ends from the end of S3 (hungry, Bedelia?). Working on this series has sharpened my craft and allowed me to establish my ‘voice’. For Volume 1, @arkarti created the stunning picture that you see above. Volume 3 is being illustrated by another amazing artist. The first chapter of Volume 3 will be published in the @radiance-anthology. So really this series means everything to me!
What was your favourite line in your piece?
This is a really  difficult question to answer, so I’ll just pick something from the first and last chapters of Volumes 1 and 2.
Volume 1 Chapter 1...
‘Hannibal leans forward, pupils glinting red in the reflected glow of the ceiling lamp.
'The teacup came together, Will. For us, it seems, it always does.' And he smiles, a darkling thing.’
Volume 1 Chapter 10...
He's not coming.
Back in his room, Will surveys the bed morosely. His shoulder aches and he's ready to seek relief from the humiliation of rejection in oblivion. Shoes kicked off, shirttail tugged viciously free of his jeans, he flings himself down on top of the covers, gazing sulkily at the ceiling.
What now? Counting Wendigos?
Volume 2 Chapter 1...
Shit. Señora Méndez de Sotomayor, bearing down on him like an oversized flamingo on speed, all ruffled hot pink taffeta and skinny, flapping limbs.
Volume 2 Chapter 11...
Tugs gently at the strands caught between his fingers, tilting Hannibal's head back, and bends to drop one kiss, then another, on lips already softened in anticipation. 'But I seem to recall something about a bloody rampage across South America, raising holy hell.'
What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
A Hannigram kiss!
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hannibalsbattlebot · 7 years
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Thanks to @hannibalficwriters call for Season Four Self Recs, I’m freshening up a “classic” fic with a new photoset! The fic is a bit of quick angst set right after TWOTL called Different People In The Dark.
1. What does the piece mean to you?
This was one of the first pieces I wrote set post-TWOTL and it was really an attempt for me to start processing what a post-cliff life would look like for Will and Hannibal, especially immediately after.
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
I liked this bit:  
  "No. No no no," Will moaned. There were so many strands of meaning in it. Hannibal could appreciate it like a piece of music. Melody of sorrow, harmony of longing, and the strong rhythm of Will's beating heart keeping time, fiercely refusing to stop.
My favorite comment is always when someone quotes a line they especially liked.
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
Just to have new material! I can’t wait to see the plans Bryan has for these two and the entire gang.
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 years
Hannibal self rec - Caged in silver and iron
Tagging @hannibalficwriters  - thank you guys for all your work!
1. What does the piece mean to you?
When I was looking through all the fics I’ve written in the last 18 months (56 and counting... ) I wondered which fic I would like to self rec to people because any and all fics mean something special. In the Post TWOTL category (which is most of my stories) this one is special though. The first one (currently working on another one) that I wrote chapter by chapter and that... had a bit of a different pace to it, with insights into different characters. Explicit, yes, but also... strongly emotional. 
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
One of my favorite lines in it is this one:
„I meant to wake with you or not at all.“
Will says it, and even though I wrote it, it still breaks my heart somehow. While there are really a lot of hits on it by now and lots of beautiful comments as well, one of the main reasons for the big soft spot in my heart for it is that at RDC3 @rocioruizart came up to me, gave me a beautiful drawing and said “I had to do this for you on the plane, your story just touched me so much” (paraphrasing here, the blood was rushing in my ears quite loudly^^). It’s included as the final chapter in the story. I have that drawing on my wall next to the ad that Bryan and Hugh signed, and it is one of my most valued possessions - and will always keep this story in a very special spot.
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
The mind games, combined with their chemistry unleashed. Now -that- would be the dream. You know, like this just ... more.^^
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Hope you will like it!
Caged in silver and iron (28900 words) by Nalyra Chapters: 21/21 Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Chiyoh (Hannibal), Molly Graham Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Imprisonment, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Healing, First Time, First Kiss, Loss of Virginity, Anal Sex, Murder Husbands, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Sex, #FannibalS4Story, Slow Burn, Hunters & Hunting, Cottage at the end of the world, Cannibalism, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Blood, Dreams and Nightmares, Ravenstag, Possessive Behavior, Claiming Bites, Biting, I Love You, Killing, Tickling, Rimming, Truth, Fanart Summary:
Will threw them off the cliff, leaving their fates to chance. But chance has a funny way of being in other people hands, the decisions Chiyos this time, tired of being the little bird, deciding to be the one to clip their wings this time.
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avegetariancannibal · 7 years
Hannibal self-rec: “What It’s Like to Touch”
Thank you @hannibalficwriters
Fic link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6403594
1. What does the piece mean to you?
This was actually the first Hannigram fic idea that came to me, and the first one I started writing after joining the fandom, but far from the first I posted. This is a serious story, and the things I posted earlier were mostly cracky. I wanted to rec it for this month's theme because I still have a soft spot for it and it didn't get many hits the first time around.
2.  What was your favorite line in your piece?
He would have given nobody else the privilege of seeing him in pain, but he flinched without shame now.
Basically the fic has take-charge Will and Hannibal giving him what he wants, letting him explore/see/feel as much as he wants. 
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
I mostly want them to be upfront about their feelings. Like, they don't have to be all "I LOVE YOU, MONGOOSE O' MINE!" But hiding has to be off the table. When I wrote the fic, I wanted to write something that seemed like it could somewhat reasonably happen on screen, which is why there isn't a sex scene in it. I wasn't sure that would ever happen on screen in a hypothetical 4th season so I just hinted at it.
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#FannibalSelfRec: Season 4 - Sept 22nd-24th
I feel a little weird doing this, since I’m so new to, um...Fannabal-ing, haha, but...what the hell?
I think technically all my Hannibal fics so far have been post-WotL, but I’m gonna go with this one, since it was my first.  
You Are My Heart (Else I Would Cut You Out)
Ships: Hannigram
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-con, blood, mild mutilation
Summary:  Will is uncharacteristically dark and Hannibal is uncharacteristically accommodating.
1. What does the piece mean to you?
Well, it was my first Hannibal fanfic, and kind of got me out of a rather long writing rut.  I hadn’t written any fic in ages, but this just bounced around my head and would not leave me alone...as weird and dark stuff often does, haha.  So I wrote it mostly to...expunge it.  Still, I ended up putting a fair amount of work into it (looking up biblical passages in Latin? Really?) and...that made me feel pretty good about how it turned out.   
2a. What was your favorite line in your piece?
I’m forcing myself to answer this because I suck at promoting myself/giving myself compliments, haha.  So, if forced to actually admit I liked something I wrote, I guess I’d pick...
“We have already consummated, Will,” Hannibal said, pointing out the plain and simple truth, visions of black blood and dying dragons dancing behind his eyes.  “This, is merely a formality.”  
2b. What was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
I appreciate each and every one of my select few comments, haha!  But, if I had to pick, I’d probably go with the first one, left by WickerBag (I don’t think they’re on tumblr, or if they are I don’t know their url here)
“This was intense. Painful, breathtaking and beautiful in a twisted way.Your story stands perfectly as a standalone (the ending line omg!) but I also want to see where they go, if Will can ever excise the bitterness from his soul, how far Hannibal will let him go (very far I think), whether they can ever build something resembling a healthy relationship from this pile of shards.I hope you continue this and thank you for posting it. <3“
It meant a lot that they pointed out they liked my final line, because I’d agonized over it, and so I was just thrilled to hear it worked for someone!
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
Um...just having it?  Yeah, I’m not really one of those people who fantasizes and speculates on what the actual show would be if it came back, I don’t make wishlists or anything.  I’m not even 100% “Will and Hannibal better kiss!”...even tho I ship them so hard, and well, it’d be nice :-P  In terms of season 4, I’d just be excited to see the old gang back together, hopefully having as good a time as the did before, putting in just as much passion and effort as they did before.  So, yeah, I guess that’s what I’m looking forward to: seeing the cast and crew put all that love in that we saw before.
Okay, that’s it, hope I did this right!  Thanks to @hannibalficwriters for setting up such a cool event!
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cinnamaldeide · 6 years
#Tag meme
Tagged by the lovely @zigzag-wanderer, who gave the most interesting answers :o I hope mine will be at least not boring!
What is your total word count on Ao3? At the moment, around 53500. Wild, isn’t it? How often do you write? I aim to publish twice a month, drabbles aside, so I’m more or less always writing some thing or another. I wouldn’t say it’s any good to the quality of my production, but I certainly keep myself fit entertained :) Do you have a routine for writing? I open my English dictionary, my online translator, my gdoc, my Ao3 account, I systematically end up staring at Tumblr and my work magically appears. What are your favourite kinks/tropes/pairings? Given that I don’t clearly distinguish between kinks and tropes, I’ll say I like Omegaverse, Kid fics, Role reversal, Gentle Dom/sub, Orgasm control, Greek Deities, Different first meeting, Improbable alternate/alternative universe, Crossdressing, Genderswap, fics where characters are animals or asexual. I’m usually not into vampire AUs, but I do make exceptions. For all I might be confused on tropes and kinks, it’s however safe to say my favourite pairing is still Hannigraham :9 Do you have a favourite fic of yours? Rags and Bones has some sentimental value to me, I ruminated on that idea for years before actually writing it on impulse xD What is the the fic with most kudos? Your delight, my tolerance, with 166 kudos, immediately followed by Dropped bites often go uneaten, to my great joy ♥ Anything you don’t like about your writing? I never get commas right, I never seem to have a plot, I never use the right amount of adjectives, I’m incapable of writing porn or more than 3k words on the same subject-- I can keep going.
Tagging @mazephoenix, @active-imagination, @phenobarbitalfiction, @thenecronon, @xzombiexkittenx, @whreflections, @hannibalsimago
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Fannibal Self Recs
For @hannibalficwriters self-reccing S4 event!  I’m going to rec my fic When the Devil Smiles Back.  This skips ahead several years after WotL, but as we have no idea what the timeline of S4 might be, I figure it’s fair game!
Summary: Four years after his escape, Hannibal Lecter is once again imprisoned at the hospital in Baltimore. He’s the same as ever, except that he refuses to discuss Will Graham, who there hasn’t been a trace of in years. When the Buffalo Bill killings start, FBI trainee Clarice Starling is sent to interview him, and Hannibal has his interest piqued. But it’s not for reasons anyone would suspect, and as usual, his motivations are all about Will.
1. What does the piece mean to you?
This story is what properly dragged me into fandom, so there’s that.  But basically, after WotL, I was ecstatic, but I also wondered how on earth Clarice could fit into the TV verse now and have it feel satisfying for all characters involved, since Hannibal and Will are (rightfully!) together, and since a large part of Clarice’s story had already been given to Will.  I decided I could see Hannibal having a platonic fascination with her, without that diminishing her SotL story at all, and without taking any importance away from Will. Then I realized I actually had an idea for a fic in there, and that’s what this became.  This mostly runs alongside SotL, but it’s not a play by play, because Will changes the story quite a bit, but he also doesn’t take Clarice’s story away from her.  And Clarice, even though she doesn’t mean to, gets caught in the mystery of ‘what happened to Will’ (spoiler, he’s fine) as much as the mystery of Buffalo Bill.  And I enjoyed writing Murder Husbands manipulating the fuck out of everyone.
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
Some of my favorite lines are:  “Will and Dr. Lecter turned to look at each other in unison, perfect mirror images of movement. Will had a smile in his eyes that didn’t reach his mouth, and one brow slightly raised. Dr. Lecter’s expression was nearly identical, though it almost seemed to be in answer to Will’s own. It was a look shared between themselves, almost like a private conversation they couldn’t resist. Clarice had known that Dr. Lecter was fixated on Will, and had known that Will was involved with him in some way, but it wasn’t until that instant that she grasped their utter familiarity with one another.”
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
I want to see Hannibal and Will on the same side, more or less, and see how they navigate that.  They’ve been at odds in one way or the other so long, and I want to see them when they’re not fighting the pull each has on the other one.
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tiggymalvern · 7 years
FannibalSelfRecs: Hannibal Season Four - September 22nd-24th
Rec my own fic? Hmmm... Excuse to talk about something I dearly love? Oh, hell, yes! Out of the Depths. After the fall, Hannibal gets away and Will is left behind to deal with Jack, and the wreckage. What does the piece mean to you? Everything. This is the story that took over my brain and made me write again after almost eight years when I didn't. I saw the Hannibal season three finale in May 2016, and six weeks later, this turned up in my head and demanded to get out. I got to give Will Graham space and complete autonomy to get his shit together and use his intelligence and make some decisions about his life. I got to play with the canon dichotomy of Jack Crawford, a man who genuinely likes Will Graham and wants to insulate him from the worst consequences of his own actions (even when they include orchestrating Hannibal's escape), but will always use Will for his own ends when it's convenient. This is in many ways the least slashy thing I've ever written, because the two guys in love never meet, and have only brief and highly indirect contact. But Hannibal's always there, tangled through the whole story, and not just for Will. What was your favorite line in your piece? Isn't that like asking me which is my favourite child? Not that I have any, but...maybe: “And yet there you were, Hannibal the Cannibal just happening to escape while you were part of his security team,” she kicks back. “It’s funny how you seem to be the only one who survived that. Will you feel any guilt at all, when he starts murdering people again?” Because Freddie and Will snarking back and forth is always so much fun. What was your favorite comment that you’ve received on the work? The tags don't accurately describe the emotional roller coaster ride you take us on. You've captured perfectly the characters of both Will and Jack. The final chapter where Will turns the tables on his guards is worthy of any professional writer. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4? I don't know, I'm not going to set up a wish list that will never be completely met. But while the idea of more Hannibal is amazing, I'm also kind of scared? I have great faith in Bryan, but no one person has complete control over a TV series, and I'm seriously worried that a canon season four might not make me as happy as some of the fantastic fan scenarios that have been published over the last two years. Because some of the fan scenarios have been AWESOME. And thanks to this weekend and @hannibalficwriters, I have a bunch more to read once I'm back home later this week.
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kateera · 7 years
Season 4 Hannibal - Fannibal Self-Rec
This is for the self-rec prompt from the @hannibalficwriters. Thank you for doing this and giving us a platform to promote our writing!
Fic link: To Live With the Sea
Summary:  Hannibal prays for Will's life as they fall from the cliff and his prayer is answered, much to his surprise. This god of the sea has plans for Hannibal and Will is along for the ride, for now. Post Fall Alpha!Hannibal and Omega!Will
1. What does the piece mean to you?
 This piece was a challenge for me because I mixed in a god from Lithuania, ABO dynamics, and tentacles into a post fall fic. I wasn’t sure if I could actually pull it off or if it would be confusing and off-putting. (I’d never written anything close to this kind of kink). I’m pretty pleased with how every part works to still celebrate the bond that Will and Hannibal have. This story reminds me to stretch my muscles and not stay in my comfort zone.
2.  What was your favorite line in your piece?
His eyes turned gentle as he stared at Will. “It’s strange to feel the collar around my throat, but I have no desire to throw it off if it means losing you.”  (This line is everything that this story is about. It’s Hannibal accepting someone else’s control over his life, for Will, and only Will.)
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
I’m sure we’re all looking forward to seeing Hannibal and Will co-habitating but I’m also really looking forward to just seeing Hugh and Mads together again. I love their friendship :)
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FannibalSelfRecs Season 4
For @@hannibalficwriters , a group which I help run, to encourage everyone to rec their own works! 
I have a lot of post-fall fics, but I always try and rec this one because it’s one of my favorites but not one of my more popular fics. So, please read it, ya’ll. It’s one I spent more time on than most, and I’ll finish it someday. 
“Will’s hands curled around the edge of the granite countertop, it was smooth and cold under his hot skin. The kitchen was too clean for his tastes, all lines and grey and white elegance. Hannibal preferred it this way, however, and he was the one who spent more time in the kitchen. 
Hannibal wasn’t here, and Will was waiting for him. The green flannel shirt he wore was hanging loose and open. He figured a confrontation would go over better for him if he showed Hannibal a little skin.
The back door to their modern home nestled into the Rocky Mountains of Colorado overlooked a stunning canyon full of pine trees and quaking aspens. This was one of many places they had stayed over the past year, and they wouldn’t be able to stay here much longer. Especially if Will’s suspicions about Hannibal’s whereabouts were confirmed.
The door opened and Hannibal entered, silent and smooth like a panther. Will’s senses had become even more attuned during his time with Hannibal and hunting together, and Will had sensed his presence before he had heard the door opening. They had become highly attuned to one another.
“Welcome home.” Will crossed his arms and looked Hannibal up and down.”
1. What does the piece mean to you?
It was one of the first longer, not just smut, fics I wrote for this fandom. I feel like it’s a good representation of how I view Hannigram and their dynamic. Like, it’s fun to play around with that a lot, but this fic is how I view their relationship personally.
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favourite comment that you’ve received on the work?
Fav comment was, “ Oh wow, I adore how conflicted and salty Will is! And Hannibal is such a slick, urbane devil, pushing and cajoling him to admit the truth he’s too raw to see. I love how Will abandons himself to it passionately, and then his thoughts kick in and he retreats. I’m interested to see how these two work things out! Lovely chapter! Thank you so much for sharing! “
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
A Hannigram kiss and more Marlana development.
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rubybakeneko · 7 years
#FannibalSelfRecs: Season 4 - Sept 22nd-24th
I’m much more comfortable recommending fics written by other people, but I decided I would take part in this self-rec event anyway! Thank you for organizing this, @hannibalficwriters :)
I Could Lose Myself in You
Summary: Hannibal loves having Will inside him. Will explores some of the needs and feelings behind this.
No archive warnings apply
Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Established Relationship, Kissing, Anal Sex, Porn with Feelings, Mild (and Brief) Breathplay, Creepy Fluff, Codependency, Possessive Behavior, Will Uses His Empathy During Sex            
1. What does the piece mean to you?
This fic was finished in a mad rush late at night, and it was my first attempt to write anything set after TWoTL. I have an extensive, messy list of post-s3 stories I’d like to work on, but it took the #ItsStillBeautiful week to actually push me into leaving my season two comfort zone. Now that I’ve written this piece, I’m finding it’s easier to start working on some of the other ideas I’ve had. I guess this fic was also about putting my “Bottom Hannibal” cards on the table; I absolutely believe that Will and Hannibal would be as versatile in bed as they are in every other interaction!
2. What was your favorite line in your piece/what was your favorite comment that you’ve received on the work?
It’s hard for me to pick favorite lines because I actually struggle to look at my writing for ages after posting it! However, I love getting comments, especially ones in which people pick their favorite lines. A couple of people commented on "This isn’t any kind of submission for you—it’s just another form of consumption. You are taking me into your body, with hunger and greed.”
3. What are you most looking forward to in Season 4?
I think it’s tough to predict what the next season would be like (though I read all speculation with interest!). To be honest, I’d be happy just to have a season 4 and to see Mads and Hugh working together again. However, that aside, I suppose my main hope is just that there is no regression. In other words, no backing away from the fact that the show is a profound love story.
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