ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
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lunairka · 1 year
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“The Fall”
Closeups, different versions and more under the cut!
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HOH BOY. THIS PIECE PUT ME THROUGH ACTUAL HELL. The LENGTHS I had to go to get this done man. BUT NOW ITS HERE. ITS DONE. Anyway, I had to watch The Fall on repeat in order to make this, and I think that I’m completely mentally destroyed from that! The things I do for you all <3
Despite everything, I’m still really proud of how this came out, and I hope you all enjoy!
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carrythatwayt · 1 year
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I will survive (threat)(promise).
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I know that was a joke post but now I am genuinely curious what Hannibal would want (and be allowed) to have as his last meal.
let me start off by saying this started one place and took a huge turn (sorry) but... this got me thinking. my assumption is he was tried in maryland. maryland abolished the death penalty in 2013, but if he was tried under federal and not state, death penalty is still technically on the table in all 50 states.
unlike other states, maryland does not offer a special last meal to those about to be executed, and they are offered whatever is on the menu at the prison they are residing. i don't think that if he was charged federally it would have necessarily changed his food situation.
given that hannibal was held at bshci, he probably would have had whatever they were serving that day. we saw in s2 with will that it wasn't anything particularly exciting. canned/processed/boxed food. the more gourmet meals he got while imprisoned were definitely due to a special deal he had with alana. it's not directly specified in the show to my knowledge, but pretty sure he got special privileges for helping her and margot. but also if it means hearing him complain less, all the better.
that being said, there is a chance alana would break the maryland tradition and actually offer him a special meal. most requests deny alcohol or tobacco, but again, we're humoring a special meal.
now for the fun part. obviously hannibal wouldn't be given human meat. some inmates in other states asked not only for a meal but to share the meal with someone. and i think hannibal would definitely request to have a last meal with will since the last meal they had together (at least on screen) was the meal before mizumono.
and i think it would be well within the realm for hannibal to want to recreate this meal, maybe even going so far as to ask to make it himself. +/- if alana would allow for that, maybe if everything was precut and he wasn't near anything sharp. if he wanted will to share the meal with him, i'd be curious to see what will would do. he'd know hannibal was on death row, it'd be all over the news, jack would tell him, etc. and i think he would seek out the result of hannibal's trial if he was not sitting in the room as he was sentenced. knowing he indirectly put him there, and i'd place bets on him opening that hand written letter asking for his company one last time and he'd go to see hannibal and share that meal with him. to dine one last time together.
and i wonder how each of them would see it. will never answering if he wanted a sacrifice, yet one now sat across from him. how during the mizumono meal, will said "that'd make this our last supper" to which hannibal responds "of this life" which now truly is the last meal of this life, of hannibal's life. maybe for will, too, in a way. for how good could food taste or sate knowing your conjoined, blurred half is about to die, and that nagging guilt in your chest that it's your fault. and the question of if they could survive separation. and maybe the question was more up in the air when it was possibly hannibal who had to live without him, but now will is faced with the reality that he has to live without hannibal. and in some alternate life it would have been easier to stay with his wife and never see hannibal, but knowing he was alive was enough, and he'd no longer have that crutch.
but hannibal seeing it as almost a redo for before the slaughter in his kitchen. going back to a moment they had some peace, even if brief, life as he knew it was brief now. but still, someone he loved, the only person he loved, sitting across from him eating and drinking wine together. maybe in silence, i don't know. smiles would be exchanged; hannibal's genuinely happy and will's a bit sad. to be so fully and deeply and intimately seen. now there was no running away together anymore. will would leave and hannibal could only hope will would go to his execution.
and i think will would go. i don't know if it would be a "want" situation, but a "need". to see hannibal lecter taken down almost so effortlessly. the unkillable finally killed. the man he couldn't shoot the two times he had a gun in his face, the man he dropped his gun for and let himself be gutted and held by, the man he pulled a knife on and still couldn't take down. ultimately, in a way, will took him down. hannibal surrendered because will rejected him. will didn't need a weapon, he just needed words and a closed off heart. and within minutes, it'd be over.
but what happens after? the remains of inmates not claimed by family get kept in the prison cemetery. hannibal has no family to claim him, will is the closest to family he has. but what if will claims him, then what? will doesn't know what hannibal's final wishes are; to be cremated, buried? maybe he does know without hannibal having to explicitly say. to eat you like the sacrificial lamb you are.
my guess is a body executed via lethal injection (chosen method for maryland) would not be safe to eat. sodium thiopental is a barbituate like the one used for animal euthanasia, but it isn't the part of the "cocktail" that actually causes death. i know animals euthanized (with a different barbituate) and eaten can kill the animal that eats them, so there is a chance eating hannibal could do the same thing. consuming potassium chloride (the deadly part of the injection) in large quantities can cause a lot of side effects/health detriments and in theory, eating enough can cause cardiac failure, but i don't know the oral bioavailabity in comparison to iv.
as romantic as it seems, i don't think will would eat hannibal knowing it could kill him, and tbh, i don't see hannibal wanting will to knowing his death might be imminent. even if it meant being together in the afterlife, that wasn't how will was going to die. like yeah "death only by my hand" but it's not the same. maybe part of will's punishment is having to stay alive without him. i do think hannibal might if the roles were reversed, though.
if will ended up giving hannibal a graveplot (probably unmarked so it doesn't end up desecrated), or even sprinkling his ashes somewhere, i know will would visit him again. maybe not for awhile, maybe denial or anger, but he would go back. i know hannibal said he could never go back to lithuania, so maybe will takes him there and buries him next to mischa so they can be together, finally and forever. maybe he doesn't take him home, knowing how much hannibal stayed away when he was alive. there are a lot of things will could do, tbh.
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wolfie-art · 14 days
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the view from the bottom of the cliff 😔👎🏽
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fixedteacup · 2 years
thinking about that one line from love crime "[I will] win this deadly game" and its implications that hannibal and will's "game" of deception, lies, betrayal, and forgiveness is over now that it's won by the both of them, now that they've fallen off the cliff. and if the game's over, if they've stopped working against each other and started working with each other, then their dynamic must have changed – meaning when they came for bedelia('s leg) in the after credit scene, it's the first time where they've decided to commit acts of violences not because they're playing a game with each other but because they're playing games now with others together as a solidified duo as murder husbands.
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avegetariancannibal · 2 years
Man, can’t believe Hannibal and Will have been together all these years since 2015 and still bone almost every day.
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ineffably-graham · 1 year
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the way hannibal is looking at his lips. like he expects to kiss him, but hasn't convinced himself to do it yet. because he's afraid he'll scare will off, especially after everything they've been through.
disclaimer: i'm actually fine with the kiss being cut. i think their relationship is beyond normal standards of romance and intimacy, and their interaction was just as powerful (if not more) than a kiss would be. kisses are not the only form of intimacy, and that scene was the most intimate thing i have ever seen.
although i would enjoy to see them kiss.
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lunairka · 1 year
Crying about how for his whole life, water has been a safe haven for Will. From lakes, to the ocean. It’s where he goes when the world is too much around him. It’s safety and familiarity. And down he pulls himself and Hannibal into the Atlantic. On his own terms, they fall.
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This may have been said before but for Hannibal, Will’s anger and violence is the wrath of god because Will is his god. I heard the phrase the wrath of god and it just connected that the final episode, The Wrath Of The Lamb is The Wrath of Hannibal’s God (Will). In this we can further understand why he is so joyful at Wills decent into a fugue state, it’s a religious exultation for him to bathe in the wrath of his god, something larger than life like an Old Testament act upon humanity. He soaks it in like the glory of the sun warms him because such an explosion of fury is quite literally miraculous. All of his influence and design over Will has been pushing towards this experience, and while he could not predict how it would manifest, he knew the glory of his god would rain down on him and create an experience far greater than anything in his life up until this point.
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enbymurderhusbands · 1 year
i feel like hannibal would download life 360 on will’s phone without him knowing
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doctor "fell" call that twotl foreshadowing
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parkitaco · 1 year
i have like. 6 or 7 wips rn that are all at roughly the same stage of writing which is fuckin crazy bc i literally do not know which one is going to get posted next. no idea. i’m working on all of them at the same rate. this is a roulette situation. send help
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sixtorches · 2 years
Am I the only one who headcannons that Hannibal and Will are just like... happy and settled post TWOTL? I feel like they got most of their issues out. Will tipped them over to let fate decide if he gets to be happy so... if they survived, he gets to let go of his reservations and just... be himself. With Hannibal.
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love-songs-for-emma · 2 years
twotl but before will takes them over the cliff we get a "la la land" ending style montage showing hannibal & will choosing each other again and again over everyone and everything else at each crucial moment in the series, refusing to play games or engage in scenarios that harmed themselves and each other
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