#Fanfiction Collab
glassrowboat · 4 months
Selfess. Kim Dokja.
Summary: The irony, to be a reader's reader. To view his story in between breaks at work, between sick days and vacations, as words flickered before you the same way they did for him on the subway. Digital words trying to break down every little aspect of a man you know hurts inside with a raw passion. Like scraped skin meeting air for the first time. It made you want to hold him, to listen to him, to comfort him, but Dokja always held you at arms length in some way, even if it was so subtle no one but you could sense it.
Author's Note: This has no spoilers for the manhwa readers but was written for those who have gone through the entire novel
Word Count: 3500+
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Written for 'Help Me, Hold Me' a collab by @tomuras
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Selfishness. A human trait. One bled into society to the point it has been ingrained in every sidewalk; every ruined shop with shelves toppled over from those searching desperately for food, only to find nothing; every hand held out waiting to be held; and every moment that passes by while you're selfish enough to dare to take another breath. Possibly robbing another of their own air to fill their lungs.
Should you stop and risk apologizing?
No, there was never the time to spare.
Too selfish to stop and give those few precious seconds to another person as they cry for aid or in pure, unbridled wrath as you kill the person next to them. Throat squeezed between your bare hands even after their pulse faded away. Only letting go because you were pushed off. Having, at the time, been shoved to the ground as a murderer just like you rose a pipe so high you couldn't imagine it doing anything other than crashing into your skull as it fell.
Whenever that memory comes up, it somehow always leaves a dull ache in your head, like you're remembering the times that metal became one with your bones and brain. Shattering on impact with a sickening thud that left you feeling sick before it all went black.
That would make sense, after all, wouldn’t it? That man having been the one to end it all for you time and time again, so you never end up making it past that first scenario. (Much like a certain someone.)
The first challenge that faced everyone in this dome.
The one that made everyone in it a murderer.
That's what you all were.
Even him, having dared to make a request of you.
Even as Dokja rested in your lap, black hair tickling your thighs that had you wondering if shorts really were a good idea for sleepwear even if it was the dead of summer and it's annoyingly high temps that left you sweating even when a sword wasn't grasped in hand. Calluses you never thought you'd have carding through the sleeping man's tresses. Absent-minded as you kept your blurred gaze on him.
It was decided the lot of you would hole up here for the night even with the cracks in the foundation that had you second-guessing the structural integrity, but you had been assured it's fine. Like an office worker had any right to assure you of that, but you still shut your mouth at that and nodded along.
“Sure, Ugly,” on your lips. A teasing smile meeting his grimace at the moniker Dokja never failed to show his hatred for.
Good for him. He can be pissy all he wants. If anything, it just makes you tempted to take your phone out and snatch a picture. That is, if it wasn't shattered to a thousand pieces by now and tossed into the waters below. Fish food now, much like Dokja was after Yoo Joonghyuk dropped him off the bridge.
He doesn't appreciate that joke either.
You had insisted on being the one to stay up, to keep watch even as he fought you the entire way as you and the kids wrangled him into laying down. Gilyoung had kicked your shin for pointing out Dokja's eye bags as he finally laid down. White coat folded up in a bundle, far from neatly at that, and tucked under his head in place of a pillow.
This time, you chose to hold your tongue from joking about his mother never teaching him how to do laundry.
So you sat and waited, brushing off the dirt from the assault the evil little creature (or as you liked to call the kid as you pinched his cheeks) left on you. Footprint easily blending in with all the other layers of dirt you have accrued over the past few days without a proper bath. Wet wipes only proved to be a decent substitution for so long. The sun slowly dipped behind concrete towers until being swallowed away by the waters to come back tomorrow, the moon rising in its stead.
Glowing brighter than you could ever recall it doing before this world turned to shit. The lack of street lamps probably helped. Even if the stars were out, almost so close you could reach out and touch them. Card your fingers through the Milky Way like it was a pot of glitter from an arts and crafts project.
“I know you're still awake.” You finally said after you were one hundred percent certain the kids were passed out. Blankets no longer stirred from trying to get comfortable on the hard floor, and Yoosung's mutterings flowed into her habit of talking into her sleep.
Oftentimes, she would cry for someone to come hold her; even in the dead of night.
“I'm sore from that fight earlier today. And it's taking longer to get used to the concrete than I thought it would.”
“Liar. You just need to make sure for yourself that we'll all be okay.”
You waved off the messages appearing beside you at his reply. Notifications came so often that you had learned to tune them out.
“I'll take over from here. You should get some rest yourself.”
It was surprising he didn't punctuate the sentence with your sponsor's title, or worse, your name. He had a habit of doing that at the worst of times, making himself all cozy by disregarding your last name entirely and simply calling you by ... .Well, by the word that makes you turn your head on instinct the second it's called out.
By now, it was far too fuzzy in your brain to remember that first time you truly met him to recall if you gave it to him or he simply knew it.
Were you, too, a character in his eyes?
The thought had struck you many times, what Dokja saw when he looked at you. Especially now as he turned over in his spot, head propped up on his hand to look at you. Scrutinizing. Like he was reading a blue box perched right under your profile that read out:
Your name.
Your age.
Supporting constellation: Arrow-shooting cherub.
And all that other drabble that came with it.
Or were you a selfish person that he chooses to see as an ally despite having no place in his heart before the world fell?
Honestly, you had no clue which was better. At least with the latter he wouldn't know the times you cried late at night in your room, of the times you blearily made it through the day only to let the worlds between pages be your comfort as soon as the front door locked behind you, of how you would see a character so broken, so damaged and-
“No.” You huffed.
Both to his words and your own mind's ramblings. If you could bury that away the same way the Ugly King was atop that hill as wails filled your ears, you would.
“You're human like the rest of us, whether you like it or not. Got that, bubba?”
Such a different way of calling him ahjussi. Definitely a lot less respectful, but something tells you he doesn't mind as much as some other stubborn men in this world would.
“Here I thought I was a Supernatural character. That's what you like to call me with the others, right?”
At least not enough to roll his eyes at, anyway.
“I think the name suits you well. You're just missing some plaid. We can get you a shirt…or a kilt?”
“Not happening.”
A huff of a laugh escaped him, somewhere between breath of air pushing out of his lungs and the chuckles you can get from him after telling a particularly bad pun.
You two stayed like that for a minute, Dokja laying down with his eyes on you. Somehow, even with the intrusive feeling of him staring through you rather than at you, it was comforting.
Dark eyes shone in the light of the fire keeping the four of you warm. Crackling firewood as it tumbled into a new shape, a new little tent of sticks a better background noise to listen to than the mutterings as they finally slowed down for the time being.
“They care about you.”
To the point Yoosung and Gilyoung were nearly attached to him at the hip. If someone had told you those two were stuck to him on those backpacks with leashes parents used before the fall, you wouldn't have even batted an eye. Maybe even believed it for a moment there.
“Which is why you need to get some rest. The first step in letting someone care about you is letting them force you to sleep, to eat, to sit back and let them…”
Hug you.
“Help you.”
‘Don't think about yourself here’ is a great reminder as to why you pressed your lips together in a thin, impossibly straight line. Refusing to say the words lurking in your mind.
“You mean to tell me I'm not supposed to do everything myself?”
The sarcasm in his voice made you want to snatch that makeshift pillow out from under him. So, of course, that's what you do. A call of your name filling the air as he tried to wrangle it back. Something about how it's too cool to end up ruined and how he went through a lot of effort to get that.
“Last I checked, you wanted it in black!”
He was still tugging it from your hands when you heard a murmured call of Dokja's name over the ruckus you were both causing when you froze. He did, too, looking back at the kids for a moment before sighing in relief.
Just Yoosung. As normal.
“I can't rest if I don't have something to sleep on,” he whispered to you. Tone harsh, but never filled with as much contempt as when speaking to a certain regressor. That, and every other emotion he held for the man.
“But I'm cold.” You dared to say, like it wasn't sweltering hot only hours before.
Well, some did say that the summer nights are the ones that make you truly feel like you're freezing.
“Are you?”
Before you could even nod he had pulled the jacket from your hands, with enough force you couldn't help but wonder if his petty ass stacked a few coins up and pushed them into the starstreams vaults, or however that worked, to up his strength stat. Not even your grippy little fingers helped at all. Your attempts to hold onto it a forgotten cause.
Or not.
Not as he wrapped it around your shoulders with a boyish grin. Something so nice to see, his ability to smile, even if it is only to comfort you.
It would be so easy to let your head fall to the clouds and pretend he's not forcing it. But after what happened recently, another scenario passed you by like a bullet train that whooshed up your scarf and had it flying up and away to follow it even as you desperately reached out to grasp onto it with all you had, you knew that simply wasn't the case.
“It smells like male B.O.”
“Well, I do happen to be a man.” Before you could even protest, Dokja said: “despite what you may say.”
“You got laundry soap in that fancy Dokkaebi Shop of yours?”
“Actually, I might.”
You could see his hand twitching to pull up the menu to check, something you're not even sure of if Dokja is allowed to do in front of you despite the many times he has. Little to no shame about it now that he had become a constellation.
“Later. Or I'll make fun of the fact that your eyebags are so big you can carry all my trauma in there.”
“You literally just did.”
Your hand was on his face before you could even think about it, thumb brushing along the bluish skin as it became more and more tinted the longer this world stayed like this. He would stay up most nights insisting to keep watch even if he was the one to suggest everyone stopped to rest, biting at his thumb as endless possibilities swirled in that stubborn mind of his.
Does he not know it's rude to make others see him wearing himself down like that every day?
“Don't know what you're talking about, bubba.”
And this position is extremely awkward now that you think about it. Hand snapping back to your side to grab at that stupid coat to pull it tighter around you despite not truly needing its warmth. However, it did smell nice. Like him. Despite, well, the gross layer to it.
“You could use some eye cream. Too bad your ugly self never heard of makeup before the dome came up. Otherwise, you might have actually had a social life.”
Beyond just pretending the one he admired with all his heart was real in those moments of weakness when the feeling of being alone truly etched itself into his heart. Was a solid human being who could pat him on the shoulder as they did that awkward man hug.
“Why are you like this?” Dokja asked in the flattest tone he could manage.
“You see, it all started when my parents had sex-”
Dokja shook his head at that. His stupid bowl cut waving back and forth in just the right way that had it slightly tousled up when he stopped.
And we all had problems in this world that made us what we are now.
That's what you didn't say.
“Rest. Please.” Not a request, not a demand, but a plea. One that had your voice cracking in protest at opening up that tiniest bit without the doors to your heart being pried open with a crowbar. Of course, they'd have to get through the chains and boards nailed to the frame first.
Selfishly, you wanted him to be the one to pull those nails from the rotting wood.
In a way, he already has. (The same you know he will never fully free you of them).
And you wanted to be the one to hold the lock over his own, to cradle it, and open it not with a pick or some other cheap tool meant to get to the treasure within so easily, but with a key he willingly gives you.
To know what it's like for him, for once, to be honest with you. Even if that means to stop lying to himself in the process.
“Or I'll get a marker and really draw attention to those bags of yours. Maybe I'll even start calling you an old man and insisting they're a sign of aging. Those stories catching up with you, oldy?
“I never thought I would have missed being called ‘Ugly King.’” He groaned.
But for now, all you can do is watch it dangle before you as it shines in the light of another's hands. Dangling from a black cord. Yoo Joonghyuk. How Dokja looks at the regressor the same way you did him.
“Then I'll be nice for once and keep that nickname to myself if you lay down, shut your eyes, and fall the fuck to sleep.” Before he could ask with what pillow, because, yes, you were already expecting that question, you pat your lap. Far too used to his sarcasm to not see it coming a mile away. “Sleep.”
There was no fight, no bite back as Dokja just sighed and let himself fall down even as he was clearly embarrassed over this. Refusing to look at you like that would do anything to stop the tiniest flush you could see in his skin if you simply stopped to look. Just like you always have. But still, no fight was a good thing. Hopefully, that meant he was too exhausted to even bother because then he would have no choice but to slip away into dream land as your fingers slid through his hair. Easing him into the wakeless world.
“I'll keep watch. I promise.”
You soaked in his time, in him, as you watched those eyes drift shut.
“Last time I heard you singing Gilyoung a song.” The words were particularly muffled by your thigh, the skin growing goosebumps as you felt his breath fanning over you. Somehow, you're too hot and too cold all at the same time as you replied back with a confirmation.
“Are you asking me to sing for you, too? Does little Dokja need a lullaby?”
“Hey, hey, no.” Your hand stopped in his hair for a moment, the dirt under your nails from earlier today so easily spotted as your eyes flicked between him and the calloused hand that has dared to take lives, but still treat him so softly. “I just don't really remember all the words. I can't look them up without wifi and all that so…”
“What do you remember?” He dared to ask.
So, for him, you answered: “enough.”
Enough for you to hum to the parts you're missing and sing the rest as that moon that had risen up into the sky slowly started to drop again. It's much like a video game where you're messing with the time settings just to continue on your quest. Your next adventure. Your next task.
But selfishly, you wanted this moment to last forever as you sang about a little baby moon shining in the sky with his funny little toes in the air.
“And he's all alone in that big blue sky.”
The lyrics had you aching to stop and to bite at your lip as Dokja drifted off to sleep, but still you continued on, because for him, It didn't matter if your throat burned or you legs went numb. Not even when you'd surely have trouble walking the next day as they struggled to pump blood back through them properly, not if it meant he got a moment of reprieve from what you knew was going to happen next.
Is this what it felt like for him watching Yoo Joonghyuk during their encounters? Each passing day went by like a sweet song that you wished to play in your head again and again until you remembered every lyric, every pitch, every note, until the ability to play it through memory alone graced you.
The same way you did the pages of his book. Quote after quote of his assurances to others that he never dared give himself still so fresh even after reading through them for the nth time.
How you wanted to be the one to tell Dokja he'd be able to get through it all.
If he only allowed it.
Only allowed you in to give him more than a moment of reprieve to sleep. To hold him, to listen to him, to comfort him. To cradle Dokja the same way you did your phone after reading translations of the novel in the dead of the night.
It's complicated to hold someone this dear, to look at them and only wish for them to have the best yet know they have been robbed of that. Know they will be robbed of even more.
But this is the choice he wanted.
And who are you to disrespect that?
Even as it has tears falling from your cheeks as you sang that stupid song again, words coming out broken between sobs you hoped wouldn't wake the children and the man you loved in a way that went beyond mere friendship, beyond mere passion for another, beyond mere familial ties.
No, it went beyond that.
That's why you couldn't be selfish, not with him, not even after all those fix it fics you relished in because at least then you'd see him happy. See that boyish grin full of pure joy and nothing else.
So you would stand on the side lines, let him view you as another character to save if he must, and hold your sword tight as it's raised to protect him.
Because, and the words came out like a croak as you whispered them to yourself, a confession between only you and the constellations above. “I love you.”
‘In lieu of loving myself.’
The fate of a reader's reader. Your precious main character.
For your selfishness, for your own broken and guarded heart, for him, this can only be said knowing he can't hear your deepest secret. No, Dokja had other things he needed to do, better, more important things than to worry about you. So you would give it all to him, no matter if it meant shattering yourself too.
318 notes · View notes
mysuperlaserpiss · 7 months
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Painting for @killingthecringe 's fanfic from few months back for Under the Light of the Moon!!
Sketch is below
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266 notes · View notes
nickfowlerrr · 1 year
Fandom Leap -
Chapter 1
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Fandom Leap Masterlist
prologue / chapter two
universe: MCU
(chapter specific) pairing: bucky barnes x reader
words: 2.5k
notes: i’m so excited to be able to kick off the first chapter of this collaboration! thank you so much to @supraveng - not only for letting me participate but also for reading this over for me! i can’t wait to see how this story progresses with the other universes and writers. and i will be writing an epilogue for the end of the series, too! 🥰
thank you in advance for reading! as always reblogs and comments are welcome and so appreciated. be sure to check out the rest of the series as it’s updated! 🩵
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You hadn’t realized how tired you’d been until you felt yourself dozing while you laid on the couch. Your plans weren’t to fall asleep so early, in fact, quite the opposite. You were having a movie night!
You had gotten home not too long ago, getting some chores done before plopping down on the sofa to get the first movie of the lineup started.
It was maybe ten minutes into Iron Man that you felt yourself getting sleepy. You needed to nip that in the bud quickly if you wanted to get through the first couple movies tonight. You stood from where you were laying and sighed to yourself. 
This would probably be a bit more fun if you had people to watch them with…
Alas, you were alone. 
Your stomach grumbling caught you off guard and pulled you from your thoughts. You’d skipped lunch, and you were so caught up in your head on your way home, you hadn’t even thought to stop to grab something. 
You let the movie play on as you walked into the kitchen. Pulling the cabinets open, you found them near empty and grimaced to yourself at the sight. You hadn’t had time to go to the store lately, and you weren’t feeling up for it tonight either. 
Puffing, you decided to just order some take out.
You looked up your favorite Chinese place to put in an online order for delivery, but upon checking out, found that they were doing pick-up orders only. 
You considered ordering food from somewhere else for a second, not wanting to have to leave the comfort of home again today, but once you had your meal picked out - you were suddenly craving that and that alone.
So, you sucked it up and placed the order, pausing the movie on screen and trudging to grab your shoes. You were at least happy you had decided to wait on showering and changing into pjs until later.
It would take you fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant and your estimated pick-up time was right in line with that, so you didn’t waste time as you slipped on your shoes and grabbed your keys and bag before heading out.
It wasn’t busy at all as you pulled into the nearly empty parking lot, only a few cars around. You parked in an empty spot in front of the place and shut your engine off before grabbing your bag off the passenger seat and got out.
A weird chill passed over you as you walked toward the door, but you didn’t pay it much of any mind.
As you pulled the entrance door open, you felt something… change. You couldn’t explain it, but it just felt different. You shook it off as you walked in, though you only grew more confused as you entered.
You had been here just last week, but somehow the interior was completely different. You weren’t sure how they’d remodeled and redecorated the place so quickly, but it was impressive.
You were also thrown off by how many people were inside as compared to the empty parking lot. 
As you walked up to the counter, a woman you’d never seen before greeted you. You were once more surprised, because you always had one of the same two people working every single time you’d been here.. But of course, you didn’t say anything about it. You just smiled as she walked over to help you.
“Hi, I placed an online order,” you told her.
“Great, name?” she asked.
You gave her your name and watched as she walked away to check the bags along the pickup order table, her brows furrowing as she went. You felt nervous as you watched her double back to where she started and began looking through all of the tags once more.
The bell on the door rang but you didn’t turn around at the noise, only felt someone step up behind you as you started a line. You were playing with your hands, shifting on your feet as the woman returned to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m not seeing that order here. Do you have the confirmation?”
“Oh, uhm, yes, I do. Give me one second,” you reached for your phone in your pocket, “and I’ll pull it up. Sorry,” you offered out of habit.
“It’s no problem. Do you mind if I help the customer behind you?” she asked kindly.
“Oh gosh, yeah, of  course,” you said, stepping to the side as you looked behind you.
Your breath caught in your throat for a second as your eyes went a little wide. You nearly dropped your phone as you instantly recognized the man who stood behind you.
He met your eye, offering the tiniest of smiles as he stepped up to the counter. You quickly flit your eyes away, your mind racing. Was that.. Was that really him?
You chanced a glance over to him from the corner of your eye and near instantly confirmed your suspicions. Yeah, you thought, that’s definitely him.
Should you say something? Or just let him be?.. Really though, what were the odds of you ever seeing him in person again. This was like a time only thing…
God, you used to swear you’d never go up to a celebrity if you saw them in person, but as you stood there, no one else seeming to pay him any mind, you decided just saying hello wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. He was a person, too, right? A small greeting between two people was normal. Also it was him. And you weren’t sure you’d ever forgive yourself if you didn’t take this chance to say a simple hello.
You’d been so caught up, you hadn’t heard any of the conversation he’d had with the woman, but now as she went to go find his order, he stood there at the counter alone, waiting.
You tried to speak, but no noise would come out. You managed to clear your throat, though, and at the sound, he glanced over to you once again. 
Another small tilt of his lips as he seemed to eye you up from where he stood before he cleared his own throat and looked away again, his hands shoved into his pockets. 
“Hi,” you offered after a second, mustering up all the courage you could to get your lips to move.
He looked at you fully then, clearly a little surprised. It took him a second but he finally responded with a lopsided smile, “Hi.”
“Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you, I just uhm, just wanted to say, I’m, I’m a big fan,” you told him, trying not to let your anxiousness be heard so obviously.
He narrowed his eyes at your words, brows furrowing as he looked at you, “A fan?”
As you’re about to clarify, confused as to why he was confused, the woman returned.
“Here you go, Sergeant Barnes,” she handed him his bag, not a hint of jest in her voice, nor his as he thanked her.
You looked from her back to him, letting out a nervous titter as somewhere in the back of your mind, you recognized the sound of the bell ringing again.
“Uhm,-” you started before another familiar voice interrupted you.
“Man, will you hurry up? How long does it take you to grab food?”
You looked to the door that was being held open and again, found yourself dumb, your mouth still parted but no words coming out. The recognition in your eyes must have been obvious as Bucky looked from you to Sam quizzically. 
“Did you find the confirmation,” the woman asks, pulling your attention back to her. You’re sure you looked beyond flustered and confused - you absolutely were. As you turned to face her again, Bucky slowly walked away, heading over to where Sam was by the entrance.
“Yes, uh,” you handed her your phone before glancing behind you again, the bright lights coming from just beyond the door causing your brows to furrow before it closed - both men still inside. They spoke as they stood there, glancing over to you once, twice before you turned back to the counter. What the hell?
“I see the problem,” the woman tells you, “it’s the wrong restaurant. Sorry about that,” she offers, though it’s no fault of hers. 
You stand there, perplexed. And the more confused you find yourself, the more anxious you are. 
How could you possibly be at the wrong place? You come here all of the time. You know exactly where you are. At least you thought you did. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, with a shake of your head, “that’s my bad. Long week, I guess,” you force a breathy laugh and fake a smile as you turn to leave.
You see both men still by the door, watching you closely as you approach. You nod at them as you keep straight on, in a bit of a stupor now. 
As you push the door open, you feel like a rug has been pulled from beneath your feet. The wind seemingly knocked out of you. You blink once. Twice. A shake of your head and a humorless scoff as you glance around briefly - you don’t even know what to think.
What the hell is going on?
Where are you? 
Where is your car?!
Instead of being met with the same empty parking lot you’d parked in, you find yourself on a busy sidewalk along a busy city street. No parking lot, no emptiness, and no car. 
“Are you alright?” 
You turn and are met with the bright blue eyes that’d caught you earlier.
“Where am I?” you ask, growing frantic at the unknown.
“Hey, it’s alright, take a breath,” he instructs gently. “Sam,” he calls over.
“Sam?” you ask in disbelief.
“Sam Wilson, that’s my name,” he greets as you huff a dry laugh.
“Okay, Sam, and so - should I call you Bucky?” you ask sarcastically. “What’s going on? Am I being pranked or something? Is this a show?” you ask, eyes darting all around,waiting for cameras to make themselves known. “Or are you guys filming and just staying in character or what?”
“Allllright,” Bucky drags out, looking in your eyes as he tries to assess you, “I’m gonna take that as a sign that you are not okay.”
“Yeah, I’m not. This isn’t funny, I’m - I just- where am I?” you ask again.
“New York.”
“Yeah right. Where am I really?”
“New York,” he insists again. “Where do you think you are?”
“Not New York. I was just - I just went to pick up my dinner and now - what the hell is happening? What is going on?”
“Bucky, I’m gonna call them, just keep an eye on her,” Sam instructs before he walks a little ways down the sidewalk.
“Seriously, why is he calling you Bucky?” you ask.
“Because that’s my name,” he answers matter-of-factly. 
“You’re Bucky Barnes?”
“That’s me,” he confirms, a little uncomfortably. 
You stare at him blankly for a second. Your brain is playing catch up. Wrong restaurant. No parking lot. Car’s gone. These guys are acting like they’re their characters. You’re in New York? He’s still insisting he’s Bucky.
“Oh…” you breathe, mostly to yourself. Relaxing a bit at the realization you’ve come to. “I’m dreaming,” you laugh.
He looks at you with even more real concern as you lean with your back against the wall of the building. He thinks for a second before deciding to speak.
“I don’t want to freak you out, but no. You’re not. We are both very much awake.”
“No, we’re not,” you deny easily. “I was watching Iron Man and I fell asleep and now I’m dreaming of Bucky Barnes because I’ve been wanting to watch The Winter Soldier all day. And I will wake up..anytime now,” you muse and gesticulate vaguely.
“You were watching Iron Man?” he asks, sounding just as confused as he’d been earlier.
“Yeah. Started watching the MCU movies over in timeline order because I have nothing better to do on a Friday night.”
“MCU movies?”
He shakes his head, “I’m lost.”
“Ha!” you laugh out before sighing, letting your head hit the wall lightly. “Ahh,” you sigh, rubbing your eyes, “I just gotta wake up.”
“Look, sweetheart, really, you’re awake.”
“I’m not. I’m not because if I am, then either you’re a scarily good actor who enjoys fucking with innocent people for the hell of it, or… you’re crazy and really believe you’re a fictional superhero, or I like, randomly jumped into a different universe where you’re really real or something,” you sputter a laugh. “So, I’m dreaming. That’s the only explanation.”
“Hey,” Sam calls to you both, “come on. Strange is expecting us.”
You laugh again, you can’t help it. Well, what the hell, you think. As long as I’m dreaming, might as well live it up.
“So you felt a change, walked into the restaurant, and found yourself somewhere else..”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“After all that, all those tests and questions, that’s all you got for me? ‘Huh’,” you question the man.
“I don’t think the door had anything to do with it. I thought maybe it was a portal of some kind, but that wouldn’t account for the changes in this reality as opposed to yours - from what you’ve told me. Half the events that have happened in your universe haven’t happened here and vice versa. And of course, there’s the whole,”
“Superheroes not being real thing,” you finish for him.
“Right. Superheroes.”
“But she, herself, she’s okay, right?” Bucky asks as he stands off to the side, out of Strange’s way, with his arms crossed. He’d been oddly protective over you the whole walk over, standing close to you as you explained the night’s events over again to him and Sam - and he only left your side once you’d gotten here at Strange’s request. Not that you minded at all, in fact, you definitely enjoyed it, but it was still unexpected. As you went through endless questions from Strange regarding you and life and everything in between, Bucky’s eyes seemingly never left you. 
“She’s fine. Physically, there’s nothing wrong. I’m just not sure what exactly sent her here. She’s definitely out of her universe.”
“She’s definitely still sitting right here in front of you,” you point out, causing him to turn back to you from where he was looking at Bucky.
“I’m sure there’s some way we can get you home, I just might need some time to figure it out, ensure that it’s safe.”
“Okay, uhm-,” as you spoke, an odd chill came over you again, freezing you as your eyes went wide.
“What is it?” Bucky asks, instantly at attention, concern clear in his words. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just.. That chill again..”
“You’re jumping,” Strange says, eyes a little wide as his gaze shoots over to you, as if he’s made a sudden connection, the epiphany of something still unknown to you coming over him.
“What the hell does that mean?” Bucky asks the question that was on the tip of your tongue.
“It means she’s-” another chill, another strange feeling of something being shifted, and then you can’t hear him anymore. You can’t see him, or Bucky. You’re alone? Possibly? You aren’t sure because all of a sudden you’re… where were you? 
“What the hell?” you breathed to yourself. 
“Where am I now?”
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a1sh1teruu · 1 year
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— oh, how we love it when the warm sun finally peaks over the clouds, how it warms our skin and has the meadows blooming. how the waters sparkle and shine, the blues, the yellows, all these different colors embracing each other. some of us like a relaxing time in the mountains, getting carried away by the cold, rippling rivers. some of us like it at the coast, near the sea, listening to the waves and the smell of sea salt just wafting through the air. but what happens if those same waves pull us down into a different world, into a more complex world than ours?
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welcome to my summer collaboration! now that summer stands on our doorstep, i've decided to host a collaboration to all our fanfiction writers.
what is this collab about?
this collab is all about fantasy and summer! we dive deeper into our fantasies we have in the summertime.
what are the requirements for our writing?
the fic you are writing has to be over one thousand words long and it has to be a fantasy au set in summer.
what fandoms can join?
everyone who writes fanfiction can join!
nsfw or sfw?
as long as you tag everything and put a “read more” divider, than you should be good with darker content too!
the rules:
i do not want to see anything racist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, ableist, or anything offening towards the people that join! as soon as i see something offending towards someone or a group of people, you will be terminated from this collaboration.
do you have any questions?
for any type of questions, you can dm me! i’ll make a discord server if enough people decide to join, though.
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status : closed
closes : 30.06.2023
deadline : 21.09.2023
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j.wy — in the heart of the sky by @a1sh1teruu synopsis: the lands of utopia, gifted by the light of mother, were a well balanced realm. undisturbed by the curse of the children of adam and eve. but what happens if the son of adam is born into those precious lands, throwing off the balance mother has created and gifted her children with?
p.sh — utopia by @jaehunnyy synopsis: when the aurora kingdom is in need of help regarding the princess’ fate, all they can do is wait for the chosen one. when seonghwa falls in an abandoned well and wakes up in aurora kingdom, he is intrigued by what he finds out there. can he help the princess, is he the one they were all waiting for, or is it too late for the girl?
c.sn — all's fair in love and war by @justhere4kpop synopsis: your parents left you their beach house when they moved out of the country. you and the neighbor boy always had a strange friendship growing up from the pranks to him standing up for you against beach bullies. it always felt like something was missing while you were away. maybe this is the year for a budding summer romance with the hot neighbor... or maybe this is just a burnt out brain hoping for something more.
k.hj — dreamers by @nebulousbrainsoup synopsis: since infancy, every night has been a gamble for both you and your family. plagued by nightmares that leave you unresponsive for their duration, your only solace is the boy you share them with.
c.sn — precious by @pocketjoong synopsis: as a nature witch, you always wanted your own familiar ever since you were a kid, however, fate seemed to have different plans for you.
c.jh — blue summer by @woosluv synopsis: none yet
k.ys — like a dream by @i-luvsang synopsis: to be whisked away to your estranged grandmother’s house is no where near what you could have hoped for this summer. but you find the countryside beautiful, and the boy in the forest more entrancing than anything at all. instead of the nightmare you expected, you find yourself in a wondrous dream that’s made up of a magical romance, far more literal than you could have ever imagined.
s.mg — cromer by @star1117-archives synopsis: not all imaginary friends let you leave as you grow up. Some refuse to be left in the past, and won’t take being forgotten as lightly as expected.
multi — ocean's envy by @neoteezrenyoung synopsis: after several years, young witch y/n finally goes back to her small coastal town with her license to practice in hand. when she comes back, nothing has changed. except for her two best friends’ attitudes.
zhanghao — unbreakable love by @bobariki synopsis: within the parameters of a society where the stars align for only a select few to find their twin flame, your plan for a month-long summer vacation visit to your best friend suddenly veers off course. what unfolds when unmistakable signs hint that you might just be one of the fortunate few?
c.bg — the boy behind the blue windows by @impuritywritings synopsis: none yet
h.k — eternal sunshine by @gyumibear synopsis: while on a school trip, the reader accidentally comes across a secret race of merpeople. they want to force her to stay quiet, but one boy helps her get away. he's also her soulmate?
k.th — untitled by @choistick synopsis: none yet
h.hj — untitled by @svngcore synopsis: none yet
iwaizumi hajime — conjuring romance by @valeriwa synopsis: you were pretty sure the first lesson you learnt in hogwarts was that you couldn't conjure people. so why is it that an incredibly handsome man is standing in front of you when all you wanted was some innocent snow? the sweltering summer heat and feeling like victor frankenstein has got all your plans in a twist.
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
All's Fair in Love and War
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Kitsune! Choi San x Reader
w/c: 5442
Genre: Soulmate AU, Fantasy
Synopsis: Your parents left you their beach house when they moved out of the country. You and the neighbor boy always had a strange friendship growing up from the pranks to him standing up for you against beach bullies. It always felt like something was missing while you were away. Maybe this is the year for a budding summer romance with the hot neighbor...or maybe this is just a burnt-out brain hoping for something more.
Collab piece for @a1sh1teruu's Stuck in Summer Series (here)
In all his time on the planet, Choi San has never quite found the happiness his father talked about. He found the Winters too cold, the Falls too windy, and Springs too rainy…. never mind how he felt about the summers. Too Hot, Too Dry, Too Humid, he had a lot of feelings towards the summer and what it meant. Sure as a Tenko Kitsune, he’s been around for a while, there was a time when he was truly happy….he once fell in love with the summer but as time has passed he’s found himself lost in the sands of time hoping to bring it back once again. One last chance before he turned his back on the cursed summertime, it’s been 100 years since.
For the first time in a while, I finally had the summer to myself, I could take a vacation from work and make my way to where I truly wanted to be, the beach. My parents left me a summer home when they moved and if it wasn’t for bills I’d probably live there if I could. I’ve always loved the beach, the smell of the saltwater, the lull of the waves breaking the shore, the sunlight. Sure it was hot and the sun was always on you, but that first sunburn of summer where you just lose yourself outside is always something that happened to me as a kid, and honestly I almost look forward to having to sleep on my stomach for a week because my shoulders hurt so bad. I woke up early to finally make the drive down to the house so I could let go and relax, The cool breeze hit my face since I had my windows down, the sea breeze becoming more and more apparent. My old beat-up car rattled down the road as it slowly became a sand-covered driveway.
San’s ears perked up hearing the car.
“Oh hi! I hope I didn’t wake anyone up, I know it’s still quite early.” I smiled at the neighbor. I remember him. “No way….Choi San is that you?” I smiled.
“Y/n?” he looked at me in disbelief. “What are you doing here?” his eyes lit up.
“I finally got some vacation time and I missed the beach.” I smiled. “You’ve grown up from that scrawny little boy I met all those years ago, Taekwondo has really filled you out hmm?”
“Yeah I guess my dad pushed me really….you know.” he laughed nervously. “Let me help you with your bags.”
Did you always look like that? He questioned. Like she did? Like she did all those years ago, oh how he yearned to hear you say his name again.
“Yeah,” I turned around and looked at him.
“N-Nothing.” he blushed a little, seeing you in the rising sun he lost all train of thought.
The place was a little more dusty than I remember, that being said no one had used it in about 12 years, I remember running around and flopping on the couch as soon as we got in.
“Hey mom, told me they ordered a new mattress for the bed here and that the neighbor would pick it up, you didn’t happen to?”
“Oh, I did! I thought maybe your parents were coming back when they called and well…I put it in already, I know where the spare key is.”
The space looked the same as when you were last here but it felt different, felt koozie.
“They told me they spruced the place up since they heard I could come out this year but I wasn’t expecting this, I think they think I throw ragers or something, I mean what am I going to do with a fire pit.” I chuckled.
“They always did like spoiling you for your birthdays.”
“It was just to make up for being absent at home…” I looked down. “Anyways you’re probably tired, I need a nap. I've been driving for a few hours and well….Yeah I could really use one.” I chuckled.
“Oh right, sure.” he smiled, his heart fluttered at the sound of your laugh.
“Let’s hang out soon, ok?” I looked at him hopeful.
“I’d like that.” he nodded.
The new bed was amazing, my lumbar was supported, my head felt like I was on a cloud, and it pulled heat away from me as I tend to overheat while I sleep…or was I always cold when I slept? My parents always said I loved this place, and I’d always ask if we could go home instead of wherever we lived. They said I’d cry and beg to go to the beach house because I loved it so much. Funny how I never remember any of those things. I guess I don’t really remember what I ate for breakfast though….Breakfast. Oh man, am I starving Good thing I brought a donut with me. I pulled out the long donut with fox decorations on it. I loved foxes so much. I also loved all the mythology and lore behind foxes, wolves, vampires…my best friend is a vampire you know, oh yeah Seonghwa? He absolutely drinks the blood of young girls to keep himself young, in fact, he’s over 1200 years old. I’ve seen the birth certificate, and the social security card, which says 1.
I sat on the little nook that overlooked the beach and ate my donuts before heading to bed, I should probably tell Seonghwa and my parents I made it safely…I hope they won’t be too mad at me for the early text…or late text for Seonghwa he’s probably heading to bed himself. No matter what, I can't wait for the next month I have here.
Everything felt so peaceful, I felt calm like a part of me has come back together, I felt this sense of warmth and love. I loved the peaceful life I felt I lived here, it meant everything to me. As an adult I would’ve liked to share it with a partner, I would’ve loved to be married and show my kids around…but hey sometimes a little alone time is just what you need. I think I’m going to enjoy my alone time much more than I would’ve if I brought my ex here, Talk about a real piece of work…I sighed to myself letting sleep overcome my senses as I drifted off into the wild dreams that would always encapsulate me here. The smell of the sea comforted me.
“Y/n?” the voice called out. “You look beautiful darling.” he smiled at me and put a flower in my hair.
“Oh, you’re just saying that.” That voice came from me but I didn't recognize it. Was that really me? I guess you never truly know what you sound like.
“I’ve missed you my darling.” he brushed my hair back.
“You’ve been gone a long time.” I looked up, his fox-like features…wait…I know his face? Don’t I?
I woke up in a startle. My heart raced, he was so close, I could smell the fragrance he wore, Cherry Blossoms and saltwater, his smile was so comforting, I could…I felt so cold now, too cold for comfort. I grabbed a blanket.
Oh, who left the damn window open. I don’t remember opening that. I sighed, I was always forgetful like that.
I went down to the beach after waking up fully, I wanted to feel the warm sand on my feet and finally enjoy myself just like I wanted. This was my vacation after all.
“Hey stranger.” I said seeing San walking the beach.
“Hi.” he smiled and looked up at me.
“Mind if I join?” I put a blanket down next to him. “Maybe we can build a sandcastle like old times?”
“You remember all that?”
“Nah just remember the photos my mom took.” I shrugged. “How’s life treating you? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?”
“Not just me, I moved here about 4 years ago for college and moved into the beach house and just….never looked back you know.”
“Oh? I wish I did something like that. I of course felt the need to explore and see the big cities nowhere near the beach. Oh well…guess I’m here now.”
“What’re you doing for work?” he questioned.
“Oh, big corporate job. Studying the mythical beings we live with you know. Of course, my best friend is a vampire, totally weird right.”
“Oh…is that what that stench is?” he scrunched his nose.
“Oh like you can smell him.” I nudged him and caught a whiff of his cologne. “Cherry Blossoms?”
“Yeah, it’s…I just got it.” he smiled. “Do you like it? Is it bad?”
“No, I..I really like it Sannie.” I blushed a little remembering my dream. “Sorry I….I don’t know where that nickname came from.”
“No no it’s fine, I like it.” he flushed. “Sorry been out in the sun too long.”
“Oh yeah go ahead, I’m just going to read for a little.”
He got up to go back to his place.
“Um y/n? How long are you-”
“A month!” I stopped him and blushed myself. “Sorry I’m…I’m staying a month.”
“Then I hope to see you soon, don’t forget to drink some water ok?” he nodded.
“Yeah, no problem.” I nodded.
The breeze that followed felt like a familiar hug, just like one I needed, it felt like when my mom would hold me after a nightmare, or when my dad would put a cool towel on my forehead when I was sick. I should really convince Seonghwa and Wooyoung to come down here. Wooyoung would like the beach. Seonghwa would probably just like the change in scenery. I wonder if San has any new friends..maybe I will have a party. After all his birthday is coming up, isn't it?
I need to go grocery shopping, I can’t survive on cute donuts and fast food this whole time. Okay, hopefully, I don’t overdo it and get distracted by all the stuff, maybe I should quit and just move here….Where did that thought come from…I…I don’t know I just feel so at home here. It feels like this is where I belong and I just…I don’t know San certainly is a nice reminder of what I used to have. He’s also very easy on the eyes. I remember the pranks he used to pull. Oh man, I’d get so mad at him.
“That’s not funny San!” I screamed at the boy, my hair covered in sand.
“It’s fine honey, it’ll just take some water.” My mom tried to calm me down. “I know sweetheart.”
“It’s not funny.” I sniffled.
“It’s not you’re right.”
“San.” his dad called over and took him to have a word. “I should have you pick every grain of sand out of that girl's hair. Why would you do that?”
“I dunno…it sounded way more funny in my head.”
“You need to do more than apologize, son.”
“I…Fine” he pouted and walked back over. “Y/n?”
“Oh San, maybe now isn’t the best time.” my mom looked at him as I wiped my face.
“Mrs. L/N..I’m…” his heart clenched a little seeing me cry on the beach towel. “I’m really sorry, I don’t know why I did it, really. It sounded way more funny in my head.”
“I know you didn’t San, it’ll be alright.” she nodded.
San had an idea and left.
“Hey maybe this will exfoliate your scalp like you’ve been talking about in all those beauty shows you watch.” My dad tried making a joke.
“I don’t care.” I curled in on myself.
“y/n?” San stood in front of me.
“Go away.” I turned away from him.
“No y/n I…I’m really sorry, I…I brought you an Ice Cream?” he held out the vanilla cone to me.
“Because I’m sorry, I feel really bad and I…I don’t know why I did it, it was like I had the thought and just…did it.”
“Like a reflex.” my mom said. “The Ice Cream is melting dear.”
I reached out and took it…Not sure I wanted to but…he did seem sorry.
Honestly, I don’t know why San and I became friends after that, I mean he was always a jerk growing up, I guess it changed two summers before I never came back. I had to get braces and they really hurt, I almost hated everything that summer. He’d buy me Ice cream, he'd spend his free time with me, he taught me how to surf…he really….changed.
“Oh gross you have braces. No wonder you’re so ugly.” The boy laughed and kicked sand at me.
“Yeah, sandcastles are for babies.” his “girlfriend” chuckled beside him. They were no more than maybe a year older than me, so maybe 15 at the oldest.
My mom told me to make friends but they weren’t interested. In fact, I was probably disgusting to them.
“You’re so gross, Just give us back the ball already.” he kicked more sand at me. I didn’t understand, I was holding out the ball for them why weren’t they just taking it. “Freak.”
“Ugly.” his friend joined in.
“Hey! Cut it out!” came from the crowd. “Leave us alone and take your stupid damn ball. She's been holding it out for 10 minutes now.”
“Oh look fox boy has something to say.” the main boy laughed. “Defending your ugly girlfriend, they always say freaks get together.”
Before I knew it San had jumped on the kid throwing sand and punches.
“She’s not ugly!!” San yelled at him.
“Hey hey hey! Break it up!” the lifeguard yelled out blowing a whistle and coming over.
We both got kicked off the beach that day…well San got kicked out but I just went with him. I bought him a root beer float and we got some ice on his face. He really took a punch for me…I wouldn’t have expected that.
“Sannie?” I looked over at him, he had ice cream down his chin.
“You didn’t have to.” I blushed a little and looked away, he had a bruise forming on his chin.
“I didn’t but I did it anyway.” he looked at me. “They’re wrong anyways.”
“It’s okay if they’re right.”
“But they aren’t! I think your braces are cool! I mean you have metal on your face that’s so cool!”
He knew what to say. He always did…just in his own Sannie way.
The next few days passed like the summer breeze floating in off the water. They were warm and inviting, relaxing and joyous, the smell of salt drifted in, but it felt like something was missing. Something I usually felt when I was here was whole, and this time I feel like half. I feel like there’s something missing.
“Y/n? Hello?” there was a knock on my door. “Please, it's too bright out!”
“Seonghwa?” I opened the door. “Oh my god what are you-Wooyoungie!” I jumped on them both. “What are you two doing here??” I pulled them both in.
“We missed you and your birthday is coming up soon! It’s a big deal.” Wooyoung smiled. “Besides, the company can last while we’re gone.” Seonghwa smiled.
“Who’s the hot neighbor?” Wooyong smirked.
“Don’t get any ideas.”
“I don’t have any ideas anyway.” he chuckled. “Is that your long-lost love from when you were a child?”
“It’s San, the guy I grew up with…he filled out nicely.”
“San? As in the one that dumped a bucket of sand on you?”
“Or the one who beat up that kid on the beach?”
“They're the same San.” I chuckled.
“Okay so he’s definitely coming to the party.” Wooyoung smiled.
“NO, No parties.” I said. “I don’t want a birthday party, they’re dumb.”
“Aww what? Too bad.” Wooyoung confirmed…of course he did. I should just kick them out.
There was a loud knock at the door.
“Coming!” I called out and opened it and there was San out of breath and disheveled. Wow. I uh.
“Are you ok? I smelled something and-” he caught a glimpse of Seonghwa and pulled me closer to him. “y/n, he’s-”
“Hey don’t worry I already know.” I pat his face and pulled his stare away. “Don’t be the beach hero again, these are my best friends.” I chuckled. “San, this is Seonghwa, a vampire and Wooyoung, a warlock.” I nodded and pointed to them. “We’re just coworkers.”
“You never told me you knew a Kitsune?”
“A what?” I looked at Seonghwa. “You mean the thing from Naruto? Kyuubi?”
“Essentially, they’re very rare only a few clans still around.” he nodded.
“San isn’t a fox demon he’s…he’s my San.” I looked at him “You can’t just assume based on the eyes.”
“It’s the stench, he smells like a dog. Not as bad as werewolves though.”
“Oh shut up you-”
“I said enough!” I looked at them. “Look, rare mythical creature or not, I'm not going to put up with this. We’re all friends so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to walk away and get some water…try not to tear each other's head off.”
As soon as I left San’s side I wanted to curl right back into it. That’s what I was missing..affection. I was always missing affection, the affection of someone else. I never even had a boyfriend until I was in college. Of course, it was a vampire, he was a douchebag too I can’t even….
“Hey.” Wooyoung knocked on my door. “What’s up buttercup?”
“Hi Woo…” I sighed. “I don’t know. I’m just confused right now.”
“Wanna talk about what’s giving you troubles?”
“No, I wanna figure out how to turn up the damn heat in this place I’m freezing every morning.” I sighed. “I’m sorry you don’t want to hear about this.”
“Have you and San ever dated?” he questioned out of the blue.
“No? Why would you ask that you know I only had one boyfriend.”
“You guys just….you looked good together like you fit perfectly together.”
“I don’t think so, I mean he was evil growing up, there was the time he threw a frozen water balloon at my back and I had a bruise the size of Texas.”
“Boys show affection in weird ways, like when I liked this girl in middle school, I had the idea of putting gum in her hair to get her to notice me, it worked but she hated my guts.”
“Well yeah, it was gum.” I looked at him.
“I’m just saying maybe he likes you a little? He seems pretty protective.”
“He barely knows me I haven’t seen him since I had braces.”
“You had braces?”
“See.” I frowned. “I just….I don’t know.”
“Hey the radio did say it was the summer of love.”
“Thank you Woo.” I rolled my eyes.
“Hey why don’t we have a party, like out by the bonfire, we can all hang out, meet him and his friends?”
“You just want to live a beach fantasy of throwing a beach party.”
“With Karaoke!” he smiled.
I gave in after a few days, I needed some social interaction and I knew I’d get annoyed if all I did was talk to Seonghwa and Wooyoung for a month. Plus I really wanted to spend time with San again.
“Want some help?” came the honey-like pout from over my trunk.
“Hmm? Oh hey.” I smiled lightly. “Um I think I got it.” I pulled the last of my groceries out of the trunk.”
“y/n?” San started “I-”
“Don’t apologize. You guys have different instincts than I do, I’m just a boring human after all.” I chuckled. “Just surprised is all.”
“I don’t think you’re boring.” he looked at the stuff in my hands. “Here before you drop that Watermelon.”
“Nah! I don’t need super strength!” I chuckled and he paused. He’d heard that sweet melodic voice say that before.
A pit grew in his stomach.
“Oh by the way I found some stuff from when I was growing up but I was wondering if you remember the carved fox that was in the living room? I can’t seem to find it but it was my favorite.” I set the things down on the counter and put them in their respective cabinets.
“Carved fox?” he looked at me.
“Yeah it was this wooden statute that looked really old, but I used to talk to it when I was a kid. I was by the fireplace.” I pointed. “It was from a birch tree and it was black and red and the fox was smiling and circling the moon I think, or sitting on it.”
He knew that statue, he carved it all those years ago for her. It hasn’t been in this house for centuries what was she talking about. It was his station to watch after the moon and watch the seas. How…
“Hmm? Oh my god, San your nose!” I rushed over and grabbed a napkin his nose had begun bleeding. “What did you do?” I chuckled. “You can’t go around bleeding on the floor it’s not good for you. Like you went to war with your finger.”
“Are you sure you’ve seen that statue?”
“Well yeah, it got me started on my love of foxes.” I tilted his head. “Are you ok? Really?”
“I’m fine honey.” he took my hand gently.
“Haven’t heard that one before.” I blushed and took my hand back. “You might want to go wash your face since…you know.”
San was confused, how had you seen it. How had you known…his head hurt, he wanted to talk to you and he also wanted to ask his father. He had so many questions and no answers. Who are you? Are you really just his neighbor? Are you his neighbor he had a crush on? You felt like more with each passing day. Your smile felt like sunshine and he wanted to curl up next to you..he wanted to keep you safe. Anything to keep you safe. He looked into you mirror and he almost screamed…he saw her..you..he saw you.
“Sannie, your tail is out.” she smiled at him as they brushed their teeth together.
“Oh do you not like the soft feeling?” he smirked watching her eyes sparkle.
“It tickles.” she chuckled as it ran along her leg.
“Must just be happy to see you.” he smiled and pulled her closer.
“San?” I called and knocked on the door, I opened it when I didn’t hear a reply and saw he had ran out of the window, the breeze moving the curtains.
I don’t understand why would he just leave like that, and why didn’t he use the door? He left his phone and everything. Did…Did I do something? Did something happen?
I went over to return his phone hoping he was there. No answer.
“Sannie?” I called out. “You left your phone!” Still no answer. “I’ll just slide it through the mail slot!” I sighed.
It had been a week since San bolted from my house, he had avoided me. I saw him talking with Wooyoung but if I went out he’d quickly find an excuse and leave. He wouldn’t even look at me. What had I done.
“Woo?” I knocked on my old childhood bedroom door. “Can I ask you something?”
“Hey yo, what’s up?” he opened the door.
“Is…Is San ok?”
“Hmm? Yeah? I mean he seems fine to me, maybe a little stressed.”
“Having fox problems?” Seonghwa spoke up.
“I don’t know what’s going on, he’s been avoiding me for a week and he won’t…he won’t look at me.”
“Have you ever heard of imprinting?” Segonhwa asked. “Here come sit down.” he patted the bed.
“You mean that thing they did in Twilight?” I looked at him.
“Okay well you already know that Vampires aren’t crystals so stop there. Imprinting is like what ducklings do on their mother.”
“Okay? What does that have to do with me and San?”
“Well I think he’s confused.”
“Hey I told you that in private.” Wooyoung interrupted.
“I think she deserves to know Woo.”
“Know what…Geez he told you guys but not me.”
“Look okay fine.” Wooyoung raised his hands. “But I’m calling him to tell him we’re telling you.” he left the room.
“San had someone he loved, a very long time ago.” Seonghwa started.
“Like a hundred years ago? Thousand?”
“Try more like a hundred thousand. He’s been around a long time.” he looked at me.
“I met him as a child though, You’re telling me he was a child for 100,000 years?”
“No he…it’s a trick, like they pull pranks and things it’s like that he was…tricking you into thinking he’s a child.”
“Okay…fine…keep going.” I rolled my eyes, this sounds dumb.
“San had imprinted on someone in his first hundred years, he loved her, they got married they were…she was perfect for him…he loved her.”
“Y/n, please try to understand.”
“What. I’m not seeing how him avoiding me is explaining this.”
“Usually you imprint on a person, but sometimes when you’re really supposed to be with someone they…you can imprint on a soul.”
“So you’re going to tell me something dumb like we’re soulmates now? That I’m a reincarnation…okay jeez you guys are just crazy.” I sighed and stood up. “So what he’s freaked out because I remind him of her and he bolted because he doesn’t actually like me and, and what? I’m just supposed to be ok? Whatever this is stupid forget I asked anything.”
“It’s true.” came his voice from the doorway. “I…I’m scared and confused and…I don’t know. I want to just…Can you let me try to explain?” San looked at me. “Please?”
“I’ll give you one hour…” I looked at him angry. He has some nerve asking me to just..he left..he left me….why was I so relieved to see him back in the house…
“I promise, just please let me do what I can to make it right.”
“And then we’re having a party tonight!” Wooyoung finished.
“No.” I looked at him. “No party.”
“Shhh you listen to him, we’ll be out here.” Wooyoung shooed Seonghwa from the room.
“Look y/n this…this isn’t how I wanted it to happen.”
“Just start..please.” I crossed my arms.
“When I was new to this world…look I’m really quite an old man when you think about it. When I was still a pup, or a baby really…there was this girl. She was quiet and kind, she was gentle…all the things you are, a little weird and funny…”
“She made me happy, I felt at home when we were together…I couldn’t explain it but I…I just wanted her to be here always.”
“You were in love.”
“I was in love..she is my everything. She was…my everything.” he looked at the ground sadness filling his eyes.
“Sannie?” I pulled his face up.
“I did the same stupid things I did with you, I pulled pranks on her, I would pull her into the ocean I would play fight with her…I was a kid. She was always there, and as we grew older I..I didn’t want her to just notice the dumb pranks I was pulling or hear her frustrated I wanted her to smile at me and tell me how her day was. I made this carving of a fox so I could always protect her.”
“San? What happened?” I felt my hands shake a little.
“The fight happened. I was being stupid, I was…I was being a child and I was reckless and I was….” he teared up. “It all happened so fast, I know how dumb and cliche it sounds, one moment we were yelling in the kitchen over something stupid, the next she threw her ring at me and stormed out of the house, it was raining and the moon was covered and…she rejected me. The imprinting…she said she didn’t want anything to do with me…it felt like someone had cut my heart out.”
“San I..” I was at a loss for words.
“I couldn’t take it back, I loved her. I wanted to be with her my whole life…I felt safe with her, like I didn’t have all this responsibility to live up to, like I was human….like her. I went to her funeral the day I learned she passed…she had a little fox engraving on the headstone.”
“Do you think she ever really stopped?” I caught his gaze.
“No…part of me believes that…I never thought I’d feel like this…until you moved in.” he met my gaze tears falling down his cheeks. “Even as stupid kids I liked hearing you laugh, it made me so happy. I don’t know why I pulled those pranks, I don’t even know why I thought they were funny.”
“It’s your nature dummy.” I nudged him.
“You remember stuff she did though…the fox carving, where I put my key, the nickname she called me. Y/n I know you aren’t her and I’m not expecting you to be her…I’m not even expecting you to like me back but please…I don’t…I don’t want to feel that way again. Please just…stay.”
“My mom always said I was drawn to you…like we were meant to be. I told her it’s all just stories and tales she told herself…or me to make me feel better.”
“Hey I let you talk it’s my turn.” I smiled softly and wiped his cheek. “I’m not her San…I’m not going to be her.”
“I know I-”
“San! I’m not done.” I pinched his cheek. “I’m not her, but I’d like it if you gave me a chance to be a new version of her….Let’s take it slow silly boy.” I squeezed his hand.
We talked for a little while longer, coming to an agreement. I’d help him move on and we’d see where it takes us.
“All I know is, I feel the best when you hug me.” I laughed softly and he pulled me into his chest.
Soulmates are strange,I never understood what it meant. I thought it was just clicking with someone…it’s a different kind of click though. One that feels like Home, it’s safe, and warm. San felt like home…San felt right and it’s where I wanted to be.
As it got closer for my time to leave things grew harder and harder…I didn’t want to go back I didn’t want this budding summer romance to end.
“You can stay?” San said as I rolled over to the furnace that was the boy next to me.
“I have my job San I can’t just…I can’t just quit.”
“Why can’t you work remotely? Lots of people do and like…then…you don’t” you could practically see him deflating.
“I…Let me go home…talk to my boss?” I looked at him a kissed his cheek. “We’ll work it out. We’ll work out. Ok?”
“Promise?” he looked at me.
“San I said we would try…I don’t want this to be a summer fling.”
“Me either…ok…You have my number and everything.”
“I do. I promise.” I chuckled.
Long story short by the time winter came I could finally work remotely…I came back. I came back and I had never been more happy that I came back, my little fox demon waiting for me on the front porch. Now instead of every summer it was everyday, every day turned into every year and every year turned into my lifetime. I saw his smile every morning we woke up together and in every smile I saw the bond we had created. Our bond had manifested in wonderful ways, first a child, then a ring, we fixed up the house and that was where I was more than happy to learn to meaning of soulmates. Our daughter was certainly happy as the years grew on to learn all she could about the best pranks to pull from her dad. This was my life, and it would be my life in every lifetime over, we got our second chance, and we got our time in each and every lifetime.
“Hi I’m y/n.” Said the 5 year old girl peaking behind her mom’s legs.
“I’m San.” the fox eyed boy smiled back. “Wanna play on the beach with me?”
“Promise not to get sand in my eyes Sannie?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” he smiled fondly.
“Your tail is out! It looks so soft!” she smiled
She always found her way back home. He always fell in love with her every time.
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mrskreideprinz · 4 months
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Who can join: Anyone 18+ with an age indicator in their bio is allowed to join.
How to join: Send me an ask with your character and fandom of choice.
Fandoms: Any and all fandoms welcome
About this collab: This collab is all about writing something for your favs where the center of the fic is hurt/comfort. It can be heavy on the hurt, heavy on the comfort, whatever you want. As long as the main theme of the fic is hurt/comfort anything goes. Just let your wildest fantasies go wild and have fun with it!
Due Date: There is no deadline
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• Doubles are allowed
• Selfship centered fics are allowed (encouraged even).
• Please do not join if you’re not 18+ or don’t have an age indicator of some sort on your blog. If you send in an ask and you have no age indicator or are a minor you will be hard blocked.
• Dark content is allowed, but please make sure hurt/comfort is the main theme as well.
• Once you’ve joined please make sure to reblog the collab post.
• Aging up characters is allowed.
• There is no maximum word limit, but please make sure you’re writing at least 500 words minimum.
• When you finish your collab piece make sure to tag me in the post and use the hashtag #helpmeholdme
• Oc x Character is allowed
• The relationship can be romantic, platonic, queer platonic, etc.
• And most importantly have fun!!
• If there’s anything you’re unsure about just send an ask and I’ll answer to the best of my abilities <3
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• Sampo — @rubysm
• Kaeya — @rubysm
• Dottore — @screamingcrows
• Shigaraki — @/tomuras
• Kim Dokja — @glassrowboat
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laughroditee · 1 month
COD Fanfic Collab Feeler Post (Poll at bottom)
Hello, my lovelies! I am thinking about hosting a fic event built around the idea of "exquisite corpse," where everyone writes a little bit, but no one knows what anyone else is writing until the very end, and the result is a finished piece of bizarre fiction.
🚨SOME GROUND RULES🚨 (I may add more if more come up. Yes, I am a hag.)
There will be a central theme to unify everyone's pieces, though the end result will still be weird AF, like a glitch in the Matrix. There may also be a tone as well, but I'm still deciding on that.
In total, this would be a month-long event, with a maximum number of participants equal to the number of days in that month. So if we do October (which is what I hope to do, but we'll see), a maximum of 31 participants. For November: 30. You get the picture. If the event does not gain enough participants to max out, whoever has joined by the cutoff will just go again, and we'll cycle through until the end.
This would run a bit like a baton relay since each person's contribution builds on the previous installment. For example, I'll start the fic as number one (because it's my event), then send the last sentence to number two. Number two sends their last sentence to number three, and so on. Due to this, TIMING IS SO IMPORTANT! We want to be able to get through everyone's posts in a timely manner since we're not all writing at the same time; we're doing it in a chain.
For that reason, WRITING would take place the month before, and each writer would schedule their post for their assigned day at noon during the event month. So, if we really are going to be doing a Halloween fic, then writing would take place in September, with each post being scheduled for the writer's assigned day in October.
If this is a thing that will happen, I will be making everyone a shitty event banner to place at the top of their post with the event and their entry number so people know this is a chain of fics, and appropriate links to the beginning, previous entry, and next entry should be included in your post to support your fellow creators and help readers navigate the bullshit of this thing we're building together. (I understand that some links won't be able to be added until the posts are public.)
A common event tag should also be used but I haven't decided what it is yet. Probably "#cod exquisite corpse" to keep it simple.
Everyone gets a word count CAP of 500 words. So LESS THAN 500 words is ideal! If you go over 500, those extra words will be cut off, and whatever is left in that truncated sentence is what will get sent to the next person to finish and build on as their prompt (so be kind to the person after you and don't go over).
Smut is okay (tag your post with appropriate warnings - I will say no CNC or non-con for this, sorry), but I will challenge everyone to use gender-neutral!Reader and/or canon x canon to keep everyone on the same page and to let as many people have a good time here. If that doesn't sound like a good time to you, you don't have to participate. If you need tips on writing gender-neutral smut, please leave a comment, and I'm sure our lovely community can give some tips.
Please also watch for POC-inclusive writing, as not every skin tone blushes, not everyone wants/can have fingers running through their hair, etc. Again, if you need help with this, there have been MANY posts floating around in the community if you've missed them. You can also leave a comment, and we'll see if we can get some tips together.
Please be inclusive about body size, in both height and weight, so that our tall and fat Readers can get some love too. As such, there will be no size difference kinks for this event. I realize that making a "perfectly neutral Reader" may be challenging (and "perfect" is a loaded term), but I know it's doable, as I've seen people do it. If you don't want to do that, no one is forcing you to participate.
No killing characters since that's a major continuity issue lol. 💀 There will already be enough continuity issues with people fucking every other chapter with zero further mention of it, but that's beside the point.
And finally, keep it light, keep it fun, AND BE KIND. Fandom is supposed to be silly-funny, so let's get along and make our dolls kiss everyone.
I realize this is a lot, and honestly, this event may not pan out. It may be a lot more like herding cats than anything else. I'm just making this post to preemptively determine how much interest there is before I go making event banners and stuff and wasting my time.
So finally...
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Fandom Leap Chapter 7
Chapter 6 | Series Masterlist | Chapter 8
Word Count: 1,882
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader 
A/N: I’m excited and honoured to participate in this collaboration of the Fandom Leap Series! Make sure to check out the previous chapters!! I decided to take a bit of a softer mundane approach to the series so that the Reader is not stressed about chaotic universes all the time! I hope you guys enjoy it! Warning, I wrote this sleep-deprived so if there are any errors I'm so sorry!!
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Rough arms pulled you away from him and handcuffed your wrists behind your back. You turned to look at Bucky, to show him you would be alright, and were gripped by the sadness and regret in his eyes. You saw tears fill them, like they had yours, and forced a sad smile before you were turned away from him.
As you were pulled to standing, for the first time since this all started, you were relieved to feel a shift coming on.
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Feeling nervous about which reality you landed in you decide to keep your eyes closed for a while to keep your fear and panic at bay. Honing in on your senses, you can hear waves crashing and the feel of a blanket wrapped around you. 
As you open your eyes, blinking slowly as you take in your surroundings of the bright light. The beauty of being on the beach at sunrise takes you by surprise and the feeling of peace and tranquility overcomes you for the first time since the shifting began. 
A soft sigh leaves your lips as you take deep breaths pulling the blanket around you more. You hear a deep chuckle come from behind you and you instantly freeze slightly but it sounds familiar. It feels as though you’re home as it surrounds you with a sense of comfort. 
You turn slowly, gasping at the intensity in those bright blue eyes. A soft smile etching itself onto your face as you notice he is wrapped in a blanket holding a picnic basket in his hands. “Doll, you gonna help me or what?” He asks tilting his head to the side and smirking as he takes you fully in raking his eyes up and down your body. “Ya know baby, you are absolutely beautiful, especially in this light”. You can feel your cheeks heating up, your brain freezes not knowing how to respond. Do I tell him that I’m not who he thinks I am? Do I tell him the truth? These questions float through your head and Bucky picks up on the fact that you are lost in thought. 
Bucky gets closer and you can feel the warmth of his hand on your cheek, his thumb gently caressing your skin to draw you out of your thoughts. “Baby? What’s wrong? Everything okay?” You stare blankly at him before you whisper “You’re not going to believe what I’m about to say.” His face scrunches up in confusion, his dreamy eyes filled with worry “What’s going on baby?” He whispers softly. You can feel his warm breath on your face contrasting with the gentle yet cold wind making it feel a little ticklish, you can’t help but giggle softly. 
“Sorry! Ticklish” You whisper softly. “This is going to sound crazy…” You say looking him straight in the eyes, meeting his intense gaze. “We might want to sit down for this”, as you both settle down on the sand wrapped in your blankets, you begin to explain the journey you have experienced so far of travelling through the alternative universes. You can see his intrigue when you mention meeting different versions of him and see flickers of jealousy across his face at times. 
You can see the cogs turning in his head as he takes in what you have just told him and after a few moments of silence, “So, you’re not my fiancée but a variation of her?” He says his eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. “I believe so,” You whisper. “I exist in some universes and in others, it seems I do not”. 
“So, how do we go about this?” He asks looking at you intensely “Because our wedding is in two weeks.” “Uh, normally the shift happens within a few hours or after a day or two” You whisper softly “So it seems likely that I’ll be gone and your finacée will be back in time for your wedding” You say gulping slightly, imagining what the wedding would actually be like. 
“Well it would be a shame to let this food go to waste, I might as well get to know you for the time you are here” Bucky says nudging you slightly “It also helps that you look exactly like my beautiful fiancée,” He says with a soft chuckle. You giggle in response and relax in his company answering his questions while you snack on fresh fruit and cold pancakes and take turns drinking coffee from the thermos lid.
After a while, you both pack up and head back to the car. “This has been incredibly lovely, especially after the last experience I had before shifting to this reality,” You say as Bucky opens the door for you to get into the car. Once Bucky slides into the driver's seat you blurt out “Thank you for not freaking out on me when I told you”. “Well, in my line of work, this kind of thing seems like it could happen”. He says as he places his hand on your thigh while he drives. He doesn’t seem to notice until he looks over at you staring at his hand, cheeks flushed. “I’m so sorry, a force of habit,” He says, chuckling nervously. “It’s totally okay! It feels quite comforting actually” You say placing your hand over his, squeezing softly. 
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Over the next few days, You and Bucky have a great time getting to know each other while also doing the last-minute preparations for the wedding which seems to be getting closer and closer. You’re a little confused as to why you haven’t shifted universes yet and you’re on edge that it’ll happen any time soon. It’s a double-edged sword as it feels weird not to be shifting at a fast rate but at the same time getting to know this version of Bucky has started pulling on your heartstrings. You are falling for him quickly, You aren’t sure whether it’s because the version of you in this universe is already in love with him and it’s rubbing onto you, or whether it’s because you found yourself crushing on Bucky back where he is just a fictional character in your universe. 
You’ve picked up on his little habits, how he dances when he cooks, hums softly when he reads the news, pretends to play the drums while he’s waiting on the coffee, the little smile he has when Sam is annoying him and he pretends he’s angry, that when he wakes up he places a little kiss on your forehead before sneaking off to work or how he will leave little notes lying around so You don’t feel lonely throughout the day.
You’ve decided to surprise him with a date to say thank you for taking this whole thing without freaking out. Since he’s been working during the day at the compound he comes back tensed most nights as there is wedding stuff that needs to be done once he’s home. You had spent the day getting most of the wedding favours done so that Bucky could have the night to relax and enjoy himself. 
Bucky is a little confused as he arrives home and the lights are not on. “Doll?” He yells out. You stay quiet in the living room which is decorated with fairy lights and candles to surprise him but you can slowly hear him freaking out a little as he can’t seem to find you. “Doll? Please don’t tell me you’re gone! I don’t wanna miss the moment you leave.” The tremble in his voice upsets you and has you yelling out “I’m in here Buck!” Before you know it he’s in the living room pulling you into a tight hug, not letting you go any time soon. 
“Hey! It’s okay, I’m here” You say wrapping your arms around him. “I’m here” You keep repeating into his ear as you rub your hand up and down his back to calm him down. After a while, he pulls out of your embrace and looks around at the romantic set-up. “I don’t want you to go” He mumbles softly “I don’t want to either but I don’t think I have a choice” You whisper “I’m surprised I haven’t disappeared yet”, “It’s probably because you are meant to be with me and also because you’ve done a lot of travelling and maybe your body just needs to rest,” He says cupping your face. You can’t help but swoon over him. His eyes are intense with emotion and you can’t help but lean up and kiss him in the heat of the moment. 
The passion and sparks you feel from his kiss have your head spinning as you both pull away. The two of you are both flushed and smiling, just standing there in each other's presence. “I cooked you dinner and then you’re having a massage to get rid of the tension you’re carrying” You whisper softly. “Wanna come with me to plate it up?” You ask once you see Bucky’s discomfort at you leaving him alone. You smile and hold back a giggle as he nods, looking like a little kid peeking at you through his eyelashes. 
Sharing stories and laughter over dinner in the soft lighting, you can’t help but fall more in love with this soft version of Bucky. Bucky who worked out his trauma in therapy, Bucky whose friends support him and have his back, Bucky who isn’t afraid to express his love. Although he has some bad days every now and again, he always said You helped him feel better and that You did exactly what his version of You would do for him. 
To let the food settle in your stomachs the both of you curl up together to cuddle and talk about what you both got up to during the day, a ritual that you both stumbled upon since You’ve been here. You begin to run your fingers through his hair playfully for a while before tugging on it softly to pull his hair back. “Wanna take that shirt off for me and lie down for your massage?” You whisper into his ear. He nods eagerly “Of course, doll, I’d love to have your hands on my body” He says with a wink pulling his shirt off and making you flush slightly. 
You warm up the oil between your hands as you straddle Bucky’s back and begin to massage the tense muscles in his shoulders, making sure to move your hands up and down. His skin is soft under your fingers and You can’t help but ogle at how ripped he is. You both stumble onto talking about the randomest of topics and end up in a fit of laughter when each of you keeps making silly dad jokes. As Bucky moves you begin to slip off but he catches you due to his quick reflexes. You stare into each other’s eyes, your hands on his chest, his wrapped around you, foreheads pressed together. 
You can both feel a shift in the air around you. Sitting in each other's presence the feeling begins to come over you, “Buck, I don’t wanna go” You whisper softly gripping his hand tight. “Please don’t leave me, Doll” his voice trembling in fear, You can’t help but shed some tears because You don’t want to go either, but You have no control over this. “Come back to me baby, please” He whispers holding you close to him, his please sounds absolutely broken which makes your heart heavier. “I love y-,” as the shift overtakes You, You can still feel his presence. Shedding a few tears your heart feels heavy and You hope that where you end up next is a place in which you will be safe and protected like how You were with Bucky.
Fellow Collaborators:
@supraveng @nickfowlerrr @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @crazyunsexycool @swiftlymoniquesblog @missvelvetsstuff @rosedpetal @imyourbratzdoll @herdreamywasteland @jamneuromain @potterhead2207
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tarotoftheendless · 9 months
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I really would rather roleplay a fanfic story with someone who is playing as Will Donner, but since it seems like no one is interested in even a collab, would anyone even be interested in a sequel fix-it story where Willie gets a partner that matches him more and loves him first rather than a last resort? Would anyone read that? It'd be 18+ too, so does anyone have the hots for Willie like I do, or am I the only one? Cuz there is zero and I mean zero fanfics out there about Will or Waiting for Forever, not even from when it came out in 2011.
So, is this even a Tom Sturridge fanfic that people would even want? I guess I want to write the fanfic I wish I could read. I just have crippling self-doubt and ADHD and imposter syndrome when it comes to my writing especially writing canon characters from a film or show. I just want to be able to get out what is in my head on to the page, but my brain gets to bleh.
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a-dream-bookmark · 1 year
a dream bookmark presents:
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rise of the machines and rebellions
Welcome to our third writing event, Solstice: Deus Ex Machina. The theme for this event will be stories set in an alternate world from the punk suffix aesthetics such as Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Solarpunk, and Aetherpunk!
Write about the cyborgs, androids, techs that help you, or techs that threaten you. Write about the rebellions against megacorporations or the new zeitgeist of technology in the first industrial revolution. Write about the ways technology will fight against dragons or arcane beings. Write scenarios of dystopias or utopias. It's all up to you!
You must be a member of the circle to participate. Guidelines for the membership are linked here.
Following the guidelines set, participation is highly encouraged if you want to keep your membership.
The pairings written can be either reader insert x idol or oc x idol. The reader can be any gender you prefer.
Only drabbles & full-length fics are accepted. Any other forms won’t be accepted.
Minimum word count is 500 words with no maximum.
We allow any genre as long as it is set in the punk suffix AUs. Eg: Cyberpunk, Biopunk, Dieselpunk, etc
Plagiarism is extremely prohibited and not tolerated. Following the rules that have already been set, if any writer is found doing so, they will get their membership removed. Please credit where credit is due if you are inspired by any content.
The deadline for the event is December 21st, 2023 and all works written will be included in a masterlist that will be posted on December 22nd.
Make sure to tag your work with #solstice: deus ex machina to make it easier for us to track!
Have fun and Happy writing! Remember, this shouldn’t be an event that would cause you pressure. Let your creativity and passion guide you!
How to join?
Reblog this post and send the member, group, and AUs you’ll be writing on the Discord server’s channel. Remember that this is the circle’s event and you have to be a member first before joining. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask so we can answer them right away.
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bossyladies · 1 year
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* ✰. *.˚៹ 🔦🚲 : MANEATER ── Stranger Things
BORN AND RAISED in the small, sleepy town of Hawkins in Indiana County, Theodora Brenner, better known to her intimates as Dora, was quiet and emotionless.
However, Dora was far from an ordinary teenager. As the biological daughter of Doctor Martin Brenner, the infamous scientist responsible for the cruel and supernatural experiments in the secret laboratory located in the city's energy department, she is constantly protected by federal agents. They discreetly accompany her at almost all times of the day, ensuring her safety and trying to keep her away from her father's shady dealings.
Despite all the constant protection, Theodora managed to escape the watchful eyes of the agents to party with her friends, showing that she is not just a pretty face, but also has a rebellious and cunning mind.
It is during one of her nocturnal escapes that Dora first encounters the strange flower-headed humanoid creature lurking in the shadows. At first, he believes it to be a bad trip caused by mixing drugs and alcohol. But when she learns the next morning that her friend's twin sister had disappeared that night, she is scared and begins to suspect the strange things happening around her.
Noting that her own "personal guard" has increased since Will and Barb's disappearance, she sets out on a quest for answers, dedicating herself to investigating the mysteries surrounding the town on her own. During a series of coincidences, her path crosses with the group of children formed by Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Eleven.
With the help of these unlikely allies, she plunges into a world full of mystery and danger. As Theodora comes closer to the truth, she realizes that not only is her life at risk, but the safety of everyone she loves.
---:꒰ wattpad only ꒱ ---:꒰ written by bossyladies ꒱ ---:꒰ portuguese fanfiction ꒱ ---:꒰ link ꒱: MANEATER
This book is part of a trilogy, each of which chronicles the adventures of a different original character.
✧* ✰. *.˚៹ 🔦🚲 : ۪ tag: @rebloggingocs @samwilsonns  @stardustocs @starlit-ocs @allaboutocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @ocappreciationtag @ocappreciation @foxesandmagic @hiddenqveendom   @iloveocs   @anotherocsblog​ @eddysocs @queerocs @fyeahstrangerthingsocs
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mirage-05 · 1 year
Sting and Lyanna [Fairy Tail]
So... it’s been a while since we do this, but seeing some likes on our Fairy Tail content lately couraged me to post another fanfiction collab between me and @eleanor-devil xD As usual, this is part of our bigger project. 
This story take place after the Alvarez war and there are a few OCs in it, namely Rin ( @mirage-05 who you probably already know by now), Eleanor ( @eleanor-devil ) and one of the titular characters, Lyanna. We don’t want to give many spoilers, though, so I hope you enjoy reading x3
Oh and a small warning that by this time, StingYu (Sting x Yukino) and NaLu (Natsu x Lucy) are already a couple!
Feedback is, of course, highly appreciated. ^^
For some reason, and it had to be a very good reason, Sting Eucliffe was quiet... for days. That never ever happened, not even Rufus had memory of such a thing happening.
Rogue and Lector had noticed this started happening not long after Sorano, Yukino's elder sister and former member of Crime Sorcière, having asked - she actually more like demanded along with her nuts of a knight boyfriend - to join Sabertooth.
Sting would still do his usual stuff, go to the bar, take walks, do Master stuff but just in a very quiet way, almost gloomy and nobody could understand why.
It wasn't that Rogue didn't ask him... time and time again what was bothering him, it had reached a point he'd give anything for Sting to act in his usual childish and annoying way - though it was not like he was gonna admit it to anyone, let alone to that knucklehead. The awful quietness of the White Dragon Slayer had started to worry him, so much so that it wasn't beyond him at this point to try desperate measures.
"Rogue... what is that?" Sting asked while raising an eyebrow, looking at the big envelope in the Shadow Dragon Slayer's hands.
Without ever changing his stoic expression, the young man answered. "Orga's baby photos." It shall remain a secret as to how he got a hold of said photos. He held up the envelope, knowing that under normal circumstances Sting would never say no to that. "You wanna take a look at it?" Honestly, anyone watching them from outside would think they've just swapped their personalities.
After a moment of silence and stares between his Twin Dragon Slayer and the envelope... Sting went back to what he was doing. "I have a lot of paperwork to deliver Rogue, I don't have time for that right now."
And that's how Rogue Cheney's jaw dropped... well... not literally but the Shadow Dragon Slayer was shocked, so shocked that he nearly asked what had the guy in front of him done to the real Sting... but he chose not to as he probably would get a not-very-Sting-like answer. So he just forcefully dragged his feet out of the man's office, without saying anything else to the blond; he faced almost the whole guild that was waiting outside for an answer and hopeful looks.
"...He refused the photos." The Dragon Slayer announced.
"Okay that's it, I'm calling him sick." said Eleanor.
The Master, in the meantime, sighed and rubbed his temples as soon as the door closed. He was aware that his friends were just trying to help him, but really, the problem was all in his head, and it wasn't something small that a little group therapy would solve. He was having a number of recurring dreams lately - not the same nightmares from a while ago, thank god -, all of them included the same three people, laughing and chatting with... well, a younger version of him. It was such a nice and warm atmosphere that there had been mornings he found it hard to get up and face the reality that those three people didn’t exist anymore.
Sting had no doubts about it...he had been seeing his real family, the one he had lost many centuries ago. A wave of sadness washed over him again at the memory, threatening to drown him...and that’s why he had decided to immerse himself in his Guild Master's duties, work to forget - that and well, the sense of responsibility that had finally kicked in -. If he didn't do anything to keep his mind busy...he felt like he would go crazy.
The blond didn't know how much time had passed while signing off the paperwork, but he suddenly heard chatter out of his office again. 'Sheesh...what does a guy have to do to get some privacy?' he thought to himself, mildly annoyed now.
And suddenly a familiar pink haired man burst into his office so fast that it even made some papers fly around the room - awesome..he had just finished organizing those...self-note to get some paper clips later… Attached to both his arms and practically dragging on the floor  were both Lucy and Yukino, clearly they seemed to have been trying to hold back the Salamander from doing exactly what he had just done.
"Yoooo Sting! It's been a while!"
Sting just blinked a few times to see if he was actually seeing right. "Um... Natsu-san?"
Natsu moved closer to the Light Dragon Slayer, the girls completely forgotten on the floor, and patted him a few times in his head, maybe with a little too much strength as Sting was trying to hold back winces whenever he did that. "Drop the 'san' man, we're brothers aren't we?!"
Well... apparently some things were never going to change. "What brought you two here?" he asked instead of replying to the Fire Dragon Slayer. 
"Eh what, is it too weird to want to see my fellow Dragon Slayer?"
"You still shouldn't have interrupted his work though." Lucy pretty much chastised the pink head.
"I'm sorry, Sting... we tried." Yukino supplied her.
"Yeah, what's up with that, man?" Natsu continued as if he didn't hear the girls. "Your friends keep telling me that you're all work and no play lately. Or well what Rufus actually said was that you've become dull as Orga's songs."
Now his eye had begun twitching. Typical...leave it to Sabertooth to start rumors behind his back...
"There is nothing wrong with me." he said as he stood up from his chair. "And I haven't become dull either...! I am just being the Master I should have been for a long time, I don't have time for plays right now."
"Sting..." Yukino whispered, sweating at how harsh her lover was acting, this definitely wasn't him... she wished he would at least open up to her or Rogue...
"Now, what did you come here for?"
Natsu was just silent for a bit, not seeming bothered by his friend's bad humor, and then grinned. "Weeeell we have come here to invite specifically you - and a few more if they want to - on a job."
Sting raised an eyebrow. "Why would you ask another guild to come on a job requested to Fairy Tail?"
This time it was Lucy who talked, she stepped forward and held out the piece of paper that contained the information about the mentioned job "Actually it's because the client demands this job to be done by both Fairy Tail and Sabertooth mages, but don't ask me why, I have no idea. Plus the client decided to keep his face anonymous until we find what he wants."
"Oh, I think I've seen that job on our board," Yukino walked to another table in the office where there were a few recent job requests and looked through them. "Here it is, this is the copy but it's no doubt the same job." The request actually demanded Sting himself to participate in the job although like Natsu mentioned he was allowed to take more Sabertooth mages with him. 
Yukino couldn’t help but find this strange, last time they had seen a request with specific demands it turned out to be a trap set to capture both Sting and Rogue.
"Well we came to pick Sting up for the job," Natsu crossed his arms behind his head and then grinned with tease. "But since he's so busy being Master I guess he won't have time to do it with us."
There were times the White Dragon Slayer wouldn't stand by and let a teasing pass over, but he didn't feel like it now. The blond didn't say anything for a moment as he took the job form from Yukino and glanced over it. His confusion only increased when he saw the location of the mission. "...Fairy Tail's library? Is Makarov-san okay with it?" After all, a guild's library held many things, including their secret archives most of the time. To allow another guild to walk in freely was something unheard of in the many years past.
"Yeah, uh...there won't be any problem regarding that." the blond celestial mage said while sweat dripped down her chin. To be frank, what led Fairy Tail's Master to accept the job was what the mission promised in the end...or so he said, even the reward was being kept a mystery.
"Find... a treasure hidden in the library?" Now this was becoming even more mysterious. 
"Well? Are you in or not?" Natsu folded his arms, impatient. 
Sting sighed, closing his eyes for a minute. "Fine. I'll come with you." He looked over at his girlfriend. "Are you coming too, Yuki?"
The girl shook her head. "I can't... I'm leaving on another job, but..." a sweat dripped down her cheek. "I... think there are already a flock of our members ready to take it on."
Sting just glanced at the door and he felt sweat drops on the back of his head when he saw nearly all the guild members at it with their hands up and even their eyes shining, he could only guess they wanted the mysterious reward more than just do the job itself.
But no he wasn't going to take the whole guild into Fairy Tail's secret library, Sting just sighed. "Okay... Rogue, Rin, you're coming with me on this job if you are free."
"Oh come on, you always pick them!" complained Orga, who now looked like a child pouting while he crossed his arms.
Sting raised his eyebrow. "Maybe because I know they won't destroy the entire library..."
"Touché," mumbled Rufus.
They set off to the train station... and the two girls of the group had their hands full considering they had to deal with not one but three motion sick Dragon Slayers during the trip back to Fairy Tail, it was so bad that Natsu wanted to jump out of the window and run there instead.
But finally, after what felt like hours... they were in front of the entrance of the library and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the Sabertooth mages were awe-struck.
"Whoa, this place is huge," Sting said, voicing their thoughts. To be honest...during her recovery time in Fairy Tail, Rin had been allowed to visit the library to keep herself distracted so she was already familiar with the place. Still it was a sight to be amazed.
A normal person would be intimidated by the size of this mission, especially when they didn't know exactly what they were looking for. But Natsu Dragneel was not what you would say a normal person. He cracked his fingers, totally unperturbed. "Okay... let's get this going!"
"Wait, not just like that," Lucy interrupted, then she distributed to all of them what looked like marking devices. "Let's pick a section each. When you are done, you can use this to mark the shelves, so we know not to check there again."
"That's boring." The pink haired mumbled, boredom translating to his eyes and it only made the Celestial Spirit Mage angry.
"You would just destroy the library otherwise!" 
Rin giggled at the two mages arguing, it was funny that theirs was such a fiery relationship whereas Sting-nii’s and Yuki-nee's was so calm and quiet, despite Sting-nii not being the most calm person when he was in his normal days of course. 
"Next time you get your butt stuck in a cactus don't come ask me to take off the thorns!"
Those words for a reason ringed in Sting's mind, he couldn't explain why but he felt he had been in a similar situation before, well not exactly the argument between Natsu and Lucy but... something else...
"Ow! Ow!" the voice of a little boy rang through the air. "Can't you do that a little more gently??"
"Taking them off slowly only hurts more, dummy," a soft female voice answered back, amusement was clear in her expression as the little blond boy laying tummy down on her lap was trying to hold back the tears. "And you deserve this you know, how many times did mom tell you to not play near the cactus, Lys?"
"Don't call me that." the little boy said with a big pout curled in his lips while he folded his arms. The older girl laughed.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I should be calling you Lysander."
"Stop it."
"I hate you!" The boy said indignantly, and then another "Oww!"
"You know actually, now that I think of it... I think I know what I will call you from now on. I have the perfect idea."
There was a big moment of silence, it was apparent that the boy was trying his best to curb his curiosity. In the end though, he couldn't keep it in. "What...?"
"Since you keep falling on your butt in cactus... I will just call you Sting from now on."
"Ugh..." Sting brought his hand to his face as he felt a sudden headache settling in. Where did that come from?!
"Sting-nii, are you okay?" Rin immediately asked, concerned.
Rogue's attention was also on Sting, just what was wrong with him...? The worry for his brother in arms was becoming bigger.
"Nothing," of course he would say that, it had been his answer in the past few days. This time though, the young man rubbed Rin's head softly and gave her a soft smile, not his usual smiles but at least it was one.
'Rin... actually looks a lot like her...'
"Let's just get started, yes? We have a lot of work ahead of us." Sting pretty much dragged Natsu inside the library so that he and Lucy would stop arguing at once. Something that usually wouldn't bother the Light Dragon Slayer, it would actually amuse him, but not this time. Not with the headache he was having.
The group split up and began checking every single shelf in attempts to find... whatever they were looking for.
"It's hard to find something when you don't even know what you are looking for..." mumbled Sting as he took yet another book and blew away the dust on it, the job itself was just too strange. "Who is even the client again?"
Apparently no one knew the answer for that, and as Sting was about to put the book back in its place without much of a glance at it, the title suddenly caught his attention. "Dreyar Family Chronicles". 
Maybe he shouldn't - this was nothing short of invading private space... but the Light Dragon Slayer still found himself opening the book. He would just take a quick peek... this couldn't hurt anyone, right?
For some reason he started from the end, looking at the current members of the Dreyar household, Laxus-san (with whom he was on neutral terms, the two of them really didn't have a lot of contact), his father Ivan (whom he believed was still in custody) and the current leader of the guild, Makarov-san. He flipped the pages forth, looking through various generations of the family, almost as if in a trance.
He was a bit caught off guard when he came across the photo of Makarov-san's father, Yuri, he looked a bit familiar even the way his spiky dark blond hair was done, the smile too.
Sting continued flipping the pages, seeing some family photos and then he just stopped when he saw the picture of a woman, immediately considering her really beautiful the Master took a look at her long and straight blonde hair, a bit darker but not as dark as Yuri Dreyar's and then her sharp shaped but gentle aquamarine eyes and an equally gentle smile.
It was her, the one he saw in his dreams…
His... mother...
"Lysander Eucliffe!" The voice of a woman echoed through the walls of the wooden house. "What in the world happened to you?" The woman bent down, holding her long dress as she did so, until she reached her son's height. The child was on the verge of tears and looked all battered, scratches and dark circles here and there.
"Have you been fighting again? God how many times have I told you to not do that?" 
"But..." the child sniffed, trying his best not to cry.
"It's not his fault, mama..." A young girl approached the two, looking down, ashamed and sad. "It's mine... there were some kids messing up with me... Lys just tried to defend me..."
"Don't call me that." the child mumbled, raising a hand to wipe his tears but wincing as he touched one of the cuts.
The look in the woman's eyes softened a little, and she reached out to scoot both of her children to herself. "Lyanna, Lysander... I'm glad you are standing up for one another but-"
"Of course I will stand up for her! She is my sister!" The boy said defiantly, holding his hands in fists. "Those boys had what was coming for them! I will do it again if I have to!" Tears started falling down one by one, but he didn't care now. 
His sister turned to him and flung her arms around his neck, also teary. "You are my hero." she whispered in his ear, and the boy felt a little blush spreading across his cheeks.
Their mother smiled fondly at them, her light colored eyes soft. "Okay... but now let's get this hero cleaned up, shall we?"
Sting blinked as he came back to reality, and was surprised that he had teared up too. The memory was still fresh... like it didn't happen centuries ago, but just yesterday... But the question was... why was the picture of... his mother in the Dreyar's family album? Granted he had never known other relatives from both his parents' sides but still... it was all too confusing for him. He flipped to the next page and there was another photo of his mother but this time she was in the company of a man, tall, strong body built, short but slightly spiked light blond hair and a pair of dark blue eyes. The man had an arm wrapped around his wife's shoulders while the other hand rested on her swollen belly, standing in front of them with both her hands also on the belly was a younger girl, Lyanna for sure.
This was becoming more confusing, why was his family depicted in this album? What could even be their connection to the Dreyars when his family had been gone for over 400 years?
Sting suddenly remembered a question he had once made to his father…
He had come with his father into the forest so they could cut and gather wood for winter. It was going to be a very harsh season, his father had said.
Lysander would often hear how those harsh and cold temperatures could kill someone and he didn't like the idea or the thought of his family dying, whether it was because of the cold or something else.
The child was now sitting on a trunk of a tree that his father had already taken down, he was waiting for him to finish cutting the wood they would be bringing back some. Wrapped in the warm scarf knitted by his mother, Lysander swung his little legs back and forth, watching with lack of interest how his breathing turned into a cloud right in front of his face and then slowly disappeared.
His attention then turned towards the cutting sounds that came from the impact between the wood and the axe on his father's hands. Suddenly a small pout formed on his lips.
The man stopped what he was doing and then turned his dark blue eyes towards his son "Hm? What is it?"
But Lysander then lost his guts to ask what he wanted... it was a silly question anyway "No... it's nothing." 
Instead of hearing his father returning to his job, the boy heard the axe being buried one single time in the trunk and then the steady paces in the snow coming closer to him. Lysander raised his own dark orbs to meet his father's stern but at the same time soft look.
"What have your mother and I said about lying?"
He averted his eyes again "I'm not lying..."
"You wanted to ask me something, didn't you? So why did you suddenly back off?" He was now crouched down in front of him.
There was a time of silence before the blond boy finally spoke up, the pout still there "You will never die right...? We'll always be together... right?" 
His father gave him a confused and surprised look. "What is this about?"
"It's just... I keep hearing about people... dying in our town... and I don't want that to happen to us…" There was a rosy blush on the cheeks of the boy though it was unknown if it was from embarrassment or the cold weather.
“I see, so you’re scared?” His father shifted his position to sit beside him but Lysander didn’t look up to him, the snow was suddenly something very fascinating to look at. “It’s alright to be scared, we are humans and it’s normal to feel that way.”
This got the child to finally look up at the man, a surprised look on his indigo orbs. “Even you are scared? But you never look like it...!”
The man laughed and pulled his son closer to him. “Of course I am scared, I am scared of losing you, your mother and your sister but feeling that way makes us stronger, it gives us strength to protect the ones we love.” He poked one finger on the child’s nose. “So never ever be afraid of showing how you truly feel, there is no embarrassment in showing that you are sad, scared or happy, understand?” Lysander nodded, a big smile finally reaching his lips and the blush on the cheeks spread further.
“Now, as for your other question. Death is something inevitable, it will come for us one day whether we like it or not but we just don’t know when. There is no way that we can be together forever in the physical world but ‘forever’ can be something that only this here…” and he touched the boy’s left side of the chest “...decides what it is and how it is.”
Sting couldn’t help the small smile that reached his face, it was an almost melancholic smile but at the same time a happy one. It seemed that even when he didn’t remember him, his father’s words had always accompanied and shaped how he was.
Moving to the next photo, the Master noticed how there was a woman, very similar to his mother but still with some differences, she was dressed in what looked like a beautiful white wedding gown. 
Out of curiosity, Sting's eyes drifted to the description of the photo "Lyanna Dreyar on her wedding day". The Sabertooth Master's eyes widened in surprise, it couldn't be right? 
Lyanna... was a very common name, it couldn't be her, she had died on that day along with their parents, he was sure of it...
Sting didn't even notice that his hands had started shaking, so much that the book dropped from his hands; it was still a sort of a big fall considering as Sting had been sitting on a tall ladder and it grabbed the attention of the remaining members of the group when the impact of the book on the floor echoed through the library.
"Oi, is everything okay Sting?" Natsu asked, approaching the ladder he was on and looking up at him. "Did you find anything?"
"U-umm... yes and no?" He really didn't know how to answer. Well yes the album became something very important for him but... they still had a mission to complete, which none of them knew if they were making progress or not. And yet, for him suddenly that album meant everything... 
He quickly descended the stairs he was perched on, only to find out that the Fire Dragon Slayer had picked up the book and was... trying to open it to no avail - which made absolutely no sense, it was a goddamn book, how hard was it to open it? 
"What is it with this book?" Natsu grumbled, not impressed. "Does Gramps want to keep all his family shenanigans to himself?" Just then a huge, mischievous grin lit up his features and he turned to his friend. "Oi Luce, you think we will find some embarrassing photos of Laxus in here?!"
"It's not like that!" Sting said almost indignantly as he grabbed the book out of the pink head's hands. All of their jaw dropped as the blond had no trouble opening the book at all.
Sting raised an eyebrow. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"You just opened the book when a second ago I couldn't that's why!" Natsu approached the Master and tried to flip a sheet of the book only to have it slam closed right into his hand; the Fire Dragon Slayer yelled both in pain and surprise, startling the others, and immediately removed the hand from the book. "Did you enchant the book or something?!"
"How would I do that, I don't even have Rune Magic."
"Um... well for some reason that book only opens with you," Lucy stated as she attempted to open the book herself. "So maybe we are on the right path to find the treasure..."
Natsu side eyed them. "How does gold fit inside a book?"
Everyone felt right in that moment the need to face wall at the pink haired’s brain work.
"Anyway..." Lucy spoke again. "Does the book say anything important? Maybe there's a clue..."
"Well..." Sting was suddenly very reluctant to share this private information for him. It was weird to explain, but it was almost this... instinct that he should protect this book and its contents to the last of his breath. Not that anyone in this room was an enemy or anything... but it was somehow private, personal. 
It was then that he met Rin's eyes and that odd nostalgic feeling hit him again, that the little girl looked a lot like the sister he remembered... and maybe that was the reason why he started talking. 
"I don't know if it's the special treasure the mission is talking about... it's actually some sort of photo album for your Master, Makarov-san..." he paused for a moment, a lump in his throat. "I know it sounds weird but... I saw the picture of someone... I thought it looked like..." his voice dropped, but he wasn't even aware of it. "...my sister..." It was weird, he didn't even know if his fellow Dragon Slayers remembered anything about their families...
"Sister?!" Everyone's voices echoed in Sting's already enhanced ears but the young man just nodded and re-opened the book right where he remembered the photo was.
"So... you remember your sister from..." Natsu tried to count with his fingers but it was too much. "400 plus years ago?? That's a good memory you have dude!"
Sting felt like rolling his eyes. "It's not like I've always remembered her... or my parents for all that matter, just... recently what I think are memories that started gaining shape in my mind, I can't explain how."
"Skiadrum and Weisslogia... they were the only dragons that choose to wipe the memories of their children before sending them to the future," Rogue began, a hand on his chin. "Could it be that the effects are wearing out? But I haven't had any memories of my original family."
"Wouldn't that mean that Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel would remember their past too?" Lucy pointed out.
"Well... I do remember my time with Igneel but I don't recall anything from my parents," Natsu put his arms behind his head casually. "The only thing I know is from when Zeref showed up in my mind or something."
"I... it doesn't make sense for me either..." The blond dragon slayer brought up a hand to rub his eyes, the headache pounding in his skull again. Still, he forced himself to talk about what to him was probably the most painful memory. "Because... my sister, I thought she didn't... survive the attack that separated us..."
As if on cue, the book in his hands suddenly started to glow faintly with a soft, golden light, once again attracting the gazes of all of them. "Whoa dude, what are you doing to that book?" Natsu asked him, now standing a couple of feet away from the book and his arms raised upon his head. Typical of the Fire Dragon Slayer to be freaked out by something as simple as a book...
"I'm telling you, I didn't do anything!" the Light Dragon Slayer said again. "I-..."
His voice was cut in by a soft, almost soothing sound coming from the book... and hearing it, a hushed silence fell upon the group, especially on Sting, who was looking at the object with an awed expression... he didn't know how... but he knew that voice...
"Year x396. This is the start of Lyanna Eucliffe's diary." There was a small pause before the imaginary woman continued, and they could all hear the smile in her tone now. "Well... I'm a Dreyar now. A little over twenty years have passed since I lost my precious family in the attack from the dragons... and now, as I continue my path with my new family, I would like to record all that made that little girl into the woman she is now."
Sting could feel his heart starting to beat faster, so fast that he was sure not only the other two Dragon Slayers present would be able to hear it but the other two ordinary girls as well.
"I was born on the Year x366 to Juliana and Ewan Eucliffe and six years later I received the best gift I could ever ask for, my little brother Lysander was born, I loved him so much... on the day he was born I promised I would always protect him no matter what... but..." The voice was getting teary. "...in the end I couldn't do anything as he was taken away by that dragon, nothing at all. He was always exploring, always getting his clothes dirty and making mom worry and sometimes angry, he even used to play around cactuses and would always fall on them, then would come crying to me and I would take all the thorns out." There was a soft laugh. "I started calling him Sting because of that, I think he actually preferred that over his real name."
Sting started feeling his eyes hot and a large lump forming in his throat, just... what was all this...? How...?
"Out of our family I was the sole survivor, I was just ten at the time and so I was taken to an orphanage but life was really complicated after the dragon attacks, so I lived there most of my life. When I was of age, I started traveling on my own but no matter where I went I couldn't find a place to call home, not without my family around. Then I met James and for the first time in years I felt truly happy... he helped me in many things, it is thanks to him that I am being able to record this diary now, it turns out I have magic that none of my family members had: Recording Magic." There was a pause. "...I am carrying our first child now, maybe if it's a boy I can name him Lysander."
"B-but... no, that's not possible..." Sting's voice was shaky as he frowned in denial, the book's glow dimming as the voice faded out. He was surprised how he could even still find his voice... it was like he just received a major blow, the pain in his chest was so real... "She... she died on that attack... that was the last thing I remember before that dragon took me...!"
The others were silent, both out of a profound respect for the diary's owner and loss of words in such a situation. "It seems that..." Lucy finally said in a sad tone, wiping a tear from her eyes. "...neither of you were aware that the other survived..." she couldn't even imagine the scope of the tragedy the blond was going through.
"But if Weisslogia rescued you from the attack... why would he leave your sister behind?" Natsu asked doubtfully.
"Natsu..." Lucy began in a warning tone, but Sting cut her in, shaking his head.
"No, it wasn't Weisslogia who took me away from the attack..." he whispered as another piece of memory came back.
Lyanna was holding her brother's hand tightly, both running through the ruins of what once was their village, now all there was fire, smoke and... death.
Their parents were both gone... their beloved mother crushed by the ceiling of their house... their brave father killed by the claws of a dragon. All that was left were the two of them and Lyanna was determined to keep her word, she would protect her little brother no matter what.
The two children were trying to stay strong, trying not to shed the tears that threatened to fall, trying not to sob out of fear of being heard by any nearby dragon.
Lyanna suddenly came to a halt and hugged Lysander close to her as they hid behind a broken pillar and wall, they heard footsteps, big footsteps and a roar nearby. There was a dragon closeby...
"Ly..." the girl put her delicate hand over her brother's mouth, signing him to hush. They stayed there for what seemed an eternity... and right when the dragon seemed to have gone away, the pillar behind them crumbled in the direction of the children.
Out of instinct, Lyanna threw her brother as far away as she could as the pieces of marble fell upon her. Lysander rolled a few feet away from the fallen pillar before looking up at where his sister once stood.
The little boy's eyes widened in terror as he tried to reach for his sister. "LYANNAAAA!!" he screamed out, his voice ringing around the area, and finally the tears came flooding down his cheeks... it was too harsh a reality for a four year old to realize that now he was all alone in the whole world... he had no one left from his precious family...this was everything he had always feared...
He didn't have a lot of time to proceed with his grief though. Big, heavy talons grabbed him and the kid screamed in pain as they bit into his shoulders. Despite the pain, he wasn't aware of his surroundings, his eyes were still fixated on the rubble beneath which his sister had disappeared, and he kept staring there even when it became a small speck on the ground, and even when he soared through and above the clouds... it was only the freezing wind that rippled through his thin clothing that finally made him snap out of his shock. That was when he heard a rumbling roar of laughter coming from the monster holding him... chilling him to the bone in a way no wind can.
"Heh... you, kid, ain't enough for my belly... but you'll make a fine meal for my cubs."
The little boy attempted to fight off the claws of that big monster but they were so tight on his tiny shoulder that the more he moved, the more they penetrated his thin skin making the child yelp in pain. It was over, he would be meat for baby dragons and there was nothing he would be able to do about it.
...Although it didn't matter anymore, he was all alone, maybe it was for the best now he would join his family and the pain of living alone in a world full of dragons wouldn't be a problem for him.
Just as the child's eyes started closing, he thought he heard a second roar tearing apart the skies and the dragon carrying him was suddenly covered by a shadow much bigger than itself. Then he felt it, the bigger dragon bumped into the other which caused it to let go the nearly unconscious boy.
The last thing he knew was that he was falling from the high skies, the last thing he felt was something grabbing him. Then it was all darkness.
When he opened his eyes again... the boy was a little surprised to find himself standing on a rocky place... surrounded by huge rock bodies everywhere. A mountain? Funny, in all of the stories he heard about heaven he was sure he didn't hear of mountains.
A sudden pain on his shoulder made him wince and put a hand on it. Something wet and sticky came to his hand, and he saw blood covering it. A chilled wind rushing through him also made him aware of the fact that his senses were pretty much intact.
"If this is heaven, I don't like it..." he mumbled under his breath as his lips turned in a pout. Where were mama and papa...? And Lyanna...
"I know no such thing as heaven," a loud, rumbling voice can be heard then, making Lysander jump a foot in the air. He saw a shadow moving behind a cave not too far from him. A big shadow... "But you are not dead, human child."
"A-are you...God?" the kid asked, his voice trembling. There was a low, chuckle-like sound.
"Well no, I don't think you would call me a god either."
Then the shadow moved again. Time came to a stop and the boy gasped in fright as the creature finally revealed itself.
It was a gigantic dragon, but actually very different from the one Lysander remembered that had taken him away from his burning village. This one was light-colored and had a large and long beard that resembled feathers; it also had two small antlers protruding from the top of his head. Compared to its feathery, windswept face the rest of the dragon's body was covered by thick scales and its belly looked really smooth. But what made the child open his mouth into a big 'O' was the wings of the dragon, they looked like those of an angel that his mother would often tell him about in bedtime stories.
Despite being in awe with the majestic and sage looking appearance of the gigantic beast, survival instincts kicked inside the small child and he reached for the first thing that he could find: a tiny and thin stick. Lysander stood up, although his shoulder burned like hell from the wound, and pointed the stick at the dragon as he attempted to keep his tears yet again at bay. "S-Stay back!"
The dragon once again grumbled. "Don't be ridiculous kid. What are you going to do with a stick?"
"I-I will hurt you," the boy was trembling from head to foot, but somehow he still stood his ground. "I will poke out your eye!"
"Uh-huh. And how is it wise to reveal your card to the enemy?"
Instead of answering the dragon, Lysander squared his shoulders and raised the stick again a little higher. "Don't underestimate me!" I had nothing to lose... was what he was about to add... but that thought almost made the tears fall and he didn't need that now. 
"Relax, kid." the dragon's voice was weary now. "I don't eat humans. You folks don't even taste good."
"Eh?! I taste good too, you big-" realizing what he had just said, the little boy's hands flew to his mouth and his eyes widened in impossible size. 
He heard the dragon growl. "Are you trying to tempt me now?"
Lysander trembled even more when the dragon moved forward and its head was now just a few inches away from him, again the child tried not to show his fear and also to not let his tears fall. He gulped when the dragon opened its mouth slightly... and then all he felt was a giant breath hitting his already fragile body.
...And he fell on his butt.
It was all it took for the child to finally give in to his fears and start bawling his eyes out, his cries echoing through the mountain they were standing in. He was scared, he was hurt, he was hungry... and he wanted his mama, his papa, his big sister.
The dragon breathed again in what looked like an exasperated huff... and then reached out with one of its paws, wrapping it carefully around the boy's body and pulling him closer.
"Uh... there there kid." it attempted to comfort the child but it was obviously not good at it. "You're quite brave for a human child."
"I-I'm not," the boy wailed as he brought his hands to rub his eyes, sobs tearing through his chest. "I-I couldn't even protect my family... m-my sister..."
"You couldn't do anything. Those dragons were some of the worst of our kind." Maybe it wasn't making it any better... so the dragon decided to change tactics. "Let's start this over, shall we? I am Weisslogia, the White Dragon. What is your name?"
Lysander hicked, trying to find his voice. "Lys-..." he stopped, and averted his eyes. "Sting. My name is Sting Eucliffe."
The dragon cocked its head to a side. Even among humans, as far as it knew, this was a pretty strange name... It decided not to comment on that though, since it already had a traumatized kid in its hands... "Alright... Sting Eucliffe... as long as you are with me, you are going to be safe."
He hadn't been aware of it until now, but Sting felt the tears wetting his cheeks as he came to the end of his story. Someone small came to his side then, and he felt Rin wrapping her arms around his middle, hugging him tightly. Somehow, he couldn't explain how... but her presence was reassuring.
Blinking himself back to reality, he used one hand to clean his face, now all tear stained - not that he cared much about others seeing him cry, it wasn't the first time it happened - while the other reached for Rin and caressed her head softly.
"Sad stories apart..." he finally said regaining his composure, he would ask questions later. "We lost too much time with this book, we still need to find what the client wants."
They suddenly heard a soft laugh coming from the top of the library's stairs, drawn to it the group looked up to see it was none other than the Master of Fairy Tail, Makarov.
"That's where you are wrong young man," he walked downstairs and soon reached the group. "That is exactly what I wanted you brats to find, more specifically you, young Master."
"Master..." Lucy mumbled. "W-Wait! That means you are the client?!"
"I am not understanding anything!!" Natsu cried out while he scratched his head with both hands.
Sting ignored his fellow Dragon Slayer and continued looking at Makarov. "How did you...?"
"Heh, I made my research after I saw the name of your sister in the book. Turns out there hasn't been a single person more bearing your surname since her, all it took was to do some math... and the knowledge that Lyanna-san made it so that only the Eucliffe family descendants could read it. My family is descendant from yours."
There was a silence as Sting looked back at the book, brushing the photo of his sister carefully. The moment though was broken with Natsu approaching them with a mocking face while he sneered.
"Well well well... so that means your real name is Lysander..."
Before the Light Dragon Slayer could reply in the appropriate manner though... Lucy was on her boyfriend, holding him by his ear and yanking him away through the doors of the library. "Are you a moron?! How can you be so inconsiderate, that was a touching moment!" 
"How am I supposed to let him live this down?! Hey, Lysander, let's do this again sometime, this. was. fun! And hey, does it make you Gramps’..."
Makarov sighed in frustration and closed his eyes as their voices faded away. "I should apologize for Natsu... him and manners don't go hand in hand. But you are welcome to keep the book if you so wish, Master Sting. It is your right, after all."
The blond looked at the book longingly, but after a minute of indecision... left it on the top of the railings. "It was enough for me, what it had to offer... thank you very much." he said sincerely. He didn't know what else to say, and it was kind of a lot to take in that he was related to the Dreyars...
"So that was why you had been acting weird all this time..." Rogue remarked, his tone decidedly more understanding.
"Yeah... I'm sorry for making you guys worry."
"If you're apologizing then it is another cause of concern." 
"Give me a break, will you?" Sting sighed... he couldn't be sure if with all these revelations, whether he would have a peace of mind any time soon... "Well in any case, let's get going. I still have a lot of paperwork to do."
"You can't be serious!" The blond raised an eyebrow at his friend's outburst. "That's all you can think about even now? Who are you and what did you do to the real Sting?!"
"C'mon man, you always complain about me leaving the official stuff to you."
Rin giggled softly at their antiques as she followed the Twin Dragon Slayers out of the library. Just at the doors though, she glanced back and her eyes met with Fairy Tail's master. She could've sworn that she saw Makarov-san wink at her. Feeling heat came to her cheeks, the young girl let the doors close behind her.
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supraveng · 1 year
Fandom Leap - prologue
Summary: Reader is stressed and enjoys diving into her favorite fandoms as her happy escape. What happens when she is some how transported into her favorite fandoms
A/N: this is my first time doing a story collaboration with the amazing mutuals I've encountered on tumblr, and being overzealous or crazy, I decided to collab with as many as i could. this series will have multiple chapters and each written by someone else.
(there should be a new chapter every week or so)
Word Count: 494
Pairing: none yet
Fandom Leap Masterlist
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Falling into the Fandom
Your work week has been crazier than normal.   The last few years had been intense, with budget cuts your department of 10 has dwindled down to 6, but the work was divided out and you were all making due. But now, with James on vacation and Julia on maternity leave, there wasn’t much time to breathe.  
This is the monotony that had become your life, go to work, take a short lunch break so that you have something in your system besides coffee, then head home late, leaving a pile of work for the next day, grab some take out on your way home just to repeat it again the following day.  Thankfully, having to work on the weekends was not part of your humdrum existence, so you tried your best to have at least an entire day of something just for you.  
Occasionally meeting friends for brunch with bottomless mimosas, but usually binge watching your favorite TV or movie series.  That was until you were scrolling through social media and caught a notification for Comic Con coming near you next month.  
You didn’t usually attend these events, the cost usually rather intimidating, but this time you decided to at least see who might be there.  Clicking on the link you were shocked to see the wide range of appearances from nearly every series you followed.  
There were actors from Supernatural, Stranger Things, Marvel, DC comics, Walking Dean, Criminal Minds, Chicago Fire, 911, The Boys, Top Gun, The Wicther, Last of Us, Star Wars, and the list just kept going.   The more you looked the more excited you got about the idea of spending a long weekend at the cheapest hotel you could find and getting to meet as many of your celebrity crushes as you could.  
Now that you think about it, it wasn’t just the actors you had a crush on, the characters were a bigger part of your life than the people you actually spoke to on a daily basis.  Before you went to sleep that night you had your weekend booked, you were excited to say the least and you had something fun to look forward to while you dredged through the next month of her normal routine. 
The only difference this month was that weekly activities were as frugal as possible, planning on spending more of your weekly budget on meet and greets and photo ops with as many celebs and characters you could fit into the weekend at Comic Con.   
Packing up everything you needed for the long weekend, the only thing left to do was make sure your brother would be checking in on your cat before the 2 hour drive to the convention center to check out the vendors before the weekend began.   To say you were excited when you finally hit the road was an understatement, this weekend would hopefully be the highlight of your year and bring some true joy back into your life.  
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@nickfowlerrr @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @crazyunsexycool @swiftlymoniquesblog @missvelvetsstuff @vibraniumarm06-bucket @rosedpetal @imyourbratzdoll @herdreamywasteland @jamneuromain @potterhead2207
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strangersequel · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ         🔦🚲 ˖ ִ ˑ ST PÔSTER: TWIST & SHOUT
Only girl in the boys group, Ada Clarke finds herself in the middle of a terrible adventure when one of your best friends disappears so mysterious.
                                        ⚠️  This fanfiction is only
                                          available in Portuguese
                                                    on wattpad  
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bunnyjesters · 11 months
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FREAKSHOW - (character study—funnybunny/jax x pomni centric)
synopsis: following kaufmo’s abstraction, pomni struggles to acclimate to her new digital life while the denizens of the circus adjust with varying degrees of success to the sudden change in their dynamic. (16+ but rating may change later with due warnings) (reblogs appreciated!)
co written by + managed by mod mew 🌸 (cleanup) mightyena 🐺 (colour) and kitsch ⭐️ (boards/layout)
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aemondsbabe · 4 months
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summary: your uncle catches you sneaking from the keep and decides you need to be punished, but finds a sweet surprise instead
pairing: daemon x niece!reader
warnings: mature/explicit, 18+ (minors dni!), no use of y/n, afab reader, canon typical incest, infidelity but it's not really mentioned rhaenyra just exists lol, mentions of menstruation, reader is on her period, period kink on daemon's part, blood kink, blood, spanking, mild coercion, oral (f receiving), masturbation (m), slight corruption kink, good cop/bad cop daemon
word count: 4.4k
a/n: this fic is part of a collab with a bunch of my lovely moots! @lady-phasma came to us with an ask about period sex and daemon and, being as lovely as she is, she offered us all the chance to collab on it -- choosing our own characters & how to play the story!
🩸masterlist of everyone's fics here!
all board creds to the lovely @zaldritzosrose ♥️
likes, comments, & reblogs are very appreciated but never required!
❤️my masterlist
🦋find me on ao3!
🌟add yourself to my taglist!
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“Uncle, please!” You plead again, though you know it’s useless; your voice carries in the empty corridors of the Keep, “I promise I won’t do it again! I swear it!” 
Daemon merely grunts in response, his grip on your shoulder tightening while he guides you along. You struggle to keep up with his long strides, his quick pace nearly knocking you over; your heart leaps into your throat when you’re finally tugged to a lurching stop.
“In you get,” he says gruffly, leaving you no room to argue as he ushers you into his study, “You and I have much to discuss, little niece.”
Huffing petulantly, you duck under his arm and slowly make your way into the small chamber. Truthfully, it was normally used as storage for the library but since Daemon and Rhaenyra and their sons had been back in King’s Landing, he had all but commandeered it for himself and had ordered that a writing desk be brought into the room. Glancing around at the various high bookshelves, you wince when he finally pulls the door closed. 
“Now,” he drawls, walking around to stand before you, arms crossed over his broad chest, “Do you want to explain to me exactly why I found you sneaking through the halls at this hour?” His violet eyes bore into yours, making you feel flush under his exacting stare. 
“I was merely going to the kitchens!” You murmur defensively, holding his gaze for only a second longer before glancing away, “I just… I was going to get more of the lemon cakes we had at dinner this evening! I know it’s naughty, but I –”
“No,” he cuts you off, voice low and firm as he narrows his eyes at you, no doubt seeing through your lies with ease. “You were being naughty, sweet niece, I dare say that bit is true,” he smirks, hooking a finger under your chin and forcing your eyes up toward his, “But we both know it wasn’t lemon cakes you were after.”
“I-It was!” You try once more, internally flinching at the way your voice cracks.
“This is a very fine dress for simple lemon cakes, then, isn’t it?” His brows raise knowingly while his other hand comes up to pluck at an embroidered sleeve. 
“Well… well it wouldn’t be proper to be out in my night –”
“So, it’s propriety you’re so concerned with now, is it?” He cuts you off again, smirking wildly as he’s hardly even having to work at cornering you, the sweet little thing that you are, “That’s quite funny, seeing as how it’s also very improper for a young lady, a young princess at that, to be out galavanting around King’s Landing all night…”
You balk at that, lips parting in surprise as your brows furrow. “I wasn’t!” You quickly breathe, voice sounding more like a mousey little squeak, “I would never, uncle! I merely… I o-only got dressed to go to –”
“Come now,” he says slowly, voice low but firm, “This isn’t even the same pretty dress you had on at dinner. If you’re going to lie, at least try and be good at it.”
You open your mouth instinctually, a defensive reply ready on your tongue, though you quickly think better of it and snap your lips shut once more, jaws clenched. Your eyes flit away from him and your heart hammers in your chest; you hate the way you can feel blood rushing to your cheeks as you swallow thickly, fighting against the tightness building at the back of your throat, the stinging behind your eyes. 
“Shh, there’s no need for all that,” he murmurs, swiping a thumb beneath your eye to quickly wipe away an errant tear; your breath catches in your throat at how quickly he can shift from intimidating to doting. 
“Please… please don’t tell my mother,” you whine, switching to bargaining instead, “If she finds out, I won’t be allowed out again until I’m married and Gods know when that might be…”
He chuckles at that, a playful smirk on his lips when he shakes his head. “I won’t tell on you, sweetling,” he all but croons, making you relax somewhat until you see a devious gleam in his eyes, “If you tell me what you were really up to. Because I know damn well it wasn’t lemon cakes.”
Your heart sinks again and you chew at your bottom lip for a moment, nervously wringing your hands. You cannot tell him the truth, you know that much but you hardly trust yourself to speak at all, fearing he’ll work it out of you one way or another.
Daemon’s impatient grumble makes you wince. “I was just… just going to a tavern! Honest!” You rush out, squeaking and stumbling over your words like a nervous mouse, “I merely wanted to go out on my own! Just once!”
He stays silent for a moment, eyes boring into yours and narrowing just slightly, before he sighs heavily and shakes his head. “What in the world were you thinking?” He murmurs, sounding exactly as he does when he scolds little Joffrey, “Do you have any idea what might’ve happened to you?”
“I would’ve been careful!”
“It’s not about what you would’ve done, naive little thing,” he snickers, making your cheeks flush, “Certainly you’re aware that nearly every man in that wretched city would give to –”
“I’m quite aware,” you interject, snapping in annoyance and shuddering at the thought of what he was insinuating. 
“Careful,” your uncle warned, gaze darkening and growing serious once more, “Don’t take that tone with me, I could very well march you right to your mother; you’ll be lucky to be made a septa if she catches wind of this.”
Your jaws clench and you have to fight the urge to scoff, to roll your eyes. “Well, I don’t appreciate you speaking to me like I’m some idiotic child!”
“Oh, aren’t you?” He huffs, taking a step closer to you, “Only an idiotic little fool would venture into King’s Landing in the dead of night to get up to Gods know what with Gods know who!” 
“I told you!” You bite back, trying to keep your voice steady, “We would’ve been –” 
The air feels as if it’s been sucked out of the room by the time you manage to shut yourself up, though it’s already much too late. Daemon’s head tilts to the side curiously, a sinister smirk on his lips once more, the second you squeeze your eyes shut and internally scold yourself for making such an error.
“Aegon,” you admit after a tense moment, knowing there’s hardly any use in drawing it out further.
“Ah, Aegon,” he drawls, chuckling to himself as he nods, “Letting big brother take you on a tour of the city then?”
“Something like that,” your voice is little more than a whisper while you nervously bite at your lip, keeping your eyes downcast.
“My, my,” you can practically feel the smugness radiating off of him as he circles you, arms behind his back, “An unplucked little flower, galavanting around the city, and with a married man, no less.”
Again, you clench your jaw as anger builds within you, grinding your teeth together while you will yourself to just stay quiet. You can’t help but remember a story Aegon had told you once, years before. At the time, you thought it was nothing more than a rumor, just old family gossip compounded by the murmurings of smallfolk. Now, though, just the mere chance that there may be even a sliver of truth to it makes your blood run hot. 
How dare he.
Daemon snickers again, the sound of it makes you clench your fists. “I do wonder what my dearest brother would think of that.”
“Yes, uncle, what would father think?” You snap before you can help yourself, lips set into a tight frown while you peer up at him.
“I said careful –”
“Because he’s heard all of that before, hasn’t he?” You try, heart skipping a beat when his eyes widen just slightly before quickly narrowing again.
“Watch yourself.”
“No!” You scoff, chest heaving with a righteous rage, “You’re no better than me, certainly no better than Aegon – doing the exact same thing to Rhaenyra! You’ve no right to lecture me in this –”
“I married her, that is the difference,” he says lowly, a harshness to his tone you’ve never heard before; he grips your shoulder with one hand, fingers digging almost painfully into your skin, “I made an honest woman of her, something your drunken cunt of a brother cannot ever do.”
“An honest woman,” you scoff, some part of your subconscious is begging you to shut up but you ignore it, “Honest enough to birth three strong boys, isn’t that right uncle?” 
That’s the final nail in your proverbial coffin – echoing Aemond’s words from earlier in the evening, though you suppose you at least had the wherewithal to not ruin dinner. 
“That’s it,” Daemon snaps, violet eyes burning with a fire that would rival that of the Dragonmont, “I really didn’t want to have to do this, princess.”
Your brows furrow for only a second and you’re silently planning an escape route as he presses against your shoulder, assuming that he’s making good on his threats to parade you before your parents. Your cheek is already pressing against the smooth, dark wooden surface of the desk before you register that he was never pushing you toward the door. 
Flustered and disoriented, alarm bells ring in your head as you squirm against the hand on your back, pinning you down. Your eyes widen when you feel him tugging your skirts up, panic flooding through you when you realize what he’s doing.
“Uncle, please!” You plead, bracing your hands against the desk as you attempt to push yourself up to no avail, “I’m sorry, truly! I didn’t mean it!”
“Enough!” Daemon barks, pulling your skirts up over your backside and letting the fabric bunch in against the small of your back, “You need to be taught some manners, little brat.” 
You hardly have time to take in another lungful of air before his hand is cracking down against your rear, making you yelp even as the pain of it is dulled by the thin fabric of your smallclothes. You fight against his hold all the while, grunting and squirming like a rabbit in a trap. 
Unfortunately, he realizes after a moment that this particular method doesn’t seem to be quite enough. A little panicked yell is wrenched from your lips when you feel his fingers hook into the waist of your smallclothes, making an icy chill run down your spine for an altogether different reason than the threat of pain.
“Uncle Daemon, wait!” You beg, shoving an arm behind your back and attempting to bat away his hand, “Y-You can’t, you mustn’t!”
“Come now,” he scoffs, easily pushing your hand away, “It’s only a backside, sweet niece, you think I haven’t seen one before?”
“It’s not tha –”
“And you seemed more than prepared to let dearest Aegon see much more than that, hm?” He drawls, going to tug at the fabric once more.
“I wasn’t!” You try again, desperate to make him understand, “W-We couldn’t have done anything, anyway!”
“Couldn’t have done…?” He questions, brows furrowing as he finally wrenches your smallclothes over the curve of your rear, tugging them unceremoniously down until they hang at your knees. It’s only then that he sees the issue, unable to keep the smirk off of his face as he hears you whine softly against the desk. 
This is what all that fuss was about? He thinks, eyes trailing over the bright red streaks, tacky on your inner thighs, until they settle on the blood soaked linens folded in the gusset of your underwear. 
“Nothing I haven’t seen before,” he sighs, the hand on your back rubbing up and down in a way that would be soothing in any other circumstance. “Now, what were you saying?” He asks casually, like he’s talking to you about the weather and like your arse isn’t out on display. 
“Aegon… Aegon and I couldn’t have done anything anyway,” you try again, praying he’ll take mercy on you, “Because of, well…”
“Because of what? A little blood?”
You merely nod, flushing so badly that your cheeks tingle as blood rushes to them.
“Oh, you sweet little lamb,” he coos, suddenly bringing a hand down against your rear again, smirking when you yelp at the sting, “Do you think men care about getting their swords a little bloody?”
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer as he smacks you again, easily holding you down when you begin struggling once more. Again, his eyes trail over your slit, heart quickening in his chest while he admires the crimson against your skin. Rhaenyra has only let him have her like this a scant few times, the pains that come along with her monthly blood keeping her from arousal and though he has not given into his cravings, he would be a fool to deny them. 
His jaw clenches as he grits his teeth, spanking you yet again, alternating between cheeks, before soothing the sting with gentle caresses and smirking when you shiver at the soft touch. You remind him of her, you always have, though he’s never voiced it. All youthful vigor, filled with an untamed confidence that only naivety can bring, and with a fiery temper to match – more like your half-sister than you knew. 
Perhaps his desires could be managed in… other avenues. 
He brings his hand down once more, relishing the way you squirm and cry, your delicate skin hot beneath his palm. His member stirs, pressing angrily against the ties of his trousers, when he notices a little rivulet of red running down your inner thigh.
“You know,” he starts, petting his hand over your back while you sob, tears leaking onto his desk, “Many men quite enjoy their women this way, sweet niece.”
He smirks when he hears your breath hitch, swears he can hear your heart fluttering like the wings of a little bird in the quiet chambers. 
“Warm, open… slick,” he drawls, taking a second to squeeze at the soft skin at the back of your thigh, the very tip of his thumb just barely running through a little crimson drip. He brings his hand up, marvels at the dark droplet staining his finger for only a second, before flicking it away with his tongue. 
You gasp, having been watching curiously from the corner of your eye as an altogether different kind of heat swarms your veins. You don’t fight his hold any longer, victim to his spell even as your mind wars with itself. 
“I-It’s messy, though…” You try, your voice sounding unconvincing to your own ears; you swallow nervously when he chuckles. 
“Mm, it’s not all that different from any other honeyed hole, sweet niece,” Daemon soothes, putting your worries at ease while he trails a hand over your inner thighs, licking his lips at the way your tacky skin feels against his fingers, “It can be messy, yes, but… some men prefer mess.”
Do you? You wonder, although you already know the answer, legs spreading unconsciously at his touches. A whine slips from your lips when he moves his hand back up, rubbing it over your still sore backside. 
“Still stings?” He asks, one eyebrow raised. He tuts when you nod, soothing you gently, like the sting isn’t his fault, “Lucky for you, I know just the thing for it.”
“What…?” You question, brows furrowing as you attempt to push yourself up from the desk, only to be pushed back down against it – albeit a little gentler this time. 
“You just relax,” he croons, all traces of the anger from before gone; the fires within him extinguished at the thought of finally getting what he’s missed for so long, “Let uncle kiss it better, hm?”
A shiver goes through you at his words and your breath catches in your throat, eyes wide as you feel him move around you, slinking from his place at your side to your back. Fabric rustles behind you and just as you open your mouth to ask what’s going on, a loud gasp tears itself from your throat. 
Daemon kneels on the floor behind you, bent down on one knee, and leans in, pressing a gentle, feather light kiss against one cheek before alternating to the other. His hands grab at your hips, holding you in place, eyes trained on the side of your head drinking in the little flashes of emotion on your face – shock and uncertainty slowly giving way to a cautious curiosity. He could work with that. 
“Feeling better?” He husks, smirking against your soft skin when he sees you nod, hears the little whimper halfway trapped in your throat. He carries on, pearlescent hair tickling the backs of your thighs each time he leans in, kissing your skin. Eventually, his touches begin to linger, hands rubbing over the sides of your thighs while his tongue licks against you every so often. The soft, patient touches soothe you, tamper your worry, and soon enough pleased little sighs and hums begin filling the room, music to his ears. 
Quickly, he pulls at the ties of his trousers, groaning against the curve where your ass and thigh meet when his member springs free, bobbing against his lower belly. Wrapping a hand around himself, he continues – kissing and licking along the backs of your thighs before finally reaching what he most desires.
“U-Uncle!” You gasp, eyes squeezing shut when he licks into the crease of your thigh, the skin there no doubt smeared with the blood you can feel running down your legs every few moments, painting streaks of red down to your knees. 
Your feeble little warble is drowned out by the deep, throaty growl that leaves him – a man dying of thirst finally finding an oasis in the desert. He nudges at your thigh, panting a low, “Good girl,” when you part them more – as much as your smallclothes, still bunched around your knees, will allow. His head spins thinking of how passionate you’ll become with more experience, already so eager.
“Fuck,” he mumbles, spitting into his palm and grunting while he works a hand over his cock, panting as he admires your flowering center for a moment – your little petals shining, crimson staining your skin nearly all the way down to your knees. He feels like a man possessed, drunk and proud as his cock twitches against his palm. 
Another groan rumbles in his chest when he dives in, all thoughts of being gentle and slow thrown to the wayside as he presses his face against you, uncaring as to whether he can fill his lungs or not. 
“Daemon!” You yelp, hands scrambling over the smooth surface of the desk, mind reeling while you try to find something, anything to hold onto. His tongue is unlike anything you’ve ever felt, eons better than the way your own fingers feel pressed against your cunt in the wee hours of the morning. 
Your chest heaves when he groans against you, tongue toying with the stiff little bud at the apex of your slit for a second before he fucks it into you, all but punching whines and moans from your throat. Your cheeks flush at the sound of it, the slick, wet sounds of his tongue working against you almost painfully loud in the small study. 
His hips rut into his hand as he suckles at your pearl, burying his nose into you while deep moans resound in his chest — head clouded at the taste of you, at the slick feel of your blood against his lips, on his tongue. 
Gods, he’s missed this. 
The fire in his belly builds steadily while he takes what he needs from you, the little throbs your cunt gives around his tongue only serving to push him further and further toward the end. 
“Seven Hells, you taste divine,” he growls, rubbing his thumb over the head of his cock, his other hand tugging an arse cheek to the side, opening you more for him before skimming his fingers over your taut bud, smirking at the way your core clenches. 
“Please, please,” you pant, hips canting against the edge of the desk, breath foggy against the dark wood.
“Don’t worry, sweetling,” he murmurs, licking your taste from his lips, “I’m not done with you yet.” 
Your knees nearly buckle when he licks you again, laving his tongue over the entirety of you – lapping from your pearl almost all the way up to your other hole, the thought of such a thing stealing the air from your lungs. Your mind reels as he suckles at you, core aching from how tightly the knot in your tummy is wound. 
Daemon growls against you, the rhythm of his hand stuttering the closer he gets, stones pulling tight as he nears his end. He can tell you’re close as well from the way you press back against him, rutting on his tongue while breathy little moans tumble, unbidden, from your lips. 
The thought of your wet cunt clenching around his tongue causes his length to pulse again, causes it to leak against his fingers. Gods, he needs that. 
“Ah!” You pant when he redoubles his efforts and presses his tongue as far into you as he can, groan rumbling against you as he nuzzles into your folds, savoring the sweet coppery taste on his tongue. 
He feasts then, hand striping up and down his cock with abandon while he fucks his tongue into you, curling it and pressing it against as much of you as he can while his chin presses against your pearl, pulling loud cries from you. 
“U-Uncle, uncle, I… Gods, Daemon, I’m…” you stutter, words dying on your lips as pleasure threatens to white out your mind. You pant, breathlessly rocking against his face while your body tenses, instinctively preparing for the incoming onslaught. 
He grunts into you, fucking into his fist while his other hand squeezes at your arse. His eyes roll back in his head when he feels you tighten on his tongue, your walls finally beginning to suck at him in earnest. Just as his stones tighten to the point of no return, he smacks his hand against your rear once more, groaning victoriously as the dam finally breaks. 
“Fuck!” You shout, muscles tensing and falling limp all in the same breath as your high slams into you, rough and unforgiving — heightened by your menstrual flux. You can hear Daemon grunting and growling behind you, your cunt pulsing on his tongue. 
Below you, he feels as if he’s ascended to the clouds, stomach lurching like it does when Caraxes takes flight. He groans, long and loud, against you, into you, as his cock throbs, spend splashing down against his trousers, dripping to the floor. 
“O-Oh!” You breathe, hips twitching as he licks over you for a moment more, taking all he can. Your little tired cries make him chuckle as his touches border on overstimulation. He finally takes mercy on you and pulls away with a satisfied sigh, tucking his member back into his trousers as he stands, grunting at the soreness of his knee. 
There’s a heady fondness in his eyes as he lets them trail over you, watching as you catch your breath, limp. “Feel okay?” He asks, petting a hand down your spine before bending to press a sweet kiss against the back of your shoulder. 
You nod, your cheek slick against the desk while you finally start coming back to yourself. “Gods,” you sigh tiredly, blinking the fog from your eyes. 
Daemon chuckles at that, his normally mouthy niece reduced to little sighs. He pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and walks to a small mirror on the wall, well really an old, polished placard, but it’ll do. 
His eyes widen when he catches sight of himself, features distorted somewhat in the reflective golden surface, but clear enough to see the blood left on his skin. A smirk grows on his lips and he lets himself admire it for a second, mind flashing back to the aftermath of his victory against the Crabfeeder, before he begins wiping at his skin. 
From the corner of his eye, he sees you beginning to stir, arms shaking as you push yourself up from the desk. He stares at his reflection for a moment, jaw clenching as his heart pangs feebly. 
With a sigh, he walks the few steps over to you and steadies you, pressing a hand to your back. “Careful,” he warns, playful glint in his eyes while he guides you to the spare chair against the wall and coaxes you to sit, not caring if the fabric gets stained, “You’ll give me a complex.” 
Your lips quirk into a smile at that and you chuckle, eyes widening when you finally get a good look at him. “Ohh…” you balk, not expecting to see blood, your blood, trailing down his chin, painting him like a satiated lion, “I’m… I’m sorry…” You murmur, not knowing what else to say. 
“Why?” He chuckles, affectionately carding his fingers through your hair as he blindly wipes at his face a little more, “Did you not enjoy it?” 
“I did…” you admit softly, bashful before him now. Strength seems to find you again and you bend forward to pull up your smallclothes, only to stop yourself when Daemon leans down to do it himself. 
“Then there’s no reason to be sorry,” he says with a sigh, pulling your smallclothes back into place and letting you adjust them to your fancy, “Blood can be wiped away, sweetling.” 
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier too,” you murmur, wringing your hands while the two of you stand together. You watch as he busies himself with righting his clothes, making sure his trousers are tied well and smoothing out his tunic. You can’t help thinking that he looks handsome like this, finally seeing him how Rhaenyra might. 
Nervously, you pull at your skirts, smoothing them out and fidgeting with your bodice. You look up when he clears his throat, surprised to be met with a smile. 
“As I said,” he placed a hand on your shoulder, gentle this time, “Blood can be wiped away, sweet girl.”
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