#Fallout MC Maus
My incompetent-ness immortalized in chapter form
Okay so y’all know I’m writing a fanfic for Sabre’s old Fallout series. I haven’t fully plotted it out yet, but awhile back I started writing the first chapter for the hell of it because this specific part isn’t really tied to the overall plot and my gosh. I was rewatching the last episode of Fallout MC yesterday and I got SO MANY things wrong. Like the situation and environment is so off. My goodness. I’m so dumb. So since this doesn’t match up with the end of Fallout MC whatsoever I thought I would just post it. It’ll probably be 4 years before you see the actual first chapter but have this anyways.
Edit: I just realized I should probably put some trigger warnings on this oof. So yeah, uh, warning: Blood, guns, death and violence. And also characters in this are mentioned as being a part of a gang and refered to as so many times.
(Word Count: 1433)
Sometime in the future, nearly 200 years after a massive nuclear war that nearly destroyed the earth, 3 raiders, gang members, were sorting through loot they had just obtained. 
As the thugs discussed their quarry, three other figures appeared at the top of the drop-off of the old, dried up waterway that the three khan members were sitting in. One of them, who was wearing a blue jacket pulled out an impressive looking sniper rifle and looked at the person  adjacent  to him who nodded back at him.
The two other figures cautiously climbed down the manmade cliff and the third kneeled and shakily aimed at the leader of the small ragtag group who was wearing a white mask with red markings.
A bush behind the self-acclaimed demon was uprooted and he and his associates leaped up to locate whoever it was who fired at them.
The thirty year old swore under his breath and ducked for cover as the thugs started firing at him. The brown haired man braced himself, hearing the muffled gunshots and even feeling one of the bullets hit the rock he was hiding behind as he waited for a chance to split.
The gunfire died down for a few tense minutes before he heard some bushes rattle to the left of him and one of the thugs fire off a shot. He took this as a chance to bolt and ran off to his right heading for the nearest building. 
He slid into the weary skyscraper as he heard several bullets trail him, pulled himself up and leaned against a wall but flinched and immediately walked into the center of the room when he felt the wall shift slightly under his weight.
“Oh jeez..” He breathed. “I sure hope Shark and Sabre are okay..”
Meanwhile down in the waterway, The leader of the sub-group glared at the building the man was hiding in. “Guess we’re gonna have to push, boys.” Looking at his henchmen. “What about that bush?” Asked one, wearing neon orange goggles. “Oh please, Encline, it was probably just a bird.” Said the other. “Even so Burns, keep an eye out. When there’s one rat there’s often another.” Their leader replied.
He loaded his gun and began to make his way to the slope before he heard the most unconvincing and shrill fake bird call. 
“What the-”
Suddenly a spear came from the left of them, almost hitting Encline. Their leader shot off about 4 rounds into the direction of where the spear came from, 3 of which barely missed the thrower.
Another man wielding an axe ran from behind them and almost hit the masked man before he used his shotgun to block it. Another spear came down at the sniper who dodged it and fired off another shot into the bushes which once again missed.
Burns lifted his gun to help his leader but before he could pull the trigger an extremely loud gunshot was heard and the rugged man stopped in his footsteps before he totally collapsed. Encline’s attention totally shifted from the 19 year old in the bushes to his fallen comrade. “BURNS!!!” He rushed over to him and impulsively tried to feel his heartbeat but he was already dead. The sniper clenched his fist, taking in the loss before he looked into the direction of where the shot came from and realizing that the quote on quote "rat" that had been firing at them earlier had returned.
His despair quickly turned to rage as he pulled out his gun and started firing at the man who was scrambling for cover. 
Encline heard a thud from behind him and looked to see that the fight between his leader and the 16 year old had escalated to the sub-group leader being on the ground and the boy about to smash his chest in with the axe. Encline swiftly took a shot at the boy, hitting his far side.
The sniper tried to reload his gun to finish the job but not before another young man wearing a black T-shirt hit him over the head with a stick. As the two struggled for the stick, the leader climbed to his feet and glanced over to his second in command who was fighting over a piece of wood and the man who killed his third who had re-appeared on the top of the cliff and was re-loading his gun. 
The blonde quivered, snapped his already wrecked shotgun in half, threw it at the 16 year old and bolted.
Encline kicked the dark brown haired man in the gut and tried to go after his leader but another, third gunshot and Cthulhu stumbled to the ground, blood pouring out of his leg. "CTHULHU!!!!" Encline screamed again, pulling out his gun and firing in the air 5 times which made his three opponents scramble. He rushed over to his leader, helped him up and sent off more false shots.
"We'll be ba-" "SHUT UP CTHULHU!" Encline yelled between clenched teeth. The three men hid(well, two of them hid. The other was laying on the ground hoping he wouldn't get shot again) for about 7 minutes before one, the young man wearing the T-shirt called out "Shark!? Is it clear??" 
The only reply he received was a loud moan. “Shark?!??” The young man in turn peaked his head out from behind the fallen piece of building he was hiding behind and saw that the two gang members were no where to be seen. He walked out, cautiously examining the environment to make sure there really wasn’t anyone still there. 
“I think they’re gone.. Shark are you OK?” He said before rushing over to his friend. “Ugh... probably...” Shark replied, struggling to push himself up onto his knees. “Are you guys hurt?” Called out the man at the top of the drop-off before sliding down. “I’m fine, Maus, but they got Shark pretty good.”
 Maus climbed back onto his feet and walked over to the two other men, granted with a slight limp. “I don’t think they hit any of his organs, but he’s still bleeding pretty steadily.” “Do.. you have anything we could use to patch him up?” “No, those raiders took everything we had on us, you know that.” “You’re right... but do you think they left anything behind?” “Yea.. How bout’ you check those chests and I’ll go see if he had anything.”
 The two nodded at eachother and Maus went over to the chests and began to rumage through them while the other kneeled down to the body, took a deep breath and and began to strip it down and search through its inventory. “Find anything?” He asked, pulling out some pistol rounds from the corpse. “Nope, it’s really only guns, infact most of them are ours.” Maus replied. “Is my pistol there?” Shark asked through clenched teeth. “Well actually-“ The 19 year old said before spying a reel of cloth.
 “Wait, I think I found something!” “What is it?” Maus asked. “It’s a roll of bandages.” He said before pulling it out of what was Burns’ jacket. “Oh thank God...” said Shark who was starting to feel pretty light headed.
“Well, What are you waiting for, man?” Maus said. Sabre nodded and knelt down to his friend and began wrapping it around the boys body. “Hey Maus, do you have anything I could use to clip this together? I think it clings to itself but I want to make sure.” “Nope.” “Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to hope it doesn’t unravel.” The dark brown haired man pulled the bandages tight and pinched the two ends together.
“I think that’s it.. Shark how do you feel?” Sabre said as he pushed himself up. “Not good....” “Do you think you’ll be able to walk?” “..Probably.” Shark said straining to pull himself up before almost falling down. “Hey, be careful!” Maus said catching his friend before he fell. “Ugh, thanks Maus.” “No problem, just be careful with yourself.” Shark nodded in reply.
“..Maus did you grab the guns in the chests?” Sabre asked. “Yeah, I did.” “Okay, we should probably go and check in with Ryan. But Shark, do you need to sit down and take a breather?” “Nah I’ma.. I think I can make it.” “You sure?” “Yeah.. I’m.. I’m sure.” “Well, if that’s the case, we should probably get going.” the thirty year old said. “Yeah.. probably.” “Alright, let’s go.” The green eyed man replied, starting to make his way up the incline.
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