#Falling Into A Different Destiny What If Version
inkspiredwriting · 1 month
The Diner of Destiny
Five Hargreeves x reader
A/N: I hope it won't be long before I can post proper Five x Y/n stories again. Before the whole mess with season 4, I wanted to post a story of y/n having a girls day with Alisson, Sloane and Lila, and then five picking her up later and seeing what a mess they made. But now I'm honest, I don't want Lila and Five together in a story anymore xD I know it's stupid but I can't change it
Warnings: spoilers for season 4 episode 5-6, angst
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Five stepped out of the shadows, his sharp eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. He had been here before, but something felt different this time. The station seemed to pulse with an energy he couldn’t quite place, pulling him toward a small, unassuming diner that he had never noticed before.
As he pushed open the door, a small bell chimed, and the dimly lit interior came into view. Its walls adorned with old photographs and clocks that tick out of sync. But what caught his attention most were the people inside.
It wasn’t just any group of people. They were him—Fives, from various timelines and realities. Each of them wore a different expression, ranging from annoyance to outright anger.
One of them, stepped forward, his eyes narrowing at Five. “You finally made it,” he said, his voice laced with bitterness.
Five frowned, his mind racing to understand what was happening. “What is this? Why are we all here?”
“You tell us,” The other Five shot back. “We’ve been waiting for you to show up and face the mess you’ve made.”
“The mess I’ve made?” Five repeated, confusion giving way to irritation. “What are you talking about?”
Another Five, one with a more disheveled appearance, chimed in, “You had one job—find y/n. She was supposed to be your anchor, the one to keep all of us stable across the Timelines. But instead, you got distracted.”
Five’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of y/n. He had never heard that name, and yet it felt like a punch to the gut. “What do you mean, ‘distracted’?”
The other Five crossed his arms, his glare intensifying. “Lila. You got involved with Lila, and that was never supposed to happen. You were supposed to fall in love with y/n in the greenhouse. She was the one meant for you, for all of us.”
Five’s breath caught in his throat. The greenhouse. He remembered it clearly—throwing strawberries, the laughter, the kisses. But it wasn’t y/n he was with. It was Lila. And suddenly, it all made sense.
The other Fives began to murmur, their voices filled with resentment. “We all felt it,” one of them said. “The moment you chose Lila over Y/n, we all felt the shift. She started to fade from our lives.”
Brisket Five added, “And without her, everything is falling apart. Our timelines are unraveling because you didn’t stick to what was meant to be.”
Five’s mind reeled. He had always prided himself on making the hard choices, on doing what needed to be done to keep the timeline intact. But now, he realized he had made a grave mistake. Y/n was supposed to be his anchor, the one constant in the chaotic sea of timelines. But by choosing Lila, he had erased her from existence, not just in his life, but in every Five’s life.
“Why isn’t she here?” Five demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation. “Why can’t we find her?”
The other Five’s expression softened, though the anger was still there, simmering beneath the surface. “Because you erased her, you idiot. The moment you chose Lila, you erased y/n from all of our lives. The woman who was supposed to keep us grounded, to hold us together—gone. And now, we’re all suffering for it.”
Five felt a cold sweat break out on his skin. He had made a choice that he couldn’t take back, and now it was costing him—and every version of himself—everything. The weight of his actions pressed down on him, suffocating him with guilt.
“What do I do?” he whispered, almost to himself. “How do I fix this?”
The Five opposite from him sighed, his anger giving way to something more like pity. “That’s the problem. We don’t know if it can be fixed. Y/n was our everything, the one person who could make us feel human, no matter what timeline we were in. Without her… we’re lost.”
The room fell into a heavy silence, each Five contemplating the enormity of the situation. Five’s mind raced, trying to think of a solution, a way to bring y/n back. But every thought was met with the same bleak realization: he had broken something that might never be repaired.
Finally, Brisket Five spoke again, his voice low and resigned. “You can try to find her. But the truth is, we don’t even know where to start. You’ve changed the course of all our lives, and now… now we’re all paying the price.”
Five swallowed hard, his chest tightening with the weight of his guilt. He had always been the one to take control, to find a way out of impossible situations. But this time, he wasn’t sure if there was a way out. The woman who was supposed to be his guiding light, his North Star, was gone. And it was his fault.
The diner fell into a heavy silence, the weight of what had been lost hanging in the air like a shroud. The other Fives watched him, their anger slowly turning to resignation. They knew, as well as he did, that there was no fixing this. Y/n was gone, and with her, the stability and hope they had all desperately needed.
And as he left the diner, the weight of his actions bore down on him like a heavy burden, one that he wasn’t sure he could ever shake.
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kalki-tarot · 11 months
Detailed love tarot reading.
You & your Destined person ♡
Pick a picture you're drawn to the most.
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Masterlist | Pick a pile masterlist
Disclaimer : tarot is not 100% accurate, this reading is just for fun. Tarot does not substitute professional treatment of any kind. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings. This may not resonate with everyone. Please be mindful of your own actions and thoughts ♡
Pile 1
Channeled song :
How and when will you meet them?
The universe will conspire for your meeting when you may have turned away from love itself. When you think everything in this world is against you, when you least expect it, you'll meet them by destiny. The reason why you turned your back on love is because you may be heartbroken, you dealt with something painful. Your thoughts would tell you that true love doesn't exist. You'll meet them when you are not even looking for love. This phase will come on it's own. You need not force it.
You can meet them while traveling. Most probably while traveling. This can be love at first sight for both or one of you. This person can also be a foreigner or from a different state/city.
For time frame, you can meet them in some weeks, 10 years or six months.
What is their current energy and what will be their energy when you meet?
444 or 33 can be significant. This person is currently in a very creative energy. They are upto something. They are starting a new shop or business. Whatever new venture they're upto, they'll be happy and content with whatever they make in terms of money from it. They are doing it for their own happiness. They can be interested in stargazing. They can also be a star. Like a famous individual. They are embracing their feminine energy, no matter the gender. They are allowing their emotions to come and flow. They're not becoming a block in the path of their own success. They can also be dating alot. They are doing a partnership currently, in business, work, school etc. They are very caring and loving towards their family. They have a lot of ideas, but they are not pursuing it right now.
By the time of your meeting, their energy will drastically shift. There would be a shocking realization about something. This person would've become very sensitive by the time they meet you. They'll know sides of human nature they didn't knew before. They can be traveling to their home town and you both can meet for the first time in their home town also. You can meet at a family celebration also. Like a wedding, family reunion or a friend's marriage ceremony. I see people around you. The most probable situation I'm getting is that, they travel to their home town in a wedding party and they see you there and fall in love with you. Their energy seems very family oriented.
What are the blocks or obstacles in this meeting? How do you overcome them?
I know people acted wrong with you, people were deceitful with you. But it's time to let divine play their part. You have to release the blocks in your heart chakra. Let love enter your life. Don't stop it from coming into your life.
You can release the past heartbreaks now. Take a deep breathe and release that heavy energy that rests upon your heart. You need to be intune with your intuition. The cycle has ended. Now you have to focus on the present. Know that you are the king/queen. Know that you can do this. Karmic cycles have already ended.
The ideal version of you that you look upto can become your reality if you're confident enough about yourself. Know that and move forward.
What is their personality like?
This person comes from a rich and happy family. They are connected with their family so much. They are quick and impulsive. They do make impulsive decisions sometimes. They like to party and socialize lot. They like meeting with people. Can be an extrovert. They have a great social and personal life balance. They believe in partnerships and collaborations. They are your romantic soulmate. This person is sad because someone left from their family. Or maybe a fight took place with their family members.
What will this relationship feel and turn out like?
Again 444 popped up. It's a very significant number. This relationship would feel very dreamy. You'll go on trips together and experience many things. It'll help you look better within yourselves. You guys would be able to understand yourselves better. It'll come with a lot of wise teachings. Things would calm down after the exhausting period. And you guys would definitely marry each other. This can be a destination wedding. Or you would travel after the wedding to some place for your honeymoon.
What is the divine purpose behind this connection? What will it teach you?
It'll literally teach you how to love yourself. The purpose behind this is to teach to the power of inner strength and compassion. The masculines would learn to get in touch with their feminine and emotional sides. Like to express themselves better and not to be afraid or ashamed of your emotions. It'll teach you how to take a leap of faith and trust in yourself. The feminines would get to know how powerful they are and how important they are. You know, you'll get to know your self worth through this.
Pile 2
Channeled song :
How and when will you meet them?
After a fight, with yourself. You'll meet them after a fight or a betrayal. Someone would lie or cheat on you and you nay go in ther hermit mode for sometime before they come into your life. When you actually realize your self worth pile 2, they'll enter your life. When you'll be in your boss b*tch era or when you'll be powerful and self confident.
When your life will be in your control or hands, things will fall into place and they'll enter your life when you would not even want love anymore.
Time frame would be 11 days or the waxing phase of moon.
What is their current energy? And what will be their energy when you meet them?
This person has also suffered very hard. Sleepless nights and racing thoughts surrounded this person. But now they're very focused and clear about their life. They may work with a lot of women or are surrounded by lots of women in their life. There might be a gossip surrounding this person, like how cold they act with others. Their ex probably cheated on them snd lied to them, with the three and seven of swords, they were very heartbroken and they cut themselves from the world. They appeared very silent and lost in their mind alot. And people are gossiping about how this person's behavior changed after the heartbreak. To be honest, they really loved their ex and had marriage in mind. But things went bad for them.
They have overcome all of this, now they are in a good state but sometimes the past haunts them. They don't want to socialize for a while now, they just wanna focus on their career goals. They are really heartbroken. A karmic cycle has ended for them. They cleared out whatever karma they had in their hands. Now here comes divine intervention at place, divine will help this person move forward. Angels literally guide this person towards you, towards love. They are being shown the positive sides of love, they're being introduced to pure and truthful love. Divine is blessing this person with a romantic union. Wow! They're being shown the path, don't worry they'll reach you when the time is right.
What are the blocks or obstacles in this union? How can you overcome them?
Someone's mental health is literally falling out of place, either your or theirs. Don't let someone manipulate you through kind words. Astrological events can be significant. You need to know where the obsession starts in love and you should be aware of it. Don't repeat the mistakes you made in the past. Learn from mistakes please. Be aware of red flags, addictions and toxic people. It'd be better if these things are cut from your life as early as possible.
Don't be stuck in the past love. That's the advice for you. I know you want love and you'll get it don't worry. Just don't be obsessed with anything. Let things come to you.
What's their personality like?
They are famous, very peopular like i said before, people gossip and talk about them alot! But this person is very isolated and introverted. Kinda contradictory, right? They are very wise and kind. They don't talk unnecessarily. They're an old soul. They can be a teacher or a manifestation coach.
They really feel trapped in their mind. They overthink a lot. They can't see a clear picture due to this. What's really great about them is that they are aware of what they're doing. That's really a curse and a gift. I can relate to that. They know where they lack and they can't do anything about it. They have certain traits which are bad and they know that they are bad but they can't really do anything about it. It's their own personality anyway, how can they change it? I'm sorry if i couldn't explain it better. Being aware of your own faults is really crucial. They also psycho-analyse themselves, i do that too lol. But it can become too self critical which leads to the weird paradox of self hatred and self awareness.
Aside from that, they want a happy family of theirs. Like even a small family would do, but should be a happy one. They want marriage, right now. They're ready to date around and get a girl/guy. They are very romantic, romance flows out from them! They would literally do what you want without you asking for it! They may belong to the education field somehow.
How would this relationship feel like?
Your fear of vulnerability will end with this person. You'll feel safe with them. This relationship would feel like a reward. You may look back to the past but this person would make you forget all of that. You'll feel safe with them. I sense warmth. You may also start a new business after getting married. The wall you've built around yourself would diminish and you'll feel your bond strengthing over time. The feminine would be a very caring and loving person to the masculine. The masculine would be a very romantic and giving person to the feminine. Such a beautiful and healthy relationship!
What is the divine purpose behind this connection? What will it teach you?
This will teach you how to create a balance. You'll learn how to face your shadow side and you'll learn how to end toxic cycles that surrounds you. You'll learn how to overcome your heartbreaks. You'll learn how to be more giving to others & yourself. You'll learn how to love and be in harmony with your person. You'll learn that sadness comes and goes. You'll learn that you're much more powerful that you think you are. You'll learn to be confident with yourself.
Pile 3
Channeled song :
How & when will you meet them?
You will receive a love offer after a cycle ends in your life. You may have a fear of getting rejected in love so you don't allow anyone get closer to you in the first place. But trust me, this person will come into your life when you'll stop fearing love. Don't be scared of it. Take the leap of faith with this person.
Holding onto things is not going to help, you should do justice with yourself. Libra season may be significant in your life. Your creativity will spark before meeting this person, so take it as a sign that you're gonna meet them soon. They'll be very romantic and will sweep you off your feet in the first meeting. When you'll let go of these fears, and move on from heartbreak They'll enter your life without wasting time. You can meet in a social gathering or a party. You can meet them at night or even midnight. For time frame Capricorn season can be the time you meet them. You can trust this person, don't be shy with them.
What is their current energy? What will be their energy when you meet them?
Alright pile 3! This person is currently releasing all the emotional turmoils and pains and blocks. These reason of this pain that they're releasing right now was that people or maybe a past lover took advantage of their empathetic and loving nature for their own means. Now they're improving and maintaining a distance from these kind of people. They're just being nice to people who are close to them. They are setting boundaries. They wanna start new and afresh in love. They're releasing every past energy. This person is becoming kind and gentle with themselves first and for their loved ones only. They're putting up a wall in front of strangers so that no one can take advantage of their kind nature anymore. They're working on themselves and improving their skills. They may be taking new classes or even join new sports practice. They're learning wise things and moving forward in life.
They'll create a significant balance in their life between their emotional and logical self by the time they meet you. They won't get swayed by people anymore when they're about to meet you, but they'll get swayed by you ;) they'll be very abundant or even wealthy and stable when they meet you.
What are the blocks and obstacles in this union? How can you overcome them?
Current advice for you is that you don't have to lose your balance in any tough situations. Don't get swayed by any handsome or beautiful person in the first sight only. Know that people hide so much behind their lovely demeanor. You not should just focus on love, focus on other things in life too, to be in a state of balance and equality. Otherwise i don't see any block.
What is their personality like?
They have a great convincing power. They can get anyone do what they want, not bad things of course. They're strong and energetic. Very enthusiastic energy, they stand up for what they believe in. This person's past was not very good in terms of love. They got cheated by someone whom they truly loved the most. This person is in an energy of walking away from love or his/her romantic side right now. They're heartbroken. As i said before, this person is cold to others but soft to their loved ones only. They have a fiery personality, air and fire signs are prominent. They may still be in a school/college right now. This person wants a powerful match for themselves, they want a man or a woman who is as capable as them. They're very romantic and loving too, very passionate about the people whom they love. It's hard to win their love, but once they let you in, they won't let you out of their minds and hearts.
How would this relationship feel like?
This relationship or union will be divinely guided for a greater purpose. This relationship will help you release toxic cycles and negative thinking. All the obsessions and attachments will be released. It will help you both transform and have a rebirth. So that you can start a new journey in life. This will teach you to take that leap of faith. And will also help y'all to get out of your comfort zone and visit all the places you've never been. A deep and sentimental connection is present here, full with compassion, empathy and divinity. I just love the whole cozy and comfortable vibe of y'all relationship.
What is the divine purpose behind this connection? What will it teach you?
Wow! We have three aces and the powerful queen and king of swords couple right here! The spread tells me about a past life of uou both where you both could were either very poor and separated from each other. In this lifetime, multiple opportunities will be given to you both for wealth, prosperity and abundance. And divine will itself guide you both together with eachother in this lifetime so that you both can finally love and be with eachother. This will teach you balance and harmony. Everything will be right in this lifetime for you both, whatever bad thing takes place, take it as a lesson or your own karma and be happy for yourself.
Please provide insights so I can improve more ♡
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breadbrobin · 8 months
“in every other universe”
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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summary: luke said he’d love you in every other universe. luke was many things, but he wasn’t a liar.
warnings: ANGST, kissing, mentions of canon typical violence, use of pet names, so much angst bro omg
word count: 1.0k
(i wrote this AGES ago like around episode three so don’t come at me for it being a lil different to how he acts in the finale ok i did my best and i didn’t wanna change too much bc i love it)
“do you think we’re together in every universe?”
it was a quiet question. one that luke’s ears could barely pick up through the murmurs of the hermes cabin and the whistling of the wind outside. your breath was right against his cheek though, and your whispered question carried to him.
he frowned. “what do you mean?”
“like,” he could hear you shifting to face him, and he looked over at you, seeing the outline of your features in the dark. “in every other universe where we exist—as whatever we exist as—do you think we met? became friends? then fell in love too?”
he was quiet for a moment, turning his head back to look up at the bunk above him. “yeah. i think we find each other in every universe. i don’t think even the fabric of time and space itself could tear us apart.”
he could hear your soft giggle through the night. “really?”
“really.” he rolled to face you, pressing a kiss to your lips. “not even the gods could tear us apart, baby. not the gods, not the universe itself, nothing.”
he punctuated his words with soft kisses, only stopping when you smiled and yawned tiredly.
“i love you,” you whispered, shifting closer and tucking your head under his chin.
he kissed your hair, warmth growing in his chest as it always did around you, especially on nights where you’d sneak into his bunk to fall asleep together, limbs tangled, hair messy, sleep in your eyes. “i love you too.” his voice was a whisper, barely audible. he said it like a prayer, a reverent statement that made you feel like the most loved person in the universe—in any universe. you wondered if all of your other iterations loved him like you did. if all of your other versions of yourself were as deeply, irrevocably in love with this boy who had you wrapped in his arms and wrapped around his fingers. you didn’t used to believe in fate and destiny. luke helped you see that he was yours.
in every other universe, you thought bitterly. i hope every other universe is happier than this.
luke had left. he was gone. long gone.
he’d came to see you, begging you on your knees to join him, to leave with him.
“please, my love, he can give us whatever we want. we can live forever, immortal in this new world that he will build us!” his eyes had been frantic, pleading… broken.
you had gotten to his level, cupping his face in your hands and stroking his cheeks softly. “luke…”
“baby, he will give us anything,” he’d begged. “anything. just come with me.”
you had shaken your head, kissed his lips one last time. your own were salty with tears. “he’s poisoned your mind, luke.”
“the gods have poisoned your mind,” he sneered. “they are responsible for everything. all the pain, all the unclaimed kids, this—“ he jabbed a finger at the scar on his face. “—and all the death that came with it.”
“and you think titans will be better? luke, don’t do this.”
“it’s already done,” he said, his voice stronger. “come with me. together in every universe. this will be the only one that matters anymore, baby. come with me.”
“no.” that was all you’d had to say.
his face crumbled. bitterness and regret filled his eyes, and for a second, you thought he might change his mind. you thought he might stay with you.
you were wrong.
he’d stood up, looking down at you with eyes colder than you’d ever seen. you’d always known luke could be volatile. he was too controlled sometimes, when he shouldn’t be, like he was always holding something back. his sword-fighting was too restrained, and yet too good. there was a balance there that was impossible to achieve unless you’d seen both sides—weak and strong, powerless and entirely powerful. you understood now what that was. you’d never been scared of him before.
he towered over you. “fine. you’ve made your choice. don’t come crying to us when you change your mind.”
the way he said ‘us’ sent a shiver down your spine. you felt nauseous as you kneeled there in front of him, not even feeling strong enough to stand up.
“i love you,” you whispered as he drew his sword.
he faltered for a moment, then his jaw clenched. “if you really loved me, you wouldn’t be betraying me like this.”
as the hilt of his sword hit your temple, memories flashed through your head—of sharing strawberries and kissing under trees, of skipping stones on the shore and sneaking into each others bunks when you couldn’t sleep. years of friendship, then love… all destroyed with the hit of a blade’s hilt. you wondered, who was really the traitor here? it didn’t feel like you.
when you’d woken up, you were in the infirmary. chiron was just outside with the new kid, percy jackson. annabeth was sitting beside you, holding your hand, tears in her eyes.
when she saw you were awake, she squeezed your hand and helped you sit up.
“he’s gone?” you asked weakly.
she nodded, her eyes filling with bitter tears again. “yeah. he… he attacked percy too. while everyone was celebrating. he…” she trailed off and shook her head. “he betrayed all of us. i should have seen it coming. i should have…”
you shook your head. how could he be so cruel? how could you not have noticed? it wasn’t annabeth’s job to—it wasn’t yours either, sure, but you’d seen the signs months ago. you should have seen how things would end. you should have done something sooner. you should have, you should have, you should have.
out loud, you said nothing, just opened your arms for annabeth to fall into. you both needed someone, but the person you both needed was nowhere to be found.
it wasn’t fair.
you didn’t know what was coming next, but you knew that luke’s soul was intertwined with yours, in whatever way it ended up being. he’d said once that you were his anchor, his reason to live after his failed quest… so why couldn’t you be his reason to stay? why couldn’t he have loved you more, loved you like he said he didn’t in every other universe, and stayed?
why, why, why? you feared you would find yourself asking that question until the day you died.
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ddreamywitch · 2 months
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Chapter Two - Butchered Tongue
knight!benjicot blackwood x princess!reader
word count: 3.7k
a/n: a little late but here we are :)) I’m so grateful for all the nice people who have reblogged and commented!!
warnings: mentions of an orphanage, dead mums and Benji is still a little drama queen
song: Butchered Tongue - Hozier
chapter one
Benji hates the capital.
It stinks and it is always busy, with narrow dark alleys that lead nowhere and depraved people lining them.
His life has been ripped from him and handed into your hands. Hands free of calluses and scars, not a speck of dirt caked beneath their nails and yet, no matter how delicate and weak, they hold his fate.
He isn’t meant for a knight’s life, all honour, no freedom. And least of all he is meant for the life of a knight in this godforsaken city, which seemingly offers nothing but sin and tragedy.
Benji has always found the king to be terribly unlikeable. A slimy little man, who had been quick to put to the torch what his ancestors had built up in this realm. He had forgotten just how severe it all is, with his home so far removed from this but now, as he stands next to you, he thinks he could just vomit. He won’t of course, he isn’t like you, with your weak demeanour, to faint at that little bit of sun.
Today you still look pale, though you’d spent the last three days on bed rest, days which he had to spend simply waiting around in front of your chambers.
He was almost glad when he was informed that you were to visit one of the city’s orphanages.
In your hands you hold a woven basket and you listen to the nun introduce you to the children, with little humility.
He doesn’t understand why all the realm is always fussing over you, so far you have yet to live up to any of the tales that have been spun around your name.
Well except, perhaps, those of your beauty. Though it may pain Benjicot to admit it, it is clear as day that you are exquisite.
But still you do not seem as clever or as kind, let alone charming, as he had been led to believe, to him.
He hopes that you are vain and offended enough to want to be rid of him by the end of the week. He would likely be exiled then, but it seems a better destiny than spending the rest of his life devoted to some strange girl he’s only just met.
He had refused all marriage deals before this, and in this scenario he would never be able to bed anyone again. Truly an awful thing for a young man of his age to behold.
Uncomfortably he shifts from one foot to another as Sister Linda continues to rattle on. He’s avoiding to look into the sad faces of abandoned children, so he regards you instead, boring holes into your frame with all his might.
You are wearing the same smile he’d seen you wear during the knighting ceremony. Practised and detached. It seems quite unbelievable that anyone should fall for this masquerade of yours, but apparently it works.
You’re dressed in the colours of your house, though a paler version of them. Lilac. It has only very thin sleeves and he can see the fading imprint of his fingertips on your arm. He had gripped you a little harshly during your little incident, too much taken by surprise to consider his own strength, and then, of course, he was immediately praised for being the perfect pick for his position, so eager to protect his princess.
He should have just let you tumble to the ground, he thinks. But his instincts had betrayed him.
You do not shift every few minutes like he does. You’re very still, hands gripping a woven basket filled with gifts for the children and only every now and then do you react to something.
A humble laugh here, an interjection of a ‘thank you’ there.
Your brother had informed him that you do this every week with a different charitable institution. Much to his dismay, he would have to accompany you to an infirmary next time. As though the city itself didn’t spout enough risk of infection.
It is so foolish, to have you, of all people, visit all these poor souls, give them your feigned smile and a present which leaves not even the tiniest of scratches in the wealth of your father’s house.
Pretentious is what it is. You’re nothing more than a third-born woman, you hold no importance to the politics of the land.
The nun finishes her ode to you and you bow your head graciously. “Thank you, Sister,” you say.
The old hag blushes, like a little girl and Benji simply cannot help the little scoff that escapes him.
Your head shoots around, eyes widened as though you had forgotten about his presence at all, but you compose yourself quickly.
“Ser Benjicot, would you help me hand out the baskets please?” You ask, voice dulcet and melodic. You had chosen a different path than him, after your near catastrophic first meeting.
You have settled on greeting him with exaggerated sweetness.
A farce, he knows it. It is just a question of time before you would tire of it and go crying to your brother that you want a different knight.
He nods at you and the children are quick to line up, each of them eager, with glowing eyes.
You kneel down before them, dress skirts puffing up around you and begin to give them their gifts. There are toys and clothes for the winter time and little cakes and he wonders how in god’s name this is to be of use for longer than a blip in time. They’d outgrow the clothes and they’d fight over the toys the moment you would leave.
It is money which they need, money that currently adorns you in gold and fine silks.
Most of the younglings do not speak to you directly, too shy or too worried about what to say but some grin at you in that untamed way that only children do.
You ask them if they would like a hug or not and they all say yes.
Benji keeps giving the next basket to you, slowly emptying all the trunks that had travelled with you on your carriage. He is about to hand you the second to last one when he finds a little girl perched in your lap.
A redheaded small thing, fragile with scuffs and specks of dirt all over her. Her hair is matted.
“She just arrived this week,” Sister Linda tells him, despite him not having asked. “She’s refusing to take baths.”
He looks at the nun and then back at you.
Surely, you must also notice that stench radiating off the girl, even the other kids have taken a step back, but you do not react.
“My mumsy said yer’ a baker of hope,” the little one mumbles, grimy fingers clutching at the pendant which dangles from your neck. It is amethyst, a dark one, set in precious gold.
You laugh, soft and careful and pat her back. “I believe she said beacon, sweetling. I am not much of a talented baker.”
The girl shrugs. “Your necklace is nice.”
You hum.
When your carriage had entered the heart of the city, you had scrunched your nose in disdain, Benjicot had seen it. It is somewhat paradoxical to this interaction.
You lean even closer, dip your mouth down to the girl’s ear and whisper something. Her mouth drops into a big ‘O’ and she nods before slipping off of you.
You twist your upper half towards him, opening your arms to receive the last basket.
The little girl takes it into her hand and then you do something entirely unbecoming and wink at her. She giggles and with that you get up, knees clicking.
When you grab Benji's arm for support, he almost rips it away before coming to his senses.
But you notice his little twitch and raise an eyebrow at him, hand returning to your side.
“I believe we have done all for today, Sister Linda,” you say. “We shall see each other in about two moons, if god allows.”
The sitter curtsies. “We owe you and the king our deepest gratitude. It is always a delight to have you visit, your grace.”
Benjicot rolls his eyes at this and then, reluctant as ever, offers his arm to help you down the stairs.
You ignore it, surprisingly, dress bunched in your hands, and hurry down the hallway, him hot on your heels.
He catches up within two steps, with no layer of tulle holding him back and practical leather boots in lieu of your ornate heels that click along the cobbled grounds beneath you rapidly.
“Are we in a haste?” He asks and you stop only when you’ve reached the door.
“Ah, so he speaks,” you say, with none of the kindness you had just displayed a few moments ago.
You’re right. Holding his tongue is likely more effective in his ploy to gain freedom back.
He huffs and opens the door, you are halfway through it before you turn right back around and this time he can barely bother to rush after you.
Your hands fiddle with something at the back of your neck and then from where he stands he realises that you’ve taken the necklace off and suddenly the little girl appears from the top of the stairs, where all the other children had disappeared from already.
You hand it to her, crouched down to her level once more.
Now he regrets not having gone after you, too far to hear what you tell her.
And just as abruptly as your manoeuvre had begun, it is over again.
“Let us go back now, I am quite famished,” you tell him, not a single look spared in his direction, as you pass by.
Still, he thinks your cheeks are flushed.
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It is quite laborious to not speak.
Especially for a man like Benjicot Blackwood, who is so often quicker with his tongue than his better judgement, who so loved to brag and yell and debate and laugh loudly.
Silence does not suit him.
The only person he has spoken with at court so far, is your brother, if only to request that he isn’t made the full armour of knighthood, a wish that he was granted.
He is almost entirely certain that it is his reputation which allowed him this luxury.
You had addressed the wardrobe change and told him that you were glad that he wasn’t forced into all the steel, the way Ser Rickon before him had been.
Benjicot had only grunted in return.
That is all he allowed himself towards you: grunt, scoff, huff, sigh. Perhaps roll his eyes, or make some other dismissive gesture.
You have yet to abandon your stubborn idea of being patient with him. You don’t chastise his behaviour and you can’t have complained to anyone because in turn nobody has told him to get it together.
As it is now, nobody speaks to him, most courtiers preferring to whisper.
Bloody Ben, they all still hiss behind his back, even though he does not at all feel like him anymore.
Bloody Ben is in the Riverland, in the rise and fall of its hills, buried in its luscious high grasses.
Here he is Ser Benjicot, a trapped up bird.
But he does grow hopeful each day, with every little crack in your angelic facade, with the thinning of your web of false amiability.
When he’d walked with you to the stables this afternoon, you had pushed him to the side to enter first.
Very subtly, maybe not even noticeable to any passerby, but he had felt your well-kept nails in the soft leather guarding his forearms.
And then after, as you had mounted your horse, you had barely waited for him to join you before galloping on out toward the private part of the beach.
Fury, your horse is called, which he thought so ridiculous that he had laughed upon hearing it, but seeing it now, he understood why.
It is bloody enormous. A black Friesian, the kind that is usually bred to the north of the kingdom. And just barely tamed, vehemently refusing to let Benjicot near it.
You’re leaned forward on her now, arms wrapped around her neck, your eyes trained on the sea.
The weather is rough today, strong winds tearing at your hair and coat.
Laughable, he thinks again. Your attire is made to resemble that of the cavalry, deep purple overcoat and a brooch resembling a horse attached to it, right on your chest.
But you are the princess, so of fucking course, your overcoat is embroidered with a golden sun. Of fucking course it is neat and clean. It’s a costume.
Everything you put on is a costume, down to the faces you make.
He’d say he hates you, but then again he has actually hated people in his life before and he doesn’t care that much for you.
“Quit that, will you?” you say, voice raised enough for him to hear you over the roar of the ocean. You look at him, brows pulled into a frown.
He tilts his head, redirects his horse to parallel yours, rather than face it. “What do you mean, your grace?”
You sigh. “Do not act stupid, Ser Benjicot. You look as though you may push me off my horse at any moment.”
He snorts. “I do not.”
“You do. It’s tiresome. I cannot make this feat easier for you, but why do you insist so on making it harder for me?”
This time he doesn’t snort. “Harder for you? Just because I refuse to be your friend, does not mean I am making it harder for you. It isn’t common to be so close with one’s knight. Just because you let Ser Rodrick do all sorts of things with and to you.”
You do not miss the implication of this. “It is treason, what you hint at. It is treason that you should think so lowly of one of the most honourable men in the realm. It is treason to speak of my maidenhood in such a lewd manner.”
Benjicot directs his gaze into the skies. They are grey, waiting to erupt. “I did not say it, did I?”
You huff. “Toad.”
His laugh startles you, he sees you flinch in the corner of his eye. “Too well behaved to even curse properly,” he mutters. “Do you have no emotion left, princess? Was your outburst in the garden the peak of it?”
You do not answer yourself at first, the crashing of waves, the sea gulls, they seem to do so for you. Benjicot wonders if this would be your last straw now.
He decides to push further.
“You are pampered and spoiled. You think you can give away necklaces and make up for it that way. You think that if you’re patient enough, I’ll come to like you as everyone does, but I’ll tell you now, I never will. I am not like the courtiers, blinded by the colours of your clothes and the shine of your royal hair. I do not care for your title or your wealth or your looks.”
He makes a point of staring at her then, surprisingly to find her expressionless and already looking at him. “You are nothing but shackles to me.”
Again you don’t speak. You hold his eyes and for a moment he thinks you would be the one to push someone off their horse
“Get down,” you say.
Benjicot’s smile grows. He’s been told that he smiles like a shark and he hopes you share this sentiment.
“Get down, Blackwood.”
He obliges. He’s done it, he’s hurt you enough. He is triumphant. He is already planning to find the next tavern.
Then you slide off your own horse.
“You have no idea of shackles, you imbecile.” Your voice is laced with venom, angry and acidic. “You are here because nobody wants to tolerate you. You are here because you are a child, a child with an affinity to violence. You are here because with you remaining in the Riverlands, the Brackens would have never agreed to my father’s attempts to finally bring peace upon your houses.”
He towers over you, but you do not appear to mind as you step closer and closer still, so close that he can smell your saccharine perfume emanating from everywhere and engulfing him like a cloud of roses.
“You think it is good that you are feared, but it is the opposite. Good people are good. Good people do not have others crossing the room to be removed from them. You are nothing short of a small babe throwing a temper tantrum. You should consider yourself lucky that somehow you managed to make your contribution to end this foolish bloodshed between the Brackens and the Blackwoods, even though you worked so hard to keep it alive. Perhaps God will be gracious when you go to meet him then, knowing this. I cannot rid myself of you, without having you killed, you are essential to this plan, so unless you wish to meet our Lord himself sooner than planned you must either learn to be civil or learn to be silent.”
You exhale deeply.
“I do not wish to order your execution, I have never had to do such a thing before in my life and it should be a pity that I were to soil my hands on your youthful blood,” you end.
Benji can see the way your chest heaves, the little specks of red that decorate your cheeks. You are nervous but still you don’t waver.
The two of you stand in your positions, you with your arms crossed in front of you and him with his hands by his side.
Useless hands, he realises now. All is useless, no part of him has any power in this play.
He clears his throat and steps back, unsure what else he should do, for what is likely the first time in his life.
You nod, lips pressed together. “Silence it is then,” you say and he can’t help but wonder whether he imagines the tinge of disappointment in your voice.
It is very benevolent of you to not further comment on his indecencies, more benevolent than you should be but you are aware that he wasn’t raised in this pit of snakes. He doesn’t know of the conniving vipers that surround you and he is not learned in making up plans.
The urge to scream gnaws at Benjicot, at the dawning of how final his place by your side is.
There is no way out.
The king and his uncle promised the Brackens that he is no longer a threat to them. He is the debt that was owed and this is his price to pay.
And so is his gratitude for being a wonder boy, for having wielded swords and bloodied himself so early and so well.
“Ser Benjicot?”
He looks at you, upon your horse once more. It is becoming a thing of frequency for one of you to have to look up at the other.
He nods and so the two of you make your way back to the castle.
It is different this time.
He had dreaded it, a few days ago, when the city had come into sight on the horizon, but back then he had thought that he would weasel his way out.
This time, as you approach the castle, he feels himself suffocate.
Garden strolls, orphanages, banquets, infirmaries, this small beach.
You have no idea of shackles.
You trail ahead of him, high up on Fury, no tiara but hair wreathed around your hair in such a way that it is hard to mistake you for anything other than what you are, even sparing your very obvious clothes.
House Aprikate has historically brought forth women of the utmost charm, soft skinned and smiles that ballads are written about and many say it is their princesses that are the backbone of it all. Kind and warm. The mothers of the realm.
Your dynasty is one of greatness, for a century now your house has ruled the kingdom but it is withering now.
The smallfolk grows unhappy, uneasy beneath the sloppy sovereignty of your father.
He is shackled to you and you are shackled to your house and to this place.
And worse so, he has been free before. You have not.
He swallows his ache, as best as he can, still it tastes bitter on his tongue and by the time you reach the stables, he wonders if execution is still better than this appalling place is.
Maybe your father would marry you off to somebody far enough away from this place. A Bracken, for example.
God. Maybe your future husband would dismiss your knight and replace him with a man of his own. Yes that might be his out.
You’re an Aprikate woman, you would marry soon, he is sure of it.
The sun begins to set and paints the skies in shades of magenta and orange when you walk to your chambers.
“I shall take my supper alone tonight, should my brother come by to ask,” you tell Benjicot. “And I do believe it would be best if you do not mention our initial disliking for one another to anyone. The people here do so love to be blabbermouths.”
He nods and gallantly opens the wooden doors to your chambers.
“Goodnight Ser Benjicot,” you say and rush inside.
He glances along the hallway but it is empty, much like your room. He sticks his head in the tiniest bit. “I believe Benji shall suffice, your grace. Ser Benjicot is such a mouthful,” he says, quick and before he can change his mind again, almost stumbling over his own words as he does.
You smile. A good one, a real one this time.
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the-dark-parade · 6 months
Dear marshal,
Could I have... REINCARNATION AU!!!
Let's say that reader (female) used to be a soldier under lilia
AND while working under him, she fell in love
So she confessed to him. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. (annoying.)
But one day, it looks like he's going to get hurt fatally, and she takes the but instead. (how stupid.)
And she dies. But she doesn't regret it. And gets reincarnated!
(I wanna see him pining for her the same way she does for him!!!!)
WARNINGS! THIS STORY CONTAINS... angst + fluff + lilia×fem reader
A/N: Thank you for your request, @something1032727 I hope my work pleases you. This is my first work after all. If you are not comfortable with this, feel free to leave. If you would like a version with male reader instead, please request it. Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Now, the parade starts with it's first destination...
Fate's Redemption: A Love Reborn
(part 1)
In the symphony of life, love echoes and reverberates endlessly, intertwining souls across time. Every gesture, every sacrifice, echoes through eternity, shaping destinies. And in the cycle of rebirth, love's refrain returns, reminding us that its melody endures, transcending even lifetimes. Truly, eternal echoes of love.
"Please go out with me!" You say as always, with such vigour, with such annoyingness, as always. Love-struck eyes stare into mine, seemingly going into my soul, hoping for a chance. It's like her eyes turn into hearts whenever I'm here.
How stupid. One of my best soldiers in the army, and she's so head-over-heels for me. Save her clumsy ass a few times, and she magically falls in love with you.
How naive.
I reject you once again, for what seems like the 1000th time or more, but you still don't give up. Your stubbornness is one of your worst yet best trait about you.
You eat my food with a smile even though my other soldiers avoid it like the plague. I suppose you do have good taste after all.
You cook for me, feed my ego, help me with my work, and so much more.
I wonder if you're just in it for fun. Perhaps you just want my title if we actually win the war. But I brush the thoughts off when I see your sincerity.
You ask again, and again, and again.
Why are you so insistent?
Why do you even bother?
Why do you like me so much?
This little crush of yours should be over by now. I have not treated you very nicely. I have not treated you any different from the rest. There is nothing between us. Why can't you understand that I'm just not interested?!
At least that was what I would like to say. If my heart didn't stop beating so hard around you. If your smile, your stupid, stupid confessions, that used to not bother me at all, now haunts me in my sleep every night!
What's wrong with me..?
Am I truly... falling in love..?
Well, that's what I wanted to ask.
How stupid. How fucking fucking fucking stupid!
How irritable can you be?
How much do you want me to cry over you?!
Is it too late to say I regret not accepting your confession all those years ago, if now you're dead..?
"General, watch out..!" You say, as you use your body to shield me from an arrow that I never even noticed was coming after me. Pushing me to the side.
"...you're dying. How stupid. Why did you take that arrow for me?" I pick you up, just running to base. Stupid human devices..! I can't cast my teleportation magic! There's no time, there's no time! You stupid fae...
"cause... *cough*, I love you." You say weakly, softly, coughing out blood in my arms. You even wink! You infuriate me so bad!
"Shut up! Don't you dare die on me!" I ran as fast as I could. Don't die. Don't die. Don't die! You made my life brighter, and now you want me to go back to how it was?!
You made me fall in love with you!
Fuck. Before we even reached, I could feel your heart stop beating. Your body is becoming cold. No, no, no! It can't end like this. It can't!
Is this what it feels to have your whole world crash upon you?
My heart feels heavy. My cheek feels wet. I feel like causing a massacre. My chest feels tight. It's a bit hard to breathe. I feel a chill go up my back.
But why..?
Death is normal in war. Death is a daily occurrence in war. Death happens in every fight, in every week.
So why?
Why does death, which was so normal for soldiers on the battlefield like me, make me feel this way?
Amidst my thoughts, I managed to bring you back to base. But it wasn't really you. Just a cold, soulless empty vessel of you.
This is just too cruel.
You should not have ended up this way, you still had so much to live for, and just when I was actually going to accept your confession you go and die on me?!
We... Could have been happy together.
If only... If only I wasn't so stubborn, denying my feelings for you.
If only you weren't so insistent on going out with me.
If only...
If only...
If only you didn't take that hit in my stead, could that have happened..?
Ah, but it's too late to regret it now, huh?
That night, it was said that wailings could be heard from inside the General's tent.
Years have passed, and the numbers signalling each year are not the only changes that happened in my life.
I have gotten wiser and older. Now I know what I felt for you in those days.
Love is the word for my overwhelming feelings for you.
I visit your grave from time to time. It mostly ends up in tears, despite how many years have passed.
I used to call you pathetic for being so love-driven. I guess now I'm the pathetic one. How my past words bite me in the gyatt, just like the youngsters say!
I entered school. I can't believe I still have that invitation letter from NRC from all those years ago!
I have gotten over you.
At least that would be what I would like to say, but when I saw you again, it was like my old heart started beating again.
The dark mirror said, and my eyes shot to the person in question. Could it truly be..?
Those eyes. Those mannerisms. Everything about you... I could never mistake you for anyone else. It's you.
"Thou shall be sorted into..."
Diasomnia. I hope she'll be sorted in the same dorm as me. But even so, I'll win her heart again even if she's not.
I feel like sighing... We could have been dormmates! But, oh well!
Khehehe. This general makes a mission to himself, to make you fall in love with him as deeply and as hopelessly as you did all those years ago. And this general isn't one to fail a mission.
Get ready, my love.
A/N: dear souls, stay tuned for part 2! Thank you for reading if you read.
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hadesisqueer · 6 months
One of my wishes for volume 10 has always been seeing Winter and Emerald being friends, tbh.
I've said it a good bunch of times, but it's just that Winter and Cinder have A LOT of parallelisms between each other: both of grew up in abusive homes and once they were out they ended up stuck with another new parental figure that turned out to be an asshole as well, both of them are Maidens and were 'chosen' for the job, both of them are named after the seasons they represent... The differences are that:
-Winter realized what Ironwood was really like and got out, while Cinder is still stuck with Salem.
-While Cinder had to steal the Maiden powers and got them in a way that makes her be more under Salem's control, Winter got them naturally and as a gift from a friend (Penny) and after she was out of Ironwood's control; in fact, those powers actually save her life against him and help her fully break free, making it clear that he didn't choose anything for her.
-Cinder's surname is Fall; it's heavily implied that she chose it herself, because as you guys know, she's obsessed with destiny, and she feels like being the Fall Maiden was her destiny-- you know the whole thing. Meanwhile, you have a Winter Maiden named Winter, and not because she chose her name like Cinder did to fit in the narrative: she was given the name at birth-- almost like she was destined to become the Winter Maiden one day.
And more. So yeah, they have a lot of parallelisms with each other: really, in a sense, they're the same and the complete opposite at the same time. I feel like Cinder sees Winter as a version of herself that actually got everything handed to her: name, destiny and all. So another parallelism what I would find entertaining is seeing that Emerald, who cared about Cinder and very clearly saw her as an older sister or role model or whatever, becoming close with Winter and starting to see her as what she thought Cinder was. Seeing Cinder's reaction to that would be funny at least lmao.
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praisethegabs · 11 months
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Leon Kennedy x F!Reader
synopsis: starting a family right after the incident that ended Raccoon City wasn't in your or Leon's plans, but destiny decided to bless you two with twins. Now married and with two kids to raise, life can't be better. Leon finally seems to be healing and moving on, until his job starts to take a toll on him. Again.
warnings: angst (again) with happy ending, mentions of traumas, nightmares, sub!leon and soft dom!wife, mentions of: ptsd, crying during sex, soft smut, p in v, hand job, praise kink, use of pet names. both oc's named olivia and jake as the twins.
word count: 7k
a/n: istg i needed to write something like this. idk why, but the idea felt so great... i like to imagine what was like for leon if he had kids and a normal life, so this is what i got. enjoy it, fellas
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"show me the most damaged parts of your soul, and I will show you how it still shines like gold," nikita gill
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Starting a family wasn't something you thought about in your early 20s.
But then, Leon Kennedy entered your life. You both met before Raccoon City, and you couldn't help but fall in love with those innocent baby blue eyes. At first, Leon was full of energy, completely eager and enthusiastic about his new job as a cop. You both thought that moving to Raccoon City was a good idea, and you were both happy.
You had just started a new job as an intern journalist, and it was the perfect opportunity for you since you were almost done with college. As for Leon, he graduated from the police academy and was ready to serve. For two individuals in their early 20s, it was the perfect opportunity.
Life can be weird at times.
You both never got the chance to do what you wanted. Raccoon City was in chaos with numerous casualties, and Leon came close to death while battling the Tyrant known as Mr. X. Somehow, amidst all the chaos, you managed to befriend Claire Redfield, a teenager who was searching for her older brother. Together, the three of you managed to survive that night, even rescuing a little girl named Sherry. What happened afterwards were mere consequences.
You knew from the start that Leon was an orphan, and that he was rescued by a cop after his entire family was killed. This is why he helped Claire keep Sherry safe. However, even after that living nightmare ended, the government decided to "ask" Leon to join them. He never told you what happened afterward. He never explained why he had to attend this six-month training camp.
But he was acting differently. Sure, you couldn’t blame him for being distant.
What happened that night traumatized him. He was shot in the shoulder and pursued by Mr. X, narrowly escaping death. You were with Claire most of the time because Leon thought you would be safe with her. He never told you exactly what happened, but you knew him. He changed.
Sometimes, he would wake up screaming, scared, and desperately searching for you, just to ensure your safety and well-being. You would calm him down, talk to him, and help him understand that you are safe and that nothing is real. In the mornings, you would wake him up with breakfast in bed and tend to his wound - which later turned out to be a scar. It was a sorrowful memento of that evening.
Two weeks before Leon left the house, you discovered that you were expecting a baby.
This wasn't exactly what you both wanted, and at first, Leon was mesmerized by the idea of becoming a father, but he was also very scared. Suddenly, he wanted to be at home with you instead of going to this training camp, just like you wanted him to stay. But Leon didn't have a choice. You watched him leave, and something inside your chest told you that this would be the last time you would see this version of Leon, the rookie cop you had fallen in love with.
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When he returned home, he was bigger than you had remembered.
His muscles had doubled in size, and he was much stronger, completely different from when he left. His eyes, however, remained the same. It was your Leon, the same man you had met before the apocalypse. When he saw your baby bump and realized it was his child inside, he cried. You had a baby shower, but you didn't know the gender of your baby - you wanted Leon to be a part of everything. So, one week after he returned home, the two of you got married in a beautiful, intimate, and small ceremony. Claire and Chris were in attendance - Chris being Claire's older brother - and you and Leon quickly became friends with him.
Your family lived in another country, and you had no contact with them. You were on your own, and you were glad to have him by your side.
At the end of the year, your twins were born, and Leon was there to witness the childbirth. His eyes were shining just like they did when you both first met. Her name was Olivia. Leon loved that name, and she had her father's eyes and the same blond hair. The other twin was named Jake, and he had your hair and Leon's eyes. Both Olivia and Jake were copies of Leon, and he was proud of them. After the first few weeks, he took care of all the chores around the house and looked after you, Olivia, and Jake. He always said, "You shouldn't worry about that anymore."
But sometimes, he was very scared of someone trying to hurt the three of you. So, he asked to move somewhere else, and suddenly, you didn't have to worry about work or money anymore. He provided everything you needed, and he would move mountains to ensure the security of his loved ones.
The year was now 2002.
He had to leave for a mission with Major Jack Krauser. You stayed at home with your twins and were aided by Claire because they would cause you a lot of trouble. Of course, Leon's job was dangerous, but he always managed to call you and the kids. He never used his ring while on duty and had no pictures of his family with him, afraid that someone would find them and harm the babies. You can be sure that no one at the agency knew he was married and a father of two.
To be honest, you didn't care. You knew that after the incident in Raccoon City, your family meant everything to him, and he would do whatever it took to keep all of you safe. Leon was broken inside, but now he had found a new sense of purpose. He loved all three of you more than anything in the world, and when he returned from the operation, he embraced the twins and showered all of you with affection. Something happened there, but you decided not to ask.
For the twins' 4th birthday, you set a small party for a few friends.
Claire and Chris were there, as always, along with a few of your friends. The barbecue was filled with love and happiness, and yet, you noticed Leon's eyes shining once more. A little reminder that life could be peaceful sometimes, without the horrors of one's job. You would look at him, with all his glorious features kissed by the sun. The way his eyes shine with happiness. He was so beautiful. You felt so lucky.
Olivia was definitely her dad's girl. She loved running into his arms and staying there. She loved it when Leon played with her or bathed her. Jake, however, was more of a momma's boy. Of course, he loved being with his father, but he preferred being with you. They used to sleep together and be each other's best friends until that day arrived.
They were growing up, and now they wanted separate rooms. They would fight sometimes, and Leon was always the reasonable person who would calm them both. He would always talk to them instead of doing something else, and occasionally, on very rare occasions, he would ground the twins.
You knew that your husband was happy with his life. It made him forget about Raccoon City. It helped him heal.
Things couldn't be better for your family. The twins were at school. You finally had time for yourself and Leon. Sex was incredible, and occasionally, you would send the children to Claire's so you could reaffirm your connection with your husband. Leon was very submissive, and you enjoyed being in control, making him beg like the obedient boy he was. You ruined him so deeply that you were certain he would never forget it. Even with two children, you still had the power to touch him and drive him crazy.
Until 2004.
“The president's daughter?" you asked him when he dropped the news about his new assignment. "In Spain?"
"Yes, honey. The president doesn't want anyone to know... that's why I'm going alone," Leon sighed, holding your hands. "But I promise I'll be back before you even have a chance to miss me."
"I already miss you," you muttered, which made him smile. His thumb gently pressed against your lips, while his hand firmly held your chin, compelling you to meet his gaze.
"You know I love you more than anything in this world, right?" Leon asked, his voice smooth, husky, and caring. You nodded in response. "I'll be back soon, I promise."
"Well, you better tell the twins. Good luck, Liv is not in the mood today," you said, playfully tapping his shoulder, which caused him to furrow his eyebrows.
"Oh, come on, honey... this is unfair!" Leon protested, but then he laughed, following you to the living room. He called the twins, and Olivia was already sitting on his lap. "Okay, Daddy's gotta go for a few days to fight the bad guys. Behave and don't get into trouble with your mom, or I'll be the one in trouble, okay?"
"Fight the bad guys?" Liv asked, facing her dad while clutching her favorite teddy bear.
"Yes, sweetheart. They need Daddy to fight the bad guys again. There's someone who needs help," Leon explained calmly, while cradling Olivia in his lap.
"Will you be safe?" Jake asked, as he went to sit with his sister on Leon's lap, hugging his dad.
"Always, pumpkin. When I get back home, I promise I'll take a few days off so we can all be together, okay?" Leon smiled at his son.
"Please, get back home safely, Daddy," Olivia said, burying her face in his neck. Her words brought a smile to his face as he hugged the twins.
You had your twins in your arms as the three of you watched Leon leave in the black SUV. As soon as you closed the door, you activated the non-negotiable security system. Leon needed to be sure that you would be safe with the kids, and you knew very well that he wouldn't be able to focus on his job if he had to worry about his family's safety.
"Why does Daddy have to go, Mommy?" Olivia asked, her eyes shining with tears.
"It's his job, sweetie." Sometimes, Daddy needs to save people so he can keep us safe too," you tried to explain in the best way you could. After all, they were only six years old.
"But what if we need him, Mommy?" Jake asked. You touched the tip of his nose, smiling.
"Well, mommy can protect both of you from the bad guys... and we also have Uncle Chris and Auntie Claire who can help if I need assistance," you reassured your twins with a soothing tone of voice.
"I miss him already," Olivia cried, and then you hugged her tightly.
“I know, baby. Mommy misses him too”
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It was the middle of the night when you heard someone deactivating the security system and unlocking the door. After three distinct knocks, you knew exactly who it was.
Leon was tired, distressed, and angry all at once. His clothes were dirty, and he felt quite miserable. His entire body was aching, and he couldn't wait to fall asleep in your bed, holding you in his arms. You, on the other hand, turned on the lights in your room and went immediately to meet him.
The moment Leon saw you, he immediately embraced you, his face completely buried in your neck, sending shivers down your spine, despite the difference in height. Your fingers ran through his tousled blonde hair, and for minutes, words were unnecessary. The way he was holding you in his arms made you think that something really bad had happened in Spain.
"Shh, it's okay... you're home, baby," you whispered in his ear, providing some comfort.
"I'm so sorry," Leon said, his voice breaking.
The last time you saw him so fragile, on the verge of tears, was after the incident in Raccoon City. Witnessing him in that state once more filled you with fear. Right after he apologized, for reasons unknown, he started sobbing and crying on your shoulder. Something was not right.
It took 40 long minutes until Leon finally calmed down. Meanwhile, you kept hugging him and reassuring him with calm words that everything was fine and he was safe at home with you. You gently stroked his hair and often traced circles on his back with your finger.
"I never told you why I left... or why I am doing this job," Leon said vaguely, his eyes focused on something else.
"I never told you why I left... or why I am doing this job," Leon said vaguely, his eyes focused on something else.
"Why does this matter now, baby?" you raised your eyebrow, sitting next to him on the sofa.
"It was because of Sherry. Remember that when Claire left to find her brother, and we attempted to locate a rescue but ended up in that government facility?" Leon asked, his gaze still fixed on something else.
The memory was still fresh in your mind. They kept you away from Leon, but they never told you why. After six years, you would have the answers to this issue.
"That day, they started questioning me, and because I possessed the skills they were seeking, they expressed their desire for me to join them. I only managed to get us out of there because of that," Leon says, his eyes cast downward as if he were ashamed. "But the thing is... they never asked me to join them."
You raised your eyebrows again, confused by his sudden revelation. You knew from the beginning that something - or someone - was being used to make him stay. He finally looks at you, his eyes shining with tears once more.
"They forced me. They said they would kill us if I didn't say yes... and I had no other choice. I asked them to leave you out of this, and I would work for them... I just wanted to keep you safe," Leon sobs again, burying his face in his hands, his voice cracking. "But this last mission... God... the things I saw and did..."
You decided to let him vent. Whatever happened, there was enough to break the wall that Leon had built over the past six years. He was finally allowing himself to feel his emotions, and you wouldn't interrupt him.
"These villagers, they were insane. Controlled by a parasite called Las Plagas, they transformed into monstrous creatures, their heads exploding and their forms becoming grotesque." Leon continued to sob, as the memories of the events in Spain flooded back into his mind. "The cult leader also infected me. He almost turned me into his pet, using the plaga inside me to torture and control my body and mind."
And then, he sobbed again. Seeing your husband hurt like that breaks your heart. Since Raccoon City, you have always been the tough one. You never showed any signs of sadness or trauma because you knew Leon needed your support. Eventually, what happened there stays in the past. But for him, it was completely different.
Gently, you embraced him once more, his head resting on your neck and his breath caressing your skin gently. You felt his warm tears on your robe, but this wasn't something that you cared about at the moment.
"I can't fall asleep... I keep seeing those things over and over again. I see Saddler, Mendez, Salazar, and Krauser," Leon sobs one more time, holding you tightly in his arms. You raised your eyebrows, surprised to hear that name after all these years. "He didn't die. He kidnapped Ashley. He was working for them. I had to fight him, I had to kill him."
"Sweetheart, none of this is your fault," you whispered, trying to calm him once more. Your words were full of assurance.
"He tried to kill Luis and me. I felt so betrayed. I thought he had died two years ago... but he was working for Saddler. He died because of power, something so stupid," Leon said, his eyes closed as he replayed everything in his head. "I just can't believe it. I thought it could be different..."
"Well, you brought Ashley home safely. You did it, and then you managed to come home for us too," you smiled kindly, using your thumb to wipe the tears from his face. "You're here with us, safe and sound again."
"I'm so tired, baby," Leon whispered to you, his eyes still closed as he started to calm down again. "It is always the same bullshit”
"I know," you said, taking a deep breath. "But I'm here, and nothing will hurt you."
You noticed a slight smirk on his lips, and both of you remained there for a while.
You knew that his missions left him stressed and tired. Sometimes he would be gone for weeks, and it always made you anxious because you were scared he wouldn't come back. But you knew Leon better than anyone else. He would always come home.
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"Daddy!" "Daddy!" Olivia jumped into his arms when she saw him in the kitchen in the morning.
"Good morning, princess," Leon chuckled, holding her in his strong embrace. "Someone missed me, huh?"
"Where's Jake?" you asked Olivia, noticing that her brother didn't come downstairs for breakfast.
"He's in his room, Mommy," Olivia said, hugging Leon tightly. "I told him to come down and see Daddy, but he didn't want to."
"Ok, I'll take care of it," Leon sighs, gently placing Olivia on the ground and kissing you on the forehead.
You smiled and nodded your head. As Leon went to Jake's room, your daughter helped you prepare breakfast. Gently, Leon knocked on Jake's door before entering. He saw his little boy lying on his bed, with his eyes closed. His room was filled with blue adhesive posters, scattered bears, and toys.
"Hey, big boy. What happened?” Leon asked, sitting on the edge of Jake's bed, with his hand on his son's shoulder.
"I had a bad dream," Jake whispered, trying to hide under the blankets.
"A bad dream? Wanna talk about it?" Leon asked again, gently holding Jake's hand and stroking his hair.
"I saw a man hurting you, Daddy... I felt it too," his baby blue eyes then shined with tears.
"Well, Daddy's back home safe and sound, you see? There's nothing to be worried about, okay? While I'm here, no one will hurt you," Leon smiled, his voice calm and soft, as always. "Now, let's go eat breakfast, or your mom will definitely ground us."
Jake nodded smiling and Leon lifted him onto his shoulders. They walked downstairs together for breakfast, with Leon carrying his child. He placed Jake in the chair, sitting between the twins. Olivia and Jake enjoyed their pancakes with juice, while you and Leon had your favorite meal. Such a warm way to welcome him home.
"Daddy, I did something for you," Olivia said. Then, she ran to the living room and returned with a piece of paper. "I was waiting for you to come back."
"This is so beautiful, princess. I loved it," Leon smiled, as he observed the drawing she made of the family. "Thank you, baby girl."
"Jake drew too," you said, noticing that Jake was away. He seemed sad. "Right, baby?"
"Yes, I did," he nodded, then he ate another slice of his pancake. Your shared glance with Leon conveyed what words couldn't.
A few hours later, Olivia and Jake were playing in the garden, while Leon and you were casually lying on the sofa, watching the twins from the window. He was between your legs, and your fingers were gently running through his disheveled hair. His breath was calm, and he appeared tired, but at least he managed to sleep for the rest of the night.
"I'm worried about him," you sighed to Leon, your eyes locked on Jake as he played with his sister.
"Do you think we need therapy?" Leon's eyes met yours as he lifted his head to get a better view.
"I think he misses you, Lee. Let's be honest, Olivia is like your baby girl, and I think Jake feels that you give her too much attention," you said, analyzing the two.
"Right, babe. I'll fix that, I promise," Leon smirks, passionately kissing your hand.
"Take him to a boys' day or something. I'm sure he'll love spending some time with his dad," you suggested, smiling and leaning in to kiss his forehead.
"Alright, I promise I'll spend some time with Jake. I don't want to miss anything," Leon smiled again, then he leaned in to kiss you.
"Ew, that's disgusting!" Olivia shouted. Then, you glanced at your daughter and smiled mischievously at Leon. Both of you then ran after Jake and Olivia, giving them each a kiss.
2006 was a terrible year.
You knew that someday you would have to explain to the twins the true nature of Leon's job. You thought you would have time for it. Instead, his job decided to rush things, and now you have to deal with it alone.
Leon had gone to investigate something in China, and for some reason, you felt uncomfortable with the idea. Since his mission to Spain, he has completely changed again. Of course, you loved spending more time with him, and the twins loved the idea as well, but he seemed a little sad. Every time you tried to talk and understand what was going on, he would shut himself off and change the subject.
Just like what happened after the incident in Raccoon City.
You were at home when you heard about a submarine exploding and rumors circulating about the Chinese being behind the attack. The last time you had actually spoken to Leon, he was on his way to catch a submarine. Your heart sank at the possibility of him being killed, but somehow, you decided to remain positive. Leon would never leave you alone; he always finds a way to come back home.
But then, just as you were about to tell the twins, Leon returned.
This was the first time you had a fight with him. You needed to tell him how distant he was and the fact that he almost died made you freak out. He needed to open his eyes because he had been away from home since Spain, and you were trying everything in your power to make him see what he was losing.
And right after the fight, Leon attempted to reconcile and make amends.
He was more present at home, spending more time with you and the children. He was being more passionate and caring than ever before, treating you in the best way he could. Even so, he still had nightmares. One night, he woke up abruptly, his face and chest drenched in sweat, his breath labored, and his eyes filled with fear and panic.
"Babe, I'm here. It's okay, it wasn't real. It was only a bad dream," you said soothingly, hugging him tightly and stroking his hair to provide comfort.
"Shit... I-I can't sleep," he muttered, trying to catch his breath. He was very scared.
"Take a few deep breaths with me," you said, placing your hand on his chest and feeling his rapid heartbeat. Leon held your hand for support, to confirm that it was indeed real.
He never told you what his nightmare was about. You attempted to engage in conversation with him, but he mentioned something about terror and fear, implying that it would be better to avoid discussing it. Eventually, after a few weeks, he told you about Jason and what had happened in China. If Jason wanted to scare him, he successfully did that.
You hated Jason more than ever.
After the events of the Eastern Slav Civil War in 2011, Leon decided to quit USSTRATCOM for good. He told you what happened there and expressed his disgust towards the current government. He expressed his anger and stress by fucking you forcefully. Thankfully, the twins were at Claire's, so they couldn't hear your pornographic moans.
Now, he was working for DSO, and he seemed happy.
It was a very peculiar routine. Leon was called during a family quality time and was gone for weeks. When he returned, he would be exhausted to the core, stressed, and angry. The only way to relieve his tension was by using your gentle touch.
Jake and Olivia were at an age where they enjoyed spending time with friends. You didn't mind letting Olivia go to her best friend's house for a sleepover while Jake had fun with his own group. And when you had the house all to yourself, Leon would not only find a good massage but also the perfect stress relief.
"Beg to come, my good boy," you teased, slowing down your hands on his erect penis.
"P-please... let me cum, please,” he moaned so loudly that you knew your neighbors would hear him pleading with you. "F-fuck, I can't take it anymore."
"Again," you demanded, smiling teasingly as you continued to move your hand slowly. You watched as he desperately tried to find some friction, lifting his hips into your hand.
"Please, let me cum, babe,” he whined aloud, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gripped the sheets beneath him, burying his head in the pillow and closing his eyes. “Pleasepleaseplease I'll be your good boy.”
"The light is green," you whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe. With the trigger words, Leon released himself into your hands, emitting a loud moan that left you satisfied with your performance. His body jerks with the sudden release of pleasure, and he tries to catch his breath again.
“I love you,” he says. 
It was 2013, and you were at home, focusing on your paperwork for DSO since your children were teenagers, and you had time to work again. Jake was at soccer practice, Olivia was with her friends at the theater extra class, and you were alone with Cookie, the stray black and white cat that Leon adopted a few months ago. 
Suddenly, you heard the news about President Benford being killed. At the same time, someone called you. It was Hunnigan. 
She told you Leon was accused of killing the president while on a mission with Helena Harper from the CIA, and he was apparently MIA. You fell onto the couch, your heart beating faster inside your chest. You knew Leon would never betray his own country like that. Not only that, but you knew him better than anyone else. You knew what was about to happen. Immediately, you went to pick up the twins, driving them home in such a hurry that they didn’t understand what was going on. 
“Mom, is there something wrong with dad?” Jake asked, checking his phone with a worried expression. “The president died? Is all over the news” 
“I’ll explain when we get back home” You sighed heavily, your heart beating faster and your hands shaking completely. 
“Is he okay?” Olivia glanced at you, trying to find any assurance. In response, you just bite your lip. 
You said nothing. When you parked in front of your house, you took the twins inside in such a hurry that they started to get anxious. They could definitely tell something was wrong. You closed the curtains and checked the entire place, and when you found nothing, you finally relaxed. 
“Your dad went on a meeting with the president earlier, but I don’t know what went wrong, but he had to kill the president,” you finally said, after sitting with the twins on the sofa. Olivia gasped in shock as Jake remained with his Stoic expression, just like his father. “And at the moment, he’s missing in action” 
If you could protect your children from the truth and the whole world, you would without hesitation. The look of sadness on their faces, the way they leaned in for your support — it all broke your heart. Olivia was crying quietly, Jake was in shock, and once more, it was your responsibility to be the tough one. 
The three of you remained in the living room as your embrace protected the twins, giving them the comfort they needed. At any time, you knew you would receive secret agents at your door, but you had no patience to deal with them. Deep down, you knew that Leon was alive. He needed to be. 
But eventually, after a few days, you started to question if he really died. The twins were at home with you, as you decided to keep them at home after being dismissed from class due to personal reasons. The house, once full of laughs, jokes, and love, was now silent and cold. You were dead worried, waiting for any sign or call from Leon or Hunnigan. Olivia barely left her room, and Jake tried to stay positive, giving you the support you also needed. 
Until he crossed the door. 
The moment Leon walked inside the house, it was like he brought back the light. It was like the missing piece had finally found its way back. Olivia and Jake jumped on him, and for a very long time, tears and sobs were the only symphony inside the place. You were looking at him like he was your sun, the warmth and kindness that always finds a way to melt your heart. He glances at you, and he smiles.
He opens his arms, and when he embraces you, this is exactly where he needs to be.
“I had no other choice. He got infected,” Leon later said, when the four of you were having a family quality time. “And Simmons tried to blame me to cover up for his crimes”
“But you got him, right?” Jake asked, eating his popcorn and focusing his attention on his father.
“Well, kiddo, if I didn’t, I would be dead by now.” Leon chuckles, stroking your hand as you lay comfortably on his chest, smiling.
“Why do you keep doing this, dad?” Olivia asked, sighing. Leon hesitated for a moment. This was a subject never spoken in your family.
“Back in 1998, right after I met your mom, I had recently graduated from the Police Academy, and your mom was about to start as an intern. We decided to move to Raccoon City so we could start a life together, but one week before, I got a call telling me I shouldn’t go. I don’t know why I ignored that call, but we went anyway.” Leon sighed, his eyes looking somewhere else. He never liked talking about Raccoon City. “When we arrived, the city was drowned in chaos, death, and zombies. It was a living nightmare. But at least we met Claire and Sherry, a little girl who was alone. We managed to survive the night, barely escaping the city. The entire city was wiped away the next morning, and when we tried to find a rescue, we ended up in a government facility. I made a deal that day in exchange for keeping your mom and Sherry safe, I joined their top-secret program. One week before I left, your mom told me she was pregnant"
Both Olivia and Jake were surprised to hear about the incident. Sure, everyone knew, but knowing their parents were there and somehow survived was very different. Now, at least, they knew the true nature of Leon’s job and why he did what he did. But, the most important thing in the world, they knew Leon would do everything in his power to keep his family safe.
One year later, in 2014, however, things turned unexpectedly.
Leon decided to go on a vacation in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado after his entire team was killed by a mole. He drowned himself in alcohol, and he clearly was struggling with depression. After everything he went through, he was losing himself again. It was morning when you woke up alone in the hotel room, his side cold and empty. His blonde hair was now dark, he had a beard growing up, and his eyes weren’t shining like usual.
You found him already drinking his sorrows away.
“Babe, you can’t keep doing this to yourself,” you sighed, sitting on his side, holding his hand and squeezing it softly.
“I don’t know if I can keep doing this anymore.” Leon muttered, his eyes focused on his own drink and avoiding your gaze. “I had to watch them die… I had to shoot them in the morgue. I lost them all”
“And do you think drinking heavily will ease the pain, Lee? You can’t bring them back, and I know it hurts, but this wasn’t your fault. You tried, I know you did… but sometimes things don’t happen the way we want them to happen,” you sighed again, still holding his hand.
He was shattered inside. Losing his entire team in front of his eyes made him regret every decision he ever made. He was disgusted by himself and found solace in alcohol, which you hated.
“It's a little bit early to be that deep in the bottle, Leon,” you heard Chris say, getting closer with Rebecca.
You smirk, and Leon sighs. He’s going again on a new mission.
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When he came back from this mission with Chris, he seemed different. Although his arm seemed to be hurt, he was acting differently. Whatever happened between him and Chris, it worked to make him open his eyes. He enjoyed the rest of his vacation, cutting out alcohol permanently and spending more time with his family. 
He eventually told you about Arias and what happened in New York. Likewise, he told you about Maria. 
Leon was, again, healing. It was a very slow process, but he had his family to remind him that life could be beautiful and happy. He had you by his side, and even after sixteen years since Raccoon City, he was still alive, and nothing bad really happened to you or the twins. Now, he was making his dad jokes again, laughing and smiling more than ever. His presence at home was more frequent, and he definitely decided to stay more with you. 
On the weekends, he would take you and the twins to some random beach, have a picnic, or go camping outside. The family portraits were happier than the previous ones, and slowly, he was starting to show the first signs of his age hitting him. His body wasn’t the same as before, but you didn’t care. To you, he would always be the Leon you met in his 20s. 
A year later, everything was normal again. 
“Ok, slow down. I know you want to go see this prison, but I’m not Flash!” You shouted at Jake while he was speaking aloud about Alcatraz. “Liv, are you ready?”
“Mom, why do you keep treating me like I’m a baby?” Jake rolled his eyes, finally meeting you in the living room, his phone on his left ear. 
“Well, you might be sixteen, but you’re still my baby.” You teased him by kissing his forehead. 
You drove to get the boat to Alcatraz Island because Jake had been asking you for the entire month. He had this history project, and since you were the cool parent, you decided to take him and Olivia on a small trip to the island because Leon was too busy at work, and you wanted to enjoy San Francisco since their vacation was ending. 
But something went wrong. 
You three were at the cell block when everyone started to scream and run. You grabbed Jake and Olivia by their hands and entered one of the cells, locking it. Whatever was happening, their safety was your priority. You took a gun from your purse, ready to keep your children safe. 
“Mom… I-I don’t feel good,” Jake muttered, sliding against the walls. He was pale and sweating, and his breath was very shallow. 
“What happened, baby? What's wrong?” You asked desperately, trying to find any sign of a bite or any other wound. “Are you hurt? Olivia, help me lay him in bed"
But then the same thing happened to Olivia. You were desperate, and their phones were missing. Now, they were struggling against something you couldn’t know what it was, and there was no way to call for help. You sat with them, stroking their heads and whispering soothing words, fighting to keep tears in your eyes. You saw a blonde woman standing on the other side, half of her face covered by her own hair. She watched you with an awful smirk and disdain.
“Who are you?” you asked, your hand slightly reaching your gun.
“I’m the one who will make your husband pay for killing my father,” the mysterious blonde said angrily. “I’ll make him watch your children rip you apart and see him kill everything he loves. And then I’ll make him suffer”
“You’re stupid to think he’ll fall for that,” you said, smiling, but deep down, you knew you were scared. “He’ll beat the living shit out of you just because you thought you could harm us”
She smirks.
“Yeah, if I were you, I’d be worrying about my own skin by now”
“Well, if you think I’ll leave my children alone, you’re wrong. You better find Leon before I find you, because no one fucks with my family and gets away with it,” you threatened with cold, dead eyes, and she seemed to back off.
“Badass, mom,” Jake smirks, holding your hand tight.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. Dad’s coming,” you whispered to the twins softly.
You had no idea how she found out about your family, but this wasn’t important at the moment. You had calmed them both, knowing they were struggling with the infection. Seeing them suffer made you angry, and whoever she was, you would go after her and make her pay for hurting your babies. You had no notion of time, but you heard someone. It was Chris and Claire, they were also infected. You hated being the one spared, but you knew you were running out of time.
“Are you guys okay?” You asked both Chris and Claire, hearing them groan in pain.
“Yeah… how about the kids?” Chris asked you back, followed by a groan.
“They’re infected…” you sighed. “I don’t know, it happened quick”
You heard a loud thud. Two people were walking inside the cell block, and then you heard him scream your name, running immediately to you. Desperation floated in his eyes as he saw his twins.
“Babe, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Leon asked with desperation in his voice. He managed to open the cell, hugging you tight. “What happened to the twins?”
“That little bitch infected them,” you muttered, kneeling next to Olivia.
“Maria? Where is she?” Leon asked again, holding Jake in his lap. “Hold on, big boy. Daddy's here”
“Dad… it hurts,” Jake hissed, closing his eyes. Olivia reached for his hand, trying to squeeze it.
“I know, but I need you to hang on just a little bit. I promise I’ll take you home safe,” Leon said, stroking Jake’s hair and, with his other hand, holding Olivia’s.
As soon as Rebecca arrived, she injected the vaccine into the twins, Chris and Claire. Jill had to leave to face Dylan by herself. It was time to end this. As soon as the twins recovered from the infection, you sat next to them with a serious look on your face.
“I need you two to go with Claire and Rebecca. Jake, you need to protect your sister, okay? I’m counting on you two,” you said to them. “Me and Dad will be back for you when we finish. Go, now!” As they leave with Claire and Rebecca, you take your gear.
“You look so sexy when you’re angry,” Leon teased as you two walked to the armory room.
“Keep teasing me like that, and I’ll have to teach you a lesson” You wink at him, which makes him giggle.
Maria was waiting for both of you in the armory room. After an intense fight, Leon managed to kick her, impaling her into some broken metal pipes. She looked at you, and you leaned closer, pointing your gun into her head.
“I told you. No one fucks with my family,” you hissed angrily, right before she dropped dead on the floor.
Alcatraz was a terrible experience. Leon had his face almost purple after being beaten up by Maria, and the twins were exhausted. At least your family is intact again. You were with Rebecca, Chris, Claire, Jill, and Leon outside. He seemed distressed, so you hugged him tightly, kissing his shoulder gently.
“I almost lost them,” he said, looking at the twins laughing with Chris. “And you”
“We’re here,” you said to him, looking into his blue eyes and placing your cheek peacefully on his shoulder.
“I’ll quit.” Leon looks at you. “I’m coming home, and I’ll never leave you again”
You smiled, holding his hand. No matter what happens, at the end of the day, Leon always comes home.
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holylulusworld · 1 month
Pen Pals (2)
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Summary: The withering rose never finds love. Right?
Pairing: Lord!Clark Kent x Lady!Reader
Characters: Lord Bruce Wayne, OC Aurelia, unnamed parents
Warnings: angst, regency au, mentions of betrayal, angry Clark, fluff
A/N: This is an alternative version of Windfall with different characters.
Catch up here: Pen Pals
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The wind gently tugs at your dress as you walk toward your destiny. You wandered off to your favorite tree, not far from your father’s house. Even after you burned all the letters, you still feel the betrayal of Lord Wayne’s lies.
If only he’d been honest, you’d have gladly helped him court Flora. She deserves all the happiness in the world. But he had to awaken hope in you.
For years, you told yourself it’s not the end of the world to end up as a spinster.
With Lord Wayne writing to you all summer, you believed these days were past you. A bright future was almost tangible. Now, devastation and hopelessness have overcome you.
You’ve never been hopeless before.
Believing you’ll end up alone, you try to find something to fill your lonely life. Reading and gardening were your escape. You spent hours plucking your favorite flowers to press them. Lord Wayne ruined it for you, too. Only looking at the flowers would hurt you even more.
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“Lady Y/N,” you stiffen, hearing a familiar voice call your name. This can’t be. He cannot be here to see your cheeks covered in tears and your favorite book torn apart because he told you he loved it too. “Your father was worried sick. We were all looking for you.”
If not for your perfect manners and your excellent education, you’d love to scoff at his words. How dare that man come here, pretending to be worried about you?
“I left a note.” You can barely keep the anger out of your voice, but ry your best. While Wayne stands a little further away from your shelter, the tree you found when you were five years old, you gracefully get back up. “I told him that I'll spend some time reading under the tree.”
You turn your back on him quickly to wipe the tears off your cheeks.
Taking a deep breath, you try to calm your nerves. This man can never know he broke your fragile heart. Even if you never felt a deep connection with Lord Wayne, you had hoped time would help you fall in love with him.
“Lady Y/N, I wanted to—” He steps closer, almost brushing his fingertips over your shoulder, when another voice calls your name. A deeper and rougher one.
“Wayne, stay away from Lady Y/N!” You gasp at Lord Kent’s angry expression. He knows you fled to your tree to forget about the embarrassment you still feel. “You have almost ruined her reputation!”
“Lord Kent,” you say, taking a step toward Lord Kent. “You shouldn’t…” You shake your head. “What if my father hears any of it? You’d be the one ruining my reputation.”
“My lady,” Lord Kent says, dropping his gaze for a second. He didn’t expect you to scold him for coming to your rescue. “He cannot talk to you ever again. Not after he came to court for someone else. He has no shame and no honor.”
“Lord Kent!” Lord Wayne steps closer to you, and Lord Kent. “Take that back! You speak in such a manner about me.”
“Tell me, Lord Wayne, how you still call yourself a man of honor.” Lord Kent laughs right in Wayne’s face. “You made this beautiful flower believe you wanted to marry her only to court her cousin.”
You’re too scared to even move when Lord Kent steps in front of you, blocking Lord Wayne’s path. “A gentleman of your standing should know better. How dare you come here and talk to her! I will not allow you anywhere near my chosen bride!”
Your eyes widen at Lord Kent’s words. “Lord Kent…” You try to calm his anger. If he does more than insult Lord Wayne, people will know about the secret you tried to hide. “Please bring me back to my father’s house. It’s getting cold.”
You rub your arms, pretending to be cold, to get Lord Kent’s attention. “Lady Y/N,” he turns around and strips his coat off to wrap it around your shoulders. He drops his eyes to the torn pages on the ground, sighing deeply. “A minute, my lady.” Lord Kent hastily picks the pages up to stuff them back into the book, which he hides in the pocket of his coat. “I’ll guide you home now.”
Lord Wayne huffs behind you. “Without a chaperone? You’re not a man of honor yourself, Lord Kent.”
“I brought someone with me.” Lord Kent bites back. He’d love to wrap his arm around your shoulders to protect you not only from the wind getting colder, but he knows better.
As Lord Wayne follows suit, Lord Kent points at Aurelia. The good soul figured out what happened between you and Lord Wayne and offered her help. “Unlike you, I won’t bring shame and pain over Lady Y/N.”
He nods at Aurelia when she takes your hand. Lord Kent wishes it were his hand you’re holding. Being a gentleman sometimes means denying himself the simplest things. Like feeling your soft hand in his.
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“Y/N,” your father says, watching Aurelia guide you inside the house, followed by Lord Kent and Lord Wayne. “What happened? Where have you been all day?”
“Father,” you say, dropping your gaze, sniffling. “Please forgive me. I forgot about the time over reading. I wanted to press a few flowers too. The last one before winter arrives.”
“I found her at the tree.” Lord Wayne tries to get your father’s attention. All too proud, he tells your father he wanted to bring you home safely.”
“I arrived only a moment later.” Lord Kent steps in before Lord Wayne can ruin your reputation by telling everyone you spent time alone with him. “Miss Aurelia was kind enough to come with me as a chaperone.”
“Lord Kent.” Your father looks at you, and then at Lord Kent. He knows you’re hiding things from him. You’re a smart woman, and you tried your best to hide your pain. Still, your father saw the shame and hurt in your eyes. “Let me thank you for bringing my beloved daughter home safely.” He shakes Lord Kent’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “Aurelia, thank you too.”
“It’s my duty and honor to protect Lady Y/N,” Aurelia says to your father, but glares at Lord Wayne. “Even a lion couldn’t defeat me if I had to protect Lady Y/N.”
“I’m sure about it,” your father chuckles. He quickly turns toward Lord Wayne, shaking the man’s hand. “Thank you too, Lord Wayne.”
You watch your father guide the men out of the room while your mother and cousins rush into the room to look you all over. Their chatter and hugs distract you from your racing heart.
What if Lord Wayne now tells your father about the letters?
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“Lady Y/N,” Lord Wayne once again sneaks up on you. He came to your father’s house earlier in the morning to discuss matters of importance with your father.
“Lord Wayne,” you curtsy and turn to leave the hallways. Being near the man who betrayed you still hurts so badly.
“Y/N, my dear,” your father says as he walks out of the study, Lord Kent by his side. Your eyes widen when the Lord immediately steps toward you to take your hand. “Lord Kent came to me to ask for your hand.”
“He…what?” Your voice trembles, and you feel dizzy. Lord Kent takes your hand while you’re staring up at him with wide eyes. He knows about the letters and still wants to court you.
“I told Lord Kent it was your decision, my dear,” your father softly says while keeping an eye on Lord Wayne. Just as assumed, he came this morning to talk about the wedding with Flora.
“Lady Y/N,” Lord Kent softly says your name. “After I lost my beloved wife five years ago, I believed love would never find its way into my heart again. You, my lady, enchanted me with your grace, your wit, and your kindness.” He kneels down on his left knee, still holding your hand. “Would you give me the honor of becoming my wife and make my life brighter again?”
He opens his other hand, offering a beautiful golden ring to you. It carries a ruby, an emerald, a garnet, an amethyst, and a diamond.
You’re speechless. Lord Kent is charming, and you cannot deny that he’s a very handsome man. He lost so much, but despite that, he showed more heart than Lord Wayne ever could.
Where Lord Wayne only sees a pretty face, Lord Kent sees the light and warmth in your eyes.
“Lady Y/N?” Lord Kent feels his heart drop when you take too long to answer.
“Lord Kent,” you stammer, unsure how to answer his question. Should you take the ring or simply say yes? The silence following his title is painful for Lord Kent. “You’re an honorable man. You only ever showed respect and kindness towards me.”
You take a deep breath before covering the hand holding the ring with yours.
“I am honored to accept your proposal of marriage, Lord Kent.”
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karasbroken · 19 days
This tiny moment is one that I completely misinterpreted for the first decade or more and I still don't know exactly what I think but I'm going to ramble anyway. I played with filters to make the tie more obvious, because for the longest time, I thought Moya John threw scissors and Talyn John threw rock.
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And that makes sense, right? They had two different experiences while they were parted for several months, and that made them into two different people. He talks later to Aeryn about not being the same person, and that her feelings, "you're just like him, you are him" are wrong. So I never questioned when my dark DVDs and fuzzy TV made it look like they tied.
But then I saw the 4k versions, and I was watching on a good screen and I could slow it down and pause and replay, and nope! They are both clearly throwing scissors. And the whole beautiful symbolism falls apart. Why did they tie? Does that actually mean they are the same person? Why doesn't John or Aeryn truly seem to believe that?
Everyone will have their own opinions, but how I think about it now is that this was a promise from Talyn John to Moya John. Yes, they had different experiences. Yes, that means they diverged. Yes, being with Aeryn changed Talyn John in ways Moya John couldn't (yet) understand. Talyn John feels older, calmer, more settled and mature in a rather dramatic way to me. But the tie is a reassurance that they are still both John. That they can be made whole. That the core of who he is, the man that loves Aeryn and controls wormholes is still capable of being loved by Aeryn (and learning to control wormholes). It will just take time.
We aren't wholly our memories and experiences. Which is reassuring to me, as a person who struggles with long-term memory formation.
John was twinned. "Equal and original." They are both him. They were always both him, even if he doesn't remember what the other twin experienced (yet). Moya John and Aeryn both struggle to believe this, though, for similar but related reasons.
Aeryn can't believe that he is actually John because she is terrified of loving him. She isn't mentally strong enough (yet) to survive his loss again and she knows that John is about to throw them all into terrible danger. She tries to convince herself that he's just a copy because she has to for her own sanity (but ultimately, eventually, she gives in. He is John, she does love him, and she can't won't stop herself from wanting to be with him).
Moya John can't accept that he is the same as Talyn John because it's just too psychologically weird. He was in two bodies having two different lives, and the whole time he knew, he deeply knew that the other guy was with Aeryn. Because he would have upended the universe to make it happen with her, so of course he did. A lot of Moya John's irresponsible and annoying behavior can be explained by the constant maddening awareness that his life was in the middle of being stolen by himself. For his sanity he has to create some sort of mental accommodation to survive being twinned, and turning the other guy into The Other is how he manages it. And then the Other is gone and now he's on this long journey to recombine his two selves.
I think the tie is a promise that they haven't diverged too far. That they're still both him. John doesn't realize it yet, but he is already starting to reintegrate his two selves. We will see him eventually, slowly, recover all the memories and knowledge that Talyn John possessed, he will even join together with him physically (it's not a coincidence that he injured his head in the same place, leaving the same scar, when Einstein unlocks the wormhole knowledge). Only when his integration is complete can he fully move on, marry Aeryn, have their child, and move forward to the next stage of their singular destiny.
That unification is something John can't even imagine in this moment. But the tie, that's hope.
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
The End.
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Yan Kafka x F Reader.
Synopsis: Kafka always sits in the front row, despite being part of the show herself.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, thoughts of violence, manipulation, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Breezeblocks by alt-J
Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich (feat. The Dixie String Quartet)
Swan Lake by HAUSER
Claus by Los Tres
Doin’ Time by Lana Del Ray
Lie by BTS
She’s My Collar by Gorillaz (feat. Kali Uchis)
Cha Cha by Freddie Dredd
Michelle by Sir Chloe
The roses are wilting.
It was destiny, fate. Such pretty things never last forever, after all, even if the entire universe wished otherwise. One way or another, they are meant to fall, like how the sun drops below where anyone can see it, being replaced with the moon, and vice versa. They fall deep, deeper than hell itself, and no one can pick them back up, unless one would be inclined to make a pact with the devil himself, doing horrendous things in his name. But Kafka has already committed such sins, so why deny doing so any longer? It is who she is. It is who you are, to be entangled in her lies and be forced to dance and to sing and to act.
With two gloved hands, she picks up the vase, spilling out the moldy water and the dying roses, the roses she got for you after you sang so well at the opera house, looking so beautiful, into the trash can underneath your makeup vanity, where little clumps of hair and emptied products always meet their end.
She’ll get you a new bouquet later. A new vase too. Perhaps instead of white roses you would like red ones instead? Kafka knows that this vase is cheap too, from one of your fellow divas, whose high notes are not as high as yours and her costumes not as elaborate or as elegant as yours.
“I honestly don’t see why you even try to befriend any of them, darling. They are all envious harpies. They can’t hold a candle to anything you do.”
You are not here, but Kafka’s mouth always has a mind of its own, so it spins lies even when your delicate, lovely ears are not in the general vicinity. Not that she minds it. But yours is what she is quite more so than trifles with, because yours is carefully controlled by her and her alone, and you, as always, don’t get a say. It’s a sort of hypocrisy, Kafka thinks, but she doesn't mind that either.
If she has to, she’ll even sew your mouth shut, your ears shut, your eyes shut, if that is what it takes for you to stay with her. She doubts it would ever come to that, though, because you are always too fragile and too trusting to tell the difference between an Iago and a Desdemona. But the latter role would much better suit you, her little flower, her princess.
You are so precious, but also a treasure prying eyes will always want to touch and see and hear. Kafka would, in all honesty, love to cut their hands and tongues off, if it did not ruin the carefully crafted image she made just for you. Maybe later, though, when all the stage lights are off.
“Lady Macbeth, hmm?” She murmurs.
She disagrees with the role you were given entirely. But, you were not one to stand up for yourself, so Kafka let it go. 
“You really ought to leave this business soon, dearest.” Kafka looks around, her arms crossed, not impressed with the room you were given in the slightest. “You can always just come with me.” She meant it. “Imagine all the sights you would see. All the food you would eat. All the gifts I would be so happy to give you. All the hugs and kisses you would receive from me. Everything… just think about it.”
She could imagine it herself. It is not hard, really, for the mind to reject all sense of logic and bow down to the whim of what is known as human emotions, mortal joys, woes, desires, wants, and needs. She could imagine sitting you on her lap as the ship jumps to the next world she will have to visit, telling you stories of the past, present, and future, as you look on with amazement. You don’t do that anymore, now. She would do anything to see it come back. She would steal a crown and place it on your head, though you having the genuine article does not make you any stronger. If anything, perhaps it would make you weaker to her whims.
“Imagine that…” She sighs, closing her eyes as she smiles. “We can go to Penacony. Your dreams would come true there if I cannot make them true myself. You can sleep on beds worth more than this entire opera house. If only you would let me. I know it would make you happy. I know it would make me happy. So why wouldn’t it make you?”
She would listen to your ultimate pains, and your ultimate wishes, and act accordingly. She loved you. You will too, again. It is only a matter of time, isn’t it? Yes, Kafka thinks, it is fate. 
Kafka always sits in the front row of the theater.
It does not matter whether or not she purchased the tickets for it, the seat, or the show soon to come to fruition. No one dares talk back to her, even security. She finds comfort in that. No one gets in the way of her having the chance to see you. Better yet, no one else sits in the front row when she is present.
So, she watches, one of her legs crossed over the other, her eyes never blinking. During interludes she likes to adjust her makeup accordingly, painting on another shade of crimson to her lips. Art comes in many forms, after all.
Kafka told you that once. As always, you listened dutifully as she taught you to be.
She taught you many things, not just that. She taught you how to read constellations. She helped you learn her vocabulary in the books she gave you, often long fairytales or poems. She preferred it that way when you used to be so eager to have someone be friendly to you and not want to simply use you for their own amusement, not wanting to throw you out of the opera house altogether.
The opera house may rot after it goes up in flames, in the future, if things go her way as it always does, but she’ll stay to watch it all, to take you in as you cry and as she shushes you. She’ll be happy. Maybe you will be too, for her. It matters how good your performance is, if you even want to act anymore, after all.
The lights dim, and she shows her pearl-white teeth as she grins.
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dangermousie · 10 months
2023 End of Year Post - cdrama edition
Yes, we have a lot of December left, but I don't think anything else I want to check out will air before 2024 hits (it's cdrama so caveat is - you never know.)
This is only going to cover cdramas that aired in 2023; if I watched it but it was made in a different year, it's not on the list. This was a pretty good cdrama year, all in all.
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
30 legend of twin flower - Not dignifying that drama with capital letters, as the only capital that should be associated with this is capital punishment - which is what watching this feels like.
29 Dominator of Martial Gods - sounds like a bdsm gay porn title. Would probably be better acted and written if it was.
28 Beauty of Resilience - you'd need a lot of said resilience to sit through this incoherent, barely acted mess. The thing that I remember the most other than my annoyance is all the jingly-jangly head gear on JJY. Perhaps they could have sold some of them and spent the money on a better script.
27 Divine Destiny - if you think you have too many brain cells and want to get rid of some, boy do I have a drama for you!
26 Wanru’s Journey - honestly it's probably tied with SEL - I mean it's worse but it has actors who are nowhere as well known and a fraction of SEL's budget. Still, this is a big fat nope. I will not say what I think of Aoi Rupeng's "acting" or I'd have to put money in the curse jar.
25 Snow Eagle Lord - Gulinazha's stone face, nonsense plot, terrible CGI. Take your pick as to why this is terrible.
24 Scent of Time - it was uneven but fun but then that ending was dumb enough to destroy the whole thing. Show me on the doll where common sense hurt you, makers!
23 Royal Rumors - Jeremy Tsui and Meng Ziyi are utterly wasted in this nothing trifle of a drama.
22 Legend of Anle - I had high expectations but alas. This is the drama version of color beige. There is nothing offensive about it but nothing good either. Mediocre actors are mediocre, good actors become mediocre, this is just a waste of our finite time on planet earth.
21 Romance on the Farm - it's not you, it's me in action. I can see why people would like this wholesome slice of farming family life, but it's tailored to trigger every one of my "nope" opinions.
20 Back from the Brink - if I were 12, it would be my favorite thing. I am not 12.
19 Journey of Chong Zi - objectively a terrible drama with plot holes the size of Mars and a leading lady whose face has apparently frozen when the wind changed. But I am a total sucker for the trope of upright shizun falling for his demonic disciple and going mental so here we are. Objectively, garbage, subjectively my precious!
18 Love you Seven Times - just call poor Ding Yuxi "Atlas," he carried this mess so hard.
17 Blooming Days - trashy dogblood harem fight fun throwback. It's not that great (and the fact that it was shredded doesn't help) but it's probably the last gasp of that genre for the foreseeable future, so I am grading on a curve.
16 The Starry Love - a fun fantasy where the secondary OTP stole the thunder but overall a really solid fantasy xianxia romance.
15 The Longest Promise - it could have been better - the secondaries were unbearable and there was too much of them and what they did with Alen Fang's character still gives me rage fits, but the main couple was impeccable and lovely and I rooted so hard for them.
14 Chang Feng Du/Destined - visually gorgeous, solidly acted, impeccable first half. Bland as hell second half. Win some, lose some.
13 Circle of Love - this drama is a nonsense trash heap on fire. After a typhoon hit it. It was also the most entertaining, addicting drama on this whole list.
12 Hidden Love - the sole modern on this list, this story has barely any plot but it made me care about the young, decent lovers so hard.
11 Choice Husband - starts out wacky, continues with angst and blood and happy ending. I loved it, but I've always had a soft spot for melo and schemers turning devoted.
10 Pledge of Allegiance - bromance, super solid acting, visuals, a really dark take on officials and the world. Insanely underrated.
9 Provoke - a truly fun Republican revenge and love tale, showing that short format can be wonderful.
8 Gone with the Rain - some of the secondary characters are rage-inducing (hi there, cardboard boy!) but the scheming, ruthless, vulgar FL is amazing and her slowburn with her age gap general who is delighted by her out-there-ness is great!
7 Wonderland of Love - Fei Wo Si Cun goes wholesome and the result is surprisingly entertaining. Battle couple, glorious visuals, a fast paced plot. It's the first Xu Kai drama I enjoyed in years (and he plays a rare cdrama ML it would be pretty neat to pair up with in rl.)
6 My Journey to You - that ending is infuriating (and I am OK with open endings if done properly) but what a visual feast, probably the most gloriously shot drama on this list, and that's a tough competition. Also it packs a hell of a lot of couples and familial and adversarial relationships into its slim running time; assassin lady won over by a gentle man is my favorite trope and so this is extra great.
5. Till the End of the Moon - the ending is a rage-inducing disaster for me, but this drama was the most incredibly emotionally intense, visually eye popping experience. It was deeply flawed but when it was amazing, it was like nothing else in its visuals, its characters and its narratives. It took insane risks; some paid off and some did not, but it was glorious.
4. Story of Kunning Palace - I don't often care for reverse harem stories but this one was such fun - the main OTP was glorious (strong FL, unhinged ML) but honestly everything about this was just so excellently done.
3. The Ingenious One - the most adult drama on this list. Smart protagonists, intelligent plot, emotions that felt true, this is a revenge and a mystery and found family and goes into so many directions you do not expect (Su Mengyu's PTSD after his first kill - that is something you never see in dramas, definitely not prolonged and profound - not like this.) If I was to say which drama was objectively the best on this list, as opposed to favorite, it would be this.
1 (tie) Lost You Forever 1 - this is an exquisite emotional jewel of a story about damaged people moving forward, with damage always present - their past informs their present and always will. The narrative about Xiao Yao and three very different men in her life makes me think that it's an equivalent of a neutron bomb going off right before the main narrative starts and now we are watching the survivors wander in the wreckage. This is very high fantasy setting but it's one of the most emotionally human narratives out there.
1 A Journey to Love - everything I ever wanted - assassins, ride or die adult OTP with genuine believable conflicts, great and complex secondaries, beautiful fights. Oh, and yeah Liu Shi Shi domming the hell out of every man in a ten mile radius, as she should.
It's a tie between Lost You Forever Part 1 and A Journey to Love. LYF1 is a bona fide art piece but it's only part 1 and who knows if part 2 will be any good (seeing the huge ep number cut, I have my doubts) and so it's incomplete. AJTL is an old school wuxia romance with incredibly competent, adult people in love and great cast of secondaries. I can't pick.
romance of twin flower - this is a drama that should not exist. If I could hex everyone involved with it, I would. It's a terrible, stupid, shrill, badly acted drama to start with, but where it really is catapulted into stratosphere of horror is that is took my very favorite non-danmei web novel of all time, a smart and complicated tale with incredible protagonists and turned it into that barftastic abomination. Peng Xiao Ran kept making horrible drama after horrible drama but I kept giving her a chance because of Goodbye My Princess but after this disaster, I've had to accept GMP was a fluke and she is on my "if she's in it, I am out” list. Ding Yuxi is not that far yet (his performance in Seven Lifetimes was the one thing carrying that mess afloat) but he's on freaking thin ice. Anyway, I like to pretend this drama does not exist.
It was hard because there were so many I loved this year - Deng Wei's traumatized, gentle Seventeen from LYF1 (if someone told me I'd swoon and weep for a character played by Deng Wei, I'd have told them to examine their brains asap), Liu Yuning's incredibly capable, deadly, contained Ning Yuanzhou from AJTL, Zhang Linghe's unhinged Xie Wei from SoKP, Chen Xiao's schemer with a heart Yun Xiang from TIO.
But ultimately, it couldn't be anyone else but Luo Yunxi as Tantai Jin/Demon God/Ming Ye/Cang Jiumin in Till the End of the Moon. He was everything - a demon, a saint, a martyr, a monster, a tormented abuse victim, a savior, joyful, unhinged, smart, pitiable. It was the cdrama performance of the year for me. Luo Yunxi even in a mediocre role is impressive but in a complex (series of) role(s) designed for his strengths, he is a force of nature.
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Xiao Yao (Lost You Forever Part 1). Once again, there were runner ups - Bai Lu's smart a little evil FL in Kunning, the gloriously unhinged assassin domme Liu Shi Shi in AJTL, Esther Yu's assassin longing for a different life in MJTY etc etc etc. But Xiao Yao's damaged, difficult, very self-aware woman stole my heart. I was skeptical going in because I haven't enjoyed a Yang Zi performance in a long time, but she was the wounded beating soul of this incredible drama.
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Where do we start? How about all of Seventeen's (LYF1) monster family? His brother, who tortured him for years physically and emotionally to such a degree his body is a horror map and his personality is permanently altered because "mommy liked you better." Psycho mother who created a situation where the kids were going to turn on each other and "let's get my grandson raped" grandma. Where is a well-placed meteorite when you need one.
Xiao Yao/Seventeen, LYF1. Yes, a ship of characters played by Yang Zi and Deng Wei is my favorite. Leave me alone, I am on my tenth helping of crow already. They are both incredibly damaged, barely functioning survivors who find what they need in the other - he finds a savior and someone who sees him as a man and rebuilds himself around her and she finds someone who will always put her first and only, and subsume himself in her. Is it healthy? No. Does it make sense for them and is it making them slowly functional? Yes.
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Runner up: Ren Ruyi/Ning Yuanzhou, AJTL - two adults, so competent, so chemistry full. She has so much damage and so little normalcy but is so strong and he is oddly gentle (in between murders) and incredibly self-reflective. They are each other's mirrors and I love them.
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Su Mingyu/Ke Menglan, The Ingenious One - the idealistic merchant who wants to join jianghu until he sees its horrors firsthand and a slave entertainer who wants security but decides she wants him more. They are gorgeous and glorious and wholesome and I adore them.
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Runner up: Liu Gong Quan/Ming Zhu, The Ingenious One - that drama was a shippy gift, especially impressive considering it wasn't even romance-centric. He's the officer who has to bring down her treasonous father but loves her. Delicious.
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Another runner up is Chao Feng/Qian Kui, the angelic good girl and the scheming bad boy in The Starry Love. They stole the drama from the main OTP for me.
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Scent of Time endgame. What the hell was even that. It made NO sense.
So many good scenes this year - Tantai Jin taking apart Li Susu in prison in TTEOTM, the OTP fighting in perfect sync and insane rhythm in the gorge battle in AJTL, Chen Ruoxuan's character stopping the execution in Pledge, Yan Lin's coming of age in Kunning, the poison/antidote "gamble" in MJTY, Cang Xuan detoxing in LYF1. But I think ultimately, me being who I am, my favorite scene is Xiao Yao kissing Seventeen's damaged, scarred knee to show he is in no way inferior for her. AAAAA!
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In terms of pure jaw dropping visuals tho nothing will ever beat Ming Ye’s battle against the Devil God in TTEOTM.
Ning Yuanzhou, AJTL. He's sexy as hell (that height, that way he moves in battle) but he's also so incredibly competent, so adult, so self-reflective and so attracted to a woman for her strength. He also gets whumped on the reg. Anyway, my hormones are ready.
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Gong Yuanzhi (My Journey to You) - I loved the unhinged, brocon poison boy. He was everything. Also Yan Lin (Kunning) - talk about sunshine; I totally got why all these people felt they needed to save him.
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My Journey to You - what the HELL was that ending?
legend of twin flower - that is, stab it with scissors like it stabbed the novel until it's dead.
Till the End of the Moon - they clearly cut stuff to fit into the new regs about runtime and it made the last 1/5 rather abrupt. Gimme!
The emperor cannot be irredeemable. WTF, China, you are a communist country!
This is the year of a ML who yearns to be dommed by his FL. Long may it continue.
The Legend of Anle - the novel had a great plot, the cast were all actors I either enjoy a lot or somewhat and we got - whatever that soggy piece of wonderbread toast was.
LYF1 - I only checked out to mock because nobody could explain the story to me and nobody in the cast did anything I like either ever or in years. And then I fell utterly and completely in love and had to eat so much delicious crow.
Ancient Love Song is the only one on that list. It looks really good, I just need to brace myself.
The Imperial Doctoress - best slowburn and pining and glorious character development and adult leads.
Anticipating any nonaired cdrama is a mug's game but if they air, I will definitely check out all the Fox Matchmaker dramas, LYF2, JoL2 and The Last Immortal. If Prisoner of Beauty ever is allowed out of the vault (dubious), it goes on the list too.
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Late night thought ( listened to video games ldr)
Being star crossed lovers with Percy. Being soulmates throughout many lifetimes, fate will never let the two of you be together.
In every lifetime, one of you will bare the burden of knowing everything, from being destined soulmates, to all your past lives, to the terrible fate your relationship always succumbs to end. Reader happens to be the one carrying the weight in the current pjo universe timeline.
Knowing basically everything about him, you try so hard to not fall for Percy. Your heart breaks when you first meet him, Percy already stumbling over his words at the mere sight of you. The connection is strong between the two of you, but you want nothing more than to runaway.
You already know how this story will end. But you can’t help falling for him all over again, getting to know this new version of him, seeing the similarities from his past lives shining in him. Admiring his new traits that make your heart beat fast.
Spending more time with him, he falls for you just the same. He feels a pull to you, his body igniting with life whenever he was around you. Your wide smile, caring hands on his face, and sweet voice instantly offering him comfort.
He’s so comfortable being himself around you that it almost surprises him. You read him like an open book.
Everything is just easier with you. He feels like he’s known you his entire life.
I think the hardest part for you is whether to tell him or not. Keep him in the dark of your guys’ destiny, or ruin what beautiful relationship has blossomed in the time you’ve known each other.
Chiron might know what you two are, simply because he may have met you guys hundreds of years ago, in a different lifetime. He feels pity for you as you struggle to distance yourself from Percy.
Believing that leaving him will break what fate has in store for you, Percy can’t let go. You’re like his other half. You’ve been there for him through thick and thin and now you just want to leave?
He won’t let you go until you give him a good reason. He can’t let you go. Percy is in too deep to watch you walk away from what you guys have. What you won’t let happen.
And it’s at this where you let everything out. Pain and tears are released, watching with despair as Percy struggles to accept what you say.
“We can’t be together Percy! Everything, everything will always ruin us. It’s been written in the stars for thousands of years, we will always fail. Just for loving each other.”
Of course to make this more dramatic, Percy will definitely get a vision of some sort showing him your fates as star crossed lovers.
“That’s not- it can’t be true. That’s not FAIR! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know how Percy. I didn’t know how.”
A lot of tears are shed that night. But just as much comfort is present. There’s no way to reverse your meeting, your fates are now permanently entwined. The only thing guys can do is hope to overcome your terrible fate.
Nights are filled with sweet whisperings. You guys would lay in silence, admiring each other as the stars shone bright in the dark sky. Each others soul in tune with the others emotions, walls are crumbled between the two of you.
Moments like these make up for all the pain and suffering that you both have went through. Gentle kisses on your face, Percy promises you’ll make it through anything, together. You caress his face, wearing a bittersweet smile.
But alas, nothing can change the fate of star crossed lovers. Stumbling across a monster during a quest, this is where the end begins.
Unlike anything he’s every seen, Percy can’t fight off the monster. No matter how many times he gets up, each time weaker than the last, the monster won’t die. It isn’t until it speaks that everything makes sense.
“A sacrifice must be made.”
A sick feeling is instantaneous between the two of you. Eyes wide in fear, you look to Percy. Despite the beating he took, he’s never looked as beautiful as he did now. You vowed to remember this moment of the boy in your next life.
Percy wanted to fight, he didn’t want to give up. He was angry, scared. He believed he could change your fates.
“We have to try y/n! I can’t do this without you, please. I need you.”
“I love you. I loved you in the past, I love you right now, and I will always fall in love with you in the future. We’ll see each other again.”
He can’t stop you as you make your way to the monster. Fate works against him, keeping his body frozen and in place as he cries for you. Cries for your pasts. Cries for the emptiness he’ll have to endure once your gone.
It’s quick and swift, your death. You welcome it with bitterness, Percy’s crying breaking your resolve, but you have to continue. You’ll see your lover again.
Percy mourns everyday for you. He misses the soft whisperings you spoke that filled the dead of night in his cabin.
He mourns the life you both could’ve had if fate had not been so cruel to tear you apart every time. He’s forced to live a life without his other half once again.
He’ll miss the way you held his face, miss the way you made him laugh, miss the way you made him feel. He spends everyday living and remembering the memories of you.
Once the time comes, Percy welcomes death with open arms, reunited with you for a short moment until you’re both sent onto your new lives, starting the cycle all over again.
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Astarion with Bard!Tav headcanons, pls?
I have a soft spot for Bards. Once, a gender fluid bard who plays the same campaign as I do, scared a creep away and we never saw him again.
Thanks @thedomesticanthropologist for the dialogue. With her permission, I copied it here since it fits the mood of these two gremlins .
Check out her blog, it's amazing!
Hope you will enjoy these headcanons!
Astarion x Bard!Tav
Astarion is ready for everything when he meets you, but not for the fact you are the most unhinged person the Sword's Coast has seen.
The sworn enemy of many nobles whom you have offended in your songs.
Thrown up from numerous adventure parties for your horniness and a specific type of humor.
if you aren't beaten by someone's spouse for sleeping with a married person, you consider it a bad week.
All the Astarion's flattery? It falls flat!
There is nothing original in what he says. Nothing really interesting in his sweet words!
You could flirt better when you're five.
But you are curious.
Why is he using such cliche pick-up lines on you? Why is he so eager to do it? It's obvious he has no communication skills whatsoever! And hee sounds like a character from an erotic novel.
You are a professional, after all. If you wanted to seduce him, you would have sex the first two hours you two met.
So... you are waiting.
In the meantime, Astarion starts opening up. The real him is so much different from the 'seducer one". He sounds even innocent.
He finally invites you for a night of passion and, at this moment, you can't hold yourself anymore.
"I've been waiting… waiting since the moment we met…"
"So knives to the throat are flirting to you?"
"... I do recall saying it was a darling of a throat or some such, but- it's a line, it's not- you're not supposed to be really listening-"
"So I'm just supposed to be so distracted by your shirtlessness that you can say anything and I'll fall into your arms?"
"Listen, if I wanted to spend the night talking…"
"Couldn't you even bring a blanket? Give me the address of the person who taught you all this boring shit, and I will put my lute up to his arse! Gods!"
The date night is awkward.
You even don't have sex. You talk.
And you play your lute, singing some of the most offensive and inappropriate songs you know.
Astarion allows himself to relax.
He has never felt so safe with anyone. You can laugh all his fears away!
Vampire lords, tortures, violence. It all sounds … hilarious, not scary.
By the morning, you fall asleep. Astarion puts off his shirt to bathe in the sunlight.
When you wake up, you curse out loud.
"What is the fuck is this on your back??"
He explains and you take your lute to play one of the bard healing spells.
It wouldn't help of course, but you soothe his pain a bit.
You use the spells to cast away nightmares. And you also play music to help him meditate and avoid re-visiting bad memories.
Together, you form a murderous couple. There is nothing worse than a bard and rogue.
And you boost his self-esteem. He is afraid of Cazador, he is scared of him. But you -
You compose the most catchy and offensive songs about him.
They are pretty good, by the way, and some bards, including Volo, add them to their repertoires.
At first, it causes some anxiety to Astarion as if he can be punished for your actions.
But soon his fears start fading.
If it's funny, it's not scary.
Together, you defeat Cazador - and you've polished your vicious mockery!
When Astarion is finally okay with intimacy, you have a wild graveyard date which ends up with you two being arrested for disorderly conduct.
Post-game your destiny is decided. You are a traveling bard, after all.
You travel throughout Swords' Coast - singing songs and robbing your audience.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
Dark!Max Caulfield au
So after looking at a piece of fanart by tovanori
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I was inspired to write this post on what a dark version of Max Caulfield would look like My dark Chloe au post
So saving William is the decision on what makes Alternate Max a member of the Vortex Club. What could make Max Caulfield dark? I've come up with multiple ideas
This Max in all three different timelines would wear red and black. Red and black three piece suits or Black hoodie and Red Coyote shirt to symbolize how different this Max would be.“The coyote is a complex dream symbol. … The appearance of a coyote in a dream may symbolize a lack of ambition or a weakness of some kind. It may also indicate that you are attacking those around you who are weaker and can't defend themselves as well. Coyotes represent “tricky” and unexpected elements in life.“ “A Navajo saying holds that if Coyote crosses your path, turn back and do not continue your journey. The coyote is an omen of an unfortunate event or thing in your path or in the near future.“
This is a Max Caulfield who never meets Chloe Price, without Chloe in her life, Max turns cold and more introverted. Only having a morbid sense of photography and her sense of style catches Jefferson's eye. He helps her perfect her craft and lets her in on the dark room. And after taking this apprenticeship, Max's ability to rewind awakens and she uses it to help Jefferson perfect their art. Max lures them under the guise of friendship and a smile, but that smile is bait. Max, Jefferson and Nathan work together to perfect their models, but what changes is Max and Nathan fall in love. Because of this, Nathan is not fixated on Rachel Amber. Max helped Nathan in becoming a more stable and dependent person and Max is the person who helps Nathan achieve the Prescott destiny with Max by his side.
Nathan kills Chloe before her eyes, Nathan kills himself and this leaves Max traumatized. This leaves Max vulnerable and malleable to be indoctrinated and groomed by Jefferson to becoming his new apprentice. Max becomes detached, cold and ruthless. She acts as the bait for the victims and doeses them and delivers the new models to Mark while he photographs them in the dark room and after Jefferson is done, Max disposes of them. It starts as just wanting a new partner, but soon blossoms into obsessive love. Mark loving Max and Max loving Mark and both willing to killing anyone that comes between them. Her powers never come and the storm never arrives. All that's left is Jefferson and Max working together to find the perfect muse for their sick obsessions and no one would ever expect them while they masquerade as the famous photographer and his prized pupil and as lovers, in reality they are wolves among the sheep.(I don't ship the cursed ship, I just felt it was the darker direction for this timeline)
This is a Max who has lived in Seattle all her life, Victoria Chase is her childhood best friend and she meets Mark Jefferson earlier than she would in canon. Jefferson offers to take Max on as his apprentice and Max is so enamored by the famous photographer and her parents couldn't be more thrilled. Jefferson helps Max to become a better photographer, helps her become more confident in her abilities, give Max a sense of style and flair and lets Max in on his true nature and to his surprise, she doesn't flinch, in fact she offers to help him with his victims and gets Victoria to join them. While Victoria flinched at first, she came around. As long as she's with Max and her favorite artist, it's all worthwhile to Victoria. Victoria would be who lures the models while Max and Victoria went to work. The Chases would help finance their "projects" because having a renowned photographer like Jefferson in their gallery is an opportunity they cannot pass up and thinks Victoria's idol will be the role model she desperately needed. Eventually they move shop to Arcadia Bay. Get in touch with the Prescotts and help set up the Dark Room. Eventually Nathan becomes a problem and Victoria tries to help him and Nathan lashes out, Max witnesses this and sees Nathan trying to kill her and that's when her powers manifest. Victoria goes to Max and they begin to plan Nathan's downfall. But as Nathan falls, Jefferson notices and feels Victoria has become a distraction to Max and tries to kill her. Max makes the hard choice. Her best friend and the girl she loves or Jefferson her mentor. Max lures Jefferson into a trap. When he thinks he has Victoria at her mercy, Max doses him and ties him up. Jefferson loses it, raging at her for betraying him after all she did for her and demands she unties him and kills Victoria. Max gets the gun and says "It's like you always taught me, Mark. Always take the shot" and just like that, Jefferson is dead. They go back to Arcadia Bay and see the storm raging. They make it to the lighthouse and see all the destruction. Victoria is distraught and asks Max what they should do. Max kisses Victoria and says "fuck it, let's blow this town and go back home." All that matters to this Max is Victoria and she'll be damned if Jefferson or a freak storm will take her from her.
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lizaluvsthis · 4 months
Destiny has already decided
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- What if (in Triple Threat AU) - 
- Eratica got to talk to her inner self? (Eri) -
Summary: Eratica got sent to the abyss where she happens to meet her inner-self
Talked to @dreamteamredstinger about couple of Lore drops Eratica has and the AU itself, since eri's my fav this story is about her and her innerself ^^
Anyways enjoy lovely fans and to people who love Eratica!
Especially to RedStinger since this is one of the first gift fic he's getting
A white light suddenly burst into the plain white space, revealing a lone woman caught off guard by the unexpected appearance. 
Time seemed to slow down as the person’s eyes widened in realization. For a brief moment, fear consumed her, but she refused to let it control her. 
With a clear and steady mind, she quickly assessed her situation and decided to use her sword as a makeshift stair; she stabbed it into the ground just before her body could touch the floor.
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Her boot landed on the top handle, and she gracefully landed safely on the ground, her sword still firmly embedded in the floor.
Her feet stabilized as she took in the surroundings around her. 
Her eyes darted around, taking in the endless white spaces that seemed to stretch indefinitely. 
With a determined look, she pulled her sword from the ground, its weight firmly gripped in her strong grasp.
"Where in the hell am I?" She said aloud, her hood falling to her shoulders revealing her face and her mask hanging loosely around her chin. She took a deep breath, taking off her mask momentarily as she looked around the space in confusion.
The woman's face revealed signs of battles past. A scar on her left eyebrow, a scar on her cheek, and hints of corruption on the left corner of her cheek that crept down her neck. 
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"What is this place...?" she asked aloud, her voice echoing faintly in the quiet space, the volume seeming out of sync through the emptiness surrounding her.
Her gaze fell beneath her feet, and she looked at the tile reflecting her appearance. 
Suddenly, a faint glow caught her eye, and her focus shifted towards it.
Her senses tingle with anticipation, bracing for a possible encounter yet to come.
The surrounding atmosphere suddenly darkened, the glow intensified to an explosion of brightness. 
In a quick motion, Eratica shielded her eyes with her cape, protecting them from the blinding light that engulfed them all around her as the explosion occurred.
As the brightness faded and the abyss returned to its previous state of blank white emptiness, Eratica slowly lowered her arm, eyes opening once again. 
She steeled for the unknown, preparing to face whatever may come.
Only to find that she was staring back at...herself?
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Her eyes widened in surprise to beheld her inner self, transformed into a young, healthy, and unblemished version.
The other version of her wore a purple sleeve and sported long, flowing hair, and eyes appearing innocent.
She couldn't help but take notice of the other version's stature, as she seemed shorter in comparison to her own. 
This difference was both unsettling and yet strangely captivating.
Eratica felt frozen in place, her hands remaining firmly clamped onto her sword's handle as her eyes locked onto her past self. 
Astonishment washed over her, prompting her to utter "You're...me..." 
Her brow furrowed, deepening the frown that now adorned her face.
Eratica's confusion only deepened as her eyes locked with her past self, the glowing yellow aura around her adding to the surrealness of the situation. 
“But how? How is this possible?” Yet no words came from her past. 
The silence between them felt almost deafening.
As the memories flooded back to Eratica, images of the past came rushing to her mind. 
She remembered the rise of the memes, their dominion over the territory, and the chaos that ensued. 
Bloodshed and destruction ravaged the lands, cities were reduced to heaps of rubble, and an army filled in vengeful hearts was ready to strike. 
The most haunting memory of all was the moment where she had taken her own brother's life…
Eratica could feel the weight of the memory as it pressed upon her conscience, its presence overwhelming.
In a desperate attempt to deny the reality of her past actions.
She took a few steps backward, her body instinctively distancing itself from the horrors she had inflicted. 
Her inner-self, Eri, now stood before her, an expression of anger evident on her face as she posed the question, "Why...?"
Eratica's body stiffened slightly as her mind wrestled with memories, her feet momentarily rooted in place. 
With a deep, purposeful breath, she managed to center once more, bringing clarity to her thoughts. 
Her attention returned to Eri, watching as her former self stood there, tears welling up in her eyes and a look of anger and hurt painted across her face.
"Why did you do that...? You..." Eri started, her voice trembling in a mixture of sadness and betrayal.
Eri's voice rang out in anguish, blaming Eratica for the death of her brother.
“You killed my brother!"
 However, Eratica responded to a cold, impassive tone, her face lacking emotion as she firmly stated, 
"He is not our brother. He has become a parasite. And parasites always will be parasites until they've grown to harvest from the mind of each being's existence..."
Eri's eyes dropped to the ground, her fists clenching tightly as she digested the harsh words spoken by Eratica.
Eratica remained cold and unflinching as she listened to Eri's outburst. 
"Why are you sad? I did what we were supposed to do, we finished our job," 
she stated matter-of-factly, in a hint of confusion.
But Eri's anguish only intensified, her frustration and anger reaching a boiling point as she yelled, "THIS ISN'T RIGHT! ALL OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" 
To a surge of emotion, she ran up to Eratica and lashed out to a weak punch, but Eratica dodged the attack effortlessly.
Her glow intensified, illuminating the space around her. 
In a sudden motion, she conjured up a small sword that bore a striking resemblance to Eratica's own. 
To a determined push forward, she issued a battle cry, her voice implied with anger.
Her swing came down hard, the force behind it powerful enough to almost knock Eratica off her feet. 
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But the present Eratica stood her ground, her blade held firmly as a shield, defending herself from the onslaught.
“And who are you to think of that to yourself?!”
Eratica's anger flared, visible in the purple glow of her eyes shifting from red. 
She dodged Eri's attack, knocking the sword out of her grasp and pinning her to the ground. 
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Her sword pointed menacingly at Eri, Eratica issued a harsh decree.
"You are nothing. You are not worth being yourself anymore," she declared, her voice cold and commanding. 
"I am in control here. And no such parasites shall live."
Her vision fixed on Eratica, a look of empathy and contemplation on her face as she uttered the question, 
"What have I become...?"
Looking down at her younger self, Eratica remained cold and neutral, her eyes devoid of kindness or mercy.
The anger and hatred that resided in her heart radiated outward, consuming her without a trace of compassion.
Eri's voice trembled in regret as she confessed, 
"I've become the worst to everyone, haven't I?” 
Eratica spoke “They think I'm the villain, but I tried everything to save their lives for this." 
Her grip tightened on her sword, anger welling up within her, but she fought to keep hers in check, slowly calming down.
Eratica's voice trailed off, choked in anger. 
She took a deep breath before speaking again, 
"And yet, what did I get in return? Nothing but the loss of my brother, all because of those damned pests."
There was a brief moment of quiet as the two versions of Eratica stood facing each other, both reflecting on the shared struggle and the pain that had driven them to such extreme measures. 
Though separated by time and circumstance, they shared a common bond in the loss of their brother, 
a pain that had consumed their hearts and led them down a path of anger and violence.
Eri's words echo a sense of self-blame and regret. 
She held accountable for the choices made.
 On the other hand, Eratica remained steadfast in her belief that the memes were the root cause of their troubles.
 She wholeheartedly believed that the chaotic influence of the memes had led to all the suffering and chaos.
"But- what about Minion...?”
Eri's words brought up an old and painful memory, and Eratica instinctively flinched at the mention of Minion.
"No- don't bring this up now, she doesn't matter to me” Her response was brief and dismissive, trying to suppress the guilt connected to their past.
But Eri persisted, her voice added frustration as she yelled. "Then why did you stop?" Eratica paused, caught off guard by the question.
She followed by turning her head to the left at her prompting, and her eyes widened at what she saw.
She stood silent. “Don't you see the other side? The bright side of life? Can't you see how it is for other people that can have different paths?" 
Looking to her left, Eratica was met to an unexpected sight—a vibrant, colorful world filled in joy and laughter. 
People moved about, their faces etched that had radiant smiles and eyes twinkling in mirth. Life seemed to hum with energy and optimism. 
Everything here is so... vibrant and alive.
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Eratica turned to the other side and saw the scene unfolding before her. 
The white plain abyss loomed, and SMG3 was there, defending SMG4 with his arms protectively wrapped around him.
Minion had bravely stepped in front of the meme guardians, a look of determination and fear mixed on her face.
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She was frozen, unable to move, the weight of her feelings pinning her in place.
Eratica's eyes, something stirred within her. 
She was quiet for a moment, the weight of truth sinking in.
"We were different from our world. We killed our brother... and what did it cost? All of it, just because others turned into those insane meme parasites? Was it all just for our brother to return? Hoping everything would finally end? Go back to normal?”
Eratica walked up to the front, she stared at Minion's face. 
Regret and guilt seeped into her expression, the weight of her actions and the consequences they had brought upon them all. 
"LOOK AROUND YOU, ERATICA!" Inner Eri's voice cut through the air, feeling frustration and despair. 
"I did it to protect the people!" Eratica retorted, her voice firm and resolute, standing unwavering in her convictions.
But Inner Eri's response was equally intense. "THIS ISN'T OUR WORLD! IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!”
As Eratica's resolve cracked, the pieces of her facade falling away, she stood there, dumbfounded by the realization that hit her. 
Inner Eri's blunt words struck a chord, causing her to question everything she thought she understood.
"Take a hint," Eri urged "What do you think the people around this world act like? Four's crew, who weren't even affected by the meme parasite?"
Eratica paused, letting the question sink in as she looked around, seeing the world differently for the first time.
"It's because they're good people, they protect others from the dangers that are a threat to their world. Look outside. 
Don't you see that nature is still living? On its peaceful side, you wonder why. 
Because they're the main guardians. 
They guard to protect whatever is harming their own home! And what do you think you're doing?!"
Eri's eyes glanced at the sword, she urged, 
"Please... think about your decisions... think it all through... I don't want us to... to go insane again... please..." 
As she spoke, she slowly raised her right hand, offering it to Eratica, hoping for her to take it and embrace the path of understanding and healing.
As Eri stood there, offering her hand to Eratica, she noticed that her hand was fading away, slowly vanishing before her eyes.
Eri's time is running out.
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Eratica stood there, torn apart to her and the weight of her past actions. 
Eratica's voice was soft and strained as she spoke, "Please... make a decision... I don't want ourselves to end up in a big mess like this... let it all go... it was all... in the past…"
Eratica felt confused. 
In her world, the guardians had always been in control. But now that she saw them in this world, they seemed different. 
She tried to find why they seemed so different, but it made her doubt what she had thought was true.
As Eri pleaded with Eratica, the urgency in her voice was palpable. 
"Promise me you'll change," she began, her voice barely holding back tears as she spoke of her brother and their world. 
"For us, your brother, the world we were in... promise me," She begged, her hand still extended, the promise hanging in the air. 
"PROMISE ME!" she cried, the weight of her request clear in her emotional outburst.
Eratica's gaze fell upon the sword before her, the embodiment of her identity and the symbol of her convictions. 
It took a moment of deep contemplation for her to reach a decision. As her sword clattered to the ground, a sense of resignation washed over her.
A form of a heavy sigh, she admitted.
"I can't promise that." 
The words hung in the air, went to a mixture of regret and acceptance.
Despite her problems, Eratica knew that some things couldn't be guaranteed.
As the weight of the decision bore down on her, Eratica had self-doubt. 
Her inner self slowly fading away and leaving her to choose her own, the significance of the moment magnified.
The silence seemed to only amplify the tension of the moment as Eri stood there, knowing that whatever decision she made would have far-reaching consequences.
As Eri's words echoed through the air, a bittersweet chuckle escaped her lips. 
Forming a gentle, saddened smile, she continued.
“Then you are an idiot." 
The weight of her statement hung in the air, a stark contrast to the finality of her fading away into the ether.
Eratica stood there, alone in the silent aftermath, grappling the weight of her choice and the consequences that lay ahead. 
The absence of Eri's presence left a void in her heart, and the echoes of her words still resonated within her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the choices made and the paths that had led them there.
As Eratica gripped her sword tighter, determination burning in her eyes, she declared in a firm voice, "There is nothing WORTH for me to give... I've paid the price, and I must end it." 
As Eratica sat there, a wave of emptiness washed over her like a merciless tide. 
She finds it hard to understand, grappling the question at her thoughts. 
“Why does it hurt?” It was a question that had no easy answer, and as the weight of pain and loss settled upon her, she wept without restraint, shedding tears that seemed to come from the depths of her wounded soul.
As tears streamed down her face, Eratica felt a touch on her shoulder and provided comfort.
The faint figure of a familiar soul stood beside her.
Its voice cutting through the haze of her pain as it spoke words that offered both guidance and purpose.
The red gleam flickered in the dim light as the familiar soul urged her on, 
"Come on, Eratica. It is your DUTY to save everyone. Before it is too late, you must fulfill your destiny"
A determined glint in her eyes, Eratica wiped away her tears and stood upright, gripping her sword tightly.
The voice of the familiar soul's encouragement echoed in her mind, reminding her of the weight of her responsibility.
"You're right," she acknowledged, her voice firm yet in a hint of sadness. 
"I must... for the people and everyone," Eratica took a deep breath, filling her lungs to a mix of resolve and lingering guilt. 
Despite the conflict that gnawed at her heart, she steeled following the path she was setting her upon.
In a final swing of her sword, Eratica sent forth a cutting arc that tore open a portal, its shimmering light rippling in the surrounding environment.
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With a heavy heart, (I'm sorry) the words tinged in regret of the path laid out before her. 
"But destiny... has already... decided."
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visionsofmagic · 9 months
✦ mini masterlist: video games version
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➤ info.: contains video games [pc, ps/xbox, & phone games]. requests are open [but don't forget that it can take long]. characters I write can be differ from these main games, so, always open to ask about any other games & characters apart from this list too. enjoy!
⭒ main masterlist.
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✩︙call of duty
‣ simon “ghost” riley
⤹ four times ··· four times you think about how simon ghost riley will fuck you and one time he actually does. [link, one shot]
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✩︙resident evil
‣ leon s. kennedy
⤹ staring ··· just a drabble. [one shot]
⤹ only I··· leon gets jealous.[one shot]
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✩︙mortal kombat 1
‣ drabbles & headcanons [various]
⤹ mk1 men using their powers while f*cking you ··· [link]
⤹ how mk1 men will carry you ··· [link]
⤹ mk1 men breaking the bed/headboard while fucking you ··· [requested]
⤹ mk1 men when they get hard in public because of you ··· [link]
⤹ mk1 men show their kinks to you ··· [link]
⤹ older ··· I think I need someone older [link]
— favorite place to kiss on your body. [link]
— calling them with the nickname of “boy” [link]
— what he calls you, what you call him. [link]
— how loud they are [link]
‣ johnny cage
⤹ you’re the prettiest ··· [link]
⤹ fuck you on tropes ··· [link]
‣ lin kuei brothers
⤹ saving [kuai liang, smoke] ··· they save you from an attack of lin kuei and propose you join shirai ryu. [link, requested]
⤹ they like to share you [lin kuei brothers] ··· [1] [2]
‣ liu kang
⤹ past lover, new era ··· you’re liu kang’s past lover. [requested]
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✩︙god of war
⤹ pick one pick fav [mini game, special to my bhd] ··· heimdall & kratos headcanon/imagines [link]
‣ heimdall, baldur & thor
⤹ destiny [mini series] ···  sons of odin always found it hard to come to a conclusion with the same decision but this was one different; they agreed on that they were all fucked up because when odin sent them for a mission, together; bring a goddess, who forgot about her past, back to the asgard, he just gave them description of the goddess but they never expected… you. they never expected someone who will touch their souls, bodies and minds. [plot & masterlist]
‣ heimdall
⤹ one in nine realms [mini series] ··· after atreus’ sudden disappear you decide to bring him back to home. to bring him back, you visit the asgard and so many advantures at the door. however, the most unpredictable one is to fall for odin’s right hand man, heimdall. he is something else and eventually, you find yourself wanting him to be a good boy. maybe he will listen? [1][2][3] [4][5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
⤹ impossible to reach [mini series, requested] ··· being both daughter of zeus and sister of kratos bring unbelievable events with them, but even them wasn’t as astonishing as falling for heimdall, the son of odin who saw you as his second wife. ragnarok is at the door, odin is ready to manipulate you, kratos is there to fight for you and atreus is being a normal teenager who gets trouble. and you – you just see only him, god of foresight. what could be worse? [plot] [1] [2]
⤹ wet dreams [oneshot, requested] ··· after a mission, heimdall and y/n travel around the realm as they get rid of the exhausting fights come within the mission. however, an accident occur and y/n falls to the water. being all wet in front of heimdall, she gives him no choice but just watch. [oneshot]
⤹ falling [oneshot, requested] ··· heimdall falling for a midgardian and being protective over her. [oneshot]
‣ oneshots, headcanons, drabbles & requests
⤹ FREYA, hate or forgive ··· no, ragnarok wasn’t any of your concern. you world already had its ragnarok when freya left you, promising to kill you because of what you did to save her. as you made your way to follow atreus’ wish, she came to your life again. but this time, you decided to give her what she deserves, even if it meant your death. [oneshot]
⤹ KRATOS ··· kratos writes about you in his journal. [oneshot]
⤹ ATREUS ··· fenrir wants to see atreus, and because of being mommy of him, you can’t stand to his sad eyes. you decide to visit atreus who is lasty seen in north side of the midgard. the little boy you saw 6 years ago is not the same and seeing him after a long time, hidden feelings come to surface.[oneshot]
⤹ THOR ··· a request from lovely anon: Could I ask for some (GOW) Thor fluff? Perhaps the (GN) reader standing up for Thor when Odin is being a dick to him?? I just feel he hasn’t heard one good word about himself in a long time. I think he needs it. [oneshot]
⤹ KRATOS, GRANDFATHER!MIMIR ··· escaping from odin’s long prison days, y/n manages to take a visit to the tree where odin kept her grandfather, mimir but there is no one. mimir is gone and now, she seeks for him as she follows trials of red colored marked man and a child [part I of II] [part II of II].
⤹ FREYR ··· kratos’ daughter find love with freya’s cute brother; freyr. [oneshot]
⤹ SINDRI ··· sindri and y/n confess to each other with help of atreus.[oneshot]
⤹ HEIMDALL··· what it would look like to have heimdall as a bff [headcanon]
⤹ HEIMDALL··· sub!heimdall [headcanon, requested]
⤹ HEIMDALL··· how heimdall would flirt with reader [headcanon, requested]
⤹ HEIMDALL··· jealous!heimdall who shows his jealousy to the reader [oneshot, requested]
⤹ GOW CHARACTERS··· where gow characters like to kiss reader the most [headcanon] – when they see you covered in blood [headcanon] – when they meet someone smaller than them [headcanon, requested]
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✩︙star wars jedi: fallen order
‣ cal kestis
⤹ little touches ··· you and cal are sharing lots of touches that seem little to you in the first place but they begin to grow from just little to something more. [link, one shot]
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✩︙king’s choice
⤹ a night in the kingdom ··· a sweet night with your right-hand man, Lance [oneshot]
⤹ from sweet to hot ··· as being the new queen of the island, y/n, has some sweet moments with her inventor, darren, but sweet moments turn into hot ones. [oneshot]
⤹ become queen of the kingdom ··· y/n take throne to rule the kingdom. she has enemies that want take her down from the throne but her unique knights and especially lovers always watch her back. however, things begin to change when a certain threat to the kingdom come to the light. now, y/n should be careful. she can’t trust anyone that easily. those who are able to gain her trust will fight by her side; knights and lovers. [plot]
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