#Fait loss
healthandfitnesshaf · 4 months
Weight Loss
Weight loss involves reducing body weight, often by improving diet, increasing physical activity, and making lifestyle changes. Here are some key strategies:
1.Balanced Diet: Focus on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive sugar and salt.
2.Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. Using smaller plates, reading labels, and avoiding second servings can help manage intake.
3.Regular Exercise: Incorporate both aerobic exercises (like walking, running, cycling) and strength training (like lifting weights or using resistance bands). Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
4.Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger.
5.Sleep Well: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Poor sleep can affect hormones that regulate hunger and appetite.
6.Mindful Eating: Pay attention to what you eat and savor each bite. Avoid distractions like watching TV while eating.
7.Consistency and Patience: Weight loss is a gradual process. Set realistic goals and be patient with yourself.
8.Professional Support: Consulting a dietitian, nutritionist, or a fitness professional can provide personalized guidance.Combining these strategies can lead to effective and sustainable weight loss.
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zeldabecameaqueen · 7 months
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inspired by BadBoyHalo's stream "Sweet Dispair" (18th/02/2024)
↓ description below ↓
disclaimer :
• i'm only talking about the characters here, not talking about the admins or ccs behind them
• also it's clearly my opinion, my pov, not a fact nor the official feelings
🍄top part : last goodbye for Richas. Richas on his boat for his last goodbye to his tio, blowing into his horn. I'm really sensitive to sounds and it felt to me like the last goodbye, even though i knew bad was addicted to qsmp and would never leave us alone at that moment. Also, it felt heartbreaking because Richas acted somehow distant, even though he still was there for his uncle and siblings, but i think he lived so much heartbreaks with his family that the fact that an immortal being like bad was getting deadly sick felt for him like: for every person i love, for every bit of myself i give to them, no matter how strong this person is, i'm going to lose them (my pov oc). So here he is, back to the sunset, blowing the horn of another life that ends, another adieu. Idk i didn't expect to hear that and it just felt, like angst
🦋left part : no sleep for Pomme. Bad put Pomme to bed that night, but we all know she's a no-sleeper, she's insomniac and i really don't think she found sleep that night, except maybe by crying herself to sleep. She's in her bed, holding the last plushy her dad gifted her, her new backpack named 'hope' just below, and gazing at the ceiling. I mean... she can't see the ceiling because she has blurry eyes caused by the tears, she only sees her nightmares pinned with blood just above her. She never had the chance to be a kid, day one she was buried between four walls of stone, and ever since she felt like she had to put herself in danger so that the others may live. Her insecurities, her worries, her traumas but also the very best and sparkling memories ran before her eyes that night. It was angst over again. But she had hope so i guess she could sleep.
🪻right part : the Halo's flower field. The flower field + the arch of heaven. I know it's non-canonical, it's two completely different places but it was my way of depicting the purity of the Halo's family's love, and its strength. A lot of people on Tumblr already said that but turning back on heaven/peace/apparently what he was looking for for so long but couldn't get to get back to your kids who need you, despite the risks of living with more pain and losing those you came back for, i mean... he's the most angelic demon. and a priceless father/tio. This flower field was chosen for them by them, it represents their diversity and their unity, flowers are for friendship, family, love, hope, regret, pain, and death, but it's also the cycle of nature, it'll always come back one way or another
🔔center part : the bell of spirits. Ghosties were put in this bell by Bad, they always followed him and have been a part of him, they are multiple lost souls, caring creatures of the underworld, they came and went as Bad lived his adventures, and as the eggs were growing. They were always there, always following. When Richas blew in that horn, it was like the wind carried his despair indirectly to the bell, and Bad dying was the final release for them to be free. Yet, free was more like lost, without guidance, panicked and afraid. They stayed together though, like they were one being, one connection, because they lived so much together, and went finding a familiar face. They gained strength in the material world to the point the kids could sense them when they never did before. (the 'honk' is for Richas' horn but in my imagination the bell didn't make a sound in the material world)
french translation:
inspiré par le stream de BBH "Doux Désespoir" (18 février 2024)
description en-dessous
• je ne parle que des personnages ici, je ne parle pas des admins ou des ccs derrière eux
• c'est également clairement mon opinion, mon point de vue, ce ne sont ni des faits ni des sentiments qui ont été partagés officiellement par les ccs/personnages
🍄haut : le dernier adieu de Richas. Richas est sur son bateau lors de son dernier au revoir à son oncle, il souffle dans la corne. Je suis très sensible aux sons, et j'ai eu l'impression que c'était comme le dernier au revoir, même si je savais que BBH était addict au qsmp et qu'il ne nous laisserait jamais seuls à ce moment. C'était également déchirant parce que Richas était distant d'une certaine manière, même s'il était toujours là pour son oncle et ses adelphes, mais je pense qu'il a eu tellement de peine avec sa famille que le fait qu'un être immortel comme BBH devenait mortellement malade, c'était comme si: pour chaque personne que j'aime, pour chaque part de moi que je leur donne, qu'importe à quel point cette personne est forte, je vais la perdre (bien sûr ce n'est que mon opinion). Donc le voilà à présent, en contrejour par rapport au coucher de soleil, soufflant dans la corne pour cette vie qui se termine, pour ce dernier adieu. Jsp, je ne m'attendais pas à entendre ça et c'était juste, horrible et à glacer le sang
🦋gauche : pas de repos pour Pomme. BBH a mis Pomme au lit cette nuit-là, mais on sait tous qu'elle est insomniaque, et je pense vraiment qu'elle n'a pas trouvé le sommeil cette nuit-là, sauf peut-être en pleurant jusqu'à s'endormir. Elle est dans son lit, tenant la dernière peluche que son père lui a offert, son nouveau sac à dos nommé "espoir" juste en dessous, et elle regarde au plafond. Enfin... elle ne peut pas voir le plafond car elle a la vision floue à cause des larmes, elle ne voit que des cauchemars épinglés avec du sang juste au-dessus d'elle. Elle n'a jamais eu la chance d'être un enfant, dès le premier jour on l'a enterrée entre quatre murs de pierre, et depuis elle a l'impression qu'elle pouvait risquer sa vie si ça permettait aux autres de vivre. Ses insécurités, ses inquiétudes, ses traumas mais aussi ses meilleurs et plus étincelants souvenirs défilaient devant ses yeux cette nuit-là. C'était à nouveau l'angoisse. Mais elle avait de l'espoir et j'imagine qu'elle a réussi à s'endormir.
🪻droite : le champ de fleurs des Halo. Le champ de fleurs + l'arche du paradis. Je sais que ce sont deux endroits complètement différents mais c'était ma façon de montrer la pureté de l'amour de la famille Halo, et leur force. Beaucoup de gens sur Tumblr l'ont déjà dit mais le fait de tourner le dos au paradis/à la paix/sur ce qu'il cherchait depuis longtemps apparemment mais ne pouvait pas avoir pour retrouver ses enfants qui ont besoin de toi, malgré les risques de vivre avec encore plus de douleur et celui de perdre ceux pour qui tu es revenu, je veux dire... c'est le démon le plus angélique. et c'est un père/oncle sans prix. Ce champ de fleurs a été choisi pour eux et par eux, il représente leur diversité et leur unité, les fleurs sont là pour l'amitié, la famille, l'amour, l'espoir, le regret, la douleur, et la mort, mais c'est également le cycle de la nature, ça reviendra toujours d'une façon ou d'une autre
🔔centre : la cloche des esprits. Les Fantômes ont été placés dans cette cloche par BBH, ils l'ont toujours suivi et font partie de lui, ce sont de multiples âmes perdues, des créatures bienveillantes du monde souterrain, elles allaient et venaient au fur et à mesure que BBH vivait ses aventures, et que les oeufs grandissaient. Ils ont toujours été là, toujours suivi le mouvement. Lorsque Richas a soufflé dans cette corne, c'est comme si le vent avait porté son désespoir jusqu'à la cloche, et que la mort de BBH avait été la libération finale pour eux. Mais plutôt que livre, ils étaient surtout perdus, sans repère, paniqués et effrayés. Ils sont restés ensemble, comme s'ils formaient un seul être, un seul lien, parce qu'ils ont beaucoup vécu ensemble et ils sont partis à la recherche d'un visage familier. Ils ont gagné en force dans le monde matériel, au point que les enfants pouvaient les sentir alors qu'ils ne pouvaient pas auparavant. (la "corne" est celle de Richas, mais dans mon imagination, la cloche n'a pas fait de bruit dans le monde matériel).
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sylvia-plaths-fig-pie · 2 months
The night we met ♡ Sam Winchester
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As a young girl it was drilled into you to never be alone in the woods.
As a woman the same sentiment was echoed.
But as a hunter, you found that that warning couldn't be one that you listened to. For the sole reason of what if there was a young girl or a woman in the woods at the mercy of the very things that you were trained to hunt. Trained to kill.
You'd been a hunter for as long as you could remember, grew up on the road with your mother. Never went to a real school or met anyone your age. It was just the two of you.
Untill it wasn't.
One particularly bad hunt with a nest of vamps left you to mourn the loss of your mother, and you were alone.
And that's how you stayed.
That's how you liked it.
Sure you came into contact with men, it was always men, who thought they knew more or were better than you. But you were still standing, and they, well they were not.
Life expectancy wasn't particularly high in your line of work, it would be a miracle of you made it to your 30th birthday. It seemed that hunters either died young or seemed to live forever. You didn't know what was worse.
That being said, the earlier option seemed very likely right about now.
You were alone in the woods, in a deep fog, after killing three vamps.
It was dark and there was probably other creatures lurking in the shadows, knowing your luck there would be a vamp nest right around the corner.
What made matters worse is that the exit wasn't exactly clear. You'd lost your map, couldn't hear a road, and (rather inconveniently) there was no sighn posts anywhere.
All you could do is walk in a straight line and hope that you were going in the right direction.
You knew the irony.
Hope wasn't worth much. Hope was a damn sure way to get yourself killed. Hope was for young girls who wished on stars, but after learning the myths behind them you had lost faith even in the night sky.
Hope wasn't somthing you would bet your life on, yet you had no choice. It was better than a prayer you supposed.
Suddenly you became aware that your footsteps weren't the only noise in the darkness. There were voices.
Two distinct low voices. Voices of men. Why was it always men?
Familiar warnings rang through your head. You knew it wasn't just monesters you were to be afraid of, sometimes there are more sinister things that lurked in the darkness. Sometimes death wasn't the worst fait to face.
Your hand griped tighter around your knife, your free hand rested on top of your gun.
The voices stopped after a rush of feverish whispers.
You were going to do something stupid.
"Who's there?" You shouted, trying to sound as stoic as possible. If they didn't know you were there they sure did now, along with anything else lurking in the shadows. It really was a stupid decision, but making stupid decisions was part of the job description and it had gotten you this far, or at least you were still alive to tell the tale.
"I'm armed and you've lost the element of surprise so why don't you do us both a favour and stop hiding!" You shouted once more, slightly more urgently this time, even you could hear the slight panic in your own voice.
A tall figure emerged from the shadowy fog, arms raised in surrender. He was tall, almost abnormally so. 'Go for the legs if necessary' you mentally told yourself, just incase he want so friendly. He took slow, purposeful steps towards you in an attempt not to frighten you, you appreciated the gesture but it did nothing to settle your concern.
As he drew closer you could look him in the eyes. And that's exactly what you did. His eyes were Hazel, almost green with a touch of gold with a sense of softness and sensitivity about them. It felt like you were reading a book, being continually drawn in till you don't even rember who you were before you picked it up. Looking at him gave you a sense of comfort you hadn't expericed before on the road. It was nice. It was terrifying.
You cursed yourself for staring too long.
"Who are you?" You questioned, bringing the tip of your knife to rest against the base of his neck, the blood from the vamps, which still coated the blade, sticking slightly to his neck. He stopped in his tracks, his arms still up in surrender.
He looked unfazed, he looked as though he understood.
"My name is Sam winchester and I'm a-" he began but you cut him off, realisation hitting you.
"Winchester? Where's your brother?" You asked lowering your knife. You knew they hunted together, and you didn't want to be ambushed unwittingly my the other.
"Hi sweetheart." Another figure said as he sauntered out of the thick trees.
You rolled your eyes at his remark, making a menal note to stay clear of him if your able to.
You could tell that the one that approached you was the younger of the two, Sam as he introduced himself, the boy with deamon blood, or at least he was.
Meaning that the older of the two, and shorter, was Dean who, unsurprisingly, greeted you slightly condescendingly.
You turned your attention back to the brunette just as he began to speak.
"Wait how do you-?" He asked suddenly, slightly confused but also a hit of relief in his voice.
"Bobby is aways talking about you boys, I mean every hunter knows about you and your serious fuck ups, but Bobby keeps saying I should catch you boys and work with you or whatever but-" you rambled on before the younger winchester cut you off.
"You know Bobby?"
"Everyone knows Bobby."
"Wait so you must be-"
He was about to say your name before, who you assumed to be Dean, cut him off.
"Yes yes nice to meet you and whatever but Sammy and I have more pressing issues to attend to." He said with a wave of his hand ushering his brother over. Only Sam didn't move. His eyes were still fixed on yours. Your eyes still on him.
"I killed the three vamps if that's what you're doing out here." You commented, directing your answer to Sam.
He furrowed his brown in confusion.
"Three?" He asked, slightly taken aback.
"Yeah?" You responded, worry consuming you. You didn't miss one did you? You didn't make a mistake, did you? Everything was so matriciously planned out surely you couldn't have-
"We thought it was just a brother and a sister." Sam interrupted your thoughts, placing a strong hand on your shoulder. He clearly read the panic on your face, it was like he'd known you your whole life. His hand on you seemed to ground you, help you think, but it made you feel almost dizzy. It was an unfamiliar feeling, a feeling you weren't sure if you liked it or not. Regardless of the fact you relished in his touch as you composed yourself enough to explain what you knew.
"No they were hunting with their father, it seemed like this town was their first solo hunts, but it all lead back to him."
Sam finally turned away, his hand falling from your shoulder to look at Dean, in response he simply nodded his head to the side. There was some sort of unspoken communication between the two.
You felt left out. You longed to know what they were thinking. You specifically longed to know what the taller of the two was thinking.
"You're sure there's no more?" Sam asked as he turned to face you once more.
"I know that there are no more that are killing people in this area, that's good enough for me."
He just nodded in response.
"Well I guess that means we're done here," Dean commented clapping his hands together, "you crazy kids what to get out of here, maybe get some pie-"
"Shut up." You cut him off. It wasn't beacsue you were opposed to getting out of the woods, quite the opposite. But you heard something or at least thought you did.
"Sweetheart, I can tell you like my brother here more than me but there is no need to be-"
"Be quiet." You cut Dean off once more as you strained your ears again, you heard another rustling sound coming from near by. You gripped your knife tighter, your thumb drawing small circles on the hilt.
Turning in the spot to get a better gauge of your surroundings you clocked both of the winchesters expressions, they heard it aswell.
"You said it was a father and his two kids right?" Sam asked poised, now holding a large knife of his own.
"Yeah," you responded in a hushed whisper.
"Any sign of a mother?" He asked hurriedly, voicing the one thing you hoped not to be true.
You hoped you would stumble onto another hunter, but you knew this time you wouldn't be so lucky. It had to be the mother and you cursed yourself for mot even considering her.
"Sam-" you began but were quickly cut off by a figure charging from the shadows.
She was fast, but worst of all she was smart. Thats probably why none of you picked up on her.
She launched herself at you first, the well known glint of vengeance alight in her eyes. "You killed them you bitch, you killed them all!" She sceamed in your face as you tried to bring your knife up to decapitate her.
But she was fast and her clawed hand dug into the wrist where your knife was Sam and Dean rushed to your side but they were quickly pushed away, falling on the ground too far away to reach you.
"Was this the blade that killed them?" She asked as you struggled against her, "didn't even have the decency to kill me aswell?"
Blood was gushing from your wrist from her claws as she twisted your own blade towards your chest.
From the corner of your eye you could see Sam pushing himself off the floor, disappearing into the fog.
Logically he was leaving you. He didn't know you. It was in his best intrest to get his brother and go, regroup and hunt tomorrow. You know logically that's what he was doing.
But something inside you told you otherwise. Something in your head was telling you that he was coming for you. That he would save you. That you just needed to stay alive for a few more moments.
It was more than hope that you had. You knew Sam was still there. You knew he wouldn't leave you.
You could feel your knife pressing against your rib cage, you were no where near as strong as her, you tried pushing back with all your might but it was no use.
You felt the blade as it began to draw blood. You felt the pain of the rapidly growing wound. You felt yourself slowing begin to loose grip on the world around you.
"Oh I am going to enjoy watching you die." The vamp said, her words venomous against your ear.
"Not as much as I'll enjoy this." As voice said from behind the vamp.
It was Sam.
Her was there, knife above his head as he swung it round.
The vamp was quick, but she wasn't quick enough to avoid the blow of Sam's knife as he swung it and swiftly decapitated her.
Blood splattered on you as you let out a sigh of relief. Sam was here.
Sam saved you.
Sam winchester saved your life.
You wanted to run to him but the corners of your vision blured. You were dizzy. You couldn't see. You couldn't stand.
"Sam..." you managed to whisper as the world fell from beneath your feet.
You felt two strong hands wrap around you and lower you slowly to the floor. Your head rested against something sturdy, something warm.
"Hey look at me I'm here," a voice said, it was muffled, distant almost.
"You need to just hang on for me, keep your eyes open okay?" The voice asked of you and you nodded or it at least felt like you did. Your vision was blurry but your eyes were open.
"Dean hurry!" Sam shouted, panicked. Sam was holding you. Your head was against Sam's chest and you were resting in his arms.
You tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot throught you. "Shit." You mumbled, you looked down and saw the knife still in you. It was deeper that what you first thought, but it can't have been that bad you could breathe fine, it missed your lung. You were fine, right?
"Sam?" It came out as more of a question, you didn't want to admit it but you were scared.
This is how your mother died in your arms, did she feel like this too? Was she scared? Did she know she was going to die, or did she foolishly think she would live?
"Hey, hey," Sam stroked your hair soothingly, "I'm right here love, I'm not going anywhere okay?" His touched seemed to ground you, soothe you.
"Dean is coming back with medical supply's, your going to be okay."
"Okay." You replied, all you could do was look at Sam. Even when he was blurry he was beautiful. Even when it felt like the world was going dark his eyes were bright as ever.
Thoes were the last things you rember seeing before the world went black, and you finally understood why so many people warned you not go out in the woods alone.
Anybody want a part 2?
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On this day, 2 July 1848, enslaved people in St Croix (now the US Virgin Islands) rebelled, burned down plantations and besieged the town of Frederiksted. The Caribbean island was at that time a Danish colony, and it had been decreed that slavery would be abolished in 1859, but the enslaved workers refused to wait. After revolutions in Europe led to turmoil in nearby Martinique and Guadeloupe, hundreds of rebels seized the moment and rose up. By the end of the day, only the local military garrison, Fort Frederiksværn, had not yet been overrun. The following day, the governor general, Peter von Scholten arrived. Faced with demands from the enslaved people to immediately abolish slavery, or they would burn the town to the ground, he relented and shouted out: “Now you are free, you are hereby emancipated.” Technically von Scholten had no authority to abolish slavery, and he was strongly criticised by enslavers and Danish authorities. But faced with a fait accompli, Denmark had no real choice but to accept the situation. The agreement achieved by the formerly enslaved people went even further than just immediate emancipation, as the order issued on the night of July 3 also applied to the Danish colonies of St Thomas and St John, and directed that the enslaved had the right to keep their current housing and provisions for three months, and that elderly and ill labourers had to be looked after by the former enslavers "until further determination". The old enslavers subsequently sued the Danish government demanding recompense for the loss of their "property". Danish Parliament rejected their claim, on the grounds that "slavery [was] itself an institution in conflict with religion and justice". But they did then agreed to pay a relatively low compensation figure of $50 per enslaved person. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9191/st-croix-enslaved-revolt Pictured: St Thomas freedom statue https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=654237043416181&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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nautls11 · 13 days
my rambles about the tmk finale (SPOILERS, obviously)
whats up tmk famalam, im sad and im gonna talk about it
I cant even begin to describe how incredible the finale was. The players and the dice both had a story to tell and it created an end that brought me to tears.
The acting.
Genuinely some of the best ive seen in the entire show and I’ve been watching since convergence. Every single person absolutely killed it, Condi especially. Lucia’s moments with Mary, and Milo’s acting during the final scene was absolutely phenomenal
“Humanity’s weakness.” Empathy.
Empathy plays such a vital role throughout this entire story. It’s Lucia’s drive to try and save Everett from becoming her sister. It’s Jin’s drive to save the people who had those horrible fates he experienced when he was young. Everett’s lack of empathy was what pushed him away from his hunting party, seeing it as nothing but weakness.
Everett’s lack of empathy was what isolated him from the rest of the hunters. Yet, it was Everett’s empathy that made him choose to save Trey by turning him into a monster (albeit against Trey’s will), knowing that he wouldn’t survive otherwise. It was Everett’s lack of empathy for humanity that made him join the monsters, yet it was Everett’s humanity that made him spare Jin and Lucia during the monster siege.
Jin couldn’t kill Everett because he desperately wanted to keep alive the last bit of humanity Everett had left in him. Because Everett spared him, Jin only saw the only right thing to do was to spare his life as well, even though it led to the summoning of the Moonbeast.
It was empathy for Pebble’s losses that led Lucia and Jin to trust him, and he was able to prove himself more than capable.
It was Lucia’s empathy at the end that revealed Everett truly did still have a fraction of humanity and empathy left inside him, enough to destroy the heart and give one last goodbye. In the end, humanity’s weakness was also their ultimate power.
Mary’s internal conflict.
Lucia recognizing Mary but Mary not recognizing her, and the instant Mary realized it was her sister, her entire demeanor changed into that of a scared and traumatized child, because she never got to grow up. She was seen as a monster and became a monster. That was all she knew, and when those emotions filled her chest again she knew nothing but panic. She sees empathy as a weakness, just like all the other monsters do. Even to the point where she recoils from her own older sister’s sincerest apologies. Until Lucia has gona through what Mary has gone through, so long as they are different, Mary sees no place for reconciliation. And that id what causes her own downfall.
And the ending. The falling ending.
I think the fact that it ended with them all still falling makes it such a beautiful finale. It’s open-ended, we don’t know what faits await them. Do they fall as the starlight dapples across their skin and fall into the earth, becoming part of the cycle once more? Do they survive the fall, and the three of them live, watching as the moon slowly falls across the horizon and not into the maw of a beast, crying sobs of relief that their world was saved? Does one of them drag themselves out of the ocean to find their companions cold and motionless on the shore? I think the fact that we don’t know gives us so much more to think about, even though the campaign is over.
anyways thank you council + milo for making another incredible campaign and fuck you for adding to my cry counter (/nm ofc it was absolutely incredible)
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malphurisms · 29 days
a very close friend of mine’s brother suddenly passed away and his family is trying to raise money to get him cremated and to throw a celebration of life in his honor, anything helps
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xythlia · 1 year
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Welcome one and all, horror geeks and circus freaks to your one stop shop for all things blood, guts, and smut! An event inspired by old school cinema slasher marathons each week will feature a fic that'll have you squirming in your seat. Before you proceed I just have one question...
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🔪 10/06 | SCREAM
knife play
• You thought having a secret admirer was flattering, until a bizarre gift is slipped inside your bag. Little do you know a peeping toms been watching your every move and knows that you have a fixation on a certain masked boogeyman. You're about to give Belphegor the show of a lifetime.
🔪 10/13 | THIRST
vampire AU \ biting
• It drips down your skin, hot and thick as wax. His eyes threaten to swallow you whole, holding you captive as your mind turns sluggish. There's no need to fear as teeth pierce your skin once more, you keep telling yourself vampires are just stories as Satan ushers you into life after death
loss of virginity \ yandere
• The house creeks, nervous footsteps amplified inside the darkened quiet of the house. The only thing you're sure of is the destination after sneaking Mammon inside your Halloween sleepover: your bed
• There's nothing beyond the smoldering flickers of light and the soft burn of his touch against your naked skin. His laugh as startling as a struck match in the dead quiet. There is no one to serve but the man in front of you, no one to offer you relief except Lucifer. He'll give it to you, fret not. You just have to beg for it
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› all works can be found under the tag #🔪WGBITN
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© XYTHLIA. do not copy, modify, translate or repost my work.
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nerves-nebula · 1 month
Hello 👋🌸,
I hope you're well. Dr. Farhat's family urgently needs our help due to the ongoing violence. Please share and support the "Save Dr. Farhat's family from genocide in Gaza" campaign. Every share makes a difference.
Link: https://gofund.me/e9f9ce20
Thank you so much for any support you can provide 💖.
With gratitude,
Dr. Farhat's Family 🌹
Verified campaign #248 by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi.
248 on the vetted list
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kilfeur · 4 months
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Ok déjà les deux premières images, pourrait être leur séparation ou bien justement solidifier leur union. Et vu que Janai brûle les racines, ça pourrait être la mort d'Amaya ou bien le fait que quelque chose arrive à la graine et du coup ça se répercute à l'endroit où elle l'avait gardé. Et n'a d'autres choix que de brûler les racines signifiant la perte de l'avenir de son royaume .
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Les prochaines images sont Callum et une créature, Callum semble être seule mais vu qu'on voit justement Rayla sur la dernière image. Je suppose qu'elle finit par le rejoindre pour l'aider. Par contre j'ai l'impression qu'elle porte un collier de lune cette créature, ça me fait un peu penser à Ava. Peut être que cette créature garde la tour céleste !
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Ezran qui réconforte justement Zym qui sont sans nouvelles de Zubeia. J'imagine que Soren et Corvus sont justement partis à sa recherche. Et la deuxième image où Ezran est sous la pluie avec Opeli, ça pourrait être à propos de ces fameux principes défiés. Donc curieuse de voir ça, concernant Ezran .
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La tour céleste semblait plus petite en largeur après j'imagine que c'est plus petit à l'extérieur, grand à l'intérieur. Avec pas mal d'elfes célestes, par contre ce que tient Stella, c'est la prison d'Aaravos ou c'est autre chose ? Et la dernière image fait très cérémonie, soit c'est la couronne ou bien la lame de nova (voir même les deux). Soit c'est autre chose peut être lié à l'arcanum de l'étoiles.
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Et Karim qui a la couronne même si je la trouve différente par rapport à celle de Janai. Et la graine semble subir quelque chose, Karim a du sang sur les mains. Donc soit celui de sa soeur, Pharos, Miyana mais le plus possible serait Amaya. Et c'est peut être ça qui cloche justement avec la graine !
Okay, the first two images could be their separation, or they could be solidifying their union. And given that Janai burns the roots, it could be Amaya's death or the fact that something has happened to the seed and it's affecting the place where she kept it. And she has no choice but to burn the roots, meaning the loss of her kingdom's future.
The next images are Callum and a creature. Callum seems to be alone, but Rayla is seen in the last image. I suppose she eventually joins him to help him. On the other hand, I have the impression that this creature is wearing a moon necklace, which reminds me a little of Ava. Maybe this creature is guarding the celestial tower!
Ezran comforting Zym, who has no news of Zubeia. I imagine Soren and Corvus are out looking for her. And the second image, where Ezran is in the rain with Opeli, could be about those famous defied principles. So I'm curious to see what this means for Ezran.
The celestial tower seemed smaller in terms of width, but I imagine it's smaller on the outside and bigger on the inside. With lots of celestial elves, but is what Stella's holding the prison of Aaravos or something else? And the last image is very ceremonial: it's either the crown or the nova blade (or even both). Or something else, perhaps linked to the star's arcanum.
And Karim has the crown, although I find it different from Janai's. And the seed seems to be undergoing something, Karim has blood on his hands. So either his sister's, Pharos, Miyana, but the most possible would be Amaya. And maybe that's exactly what's wrong with the seed!
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louisupdates · 3 months
[Translated from French]
A former One Direction singer has a TV installed in the middle of the festival to support England
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A fan, a real one.
While performing at the Glastonbury festival, Louis Tomlinson, ex-One Direction singer, delighted his people on Sunday by bringing back a television to allow Three Lions supporters to follow the England-Slovakia match (2-1). A nice gesture which follows the decision of the festival organizers not to screen the round of 16.
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If the retransmission was punctuated by some signal losses, the festival-goers present in the campsite were able to follow, then celebrate the miraculous English victory, which allows Gareth Southgate's men to qualify for the quarter-finals of this Euro 2024. Three Lions will face Switzerland on July 6 at 6 p.m.
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kyrieren · 5 months
Umbrella vs. Rain: The Driving Forces of Saezuru (1)
Note: My analysis relies heavily on visual elements.
It's impossible to overlook the pivotal roles of rain and the umbrella in "Saezuru". Rain cascades indiscriminately, looms around in moments of predicament, jeopardy, and inner turmoil. It embodies the cruelty and suffering that life offers, taking on a tangible form. On the other side of the frontline, the umbrella acts as a shield against the rain. Despite appearing small and insignificant compared to the rain, the umbrella is the one that the characters need – the manifestation of care, understanding, empathy, and love. Ultimately, it is love that truly shields them from the onslaught of the rain.
I. Rain - the befallen suffering
They are the most vulnerable, being bareheaded.
Rain is a character that makes its debut in the oneshot and is officially introduced by Yashiro in chapter 2 as the pitfall that is hard to get out. As long as you are alive, it seems impossible to do so, for suffering is life itself. This is true for Yashiro, caught in childhood trauma, burdened with unrequited love, and the ordeal of the yakuza world.
The first time rain appears is in the oneshot with Kageyama, bareheaded under the downpour at his father's funeral, which emphasizes his profound loss.
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2. Doumekia & Aoi
Followingly, rain ensnares Doumeki and his sister, Aoi in its claws. Each of them is besieged by personal turmoil, yet they both converge at the crossroads of guilt. Doumeki wrestles with self-reproach for abandoning his sister despite her pleas, leading to the rape, while Aoi blames herself for Doumeki's imprisonment and his descent into the unforgiving world of the yakuza, a path of no return.
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In this scene, Doumeki presents bareheaded to Aoi, when Aoi, despite having received an umbrella from Yashiro, discards it in confrontation with her brother - a stark visualization of their mutual vulnerability in this emotional tug-of-war. Meanwhile, at the page bottom, Yashiro stands unscathed under a black umbrella, impervious to the rain, playing the role of an observer amidst their turmoil.
3. Doumeki & Yashiro - The first time they have sex
Rain is also an indication of psychological hang-ups, which climb to the climax when they have sex for the first time. In this scene, Doumeki is carrying Yashiro upstairs to his apartment, both are exposed to the rain without the protection of an umbrella. Under the rain, they are defenseless and vulnerable. A predicament unfolds.
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The mental wrestling is palpable for each of them. Doumeki's tender love is evident as he tries his very best to treasure Yashiro, which is demonstrated in his attempt to shield Yashiro from the rain with his jacket, though it's all in vain eventually. Despite his efforts, both of them end up getting soaked. This is when past and present intertwine, when the rain of the present drags Yashiro back to the fait accompli he's trying desperately his whole life to decline—he is the victim, the rape does ruin him, and he can’t confront his own emotions. On this page cover, though Yashiro is under the roof with Doumeki beside him, the rain still hurts him deeply.
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Ironically and tragically, Doumeki's love and gentle care, meant to comfort and protect, inadvertently break through Yashiro's defense mechanism, causing him pain. This sabotages Doumeki's feelings too.
4. Douemki & Yashiro - the end of the Hirata arc
Last but not least, Saezuru's powerful closure of the Hirata arc is not completed without the attendance of the rain.
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They try to save each other. From Hirata, successfully. From the rain, yes and also no. The expression on Yashiro's face is complicated. In the moment of suicidal attempt, he clings to the deceptive desire to "sully the beautiful", to "hurt those I hold dear".
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It is a blatant lie, for although he doesn't need his own life, he has done everything he could to save Doumeki, the man he deeply loves, even if he has to be cruel to get him away. Nevertheless, eventually Doumeki still comes for him. That soft look on Yashiro speaks volumes when he touches Doumeki's wound. It could be either relieved or helpless, or both. In the final panel, injured and exhausted, they collapse, allowing the rain to drench them. Yoneda sensei cleverly emphasizes the imagery of grass. Grass, akin to a fragile baby bird, and flower representing beauty and life, which are associated with Doumeki in Yashiro's mind. However, Yashiro doesn't ever realize it is him who is truly beautiful and resilient.
As a plane passes overhead, a fleeting respite from the rain spares the grass before it resumes its relentless task.
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The presence of grass in the final scene can be interpreted in multiple ways. It can be Doumeki, or it can be Yashiro. Grass can also be taken as a metaphor for life. Are the lives spared? Literally, yes, for the notorious rain to keep harassing it. So is it a no? Not quite. Just as the grass needs rain to thrive, Yashiro must confront the pain of the truth and the pain of giving up his coping mechanism, which has been engraved in his bones, so that he can finally be liberated and "live" to the full meaning of the word, not just exists in torment. However, among many paths to death, there is only one path to life. The outcome remains uncertain, but there is a chance, indeed, it's upon Yashiro to take it or break it.
In hindsight, rain is not such a villain after all.
Read the next parts here:
Part 2:
Part 3:
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typingtess · 1 month
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “Maybe Today”
The basics:  While Kilbride visits his son, the team works a cold case from 2003.
Written by: Samantha Chasse & Matt Klafter
Samantha Chasse co-wrote “Kill Beale Vol. 1”, wrote “Impostor Syndrome” (one of season 12’s best episodes) and “Murmuration”. 
Matt Klafter co-wrote “Smokescreen Part II”, “A Fait Accompli” and “Hard for the Money”.  Was the sole writer for “Where Loyalties Lie”.
Directed by: Eric A. Pot directed “Resurrection”, “Windfall”, “Traitor”, “Internal Affairs”, “Home is Where the Heart Is”, “Forasteira”, “Reentry”, “Hit List”, “The One Who Got Away”, “Kill Beale Vol 1” (co-written by Chasse), “Fortune Favors the Bold”, “A Fait Accopli” (co-written by Klafter), “Imposter Syndrome” (written by Chasse), “Indentured”, “Sorry for Your Loss” and “Survival of the Fittest”.
Guest stars of note:  Christopher Gorham as Alex Kilbride, Rose Abdoo as Special Agent Daisy Van Zandt, Eva Tamargo as Mrs. Perez, Kevin McCorkle as Jack Baker, Cuyle Carvin as Aaron Baker, Courtney Cunningham as Jen Anderson, Jhey Castles as Melissa Baker, Keenan Henson as Kevin Phillips and Joe Keyes as Taxi Driver.
Our heroes:  Deal with parents and children.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Not afraid of strong women. Sam:   Senior Chief, Special Warfare Kensi:  Couldn’t imagine what a mother would feel about a missing child. Deeks:  Working well with LAPD. Fatima:  Listening to old interview cassette tapes in Kilbride’s truck. Rountree:  Not a fan of old case files in moldy, charred boxes. Kilbride:  Finally listening to his son.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Looking for a Sam’s plus one for the wedding. Sam:    No interest in Callen’s plus one-ing. Kensi:  Wants Rosa to participate in extra circular activities. Deeks:   Wants Rosa to be protected from all types of danger. Fatima:   Office bound. Rountree:   See Fatima. Kilbride:  Spending the night on his son’s couch.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not a mention.
Who's down with OTP:   Kensi and Deeks have debates over keeping Rosa safe.  Callen is comfortable marrying a confident woman.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Callen is looking for a Sam love connection which is a complete change in roles from the first five seasons.
Fashion review:  Callen wore a midnight blue sweater.  Another long-sleeve black tee for Sam.  Kensi wears a long-sleeve top that has a graduated color scheme that starts white around her shoulders, pink and grey across her chest and black the rest of the way down.  Deeks has a light blue henley on.  Fatima has a thick brown sweater.  Rountree is wearing a black hoodie.  Kilbride is casual with a thick dark blue sweater over a lighter blue plaid button down shirt.
Music:   “Killer” by Phoebe Bridgers plays in a montage near the end of the episode.
Any notable cut scene:  Yes, one, after weeks of nothing.  Driving to Jen Anderson’s, Kensi and Deeks discuss the case moving from a missing persons case to a death.  Kensi is down on local law enforcement for not doing more.  Deeks is a bit more sympathetic.   Missing persons aren’t always missing persons, sometimes people just walk away from their lives.  After a while, the police have other cases to solve.
Kensi hears from Rountree – the local news stations have picked up the story.  Deeks checks his phone – national news, NPR, the BBC are all cover the story.  Kensi and Deeks realize that the killer, who lived 20-years without anyone knowing there was a killing, now knows they are the focus of a national news story.
Quote:  Callen:  “How can we help?” Daisy:  “Stay close by.  Try not to get in the way.  First cold case?” Callen:  “Yeah.” Daisy:  “Couple of virgins. This'll be fun.  I've been working cases since '04.  Solved more of them than the next two agents combined.” Callen:  “I like your modesty.” Daisy:  “Confidence in a woman make you uncomfortable, Agent Callen?” Callen:  “Well, if it did, then I'm about to marry the wrong woman.”
Anything else:  A car is driving down a rural road.  2003 shows up on the screen.  The radio in the car is playing an address by then President George W. Bush about major combat operations ending in Iraq.  A man steps out of the vehicle and puts on some gloves.  Inside the vehicle is a woman wearing a Navy sweatshirt who looks like she’s out cold.   There’s duct tape on her mouth and her hands are bound. 
As the man walks away from the vehicle to use a payphone, the woman is awake and alert.  She takes off the seat belt holding her to the car seat.  She tries to open the car door but the man finished his call and is returning to the vehicle.  Again, playing unconscious, she waits until the man nears the car door.  She opens the door with great force, knocking the man to the ground.  She flees on foot.  She gets the bindings off her hands and removes the tape on her mouth as she runs.  The man starts the car to chase her.  She calls for help as she runs into a wooded area.
In 2024, a car is pulled from a lake.  The license plate and the vehicle are from the 2003 scenes.  A female NCIS agent confirms “it’s hers” and calls for the best NCIS team in the area.
Walking into the office, Kensi and Deeks are talking about Rosa, extracurricular activities and college applications.  Kensi thinks Rosa needs them, Deeks thinks Yale won’t care since you can get into law school there by twirling a baton.  Baton is color guard, Kensi correct Deeks, Rosa is interested in doing gymnastics, Deeks is worried she’ll get hurt.  Kensi lists a number of activities Rosa could join – track, water polo, AV Club – where Deeks has a reason she could get hurt - shin splints, chlorine poisoning (obviously), electrocution.  Kensi tells him to stop.  He is half-joking but he wants her safe,  Kensi says they can’t cover Rosa in bubble wrap.  Deeks is looking more for small packing peanuts.
In Ops, Kensi asks if they have a new case.  Fatima and Rountree explains it is more a like an old one.  Navy Petty Officer Britney Perez, Fatima starts to explain but Kensi thinks the name sounds familiar.  It was – there was a documentary series about Perez recently.  A hiker at Castaic Lake saw a car in the lake – water levels are so low it was easy to see on a trail.  Deeks thinks this may be the one time where climate change is good.  He knows it sounds wrong.  The four talk about bringing Kilbride into the case but Deeks wants Kilbride to spend time with his son.  Callen and Sam on their way to the crime scene.  Kensi asks about next of kin.  Perez had a mother who has not been informed about the car.  Kensi can’t fathom being a mother to a missing child.  She and Deeks are going to see Mrs. Perez, maybe offer some answers.
Walking up to an apartment door, Admiral Kilbride sighs before knocking.  A man in his mid-to-late 40’s answers the door and says hello Dad.  Dad Kilbride replies with just “Alex.”  Inviting his father into the apartment, Alex explains the set-up is temporary, he’s still trying to work things out with his wife Deb.  It is a rather generic one-bedroom apartment with rather generic furniture. 
Kilbride asks where he can hang his coat and hat as Alex pours the two some coffee.  Opening a closet, Kilbride sees it is full of fancy diplomas, an expensive desk name plate.  There is a hook so the hat and jacket go there.  Kilbride asks Alex about work and Alex replies “great.”  He has a new client working on a cryptocurrency exchange.  The silence after that is uncomfortable.
Callen and Sam pull up at the crime scene.  They’re talking about Stacy, Anna’s maid of honor.  Sam is adding drama according to Callen.  The two address Special Agent Daisy Van Zandt, the female agent who supervised the car being removed from the lake.  Callen and Sam are investigating their first cold case  - “a couple of virgins” according to Daisy – so she asks them to stay close but also stay out of the way.
Daisy has been working cold cases in 2004 and has solved twice as many cold cases in her time than the next two agents combined.  Callen admires her modesty.  Daisy asks if confidence in woman worries Callen.  If it does, Callen tells her, he’s going to have a problem with the woman he’s about to marry.  Daisy tells Callen and Sam that the case of Brittney Perez “had my number”.  There’s never been any evidence until now.  An agent calls for Daisy.  The car truck is opened and the skeletal remains of someone are inside.
Calling Kensi and Deeks, Callen says the coroner ID’d the body as Brittney Perez.  Hanging up, he returns to Sam and Daisy.  Kensi and Deeks will be telling Perez’s mother.  Daisy doesn’t envy that task.  Callen asks about the original case agents.  Two local field office agents, Walker and Haskins, had the case originally.  Walker retired to Florida a few years back, Haskins is dead.  Sam asks Daisy what she thought of all this.  “There’s good work, there’s sloppy work and there there’s whatever the hell this was.  It’s no wonder why this case wound up with us.” 
Callen asks about suspects.  There was one suspect – Petty Office Aaron Baker.  A witness said Baker and Perez were arguing outside a bar.  Perez slapped Baker.  Sam wondered about the argument but Daisy doesn’t know what it was about.  Neither does Baker, according to Daisy, who was too drunk to remember according to Walker and Haskins.  They didn’t bother to push him on what he could and couldn’t remember.  He’s third generation Navy.  Callen is stunned. 
When Perez went missing, Baker was home according to his bunkmate.  The two were watching video games all night.  Looking at the truck, Sam asks for a vial.  He found a tooth in the trunk.  Perez’s body is still in the trunk and it is obvious she has all her teeth.  Sam believes Perez fought until the end.  There will be a DNA test and while teeth and bone are really strong for finding DNA, 20-years in the water isn’t a good environment.  Callen and Sam are off to talk to Baker. 
In the boat shed, Kensi and Deeks are comforting and kind to Mrs. Perez.  Mrs. Perez shares photos of Britney stored on her phone.  Britney was strong and smart and funny.  Mrs. Perez explains that she was a single mom.  She and Britney only had each other.  That’s why she never believed the investigators who thought Britney went AWOL, fearing she would be deployed.  Asked if Britney was worried about being deployed, Mrs. Perez said her daughter loved the Navy.  Besides, she would never leave without saying goodbye. 
Before she went missing, Britney was upset and a frazzled.  There was something about her roommate Jen, there was a bad situation.  Britney wouldn’t tell her mother the whole story.  She wanted to protect her mother.  Mrs. Perez tells Kensi and Deeks that she was waiting for this day for the last 20-years.  Now she’d like to have one more day of not knowing that someone killed her daughter.  Grabbing Kensi’s arm, Mrs. Perez asks that they not give up on Britney this time.  Kensi promises.
In Ops, Rountree has been looking into Aaron Baker.  At 18, Baker was arrested for assault and battery, a charge that was pled down to a misdemeanor.  While he got away with that, his DNA is now in the system so it should be easy to match anything that can be retrieved from the tooth.  Fatima is still waiting for the files for the case to be sent – it is taking hours. 
Fatima is also investigating Petty Officer Jen Anderson, Perez’s roommate.  Anderson went AWOL days before Perez disappeared.  Rountree gets a text – the files are downstairs.  Fatima is surprised, her tablet didn’t beep when the files were sent.  The files were sent – physical files.  They are in charred yet damp banker boxes.  Daisy sent a note – the burn marks are from wildfires in 2009, the dampness from flooding in 2015.  Rountree leaves, saying “you’ve got this, right.”  Fatima is not pleased.
Callen and Sam approach a man asking if he’s Aaron Baker.  It’s Jack Baker, Aaron’s dad.  He’s working on a boat in the garage.  Jack Baker explains he’s been living with Aaron and Aaron’s wife Melissa since his house burned down in the Bell Canyon fires.  Aaron’s out and Jack is happy to tell him that NCIS stopped by – why were they stopping by.  When Callen says a cold case from 2003, Jack reacts poorly.  Since the documentary series, the family has gotten late night phone calls, people just showing up at the house, death threats.  Callen is sorry they had to go through that.  Before they leave, Sam fixes a knot on a boat.  Jack is impressed and asks if Sam is Navy.  When Sam says Senior Chief, Special Warfare, Jack is a bit more open.  Since Aaron and Melissa went shopping and will be back soon, Jack’s fine with Callen and Sam waiting inside the house.
Inside the house, Jack is showing some photos he has of his time during Desert Storm.  He was a Chief Petty Officer running the Beachmasters unit.  Aaron and Melissa arrive.  When Callen explains they are from NCIS and it is about Britney Perez, Melissa wants no part of the interview – the family has been through enough.  Callen tells them about Britney’s body being found.  “The sooner we have answers, the sooner this will be over for everyone,” Sam says.  Jack seems supportive of Callen and Sam so Aaron is open to answering questions.
Asked about what he was arguing about with Britney, Aaron doesn’t remember.  Jack is cheerleading for his son during the interview.  Things happened 20-years ago, hard to remember.  Sam asks if Aaron remember his roommate for 20-years ago.  He does – Kevin Phillips and they were friends at the time.  The two haven’t spoken in over a decade.  Before they plan on leaving, Callen asks if Aaron was willing to turn over his dental records.  Melissa puts her foot down – she considers this harassment.  She’s calling a lawyer and if they want his dental records, Callen and Sam need a warrant. 
Leaving the home, both Callen and Sam are sure Aaron remembers more than saying and Melissa knows that too.  They want Rountree to find Kevin Phillips to see what he remembers.  Callen gets a text from Daisy – they found DNA in the tooth.  They don’t need a warrant for Aaron’s dental records, they already have his DNA on file.
Coming down the stairs, Rountree asks how Fatima is doing with the physical files.  About half of the files belong to different cases.  What belongs to this case is either burned or moldy.  She also thinks there is something live in one of the boxes.  Rountree found Jen Anderson, who is living in Sun Valley.  She was arrested for drugs about five years ago and is currently on parole.  Kensi and Deeks are on their way to see her. 
Fatima finds a box of cassette tapes of interviews, amazed at the lack of technical prowess of the original investigators.  Rountree isn’t sure where they would find a cassette player.  Fatima is – Kilbride’s truck is in the carport.  He’s on vacation, probably having the time of his life, according to Rountree.  They can listen to the tapes in Kilbride’s truck.
Not having the time of his life – Kilbride.  Alex is explaining how the coffee he’s serving is from a farmer’s market downtown that has a direct connection with a coffeehouse in Guatemala.  The Admiral doesn’t much care about the coffee.  The Admiral knows what’s going on.  Alex admits he’s back in rehab, sticking with the program and going to meetings.  The Admiral is happy to hear it.  Alex thinks everything is so weird.  Kilbride is willing to go back to the last conversation the two had.  Things are going downhill fast.
When Kilbride complains that things aren’t that easy for him either, Alex asks why Kilbride is even there. Alex realizes “Mom asked you to come.”  Alex is annoyed that his mother couldn’t leave well enough along.  “If you were ‘well enough’ she never would have asked,” Kilbride replies.  He’s angry that Alex was given every opportunity, given anything a person could ask for.  Alex tells his father he didn’t ask for what he’s got now.  Kilbride replies he didn’t turn it down either. 
Exasperated, Alex says he wasn’t born ready to take on the world like Kilbride was.  Kilbride disagrees – the only difference between the two of them was “I didn’t fold up like a cheap suit every time life got hard.”  Imitating his father offering advice like “suck it up” and “take it like a man”, Alex asked if he missed any not helpful pieces of advice.  Pausing a beat, Kilbride tells Alex he’s there to help.  Alex thinks that help is 40-years too late.  “I don’t want your help.  Just go.”  Alex is sure Kilbride has more important work to do.  Grabbing his coat and hat, Kilbride leaves.
In the cold case lab, Callen brings up Emily instead of Stacy, another possible plus one for the wedding.  Callen thinks Emily is a much better fit for the wedding.  Daisy arrives.  The tooth is inconclusive when it comes to a match for Aaron Baker.  The pool of suspects is basically anyone living in Los Angeles in 2003.  Callen asks about forensic genealogy – that’s how they found the Golden State Killer.  Daisy says TV makes that all look too easy.  They would have to build out a family tree, that takes time, and other family members who put in their DNA for genealogy.  But she’ll get her staff working on that.  When Daisy leaves, Sam mentions he really likes Daisy.  Callen wants to know if that’s in a plus-one sort of way.  Rountree calls – he found Kevin Phillips.  Phillips has been working in Long Beach for a masonry firm.  Before that, several years in prison for wire fraud and falsifying records.  Baker’s alibi was from a convicted liar.  And it is a non-violent crime so Phillips’s DNA wouldn’t be in the system.  Callen and Sam want to talk to Phillips.
While Fatima listens to some really bad detective work in Kilbride’s truck, Rountree pretends the Admiral has returned.  Fatima isn’t all that amused.  She updates Rountree on what she’s learned.  Perez spoke to her CO before she disappeared.  The CO on the tape said Perez wanted to report a crime for her roommate but he thought it was just a he said/she said situation.  If they reported every he said/she said situation to NCIS, NCIS would stop taking the base’s calls.  Perez was forced to take matters in her own hands by confronting Baker.  But since she already reported the crime, Baker would have no reason to silence Perez.  Unless she was willing to take her claims to a larger audience.
Continuing his litany of dangerous things for Rosa to stay away from, Deeks has vetoed the Girl Scouts, academic decathlon, choir and ceramics.  “What sort of a manic lets minors around a kiln?” Deeks asks.  At Jen Anderson’s door, Deeks knocks and someone starts shooting through the door.  Kensi goes out back to find Anderson washed all her sheets and they’re all hanging on clothes lines.  A man shoots at Kensi.  She returns fire, hitting him on the leg.  When Deeks joins Kensi in the backyard, they hear something at the back door.  It is Jen Anderson.
The man shooting at Kensi is Anderson’s friend Marcus, “a narcissistic idiot”, who thought Kensi and Deeks were there to arrest him.  Seems he had a lot of drugs with him.  Marcus is going to jail for a long time for drugs and shooting at Federal Agents.  Deeks asks Anderson about Aaron Baker and Britney Perez 20-years ago.   When Anderson asks if Kensi spoke to Baker about “it”, Kensi said they did.  Anderson walks away while Deeks deals with LAPD.
Gently, Kensi pushes Anderson to talk about what happened with Aaron Baker.  They can’t solve Perez’s case without her.  Anderson tells Kensi that Baker “assaulted” her.  Took her life away while his went on without a worry in the world.  Anderson left the Navy.  Perez was the only person who knew what happened.  She was a good friend to Anderson who wouldn’t let Baker walk around free as Anderson was losing her career.  Perez reported the crime against Anderson’s wishes.  Anderson left the day Perez reported the crime.  A few days later, Perez’s disappearance was all over the news.  Anderson didn’t speak to investigators – if they didn’t believe Perez, they weren’t going to believe her.
Kevin Phillips is on the wrong side of the desk in Interrogation.  Aaron Baker may have been Phillips’s best friend but he wouldn’t lie for him.  Sam asks if Phillips is lying for himself.  He swears he had no reason to kill Perez.  Sam sees a way that Philips, knowing that Baker had a Navy family, would protect Baker from the harm caused Perez’s accusations.  Phillips is firm – Baker didn’t kill Perez and he didn’t kill Perez.  Callen asks Phillips to prove it – provide a DNA sample.  Phillips agrees. 
As Callen goes to speak with Daisy, Sam questions Phillip about his reaction to Sam’s Navy-oriented question.  Sam wonders how serious Aaron Baker was about the Navy.  Phillips admits that Baker liked the Navy because it helped his dating life.  When Baker would get blackout drunk – which was all the time – he’d speak about his father.  Jack Baker would bully his son, calling him a failure and a disgrace to the family.  Sam asks if Jack Baker knew about Perez’s accusations.  He did.
Daisy puts the kibosh on a DNA test for Kevin Phillips.  A deeper look into the DNA again a genealogy search matched Aaron Baker – a partial match.  Sam arrives, asking if it a 50% match.  It is.  Daisy would need to see a DNA sample for Jack Baker.  Callen has just the man for the case.
Wearing Artie, Deeks is trash pail diving around the Baker home.  He’s not happy about the assignment.  Kensi is taking photos of Deeks to support the chain of custody.  Under the Abandoned DNA Act, any genetic material left in a public place can be used by law enforcement.   Chanting he has a law degree and loves his job, Deeks is picking through the regular trash.
Jack Baker leaves the home, dropping paint cans and rubber gloves into the recycling pail.  The gloves would have DNA so Deeks goes to retrieve them, muttering all the way.  As Deeks gets into the recycling pail, Jack Baker tries to run Deeks off.  Deeks knocks down the pail, yells “I am Spartacus” and shows Kensi he has the gloves.  Fatima and Rountree listen in to all this.
As Kilbride is Ubering back to the airport, the driver mentions that a tough day can be forgotten by showering and a good night sleep.  Kilbride instead, returns to Alex’s apartment.  Alex asks why Kilbride is there.  Kilbride replies he’s there to do something he should have done years ago.
In the cold cases lab, Daisy confirms to Kensi and Deeks that the DNA on the gloves is a 100% match.  Kensi calls that into Ops – they’ll meet Callen and Sam at the Baker home but Jack Baker is gone.  He left to go to the hardware store – LAPD had him under surveillance – but lost him in the store.  Fatima is trying to track his truck with GPS.  He was at a storage facility in Van Nuys.  Rountree has security cam photos of Jack Baker removing a rifle from his storage unit and putting it in his truck.  Kensi sighs – Jack Baker knows NCIS is coming for him, “and that’s not good,” according to Deeks.
On the freeway, Callen and Sam are trying to find Jack Baker.  He’s going north – to Castaic Lake.  Kensi and Deeks are about 15-minutes behind Callen and Sam.  There was a hit and run by Aaron Baker’s house – with Baker’s BMW.  Kensi and Deeks are going to Aaron Baker’s home to see if Aaron was making a run for it.  Callen and Sam will deal with Jack Baker. 
At Castaic Lake, Sam looks around Jack Baker’s truck – the rifle is gone. 
Kensi and Deeks cut off Aaron Baker, ordering him out of his car.  Saying he doesn’t have time for this, he’s afraid his father is going to hurt himself.  Or something worse. 
On comms, Kensi warns Callen and Sam that Jack Baker may be on a suicide mission.  Callen and Sam realize Jack Baker wants to kill himself but wants Callen and Sam to do the actual killing.  Sam sees Baker and starts approaching him.  When Baker stops, he complains “that bitch” was going to ruin his son’s life.  Sam disagrees – Aaron ruined his own life by his actions.  Baker claims he was doing what any father would do – protect his son.  Again Sam disagrees – Baker killed a woman who was doing the right thing.  Baker promises he won’t die in prison.  He turns his gun on Sam and tries to fire.  Sam shoots Baker.  Looking at the body, Sam realizes Baker had the safety on.
“Great, I miss all the fun,” Daisy says as she pulls up to the crime scene.  She wanted to know how the story ends.  Callen asks if they can send back the file boxes.  The OSP would like the file boxes to be returned.  Asked what she’s going to do now, Daisy has lots of cold cases – she’ll work on them until there are none left.  Callen wonders how many cold cases are there.  She doesn’t keep count.  She’d like Callen and Sam to join her – she could always use another body or two.  Probably phrased wrong. 
As Daisy goes to see what’s going on, Callen gets a text.  Stacey has a date for the wedding but Emily is still looking for a plus one.  Sam is sure Emily can find a date for the wedding.  Callen pushes until Sam relents.  He’d like to get to know Emily – really know her as his plus one.  Maybe Callen, Sam, Anna and Emily can go for a fancy dinner Friday – Callen’s treat.  Then next Friday, pricey sushi – Callen’s treat.  Then there’s a private chef that will cook for couples.  Callen walks way, even threatens to walk home.  Sam is sure his days of fending off plus one offers are done.
Jen Anderson texts Kensi.  She’s going public with her accusations against Aaron Blake.  Maybe her telling the truth will give strength to other victims.  Deeks puts his arms around Kensi.
Mrs. Perez lights a floating candle at Castaic Lake.
Daisy puts the tooth and DNA into an evidence bag.  Putting it all in a freezer where there are thousands of vials of DNA, she says, “one down, hundreds to go.”
In his apartment, Alex explains to his father that his marriage is over.  Kilbride wants to know what can he do for Alex.  “Talking help,” he explains.   Admitting the truth, Alex says he doesn’t have a new client, his firm let him go.  Kilbride already knew.  Alex found talking to his father “nice.”  Alex notes that Kilbride was going to miss his flight – until he realizes that Kilbride already missed the flight.  Kilbride will be sacking out on the couch, enjoying another cup of coffee with his son. 
What head canon can be formed from here:    There are probably two really good episodes here but because the Drona drama has to eat up lots of episodes, the two great storylines were crammed into one good but not great episode. 
There were two really good episodes in this episode but by cutting and pasting them together, there was one good episode instead. 
Cramming the two episodes together, you had a theme of parents and their children.  Fathers – Deeks, Kilbride and Jack Baker – and mothers – Kensi, Mrs. Perez.  Deeks had the easy part – he was playing it for laughs but with his history in the public defenders office, the LAPD and now with NCIS, he knows how badly things can go for young people in the world.  Also knowing how badly things can go for young people in the world is Kilbride.  Kilbride wound up with the career and code in life to live by.  That wasn’t want Alex needed and Kilbride did not have the ability to deal with his issues.  Jack Baker seemingly forced his career on his son who had no interest in the code a man should live by.  So Jack Baker murdered an innocent woman to keep his son’s future bright. 
With Kensi and Mrs. Perez, you have two women who want/wanted their daughters to go out into the world to be the best versions of themselves.  Deeks’s over-the-top worries about Rosa’s safety is undercut by how Britney Perez did all the right things – protected and friend, fought for justice – and spent 20-years drowned in the trunk of her car.
There should have been a solo episode about Britney Perez’s disappearance and one solo episode about Kilbride with his son/Kensi and Deeks dealing with Rosa’s future. 
Loved, loved, loved Daisy.  Memo to the surviving NCIS and the possible new NCIS.  Find something for Daisy to do in either 2024 or in the past with the young Gibbs/young Mike Frank.  This was a program that spent years with limited recurring characters – how great would it have been to have Hetty and Daisy mixing things up in season four.
One good episode that could have been two great hours.
Episode number:   This is episode number 319, the 17th episode of season 14.
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Jack/Daniel Stories on Fanfiction.net
(disclaimer, I have only read one of these and cannot vouch for the content of any of them, I am just making a list for some friends)
*Also, I had these all nicely linked, story and author, but Tumblr is being a bitch and won't allow it, sorry it's not more convenient)
K & K+ Rated
Confirmation by WritinginCT
Scars Upon The Heart by SecretArt
Things You Miss by SecretArt
Whispers In The Dark by xfirefly9x
A Study of Squabbling by HeartofSword26
JackDaniel's by corbeauprophet (this one is in French)
A Midnight Call by WritinginCT
Bringing Home Baby by LadieLazarus
Against Earth Customs by Pixie Child (Crossover with SGA, including John/Rodney)
Flashes of Loss by WritinginCT
Speaking O'Neill by Jaz22
The Reason by Chance
Danny Boy by ninja-hamsters
Rêve ou réalité by Cybelia (this one is in French)
A Better Offer by magickmoons
No Time by magickmoons
Pendulum by Eilidh17
Trust Me by abstractwhisk
Big Boss Man by cestmoi01 (mild slash only)
Chapstick by Couldbeaswampdudette
After the Abyss by JackDanielForever (preship)
Dreams of Another Life by lilyleia78 (UST)
They Can Too by gatehead81
Most people notice when they've been teleported by KitCatty
Not What I Had in Mind by Daria234
Vows He Never Broke by WritinginCT (includes Jack/Sara)
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by cestmoi01 (implied only)
Daniel's Gift by WritinginCT
You can't always be his prince in shining armor by Daria234
Zonck, the magic word by Malin o Frida
The Idiot's Guide To Relieving Boredom by Amarin Rose
All Shook Up by cestmoi01 (mild)
Sara's Gift by WritinginCT
Grippe by Schattentaenzerin (this one is in German and includes Sam/Janet)
Five People Jack Wishes He Could Have Saved by WritinginCT (implied)
First Sights by Schwester Aurelia (SGA crossover, background only)
Be careful what you wish for by Malin o Frida
Coming Out Of The Closet by LaurAmourFromOz (SGA crossover, includes Jack/Daniel, Shepherd/McKay, Sam/Janet, Lorne/Zelenka)
Conversation qui fait mal by Ptitepointe2 (in French)
I'll Do It! by T4L3R
Zawsze, gdy by euphoria814 (this one is in Polish)
The Case of the Summer Flu by T4L3R
The Eagle Has Swooped: And The ANZACs Are Not Happy by LaurAmourFromOz
T Rated
The Things We Couldn't Say by Gypsy Lupin-Black
Distracting by Rivulet027
Tal Pat Ryn by Orrymain
Destiny by JackDaniel4ever
Jack Daniels Straight Up by Crossbow
Jack's True Love by Emono
Sharing Recipes by magickmoons
Warnings by kangeiko
Coffee Shop by stage crew
A Little Gift by WritinginCT
Subtle by Sorrel
A Little Gift by WritinginCT
Learning to Get Along by Rivulet027 (SGA crossover)
CG 5: Truth by Foreverwolf (this is fifth in a series)
Great Minds (Galian Alliance Part 1) by Alobear (preslash)
Honesty by Alobear
Birthday Smutfest I by ellenscult
Reflections by Alobear
Someone I Trust by samantilles (SGU crossover, includes slash version and gen version)
Carbon Copy by JolinarJackson (SGA crossover, includes Rodney/Carson)
Artifacts by EntreNous
Don't You Know My Heart is on the Line? by catiepie182002 (preslash)
I Know You Need Me by Classical Sorrow (dark!Jack, also OOC Jack)
Speaking in Tongues by Ssergit
Anyway You Want Me by cestmoi01
Running With Blue Eyes by Fidella
Indian Summer by failsafeparoxysm (is actually Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Jack/Sam)
A Cold Homecoming by KalipsoRed (this is actually Sam/Daniel/Jack/Teal'c)
Pi pies are the best pies! by Schwester Aurelia (SGA crossover, includes Daniel/Jack, John/Rodney)
Saving Sam by JackDanielForever
The Runaway by Alobear
Some Things Are Meant To Be by T'Pinto
The Storage Closet by T4L3R
My Immortal by T4L3R
Books aren't worth risking your life by MelimeGreenleaf (English version)
To say I love you by MelimeGreenleaf (English version)
Inquiétude by Miss Emeraude 13 (this is in French)
What about that? by T4L3R
Le jour sans fin by nardy (also in French)
Can't Stay Away by T4L3R
Belated Observations by Gryvon
M Rated
Rumeurs by Sevy Snape (this one is in French)
Caveman by Yami no Ryu
The Walk by AnnieBooker
Clue by Four by RaeC
Surprises by Deaddlykissesno3
Resurrection I - The Ties That Bind by Annejackdanny (This is an 8 part kid!Daniel series, not linking the other seven to save space)
en l'homme l'existence précède l'essence by numb22z (also in French)
Good Idea by Deaddlykissesno3
Fireworks by lilyleia78
Adoration by lilyleia78
Then and Now by magickmoons
A Shadow Falls by Kitchyy (includes one-sided Sam/Jack)
Broca Boy by djenie
Teach Me A Lesson by Lady Shyla (dom/sub)
Spring Cleaning by Kitchyy (very adult themes)
Unification by MicheleB (sequel, is actually Sam/Jack/Daniel)
Star Light, Star Bright by magickmoons (actually Sam/Jack/Daniel)
Happy Halloween by KroBlack (this one is in French)
Driving me Crazy SLASH jack daniel by Ximeria
Across Worlds, Throughout Time by ellenscult (contains explicit sex)
The Road to Follow by Annejackdanny
Gate to Vannas by AkinaSky (an 8 part series that includes adopted children, Sam/Teal'c, and mpreg.) <- the only one I actually read.
Believe - Traduction by Lady Arianna (this one is in French)
Boucle temporelle by SongePermanent (also in French)
General O'Neill by T4L3R
Battles of Jealousy by T4L3R
Battles of Jealousy II by T4L3R
On the Edge by babs-sg1
The Whole Story by magickmoons
Believe by MelimeGreenleaf (this is the English version)
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by MelimeGreenleaf (English version)
Can't Stay Away: Trouble by T4L3R
Infinitas by FireKali Chaos
Knocking At Death's Door by Aussie-mel
Blindfolded by Aussie-mel
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peakwealth · 7 months
You Run
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Vladimir Putin, flanked by airline cabin crew (reportedly Aeroflot trainees), shortly before ordering the invasion of Ukraine.
Two recent quotes stick in my mind. The first one was by an American woman who escaped from a mass shooting incident after the US Super Bowl in Kansas City. (One dead, twenty-two injured.) Interviewed minutes later on TV, she said: In this day and age, you run.
I forget where I saw the second quote but I thought of it after Donald Trump threatened to pull the plug on NATO, should he be re-elected this year: It's as if the devil had changed sides.
Near panic broke out across Europe. Trump was willing to throw European countries, previously known as America's allies, to the wolves.
Vladimir Putin, do as you please. Ukraine, prepare to be sacrificed. And by extension, Taiwan, your time is up.
I keep coming back to this: the West isn't what it used to be. I think of myself as fortunate to have grown up in a 'eurocentric' world order, or the outcome of the second world war if you prefer. It may have been delusional but it was printed on perfume bottles: PARIS - LONDON - NEW YORK.
In reality, eurocentrism and the colonial empires that created it were already faltering by the time I came into this world. It took, however, a long time to see and accept it. As for the 'American century', it ended in 2001 with the apocalyptic scenes of 9/11 in New York City. As the towers collapsed, the world pivoted into a new era. To put it differently, the world was changing hands.
On February 24 2022 I woke up in a small hotel south of Granada and went downstairs to have coffee at the bar. I flipped open my tablet and there it was:
Until then I - we - had assumed there existed a fundamental contract with European history, immovably rooted in postwar reality and shared by all: never again, no more major wars in Europe. No one in their right mind would want to mess with that contract.
Except that Vladimir Putin had just ordered his army across the border into Ukraine.
Now I wake up every day and want to hit my head against the wall as the Russian war of aggression grinds on. Grind, meat grinder, human waves, trench warfare. The words are all desperately wrong.
After two years of daily annihilation, hundreds of thousands of lives casually erased or ruined, it goes on and on. Both sides, it has been reported, are running short of young men to waste at the front.
We do not know exactly what goes on on those front lines. We hear about Russian soldiers dispatched to their deaths as a matter of course. But we do not get to see that, nor do we get any real casualty numbers. At the beginning of the war, things were more graphic, the bodies photographed where they had fallen. Two years on, we don't know. But the broken, blasted cities tell the story, as they do in Gaza: not many people walk away alive.
And now no one seems quite sure what to do about Ukraine. The war looks unwinnable because Putin does not care about the cost in human lives.
Why fight if you can't win? Is a negotiated settlement still possible? Land for peace would mean the partition of Ukraine accepted as a fait accompli. But can there be peace without justice for Ukraine, which would effectively be sacrificed in the hope of keeping Putin's Russia in check? Putin, however, cannot be trusted, nor can Trump for that matter.
Should Trump return to the White House, a new world order might emerge overwhelmingly inimical to the west or what would be left of it. It might not even be clear where the USA would position itself. As for the loss of Ukraine, in whole or in part, it would be like small change.
You can go on like this, endlessly turning over the options and arguments in your head, none of them acceptable: Ukraine's outright surrender? Or an indefinite ceasefire that would humiliate Kyiv but leave it attached to Europe?
Faced with a historic opportunity to rewrite everything, a moment of dizzying recalculation of how the planet works and who's boss, it is hard to imagine that China would hesitate to seize the moment. Others would follow, like India, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, eventually lining up with Russia in an historic act of opportunism and Schadenfreude.
In this day and age, you run. The devil has changed sides.
A lot is at stake in 2024.
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malorydaily · 11 months
Nynyve’s entrance to Arthur’s court is decidedly less impressive than Niniane’s, her source character from the Post-Vulgate La Suite du Merlin. In the French text, far greater attention is paid to the woman’s appearance and unusual attire; she is ‘une des plus bieles damoisieles qui onques fust entree en la court le roi Artus’ (214) [one of the most beautiful damsels who had ever entered the court of King Arthur] and dressed as a huntress, complete with bow and arrow and ivory horn. Both women are abducted by a strange knight who rides into court, but the French Niniane puts up a fight, whereas Malory’s Nynyve is easily carried off, much to King Arthur’s relief, ‘for she made such a noyse’ (66/3:5). Malory’s lady, how- ever, maintains the same characteristics found in questing damsels such as the ladies of Arroy: she provides an opportunity to test knightly courtesy. Arthur fails this test by neglecting Nynyve’s request, and it takes the chid- ing of Merlin to make the king change his apathetic attitude towards her plight: ‘Thes adventures must be brought to an ende, othir ellis hit woll be disworshyp to you and to youre fest’ (66/3:5). In contrast, the French Niniane, despite her beauty, is something of an inconvenience at court. When she demands compensation for the loss of her hound and also the
disruption to her hunt that caused her to lose sight of the stag, Merlin tells her that Artu will not help her until the feast is over. In fact, Merlin establishes a new courtly custom in response to her interruption of the festivities:
Car des ore mais avra en cest ostel tel coustume que pour aventure qui aviegne, se peril mortel n’i devoit avenir, ne se remuera chevaliers qui a table se sieche devant qu’il ait mengiet. (216) [From this hour it will become the custom in this house that for no adventure that may happen, unless mortal danger should come of it, should a knight who is still at the table get up before he has eaten.]
Even when the lady is abducted, the French author seems mainly concerned to highlight Merlin’s credibility as a seer. Artu’s barons express admiration that Merlin’s prediction of the arrival of such an adventure to court has occurred, and Merlin’s casual order to Pellinor—‘montés quant il vous plaira, et alés apriés le chevalier et ramenés la damoisiele, et si le faites que vous i aiiés hounour’ (217, emphasis mine) [mount when it pleases you, and go after the knight and retrieve the maiden, and do this so that you will win honour]—pointedly implies that her plight is not a matter of urgency.
Malory’s slight alteration of the narrative reverses the French apathy towards Niniane’s abduction. By removing the description of the maiden’s beauty and the interval between the point where the knight steals her hound to where she herself is abducted, Malory lets the action take over. The maiden is carried off as soon as her brachet is stolen, allowing the focus to centre on Arthur’s bad response to the ‘adventure’ and Merlin’s correction, which decrees that ignoring a woman in distress will bring ‘disworshyp’ to all concerned. Malory thus portrays Nynyve as non-magical to set up the duty of protection that knights must swear to all defenceless women, and while her characteristics are rather insipid at this point, Merlin ensures that she is still recognised as having the right to request assistance from Arthur and his knights.
– S.M Wyatt, Women of Words: The Autonomy of Speech in Malory’s Female Characters
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Le roi soleil 📷 @sebastien_blomme 🇫🇷 Ça fait du bien de se replonger dans les images ensoleillées au milieu de l'hiver, comme une petite cure de lumière ! Pour ce type d'image, tout est une question d'équilibre entre la perte de contraste liée au contre jour et le voile de lumière qui vient sublimer l'image. 🇬🇧 It feels good to dive back into sunny images in the middle of winter, like a little light cure! For this type of image, everything is a question of balance between the loss of contrast linked to the backlight and the veil of light that sublimates the image. https://ift.tt/RsJBhrk
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