furiouskettle · 6 months
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I think these party animals would have a swell time hanging out @possessedpasm
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ask-cloverfield · 8 months
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I understand why Peter wants to fuck him now
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everf-redesign · 3 months
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Admiral Fairweather!
Pegasi fashion in the show has always bothered me. These guys fly, have whole civilizations above the clouds, an entire group based on speed and possibly fighting, and they wear thick clothes that will only cause wind resistance and probably get snagged in things while they're flying? Yeah so the Wonderbolt fashion is getting a revamp. The signature of the wonderbolts is dying some of their wing feathers. in Fairweather's era, they wore bootes with long yellow "wings", as well as an arm band.
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Never forget how they gave you distance when you needed love.
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albertayebisackey · 6 months
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Beware of fair-weather friends. They come to you when the sky is crystal clear and disappear when the same sky is overcast with dark clouds.
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[Final] Part 6: Every story has a happy ending if you end it in the right place.
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
This one shot is set in the Cardinal Sins universe. No prior reading or knowledge is required.
POV: First Person
Genres: Fantasy, adventure, romance.
Rating and warnings for the whole fic: 18 (violence, some mild gore once or twice, one detailed sex scene, and one not-so detailed sex scene). By clicking "Read More" you confirm you are at least 18 years of age, and willing to read the above topics.
Warnings for this part: some smut at the end there
I awoke the next morning – and I wish I could say we were wrapped in a loving embrace – with her half hanging out of the bed. I chuckled as I pulled her closer, watching her eyes open up to me, her skin tinted a faint darker blue in her blush. An odd sight, to see her flustered.
“Good morning,” I whispered, feeling the sight of her flutter warmth and anxiety all at once.
“Good morning,” she whispered back, and closed her eyes again “...just a few more minutes.” Even if I wanted to, I don’t think I could have argued. It isn’t just her voice that has a power over me, it’s simply a feeling I imagine any man would feel with a woman, wanting to give her the world, or bear it for her if nothing else.
She wound her body – so much colder than any human woman – around my own, her face buried against my neck, her chest rising and falling tight against my side. “What happens when this trip is over?” I asked her, wondering aloud what plagued my mind.
“I don’t know,” she whispered, her breath tickling my neck in the way that made all my nerves dance “...I belong to the sea, I can’t ever be the one that settles down and has a family with you, if that’s what you want.”
I scoffed lightly “...Hardly have the time for a family with the hours I tend to work.” Not that I wanted a family. As if children don’t become adults like me whose fathers die young from overworking themselves, and mothers who die just a little bit older from stress. It seemed unfair.
“I won’t change, but you will, one day.”
“That’s okay, one day can come when it desires.”
She laughed quietly against me, and though I couldn’t see her face I knew she was rolling her eyes at me. “You’re a fool,” she muttered, with a shake of her head.
“I am,” I replied, knowing I had been hers the moment I saw her face. “I will stay, if you want me to stay.”
Fairweather leaned up, her sharp smile on her lips, making my heart stammer just at the sight. “I want you to stay,” she admitted to me “...I don’t think you should, though, forever is a long time to be at sea, and you’re only stalling the inevitable.”
I tried not to think too hard on her words, only shrugging as I brought my hand through her curls and brought her into a gentle, fleeting kiss. She smiled against my lips and I felt her breath grace my lungs. It was the most perfect moment of my life, her slow heartbeat against my own erratic one. I wished that peace I felt in that moment would last forever.
It continued this way. Every now and then I would even get back in the water with her – though I wasn’t a good swimmer and the water was freezing – I loved the way she was with the water. The way her magic worked on me, and the way I worked on her. There was something so much more natural about Fair when she was in the water, something predatory and exciting. I knew she wouldn’t hurt me, but the sheer force of her rippling through those waves still forced my heart to jump into my throat.
There was tenderness in the way I feared her. I imagine, though she wouldn’t admit it, there were things about me that scared her.
When the night would end she would drag me into her bed, and I would resist the urge to melt into my own mind when she whispered such sweet things in my ears. I’m a large man - not often made fragile, and had more than once been referred to as 'a bull in a china shop - but she made me feel fragile and that always enticed me. It’s why in the end, I fell in love with her.
I thought I was in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her, but desire is just a powerful thing – something that she knew more than most.
We dropped the patron off at Dover, and the men took refuge in a hostel of sorts for the night, happy to have their feet on land for a night. I entertained the thought of going home, but first I wanted the sanctuary of some actual alone time with Fair.
We sat on the deck, looking up at the stars. The two of us laid side by side as the world drifted by. “Are you sure?” She asked me, her eyes transfixed by the moon.
“Staying with me, are you sure that’s what you want?”
“Certainly,” I scoffed slightly, shaking my head “...I’m not lying for your sake, if that’s what you think.”
“No, that’s not – it isn’t that, I just worry, I’m a compelling person, and you-” she cut herself off with a frown “...you are easily susceptible to that compulsion.” I looked to her, studying her profile in the dark, before I turned on my side. She averted her eyes from the starlight to my face, where her expression became softer or perhaps more relaxed. She was always hard to read.
“I don’t mind, I’m happy and that’s all that mattes,” and then I kissed her, leaning over her body on the deck of the ship.
Maybe it was the salt-slick air, or the hushed whisper of the waves beneath us, but her kiss quickly became hungry. Her hands holding me like iron, before winding through the strands of my hair. Her guidance led me on top of her, my body between her thighs on the deck.
“Here?” I asked with a scandalised laugh.
“Now...please,” she hummed, grinning as her teeth caught my lip in her grasp. “I’m in a good mood.”
Her hands pried at my shirt impatiently and without co-ordination. “Relax,” I muttered, shaking my head. I pulled her free of her layers until my palms could slide against the scales adorning her thighs; she couldn’t wait for me to get out of mine, barely pausing to undo my belt before I was being dragged closer once more.
I gasped against her neck, stifled by her skin before I gathered the air to taste her, teeth prying such musical noises from her as I tugged at her skin. She whimpered, grinding against me, demanding me to hurry up, to press into her.
And so I did. Relief washed through the both of us, exhaling the silence of our frantic feelings. She gripped me, nails digging through the layer of my shirt, her legs pulled up to her chest. The wood was uncomfortable, it scratched against my knees but inevitably I cared about it very little. Her voice soothed me, whispering little begs and praises. My eyelids fluttered closed in resolute content. 
She held onto me, and I rocked into her. The waves of the sea slid against the side of the ship, filling the silence with its hushed chorus. We tried to keep ourselves quiet – knowing our voices would carry in the night – but she had a habit of turning me into something feral. In the light of the moon she was no better, growling against me as her nails sought me like prey. She moved erratically, strong thighs pulling me harder into her than ever.
We didn’t feel so much like people, as much as animals. Her sounds reverberating through my mind and silencing all thought. All I remember from that was pleasure. Hot and traversing through me, mindless and without thought. In turn she responded in kind. I could hardly bear to think how our voices travelled, or if people had thought we were not humans, but wild animals.
Her eyes rolled in her ecstasy, and she fell silent, choking on her own pleasure. I finally found my senses, but didn’t still, wanting to see her content. The seawater rose as her back arched, rising up the sides of the ship and, as she crashed with a guttaral moan, the water splashed onto the deck, soaking us both.
The shock of the water – and its odd heat, which should not have been possible at this time of year and especially not at night – consumed me as I pressed deeper into her. I bowed my head as my hips pressed to hers, a loud gasp of her name pulled, strangled, from my lips, spilling into her.
The water seemed to almost glow in the moonlight. I rocked into her until I could no longer move. Her legs wrapped around my hips and she pulled me close. Leaning my weight on my forearms, the two of us stayed, locked together, intertwined, under the stars.
When I finally lifted my head, the wild animal was gone, and instead there was just her, with tears in her eyes. “You can go if you want,” she whispered “...it’s okay, I understand.” I kissed her gently, resting my forehead against hers.
Her sadness pulled more from me than pleasure ever could, and I closed my eyes to hold back the ache that tore open in my chest.
“I promise you now, Fair..." I whispered in the dark, a vow like nothing else I had ever made "...I will only leave when you make me.”
Her relieved, shuddering breath is all the answer that I needed.
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cyclekanehachi · 2 years
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SURLY 〝steamroller” シンプルスタイルなスチームローラーを納車! 38Cのグラベルキングを履かせてれば険しい道も走破できちゃうよっな仕様です! 鴻巣界隈は登り降りがほとんどなくTHE・関東平野なので、こんなバイクが気楽に乗るには最適解かもしれませんね。 ピストやシングルスピードのオーダーが最近多い気がします、、、気楽に乗りたい、かっこよく乗りたい、セカンドバイクがっ!な方 スチームローラーやオールシティのビッグブロック辺りの太タイヤが入るバイク超オススメですよ! 是非ご相談を! ・ CYCLE KANEHACHI サイクル カネハチ 営業時間・11:00〜20:00 定休日・火曜日 〒365-0038 埼玉県鴻巣市本町3-1-4 ☎️・048-594-8935 📧・[email protected] LINE・@681ntjqs ・ @surlybikes #surly#surlybikes#surlysteamroller #steamroller#サーリー#スチームローラー#singlespeed#nitto#panaracer #panaracergravelking #wtb#fairweather #mks#cyclekanehachi#kanehachi#サイクルカネハチ#カネハチ#kounosu#鴻巣#ridesaitama (Cycle Kanehachi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQWvHHSMo1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flannelfloofs · 2 years
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Commission for my pal @quesar42 of her oc, Fairweather!! Been really excited to be drawing digitally ^^
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jonnyconsequence · 2 years
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hyjung · 6 months
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minemice · 7 months
This is such a jam
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selidor · 1 year
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thebeanstack · 1 year
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Dumping art! There's not too much I've done since I fell into hiatus.
This is Fairweather, and adopt I bought!
Because of the rampant artificially generated art thievery, I'm playing around with thorough watermarking. Still getting it right!
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equalvision · 2 years
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Fairweather are playing a show with Liars Academy in Richmond, VA for the first time in ten years on 4/29/23. Get tickets here.
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saresmusings · 2 years
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F A I R W E A T H E R. M A S T E R P O S T.
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Character Intro: Fairweather
The Story
Genre: Mostly romance (siren/human), fantasy, background adventure
Synopsis: A man looking for work joins the crew of The Kelpie on an expedition, only to become fascinated with the elusive captain who keeps her face covered at all times. He recounts the tale of their journey together, and the weird and wonderful things he encountered whilst at sea.
Rating and warnings for the whole fic: 18+ (violence, some mild gore once or twice, one detailed sex scene, and one not-so detailed sex scene).
Links: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
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