dubtechnospace · 1 year
Faidel: SoundCloud | Beatport | FB Morgen FM: SoundCloud | YouTube
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hattabi · 10 months
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'Sem'ânî Tefsirinden Faideler Silsilesi' çok yakında inşaAllah.
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nurtohumlari · 2 years
Amelinizde rıza-yı İlahî olmalı. Eğer o razı olsa, bütün dünya küsse ehemmiyeti yok. (İhlas Risalesi)
İbadetin ruhu, ihlastır. İhlas ise, yapılan ibadetin yalnız emredildiği için yapılmasıdır. Eğer başka bir hikmet ve bir faide ibadete illet gösterilse, o ibadet bâtıldır. Faideler, hikmetler yalnız müreccih olabilirler, illet olamazlar. (İşarat-ül İ'caz)
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saidaslan1 · 2 years
Kimisi de: "İslam, mücerred cihad yahud hukuk veya zikir ya da âdabdır." der. Hülâsa İslam binasının cevherini, âdi bir ceviz kabuğu na sığdırmak isterler ğâliba. Yoksa bu kadar cehalete kanaat getir mekte ne gibi faideler var?!.
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wetalkmusiconline · 10 months
Exclusive Dj Mixes EP03: The Matt Schulz's Deep Dub Mix 02
Exclusive Dj Mixes EP03: The Matt Schulz's Deep Dub Mix 02 The Matt Schulz dropped in on the Radio with another Dj set. A more groovy take on Dub Techno. #dubtechno
The Matt Schulz dropped in on the Radio with another Dj set. A more groovy take on Dub Techno. Track List: Dustcraft – Interstellar Dust Ajnkana – Draconis Martin Stürtzer – Larch R.Hz – Warm Rays Faidel & Warmth – Zenit (Original Mix) Niccolo Machiavelli – The Simple Bottom Line Moodeep – Social Burnout re:fraction – Presence Of Absence Peter aka Bakker – Celestial…
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musicollage · 3 years
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Faidel – Edelweiss. Archives : 2016.
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prorevenge · 4 years
Screw me? Screw you; I want my money.
This is a revenge in multiple parts and apologies up front for the length.
About 30years or so ago I was 17 and about to head to University. An acquaintance through my parents church offered me a job working with him learning to be a pizza chef. Awesome, I'd need money for Uni and I'd already had a stack of jobs, so working hard was nothing new for me, but being a cook certainly was. My experience with Italian was limited to Pizza Hut. So I accepted that at the start I was a liability, not a help.
I started work, and to start with I worked free. Cool, but when it got to the point about 3 months later that I was opening by myself & taking whole shifts by myself, well, I should be paid. I screwed up all of my 17yr old courage and confronted the owner, let's call him Nick (because that was his name). He huffed and puffed and tried to tell me how terrible I was, but I stood my ground and now I'm on minimum wage. Not bad in my eyes at the time.
I worked there for another 3years, through most of my Uni degree, often putting in 30hrs contact at Uni, 30 hours at the restaurant and 30 hours of study, it was hectic, but just became the norm.
Towards the end I became a lot more savvy, and started researching labour laws, keeping records of my pay packets and end of year tax receipts and realised Nick (& other co-owners) were screwing me. I wasn't on the correct rate, they weren't deducting tax correctly and a couple of other accounting "oversights".
By then I was working with my (at the time) mate, let's call him Girlfriend Creeping Dickhead (GCD).
It was Sunday night - the place was packed I had tickets all the way down my line and GCD and I were pumped. We had a new boss (NB) who'd just bought into the business who thought he was the King Of the World because he was now a "restauranteur", a right wanker, but after years of having to stay back to cook pizzas on world cup nights for the bosses friends, or Chirstmas, NYE, etc I was sorta used to the grandstanding chest puffing behaviour.
The night in question the new boss would *not* let me start the second pizza oven (think a two tier oven - I was only allowed the top tier on) because it "cost too much". So here I am, oven FULL, two pizza chefs running full speed and we're only falling behind, because one oven wasn't enough and it was starting to cool down from being so full and opened so frequently.
NB gets a couple of tables of mates in. Instead of just asking us to cook some comp garlic bread or whatever, he starts loading up trays himself and putting them in the oven, not the worst crime, but because he had NO idea what he was doing, every 30s he'd open the oven to check them, cooling the oven down even further, potentially ruining the food we had in there and slowing us down measurably. I had the Head Chef chewing my ass out as his food was ready to go but my food on teh same tickets wasn't. It was hectic and not fun.
This Garlic Bread Bandit shit had to stop.
me: NB - Stop fucking with my oven. If you want garlic bread - just ask - I'll get it done immediately for you. NB: What? Huh? me: You're messing with my oven - you're cooling it down and we're too busy for this shit - just tell me and I'll make it. NB: Ok.
Did he do it? Nope, he kept on. Queue the same conversation another 2 times, the last time I told him I'd blow my stack if he did it again. You see where this is going. He did it again.
Now - after being consistently ripped off and abused (so many kooky stories from that place) for 3 years, my time was up there anyway, and this was the time to do it.
I looked at GCD and said "Yo. We out of here?" he looked back and simply said "Yup". We stripped our aprons and in front of the entire restaurant (pizza kitchen was in full view of the entire restaurant) threw them on the bench and told NB "We quit - All this, all these tickets, all the food in the oven you've fucked up, and your mates shitty garlic bread - this is all yours now - good luck"
Then we walked out - got some coffees from the baristas, sat in front of the Pizza area and watched him absolutely FLOUNDER. He had *no* idea what he was doing and there was literally no one else there that could help him. We could see food coming out from the kitchen, but the pizza on the same ticket was taking 20m or more longer to come out, tables were hopping mad - we could hear the grumblings all around us. I'll admit it was dickish, but undeniably satisfying to behold.
That's not the pro revenge though. The Pro revenge was that I'd been stealing my timesheet every Sunday night, photocopying it and then replacing it Monday mornings. I'd been doing that for over a year. I'd also told GCD to do it.
Monday I walk in and Nick was there and was *FURIOUS* at me, as I walking in you could see his chubby face turn bright red as he bellowed across the restaurant floor "What the FUCK do you think you're doing here? Get the FUCK out and never come back".
me: Nick - we've gotta talk. We can do it here or we can do it in your office, but trust me, you want to have this conversation privately. Nick: Fine - You come with me then (desperately trying to gain the upper hand back) and he storms to his shitty little office out the back Nick: about how he's going to withhold pay and a whole heap of other illegal hot air. Me: You done? Good... Here - read this:
I hand him a print out of an excel spreadsheet, a stack of photocopied timesheets, a stack of photocopied payslips, printed copied of the wage awards, all of which detail the amount he's ripped me off for.
Me: You owe me 6 grand. I'll take cash or a cheque now.
Did I mention he and the other bosses had *just* been simultaneously raided by the tax office and that they and the business were all on thin fucking ice? Yeah, bad timing for Nick the Dick.
Nick: Spluttering, wringing his hands "But, but, I can't afford it! Look I'll show you my bank accounts" as he physically starts scrambling to find his bank statements. Me: Nick I literally don't give a shit about you, your bank accounts or your situation, you owe me 6 grand *TODAY* or I take all of this to the Tax office and all of the other relevant government departments that will be *very* interested in this, because Nick... I have a feeling if you're doing this to me, you're doing it to other staff here as well huh? As for not having the money, well, again, not my problem, but you just bought a new $60,000 Pajero, so if you have to run that down to the car yard and sell it, again I don't give a shit but I get 6 grand TODAY.
He literally teared up a little, I'm not sure why, maybe through frustration, rage or just being screwed by someone he though waaaaay beneath him. But seeing a grown man who's abused you for many years cry at your hands is a pretty beautiful thing to behold as a 20yr old kid.
I got a cheque that day for my whole 6 grand (and yes, it cashed), but the best was walking out of his office with GCD standing there who deadpan just looked him in the eyes and said "Nick, we need to talk..." and in they walked in to do the same thing. $10k he "lost" that day.
The best part? A few of my friends at the restaurant caught wind of the fact that I had *enraged* him and asked what it was all about - I let them know how they were being screwed, how to take copies of all of their timesheets, and where to find the relevant laws. I know of several other people who did the same thing to him.
And that was how I left the hospitality industry and started working in my field of study, never to look back.
Hope you enjoyed my cake day present to y'all!
(source) story by (/u/faidel)
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turmoiltrolls · 4 years
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crackshipping game, my rampant character problem, etc etc
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revnaktarblog · 2 years
Belki buralarda bir yerlerde hayatından eseflenen, hayatın gayesini kaybetmek üzere olan birileri vardır diye yazıyorum.
Ey insan! Hayatın ağır tekâlifini omuzuna alıp zahmet çekme. Hayatın fenâsını düşünüp hüzne düşme. Yalnız dünyevî, ehemmiyetsiz meyvelerini görüp, dünyaya gelişinden pişmanlık gösterme. Belki, o sefine-i vücudundaki hayat makinesi, Hayy-ı Kayyûma aittir. Masarıf ve levazımatını O tedarik eder. Ve o hayatın pek kesretli gayeleri ve neticeleri var ve Ona aittir. Sen o gemide bir dümenci neferisin. Vazifeni güzel gör, ücretini al, keyfine bak. O hayat sefinesi ne kadar kıymettar olduğunu ve ne kadar güzel faideler verdiğini ve o sefine sahibi Zâtın ne kadar Kerîm ve Rahîm olduğunu düşün, mesrur ol ve şükret. Ve anla ki, vazifeni istikametle yaptığın vakit, o sefinenin verdiği bütün netâic, bir cihetle senin defter-i a’mâline geçer, sana bir hayat-ı bâkiyeyi temin eder, seni ebedî ihyâ eder.
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timmcfarlane · 7 years
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teneres · 2 years
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Selam, hidayete tabi olup, heva ve heveslerini dinin önüne geçirmeyen, kusurlu olsa dahi kendi aleyhine hakka şahitlik eden kimselerin üzerine olsun.
Allah (Subhanehu ve Teala) kitabın müellifi Şeyh Abdulaziz'e hayrlar ve bereket ihsan etsin, bu ve diğer eserlerini/derslerini kendisi için sadaka-i cariye olarak kabul etsin, Al-i Suud münafıklarının elindeki esaretini sonlandırsın.
İhtilat, yani birbirine nikahı düşen kadın ve erkeklerin bir arada olması konusu maalesef halk arasında zaten ele ayağa düşmüş, önemsiz/basit bir mesele konu hükmüne düşmüş olsa da, ne yazık ki kendileri sapan ve bu sebeple insanları da saptıran adlarının önünde şeyh, hoca, müftü, kad�� vb. sıfatlar bulunan kimseler, bu konuyu nefse uyularak dikkat edilmeyen bir haram mesabesinden, haramı helalleştirmeye yönelerek caiz bir konu hükmüne taşımaya çalışmaktalar. Ne yazık ki zaten kalbi marazlı olanlar da işlerine geldiği için bu kimselerin saptırmasına dört elle tutunmakta, onların getirdiği bazı hadisleri ve akli şüpheleri muhkem delillermiş gibi dillendirmekteler.
Bu hacim olarak küçük ancak içerik olarak doyurucu risalede Şeyh Abdulaziz'in ilmini ve o ilmi kullanmada ki dirayetine de şahitlik etmiş olacaksınız. Nasih ve mensuh'un hüküm vermede ne derece önemli olduğunu, önüne tercüme veyahut Arapça bir hadis kitabı alıp okuyan herkesin neden hüküm çıkaramayacağını, meselenin asla ama asla sadece ayet ve hadise dayanarak konuşmak olmadığını göreceksiniz.
Şeyh, muhkem ve nesh edilen hükmün yerine gelmiş delilleri zikrettikten sonra, karşı tarafın delil diye getirdiği şüphelere doyurucu cevaplar veriyor. Bununla beraber ihtilat meselesine olmasa da, hemşire olarak alelade hastalıkla ilgilenen bölümlerde çalışmak yahut savaş bölgesine gitmek için kendi kendine müftülük yapan kimselerin de tutunduğu bir durum olan sahabe kadınların savaşa yaralı tedavisi ve su dağıtmak için gitmesiyle alakalı rivayetin doğru şekilde değerlendirilmesi gibi faideler de mevcut.
Hasılı kelam, okuyun okutturun. Kendisine bu konudaki ilim geldikten sonra kim hala aksi yönde konuşup, meşru görerek bu şekilde davranıyorsa bilsin ki onun durumu hata etmiş birinin hali değil, inad eden kimsenin durumu gibidir.
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oldugumgibi · 4 years
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Ey insan! Hayatın ağır tekâlifini omuzuna alıp zahmet çekme.
Hayatın fenâsını düşünüp hüzne düşme.
Belki, o sefine-i vücudundaki hayat makinesi, Hayy-ı Kayyûma aittir.
Masarıf ve levazımatını O tedarik eder.
Ve o hayatın pek kesretli gayeleri ve neticeleri var ve Ona aittir.
Sen o gemide bir dümenci neferisin.
O hayat sefinesi ne kadar kıymettar olduğunu ve ne kadar güzel faideler verdiğini ve o sefine sahibi Zâtın ne kadar Kerîm ve Rahîm olduğunu düşün, mesrur ol ve şükret.
Ve anla ki, vazifeni istikametle yaptığın vakit, o sefinenin verdiği bütün netâic, bir cihetle senin defter-i a’mâline geçer, sana bir hayat-ı bâkiyeyi temin eder, seni ebedî ihyâ eder.
Yirminci Mektup’tan…
fenâ : son bulma, yok oluş
tekâlif : yükler, vazifeler
sefine-i vücud : vücut gemisi
masarıf : masraflar, giderler
levazımat : gerekli olan şeyler
sefine-i vücud : vücut gemisi
netâic : neticeler
cihet : yön, taraf
defter-i a’mâl : amel defteri, yapılan iyilik ve kötülüklerin kaydedildiği defter
hayat-ı bâkiye : devamlı ve kalıcı hayat
ihyâ etmek : hayat vermek
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ilknur-99 · 3 years
...Ramazanda, bir saati yüz saat hükmüne getiren o şehr-i mübarekte bu musibet dahi, o yüz sevabı herbir saati on saat derecesinde ibadet yapmakla bine iblağ ettiğinden, Risale-i Nur'dan tam ders alan ve dünya fâni ve ticaretgâh olduğunu bilen ve herşeyi imanı ve âhireti için feda eden ve bu dershane-i Yusufiyedeki muvakkat sıkıntıların daimî lezzetler ve faideler vereceklerine inanan sizin gibi ihlaslı zâtlara acımak ve rikkatten ağlamak haletini, tebrik ve sebatınızı gayet istihsan ve takdir etmek haletine çevirdi.
Şualar - 294
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chloetara · 5 years
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Hong Kong police make 'largest ever' seizure of explosives on eve of protests
Hong Kong police make 'largest ever' seizure of explosives on eve of protests
By Jenni Marsh, Sarah Faidell and Kenneth Leung | Updated Jul 20, 2019 | CNN | Posted July 20, 2019 |
Hong Kong (CNN) - Police in Hong Kong have seized what is thought to be the largest ever cache of high-powered explosives uncovered in the city, in a raid Friday night on a suspected bomb-making factory.
The discovery comes on the eve of a series of high-profile protests planned over the weekend, amid high tensions in the semi-autonomous Chinese city over a now-suspended extradition bill.
At a press conference Saturday, police confirmed the arrest of 27-year-old man in connection with the raid at what officers called a homemade laboratory in the industrial area of Tsuen Wan.
Police uncovered 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of high explosives, 10 petrol bombs, corrosive liquids, weapons and metal poles at the property.
"It's the largest such seizure we have ever come across in Hong Kong," said Alick Mcwhirter, superintendent of the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) Bureau. Leaflets linked to anti-extradition bill protests were also found on site.
Police said they were still testing the raw materials, but believe triacetone triperoxide (TATP) was found at different manufacturing stages at the suspected laboratory. EOD officers carried out a controlled explosion Saturday morning and were expected to perform more throughout the day.
A powerful high explosive, TATP was used in the November 2015 Paris attacks, the March 2016 Brussels bombings, the 2017 May Manchester bombing and a failed bomb attempt by an Islamist extremist at the Gare Centrale in Brussels in 2017.
TATP is made by adding acid to a mixture of acetone and hydrogen peroxide solution and can easily result in accidental detonation if mistakes are made in preparation.
Superintendent Steve Li Kwai-wah, of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau, said the man arrested was wearing a shirt with the logo of the banned pro-independence group Hong Kong National Front.
Rallies are taking place across Hong Kong on Saturday and Sunday, with both pro-government and anti-extradition bill marches scheduled.
Li did not say if extra police would be arranged for protests this weekend as a result of the raid.
Mass demonstrations calling for government reforms and democracy have become a familiar sight in Hong Kong over the past six weeks, as hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets.
The demonstrations were initially sparked by strong public opposition to a bill that would have allowed people in Hong Kong to be extradited to face trial in mainland China.
Though the bill has since been suspended, demonstrations have continued against a backdrop of increased acrimony between protesters and police.
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turmoiltrolls · 4 years
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what a fucking DORK
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