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z-willz · 12 days ago
the constant guilt i feel is immeasurable, everyone that i used to like hates me and it is all my fault
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lemondsaidbacon · 2 months ago
Couple of reasons
Je tady několik důvodů, proč je extra super awesome mít rád život.
Za prvé, jak říká Louis CK, to co dostaneš v základním životním balíčku je, že prostě můžeš spoustu věcí a třešničkou je sex, kterej je zdarma
což neplatí pro všechny a vždycky, ale pro některé (a zvlášť pro tebe) je to self-sex několik dlouhých let života
A jestli mě něco naučila moje práce tak je to to se každej den zastavit a mrknout na to, co se vlastně dělo.
A taky tě to naučil film About Time, protože ho prostě miluješ kvůli tý scéně nakonci s mrtvym otcem
A vlastně si často říkám, jak je skvělý, že můžu, i když dělám prasárny vůči sobě, baví mě změna stavu mysli v tom, že si prostě uvědomuju, že můžu. Stejně jako se můžu rozhodovat "blbě", tak se můžu rozhodovat "dobře"
Jo, ta relativita je tam naschvál
A připomíná mi to moji nejoblíbenější knížku od Steinbecka - Na východ od ráje a hovory s mámou o "timšel", dle Steinbecka starého židovského vyjádření "můžeš" týkajícího se přikázání.
Buďme fér, píšeš to ve světlej moment třídenní jízdy na hnusu
Vrací mě to prostě k práci zpátky, proto ji miluju. Potkávám lidi (ok, teď už ne páč jsem fakyn v kanclu), kteří jsou narozeni v různých prostředích a za různých podmínek, nicméně každej z nich má svůj náhled na svět, na to, co je dobře a co špatně na to, jak ho chtějí vlastně prožít, ať už velmi blízko minutu po minutě nebo velmi vzdáleně ve snech a plánech.
Nabízet odpovědi někomu na to, jak žít svůj život, je blbost. Stejně jako nabízet sobě vžitý konstrukce života je blbost. Je strašně hezký, jak vlastně nic "není" a všechno je předaný orální či víceméně psanou tradicí lidma před náma.
A jasně, najdem lidi kteří si to vyloží jako: "dělej si co chceš" ve smyslu buď tu jen pro sebe. Nicméně když tu umím být i pro druhý, vnímat je (a teď nic grandiozního, stačí přece těch pár, co máme nejblíž - tak to myslím) a být s nimi tak je tu fakyn krásně.
No a dost
Víc netřeba plodit, mentální poznámka. Je hezky!
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code-of-creation · 21 days ago
"The world isn't kind."
Finally, something I can fuckin' contribute!
"the world isn't kind" ok??? Much more importantly are you?????
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camp-hogwarts · 15 days ago
Oh look, another roleplay
Surprise surprise! We're doing another one yall! This time Summer Camp Edition! :D
Basically summer's back again and camp is IN SESSION >:D Regulus is going through the paces trying to keep everything afloat in his first year as camp director, and additional bumps in the road are the last thing he needs, thanks. So when his brother returns as a counselor after having left the camp for a good few years, it is the last thing he wants to deal with. Add on Tom Riddle's newfound interest in buying the property off of him for reasons unknown (and by that I mean i just don't feel like figuring it out), and you have a recipe for disaster.
So clearly, Pandora's going to hire another new counselor, James Potter, as well!
Shenanigans ensue and whatever whatever, it's just all very fun and exciting so yeah!
_ jegulus rp and probably wolfstar but beyond that is up to yall :D
Regulus - @the1970sdeadgaywizard-regulus
James - @robinwannabee
Sirius - @l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft
Remus - @n1cc0l0-f13rr0
Lily - @percyweasleyapologist
Pandora - @tired-coffee-addict-4life
Barty - @mairon-goth-minion
Dorcas - @aella-posts
Mary - @blueberry0409
Xeno - @junos-ocean-galaxy
Alice - @burningleaf2x9
All RP Accs Below
Regulus @wishing-on-some-fucking-stars
Dorcas @dorcas-the-director
Lily @frolicking-in-a-flower-field
Mary @mary-has-a-farm
Barty @fuckitall-says-barty
Remus @library-of-eternal-wisdom
Alice @alice-the-fabulous
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mary-has-a-farm · 7 days ago
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hii i'm mary
My girlfriend, playing my guitar, art, thrifting, picnics, flowers., my friends, vintage cameras, coffee, records, my home country of Brazil
Homophobes, rascists, transphobes, misogynists, ableists, and basically anyone who's mean to my friends
my mom, dad, and grandma
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Other counselors:
Lily (my gorgeous girlfriend):@frolicking-in-a-flower-field
Pandora :
Reg: @wishing-on-some-fucking-stars
Dorcas @dorcas-the-director
Barty @fuckitall-says-barty
Remus @library-of-eternal-wisdomhttps:
Alice @alice-the-fabulous
My main is @blueberry0409 contact @camp-hogwarts to join!
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100mgzoloftscript · 6 months ago
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One more #Fuckitall
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Intro Post!
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Name: Lily Evans, but you can just call me Lily or Lils! <3
Hobbies: Making flower crowns, reading, painting, balking, and hanging out with my friends!
Likes: Jewelry, flowers, books, my friends, the sun, food, my girlfriend, comfy clothes, sunny days, and picnics.
Dislikes: Homophobes, rascist, transphobes, misogynists, ableists, and basically anyone who's mean to my friends
Family: My mom and sister :)
Plans for the future: Hopefully get my degree in chemistry and become a scientist!
About me: I'm very nice and you can talk to me about anything, I became a counselor because i love kids and Pandora is a good friend of mine <3
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Other counselors:
Mary, the love of my life <3: @mary-has-a-farm
Dorcas, the director and one of my friends: @dorcas-the-director
Reg, another director, he's the better Black brother: @wishing-on-some-fucking-stars
Barty, he's a little funky, but overall pretty cool: @fuckitall-says-barty
Alice, another friend, so sweet!: @alice-the-fabulous
My main is @percyweasleyapologist, contact @camp-hogwarts to join!
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lolacomputer · 3 months ago
Time for root canal #fuckmylife #miserable #fuckitall
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luciledrakkhen · 9 months ago
*has had a drink* reading a fic on ao3, feels familiar, gets to last chapter and wants more of the story so starts cursing out the author for not doing next chapter yet.... drunkenly realises its own fic that i was rereading to write said next chapter... fuckitall!
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cluepoke-archive · 2 years ago
Any detective shows you consider an essential watching experience? and also taking this chance to project emerson cod in your mind. hes enjoying pie a la mode
OH OH.. hmm I quite liked elementary though I never finished! (it got a bit gorey at some point, and at the time it put me off finishing it alltogether) I wouldn't call it essential but... it gave the characters a certain level of respect I hadn't seen in awhile!
Psyche is PHENOMINAL!!! great in the comedy department but has some serious moments that hit pretty hard too.. its focus on characters (AND DETAILS!!) and their silly antics really speaks to me and I love the doffrent cases they go on.. usually very unique!!
Murder she wrote is a must in my book.. whenever columbo starts to settle into a familiar pattern and begins to get borish I usually turn to Jessica fletcher! She's a riot... great weird little old lady rep
Dirk gently wich you know... honestly when it first came out I was so put off by the fact it seemed to have NOTHING to do with the books! But well. One day some mutuals got really into it so I gave it a chance and I was hooked! It holds up relaly well on its own!! But I do heavily reccomend the books their SOOO so fun, dirks a bit more deadpan and a little less... naive I want to say? He has a certain air of stubbornness that adds some good flavour to him in the books
Only murders in the building is??? So good?? So good!!! Their working on their third season now and I've been hooked from the get go... multigenerational sleuths come together because they love mystery podcasts, they then become found family... it seems every season holds clues into the next and the details are VERY VERY fun. Like. Thank God they give the audience some clues because I geneuinly think that's what makes mystery shows worth it!! Love getting to the conclusion with or before the characters..
House MD is... intriguing I think. If you can get past the acephobia ableism, sexism and just. Alot of no good very bad junk.. personally I couldn't keep watching past season 8(lots of cast changes and just. Man idk why they pushed it on for so many seasons it was honestly a drag) I'm a sucker for disabled rep, even if it's not .. the best. But!! He has chronic pain! And he uses a cain!! Fuckitall... watch the silly medical detective show.. I think it's important to note house isn't supposed to be.. a good person. I think alot of characters aren't meant to be very likeable, I won't go on and on about house but if you can handle some of its flaws it can be. Interesting (personally what hooked me I think is that while not very accurate or mysterious, discovering what ailed his patients always lead to alot of character insight,,, wich is almost like detective work.) I don't think it's for everyone though. It has its moments, it's alright
X files and twin peaks. Naturally... very good!! Good elements of the supernatural!!
Honestly just watch Elementary my dear Data on loop... all will be well in the world!!
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lemondsaidbacon · 3 months ago
Be without fear in the face of your enemies(...) speak the truth even if it leads to your death, safeguard the helpless and do no wrong
play this while you read, ideally, the whole album
Here we go
Say how's it feel?
Nikdy jsem si nemyslel, že mi bude chybět někdo slavnej. A stalo se to *ironic surprise*
Tak rychlej tangent, protože se vracim zpět a čtu si svoje hovínka, tak Mac Miller fuck proč? Jestli jsem na někoho nasranej, že umřel, tak na tebe.. a zároveň tě fanouškovsky chápu.
fuj to jsou patnáctiny co?
Tak si zase ulevim, abych pak mohl upravovat - no pun intended
Dneska se mi zdálo, že jsem byl znovu s mámou kdesi (asi bych se i rozepsal, ale bylo by to totálně moc zbytečných informací) a něco jsme řešili a probírali a najednou něco v dálce vybuchlo a tak jsem se podíval z okna a byla to atomovka a viděl jsem, jako fakyn ve filmu, tu vlnu, obrovskou. Řekl jsem jí, že jí miluju a čekal na úder. A přišel a prostě jsem v tom snu umřel a čekal, co se stane. A byl to hrozně zajímavej propad. Vzbudil jsem se se zklamáním a myšlenkou na pravdivost konspirace o simulační teorii.
Nechoď spát pod vlivem příště
Just a little angel dust..
Mělo to mít nějakej smysl, další řádky se už ztrácí v opojení. Jestli něco najdu tak to bude buď Anna F. nebo ufouni.
Pusť si něco s Bobem Lazarem a táhni spát
Hluboká myšlenka na závěr.
Nazdar Honzo. Zítra Tě čeká další den rozhodování ovlivňující cca 40 lidí. Enjoy.
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and-im-his-friend-jesus · 4 months ago
Fuel and maintenance for one's vehicle...doctor visits and prescriptions for those of us trapped in the USA... fucking period products for those of us with vaginas and on that goddamned note....
Bullfuckingshit fucking Pink Tax shit for those of us cis women who fucking work in *professional* shit environments that fucking demand bullshit like our goddamned nails be done and fucking hair done and fuck fuck fuckitall expensive-ass wardrobes and we have to spend so much goddamned money to make ourselves "professionally presentable" when we're paid less for the same goddamned jobs and literally anyone who demands these things of the women in their employ should be drawn and quartered.
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mothbaaalls · 3 months ago
my mom has trouble pronouncing new words (due to head trauma from around the time i was born) and she intentionally fucks them up even more bc it's hilarious to watch me try and figure out what the fuck she means
m: "you gave the muppets their fuckitall right?"
me: "the what"
m: "the fuckitol"
me: "???"
m: "fungus medicine"
me: "OH! itrafungol!"
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thoughtswordsaction · 8 months ago
Premiere: Sleave Drop New Single & Video "Clean"
Photo courtesy of the band. We’re thrilled to share Sleave’s new single and video “Clean” with you. Play it loud! The band will release their brand new album, entitled ‘How To Get Over’, on 26th April  via Sell The Heart Records (U.S.), Engineer Records (U.K.), Gunner Records (Germany), Fuckitall Records (Brazil) and Sleepy Dog Records (France).  Sleave are an alternative rock /punk / post…
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maybeescapingideas · 11 months ago
I want to let younger people know it gets better. I hit about 38 and took my Fuckitall. At 43, I have pink hair, I started boxing again and took up roller derby (senor league. lol) and wall climbing. I compliment random people just make them smile and help teen girls deal with creeps in the mall. It gets so much better. My 40s are just me living my best life.
Just want every young person terrified of becoming older than 23-25 to know that I'm currently 32 and my 20s were fucking miserable and while life isn't wholly perfect right now I wouldn't trade my 30s for my 20s for the LIFE of me. The idea feels as ridiculous as trading my 20s for being in high school. FUCK no. And I'm sure at 42 I'll feel similarly to my 30s and so on and so forth. Embrace the passage of time and be grateful that you get the privilege of growing old, bitch. Life's sooooo much better past your mid 20s.
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nadyurana · 1 year ago
весь день думала, что мне и одной хорошо. не нужны мне друзья, буду сама справляться со своими чувствами и переживаниями, но под конец дня сдалась, расплакалась, разрыдалась. мой день жестко ударило по мне в очередной раз. никому я нихера не сдалась. у всех свои жизни, всем не до меня. вот уже несколько дней я сократила общение с близкой подругой, потому что она не умеет меня слушать, только о себе все время говорит и пишет. даже если хочется чем-то с ней поделиться, то осознание того, что она в очередной раз меня не услышит, мгновенно убеждает не писать ей. а сегодня (вчера) даже не вспомнила, что у меня др)).
еще вспомнила, как классная руководительница приходила в класс и поздравляла моих одноклассников с др и приносила шоколадки, а на мой др даже не поздравила. в группе всегда поздравляет половину, и я не вхожу в эту половину. я настолько ей отвратна? не знаю. хочу верить, что просто забывает меня и у нее есть неотложные дела.
сейчас меня окружают люди, которым, откровенно говоря, плевать на меня. только ради приличия сделают вид что сочувствуют мне. хочу послать всех и закрыться в маленькой комнате и просто слушать музыку, грустно поедая шоколадки и гладя кота.
спасибо, что моя соседка по комнате вышла к своим подругам. не хочу, чтоб меня видели в таком состоянии. мы с ней знакомы всего ничего, но, вчера (уже позавчера, ну да ладно) узнав про мой др, сразу же купила сладости в подарок. я чуть не расплакалась перед ней из-за этого. подруга детства и мама поздравляли с др. ну и блэ сбер, чтобы заодно прорекламировать свои уебанские услуги, которые недоступны в городе, где я нахожусь)) и госуслуги, на след.году поздравят с тем, что я стала "полноценным налоплательщиком"?) подруга ровно в полночь поздравила🥺 я скучаю по маме. мне не хватает ее. я устала учиться. я устала ходить в больницу. все равно скажут, что у меня боль в сердце от "самовнушения", "это все твои эмоции" или "мы не знаем". 5 лет назад было "подростковое")) ненавижу больницы.
в очередной раз убеждаюсь, что у меня нет друзей, может только одна. только "хорошо" знакомые люди. не более. есть люди, с которыми знакома с самого детства. они могут знать меня только по общим воспоминаниям, а саму меня нет. если скажут, что они мои друзья, то не верьте. они пиздят. они могут знать обо мне многое и одновременно ничего обо мне настоящем.
все хорошо. забавно, все это время, что я писала вот это, в песнях в моем наушнике звучали слова "it's okay, it's okay now. i'm used to it" и "괜찮은 척". эти же слова буду повторять и притворяться, словно все в порядке. врушка. глупая врушка.
fuckitall. молюсь, чтоб никто из моих знакомых не увидел это.
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