rambllog · 2 years
if you aren't able to haphazardly turn love songs to be platonic bc u can relate it to the friends you have are you even living. maybe i will "sing to you to mask the sound of missiles breaking up the ground" HUH? WHAT THEN?? MARIO KART?
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llycaons · 2 years
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#i thought archie’s dad was killed in the season finale so when he didn’t die the next episode despite getting all those creepy visions i was
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534 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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a sincere congratulations to the noble fighters and worthy competitors on each side of the brackets except for the ones I don’t like, but now it’s time to lay down our swords and come together to honor kaworu/shinji as the most iconic yaoi couple of all time as they take a shocking victory from sasunaru nation. a night never to be forgotten #yaoiwars #kaworusweep #hewasinoneepisodeandthendied #butatleasttheywerecanon
1,879 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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> Pal: Gently approach 10 sweep old Nadaya like the easily spooked deer he is.
-- deterministPalindrome [DP] started trolling captainAwesome [CA] --
DP: okay ii know thii2 ii2 a lot two take iin and that priide ii2 iimportant but ii already know you're 2cared of me DP: the you ii know ha2 told me a2 much DP: he'2 told me about your owner and who he wa2 and ii'm a ver2iion of hii2 de2cendant DP: ii've 2een how freaked out he get2 iif ii touch hiim wiith my p2iioniic2 or 2park unexpectedly near hiim DP: iit'2 not a faiiliing of your2 okay? we ju2t care enough about older hiim and therefore you two not want two make you paniic unnece22ariily DP: that'2 why 2o many of u2 are lettiing you 2et boundriie2 2o you can choo2e what make2 you feel 2afe CA: ............fuck. Fucking. fuck. CA: FUCK!!! CA: ....fuck. well shit. CA: .....okay. DP: yeah =[ 2orry
CA: no that's, no, im, wwhat the fuck are you apologizing ovver, and CA: what do you MEAN a yellow captor psion there aren't i you aren't i mean DP: freakiing you out more and makiing thiing2 even more compliicated 2o quiickly DP: ii mean ii'm a goldblood p2iioniic and my hatchname ii2 2ollux captor. DP: ii can grab a photo iif you want? CA: no i do not DP: yeah ii fiigured DP: hence the a2kiing iin2tead of ju2t liinkiing one CA: no actually i do, link me DP: ii2 thii2 becau2e you've recon2iidered and you're curiiou2 or becau2e ii iimpliied you were 2cared? CA: >:( DP: there'2 nothiing wrong wiith beiing 2cared that'2 part of beiing a troll DP: and from what older you ha2 told me you have every riight two be DP: ii'm not lookiing down at you for iit or anythiing ii know you ii know how capable you are DP: ii've 2een you fiight ii've 2een you after fiight2 DP: ii've patched you up after fiight2 DP: a lot DP: nothiing you're 2cared of wiill make me le22 iimpre22ed by you yeah? DP: you're already 2uper cool CA: ....i don't know how to react to that uh...thanks?? CA: that's nice....im. its so wweird you lot knoww so much about me but i don't knoww you at all CA: ....hi. CA: but im not scared of a picture that's stupid a picture can't hurt me DP: yeah iit ii2 but ii don't have a problem telliing you about me two even thiing2 out DP: hii though =] ii go by pal mo2t of the tiime iit'2 niice two meet you DP: and iit'2 not 2tupiid pan2 2ometiime2 2ee a piicture of 2omethiing you're 2cared of and get 2pooked by rememberiing the thiing iit depiict2 DP: iit'2 not the piicture iit2elf iit'2 the 2ubject matter CA: Tell me something then? CA: Its....an experience meeting you but you seem nice for a highblood CA: .......oh. Ohhhhhh. DP: eheh that'2 becau2e ii'm not a hiighblood DP: where ii'm from ii'm a lowblood and you'd be the hiighblood DP: there'2 all 2ort2 of place2 out here that're weiird DP: diifferent tiimeliine2 they're called or diifferent uniiver2e2 DP: and liiviing iin them are diifferent ver2iion2 of the 2ame people DP: liike ii know a couple of you2 DP: and a biilliion of me2 DP: ...and a handful of your owner2 DP: but the one2 ii know are al2o all lowblood2 and ex-2lave2 them2elve2 yeah? DP: older you know2 and tru2t2 a bunch of captor2 for that rea2on DP: and the fact that you'll get better at wrangliing your fear CA: ....this is a lot. CA: Howw wwould seadwwellers be highbloods that makes no sense???? CA: Oh my god. I heard he's evven dating one oh my god CA: ....this is surreal DP: eheh yeah iit ii2 but you'll get a hang of iit and probably quiickly DP: where ii'm from 2eadweller2 are hiigh becau2e they're biigger and tougher and liive longer and way more fiit two be iin charge of anythiing DP: lowblood2 are fragiile fla2he2 iin the pan that will never amount two anythiing more than cannon fodder or thiing2 two be u2ed DP: the blood color of your emperor ii2 a cullable mutatiion and our empre22 ii2 tyriian DP: and yeah ampora 2ometiime2 date each other DP: and captor2 two CA: Wwhy wwould i date myself i mean im pretty but talk about narcissism CA: But lowwbloods are panless and impulsivve and can't do shit wwithout guidance and wwould tear each other apart, they're not fit to do any mind stuff CA: and highbloods havve fancy powwers and are super smart and their lifespan means they adapt super quickly CA: i mean that's the propaganda anywway CA: tyrian? Wwhat color is that? DP: probably for the 2ame rea2on2 that ii'm friiend2 and clade wiith 2o many captor2 becau2e there'2 enough 2iimiilariitiie2 two make them famiiliiar but enough diifference2 two be 2omeone el2e DP: the propoganda iin both of our tiimeliine2 ii2 bull2hiit DP: cold and warm have diifference2 and weakne22e2 but one'2 not better than the other yeah? the one2 iin power ju2t want two 2tay iin power 2o they cru2h the 2elf e2teem of everyone el2e and call iit fact when iit'2 anythiing but DP: ah. uh. let me go get a color 2watch ii'm not exactly DP: good. at de2criibiing color2. DP: 'm 2ort of colorbliind a biit DP: here DP: https://puu.sh/v8xSs/cad49441ff.png DP: thii2 one CA: pfffpbppvpfpvfp CA: Fuck the empire CA: Oh my god i didn't knoww you wwere colorblind wwhoops CA: .... That's my friend ): She died ): And she made an awful Emperor? ): DP: iit'2 alriight iit'2 not liike ii flaunt iit or anthiing DP: '2 not exactly hard two take advantage of yeah? DP: =[ DP: ...yeah 2he doe2 DP: there'2 DP: a lotta 2hiit that get2 done iin tyriian up tiimeliine2 that'2 ju2t DP: awful DP: not that there ii2n't iin your tiimeliine ii 2tiill want two fiind everyone who told you you're garbage and murder them DP: but yeah DP: there'2 not a lot of tiimeliine2 that go well tbh DP: we're all kiind of wounded from hiive and have a lot two unlearn CA: I dunno howw someone wwould take advvantage of that but there's a lot of "cut the red wire! no, the green wire!" action movvies that disagree wwith me CA: Oh....oh no im sorry D: CA: Mine wwas good she wwas really good and pretty and badass DP: ii can't tell where anyone ii2 on the hemo2pectrum DP: they could pla2ter theiir color all over them2elve2 but iif ii'm not famiiliiar wiith iit ii'm fucked DP: a hiighblood could pretend two be low and gaiin my tru2t two fiind out iif ii'm a traiitor or not (whiich ii wa2) DP: a lowblood could pretend two be hiigh and lord over me DP: an iindiigo could catch me off guard and get iintwo my pan before ii realiized they could u2e voodoo DP: unle22 they had fiin2 ii had no iidea DP: ii've 2een a lot of tyriian2 who aren't automatiically mon2ter2 or w/e DP: one of my ex-moiiraiil2 wa2 a tyriian DP: and ii know a ton of cullblood2 who are amaziing and kiind and bada22 and pretty two DP: my mate2priit'2 one liike your emperor and my moiiraiil'2 a liimeblood DP: iit'2 power that doe2 2hiit two people DP: deciidiing you're better than other people ba2ed on 2ome arbitrary traiit ii2 the fiir2t 2tep toward2 beiing an awful per2on CA: DDDDDD: That sucks like, so much ass CA: ...I hope my friend wwould havve done better, but she's amazing so i dont really doubt it, im sorry you got stuck wwith awwful vversions of her CA: Huh..... CA: WWhat's a limeblood? CA: I mean its kind of evvident but i mean, mutant or something or? DP: iit doe2 yeah but ii'm 2ome place where that doe2n't really matter 2o much anymore 2o DP: ii hope 2o two and ii'm 2orry you got an awful ver2iion of a vanta2 DP: they u2ed two be a ca2te but they got wiiped out for beiing crazy powerful p2ychiic2 iin mo2t tiimeliine2 DP: 2o he'2 techniically a mutant and a cullblood becau2e iit'2 not a legal color anymore DP: he doe2n't have any p2iioniic2 or any other p2ychiic power2 though not that iit really matter2 or anythiing
> Meanwhile, young Nadaya got freaked out by a conversation on his dash.
CA: ddsaaaaaang DP: ...you okay? CA: yyyy DP: #doubt DP: but ii'm not gonna pry yeah? DP: not my place two DP: ju2t worriied ii2 all CA: : | CA: im fin CA: fjen* CA: fine CA: dont be wworrid DP: pff DP: can't not be worriied that'2 what ii do DP: you're iimportant two me 2o ii worry no matter what DP: iit'2 what ii do when ii care 2orry CA: ...thst sucks DP: 2hrug DP: 2ometiime2 iit doe2 DP: when everyone'2 hurt and there'2 only 2o much ii can do DP: but ii don't hate iit DP: they're miine and ii want them two be happy and healthy no matter what DP: and iif that mean2 ii have two worry and 2tre22 about them 2o be iit DP: iit'2 more than worth iit CA: ... :) CA: youre like...a goof person. its so wweird! CA: ..... *good DP: ehehehe DP: ii wouldn't go that far but ii do try not two be a complete a22hole all of the tiime DP: 2peakiing of whiich DP: iif you need anythiing you can hmu for iit yeah? DP: ii can get iit two you ea2y and wiithout freakiing you out DP: the ampora from my tiimeliine could deliiver iit iin2tead of me DP: he'2 a biit 2nooty but iit'2 not hard two knock hiim down a couple of peg2 back down two rea2onable CA: you're shaped like a friend, surely wwith warning ahead ill be fjne?
CA: >You dont want to imagine how snooty someone will be delivering whatever because you can't handle LOOKING at somebody.
DP: =] DP: ii'll defiiniitely warn you ahead of tiime I promise DP: and iif you don't wanna deal you can alway2 tell me no DP: ii won't get offended okay? DP: never.
> The next day
CA: ....Hey, I havve a question. CA: If that's ok. DP: iit'2 defiiniitely alway2 okay DP: iif ii don't know or iit'2 two priivate ii'll 2ay 2o yeah? DP: no hard feeliing2 CA: http://paracl1tu2.tumblr.com/post/159175272618/trolljacksparrow-im-soerey-i-wont-iw-ont-i-wontt /Wwhat do i do wwith this/ DP: alriight 2o fiir2t off iit'2 an hone2t apology DP: 2al'2 a good guy under all that DP: and he and older you are friiend2 and he liike2 you a lot DP: 2econd off what you do wiith iit depend2 on what you want yeah? DP: do you want two avoiid hiim? DP: do you want two giive hiim another 2hot? DP: 2omethiing el2e? CA: ....Wwhy is he apologizing....i mean i did. i did mess up. DP: becau2e he hurt you and he diidn't want two DP: he con2iider2 you hii2 equal and friiend and ii2 2howiing you that re2pect CA: ......but he's gold DP: he ii2 DP: and you're a 2eadweller whiich ii2 hii2 hiigh DP: doe2n't matter CA: ...is he doing it cause hes scared of me? Seems implausible though CA: I mean. Apparently wwere friends in the future but that's like 45 swweeps in the future, he has no reason to care /noww/ DP: nah DP: he'2 hone2tly up2et yeah? DP: and of cour2e there ii2 DP: older you ii2 you wiith forty fiive 2weep2 of experiience not 2omeone new DP: why wouldn't he care about you now? CA: Because i don't knoww him enough to care about him in any meaningful wway? CA: ...But i don't knoww wwhat i wwant to do DP: you don't need two giive iit back for 2omeone two care about you DP: e2peciially iin clock back anon 2iituatiion2 DP: we all get that you don't know u2 and we're at the very lea2t concerniing DP: but that doe2n't 2top u2 beiing worriied about you DP: okay that'2 faiir not everyone know2 riight off the bat DP: put a2iide the apology for a 2ec and thiink about ju2t hiim DP: do you want two talk two hiim more? ii2 he iintere2ting enough two take the tiime two? doe2 he 2et you off two much two want two rii2k iit? there'2 no ru2h take your tiime two mull iit over CA: ....I guess i havve a lot of wworried people. Future me gets /around/ evven platonically. CA: ....i mean CA: i dont wwanna upset him again, that's, that's all im getting here CA: I thought he wwas mocking me, in the beginning of that convversation DP: he kiind of doe2 DP: but he'2 a deliight 2o iit'2 not that 2urprii2iing DP: okay that'2 faiir enough DP: tone'2 2ometiime2 hard two tell over text and 2ometiime2 tbh 2al ii2 weiird 2oundiing DP: iif that'2 your maiin priioriity rn and iit'2 a rea2onable one ii would re2pond wiith a thank2 for hii2 apology and that you appreciiate iit but you'd rather not talk two hiim riight now and wiill iiniitiiate contact iif that change2 DP: a niice neutral re2ponce that doe2n't 2ay you're 2cared of hiim but 2ay2 under2tandably that you'd really rather not poke that partiicular land miine riight now CA: oh god CA: Im just supposed to say that i dont wwant to talk to him CA: and hes gonna listen??? Wwhat??? CA: Look this usually invvolvves a lot of threats and often knivves okay this is neww DP: eheh ii get iit ii've been there DP: and yeah he'2 gonna lii2ten DP: and even iif for 2ome weiird rea2on he doe2n't he'2 goiing two have a lot of angry troll2 two deal wiith CA: Holy fuck. DP: you've got a lot of people who have your back out here yeah? DP: ii don't expect you two beliieve iit or feel 2afe but iit'2 defiiniitely a thiing CA: That's fucking surreal bro CA: There's evven ridiculous amounts of food???? CA: Do you wwant any CA: I wwill....try to respond to the apology...Later. DP: iikr? but iit'2 true DP: that'2 really 2weet of you but kk'2 my mate2priit and ii liive iin hii2 hiive DP: the amount of food here ii2 /riidiiculou2/ he ha2 two entiire kiitchen2 and they're alway2 fully 2tocked DP: ii've been here two 2weep2 and ii 2tiill can't beliieve iit there'2 ju2t 2o /much/ DP: later work2. take your tiime yeah? liike ii 2aiid there'2 no pre22ure or even a requiirement for you two re2pond. ju2t leaviing iit go ii2 al2o okay and won't get any blowback CA: Holy shit, /twwo/? Daaamn!! That's awwesome! CA: But then id be ignoring him and that's not good DP: iit rlly ii2 DP: and the re2t of the hiive'2 ju2t a2 iimpre22iive DP: kk get2 lo2t iin iit 2ometiime2 and ii have two go fiind hiim =] DP: nah iit'2 okay DP: he 2aiid iin hii2 po2t that you don't have two talk two hiim agaiin yeah? DP: he meant that DP: iif he get2 an2ty about iit at all ii'll talk two hiim okay? DP: liike ii 2aiid no blowback'2 gonna happen CA: Howwd he get such a cool place? CA: ... CA: You wwould?? DP: DP: he wa2 part of a revolutiion here two kiick theiir fii2hbiitch iintwo a corp2e diitch whiich 2ucceeded and the dude2 iin power now adore hiim 2o they help hiim however they can DP: ii would yeah =] DP: ii'm one of the troll2 that would be p damn pii22ed iif 2omeone me22ed wiith you and thii2 ii2n't an exceptiion DP: plu2 he and ii are clade 2o he'll defiiniitely lii2ten not that ii have any doubt he wiill but iit'2 diifferent when clade 2ay2 2omething yeah? CA: :O holy fuck!!! CA: Wwhat the fuck, you continue to be nice to me DP: yeah! DP: and he'2 gone back two hii2 oriigiinal tiimeliine two kiick /that/ fii2hbiitch of the throne and end up emperor and thii2 tiime ii've been gettiing two help 2ome =] DP: eheh you 2hould get u2ed two iit iit'2 not gonna 2top DP: you're clade two me and ii'm gonna treat you liike iit yeah? CA: !!!!!! CA: Is ancient!me helping too? CA: Clade... CA: (: DP: uh huh! he fiight2 along2iide artiifex and my ance2tor and re2cue2 property troll2 and cau2e2 a hell of a rucku2 that the iimperiial2 can't keep up wiith DP: you're kiind of a fuckiing bada22 DP: =] CA: Alongside......../your/ ancestor.........ahahah ahah wwowwwww CA: =] DP: yeah DP: ii know iit'2 hard two con2iider now but you two are liike DP: a thiing DP: a not-quad quad thiing DP: 2uper clo2e and all that CA: 0///////0 CA: Um???? CA: Like sparks???? CA: Wwtf.... Wwtf!! DP: yeah liike 2park2 DP: he adore2 you and p much pla2ter2 iit all over tumblr tbh iit'2 hard two not notiice DP: and older you adore2 hiim back DP: he'2 barkentinedaedalist 2o you're prepared for hiim not knowiing you're not older you and calliing you 2omethiing goo2hy or 2/t CA: Okay that is honestly hilarious oh my god DP: liike ii 2aiid probably hard two beliieve DP: but iit'2 true you can a2k 2park2 DP: he'2 not-quad quadded two 2park2 two DP: and liike half of tumblr DP: and people off tumblr CA: Ill ask sparks- apparently there's also a spooner wwho isn't a troll? Wwhat is he DP: he'2 human! DP: they're a mammaliian xenoform that are more cooperatiive and creatiive iin2tead of tough and 2trong liike troll2 DP: they're pretty great iin general and 2poon ii2 a great dude CA: : O  : O CA: That's so cool! DP: iit really ii2 DP: a lot of troll2 thiink they're weak or 2quii2hy and don't get me wrong they are but they al2o aren't worriied about kiilliing each other and are more worriied about /helpiing/ each other and that giive2 them an advantage DP: they're weiird af but they're al2o amaziing CA: So they don't livve in perpetual shanking??? DP: nope! DP: ii mean there'2 2tiill 2ome 2hakiing theiir world ii2n't a paradii2e or w/e DP: but iif you go two an earth you don't have two worry about anyone 2hankiing you for makiing a mii2take CA: .................. CA: Sounds fake but okay CA: I mean, i actually believve you though, but that's so......so something DP: iit really ii2 DP: iit took me age2 two get u2ed two them DP: e2peciially 2iince theiir friiend2hiip2 are a lot clo2er two our clade than our friiend2hiip2 DP: even iif you're expectiing iit they come off a2 really pale 2ometiime2 and that'2 certaiinly 2omethiing DP: but mo2t human2 that are u2ed two troll2 get that'2 a thiing CA: .......... Bruh. DP: yep CA: ........don't tell anyone i said this but CA: You're kinda cool. DP: yeah? you thiink 2o? DP: my liip2 are 2ealed though ii'm not telliing a 2iingle 2oul CA: /Absolutely/ DP: eheheheh DP: thank2 DP: ii mean DP: there'2 way cooler people out there but DP: '2 niice two know you thiink ii am DP: =] CA: Dont be ridiculous, you're super cool! >:O CA: And ill fight you DP: pthtbthbthbtb gue22 you're gonna have two fiight me then CA: Bring it bring it bringitbringitbringit DP: ju2t 2ay where and when dude and ii'll wre2tle you iintwo 2ubmii22iion DP: liike DP: liiteral wre2tliing DP: for fun CA: Bring it bring it bring it no psion shit though right bring it? DP: the only 2tuff ii wa2 gonna u2e ii2 on me on the iin2iide 2o ii can keep up wiith you 2trength wii2e 2iince ii'm kiind of 2crawny eheh DP: ii2 that okay? iif iit'2 not ii can get cleverer and take you down that way but ii fiigured iit'd be more fun iif iit wa2 even yeah? CA: .....on the, inside?? Are, are you okay is that CA: can that go wrong CA: can you get hurt CA: 0n0 CA: It's more fun if its evven yes i agree that's okay but DP: ii mean yeah but ii've been doiing iit for liike fiive 2weep2 and iit'2 been age2 2iince iit'2 gone wrong DP: hell ii've fiigured out how two do iit two other people two and haven't had iit go wrong there eiither DP: 2omethiing ii do not do wiithout expliiciit permii22iion btw ju2t two be clear on that DP: 2ame wiith everythiing el2e ii can do ii won't do iit unle22 2omeone tell2 me iit ii2 ab2olutely okay no exceptiion2 CA: to CA: ah CA: okay just gimme a moment DP: DP: 2orry =[ CA: Itttsss fine. It's fine. It's okay and its fine. CA: Wwere good. DP: #doubt DP: what can ii do two help make iit more fiine? CA: ....i don't knoww its not, its not anything i think /you/ wwill do CA: i just need a moment to stop thinking about #things, its fine DP: how are the cat2 warmiing up two you? CA: they wwanna ride on my head, cae said they like to be tell DP: eheheh ii don't doubt that at all cat2 liike heiight2 two 2urvey thiing2 from and you defiiniitely count DP: they u2ually u2e me for nap2 and for my abiiliity two open the friidge CA: *tall evven CA: Awwwwww CA: Lil bastards CA: You got cats too? DP: they're not techniically miine they're kk'2 but ii've bonded wiith them and 2teal them when he'2 not around two out warm me CA: Precious??? CA: Okay, wwere evven more fine, and to repeat its fine to do it on yourself but also lets not discuss it DP: DP: they really are ii adore them two biit2 DP: good =] DP: no dii2cu22iion occurriing you'll probably barely be able two tell eiither DP: 2o where are we throwiing down and when because ii am all over thii2 CA: I dunno, wwhere wwould you rather? DP: ii know how two get two your 2hiip whiich ii2 probably ea2iier but you're welcome here iif you want two explore DP: not that there'd be a lot of exploriing 2iince we're gonna be hella dii2tracted but CA: ......I wwanna say that i wwent to another univverse oh man DP: we could al2o do that after the fiight =] DP: iit'2 not a one tiime offer yeah? CA: ...Oh, wwell ok then :) DP: =] DP: ii'll head over then yeah? unle22 you'd liike thii2 two be a later thiing? iif you're bu2y wiith 2omethiing or 2omeone ii can waiit no problem CA: Nah cmere this'll be fun 0u0 DP: kay!
-- deterministPalindrome [DP] gave up trolling captainAwesome [CA] --
deterministpalindrome: > You're going to take some time to finish this task here first, which is 100% necessary and not a stalling tactic to give little Nadaya some time to prepare for a Captor showing up. > When enough time's passed, you gather yourself up (and the food you're bringing for afterwards) and heading to the pad, putting in familiar coordinates and zapping to Nadaya's ship. You'll need directions from the crew but you like them well enough, they'll get grins and promises to not to get blood on everything, mostly. =] > Before you find him you let your body posture go a touch submissive, hunching a little more to not look so intimidating. You're still obviously a Captor, but you're also still young adult ish looking, and very friendly. When you spot him, you're planning on pausing and letting him adjust before getting closer, with a glad to see him "hey" as well. > Everything is perfectly fine and normal. Really.
trolljacksparrow: >One of the crew asks if the promise extends to other fluids, before being elbowed by someone else. There is snickering. >You're 5.2 and also kinda stringy - the Nadaya Pal knows is Marble Statue buff, and there are some tells that you'll grow up this way too, mostly body shape, but right now you're wiry and growing into yourself. > !! >Your fins pin just for a moment, but the way he presents himself and the feel of his voice helps immeasurably. You smile at him and fingergun, before coming closer of your own accord. "Hey, sup?"
DP: > Well fantastic, Nadaya gets to see you with a hint of color on your cheeks then, since that question is going to get your face solid fucking gold out to your ears and the rest of you sputtering. No! It does not extend to that, because that is not a thing that is happening and you are leaving thank you for the help you are gone. > Why the fucking shit does everyone think you are sleeping with and flirting with everyone? That is a thing that is not happening damn it you are not poly. > All of that goes out of your head at the sight of him because /oh gosh he's tiny just look at him/. He gets a chirrup! instead of you actually saying that, but goddamn, he's adorable, send help. > Fingergun back at him with a friendly grin and start softly purring when he comes closer all by himself. Progress. "Not much, jutht looking for a theadweller whothe athh needth kicked. How 'bout you?"
TJS: >Laughing follows him.... >You chirp back at Pal, a bit confused as how everyone is acting childish at the slightest provocation, but rolling with it. >You're not adorable your eyes are pretty much 99.9% filled in, it just takes longer for coldbloods. >That's purring?? You blink, fins flickering, why is he this happy? Your smile is tiny and weak but its definitely present. "Waiting to kick a goldbloods ass, of course. Goddamn, why are you this tall?"
DP: > Awful crewmates, so awful. > One of these moments you might remember not every timeline chirps after wigglerhood, but you are distracted by cuteness. Very adult cuteness, since you remember that eyes filling in all the way is the equivalent of pupating, probably, but still. You definitely want to snuggle with him. > No homo. > You don't draw attention to any of his reactions but you notice them, keeping your actions and body language friendly but subdued. No startling him, that is the opposite as you want. "Eheh, 'cauthe I'm a bag of mutationth. Older you'th taller than me though. At leatht for now."
TJS: "...Yesssssssss" >THANK GOD, you get taller. >Your smile grows a bit, confidence blooming at every second Pal doesn't fucking kill you or whatever. Your body language goes from Not Afraid to Neutral Shy and eases into Kinda Friendly Ish. "Okay, are wwe going at it in like, the sparring place or wwhatevver, or in my quarters, or on rooftops of the ships in the hangars  or elsewhere? I draw the line at sparring in a closet though." >That's a bit of nervous rambling there, but you put your hands up in what is undeniably a Classic Anime Excited pose, despite never watching any anime.
DP: > You're definitely not killing him, and show no signs of wanting to, perking up more as he gets used to you existing so close. This is going so well, you're so pleased. "I wath thinking a thparring plathe, rooftopth thoundth fantathtic but probably wouldn't go that well," there's something in your tone that hints it's because of a familiar problem, "but IDK how much a dithather your block ith but it could have a hell of a lot of potential if there'th nothing violently thharp laying around." There will be, it's Nadaya. "I'd rather not have wrethtling turn inta a medical emerganthy, that'd be a pain." Why yes, that is a pun. =] > His rambling's okay, it's not like you can shut up either, but that posture is (adorably) encouraging. This will definitely be fine.
TJS: >Your standards are usefully low! "......there are so many sharp things, so, so many. Ahaha, a pain, NICE, so yeah sparring place aight, uh, follow me?" >You say this and yet make no move to to anywhere. A small, paranoid part of you insists you shouldn't turn your back on the bodies on anyone.
DP: > Grin wider when he spots the pun, pleased with yourself. "Thoundth like a plan." > He doesn't move and you're not surprised, so you take a step forward, like you're asking if it's this way but also putting you in front of him. Again, not calling him out for his defensiveness, but working within his boundaries, and it's not like you don't trust him behind you. If he needs to stab you, then he needs to stab you, it happens. You'll fix it easily enough, shrug.
TJS: >!! >Holy Fuck this is happening, he's letting you potentially stabbing him!! You grin at him, apparently won over, and nod. >The sparring gym is close, and empty, it’s spacious with a high ceiling (it was built for psions, after all) and nothing to stab them on the floor. "Hey, so, what am I supposed to um, not do?"
DP: > Yep, there it is, your completely unguarded back, ripe for the stabbing. Which was the right move, excellent. Added bonus of him getting even more sure about you existing. > You trot just in front of him the entire time, well within stabbing distance, keeping an eye on his body language to figure out where the shit you're going. It's not that far, but it's damn it's impressive. Let out an appreciative whistle that doesn't seem possible with your knifetrap of a mouth. > ...oh, right, things to stay away from. He wouldn't know. "...if you could, like. Not pick me up. A little bit of lift'th okay" ish "but like. More than that'th a. Problem." You will spark and hiss and freak the fuck out and literally no one wants this. "Other than that, I don't think there'th anything elthe." > A pause while you make sure, trying to think of what else there could be, and deciding you've found it all. "...what about you? 'thide from the light thhow thit."
TJS: >Maybe he saw you look completely fascinated by his back existing - that was you coming to terms that he just, let you do that??? >Determined nodding!! "I can do that! Or I mean - not do that! Yeah!" >....Wait he only put one veto, does that mean you can only put one thing for him to stay away from? That sounds fair, doesn't it? You look puzzled for a moment, and also like you're deliberating on something. ".....I mean, that's the important one yeah?"
DP: > You are going to absolutely blow his mind with what else you're willing to do, like sleep on him, and have his claws near any of your vulnerable parts. That's kind of hilarious to you, and you sort of want to show him to see what he'd do. > Later. After the bloodsport. "Thankth. I really appethiate it." > The tiniest little headtilt, watching him debate with himself, then scrunch your brow with a bit of a confused frown. "Yeah... but what elthe? I don't wanna mithh thomething, yeah?"
TJS: >Your head would explode. >.....?????? You frown back, equally confused. "But you only listed one thing? So I'm only listing the most important one? That's fair, isn't it, so we both have the same limits??"
DP: > ...blink. > Oh, god, no, no you need to fix this. "Nah, that'th not- I have way more thingth, but none of them are relevant, yeah? Like I can't take you bleeding tho much, but that meanth I need ta not cut you open, not that you need ta do anything. Or I can't take being dunked in deep water but there ithn't any here. And the evennethh doethn't come from numberth, it cometh from avoiding all the thingth that thet you off, yeah? If I'm avoiding all your thtuff, and you're avoiding all mine, that meanth we can thcuffle without having ta worry about upthetting each other. Way more fun, yeah?" > Reassuring friendly grin. "Tho what'th the retht of yourth?"
TJS: >.....You look really touched. "Thank you for trusting me." >That came out more dramatic than it should be but holy fuck! He told you weaknesses! That you could easily exploit technically being a seadweller and all! "Oh, ohhh, oh okay um. I don't like anything around my neck, yeah. And clawing gills leads to like, infectiony consequences really really easily so could you not? And...well that's it. I mean. I can't handle thunderstorms, but were literally in space so, yeah?" >You look equal parts reassured and nervous - you told him about thunder because he told you about water.
DP: "Of courthe." > You look like this is important, because it is, but it's not something shocking on your side. Of course you trust him (enough) he's clade. > Also if he took advantage of that, he'd be a violet smear across whatever's handy, but we're not thinking about that right now. > ...is that why Twoblade's so confident all the time? > No damn it not thinking about that, focus. "Got it. No neck, no gillth. Eathy enough. And yeah, thothe'd thuck with everything elthe, wouldn't they?" > Sympathy, you love thunderstorms, and imagining being scared of them is awful =[
TJS: >Its such a good thing you're not privy to his monologue. Such, such a good thing. There'd be a Nadaya-shaped hole from how fast you'd bolt. >Two thumbs up. "Got it!"
DP: > Exactly why you're saying exactly none of that, ever, in any place that he might see, ever. The goal is trust and safety, and possibly getting to know you so he doesn't see idle musing like that as actual threats, if they accidentally happen. > Wide grin. "Fantathtic. You wanna thtart thith all official like or jutht pounthe on each other and go ta town?" > If it's the latter, he could totally do that right now, you're ready for it and it shows if he knows where to look.
DP: > A delighted chirrup he's so fantastic. > Your hands come up, open and wide (and definitely Clawed) ready to block or grab, but they more just support him as you fall back > and plant a boot in his gut > and kick out when you hit the ground, sending him sailing over your head. > Whee. > That'll give you a moment to scramble to your feet, augment your strength while he's distracted and won't see the odd spark, and then pounce on him. > Oh how the turntables.
TJS: "WHEEEE!!" >Yes you're legitimately delighted to be thrown about. >You try to scramble to your feet but he is understandably faster, so what you do is kick up at him while only being on the ground by the palms of your hands, like....deadly breakdancing??
DP: > Excellent this is going to be so much fun. > You wrestle with all of your clade as a show of affection, as the weird scrappy Captor you are, and him having a ball already was so fucking encouraging. > You do your best to dodge that kick, but you can't use psionics to help so you're not as quick as you usually are. Which means his heels clip your chin, snapping your head up kind of painfully, and doing nothing to stop anything. > The moment you can bring your head back around, you're wrapping your arms around his legs/waist/hips/who the fuck knows you don't care, and pouncedragging him to ground.
TJS: >!! You made contact!! >And you're also saying hello to the ground! >So you try doing a sit up to punch him - you aren't as used to fighting without knives and murder as older Nadaya - happy smiling all the way.
DP: > It's weird that you've got the upper hand here with technique, but it's not like you're actually applying any of that here, to this rough and tumble brawl. > The flip did not count, those are just fun. > You jerk back out of the way of his fist, snapping after it gleefully. You miss by miles like you said you would, and if he's paying enough attention, he might spot missing fangs from your last fight.
TJS: >You do spot missing fangs, but you have some too so you aren't surprised. >This is really fun! >Can you liberate your legs enough to pounce into him like your shoulder was a spirited battle ram?? Time to find out!
DP: > He certainly can try! You're a master of gangling your various limbs into a tangled web, but there's definitely a chance and opportunity to slip out of it. > And what an opportunity it is, his wriggling free gaining him enough room to hit deep right on your collarbone. That, that will hurt later. > Right now, though, he knocks you back and comes with you, boots sliding across the floor until you find purchase naturally, and can spare a leg to knee him in the gut. Not enough to ruin anything but he's gonna feel it, like he's scrabbling with a seadweller instead of a soft of toned psionic.
TJS: >That hurts - so exciting!! Its like he's a violet too!! >It makes you involuntarily lose your grip on him so you pull a hand back and aim a punch, but you're so tangled you don’t see what you're doing, so blind punching it is!
DP: > Damn it, your black eye had just gotten down to where it's barely visible, and now you have another on top. And good enough that you wince that eye closed and lean away from the blow. You're pretty sure your vision's fine so no worries there, it's probably fine, and it's not like he'd be able to tell if it wasn't with the solid color thing. > Your first instinct is a strike to his elbow to shatter it, but this is not that kind of fight, so you reroute things. Legs, let's do legs, using your dodging momentum to turn your twisting into a sweep, trying to catch at least one of his and topple him back down. And possibly you but details.
TJS: >HA, you hit him! You got thi--you're going dooown, you're yelling timberrrrrrr (no you're not actually yelling timber) and you just, eat floor. Goodbye tooth, this was the literal dumbest way to lose you. >Okay, you try to scramble up but considering how you landed, success is doubtful at best. Details.
DP: > HA YOU GOT A TOOTH. > This is probably not a good thing in the long run, but that is a problem for future you. Present you is rather busy being a smug little shit and growlpurring at him. > Present you is also dealing with a tangle of limbs, and more importantly very sharp joints, ending up in tender sensitive parts and probably leaving bruises on both parties. Also his scrambling up, which is both hilarious and a giant target for pouncing. > As soon as you can coalesce your gangle, you're springing his way, arms out to tackle his motherfucking ass to the ground again.
TJS: >Argh why is he a very sharp blob argh >You are tackled to the ground, and so you attempt to knee him, but not strongly enough to break anything, just to hurt.
DP: > That is definite the vague squish of flesh and the firmness of bone when his knee connects to your ribs, and having a bit of the wind knocked out of you rolls you off of him and a foot or two away. > Another few feet are added when you turn that shoveroll into a controlled on purpose roll and end up on your hands and feet, ready to pounce again. > Hey look at that, a bit of your feralness is slipping out with that wide grin, though you're doing your best to keep all that tamped down. There is no need to scare the every living shit out of Tiny Nadaya over a tussle.
TJS: >Wide grins you can deal with, threatening snarls might be challenging. >You start scrabbling up the moment he rolls off, on your feet facing him by the moment he stops. >You launch yourself at him instead of waiting, because colliding in the middle is such an Action Movie Extra scene you kinda want it.
DP: > Excellent, there's not going to be a snarl here, at least not a threatening one. Obviously playful ones? Perhaps. But nothing scary. This is too much fun to be. > There's a moment of just looking at each other before the launching begins, and if you had a tail, it'd start wagging before you pounce. > Action movies leave out a lot of the colliding part. Like the fact that two bodies are slamming into each other and then fall together back onto the ground, and that has a possibility to hurt. But it doesn't take out the cool either, your arms wrapping around him and keeping him close when the two of you hit so you can punch him as soon as possible. > There's also some snapping after his face that, again, is no where near flesh, and is pretty tame compared to the first time you did it, like you know it might spook him.
TJS: >This is so fucking cool. You can practically feel splotchy bruises forming, as neither he nor the floor are soft, but you don't care. >Your ear flicks like a horse shooing a fly at the snapping sounds, on autopilot, but the wide smile following it should reassure him that you're having the time of your life. >Wow, he's almost hugging you. You do your part by trying to entangle your legs with his, so he can't dart away. Your lower arm pushes against the floor - hoping to roll both of you so you come out on top, because even bear hugged that's an advantage.
DP: > He's successful in the tangling, which is unfortunate because you like darting away, that's a very helpful thing to get an advantage. Your entire fighting style is based off of parkour and using the environment, and even thought it's not really applicable here, you're still fond of your skittering freedom and the wins it gets you. > The rolling, though. You're not a light troll, over 300 pounds of dense everything, but he's a seadweller, he might be able to manage. On another disembodied hand, you aren't exactly just letting him either, finding an opportunity for that punch and aiming it faceward.
TJS: To be fair, you're a scrawny seadweller - which proves irrelevant as he absolutely decks you straight in the face, since there's no room to dodge especially with you being tanglebuddies. >POW, REKD! >His hand comes back bloody - possibly with a nick on his finger from your teeth, and you're the proud owner of a split lip. >Not to be deterred, you throw a punch Pal-ward right back, your cheerful smile bloodier.
DP: > The slick feel of blood on your knuckles, both his and yours, gets your grin wider and your breathing to stop. It's going to slow you down exactly zero anythings, but if he's attuned to your breathing, your chest isn't going to be moving as often as it should be. > Case in point, the sharp intake of breath in surprise when you get something in reply definitely happens, but it'll be a bit before you let it out again. He gets you good, since it's just as hard to dodge him as it is to dodge you, and your last minute shift to keep his knuckles away from your fangs overshoots and lines his fist up with your nose quite nicely. > It's not quite broken, but there's more blood tossed into the mix, running down to your equally large grin, while you throw another punch. This seems good for a while, at least until someone gives. Someone not you.
TJS: >You don't quite notice it, but something is a bit off, though its not like you have enough undistracted time to stare at his pecs or anything. >You at least try putting up an arm to block the punch, but its Debatable if you manage in time or too late - either way you try grabbing his hand to pull you closer, launching your face at him so you lick a stripe right up his face. >MENTAL WARFARE
DP: > The arm is effective enough; between it existing and you having to last minute adjust without psionics, your knuckles smear across his arm and the punch is barely a problem besides planting gold and violet on his cheek. When you're pulling it back, he grabs it and yanks you forward and > and > that > he > > Jesus fuck. > Your face flares gold, almost out to your ears, and your pan goes places that offer no help in this kind of tussle. Not a single help. You are going to die to death. > In the little gap where your pan takes its fucking vacation into places very well known, whatever's manning the rest of you makes a hasty decision about what the response should be. There's ways you could've reacted with dignity, or to send the correct message, or turn the fight somewhere else, but all the thinkcells responsible for you being any sort of intelligent aren't around, are they? > So you bite him in the face. > Specifically, he while he's pulling back with the gold all over his tongue and fangs, you follow him, leaning up enough to sink your fangs into his jaw with an unfortunately encouraging growl. You're staying away from his neck and fins and anything delicate, and are increasingly unfortunately close to his mouth and lips. > There will be regret when your pan shows up again, but until then? This.
TJS: >You >That >Um
>Your pan kind of short circuits, what is happening, you didn't expect flirting but that growl is undeniably meant to egg you on, um, sure he's pretty but this is --and while your brain is debating, your hand is clutching Pal's hair, because its difficult to debate on this when he's right here, pressed against you, his warm chest still.....not....moving....um "You're--" too squeaky try again "--you're not AIR oh god did I KILL YOU!?!" There we go, that’s a reasonable thing to assume!
DP: > There is a dangerous, dangerous minute there where you two are really fucking close, and his claws are tangled in your hair, and his blood is kind of all over your face now, and he's delightfully chilly, and his lips are right there... > And then he absolutely ruins everything, thank god, by freaking out about you not breathing, and, oh god, you're not breathing?!?!?!? Your gaze drops to your still chest while your pan takes its sweet fucking time getting back from its bucketside resort, and reminds you that- > Right. "Oh, uh. That'th, that'th okay, that'th on purpothe." Though you're breathing again now that you're thinking about it, damn hope powers. "Teal deer ith my powerth make it tho I don't need ta breathe all the time. I can like, ekthplain, if you want? In detail?" > Yes, focus on that and not how close and blood covered you both are, nor how gorgeous he is, nor that he's not pushed you away yet.......... > It seems as though the multiverse is very determined to tell you something this week, and you have not caught up with the memo yet.
TJS: >You kind of pat his chest to reassure yourself that he's alive....with the hand that isn't in his hair because your thinkpan is going like "??????????" so it writ off that hand as "lost". "That's on purpose!? What fucking purpose can that b--" You look even more confused now. Befuddled. "...Teal deer? What? Why teal specifically, what do deer have to do with it?" >You manage to do all this without pushing him away or untangling your legs. Or do anything productive other than baffling at teal deer, not realizing that its TL;DR rended through his maw.
DP: > You're certainly not complaining at all, about none of this, distracted by his distress and ignoring the little blinking light in the back trying to remind you that you are half laying on the ground with a handsome seadweller mostly on top of you, the troll with considerably full and territorial quads. > A little laugh sneaks out, nervously jittery but honest. "Tee-Ell-themicolon-Dee-Are, it'th thaid teal deer. And it'th for a lotta thingth, like when I gotta hold my breath for ageth, and, uh," a lopsided shy smile, drawing attention to the violet on your fangs and lips, "there'th too much blood." > Somewhere in there you've stopped again, and this time he probably noticed immediately, with that hand on your chest that you aren't moving.
TJS: "Oh, internet nerdery okay, I didn't knoww psionics can do that...?" >In your defense, you don't know his quads were full!! >That's. Your blood on his lips oh no >oh no >/that’s hot/ >A blush practically explodes on your face and--he's not breathing again FUCK! He said too much blood?? >Time to suddenly and unceremoniously put an uncaptchad clean dishcloth, YAY DISTRACTION. "Right, blood bothers you, okay, does this help?" You.....you.....you flustered disaster.
DP: "Well, I mean, ith'th... kind of complicated?" > And you're certainly forgetting to tell him, hello guilt for future you. > Fuck, his blush is making yours fucking worse, gold starting to hint on your ears, and gosh you'd get shy and attempt to escape if he didn't dishcloth you. "I, yeah, thankth. And thorry, didn't mean ta ruin thingth." > Alright time to get everything off your face, or as much as you can, gold and violet disappearing for the most part onto the cloth. You can still taste it, but, that's better than smell, at least. > Another fucking poor decision and you press it to his jaw, giving a bit of firmness in hopes to help it clot some, concern starting to creep in between the AAAA and the part where he's super fucking hot. "...and thorry about thith, I didn't mean ta, are you okay?"
TJS: >Your ears are very purple and you are going to die to death. "No no it's okay, dont wworry." You're concerned for him, but it’s not his fault. It’s a convenient distraction though! >And then, oh, goodness, you're actually embarrassed enough to look down like a wriggler, biting down on your lower lip in a way that's probably not making things easier for him. Gosh. He's being concerned. "Oh dude, no big deal I'm fine, I'm great, it...happens?" >You are going to Die To Death.
DP: > Oh god it is not helping at all, a single bit, and you are decidedly Not Looking At Anything other than his bite wound, which is making you even more decidedly Not Think About Anything, nothing at all, especially not about lips. No. Bad Captor. "You're not fine, ND. I know what a knife collecthon my fathe ith." > A few soft clicks, mostly aimed at yourself, god you have to heal this, no one can know. Peek back the towel to see how it's going, and mop up some of the spill over off his face. "...you know the breathing thing? That'th cauthe of another thet of thit I can do, like my pthionicth but more like... IDK, magic? It lethh me do thit that theemth impothhible. Like healing thingth like thith. It'll let you thkip all the bandageth and infecthhonth and pain and futhh," and questions, "but I gotta get my handth on you and do nothing with pthionicth, but it'th gonna be warm and weird." > You want to give him an out in case he doesn't want your hands on him, any more than they already are, pressed up against him on one elbow helpfully occupying that arm so you don't put it somewhere embarrassing.
TJS: >You are not leaning into his touch you are NOT. "...Magic? Are you shitting me?" What the fuck?? It occurs to you that you should get your hand out of his hair, but you don’t, because that totally seems more awkward (where would you even put it??) than ignoring it. Yup. Totally reasonable. >Your teeth worried on your lip as you worried about what he said, "Nothing with psionics? Promise? Because you're warm and weird already-" stick your tongue at him, friendly teasing "-so I mean, sure dude that sounds really cool." >Hey it’s not like he can get any more up in your personal space! Though you might like him t---divert train of thought!
DP: "Yeah, it'th hard ta believe but I dunno how elthe ta ekthplain it that won't need ekthplaining firtht." > His leaning gets a chirp and you swat your pan back on the right track goddamn it and completely ignore what it wants you to do about that worrying. > Okay that's not entirely true, you lean up a bit, shifting your elbow back some so you can press your forehead to somewhere close to his. "I promisse." Without as much of your lisp as possible, so he knows you mean it. "I can't touch older you with them either, only happened onthe 'cauthe of a real theriouth injury." No judgement in your voice, just facts, though you chuckle back at his teasing, your grin coming back. > At least until you realize something, and your blush darkens again. "Um. Could you. Like. Move back? Thome? I uh, need both handth..." > Back, pan. Back into your corner, your suggestions are not needed!
TJS: >You nod at his promise, visibly touched, trying to ignore any pan suggestions that acknowledge that he's right there and that you both have mouths. "Thank you," and you might be about to say something else but OH. >You wonder if it’s possible to die of blushing as like obviously 90% of your blood is situated in your face right now, fins flaring out. "Oh, oh yeah--um, yeah, sorry," that was not squeaky, it was not. >Back up, and release his hair while you're at it, so he has space and you have your legs, end up sitting on the floor. "This better?"
DP: > What mouths. There are no mouths here. Sounds are just happening randomly when you talk and lips do not exist as a concept. > Oh no his fin are absolutely nothing, pan please stop. At least he's not the only one that's a solid color. " 'th fine, it'th not like I minded." Ah son of a bitch mouth you are not a thing please act like it. > There is certainly a lot of not really looking at him as you sit up, bringing your legs back under you as well, and then. Closing the distance again, damn it, because you need your hands on his face and to see what you're doing, since you can't use your psionics. "Yeah, thith workth fine." That is a perfectly steady voice shut up. "You're not gonna be able ta thee or anything, but you're gonna feel toucheth on thit that thhouldn't be able ta be. Like your thkull." > Your grin is half 'isn't that cool' and half nervous as hell about how he'll react about that and nothing else. "The healing part'th gonna be warm, like a blanket, and it'th gonna take a bit. There'th a lot, and they're, um, deep." And nothing else. "You okay with all that? Not gonna do anything unlethh you are, and you can tell me ta thtop any time and I thwear I will."
TJS: "I could tell," goddamn it mouth NO why this, time to find fascination in the floor. "Like my skull? Holy fuck doesn't begin to describe that, that's so fucking metal." Yooooooo. And yes time to focus on that and not the thing you said before that. "Okay, you, wwoww, this is a lot to take in man, but I mean I trust you, so I'm okay with that." Oh no. Hands. On your face. Nimble fingers getting coated in your fresh blood and shut up shut up shut up inner monologue shuuut uuuuppp
DP: > That sure is your face somehow getting fucking darker and you joining him on focusing on fucking medical things damn it, you have to be professional, he trusts you and that's important pan stop reading into things. > Your grin at least gets more into pleased that he's okay with everything, clean of any violet anymore but certainly flashing those fangs again. "I'll anthwer any queththhonth you have, yeah? No matter how weird and complicated they get." > Alright, focus, it's time to do work things on a hot seadweller who is right there and focus damn it put your hands in his face. > They clip through his skin as clean as they usually do, one tagged to interact with nothing yet, but the other doesn't get far before fingertips find Nadaya's skull, pressing enough so he can feel it in that weird, dull pressure sensation that bones have. "And now you can thay thomeone'th touched your thkull." Grin at him and resist the really fucking weird impulse to trace the lines of his bone. What is even your life. No, flip tags again so you can start working on his wounds, a soft heat and a bit of painful pressure building at the deepest parts of a fanghole as flesh starts knitting together again.
TJS: >You should not be fascinated by those fangs you should not... "This is so fucking COOL," you say, obviously pleased, a small purr developing. >You're being still so he can work in peace but god do you wanna lean into those hands. It’s at least less troubling than you wanting him to make more wounds instead, so-- "Hey howw come this doesn't hurt me, like the skull thing I mean," excellent distraction brain.
DP: > You're super pleased with him being impressed by you, even knowing it's because he doesn't know anything yet and he's also Nadaya. It's dumb and you refuse to acknowledge it, but your ears are up and your blush isn't fading. > Do not think about asking him to cuddle with you afterwards, that is the absolutely worst idea in the history of oh thank god a question to answer. " 'Cauthe that'th part of the thkill. I can pick what can interact with what, tho I can clip patht thingth like a bad video game glitch. My handth can't touch your thkin right now, or the bone, or anything elthe in there, there'th a lot, and jutht touching the wound ta heal it, tho I don't hurt anything elthe by acthident."
TJS: "You're magnificent." That's totally a reasonable thing to say and not influenced by....what is this mixture of emotions, eu de Starstruck Dick? >Okay, still purring, still smiling, kind of....nuzzle one of the hands?
DP: "Nah." God, if you had a tail, it would've broken through the floor by now, this is ridiculous. > At least he distracts you from pleased purring softly at that by making everything kind of fucking awkward as he tries to nuzzle something that can't be touched by most of his face. > Click at him scoldingly before he affections at you with his sinuses or something equally weirder than you'd like to deal with right now, and make a really fucking stupid decision to scoot even closer so he can lean against and affection, you know, you. "Try not ta move your fathe much, yeah? I don't wanna fuck thomething up."
TJS: "Yah!" >Okay, yes that wasn't the best decision, but it’s not like you're used to this! Someone pretty is treating your injuries, you wanna affection them, it’s instinct. Gay instinct. Not that you know what gay means at the moment. >Your ears droop immediately at the clicky scolding, but perk up a bit at him indulging you. "Oh, um, sorry." >Lean against him and rumblepurr? Yesss.
DP: > Stick your tongue out at him like a dignified adult ish medic in protest at your amazingness. "It'th fine, 'th not like you know, yeah? It'th pretty weird if you're not uthed ta it." > Oh gosh leaning and rumbling purrs, you knew this was coming and are still delighted by it, fuck. Lean back and return his purrs while remembering that this remains the worst idea in the history of ever. > You are totally going to cuddle with him after, aren't you.
TJS: "It really is, man. Is my old self used to it?" >!!! He's also purring, happy fin flutters. Your hands kind of knead him like a happy cat. >Yes, yes he is. >...You’re beaming at him. Look at this pretty seadweller who thinks you're the literal best ever Pal.
DP: > A huff of a laugh. "God yeah, pirating'th dangerouth yeah? He come hive with tho many holeth in him." Fucking bastard, making you worry so goddamn much. Bluh. > Oh god you are so fucking doomed, fin flutters are your one weakness, and that kneading thing is adorable, and he's so impressed with you and so goddamn attractive, every single thing he's doing is illegal and he is going to cuddle jail, pan, cuddle jail. Nothing else. Not a damn thing else, you are not that kind of shitstain quad, damn it.
TJS: "..That sounds really really fun, honestly." Ah yes. If Pal was wondering where Grown Nadaya's manner comes from, that probably cleared things up. >You're affectioning a golden god, who is magically fixing the injuries (that he caused by being...hot, actually, so let’s not think about it), who is being so kind and accommodating and affectionate, you can't help but purr super loudly and close your eyes. >Total Trust.
DP: > Another huff laugh, it really does. Not that you're at all surprised, you kind of already could tell, but hearing it from him this young is amusing, in an eyetwitching kind of way. > Your breath hitches when his eyes close, and good lord there's that urge to curl around him and hiss at things again. Fuck. You are so fucked. Absolutely fucked. Emotions are hell and you would like them to not. > His cheek closes up at a steady rate, done sooner than later and leaving no scars, and you nuzzle into the crook of his horn. "There. Want me ta fikth your lip too?" A dangerous, dangerous offer, but split lips are hell, and you are emotional.
TJS: >You notice the breath hitching, fins twitching, is something wrong? However when nothing happens, you interpret it as a good thing. >Your eyes flutter open at his offer. "Thank you! And, oh, you would? Yeah that'd be cool." >You touch your face, marveling at how the bite is completely gone, and not thinking about his fingers touching your lips oh no oh noo why did you say yes why your heart is beating so fast it’s gonna explode. >You attempt a smile despite the lip.
DP: "Yeah, I mean I'm right here ta, and thplit lipth are fucking fruthtrating and a methh, yeah? 'th not a problem, it'll only take a thecond." > That is a lie. It is such a problem. This is a major problem, he is smiling and it's gorgeous and full of shark teeth and you are going to have to touch his lip and you are going to die. > Smile back at him while internally screaming quietly, and reach out to get this over with. > It's such a comparatively shallow wound against what you usually have to deal with that all you have to do is put your thumb over it and trace it and the skin will knit together while it's out of sight. Seconds, really. Not a problem. > Only you look like the cover of a romance novel while you do it, and gosh his lips are nice.
TJS: >!! >!!!! >Oh god. Ohhhh god. You are personally suffering. >His thumb is over your lip and he had smiled, this is so unfair - color floods your cheeks again. >You look up at him with such admiration, and, and -- kiss the thumb. Barely, for a soft second, so he can mistake it for you ..testing that you're uninjured or something you haven't thought this through okay??
DP: > > > > > That was a kiss. > That was a kiss. > He fucking kissed you on purpose at least your thumb but that's more than you thought you'd get. > No. > No this is bad, remember pan? Bad? You promised Karkat, you can't do anything with this. > But you really want to. He's really pretty. And that face.... god. "How'th that? Feel better?" > Maybe if you pretend it didn't happen, nothing will happen.
TJS: >Ouch. >....Oh. Well. Okay. >He doesn't want you, obviously (and why would he?), but he's gracious enough to let you down gently instead of getting mad or upset. >...Which shouldn't make him hotter to you goddamn it pan not now! >Your fins droop for a moment before you reign it in, no need to let your disappointment show, that's in bad taste and honestly even the fact that he's being affectionate is really good, so. "Good as new." >A soft, small smile. "Thanks, man!"
DP: > You catch that droop, and it hurts and turns your face solid gold again. He meant it. The whole it. He was fucking interested back and you are going to die. > Sure, okay, you were used to kind of sort of pining after people, but they don't pine back ever. He wants you bad enough to be disappointed and for his enthusiasm to be cut down. > And you can't do a damn thing with it. You're not allowed, and more importantly, not poly. You do not do that thing. It is not a thing you do. > But you really want to, more than you ever have before. > > Perhaps you should have this minor crisis about how much you want to cheat on your matesprit and kismesis when he's not right here. > Smile back, blush and you yourself not budging. " 'Courthe. You're clade, yeah? Pluth I did it, tho." > Oh hey your knuckles got sliced open on his absolutely amazing fangs, time to look down at them to close those up too so you don't have to look at his lips, and face, and god help you.
TJS: >Okay, he's definitely blushing too, but but he isn't interested so why? .... Is he embarrassed? Are you embarrassing him? >Are you completely misreading this situation??? >No no he thinks you're clade, so he's not like....negative-feelings-ing towards you, but you clearly missed something.... >Worry on your lip again. >Is he unused to cuddling? Is that why he's embarrassed??? "Pal!" Wait, no, back up. "Is this--are, you, I'm, are we usually not like hugging and stuff? Because I can stop if that's it?" You look a bit concerned that you crossed some boundary or something, you don’t know.
DP: > It is the tiniest miracle in the world that you were looking down when his teeth end up in his lips again, you really would have died, especially after doing something stupid. > His !ing your name gets your gaze right back up on his again though, ears surprised and face still gold, oh god what did you do, where did you fuck u- oh. > Oh god he noticed. He noticed the thing where you're not kissing him stupid despite wanting to. Oh god you're dead, you are dying, how the shit do you deal with this. > A quick shake of your head, ears coloring again how does this keep happening. "N-no, older you'th like an octoputh, and clade cuddleth a lot, we're all really cuddly, yeah? ...wath gonna. Athk. If you were. 'nd wanted ta, with me. After thith." > A thick swallow, looking back down at your hands, voice quieting. "...but I can't do anymore than that."
TJS: >The most delighted chirp holy fuck okay this cuddly stuff is kind of new but you sort of love every moment. "I do yes! Its like, nice." You could fry an egg on your face. "And haha I kind of um, gathered?" Your voice is kind of squeaky, dang it. Chirp and stick out your tongue at him again, fins fluttering. >You kind of gathered he doesn't want to do anything more when he...well, didn't. So you look away because oh god this is so stupid you're so stupid, way to put him on the spot, why did this happen, f u c k!
DP: > Just. Fucking. Put your forehead on his shoulder. Just kind of thunk it down there, in lieu of a corpse ditch to be dumped into. "Matethprit'th not okay with me being with anyone elthe, 'thept my pitch." > Also you're not poly and don't do the lovers thing. Important things you forget to mention because you're distracted. You'll get to that in a minute, you swear.
TJS: >...Pat his head when he does that, what is--oh. > > >oh "Oh my god you havve quads, oh my god, oh my god I'm so sorry, fuck fuck I’m so sorry I didn’t--fuck!!" >The poly thing didn't occur to you!! You just immediately hopped on to the 'made moves on someone taken’ thing. You kissed his finger. "I'm so sorry" oh god. That's it this is how you die. It’s also possible you accidentally stopped breathing as in held your breath for your inevitable Doom.
DP: > Put a hand on his face. > Just right on his face, fingers spread, covering as much as you can with a flopped hand. > It's supposed to stop his babbling, since it works on most of your clade, but who knows. "I didn't thay. 'th fine. 'm not mad or anything. ...oppothite, really." > Death comes for you, stop talking. ".......flattering, having a hot troll inta you, yeah?" > This is not stopping Captor.
TJS: >It totally works, though mostly for novelty value. You shut up immediately, baffling. "Opposi--oh. .....oh." >Your voice is way too squeaky for your own good. "Hot? I'm...me? You---me?? Um, gosh, um." >You're blushing so hard you think he can feel it through the hand. "....I'm cold though, badumtsss." Is now really the proper time for puns. Is it. Is it really. "I'm, glad, um...me??" Stop just stop. No, making a strangled squeak noise isn't stopping. "...fuck yeah." gOOD ENOUGH
DP: > This is absolutely the best moment for puns, it gets a snort of laughter out of you and a big of a lopsided grin. "Yeah, definitely you. Hate ta break it ta you but you're kind of thuper attractive. ...'thpethially all bloody and thit." > His squeaking is painful for like six different reasons, all of them relating to wanting to curl around him in various ways. Do the next best thing on an impulse and wrap your arms around his shoulders in a hug. "...thorry, for making thith weird. I withh I could, I really do, but... I promithed, yeah? I can't hurt him like that, he'th been through that thorta thing too many timeth before."
TJS: "Are you sure you aren't talking to a mirror?" It’s said teasingly, and you've perked up noticeably. >! Hugs! You cheerfully chirp and wrap your arms around whatever’s nearest, burying your widening grin in his hair. "Oh dude, I wouldn't ever do someone whose quads weren't okay with it - and. The fact that you like... Mm. Are, like this? Is," just making him hotter fuck "Really admirable." >You're just cuddling on the floor now??
DP: > Another snort, taking the teasing as just that, and a bit more positively than you usually would. Might be the part where he kissed you(r thumb) first, who knows. > Chirp back at him, a happy and somewhat relieved sound when he hugs you back, making you scoot that last little bit closer and Officially introducing him to the concept of Fuck It, Cuddle Wherever. "Heh, I jutht want him ta be happy, yeah? Couldn't hurt him on purpothe if I had ta, I'd rather double die." > Are you getting a little gay about your matesprit while snugged up against a hot seadweller that you're Emotional About still? Why yes you are, and you are most definitely not poly. Shut up.
TJS: "I don't even wanna guess at what double die means," you say trying to pull the tall goldblood in your lap so you can pet his hair. "Ooo, tell me more about him, yes?" Prrrrrrr. This is good. And, the fact that such a person wants you is doing wonders for your ego, as evident by the violet still on your face. >The floor is also good.
DP: "It'th nothing awful, it'th jutht part of the complicated thingth and a methh ithhelf. Bathically meanth dead for good and gone forever, yeah?" > Oh god that is tug, where is he putting yo- lap, into his lap, hot seadweller lap for better cuddling, yes, you are on board with this, helping the best you can to get into position for hair pets that you're nuzzling into. "You've met him, he'th older you'th moirail, Karkat, the brick wall one. He'th the thtarth in my thky and the calm in my thtorm, he'th gentle with me but he'th kicked doorth down ta rethcue me." > You are so fucking in love with him, it's all over your voice and face, and you honestly mean everything you're saying.
TJS: >Turns out you have a loud motorbike purr, pretty much almost surprising yourself. >You are just so about this, the ultimate snuggle right here. >Your ears perk up when he mentions Karkat - oh my goodness, this is so touching, it's adorable. "Haha, you're so in looooove, what a dork," you say, nuzzling him. "Karkat is - he's, he was there when um, stuff?" That time you got badly set off. "I like him." An understatement.
DP: > That little startle at his own purr makes your pump squeeze with Emotion, bringing up the desire to curl around him and hiss at his entire life. > You nuzzle him instead, purring back, laughing a little when he comments. "Can't even pretend I'm not, I'm up patht my hornth in deep with him. He'th wonderful, perfect for me, I'd do anything for him to make him happy, he'th more than wortht it." > A chirrup, understanding and pleased. "I don't blame you, he'th the betht ta bury inta when thit gethh bad, and he adoreth you."
TJS: >You beam at the nuzzling, and chirp a little. Your free hand is doing its best to be a one armed hug, the one in his hair graduating from hair pets to hair scritches to see if that's good too. "That's adorable, an--wait what, he does, why?" >Why would he do that, is he okay??
DP: > His one armed hug is fantastic when his other hand is scritching you, making you purr a little louder and lean into it like a cat. " 'Courthe he doeth, you're amathing. You're kind and thoughtful and great at cheering people up and even better at bristling at people who fuck with yourth, hilariouth, fun, alwayth up for thhenaniganth or cuddleth, and you'll drop everything in an inthtant ta help a clademate, no matter with what or how. How'th he thuppothed ta not think you're wonderful?" > Nuzzle into the crook of his neck (carefully, fins) affectionately, totally in denial about your lengthy and well deserved crush on him.
TJS: >Scritchscritchscritch. >...Oh god you're fucking dying, your face is pure violet again and your fins are fanning. The return of the Dreaded Squeakchirp Noise foretells you kind of, wrapping around him more, not that that's very physically possible. >You don’t say any words because you don’t think you can, you're that floored by this...everything.
DP: > He can feel you grin against his neck, especially at that noise, that's such a great noise. Chirp chirp at him in confirmation, yes this is an actual thing that happened. > The coiling gets your attention, and you nudge at his jaw with your face. "Doeth your block have like, a bunch of pillowth and blankethh ta flop on? 'Cauthe if we're not thparring," because it is Way Too Distracting, "we thhould go cuddle thome plathe comfortable." And better for tanglebuddying.
TJS: >....The grin shouldn't send your pan places, bad pan, bad, he has quads and you'd never take a taken man, bad. >Oh thank god a blessed distraction! "Yeah!! A good idea." You just gotta. Stop cuddling him for a moment.
DP: > The two of you are a mess, and cuddling is probably the last thing either of you should be encouraging. > You're the first to move, reflexively pressing a chase clade kiss to the hinge of his jaw before retracting yourself, gathering up the sprawling legs to places where they could help you stand, arms from around him, already missing the cool of him. No, no, that is a bad thought, and besides, you'll be cuddling him again soon enough.
TJS: >!!! Kiss! A chaste kiss too! Holy fuck! You're fighting down a grin to no avail, because there it is, all happy and beaming. >You're a mess. >You practically hop to your feet, having less gangle to work with, and prop on your toes to kiss the same place he kissed. >That done, you turn (freely turning your back to him!) to lead him to your room. "This way!"
DP: > It's a good thing you're grinning just as hard, especially after him sneaking in a kiss while you're getting up, making you feel Emotions again that make you give him a quick nuzzle before parting. > And more Emotions when he turns his back, including a hell of a lot of pride at yourself for proving yourself trustworthy for such a gesture, softly purring as you follow after him with a chirp. > Hopefully they won't run into any crew, but you know better than to count it out.
TJS: >His purring makes you purr, this is the worst thing, you cover your face with your hands because holy shit. >Yeah walking like this is normal. >Someone does wolf whistle, asking if they had a fun fight, and if magical healing (bow chka pow woww) was involved.
DP: > Your grin's silent but ridiculously amused at him hiding. If he was more used to you in general, you'd be teasing the hell out of him despite having negative legs to stand on. > Case in point: the second that wolf whistle reaches your ears, your blush jumps up to meet his, shoulders stiffening in an effort to look unaffected by a shitton of shy embarrassment. The rest of it doesn't help, making you flip off whoever's getting way too close to the truth, goddamn it.
TJS: "Magical healing was involved," you say, brain taking a bit to catch up "but what d--OH. Oh my god, you dick, fuck you very much??" >Walking faster???
DP: > Oh god. > Oh god that did not just happened. > Why, Nadaya. Why. > It's your turn to bury your solid gold face in a hand, though it's totally a face palm. Definitely. Shut up. > You can never show up on this ship ever again, except when you do two days later to make their jeering more accurate, but details. Future details. > Pick up the pace so you don't lose him and also so you can get somewhere with a fucking door.
TJS: >There's laughter. >Door, blessed door!! You go through, wait for him, and slam it shut. "So this is my old self's place?" You....did not plan for how to segue on the bed without being either creepy or seductive?
DP: > He doesn't have to wait long, you're just as eager to be in here away from the laughing as he is, leaning against whatever's free in relief with a solid gold face. "Yeah. Haven't been here much, mothtly end up in the medical ward ta click at him." > Give you a minute, you'll get a pan back here soon and can do it for him as soon as you're done dying from mortal embarrassment. "...you thtill up for cuddling?"
TJS: "Yes" was that too eager?? Fuck. Your fins flare up in embarrassment. "I mean, uh, yeah man," SMOOTH.
DP: > It's definitely too eager, getting your ears perked and gaze on him, but his fins and flailing recovery get a snort out of you, and an amused smile. "Then come on, dork. Could uthe your hair ta hide in, yeah?" > Reach out with a hand for him to take, either for you to tug him to the bed or him to drag you. You're not picky which to be honest, you just want to get close to him again.
TJS: >You take his hand (!) let yourself be dragged until the bed is in reach and then TACKLE him to the bed. >CHAINSAW PURRING
DP: > Oh man yes cudd- BEING TACKLED YOU ARE DOWN WITH THAT. > Your purr leaps up to match, absolutely delighted, immediately nuzzling his entire face and planting another clade kiss on his temple. > This is... not yours, but almost yours. Honorary yours. On temporary loan to your yours. ...if he stayed, he'd be yours, so you're gonna treat him like yours. > Purr a little louder.
TJS: >Delighted, giddy noises, oh my gosh, that's another chaste kiss, you love him, you love him so much (PLATONICALLY). >You nuzzle his face right back, planting a kiss or two to match, wrapping your arms around him, this is a friend, this is a good friend, this is clade and you rarely have clade, you're so delighted.
DP: > There is so much absolutely platonic love and affection happening here, along with platonic tangling and platonic burying your face in his hair. If you had a tail, you'd have broken something by now wagging it so hard. > Hug him close and purr at him, not planning on moving for quite a while.
TJS: >This is what heaven feels like. >You're purring so hard you're half convinced you'll sprain something. >Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nuzzle whatever is up against your face, you're so happy, you're not moving first nuh uh.
DP: > Well it looks like you two are stuck there for a while, what an awful circumstance. You're gonna need to go hive eventually, you do have responsibilities and shit to get to, things to think about... but you can put that off for a while with a cute seadweller snuggled in your arms. > A good day, hell yeah.
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