rambllog · 1 year
is there a difference beween being in the closet as a trans man and being an eldritch abomination beyond all mortal comprehension
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rambllog · 1 year
i think its funny when i watch my dad fall asleep to old episodes of the big bang theory he's got a great life. he just needs to not watch the big bang theory. his mind is too fragile
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rambllog · 1 year
i wish i had a tiny version of myself that followed me everywhere because i would love to have a friend who is always with me, knows everything about me and shares my sense of humor. unfortunately i havent developed this technology yet.
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rambllog · 1 year
when they see me outside they dont even stop me anymore because theyre too scared that i will bite them or something……… "yeah im the feral raccoon guy you saw last time" i dont know man i just wanna eat some trash
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rambllog · 1 year
whens the last time u just sat down with ur friends and sang random songs and watched them vibe along? we forget we arent the main character sometimes, and its just little moments like this that can turn out to be our most precious memories later. take the time to love your friends a little :) i appreciate every moment i spend with mine. they keep me going
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rambllog · 1 year
i love listening to loud music and just getting up and dancing around like a total maniac. it’s like i live in a perpetual musical. and of course when i’m not just dancing, i’m singing like a maniac because i have no shame whatsoever
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rambllog · 1 year
the best thing about adhd is how many times i can say “i forgot” in a single conversation and nobody says anything about it
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rambllog · 1 year
if im in a really bad funk, i put on my ugliest pair of pajamas, make a hot toddy, grab my laptop, climb into bed, and watch a really really trashy reality show. i'm talking honey-boo-boo territory. nothing quite like watching a family of 7 pack into a single-wide and go to walmart to pick up a pig to take home and slaughter to get you out of a funk.
i am never so glad to be me as when i watch trash reality tv.
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rambllog · 1 year
if i see one more person with an nft pfp trying to teach me something im shoving a fork into the nearest outlet
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rambllog · 1 year
the most powerful creature on earth isn't a god or an angel, or even death itself. it's a child with ADHD and a keyboard. I fear us more than any demon.
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rambllog · 1 year
I feel the urge to write a story about an employee that is a very important cog in OSHA’s operation and they get fired as a part of a restructure, and OSHA immediately finds itself in its most disastrous situation ever due to the loss of their most important asset. Like “What? You thought he was just a guy who sat there and typed out reports all day? How cute. He was so much more.”
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rambllog · 1 year
do you ever think about how many people u could've killed in an alternate timeline. i think abt it a lot. is there a universe where i have a gun. no? not very good thought to keep around here. i dont like this very much at all.
do you think parallel universe me's think about me as much as i think ab them? like. i wonder if theres a me thats like a famous actor? does he like it or does she think she could be doing better. is he an engineer? a musician? what are other-realities me doing right now? would i get along with him?
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rambllog · 1 year
i think my brain is an eldritch horror like it does not work in The World’s way and is just there to haunt and be funky
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rambllog · 1 year
im a silly guy. a foolish boy. not a smart man. a goofy, even silly clown. but you must remember i am. still human, still the same flesh and bones as yours. i have a heart, it pumps blood. i feel things, very deeply. there is a human underneath the silly clown you see before you. a human with feelings and emotions. remember that, before you laugh at me for being foolish.
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rambllog · 1 year
I am in a constant state of being both the person who over-exaggerates every single thing in their life to the point of being obnoxious and also the one that is always "whatever." I am a paradox. An anomaly.
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rambllog · 2 years
ive gotten back into splatoon sadly im not that good. did splat some ppl tho i count that as a win !!!!!
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rambllog · 2 years
i only queue posts when funny to do so like that one "color of the sky" thats just repeated for like half of an entire dashboard. gold.
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