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possessesnightshift · 3 months
i'm not an eloquent political speech person so im just gonna be direct about this
americans, please please fucking register to vote and vote for joe biden in november
and before you jump to whatever policy thing or weakness of his to counter this plea, just stop. it doesn't actually matter. trump is worse. trump is fucking so much worse
our job from here on out is not only to hold our noses and vote for biden, but also to convince all of our friends family and whoever else to also vote for him in spite of all of his flaws. yes all of them
we need to make the fucking argument that trump is so dangerous, the country would be better off with a drooling old genocide lover whose mental faculties are drying up faster than the sahara desert. we need biden voters to be keenly aware of his shortcomings and refuse to back down. there's no use in pretending biden is still sharp as ever or has this mass grassroots support (he does not). he sucks. he is probably the worst democratic candidate in the party's history.
don't care. trump is worse. he needs to be stopped from taking power by any means necessary. he needs to be STOPPED.
from a non-republican pov, democrats constantly leaning on the "but the other guy is worse" argument is frustrating as all hell. i certainly hate it myself. but what gets lost in the conversation is that the republicans are essentially so beholden to this principle nobody even notices.
i know plenty of small town midwestern republicans who were embarrassed to admit they voted for trump. they voted for him in spite of his nastiness and blatant buffoonery (not in spite of his racism bc they're likely ok with that) because he was on the republican ticket, and to them any republican is better than a woke liberal who wants to take away our gas stoves and force drag queens to read us stories at bedtime
so yeah i kinda don't fucking care at this point
biden is a laughably bad candidate for the election of 2024. any other time he could've run (including 2020) is completely different than now, when he's just too fucking old. so should we just roll over and let him lose? just for trump to finish his term, be biden's current age, and either run for a third term or just stay in power bc the supreme court is on his side and they've been preparing for this for decades? fuck that
actually i think a rotting, pulpy corpse would make a fine president compared to dumbass donald "reality gameshow host" trump. literally if biden dies the day of the election he's still got my vote because it is not for him
the left has to learn to have the tenacity that republicans have. we emulate the right in the worst fucking ways (e.g. closing the southern border for no reason) but we never emulate their pettiness. we never say 'i hate the republicans so much i will willingly vote for someone i kinda hate to spite their smug asses'
remember when trump used to be a joke? remember when he was a giant embarrassment? remember the memes about his illiteracy and his lack of awareness? (see 'covfefe' for more info) trump may have the means to become a brutal dictator, but he relies on people smarter than he is to pull it off
if trump continues to hype up his project 2025 and his fascist ambitions with the swagger and confidence of fdr running against herbert hoover, what does it signal to the rest of the world for that man to LOSE to a corpse with the stamina of a wet flounder? it could stop the fascist momentum in its tracks by associating it with weakness and incompetence (you talk up all this hype and you lose to THAT man?? i guess you must be full of shit huh)
these are fraught times. there's no way to get out of this without letting go of our ideals of a perfect candidate who responds to the political desires of the people. that candidate does not exist and never will
right now we have not just an opportunity to preserve our rotting democracy for a little longer, but something much more special. we can fucking put an end to the trump experiment once and for all. we can make trump wannabes like ron desantis scramble to dissociate their image from the toxicity of the trump administration. we can turn him back into a joke.
at this point im screaming into the wind. no person who isn't already voting for biden is gonna read this far. but i want these words to be here anyway because i think they have value. 2024, 2028, and 2032 are all going to be pivotal election years. we can't wait around. we have to act NOW.
vote rotting fish 2024. i will plug your nose with a clothes pin if you refuse to do so yourself...
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
People that curse nonstop in person are annoying as shit. Usually they do it casually too. So besides being a covfefe person, she's a person who uses a curse word every other sentence?
Damn, she's giving off some Glip vibes. I remember someone saying in person Glip cursed every other word. That and I still have a sour taste in my mouth that the "sympathetic character" who was a deaf child in Viv's show was at an adult oriented event where people fucked sex dolls in the crowd. Reminds me of how weird Glip was in confessing a sexual fanatsy with an older sexually mature woman educating a younger male. Then how Glip drew the hunter x hunter kids in sexual acts and how it was ok cause an adult wrote them.
Ok sorry for ranting. Just the more and more I learn about Viv, the more I see Glip, someone I want to pretend I was never a fan of.
Viv, we're all imploring you, stop resembling Glip so much. Stop right there. Seriously.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
If I were the same as the very bored Anti barking in this killing, white heat - only mad dogs, Englishmen and people out of laundry detergent - I would lose three minutes writing shit like this:
"Antis seeing TMcG in covfefe pics, when there's clearly that fucking 5 to 7 inches height difference between S and the PA, even the latter's hypothetic compensated heels could not account for".
But I am not. Better take out the bins before hepatitis ensues, eh?
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blurglesmurfklaine · 10 months
For the fic title game, yet another shamelessly stolen song lyric: hearts will break (for future's sake)
EEEEEEE BRUH I’ve never heard that song and have no clue what it is but what a BANGER line
Okay so I’ve never done this with the newsies fandom only because i haven’t really written much for it, but I’m a sucker for reconciliation. Just an absolute slut for Right Person Wrong Time, so I think that’s what I would make this hypothetical fic about.
omg omg omg and it would be one of those double timeline fics where it jumps between the past and present as a nod to the (for future’s sake)
my vibe for the Past Timeline is: Jack and Davey meet and hit it off VERY quickly because they are them and inexplicably drawn to each other. I’m thinking college freshman era, maybe they’re roommates?? Yeah, yeah they’re roommates let’s roll with it. Past Timeline would ideally jump around through their four years of college in order of relevance to the Current Timeline (we’ll get there, bear with me. There’s a bear with me. His name is Fred. He’s a menace) but begin with their last interaction/falling out and end with their first meeting— Think JICFEBDHGA, If the scenes were the alfabético and alphabetical order was chronological.
The general vibe I’m going for is Jack being head over heels in love with Davey and Davey just having NO FUCKING CLUE because Jack is his friend, his buddy, his rotten soldier, his sweet cheese, his good time boy. But like, Davey is just so Repressed (not in a gay way, he knows he’s 💅🏽, he just doesn’t talk about his feelings and isn’t in touch with them because Oldest Brother Syndrome) that he’s like “yeah this Amazing Feeling and Deep Connection is just friendship :)”.
Meanwhile Jack desires this fucking weirdo he’s stumbled upon carnally and is literally obsessed with him and always dropping casual “I love you’s” “I would marry you in a heartbeat” “for real I want you in my life forever” bc he’s got that All Or Nothing personality and Davey’s dumbass is just like OH YOU!
That all ends poorly because eventually Jack’s like. Dude I am IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! But there is An Obstacle (maybe Davey’s already met someone else and Jack’s too late, maybe Davey thinks he doesn’t feel the same??) and jack… hoooooo boi that guy can NOT handle a) rejection (rejection sensitive dysphoria anyone???) and 2) the idea of davey Not Choosing Him so he DIPS. Skips out on graduation, and moves back to his hometown (Santa Fe)
This is the vibe for Present Timeline: it’s been several years, Davey hasn’t thought about jack in ages (that’s a lie, he was having his midnights moment like. Last night. CAUSE HE WAS SUNSHINE I WAS MIDNIGHT RAIN! ) but Jack’s in Santa Fe anyway and is married and has a kid according to Facebook a few years ago so rip Davey trying to find the colors jack painted his life :/ bc of That WS Just Friendship he hasn’t found anything CLOSE in ages. But surprise! He stops for covfefe and guess who the FUCK is the barista? In New York? Guess who the FUCK has been living there with his daughter (sorry I’m in a very Single Father!Jack mood) for SIX MONTHS and never said a WORD to Davey??
Anyway, this timeline would go in straight chronological order and follow them reconnecting, hashing out their old shit, deciding if they want to be together (they do) and what that looks like. So think 0123456789 numerical order being chronological.
So on the whole, the order would be something like:
0J1I2C3F4E5B6D7H8G9A (come out looking like a fucking verification code 😭) if that makes sense???
Anyway. That was a lot, whoops! But this was actually so fun to do while I wait for my laundry! :D
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teaboot · 4 years
Okay I'm canadian and I don't even read newspapers or anything but just through osmosis I have learned
1. The time Trump made such a big deal about his teeny tiny baby hands that it became an international meme
2. The time Trump paid off a porn star with campaign money and we all found out he had a piss kink
3. The time Trump, on camera, mocked a disabled reporter
4. The time he called Mexican people Animals
5. "Grab Her By The Pussy"
6. Covfefe
7. The time he was wrong about the direction a hurricane was headed but he refused to admit it so he took a sharpie marker to a storm map to add in the wrong thing he said
8. That thing with the big pile of big Macs in the white house? What the fuck was that about
9. That Christmas where Melanoma decorated the white house hallway to look like the entry to Krampus' sex dungeon
10. The time Trump was attacked by Uncle Sam, the bald eagle of freedom
11. When he straight up told people to drink bleach
12. That one interview where a reporter asked him if he had a message for american citizens who may be frightened or confused, and instead of saying anything remotely compassionate he took the opportunity to rip into the dude and call him a shitty reporter
13. Openly kissing Putin's ass
14. Openly kissing Kim Jong Un's ass
15. The Wall
16. When his son got caught stealing money from a charity for kids with cancer
17. When he forgot his daughter Tiffany's name on TV
18. When he straight up said he was sexually attracted to his daughter
19. Appointing his entire family to official positions in the white house despite none of them being qualified or competant
20. Golf???????
21. "I Love Mexicans". *Taco Salad Bowl*
22. The time he bragged that his dick was huge
23. The time he denied knowing a convicted sex trafficking pedophile despite the fact that he's been photographed having drinks with him periodically over the last 30 years
24. "Nasty Woman"
25. "Fake News"
26. "China Disease"
27. That one global conference where the leader of fucking every other country there refused to shake hands with him
28. The one journalist who spent like a year trying to uncover his collusion with Russia only to have his work blown to shit when the Trumps just. Tweeted it all out
29. Nuclear Strike Warning on Hawaii
30. The asshole himself getting Covid
31. ??? Holy shit I'm at 31 already what the fuck how is this bastard still alive????
31. Uhhhh FUCK that shooting where he said if he'd been there, he would have stopped the shooter himself
32. Bone Spurs
33. That one incomprehensible phone call where he lied about cutting some kind of deal with some king or what the shit????
34. Appointing his limp dip shit son in law to "make peace with the middle east"????? SOMEHOW?????
35. The time he said he wished the American people showed respect for him like they do for Kim Jong Un in north korea????????!???
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ET1 Exam
I’d been feeling pretty good about this cycle’s advancement exam; had a decent score last time, and this cycle I have a ranked EP eval and a NAM going towards it.  I ate a relatively healthy dinner, enjoyed my ritualistic shower beer, went to bed at a decent hour, and had a good breakfast (even avoided covfefe because I didn’t want it making my stomach rumbly when combined with the test anxiety).  I SHAVED WITH AND WORE SEA DUKE’S SCENT.
First I was disgruntled because we were told to be at the Navy Reserve Center at 0600, but we didn’t even have asses in seats til about 0745.  I could have slept in!  Clock didn’t start til 0830!  Anyway...
So I open my test book and things are goin’ alright until I get to the in rate technical shit and oh my god...who the fuck picked those questions?  Like...this was like the first time I took this exam where the questions were oddly specific.  Good news is I knew most of the SATCOM/network questions because lol, that’s what I’m learning.  More math questions than usual so naturally I C’d my way out because I can’t memorize formulas for shit.
I do not expect my name to be on the list come November.  I will be surprised as fuck if it is.  I’m hoping my answers in other areas make up for my (on paper) atrocious technical knowledge, but bro, Navy BMR failed me.  Used that to study and won’t NONE OF THOSE QUESTIONS ON THIS TEST THE FUCK.
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I’ve got a doc started tonight, eloquently called “Exam Questions I Shouldn’t Get Wrong (but probably do because my memory is shit),” so as I read over the NEETS mods I can annotate the information I remember from this exam that I was unsure about/can use for future cycles.  I feel if I can answer the easier equipment-oriented/admin questions with more confidence, that’ll bump up my score next time.
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sea-dukes-assistant · 3 years
It’s weird how positive (and even somewhat sexualized) comments about Kates appearance are fine on royals confessions, but the minute someone does it to someone else the replies and comments are all so deranged
My Experience, An Essay
A long time ago, back before royal-confessions required you to follow them in order to send in stuff, I'd occasionally send in asks/submissions, not on anonymous because wtf why I am not embarrassed about my feels for Sea Duke and it's well known, plus they need a break from all the catfighting and bitching about two women and which one is The Worst.
I digress.
So anyway I'd occasionally send in stuff, nothing explicit, about my appreciation for Sea Duke in his dress blues, or that him in dress blues was better than porn. EVERYONE LOST THEIR SHIT. YOU'D HAVE THOUGHT I HAD SAID I WANTED HIM TO CUM IN MY COVFEFE (or something equally as scandalous/weird). Oh but wait, this was during the time of worship of The Man Who Would Save Us All, The One True War Hero, Prince Harry The Ginger Savior, where sexual/explicit confessions about him were RAMPANT and ENCOURAGED and Not At All Disgusting.
So it was always odd to me that my appreciations for Sea Duke were met with insults of my intelligence as a whole (this was actually a common theme in my ask box at any given time...which was funny to me because I LITERALLY MAINTAIN RADAR SYSTEMS THE FUCK DO YOU DO?), snarky remarks about me needing therapy, more snarky remarks about needing to "get my head checked," or that I/the confession was "disgusting."
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*clears throat*
So after a while I can only assume that this trend was due to a disdain for me as an individual (which could be the case, IDK, I can't speak for anyone), or because they're homophobic* pieces of shit. Maybe both.
Because of this obvious display of hypocrisy, I have decided that any time I see a "sexy" confession, I reblog it with such commentary after checking its notes, because holy double standard, Batman!
*I am not Gay(tm), but I do happen to have an oddly specific desire to do the sex with this particular example of Sheer Perfection and I very much enjoy him in just about every aspect
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calcmityys · 3 years
@hokuspocus // luca && haylee -  🧦 a half-asleep text.
[ luca : ] need. covfefe. 
[ luca : ] fuck. autocorrect. covfefe
[ luca : ] i’m too tired for this shit. 
[ luca : ] i’ll buy if you bring. 
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weaver-z · 4 years
Yes, Twitter liberals, Trump DID say “bigly” that one time! Yes, his tan looks bad! I agree, “covfefe” is a very silly mistake to make! Now can we PLEASE focus on fixing the fucking economy or the nightmare of a climate instead of sitting on our asses calling him sophomoric shit like “Orange Donny Dollhands” all day?
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What’s your own definition of the word “covfefe”? 🤔
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werewolf-cuddles · 5 years
The reason I hate Trump jokes is because they’ve never evolved beyond “Trump is an idiot”, “Trump is orange”, “Trump has bad hair” and “Trump has tiny hands”. Literally every Trump joke involves one, some or all of the above.
It doesn’t matter what kind of jokes you’re making, if you keep telling the same joke over and over again for years on end, people are gonna get sick of it. And yet somehow there are still people who think “covfefe”, a typo he made three fucking years ago, is the funniest shit they’ve ever heard.
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tsunflowers · 4 years
this is my list of kamen riders as desserts. some of them are like ready to serve at the rider diner and some are just based on the vibes I get from the character but with some small edits you could put them right on the rider diner menu
shouichi is carrot cake bc it’s a dessert but it has homegrown veggies in it. I feel like carrot cake has a simple and unpretentious vibe too. absolutely with little carrots piped on top
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tendou is some kind of wagashi thats served on a leaf like this youkan. served with green tea of course. I just think tendou is very Traditional
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ryoutarou is a parfait. sweet comfort food but with a lot going on. you would swap in different flavors for the different imagin. although momo could be tough bc he’s a peach but you would want some kind of red fruit instead of peaches. ura has to be blueberry bc that’s the only blue fruit. kin I think would be mostly honey flavored maybe with some yuzu. and ryuu is peanut butter and grape jelly
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wataru is red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. red velvet bc its red like blood and hes a vampire, cream cheese bc it’s the best frosting. for decoration you should cover the cake with isomalt shards to look like stained glass
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tsukasa is opera cake bc it’s fancy and has a lot of layers like how decade’s helmet has lines. ok I didn’t notice this pic had covfefe in th ebackground until now. thank you. anyway tsukasa opera cake would be even taller and skinnier than this with perfectly defined layers
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philip and shoutarou are two scoops of ice cream, matcha for philip and milk chocolate for shou. stick a wafer thin v-shaped cookie of the opposite flavor in each one for that W look
eiji is something with sweet potato bc it’s a very earthy flavor and easy to eat while camping out. I really picture a banana bread but with sweet potato instead for him but if you want to stick with a color theme you could do ube instead. no one get on my case about how ube isn’t a type of sweet potato
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gentarou is one of those huge sundaes that you need about 20 people to eat. I couldn’t find a pic of one that was quite as crazy as I’m picturing so I went with this but think about the ones that are so big they’re served in a bucket and they have every topping known to man
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haruto is a little entrements dome with mirror glaze. I know if it’s a dessert haruto would want to eat it would have to be plain sugar donuts but fuck that. this is something that’s very flashy and shiny, probably with sugar crystals encrusted on the outside instead of nuts like this one. when you cut it open it’s a white vanilla mousse with thin layers of cake/jelly/custard/whatever in each of the other colors wizard transforms into
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kouta is a cupcake bc they’re small and basic but you can do a lot of crazy stuff with them. sorry I called kouta basic. I think an orange flavored cupcake full of orange zest with a slice of candied orange stuck in the frosting. if you really want gaim vibes dye the frosting blue
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shinnosuke should be something coffee flavored I think. bc what gets you in top gear more than drinking a nice cup of coffee. macarons are maybe a little too delicate for him but it would be really cute to do black coffee flavored macarons with maybe a raspberry filling and you pipe white frosting on them to make them look like little tires
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sento’s some molecular gastronomy shit where you have to scoop up a pile of foam and it tastes like bubble gum. ok actually for sento it would be cute to do a thin chocolate sphere that you pour chocolate or caramel on to melt it away and then inside is a little cake marbled red and blue
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dariaviardo · 5 years
Sander’s character in quotes:
It’s really long, please don’t be mad 💗
I’m older than you!!
*curses in German*
here’s a random fun fact about Bowie-
i can mime too, how cool is that?
it’s a bird! it’s a plane! it’s britt! shit 😬
i don’t know where i’m going from here but I know i’m going away from my girlfriend
don’t break records!
i broke a record hahaha
yes, i know i’m funny
Robbe, you robbed my heart ☺️💕
see what i did there?
*someone is talking about Bowie* I’m about to end this man’s whole career 🤬
yes, I like to show off my knowledge of music history, so what?
did you know Bowie could mime? of course you didn’t
welcome to my TED talk no one asked for
were you impressed that i know that Aretha Franklin was born in 1942?
well, you should’ve been
*Amber exists* YOU’RE WRONG
*Amber does anything* STOP
*Amber talks* CAN YOU JUST PLEASE BE QUIET? have a bit of respect!
*Amber leaves* THANK GOD!
*Amber is mentioned* Amber is still sleeping 🙄
*Amber is mentioned again* SHE! IS! NOT! HERE!!!!!! 🤬
*Lindsey Lohan voice* I never said that Amber is a cunt. Amber is my friend! 😇
everything becomes healthy if you add ketchup
we’re either doing it my way or my way
get ready to be mindblown
get ready to be blown
get ready! i’m really spontaneous
these shoes were made for walking and this is what they’ll do! Britt, I’m walking away from you lol
my lines are cheesy, so are my croques
a bad hair day? is it even a thing?
dude, can you even swim?
name three of his songs or else!
we only kissed once, but here’s my heart and a drawing i made of you
“get your crush to strip their clothes off on the first date challenge” accepted
i’m taking “blonde bitch” to the next level
yes, i know i’m cute, i have a mirror at home
no, i won’t follow your friends back on instagram
in case of emergency i bring out my puppy eyes because god gave them to me for a reason
if you put me in a black-and-white movie, i’ll look the same as i do in real life
colours are overrated
*draws in intense colours*
is it too much to ask for bacon and eggs in the morning?
where’s chips and mayonnaise?
why am i the only snack in the house?
yes, i biked for 30 minutes to this bakery. all the others suck!
*Gordon Ramsay voice* I NEED A PAN
*cooks* get ready to be mindblown, peasants
*Robbe doesn’t know how to turn on a stove* THAT’S MAD CUTE, let me feed you ☺️💗
*chef’s kiss*
yes, i like to shout
no, sharing your music with someone you like is not scary
i’ll make Bowie playlists for you until you pass that damn exam
i’ll give you 5 stars on booking if you marry me
*moans to a Bowie song*
no, I didn’t do it to seduce you
how many times do i have to tell you that it was accidental? i just really like that song!
skinny dipping is the best
be gay, do crime
don’t underestimate the gloves though
you don’t have to scan everything 😏
don’t. scan. everything.
i solemnly swear i’m up to no good
you’re expensive, let me steal ya
my boyfriend is cuter than yours
my eyes are greener than yours
*is cute in 3 languages*
*is judgmental in 6 languages*
*supports Robbe in 6743236 languages*
don’t talk to me before my morning covfefe
sorry, i gotta sander
fock “netflix and chill”, let’s swim in the freezing water
*brrrrrrrr* it’s not that cold
ugh, finally my girlfriend left, let’s make out
who’s your favorite actor?
anyway, mine is-
fuck Romeo and Juliet, let’s be Bonnie and Clyde
WOAH what is your plan?
mine is to be with you forever 🥰
oops i didn’t mean to say it out loud
yeah, i catch feelings real fast
i’m a simple man. i see a door and peak my head through it
i like my croissants fresh and in bed
if i were a musician, i’d write more albums about you than Taylor Swift does about her exes
YOU 😍 ARE 😍 SO 😍 CUTE, let’s break law together
are you hungry?
you’re not? wtfock, man???
did you just lick my nipple? the audacity! do it again!!!
i bleached my hair because i heard that blondes have more fun
why do you think getting your name tattooed on my face is a bad idea?
i’m not extra, i’m romantic
Robbe, you wanna robbe a bank with me?
don’t call me a human, i’m an earthling
and you’re my space cowboy ☺️💕forever!!! 🥰
is there life on mars?
there isn’t? i thought so
planet earth is blue and there’s nothing i can do
stop judging me, i still think it’s a perfect caption for instagram
I think we won and THAT IS THAT
i don’t wish i were born in the 70’s only because i wouldn’t meet you 😋
*Robbe does a magic trick* are you a magician? because whenever I look at you everything else disappears 😍
no, you are not my boyfriend, you are my lover
in a room full of art i’d still stare at you. and ask for the manager
Robbe, i’ve packed up our things, we’re moving, there are no walls left in this city to paint your face on
honestly, so annoying!
can i speak to the manager???
*goes on an endless rant about Bowie again*
If you’ve read it this far, I love you, you’re a true legend and Sander has got you absolutely whipped.
Feel free to add on! 💖
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shrimplicitly · 7 years
If i told 2014 me that the president of the united states was gonna tweet "covfefe" id have a fucking heart attack
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llatimeria · 4 years
its weird to me how only 4 years of my life have been a part of the trump presidency like. just the four. but because the 2016 election happened during some tender formative coming-of-age years (i was 18 at the time of the election) where I was figuring out where I land politically its made the trump presidency just feel fucking eternal. like this bullshit is just going to be the rest of my life. i hate that its just been normalized in my brain. im not really good at envisioning hypothetical "better" situations just because its how my brain works but someone on twitter posted about what they thought theyd be doing under a biden presidency and it hit me that i never even seriously considered that a possibility, despite being generally of the opinion that biden will likely win and even if he doesnt there's gonna be another president in another 4 years regardless (yea trump has said shit implying he's not gonna give up the throne without a fight but.... is he. will he really. i just dont think he could)
but i just cant. picture it. i dont know if my brain can imagine a presidency where the president doesnt tweet racist conspiracy theories and treat satire as if its real. i don't know what it's gonna be like to go through like, a year of a biden presidency and maybe the dumbest thing he says aloud is equivalent to a The Internet Is A Series Of Tubes level gaffe. will he definitely do things worse than that? yeah probably. we are talking about the United States Of America here, the USA is gonna do some bad shit and bidens name will be linked to it. the stuff he says just fully doesnt matter to me anymore. ive become a horribly jaded "We should care about policy more than the stupid fluff im so tired of stupid fluff im so sick of the covfefes and admittedly godawful suntan and the babylonbee articles can we please just talk about the actual crimes against humanity this man is committing" person and I intend to remain that person even when biden isnt supplying the media with new dumb tweets every week but like. what will the media landscape even become without that. will we actually talk about anything real instead this time. or will we make mountains out of even smaller molehills
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