lostcoastoutfitters · 6 years
American River Fly Fishing Report
Brian Clemens reports on 5.17.18
Flow 1750cfsClarity 10ft vizFishing Good to GreatThe striper fishing is really heating up, and we are hooking fish from 3-8lbs on a regular daily basis, with to many fish from 16-22" all day long. These fish are hitting hard and fighting even harder, so bring you're a game and a strong 7-8wt rod and hold on. The right fly and a good presentation is what it's taking to get these bigger fish to eat, but we will have you dialed in no time for that big fish opportunity. The shad fishing is stupid with to many fish to count. They are spread throughout the river, but the best fishing is from Rosemore to Sunrise. The downside is that the crowds are out in full force and sometimes it's hard to find a spot to fish. One reason why I love the Yuba. But if you can only swing a half day and live close by to the American, there is no better time than now. The striper fishing should stay good to great for the next several months, and the shad for the next month or so. If your thinking local, and your thinking big fish or lots of fish, the American is the place for you. Whether you are looking at a traditional float trip or a fun Jet boat trip, we have the American dialed. Time is now. Stripers: Stay hungry streamers, Tobys Teaser, ClousersShad: Bloody Marie, Wet Pinkies
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lostcoastoutfitters · 6 years
Striped Bass Migration Fly Fishing Report
Kevin DeGulis reports on 7.12.18
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The bay and surrounding beaches have been slow for me the past week. In search of fish, I have bounced around from Stinson Becah, all the way to Pacifica all I was able to muster was one walleye perch (love walleye perch).
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As the frustration started to build and build throughout the week, Ben and I decided we were going to visit Garret Smith in Sacramento. I love going to Sacramento; the city has a homie feel to it a different speed from the hustle and bustle of San Francisco.  
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American River Striper June 16th
Fishing is a blast for stripers in a drift boat. We started the float around 4:30, we were both using Redington crux a fast action rod that loads our shooting heads quite well. I was using T-11 Outbound Short, and Ben was using Rio sink six shooting head.
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American River Striper 
The entire drift we were fishing our flies well, staying connected, getting in the right place but nothing. Right around sunset we still had zero fish to the boat, and our drift was about to end. Thinking to myself wow I have fished the entire migration, and I can't seem to find a damn striper!.
Next thing I know I hear Ben "shout I have a little shaker." I turn to him and say "sometimes the biggest fish don't hit  hard or don't know they are hooked yet." Garret drops anchor, and soon as that happens the fish takes off down the river! Ben screams "this is the one we have been looking for"! after that it was craziness! Garret and I were yelling at Ben "FOCUS." After 20 minutes we saw a glimpse of the fish, and yes it was massive.  Garret nets it with his hands shaking!! Cheers roar Ben was able to rope the striper we have been looking for this entire season.
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Right, when I was in doubt of California Stripers, we hit a home run. Sometimes it takes a visit to Sacramento to catch a big one; sometimes it takes a drive to Ocean Becah. Regardless of where you live if you want to chase the fish you have to follow the migration and guess what California fly fisherman are the only ones who can do that.
So let's celebrate these incredible anadromous fish.  
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lostcoastoutfitters · 7 years
American River Fly Fishing Report
Nor Cal Fly Guides Reports on 1.18.18
Fishing: Fair
Clarity: 6ft slight color
Flows: 3000
The opener was phenomenal, I didnt take my boat out, to much of a hassle so just decided to wade fish, I fished 1 spot for a few hours and stuck 10 fish landing 5 of them. Mostly the smaller Coleman strain fish ranging from 20-22" and a mix of hatchery and wild fish. I did manage to hook 1 big winter fish, 8-10lbs, but broke it off due to another boat, long story. The fishing has slowed down since the opener, nymphing is the man producer, did have a 6 angler swing session out there last week, and only hooked 1 fish, which was a salmon, no steelhead to hand. We are seeing 5-10 fish when nymphing and there are some hot fish in the system so be ready. Rain will only help, and at some point those winter fish will be here. The AR should only continue to get better as more winter fish show and those bad as bluebacks come in early spring, really looking forward to that. Dont forget about the alevin bite, thats about 2 months out. Nymphs: eggs, caddis, copper johns, mays, princes, Swinging: just get out there and try something
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lostcoastoutfitters · 7 years
Nor Cal Fly Fishing Report
Nor Cal Fly Guides Reports on 6.25.2017
Well this report comes to you a bit late, its not because of the great weather we have been having, but the great fishing we are having, but its better late then never. With the longest spring we have seen in years, getting out on local water has been a bit tough. Over the past few months almost all of my trips have been on the Lower Sac with a few on Putah. The Lower Sac has been fishing great whether it was at 5k,10k or 30k cfs, and Putah, well its Putah. With our local waters finally at fishable flows, its nice to be fishing close to home and on some good to great fishing. Summer is going to be good and our Fall should be great. So enough talking from me lets get onto the report.
Flows: 6400
Clarity: Clear
Fishing: Good to Great
The AR has been a sight for long driving eyes as its been fishing great for both shad and stripers. Most of the shad fishing has been up top from Rosemore up, as well as the crowds. But if you can get out early, you will miss the crowds and be off before it gets to hot. Also there are some huge stripers cruising up top but getting them to eat is another story. My striper trips have been from Sunrise down for full days, and Gristmil down for half days, and boy has it been good. We are seeing a ton of shakers, and in the mix are plenty of 2-5lbers. The big fish unfortunately are stuffed with shad right now, but those smaller fish will keep you busy. We are having some good top water action too if you can get on early enough, and plenty of fish to go around whether a full or half day, 1 or 2 anglers. As the shad start leaving the river, the striper fishing will only get better. Best way to fish for stripers is on early off early, get your fix and beat the heat. No better time than now and the next few months. Time to get your 8wt bent.
Flows: Low flow 2300, Total Flow 2500
Clarity: Clear
Fishing: Good to Great
Steelhead, striper and shad oh my, we have been having a few trifectas over the past 2 weeks, and its only getting better. Steelhead are thoughout the river system, but the further up you go the better it gets. Typically we are the only boat/anglers on the water, and the lack of fishing pressure truly shows, hitting a dozen steelhead ranging 14-20" is pretty easy right now, so hooking more is definitely likely. There are some bigger fish in the system as well, some pushing 8lbs, good luck landing these toads. On top of the steelhead fishing, we are even sticking a few stripers when targeted and a good number of shad too, it is the place to be right now. The river has definitely changed with the high water, and with it being 2300cfs in low flow, wade carefully. Fall is going to be sweet on this river and very busy, so as I always say, if you are looking to book a trip on the Feather, I highly recommend booking well in advance. "EGG BITE" will be here sooner than you think.
Nymphing has been the main game for steelhead, but getting them on the swing has been fun as well.
Flows: 3700
Clarity: Perfect
Fishing: Fair to good
The Yuba is slowly coming back into shape, and is getting better every time I float it. As I have stated in past reports its the Newba and will take some anglers a bit of time to get use to how it looks, fishes and feels, but in due time, she will give it up. Not a lot of bug activity right now, but tell that to the fish. We are getting fish all throughout the water column, from on top to dredging deep, seems like the fish know what they want, "A well placed and drifter fly". My last trip on it we floated only a few (2) hours with clients and ended up hooking 6 fish, one being a 20" toad, but came unbottoned at the boat. When the flows get lower, this will be one sweet river. Until then, wade carefully as the river has changed a ton, and its not as shallow as before. With fall looming just around the corner if you are looking to book the "Egg Bite" on the Yuba, look to book sooner than later.
Nymphing is the main game, but throwing big bugs and swinging has produced a few fish as well.
Lower Sac
Flows: 10K
Clarity: Milky Green
Fishing: Good to Great depending on the day
The Lower Sac has kept every guide in Nor Cal including myself, in business and busy this year as it has been the only fishable water up to only a few weeks ago. Sometimes guiding it at 25-30k was needed, but now that its back down to 10k and its fishing extremely well. Big fish and a lot of fish will keep you busy throughout the day and some of the best fishing is just around the corner. The hotter the weather, the better it gets, so if you can bare the 100+ deg temps, you can plan on hooking a ton of fish. As you may know, the river is closed from Hwy 44 to the dam, and opens back up Aug 1st. This is great for the spring run kings, as well as the local trout up there, giving them all a break from the crazy, above normal pressure they have been seeing. Come Aug 1st if you are not on the water those first few weeks you are truly missing out. I highly recommending booking a day, 2 or even 3 during these first few weeks to experience the best fishing that you will ever have. Soon after fall will be here, and you know what that means, "EGG BITE", need I say more.
Nymphing is the way to go right now.
This is where I have been spending all of my time as of late, and will continue to do so. The fishing is not red hot, but its darn good, and is only getting better on a daily basis. If you are looking to finally wet a line and get bent, no better time than now.
If you are thinking that you want to wait till Fall, please dont wait till the last minute to book your fall trip, this year is going to be a busy one, probably the busiest yet, so book now while prime dates are available.
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lostcoastoutfitters · 7 years
Redding Area and Sierra Foothills Fly Fishing Report
Brian Clemens reports on 4.27.17
Hello Everyone, WOW, what a start to the 2017 fishing season. All we can say is water, water, and more water. Oh, and more water to come. Hopefully the rainy season is behind us, and only good fishing to come.
This year has been a bit challenging, especially on local water. The opener on the American was the worst in years, the Feather was brown due to the damage to the dam, the Yuba was high and brown as well, everything was high and brown, even the Lower Sac. The only fishable water that kept me busy was the Trinity, but even that is now flowing too high. So you may be asking, “Is there anything fishable right now?” and the answer is, “Yes, and thats soon to come.” For those that typically book fall/winter trips, I would highly recommend booking well in advance, the sooner the better. This fall is going to be one to remember, and I hope to be able to experience it with you. With the amount of water that we have, with plenty more to come, we will have plenty of water for fall fishing, and the water temps are going to be very favorable for the fish. Once all these rivers come into shape, available dates will be hard to come by. We are already booking fall trips, so now is the time to get your dates for the fall/winter season.
So lets talk current fishing report:
American: Current flows are 15k, water clarity is really good. The only fishing to be had right now are for stripers. You are going to work for a handful of fish, but this time of year is when you will find the bigger fish. So if you want to hook that 10-15 pounder now is the time. Also, we should start seeing shad in the next few weeks, which will bring in even more stripers. As far as steelhead, don’t even bother, think fall for these chrome domes, mid to late October before the upper closure can be a ton of fun. For now think stripers, and in a few weeks shad. Feather: DONT BOTHER!!!!! Flows are 35k, a bit to high to fish effectively. Start looking towards the fall for your trips here. Advanced booking highly recommended. October and November is prime time. Late Sept early October, pre-egg bite/pre-spawn can be epic.
Yuba: The clarity is absolutely perfect, and I hope the flows come down to fishable levels soon. As soon as it hits 3-4k, Ill be out there working it hard. Current flows are 7500cfs and very slowly dropping. Once the flows drop to fishable levels, its going to be interesting. I scouted it about a month back and I am super excited in what I saw. A very braided river, and its definitely a NEW River, and one will have to re-learn it all over again. Don’t know how soon it will be fishable, Im guessing July, but who knows. What I do know is if you are looking to fish it this in the fall, I highly recommend advance booking. I love fishing it mid Sept to mid Oct before the crowds, pre-egg bite/pre-spawn.
Trinity: Current flows 11k, definitely not fishable and wont be for a long time. Ill start back on this river come mid/late August, and fish it hard till late March early April. Im already booking fall/winter trips, and if you are looking to do the same, start booking now. If you like to swing like me, late August to late October is prime time for swinging. Lot of swinging with muddlers and skaters during that time of year and a good amount of action to boot. If you want to learn how to swing, I can not think of a better, more beautiful place than the Trinity in the fall. Hot fish eating swung flies throughout the day, while seeing lots of wildlife as well as fall colors, no bobbers needed. This river is becoming more popular every year for my clients, and finding available dates is becoming harder to find. So if you are looking to book a trip or two on the Trinity between August and April, advance booking is extremely recommended. Lower Sac: I have done a few trips on the Lower Sac over the past few weeks. All the trips have been at 20k, 25k and 30k, personally, not my style of fishing, it just wasn't fun for us (clients and myself). Several trips were postponed mostly due to myself not wanting to subject my clients to those fishing conditions, and they also agreed with me. Was it fishable, yes, were we hooking a good number of fish, yes, however, not much fishable water. Where there was, typically 4-8 boats working the same float (about 100yrds long), most fishing was done with beads and above Bonneyview. Also we were doing a double float from Posse to Bonney and the water at the time was 18-20" of viz in brownish water. It just wasn't the experience I wanted to give me clients, and not an experience they personally wanted. However, there is good news for the very near future. Come 5/1 flows will be at 9k and dropping slowly to 7k by 5/3. If you know the Lower Sac and have fished it this time of you, you know that its prime time both flows and timing. So if you are looking to get out and wet a line, I highly recommend booking your trip on the Lower Sac starting 5/1. There you have it folks, your current fishing report. Wish I had more to report, but with all the water coming down, its hard to find good fishable water to take clients out on. But in just a week, the Lower Sac will be ready for you, and hopefully the fishing will get better over the next few weeks. As stated earlier, if you typically book fall/winter trips with me on any river system, I highly recommend booking well in advance. With how things are and have been over the past few months, everyone will be itching to get out this fall/winter, and dates will be hard to come by. Book now - fun later!!!! Available Dates: May 3,4,5,6,8,10,11,14,15,20-25,29-31 Please contact me for more available dates in 2017/2018 Available Trinity Dates: August-Sept 30,31,1,2,5,6 Sept11,12,13,14,22,23,26 October10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 November14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 December15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 Please contact me for more available dates in 2017/2018
Lastly, I still have a few spots available for my July 24th-28th hosted trip to Baja, through Baja Pirates. The cost for 5 days, 4 nights, 3 days fishing is $1100. If you are interested in more info about this hosted trip, please contact me and I’ll send you all the info needed for booking a spot. Hope you enjoyed the report. Some good fishing just around the corner, can’t wait to see what the rest of the season holds. Hope to see you on the water soon. Thank you again for all your support AND ALWAYS REMEMBER KEEP THOSE LINES TIGHT
Brian Clemens NOR CAL FLY GUIDES 530-354-3740 WWW.NORCALFLYGUIDES.COM Check us out on Facebook
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lostcoastoutfitters · 6 years
West Coast Striper Report
Capt. Kevin DeGulis reports on 8.15.18
Established 1882
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Can you say Halibut? The bite is back! Sunday Lost Coast Outfitters hosted a Fly Fish the surf clinic at Crissy Field.
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Matt Tymstra with a nice one
 Participants came from all over the bay area to see what it takes to fly fish in the Pacific Ocean. From wind to sunshine the team experienced the infamous San Francisco microclimates.
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The clinic is educational but learning by doing, understanding the power of the swell, winds, and strong casting gives students a real idea of what surf fishing is all about. 
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Towards the end of the incoming tide, Wolfgang was able to pick a California halibut on one of Steve Adachi's bay baitfish pattern.
West Coast Stripers? We decided to go estuary fishing since the swell was high.
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The goal was to catch striped bass on a crab pattern; we have been spotting a mass amount of baby dungeons crabs or mud crab (not quite sure what kind of crab that is. 
Look striper loves the Crab!
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The "estuary" fly fishing for stripers in unique, instead of a sinking line, Rio bonefish quick shooter was the weapon of choice.
Central Valley Stripers
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Always love a Sacramento trip to the American river to see Garret Smith. 
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Going for stripers in a drift boat is an enjoyable experience, big flies, fast sinking lines, and aggressive strips are all apart of the program.
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lostcoastoutfitters · 6 years
Lower Sac Striper Fly Fishing Report
Capt. Hogan Brown reports on 6.21.18
Valley Stripers
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Striper fishing on the Lower Sac and Valley rivers continues to pick up and the heat wave coming this weekend should really get the fish feeding. 
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The water temps have been a bit on the cold side so some HOT weather will do the river good. The full moon next week and that always kicks the fish into gear a bit as well. July-October is PRIME time and fishing should really start to get good over the next 2 months.
Open Dates
July 3, 9, 19, 21, 23, 27, 30
August 9
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lostcoastoutfitters · 8 years
NorCal Fly Fishing Report
Brian Clemens Report on 11.10.2016
I have spent a good amount of time on the Feather lately and with the salmon in full spawn mode the egg bite is in full swing. Right now its all about getting on as early as possibly and fishing hard for the first 4hrs as this seems to be the best egg bite opportunity with this nicer (sunnier) weather. This is mostly due to the salmon falling back into the buckets once the sun comes out, and pushing the steelhead out. You can still stick some chrome after that, but you will have to work a tad harder for them. If you get the opportunity to fish with an overcast day, be ready for some epic fishing. The salmon decide to spawn all day, never dropping back into the buckets, and the steelhead go egg crazy. The feather should continue to fish well for at least the next month or even two. So if you are looking to get out, now's the time. I still have a few dates left towards the end of this month and beginning of December if you are looking to book Flies: Egg patterns, caddis, worms, princes and mays Swinging: sculpins and flesh flies Guide tip: best time to fish is dawn to about 10am, then about 4pm till dark. Fish it hard and pick apart the run, you'd be surprised where these chrome domes sit.
As always Im spending a ton of time of here this year, and we are seeing some really big fish. This year is a bit different, but the norm for the Trinity. What I mean is we have been a bit spoiled the last few years with the shear numbers of fish in the system, which lead to lots of fish hooked and landed on any given day. This year, the Trinity is back to how it usually fishes, like a true steelhead fishery. Its not a numbers game, but what it lacks in quantity, it makes up for in pure quality. We are seeing some bruisers in the system (early winter fish), most of them being wild, and some pushing 15lbs. Again its not a numbers game, so bring you steelhead A game, and make every cast/hook set/fish count. If you want the opportunity at a fish of a life time, 30+" steelhead, from now till January will be the time to be up here. If you are looking to swing up a chrome dome, think now till mid Dec, of course its all about water temps. I still have some prime dates if you are looking to book and learn how to fish the Trinity. Flies: Stones, caddis, mays, psycho princes, copper johns Swinging: Ho Bo Speys, Morgan's tiny dancer, Rick's Euphoria fall classic, Hartwick's October hilton, anything black/blue, flesh flies Guide tip: Cover a lot of water, the fish are throughout the system, so fish a run hard, but don't spend to much time in one hole. Swinging is best later in the day, and same thing, fish it hard, but not slow.
Surprisingly, this place has been fishing really well, and not a ton of crowds. The salmon are spawning, but on the decline. I would expect the egg bite to last a few more weeks, end of Nov, and then back to the OG bugs. There has been some great caddis and mayfly hatches mid day, so don't forget your dry fly rod, yes I said dry fly rod, there has been some noses. Flows are great, fishing is great, this is your local hot spot right now. If you like swinging, you can definitely make that happen right now as well. Swinging behind the redds is a great place to start as well as the deeper runs below them as well. I still have a few dates after Thanksgiving if you are looking to get out and book a trip. Flies: eggs, legs, caddis, mays, worms Swinging: tan soft hackles, olive sculpins/woolly buggers, flesh flies Guides tip: Above the bridge is closed, most of the spawning areas get hammered by bank anglers, so think outside the box. Fish the less fished water and you will find some quality and quantity.
Lower Sac:
The Lower Sac is fishing like the Lower Sac always does. There are definitely a few more boats on the Lower Sac than normal due to how the Trinity is fishing. This doesn't mean you cant get out there and stick some fish, but it will be a bit more crowded. If you know how the Lower Sac fishes, then no need to get further into it. Egg bite is on, fish are keying in on many different flies, and this is big fish time too. It will continue to fish good through the new year. Get out now while the weather and fishing is good to great. Still have some prime dates to fish this great fishery. Flies: Eggs, legs, caddis and mays Streamers: flesh flies Guides tip: Flows are wadeable now if you know where to go, but still be careful as the current is still pushing pretty hard. Wading staff recommended.
Was fishing pretty darn good prior to the closure, and is looking very good for the opener. Remember Ancil Power Lines to Hazel is closed till Jan 1st. This doesn't mean you cant get out there and find some fish in the lower river, but it will be a bit crowded with the salmon guys. But it never hurts to hit your favorite lower river steelhead run and see what you can find if you have a few hours. I would look at fishing this after the open. I have prime dates open after Jan 1 to book on the American, dont wait to book to experience some of the biggest fish you will hook in the Sac Valley.
Available Local Dates Nov 25,26,27 (last two are available on Lower Sac and Trinity too) Dec 1,2,3,5,16,17,18 Jan 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,28,29,30,31
Available Trinity Dates Nov 21,22,26,27 Dec 9,10,11,12,13,14 Jan 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
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lostcoastoutfitters · 8 years
Norcal Fly Fishing Report
Brian Clemen’s Reports on 9/5/2016
Yuba River 
Rating: Good to good++
Flows: 800cfs
Temp: high 50's lower 60's
Clarity: Clear
Report: This is where I have spent a few trips on as of recent. Prior to me leaving for Alaska, the Yuba was on fire, and its still fishing pretty good. While the dry fly fishing has become a bit more inconstant, it will still produce a few fish a day, the nymphing game has been on point, producing some good to great numbers of hooked fish. Average fish is still 14-17", but we are still seeing a few of those 18"+ fish as well. Look for the Yuba to continue to produce some great fishing from now until the end of the egg bite, which is just around the corner. Now is the time to start hitting the Yuba as the traffic is low, and the fishing isn't slow. Guide Quote: The Yuba is a sweet place to be fishing right now, especially during the week. Weekends are a bit crowded, but still not that bad. In a few weeks, the salmon will be spawning, and the egg bite will be on like donkey kong. Don't wait to book your fall guided trip. Also river is closed above the hwy20 bridge
Feather River
Rating: Fair to Good
Flows: 1300cfs low flow
Temp: high 50's low 60's
Clarity: Clear
Report: I have had a few days here as well, and while you wont see a soul out there, this doesn't mean there are no fish in the system, its actually the opposite. The salmon are slowly making there way in, and we did hooked about a dozen in 3 spots, another week or so, and it will be time to hook some monsters on the fly. Most of the salmon are 15-25lbs, however we did hook a few that where pushing the 30lbs. The steelhead are throughout the system, and there is plenty to go around for those looking to hook into some spunky summer run steelhead. Most of these fish average 14-18", but we have hooked a few in the 18-24" range as well. As always the egg bite is just around the corner, and you know what that means.
Guide Quote: This place is as close to Alaska as you are going to get. If you have never experienced the egg bite, this is the place to be. If this season is anything close to last year, start thinking about booking your trip now for October and November. If you want to battle some monsters, give it another week or so, and give these Feather River salmon a try. I still have a few days available between now and the end of the month. Salmon and steelhead in one day, sign me up.
Lower Sac:
Rating: Good to Great
Flows: 9500cfs
Temp: Mid 50's
Clarity: Clear
Report: The Lower Sac never disappoints, and it still keeps pumping out a lot of fish, and a lot of big fish, almost "epic" fishing to be had right now. This has been a stellar year on the Lower Sac, and if you missed out on any of the great fishing, you definitely don't want to miss out on whats just around the corner, fall fishing during the egg bite. Lots of eager bows, looking to fatten up for winter on eggs and legs, no need to fish anything else from Oct to Nov. This is and always will be the place to be, especially during the fall.
Guide Quote: Big fish, lots of fish, what more could you ask for. Book now as dates are filling up fast.
Trinity River:
Rating: Good
Flows: 1200cfs
Temp: mid 50's
Clarity: Perfect
Report: If you are not fishing the Trinity right now you then are truly missing out. The have raised the flows up to cool down the Klamath, and that only means one thing for us, "STEELHEAD!" They are in and eager to take a swung fly. I love this time of year as it is not a zoo, you have the place almost to yourself and the fishing can be absolutely awesome. Typically this time of year yields lots of fished hooked in the 18-22" range, but fish pushing 10lbs are also waiting for your fly too. I personally think this is the best time of year to swing for steelhead on the Trinity for several reason. 1) the water isn't freezing cold, so the fish will move for your fly 10ft at times 2) you can get them on top with muddlers/foam skaters and even dries, lastly 3) its not a zoo, did I mention that yet. So bring those swinging sticks and hook you some chrome domes. Nymphing is also a great option of course, as this will give you the most opportunities at fish, but if you are wanting to swing, this is the time and place to be for the next month.
Guides Quote: If you are looking to get away for a few days, this is the place to be.
"To swing is the thing, and the tug is the drug"
American River
Rating: Good
Flows: 1800cfs
Temp: high 50's low 60's
Clarity: Clear
Report: We are still seeing good numbers of shaker stripers, but also some bigger ones too. The striper fishing will start to slow down in the next few weeks as the water temps drop, so get out now while the striper fishing is good. The salmon are slowly coming in, not in great numbers yet, but they are making their way in. The good news is there are a good amount of half pounders in the system, which makes for a fun day on the water. Between the stripers and steelhead, you couldn't ask for a better time. If the flows stay higher than it did last year, the American should be a good place to get away for a few hours, especially below the power lines after the upper closes. Mid river has been holding a few more fish over the past few years, shhhhhhh, which is nice to see, so come mid Oct to mid Dec, give mid river a try. Also, don't forget, the upper section closes Nov 1st, and reopens up Jan 1st, I already have a few dates booked around the opener, so don't miss out.
Guide Quote: Don't give up on the American, there are very few ppl fishing it, and you would be pleasantly surprised what you can hook into right now. Get out and give it a try
There you have it folks, the salmon are finally showing up in good numbers, the trout fishing couldn't be better, and furthermore there are a good amount of steelhead in the rivers. It will only get better from now until the end of the year. Just a heads up, last fall was my busiest to date thanks to you all, and I had no available dates come the end of Sept. So if you are looking to book that fall egg bite trip, or just in the next few months in general, starting looking and booking now, before its to late.
My Local Available Dates: Sept: 7,8,9,19,20,21,22,23,26,27,29,30 Oct: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 Nov: 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,25,26,27,28,29,30 Please email me for later dates
My Trinity Available Dates: Sept: 13 (more available upon request, starting 19th) Oct: 21,26 (more available upon request, starting prior to 19th) Nov: 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 Dec: 9,10,11,12,13,14
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lostcoastoutfitters · 9 years
Northern California Report
Brian Clemens reports 3.8.2016
Well it likes like the weather has finally come in, mainly the rain and the snow, but some wind as well, and it has been dumping a bunch all throughout Nor Cal. The reservoirs are filling up fast, and things are really looking up for this years water/fishing season. The tough part with all of this is the ever fluctuating river flows, river clarity and over all fishing conditions. It hasnt given us a big number of fishing days this year, but when it has been time to get out and fish, the fishing has been good. With these rains, comes the fish, really looking forward to April, May, June and the remaining season.
Currently flowing at 15k , and with more rain in the forecast, I think its only going to get higher. Folsom is over 60% full, and with that, what ever flows in must flow out. A law that was created over 30 years ago is still in place, and once Folsom reaches 60% during winter months, the flood gates open up to help with flood control. Right now this is not the place to be fishing. However, with these flows, the Spring should be phenomenal for steelhead, stripers and even shad. With that all said, I would really look into booking trips for April, May and June for the species above, and if the flows stay up, this should be one epic shad year.
Blown, blown and blown. Currently at 7k cfs and dropping fast, but was over 24k just a few days ago. Englebright is at 102% of full capacity, which means anything flowing in, flows straight out and over the top of the damn. With more rain in the forecast, the Yuba will be out of commission for weeks to come. I was really looking forward to fishing it this winter for the skwalas, early spring for the March Browns, but with the big blow outs this year, it really scoured the river for all those big bugs, only saw a handful of those stones in 2 months of fishing it. I am really hoping that the March Browns show their faces, only time will tell. Once these storms dissipate, look for this place to start fishing good again. April is a great time to be on the water, caddis start showing up, and the fish are still on the feed for the big March Browns.
This has been the go to place as of recent. Clarity has been good, and flows very steady at 800cfs in the low flow. The big fish are not in yet, but with this big rain, they are sure to come soon. We have been hooking a good number of half-pounders ranging 12-20", with an occasional bigger fish. Oroville is filling up fast, it holds 2.6 million a.f. and with it currently at 2.1 million a.f. and on the rise, we should be seeing an increase in flows soon, with that, comes the big spring run fish. Look for this place to really turn on in the next few weeks and stay fishing well for at least a few months. Dont forget about the stripers, bass and salmon fishing during this time as well.
Lower Sac
Is firing on all cylinders, and this is the place to be if you are truly looking to get out. With all the rain that has come down, and in the forecast, this is one river that will not blow out and this is where Ill be doing a good amount of my trips over the next month. Big fish are on the move, and being hooked on a daily basis, landing them is another story. You can expect to hook fish ranging from 16 to 22"  all day long, with the opportunity to hook bigger fish, ones pushing 30" as well. Number of fish are tough to predict on a daily basis, but this is the time that good numbers of hooked fish happen. From now till mid May the Lower Sac is on, and its got to be the best trout fishery on the west coast. Book now for prime dates.
Well as much as I want to give you a great report, I cant. Its blown out, and will continue to be for the next week. However, after that it should be fishable, but dont know for how long. Fish came in early this year, and the last big storm pushed up a large number of them, then the fishing really slowed down. I still think there is one good big push of fish to come, and this storm/blow out would be the one to pull of the remain fish. Once it clears and drops, there will still be some fish in the river, just have to work for them. The fly fishing only section opens April 1st, this is one place worth giving a shot.
Putah Creek
When things clear up, about a week after this next heavy rain, and it will be a pretty steelhead green and will be the place to get your wade on. The fish are done spawning and its time to hit the creek once again. Great place to hone your skills, and become a better angler all around, and no better way to learn it that with an experienced guide. Putah Creek is one hot spot during the spring.
Once the river flows drop a bit more, but mainly once the river clears up this will be another hot spot as well. Right now flows are 1000cfs at Floriston, 900cfs at boca, and 200cfs though town, give it a week to recover, and the river should be a steelhead green and I would definitely recommend hitting it. Just like Putah, another great place to hone your skills, and no better way to learn it that with an experience guide.
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lostcoastoutfitters · 9 years
Sacramento Area Fly Fishing Report
Brian Celmens Reports on 8.12.15
Yuba River
This is where I have been spending the majority of my time, and all I can say is its the spot to be. The water is cold and flowing nicely and the fishing is surprisingly good. Nymphing has been particularly good, with fish taking a large variety of flies with a good drag free drift, while dry fly fishing will produce a fish here and there. But don't give up on those dries, time pays off, and when it happens you will be pleasantly surprised. The fishing will continue to be good, and will only get better as the days get cooler and the salmon start showing up. Its the place to be right now.
American River
I have been doing a few trips here and there chasing stripers on the fly. This year has been surprisingly good for striper fishing, and the numbers we have been getting are a good inclination on how well it will fish the following years to come. The key with striper fishing is a well presented fly, its all about the strip and pause. Personally, I think if you are looking to get a line wet, get a good bend in the rod and want to beat the heat, there is nothing better than a morning half day trip on the American for stripers. We are still offering the "Striper Special" until the end of August. This special is for $275 for 4-5hrs on the American River with all equipment included. Best time to do this is in the early morning, starting around sunrise and off the water before it gets to hot. However, I would recommend staying away from the weekends, as the river is crowded with rafters, so during the week is best. I would expect it to continue fishing well, well into September. Its local, its close, why the heck not?
Feather River
I scouted it yesterday and the Feather is producing some fish. However, be prepared to cover a lot of water for the best results. We found some willing summer steelhead ranging 12-18", as well as some big chrome bright salmon. I did expect to see more salmon than what I saw, but there is definitely more fish in the system compared to just a few weeks back. The numbers of both salmon and steelhead will continue to increase with every passing week, and its shaping up to be a great late summer, early fall fishery for steelhead and salmon. Get your date/s booked now!!!!!
Lower Sac
With the section from Posse Grounds to Hwy 44 open, you can expect some great fishing up there, but also a large amount of boats. From what I've heard, the fishing is epic up there right now. Normally, this river starts picking up this time of year and only gets better as the salmon start showing up. If you are looking to do a bit of travel to get into some quality fish, this is the place you want to be. Weekday or weekend you can expect there to be some crowds, however there is plenty of water and fish to go around. Lower floats will have less crowds with less fish, but having the whole river to yourself is never a bad way to spend the day. Get on the water early to beat that Redding heat as well as the later crowds is your best option in my opinion. And there you have it folks, the current August fishing report. If you are thinking about wetting a line, there is no better time than now. If you are thinking of the future, whether its fall, winter or even spring, I would recommend booking those date/s now. It will be here sooner than you think, and if this year is anything like last year, last minute bookings will be hard to come by. So get those date/s on the calendar ASAP, as it is and will be the time of year to be on the water and experience some of the best fishing of the year that Nor Cal has to offer.
August: 13-18,20, 23-27,29 September: 5-8,15,17,18,20,21,23,24 October: 1,2,4-9,15,17,19 November: 5,6,8-17,27-30 December: 1-7,9-15,26-31January: 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,17,18,20 (Morning half day only),25-31
Due to the addition of a second guide, additional dates may be available. Please inquire if none of the dates above work for you.
October: 24,25,28,29 November: 18,19,23,24,25 December: 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 January: 10,11,12,13,16 February: 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,28,29 March: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14
Additional Trinity River dates may be available upon specific requests. Also, due to the addition of a second guide, these dates can be available for local waters. Please inquire if you are interested in booking any of these dates on local waters. Your guide will be Tom Peirano.
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lostcoastoutfitters · 10 years
American River Fly Fishing Report
Taylor Wells, Tailwalker Fly Fishing
Lower elevation rivers are starting to fish well. Every time there is a stretch of a few days with high temperatures the fish respond. It's starting to look like summer in the canyons. Everything is green, the lupines are in bloom, and he elephant ears are growing. Look for mountain creek fishing to dramatically improve in the next few weeks!
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