#FREE Pizza
icarusredwings · 1 month
As requested. Sleepy and aggressive dog vibes Logan. (here. Take your cuddly 200 year old alchoolic with anger issues and PTSD, you little freaks/ affectionate)
It's happening. It's finally happening! After months of trying to set this up, his plan was finally working. Wade has been trying to get this muscley idiot to fall asleep on him for 2 and a half months, and now the time has come.
It took coaxing him in by watching some boring War Marathon, a bunch of incorrect documentaries that he was prone to shake his head at, to criticize for their blantant lies. It started with Logan standing there, arms crossed like a dad who wasn't at all interested and refused to sit down, but now he was laid in his lap, snoring, growling at some bits of the show.
He would have shut it off already but the remote was on the table and if he moved he might wake him. And that sir, was a no no. A massive NO for him. Internally he was already screaming with excitement but his grunts were becoming too much to stand by and litsen too.
Come on- easy.. easy.. he only had one shot at this, and it might end up with another baby hand. Very carefully, he touched his head, and he flinched. Silently, he cursed himself.
Gently, his hand made full contact, sweeping some of his hair back, stopping for a second as he rolled onto his side, pulling his legs up to fully curl up the way he did in bed too. Again, inside of his brain, this man was squealing so much that he might be mistaken for a piglet.
Petting him for quite some time, he hadn't noticed that on the Tv they were about to start playing bombs, and now they compared. One of the louder ones caused him to jump, almost snarling at the idea of a threat in his dreams.
"Shhh.. shhh, it's okay. Just the tv." He mumbled, fondly stroking the back of his scalp. Now, focusing on the screen a little more, he would cup his hand over his ear when a loud one was about to play again. "I got you.."
The more this went on, the more progress was made, the growls turned back into deep snoring, and now Wilson not only got to play with his hair but also running a hand up and down his arm as Logan began to drool onto the pillow between him and wades lap.
This couldn't get any better. At least- thats what he thought. Until a different noise came from his chest. One that traveled into his throat but barely left his mouth. "What the- GASP Oh my god you're purring(!)"
Struggling not to make the sound of a squeaky toy, his grin was ear to ear, utterly thrilled. He didn't know he could do that. Did he even know he could do this? Probably not.
The purring was quiet, but oh so heavenly. To feel it through his hands was enough, seeing as whenever someone was shouting, shooting, or simply talking too loud, he couldn't hear it. But that didn't matter. There was a much bigger point than that. He was Safe.
Wade had made his body relax so much that he did the unthinkable. Become vaunerable.
This, unfortunately, ended much quicker than he would have liked. The disc skipped, and suddenly, there was a massive scene with screaming, guns, firing, and bombs being dropped.
Honestly, it made him jump too just from how dozy he became with all the domesticity. But if he was even startled.. Within seconds, all of that progress was down the drain. Now, here he was, up and heaving, claws out and on edge, his eyes wide with fear and anger.
Wade could have sworn he had seen him shaking, too. Just a tiny bit in the arms.
With all the hairs on his arms and neck raised, the snarling, baring of teeth and the way he was stanced, Wade knew he was fucked. Like- Uber fucked. And not the way he preferred. Oh shit- this wasn't fair. How could he look like he was about to kill him and still be this hot?
Slowly, he stood, putting his hands up.
"Hey woah woah woah- easy there, big boy. It's alright. Just the Tv." Nodding towards the television. Realizing this was a bad idea, he practically tripped over the coffee table to grab the remote and stand in front of it, not wanting him to somehow stupidly electrocute himself to death.
A snarl.
"Woah woah! Shhh- look. Look, watch. I'll kill it. There- see? All gone! Better?" But in reality, all he did was turn it off.
Looking around as if scanning for danger, the goosebumps began to cease, starting to regain control over himself and his senses.
"There we go. Much better. You're okay. No one's coming to-"
The moment he said this, there was a bang at the door. "Oh for fucks sake. Who the fuck would that be? This late at nig- ohHO Peanut? Peanut! NO!"
A couple of dirty play scratches and three new holes in the wall later, he was able to open the door.
Wrestling your super human strength, terrified feral animal of a 'Room mate' away from your front door felt like trying to keep an aggressive dog from attacking the mail man (which he's come to the realization that this was a weekly recurrence Man. He really hated strangers, didn't he?)
Except even Wade wasn't sure who it was, a bit tempted to just let him go at it and protect the home how ever he saw fit- but last time he did that, he made a couple of girl scouts pee themsleves and scream for their mommies and Logan felt bad about it for weeks.
"Erm... Pizza delivery?"
Still struggling to keep him from scaring the piss out of this poor teenager, Wade gave him a smile. "One second!"
Slamming the door again, he turned, giving him a stern look, and a pointed finger that he could have easily sliced off if he wanted.
"Put'em away mister!"
Another growl. Almost like protest.
"Yeah yeah GRR yourself! It's some scrappy kid, you're fine! ...Now put them away.... please."
Seeing the silent look of nothing behind those beautiful eyes that he often did when coming down from these kinds of scares, Wade smiled and coed, slightly higher than his usual tone. "Comme onnn. Put away your murder mittens! It's okay. My big, strong kitty. Oh, what a good boy you are, Oh yes, you are~"
Visually, you could see his shoulders drop, and quickly, he came back to his senses, frowning in embarrassment as he sheathed them only to walk over, shoving him out of the way as he threw open the door again.
"Oh god- Logan? Logan!" He called, cursing under his breath some more as he dug in his pockets for the kid's tip before he got a free piercing through the stomach.
Glaring at the 16 year old, He did that thing when his nose crinkled, sniffing this so-called 'pizza delivery' boy.
Popping his head through, under his arm, Wade grinned apologetically and gave the kid a 5.
"Sorry - He's not used to strangers yet."
With a huff, it seemed the man had dubbed this twig of a child, not a threat. Going back to the couch with a big grunt, he crossed his arms, a little embarrassed by his behavior.
Grabbing the pizza and locking the door, Wade groaned in annoyance, coming back to the couch, too. Opening the box, he handed him a slice, took one for himself, and put one on the floor.
"Puppins! Here papa's princess!"
Within a moment the little dog tottered in and began to lick the cheese off of the floor pizza, wagging her tail, happy as ever to be eating the human food with her two daddies, unaware that one of them had just almost made a kooshkabab out of an acne faced teen.
Letting out a massive sigh of relief, Wade was glad that all was well again, happy to see him eating something other than whiskey for a change before realizing.. he didn't even order pizza.
"Hey Al? Did you order pizza?"
"Well, I did now!"
Oh great.. welp. Finders keepers-
In between bites, he glanced at him, teasing. "Damn Wolvie, what was all that about? Since when do you go after kids?"
"...Mmh.." This was a grunt that meant 'I don't. Now stop asking me questions, I'm starving'
He watched as he devoured the slice, grabbing another, only for Wade to slide him the entire box, smiling at him like an idiot as he fondly remembered the purring a few minutes ago. He wasn't sure if pizza was in a wolverine's proper diet, but he'd be stabbed if he ever told him that.
-And if they really wanted to come back and pry it from the Wolverines claws? Then so be it.
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risestarkiss · 8 months
Rise Rambling #486
...this flier lives rent free in my head.
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It's as if all of the villains combined everything they knew about the turtles to make one dumb event. "Magic" for Leo "Dinosaur" for Mikey "Robot" for Donnie and....Pizza for Raph? Bro, wha-😂
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This sign is everything.
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kingfakey · 5 months
oh my god ok i have to say this bc i have to get this out of my system but ben katzman used to be in this local boston band called free pizza. he's wearing a shirt of theirs in that pic but i didn't notice so i googled him being like haha wouldn't that be funny if that was the same ben katzman whose house i would go to basement shows at in 2015 and sure enough it IS HIM. free pizza was one of my favourite local bands for years n then suddenly they all moved to germany ? i think one of the band members had family there or something ? and i never saw any of them again and it's really wild to me to see that one of them is on survivor now lmfAO
BROOOOO??? what the fuck!!! that's so cool and so fucking punk rock... he's been such a fun player to watch on this season and he seems like such a cool person. he and another player got into a song naming competition, him with metallica and the other player with taylor swift songs. they got to about 117 songs before ben had to tap out. it was one of the most deranged things i've ever seen.
sometimes it makes me squirm with how small the world is, but this feels nice and cozy!
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Peter Reitzes
About 25 minutes into the event, SJP activists simultaneously stood up and slowly walked out, screeching chants of “Bari Bari, you can’t hide, you’re committing genocide.” Of course, she was not hiding. She was on stage, engaging in public discourse, offering to take questions from community members, including the very activists screaming at her.
The “walkout” amounted to a heckler’s veto that prevented the speakers from talking. Uniformed police, followed by Provost Clemons, ushered SJP activists out of the event. Some activists remained outside the auditorium, heckling and shouting at the audience after the event finished an hour later.
The conversation between Bruni and Weiss offered a model of how two people can engage in civil discourse about important issues while sometimes disagreeing. I will not summarize the impressive conversation here, except to say that Weiss mentioned how her highly respected media website — the Free Press — had recently received criticism for publishing a column by Andrew Sullivan that was viewed as being strongly critical of Israel.
UNC offered free pizza to attendees as we left. There were many uniformed police officers outside, and SJP activists were shouting chants and attempting to intimidate attendees who were leaving. A group of four masked SJP activists shouted at us and followed my group. Police officers appeared to follow the activists who were following us.
One reason SJP activists feel emboldened to act in such menacing ways on campus is that UNC continues to allow them to conceal their identities during protests and disruptions. UNC policy and North Carolina law prohibit the use of masks to hide identity. The great preponderance of the masked audience were SJP members, who were easily recognized as they sat in the same two areas and walked out in unison.
The “arguments” SJP activists screamed at us after the event indicated these young adults have no interest in engaging in difficult conversations. The activists following us were yelling about what they called “genocide pizza” and “apartheid pizza” that UNC offered.
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nintendocafe · 5 months
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge Anniversary Edition + FREE Pizza!
$34.99 https://amzn.to/3WtVwpe
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baja4nia · 10 months
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cherryblossomnerd · 10 months
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Was about to sit down and play BG3 when my brother in law asked me to come over and watch my niece...
Lacked the game but gained a free pizza 🍕 not a bad day
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weareall1988 · 6 months
Just wanted share if you're looking to get some discounted pizza or pie today for National Pi Day.
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nakedcomedy · 15 days
#LA Mr. Horsepower at UCB LA is back TUESDAY 9/10 for more laughs and FREE PIZZA from Hail Mary Pizza!
Jon Gabrus (Comedy Bang Bang, TruTV)
Ismael Loutfi (@fter Midnight)
Bill O'Neill (Edinburgh 2023 Newcommer Award Nominee)
Mary Basmadjian (Comedy Dynamics)
& a super secret special guest!!!!
Get tickets now!
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aimee-if-tulpa · 2 months
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aura-oracle · 2 months
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yuki-sage · 2 months
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this-represents · 4 months
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David Cabrera for issue 2 of Free Pizza Newspaper by Nobell Foods.
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meltygelato · 7 months
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Real steal honestly
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lodgeoflove · 7 months
Anyone interested in revenge nude pics? Got a ton of really good one's.
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