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jasa import barang california 081295752578
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HUBUNGI MARKETING KAMI: Ms. DIAN : 6282122125930 Mr. Alfarezel : 6281295752578
PT. Boshoku Nusa Express Forwarder Logistik Merupakan Perusahaan Ekspedisi Pengiriman Barang Terpercaya Dan Price Termurah Yang Berpusat Di Jakarta, Indonesia. Kami Mengkhususkan Diri Dalam Menyediakan Layanan Impor Door-To-Door Yang Terjangkau Dan Efisien. Tim Profesional Kami Yang Berpengalaman Memastikan Pengalaman Yang Lancar Dan Bebas Kerumitan Bagi Klien Kami, Mengurus Semua Proses Logistik Pajak, Izin Dan Bea Cukai. Selain Layanan Impor Kami Yang Komprehensif, Kami Juga Menawarkan Layanan Ex-Work, Fob, Tax Refund, Dan Cif Port, undername, FE Customs Clearance Only, Khusus Untuk Impor Dari Singapura, Malaysia,/Kuala Lumpur, Tiongkok/China, Beijing, Seoul Korea Selatan, Australia, Uk/Usa, Canada, Timur Tengah, Inggris, Jerman, Roma/Milan Italia, swiss, island, polandia, irlandia,new york, los angeles, mexico, chicago, Belanda, Luxembourg, kuwait, India, Brunei, Banglades, Bahrain, Filipina, Thailand/Bangkok, Taiwan, Vietnam, Turki, Abu Dhabi, Mesir, Arab Saudi, Dubai, Hongkong, Tokyo Jepang, France/paris Amerika, Argentina, spanyol, portugal, kolombia, Rusia,/Moskwa, Qatar, Srilangka, Nepal, Pakistan, Oman, Myanmar, Dan Eropa. Dengan Komitmen Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Jaringan Global Yang Kuat, PT. Boshoku Express - China Cargo Logistics Adalah Pilihan Utama Untuk Segala Kebutuhan Impor Anda, Berikut Barang : Cairan, Kimia, Baterai, Alkes/Alat Kesehatan, Baut, Kabel, fiber optik, pipa hdpe, drone, Logam, aluminium, Valve, Drone, Barang Bekas, Ban, Mobil, Motor, Vleg, Suplemen, Alat Lab, Mesin, las, Spare-Part, Sepatu, Alat Berat, Textile, serbuk/bubuk herbal,Rumput sintetis, packing element, kosmetik, Garment, Baju/Pakaian, Ballpress, mesin es batu, rantai, tali, mainan, harley, Karena Melayani Pengiriman Sampai Depan Tempat Usaha Anda Yang Ada Di Kota-Kota Tangerang, Karawang, Cikarang, Bekasi, Tangsel, Bogor, Banda Aceh, Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Lampung, Batam, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Tanjung Emas, Jawa Tengah, Surabaya, Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Denpasar Bali, Papua.
Jasa Import Door To Door China | Jasa Import Borongan | Jasa Import Korea | Jasa Import Singapore | Jasa Import Resmi | Jasa Import Amerika | Jasa Import Malaysia | Jasa Undername Import | Jasa Import Usa | Jasa Import Italia | Jasa Import Australia | Jasa Import Door To Door Dari China | Jasa Import Thailand | Jasa Import Door To Door Jakarta | Jasa Import Bangkok | Jasa Import China Ke Indonesian | Jasa Import Taiwan | Jasa Import Vietnam | Jasa Forwarder Import | Jasa Import Jerman | Jasa Import Uk | Jasa Import Hongkong | Jasa Customs Clearance | Jasa Import Jepang | Forwarder Import Door To Door Services | Jasa Import France | Forwarder China Surabaya | Jasa Import China | Ekspedisi Import China Indonesia | Jasa Import Barang Dari China | Jasa Forwarder Terpercaya | Jasa Ekspedisi Import | Jasa Import Murah | Import Door To Door Singapore Jakarta | Jasa Kirim Barang Dari China | Jasa Pengiriman Barang Import China,
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queen-of-moths · 3 months ago
where can i get a kig mask that contains a possessive spirit that puppets my body and makes me put on stylish outfits and do cute poses in front of the camera
Since its too young of a hobby and theres no dramatic tales of death to attach to a mask, its impossible im afraid. Buuuuuuut you simply can just create a possessive spirit through the power of your own mind.
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afreakingdork · 1 year ago
I drew comic
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faffounette · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion : but the morning after with izzy barging in on them and making that comment and looking at Ed in that way was creepy af..
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year ago
Never Stop Working Towards Your Dream Life - It'll Be Worth It!
Shaina Tranquilino
November 26, 2023
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Life is a journey full of ups and downs, twists and turns, but one thing remains constant: our dreams. Each one of us has unique aspirations and desires that push us to strive for something more in life. While the path towards achieving our dream life may be challenging, it's crucial never to give up. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of continuously working towards your dream life and why the journey will ultimately be worth every effort.
1. Dreams Fuel Our Passions: Our dreams are intricately connected to our passions - those deep-seated interests that ignite our souls. When we have a clear vision of what we want, it helps us channel our energy into activities that align with our goals. By consistently working towards our dreams, we fuel our passions and create an inner motivation that drives us forward.
2. Overcoming Obstacles Strengthens Character: The pursuit of any dream is bound to encounter obstacles along the way; setbacks are inevitable. However, instead of seeing them as roadblocks or reasons to quit, consider them as opportunities for growth. Facing challenges head-on develops resilience, determination, and problem-solving skills necessary for success. Each hurdle you overcome brings you closer to your dream life.
3. Learn from Failure to Achieve Success: Failures are often stepping stones towards success if we approach them with the right mindset. Every setback offers valuable lessons that can refine your strategy and bring you closer to realizing your dreams. Embrace failures as learning experiences rather than defeats. Remember that successful people have failed countless times before reaching their desired outcomes.
4. Progress Comes from Consistent Effort: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your dream life! Consistency is key when striving towards a goal. Small steps taken each day compound over time, leading to significant progress in the long run. It's essential to establish habits that align with your dreams and dedicate consistent effort towards them. Even if progress seems slow, have faith in the process knowing that each step forward counts.
5. Discovering New Horizons: The journey towards your dream life is not solely about reaching a specific destination; it's also about personal growth and self-discovery. As you work tirelessly towards your goals, you may uncover new passions, talents, or interests along the way. These discoveries can reshape your path, leading you to an even more fulfilling dream life than you initially imagined.
Never stop working towards your dream life because it will be worth every ounce of effort you put into it. Remember that dreams fuel our passions, obstacles shape our character, failures teach us valuable lessons, consistency leads to progress, and the journey itself unveils exciting new horizons. Embrace the challenges that come your way and persistently pursue your dreams because the reward at the end will make it all worthwhile. So keep pushing forward - your dream life awaits!
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thevirtualofficelasvegas · 1 year ago
Questions You Must Ask a Virtual Office Service Provider
Do you want to set up your office and promote the business operations? Who said you need a physical workplace for that? Go with the flow! It is time to consider the benefits of availing of a virtual workplace with reduced hassles of physical workplace maintenance. But you must be careful while selecting the Virtual office service Provider.
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queenferretofthewoods · 1 year ago
TW: Venting, suicide, self harm, bullying.
So i gotta be real with me for a minute, like i hold stuff back even from those who i know are there to hear about my problems and are ready to help me if i ever needed too, but i was raised as a "Help yourself" kinda kid, my mom used to beat me and stuff, it was the bread of every day back then, but i was also bullied and often made fun of by other kids for whom i was, though it would go away with time but it only got worse.
I got to the point where i had to move schools after numerous times of me not wanting to go to school and telling my mom i was being bullied wich obiously she just said "kids are like this just man-up"
who says something like that to a kid?, after all of that i suppose i got a little bit of trauma to even be me since, fear to get bullied again, made fun of, and to be a victim.
but my mom didnt even helped when i needed to and only got me worse, after a time i was a "quiet kid", and i didnt mind it i grew up being all alone and stuff, still i was still talking with some kids but mostly i keeped to myself drawing away my time, but still hearing what sorounded me, how kid think that i would be the first to go, or the kind of kid that would bring a knife and cut himself, i just didnt told nobody and moved on, on high school i was cut off everyone else, the tenage hormones making their precense didnt helped me get throu but still i somehow survived more exclucion and detachment from others kids and still got called names, i was 12 and was considering to jump off the 3rd floor of my building and still i was surviving somehow.
I belive that i was just going throu some bad situations, and stuff would get better, than my loneliness would go away and could make friends and stuff, but i graduated sitted alone, my group had planed ahead to got me in the spot where i wouldnt even be with someone from other group, and i wasnt holding it during that day i got mad like i never had i feel before, i just wanted to cry my eyes out, die on the spot, i was loosing my shit, my mom saw me on the edge of crying and all she got to say was "boys dont cry", that stuck in my head for a whille, she never in her life had been there for me, in my lowest momments she just mocked me, was petty and i didnt wanted a solution to my problems anymore i wanted payback, thats where my relation with my mom finally got broken, started refering to her by her name, refused to do stuff, and just a couple of years ago, got me paying my self for my own stuff, i got my own apartment, lost a couple of years before i could get into a university, i started to feel more comfortable with my self, got a Bf and discovered my self in the procces, but the ideas where still hanging on the back of my mind, hurting my self, ending it, i consider it a couple of times, but told my self i couldnt do it, that i would hurt my Bf at the time....
We broke up shortly after i got into university, my mom suddently appeared in my life again, called me names, got fired from my job, and struggle with money for a month.
but i was fine i was.....i never been fine, i told my self i never be a victim, that i would never be made fun of again, that i would end my loneliness, and in the procces i got my self cut apart from everyone else, i though i had it all pulled togheter but i was merely blinded and i was never fine, i was holding by a thread, i alway denied my own fellings, this sadness this anger and this depression, all the ideas i had scratched for fear to get judged, and became shy to even try to ask for help, and i want to be done with that i want solutions, my iner child is asking for me to be free, this dome i put around him to protect him must be lifted break this self deprication and to ask for the help i need
To my past self i want to say im sorry, i should have be me from the start, i should have accepted to be the weird and happy child i wanted to be, to my new self i want you to learn to accept that mistakes are there to be enbraced not to be feared and that only from them you can get better at what you want and to dont give yourself up because it didnt worked the firts time
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perfectquote · 7 months ago
Alone or not, you gotta walk forwad.
Cecelia Ahern
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vendettapandav · 2 years ago
shaking frothing at the mouth trembling i finally got me a huion kamvas to take with me on the go now i can do MORE ART
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spiderworldglobal · 2 years ago
Insurance which a vital role in logistics you must know .. WATCH IT!
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jasa import barang polandia 081295752578
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HUBUNGI MARKETING KAMI: Ms. DIAN : 6282122125930 Mr. Alfarezel : 6281295752578
PT. Boshoku Nusa Express Forwarder Logistik Merupakan Perusahaan Ekspedisi Pengiriman Barang Terpercaya Dan Price Termurah Yang Berpusat Di Jakarta, Indonesia. Kami Mengkhususkan Diri Dalam Menyediakan Layanan Impor Door-To-Door Yang Terjangkau Dan Efisien. Tim Profesional Kami Yang Berpengalaman Memastikan Pengalaman Yang Lancar Dan Bebas Kerumitan Bagi Klien Kami, Mengurus Semua Proses Logistik Pajak, Izin Dan Bea Cukai. Selain Layanan Impor Kami Yang Komprehensif, Kami Juga Menawarkan Layanan Ex-Work, Fob, Tax Refund, Dan Cif Port, undername, FE Customs Clearance Only, Khusus Untuk Impor Dari Singapura, Malaysia,/Kuala Lumpur, Tiongkok/China, Beijing, Seoul Korea Selatan, Australia, Uk/Usa, Canada, Timur Tengah, Inggris, Jerman, Roma/Milan Italia, swiss, island, polandia, irlandia,new york, los angeles, mexico, chicago, Belanda, Luxembourg, kuwait, India, Brunei, Banglades, Bahrain, Filipina, Thailand/Bangkok, Taiwan, Vietnam, Turki, Abu Dhabi, Mesir, Arab Saudi, Dubai, Hongkong, Tokyo Jepang, France/paris Amerika, Argentina, spanyol, portugal, kolombia, Rusia,/Moskwa, Qatar, Srilangka, Nepal, Pakistan, Oman, Myanmar, Dan Eropa. Dengan Komitmen Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Jaringan Global Yang Kuat, PT. Boshoku Express - China Cargo Logistics Adalah Pilihan Utama Untuk Segala Kebutuhan Impor Anda, Berikut Barang : Cairan, Kimia, Baterai, Alkes/Alat Kesehatan, Baut, Kabel, fiber optik, pipa hdpe, drone, Logam, aluminium, Valve, Drone, Barang Bekas, Ban, Mobil, Motor, Vleg, Suplemen, Alat Lab, Mesin, las, Spare-Part, Sepatu, Alat Berat, Textile, serbuk/bubuk herbal,Rumput sintetis, packing element, kosmetik, Garment, Baju/Pakaian, Ballpress, mesin es batu, rantai, tali, mainan, harley, Karena Melayani Pengiriman Sampai Depan Tempat Usaha Anda Yang Ada Di Kota-Kota Tangerang, Karawang, Cikarang, Bekasi, Tangsel, Bogor, Banda Aceh, Medan, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Lampung, Batam, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Semarang, Jogjakarta, Tanjung Emas, Jawa Tengah, Surabaya, Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Denpasar Bali, Papua.
Jasa Import Door To Door China | Jasa Import Borongan | Jasa Import Korea | Jasa Import Singapore | Jasa Import Resmi | Jasa Import Amerika | Jasa Import Malaysia | Jasa Undername Import | Jasa Import Usa | Jasa Import Italia | Jasa Import Australia | Jasa Import Door To Door Dari China | Jasa Import Thailand | Jasa Import Door To Door Jakarta | Jasa Import Bangkok | Jasa Import China Ke Indonesian | Jasa Import Taiwan | Jasa Import Vietnam | Jasa Forwarder Import | Jasa Import Jerman | Jasa Import Uk | Jasa Import Hongkong | Jasa Customs Clearance | Jasa Import Jepang | Forwarder Import Door To Door Services | Jasa Import France | Forwarder China Surabaya | Jasa Import China | Ekspedisi Import China Indonesia | Jasa Import Barang Dari China | Jasa Forwarder Terpercaya | Jasa Ekspedisi Import | Jasa Import Murah | Import Door To Door Singapore Jakarta | Jasa Kirim Barang Dari China | Jasa Pengiriman Barang Import China,
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imogenlaudna · 16 days ago
"You can't save everyone, but everyone is worth saving" might now be my favorite Critical Role quote of all time. It's an universal sentiment and it resonates even deeper right now in our world. What a way to close an age, what a way to look forwad.
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youuuimeanmee · 1 year ago
Get ready with me to be surprised with
✨️Arnold Crowley✨️
Hint: Crowley
I was scrolling through Twitter/X, laughing and giggling at the cute DamiAnya and Loid tweets from the recent chapter 95, when I stumbled on a tweet about Arnold Crowley.
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Btw, Arnold is one of the character I'm looking forwad meeting the most because he's the top scorer in the classical language test. His score must be 90 or above, which is kinda insane when we know classical language is a dead language and barely taught anymore. I previously made a theory that the reason why Anya is so good at classical language is because she came from Covenia, the equivalent of Romania irl; which language derived from Latin language. That's why I was intrigued with Arnold Crowley; I want to know how is he able to beat Anya's score. Like, did he come from the same place as Anya, or, does his family have a medical/researcher background; stuffs like that
Anyway, back to the tweet. Some people are weirded out with Arnold Crowley's hairstyle, which is not surprising, because me too.
I clicked the comments when I saw this.
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What. The Fuck. Is That.
The hair/hat reference! The same last name!
Suddenly everything about Arnold clicked. Why I feel weirded out not just from his hairstyle, but also from his bow tie (which reminds me of a moth's wing pattern). Why his polite demeanor is lowkey making me uneasy. Why he is so interested to meet the runner-up of his strong subject. Why he is so good at classical language.
I was scared. I am scared.
But I was still excited to learn that Crowley was a real person, so I googled him just to make sure.
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Dear God what did I discover.
Arnold Crowley or his parents might be based on Aleister Crowley.
Aleister Crowley is an occultist.
He practiced spells.
Spells often comes from Latin words.
He is also a poet.
A poet also often uses Latin language.
Do you see what I'm seeing here.
Arnold Crowley or his parents might be an occultist or poet; that's how he's able to be excelled in classical language.
If Arnold's family is a poet, then thank God.
If Arnold's family is an occultist, I am really scared for Anya. What if he wants to learn if Anya is a fellow occultist like him. What if he wants to invite Anya to join his cult. What if he finds out about Anya's telepathic ability. What if he somehow trigger Anya's bad memories with his magic skills(?). I really want Anya to get tf away from him now.
And here I was so excited with Arnold's appereance, I even joked he'd become Anya's new classmate or even the 2nd ML, lol. But now? I'm really not sure. I better keep an eye on him from now on.
Yah that's about it! Thank you for following me in this short journey! 👋
*Edit: I missed the fact that Aleister Crowley is from British. Now I imagine Arnold speak in British accent and I can't stop laughing 🤣
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perfectfeelings · 8 months ago
Alone or not, you gotta walk forwad.
Cecelia Ahern
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justauthoring · 1 year ago
just a short little drabble that i managed to write inbetween studying and being sick :))))
tw. honestly, gojo and geto are like (lowkey?) toxic in this soooooo
"who's this?"
there's a drop of weight over your shoulders, causing you to slag slightly as you let out a huff in response.
gojo satoru smiles mirthly over your shoulders, a smile that stretches just a tad bit too wide and a bit too manic for it to be meaningful. your body tenses at the sight, shifting slightly under his grasp.
a second later, you're tugged to the left as an arm wraps around your waist, pulling you flush against a warm body.
"hmm," get hums as he join gojo in a similar smile, though his lips are stretched a bit thinner, and his eyes have a nasty glare to them. "seems like nobody to me."
the boy who, seconds prior, had been happily chatting away, looks positively terrified in that moment. his skin has paled, a nice sheen of sweat shining under the sun as he shuffles on the spot, cowering under geto and gojo's sheer height.
"stop it," you sigh, pressing your hand to your forehead. "you're scaring him."
gojo turns to you, bright blue dazzling eyes falling on your as he grins wide—this time though the smile has meaning to it, a hint of warmth in his gaze. "that's the point, sweets," he laughs, and you roll your eyes at the nickname.
"funny," geto snorts from beside you, shifting your attention away from gojo and on him. he's staring straight ahead, eyes focused on the quivering boy in front of you. "did you think you had a chance with her?"
the boys lips part; "no-no—"
"looking like that?" gojo cackles, loud and obnoxious. "as if y/n would ever. she probably was just being nice."
geto nods; "charity more like it."
you frown, eyes falling on the boy and watching as the fear has doubled with humiliation. his face is burning red and you swear his eyes are watering.
"you guys are being mean."
you swipe both of your arms out, smacking them in the chests as you shrug yourself away from their grasps. or, at least, that was the intent. but you make it two steps before geto's reaching forwad, fully enveloping you in his arms as he pulls you flush against his chest. you gasp out at the action, turning to yell at him until you see gojo stepping forward out of the corner of your eye.
"did you think y/n was pretty?"
geto reaches forward, taking your chin in his left hand and practically presenting your face for the boy. his eyes fall on you, wide and terrified and your face twists, annoyance flickering in your gaze.
"answer." gojo grounds out, towering over the boy.
"no-no—!" he squeaks.
okay, ow, you think, that's kind of—
"excuse me?" geto hisses from behind you, voice menacing as you grasp his wrist, trying to tug his grip off of you.
the boy cries. "i mean, yes! yes, she's pretty!"
leaning down, gojo sets his hand on his shoulder. you can see from here, though, that his grip is tight, pinching as he laughs.
"thought you'd ask her out on date," gojo sings, "was that it?"
both of their gazes stare into him.
the boy nods, frantic.
geto lets go of your chin, leaning back as his hands move to squeeze your hips. you shake your head.
"satoru," you ground out, "that's enough."
gojo merely glances at you out of the corner of his eyes, smirking.
he leans closer to the boy, causing him to let out a squeak of terror, moving until his lips are next to his ear, and he lowers his voice to a low whisper.
but you can still hear him clearly.
"what made you think she'd want you... when she's got the two of us?"
geto moves his hand, rubbing slowly across your waist as he presses a kiss to the side of your neck, where your shoulder meets. he does it sensually, putting on a show for the boy who watches with wide, petrified eyes, unable to look away, all whilst listening to gojo.
"what are you compared to us?"
there's a second of silence and then gojo leans back, stepping away. the second he's given the chance, the boy is turning, all but sprinting away as quick as he possibly can to get away.
gojo watches him for a moment before turning, eyes meeting geto's as he laughs.
"you two are ridiculou!" you cry, stomping your foot as you feel yourself hot in the face, flushing heavily. both boys turn to glance down at you, geto letting his head rest on your shoulder, hand still rubbing your sides as you feel his heat all whilst gojo smirks down at you, closing the distance between you and him.
effectively leaving you trapped between both men.
"we just wanted to show him who you belonged with, baby."
"yeah. can't have nobody flirting with what's ours."
you huff. "he was asking me for directions, you idiots!"
both pause, stilling against you.
"honestly," you cry, making sure to send both of them a sharp glare. "if the two of you would think with your brains instead of your dicks, you would've seen that! besides, don't embarrass me like that either! are you crazy?"
a minute passes.
then another.
then, "he still was eyeing you funny." gojo pouts.
geto nods behind you. "i agree," he hums. "you just shouldn't talk to any guy other than us."
leaning forward, gojo leans to press a kiss against your forehead. "exactly, baby," he nods in agreement to geto. "then we wouldn't get confused."
you pause, letting their words sink in.
"you two are ridiculous."
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thoughtkick · 2 years ago
Alone or not, you gotta walk forwad.
Cecelia Ahern
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