khaopybara · 6 months
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Ongsa, do you want me and Tinh to help you pursue Sun?
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sherrymagic · 6 months
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Gay Advice Vs. Lesbian Execution (and Panic) 23.5 (2024) | EPISODE 3
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seatawinan · 2 years
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sunsetandthemoon · 1 year
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firstkanaphans · 5 months
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Y’all I’m dying 😂😂😂😭
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dragonsareawesome123 · 4 months
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"Your thought about love is so cool. It's no wonder why I like you." "What kind of 'like' is that?"
23.5 Degrees (2024) dir. Fon Kanittha Kwunyoo Episode 11 - "When Earth Has No Sun"
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haomnyangz · 3 months
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Thank you all for fulfilling our high school lives. I hope you're being fulfilled, too. Are you guys ready? Before we get to the final song, I'd like to take this chance to remind you all that prom is your last chance - to express your feelings to the one next to you. I know that many of you are afraid. I get it. I've been there. It's not easy, as some people are just beyond our reach. I want to dedicate this song to everyone who needs courage. MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT (2022) DIRECTOR; AU KORNPROM NIYOMSIL
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visualtaehyun · 6 months
Names, particles, aliens and ghosts, oh my!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Ongsa & Alpha
Last week's episode started with the trio talking about the sisters' names:
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Nunnapat Ampornsopon /Nan-na-phat Am-phaawn-soh-phohn/ Matthayom 4, class 6 (=10th grade) English
While we see this, Tin tells us Alpha's name too:
Napatsanun Ampornsopon นภัสนันท์ อัมพรโสภณ /Na-phat-sa-nan Am-phaawn-soh-phohn/
Her and Ongsa's first names have the exact same two words in them, just switcheroo'd:
นันท์ /nan/ = joy, happiness;
นภัส /na phat/ = sky, heaven
-> Quick pronunciation lesson: The final consonant in นภัส /na phat/ is called ส เสือ /saw seuua/ (= lit. S like the word for tiger) but in final position it's pronounced as a /t/. In Alpha's name, that same letter gets reduplicated to better link นภัส /na phat/ and นันท์ /nan/ so we get Napat-sa-nun!
Their last name Ampornsopon contains:
อัมพร /am phaawn/ = sky;
โสภณ /soh phohn/ = beautiful
Her club application form was only shown in a Next Break preview last week, not the actual scene, but I wanted to take a look at it anyway:
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Application to join the Astronomy Club Name: Aylin Kueaahree Grade: Matthayom 4, class 1 (=10th grade) Hobbies: Communicating with aliens Goal in joining the club: Searching for a friend/friends
Aylin is her first name, her last name is เกื้ออารีย์ /geuua aa ree/:
เกื้อ /geuua/ = to aid, do a favor, assist, lend a hand;
อารีย์ /ah ree/ = kind, generous
We saw her name properly this week, too, in the document she hilariously designed, wrote up, and filled out by hand:
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Permit for spending the night at S-TAR school Subject: Asking for permission to stay the night at school for the duration of 1 night To: Counselling homeroom teacher I, (young Mr./young Miss/Mr./Miss) Aylin Keuaahree, ID number 406123, student of Matthayom 4/1, need to stay over at school ... on the date of the 24th of the month of August in the year of 2566 (2023) from 20.00 o'clock until 06.00 o'clock. Please kindly take it into consideration. Respectfully yours Aylin Keuaahree (Miss Aylin Keuaahree) Student
I've mentioned before that the subs are a bit too generous and don't quite show how much Aylin limits her speech to the minimum she needs to get her point across. One thing that consistently gets subbed is how she differentiates between aliens and humans. But not every instance of human is the same. She does seem to differentiate between general observations about human behavior and specific humans she talks to, now even addressing them appropriately (albeit with the 'human' descriptor).
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1) มนุษย์ครูใจร้าย /ma noot khruu jai raai/ = [You] are mean, teacher human. 2) มันเป็นหนทางที่เอเลี่ยนจะได้เจอเพื่อนนะ /man bpen hon thaang thee alien ja dai juuhr pheuuan na/
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มนุษย์ชอบถามแปลก ๆ /ma noot chaawp thaam bplaaek bplaaek/ = Humans like to ask weird questions.
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1) มนุษย์พี่เคยบอกเอง ว่าเรื่องที่เชื่อไม่ใช่เรื่องที่ไร้สาระ /ma noot phi koei baawk ehng - waa reuuang thee cheuua mai chai reuuang thee rai saa ra/ = [You] said so [your]self, senior human - that what [I] believe in isn't nonsense. 2) ทำไมมนุษย์ชอบกลับคำพูด /tham mai ma noot chaawp glap kham phuut/ = Why do humans like to go back on their word?
Luna, Mawin, and Ton
Thanks again, Tin, for helpfully giving us all the names lol:
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Luna Lalita Chanthaboriboon ลูน่า ลลิตา จันทบริบูรณ์ /Luu-naa La-lee-dtaa Jan-tha-baw-ree-buun/
Luna is her nickname, her first name Lalita ลลิตา means pretty, charming, lovely, and her last name จันทบริบูรณ์ contains:
จันท /jan tha/ from จันทร์ /jan/ = moon;
บริบูรณ์ /baw ree buun/ = complete, full, perfect, abundant
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พี่เป็นดวงจันทร์ต่างหาก /phi bpen duuang jan dtaang haak/
Moving on to the boys-
Mawin Kow(a)charoen มาวิน โค้วเจริญ /Maa-win Khoh(-wa)-ja-reern/ -> the added 'wa' would be for the same ease-of-pronunciation reason I explained earlier with Alpha's name
Mawin isn't a Thai name but his last name โค้วเจริญ consists of:
โค้ว* likely from หมูโค้ว /moo khoh/? = a pork belly dish
เจริญ /ja reern/ = the same as Charoen's name, meaning to pray/chant, to prosper, to thrive
Edit, addition by @recentadultburnout:
Based on the usual pattern, the *โค้ว in the surname โค้วเจริญ is likely a Chinese surname that got incorporated into a Thai one. โค้ว is one of the top ten most used ones among Chinese surnames in Thailand. As for [his first name] มาวิน, while it was indeed not originally Thai, it did have a meaning—a borrowed word plus slang of sorts. A winner or to win.
Ton Thanakorn Khajornyoo ต้น ธนกร ขจรอยู่ /Dtohn Tha-na-gaawn Kha-jaawn-yuu/
His first name ธนกร /tha na gaawn/ = to create assets/capital; rich, wealthy
His nickname Ton ต้น might stem haha from the plant (ต้น)ขจร /(dtohn) kha jaawn/, a type of vine. ต้น /dtohn/ is a prefix used for plants but it can also mean leader, chief, leading, beginning, etc.
His last name ขจรอยู่ /kha jawn yuu/ = is spread/spreading, emanating, diffusing
An addendum about Ton
Last week, I wondered if maybe Ton was a closeted gay guy because of a handful of instances where AJ's delivery of the typically-female polite ending particles ค่ะ/คะ /kha/ sounded pretty sassy (and because he's Ongsa's ex aka the biggest lesbian under the sun lol). After episode three, I'm pretty sure he's just a huge flirt with everyone regardless of gender, he just adjusts his particle use (and also his height!) accordingly to sweet-talk them all:
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1) ว่าไงครับสุดหล่อ /waa ngai khrap soot laaw/ -> ครับ /khrap/ = typically-male polite ending particle 2) แต่คุณแอลคะ /dtaae khun Al kha/ -> คะ /kha/ = typically-female polite ending particle
And since he finger-guns his way into the student council room, I think we all know now that he's bi
"Filth-eating spirit"
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ใครจะไปล่าแสงกระสือกับพี่ต้นบ้างครับ /khrai ja bpai laa saaeng gra seuu gap phi Ton baang khrap/
If that sounds familiar to you, you either know your Thai ghosts or you've seen this or other movies like it:
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Inhuman Kiss or แสงกระสือ /saaeng gra seuu/, starring Minnie Phantira, Oab Oabnithi and Great Sapol
A Krasue is a type of evil spirit that possesses women and, when going out to hunt, leaves the body behind to be a floating head with internal organs still attached. It's translated as 'filth-eating' because a Krasue is cursed to feed on blood, organs, carrion etc. Ton calls the mysterious green light แสงกระสือ /saaeng gra seuu/ (=light of a Krasue) because sightings of a Krasue usually report them looking like a floating red or green orb. In that regard, they're comparable to will-o'-the-wisps!
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earthfluuke · 2 years
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Por: *enters a room* Tiw: Boyfriend???
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toocutetonom · 6 months
Thai actual meaning Names version! ☺️
23.5 องศาที่โลกเอียง
In English the title can be translated as "The 23.5 degrees to which the Earth is tilled" and someone might think "omg it uses Earth's name" well... No. But it's funny how things turn around by translating it.
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Breaking it down, the word used are:
23.5 = astronomically speaking, the Earth's rotation axis is tilted 23.5 degrees on its orbit around the Sun
องศา = Ongsa, which is the character's name, means "degree", "angle"
ที่ = let's say it means "which" in this case
โลก = "globe", "Earth". It's not the same word used for "Earth", the IG user Ongsa clames to be, but you now see why it's funny by translating it. In Thai the title has her real name, but if translated, it now mentions her cover-up character. (... just like a translation will always have an unfaithful layer because it can't deliver the full meaning of the original language 👀)
เอียง = "inclined", "leaning to one side"
Ongsa องศา = as mentioned, it means "degree" 🌏
Sun ซัน = this one's easy, the center of our solar system, the Sun 🌞
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Luna ลูน่า = it means "moon" in latin and several other languages 🌜
Aylin เอลิน = its origin is Turkish and Swiss, it means "moon halo" or "one that belongs to the moon". It also sounds very similar to the English loanword อเลียน (alien)👽
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Alpha แอลฟ่า = coming from the Greek, "alpha" (α) is the first letter of the alphabet. We all know the other declinations of the term... 🐺
Charoen เจริญ = from a religious perspective, her name means "to chant", "to pray". On extended cases, it can also mean "progress", "joyful", "grow". 🙏
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Mawin มาวิน = it comes from the English "win" and it could literally mean "came to win".
Tin ติน = It can come from the metal or from the name Valentine. In both cases it describe someone who's strong and healthy.
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Teacher Nida ครูนิดา = it has arabic origins and it means "call", "voice", "sound"
Teacher Bambam ครูแบมแบม = might refer to willpower and strength of will (tbh idk google search is filled with BamBam from GOT7😵‍💫😅)
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Ton ต้น (😐 no pic for him, he's too self absorbed. Jk I reached 10pics 🤪) = it can have many meanings including "beggining point", "origin", "leader"...
I guess someone on the internet has already made this but i haven't seen it anywhere yet, so here we go. If anyone has complains or thinks something's wrong, let me know 👐
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khaopybara · 5 months
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They are little shits and they care a lot. They also seem to really enjoy a good gossip and a little drama.
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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รัก…แล้วได้อะไร (So What?) Ost.Only Friends เพื่อนต้องห้าม - Ford Arun
-- Nothing is ever real. So what if I love you? I've got nothing to gain.
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seatawinan · 1 year
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 2 years
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[in]correct cracked up my school president 9/?
to make @hummingbirdsinjune post come to life :D
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sunsetandthemoon · 2 years
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hanjiwoos · 2 years
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POR + OUTFITS  |  My School President
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