akiraarlert · 4 months
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Some cute vintage tickets with Lyney and Lynette for sale🌹
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genshin-side-piece · 1 year
The irony of Neuvillette is that he himself is a prisoner of the system he upholds. As the Chief Justice he should have immense power over the legal system, yet he is little more than a figurehead when it comes to doing anything about changing it. He can’t override the Oratrice any more than Furina can. All Neuvillette can do is be held captive by it and endure and wait for someone to set him free.
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roseapov · 7 months
Lyney x GN!Reader
Tw: slight mentions of obsession, manipulation, terroristic/military organization, use of children in an organisatioin, stalking, being forced into a job
Spoilers for Lyney Backstory and Fontaine Main Story Quest
Povtober 2023, Day 24 [Masterlist]
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It's safe to say that when you two met for the first time, he got you all figured out. With his exceptionally perceiving eye and ability to read people like books, he immiediately had your character and intentions all figured out.
At first he hadn't had any interest in you, another person to charm, that's what he saw you as. But after his and Lynette's trial at the Opera House, when people became aware that he belonged with the Fatui, they turned their backs on him.
Going even as far as to treating the House of the Hearth with huge distrust and negativity, whereas before they treated them with such kindness. Ruining in the process childhoods of all the kids that had been raised there.
And this is when you came. All positive and trusting, full of magnetic energy, that brought these children to you.
You hated seeing how sad they looked, reminding you of all of the times you were sad as a kid, so you decided to play with them a little to cheer them up.
You weren't sure how good did you cheered them up, so just to be sure you bought all of them a slice of a popular cake and a drink of their chosing.
After a longer while of the absence of the children, Lyney got chosen to be the one to find them, as some got quite worried, but that doesn't mean that they showed that openly.
Lyney was one of those, who got worried about this longer absence, so he started searching for them immiediately.
He started off with just walking around the streets casually, trying to not raise any suspicion, to not destroy reputation of the orphanage even more.
These children, even if young, still could protect themselves, they were future Fatui soldiers in training after all. Luckily he didn't had to search for long and worry himself more and more over the passing time, when he finally found them.
He saw all of the kid's sitting together, with a stranger woman, you, eating and smiling together, making him smile on the inside. These children had been so sad lately, that is was truly refreshing to see them all smiley and happy again.
He quickly approached all of you, and could see how quickly you panicked and became all shy, while the children's smile dimmed. He painfully had to accept the last one, as he destroyed their beautiful moment, but mission was a mission.
You instantly stood up and apologized profusely about taking the kids for so long, being completely embarassed and a bit scared. Yes, you weren't loathing Fatui, but that didn't meant you weren't scared, The kids were one thing, but that magician...
None of your reactions however escaped Lyney, and to ease your nerves, he quickly assured you that nothing bad happened, you seemingly started to calm down, which lead him to continue.
He had to admit, that your kindness to the kids, made his smile soften to you. He was glad that the children met you and were happy with you, as they usually were a closed bunch, which with the Fatui wasn't surprising at all.
He taken you to the side, much to your unsettlement, and thanked you profusely, for bringing kids the happiness they've been lacking, giving you a rainbow rose in a magic trick. You were just so cute, that he couldn't hold back, he surely hoped that you knew flower language.
But if you didn't then.. That will add more to the surprise! After all you did captured his heart with your kindness so fastly, that if he hadn't slow down, he surely would overheat, and not thanks to his vision.
Little did you know, that he blushed a bit during the gesture, a thing yours eyes hadnt't caught, but someone else's did.. A person hidden in a shadow wanted to laugh at the familiar to her man, but decided against it, a beam of light caught sight glimpse of a cat's tail.
Soon after he departed together with the little ones, while you started to depart to your home, feeling watched, but how could that happen? Lyney just left and no one was here anymore..
Soon after you found yourself meeting Lyney in all kind of places, all the time... Which got you very concerned at the start, even more as it continued happening even more often...
That's when you found yourself working as a nanny for the House of the Hearth, having no relations with Fatui nor meeting any soldiers, and you thanked every higher being that existed for that blessing. You don't think you would be able to handle such meetings...
In fact, you didn't had to know that Lyney wanted to have you close, yet not wanting to risk you with the Fatui dirty buisness. The perfect argument was the fact that you were able to lift the moods of the children here, whose spirits had been brutally crushed.
This was a thing that really had you working at this place, but at least you're getting paid plenty, right? It's not like you would survive declining that offer.
At the very least you seem quite content with your new job, and Lyney has to thank Lynette for that. The time she spent watching you really payed off, now he knows your likes and can make your day, one day he's sure he'll be able to swipe you off your feet.
But he still owes her one, he truly hadn't expected that she sneaked after him, and spyed on you in secret. That was really impressive, he supposes, but this will also cost him a lot of dessertss...
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scenearcee · 8 months
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these two make me incredibly sad ⚖️🪞🩵💙
so here’s a moonlit walk on the beach bc I’m sad
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scaravie · 10 months
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♡𝅼 🦢˚ㅤ ݂ㅤ ㅤ ֹ ⋆ ﹙la vaguelette﹚
nous pardonneras-tu, ô chère mère?
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gripper-licker · 6 months
Freminet my favorite lovey pookie
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suushy1 · 1 year
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=^._.^= ∫
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shahdraws · 1 year
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Freminet - Genshin Impact
Life kind of got in the way these past few weeks, but I finally finished some fan art of Freminet!
Overall, I’m just happy to have been able to make some time to work on art at all these days, and definitely happy to see this completed :)
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exoticalmonde · 1 year
Yesterday me and Lundi went on a HaiKaveh adventure as I attempt to gather enough star fish to level up Neuvillette (including getting a hand in on fighting the Millenial Seahorse.
She was trying to help me find some Lumitoiles while I was browsing the map for beaches I can pick them up for the easy way.
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And it took a LOT of guidance to convince me they also stick onto surfaces that are not horizontal.
Which was also a reason for me to start looking around more, to pick up a crab, to go fight some enemies for a chest. Suddenly Lundi goes 'Oh, it' s the police' and I see something flashing red and blue in the corner and I think 'That' s funny, which sea creature is doing that?'
The screen goes black.
The scene changes.
Lundi, snorting: "You're WHAT?? What are you doing there?"
Me: "Get me out. I don't want to be here yet."
Lundi: "Oh, it's a secret save Kaveh mission time. Stay there. I'll come and get you."
With nothing to do I sat down in the dining area, then couldnt help myself and I went to talk to the robot that was serving nearby. He gave me...
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There's an element of surprise it says.
Meal and a fortune slip.
That's... Ni-
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"GET. ME. OUT. I want to LEAVE!!"
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So Lundi arrives, falling from the sky as one does while on a mission. Now I don't know where she came from, and I didn't see where they got me in from. Left with no choice, I follow her around in circles.
"Try to be quiet" She said, entirely in the role of Alhaitham, "I know it's hard for you, because you're Kaveh, but you need to keep it down."
Me, entirely immersed and unwilling to cooperate all of a sudden, "Oh, what's that?!" *runs into a tunnel out of spite*
I fought a dummy and got a coupon.
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Then escaped through telelorting, which is probably something the people in Meriopide didn't expect.
Next time I'm there I'm probably getting cuffed. I touched every single thing that was touchable.
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sunspira · 3 months
if i have an ethnic identity at all its best described by those racially insensitive but romantically artistic amalgamations of real world places and peoples in fantasy maps. or like the ancient city of carthage. fortunately this can lead to celebrating an ocean of people all with blended and indeterminate genealogy and a series of vibrant shared cultures and histories that transcend ever-changing ancient empires and modern national borders. unfortunately this can lead to fascism
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m3lssposts · 11 months
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la duchesse ne savait pas que le château était hanté
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genshin-side-piece · 1 year
I need to speak to someone at hoyo, specifically about the fact that I can’t climb in the Opera Eclipse and sit in Neuvillette’s chair. This is a miscarriage of justice and I would like it addressed.
Thank You.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
THE BELL???!???
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THE LEGS ? ? !? ?
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scenearcee · 4 months
fontaine POTO AU where Furina is Christine, Neuvillette is Raoul, and Arlecchino is the Phantom
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Furina: *Smiles slightly* I'm still so strange and wild!
Deslyn: *Looks up* I'm in the wind...
Furina: *Looks around* I'm in the water
Deslyn: *Touches his necklace, looking down* Nobodies son...
Furina: *Looks down, tears falling down her cheeks* Nobodies daughter
"Watching the chemtrails over the country club"
Deslyn: *Holds his hand out to Furina, smiling* Furina...
Furina: *Stares then reaches out taking his hand* Des...
Deslyn: *Pulls her up and turns, running away*
Furina: *Stares then smiles, running beside him*
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gripper-licker · 11 months
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