tikycuki · 2 years
"Whats their problem?" Random sketch bcuz i saw this ship and audibly gasped. Two of my favs.
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amalthea-fictions · 2 years
hello! i am here to make a request :) could you write Rengoku x Fem!Reader where reader is a demon slayer that has to work as an oiran in red light district to spy on clients. Reader is selected for this job because she is the only one unmarried.
thank you xoxo
AH this is such a cute idea because Kyo is such a GENTLEMAN!
Your fingers are calloused from all of your years as a Demon Slayer, so the scrubbing doesn’t bother you so much.
Your hands are red and knuckles white against the brush. Of course, you’ve been going back and forth across the same spot for over an hour now, so it’s already glittering– but the wall is thin between this room and the next. Perfectly conducive to eavesdropping. So, what’s a few hundred extra floor scrubbings if it means getting valuable info for the Corps? 
“...aren’t as skilled as the ones in Yoshiwara.” The client is sighing.
You hear your manager scrambling. “Ah, that can’t possibly be true! Besides, Yoshiwara is dangerous!” 
The client snorts. 
You have to crane your neck with your ear against the shoji to hear your manager continue. “..’s true,” she says, hushed. “I’ve heard that attractive young men and women turn up missing all the time.”
That’s not the first the Corps has heard this rumor. What you’re interested in, is if it could be a–
“Pfft, ‘demons?’ You really think you can scare me into buying an oiran in this small town?”
You hear footsteps approaching your room from down the hallway. But you need to hear what your manager says next.
“If you want to risk your life, fine…” Her indignant snort is muffled through the wall.
The footsteps are closer. Tip, tip tip. 
“..but don’t come crying back to me when the Red Light Princess eats you for dinner.”
“Red Light Princess.” That’s a new one. Perhaps some of the other slayers should investigate Yoshiwara.
Tip, tip, tip–
You’re able to jump back into a tabletop position just in time, huddled over your floorbrush as the Tayu steps into the room. 
“Ah, there you are, [Y/N],” she smiles. You look up, pretending not to have noticed her entering. “Please, come with me.”
You bow your head politely and leave the brush on the bucket. The Tayu spins around and begins back down the hallway, and you follow.
“Is everything alright, madam?” You’ve quickly put back on the mask of a sweet, innocent courtesan. 
The house Tayu doesn’t look up, but continues gliding forward with perfect posture. “It seems you have made quite the impression in town, already.”
Your stomach churns. You’ve only been here a week, but haven’t been called by clients. There’s no way you could have done anything to blow your cover yet, right?
“What do you mean, madam?” 
She stops in her tracks to turn to you. Her smile is saccharine when she says, “You are being summoned by a client. He has asked for you by name.”
You must visibly blanch, because her gaze turns sympathetic.
“Ah, do not fear,” the Tayu chuckles. “This will be your first, no?” 
The Tayu continues down the hall and gives you “friendly and helpful” reminders over how to entertain the client for the night. You’re not worried about pouring tea, or playing shamisen, or making intellectual conversation. You’re worried about the fact that, fundamentally, a client could ask for… other services.
Of course you understood this when you accepted the mission. It’s just, the plan was always to lay low, and not stand out, so that this possibility could be avoided. 
You’re so lost in your thoughts, that somehow you miss the boisterous laugh echoing from the front of the house.
“That is him,” the Tayu says, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Are you ready?”
You nod and smile. Thankfully, your years of demon-slaying have helped you school your emotions enough for your face to stay blank as you step out of the hallway.
Because there, surrounded by giggling women, with his arms folded, and a smile from ear to ear, is the flame hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. 
The Tayu bows politely and hands you off. “[Y/N] will guide you to your room for the night, sir.”
“WONDERFUL!” Kyojuro shouts, earning another giggle from the crowd of women around him. “Thank you very much!” 
You say nothing to Kyojuro as you lead him away from the entryway and into the house, but you can feel his owl-eyed stare boring into you the entire time.
Finally, when you’re in the guest’s quarters, you slide the door behind you and spin to him.
“Rengoku!” You hiss, and then bow. “I mean– It’s a pleasure to see you– but what’s wrong? Why are you here? I thought I was only supposed to communicate with the corps through crow?”
“NOT TO WORRY!” He booms, and you stare daggers at him. His eyes bulge. “Ahem. Not to worry!” he corrects, now in a whisper. “I am not here on official demon slayer business!” 
You raise your eyebrow at the way he sets his pack of belongings on the floor. “Then… why are you here?”
“To be frank, I was worried about you!” Kyojuro offers you the biggest, sweetest smile. And suddenly your face goes red. And all of a sudden you’re acutely aware of how you’re dressed, all of the makeup plastered on your face, and the fact that you and him are alone in a pleasure room together. 
You brush your hair away from your face, turning so that the flame hashira (hopefully) cannot see the blush flaring your cheeks. “I– I appreciate the sentiment, really. But there don’t seem to be any demons here? And even if there were, did you not think I could handle myself?”
“Quite the opposite!” He assures, catching himself before he grew too loud again. “If it were a demon, I would not be worried at all. But I was quite uncomfortable hearing that you were sent to work undercover as an oiran.”
“B-but–” you stutter over yourself. Kyojuro really came here just to make sure you were okay? Suddenly it’s way too hot in the dress you’re in. “Kyojuro, by being here, you could compromise my cover!”
He shakes his head vigorously. “Not to worry! I had the house women convinced I am but a simple patron who was enraptured by your beauty!” 
Your throat works. 
By all means, he shouldn’t be here. But sending him away now would make you even more suspicious. And yet, you can’t seem to convince yourself that you even want to send him away.
“Moreover,” he adds, and his tone has changed. When you turn up to see his gaze, his expression is solemn. “The thought of you being forced to participate in unseemly activities for the corps is deeply unsettling. I would not want you treated so indecently.” 
Your brain has frozen. 
Your… your duty is to stay and collect information for the Corps. So you should. Right?
Suddenly Kyojuro steps forward and places his hands on your shoulders. Your heart stops. It’s not until he gently guides you away from the wall that you realize you’ve glued yourself there the entire time. 
“[Y/N],” he whispers. “Your honor is more important for me to protect than your cover.”
He slides his thumb across your cheek and you realize you’re crying. And now that you’re aware of the hot tears on your face, they seem to overflow. 
You try speaking but it turns into a shaky hiccup for air.
“I am sorry you were selected for this mission.” His voice is soft and sincere. 
You shake your head. “It’s– it’s alright.” You try and sound confident through the tears, but the truth is, this is the first time you’ve even thought about how you felt being on this mission. 
Kyojuro chuckles. “It does not seem that way to me.”
He smiles at you, and he’s bright and safe and warm. You lean your forehead into his chest. He responds by wrapping his arms around you. His uniform and haori smell of smoke and ash– and it’s comforting, being cradled by his scent. 
He holds you until you steady your breathing through the tears. Finally, he whispers into your hair: “Have you found enough information to leave yet?”
You shake your head. “Kyojuro, I’ve only been here a week–”
Your eyes widen as he presses his finger to your lips. “That is not what I asked, little flame.”
You sigh as he lowers his hand from your chin. “I… I have reason to believe there are demons in the Yoshiwara red-light district.” 
He smiles, and you can practically see his eyes overflowing with pride. “See? I knew you would make quick work of this mission!”
You shake your head. “But, Kyojuro, that doesn’t mean I can just leave–”
“If I recall correctly,” he interrupts, and you feel his arms around your back pulling you closer. Your breath hitches as you’re pressed into him. “A client can request to marry a courtesan, correct? And, with the appropriate dowry, she is able to leave the house.”
You blink. “Are… are you proposing to me?!”
He laughs. “Not to worry! I would actually propose to you in a more beautiful place than this. This is a means to an end.”
You try to process the meaning behind his words. But, between the heat of his arms around your back and the way he’s smiling at you, you can’t seem to put together any logical thoughts right now.
“So, what if I ask the manager to marry you in the morning? Then, once we leave, I will treat you to a dinner! And we can report back to the demon slayer corps together.” 
“I…” your heart won’t slow down. “I suppose that would work. But you’re sure–”
“Absolutely.” He smiles at you again, and cups your cheek. “Unless, the thought of being betrothed to me is that unbearable?” 
You shake your head, perhaps more eagerly than you intended, because he laughs. 
Then, he brushes hair behind your ear, and his fingers are gentle and tender. Every nerve in your body is on fire.
“Then,” he says, voice in a low whisper, “let’s get married, little flame.”
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lemonxlimee · 2 months
Floorbrush save me
Save me floorbrush
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unclegrimsley · 2 years
do u really think someone is a freak for not keeping their toothbrush in their room or were ya joshin
yes and they should also be crucified. well since you're asking politely like a normal person instead of telling me to commit suicide among other things, it was in fact an off handed jokey comment, i do think it's weird and nasty to keep your toothbrush that you rub the inside of your mouth with in the bathroom that you and any housemates you might have shit in but i understand that cultural differences and different living situations exist and it's ultimately none of my business where strangers on the internet keep their toothbrush, i do not think you are a "legit freak" for keepin it in your bathroom, that's called hyperbole and its often used in a humorous manner.
having said that, here's my reason for thinking that keeping your toothbrush in your own room is a better option since clearly i have to justify my nonchalant opinion to the toothbrush court lest i be sent hateful messages from the socially inept weirdos on the internets:
keeping it in the bathroom exposes it to fecal matter & co if you and or your housemates dont close the lid when flushing the toilet
you might trust your housemates to not use your toothbrush or fuck with it on purpose but if they accidentally knock it onto the floor or something do you think theyre gonna tell you or clean it before putting it back or are they just gonna put it back and pretend that nothing happened while you unknowingly brush your teeth with floorbrush
if you're in a hurry or something and need to brush your teeth while someone else is using the bathroom, if you keep it in your room you can just take it and brush your teeth in the kitchen sink or another bathroom if your house has more than one, while if you keep it in the bathroom it'll just be held hostage in there until the other person is done
and like i said maybe it's a cultural difference since most people i know in real life keep their brush in their own room, but all things considered i think it makes much more sense to keep it in your room since there are no pros to keeping it in the bathroom as far as i can tell. but if you still choose to keep it in the bathroom then it's none of my business and i'm not gonna send you any weird or violent messages because of it. in the end it was just a joking comment on a funny post that someone screenshoted and posted out of context and no one knows how to be normal on this site so lol .
once again thank you for being civilized👍
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mokilo11 · 1 year
you’re calling me but i don’t know how to answer
you awoke in me this morning furnace curling my skinblanket of heat…is it despairanguishor grief? i try on different masks to face you mop the floorbrush my teeththe mask of busy-ness works the best yet your heavy armsload me like a wet cloth no time to collapse under your weightjust enough time to get in the dog walk for the dayonly time enough to slog onto my next duty, the obligation…
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otome--gokoro · 7 years
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New game is out! You can find iOS/Google Play download links here. If you download it now, you’ll get a present of 12 gacha tickets and an avatar clothing set.
Btw, this game has harem routes. Like Arithmetic’s 7H, I guess?
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mallsbiz · 7 years
Kalorik Blue Pure Air – Water Filtration Vacuum Cleaner
Kalorik Blue Pure Air – Water Filtration Vacuum Cleaner Traps all dust and dirt particles in water. No bags or dusty containers to empty. Worry-free! Dust/water full indicator, auto-stop switch and no bag to replace. Maneuverable! Caddy design with 4 caster wheels. Telescopic metal tube. Heavy-duty 2-in-1 floorbrush, dust brush and crevice tool included. Voltage: 120 V~. On-board storage of the accessories. For wet or dry vacuuming. Power: 1200W.
from Products – www.Malls.biz https://malls.biz/product/kalorik-blue-pure-air-water-filtration-vacuum-cleaner/
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