fodsley-arts · 11 months
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Some comms
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redbards · 9 months
Solidarity with ZORA! - Unite against repression!
(translated statement from the FKO (Federation of Class-Struggling Organisations))
"On Wednesday morning (20. Dec. 2023), Berlin police searched six apartments and two public left-wing spaces. The reason this time is solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. The young anti-capitalist women's organization ZORA, to which five of the six suspects are said to belong, was the main target.
170 police officers were deployed because of an Instagram post (and an alleged flyer) that ZORA is said to have written. In this post, it is stated that Hamas has no interest in destroying the patriarchy. They say it is therefore important to "strengthen progressive forces such as the PFLP" (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). It is probably because of these words that the comrades from ZORA are now being treated like felons!
They are accused of "using symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations". Although the PFLP is on the EU terror list, it is not banned in Germany.
This once again demonstrates the violence used by the German state against left-wing and Palestine solidarity structures. While fascists can build up terror networks unchallenged for years, fill the internet with hate speech every day and even sit in the Bundestag (federal parliament), anti-capitalist forces are criminalized for a post/flyer.
For us it is clear: even if the repression is once again directed against one organization, we are all being targeted! But just as we are being attacked, we are also fighting back together.
All over the world people are recognizing the brutality with which Israel is waging war against Gaza and are taking to the streets in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people. This solidarity remains legitimate, regardless of state bans and repression.
As a federation of class-struggling organizations, we stand in solidarity with the comrades of ZORA!
Let's take to the streets together to show that they will not intimidate us!
Long live international solidarity!"
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911bts · 1 year
not sure how much this fits into your expertise, so sorry to bother you if it is, but do you know how to pronounce anirudh pisharody?
Here's a video he made breaking down his first name.
His last name is Pish-Ah-Rody
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dreamscape-popstar · 1 year
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Homestuck special interest took over like a parasite so I'm working off the whims of cringe.
Here's some fankids from FKO, Joel Harley [JadeDove] and Ruby Megido [AraDove]. They're siblings and they're sillay.
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i was speaking to a classmate who hasn't seen me without my glasses before and i mentioned how i reckon i look better with them, so naturally, she was like "oh, take them off for a sec then?"
and when i did, she quite quickly said, "put them back on. you were right."
... lovely.
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leaveharmony · 2 years
You know whose fucking fault it was that he lost his inaugural singles match as faction head as the hometown boy?
kenny’s fucking fault.  Because Will did not need that win - or would not have needed that win!  If the weeb idiot hadn’t strolled back in here like he hadn’t spent what, four years crapping all over the place (a practice that started when he actually worked here) after literally likening the company and its talent to small children or pets that only he in his benevolence could guide back to the true path
A diatribe so ridiculously over the top in it’s condescending racism (FLAT OUT FUCKING RACISM THIS TIME FOLKS) that one could only conclude it was deliberate because he was heeling it up for a humbling loss
But no!  Haha, because aedubya protects their guys, see!  So he was just taking an enormous verbal shit pre-match to gratify his enormous fucking ego!
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cosmicsully · 1 year
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aged up!Neteyamx aged up!human(f)!reader
Summary: In which…. Neteyam crosses paths with a human, but what is that sudden obsession with her, where did that need to protect her come from?
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: fluff, Y/N’s personal space is quite literally violated by Neteyam, Y/N is the first Human Neteyam has ever seen, Neteyam barely speaks/understands English, kissing, slight make out, lowkey unrealistic storyline lmao
My Masterlist <3.
What are you called? = fyape syaw fko ngar Stay calm = mawey beautiful: (of people) = sevin take it off = kämunge tsal I want to see = Oe new ne kame hurry up = win säpi nefä so soft = nìftxan 'ango
I hope you enjoy! If you do, feel free to reblog, I might consider writing more parts to this :) <3
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I can still remember how it happened. The day that I met Neteyam still lingers in my mind, the young Na´vi boy consuming my attention at all times.
About a week ago, I can still feel the soft breeze of air flushing against my legs, I remember smelling the green plants that had just been drowned in the heavy rain the previous night. The loving light of the warm sun embraces my figure as I walk across a muddy path, trying not to step on any kind of animal. I was outside although I was not allowed to leave the lab. Secretly slipping out of the back door, the mask that is pumping oxygen into my lungs well secured on my face, as I made it my new goal to explore Pandora further.
It is a memory I cherish. The adrenaline that runs through my veins as I took one step after the other, putting as much space as possible between me and the lab.
With the feeling of well-secured safety and no one having caught me fleeing from my home, I slowed my steps, taking in my beautiful surroundings. All kinds of exotic colorful plants surround my form, my eyes darting to one and then another, trying to see everything all at once. My ragged breathing slowed down as I sprinted across the mud, my feet now slightly covered in it.
I can’t help but feel joy consume me whole.
The beauty of Pandora yet again swallowed me, pulling me in. I let my feet work on their own, deciding on taking a small walk to find new interesting and unexplored corners. My fingertips glide against a pulsating bluish plant, as it vibrates against my hand in return, letting myself smile at the uncommon feeling.
This world is so alive.
It is beautiful, I hope its owners treat it well, with respect and cherish it just as I do. Although from the stories I have been told, Na’vi are very spiritual species who inhabit these forests. And now that I think of it, I have never truly seen a real Na’vi.
Dreamwalkers don’t count.
Not letting my mind linger on the thought of facing a real Na’vi, I continued my exploration, It felt like mere minutes, but because it was slowly becoming darker around me it must have been at least a few hours. The only sound that reaches my ears is my breathing from behind the thin glass that is covering my entire face, and the nature that I’m currently moving in. Deciding that I have seen enough for today and that Norm is most likely worrying about my well-being, I take a turn and walk to the path I have been walking all along and slowly but surely make my way back to the lab.
Just as I took a few steps, I heard a quiet huff and leaves moving behind a tree a few feet away from me.
Midway through me turning my head, a blue figure emerges from the bushes. There he stands. A tall male Na’vi. His stripes-covered skin glows underneath the small amount of light that is still falling on Pandora.
He is beautiful.
So beautiful the nature around me is no longer on my mind. All my focus and attention is now drawn to him as I see his fist tightening around a weapon that is firm in his right hand.
With quick movements, he is pointing an arrow at me.
“Wait- Wait- Wait-“ I start as his face wears an angry expression, his frown-covered face facing my direction. I can see his ears perk up at the words that left my mouth. The foreign language fills his head as he decides on killing or spearing me.
“fyape syaw fko ngar?” he hisses, flashing his fangs at me. His white teeth sparkle in the sun as he takes a big step closer to me. His sudden movement made me trip over, my backside making contact with the now slightly dried ground. Him now towering over me even more, his height is scary.
“I- I’m sorry I don’t understand you, please talk slower,” I say, trying to speak slowly, he probably doesn’t understand my words. He tilts his head in confusion, his eyes widening as he takes in my form. Here I am, halfway sitting up in the slightly muddy forest of Pandora. My eyes are fixated on the Na’vi that is towering above me.
“fyape. syaw. fko. ngar?” he repeats, now trying to talk as slow as I did. His pronunciation is now much clearer, his eyes squinting close as if he can see the wheels whirring behind my eyes. This situation throws me back multiple years, remembering the Na’vi lessons we were put through at the mere age of ten. He must have said something about me. Asking about my age? No that would not add up to the situation I’m currently in. Maybe he asked what my name is. That makes way more sense, him emerging from the forest, probably taking me in as a threat.
Slowly, I raise my hands on either side of my head a little, to show that I have no weapons on me, and don’t mean any harm to anyone. At my gesture his ears stand up, their previous position flattened against his head long gone. While doing so, his curiosity must have grown, he lowers his weapon, no meaning to harm me for now. The unknown Na’vi male lowers himself into a crouching position, as he fixates his bow on his back and secures the arrow back in its holder. With me still staying put on the ground, he starts to crawl over my much smaller form to take in my face.
His expression is still confused, but the curiosity must be getting a hold of him. He slowly makes his way above me, his face getting closer to mine, I can feel his warm breath hitting my cheek, his sparkly yellow eyes boring into my own. Pupils now grown bigger and bigger with each second that passes.
“What are you doing?” I whisper, my questioning tone must have shown him that I asked a question. He shakes his head in a way to tell me that he has no idea what I just said, but he doesn’t leave his current position, instead, he’s only inching closer to my body. His face slowly moved to the left side of my face, flattened nose touching my cheek and slowly moving down to my neck. His way of moving and actions remind me of an animal, I can feel him take a deep breath through his nose when it hits my pulse point. It’s like he’s taking in my scent, trying to burn it into his brain to never lose the smell of me.
His actions makes a shudder run down my spine, a shaky breath leaving my mouth only now realizing that I have been holding my lungs oxygen-free for the past minute, them now aching and burning for more.
He breathes me in again, this time with eyes closed, my scent filling his nostrils. My breathing stays unsteady, his presence making my heart quicken in my chest, he seems to notice that, his eyes now fixated on my chest, watching it rise and fall again. When my eyes caught his never leaving my chest, a frown forms on my face, my mouth gaping at him and my arms moving to cover my chest. Slightly uncomfortable under his stare that is on one of my most intimate parts.
He quickly shakes his head and uses one of his three-fingered hands -that is at least twice as big as mine- to move them away, his now gained free access to my chest making him move his head closer, the side of his face making contact with me, his ear hovering above my heart. My heartbeat echoes in his head, its beating pumping hot blood through my veins. Although he does not seem to have the intention to hurt me in any way, my heart doesn’t slow its fast beats. His heavy head makes contact with my chest, I can feel him resting his head completely.
He stays put for a few seconds, the sound of soft breaths leaving his nose hit my ears. My heart still hammers in my chest, continuing to reveal my unsure feelings about the moment and this stranger who is quite literally breaking the definition of personal space. He stirrers up removing his ear from my chest, now much softer yellow eyes meeting mine.
“Mawey.” he whispers. His soothing voice makes it seem like a sweet gesture, the way he talks, the way his eyes move from me to my chest, no, to my heart, its like he wants to tell me to relax. The next thing that catches his attention is the oxygen mask that covers my slightly blushing face. With one of his fingers he taps against the glass, the tap rather harsh as it shoots through the glass and right to my ears echoing softly.
"Neteyam." he speaks up, the pronunciation lingering in my mind. As he speaks, he points the finger that just tapped my mask to his chest, gesturing to himself, it seems to be his way of introducing himself to me.
"Y/N." I say telling him my name. His ears perk up as my voice hits him.
"Y/N…" he tries to pronounce my name just like I did, but fails miserably. I can´t help myself but let a giggle slip past my lips at his terrible attempt at pronouncing my name, squinting my eyes closed in the process. He doesn´t exactly laugh at my reaction, but what seems to be a small smile makes its way across Neteyams face. I like the way my name sounds when he speaks.
"Sevin." he whispers pointing at me again. His hand glides downwards to my own and he takes a look at it, his eyes fixated on my little finger. He slowly but surely wraps two of his fingers around it, completely engulfing my pinky with his. His hand is huge compared to mine. If he wanted to, he could cover my entire hand with his and nothing of my hand would be visible.
"Sevin?" I ask, questioning his last words, why did I barely pay attention when we were told simple words that are commonly used by Na´vi?
"Beautiful?" he now repeats, his accent thick as he tries to translate his words.
"You mean me?" I ask a little unsure, it is not unknown in the lab that Na´vi and humans don´t usually interact with one another, let alone find any interest in each other. He points his finger against my chest again, still trying to get me to understand that he thinks I´m pretty.
I can´t help but blush at his actions, not quite used to being complimented by someone.
"You´re beautiful too" I answer, already aware of the fact that he probably doesn´t understand what I just told him. So I point my finger at his chest just like he did to me and say
His eyes fall to my pointer finger that is currently resting against his chest, his hands now following his eyes, a blue hand yet again engulfing my own. I feel a certain warmth spread through my chest.
Am I supposed to feel like this?
Probably not.
No, definitely not.
Then why does his presence feel so good? Why do I feel this special security with him? When his warm eyes meet mine?
His attention is now back on my face, the way he is now directly in front of me, allows me to take a closer look at his facial features. His yellow, big, cat-like eyes are pulsating with warmth and softness, his slightly flattened nose wrinkling when he senses new smell. He seems to be studying me just as I do him.
"kämunge tsal" he whispers, now again tapping against my oxygen mask.
Although I could not exactly translate his spoken words in my head, it must have been something about my mask. I shake my head hastily, if his intentions are about me taking it off he can forget it.
"Oe new ne kame" he urges me on, his eyes filled with curiosity and desperate pleading.
"Off," he says quickly his demanding tone fitting to his accent, his hand already finding the bottom of the mask and lifting it off of my face. His sudden actions make me gasp and quickly breathe in, to catch another wave of oxygen.
The mask is now all the way off, Neteyam places it on one of his muscular tights, but his vibrant eyes are darting across every moving muscle on my face. He studies me carefully as if he is afraid of breaking me with a grip that might be too firm for my body.
His left-hand moves to the right side of my head, the warm palm of his softly meeting me. His palm swallows half of my skull, it’s like a puzzle fitting, his piece connecting with mine. A few seconds later I have a sort of ticklish feeling against my upper thigh, his strong tail curling twice around it. The movement makes me blush, I feel my cheeks and half of my neck warming. It’s like Neteyam is trying to be as close as possible, though I can not really tell why.
His face inches closer to mine, he’s so close again that I can feel his breath on my lips, his eyes dare to look at them for a quick moment but just as he meets them he averts his gaze again. I can’t help it but copy his movement, my eyes darting down to his lips.
I can feel the atmosphere between us get turned upside down within one quick glance at his lips, a sort of tension building up.
What I’m doing here is insane.
I should be home by now.
Just as I can feel him getting even closer, the need for oxygen is growing and growing, my lungs aching for relief. My eyes shoot down to his leg hastily grabbing the mask that my body so desperately seeks. The moment it hits my face I take a deep breath, my heart beating at a quickening speed. Neteyam groans in response his hand falling from my head, instead both of his hands land on either side of my waist. As I try to steady my breathing, he pulls my smaller form into his lap.
"win säpi nefä" he lowly whines, making my eyebrows raise in confusion at his whining. He waits a few seconds for my chest to raise at a normal speed again, his eyes boring through mine as if he is asking for permission, although I can not quite tell for what.
"Enough" he orders now quite needy ripping the mask off my face, but before I can respond in annoyance, warm lips are pressed against my very own. My eyes widen at his sudden actions, I can`t hold back the quiet unexpected sigh that sounds like a soft moan leaving my lips.
Neteyam responds eagerly, his tongue now parting my lips ready to claim my mouth, the taste of me lingering on his tastebuds, he pulls me closer by my hips, the close proximity making him groan. The kiss quickly becomes feverish and passionate as his desire for more keeps growing. His hand moves to the back of my head keeping me in place to continue his almost assault on my lips. His rough palms skim down my waist to hook around my hips, pulling me flush against his chest.
It is something I have never felt before, the adrenaline coursing through my veins making my head dizzy. Or maybe it was the lack of oxygen that was making me feel lightheaded.
I can´t help but try to pull away from him, his much stronger grip on me only tightening in response, in order to gain focus again I let my fingers tangle into his braids, softly tugging his lips away from mine. Neteyam growls in protest, chasing my lips with his but I lean back and reach down to put the mask that dangles down my body back on my face. As I keep filling my lungs with air, I look up through the thing glass with heavy-lidded eyes, my chest still heaving and my heart thrumming in my chest.
Neteyam pants softly, just as breathless as I am.
Behind Neteyam I can see his tail swaying with excitement from side to side, his own heavy eyes now focused on a part of my neck. He quickly connects his lips with my neck, softly coating it with open-mouth kisses. With his other hand, he gently tugs on my hair to expose my neck to his mouth. Not caring about the noises that could slip out of my mouth, I let a soft moan leave my lips at the feeling. That seems to urge him on further, his lips traveling from my neck, to my collarbone and lastly to my pulse point. It is the place he breathed me in earlier, he growls at the memory, lips quickly working at sucking on my delicate skin.
I close my eyes at the feeling of his soft but rough lips as they work against my sensitive skin, my mouth slightly agape at the pleasure that is shooting through every inch of my body.
"nìftxan 'ango" the Na´vi male moans against my neck, at the sound of a twig breaking somewhere in the distance, Neteyam quickly breaks away from my sensitive skin. His tail tightened around my thigh in a protective manner.
"Come" he hushes at me, now raising to his feet and full height, With one swift movement he claims my wrist in his hand sneaking around it in a soft grip. He pulls me up in no time as if I weigh nothing to him. I can feel myself hovering over the ground for a split second before he lets go of my wrist now fully placing me back on the ground I was laying on only minutes ago.
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scryarchives · 2 years
𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 - 𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲
age-old traditions were to be continued for generations, but when it finally comes down to the toruk makto's son, he's not so willing to comply...
– pairings: neteyam x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, cross-posted on wattpad
– author's note: this oneshot takes place after the events of avatar 2 because i refuse to believe that neteyam is gone.
– ma tìrol [my son] – zamunge fko [strong one]
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Being given an arranged mate was something like a toss of a coin. It was sheer luck if you ended up loving the one you were destined to be with.
Despite the arrangements of suitors being highly disliked, Neytiri turned back to the tradition of her forefathers, a part of her following the custom in memory of the late Olo’eyktan, Eytukan. As much as he didn’t like it, Jake followed his wife’s wishes, knowing how much her culture and her father meant to her.
And so, with the consultation of the current tsahik, Neytiri and Mo’at had decided who her firstborn would be promised to, both looking at the candidates for the next tsahik. It was decided that the matched pair would be introduced when Neytiri’s son, Neteyam, the next in line for Olo’eyktan, was of age to be part of the People.
Unfortunately, the young man hated it. Neteyam hated the notion of not being able to experience falling in love, and he had hoped that he would be able to understand the look his parents shared when they looked at one another, and share it with someone who would be his equal.
Sure, he would try his best to get along with whoever was planned to be by his side as his mate. But for all he could know, they would’ve already been in love with someone else, and it was just another unlucky draw.
He dreaded the way his parents spoke of his arranged mate. His mother passed him a slightly pitiful look, and his father only gave his wife a guilty one, knowing what happened previously between her and her chosen mate.
So far, he had turned down nine of the women his mother and grandmother had introduced to him, and he had turned them all down. They just didn't click to him, especially after most of them had passed him thoughtless grins with wandering eyes. 
His mother was at the end of her rope, praying to the Great Mother that this time, her son would consider her current option to be the next tsahik. Besides, all she wanted was for her son to be happy and loved, just as she was. And she was starting to lose hope.
“Nete,” Neytiri frowned, trying to convince her son. “If you’re lucky, she would love you, and you could grow to love her.”
“But mother, I want to be a mate to someone I’m already in love with!” The firstborn protested, his frown deepening at his mother’s suggestion.
“And are you already in love with someone?”
Neteyam looked away, knowing that he indeed hadn’t found that special someone. Yet. He grumbled with crossed arms, Neytiri sighing as she hugged her son’s head close to her.
“Ay… Ma tìrol…” Neytiri muttered as Neteyam hugged his mother slightly tighter. “Give her a chance. She could be the one, only Eywa knows.”
Neteyam closed his eyes slowly, knowing that he couldn’t argue with his mother anymore. He let out a slow breath as he pulled away, nodding slowly. Seeing this, Neytiri’s smile returned, and the mother placed her palm lovingly on her son’s cheek, the boy leaning into her touch.
“But if I feel like things won’t turn out right for us, I want to choose who I am mated with,” Neteyam spoke up again, looking his mother in the eye, determination set in his features.
Neytiri pursed her lips, her turn to nod slowly as the two came to an agreement. If he agreed to follow her terms, she would agree to follow his.
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The day of the meeting had eventually crawled by, Neteyam inwardly groaning before keeping his mind open to the one he was supposed to meet.
He did his best to realise that whoever he was meant to meet was promised to him as he was to her, so they were both stuck in the same boat.
Neteyam watched the way his mother smiled, and from it he knew that she was confident that things would work out. He was partially ready to prove her wrong.
"Nete, remember to keep an open mind," Neytiri smiled, pushing her closer to the little healing hut where Mo'at usually worked.
"Mother, why are we at grandmother's healing hut?" Neteyam raised his browline in confusion.
"She works under the tsahik to learn to heal. Her name is Näytle te Ìviu Oa'ite. Find out more about her, maybe you could both share common interests," Neytiri grinned, nudging her son closer. 
But just as Neteyam was within the radius of the hut, Neytiri grabbed her firstborn son's shoulder, whispering in his ear as the young man listened to her every word.
"Her mother has decided that the two of you shall meet each other first. She does not know that you will be arriving to meet her," Neytiri nodded. "I will not be following you in, but I can only trust you to make a good impression."
"Mother!" Neteyam frowned back as he glanced at Neytiri in annoyance at her meddling.
"Ma tìrol, she's keeping an open mind you must do the same," Neytiri gently kissed her son's cheek before pushing him towards the hut.
"Now go!"
Neteyam muttered curses under his breath, walking towards the hut with his browline furrowed.
Neytiri watched from afar as her son stormed off, placing her hand gently on her chest as she glanced up at the sky.
"May Eywa guide them towards a path of happiness."
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“Hello?” Neteyam called out to the fairly empty hut. 
He walked around, trying to find the woman he was meant to meet. He peered around the pillars of the hut as he decided to try calling her out by her name, walking deeper into the wooden-built structure.
He called the woman's name out as he passed by other Omaticayan healers who simply pointed him in the direction of where the mentioned healer would be.
From within a far corner of the shelter, Mo’at’s ears perked up at her student’s name, recognising her grandson’s voice. A small grin grew on her face as the tsahik gently tapped her protégés back.
“Näytle,” She turned to the young woman who was tending to a small Omaticayan boy’s minor wounds.
“Yes, tsahik?” The doe-eyed Na'vi woman turned to face her with a small smile.
Her eyes were filled with eagerness to learn from her mentor, her soft smile showing glimpses of kindness and hospitality that was very much needed in the medicinal part of the Omaticaya.
"My child," Mo'at placed her hand on the young woman's shoulder tenderly. "I am going to go gather with Olo'eyktan Sully and his wife. I need you and the other healers to make sure that whoever needs healing gets it as soon as possible." 
"Of course," Näytle nodded eagerly. "I'm glad you have entrusted me with this, tsahik."
The younger female turned her attention back to the child before her, wiping her hands free of the healing salve before wrapping his wounds up with some long leaves.
"Of course, my child," Mo'at smiled before stepping towards the back exit. "Oh, and I think you should be expecting a visit from someone."
"Who should I be expecting?" Näytle asked the older woman, but as she turned around, the tsahik was gone.
Näytle frowned in confusion as she gently turned to the young boy in front of her, patting his head as she softly spoke to him. She saw the way the boy grew a frown at the sight of his tended wound.
"Don't worry, zamunge fko," Näytle ruffled the boy's hair. "The pain will pass with time, as all things do."
She turned around, kneeling while holding a small piece of traditional candy, or something similar to it, the boy's frown disappearing.
"For your bravery."
The boy took the sweet, running off as the healer smiled warmly at child's burst of energy, unaware of the figure that watched her actions from afar.
The girl turned around, now face to face with a taller Na'vi. He appeared to be her height. She was surprised, especially when she couldn't hear the person's footsteps. Perhaps he was a hunter in aid of wounds he gained from the hunting group earlier. 
"Yes, that would be me," The healer responded, standing up from her kneeled position. 
Näytle watched the young man in front of her, taking in his appearance as she glanced him up and down for any wounds that needed tending.
He was attractive, she wouldn't deny that. The energy and wonder in his eyes about the world around him wasn't easy to miss. They hid in specks of ocre and gold that flickered brightly in the light of the hut.
His stature was built, one of a proud warrior. His beaded hair moved with the slightest movement of his head, little clinking noises of the beads knocking against one another caught her attention as she thought the braids framed his face perfectly.
If she could say, she would tell him that he looked as though Eywa herself handcrafted him to fit her image of perfection.
"Oel ngati kameie."
I see you.
Näytle nodded respectfully, repeating his action, without realising how his heart jumped in his throat when he said the phrase.
He couldn't tell if it was the way she interacted with the child, the way that she was filled with so much love and kindness for the life around her, but there was something special about her. Something just beautiful. Something that the other women lacked when he met them.
Her physical beauty in his eyes just emphasised that something special. He didn't know what it was, but there was something about her eyes that just made him want to discover more about her.
"Do I know you?" The woman before him, Näytle, spoke. 
Her gentle voice bounced around in his head, and he treasured the way it sounded for a few minutes longer.
"Neteyam," He placed his hand on his chest. "My name's Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan."
He watched the way her eyes widened in realisation, embarrassment flooding through her cheeks as they flushed.
He adored the way she looked so cute and flustered.
"My apologies!" She nervously tucked a strand of braided hair behind her ear. "I hadn't realised that you were coming to visit!"
The guilt of not recognising the Toruk Makto's son had lingered in her stomach, but it vanished when she heard him chuckle.
"No, it's alright! You have never seen me before?" Neteyam tilted his head slightly, amusement filling him.
"Ah, unfortunately not. From where I stand in the crowd, it's always too far to get a good look."
The young woman picked up the bowl of salve, walking towards a nearby table to keep the balm away. Her tail flicked mischievously as she formed her next words jokingly
"I have heard stories that he is undeniably handsome, though."
"Have you now?" Neteyam perked up, a small grin unknowingly growing on his face.
"Yes," The woman smiled, taking some leaves from nearby and taking them towards another table where a Na'vi equivalent of motar and pestle lay.
"What else might you have heard?"
Neteyam prodded on, leaning on the counter next to the female Na'vi. 
"I heard that he was a skilled hunter, a hunter that was much sought after by other women."
"Well, that's a pity," Neteyam shrugged. "They would have to do without me."
"And why would they have to?" Näytle gave him a questioning glance, tilting her head towards him slightly, as the circular motion of her hands slowed.
Neteyam's eyes glanced down at the wooden counter beneath his hands, feeling suddenly nervous.
Because perhaps, he was falling in love.
"Because I have been matched. And I wouldn't mind getting to know the woman I have been matched with."
Näytle smiled softly, her smile growing. She placed the pestle on the table.
The young woman held her hand out to the young hunter before her.
"Let's get to know each other then. It was nice to meet you, Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan."
"Please," The Olo'eyktan's son took her softer, smaller hand into his, holding it gently.
"Neteyam is just fine."
He bent down, gently kissing the back of her hand, something he had seen his father do as a sign of affection towards his mother.
He saw the way her cheeks flushed, his smile growing wider at her suddenly shy state.
"And it's a pleasure to meet you too, Näytle."
His mother had proved him wrong, and for once, he didn't mind. Maybe this time, being arranged together didn't sound too bad.
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theme inspired by @aokoaoi !
gif by @world-of-pandora
taglist: @mooncleaver @moonie-writings @peacelovepandora @neteyams-tsahik
— dm me if you want to be apart of my taglist!
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tepli-mravenci · 4 months
Tak braši, málem mě nenechali volit protože byli zmatení proč mám na občance Fko xd
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noisydeergalaxy · 1 year
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 18
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Warnings: flashbacks.
I apologise for the long wait, I've had alot going on and have in no way shape or form been in any state to write anything so I apologise if its not the best but I'm slowly getting back into it.
Miles woke to the sound of small whimpers, those Small whimpers soon turned into Small cries and then piercing wails as he woke fully
Miles gently picked up his daughter and rested her on his chest, gently pating and rubbing her back.
"Shhh baby girl, your ok." ava's wails died down slightly as she rubbed her face into her fathers chest, her small hands grabbing at his skin. Miles smiled to himself as he kept gently rocking his daughter. Now, a week old, she would be introduced to the clan today and have her comunion at the tree of souls. Only certain members had met her so far, koruk had met her the morning after her birth, commenting how much she looked like miles and praising his daughter on how well she had done at bringing ava into the world. The healers were frequent visitors to the young family, checking jenna and Baby for signs of illness. Both fit and healthy so far, which relieved miles.
Jenna stirred next to him, her hand running through his hair then moving to the baby's hair, gently stroking her cheek.
Jenna sat up and made a gesture for miles to hand over the small baby. being passed from one parent to another ava made a dissatisfied squeal but soon settled as she latched onto jennas breast and fed hungrily, her small hands kneading jennas sore skin.
Kissing his mates head miles left their den letting mother and baby rest after feeding. Miles watched as the communal area was being prepared for the feast to welcome ava into the Thantor ’eveng. Meat was being prepared on the fires and beautiful strings of flowers adorned the surrounding trees and walls.
"Miles" koruk walked towards him a beaming smile "Ohe see ngenga"
"Koruk, "Ohe see ngenga"
"How is my first grandchild this morning, strong as ever? Miles smiled at the elder navi as loud cries came from inside "as you can hear, her lungs are strong" both chuckled as jenna came out, baby fussing in her arms, war paint was painted delicately on the baby's blue skin, her small tuft of hair sticking up as she fussed unhappily in her mother's arms. Miles stuck his hands out in a gimme fashion as jenna handed her squealing baby to her father and unsurprisingly she settled almost instantly "hm daddy's girl like her mamma" miles winked at jenna who glared at him unamused. Her glare softened slightly as she watched miles coo over his daughter in his arms. Her small tail swished happily as she babbled at miles, her small hands touching his face inquisitively as he nuzzled his face into her belly. He winced slightly when ava grabbed and pulled at his growing hair.
Once the infant let go of hia hair, he started to walk around the communal area showing ava all the floral decorations that odorned the cave walls, her little hands reaching out to grab at the bright coloured petals.
"No no we can't touch" miles kept walking round gently bouncing his daughter in his arms, lost in thought miles attention was drawn back to his mate, her body now adorned with beautifully intricate lace and bead pieces that hugged her curves. Miles growled softly to himself.
"Tutean mama" (look at mama) miles turned towards jenna Ava squealed happily kicking her small legs as she reached eagerly for jenna.
"Nìtut Little fko, papa needs to get lonu" (come little one papa needs to get ready) jenna tilted her head at miles ushering him away to get ready for the ceremony.
Miles playfully snarled at jenna slapping her but gently when he was sure no one was looking. Jenna gasped and went to swat his hand away but miles was already at their cave entrance grinning at her. Jenna rolled her eyes and shook her head while a smile remained on her face.
*Time skip to the ceremony*
All the clan gathered round the tree of souls, jenna, miles, koruk and ava at the centre of the tree as koruk made a speech welcoming the new infant to the clan and readying her for her first connection with eywa. As koruk spoke in navi, the clan responded. Miles still struggled with some of the language, but he caught the jist of what was being said. He watched as the clan all made rheir conecyions to the tree of souls, either theiugh the vines or roots of the tree. Miles watched as jenna lifted ava in her arms, allowing koruk to connect the infants braid to a vine of the tree of souls. She babbled happily. Koruk then connected jennas braid to the same vine and then moved to miles. Miles swallowed hard, his palms sweating as he remembered what he had seen the first time he had made the connection to eywa. Koruk gently connected miles braid to the same vine as his mate and daughter, miles held his breath in anticipation.
Miles tried to slow his breathing down but he was almost panting now, his heart felt as if it would beat out of his chest, he tried to focus on jenna and ava and the gentle singing of the clan around him but his mind kept spiraling off as visions of his past life flashed through his head. The blood, the pain, all the suffering he had caused in his old human life, and at the start of his avatar life.
Around him, he heard scattered gasps and cries from some of the clan members as his visions were shared through the tree of souls. Miles quickly janked his braid away, breaking the connection.
Miles breathed heavily as he looked around, his eyes wide with panic and fear. They had seen what he had done to other navi. How could they fully accept him into their clan knowing what he had done.
Some of the clan members started to hoot and make panicked sounds. He could hear koruk trying to calm them.
Miles staggered backwards almost slipping in the process. He had to get away, away from all the eyes watching him. Judging him.
He looked at jenna and ava who had begun to cry, he wasn't sure if it was due to rhe images that had just flashed through her young mind or due to the irate clan members around her.
He looked back at jenna. "I'm sorry," he whispered. He didn't know if she'd heard him. He didn't stop to check.
He just ran.
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fakedelica · 8 days
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(GXcVkvjbwAE-FkO 2,667×3,920ピクセルから)
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redbards · 8 months
Statement on 2 years of inter-imperialist war in Ukraine by FKO (Federation of class-struggling organisations)
(translation from the original published in German on 27. January 2024)
Take to the streets on February 24, 2024: Stop the war over Ukraine! Stop German arms deliveries! No to rearmament and conscription!
Around 500,000 soldiers have already been killed or injured on the side of the Ukrainian and Russian armed forces since 2022. The war between Russian imperialism and the various imperialist forces of NATO for control of Ukraine seems to have no end. It is being fueled by the super-rich and warmongers on all sides - but it is the workers who are dying.
The German government is also part of this brutal struggle for imperialist influence. It is using the war in Ukraine to secure the long-term profits of German corporations in Eastern Europe. Since the start of the war, Germany has therefore already supplied the Ukrainian military with weapons and money to the tune of 20 billion euros. At least another eight billion are to follow this year. Chancellor Scholz has even announced that he will take on more debt to further fuel the war. A German combat brigade is also to be sent to the eastern flank. The war against Russia is also to be practiced with 12,000 German soldiers over a period of months with the "Steadfast Defender" and "Quadriga" manoeuvres.
German imperialism is also fanning the flames of war in order to further militarize our society. Would we simply accept the ongoing armament if the war in Ukraine were to end? If the German media could no longer threaten us with the spectre of the "evil Russian"?
But although fear is being stirred up among many, we can see: While there is supposed to be no money for schools, hospitals, railroads and good wages, the military is being massively pumped up. Not only are 100 billion euros in "special funds" flowing in, but the military budget is also being inflated while there are cuts for the rest of us. On top of this, there are plans to reintroduce compulsory military service. They want to get young people ready to be used in the next wars. We will not allow this!
Stop the war over Ukraine!
No arms deliveries to Ukraine! No German troops on the eastern flank!
No more rearmament! No to compulsory military service! No to the NATO war games Steadfast Defender and Quadriga!
To end the war fairly, the Russian army must withdraw, the Ukrainian government must stop oppressing its own people and NATO must also leave Ukraine. They will never do this voluntarily. This war can only be ended through the fraternization of Russian and Ukrainian workers at the front and through strikes and protests in the hinterland. There is still a long way to go until then.
But what can we do in Germany? We can show international solidarity with the forces against the war in Ukraine and Russia. But above all, we must build up pressure on our government!
Even if the anti-war movement in Germany is currently weak, many people are calling for an end to the war in Ukraine. Let us therefore take to the streets on February 24, 2024 - two years after the escalation of the war in Ukraine - to send a clear signal against war and rearmament!
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dreamscape-popstar · 1 year
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This is the projection post. I'm Dirk and I want to kiss my wives and be a cool dad to my trans daughter.
Don't start shit or I'll block ✌
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werelosingdaylight · 2 years
My heart is yours
Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite x GN!Na’vi!reader
REQUEST: can be found here!
SUMMARY| With the new arrival of Jake Sully, you had been busier than usual, but someone is jealous of him taking up your time.
TRANSLATIONS: “Nefä.” [Up.] - Pey fko sturmbeest, Wìntxu sneyä pewn. [Wait for one sturmbeest, show their own neck.] - “Lonu.” [Release/let go] - “Sìltsan, Jake!” [Well done, Jake!] - Pelan käteng Jake? [why spend time with Jake?] - Poan is ma’numeyu, Fa me pexl peyä karyu. [he is my student, with me as his teacher] - Kem si nga tìyawn Jake? [do you love Jake?] - Kehe. [No.]
Ask Note: I’m not the best at writing jealousy confessions, Anon! I hope you enjoy this though. <3
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You and Neytiri had always been close, closer than anyone else was to her. You had met through her sister, Sylwanin, at a young age; younger than the age to bond with an Ikran but old enough to join the warriors during hunts. Which is what you grew to be, a warrior for the clan; a fierce fighter for your people, a strong protector for your family, but a kind soul to the children of the clan, a loving teacher to those who have yet to learn.
Maybe that’s what pulled Jake to you. Your patience in teaching him the ways of your people, Your gentle corrections if he got something wrong, whatever it was he had grown closer to you. Gravitating towards you in any situation like a magnet to metal.
Right at this moment you were out with Jake, teaching him how to sneak through the trees without being heard and how to shoot a bow correctly; personally you preferred the bow to other weapons, it was the first weapon you had mastered as a child, so you figured you would teach Jake how to aim and shoot prey properly.
Crouching down on a branch you pulled him out of view to the sturmbeest that was leaned down at a lake, probably thirsty with its guard dropped, perfect for a swift kill. “Nefä.” Your voice was gentle, quiet for the creature not to hear you as you pulled Jakes arms up, thankfully he was taught the basics of the Na’vi language so far and understood what you meant.
Jake pulled back his bow, feeling your eyes roam over him before you reached out, lifting up his back arm holding the string and fixing where his fingers sat on the bow string, placing the arrow between his middle and pointer finger. He could feel his heart thundering from the contact, he wouldn’t deny that he had grown to care for the na’vi native; more than he should, but he wasn’t blind to how Neytiri looked at you. Or how she looked like she wanted an arrow put through his skull.
“Pey fko sturmbeest, Wìntxu sneyä pewn.” He felt a shiver shoot through his spin at your close proximity. The warmth of your breath sent goosebumps along his skin, a warmth that lit his heart aflame with the rhythm of a drum. He closed one of his eyes and looked down the arrow as you had instructed during his first lesson, waiting until the Sturmbeest exposed its neck.
“Lonu.” Your words reached him as soon as you were said, causing him to release the arrow. It shot through the trees, slicing its way through the air with the crafted blades on the arrow head.
Watching it disappear from eyesight until a cry of pain was heard, you could see the sturmbeest falling to the ground from the arrow going through its neck; right where its windpipe was. “Sìltsan, Jake.” You had thrown your arms around the man, who released a chuckle. “Now, to go retrieve it.”
Walking back to the clan you were talking to Jake as you entered, despite living there your whole life you never truly got over the beauty of pandora “Why do you only speak to me in Na’vi? Your english is very good.” A question he had often wondered, almost all of their conversations were in the Na’vi language.
“The more I speak to you in our language, the more you will grow used to using it.” You’re correct, the more you speak in a language the more you familiarize yourself with it. The clan knows english but rarely uses it, so with Jake here they can expand their knowledge on the english language. It was a good way for both to learn.
“It was a good hunt, Jake. Go, you still have to train with Tsu’tey.” You waved him off to the training grounds, where Tsu’tey was waiting with a glare on his face; however you were able to read him better than most. You could tell Jake was slowly growing on him.
You were pulled from your thoughts by a hand grasping your wrist and pulling you to a more secluded area, but you felt no panic. You knew whose hand it was, the feeling of her skin against yours had been engraved into your mind since you were a young age. A feeling you had missed as of lately, you had been so busy teaching Jake that you hardly got to see Neytiri.
She released your arm swirling to face you, an unreadable emotion written in the reflections of her eyes “Pelan käteng Jake?” She questioned you, like she wasn’t the one that led him here; took him in. It was her father who instructed you to teach him how to hunt, so she did know why you were with him; so why would she ask?
“Poan is ma’numeyu, Fa me pexl peyä karyu.” You answered. Yes, Jake had a tendency to flirt but it wasn't anything you haven’t grown used to. You will admit, you enjoy spending time with Jake, but he was one of your friends.
“Kem si nga tìyawn Jake?” The question caught you off guard, you never thought of Jake in anything more than a platonic way; besides your heart already belonged to another. Someone who managed to take your heart and burrow through it to cave out a home.
“Kehe.” Your response was short and to the point about your feelings for Jake, and you swore you saw something akin to relief in her eyes as she took in your words.
“Good, you are mine to love.” She had walked over, pushing hair out of your face as she held a possessive grip on your hip, as if she expected you to push her away. Instead you leaned into her embrace, heart beating full of your love for her, you knew about her mating arrangement but would give anything to be the one she mated with instead.
“I see you, Neytiri. I always have.” You came to rest your own hand over the one cupping your cheek, the moment was intimate enough that you could feel the air soften around you. You knew that if there would be one constant in your life, you would wish for it to be Neytiri.
“I see you too.” She whispered for only your ears to hear, and pressed a kiss to your lips; you now realized the emotion that was in her eye was jealousy at you spending most of your time with Jake nowadays.
If you can believe it.
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quiet mornings
Aged up characters, sweet domestic fluff, mated couple, slice of life - Rotxo is about 25 and Spider 26
Rotxo X Spider Socorro Sully
Word Count - 778
They sun has only begun to rise when Rotxo stirs. The early amber light is beginning to filter into the marui he has called home for nearly 8 years now.
He stifles a yawn and stretches his shoulders back with a satisfying crack. He's careful not to stir the warm body tucked into his side.
Spider isn't supposed to spend the night often, the shack a little ways from their home being for him to sleep in at night in order to keep his mask off for a few hours at least. Rotxo knows it gets uncomfortable at time and has seen the seemingly permanent indents on his lovers skin where it presses in.
Still, Spider is nothing if not stubborn and is hard pressed to make leave when he's decided he's spending the night. For a brief moment, he ponders scooping up the other man and making him return to the building the humans so kindly crammed into the limited space of Metkayina beaches, but the thought filters away as quickly as it came when Spiders eyes begin to crack open.
Gently, always gently - his hand is the size of his mates head, he strokes back the braids and curls that have fallen over his face.
He selfishly tries to lure the blonde back to sleep. He caresses the skin above the mask, stroking gently like he knows he likes after so many years together, and watches Spiders eyelashes flutter lazily.
Distantly, his ears swivel to pick up the sounds of the fisherman and cooks leaving the lazy warmth of their own homes to begin the day. Thankfully, and admittedly a bit smugly, he thanks Ewya for their marui's distance from the others.
Spiders shack needed more stable room than the majority of their structures could offer. As such, his marui was built a little ways back from the water in order to allow the couple the chance to share their home. The shack is only a handful of yards beside the marui with foliage tucking it into the treeline to remind him of his first home.
It is a bittersweet addition to be forced to keep the human they've known so long now separate, but they'll be damned if they don't reap the rewards.
Internally, Rotxo sighs at the admittance that the day was unfortunately starting. Still, he can spare an hour before patrolling the nets and reef.
"Mornin', Nì’it fko."
Spider opens a judgmental eye and scoffs. Nevertheless, he burrows deeper into the larger mans warmth. A pale thigh wedges itself between his blue and soon he is on his back with the human splayed across his chest.
"The sun is just beginning to rise...we could spare an hour." He directs down a cheeky grin that only spreads at the matching one from his mate. "You read my mind."
He snickers softly and lays a hand on the others back. His fingers stretch from the humans mid back down to the base of his spine in a familiar sight. They have grown up together at this point but the realization still leads him with a bit of awe.
"Mmm...you're warm. Probably cause you stole my blanket."
Spider peers up with narrowed eyes and Rotxo knows the sort of day they'll have. "Na'vi don't even use blankets."
"Maybe we should. And your blanket shouldn't be big enough for me if you don't want me to use it." The blonde scoffs and lightly smacks his chest, right over the still-healing tattoo he earned a few weeks past. The na'vi winces.
"Its that big because my thief of a mate would take it even if it just covered his dick."
"So my dick is big?"
They stay still for a long moment before Rotxo cracks and lets out a loud laugh. Said blanket is pulled up and he wraps it around the man in his arms. "There. Now we both have the blanket."
Spider snorts and Rotxo thinks he'll sling another retort before the smaller man lays his head back down into the crook of his neck. With a quiet hum, he begins to trace the twirls of ink and the stripes of darker blue on his skin. "Tsireya is helping me make another one."
"Of course she is. I'm sure Lo'ak introduced her to them. They're fucking amazing."
Spider just laughs and closes his eyes. The sun is coming in fully now but they can steal a bit longer. He closes his eyes and nuzzles his head down into blonde braids.
"Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer."
He can feel the other mans smile against his skin.
"Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer."
Nì’it fko - Small one
Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer. - I see you. I love you.
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yasamsallik · 1 year
İslam dünyası bu üç kelimeyi ve bu kelimelerin ifade ettiği anlamı ve tarihte neye/nelere mal olduklarını anlamak zorundadır. AYNI ISI BIZ DE TURK MILLETI OLARAK YAPMAK ( düşünmek,tartmak,davranmak) ZORUNDAYIZ...
Bu üç kelime ve etrafındaki anlam ve gerçeklik önemlidir.
Bu konuda iki büyük zaafımiz var :
İsrail'e ve yahudiye düşmanlık.
Emevi, Vahabi, Filistin (FHKC, FKO,Hamas hepsi) bize ( Türk milletine) hiçbir zaman aynı zaaf haliyle yaklasmadilar.Bizi "musluman" ve "kardes" ( ummet) bellemediler ; düşmanlık ettiler ; hatta bize yahudiye oldukları kadar düşman davrandılar.
Konuya muslumanlik saikiyle ve Yahudi düşmanlığı ile yaklaşıyor olmak mı...Az biraz da olsa gerçekçi düşünebilmek mi?..
Şevket Bülent YAHNİCİ
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