#FKA twigs the woman you are
sparksabove · 3 months
Can't july end already and let August finally start so it can end too and I can finally watch The Crow? I'm running out of patience
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astrozure · 11 months
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[did they tell you i'm the devil?]
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brightyearning · 1 month
fka twigs is both artist and muse and i'm just glad i can be a witness to the phenomenon she is becoming.
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tomfordjasminrogue · 7 months
tumblr proving yet again polls were a mistake
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neptxn3 · 9 days
Synastry I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy ⋆。˚꩜ . ݁ ˖ִ
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Ok the title is an exaggeration, more like synastry I would prefer not to have, like always:
Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other synastry and natal placements involved! All of these aspects can be worked through, none of these aspects make or break a relationship ❤️
Doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue
˚꩜ . ݁ ˖ִ | Navigation post
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Lilith in the 7th house / conjunct descendant
♅ When women have their Lilith present in the seventh house in synastry, often times the house person can make the Lilith person feel shame just by loving who they are. The reason is because lilith in the charts of women is the area where society has convinced them is unnatural and wrong, something they should be ashamed of. So when the seventh house person who sees Lilith an an ideal desire and partner wants to love Lilith in the way they think is right, the Lilith person can pull away. Marriage is not seen as an appropriate act to follow a shameful relationship. Seventh house also represents open enemies, over time the Lilith person can resent the seventh house person. It’s typical for Lilith to pull away in these relationships in order to avoid any commitment.
♅ When a man’s Lilith is present in the seventh house in synastry, you’ll often notice they do not want to marry the seventh house counter part. Lilith in a man’s chart is the woman society has told him he should not pursue which only makes him want to chase her even more. It’s undeniable that the relationship is passionate, but it is also a sign that he does not intend to take the relationship seriously. Again, the seventh house is also the house of open enemies, the male Lilith can be very public with his intentions of not committing to the house person.
Celebrity Examples: Orlando bloom (Lilith) + Katy Perry // Andrew Garfield + Emma stone (Lilith) // FKA twigs + Robert Pattinson (Lilith)
Pisces and Libra mars
♅ I say this because Mars already has a hard time expressing its aggression or purpose in these signs, so when you take something that’s already confused and hand it to someone that will misconstrue your intentions to an even bigger extreme it becomes so draining.
♅ It’s like staying silent after an argument because you don’t know how to communicate your emotions, then the other partner sees this and thinks that your inability to work through these issues means you hate them. You just really have to hope the Mercury synastry is well aspected in this relationship😭
Sun square moon
♅ Moon typically views the sun to be someone who only indulges in their own pleasures and doesn’t seem to care about what others feelings. Often times the moon can feel as though the sun doesn’t understand or support them in endeavors that bring their inner child joy.
♅ The sun thinks the moon is irrational in its decisions and is too deep in thought to understand the suns true emotions. The sun is usually the most aware in this synastry that the moon is misconstruing it’s intentions, but is incapable of understanding how what they are saying is hurtful.
“ I want to start selling my paintings”.
“ well you’re not selling at that price, you know how much people like to lowball”.
“ maybe they’ll appreciate my art and buy full price?”.
“ moon, I wouldn’t buy a painting like that for more than 10 bucks, let’s be realistic here”.
♅ Moon person can be a push over the the relationship. To overcome this hurdle sun must be open to change, and moon must be willing to set boundaries and expectations. If not, there’s always going to be a nagging feeling in the pit of each others stomach where they know there’s an emptiness in your interactions.
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Mercury square saturn
♅ Saturn person has a tendency to feel like the dominant partner in the relationship intellectually wise. They can feel like they have the wisdom and upper hand to teach the Mercury person about maturity and knowledge. However because it is in the tense aspect of the square, Saturn person has a habit of not understanding how Mercury has a way about going through things.
♅ Mercury is not only our communication but also our day to day mundane things. Saturn person can find a flaw in how Mercury spends their morning, their work habits, their food intake, how they do their hair etc. This can be frustrating to the Mercury person because they believe Saturn tends to nitpick everything the Mercury person does. The worst part of this synastry is Saturn can regard themselves too mighty and disregard the Mercury persons concerns which is where withdrawals can occur (Mercury tiptoeing around the issues and avoiding constant conflict with Saturn)
Pluto square Mars
♅ This synastry aspect can unfortunately have a great possibility of physical abuse. Pluto in one’s chart goes through intense transformations and changes that can be abrupt at times. An example could be, the Pluto person could go on a weight journey after overcoming a health problem that caused them to gain weight. The Pluto partner could expect of the Mars partner to join them in their new health routine, but the square between these two planets makes it evident they do not view this new change in the same way. Pluto can be angered with the mars partners lack of encouragement which in turn activates Mars’ aggression. Being the God of war, Mars will not back down when challenged which creates a back and forth conflict.
“ Can you get off your ass and take out the trash like you said you would.”
“Can you get off my ass and do it yourself, I’m the one who pays the bills around here.”
“I’m not taking disrespect from someone like you, I’ll leave you if that’s what it takes for you to see how badly you treat me.”
“Then leave.”
Moon square Uranus
♅ Unless the moon partner has natal moon/Uranus aspects, this aspect can be categorized as constant anxiety for the moon partner. There’s a lack of emotional stability and satisfaction which can be detrimental to the moon partner. It can feel like there’s finally a point in the relationship where you are both on the same page in life, but the Uranus counter part moves on to the next thing that causes turmoil in the relationship
♅ The reason this can be detrimental to the moon person is simply because the moon likes being in calm waters. The exaltion in Taurus indicates the moon likes to feel comfortable in the same spot for long periods of time, but when it’s aspected negatively by the Uranus individual it challenges the moon to constantly change its environment.
♅ Moon person can find themselves leaving the comfort of their home (not literally) in order to chase Uranus. Uranus finds themselves poking the hornets nest (Moon) to see how much independence from the relationship they can get away with.
Quincux signs
♅ When two signs are quincux (Virgo/Aries, Gemini/Scorpio, Aquarius/Cancer etc.) it’s difficult to understand what the other person is feeling. In sexual synastry (mars) , you both can have trouble understanding what pleases one another. With Venus signs, its a hard time understanding your love language.
♅ if one partners Sagittarius sun is quincux the other partners Cancer moon, it can feel to the moon person that the sun doesn’t even bother understanding the moons emotions, and it’s simply because the sun never even thought about what the moon person feels. Not because they’re selfish, but because they’ve never met someone who goes about their feelings like the moon.
♅ Aquarius mars quincux Virgo Venus. Mars partner can expect the Venus partner to allow them their own freedom and manage their own schedule while venus partner could be adamant about curating mars a monthly schedule to stick by which in turn can turn the mars partner off.
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Quick Notes
♅ When one’s natal Saturn is negatively aspected and enters a persons 9th house in synastry, the Saturn person can seem to restrict the 9th house persons beliefs and knowledge. For example, turning the 9th house person religious/having them join a cult/demanding obediance of a woman (dispite previously potentially being more liberal.
♅ Negatively aspected natal saturn entering the money houses in synastry (2,8,11) can mean the saturn person takes away the house persons possessions/money. In the second house, they can refuse to buy you things because “you haven’t given them a reason to”/taking expensive things they’ve bought you back. 8th house, taking money your parents give you (allowances,inheritance) potentially disability checks if you receive those. 11th house, taking money from work you’ve done because of the connections they’ve given you that allowed your income to flourish.
♅ Negative Moon/Pluto can be stressful to have. Moon can open up to Pluto, and dispute being someone who isn’t shy of intense topics, if this relationships dissolves (due to other incompatible aspects) it can almost feel like “I just told you my deepest secrets, you can’t just walk away like I didn’t tell you the things that could ruin my life”.
♅ 12th house Neptune overlay. Ok this one’s a stretch but, if it gets to these deep rock bottom moments and you’re stuck in a room with someone who’s Neptune is badly aspected and it’s in your 12th house. Introduction to drugs/narcotics. Not the cool kind, I mean the one that has you sniffing the floor for snow ❄️
♅ Virgo mars man
♅ Malefics simultaneously in the 4th house and 9th house. Could lead to isolation from family and could potentially have you move away from any support systems.
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔪𝔞 𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔢
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↳ the sexual feminine archetype of the mystic archetype.
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♇ when your percentage of the lover percentage is 70% and over. and when your personal score matches with your percentage engima the most.
♇ the enigma is one of the sexual feminine archetypes that belong to the feminine archetype the mystic, whereas the other sexual feminine archetype is the goddess.
♇ people who belong to the enigma archetype are perceived as earthy and have this mesmerising and magnetic energy that can be depicted as positive.
♇ some of them could be seen as very aloof and can have a resting bitch face. they're spiritual people and positive enigmas have a hard time being narcissistic and cold.
♇ they're people who dont necessarily need fame or attention, [they just focus on what they create and people are attracted to], these women are more focused on their inner peace.
♇ they are people who feel like they need to connect to a higher source of power, its comforting for them to know that there is something bigger than them that they can be lenient on.
♇ since they're people who like peace so much, they could have this tendency of fleeing from situations when they recognise that trouble would be led to them in the end. they're women who are likely to have a sense of high value of themselves and to reach that, they like to ground their energy.
♇ when it comes to romance, they like to make their lover feel seen and heard. enigmas are HUGE lovers, and most of them express their love for them within their music. like when i was writing the enigma post, fka twig's song, pendulum kept on playing in my head.
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♇ the lyric "dying to be yours" repeated in my head, sometimes, enigmas are the type of women to drop everything to be and please their significant other. the link to the song :)
♇ they can sometimes overlook their lover's very bad flaws, and can be the type of people to be into open-relationships.
♇ when it comes to non-romantic situations, or in general, they're people who keep a big part of themselves only to themselves, they don't like the idea of people knowing about them 100%.
♇ as it comes to people interacting with them, people might give them the burden of having to fix them.
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♇ they can get into episodes where they have a lot of blockages when it comes to expressing their sensuality or creativity. enigmas are the type of people to live in their head than executing their ideas.
when it is not blocked you'll find them to be people with very artistic and original.
♇ though, enigmas come in many forms, even though they are people who can love very deeply, they're also very closed off women. watching interviews of them, most of them have reminded me of manic pixie girls.
♇ they're women who are very strong with their opinions, and since they're strong about their thoughts they can be very poetic. they're woman who can easily express their feelings so people can understand where they are coming from.
♇ when around the right people, they can come off as very chatty but they're the type to speak about everything but themselves.
♇ i have noted that many of them do know how to sing, i've implied that they're creative and enigmas are likely going to be those who take the musician route.
♇ are aware of how society and how poorly it treats people, so they try and help others, [and the earth]. they're people who always like to be prepared and can be considered as very cute. they have this earthy energy to them but still like to indulge in luxury, chiefly for their jewellery.
♇ they like to nurture things so they are the type to get plants or even pets. [and as a stretch could be open to having kids].
♇ when enigmas are really in love with someone or just take a liking too much for a person, they can become very agreeable people, they sometimes become a walking mat or you could say people-pleaser.
♇ after watching tons of interviews many of them do have a raspiness to their voice, could sometimes be because of weed. or just smoking in general.
♇ as it comes to their aesthetic, i have observed many of them like neutral colours and are into self-care. the type to have many skin products.
♇ scent/senses is very important for them and they tend to be very hygienic people.
♇ out of all the feminine archetypes, enigma archetypes are the ones who have the most diverse personalities, makes sense to the title of their archetype, not knowing who or what they specifically are.
♇ are women who are direct with what they want, especially when it does come to romance, confident enigmas know what they want and they get it. they could have many romances but not marry, plus, if they're famous they're likely tired with the attention they get.
♇ are sexually fluid people and love to express their sensuality within their art. many of them love memories and will always be grateful with what they have been taught in the past.
♇ moreover, when i was watching interviews of them, many of them had voices i did not expect them to have. if not careful can get pressured easily and hastily anxious. the type to want to make others feel included. they like to heal, very spiritual people, and as i have said that they remind me of manic pixies, the more i did my research on them, the more i realised they're very fairy-like.
♇ they're people who are interested in research and like to embrace their powerful feminine side. the type to indulge in witch-craft; some enigmas can be very insecure about their face, can be interested in cosmetic surgery, [even though all of them are gorgeous]. + also noticed many of them have very curvy bodies.
♇ can appear as two-faced or fake because they want to set a certain reputation of themselves. don't like drama or would walk away from the mess they made. they do like to be left alone and due to this people might consider them as boring, but they just have a wall in front of their real personality.
♇ as they are people who like to ground themselves, they are people who are long to temper, or try not to be easily tempered.
fashion wise, they are people who know their colours really well. are likely going to wear gold jewellery.
♇ and can sometimes come off as very bimbo-like because of their lack of care for things. they are people who are very open about their past, and majority of the time, young enigmas were forced into the spotlight. [asia monet ray + kourtney kardashian].
♇ they are great entertainers and can be favoured in what they do. what makes them more likeable is their sunny appearance. some of them display themselves as delicate. on the other hand, people might find them to be weird.
♇ sometimes enigmas can come off as childlike and a lot of them have chubby-cheeks.
other enigmas ↴
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♇ enigmas i put above are fka twigs, krotchy, frida kahlo, greta garbo, kourtney kardashian and nicole kidman.
♇ understanding the enigma archetype, is that it shows that they are women who are usually deeply underestimated when it comes to their intelligence, spiritual women who are on a hermit path of understanding themselves and others.
♇ and to make the enigma archetype easier to comprehend i gathered characters from different tv shows or films that come under the archetype.
⟶ harry potter franchise - luna lovegood, embodies the shy and kept to themselves side of the enigmas, [as i said they are a very fluid and diverse archetype], as enigmas, luna is perceived to be someone who is strange but doesnt allow it to make her feel insecure. she helps other people and is kind, embraces her quirkiness.
⟶ from american horror story [coven] - misty day, the stereotypical spiritual enigma who cares for nature and the earth. has a special connection with animals and with life itself, very caring and eccentric, and as a healthy enigma, she doesnt allow people's views of her to bring her down.
⟶ avatar the way of water - kiri, when i was thinking of fictional characters who are the enigma, kiri was the first character that appeared in my head. she is connected with the earth, creative and connects herself to a higher source of power, [even though she is already connected to eywa from what i believe]. is connected to life and death.
⟶ from friends - phoebe buffay, embodies the childlike nature of the enigma, the nature where people perceive them to be "ditzy". when she is around the people she likes, she can come off as very chatty.
⟶ naruto franchise - hinata hyuga/uzumaki, embodies the shy nature of the enigma. the enigma that loves with their all, can have creative blockages and people underestimate who she is and her power. hinata is aware of how the world poorly treats people as she did belong to clan that didnt really care for their people. [ex. neji]. sometimes expresses the mysterious side an enigma can be.
⟶ from the original franchise - freya mikaelson, is the witch of her family and is very connected to nature, chiefly because of the time she was born. she is someone who likes to ground herself and is one of the siblings who thinks things out the most, will do anything for the sake of love and family. strong opinions and holds a strong bond of life and death, like misty day.
⟶ the last of us - dina woodward, likes to be connected to a higher source, shows when she gives ellie the evil eye bracelet, embodies the expressive side of the enigma and is likely open to "open-relationships" chiefly due to her bond with jesse and ellie. she is direct with what she wants, does like her peace.
⟶ from the haunting of hill house - nell crain, some people overlook her connection to a higher source of power; to see how you are going to die since you were young is pretty psychic. had spiritual phases and like many enigma characters is very connected with death, had tried to ground herself but wasnt able, especially becuase of her therapist. does keep a big part of herself but she normally did that because she didnt want to burden her siblings.
⟶ winx club - flora, represents the kind, nature-loving and mysterious side of the enigma, especially with the vibrant colours she wears, it might not really appear that there's this secrecy and mystery to flora's character but ever since i've watched the show when i was young, i've always noted an essence of puzzle and unsolved problem when it comes to her. like she's there but not at the same time.
⟶ from euphoria - cassie howard, you might wonder how cassie belongs to the enigma archetype and the girl embodies everything that an underdeveloped enigma is. is willing to drop everything for her lover, look past the red-flags and become what their lovers wants them to be. cassie is a big lover girl, and likes to make her lovers feel seen and heard, especially for what she did to nate, telling him she can be whatever he wants her to be.
♇ as i have done my research, i gathered that a lot of enigmas are are likely going to have capricorn, leo and pisces in their big three; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ they are also going to have leo, capricorn and taurus appear in their dominant signs; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ the planets jupiter, sun and pluto appeared in their dominant planets the most; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ the element that appeared the most was earth, second was fire and third was water.
♇ lastly, when it comes to the modality, what appeared the most was fixed and the second modality was mutable.
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♇ feminine archetype masterlist
to find out what feminine archetype and sexual feminine archetype you are
buy a natal chart reading from me
♇ pluto
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thcrns · 5 days
linked in the source is a completed gif pack (#238) of fka twigs as shelly webster in the crow (2024). these gifs were made from scratch by me so please don’t claim as your own, and read my rules before saving/using!! do not use to rp as fka twigs herself, or to portray a minor. please give credit where credit is due, and give this post a like and/or reblog if you plan on saving/using!
keep in mind fka twigs is a black/white biracial woman born in 1988 (36) and was likely around 35 when the movie was filmed.
TW: distress, kissing, drinking, smoking, strobe effect, partial nudity, suggestive content, partial submersion in water
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mandacantu · 21 days
10 Reasons Why I Actually Loved The Crow Remake
FKA Twigs - I'm not going to sit here and pretend I am not a huge twigs fan, because I love anything she touches and especially her music. This was her first time as a leading lady and I thought she did a good job. I do think there were some points where her line reading could have been a little more fast paced in some spots, but overall, I think she was captivating, eloquent and emotional. And wow, so many stunning visuals that we got of her from this movie!
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2. We didn't have to see depictions of brutal and violent deaths of women in this film. I didn't want to spend too many of my thoughts on comparisons to the original The Crow, but one thing I noticed was that I didn't have to endure the violent and sexually abusive death of Shelly or any other woman in this movie. I do like the original movie but never cared for the way they went all in on Shelly's death. In this remake, we still see Shelly die but we don't have to endure gratuitous SA scenes whilst losing the leading lady. I appreciated that and was able to relax more, honestly.
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3. The villain had actual motivation for killing and being a villain. There was some decent backstory and character development for the villain and that is something that I always appreciate. Some of my favorite pieces of media (like Spirited Away and Knives Out) do well to at least give the villain a story or a reason for being bad. I think it adds depth to the story and for me, helps immerse me into the plot more.
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4. It felt like a comic book come to life. From the color grading and palette to the way scenes were cut and moved from one to the next, it felt like I was flipping through a comic book. There were moments that were very whimsical in depictions of love and then very gritty scenes. The contrast in some of those scenes felt similar to flipping a page in a comic.
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5. It was very romantic and spent a lot of time focusing on their love story. I thought their love was believable and felt like that whirlwind kind of love where you just want to party and kiss all night. It gave me a reason to care about both of the characters and it gave Shelly a place in the spotlight where she becomes so much more than just a symbol of loss for character development. Focusing on their love and giving us some romance was a timeless decision and puts their love story up there with Romeo and Juliet or Christian and Sateen.
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6. Soundtrack was amazing! If you are into some new wave, some goth tunes and some dance tracks, this is the playlist for you. Beyond just the soundtrack, it was truly a different experience to see it synced up to parts of the movie as intended. The intro was amazing, I thought it was like a James Bond meets Underworld mixed with some NIN music video sprinkled in there. The folks who worked on the score deserve a standing ovation. There were moments where I was tearing up because of how well the music paired with the scene. Most memorable and moving was Joy Division's Disorder when they bust out of rehab together and a perfectly placed Boadicea by Enya. There were so many other good ones too, I'm seriously considering seeing it again just for the mini music videos you get from the film.
7. It was aesthetically pleasing. And I'm not just talking about the eye candy that was Bill Skarsgård, though lets give him his flowers for being a true Mr. Fanservice! The actual visuals were beautiful. I loved the cinematography and color choices. It was truly a feast for the eyes. Just take a look at this beautiful gif set by pizgif!
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8. I could easily see a story about grief and the longing for justice for loved ones. I thought it was a good story and as I watched it, I thought to myself that the person who wrote the original comic must have gone through an immense loss. It wasn't until I looked it up that it seems to be confirmed that The Crow was inspired by such loss. The moodiness of the movie itself added to the weight of the tragic storyline. In that, I liked that it takes a while for Eric to become The Crow. Losing someone you love transforms you and in this sense, the movie is all about that transformation and pain and longing.
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9. I liked the ending. I don't want to say too much to spoil it, but I enjoyed the different ending and I was definitely teary eyed and sniffling as I left the theater.
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10. It was goth as fuck. I think goth can be a multitude of styles and honestly shouldn't be something that has a gatekeeper. This was emo-boy-goth, it was e-boy-tiktok-hottie-goth, it was goth in a different flavor. I think folks are quick to see this new Eric not dressed like a new-wave-leather-daddy-goth as decidedly not dark enough. To quote a favorite musician, he was "goth as fuck, even when [he's] not in black, gothic is the pain you feel and not the clothes that's on your back."
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Closing thoughts: A lot of the negative criticism is coming from men or diehard fans of the 1994 movie, so I am not surprised. This rendition felt like the same story, just done differently and with more emphasis on the love story than the revenge plot. There is nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with a gothic romance heavy action flick.
This was intended to be a different version of The Crow and that isn't a bad thing. I personally think that if they had done the styling to be an exact replica of Brandon Lee's rendition then the movie would still get tons of hate, if not more. It was a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for sure. I'm glad they took a risk and deviated from the '94 version.
We have been doing remakes since the creation of art. It has always been common to hear that the new movie coming out is actually a retelling of this classic tale or continuation of that scary story. Remakes are not a new concept and some of them do well to tell the same story in a different way. We are in the day and age where there isn't really an original idea anymore, anyway. In a world full of countless retellings of Batman/Joker and Spiderman movies, why not remake The Crow? I say fire it up!
I think they do a good job to pave the way for others to retell this love story in the same vein as The Joker and Harley Quinn. Hell, I would say to keep going, next let's see a remake where The Crow is about two badass lesbians. (I might have gotten too peppered up watching the movie, it was hot.)
P.S. I loved that there were little things like Eric wearing Shelly's jacket later in the movie. I feel like a lot of critics saw him wearing this jacket and were quick to bash the costume design too, but this is the kind of attention to detail that made their love believable to me. And I thought he looked cute as hell in it.
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Okay, the end.
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dreamliners · 1 month
i feel like im out of place talking about this, but as always correct me if im wrong. i know people dont like doja but all of a sudden these fangirls miss alicia (i think thats her name dont quote me on that) when i clearly remember the blogs and twitter stans also hating on her saying she didnt love joseph.
but now that he's with a black woman, they start bringing up cancelling him and missing the other girl he'd been with. and yes, given, i know doja has been a bat shit crazy person who needs to seriously take accountabilty. that still doesnt change the fact that the moment one of these british white men or white man period, chooses to date a black woman suddenly everyone feels the need to play mind reader.
and lets not act like some of ya'll werent jumping at the chance to remind people everywhere that yes ms. nyongo is boo'd up to some other man and no her and joseph are strictly friends, the moment anyone tried to say they'd be such a cute couple. 🤷🏽‍♀️ im just saying its a fuckin weird track record.
robert pattinson and fka twigs, tom hiddleston and HIS WIFE zawe ashton, serena williams and alexis ohanian, nara smith and her husband lucky smith, (imma even throw this mf in here) travis kelce and his previous gf kayla nicole. tbh the one couple that doesnt get shit on is zendaya and tom holland, which im thankful for but its like paper colored people try to use her as the all around representation but thats a different conversation.
what i'm saying is that, its funny, funny weird ofc, that the moment some fangirl's fav white boy gets with a black woman suddenly its a concern to everyone. like please mind your business and keep it pushing. idk what the hell the world has against black women existing, like ya'll mad because you could never be as bomb as them and thats probably it.
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
“Shame” (Part 1)
A Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader fan fiction
Plot: For the last four years, Y/N and Pedro have been dating in secret. The fear of rejection has turned them into a mystery that could only be encountered in yearning looks on red carpets or hands that are touching one another briefly. However, for the longest time, things have been working out that way just fine. But now Pedro's agency wants him to have a PR relationship with another woman and neither Y/N nor Pedro is sure if their love is going to survive that.
Warnings: mentions of sadness, blood
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The young woman can feel how blood is dripping down her neck and she drops her hand to glance down at her nails. It is not a lot of blood, maybe a couple of drops but holy fuck does it feel good. Y/N knows that this was a messed up thing to think, but she just can't help herself. It takes a couple of seconds, but eventually, the shame washed over her like a wave, dragging her into the open ocean. She feels beyond grateful to be the only one in the dressing room right now because she doesn't even know how to justify this kind of behavior to anyone.
Y/N quickly stands up from her place on the couch and walks over to the small bathroom, where she grabs a towel to press onto the stinging spot right beneath her left ear.
The embarrassment sinks deep into her bones and Y/N wonders if this is something she will have to live with from now on. Like some sort of emotion that she just will have to endure and endure… fuck… all she ever did was endure. She lowers the light blue towel and stares at the small dark speck. A sigh leaves her lips. She feels stupid, childish, and immature. She shouldn't have hurt herself, he wouldn't want that.
At the sound of her iPhone going off, Y/N turns her head. The muffled ringtone is coming from underneath the couch, and when she kneels down to grab it she flinches. "Fuck!", she looks down at her hand, where she cut her fingers on the split screen. Everything feels like a blur:" Come on, Y/N. Get it together!" She grabs her phone and softens when she notices Pedro's face.
"Yeah?", she asks and brings the phone up to her ear:" What's up?" She rolls her eyes at her own choice of words. She says 'what's up' as if she doesn't know the exact reason why he is calling her right now. Pedro clears his throat:" I- I just wanted to check in with you. Ask if you are okay."
Y/N nods:" Yeah, oh no I'm okay. Thanks." However hot tears are threatening to roll down her cheeks and she lowers the phone to cover the microphone with her other hand. She takes a deep and trembling breath, before letting out a frail whimper. Nothing was okay.
"Okay. Good.", Pedro answers after a few seconds:" See you tonight?" Y/N smiles at that:" Yeah, sure. See you later." "Great.", Pedro's voice is flat and if she didn't know it any better she would think that he was crying right now. But considering how he is presumably inside the venue for the Emmy's she highly doubts it. "I am not going to the after-show party, I'm returning straight to you after this."
"Okay.", Y/N hears how loud music is playing in the background of the call. "Okay, I have to hang up now. Remember, I love you okay. Please remember."
"I love you too, so so much."
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aurora-daily · 7 months
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AURORA hosting Tearjerker on BBC Sounds!
On the first episode called "The First Tear" she "shares a playlist of nostalgic songs from her younger years that have provided solace and comfort, from the first songs she cried to, to the music she still uses for support today. Featuring pieces from Chopin, The Chemical Brothers and Nick Drake." [link 1]
Tracklist of the episode 1:
Prélude in D Flat Major (Raindrop), Op. 28, No. 15 by Frédéric Chopin
The Brothel by Susanne Sundfør
Sofia (feat. AURORA & iris) by Askjell
Hanna's Theme by The Chemical Brothers
The World Spins by Julee Cruise
Adoration by Florence Price
Anthem for No State, Pt. I by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
This Woman's Work by Kate Bush
Lump Sum by Bon Iver
That Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
Après un rêve, Op. 7, No. 1 (Arr. for Cello and Piano) by Gabriel Fauré
Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act II: No. 14c, Pas de deux. Variation II Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Three Hours by Nick Drake
Suzanne by Leonard Cohen
The second episode called "Songs for the lonely" AURORA curates "a playlist to make you feel less alone. Featuring music from Erik Satie, Radiohead and Anna Clyne. Plus Aurora has a listener submission for the "Song That Saves Me"", as "It’s hard to be a human today. Somehow we can all feel lonely with the weight of the whole world on our shoulders, but music has the power to make us feel less alone." [link 2]
Tracklist of the episode 2:
Where Life and Death May Dwell (Icelandic Folk Song) - Upright Piano by Snorri Sigfús Birgisson
Gnossienne No.1: Lent by Erik Satie
Lover, Where Do You Live? by Highasakite
To Speak Of Solitude by Brambles
Hymn for Khadija by Anna Yarbrough
Exit Music (For A Film) by Radiohead
The Armed Man - A Mass For Peace: XII. Benedictus by Karl Jenkins
Fólk fær andlit by Hildur Guðnadóttir
Spiegel im spiegel by Arvo Pärt
It's Hard to Be Human (feat. Marissa Nadler) by Lawrence Rothman
Streymir (Voiceless) by Gabríel Ólafs
Tell Me About It by Thea Wang
Hoppípolla by Sigur Rós
The third episode "Beautiful sounds for human connection" celebrates the power of music that connects and brings us together: "Humans have always sung. Music is a natural part of us, and it has always been. Since the first sorrows, we sang to release the pain. And from the first births, we sang to celebrate. Music connects us. And when we sing together, and experience music together, we truly reconnect to a part of ourselves we were dangerously close to forgetting. In this week's episode of Tearjerker, Aurora celebrates the music that brings us together with pieces from The Staves, Clara Schumann and Astrid Sonne. Plus, Aurora has a listener submission for the 'Song That Saves Me'." [link 3]
Tracklist of the episode 3:
Journey to the End of the Night by Lisa Morgenstern
Down To The River To Pray by Alison Krauss
Love Is Colder Than Death by Questo Mostrarsi
momentary - choir version by Ólafur Arnalds & VOCES8
Whitacre: Lux Aurumque by Eric Whitacre
No Me, No You, No More by The Staves
happiness by Taylor Swift
cellophane by FKA twigs
Boadicea by Enya
Kiuá by Andréa Daltro
Io by Miyako Koda
Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
Soirées musicales, Op. 6: II. Notturno. Andante con moto (Version for Harp) by Clara Schumann
Strong, Calm, Slow by Astrid Sonne
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valentinescowboy · 1 year
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i am the body of a woman, haunted by a history always touched by men
“the last words of a shooting star” mitski, “home with you” fka twigs, “did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd” lana del rey, “bigmouth strikes again” the smiths, “free” florence + the machine, “thumbs” lucy dacus, “family tree (intro)” ethel cain
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b-skarsgard · 6 months
Every so often though, art will imitate life. For twigs, that moment came when she took on the romantic life of Shelly Webster in The Crow. “It set a new bar for the type of love that I want,” she explains. In the reboot, Rupert Sanders re-centres the story of undying love and makes Shelly’s role more three-dimensional; a co-lead not a cipher. “I needed someone who was magical and almost beyond human, who had something like a gift that was just imperceptible, and there was something about twigs,” says the director, who cast the singer to star opposite Bill Skarsgård over afternoon tea, without so much as an audition. “On-screen relationships are really hard. But from the first day we shot twigs and Bill making out, jumping in a lake, smoking weed, and just being young adults having fun, it was really instant.” She shares the same fond memories. “I think Bill and I had incredible chemistry as friends off set. It made acting for me so much easier because I really trusted him,” twigs says. “I’m so romantic, I got to live a romance for a whole summer. How incredible to play that, because at the time, I was quite a broken woman,” she pauses to ponder the thought, then continues. “At the end of filming I was actually nervous about leaving Eric behind. But then I do think I still have Shelly within me, which sounds weird. But you know what Shelly taught me? That my darkness is beautiful, like a black rose.”
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blkdivinefeminine · 4 months
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SILVER SPRINGS, a challengers story
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ramona’s mixtape
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
track one- silver springs, fleetwood mac
track two- storms, fleetwood mac
track three- drew barrymore, sza
track four- fade into you, mazzy star
track five- cellophane, fka twigs
track six- dear april, frank ocean
track seven- bad religion, frank ocean
track eight- boyfriends, harry style
s track nine- cool about it, boygenius
track ten-strangers, ethel cain
track eleven- the bomb, florence + the machine
track twelve-how to disappear, lana del rey
track thirteen- is it a crime?, sade
track fourteen- mirrored hearts, fka twigs
track fifteen- ex-factor, lauryn hill
track sixteen -nude, radiohead
track seventeen- all i wanted, paramore
track eighteen- the other woman, nina simone
track nineteen- losing you, solange
track twenty- linger, the cranberries
track twenty one- dancing on my own, robyn
track twenty two- the less i know the better, tame impala
track twenty three- lacy, olivia rodrigo
track twenty four - garden (say it like dat), sza
track twenty five-the end of love, florence + the machine
track twenty six- writer in the dark, lorde
track twenty seven- norman fucking rockwell, lana del rey track
twenty eight- landslide, fleetwood mac
track twenty nine-love ridden, fiona apple
track thirty- turning tables, adele
track thirty one-cayendo, frank ocean
track thirty two - cherry, harry styles
track thirty three - boyish, japanese breakfast
track thirty four-goodnight n go, ariana grande
track thirty five- love on the brain, rihanna
track thirty six- no ordinary love, sade
track thirty seven - fine line, harry styles
patrick’s mixtape
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
track one- house of cards, radiohead
track two- dark red, steve lacy
track three- flamenco, beyonce
track four- are we still friends?, tyler the creator
track five-chanel, frank ocean
track six- crack baby, mitski
track seven- killer, phoebe bridgers
track eight-self control, frank ocean
track nine- i want someone badly, jeff buckley
track ten-right down the line, greg rafferty
track eleven- crush, cigarettes after sex
track twelve- all i need, radiohead
track thirteen- moth to a flame, swedish house mafia w/ the weeknd
track fourteen-house of balloons/ glass table girls, the weeknd
track fifteen- west end girls, pet shop boys
track sixteen- baby came home 2/ valentines, the neighborhood
track seventeen-thunder, lana del rey
track eighteen- right my wrongs, bryson tiller
track nineteen-nature feels, frank ocean
track twenty- cinderella, mac miller ft. ty dolla sign
track twenty two- nights, frank ocean
track twenty three- s&m, rihanna
track twenty four- same ol' mistakes, tame impala
track twenty five- super rich kids, frank
track twenty six- slow dancing in the dark, joji
track twenty seven- favorite crime,olivia rodrigo
track twenty eight- do i wanna know, artic monkeys
track twenty nine- forget her, jeff buckley
track thirty- beetlebum, blur
track thirty one- don't let me down, the beatles
track thirty two - futile devices, sufjan stevens
track thirty three -i wanna be yours, artic monkeys
track thirty four- water under the bridge, adele
track thirty five-sanctuary, joji
track thirty six- something, the beatles
track thirty seven-congratulations, mac miller
art’s playlist
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10
track one-white ferrari, frank ocean
track two-lover you should've come over,jeff buckley
track three- weird fishes/arpeggi, radiohead
track four- black star, radiohead
track five-don't let me go, cigarettes after sex
track six- uncle ACE, blood orange
track seven-somebody that I used to know, goyte
track eight-step on me, the cardigans
track nine-ivy, frank ocean
track ten- im your man, mitski
track eleven-champagne coast, blood orange
track twelve- last goodbye, jeff buckley
track thirteen- when the sun hits, slowdive
track fourteen- bad habit, steve lacy
y track fifteen- high and dry, radiohead
track sixteen- earfquake, tyler the creator
track seventeen-puppet, tyler the creator
track eighteen- close to you, frank ocean
track nineteen- apocalypse, cigarettes after sex
track twenty- no distance left to run, blur
track twenty one- pink matter, frank ocean
track twenty two-somebody else, the 1975
track twenty three- true love waits, radiohead
track twenty four- pride, kendrick lamar
track twenty five- glimpse of us, joji
track twenty six-distant lover, marvin gaye
track twenty seven- from the dining table, harry styles
track twenty eight-savior complex, phoebe bridgers
track twenty nine -to be so lonely, harry styles
track thirty- a boy is a gun, tyler the creator
track thirty one- two slow dancers, mitski
track thirty two- tomorrow never came, lana del rey
track thirty three- different this time, cornelia murr
track thirty four- say something living, the xx
track thirty five- kiss it off me, cigarettes after sex
track thirty six- seigfried, frank ocean
track thirty seven-pistol, cigarettes after sex
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whatiwillsay · 5 months
What if the love story in folklore is either Taylor spending time with Matty in a Joe intermission, or Joe doing something similar.
It adds meaning to the “he wasn’t a fool” convo from long pond between Jack and Taylor. If Jack is saying Taylor wasn’t a fool to spend time with him at a point when things were over. It also links with Taylor’s songs with MH being about being children.
Though there might also be something to Betty’s “show up at my party”, and “crashed my party in your rental car”.
Teenage love triangle needs revisiting!
so taylor says "my husband is cheating" and "We learned thе right steps to different dancеs, And fell victim to interlopers' glances" on the album about joe so I definitely think our long-running suspicion that joe cheated on taylor is confirmed but I think taylor also owns up to her OWN missteps and I think the folklore love triangle is a comment on all of that, not JUST taylor's affair with matty.
i don't think you can just one for one fill in the characters of the love triangle with three concrete people (like for example I've seen people say betty is taylor, halsey is august, james is matty or something like that)
i think they're all vibey songs- cardigan is taylor's perspective of what it's like to have someone from your past come back to you and make you feel better. i do think this song, in general, according to taylor, is about matty showing back up while joe was letting her down if we're going to believe what she said on eras tour (this is about you, you know who you are, I love you).
but i do think betty is taylor and joe talking to each other, both apologizing for cheating.
and i think august is ALSO taylor's perspective perhaps talking about how she felt about being the other woman to matty's partner (fka twigs?) but also I think she may have been trying to take into consideration the feelings of whoever joe cheated on her with.
remember, taylor's team confirmed that taylor and joe were on and off for a long time and had broken up before the big confirmed break up in April of 2023 and I've of course had tea confirming they broke up many times as well. i think one of these iterations was over quarantine (I have heard they got couples counseling in 2020). hence them writing songs like betty, exile, ch probs, and coney island together! and of course, taylor writing songs like illicit affairs and ivy along with the love triangle songs (and also tolerate it and happiness IMO were just about struggles with joe).
i think one of these breakups had to do with matty and also perhaps infidelity on joe's part but they worked it out and wrote songs together to cope and taylor wrote a bunch of songs about infidelity to process and understand it all.
the way the house in ivy burns down at the end and then taylor lights the lover house on fire and burns it down on eras tour to me is just chef's kiss. and it just ALL comes together on ttpd don't get me started on matty's matches in loml ("your arson's match your somber eyes") and all the other connections to folkmore/the love triangle.
i think most of folkmore is about these affairs and the failures of taylor and joe's relationship (while still trying to come back together and heal it with songs like evermore and willow and long story short). you can't really blame her for hiding it all in a fictional setting given how the public would have commented on the drama esp if she and joe were trying to work it out!
i comment a lot on all of this in my Learning the Lore of TTPD series part I is here on spotify and here on apple podcasts!
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princessphilly · 10 months
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My 40th Birthday is coming soon!!!!
So I decided I wanted to celebrate in a big way! Thus, a lyric blurb challenge.
So there are two ways to do this:
1. Pick out a song lyric and fandom and ask me to write or
2. Pick out a song lyric and fandom and write it yourself and post it!
Eep: edited to add, Please send me an ask with the lyric, fandom, and if you want me to write it or if you’re going to write it.
Please post anything related to this with #princesspbdaychallenge because I will be following that tag
Open fandoms: TGM, hockey (Sidney Crosby, Nate Mac, Jamie Oleksiak, Brandon Tanev, ask me about others), Marvel, CE characters, Seb Stan characters, Henry Cavill characters.
Tagging: @spine-buster @chara-hugs @starshine-hockey-girl @buckets-and-trees @biteofcherry @vonalyn @angryschnauzer @persephonepraxidikechthonios @hangmanapologist @hangmanssunnies @withahappyrefrain @yanna-banana @callsignspark @kreiderrider @gretagerwigsmuse @fineanddandy @syntheticavenger @sunshinexsin @navybrat817 @ginghampearlsnsweettea @himbos-on-ice @hiimana @whoeverineedtobe @hockeynshit @2-fast-2-curious @jobean12-blog @thebookofmags @fenixstar
Click to see lyric prompts:
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
Taylor Swift - Dress
Baby, won't you be my sweetheart
We could share a storybook romance
Mariah Carey - Sweetheart
How do you do it?
Make me feel like I do
How do you do it?
It's better than I ever knew
Incubus - Stellar
Forever my lady
I say just what i mean
Forever and ever
I pray is what i see
Jodeci - Forever My Lady
Walks by me every day
Her and love are the same
The woman that's stolen my heart
And beauty is her name
Dru Hill - Beauty 
When I trust you we'll make love until the morning
Let me tell you all my secrets and I'll whisper 'til the day's done
Fka Twigs - Lights On
Cupid doesn't lie
But you won't know unless you give it a try
Oh baby, true love
won't lie but we won't know unless we give it a try
give it a try
112 - Cupid
At night, I think of you
I want, to be your lady, maybe
Ghost Town DJ’s - My Boo
I don't ask for too many things
Only one thing I really need
That is you baby next to me
Mary J Blige - Give Me You
I wanna be the one who you believe
In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)
Keyshia Cole - Heaven Sent
Tell me how does it feel
When your heart grows cold? 
New Order - Blue Monday
Talk to the wind, talk to the sky
Talk to the man with the reasons why
And let me know what you find
Taylor Swift - Come In With The Rain
You can never win or lose
If you don't run the race
The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way
I didn't know nothing, I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself
Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
There's something kinda sad about
The way that things have come to be.
Desensitized to everything.
What became of subtlety?
Tool - Stinkfist
(Do I wanna know?)
If this feeling flows both ways?
(Sad to see you go)
Was sort of hoping that you'd stay
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
Collect the bad habits that you couldn't bear to keep
Fall Out Boy - I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)
The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me
Linkin Park - Papercut
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I'll wait for you
U2 - With Or Without You
I come home early expecting your warm embrace
But something is wrong 'cuz its written all over your face
Dru Hill - In My Bed
Like a shoebox of photographs
With sepia-toned loving
Jack Johnson -  Better Together
Yea, I've been workin' all week
And I'm tired and I don't wanna sleep
I wanna have fun
It's time for a good time
Alan Jackson - Good Time
Come on, baby, let's get away
Let's save our troubles for another day
Come go with me we've got it made
Let me take you on an escapade
Janet Jackson - Escapade
The grabbing hands grab all they can
All for themselves, after all
(It's a competitive world)
(Everything counts in large amounts)
Depeche Mode - Everything Counts
Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control.
Unable to forgive. And sinking deeper.
Tool - The Grudge
And on I read until the day was gone
And I sat in regret of all the things I've done
For all that I've blessed, and all that I've wronged
In dreams until my death I will wander on
Audioslave - Like A Stone
It's so unreal, didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Linkin Park - In The End
And so we're told this is the golden age
And gold is the reason for the wars we wage
U2 - New Year’s Day
And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me
But the arms of the ocean delivered me
Florence and the Machine - Never Let Me Go
And all I dreamed of, it can't get started
Time goes really slow and I need to let it out
Kelela - Bankhead
We go deep and we don't get no sleep
'Cause we'll be up all night until the early light
Janet Jackson - Go Deep
I'm hanging on your words
Living on your breath
Feeling with your skin
Will I always be here?
Depeche Mode - In Your Room
You'd be calling out my name
Begging me to play my games
Depeche Mode - Corrupt
Fetish is a pleasure you cannot be faked, woho hoho
But when it feels this good then it just comes natural
Baby, arch your back and point your toes
Miguel - Arch & Point
I'm your pimp, I'm your pope, I'm your pastor babe
Confess your sins to me while you masturbate
Miguel - the valley
I got plans to put my hands in places
I never seen, girl, you know what I mean
Usher - Nice & Slow
Turned on by everything you say
I'm turned on by everything you do
Jodeci - Freek'n You
No rules to this game
Turn me out
Now I'm helpless
And I beg you
Do it again
Kelela - Do It Again
Grab hold of me
Gentle love but touch passionately
I'll give you my blessing
Take me person and objectively
Ex and internally
Sabrina Claudio
Give it to me like you need it, baby
Want you to hear me screaming, heavy breathing
Summer Walker - Girls Need Love
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