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rottenaangelwings · 2 months ago
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My roman empire. They deserved a happy love story :(
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tequilaasquared · 10 months ago
God the fact that we were meant to fully take Fiona’s side during her whole ‘independent Fiona’ phase in s7 pisses me off. Asking the family that she CHOSE to become legal guardian of to put her at the bottom of their emergency contact lists, (underneath a couple with small children and a business who was unrelated to them, and their bipolar brother who had a super high pressure and high responsibility job) was completely unfair and irresponsible frankly. And doing it after she’d been called to Ian’s work as his emergency contact because he was clearly dealing with hypomania and his colleagues were concerned just felt like an extra twist of the knife. But I understood her reasoning to an extent.
But threatening to make her underage sister and her baby niece homeless because she was still pissed a traumatised 14 year old decided having a baby was the only way to become a part of a stable family environment? That was just plain cruel. Fiona didn’t have to be happy or agree with Debbie, and was well within her right to let Debbie know her disappointment and frustration, but she was still her legal guardian and she knew better! She was an adult and Debbie was a child being threatened with homelessness by the woman that raised her. Demanding Debbie get a job and getting her the application and Debbie following through and going to the interview, only for Fiona to actively sabotage it bringing Franny mid way through her interview was cruel and so unFiona like. Fiona was a grown ass 27 year old and should’ve sat Debbie down to communicate with her. I get that Debbie could be petulant and argumentative but she was a literal child! Fiona should’ve put her foot down and demand Debbie discuss with her how best to organise balancing work with childcare instead of offering zero support. She also lived with 3 brothers old enough to babysit Franny from time to time whilst Debbie worked. One of the overarching themes of Shameless was how the Gallaghers literally raised each other because their parents were awful human beings and you’re telling me Franny’s uncles couldn’t look after her for a few hours a week? It frustrates the shit out of me that the narrative successively villainised a young, impressionable girl because she made stupid decisions, influenced by grooming and the toxicity of her home life and her friends. And her following through with the decision to have a baby was further cemented by her sister’s cruel ultimatum and her only actual support at the time coming from her narcissistic, opportunistic father who used her vulnerability for his own gain.
Fiona was let down and emotionally neglected by Monica and she participated in that cycle of abuse with her pettiness towards Debbie. And I say that as someone whose favourite character for most of Shameless’ run was Fiona.
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cherry-treelane · 4 months ago
I find it so ironically funny when hardcore Debbie defenders use the defense that she was just a victimised teenage girl (agreed) and then proceed to slander Fiona and express their hatred for her character and lack of sympathy
as if being an adult magically absolves an individual of the horrifying trauma that precedes them and screws up their mentality and actions
funnily enough these people get mad at others for "expecting Debbie to be an innocent angel and hating on her for acting out as a result of trauma" (also agreed, debbie does deserve more sympathy, she can't be expected to grow up to be a perfect saint when she's been through so much) yet seem to hold Fiona to the same unattainable standards and put her on a pedestal as if she wasnt a child that was forced to intensely grow up while never actually being raised
like lets put this into perspective and remember that fiona grew up surrounded by corrupt morals and insanely screwed up behaviour yet still emerged as messed up, yes, but surprisingly good considering the situation she was in??? she had to navigate basic things such as morals and being a good, responsible person on her own. imagine how difficult it must be to lead a bunch of kids, including yourself, with no previous role model or good example of your own to follow. most of the time, she always tried to do what she thought was best and would have the most desirable outcome
#listen a lot of the time debbie defenders make good points#is debbie my favourite? no but she does deserve more sympathy#im really unserious on here and ive made some dumb meaningless jokes but at the heart of it i have sympathy for debbie#so no its not the debbie defense i have an issue with#its the way these people claim to be#1 understanders of shameless women and their complexity#top defenders#including of the women who have said and done worse than/just as bad as fiona#and then proceed to spew all this vitriolic lack of sympathy regarding fionas character#they always talk about fiona making the choice to be their legal guardian#as if the situation wasnt complex and 1) she felt pushed into an inescapable corner#2) that doesnt change the fact that she'd have strong feelings about her baby sister choosing to have a whole baby???#she claimed legal guardianship over HER siblings she did not foresee any other children being added to the mix#so yes she went about it harshly at times when she made debbie raise franny independently#but its not surprising considering her exhausted life?? her history as a TEENAGE GIRL and CHILD of raising kids???#there are actual mothers who'd be worse about this situation and fiona wasnt trying to be nasty#it was tough love and it could've been shown in better ways#and im not putting all the blame on debbie cause she was so young and vulnerable#but at the end of the day she made a choice and fiona was trying to help her understand the importance of consequences to your choice#and navigating adulthood when you choose to behave like one#of course debbie was often put in situations where she felt like she had to be a grown up and that is not her fault#but its not fionas either. theyre all just trying to survive. and fiona tried her damn hardest to preserve debbies childhood#so how do you think she'll react realistically to the whiplash of debbie purposefully getting pregnant#ultimately theres a lot of complexity and flaws and nuance to these situations and i find it weird when people criticise#others for putting so much blame on debbie#and then do the same to fiona as if shes not a victimised product of her environment too#you can show sympathy to debbie while understanding Fiona too and being critical in a mature#nuanced way#im not being a hater to anyone btw im just sharing some thoughts and letting it out. all im saying is#most of the shameless women deserve sympathy and understanding and its strange to deny fiona of that
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year ago
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3x05 - shameless (us), mastermind - taylor swift, 9x12 - shameless (us), a burning hill - mitski, 5x12 - shameless (us), unknown, 11x07 - shameless (us), unknown
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mcrizzystardust · 7 months ago
rip regulus black you would have loved fiona apple
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tvshowpilot · 4 months ago
In this video, we’re diving into the lives of some of the most tragic female characters on television—women who, no matter how hard they fought or how much they gave, just couldn’t catch a break.
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shinakazami1 · 8 months ago
Fiona plzz bc she deserves better 💖
How I feel about this character
I won't lie. 15 yo me just skimmed over her, focusing on Rhys. But when I played it finally myself. God DARN DOES THIS WOMAN NOT GET REST.
- Betrayed by long time mentor and father figure
- Stuck with, in her perception, corporal scums that represent everything she hates
- No time to mourn over anything, constantly things go wrong
- getting trained by Athena, using her improvisation skills, wanting to become a Vault Hunter and seeming to succeed
- Strong. Independent. Funny and pretty.
She really deserved better djhehw
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I Headcanon her as AROMANTIC *final fantasy VII music* SO NONE OF THAT HERE
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I think she and Vaughn had potential to talk and be silly together though she does consider him as a postman. I wish we got more time with her and Athena, or Scooter. She also was so good with Loader Bot and Gortys. Even with Rhys she had some great moments.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Gosh darn with the unpopular. Headcanons:
- she prefers sour tastes. Texture of a beef jerky but also, at the same time, she would love to eat rich people food, just to say how disgusting it is.
- she learnt to read very early. Helped her come up with stories for being a con artist
- if she was the one who had Handsome Jack in her head, I think even she, in the end, would bend. He would just need to play his cards right which would be hard in this situation
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Respect JSHDJEKSJWJ AND MORE SHOW TIME pls don't butcher her in the future please please please I beg of u
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callmearcturus · 6 months ago
hi, the year is 2024 and i just realized why Gearbox gave Rhys Talesfromtheborderlands that stupid fucking last name in Borderlands 3 and I'm furious
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thisismyroadtothethrone · 1 year ago
Lip not getting to adopt Xan is my villain origin story because what the fuck
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mentalmeles · 1 year ago
Seriously like. What am I supposed to take away from this? What lesson am I supposed to learn?
That Simon and Betty’s love was pointless in the end? That Betty’s sacrifices were all in vain? That neither she nor Simon can have a chance to improve upon their faults and get better? That they’re destined to fail, no matter what and Betty is condemned to suffer alone for all eternity?
Fuck that.
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pikinanouart · 11 months ago
It's OC Sunday! + random fanart dump
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vampiredayflower · 1 year ago
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ladymarinamart · 2 years ago
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"Both stubborn"
"Both have strong principles"
"Both fight for people weaker than themselves"
"Both willing to make personal sacrifices to make that happen ("I am who I need to be" and Ciri sacrificing The Path for the greater good in the Empress ending parallels anyone?)"
Ciri and Vernon even have facial scars! They're matchy matchy! And that alone is much more than whatever D/S/A thinks Ciri and Iorveth or Iorveth and Roche have in common.
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literaturebf · 11 months ago
i don't remember sean coming back at all but maybe that's for the best. he fucking sucks!!
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reggies-fake-horcrux · 2 years ago
regulus black is so Fiona apple coded I could scream and cry and jump up and down and throw up and curl into a ball and punch the wall
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resurgencee · 2 years ago
OOC: You know, I'm re-reading Surge/Kit's introduction arc and I'm noticing something
long winded rambling ahead!
That if Sonic had actually stopped and listened to what Surge was saying when they both initally meet, I feel like Surge could've possibly been reasoned with. Especially when you take into account that that's what's hes done previously with former foes who were able to be talked down like this.
Surge had Starline's personal opinion on Sonic practically forced on her and that's basically all that she knew as that was all that she was told and taught about him. If Sonic was allowed to give her an ounce of empathy at the -start- of this arc, rather than at the end, they could've been on a path towards a solution. Instead, Sonic actually does what Starline did and completely went on to ignore her thinly-vieled vent in regards to what happened to her because of his (I don't wanna say carelessness, more so along the lines of...naviety?) view on second chances, and patronizes her in regards to his "solution" to his problem: telling her she has a "choice" to choose how she carries herself while also telling her in no uncertain terms that she either does it his way (aka: have another person impose his will on her) or he's not going to pull his punches if she chooses poorly (lowkey threatens her really). And repeatedly insists on this with every encounter they have after.
this goes on to reaffirm Surge in her belief's on what Starline forcibly taught her, and her own personal trauma in regards to her "creation" that she's extremely but clearly Not Very Ok about. It essentially just pushes her over the edge of no return and solidifies her resolve to see the world burn, because it BURNED her.
After Sonic learns the gravity of what Starline did, and only after, is when he actually stops and tries actually talking to her with a semblance of understanding and empathy. Which means diddly-squat to Surge (and Kit!) because of a horrific first impression that left her feeling like a cornered animal who can't trust anyone, no matter how well meaning, and desperately trying ANYTHING (modding herself with the dynamo cage to the point of risking self harm) to get the slightest reprieve from it all.
TL;DR: this all couldve been avoided if yall got surge and kit therapy after hearing them out >:/
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