killuaisaprincess · 5 months
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sehtoast · 3 months
Tender Threads ( Homelander x OC )
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chapter one: first impressions
chapter directory
summary: holding the heart of a self-proclaimed god is hard work, but someone's gotta do it. who'd have ever thought it would be some nobody, a simple street level hero-branded-vigilante, who would ascend to one of the seven coveted thrones and do just that?
tags: slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, spidersona as original character, original trans male character, smut, sublander
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It’s a night like any other in the concrete jungle of New York City.  A streak of red swings through the streets by lines of webbing, eyes peeled for anyone disrupting the peace in his friendly neighborhood.  Well, not his neighborhood exactly.  He was just a vigilante after all.  There’s plenty of fun to pick from, but only one instance could be so special to the city’s one and only Spider-Man– to Benjamin.
It’s not the quippy banter with the thugs breaking into the back of a bodega, nor is it the amusement he gets from webbing each of the fools in one big pile on the ground that makes this night memorable.  It’s the interruption, the anomaly that appears all too silently from the sky.
“And just what do we have here, hm?” 
The bug turns in surprise, steeling himself against the rush of anxiety that shoots through his veins.  This is no ordinary supe here to gripe about him stealing their thunder.  This is a man– a god, perhaps– in a whole ‘nother league. 
Ben would recognize him by voice alone because it was impossible not to hear it at least once a day.  Hell, hide the costume and he’d probably still recognize that face– because it’s everywhere. Billboards, magazines, fucking cereal boxes– you name it, he’s probably there.
Before him stands The Homelander, captain of The Seven, pretty much the face of Vought International.  World’s most powerful supe.
“Oh, y’know.”  He gestures.  “Riffraff doing what they do, and me doing what I do.”
“Nicely done,” Homelander says, professional smile etched into his face like he’d rehearsed this.  “You know, good work like this is why we’ve been nipping at your heels, kiddo.  Really wish you’d stop making us chase you around.”
And there it is.  This was no chance meeting– as if one of the big boys from The Seven would ever be caught dead in an alley in Harlem of all places.  Spidey cocks a brow behind his mask.  Vought must be desperate.
See, he’s been particularly unlucky lately.  
Even before he donned the mantle of Spider-Man, it was never about being in the big leagues.  Benjamin mused upon the idea of it, but he could never find himself truly taken with the idea of selling himself as a hero.  Not only was the mere idea of commercializing his ability to do a unique good revolting, it would strip away one of the only true freedoms he has.  Of course, Vought knew nothing of his reasons– not that they’d care either way– and were ardently pursuing him to fill the now vacant seat formerly belonging to Translucent.
And now, as his luck would have it, they’ve sent their biggest dog to fetch their desired toy.
Benjamin’s sixth sense tells him nothing in the moment.  No hidden danger, no tickling of warnings to bolt.  A goose chase spanning two months finally coming to a titanic head as The fucking Homelander himself holds him not-quite-hostage in an alleyway. 
“You’re still their top pick, you know,” Homelander says, nodding over to the webbed pile of crooks.  “You play by their rules without even being on the team.  A little… sloppy, but effective.  Tell me, how is it you’re going to turn down a spot in the biggest of the big leagues, hm?  You’ve pretty much skipped the line.”  Homelander scuffs the sole of his boot against the ground, kicking a pebble to the side as he meanders closer.  “What, is vigilantism more fun?  You like having all those warrants?  Vought could clear ‘em up.  Get you set straight in the eyes of the law, make you official.  Pay you for your late night troubles…”
Ben bristles as he comes closer.  It’s not the proximity necessarily, it’s… 
It’s like he’s looking straight through the mask.  
Benjamin releases a tight breath.  “My answer isn’t changing.” He says firmly, despite the anxiety cooking in his chest.  He is not a confident man by any stretch.  The most bravado he’ll ever know in his life comes from being Spidey.  Nobody can see him– nobody knows who he is when he’s got the mask on. He can be whoever he wants.  But right now he feels see through.  
Pick your words carefully,  he thinks to himself.
“I’m not a show pony for Vought to extort.”
Don’t cave– do not give him that satisfaction.  It’s what he wants.
He wouldn’t work for Vought.  He’s chosen years of barely scraping by rather than taking a tech job with them as a regular person, why the fuck would he do it as a supe?  What, he’s just supposed to ignore the endless skeletons in their closet?  The pain and suffering, all the people he’s seen online talking about how Vought threw money at them to not sue after some accident or another only to up and disappear?  
Ben idolized heroes for so long.  His powers didn’t manifest until his late teens and he grew up wanting to be just like the superheroes that made the world a better place– until he realized that those types were so few and far between that they might as well not even exist.  All of his childhood heroes were NDAs and settlements, pain and suffering, all covered with media stunts and weak, lazy apologies.  Posters were torn down, action figures tossed in the trash– he moved on and eventually became the hero he wished his idols would've been.
“Show pony? Pfffft,” Homelander laughs, blowing a raspberry.  “Please.  Look at yourself.  Skin tight red and blue suit, leaving messes of webs everywhere you go.  Hate to break it to you, kiddo, but you’re already there.”
“They parade you guys around like trophies,” Ben counters, trying to keep the edge off his tone.  “I’m not in this to make money for some rich-fuck shareholders, y’know.”
“And?  See, you told every single agent before me that you were in ‘this’ to make a difference.”
“You know how much fucking range you’d have in The Seven?”  Homelander splays his arms wide as if to show the scale of the world.  Agitation is starting to write itself on his face, leaking free in the twitches of his eye and those rapid blinks.  He clearly didn’t expect to have to work for this.  “You could help anyone anywhere, all you have to do is say yes.”
The worst part?  That’s not technically a lie.  And it’s not not tempting. 
“I’m sure you’ll see reason,”  Homelander smirks, sauntering just the slightest bit closer.  “Benjamin.”
The bug’s heart drops to his gut, eyes going wide and glancing in the direction of the pile of webbed crooks in the hopes they neither heard nor will a last name be following. 
Fuck, fuck– 
They have his name. 
“Don’t what?”  Homelander asks innocently, lips curling even sharper.  “You really thought we wouldn’t know who you are?  Pff– hah!  Please.”
Closer and closer, every step feeling like a lifetime.
“I can see through that mask, you know.  Can see how scared you are.” Homelander tuts as he comes within arms reach.  “I can hear the pitter patter of your little heart…”
Ben gulps, breaths coming heavy.
“And…”  Homelander leans forward, voice a whisper. “I’m sure you understand, Mister Colyer, that I could kill you right now…”  A hand falls to rest on Ben’s shoulder, gripping tight.  “I really don’t like being told no.”
Ben’s voice shakes and his knees quake, totally ready to dart as soon as the words leave his mouth. 
“I'm… not– I'm not doing it.”
His sixth sense doesn’t stir.
Homelander’s bluffing.  But, really… So is he.
It’s like the world froze.  Time stands still as they stare at one another.  Benjamin can see the anger dancing in Homelander’s eyes, but nothing comes of it.
Not even when the bug backs away and that leather clad hands falls free from his shoulder.
“Look, uh… this was nice, y’know?”
Smooth, Ben.  Smooth.
“But uh, just call me Randy Jackson, because it’s uhm... it's gonna be a no from me, dawg.”  Terrible time for humor, but something had to break the tension.  “Goodbye, Homelander.” 
And with that, Ben bolts, vaulting up and off the side of a building to propel himself into the night.  
Homelander remains in the alley, still stunned, a piercing ring deafening the world around him.  He lingers, thoughts racing.
Turned down by the bug, huh champ?
Of course, of fucking course there would be some commentary.
“Hey big guy, you gonna let us go?”  
And of course there’s some filth bold enough to interrupt him.
Homelander turns, eye twitching as he scans the pile of mud practically cocooned in webbing.  They expect him to release them.  After all, Spider-Man is a vigilante.  None of his catches are technically official, though there’s usually enough evidence for that fact to be ignored.
“C’mon, you know we ain’t done no harm!  Me and the boys were just walkin’ by is all.”  
The man in question chuckles nervously at him.
Homelander saunters closer, hands behind his back.  He stands over the man, inspecting every little detail.  The growing fear in his eyes, the way he sweats.
Putrid. Echoes the voice in his mind.  Remind them of who they’re talking to. Of the god they disrespect.
He lifts his foot, placing it dead center on the man’s chest.
“No– please, I didn’t–”
He presses down slowly, grin etching onto his face as pleas turn to tight gasps.  The others in the webbing try to scramble, but they can’t escape.
They’re at his mercy.  As they should be.
A crunching sound precedes his favorite part.  Ribs and muscle give way and a loud squelch graces his ears and the ringing– oh the ringing stops. It's serene, knowing what power he holds.  What iron fist he truly has wrapped around the neck of this world.
To think they’d think him so low as to aid them.  To think they’d get to live after seeing him rejected so brazenly.
Now for the rest.
As he takes care of the others, he wonders just how persuasive he'll need to be with the little spider.  What threads must he pull to get his way?
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transforgaytion · 2 months
If you're still doing the "I wish" prompts, what about those really big eggs? I think it's emu eggs I'm thinking of. Plural :)
-always- accepting "I wish" prompts! (these are now accessible on my blog by clicking the "wishing curse" folder, and will be tagged with "wishingcursetf" ! Really? Is the first thought through her mind. Why on earth would someone utter those words in that order??? Who on earth desires emu eggs??
But before she has much time to react, she begins to feel the first subtle signs of the curse reacting. At first it's just a very very slight bloating feeling. Nothing is visible from the outside yet whatsoever. And at the mall of all places, on a busy Saturday afternoon...Nowhere to hide... How big are emu eggs again? She wonders to herself. To her shock, before she has time to leave the food court, the person who'd initially wished -kept talking-. "Yeah, I wish I had at least a dozen of 'em. Emu eggs, I mean. I wish I had some ostrich eggs too I guess, but I do like emus better as a whole, so I'd rather breed them than ostriches-" .... She pauses to process what she's just heard. How likely is it that at this mall she's stumbled across a wishful EMU FARMER. Wait a damn minute, did he say over a dozen???
Oh god. And with the size of them...this was about to get bad. The band of her jeans began to feel a bit tight against her stomach. They weren't loose jeans to begin with, but she knew what this meant.
She stood up from her seat, grabbed the trash from the table, and begun to quickly try to make an escape. If she could at least make it out to her car-...
"hey! What're you doing here?"
Are you -kidding-?
"Oh, sorry if I startled you!" her most recent ex continues as he looks at her, gauging how she's been doing since the breakup.
It was a smooth breakup, almost more of a break than an actual ending point for the relationship. But her ex didn't know about her curse. She wasn't cursed until two months ago, and they broke up around 5 months ago now.
"No, that's okay... I'm so sorry, I really have to go-" she started to try to exit the conversation, making it a point to apologize later, but she felt a very slight tug on her sleeve as her ex carefully got her attention as she moved to leave.
"Sorry, I just...it's been a while...you don't have a couple of minutes? I promise I won't take up too much of your time, I just-..."
The look in his eyes was so....so sad. So pleading. And he wasn't a bad guy, it's just...
"Look, I'm so sorry, I -really- have to go..."
The look on his face almost broke her heart. But she didn't have a lot of time to pay attention to her heart as her loose t-shirt was beginning to brush up against the skin of her stomach as it was slowly starting to protrude now.
"Wait!" he called after her as she tried to run. Her center of balance was already being thrown off, so she was already struggling to run like she would have been able to an hour ago.
She pants as she runs for the exit door, feeling more bloated than ever.
Once the automatic doors finally slide open, she's met with a terrible realization.
It's community day.
The whole town is in this mall parking lot, complete with food trucks from out of town, live music, the WORKS.
She slowly made her way through the crowd, resisting the urge to put a hand on her stomach to help her balance as she moved quickly through the people to the other side of the parking lot.
She'd actually parked on the other side of the mall entirely, but she got so desperate to leave that she'd gone for the first available exit.
She felt the fabric of the t-shirt starting to get tight around her slowly inflating stomach.
It felt so heavy. So hard. After last time, with the real babies, surely these eggs wouldn't be harder to birth, surely....
She clicks her car key fob a few times, listening through the noise from the community festival to try to hear her car's horn.
She can see it lighting up across the parking lot now, now it's just about making it over there.
 It's 8 rows over, she counts.
The t-shirt was starting to ride up. If anyone saw her, they'd definitely think she was pregnant. She wasn't pregnant yesterday. Word would get around that something's wrong with her if she wasn't careful.
She passes between cars, avoiding any people she sees, pulling her shirt back down over her still expanding bump.
It wasn't lumpy like she was afraid eggs might make it, so there must've been fluid in there too. It looked almost exactly like a typical human pregnancy, but perhaps shaped slightly differently?
 Either way, her shirt is slowly riding up her stomach higher as she continues to navigate the maze of cars, and her bra is beginning to feel tight.
She can feel her nipples getting so hard and rubbing up against it even with how hot it is outside.
She makes it to the car, -finally-, and turns the key in the ignition before pulling the front seat up as far as it'll go, and letting herself into the back seat.
She locks the door, and tries to breathe a sigh of relief. She feels huge now that she's sitting down, and she knows she's still growing.
Emu eggs. God. Why???? This curse was awful. There's no telling how many times she'd have to endure this.
They said ostrich eggs too...how big were those again?
She pulls the t-shirt off as it's now barely a bra functionally, her stomach too large to contain within it anymore.
She breathes in as her chest increases in size, causing her to rather desperately start moving to take her bra off, as the straps are starting to cut into her shoulders.
It has to start soon, right? The actual contractions have to start soon, she feels like she looks very due.
She finally gives in and lets herself run her hands along her stomach, rubbing it for comfort as it continues to grow.
"A dozen...." she says aloud, trying to keep herself calm.
At least this usually doesn't hurt as bad as real pregnancy would. Eggs should hopefully be even less painful than last time this happened.
Suddenly, as she's finally being able to relax a bit, she hears a loud sound against the car.
She looks up to see her ex, gently knocking at the driver's side window to see if she's in the car. He's really not a bad guy at all, something must be really bothering him for him to be this persistent, but damnit...now is SO not the time, she thinks.
It's not long before he notices her in the back seat. He glances from her face down to her stomach and then back.
She winces. He looks shocked. This isn't good.
"Oh my god!" Even though it's muffled, she can still hear him.
"Let me in, I can help!" he says, after watching her continue to rub her own "due-with-twins" sized belly.
She ignores him at first. She doesn't need help. He's not even supposed to know about this.
"I...I just saw you...how did you hide-...? You know what nevermind, I can still help! Please...?"
What on earth was his deal. And why was he being so-....he was willing to help after looking at her like this??
He tries the car handle, but only once.
It's locked.
her stomach is still growing. It's now taking up her entire lap. It's incredibly obvious how pregnant she is.
Physically, her body never 100% got the memo that the pregnancy was egg based, so she does feel her breasts get heavier and heavier, filling with milk no doubt.
her nipples are finally growing too. Preparing for feeding babies that will never drink from her.
Her ex is looking around now, contemplating if he should call for help. That'd be bad. She really doesn't want to be experimented on or something.
She just wants to lay these eggs in peace.
"Please..." he asks again. On any other guy, this level of persistence would NOT be a good look. But she knows he means well. She knows he's worried about her.
He looks around again, and while he's looking like he's about to go running to beg for medical assistance, her stomach finally, after growing to a size so large she can barely reach around it, finally clenches tight with her first contraction.
When it stops, she looks up and finally meets her ex's eyes. He froze when she clearly contracted, looking like he's feeling her pain with her.
She made a split section decision at that moment and reached up and unlocked the car door. She did her damnedest to scoot over to make room for him to sit beside her.
"Get in and close the door, quickly!" she spat at him in a hushed tone.
He moves quickly, getting in beside her and slamming the door and then re-locking it.
"Okay, what can I do? How can I help? Are you in any pain?"
She is baffled. Why'd she break up with him again? She would be able to recall if her entire mid-section wasn't getting tighter and tighter and oh god-, tighter, tight enough that it starts to hurt, and then it goes even further, it's so tight, so hard, it's squeezing her inside out, it's-....it stops.
"I....you weren't pregnant an hour ago, were you." her ex says flatly. She shakes her head slightly 'no'.
"Is it normal babies?" he continues. She nods 'no' again.
"Eggs." She interrupts. "it's eggs."
"Oh!" he exclaims "Well, at least eggs aren't that bi-"
"Emu and ostrich eggs...." She clarifies. He freezes.
"Do-...do you have any idea how many?"
She feels the telltale sensation of her cervix slowly beginning to open around something.
She answers through gritted teeth as her stomach contracts again "uhh...at least a dozen, probably more...."
He looks shocked. He looks around the car. The running car.
"There's barely room back here...how are you going to-....uhh...okay, hold on."
He unlocks the door, and she moans as she tries to protest through the contraction but instead it just devolves into a groan.
He gets out of the back seat, climbs into the front seat, adjusts it for his legs, and re-locks the doors.
"I know you probably can't buckle a seatbelt back there, but I know a place close to here where it'll be really quiet....you'll have room to spread out and be safer there. Can I take you there?"
"oh god.....-" she murmurs as her cervix stretches around her first emu egg, "yes, god, it's happening fast, please...." she doesn't even know what she's begging for.
He puts the car in reverse, and she can tell how carefully he's driving already. Precious cargo and all.
He manages to get out onto the highway, and begins heading out of town. She feels fear for a second, before all her attention is back on her stomach. it's clenched down so hard she can't breathe. It doesn't hurt like it -should- if it was a 'real' non-curse related pregnancy, but it's clenched so -hard-.
He pulls off into a large field, off the main road enough that it's got no eyes on it at all.
"Come on, let me help you" he says as he climbs out of the driver's seat and opens the back door. "Can you walk? It won't have to be far at all, there's just nowhere for you to give birth in that backseat."
She barely nods, and then both her hands hold the sides of her massive stomach as it contracts again, pushing the widest part of the first emu egg into her cervix now.
When it subsides, although moving feels -very- odd, she does manage to step outside. The relief is instant.
She falls into a squat as soon as the car doors close. She can't control it, as soon as there was space, she felt herself squat.
But, oh- pants....
"I, I think I'm pushing, but I-" she babbles. he takes the hint, pulling her pants down gently but very effectively.
"I'm going to pull down your underwear too, okay? Then you can push." --------- part 2 soon if you like my work you can support me at https://ko-fi.com/transforgaytion 
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reds-skull · 6 months
There’s Something Odd About Sergeant MacTavish
This monster of an oneshot got me in a chokehold the moment I started writing. Had a lot to say about this version of Soap and Ghost, apparently.
Friendship is not on the field manual, he told Johnny a long time ago. No protocols for personal relationships between soldiers, no set procedures for what he asked for, so many months ago.
Despite that, what Ghost and Soap have can’t not be friendship - not with the way they practically spend all their free time glued to each other. Morning, sipping tea and coffee together. Noon, checking in before splitting for their respective duties. Afternoon, lunch and paperwork in Ghost’s office. Evening, relaxing in the 141 common room. Bid each other goodnight, go to sleep, rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.
His routine used to numb him. Same shite, day in, day out, only finding excitement on missions. 
Johnny, in his own annoyingly endearing way, ‘blew it all teh high hell’, as he would gleefully shout after shaking the earth to its very core with an explosion.
And Simon, as much as he puts on a front and complains, wouldn’t have it any other way. Or… no.
Better not be greedy.
His schedule was clear for the rest of the day, something that in the past would’ve irritated him to no end (nothing worse than wasting time). Now, however, it just gives him a chance to trail behind Johnny.
His blue eyes flicker over the training recruits, sharp as ever as they search for weaknesses to correct. Ghost can pinpoint the exact moment he zeroed in on a soldier, his jaw working before he shouts, “Rogers! Put yer arms higher, don’t give ‘em easy access teh yer throat!”.
Soap stomps over to the pair, forcing Rogers’ hands to the right position. His Sergeant makes another round, tapping a boot at the back of another recruit’s knees. Ghost narrows his eyes when he sees the man open his mouth to retort, but the soldier thinks better of it. It may not be his lesson to teach, but Ghost wouldn’t pass an opportunity to put an idiot in his rightful place.
The second half of the recruits, who have been watching and learning from their peers’ mistakes, start talking in hushed voiced among themselves. Ghost doesn’t pay them any mind until Soap’s name comes up.
“There’s something… odd about Sergeant MacTavish.”
“Right?? He’s not this annoying usually.”
Ghost’s lips pull back in a sneer.
“Lieutenant Ghost must be rubbin’ off on him, the bloody bastard”
“Oh, you know they’re doing a whole lot more than just ‘rubbing’-”
Ghost places a hand on both the recruits’ shoulders, making them jump. They both turn their head comically slow to stare up at him, “s-sir, we… we just-” 
“I don’t think you two are training hard enough, if you’re sitting ‘ere chatting like old ladies.” Ghost squeezes their shoulders, a gesture that would almost be comforting if not for his ice-cold tone, “think two weeks at the latrines will really make you appreciate the Sergeant.”
The recruits don’t dare talk back to the Ghost, so they’re left with gaping mouths. Ghost gives them a shove forward, making the two stumble, “go on then, bathroom’s not gonna clean itself.”
The rest of them are deathly quiet after the interaction. As they should’ve been from the start. Ghost internally sighs, refocusing back on Johnny. Who has noticed the commotion, and is now gazing at the retreating backs of the misbehaving recruits.
Ghost watches the muscles of his neck twitch, and Soap rolling his shoulders with a face of mild discomfort. It goes away quickly enough, and his Sergeant goes back to screaming at the soldiers, but he still makes a mental note to investigate that at a later point in time.
He keeps to the sidelines until the recruits are dismissed. The hungry soldiers practically run to mess, and while Ghost does his best to walk around them towards Johnny, when they finally fuck off Soap is nowhere to be found. 
Ghost stands alone on the training mats, uselessly swiveling his head.
Friendship is not on the field manual, and blasted schoolboy crushes on your subordinates most certainly aren’t.
Ghost wishes he could say he knew when it started. Maybe, knowing the root of the cause would’ve allowed him to chop down the entire tree. Somewhere between Chicago, Soap’s life almost slipping between his fingers, and now, he fell in love.
Even thinking about it makes him want to scoff. Those words don’t fit someone like him, someone with enough blood on their hands to fill several swimming pools, someone that keeps everyone at arm’s length, so mistrusting of his surroundings he wears a literal skull mask everywhere he goes.
But how else would he describe it? That warm feeling that spreads through his chest every time Johnny smiles up at him? The urge to let a brief touch linger, the need to stay near him at all times? That desperate part of him, that wishes for more?
Love is a disgustingly soft concept, not made for men like Ghost. But it’s what Johnny means to him. Johnny is love, simple as.
If only it was simple as.
Ghost has been looking for him the entire day, since the incident on the mats. For someone as loud and bright as Soap is, he sure can just fuckin’ disappear with no trace. He’s about to give up for the day, a bitterness weighing heavy on his tongue, when he spots a familiar shadow walking around the edge of the base.
It’s a more wild area, a small bit of thick forest, a place usually reserved for sniping drills. The figure appears between trees, slowly walking deeper.
Ghost quickly catches up, trailing the man. Only when he’s in reach, he notifies Soap of his presence.
“Didn’t know you could physically be this quiet, Johnny.”
Soap doesn’t startle, nor does he turn to acknowledge him. They both stop walking.
Ghost tried to lean over to see his face, but his Sergeant turns away. “Ah know when Ah need to shut it, LT.”
“Never stopped you from going loud anyway.”
Soap huffs, “aye, guess no’”.
Ghost waits for him to elaborate like he usually does, the growing silence unsettling him more and more. Did those recruits really bother him that much?
“I sent those tossers to the latrines, you know.”
Johnny glances at him, before returning to watch over the quiet forest, “I know.”
Soap knows their opinion is worth fuck all, young wankers still wet behind the ears. He should know, he’s worth a hundred of them, on the field and off.
Johnny eventually breaks the silence, “think it will just make things-” he exhales heavily, passing a hand through his hair, “let’s jus’ go back to base, LT. Sorry I disappeared on ye.”
“Don’t worry about that…” Ghost lets his words trail when Soap starts walking without him, head seemingly drowning in thoughts. He follows him, overcast by his shadow.
He thinks the dark is playing tricks on him when he sees the muscles of Johnny’s back convulse weirdly.
Ghost tries to fight it. That all encompassing want, need, to have Soap. And while he’s no stranger to war, this enemy is one tough fucker.
The Ghost, most feared soldier in the SAS, survivor of the worst of the worst. Bested by fucking emotions. He felt like he was winning, for a while there. That no one could tell, just what’s going on behind the mask.
As the days go on, though, it is clear people are catching on.
“I haven’t seen Sergeant MacTavish around Lieutenant Ghost as often anymore…”
And people love to fucking gossip. 
“Think they had a fight?”
“A love quarrel, perhaps”
The resounding laughs make him grasp his fork tighter. Couldn’t they at least wait long enough to be out of earshot of the person they’re talking about?
“No wonder the Sergeant has been this pent-up. Just heard Christopher got yelled at again, for being late by two minutes. Two minutes!”
Ghost is about to show them what yelling really is, when another Lieutenant comes by and shuts the bastards right up. He turns his eyes to Johnny, who is sitting in front of him, like every morning.
Unlike every morning, he doesn’t drink his coffee. Or speaks. Just stares at his breakfast.
“Johnny? Alright?”
Soap snaps his eyes to his, the blue in them looking almost… red? No… must be the light.
He blinks rapidly, and they return to their usual blue-grey, “aye, LT.”
“Not hungry?”
Soap smiles, or at least tries to, ending up with more of a grimace than anything, “think I’m catching something, not feeling up to it today.”
Ghost hums. Could explain his demeanor as of late, “get to medical after mess, I’ll take care of your assignments for the day.”
“Ye really don’t have teh do that-”
“Soap.” Ghost uses his commanding voice, “...let me take care of it.” he adds in a softer tone.
Let me take care of you.
Johnny smiles, a small but genuine thing, “...thanks.” he gets up, not before patting his bicep, “next time we’re in a pub, I’ll get ye a drink.”
Ghost basks in the brief contact, “it better not be the shite you like.”
Soap laughs as he walks away, “no promises!” 
He can’t help the smile spreading on his lips. Love is a dumb concept, not made for him, but…
But fuck if it doesn’t make him feel elated, to hear that voice happy and laughing.
It used to scare Ghost, how colossal those emotions he felt for Johnny were, at first. Would keep him awake at night, spiraling into haunting himself with lines of thought.
‘What would I do if he died? How would I go on?’
It used to scare him, how at those moments, he knew he’d give anything to make sure Soap lived. Fuck his life, fuck the SAS, fuck the world, if Johnny MacTavish wasn’t a part of it.
Soap is damn lucky he loves him so much, if only because he wouldn’t go train these fucking daft idiots instead of him otherwise. Ghost is starting to understand why Soap is getting more agitated these days.
He ended their exercise early, when one of them managed to break a finger by misplacing it when shooting a rifle. It’s like they never held a damn firearm in their whole life.
Fucking hell. He needs to punch something, before he punches someone.
As he gets closer to the gym, Ghost starts hearing shouts. Sounds more like a damn fight ring than a military workout. The recruits are doing something stupid again, he can already tell.
Looks like he might end up having to punch someone instead today. That’s fine by him. He cracks his knuckles.
At least he’ll get to release all this energy somewhere.
The doors smack loudly into the wall behind them when he opens them, and very quickly his theory is proven right. In the center of the room, a large crowd formed a ring around two fighters, the grunts and cracks of punches thrown drowning in the circle of soldiers.
He starts making his way through, recruits snapping their head to shout at him before closing their mouth with a click when they realize who they’re talking to. The crowd begins dispersing, some attempt to run off before they could feel the wrath of their superiors. All the while, Ghost lets his anger build, ready to crash it all down on the unfortunate bastards that decided today is a good day to re-enact Fight Club on base.
When he reaches the center, that rage comes crashing down, alright.
The view of Soap’s bloody form, nose running red and knuckles redder, makes it all fizzle out. His opponent staggers away, clearly the loser of the match, but Ghost doesn’t give a fuck about him.
“What the fuck are you doing, MacTavish?!”
His Sergeant heaves a breath, spitting out a bit of blood, “what does it look like, LT?” he answers, an edge of sarcasm underlining his words. Ghost is well versed in Soap’s insubordination, but it was never directed towards him. Not like that.
He doesn’t look away from Soap’s eyes when he growls to the group, “out.”
The soldiers falter for a moment, so Ghost turns to them, snarling, “OUT! Before I make you all do ten more laps around base!”
They all practically sprint out, leaving Soap and him alone. Johnny holds himself up shakily, adrenaline still coursing through his veins, searching for another face to punch. Ghost grabs his bicep, and wordlessly drags him to the showers.
Trains of thought rush through his mind, trying to find reason in Soap’s actions. Anger and worry mix, most of all the frustration that comes with being unable to help.
Something’s clearly bothering Johnny, and Ghost doesn’t know where to start fixing it.
He sets the Sergeant down on a bench, and goes to search for a first aid kit, when Soap huffs, “yer overreacting. We were just sparring.”
Ghost slams the kit next to Johnny’s thigh, the man not flinching even a bit, “what was going on out there was not ‘sparring’, and we both know it.”
Soap’s brows furrow, but he doesn’t retort. Ghost takes his bruised hands in his, examining the torn skin on his knuckles.
Soap groans, “aye, I know, I fucked up.” he scrubs his free hand over his face, wincing as Ghost sanitized the wounds, “I’m sorry ye had to go and deal with the recruits. Guess it was all fer nothin’-”
“The fuck’s up with you?” the words come out not as gently as Ghost hoped they would.
Johnny glares at him, “oh, don’t you start as well! We all know what’s wrong with me, don’t we? Everyone’s got somethin’ teh say about MacTavish, about how Ah’m too loud, too annoying, too distracted.” he pulls his hands away from Ghost’s, when the muscles under his skin strain against the tension lining his form, “Ah know! Ah’m fuckin’- Ah’m tryin’, alright?! Don’t need ye teh start tellin’ me that as well!”
Ghost leans back, knowing full well shock must be written all over his features, but Johnny’s too far deep in his own head to recognize it. 
“Ah’ll do better, sir, Ah just- they were talkin’ shit, and Ah had teh-”
“You’re enough, Soap.”
Johnny’s brows fly up, “...huh?”
Ghost sighs, “you’re good enough already. You’re the only one that comes close to beating me in sparring, excluding Gaz. You can make bloody bombs on the go with generic kitchen appliances. Your shots land, even when you’re tired and broken. You keep going, even if everyone else gave up.”
Soap’s eyes soften, and Ghost takes his other hand, starting to treat it as well, “the recruits can’t tell their asses from their mouths, Johnny. They don’t know what it truly means to be a good soldier, a good man.”
He lets his fingers gently graze Soap’s, “you’re… important to all of us.”
You’re important to me.
Johnny looks down at their hands, “I… I could be better, though.”
“You could”, Ghost agrees, and Soap’s eyes gaze up, “we all could. Won’t come from destroying yourself, though, Sergeant.”
Soap nods slowly. He breaks the contact, raising to his feet and rolling his shoulders, “aye. Thanks, LT.”
Ghost follows him when he chucks off his shirt, eyes trailing on the bruises littering his back. The thickly corded muscles (that Ghost will refuse to drool over, even if they are undoubtably impressive) twist as Johnny takes out his towel for the shower.
Ghost is about to turn around, let his Sergeant have his privacy, when those muscles start convulsing, like he thought he saw back in the forest. He hears Johnny hiss, and decides to voice his concern, “you seem tense.”
Soap turns around, a sheepish smile on his lips, “uh, aye, probably all the… ‘sparring’.”
He nods, back straightening in determination. Finally, something Ghost can fix. “Give it ‘ere, then.”
Soap blinks, “huh?”
“Come ‘ere, Johnny. Can help with that.” he guides Soap back on the bench, walking around and settling behind him. 
Ghost takes off his gloves. He hasn’t given a massage to someone else in… years, probably. But he’s sure he remembers enough to help Johnny, even a little bit.
The moment he rests his hand on his Sergeant’s shoulders, he has to hold back his surprise. The muscles are so tense, they feel more like rocks than damn flesh and bone. He pushes away the shock, and begins slowly kneading them. By Johnny’s appreciative hum, Ghost reckons he must be doing something right.
He tries digging in a little into the solid muscles, but soon enough his fingers ache from the resistance. “You feel tenser than Price when he runs out of cigars.”
Soap gives him a half-laugh, “can’t say Ah had anyone teh give me back massages, LT.”
“No bird back home?”
That makes Johnny fully laugh, “no, Ah’m not… not the type teh keep someone fer that long.” he groans at a particular twist of Ghost’s hands, “where did ye even learn teh do this? Ye should consider changing jobs.”
He trails his hands down, mildly concerned that the muscles don’t get any less tense, “had a sister-in-law, she had muscle cramps when she was pregnant…”
Johnny turns his head to stare at him, “ye got a sister-in-law??”
He didn’t elaborate, but from Soap’s silence, he knows the other understood it wasn’t divorce that took her away.
“Ah’m sure she appreciated it.” Johnny sighed, “Ah know I am.”
Ghost smiled, patting his Sergeant’s shoulder, “feeling better?” he flexes his sore hands. Soap’s muscles certainly don’t feel any less tense. At least he seems cheerier.
“Aye, now I owe ye two drinks.”
Ghost goes to leave the showers, “just stay out of trouble next time.”
He hears a small, “...yes, sir.” before the door closes.
If someone were to look inside his head, it will very quickly be clear just how much he’s infatuated with his Sergeant. They might ask, ‘why not tell him?’.
Ghost could never. His vocal cords weren’t built for such soft confessions, his fingers not shaped for holding. And even if they were, Ghost is not one to ask more than he can receive. Being around Johnny as much as humanly possible is enough.
It has to be enough.
Still, he can’t help that ache in his heart, deep in his rib cage, that wishes it could hold Johnny, and never let go. It’s one he can ignore, like most of his aches, on the daily, but…
Soap isn’t around now to distract him. They were sent on separate missions, Johnny on an intel run, and himself on lookout duty, over this slimy bastard or another. Ghost doesn’t give a fuck, mounting his aches on the man behind his crosshairs. Can’t even fuckin’ shoot the bloody man, because he’s ‘too valuable’ or some shite.
He returned a couple of days ago. Soap’s squad is still out there, had some delay in their exfil. When he asked Price about it, apparently he didn’t have clearance to know more.
The Captain barely managed to kick him out of his office before Ghost went on a rampage.
Only after a long, painful, empty week later, does he finally hear some good news - Soap’s team will arrive in a few hours.
Ghost’s feet take him to the tarmac, and only once he sees the distant shape of the helo, does that ache subsides. He impatiently walks to the doors before they open, making sure to be the very first to see Johnny.
And when he, at last, sees him - those blue eyes were not all that blue.
Bloodshot, darkened by the shadows of the helo that seemingly wrap around his figure, Johnny didn’t spare him a glance before stomping off. The rest of the squad trickled out of the chopper, and Ghost saw 3 body bags in the back.
“You heard what happened on Soap’s mission?”
“He fucked it, right?”
“Well, it was more of Rogers’ fault, the idiot got caught and cornered. Sergeant just had to save him.”
“‘Had’. Should’ve left him for after the intel. Should’ve known it was rigged to blow. Isn’t he a damn expert at that?”
Ghost barely listens after that. They all filtered into the briefing room, generals looking furious. Soap didn’t even have time to change, still in full gear and absolutely covered in grime and blood. He has his arms crossed, and to Ghost it almost looks like he’s holding himself together.
It takes hours for them to finally leave, Ghost’s team dismissed before Soap’s. He stays behind, listening to the muted screams of the COs, before the doors slam open, his Sergeant walking away with unexpected speed.
Ghost, as he always does, silently follows.
He catches up to Soap while he’s struggling to remove his gear, movements uncoordinated, agitated, tense.
“Johnny.” his Sergeant ignores him. Ghost gently takes his hand, and lifts it off the straps of his vest. “I’ll get it.”
Soap, for his part, turns his head away. Ghost’s heart squeezes horribly when he feels the shakiness of him. It takes every cell in his body to not give in to the urge to wrap his arms around Johnny, a feeble attempt to shield him from it all.
“Ah’m…” Ghost slowly takes the vest off, and starts working on the various tools strapped to his hips, “ye told me Ah’m good enough.” Johnny whispers.
“You are.” the shaking in Soap’s limbs worsens. 
He’s still not looking at him. “The… the mission failed. Because of me. Three recruits are dead. Because of me.”
The lights in the armory flicker. Soap crosses his arms again, forcibly. 
Ghost risks crouching down, catching Soap’s eyes, “you didn’t know-”
“I SHOULD HAVE!” Soap’s voice quivers, the flickering light casting a shadow over his eyes. Yet, Ghost can still tell how much he’s hurting.
Ghost gives in.
He pulls Johnny into a hug, ignores his thumping fists, “let go- Ghost, let go of me!” Soap growls. He can almost feel Johnny’s heart thump hard against his chest as well, and he presses closer.
“Making a mistake doesn’t erase all the good you’ve done before.” he murmurs to his warhawk. Johnny’s hands stop trying to push him away.
“You’re a good man, Johnny.”
Soap grasps tightly at the back of his hoodie, “stop-”
Ghost softens his tone, “I’m serious. I…”
I love you. I love you as you are. I love you because of what you are. I love you I love you I love you-
Ghost swallows thickly around the words clawing their way up his throat, “let's go back to the common room, hm? I’m sure Garrick and Price will be happy to see you.”
Soap lets his head rest on Ghost’s shoulder, “at least someone is…”
Ghost delicately raises his head, “I’m happy to see you as well, Sergeant.”
Johnny’s answering smile may be only a shadow of its usual brightness, but it eases the ache. They leave the armory behind, the lights instantly stopping their flickering.
It hurts, sometimes, to love someone so wholly, Ghost discovers. Love makes you want, and for Ghost, that never panned out well.
And yet, he wouldn’t see a world where Johnny didn’t mean so much to him.
Soap knocks his knee to his, the action negligible in the eyes of others, but for his heart it means everything.
They haven’t moved an inch away from the other since their talk in the armory. Ghost was about to leave, let his Sergeant catch some well needed rest, when they were called back to action.
Less than 24 hours since the failed mission, Ghost and Soap are on their way back, accompanied by a fresh batch of recruits. He can tell Soap is determined to fix his mistakes, finish the objective, and get everyone out alive.
Johnny’s knee starts bouncing, his fingers dig into the flesh of his forearms, teeth ravaging his lower lip. Leaving dark red behind.
Ghost watches him for a moment, before intervening.
“What’s on your mind, Sergeant?” he lowers his head to privately whisper in Soap’s ear.
Johnny stops his movements for a second, “the mission, sir.”
“What about the mission?” Ghost lets a hand rest on his shaking leg.
Soap sighs, finally letting some tension bleed away, “Ah need… I can’t fuck this up.”
“You won’t.” Soap opens his mouth to argue, but Ghost continues, “you won’t. If something goes bad, it’s on me. I’m your superior, I’ll take the blame.”
Displeasure paint’s Johnny’s features, “ye shouldn’t do that fer my mistakes.”
I would take on each and every sin you committed, if only to lessen your burden a tad, if I could.
“It’s my job, Johnny.” he takes his hand away, “stay focused, now. Landing in 5.”
Soap frowns, the thoughts passing through his mind almost visible through those turbulent eyes, “...aye.”
The compound reminds Ghost of his time working as a butcher. Walls stripped to their foundations, rooms gutted and wiped clean. Dark gunpowder mixes with dried, flaking blood. The carcass of an animal, a bloody maw for them to pass through.
The farther in they walk, the more signs of life appear - makeshift covers, forgotten MREs, recently discarded ammo magazines. Hostiles that need to be dealt with.
In the brief he received on the helo, Ghost learned that the compound splits into two sections here: a research facility, where the intel was supposed to be, and a base for the soldiers protecting the sensitive information the former building contains.
“Soap”, his Sergeant turns to face him, previous anxiousness hidden away behind his professional facade, “take Alpha 1-3, 1-5 and 1-6, go clear the research facility. Might still have intel to salvage from there.”
Johnny recognizes the opportunity Ghost is giving him, “aye sir!”
“The rest of you, on me!”
He can’t waste time watching Soap’s form disappearing behind the corner. As much as he hates separating from him, if they do find intel, Ghost knows it will ease the guilt gnawing at Johnny.
Ghost clears hallway after hallway, finding only a handful of hostiles. The soldiers are obviously unprepared for another attack at this scale, still licking at the wounds Soap left on them. It all goes smoothly, far too smoothly for Ghost’s liking.
He learned to not trust his luck far back, in rooms with smoke-stained, peeling wallpapers, and broken beer bottles.
Static from his comms makes the hair on his nape raise, the crunching unnatural and disturbing. “Soap? Alpha 1-3? How copy?” he attempts to decipher the white noise, straining his ears to hear the almost-there words.
A shrill scream cuts through the buzzing, “-NO! GET AWAY-!!!”
“Johnny?! Answer me, now!” fear, a chilling venom, spreads through his veins.
The other recruits look back at him with a similar terror. Bits and pieces pass through their radios, “I DIDN’T MEAN IT, PLEASE-!”, “-I’M SORRY, I’M SOR-”, “-HELP!!!-”
“S-sir?” 1-4 wobbly asks, “what do we-”
Ghost bursts into a sprint, holding his radio tightly, “Soap! This is 0-7, we’re on our way to back you up!” he addresses the recruits, “keep yourselves sharp, and stay together! This could be a trap!”
A chorus of “yes sir!” sounds behind him, lost in the winding halls of the compound. His boots thump the tile floor with the beat of his heart, his fear carved into the burning in his lungs.
A deep rumbling takes over the static, the recruits wincing and pulling the comms away from their ears. A primal fear, one Ghost hasn’t felt since digging himself out of the grave, spreads through him.
“...LEAVE….. ME………”
Yet, something else rises within him. That voice… the words leave an ache in his heart.
“Sir… whatever the fuck that thing is… We can’t just go there, right?” Alpha 1-2 asks him, the rest nodding in agreement.
Ghost wastes a moment to tower over him, “your teammates are stuck with that thing. Are you going to leave them to die?”
“N-no sir.”
“NO SIR!” the dread washes away from the recruit’s face, determination replacing it.
Ghost sharply nods, “then let’s move!”
He’s not leaving any man behind today. No matter what’s waiting on the side - a deranged hostile or a damn fairy tale monster. They go out as a team.
Ghost tries to push away the voice he didn’t hear yet, the glaring silence a hole burrowing into his chest. Nothing could distract him enough, the ache growing and growing. But he can’t sink just yet.
Soap still could be out there, incapacitated in some way, or without comms. Possibly having to go dark, in light of the thing that rumbled through their radios.
He’s not optimistic, never tries to be.
But he can’t accept defeat.
Only Johnny’s body would be the final nail in his coffin.
The first recruit their group encounters is alive. Covered in blood, catatonic, and deep in shock, but alive. Ghost attempts to question him, but it becomes clear the man doesn’t even hear him.
He leaves one soldier with him, ordering him to call for a med evac. The rest continue with Ghost, disturbed by the state of their teammate but obedient to his commands. He doesn’t voice the questions that keep rising in his mind. Ghost needs them as sharp as they could be about now.
The winding hallways open wider in the next turn, and the scene in front of them only confuses him further.
The first thing Ghost registers is red. His first instinct is to call it blood, but the webs covering the walls are very much not blood. They’re… unlike anything he has ever seen.
The recruits are the second. Alpha 1-3 and 1-6… the rest of the missing team. Except…
Don’t think about it. There’s no body.
“Rogers”, he calls for 1-3, who’s crouching over 1-6’s still form, “give me sitrep, now!”
Rogers’ eyes are wide, akin to a prey animal cornered by its hunter. He looks anywhere but at Ghost, mumbling lowly. In frustration, Ghost twists a fist in his collar, and drags him up, “answer me! Where is Sergeant MacTavish?!”
“He’s not- not him- n-not him-”
Ghost grits his teeth, growling, “speak clearly.”
“There’s something wrong about Sergeant MacTavish!” Rogers finally spits out, tears springing from his frantic eyes, “that’s not- he did this- he did this!” his breath hitches on sobs, arm weakly pointing to the crimson tendrils hanging from the ceiling around them.
Fucking hell. Bastard lost his mind.
Ghost lets go of him, vitriol evident in his voice when he grounds, “stay here. All of you.”
He takes a step towards the red mess, when a hand grasps at his pant leg.
“Y-y-you can’t go there! Don’t go there! It hurts!!!” Rogers cries, the other recruits trying to gently pull him back.
Ghost gives him a cold stare, “stand down.”
Rogers, in the recesses of his mind, understands the threat for what it is, and lets his shaking fingers fall away from his leg.
The recruits look up at him, all expressions lost, and they don’t dare follow when Ghost leaves them behind, steps dead silent.
Whatever this shite is, he’s getting Soap out.
Whether it’s alive or dead, it doesn’t matter. He won’t let him rot in this literal hell.
Johnny deserves so much more than that.
The red webs become thicker, the deeper he traverses. They now cover the walls, the floors, every single inch of the compound’s structure.
Deeper into the beast’s belly Ghost goes.
The rumbling they heard on comms now echoes among these walls, a heavy breathing of a thing he dreads to identify. Every instinct in his body tells him to run, every step a monumental task to reject the need to turn back.
But he can’t. Not without Johnny.
Even the light is covered now, red beams barely peeking among the webs. Ghost attempts ignoring his current reality, if only to try and submerge the fear clawing at his very cells.
What he imagines instead, is him.
“Creeping Jesus, sir. Yer seeing this shite? Right out o’ a horror movie.”
Ghost can almost hear his lilting Scottish accent, the rough way it sounds the words.
“Ye fit right in, already got the outfit an’ all. Guess that makes me the helpless lass runnin’ awa’ from ye.”
His eyelids flutter, at the memory of Soap’s cheery tone, when he’s trying to joke but failing at holding his laughter back.
It sends a stab of pain through his heart, but Ghost would prefer that to the all encompassing terror. A distraction he welcomes, perhaps too openly.
It makes him lose his focus, and his boot crunches loudly on the red floor.
Ghost freezes, breath caught in his lungs.
The webs pulsate, winding tighter around the concrete walls. It shakes the entire building, threatening to collapse on everyone. 
Ghost’s hands shake, even as he strengthens the grip on his rifle.
The world doesn’t matter, things both understood and incomprehensible, if Johnny isn’t by his side.
He rounds the corner, the lights flickering, the world blinking in and out of existence.
In front of him, is a figure.
As red as fresh blood, as twisted as corded muscles, as imposing as a knife to the throat.
The origin of the crimson strings.
His legs refuse to move, and Ghost is left helpless for the first time since he donned on the mask. His eyes drag down the imitation of a man.
Beneath him, a chest cavity is cracked open. The body is laid crumpled on the floor, a dark warhawk popping against the bright reds.
“......WHY….. ARE YOU HERE……..?”
Ghost understands the source of his ache, why his heart twists at every word of the bloodied man.
The red man quivers, veins pulsating.
“......GET OUT……..”
Ghost inhales sharply, using every drop of willpower to make his legs unstick and move.
“I’m not leaving without you.”
The red tries to catch on Ghost’s boots, try to pull him away from the bodies.
He recognizes the rumbling sounds for what they are now.
Soap is crying.
The webs pull strongly at his right leg, and Ghost falls to the ground with a grunt.
“You’re enough, Soap. I told you, this time I take the blame-”
The walls shake with the force of his voice, Ghost hastily covering his ears with a wince.
He crawls forward, inch by inch.
Ghost strains his muscles against the tendrils, belatedly realizing the contact is burning through his clothes.
“Who? Who did you kill?”
He can almost reach him… Just a little more…
Ghost frowns, “they’re not dead, Johnny.”
The red man halts, his exposed heart thumping. His face is a mangled form of muscles and veins, eyes dark red and glassy.
“....DON’T……..DON’T LIE…………..” the man heaves, heart stuttering, “.....THE AMBUSH……I COULDN’T HOLD IT TOGETHER……….”
Ghost is close enough to see Johnny’s face, red splattering his pale cheeks, face twisted in pure anguish.
Hands around his chest, as if he tried to physically push the man back in and failed.
“I saw them. Alpha 1-3, 1-5, 1-6. They were scared shitless, but they’re fucking alive.”
Red tears drip down the crimson man’s cheeks, some falling on Ghost and burning his palms.
“......DON’T LIE-”
The red man closes his mouth, tilting his head and finally looking at him.
“Do you trust me?”
Ghost reaches a hand, but the man flinches away.
“......I TRUST YOU…….”
It hurts. Every touch of that crimson substance shoots pain throughout his system.
But more than that, the tone of his voice, the defeat. Ghost’s heart hurts with his.
“Let me help you, Johnny.”
The man shakes his head minutely, leaning back as far as he can.
“.....I’LL HURT YOU……”
Ghost lays a hand on the crimson man’s hand. It does hurt, it hurts a lot.
“Then we will be in pain together.”
Ghost uses the last of his strength to shoot up, wrapping his arms around the man.
The muscles convulse, red enveloping him. It feels like hugging thorns.
He squeezes harder.
The heart, beating so hard it shakes Ghost to his core, feels so fragile between them. He pulls one hand away to gently cup it.
“I… I kept things from you as well, Johnny.” Ghost confesses, “I was afraid, you’d see the bloody mess inside of me, and run away.”
The heart in his hand beats louder.
“It doesn’t matter how ugly the things you hide from me are.”
He looks at the red eyes.
“I’d love you in any form you take.”
The crimson heart melts, taking with it the man, and the webs that twisted around them. Ghost falls to his knees, body curling in on itself in pain. He squeezes his eyes shut, breathing harshly.
A hand on his cheek lifts his head carefully. He cracks his eyes open.
Blue greets him.
“Simon…” Johnny whispers, eyes filling with tears, crystalline drops.
Ghost lifts his hand, ignores the aching. It holds nothing compared to the balm over his heart.
He doesn’t know who pulled the other first.
All that mattered at that moment, is the hesitant touch of their lips.
It tasted like a vow.
‘You may hold my heart
If I can hold yours.’
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jesterofcringe · 4 months
I can't take it anymore- Is that an exit door? [Liminal space au] Natalie x Reader
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this follows the rules of the backrooms except i have no idea how the backrooms work and didnt feel like writing the entities so its liminal spaces instead :3 i love writing cringe can you tell also people who sent in requests im working on em now they'll be out soon 😋👍 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★It all started because you were messing around with Natalie and it, once again, got you two in trouble.
★It started with a shove, which turned into a couple of light punches, which turned into a whole play fight. 
★Natalie pushed you hard enough to knock you over, and in trying to save yourself you instinctively grabbed her shirt and the both of you went crashing into the wall.
★Except you didn’t.
★The two of you fell for far too long, as if the wall was never there. Finally, you landed with a splash, your entire body submerged in water.
★You had crashed into a wall, and now you were submerged in water. Because that totally made sense.
★In a panic you scrambled to your feet, rubbing the water out of your eyes. When you opened them, you saw you were in a subway system, water flooded up to your knees.
★Everything got more confusing the more you made an effort to understand what was going on.
★Natalie’s hand shot out and grabbed your arm, “Are… are you seeing this too??”
★“Yeah…” You nodded slow “…I think so.”
★“Subway station, balls deep with water?”
★“Could we like, be hallucinating the same thing?”
★You kicked up the water, splashing her, “Would we be able to feel a hallucination?”
★A heavy silence blanketed the two of you as you shivered and tried to figure out what the hell just happened.
★Natalie started to walk away from you, and you instantly followed after her.
★“Where are you going?”
★“It’s freezing. Hallucination or not we can’t just stay here.”
★She reached back and offered you a hand, which you took in one of your own. Somehow, her fingers were colder than the water.
★Ever since then, nothing really made sense anymore. 
★At the end of the subway there was a door. A door with a faint glow around it. That was the only thing that stayed consistent. A door was always there and it always brought you somewhere new, no matter how different than the last. After the subway station it was a movie theater. Following that was a shopping mall, and an empty parking lot after that one. The doors brought you just about anywhere. You had seen more Walmarts than you cared to admit.
★That wasn’t even the weirdest part. No matter where you were, there was absolutely never any people. Entire amusement parks, attractions moving and all, completely abandoned by human life... Did humanity vanish, or did you?
★“Do you think the rest of the yellowjackets are looking for us?
★It was a random ass question. The last door you guys passed through led you into a gas station and the two of you were in the middle of stuffing a backpack you found with as much resources as you could. Despite thinking Natalie's question was somewhat out of the blue, you couldn't deny the fact that you had been thinking about the same thing.
★“I hope so.”
★ She tossed you a pair of flashlights and a candy bar, “What do you think they’re saying about us?”
★“Probably think we ran away and got married in secret.” You shrugged as you attempted to stuff some bubble gum in the front pocket.
★“At this point we may as well," She ripped open a bag of fruit gummies and offered you some, which you politely declined, "It’s not like we’re ever gonna get out of here.”
★You didn't appreciate the implications of never finding your way out, but you didn't mind the idea of becoming somewhat romantic with Natalie, even if it was due to the fact you two seemed to be likely to die together whether you were romantic or not.
★It was hard to keep track of the days. If you had to guess, it had been a few months. It felt a lot longer than that, though. Time was sort of distorted, although the first few weeks you were obsessed with trying to track how long the two of you had been trapped. Natalie was able to tell the whole concept of time was starting to drive you a bit mad, and the next time the doors brought you some place high up she chucked her watch as far as she could so you would stop staring at it.
★"What the hell Natalie! We needed that!"
★"Knowing the time isn't going to get us out of here! You staying sane, will!"
★You had to really get lucky with the places you ended up. Sometimes you went without food for weeks, sometimes you ended up in places with enough resources to provide for the next eighty years. You never stayed even though you knew you should. You were absolutely desperate to get out. Natalie on the other hand, came to terms with the whole thing surprisingly quick. She was very level headed, her calmness rubbing off on you whenever you started to work yourself up.
★“You’re delusional dude, you need sleep.”
★“I don’t wanna sleep, we need to keep going.”
★“We can keep going tomorrow.”
★“We. Can. Keep. Going. Tomorrow.”
★There was a time you ended up in an elementary school when the both of you were exhausted. You were both too tired to realize you had been walking through the same place every time you found the door. When you eventually did realize it after the third time, Natalie said fuck It, and you ended up spooning on the couch in the front lobby of the school.
★[The next morning the door you passed through led you to a mattress store. You didn’t know who you wanted to kill more, the doors or Natalie. The cuddles were pretty nice though, so you couldn’t stay mad at her.]
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Recovery - Chapter 36
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Eminem x Female Reader Fanfiction
Synopsis : Reader and Em celebrate their first Thanksgiving together and she finally meets Kim.
The last thing Marshall expected was to get married again. After his second failed marriage to Kim, he swore he was done with marriage, and that he was done with her. He still loved her very much but he had to admit it eventually : it was never going to work between the two of them. Letting go of her and of their relationship was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do (even getting sober seemed easier than this), but he knew he had to, at least for the sake of his daughters. Every time they got back together after a breakup, the girls got their hopes up and it was heartbreaking. Plus, they were growing up and already smarter than their parents. It wouldn’t take long for them to realize that they were struggling, constantly cheating on each other, abusing substances… They simply couldn’t keep going on like this. When he got out of the courthouse after their second divorce was final, he swore he would never get married ever again, much less get back with her. And yet, more than a decade after, he was standing in a chapel with Kim, a minister and Paul as their witness. It wasn’t your usual wedding. In fact, it could barely qualify as a wedding. There was no service, no white dress, no guests… It was probably the best kept secret in America. Save for Paul and the minister, no one knew they were tying the knot again, not even his daughters. In fact, they were the last people he wanted to find out. They would never understand why their parents were getting married again. The first time, they got married on a whim, right before a tour. Kim had pressured him to propose because she feared he would be unfaithful while on tour (which eventually happened). The second time around, he actually pressured her into accepting when he proposed on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of their first date, only to file for divorce after less than ninety days of marriage. This time, though, that had nothing to do with love. He was marrying Kim out of necessity. She had tried to off herself, once again and, this time, she almost succeeded. If paramedics hadn’t been remarkably quick to save her, she would have left four children behind. Marshall was distraught by the thought that his kids could lose their mother. He knew he had to step up and do something. Especially when he was the one to blame in the first place for her substance abuse. 
Kim was a bit hard to convince this time, when he suggested they get married, but she ended up agreeing that it might make sense. If he was her husband, he would be able to make medical decisions and if, God forbid, something had to happen to her, it would be his responsibility to take care of her funeral, estate and her son’s upbringing. Otherwise, it would fall onto his daughters to do it all and care for Parker, but they were far too young for this. Kim didn’t love him anymore but she had always relied on him and his support when it came to her health, so she accepted. None of them were especially happy to tie the knot again but, at least, things would be taken care of. 
They got married in the utmost secrecy, Paul being the only person they knew who was aware of the wedding. Of course, the manager tried to dissuade him from marrying Kim again, but to no avail. The whole thing was expeditive : it took ten minutes, both of them wearing sweat suits and sneakers, no rings, going their separate ways after. Him leaving for a studio session in California, her going back to her rehab center. 
After that, they didn’t see each other for months, though they often spoke on the phone. They didn’t really mention being married again, save for a couple of jokes about how it might actually be their most successful attempt at a marriage. Maybe it was the best kept secret after all : you can be successful in marriage if you don’t love your spouse, don’t live with them and are only in this for practical reasons. They also didn’t really worry about a potential divorce. They had signed a prenup that would make it easy but they highly doubted it would come to that. They were pretty adamant about never getting married ever again (for real this time), to anyone else. They’d been broken up for a while and they didn’t love each other like that anymore, but they were in agreement that it would be unlikely for any of them to fall in love again, with anyone else. She wasn’t in a psychological state to date, and he was unavailable emotionally. As far as he was concerned, music was the only lady he was committed to, and he could make do with one night stands. When your relationships with women have been failures, you start to resign eventually. So he was at peace with his decision. It wasn’t like he wanted to be in a serious relationship with someone ever again anyway. 
He never really expected to regret marrying Kim for the third time. That was until Y/N walked in his life and things became more than serious between the two of them. At the beginning, even though he was head over heels in love with her, he sort of expected things to blow up between the two of them, so he didn’t bother telling her he was married. And sure enough, that’s what happened : they broke up because they were not in agreement when it came to the future, namely the topics of marriage and kids. He was distraught when she left but he didn’t blame her : she deserved to be happy and to have all her dreams come true. He knew he could not marry her and give her kids anyway. Letting her go was hard, but he loved her enough not to stand in the way of her dreams. But, by some divine miracle, she came back to him and their relationship got serious pretty fast. They even moved in together. He knew he probably should tell her, but he could never find the right time. First, they got back together, then some drama ensued when she learned that his assistant almost blew him a few days earlier, then they went on vacation with his family, then they almost broke up because he was a trauma-ridden asshole… He didn’t want to lie to her, but he also didn’t want to lose her. He could have gotten over his guilt by telling himself that no one else knew anyway, but when she mentioned him not being married to Kim anymore, he could barely ignore it. He knew he would have to tell her eventually, and hoped that she would understand. Because there was no way he could live without her. She was the one he wanted to grow old with. She might very well be the love of his life. So much so that, if he hadn’t been married to Kim, he might have considered proposing. That’s how in love he was. But for now, he could only pray everything would go well for their first holiday together. 
Y/N’s POV 
It was your first Thanksgiving with Marshall and you were happy to spend your first holiday together as a couple, after an eventful week. It was your first time seeing his brother and his family as an official girlfriend and, most of all, you were finally going to meet Kim. You knew you didn’t really have anything to worry about - Marshall had been pretty adamant - but you were starting to feel nervous as she walked through the door and you set your eyes on her for the first time. She was much taller than you, rather charismatic. There was something about the way she carried herself that made her sort of impressive. 
Hi ! You must be Y/N ! I’m Kim. It’s so nice to finally meet you, she said in a friendly tone. 
You too, you said shyly. 
Marshall stroked the back of your hand before greeting her. Their daughters were here, as well as Parker, Kim’s son, which made things less awkward. Nate and his family arrived too and the house was soon filled. It was a laid back atmosphere and Marshall seemed happy to have the people he loved around him. He was joking around with his brother and his nephews, whom he hadn’t seen in a very long time. They also remembered you and seemed happy to see you. 
Uncle Marshall ! Is it true that you have a girlfriend now ? Carter asked. 
It’s true, Marshall beamed. 
Hard to believe, huh ? Nate chimed in. The old man finally found someone to put up with him ! 
Where is she ? His nephew asked in excitement. 
I’m right here, you chuckled. 
Wait… I thought you were Hailie’s age, Liam asked with a hint of confusion in his eyes.
This is going to be fun, Nate said with a huge grin. 
Everyone was staring at the two of you with smirks on their faces. You blushed a little. You absolutely weren’t ashamed of your age difference, but you knew Marshall was a little more prone to this feeling. Also, there was something a bit unsettling about a child confronting you about it. 
Well, uh… I am Hailie’s age, you simply said. But sometimes, grown-ups fall in love with people who are a bit older. Or younger.
Yeah, but Uncle Marshall is like… really old, Carter said. 
Why, thanks, buddy, Marshall replied with a grin. So you expected me to end up alone or…?
No ! I figured you’d make friends at the retirement home, Liam shrugged. 
Everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes and you could resist pecking his cheek. « I’m not that old » he muttered grumpily. Everyone hung out together and, once again, you proved bravery was not your strong suit. You methodically avoided standing anywhere near Kim. She was towering around six feet and you were feeling ridiculously small next to her. And she was definitely impressive, with some sort of mysterious aura. She was nice but, at the same time, keeping to herself and, whenever she spoke, she had some sort of sultry voice. For the first time ever, you felt conscious about your own voice and accent. Up until now, you had managed to stay sane and reasonable but you were starting to wonder what Marshall saw in you. You were not like Kim at all. Were you even his type…? Even Tracy had more in common with her. You, you were younger, nowhere near as charismatic either… To add to your misery, Kim even managed to make Marshall laugh. They obviously had their own inside jokes. Hailie, Alaina and Stevie seemed happy to spend the day with the two of them, though, and that was obviously the most important thing. 
I have a present for you, Stevie told you. Well, you and Dad, actually. 
I didn’t know we were supposed to exchange presents, you said shyly. 
We don’t, she giggled. And it’s nothing fancy ! But I hope you like it ! 
She handed you a small bag and you sat on the couch to open it, Marshall by your side. It was a photo album of gorgeous pictures she had taken with a disposable camera during your family vacations in Europe. There were a lot of candid shots of you and Marshall, that you hadn’t noticed her taking in the moment. One of the pictures was printed out and put in a frame. 
I thought you might want to have at least one picture of the two of you on display in the house, she said. 
You hugged her, almost emotional. It was a really beautiful shot of the two of you in Capri. It was taken from the back and Marshall was holding you and kissing your temple. You had spent a day on the island while you were in Italy and you absolutely loved it. You looked at the pictures in the album, reminiscing of your time in Europe. Some of them were really cute and sweet : Marshall sleeping on your shoulder on the jet, you, Hailie and Alaina drinking mocktails in Italy… Everyone looked at the photo and the girls provided commentary. 
We should really do this again, Alaina said with excitement. Europe was great ! 
It was, Marshall said with a smile. Maybe we could do that again. 
You got this man to travel and actually enjoy it ?! Nate asked you in disbelief. 
And she got him to reduce the amount of security, too, Stevie pointed out. We had a great time in Europe ! 
Who are you and what have you done to my brother-in-law ? Ashley joked. 
Is it Thanksgiving or is it “Let’s make fun of Marshall” day ? Marshall asked with an eye roll. 
Overall, you had a good day with everyone. You got to watch Marshall win his basketball game against Nate and everyone seemed to enjoy your cooking. Kim complimented you on your dish and joked that Marshall would definitely put on a few if you kept on feeding him french food. They joked around a lot and seemed like friends. In a way, they probably were. After all, Marshall had told you they met when he was fifteen and stuck together through thick and thin. After dinner, the whole family lounged in the living room, playing video games, drinking mocktails, talking… You had a great time with Nate, who made a point to call you his “favorite sister-in-law”, loud and clear right in front of Kim, who just rolled her eyes and pretended not to hear a thing. You didn’t really have the details, but you gathered they didn’t exactly get along. At some point, though, you realized that her and Marshall were nowhere to be seen. You did your best to appear unfazed. Once you were done, you stepped outside for some fresh air. You weren’t exactly big on gatherings and could feel a headache was on its way. You spotted Marshall and Kim talking from afar, seemingly having a serious conversation. At first, you didn’t think too much of it but jealousy poked its ugly head out when you saw her giving him a hug. You scoffed and went back inside, not willing to subject yourself to that. Hailie came to see you, making small talk. 
I wonder where Mom and Dad are, she said. Have you seen them ? 
I think they’re outside, talking, you replied with feigned ignorance. Do you want to go and get them ? 
It’s fine, she said. They’ve been out a long time, though. They’re probably talking about Christmas presents or something like that. 
You shrugged and quickly switched to another subject. The two of you went to the kitchen to make some tea and talk about what you could get Marshall for Christmas. She gave you a ton of ideas, which was pretty great. At some point, Kim and Marshall walked in and he chastised you for clearing the table and doing the dishes without him. 
You could have let me do it, he groaned. 
There it goes, Kim said playfully. Not a holiday unless Marshall gets grumpy. 
Not an actual day if he doesn’t get grumpy, you said with a smirk. 
Seems like you know him pretty well, she grinned. 
I don’t like this, Marshall sighed before pulling you to him and kissing your temple. 
They’re ganging up on you, Dad, Hailie warned. 
At least my children are nice to me, he said. 
Only because I need a favor, she said with a small smile. 
I knew it, he said with faux exasperation. What do you want ? Or should I ask how much this is going to cost ? 
Do you remember that one jacket that you had in one of your music videos ? I’d like to borrow it. We’re recording a new podcast episode soon and I have an outfit idea in mind, she said. 
Don’t you have your own clothes, though ? He asked with a smile. 
My followers love it when I pay tribute to you, she said. I’m merely indulging them. Please ? It’s Thanksgiving. 
Fine, he shrugged. But I’m going to need more details because “that one jacket from that one video” is a bit vague, Hay. 
Let’s just go look ! 
They went upstairs, leaving you alone with Kim. You were tempted to run away from the kitchen but it was impossible for you to do so without being painfully obvious. You were uneasy but she, on the other hand, seemed pretty comfortable. Why wouldn’t she, though ? She’d lived in that house for a while and she wasn’t new to the family either. She wasn’t the one out of place, here. You were. 
It’s, uh… It’s cute that she’s paying tribute to him in the podcast, you commented in an attempt to make small talk. 
It is, she replied with a smile. They have such a great relationship. He’s a great Dad. 
Yeah, he’s a great person, you said honestly. The best.
You’re all gushing, she teased. 
Sorry, you said awkwardly.
No, it’s sweet, she said. He’s really amazing so I’m happy he is with someone who sees it. 
I mean, he’s always been incredible to me, since we met, you confessed. 
About two years ago, right ? She asked with genuine interest. 
That’s right, you said. Our relationship is more recent, though. 
This, he told me, she chuckled. I probably shouldn’t tell you but he won’t shut up about you. 
Really ? You asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Oh, absolutely, she said. I think he even told me about you before you started dating. But that stays between us. 
Only if you told me what he said, you replied with a smile. 
The first time he ever mentioned you was when you had that incident at the bar, she said. He was pissed and worried. I could tell you meant a lot to him, by the way he talked about you. 
Oh wow, you said. I wasn’t expecting him to tell you about this. 
He doesn’t tell me everything, don’t worry, she chuckled. I happened to catch him on a day when he was pissed about it and he ended up telling me. But I could see he liked you. You know, it’s not often that he falls so hard for someone. 
I guess I’m pretty lucky, you said. 
I’d say he’s the lucky one, she pointed out. Seems like you gave up a lot to be with him. I mean, you moved to another country.
Yeah, well… He’s worth it, you said. I tried being without him and I didn’t like that. 
I saw him when you were broken up and he didn’t like it too much either, she said. You’re good for him. 
You think ? You asked with genuine curiosity. 
Well, you’re the only woman who got him to do therapy, she pointed out. Tried for years and he never agreed to it. 
You were surprised he told her about that, too. It was definitely weird, discussing your relationship with his ex wife, but her attitude put you at ease. It seemed like she genuinely wanted him to be happy. 
I’m really happy for you guys, she continued. I also wanted to thank you for having me today. I mean, you could have refused to meet me or have me in the house at all, a lot of people would have, but you didn’t. 
You debated telling her you couldn’t have put up much of a fight even if you had wanted to, since Marshall didn’t really give you a say in the matter. 
You’re welcome, you said. It’s a family holiday, both of you should be able to enjoy it with your kids. 
I’m really glad you see it this way, she said. It looks like we’ll be seeing each other a couple of times a year for a long time, so I’m really glad we get along. 
You’re not at all like I imagined, you couldn’t help but say. 
Meaning ? She asked with a grin. 
I mean… You know. You’re nice. 
She let out a hearty laugh and placed a friendly hand on your shoulder. 
Did you expect me to be the mean ex-wife full of spite ? She asked with a smirk. 
No… I mean… Kind of ? You explained sheepishly. For the record, no one spoke ill of you. But I figured… You know, there’s history. And usually, ex-wives and new girlfriends don’t get along. 
Well, there comes a point in life where you just have to accept that things don’t work out, she said. I’ll be honest : I will always love Marshall. He has saved me in more ways than one. But I’m just not in love with him anymore, you know ? Now, we’re just rooting for each other to be happy. And if that’s any comfort, I was a bit anxious to meet you, too. 
Were you ? You asked in surprise. 
Of course ! He told me you were amazing, and I know the girls like you, but… you know. You’re still the first person he fell in love with after me. It’s the end of an era. I’m not proud of it, but I guess I sort of liked having this bond with him, she explained. But hey, I’m happy for you guys. I really am. I mean, you’re so much nicer than the last one I met anyway… 
Who was it ? You asked with curiosity. 
Tracy, she said as she rolled her eyes. I hate that woman. 
Just like that, the two of you were like old friends. Proof that no one gets people closer than hating on the same person if there was ever a need for one. There was no real depth to it, just Kim feeding you old gossip and hating on Tracy. You were giggling like schoolgirls when Marshall walked back in the kitchen. 
Everything alright ? Marshall asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
Yes, you said with a genuine smile. 
I’m telling your lovely girlfriend what a terrible man you are. Just so that she knows what to expect, Kim said jokingly. 
Marshall glared at her, obviously not amused by the joke and she simply shook her head before going back to the living room, leaving the two of you alone. 
She didn’t say anything, you reassured him. 
What’s with all the giggling then ? 
Secrets, you chuckled. You’re right, she is pretty cool. 
Mmmh, he said with a small frown. 
He seemed pretty preoccupied, as if he were actually worried that Kim might let something slip. However, you didn’t pay it too much attention. You’d had a few talks about how abusive he’d been in the past, and you figured he just didn’t want you to be reminded of that, especially when you’d gone through a rough patch. You took advantage of no one being in the room to pull him in for a deep kiss. 
I’m so in love with you, he said. 
I love you too, you said. I’m so glad we’re celebrating our first Thanksgiving together. 
Me too, he replied. I can’t even tell you how happy I am that you get along with my family. Nate told me earlier how great he thinks you are. You’re so perfect. I’m so blessed to be with you. 
So… Am I on the list of what you’re thankful for ? You mused. 
You are the list, he said before kissing your forehead. 
The two of you went back to hang out with the others. Everyone was sitting on the couch while Stevie was showing them something on her iPad. 
You guys are just in time for my yearly presentation, she said with a smile. 
Shit, I thought I managed to miss it, Marshall chortled. 
What presentation ? You asked. 
Every year on Thanksgiving, Stevie tried to guilt trip us into adopting pets from the shelter she volunteers at, Nate explaied. 
They need a home, she pointed out. 
As long as it’s not my house, Marshall said with a grin. 
We usually get out of it by donating a bunch of money, Alaina said. 
You sat on the couch, curling on Marshall’s side as Stevie did her presentation, starting with dogs. Then, she got to cats and, as soon as you saw the first one, you fell in love. It wasn’t a cute kitten you would have expected to swoon over. It was a thirteen year-old cat with feline dwarfism that gave him a grumpy look. He had a few patches of missing hair and wouldn’t qualify as a beautiful cat but there was something about him that drew you in. 
Oh my God, he is adorable, you said. 
Adorable ? That… thing ? Marshall asked with a grimace. 
Have you seen him ? You asked him with love in your eyes. 
Have you ?! 
He’s old, and he’s grumpy, and I love him already, you said. 
Old and grumpy… I think that woman has a type, Kim said, causing everyone to laugh. 
Marshall looked at you while you made eyes at him while whispering “please, please, please”. After a few seconds he sighed and agreed. 
Alright, he sighed. I guess we’re getting a cat. But please give him a cool name. I can’t have a cat with a stupid name like “Fluffy”. 
It should be rap-related, Alaina suggested. 
I like that, Marshall said. 
How about Mew Tang Clan ? You asked. Or Wiz Catlifa ? He looks like a Wiz ! 
Ok, Marshall chuckled. Anything you want. Let’s go for Wiz Catlifa. 
You jumped at his neck and kissed his cheek, feeling like a kid on Christmas Day. He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your temple. You’d had a shitty week but you were incredibly happy, with the man you loved by your side, who agreed to go to the shelter with you the following week. 
Eventually, after a while, everyone left. Kim was the last one to say her goodbyes. As she went through the door, she turned to Marshall and looked at him with a smile. 
Oh, and, Marsh ? You’re off the hook. Happy Thanksgiving. 
You had no idea what that meant, and you figured out it was one of their inside jokes or something like this. You were just happy that everything had gone smoothly. Plus, you actually like Kim and were happy to get along with her. Marshall, however, seemed a little puzzled. He nodded silently. 
You were all relaxed as you went to bed. The nerves had drained you out from your energy.
Are you alright, babe ? Marshall asked as you rested your head on your pillow. 
Tired, but I had a good time. I can’t believe we’re getting a cat ! You said giddily. 
Only you could make me agree, he chuckled. When our last cat died, I swore we wouldn’t get another one. But if it makes you happy… 
It does, you said with a smile. I love him already. Have you seen him ? 
I have. You picked me so I knew you had bad taste but this… This is ultimate proof, babygirl, he chuckled. 
Shut up, you said with a pout. I won’t have you speak ill of our cat. 
“Our cat”, he said pensively. I like the sound of that. It’s like starting a little family with you. 
You giggled and nuzzled his neck, placing a small kiss there and prompting him to pull you closer to him. 
You’re all romantic, you said. 
You’re worth it, he said. I love you.  And the whole family fell in love with you, it seems. 
Did they ? 
They did, he nodded. Even Kim. I don’t know how you did that, honestly. 
Maybe she’s just pretending, you said. 
I don’t think she is, he said intently. Whatever. I’m just happy they like you. 
You nodded and nuzzled his neck. 
Happy Thanksgiving, my love.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
S4 Starts with the Demobats Attacking the School / Rejected Stobin Time Travel AU Bit
Eddie's hunched over the table, fingers held up in wicked claws. His hair hangs down as he tilts his head, voice pitched to the maniacal tone of the villain he's finally unleashed on his players. 
This is it. The big reveal, the prelude to the boss fight. His players have worked hard to get here, and they stare raptly, caught up in the rising horror of betrayal and terror that Eddie's been weaving around them.
This whole campaign took months to reach this point. His glee cannot be contained and so he channels it into his villain instead; cackling madly before throwing himself upwards, one hand covering his face but with his fingers splayed to showcase one wide eye. 
"Now you see your fatal flaw!" Eddie crows. "Pick up your weapons and--"
He slams one hand down on the table. 
"--fight --"
He slams his other hand down. 
A third bang, far louder than Eddie's own echoes through the room. 
Hellfire as a whole jumps --Dustin screaming and Jeff shouting--as Steve fucking Harrington bursts through the drama room's door. 
"Why the hell don't you have your walkies!?" He thunders as he flies in, face furious. 
Fury bolts through Eddie like lightning, so fast it leaves him temporarily light headed. 
"Steve!" Dustin yelps at the same time Mike pissily shouts his name. Both leap to their feet, as Harrington, chest heaving, slams the door behind himself. 
"We have a code red!" Harrington spits, eyes focused on the younger Hellfire members. He fumbles with the door for a moment, long enough for Eddie to realize he’s trying to lock it, before the ex-jock strides into the room. 
It's not until Steve gets closer that Eddie registers the bat with nails in it. There's a dark, tacky liquid leaking down the sides, little bits of something rancid clinging to some of the nails. 
A metallic scent that screams 'wrong wrong wrong!' and oh God. 
It's blood.
Real blood, not the fake stuff Eddie once bought for his Dracula costume. 
"The Party--" Dustin hisses, head flying comically between Steve and the rest of the table (but most noticeably, down at Eddie’s end, where the older Hellfire members reside.) 
"I suggest you read them in or whatever Nance calls it, Henderson, because they're involved now." Harrington says, deadly serious. 
Sinclair’s face scrunches up in confusion. "What do you--" 
Something screeches outside. The noise raises every hair on Eddie's neck, and temporarily stuns the room into silence.
An echoing scream answers, just as inhuman as the first. 
Harrington winces. "Give em the cliffnotes version man, there's a bunch of bats outside."
"Bat bats or--demobats?"
"What do you think, Mike?" 
"Fuck." Sinclair hisses under his breath. 
"Anyone besides me have any weapons?" Harrington asks and he sounds like he's not hopeful for a yes but is asking anyway.
"Yes Steve, we all brought guns to school. Mines in my locker!" Mike snips, and Harrington levels him with that annoyed look mothers everywhere somehow seem to know. 
"I've got my slingshot." Lucas chimes in, patting his backpack. "I uh, I don't go anywhere without it anymore." 
Harrington nods, once. His faze ticks up, sweeping across the room to the older members. 
"Alright. Anyone else?" 
"A knife." Jeff admits after a long pause, his own eyes trained on Harrington's nail bat.
Grant shakes his head, and Gareth, usually the loudest of them, is silent. 
A static crackle makes everyone jump, before a tinny voice comes through. "Steve, are you there? This is Nancy." 
"Hey Nance. We have an Upside Down situation at the school."
A pause then; "it's not just the school." 
"Shit." Dustin hisses. Then adds; "Scale of one to ten, how many bats would you say are outside?” 
“Too many.” Harrington answers, running his free hand through his hair. It’s a soothing motion, Eddie has watched Steve enough to know that, but this time something’s different. 
Less “shit I flunked my chemistry final” and more frantic, “we’re losing the baseball game and also Hargrove’s being weirdly aggressive again.”
Not that Eddie witnessed such events, just that he had….heard about them.
He’ll go with that. 
Wheeler Jr yelps, sliding as a demobat swoops down and beats at him with its wings. Teeth snap close to his head, missing his ear by inches. 
He twirls, arms waving madly, until Harrington grabs him, keeping Mike's head down with one hand and jamming his nailbat toward the creature with the other. 
The two of them manage to make it into Eddie's van, half falling half jumping, Gareth and Grant slamming the door behind them as demobats dive at them. 
"Gun it!" Gareth calls and Eddie does so, the lurch sending Henderson and Jeff tumbling to the floor. 
Eddie watches in the mirror as Mike, the most antagonist of the freshman when it comes to Harrington, clings to the ex-jocks shirt for a moment. 
Steve's hand has left the back of his shirt, though now Eddie can see his grip has changed to more of a tender hold on the kid. Something familiar and comforting. 
"I got you." Steve says quietly and it's only because Eddie's got his attention split between him and the road that he catches it, and the way Mike presses his forehead against Steve's shoulder for a moment before finally sitting up. 
Which just confirms what Eddie already knew--for all his bluster and guff, Mike was one of Harrington's too. 
--This is where It turned into the  “failed time stobin time travel AU- but I like this part and you need the above for it to make sense so TWO IN ONE--
Speed running the beginning is starting to become the easiest part, if only because Steve finally knows exactly what to say. 
"They're not a part of the party." He mimics Dustin's voice before pointing a finger at him. "We have exactly sixteen minutes before the damn demobats attack you can fill them in in Eddie's van." 
The very same Eddie who looks positively aghast. "You actually believe this?"
"Oh absolutely." Dustin says, scooping his nerd crap into his backpack. "Trust me, Steve's not creative enough to come up with something like this on his own."
"Hey." Steve says in warning. 
"Also he only gets bitchy like this when something’s gone really wrong." Dustin ads with a look that might have been apologetic--if one squinted and looked at his face sideways. 
Lucas, Steve's new favorite, slides slowly next to him. "You sure you're okay?" He asks quietly and Steve pats him on the shoulder for being the only one to care. 
“Not at all.” He answers because fuck, he really, really, isn’t. “In the meantime, I need you all to listen very carefully.” 
Mike already has his mouth open, patented bitchy look on his face and nope, no, Steve is not letting him derail this conversation.
He let that happen by accident once and Steve’s learned his lesson since. 
Pointing at Mike, Steve starts firing instructions. “Do not, under any circumstance, try to fight the bats. They can and have lifted you right off your feet and I will not be jumping for you again.” 
Steve’s finger ticked right, to Lucas. “Luc, I know you have your slingshot and a handful of shit to fling in it. You need to sprint to Eddie’s van, then get set up to start shooting so the rest of us have cover. Got it?”
Lucas, Steve was pleased to see, had already dropped into ‘shit’s fucked’ mode. He nods, his own nerdy gear long packed away. He digs through his backpack now, looking no doubt for the slingshot. 
Steve was baking him a damn cake when all this was over. 
“Gareth.” He continues, pointing at the next guy down the line, watching as he jumps out of his skin (and then looks mad about it, as if it was Steve’s fault he’d flinched.) “You’re weirdly good at counting the bats, so I’m gonna ask you to keep doing that man. As well as keep an eye out for anything ground level, we got surprised by a demodog last time.” 
“Shit, really?” Mike groans, throwing his hands over his eyes in frustration. 
He was ignored. 
Steve skips over Eddie entirely, knowing all too well how much of a trap addressing him could be. “Grant, you’re best on the radio. Once we are securely in the van I need you to call for Nancy and give her an update on what’s happening. 
Grant at least, comes onboard immediately, nodding his head and standing. 
He got an absolute look of betrayal from Eddie and Gareth for it, but hey that was yet another thing to be addressed later. 
Here, Steve slings his own backpack down and off his shoulders, taking the first thing he has in it, out. “Jeff,” He calls, before holding up the box he’d pulled out. “This is a medkit. You know how to use it, so you get it.” 
Steve doesn’t toss the box to him this time, instead putting the kit on the table and sliding it over. 
Hesitantly, Jeff takes it, eyes darting between Steve and Eddie. 
“And Dustin--” Steve says with an air of finality, yanking the second item he’s been looking for out of his backpack, “take off that damn Weird Al abomination and put this jacket on. For some reason the bats keep locking onto it.” 
“They want my shirt?” Dustin asks, but does as told, seeming far too delighted at having been given Steve’s old swim team jacket. 
“Uh.” Eddie starts, rising to a hunch over the table, head partially tilted. 
Steve was pretty sure he did that because he thought it was intimidating (or at least, perhaps was a bad habit because he did it way more often then he didn’t, but that was a thought for Not In The Beginning of The Mess Steve.) 
“We have five minutes left before they attack.” Steve says, right over the second (and far more aggressive) “Uh.” 
“The van isn’t locked, which is just so safe considering all the drugs in it, Munson.” He can’t help himself, throws the pissiest, most disapproving look he has in his arsenal at a now gaping Eddie.
“No matter who gets to it first, one but Eddie or myself drive it, understand?” 
“Oh so now you’re fine with Eddie’s driving!?” Dustin doesn’t stomp his feet but Steve has known him for a while now. 
The foot stomping behavior wasn’t one he grew out of until just last year. 
“Considering what we’re about to face yes, absolutely I am.” Steve counters rapidly. “Eddie drives like a demon and that’s exactly what we need right now.” 
And oh. He’s going to have to say things like this more, because the shocked look that overtook Munson’s face is delightful.
“I’m taking the rear, because I have the bat.” He holds his weapon, watches as the older members of Hellfire finally seem to register what it is. “Everyone got the plan down?” 
“Harrington.” Eddie finally starts, voice positively frigid in fury, and Steve is prepared to mouth what is no doubt the line Eddie’s about to say (much like Dustin, he too rarely deviates lines in the beginning) “What kind of game do you--”
Right on cue, something inhuman screams outside. 
The bats are here. 
“Bicker later, Munson.” Steve says, locking eyes with Eddie. “Goal for now is to survive.” 
The run to Eddie’s van consistently remains to be one of the worst parts of the entire day (minus the other various parts where someone inevitably bites it, thus resetting the entire damn time loop.) 
The initial plan had gone smoothly. Lucas reaches the van first, then uses it as a shield while he provides cover with his slingshot. 
The little group of Jeff-Dustin-Grant and Eddie all manage to reach it at about the same time, with Steve able to pull the bats off them with a couple of well timed whacks of the nailbat. 
This is where everything goes to shit. 
Once again, Mike tries to take the spot of “first to die” by swinging his fist at a low flying bat. The tail of the thing immediately catches his wrist, using the momentum of the movement to swing its teeth towards the freshmen’s face. 
Steve reverses direction, and knows immediately he won’t be there in time to prevent an injury.
Curses hard, and winds up to swing, right as Gareth snarls out; “Hell no!”
He’s closer to Mike, and despite already having one bat swooping madly at his head, manages to grab the one attacking Wheeler right as Mike trips over his own feet and falls backwards. 
A stream of yells and ‘fuck you!’’s follow as Steve bends to yank Mike up, then carries on as wings beat frantically around Gareth’s head. 
The other bat dives, latching onto his hip right as Steve manages to grab the one Gareth’s holding. Takes it from him as Gareth screams, trying desperately to rip the demobat that’s gotten its teeth into him, off. 
Practice makes perfect, and perfect in this case, is slamming the fucking demobat onto the concrete hard enough to stun it before slamming it to bits with two hard strikes of the nailbat. 
Steve isn’t sure how long it takes him to do it, but between Gareth’s screaming and the shrieks of more incoming bats, he knows he doesn’t have much time. 
He’s not losing someone. Not here, right at the start. 
Not when he already knows how to play out this part. 
Gareth manages to rip the creature off himself, and Steve takes it from there, snatching it out of the younger man’s hands and repeating the fling-and-smash move he killed its brethren with. 
Does it fast enough that he’s back at Gareth’s side before the guy starts to collapse downward, tears streaming down his face.
“I’ve got you, you’re okay.” Steve tells him, pulling him close and forcing Gareth to wrap an arm around his shoulders. “Put hard pressure on it man, hard, then we’re gonna run for it.”
“Can’t--fuck---” Gareth pants between hard breaths. Blood’s soaked soaking into his jeans, and a glance at it shows it’s a bad bite. 
“You can.” Steve tells him, already pulling them both forward. 
It doesn’t go well. 
Gareth almost goes down twice, leg buckling, and Steve grits his teeth. Knows neither of them are going to make it at this rate. 
“Gary!” Someone screams. He can’t quite tell if it’s Jeff or Eddie, but either way, Mike and Dustin have leapt out of the car, flinging rocks and whatever else they can find into the air. 
“Careful!” Steve yells as one nearly belts him, but at least it causes enough of a distraction that he manages to toss the bat ahead of himself, wincing at the sound it makes as it hits the ground. 
It’s close to Dustin though, who thankfully, takes his cue and snatches it up. 
It’s a command, and Steve says it like a command. The last thing he needs is for Henderson to go charging into a hoard of demobats, especially not after Steve’s witnessed Eddie dying to them on at least five separate time loops. 
If not here, then later. 
He can’t think about that now though, not when Gareth’s hissing in pain, fingers clutching onto his shirt like a lifeline. 
(He is, he realizes, Gareth’s lifeline. The younger man won’t make it unless Steve gets them to the van. 
The bats would take him as their sacrifice and if there is one thing Steve was sworn to stop, it’s people sacrificing themselves--or others.) 
“Take a breath.” Steve instructs, before bodily swinging Gareth in front of him.
Ignores the yelped cry he makes, and stoops down to get a good hold around his knees. 
Grunts as Gareth, having figured out what’s happening, circles his other hand around Steve’s neck as he lifts the smaller man up into a bridal carry. 
Ignores the choked sobs that escape Gareth as he does it. The fucking bat bites hurt and what they’re doing right now is no doubt jostling the shit out of the wound. 
He’d be crying too if it were him, not that anyone can pick him up like this. 
(Deliberately forgets to recall the two times he’s died precisely because of that. 
The knowledge that if he’s injured, the amount of people who can drag him to safety solo is numbering close to zero isn’t a helpful one right now.
Neither is any other thought beyond pure focus on getting Gareth into the van.) 
From there it’s a matter of running and not falling on his fucking face--or on the guy currently bleeding on him. 
They make it though, a fact Steve is very grateful for. 
Hands reach out, all of them pulling Gareth in while Steve hustles the rest, not slowing down until he slams the van door shut and yells for Eddie to gun it. 
“Jeff, medkit!” he says, but Jeff, bless him, is already on it. 
Grant’s speaking into the walkie he’d been given, Nancy’s tinny voice a soothing balm on Steve’s nerves as he, Dustin and Jeff get Gareth laid out in the van best they can. 
“Where am I going, Harrington?” Eddie calls from the front, having floored the van the second the doors had slammed shut. 
“He’ll be okay.” Steve soothed quietly, one hand going to squeeze Mike’s shoulder, the other looping around Lucas. 
If there’s one thing he swears he will be, through every loop, it’s supportive of the damn kids.
They deserve to know someone is in their corner, even if they don’t always believe him. 
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kayesfanfics · 11 months
Being Partners in Crime With Striker
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A/N: Just watched all of Helluva Boss after some convincing, and I am coming out as a HB fan but mostly a Striker Simp. Also, takes place during the Harvest Moon episode
Warnings: Cursing obviously, some sexual innuendos and content but not straight up smut
You were born in Wrath as well, growing up poor was hard and your family turned to crime to make a living. You were a bounty hunter and mercenary, working hard to bring in money for your family and put food on the table for them. Your parents were getting old and tired, you and your siblings ran the family farm and did illegal work for extra cash as well
You met Striker when you were both hired by different people to go for the same target, not even realizing the other was there until your bullets collided when you both went to shoot your target
“Are ya crazy?! I was just about to kill em!” You’d both shout angrily, quickly realizing the situation. You would roll your eyes as Striker tried to tell you he could handle catching the target, and you didn’t have to worry your pretty little head about it. You both took off running after the target, trying to grab them or kill them before the other could. You got the upper hand, tackling the target and killing them quickly with a neck break. Striker skidded to a halt, a sly smile on his face as he grinned, “Well, a wins a win, ain’t it? Nice catch, dollface. How about I treat ya to a drink?”
After getting drinks together and chatting for awhile, he became less and less of an asshole, turning his charm on and making you swoon (on the inside at least, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction). After drinks, you went your separate ways, but started seeing each other more often because of your lines of work
You’d start dating eventually after finally giving in and going to his motel room with him to bang his brains out. He’s def a top though, so you’d leave the morning after with some scratches on your back and HUGE hickeys on your neck that were impossible to hide without stealing his bandana and tying it around your neck. He’d def like to mark you up to claim you, warning other imps not to even think about even breathing near you wrong
Lots of horse rides on Bombproof, you’d sit behind Striker and he’d make his horse ride a little rougher just to make you hold on tighter to him to stay on. You’d feed Bombproof while Striker got a fire going to take a rest for the night in the middle of the desert. He’d cook up some random Hell Birds he shot out of the sky for the two of you, plucking the feathers and handing you a bird on a stick. Not exactly the most romantic dinner, but you were also used to this kind of food so it brought some homely comfort
Speaking of homely comfort, you’d take him home to your family farm to meet everyone after a few months of dating and riding around the Rings of Hell with him. Your younger siblings were impressed with his gun slinging skills and he’d flex his muscles and let them hang off his arms to show off his strength. He’d be kind to your folks, kissing your moms hand and shaking your dads, complimenting their pile of bricks and talking up their daughter to them, which of course charmed them both. He even went as far to cook dinner for the whole family with you, giving a great first impression and gaining their approval to date you
When it came to doing bounties and assassinations together, the two of your worked incredibly well together, with your brains and his brawn. Plus doing it together made life far less lonely, being able to sleep together after long days of undercover work or chasing targets through Hell. Neither of you worried too much about the others safety, seeing how the both of you could handle yourselves with ease
When the two of you took an undercover job on Rough n’ Tumbleweed Ranch to get closer to a target and investigate the case. You did hard farm work all day between snooping around the house, acting as a charming couple looking for honest work. The work was nice to do though, reminded you of being a kid on your farm before you went into the bounty business, and Striker looked good doing his work so there was no complaining from you-
When your targets associates finally arrived, you slapped a convincing smile on your face and charmed them as best you could with your boyfriend. You quickly tried to make friends with Millie, easily gaining her trust by agreeing with her about things and saying shit she would like. Like when her paw suggested the boys enter the Pain Games, you talked up Striker which made her talk up Moxxie, and talking up your S/O always helped brighten the mood. You’d playfully say Striker was better, and the two of you made a friendly bet of who would win. You’d later laugh about it with Striker, giggling that there was absolutely no competition and he’d compliment your bullshitting skills with a grin
You and Millie cheered your boys on at the games, and you’d flash her a smile when Striker easily beat Moxxie with not much effort at all. You’d also take the opportunity to genuinely cheer for your boyfriend, enjoying watching him wrangle other contestants and wrestle with Blitzø in the mud like the stupid boys they were. Millie started disliking you when you cheered for Striker as he sang on stage about how he beat her husband and how much better he was than him, and you slipped up and said “What? He is.” instead of bullshitting some sympathy to Moxxie
After the Pain Games were over, you started getting back on track for your mission: killing Prince Stolas for his wife. You stayed outside with the family to distract them while Striker followed Moxxie inside, but when Millie heard something break inside, she went back inside and you now followed her up to you and Strikers room, just in time to see that bitch stab your boyfriend in the back multiple times. You quickly grabbed her and tossed her against the wall, nearly knocking her out but keeping her down
“Thanks, pumpkin’.” Striker grinned, kissing you before grabbing both imps. You let him go off, before turning to make sure the blessed rifle the Princess gave you was okay. You grabbed it and polished that little imps smudgy fingerprints off of it, smiling when Striker came back and wrapped his arms around you from behind. “Ya know that gun’ll work the same with or without smudges, right darlin?”
“Yes, but it looks better without them.” You smiled, handing the gun to him to make the hit as you heard the Prince’s voice on the mic. But your plan was eventually foiled by Blitzø and Moxxie, and the both of you ran off to safety, grabbing what belongings you could before heading out to find a shitty motel to crash for the night
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gamma-rae-bursts · 2 years
Never Good Enough
Emily’s mom comes to the BAU asking for help for her friends. What she’s not aware of is her daughter’s relationship with one of the fellow female agents.
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
Content Warnings: homophobia, typical criminal minds case talk, reader insert (let me know if I missed anything <3)
Word Count: 1600+
Genre: Angst to Fluff to Angst (very mild smut)
A/N: I've had this idea in my head for ages now and finally felt like writing some angst. The plot is heavily inspired by season 2 episode 20 "Honor Among Thieves". Includes canon dialogue! My requests are also open so if you have any ideas for me to write feel free to send them my way!
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“I need to speak to Agent Prentiss and one of her superiors.” a voice roamed through the bullpen, a voice that was oddly familiar, yet you couldn’t assign it to a specific person. The whole team was gathered in the conference room for the morning briefing, which was interrupted by Emily shooting up from her seat the second she heard the familiar to you voice.
“She’s in the briefing ma’am” an agent replied.
“Yes. Well, this is extremely important.” the dark-haired woman said sternly with no intention of giving up.
The raven-haired agent left the conference room in a hurry.
“Mother?!” Emily exclaimed. That’s it, that’s why the voice sounded familiar. Even though you have never met Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss in person, you have overheard the few conversations she would have with Emily over the months. And despite knowing exactly who the woman standing in the middle of the bullpen was, you were aware of the fact that she had no idea about your existence.
You and Emily were open about your relationship to the whole of BAU, of course keeping your professionalism at work. Despite that, your girlfriend never disclosed your relationship to any members of her family, never made any attempts at coming out. As she once said, she ‘didn’t want to cause unnecessary drama’, which being open about her sexuality definitely would. You didn’t mind it, Emily wasn’t close to her family, often opting to stay away from them as much as possible. It was her choice to make after all.
Ambassador Prentiss didn’t arrive to the BAU for no reason, she had reasons to believe her friends husband was abducted by Russian mafia. The team, of course, took the case.
The agents were split into teams and sent off to complete their assigned tasks. Gideon, Spencer and Morgan were ordered to go to Baltimore where they would further split. Morgan’s part included visiting the victim’s house, where Gideon and Spencer were going to meet with a fellow agent in hopes of making new connections to the case. You and Emily stayed at Quantico. As the only member of the BAU fluent in Russian you were tasked with the role of the translator and Emily was there to help her mother make any arrangements that would contribute to the case.
You knew your girlfriend and her mother were not close, what you didn’t realise was how the latter woman’s presence will impact Emily’s well-being.
“Hey, you.” You said in a soft voice as you entered the restroom “how are you feeling?” you added in an almost whisper as you stepped closer to her. The raven-haired woman was standing by the mirror, covering her face with her hands.
“I’m doing great!” she replied sarcastically and chuckled. You wrapped your hands around the woman’s waist and turned her around in your arms. Emily weakly smiled as you pressed a gentle kiss on her lips.
“I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you Em.” you said softly and brushed some of Emily’s hair behind her ear, letting her relax in your embrace.
“Every time my mother is around, I feel like I’m 15 again, y/n/n” Emily whispered as she buried her face in the crook of your neck and pulled you closer. “I feel like I can’t be who I really am, like I’m doing something wrong. I know she would never accept me if she found out about us, I’ve always known that. But it’s easy to bury it deep in my head, and when she’s around it’s like a constant reminder that I will never be good enough for her.”
“You don’t have to prove anything to her Emmy” you muttered as you placed a kiss on the side of your girlfriend’s head. “She’s truly blind is she can’t see what an amazing person her daughter is, always will be and always has been.”
“You know I love you, right?” Emily breathed with her head still buried in your neck. “I don’t want you to ever think that I’m ashamed of us, of you.”
“I know honey.”  you quietly replied while stroking her hair “Now come on, the sooner we get out there the faster this whole thing will be over.” you spoke up as the older woman raised her head from your shoulder.
The two of you shortly left the bathroom to rejoin your team and help solve the case as fast as possible.
As you anticipated it didn’t take long to solve the case, what came as a surprise to all of you was that it was the Victim’s daughter, Natalya, that was responsible for the kidnapping. You and Emily returned to your shared apartment the same evening, both happy to have some tome for one another. The raven-haired woman immediately flopped on the couch in the middle of the living room. You were relieved to see her demeanour immediately switch to her old self when you entered your apartment.  
“I’m so glad it’s over.” Emily sighed as she tried to flip her shoes off her feet without standing up from the couch. You chuckled at the sight of the older agent struggling due to her own laziness.
“Need a hand with that?” you asked sarcastically as you raised your eyebrow, you started heading towards your kitchen to get some drinks for the two of you.
“No, I’m… good! I just need… to… loosen up the laces… and I-“ Emily didn’t manage to finish her sentence as the shoe flung off her foot. Thanks to your luck and your girlfriend’s unintentional aim the shoe hit you on the back of your head. You took a deep breath and turned around to face Emily, now covering her mouth in an unsuccessful attempt to supers her laugh.  
“I’m so sorry y/n/n I didn’t mean to!” Emily laughed as she lifted herself off of the couch and started heading in your direction.
“You’re lucky you’ve had a bad day, I wouldn’t let go of it that easy otherwise.” you giggled as you rubbed the back of your head. “Here you go.” you added as you handed a glass of red wine to Emily. The woman took a sip and put it back on the counter.
“I think I know how to make it up to you” Emily smirked as she grabbed you by your waist, pulled you closer to her, and kissed you deeply. She then pushed you into the countertop leaving kisses all over your neck, her hands finding their way underneath your shirt. You let your hands roam all over your girlfriend’s body as you pulled your head back, giving her easier access to your neck. You let out a quiet moan as Emily’s lips sucked on your pulse point sending chills all over your body. You started to sloppily unbutton Emily’s shirt, throwing it off of her shoulders and onto the floor. The older woman, not wanting to waste any time, pulled your shirt over your head and threw it on the kitchen floor where it joined the other article of clothing.
She picked you up and pushed you further onto the countertop, where you allowed your legs to wrap around her waist. As Emily began to unbutton your trousers you heard a knock to your door.
“Are you expecting someone?” you questioned and looked at Emily. The other woman shook her head. You got off of the countertop when you heard the knock again.
“I’ll check it out” you added as you quickly put your shirt back on. You got to the door and opened it in a hurry, ready to tell off the person interrupting your time with your girlfriend. You immediately stopped in your tracks as you saw the person standing outside your front door. “Ambassador Prentiss” you stuttered as your eyes went wide open.
“Is this not the address of my daughter, Emily?” she said, visibly confused. It was indeed the address of her daughter, and she was about to find out that it was yours too.
“Mom?! What are you doing here?” Emily choked out as she joined you by the door. Her half buttoned up shirt did not make the situation any better.
“Well, I wanted to visit you and see how you live, considering that I’m in town” the ambassador said sternly, looking back at her daughter as she pushed past you right into the apartment. “What is she doing here?”
Emily didn’t immediately respond not sure how to get out of this situation. The silence between the three of you grew more and more uncomfortable.
“I just stopped by after work to borrow a book Emily has mentioned to me recently” you chimed in, hoping her mother would believe you.
“No, y/n, I’m tired of this” Emily started as she stepped closer to you and wrapped her arm around your waist.
“Emily what are you-“ you wanted to protest but she didn’t give you a chance.
“She lives here, mother.” your girlfriend announced as her mother’s facial expression remained unchanged. “We’ve been dating for over a year, I love her and I’m not going to apologize for that or hide it from everyone, not anymore.”
You couldn’t decipher the expression on the ambassador’s face. Even though you knew it wasn’t anything good you didn’t expect what was about to come next.
 “I’m so disgusted I can’t even” Elizabeth stated as she looked at you and her daughter, Emily’s arm still wrapped around your waist. “I’m disgusted by you, I wish I’d known when you were born that you were going to betray me like this.” The woman growled as she turned around and left the apartment.
You looked at Emily, a tear falling down her cheek.
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starpirateee · 7 months
Could you maybe write something Holloweane? They are my world 🤍
Of course I can, anon! I could've made this maybe the angstiest thing ever, because god only knows the two of them have potential for it,,, but let's save that for Holloweane week, shall we?
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"Duke, good god, you need to rest."
Miss Holloway was starting to get the impression that Duke Keane didn't believe in sleep. He was the undisputed king of working himself to the bone, with the excuse that there was always something else to do, or someone else to help. He was in her diner for coffee every morning, and not only because he wanted a good chat with the famous Miss Retro... Because he'd come in groggy and lacking any of the energy he needed for the day, and she'd started insisting on giving him coffee to tide him over.
She was sure he'd forgotten about it, but there was one occasion she caught him sleeping in the backseat of his station wagon between hasty stacks of manila envelopes. After asking him about it, he'd admitted that he just crashed, and that was it for a good hour or more.
At the moment, he was sitting on one of the barstools at the corner of the counter, scribbling hurriedly into a case file and trying to update his notes on something that had clearly gotten his interest. She'd managed a glimpse at his notes, and they were just as haphazard as she would've come to expect from him. Clearly nobody else looked at these files, because his way of organising the notes and data within the file seemed to be... Unique to just him. If it wasn't, she'd be genuinely surprised.
He looked up at her, seemingly registering her presence for the first time, though she'd been standing there on the other side of the counter the whole time, for a lack of anything better to do. "I'm good, I'm on my way to finishing this stack."
She rolled her eyes. "That's not the point... If you keep going now these aren't going to make any sense to you when you next read em!" Somehow, she was going to play into a part of his mind where it made sense to take a break, because she was frankly worried that one of these days, he was going to work himself to death.
"I've gotta write this up again anyway, someone complained they couldn't read my writing, so eventually I've gotta go through this again and type it." he shrugged, looking back towards the paper. Her eyes followed his, like she hadn't already tried to decipher what he was trying to write. Was he seriously using a college notation method to write up official cases? Did she really recognise it as a college notation method?
Maybe this was on her.
"Isn't that all the more reason why you should save it? C'mon, Duke, when was the last time you got a good night in?"
"Why are you so bothered how much I sleep?" the question wasn't malicious in any way, merely Duke playing into his curiosities without looking up from the page he was scribbling on.
"Because it's been the same routine for months now? You come in here every morning before work, and I'm lucky if I actually get to see you alert and well rested before you order the coffee. don't you think there's even a chance you're working yourself too hard?"
His pen stopped. She hadn't realised how much she'd been relying on it as background noise until it stopped scratching against the page.
He was more than aware that she paid attention to him. The two of them had some rather interesting conversations first thing on a morning, but come to think of it, most of those had been fuelled by her absolutely heavenly coffee. At this point, it was a subconscious effort to keep himself going for as long as possible, because that meant he got more done. And if he got more done, then he had more of a chance to get to the conclusion of a case, to reach the point where he could stop and say... Yeah. He finally made a difference. A real difference.
"Y'know, maybe I am..."
Holloway's shoulders dropped with relief; she hadn't even realised there had been a tension there in the first place. Duke's eyes flitted between her, the notes, and an empty space on the desk next to him.
"Just let me-"
Her hand fell on top of his, stopping him from witing another word (and bringing a sudden flush to his cheeks, but he elected to ignore that one). She gently shifted his hand out of the way, closing the file over the written notes with her other hand. He stared at the glossy sheen on her brightly painted nails until he snapped himself out of his working trance, at least for the time being.
"I'm gonna hold this file hostage if you're not careful, least that'll be one way to actually get you to sleep for once..."
After thinking about this, and coming to the realisation that he was likely going to be back in the morning anyway, he figured that there was only one way to keep him distracted from work long enough to get him to do anything else. "... Could you?"
"Keep the file. I'll be back for it tomorrow morning, but you want me to sleep, and there's a bit of me that wants me to sleep too... So-"
She slipped the file under the counter without another word, a smile resting on her lips. "It'd be my pleasure. Now... I swear to god, if you don't sleep tonight I'm burning this."
A laugh escaped him, genuine as it was weary. "Fine, fine, I can take a hint." He stood up from his barstool and took a moment to grin over at her before he turned on his heel and headed towards the door. Before he could leave, he shot a final glance back. "Please don't burn it... That's a week's worth of work..."
"Get some rest, then," she teased, folding her arms.
"G'night, Miss Holloway."
"Goodnight, Duke."
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fallout-fucker · 1 year
Hancock Headcanons (Including Goodneighbour Headcanons) Part One
Surprisingly a really good cook/baker. Will make 5 Star quality full-course meals when high as fuck. Or at least, as good as you can get in the Wasteland if you don't think mutated Brahmin tastes too different from cow. Man's is making steaks.
He also mass bakes when very stressed. There's been times Fahrenheit has walked into the office and seen the kitchenette, the coffee table, any and all of the free surfaces, really, full of trays of baked goodies. Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, special brownies, you name it. When this happens, Daisy has to organise a massive order to traders to make up for all the ingredients he buys. He always gives her extra caps for the inconvenience of Goodneighbour having less eggs and flour, etc, for sale than usual. He makes sure to never take all the stock, though, food's hard enough to come by, especially produce. His town needs it more than he and his baking sessions do.
He always gives away the goods when he's finally calmed down and the stress has eased.
He takes care in making sure the normal goodies are separate from the 'more fun' ones.
The normal goods go to the townsfolk and drifters. He goes to the kids first, though. If it's during the colder months, he'll also take the time to make hot chocolates or warm milk (Depending on what's available) for them.
Actually does his job as the fucking Mayor.
Makes sure the kids have all got blankets, coats, hats, scalves, gloves, socks and shoes, and beds somewhere warm.
He regularly checks this. Has a little checklist for all the items kiddies need. He isn't letting any kids die in his streets. As far as he's concerned, those are his kids. He knows Goodneighbour isn't exactly the most PG place, but the majority of children in Goodneighbour (Like most people in Goodneighbour) don't have parents or anybody.
He'll leave a few trays on the bar of The Third Rail for pickings. Lowkey likes to decorate it with cake stands and stuff. Makes him feel weirdly calm. He gets to just take his time with it. It's a breather from the rest of his 'Mayoral Duties'.
If he's feeling generous, he'll give away the fun goodies too to anyone that wants 'em (Within reason). But Chems and produce can be pricey so he'll sometimes give those to Daisy to sell so he's not wasting a good amount of his personal stash, especially if he made a lot of goods.
He considered giving them to Charlie at first because The Third Rail is nothing if not the place for a great time, but many people who wander into Goodneighbour are vulnerable. From experience (Both personal and second-hand), Hancock knows alcohol + easily accessible edibles/hard chems + vulnerable and desperate doesn't equal anything good. So, he decided against it.
He refuses to give them to AJ because the guy is sketchy, and he's heard about the whole 'Chems For Kids' thing. Hancock's been working discreetly on solving that issue. If he wasn't keen on drunk adults having access to edibles, you can believe he'd have a real problem with anyone tryna sneak it to kids, let alone that kinda dirty money making its way back to him, and that's if AJ didn't sneak some into his own pockets. Which he likely would.
So, that brought him to Daisy. Besides, it also makes up for the ingredients and he lets her pocket a good percentage of the profit as chems isn't usually her deal.
Once more, actually does his job as the fucking Mayor.
Like with the children, he makes sure drifters and such also have warm clothes for the Winter.
Also ensures everyone has clothes suited for Summer heat, too.
Essentially, twice a year (Autumn and Spring) he'll go around Goodneighbour with a survey to see who needs what, at least a few weeks in advance of when the seasonal weather for Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer usually rolls in. Then, he organises a mass order to all of the trading caravans for suitable clothes, shoes, etc. Then he'll organise a day with timeslots and stuff where groups of people can go up to his office and get what they need.
Imagine a watchman at the entrance of the Statehouse, with a name list and time slots, and a queue outside of the door. In Hancock's office, it's full of cardboard boxes and tables. Him, Far, Daisy, and a few watchmen all giving out the items and checking them off.
Hancock has plans and blueprints to expand Goodneighbour so some of the apartment buildings just outside of the walls can be included in the town. Has a few trading deals on hold and watchmen guards he could use as contractors in mind for the job of converting the Pre-War buildings into livable homes when he is able to.
Unfortunately, with the Warehouse rats and Supermutants settling down just outside the gates, he had to postpone the plans to focus on other issues. All his contractors had to stay as Neighbourhood Watch guards and security just in case the mutants attack. The mutants are on his to-do list, but first is the Warehouse job and making sure people can stay warm in the attic instead of the homes he was hoping to have done before Autumn and Winter.
He predicted temporarily losing more workers in the Winter due to sickness, but didn't necessarily expect some to be rats, unfortunately. So, his options are limited when Sole meets him. Hence sending a stranger to Pickman Gallery and other things.
It's also why he doesn't mind traveling with Sole. Until Spring, his hands are mostly tied when it comes to progress.
Staying in town when he knows he can't do all of the things he needs to makes him antsy. He doesn't like sitting around and doing nothing when he knows his people are relying on him, so it helps to get away from it for a while.
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yankthoudong · 4 months
ok so here's how i see artificial gemstones actually happening. hear me out, idk if CRWBY have the balls but i think there's a genuinely nonzero chance this could come real. also if anyone wants to write this fic be my guest, i'd love to read it
Despite Ascending and choosing herself, Ruby still pretty clearly has mental health issues going on due to being the most stressed 17 year old of all time, real or fiction. Ascension and her boba-talk with Yang will help, but she doesn't feel like she can or should sort out all her problems with just WBY - she needs to talk to someone else.
JNR have their reunions to get through and Jaune's problems to sort out - she doesn't feel like she can bother them even if she was 100% ready to forgive Jaune. Oscar and Ozpin have their whole deal happening and she's there for Oscar but definitely can't pile her problems on his plate. Qrow helps how he can, but he's older and less wise and she feels uncomfortable talking to him about the Penny aspects, not to mention how he's been attached at the hip to Best Bro Robyn for months now. But Ruby is genuinely trying to learn her lesson, and she needs to talk to someone.
So Ruby turns to the newest member of their group, the only one who's been through anywhere near as much shit as her, the girl she had a crush on those years ago at Beacon. She turns to Emerald.
Over the course of V10, we see them fighting together and talking through Atlas and Beacon and Penny and Cinder. Emerald can't stop apologizing for Beacon and Penny's first death at first, but Ruby has been as over that as she can get since Volume 4 and especially since Penny's resurrection. She forgives Emerald, and Em tries to take it in stride but it hits her harder than she wants to show. Ruby can tell.
Ruby's problems are harder to talk through, of course, but Emerald is there for her, plain and simple. She can see through the crap when Ruby pretends she's all the way better - can't trick a trickster.
They heal together, slowly but surely, and they get close like Ruby wanted to back at school. Maybe they get together romantically in here at some point and maybe they don't, but it's pretty clearly on its way.
Then Amity finally lands. Thanks to Penny lifting it high into the atmosphere, it doesn't land near Vytal like Pietro's original calculations, but in the ocean off of Vacuo's coast, and they successfully rescue Pietro and Maria.
Pietro immediately starts working to bring his daughter back, of course. He can't save those last couple of days after the virus infected her, let alone after she was made human, but he can restore her memory and mind from her last hard backup before that. Maybe he sacrifices the last of his soul and dies to save her, maybe he doesn't go quite that far, but regardless it's not enough. Someone needs to give a bit of their soul to bring her back.
Everyone expects it to be Ruby who volunteers, and she would have, but Emerald's hand goes up first. This is how she can atone for her sins, she thinks, and finally gain the trust of people she doesn't realize she already has it from. She can help revive this girl who her (girl)friend has such intense feelings for, who was her worst victim what feels like a lifetime ago.
And so, Penny is brought back, missing a couple traumatic days worth of memories and with a piece of Emerald's soul. Her eyes open and there's a tiny spot of red in them. roll credits v10 finale
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jjwho · 1 year
What July will be like for You
Pile1. Pile2.
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Pile3. Pile4.
Pile 1
Cards pulled out:Wheel of fortune reversed,ten of cups, seven of cups, eight of cups.
So what I see is that July might be the month where you'll have a few delays and set backs might be mainly revolving family, gatherings and reunions. July might feel like a month of unexpected changes and like you barely feel like you have control over it or anything.
I feel like you might get a lot of options in July and opportunities like a lot it might make you even feel tired and scared, but why you scared? You haven't even picked or chosen what you want or need.
But you might even abandon these opportunities and options. I feel maybe this is opportunities given by your family or so you can help your family. I'm not sure, but I see you walking away from it. A lot of emotions and feelings revolving this month. Might be very exhausting but it will all work out, but I'm still not sure why you didn't take any opportunities.
I will pull out an advice thing from my wheel
Advice for Pile 1
"Let disasters happen and let's build it up again"-JJ'S iconic advice from her wheel.
So yeah something your weren't expecting or just a lot of shit happened, but things like that are bound to happen in life if you expect to receive better in life. You can't have good without bad, some things are meant to be destroyed to make space for more and great opportunities so embrace it. I know it hard after all the kak, but you have to, opportunies don't stay for you. You have to take it not wait for it to catch you.
Pile 2
Cards pulled out: the hanged man reversed, knight of cups, eight of wands reversed, the fool, knight of wands
Okay damnnn pile 2 so I see July being's a month of love and new love opportunities for youu, ahhhhhh.
So what im getting is that this month you might be a little disinterested in stuff being a little stagnant and being detached when these two suitors come inn. One is the sweet gentleman like guy who will sweep you off your feet ahhh and one is fired and flirty and rebellious, but I see that maybe the sweet guy might take a little longer and be blocked off bc hes slow, then the fire guy gets you first and adventure and shit, it might be a time when you're not caring, being careless and being inncmocent and not really there in the moment. In your own world. They both might be newww saur jaaa.
Or how you might even notice them I'd one is more slow than the ither and one is more careless than the ither. One observes (knight of cups guy) and just being careless and goes for it (knight of wands guy)
I see water guy there giving something solid and romantic Long term stuff but wands guy wants to just fuc.
Anyways yeah-
Advice for Pile 2
"One life, one chance, a world that doesn't care." JJs iconic advice
So Pile 2 so why do you cares about what ithers think, if you like that one then go for em if you like the other one go for em.
Don't be like "ah no but if I choose that one his friend will be upset cause they think I'm playing with him, but I actually just like this guy more."
Gorl you don't belong to anyone and no one should gaf so dgaf.
Okay period bye.
Pile 3
Cards pulled out: nine of pentacles reversed, page of swords reversed, the hermit, the star
So I'm getting you'll have instability with someone, most likely someone who you liked but they're a player and you were working your ass off to make em like you or working your ass off in this connection and they were being cold and had nothing to say.
Finally you'll be like stopping and really looking back and reflecting and this whole situation, then you'll realize, fuck this hoe, imma live my life.
Then you'll begin your healing journey and have hope and get some creativity out of this heartbreak and ja you'll be calm. That's good. I'll be rooting for you bro
Advice for Pile 3
"Time never stops and change never stops" JJs iconic advice.
So what I meant by this advice is time never stops right so it won't stop for you and change always happen. So don't fall back. Cause life and time and change won't wait for you to get better and carry on. No hoe, you gotta pull up your big boy pants and ja stop sulking and move on, stop doing self sabotaging shit and feeling sorry for yourself. Okay. Ja I believe in you, stop sulking over ugly boys.
Pile 4
Cards pulled out: five of wands reversed, four of wands, knight of swords, eight if pentacles
Saur what im getting is that you'll be ending a conflict and coming to agreements with people maybe family members and ja finding solutions to problems. This month could be a month with a lot of celebrations and family reunions and finally feeling welcomed again. Then I see you becoming more talkative, assertive, maybe being a bit rebellious again, being a leader you might get a lot more opportunities again
But then i see you getting a bad reputation again maybe doing the same thing/job over and over again and having a lack of effort and being careless. So do be careful of what you say bru .
Advice cards for Pile 4
"One life, one chance, a world that doesn't care"
Idk now this is confusing for me to even tell. So ig you tried to resolve conflict again with people you don't like, then you were being honest again and speaking your truth now you have a bad reputation again. All I'm saying is just get new people at this point. Why try and try again to fix conflict if it's all gonna start all over again. So ja
Hope that helps byee
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seeminglyseph · 3 months
Swear my brain is like. “Hey, you should try and figure out a way to make an essay out of the topic of how cool Wind Breaker’s expression of Masculinity is”
And like. Thanks brain I want to have the best case scenario of a YouTube career be “nobody watches you” but also like. I think I would have to talk about the manga a lot because a) the manga only character profiles lend a considerable amount to my analysis. Those grooming products are so vital to characterization. It’s like. I know you can’t fit whole character’s grooming habits into a story organically so fitting them into character profiles makes perfect sense, and it works its way into the design elements of the characters anyway so it’s often stuff you can imply about the characters based on appearance and design. But sometimes it defies what the design tells you about the character, like Sugishita looks like a scruffy hooligan. But instead he’s a guy who gets a hair treatment once a month and has a brand of day-to-day hair care that is recognizable enough that it was censored in the notes. I just don’t know it because I don’t know Japanese beauty products very well. (If I do an essay I’ll do the research I promise, I haven’t decided yet, right now I’m just sitting outside navel gazing about a series I’m fixated about)
But I figure if I let the anime have its finale, which is looking to be a hook for the Keel Arc which I kinda figured, it was the next major arc coming up. And it will take me more than a considerable amount of time to even start let alone complete, people will have time to decide to read the manga if they want more information and I can can give spoiler warnings and start with a discussion of Shishitoren some I do adore them extremely.
And if it takes time maybe some manga stuff will wrap up and I’ll have some manga stuff to say about Shishitoren that is like. Further exploration of the community building through healing and understanding. The “No Man Is An Island” theme of Wind Breaker is really interesting and I really enjoy it, and I also enjoy the concept of like… “you aren’t being a man wrong if you aren’t being a bastard about it”??? Like. Obviously it’s a fighting anime, so people fight and have flaws and hurt people, but that’s not like… proof of them being bad people. But like… also being gay or feminine or liking stuff other people don’t like or being a nerd or concerned about your appearance or being sick or being weak… like that doesn’t make you a “bad man” either. It’s like… there’s a million billion different ways to be a man. And they all count and matter and make the whole stronger for being included. And it’s just that this show is about teenage boys learning to become men, and most of these boys have been pretty fucked up and hurt but like, they just wanna be accepted and loved and respected do good. And like. I love ‘em.
Sakura didn’t think there was a world where he could do good, and is learning so fast that not only is there, but he’s in it and now he’s responsible. And he likes it??? And it’s that’s like. Intimidating and scary. Which might actually be more terrifying than being alone. Being afraid of losing people he likes. The worst. Uggghhhh the Keel Arc has one of the best moments.
God Clover Works do not fuck us with this season 2. Tell me you learned your lesson about season twos from the neverland show. Do not fuck me with the Keel Arc. I need my feral cat child to have his feral cat moment. I need Suo to have his fucking “you won’t like me when I’m angry” moment. I need this. I mean I also need to eventually get to Tsubaki and the like… man I keep calling them El Tango de Roxanne and The Communist Child Mafia. The first one not officially, the song just plays in my head, but like it’s hard to get that across in text and like. It’s not the Police version it’s the Moulin Rouge version, because like it’s clearly the superior version obvs. And due to this being text and any video being likely to require copyright, there’s no way any version of my subconscious association will translate. I know those gangs have their own names I’ll remember on a reread, that arc confused the shit put me in the Pepe Silvia Conspiracy Spiral that is “this is a dystopian hellscape” because like. The Communist Child Mafia was like… sure, within the realm of possibility, but like. Definitely kind of wild. And the Red Light Crew were like. “What the fuck do you mean you are teenagers you assholes?!? You’re fucking bald. That is not a teenager. What?!? Oh he works at the host clubs?!?? But of course he doesn’t drink! That was my first concern of course. That he was drinking.”
I feel like I need to do so much research but I don’t even know what to research. Like. That arc still like, it in no way defies the theme of “No Man is An Island” or “There Is No Innately Incorrect Form of Masculinity” but like. The worldbuilding questions it poses. I don’t know if I’m even supposed to ask them. I might be the wrong one. This might all be reasonable and o just like… misunderstood the setting because like. A couple things could reasonably clear up a few things. Like… a few natural disasters and poor infrastructure and the city being located in an area with poor government oversight and like. Most people in Japan are aware that area has that problem locally. But as someone not in Japan I’m not aware of that history so I’m not aware of that one simple contextual clue that makes like… everything click into place. Because there are things that make me suspect aspects of that but like. I don’t just wanna throw my own bias onto things, you know?
Well I guess I do because that’s the point of an essay. You create a thesis and then you argue for it based on your own biases and how you think the text backs it up, plus maybe some arguments from other texts or anecdotes from life or whatever.
Idk. I might be losing coherence. Ideas out of momentum for now. Need to collect more data.
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Conversion of Neecxles not so berry extended for sims 3!
I made these rules months ago and never posted them so i thought I'd post them finally. Just like with my career legacy rules all the original credit goes to Neecxles for their Not So Berry Extended rules!
Generation 11: White 
From a young age you grew a fascination with acting, the idea of being able to step away from reality and take on a role of someone else excited you. So with the supportive parents you had, they enrolled you in drama club for the entirety of your school life. You begin to strive for something more, becoming a global superstar actor! With focusing so much on your career, keeping serious romantic relationships is difficult because you always prioritize work over love. You eat, breathe, sleep acting and you were happy keeping it that way. But with a one night stand gone wrong… you find out you are now left with an unplanned child. 
Traits:Diva, Irresistible, Star Quality,Virtuoso,Ambitious 
Lifetime Wish:Superstar Actor
Join the Ballet after school activity as a child and the drama one as a teen
Reach at least level 5 in singing and one instrument of your choice ( if you use the hidden skills mod you can add dancing/club dancing to the list)
Reach max celebrity level 
Have at least one celebrity best  friend
Max Film Career in the Actor Branch and finish the Superstar Actor LTW
Never get Married
Have a one night stand and accidentally get pregnant/impregnate a sim * this child will be your only one ( if it happens to be multiples run with it )
Generation 12: Brown
Growing up in the shadows of your parents spotlight was a little hard on you. Although you knew how much they loved you and tried their best to spend every free moment with you, you still felt…alone. Thankfully being a part of the scouts club gave you a sense of family, which you deeply cherished. Scouts club also made you truly fall in love with the outdoors. Being out in nature didn’t make you feel like you were so alone anymore, which is why camping became something you loved to do. There were tales that in the Deep Woods of Granite Falls a hermit resides away from everyone, so naturally the curious bean you were you had to find out for yourself. Forever alone felt like a motto you started to live by and thought you’d never get married like your parent, but someone finally came along and you were really happy with the way life was heading. Unfortunately down the road things didn’t end up working out. You’ve always secretly had this crazy idea of making a robot best friend since you were a kid. The thought of having a robot who was there for you every waking moment felt like something you needed in your life, so it was time to make a crazy idea… a reality!
Traits:Loves the outdoors,Loner,Insane,Bot Fanatic,Green Thumb
Lifetime Wish: The Zoologist 
Career:Self Employed Gardener
Join the Scouts after school activity as a child and Shop Class as a teen
Reach top level of Self Employed Gardener career 
Master Bot Building skill and Build a robot best friend!
Master gardening skill
Finish the zoologist LTW 
Collect all the insects ( cats are very helpful for this you may want to adopt one so you can send it hunting)
 Have 1 failed marriage and 1 child from it
Go on regular camping trips ( you can just do these in your home world or you can go on a vacation every once and awhile your call)
Generation 13: Black
Ahh books… you love em! You always enjoyed a good read that could take you on a journey in a whole new fantasy world. So naturally starting a book club at school to share your love for reading was the thing to do. Thanks to the club it brought you your best friend, who you later fall in love with and get engaged to. Instead of going off to university like everyone else you got convinced to join the military, but that didn’t last long so you quit and went off to study psychology. Whilst away at uni you discovered the Encyclopedia Vampirica, and got extremely curious about vampires to the point you took a trip over to Forgotten Hollow to find out if they were real. You end up meeting a vampire who you become completely mesmerized with and fall in love so quick as if you were put under a spell. This is where you decide to ask “could I be turned into one?” Without hesitation their teeth sink into your neck and the process of you turning has begun. You decide to drop out of university and call off the engagement because you have fallen for another and want to live out your new vampire life. Becoming a Simlish online teacher was your only option after dropping out of uni, and with working from home you had more time to yourself so you started writing your own books. Unfortunately your job started to feel mundane, so you have the bright idea of running your own business! Not being able to have children has always upset you, but with your new powers creating your own vampire family is only one step away…
Traits: Bookworm,Excitable,Absent Minded,Artistic,Supernatural Fan
Lifetime Wish:Turn the Town
Career: Military, Education, Write Books for Money( Optional Business Owner if you have the Savvy Seller store set)
Join the book club ( option on sim when you click on them for Bookworm sims) as a child or teen
Get engaged to your best friend shortly after aging up into a young adult
Join the Military career, Reach level 5 then quit
Go to college for science and medicine but drop out after one semester
Fall in love with a vampire and have them turn you
Break off your engagement after you return from college
Join education career reach lvl 4 and quit
Go bowling with friends routinely and learn the piano skill
Write at least 5 books
Complete the Turn the Town LTW
Don't have kids or adopt, find 5 friends and turn them into your vampire family!
*Optional if you have the Savvy Sellers store set Run a business! Book store? Creepy occult store? Go wild!
Optional if you want to end the legacy: Die by burning in the sun, you really should've put some sunscreen on huh?
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takaratic · 1 year
What are some of your headcanons for either huntric or in general?
AAA thank u for asking!!!
i’m still coming up with some as days pass!! but i’ll gladly list out the ones i have right now! also, forgive me if this is more of a story-ish thing?? 😭😭 i got carried away SHJXGX
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before dating – friendship/crushing
Hunter and Edric met while helping rebuild the Boiling Isles!!
they slowly got to know each other and became friends. since most of Hexsquad had already befriended Ed long before, Hunter felt like it was his turn now yk?2!2?
Hexsquad + Ed and Em + occasionally some others like to have sleepovers weekly on each saturday, they happen in either the Blight Manor or Camila’s house. in these sleepovers all of em would bond, especially Hunter and Edric.
they would ramble about wild magic to each other and how interesting it is
as their friendship grew stronger and closer; one of them starts to fall for the other. it starts as harmless butterflies in their stomachs and small blushes, those developed into full fledged feelings for the other boy as a year or two passes by (making them both 17-18 if your curious).
↓ drabble !!
let’s say Hunter was the one who fell for Ed: once he realized the way he felt, he would try his best to push it under the rug; denying its existence and not wanting to acknowledge it. he begged the Titan for it to be admiration instead of romance in the early stages of realizing, he didn’t want those confusing feelings to get in the way of their friendship, so he started to avoid seeing or interacting with the boy; not speaking when he was in the same room, avoiding all and any eye contact with him, leaving the room if he was alone with Ed.
his behavior became more obvious as months passed, causing Edric to worry about his friend. finally, he got enough courage to talk to Hunter about it.
they sat down on the couch at night while the others were fast asleep and discussed what happened, Hunter would try his best to work around questions about his feelings; focusing on Ed’s instead. it kept going like this until Edric said it out loud,
“ do you like me? in that way. ”
those words made the other teen silent, the silence becoming uncomfortable and almost unbearable. Hunter swallowed thickly before breaking the deafening silence,
“ i.. think so. yes, yes i do. ”
the shaky words pierced through Edric, carving holes for his thoughts about Hunter and how he saw him now. the situation made his heart jump out from his ribcage once he heard it all come out so gently. almost immediately reality sunk when he processed his answer, he bit his lip nervously. his hand trailed off to Hunter’s, locking their pinkies together.
“ i think i do too. ”
Hunter felt all his muscles relax, he felt a wave of relief wash over his whole body as he heard his words.
they sat on the couch—slightly nervous, mostly relieved. Edric’s face slowly turned to Hunter, his expression was pure bliss with slight anticipation, he brought himself in close proximity to the other boy, his head tilted to the right slightly as he inched closer and closer.
“ is this okay? ”
Hunter nodded—almost eager. his full focus was on Edric and his honey-coated voice that was speaking softly into his pointed ears: asking for confirmation to kiss him.
“ yes. ”
and with that, Edric intertwined their lips, closing the gap that was separating them. Ed’s hands grabbed onto Hunter’s shirt; tugging at its collar to pull him closer.
a few moments passed, now Hunter’s fingers were tangled in basil-colored hair as he continued to kiss the other. they both pulled away to catch a breath. both of the boys were panting, sharing a few giggles as they savoured this special moment.
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that was. A LOT. HAHSGAHS moving onto the other hcs :D
early stages of their relationship
these dudes are awkward, nerdy, silly and gay as FUCK!!
they blush so hard at the mere thought of each other.
Ed likes to paint Hunter’s nails. it’s real guys
Hunter borrows Ed’s headband when his hair grows longer and isn’t slicked back + it’s to keep that unruly strand of hair out of the way >:D
whenever one of them is nervous, they grab onto the other’s pinky for comfort. ue ue i’m not crying, you are 🥹
Edric likes to tie Hunter’s hair in stupid ways and shower him with cheesy compliments after, causing Hunter to blush and tell him to “shut up” jokingly YEJFGSHXG
whenever Hunter’s bored he would go visit Ed or text him to come over and they’d cuddle for hours, not getting up unless it’s urgent :') /vvpos
Alador was surprised by their relationship at first but quickly became supportive RAHH!! supportive dad 🙏
they have matching pfps on penstagram omg.
when Hunter would have nightmares while sleeping next to his bf, Ed would comfort him and reassure him until he fell back asleep in his arms. 😞💝
Hunter made them both wolf characters (gawd hes a furry! 😰) and doodles them being cute on the daily
they spend most of their days together, just hanging out and cuddling. aaughhh!!! GAY PEOPLE!!!!! 😕❤️
Hunter’s extra protective over his bf (real)
they exchange wild magic knowledge with each other and take notes about it!!!! writing said notes in a notebook labeled as ‘E + H’s Wild Magic Studies n stuff’ <33
Hunter has a hard time expressing his feelings and translating them into words but Edric manages to understand him nonetheless 🫶
they occasionally show each other’s scars/birthmarks and ramble about them, explaining their cause and origin if they knew about it.
more farther in their relationship
even though they’ve been dating for 2-3 years now, they’re still behaving like how they were when they were teenagers; nervous, flustered, flirty and IN LOVE!!!!! all though, they’re more chill with affection now and don’t react as intensely as they used to
Ed forces Hunter into doing facial masks and a full skincare routine from time to time, Hunter doesn’t want to admit that he enjoys it though 🫶🫶
Edric used to wear a black star earring and gave it to Hunter on their 1 year anniversary 😕❤️
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they give each other morning kisses oh. my. lawd 😓
if Edric ever got sick, Hunter would forcefully put him onto their bed and make sure the only thing he does that day is sleep, eat, drink and take medicine. this dude adores his bf so so so so much, his bf does as well 🦧
Ed likes to bring Hunter lunch when he’s at work ARGHH!!! <333
Hunter constantly gets scars on his fingers and hands due to being a palismen carver, this caused Edric to reach out to his sister, asking her for basic healing magic tips so he could heal his scars HRMDHZJXH
they still do sleepovers with Em + other Hexsquad members but not as often 🫶
they use their free time to practice and study more wild magic together at times raghhhhh <3
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my mind’s still a bit blank for their relationship when they’re older 😭😭 with time i’ll probably gain more hcs tho!
thank you for reading!! ^_^ again, tysm for asking, anon, i love answering asks! <33
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