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devouring-hive · 8 months ago
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demigod-of-the-agni · 8 months ago
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words below T-T
tha-m-bi (little brother)
a-k-kaa (older sister)
i-d-li (idli, like the fucking food)
i-ra-vu (night)
i-ru-l (darkness)
thank you idli for saving my life, if it weren't for you i would have typed up something like "kuruvi" over and over and over
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ethernalium · 11 months ago
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mod-a-day · 1 year ago
Nobuo Uematsu, Sandro R. (Ironsurfer) "Forever Rachel" (IT Conversion) Final Fantasy VI (1994, ????) Square Co, Ltd.
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ringmaster-midori · 5 months ago
"Thanks! See ya soon!" Midori turned and walked toward the door, looking over her shoulder at the last second to smile at Nisha.
Distracted, the kitsune ran into the door frame with her shoulder, spinning herself through the swinging door, which then swung closed behind her. As the door continued to swing open onto the tavern, Midori's voice carried inside, "I'm okay!"
Hours later, the tavern door opened once more to admit a filthy and thoroughly exhausted Midori. As she limped into the common room, she thrust both fists into the air, weakly squeaking, "We won!"
Members of the war council called out, "Midori!"
The kitsune looked around the room to see if Nisha had arrived already.
"Well, technically, I don't usually wear underwear 'cause they're kinda restrictive on top of all the fur...an' the words just keep comin' out, don't they?" Midori cupped her cheek with her hand. "Ha ha! I'd be blushin' right now if I still could. I'm sorry! I don't want to come across as a tease. Ha! I'm a bit complicated, aren't I? You.... I mean.... I.... We should talk when I get back tonight. An' how in the nine hells did I get so flustered? You intrugue me, Nisha!" She shook her head as if to clear it, then listened to Nisha as she continued.
Midori looked at Nisha with a big smile. "Yes, we can worry about everything else after. I'll meet you here when I return. Ha ha, wish me luck!"
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「全部話しておきたいんだ」 ["I Want to Tell You Everything"] • ザナルカンドにて [Zanarkand] • プレリュード [Prelude] • ティーダのテーマ [Tidus's Theme] • Otherworld • 急げ!! [Run !!] • これはお前の物語だ [This Is Your Story] • 不気味 [Creep] • ノーマルバトル [Battle Theme] • 勝利のファンファーレ [Victory Fanfare] • ゲームオーバー [Game Over] • 夢も希望もありません [Out Of The Frying Pan] • 暗躍 [Leap In The Dark] • 海底遺跡 [Underwater Ruins] • チイはアルベド族 [Oui Are Al Bhed] • 敵襲 [Enemy Attack] • ブリッツに賭けた男達 [The Blitzers] • ビサイド島 [Besaid] • スピラの情景 [Spira Unplugged] • 祈りの歌 [Hum Of The Fayth] • 幻想 [Phantoms] • 試練の間 [The Trials] • 祈りの歌~ヴァルファーレ [Hymn - Valefor] • 召喚 [The Summoning] • 大召喚士の娘 [Braska's Daughter] • おやすみ [Good Night] • ユウナのテーマ [Yuna's Theme] • 萌動 [Movement In Green] • 異界送り [The Sending] • 嵐の前の静けさ [Calm Before The Storm] • 祈りの歌~イフリート [Hymn - Ifrit] • ルカ [Luca] • マイカ総老師歓迎 [Grand Maester Mika] • 不撓の決意 [Decision On The Dock] • The Splendid Performance • 対峙 [Face off] • Blitz Off • アーロンのテーマ [Auron's Theme] • ミヘン街道 [Mi'ihen Highroad] • ブラスDeチョコボ [Chocobo Jam] • 旅行公司 [The Travel Agency] • 通行を許可します [They May Pass] • シーモアのテーマ [Seymour's Theme] • 宵闇 [Twilight] • ジョゼ寺院 [Djose Temple] • 祈りの歌~イクシオン [Hymn - Ixion] • シパーフ乗るぅ? [Ridess The Shoopuf ?] • リュックのテーマ [Rikku's Theme] • グアドサラム [Guadosalam] • 雷平原 [Thunder Plains] • ジェクトのテーマ [Jecht's Theme] • マカラーニャの森 [Macalania Woods] • 霧海 [The Void] • 寺院楽隊 [The Temple Players] • シーモアの野望 [Seymour's Ambition] • 祈りの歌~シヴァ [Hymn - Shiva] • 迫りくる者たち [Pursuit] • 灼熱の砂漠 [The Burning Sands] • 危機 [Peril] • 明かされた真実 [The Truth Revealed] • 発進 [Launch] • 結婚式 [The Wedding] • 襲撃 [Assault] • 悲劇 [Tragedy] • 私は飛べる [Believe] • 浄罪の路 [Via Purifico] • 祈りの歌~バハムート [Hymn - Bahamut] • 審判の時 [Moment of Truth] • 父を殺めた男 [Patricide] • 素敵だね [SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?)] • ユウナの決意 [Yuna's Decision] • ルールーのテーマ [Lulu's Theme] • 勇ましく進め [Bravely Forward] • 祈りの歌~ようじんぼう [Hymn - Yojimbo] • 極北の民 [Servants of the Mountain] • 祈りの歌~ロンゾ族 [Hymn - The Ronso] • 彷徨の炎 [Wandering] • いつか終わる夢 [A Fleeting Dream] • 祈りの歌~ユウナレスカ [Hymn - Yunalesca] • 挑戦 [Challenge] • 深淵の果てに [Beyond The Darkness] • 暗澹 [Gloom] • 祈りの歌~スピラ [Hymn - Spira] • 死人(しびと)が笑う [The Unsent Laugh] • シーモアバトル [Fight With Seymour] • 祈りの歌~マニア [Hymn - Anima] • 召喚戦バトル [A Contest Of Aeons] • 決戦 [Final Battle] • Ending Theme • 「思い出してください」 ["Please Remember"] • 素敵だね -オーケストラ・ヴァージョン- [SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?) - Orchestra Version]
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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dimension20pcbracket · 1 year ago
round 1 statistics
hi, gamers! while we wait for the round 2 polls to close, here are some interesting stats and tidbits from round 1 that I noticed :)
total votes: added up, the 52 polls in round 1 had a total of 28,221 votes. holy shit!
largest percentage of votes: sometimes the polls were tight, and other times they were... not. the top 5 most decisive winners were:
Fig Faeth (93.6%)
Kingston Brown (93.2%)
Sofia Lee (90.3%)
Chirp Featherfowl (89.7%)
Pete Conlan (88.8%)
the thinnest margin of victory to eke out a win went to Rue, who beat Amethar Rocks with a slender 52.2% of votes. notably, Rue kept up the trend in round 2, with their even slimmer 50.2% defeat of Gerard of Greenleigh, so it will be interesting to see if they're able to keep clinging on through round 3.
polls with the most votes: some polls really got you fired up, and brought Dimension 20 fans running in droves to vote for their faves...
Lapin Cadbury v Pinocchio with an unparalleled 1,636 votes
Squak Airavis v Kristen Applebees (838 votes)
Sam Nightingale v Colin Provolone (818 votes)
Katja Cleaver v Prince Andhera (767 votes)
Kingston Brown v Gangie Green (718 votes)
... while other polls had less fanfare. polls with the least votes:
Tuti IV v Maggie (347 votes)
Vicar Ian Prescott v Bob (388 votes)
Saccharina Frostwhip v Megan Mirror // Twyla v Marcid the Typhoon (392 votes each)
Bean v Amangeaux Epicée du Peche (409 votes)
Sunny Biscotto v Binx Choppley (416 votes)
it may not surprise anyone to know that it looks like none of the winners of these least-voted-on polls will be advancing to round 3; it seems the passion isn't there for these particular PCs :/
winning PCs with the most individual votes:
Lapin Cadbury (851 votes)
Kingston Brown (669 votes)
Fig Faeth (573 votes)
Evan Kelmp (509 votes)
Kristen Applebees (487 votes)
winning PCs with the least individual votes:
Maggie (255 votes)
Bob (260 votes)
Sam Black (269 votes)
Cody Walsh (274 votes)
Gunnie Miggles-Rashbax (285)
evidently, individual votes accrued in round 1 aren't a great basis for predicting future success - Kelmp was the fourth most-voted for PC in round 1 but won't be making it to round3, and Gunnie was the fifth least-voted for character in round 1 but on track to head into round 3 by a pretty decent margin.
campaign stats:
the most to least successful campaigns, by % of characters that won their round 1 polls:
Fantasy High: 100% (6/6)
Misfits and Magic: 100% (4/4)
A Starstruck Odyssey: 83.3% (5/6)
A Court of Fey and Flowers: 83.3% (5/6)
The Unsleeping City: 77.8% (7/9)
A Crown of Candy: 75% (6/8)*
The Seven: 66.7% (4/6)
Neverafter: 66.7% (4/6)
Mentopolis: 66.7% (4/6)
Burrow's End: 66.7% (4/6)
Coffin Run: 25% (1/4)
Dungeons and Drag Queens: 25% (1/4)
The Ravening War: 20% (1/5)
Escape from the Bloodkeep: 16.7% (1/6)
Pirates of Leviathan: 16.7% (1/6)
Tiny Heist: 0% (0/6)
Mice and Murder: 0% (0/6)
Shriek Week: 0% (0/4)
*ACOC: while Amethar was passes on to round 2 to compete against Pinocchio, he did lose his initial poll against Rue. if we included Amethar as a winner, ACOC would have a considerably higher 87.5% success rate, making it the third most successful campaign overall.
it's definitely interesting to see how the success of various campaigns has changed over round 2! Fantasy High stays strong, while the MisMag crew has been wiped out, and several campaigns have lost all of their remaining PCs. it'll be exciting to see how the numbers look when all of the final votes for round 2 are in.
thank you all so much for playing along with this bracket! I hope you're all still having fun and are getting hype for round three :)
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briry18 · 10 months ago
I was reading the first translations of Chapter 7 part 117 and an image popped into my head that I now can't get rid of...
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Idia: *Inserts costume changing program into Yuu's phone...pauses* Wait a minute.
Yuu: Something wrong, Idia?
Idia: Eh? Um, I was uh just thinking I should include extra outfits for you since you don't have magic. Would you mind if we tried some out?
Yuu: Eh? I mean sure, but what other outfits?
Idia: Um... You never know what situations you might run into... *Mashes buttons like a mad man, adding other various Otaku style outfits to Yuu's phone*
Idia: BEHOLD MALLEUS-SHI! MY SECRET WEAPON. *pushes a button and Yuuki's outfit changes to Leia's gold bikini from Star Wars* FAN SERVICE!!!
Yuu: IDIA!!! >A< *Covers herself*
Malleus: 0///0 **Overheats and is unable to keep the dreamworld up**
Idia: mwehehehe Victory ✌️
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noneedtofearorhope · 4 months ago
one day, they'll be selling privacy invading 'ai' powered heads up displays with video game nostalgia. not only is it a hud, as seen in so many video games, but when you complete a difficult task, it will detect it and play the victory fanfare from your favorite final fantasy game or s/t. and much like the 'cute' robo 'dogs' people eat up, i think it'll be enough to win a great number of ppl over.
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ff7storybook · 9 months ago
Final Fantasy Tales: FFVII Storybook Interest Check is NOW OPEN! *victory fanfare* 🗡️Click Link Below 📖 https://forms.gle/aHSQF8oWwKUF2SN1A Help us spread the word! Reblogs would be much much appreciated!
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pigminted · 2 years ago
Final Fantasy VII
 Music: Gamechops: Victory Fanfare
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accidentalsoravoice · 9 months ago
Update on my Left 4 Dead 2 Mods
This time I'll throw in a whole comprehensive list (it's under the cut so it doesn't take up your entire feed, because I installed an obscene amount of mods)
Nick - Shadow the Hedgehog
Rochelle - Makoto Nijima (Persona 5)
Ellis - Sora
Coach - Master Chief
Bill - Simon "Ghost" Riley (Call of Duty)
Francis - Walter White
Louis - a Minecraft version of Benny from The Lego Movie
Zoey - Mipha (Zelda: BotW)
Common Infected - monkeys
Hunter - Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising)
Spitter - Shrek
Boomer - Otis (Barnyard)
Smoker - Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Charger - Terry Crews (yes, the Old Spice guy)
Jockey - Glen Quagmire
Witch - SCP-096
Tank - Bowser
M16 - ACR (Call of Duty)
MAC10 (silenced SMG) - silenced UMP-45
Uzi - Kriss Vector
MP5 - PPSH-41
SG 552 - MG42 (Far Cry)
Pump Shotgun - Pump Shotgun (but from GTA)
Chrome Shotgun - random shotgun from Counter-Strike, but with Asiimov
Tactical Shotgun - Tactical Shotgun (Fortnite)
SPAS-12 - AA12
Military Sniper - Barrett M82
Hunting Rifle - M1 Garand
Steyr Scout - M1903 Springfield
AWP - Bow (Minecraft)
Pistol - FN Five Seven
Magnum - Smith & Wesson .500 (Resident Evil 4)
Grenade Launcher - Mentos-powered Pepsi launcher
2. Melee
Fire axe - Axe (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Baseball Bat - Naofumi's Shield (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Cricket Bat - Shield of Wrath (Rising of the Shield Hero)
Crowbar - Nokia hammer (I am not kidding it's literally just a Nokia on a stick)
Frying Pan - Frying pan with Kirby's face on it
Golf Club - just a sword
Guitar - none
Katana - Murasama (Metal Gear Rising)
Machete - random sword and shield from Dark Souls
Nightstick - Kylo Ren's lightsaber
Pitchfork - plastic fork
Knife - Butterfly Knife (TF2)
Shovel - squeaky hammer
Chainsaw - Pochita
3. Throwables
Pipe bomb - Electrode (Pokemon)
Boomer bile - Jarate (TF2)
Molotov - literally just the Autism creature
Horde alert sound - Prowler meme sound (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
Healing sound - "Holding Out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler
Getting hit by a Tank sound - metalpipe.mp3
Shoving zombies sound - various Super Mario World sound effects
Saferoom fanfare - Final Fantasy VIII victory fanfare
Saferoom music - File Select (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Ridden by a Jockey music - Gas Gas Gas (Initial D)
Pummeled by a Hunter music - It Has to be This Way (Metal Gear Rising)
Horde battle theme - Bowser battle theme (Super Mario World)
Tank battle theme - Bellumbeck battle (Zelda: Phantom Hourglass)
Escape music - Finn McMissile's theme (Cars 2)
Credits music - Jump Up, Super Star (Super Mario Odyssey)
Dark Carnival concert music
Live & Learn - Sonic Adventure 2
Won't Stop, Just Go! (Green Forest theme) - Sonic Adventure 2
Live & Learn (30th Anniversary symphony ver.) - Sonic Adventure 2
That's the Way I Like It (Metal Harbor theme) - Sonic Adventure 2
Healing animation - breakdancing (doesn't work with Shadow/Nick for some reason)
Hunter pummel animation - rapid punching (now you see why that song from MGR plays and why it's Senator Armstrong)
Medkit - Drip Goku body pillow
Pain Pills - crystal meth (I'm not joking, it's just Heisenburg blue crystal meth)
Adrenaline - coffee
Propane tank - Bowser Bomb (Mario Party 2)
The Ferris Wheel in Dark Carnival is now a giant statue of Garfield t-posing
Jimmy Gibbs Jr.'s car from Dead Center is now the magic carpet from Aladdin
Explosions have the "MY LEG" soundbite from Spongebob in them
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ethernalium · 2 years ago
there is a brazilian novela that has a song ost super similar to ffvii victory fanfare but slowed and mysterious, so every time I listen to it I feel like I'm in shinra discovering their dirt secrets
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mod-a-day · 1 year ago
Nobuo Uematsu, Joe St. Germain (CrystalShade) of SGD "A New World" (IT Arrangement) Final Fantasy V (1992, 1996) Square Co, Ltd.
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min3nc · 1 year ago
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this how i feel trying to look for a victory sfx that isn't the final fantasy victory fanfare
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timetravellingkitty · 11 months ago
top 5 rina songs ? 🕺
Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to spread the Rina agenda. Jai Bhavani
Akasaka Sad: craziest instrumental of all time I would have sex with this song if I could
Snakeskin: THE most dramatic song ever. The Final Fantasy victory fanfare?? The Beethoven sample?? Also great end to the greatest album ever
Cherry: I have no notes, it's just perfect.
10-20-40: gay synth riff break near the end you are so beloved
Honourable mentions: Flavour of the Month, Holy (til you let me go) and Fuck this World (interlude)
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