#FHW writing
fhw-unleashed · 1 month
The conditions of the match were achieved through a small lie. Pain and blood obscure her vision, but Lia enjoys it to the fullest.
Even if she's not sure she won't regret it afterwards. Maybe with a little support from her fans, first in the ring and later on the lake, she will get out of this in one piece.
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aladaylessecondblog · 1 month
FHW but omegaverse 6
Author's Note: He's a vampire so there'll be blood drinking. Reference to jerking off. stg I have 5 million other things to write but nooo, this is what gets written. no smut unfortunately.
Torovan had been certain, absolutely certain, that if anything were wrong he'd have scented it. Felt it. However muted the bond was, he could still pick up bits of Sadrith's mood and how she was feeling.
Irritation, mostly. She didn't like being beholden to anything like this. Now that he bothered to pay attention to what he she was giving off, it was obvious. A dash of panic, fear--of him. He supposed that made sense...some omegas had been taught to be fearful of alphas. Perhaps she had been one of them. She'd said she never presented, but surely she'd have read about it, and what was reported in books was often more extreme than necessary.
The problem remained: the bond was there, and there was no reversing it. They would simply have to deal with it. Sigurd no doubt would think him a fool, he'd thought himself a fool when he realized what he'd done. Surely, he thought, she must know who he was.
But it was obvious now that she didn't. She didn't know him, and there was the slightest of feelings that she didn't WANT to know him...
...there was also something she didn't want him to see. Perhaps she just hated the idea of being perceived as lesser? Some omegas felt that way...but most got over it if they were bonded to a good alpha.
The next couple of days were spent largely apart, with him easing the burn in his blood while holding that scarf of hers or one of her blankets to his nose, trying desperately to keep that weak scent present, to fool his body into thinking it was her body bringing this pleasure, and not his hand. It was odd, though--his ruts weren't usually so bad. No sooner would the deed be done than he would want it again. His nigh-legendary self control was becoming ever harder to maintain in the face of such overwhelming desire. Yet at the same time each finish was less satisfying.
He simply knew he could NOT indulge in her, however much he wanted to. Her blood called out to him as much as her body did, and it was that same blood that would ruin him, as it had in the past. It would drag him back to what Sigurd had saved him from--how could she not know what she was, with this blood coursing through her veins?
Her scent would be enough to get him through this...and if anything were wrong, he'd do just enough to keep her in good shape. She didn't want this either, after all.
But as the two days passed, he felt less and less from the link, as if it were fading into the distance.
Dragonborn--Sadrith, he corrected himself--didn't seem to speak much. She slept, but if he checked on her it was a fitful sort of rest. She'd look up at him and mutter something about 'the shadow man' and then turn away. A nightmare, she said, and that--that sent a fear of his own running through his mind.
Was she seeing his darker half? The side of him that Sigurd assured him was gone...he decided that first night to keep his distance more, to see if that might ease things.
It didn't seem to. She stayed in the tent the second day, claiming utter exhaustion. He noticed on the third morning that she didn't come out to eat, and he remembered, suddenly, he hadn't seen her eat for at least a day.
The answer to all his questions were given the moment he lifted the tent flap and was hit with the horrible, overwhelming scent of distress.
Sadrith was in pain, mentally, physically. She was barely awake, and didn't seem to have seen him yet. All her focus was on the skooma bottle in her hands.
"So that's it," he said, "I should have guessed."
"Torovan," Sadrith mumbled, "S'rry. Can't stay awake..."
She lifted the bottle to her lips but he snatched it away before she could drink.
"Do you not know the damage this is doing? The damage it CAN do?"
"I n'd it," she reached clumsily for the bottle in his hands. "Mind fuzzy, hard to get going...threats...but I needed...more...last few days. Can't stay awake without it. Sleep...not good."
"Skooma is the entire reason you're in this shape!" he snapped, and felt a pang in his chest when she flinched and fell back. "Sadrith--skooma blunts your omega reactions. And the more you drink, the worse it gets. The bond--"
"Why d'u care?" Sadrith slurred, "You don't wannit. Can't feel anything. Better."
You did this to her, he thought, Look at her, look at your mate. You rejected her and she's resorted to the skooma to stop the pain.
But the skooma had only made it all worse. The weaker the bond became the more fragile her own health grew - he could only assume he had been lucky, due to...what, he wasn't sure. Perhaps because he was a vampire, or rather, that he was undead?
"Been'n skooma my whole life. To help. The mind whirlwind." Sadrith gestured vaguely, and looked up squinting, as if she couldn't really see him right.
That explained so much. Had she not been on skooma the whole time for--whatever she was talking about--would he have been able to scent what she was sooner? To think of the time they'd lost...in addition to the pain he'd caused.
He looked through the bag at her side, taking out five bottles of skooma--three of them empties. He found her waterskin, and bringing her up into a sitting position, lifted it to her lips. She didn't argue, but drank deeply. She ate in the same way when he offered her a bit of bread and cheese from another one of her bags.
"S'tired..." Sadrith mumbled, and curled against him, breathing deeply. She trembled for a moment, and moved even closer, burying her face in his neck.
Then another feeling.
The fear of abandonment. Unbridled terror at the idea he would leave.
When he didn't shrink away, when he wrapped both arms around her, she breathed deep and exhaled shakily.
It did not take long at all for her to fall asleep.
For Sadrith, it was a confusing blur of time, those few days.
Feeling tired, she'd taken a little more skooma, but then found when she did sleep the actual quality of it went down. The bond had been thinner and thinner for her...and then the skooma had stopped helping what was wrong with her mind entirely.
And everything was pain. She hadn't wanted to eat, drink, nothing.
The urge to seek him out, to curl close, to cling and refused to be move had been terribly insistent. But he'd already shown he didn't want her, or the bond, and on top of being used to resisting persistent intrusive thoughts, she refused to give in. He didn't want her and she would not beg.
But the longer she resisted, the worse things felt. Sluggishness turned into barely wanting to get up at all; listlessness and fatigue that wouldn't go away. It wasn't until she woke up to find him in the tent that she realized how badly she wanted him.
And then all she could think was him, his scent, keeping him close. Any thought of resisting had faded and left her only with instinct--instinct that felt to her like the compulsions she often had, the ones she tried so hard to fight back. He gave her water, gave her something to eat - and the resistance she'd had to doing both was suddenly gone, now he was the one helping it along.
Sadrith kept close, and when he embraced her she got as close as she could, buried her face against his neck and finally, FINALLY she could relax.
Then she felt all the anxiety receding, and she slept.'
She woke to nothing.
Or rather, Torovan wasn't there, but Sadrith was surrounded by his scent; that spice and musk that completely enveloped her. The enjoyment stopped the moment she picked up that he was angry, and for a few minutes she thought it might be at her. She gathered the fur cloak of his that he'd left, pulled it around herself, and relaxed again.
It was alright. She was alright.
Him. Him. Home. Safe.
The words ran through her mind before she could really lock onto them.
(Everything was fine. She was exactly where she was supposed to be.)
She thought so, at least, until she felt the pain in her gut. The skooma--she wanted it, needed it. Maybe it had blunted the bond too much but...maybe a small sip wouldn't hurt...
No sooner had she started looking for it than the tent flap opened and Torovan appeared, with a bowl of stew he pushed into her hands.
"What'd you do with my skooma?" she asked, after scarfing it down and putting the bowl aside.
"I threw it out, it was doing you harm. You could've--you could've died. You could've killed both of us, taking that poison."
"It's the only thing that helps." A feeling came then, the familiar sensation of a rushing river in her mind. The river she tried so much to avoid. "You know what you would be on it? That's what I am off it. It would make you fly, but for me...it's...it's the only thing that keeps me on the ground."
What use was there in keeping it back from him? He'd feel it soon anyway, this typhoon in her mind.
"My mother tells me Akatosh gave me the dragonblood and soul...and Sheogorath cursed me, so I wouldn't turn into Tiber Septim." She looked down, and took a sip from the waterskin he handed her next. "A few healers she took me to said it's an affliction they see now and then...attention issues, high energy, creativity, an inability to make myself actually DO a lot of things. Said that types like mine do well adventuring, so..."
Gods above, it felt so good to have him there, to not only see but feel his interest in her well-being. Like it had been at Helgen, she asked herself: was this what having an alpha was supposed to be like?
"I found this little cure quite by accident when I was a child..." She took a deep breath, unable to stop herself going on. This. This was another of her curses, and she hated it. Sometimes she just couldn't shut up. "...my mother traveled with a khajiit caravan, and one of the khajiit left his skooma out. Everyone panicked when they realized I'd drunk some of it...until they found me quietly sitting and mending one of the tents. They'd never seen me so calm, and the next morning I was tentatively offered a smaller amount. I've been on it ever since."
Another deep breath.
"It's the only thing that helps. I've tried herbs and potions of every kind, but...nothing else touches it. Then when I began to suspect...it muted the bond...I figured...I needed my mind clear more than I needed a mal--an alpha that didn't want me anyway. I thought I would rather...ah...w...seal myself away from this, than...lose my mind again and be stuck chasing whatever good feeling I can scrape out-out-out just to--get through the day. I've served my-my purpose and what am I for...now?"
She hated mixing her words up like that, because then she'd realize she was making a mistake, trip, and stumble further. The harder she forced herself to speak the worse it got.
This is why I need the skooma! I can't be a hero if I sound like a babbling fool!
Torovan wasn't speaking--she felt concern from him, but she was sure he was judging her. She was always sure that everyone was judging her...and right now she was simply too tired to wear the mask of the fearless hero.
Go ahead, she thought, Tell me how weak I am.
He didn't do that.
Torovan let out a long breath and (seeing she was done eating and had put the bowl down) raised her hands to his bandaged face. "You have served your purpose in prophecy, and find yourself at what you feel is a dead end?"
She could see concern in that one exposed red eye of his, feel it from the bond, that seemed stronger every moment. Gods, she was luxuriating in an OCEAN of good feeling right now. She could shut her eyes and die happy, drowning in the sensation.
"You seem as if you know the feeling," she said quietly.
"Let us say," Torovan gave a dry chuckle, "That I do. Sigurd saved me from being nothing more than a line in the books of history, and now...well. I want to aid him."
"Funny you didn't claim him, if you were so close." She paused. "You might not have gotten stuck with me."
"Sigurd's not an omega. And what do you mean, stuck?"
"You didn't want..."
"I was...hasty. I'm--" Torovan stumbled, and tightened his grip on her wrists. His eye shut. "I'm sorry for rejecting you. I could have killed you...and all I could think was that I wanted to be left alone. You have no idea the surprise I felt...when I realized..."
"When you realized what?"
"When I realized Azura had given me a mate." His eye opened. "She and I have never been on the best of terms...so for her to have made you...what you are...it puzzles me. Especially since you are every bit a reckless gremlin. I never thought that if I were fortunate enough to get an omega, or a mate...that it would be someone like you."
"Did you want a meek and mild omega? Someone to keep a house, to bear your children, nothing more?"
Touching him was wonderful. The feeling of knowing he was scenting her, and being scented in turn...
"Of course not. I never thought to have an omega at all. I thought to spend my life without one. To use my time to help Sigurd in whatever endeavor he might be undertaking...to disappear altogether."
"It doesn't work like that." She breathed deep and leaned in closer, and spoke with her nose right against a scent gland. "You go on existing anyway. Trust me, I know. I wanted to just stay up on the mountain but...it's not suited to my taste, to be alone. I hate being perceived, but I crave company."
"The same as me." Torovan laughed.
His hands moved again and he turned her head--now it was his turn to take a deep breath of her scent. He growled, and Sadrith felt the slightest jerk in her gut. Desire.
"If I was feeling better," she said, "I would..."
"You don't know me. I rejected you right off - why would you WANT to?"
"This feeling. I want more of it." Sadrith looked away. "Without the skooma I seek the easiest possible joy in every situation, and..."
And she was craving it now. Too much bad feeling of late, she wanted to soak, drown, in the good.
"...and I never get anything done."
"You're in no condition for that..." Torovan started.
"I won't be in any condition for anything anyway." Sadrith shook her head. "You can probably already feel the mess in this head of mine. If you can do anything to fix it...or if you'd let me have a sip of--surely a little won't hurt."
"A little could still kill you right now." There was a pause. "I suppose there is something I could do, but--"
"Then do it." Sadrith replied instantly. "I don't care what it is. Do it."
"I haven't even told you what it is. There's that recklessness again." There was a slight sound of a chuckle. "I hesitate to suggest it because it's...you would be putting yourself under my power, even more so than you already have."
"How?" She was impatient--for answers, for relief.
"A vampire's thrall does not go straight from a normal state of mind to their thralldom, there are...stages of influence. I hesitate to offer this option for...obvious reasons. It would allow me to...meddle in your mind, and I prefer not to tempt myself that way."
"Have you done something like that before?"
Torovan was silent for a long period. Agonizing, for her in the current state - she was trying so hard to keep her attention centered on him, so much so it only added to the pains in her body from the skooma withdrawal.
She felt--something dodgy from the bond. Something was wrong. He was hiding something, something that he was frightened by. An easy 'yes' to her question that he didn't want to give voice to.
"A time or two," he finally said. "I would be biting you again...and it would almost certainly--"
"If you were suggesting this a few days ago I would have thought you crazy. Biting again will...reinforce the bond, won't it?"
"Have you already forgotten that you would be in danger of falling under my influence...or in danger of my draining you dry."
"Keep my mind clear, and you can do what you like with me," Sadrith said, after a long pause. "I can enjoy nothing with my mind in this condition...and if you wanted to do anything terrible with me you'd have done it already. You could have killed me easily, just by letting me drink the skooma."
"Which would have offed me as well...or at the very least, put me in a condition like yours for quite some time. Fated mates suffer immensely when one dies."
He seemed intent on informing her again of the risks, and Sadrith heard them. But all she could think was relief, and pleasure. The relief of a clear mind and the pleasure of his skin against hers.
Even just his hands on her own was wonderful.
When she made it clear a third time she wasn't afraid to take the risk, Torovan did what he had done the first time he bit her. He had her lay down, get comfortable, and expose her neck. He looked over the mark he'd left. The wound, however healed up it was, was cleaner than he'd wish. It was almost faded, and that--that sent an unpleasant sensation through his body.
How he wished they were spending this rut of his otherwise - how he wished she was taller, that as he had her he could have his face against her neck, consume himself with her scent as he--
"What are you waiting for?" Sadrith finally piped up. "You're making me nervous, just--staring like that."
This rut cannot be over soon enough, he grumbled to himself. There was much they had to discuss, and much he had to figure out HOW to discuss with her. Would she welcome him so sweetly if she knew the truth? Would she be so eager to put herself under his power, if she knew what a terrible temptation it was?
He would wait to tell her.
But in the meantime...
"Would you prefer I take the bandages off?"
"No," Sadrith said, "Keep them on...it doesn't matter to me. When we get to Riften and the face sculptor works her magic, you can show me the face you want me to see. Of course if you'd rather--"
He was moving down before she could say more, and when his fangs grazed her neck there was a sense of elation. What he would have felt before, had he not been so angry.
The instant his fangs sank into Sadrith's neck she gave out a moan that went straight to his cock. The instant her blood crossed his tongue, it was difficult not to draw back so he could claim her properly. Instinct was clawing at the door, begging to be let out, and it only swelled in prominence the more he drank.
(There had never been much information about a vampire drinking the blood of the omega he claimed, and nothing at all if a fated mate was involved. But her blood sang in his veins, thrilled him as nothing else had in a very long time.)
He finally forced himself to pull back when he heard Sadrith whimpering about it being, "Too much."
The bite was healed to stop the bleeding, but the mark of it remained. As he wiped off the last few drops from his lips he reveled in the sight. This time there was no anger. This time, there was only the thrill, the satisfaction of marking her.
"Now," he said, "I need you to stay as you are."
It was almost frightening to go back. To lay a hand on her face, to reach into her mind as he had done to others centuries ago, and twist what was there. He felt the rush, the chaos all around him, and slowly, bit by bit, he was able to adjust things. Not perfectly at first, but enough to calm the storm Sadrith was so afraid of. He could feel her relief through the bond as it calmed down, the utter joy at the increasing lack of chaos.
It was like putting on an old comfortable robe, to fiddle with a mind. Almost too comfortable. But she had asked for it, and when she opened her eyes she smiled up at him.
"Thank you...the bite was incredible but..." She gave a sigh, "...my mind is my own again."
There was a pause.
"...but...you might want to do something about...that."
"Hmm?" Torovan had been dwelling on the peace she felt, the joyful calm, and he realized he hadn't heard half what she said. "About what?"
Sadrith shifted her leg. "You're, ah...aroused. If you aren't going to let me do anything about that you might want to--"
As much as he wanted to let her, she was still recovering, and he'd taken her blood anyway. She needed a sweetroll...and some rest. He found a half crushed sweetroll in her bag, and when pressed she ate it. But there was a question to follow.
"How much longer will you be in rut?"
"Ah--another four days, if the pattern holds." It would, he knew. He could set the clock by when his cycle stopped and started.
She shifted again.
"Then see if you can control yourself another two. And we can give you a reward for helping me out."
Even in her current state, still weakened, freshly bled, she was flirtatious. Gods above, this woman was intoxicating.
And he would not again make the mistake of turning any of it down.
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wonda-ch · 1 year
Hey there,
for a bit more overview you can find pictures of all my crawling and creeping friends at
#wonda's creatures
For my intention to show you my own little universe, with original stories and characters, I have created the FHW sideblog,
Fallen Hero content and everything about my three Steps, can be found here,
My stories (Fandom and original) are stored here. AO3
My writings are tagged with
#wonda writes
I don't have an art tag, so have fun finding my few attempts at drawing.^^
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yikesshelly · 2 years
learning that fiona apple used to write fhw (fiona has wings) on her grade school tables and then got it tattooed on her back…amazing
i love that woman so much
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leopoldainter · 5 months
Marlena watchn lily take the stair car cycle. Here, she's missing
Gravioli Shazam gayerrrr
I ctuak
I kno the acs are you tube guids
It's cnn
I just knew they made a g sound differently jijimom, look wat gatos mons doing. I like to buy jujicruit because I can
Yo too bright
Pacjumima dlap
Or to save on postage wheel just poison him t
I can't pick that, o maybe
I told you that picachu would come in handy
Every now and then krone does what krone wants
Hiwid shell I do it oE yeafpap! I got it. Poision
Then what...
Arrested development or
Ok you have seizures I believe you now can we have some coffee I thought they meant the da e from the magaaine
How many maternity closets do you need
Some of these were recently leased by the Italian mafia and everybody can drink and smoke biw
Look at there
There my binoculars guess what hees doing
I'm going gourmet something and gravy damb
Like lace or did he do do band shell ocarina
Yea look
What's this ugh how close to the torch do you hold the.
Eyes have hill sweDjust veges I hat you both fuck gremlin on the wi g
Any ways I suppose meth wants you to ha e a payday.
What! But I though bicycle pig bear man
We'll. Ad it turns out there spanipokta a different pastry all together
Ok a quick cup of coffee
Then take him out of town and finish the job.
But what about the twix
I don't care anymore I have one hand testing my brow, the other doing this
Well forget it the gremlin probably like my mi I quiche
That's potoes krone she married hers, if only I had the range and the nails
Why are you sweeping
You are not getting around the palace well are you
I follow the instructions
Oh what
Diglets cave
Hot mess
Further kronk I like my toast right.
I like what he did with the umbrella
Ok careful I'm in quahog. But this time my wife may have adopted
Its just a giant banana you'll do fine
Paper or plastichEgtpt that cats flask
Yea I wasn't asking for fhw price but watever
Well then carry it
Well the I won't.
Where are they finding all this red. She doesn't even write the fucking books well there Ellen you've done it less sit chop chop
I think mine with kramer and the subway was better
You ended up across from your father no good
Trust me, pretty pretty bad
When do they serve absynth I mean why get off the flight at alll
Oh shit, I could have kitty by the kadilac In the first place. How does Fox do it.
There with the cia it's there job
Oh she's doing ned
The simpsons StellA! But fuck it Ned's naked.
What are they doing in the bathrooms I thought they put the soap up.
Nope sanitizer
I could have been drinking tht
Of for fucks sakes your father forgot to yell a toast or whatever, you were probably going to be dead by then anywYs
Nope, blew the lid on audis during amityville
That's small distant explosion
Now I would have called it a light house
Bad news first hunny?
I just used to throw those at the window
Those bulbs weren't even cemented
I just unwind
Unwind, he's right go back and get a spearow
She's gonna love it thank s jugdisg
I think you may have ate my watch batteries there cheaper than acs
We're not still dating
War wat does it look like
What the hell did we think earthquake s were
17, buy its been How old! I'm trying ugh OLD ohl Ele d, he isn't real and he didn't do it and she was the queen of the nagverse I think she knows what she's doing no no she does not
I was thinking crow or ugly owl
Cats are just shaddow
Two ds
Two ds one just.
Oh no shit she Did take my car keys
Have you seen your ac
A parent-teacher dust fa
No, apparently I do have fans, but your I and i know wh kookoppp oppoopolop
That's a neet trick
They're not native and they don't work here, they still don't know this is a discover card.
That person just swung it open behind it
I know I told the cards useless
This is indoor smoking
Who are waving at this isn't a&w
It's Tim Hortons, someone broke a hole out the wall counter grab. The company keeps delivering products
Are you sure it's safe to be here
Oh, no idea but they don't even work here
O did you oh
No what the hell they separate grain N dhouos and I still can't find the worm wood
Well we'll keep waving at some of the drivers
She has a knife A knife
O that's Ellen or whatever a d she likes the cheese string toasters I'm not actually elaine I just like drinking and she's a business ownere leave her. B
And then in the distance somewhere there someone saying o oPT Oh o oPT ohperma fromst. Aughhh yor dej yeti
P on
My cones
I told him not to use the good torches
Know not that
A raging river of death
What are they with soaps it's a man's club
What they'll,never. He will never keep it.
Is your mom cooking again
Someone's also a wizard on arrested development
You kids just like the rocks ever try sitting next t
Ye lamafo
I think you'll find it at least as good
She said stay in doors
... there s more than that
No, she's lean and she Can see
What the helles these
She doesn't get the gravy , well at least amwhere one can see
Kronos bang
No I'm still trying to grasp how that's a squid
Where did the light what Ha go, my pocket... hmm
She is a scientist
Yeah well that's bull shit look what I can do
Yeah cataracasddendem bitcg
Well it does sound like she's fine.
...krone did melt or .aymaybe a glass station or something
Well ...
I can still do tdidttkm dum with my nails
She, I thinkdan she has the good soap
.. ye
She's gone.
Wait Maybe she'll take on of the kids
We can not afford to send both of them, have you seen the door frame.
O ya I can see things.
She left the kids
They came back with a comic
It'd not a comic
Nintendo power bitch
Perfume I can stamp it myself
You know your father and I dont have any signatures theyre not really native and I can't find work out here have you seen the slopes
Oh, someone told me that was the anticrust
Yeah I k ow Iscreamed you poked me in the eye.
See I don't do work, nothing moved
I kneed some sugar.
Good luck
Where are these cubesna hearable.
Do you know what sing in
After the skivdr I grab this
%DESTRU TIONOFABYSS.. hold it by a candle lean it against leather
That really hurts tho
Helps with circulation and I did say leather
Maybe we could try a few ladders.
I heard there up to care bears somewjere
Hand me your nail polish
I thought you knew that
Knew what
To hell with you
🥹 vegetables
Happy Monday
She's not real
There inside elaine leave them.
We like your Russian,
He, he got distracted
Were those cops?
I have no idea I give up why wave
What the yell what the hell are these
So you use your cop voice indoors who cares that whole dtudddiddhdud damn thing is canada
I'm smoking
And these, bics Sprinklers
Are you sure or what
Now wave
Are sure this is safe
It's mostly electricity
People aren't waving back any more
Well what does your hair.
No, I made that up I like to bug elaine
I like to bug
YeH bug
Yes Yes yes its fox but I get , batteries,bak into things.
I'm not the only person who wants you dead.
Heuhh yeah I kno
I like to bug elaine
Bitch is bonkers
They sell bricks at dolarama
I got board and loosened it from the wall
That's what that says
Where'd the fre.dh roast, it's on every damb sign
There's some totally free bricks over there
I canread
But can you reach
GlossyTpols stik
I fil
That's Mercury
I happen to understand the weather girls
No yoh dont
Sh u do( : b"
Get up and just rip them out.
I don't want to be disbard
go wayaghi
Kathy naijimiy
We tried these smooties a mood that you can drink they say why the hell not I say about three and a tdfsgg dd m tikes
Were canadian, your wife's not asleep she's ignoring you
Were canadian, your wife's not asleep she's ignoring you
How can uou tell
We're canadiAn
Oh hi
Hi hi, my sparklers still doing ooooorsnge
Tumblr media
Ok that one I still can't figure out
Fuck it buy a bic I can find corners canyon to maybe just the babe, from a boat.
Buried thers
It'd have be a hellmouth
It is
And this reminds me of Häagen-Dazs
Carefully elaine were all normal middkC
Tumblr media
Stol hDhand down canadia
What the hell was that sigealangyae are raids boarding or getting off
Yes! Say that! Where do you leave your kids when yoh amooe
Smoke! But of course why not just remind people to leave there kids at the norms gym. On the second floor of the business office across the door I can see tits on my screen from the luckyHuf
BUFFET:CHUP,Time to time so I assume you can find you translucency:perspective achievement where you expect to find it I suppose it s pretty pretty much what you hear everywhere English!
No that buss just got hit by the train, the ones over here just don't have passengers nor
Oh now I hear it
Oh me
I also technically am a one part flat glass, and i can reach the moon with my hands.
Ok, My kids at least know which is a seat
That's politics for yeah. Muchos Perspective
Ok, you know you think you know all the kinds of celias then a week before they opened it was.t ..
I think she dropped in the yolei
Faucet, I get a little carried away with some of the elaine ones hi, registered sex offender.
You gather it and tap it with this paper unclog alot of air holes paper or plastic.
I know you work for the fbi, I have a pyrmaud things sorta happening
Get out of Mt way I live in New yorrk
Now I'm freaking the magicscnooolbust lady unless yoh notice whicpArt of the trains a not a part of anythe Now how about you.
I know where you sleep and work
Oh sorry, electronics am I right
I do work for thefbi
I an on date, someone totally hung finance ex ec
Shut up!
O gjg annbbshhh
I flush
Yeah use a ziploc I can keep it in my pocket, I do superloli reguql r. Sexy hun
...thats why they take law bachelor's
I got in by saying my mom was famous
If that's my name
We just found out you exist.
But, I don't poop in this washroom
We could get your annoying sister in existenze, keh
Niedermayer slow docSdebelkly ru lblnlbn.
Nice pace.
What do you people think these bloodhounds are for,
Actually your buses aren't and I think one of you takes acid before bed to help and set in a healthy regular sleep schedule so you know, you can get to work . On time.
If it was as important as mine whyd I get fired sexy years before you did, when oops you missed it it's just a regular simpsons week at the patio of tomorrow. I knew trump was white.
Yiu people just never watch the time. Machine the movie and keep preparing your dead for ground cover. Pretty pretty sad. Just the way just it is.
Yeah thYsben and why I say sometimes it really could be a good timevtk try adding chopped gremlin de testcoe of mystic serial yes I am crying it was already going to be gross and I'm still not convinced heinzz is better than presidents choice. Have you see what the Italians are handing each kosher these days
Pulls up the bread
And then this part barf
She forget pickles
Big Mac
What else do you do yes I meant onion. Yeah!
Some people get! Soccer
I mean
It's just been an orgy in the one building since then, its on all the channels daria cherish department! I know, I was on then poster, I got Arnold schwartmzenegR pregnant.
But your boys, money is difficult
But you poked against her cornia
I'm not saying it again
They thought I was dropping toasters down chimneys, but I can understand the weather woman. You only have to see it come and pick out the ladder from every other thing and boom Tree and I donr mean splurging litlebinybud. Buhlanahlsva
Yea habulajaja I have seen. Ugly Americans tree gasm
And are they hindi at least
They're barking mad
Look at her, she even takes a shower once in a while if you were like one of the gehto blaster like YAM whoa and also, run from trees lighting aims for them to start fires
To start fires
I know, then they don't even. Consider a chance they'll walk into the field a d just wander around, these babys got Dannies back
Of course why would lighting start a fire in the rain.
Get over it your just dumb
Also the one trees a daughter the others a bastard
. Yeah
She can't even finish a book
The others a bastard
They're married
Maybe I dim the lights
Until they're pretty much completely off.
Nooooo. Yeah
Yeah puff nko
So he's mastirbarting than he sees me and i start 🤔 doing the rails o my stretch
And you fell for that
What happened to thebdraft
Backdraft JFK SHOT dead ung
is what KEEP UP
He gets that way around them.
They were supposed to be online or something someone sent everyone home.
I , perfume?
Look, vote select what the. Hell the one with a wheel what's 89yen
It's cad
Well fuck
My manaquan
My ... shirt
. .
PiAmusDiSecsMiamShirt goose! ZapsaxsoloSex?
" y
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rkvils · 5 months
I need vil's dad so bad im so sorry i need that man deep into my guts
more on this i think eric has a very long dick that definitely scrambles your insides and makes you believe that god is real hallelujah. he got me sweating like a cold drink coming out of a fridge and tbh? he'd love to use his acting skills just to make you come apart a little more or tease you just to turn around and laugh at how cute you are when you're down bad for him. i cannot explain in words how badly eric schoenheit makes me want to write smut again.
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eoieopda · 1 year
my fave is def def def def lajoona and i think about her all the time :') HOWEVERRRRRR I WOULD BE REEEEEEEMISS if i did not mention hallpass asjkfawfquio;fhw;ufhuilhfjh GOODBYE do not perceive me
man, @here2bbtstrash really gave us all brain rot with that vmin request, huh? 😵‍💫 i’m excited to write pt. ii eventually!! and LAJOONAAAAAAA. my loves. my poor tortured babies. i’m glad you love them too 💘
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void-writing · 6 years
Summary: Lucy lived an ordinary life running a bookstore with her friend Levy. However, everything changed when a half-dragon named Natsu comes crashing into her life. Now, Lucy's been roped into a quest to help Natsu find his soulmate and get his wings. The road is full of challenge and unexpected revelations for both of them as they discover new things about themselves and each other.
**After 5 billion years, chapter 48 is finally done! One more chapter until the story is finished for good!**
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fandomshatewomen · 7 years
The only time I would be okay with queer characters dying is if there were LOADS of queer characters that would remain alive anyway in the same show/film/etc. Though that would depend on the proportionate amount of living characters who share the specific part(s) of the dead characters identity.
That’s a very good way to put it!  Nonny please take a look at this!
mod m
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The only requirements are:      Must be over 18     Can’t be white if applying to one of ‘-peopleofcolor’ blogs     Must have a working knowledge of intersectional feminism for any of the blogs.   The application procedure outlined below will apply to all the blogs listed. Apps will take a month to review all of them and reach a decision.
Pick the blog you want to apply to and open a submission (can’t be anonymous!) or fanmail      if you want to be part of multiple blogs just include that after your name. However, only send your application to one (1) blog!      
Name and pronouns, age (must be over 18)
Race and ethnicity (Please be aware you still need to provide this if you’re applying to fandomshatewomen, and if you’re white you will be expected to queue posts about racialized misogyny/misogynoir and understand and be comfortable with the concept of womanism.)      
Religion, if you’re comfortable sharing (relevant to future questions sent to the blogs related to Islamophobia, antisemitism, sikhism, or for questions about Jewish or Muslim actors or characters)
A  paragraph written by you about fandom racism (for FHW, feminism as it pertains to fandom) OR a tag on your blog with your writing on fandom racism (for FHW a tag of your posts pertaining to feminism).  It can be about how white fans treat a character of color, an actor of color, fans of color, or anything that you deem relevant! The format should be yourblog.tumblr.com/tagged/yourtaghere (If you’re applying to fhw I’m expecting the same from you, if that’s not possible then try queerphobia, ableism, whorephobia, transphobia, and/or transmisogyny in fandom).     Special interests that you’d like to focus on (examples are musicals, gaming, YA novels, anime, kpop, etc)
Last step, VERY IMPORTANT! Send a separate ask also off anon so that we can ask you questions about your application or to invite you to the blog.
Thank you for reading! Please consider applying and signal boosting!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Do Not Read This (Hp -CRACK)
A/N: I...I don’t know what is this... I’m sorry you had to read this rubbish @stardusthigh​ I really tried to make it justice even if it was prank but I just don’t have the talent sjsj -Danny
P.S. —I hope you know you’re the reason why we’re about to lose half of our followers.
Words: 628
Request: While trying to defeat Voldemort by killing his horcruxes Harry, Ron & Hermione use the time traveler hermione should've handed back in, but instead of timetraveling they end up in an alternate universe where instead of hunting Voldemort they travel to fhw future and are in a BAND!!! Big Time Rush still exists Cue? Cue rivalry w btr & 1 Direction 😌 (aka I want it to be on absolute crack)
Join our followers celebration! (we promise this is not the kind of stuff we usually write lmao)
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“Harry, come on it’s your turn to be on stage!”
Harry opened his eyes abruptly, he found himself laying on a couch inside of what it looked like a backstage room. Hermione was beside him, pale as paper and holding onto the time traveler with white knuckles.
“Uh-oh,” She breathed.
“What’s going on?” Ron sat up, he’d fallen directly onto the floor.
“I think we messed up terribly.”
“How?” Harry straighten up in his place, examining his surroundings.
There was a bunch of things getting his attention and none of it made any sense. The same woman that had come to woke them up entered again, looking rather agitated.
“Are you ready no? Come on you three, the sooner we go out there the sooner is done, you know that…”
Harry, Ron and Hermione were escorted out of the room, that turned out to be a real backstage room.
“Heads up, the boys are still out there,” The woman rolled her eyes. “Please try to keep thing civil kids, we don’t need another scandal like what happened during the grammy’s last month…”
“What is she talking about, ‘Mione?” Harry whispered to the girl.
“How am I supposed to know?” Hermione scowled.
“What’s happening?” Ron caught up with them, looking around in utter confusion. “Where are we?”
“I think we took a wrong turn at some point…” Hermione frowned, then look over at the woman ahead of them. “Excuse me-er… miss? Can you tell me where we are exactly?”
“Are you trying to make a backstage insta story again, ‘Mione?” The woman smirked. “That’ll have to wait, you have to go out now.”
“Go out where?” Ron frowned.
The woman gave him an eerie look. “Have you been drinking, Ronald?”
“What? No!”
“Oh good, very good.”
She turned around and kept walking without adding anything else. Harry was about to ask something else when someone called his name.
“Hey look– the Golden trio, more like the loser triplets.”
“Excuse me?” Hermione asked in surprise.
In front of them there were four boys that looked a lot like a boy band. That was because they were a boy band.
James stepped further. “You heard me– I can’t believe you guys are still a thing, your fans are almost nonexistent.”
“Fans?” Harry asked.
“Are you high or something?”
“He’s definitely high,” added Kendall matter-of-factly.
“One Direction’s out of stage, it’s the Golden Trio’s turn!” Yelled a voice from across the hall.
“How does it feel to be the middle band?” Carlos teased. “That’s right! You’re so irrelevant that they have to put you in the middle so people don’t arrive late or leave early!” He cackled.
Five boys appeared around the corner, and the air in the room became tense and heavy.
“Harry,” Harry Styles glared at Harry Potter.
“Er… hi?” He said hesitantly.
Hey, Harry,” Said James. “Nice hair, did you plug it out of the sewer?”
Before they could hear the rest of the conversation they were dragged once again to the next hall, which gave directly to the entrance of the stage.
“Okay kids, just do your thing,” The woman handed Hermione a microphone and gave Harry drummer sticks. “Don’t listen to the boys, the audience loves you. Ron please this time try not to get too into the moment? Don’t break the bass all right? Perfect! Get out–”
They were hushed out to the exterior where a thousand faces welcomed them, yelling their names and throwing stuff at their feet.
“Guys what about voldemort? What do we do?” Hermione asked anxiously.
“He can wait until we finish the concert, can’t he?” Ron waved at the audience, which went absolutely feral at this.
Harry looked down at the drummer sticks and gulped. “Shit…”
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fhw-unleashed · 28 days
Take a look at the FHW universe yourself during a short training session with Miles. The experienced veteran wants to help you get back to your full potential. He's been nice to you since you joined the company, a real friend so far. <3 Read it here under the cut or on AO3.
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Miles in all his glory was brought to life with this picture by @westealtoys. (Still a WIP but a great one)
Don't get distracted during training
It's just training, you keep telling yourself. You've trained with Miles many times, you've felt his hands on your body as you've practiced holds. Yet you feel your pulse racing in your head every time he touches you.
Why do you notice how damn hot he is every time you look at him? Those mountains of muscle flexing under his dark skin with every move. Not as defined as in his bodybuilder days, now the curves of his muscles are softer, covered in a soft layer that your hands sink into slightly when you grab him.
Concentrate, you must concentrate. He will grab your arm and bend down so you can roll over his shoulders and counter his hold.
Grab - roll - damn it, you've gone too high, your fingers get tangled in his hairband instead of wrapping tightly around his strong neck. You slip and fall onto your back right in front of him. He gives in to the rough tugging on his hair, drops to his knees with you, and comes right on top of you.
You release your fingers, and his loose ponytail opens completely, dropping his long box braids into your face. Only now do you realize that only a few inches separate your faces. Your throat tightens, heat creeps into your cheeks, and you hope he doesn't notice that you're blushing.
Miles licks his thin lips almost imperceptibly, sending a wave of rapture through your body, and you react almost too late when he asks, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I got distracted for a moment, I'm sorry," you stammer embarrassedly, clearing your throat to regain the strength in your voice.
"See, that happens to the best of us," Miles says gently, giving you a teasing wink. He slowly stands and his fingers slide across your chest. The delicate touch makes you shiver, and you wonder if that was his intention. You're sure he didn't need to touch you to get up.
Distracted by the long, slightly silver interwoven hair that fall down over his strong neck muscle to his chest, you take his helpfully outstretched hand a heartbeat later than you intended. Judging by his grin, he noticed you staring at him.
With a strong tug, he pulls you to your feet, so hard that you bounce lightly against his chest before regaining your balance.
"You're putting too much pressure on yourself, just because you've been on the big stages doesn't mean you can't make mistakes," he says encouragingly.
"Do you say that to everyone or just to me? I remember you saying, 'your mistakes are other people's injuries'," you reply, unable to stop grinning like an idiot despite the important topic.
"Both are true. We have responsibilities, but we're still human. You're talented and have everything a star needs. You just need to get your confidence back. Too much pressure and perfectionism can lead to more serious mistakes than getting caught in a hair band."
You swallow as he mentions serious mistakes. Suddenly, his hand squeezes your forearm in encouragement, and you notice that neither of you let go of the other after you stood up. Is this on purpose? Maybe you wish it were, but maybe it's just his willingness to help.
You need more clarity before your flushed cheeks turn too obviously red. "If you keep being so nice and flattering, I might think you're flirting with me."
"What if I am?" He says smoothly, and your heart skips a beat in your chest. You're glad he's still holding your forearm and squeeze it tighter before the lightness in your head makes you sway.
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aladaylessecondblog · 4 months
Battle Against a True Hero (Shezarrine v Sithis)
Author's Note: Yes this is Undyne the Undying-inspired because when the fight is against Sithis I'm not sure who else I know that would fit the bill better for inspiration. This is me attempting to work some stuff out and write exciting bits when I'm doing more buildup-y stuff in the current chapters. "Shattered Lorkhan" stuff, lots of Lorkhan lore I'm making up myself. I'm shit at fight scenes, but this'll probably end up better in the "final" version. As usual nothing is canon until it actually shows up in FHW.
The mer, no, the thing standing before her spoke no words at first, merely stood smirking.
They had an audience. The Stormcloaks that stood watching in rapt horror, the imperial army nearby, a scattering of others--and at the forefront Sadrith saw Voryn.
This is what I was made to do, she thought, This is where even HE was meant to go.
She looked back to the one before her. He had maintained a steady physical form at first, what one might expect of an Altmer, with his robe a deep void that shimmered with stars. Now every detail of him was in a state of constant flux, with nothing remaining the same. Hair, feather, scale, fur, claws--
But still living.
That was the key to all this. The chaos before her was alive, and what was more, was enjoying it.
Then a laugh.
"The Blade of Woe? You were never adept with the bigger swords, weak child."
Sadrith took a deep breath, and charged. Each blow struck true but seemed to do little, and in her mind the Crusader rose. She ducked the next few blows, tucked away the Blade of Woe, and brought up the sword of the Crusader.
He is powerful, but he is not unbeatable.
Each strike she felt in return was worse than any yet put upon her by a weapon before, and Sithis fought with no weapon but his hands. Unnatural things, for despite the changing nature of the rest of him there was in the feeling of his fingernails a sensation more akin to that of claws than anything else.
There was a rapid flurry of attacks, and when she fell back, hit by the last of them, an oppressive weight settled on her chest.
"Give up, child," Sithis spoke, "Do the job you were created for, and you shall have the joy of being the last creation of mine to live."
Sadrith spat blood, and struggled to her feet.
If I rebelled, so can you
Alduin's voice was the next to ring out - and she groaned at the expansion in her mind as he joined Pelinal.
"You never did know when to quit."
The sword of the Crusader was knocked aside, but she soon brought to hand a Dragonbone replacement. Every muscle was tired, screaming with fatigue, but she could feel the anticipation and fear from those who watched, felt their hopes, felt their focus upon defeating Sithis.
Sithis did not even attempt to block her next blows.
"Alduin?" he laughed when she Shouted and deflected the flames easily, "Yes. Yes, my wayward son, my first mistake. The bit of Akatosh that I chiseled off from him to form you. Chaos itself - and yet what did you do? You tried to form empires to fight against me! Every dragon priest, every slave, all made and taken to resist what you should have done to start!"
"You wanted an end, so you made one. That sounds like order to me." Sadrith stopped momentarily to catch her breath. "You are nothing if not contradictory."
"Lorkhan, do not backtalk me. It was I who created you. I who twisted the piece of Akatosh into something usable."
"Shor," she said.
"My name is Shor," she said, speaking words that somehow were hers and yet not hers, "I cast off the name you gave me long ago. I am not--will not--be the end of those here. I will save them...I will..."
"Thousands of years you have been trying to incarnate, to shore up the world against me, and for thousands of years you have failed. You think you wield weapons? They are toys. Toys in the hand of a child who has no idea of their potential. You could have been my crowning achievement! Now--now, you are NOTHING!"
Her head was a whirlwind, but she kept her eyes on the THING before her despite it.
Gradually. Gradually. They had to join slowly, or her mind would be broken before it could hold the pieces.
On your feet. The Heart is yours. Ours. And with it we will triumph.
And then, as Voryn had done when she had been firmly in the throes of detoxing from the skooma, the typhoon cleared. Her next weapon was Keening, drawn from her bag and used to block one of Sithis' furious blows.
"So the Dark Heart has come home. How fitting for you to be the guildmaster of thieves, your body is full of things that are not yours!" A cracked laugh, in what seemed like several tones at once. Fangs showed at his lips, began lengthening, and unlike the rest of the body, weren't in that state of flux. "He is as much chaos as you are, only of a different kind. How much of a fool can you be? How much more will you fight this hopeless battle?"
A burning feeling settled in her chest as her heart beat rapidly away. Sithis was for a handful of seconds the same shape, and his flux wasn't as rapid either.
What was happening?
A warrior's resolve...the rebel, the darkness, the light...chaos, order...
There was a peal of laughter and a poof of butterflies as the next voice spoke.
Aye, are we doing something fun? No one told me! Oh, that DOES look nasty...well, don't tell anyone I did this, but...
The Wabbajack appeared, from where she did not know.
Give our father a taste of his own medicine.
Sadrith aimed it directly at Sithis, and once more he laughed.
His form was shifting to a serpent, and its color stayed the same. The state of constant flux had come to an end. There was a strike against her face and she fell back, clutching the Wabbajack as her head spun and her vision swam.
"You pathetic little stain," he hissed, "I should have blotted you out before you drew your first breath. I should have known better than to trust you would do the job I made you for. A lesson to learn before I consign you to the Void, child - never delegate work to others when you can do it yourself. It prevents...failures like this."
His hatred is anchoring him, another thought came as she charged the Wabbajack and blasted Sithis with it. There was a flash of light and an explosion of fire, and Sadrith had to raise her arm to block her eyes from the heat of it.
She lowered the Wabbajack with her other hand and shot blindly forward--and from a sudden lack of noise figured something must have happened. When her vision cleared she couldn't help but laugh.
The mighty Sithis, reduced to a harmless little bunny rabbit, but not for very long. She reached for another weapon.. From her arsenal was drawn now the sword of Jyggalag. Had she been able to think of her situation objectively, from the outside, she might have thought how ridiculous she looked. Wabbajack in one hand, Jyggalag's sword in the other, as she looked down upon the most innocent looking creature in all Tamriel.
But energy crackled, magic sparked, and soon from beneath the rabbit's fur burst the serpent anew.
Her mind was still, even as the raging serpent before her struck in rapid succession. She was tired, gods, how tired, every muscle aching more and more with every attempt to move. Yet somehow something -- something kept her moving.
There is no solution for chaos but order, the voice said in her head.
There are plenty of ways to counter chaos! More chaos, I say!
Fools, all of you.
Strike NOW!
The serpent of chaos lashed forward to strike and she turned the Wabbajack, intending to blast Sithis with it again--but her hand trembled and all she managed to do was jab the head-end in his mouth. She followed the whim to shove it further, and rushed forward to put a boot on its neck.
"You're choking," she said, "That's new to you, isn't it? You're the Is-Not. The void. The chaos. You're not supposed to feel anything. This body is just a shell."
A laugh, hers or Dagoth Ur's or Alduin's or Sheogorath's she did not know.
"But you spent so much time alive...enjoyed it..." Both hands now, on the hilt of Jyggalag's sword. She turned the sword point down.
Deep breath.
Sithis had made his physical form MORE than what it had been intended to be by living.
I cannot die. You cannot slay that which is not!
The thought appeared in her mind, and wrenched painfully with something new.
Fear. Sithis was afraid.
He was no longer the Is-Not, or rather, not only that. He had lived, truly lived, in a mortal body, with all its ups and downs. All its joys and sorrows. He had become more than what he was, and thus came the key to drive him back.
She pressed her boot down harder, and held the sword point above the serpent's eye. Why she hesitated, she was unsure. But still, there was that moment.
Without me, none of you would ever have come to be! Without me--
"Without you we will LIVE!"
She drove the sword down with a yell; an unholy screech that left her ears pounding followed. The serpent's body lashed back at her, tried to coil about her, choke the life from her even as its own was ebbing away.
I will come back. I will come back, and visit the pain you cause now tenfold upon you!
The only thing keeping her upright now was Jyggalag's sword, and Sadrith clung to it like a lifeline, until the serpent's struggle ended.
"And I will be here waiting."
Then she fell back, and all went black.
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genshinimpacton · 2 years
C0 Keqing Taser and C6 Rosaria Sunfire - Genshin Impact Abyss 2.6 - Floor 12 9 Stars Want to write keqing taser double geo but that's too long lol. Join my Discord channel : https://ift.tt/fc34z2R notes: i just ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZi3Ybp-fHw
0 notes
kdlsvlsd-blog · 5 years
Family vacation in Greece
Family vacation is very important, as we all get the chance – not only to relax – but spend quality time with our children and – why not ?- with our parents.
Today we will suggest a 7 day family – easy activity – holiday in Crete .
Take a look and let us know what you think .
Day 1
Arrival in Athens
Transfer to the hotel
Orientation afternoon walking tour in Plaka area
Day 2    Athens Sightseeing & Tholos virtual reality
Morning Athens Sightseeing tour [including Acropolis site and its museum] Lunch break and then we suggest a visit to the Hellenic Cosmos cultural center where you  can watch a virtual reality show with one of the following themes : “Hagia Sophia” “A Walk Through Ancient Olympia” “A Walk Through Ancient Miletus” “Interactive Tour at the Ancient Agora of Athens” “Titans of the Ice Age” “Darwin: the Mystery of Nature” “Dream to fly” http://www.tholos254.gr/en/index.html
The “Tholos” is the Foundation’s new dome-shaped Virtual Reality “Theatre” with a capacity of 130 people. It is a building of exceptional architectural design and with unique technological infrastructure, which hosts FHW’s digital collections. The “Tholos” resembles a planetarium regarding its natural and morphological characteristics. However, their only common characteristic is the semi-circular shape of the projection surface. The exterior shape of the “Tholos” refers to a whirling celestial body. It a sensation that is rendered through the processing of surfaces and the selection of materials, such as the successive rings that surround the external shell and the special lights that make it stand out during the night. Thus, the “Tholos” becomes a symbol of Hellenism and characterizes Pireos street. The shows will be interactive, controlled by the spectator, and not static. It is a unique experience of immersion into the virtual world, which is characterized by immediate response, flexibility, originality and liveliness.
Day 3   Flight to Heraklion – Visit Knossos & Archanes traditional village -Hersonissos
Transfer to the airport for mid-morning flight to Heraklion [there is one at 09:55 arriving an hour later] Upon arrival meet driver and guide for visit to Knossos & Archanes Only few kilometers south of Heraklion, Knossos, the capital of King Minos and the center of the magnificent Minoan civilization is located. Our visit here will take us a step back in time and some 4000 years, 2000 BC. Knossos and her Palace, famous throughout the world through the myths of Europa, the Minotaur, the Labyrinth and Theseus, Daedalus and Ikarus, will open us a window to the most ancient civilization of Europe and its reality you can’t miss. After our visit to Knossos Palace we drive to Archanes.The mayor of ten years, is one of the most active, to the visible benefit of the place, in creating and encouraging the establishment of museum, arts, special and cultural events The village people are proud of their successful efforts to keep the village alive, clean, traditional and beautiful. They are also genuinely friendly. Archanes has won awards – 2nd best restored village in Europe and 1st in long term development prospects. Streets have been newly stone-paved, there are more splendid displays of blooming flowers, fruit trees and plants in the yards, terraces and balconies of the houses Drive to Hersonissos for overnight
Day 4 Heraklion Museum of Natural History & Cretaquarium
Drive to Heraklion to visit to the new museum of the town of Heraklion ‘’Museum of Natural History’’ The Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC) in Heraklion, Crete is a natural history museum that operates under the auspices of the University of Crete. Its aim is the study, protection and promotion of the diverse flora and fauna of the Eastern Mediterranean region. The museum is based in a restored industrial building that used to house an electricity power plant.In late December 2012, NHMC was awarded by the Academy of Athens with the Benaki award for “its diverse educational, research, writing and publishing work, its exemplary organization and its promotion of scientific research and training” Next stop of our tour is the Cretaquarium in the north east cost of Crete. Cretaquarium or Thalassocosmos (Greek:”sea world”) is a public aquarium located near the town of Gournes in Crete, Greece, 15 km east of the city ofHeraklion. The Cretaquarium project was conceived by employees of the former Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (IMBC) to create the first large aquarium in Greece, as part of a marine park for research, education, culture and recreation. Its construction was co-financed by the European Investment Bank and the Greek state. After our our visit ,we return back to our hotel.
Day 5  Spinalonga “lepers” island cruise & BBQ
Driving along the North East coast through the gorge of St George we reach the small fishing village of Elounda, the location of the BBC television series “Who pays the Ferryman” in the late 70’s. Here we board a boat and cruising along the bay of Elounda we reach the small island of Spinalonga. Spinalonga has had a very chequered history and today, although uninhabited, still echoes with ghostly reminders of the past. It was held by the Venetians who constructed a very impressive fortress with 40 cannons which was guarding the bay from the 15th century. The beginning of 19th century human pain and sorrow was scattered around this islet. It became a leper colony and it remained so until 1957. It has since been cleared by the Health Authorities and today is uninhabited. After our guided tour of the island, we proceed to the small sandy pirate bay of Kolokitha. Here you have plenty of time for swimming at the crystal clear water, and a BBQ will be served on board.
Day 6 At leisure
Day 7 Departure Transfer to Heraklion airport for deparure to Athens
The post Family vacation in Greece appeared first on Travel Smart.
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fhw-unleashed · 22 days
A first brief introduction.
For those of you wondering what this is all about.
David, Lia, and Justin in particular may be familiar to some readers of my fanfictions from other fandoms. That's because I've always tossed my four favorite OCs into any universe that has appealed to me.
But they have a universe of their own. And that's what I'm going to gradually introduce to you.
FHW - Fighter Hearts Wrestling - is an upcoming wrestling company (without gender boundaries) trying to prove themselves in the industry.
Lia Kingsley and Luke Reglan founded the company and bring with them experience, star popularity and business acumen. They run the business with care and consideration. It is their desire to create a strong community among their employees, which is not always easy.
In addition to several wrestlers, announcers, technicians and others, David Kingsley and Justin Rosedale are also an integral part of the company.
Wrestling is the main business for these people and of course it has a huge impact on their lives. However, it is less about wins and championships and more about relationships, personal issues, old traumas, new problems and opportunities.
Wrapped up in a world of spotlights, cheers, sweat and worn-out joints.
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