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soediz · 2 years ago
I’m not usually the type to read x reader fics….BUT
It’s PAFL content, centered around Temnova, AND it’s written by you. I have a moral OBLIGATION to read this lmao
you just write…too good
you could throw your keyboard down a hill with a cat sitting on it, post the mess onto ao3, and I would still read it and lose my mind over it(I’m exaggerating. mostly.)
I am both horrified and incredibly intrigued to find out what it means to do “cocomelon” shit
teehee!!!! thank u boss!!! again i rlly appreciate it:3 your messages r rlly nice n cool!! as for what the cocomelons hit is. um. um. um. its. um.
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its GOOD and i LIKE IT!!!! and im PROUD OF IT SO FAR
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beanspoonsteve · 6 months ago
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marsohki · 10 months ago
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i need to work on stylizing richie in my style smh
very rough doodles i’m so sorry lol
(again says fhae bc all my others handles on every other social media is fhae but not here- )
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kimsonvalon · 5 months ago
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4000records · 2 years ago
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We're very humbled to have the new album by local experimental ambient folk artist @fhae_music grace our catalogue. Available on your preferred platform and on limited edition cassette now (see bio link 🔗) Still very early on in their musical journey, Ellena is on a constant quest to learn, collect and create new, unique and low budget DIY ways to capture interesting sounds. Currently, their recording setup is completely run off GarageBand, with the aid of an iRig and several adapters for vocals and guitar. As unorthodox as it is, the simplicity of this approach strips away the potential to overwork their music and to force them to face the essence of what they are trying to convey. Heralded by singles 'love you' and 'earth', 'sombre thorax' is a turbulent pilgrimage through Ellena's adolescence. This journey is exemplified through songs like ‘earth’ - a lyrically improvised track steeped in an ordinary moment, sitting cozy on a bed, staring out the window. ‘man’ is an unfettered tale of a contemptible act that took place at a party when they were 14 while ‘emergency’ is a pean to heavy pain medication and a “grumbly appendix”. ‘heard’ exhibits a more playful and sprightly side to fhae with the album as a whole being a bantam triumph of bedroom experimentation, layered guitar architecture and unshackled lyrical methods. For fans of @grouperepuorg, @cocteautwinsband, @angelolsenmusic, @sylvainemusic, @juliannabarwick https://www.instagram.com/p/CqY5avSScSw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gentlenotes · 4 months ago
❋ fhae ❋ demi-aroace ❋ intj; 5w6 ❋ midwesterner
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444namesplus · 9 months ago
Aenar Aful Ahei Aifhii Alie Anei Anha Aphoutu Apusele Arhai Asau Ase Aselacul Awa Cae Cahil Cahu Cehaichu Cheimeiwho Cherhasa Chethu Cheupei Chia Chicohia Chinarphu Chiuti Chohototee Cimhi Cinar Ciohotower Cite Ciwo Colpi Conor Curhee Eciu Ee Efolhel Eharwhonau Ehi Ei Eifha Ena Enhoirui Eniwha Epur Erhel Etii Eu Ewo Exou Exuehiwha Fale Fapo Fefa Feishixe Feiunui Ferhurhawiu Fhae Fhasitoi Fhauhe Fhelhar Fhericiu Fhia Fhiceu Fhii Fhiise Fhulwhotiuo Fhunai Fifirheu Filharonouo Finoxheni Forlhi Fotho Funhai Fursoca Fuutha Haeca Hai Haiphiehe Hala Halhurhii Halleu Halo Hamufenhune Hapholsiu Harhiixao Hartuuhel Haufihai Haxa Haxohi Hechufe Hei Heio Heiphornithe Heltaliu Helxerlhela Hene Heo Hercau Hernheithui Herro Hetho Heuhatiripi Hexa Hia Hicho Hilciu Hileweo Hilfeue Hilnui Himoi Hiomalnur Hiremha Hirhoher Hiro Hirpical Hirwe Hiuelo Hiuhi Hiwur Homho Horiuwhiltanu Hornal Hosau Hotheuhotal Hou Howhel Huhanhasir Huihau Huihou Hulefaxa Hulfefau Humar Hunher Hunho Huo Hurcollaushi Hurnorpephemi Hurwe Huuthei Iceo Ie Ifheorhu Ihe Ihelmiu Ihimuu Ihirmhitu Ii Ine Inephi Inhi Inolmuha Ioasheulhe Irer Isei Ishil Italmheisa Iteesilshal Ithelsorsortu Itol Lache Laini Lanuho Larhar Lelfaau Leshaihilrila Leu Leuci Lhapecu Lhelnaularhe Lhera Lherto Lhiohiu Lhitaiwhi Lhorwiu Lhowhu Lhucaumo Lipasheerui Lisoeniuwhi Lisu Maii Matui Mauwhosunirhuu Melal Melo Meshai Metheu Meuta Mhapoi Mhelei Mherher Mhilrholao Mhuwhi Milhi Miuthu Moea Moinefiu Moituhar Monai Motha Moxo Musitu Muu Muupi Nalwili Naocu Narcu Neiawu Neirheixe Nelee Nenhauciixa Neo Nhaehui Nhai Nharherpuulhul Nhea Nhenhil Nherhul Nhilouchohi Nhiui Nhiwalaru Nhouhil Nhouxelxa Nhuhoi Nhuo Nhura Niasi Nimamheu Nocii Noha Nolle Nomi Noshepa Nouseo Nume Nuwi Oa Ocorse Ofarhartiu Ofol Ohohu Ohuhe Oi Olhileihe Omha Omhiuo Ophuru Osi Ote Otho Otio Owa Owo Pacefarteio Pahuuphuu Palo Pamurli Parer Peihenhar Peixu Perel Phalharilsol Phaupe Phawho Phiihuulhuuhi Phili Phillhui Phuthi Piira Pilemo Pilnonhe Pochefuumu Puchiifauo Pursotel Puuolhursoi Ramel Rarui Rawar Reaxol Rehei Rena Repeuo Rerci Rhartiiho Rhaumoi Rheho Rhohita Rhoue Rhuroilha Rhuusaui Ricil Rihechirsei Rihiliimiu Riimi Riirasi Rilsii Risana Rishala Rochertethiusu Roe Rohohoi Roichor Roli Ronei Rorhaacui Rosel Roweu Rua Rucaheliril Ruhar Ruilhiie Rulsheii Rurholfo Saho Sao Sarocane Sauluiumai Selciusha Selhanoue Semirornau Serhi Seroa Shehaitounu Sheioxe Shelur Shexeerho Shopheiru Shulnhe Shultohamha Shurhalnhifa Sicinola Siha Sihi Siifhorli Sinu Sipo Soi Sonoa Soufoi Sufhi Sufhoinaxil Supu Surhehe Surmure Taifo Taimher Tara Taseirhe Tata Tathe Taulu Taweu Tefhirhii Telnhiho Temiu Terhi Terphal Teutilu Thae Thafe Tharcitelfhothii Thatha Thatimhusuwo Thaxhohi Theaxui Theherphoi Thehi Thene Thesilha Thiosha Thipaltathocher Thirwir Thita Thoihoruru Thorsir Thosalo Tiefhe Tifer Tisituhiru Tiwai Toful Toisolloifhii Tollil Topinohi Torshaurowa Totel Totithil Toui Touo Tuihocir Tuihulehi Tulnhurtio Ua Uaosia Ucel Uho Uhurlarhuni Uixirfi Uli Une Urihothece Use Utu Wellor Whei Whumawe Whuututil Wilimhohulnau Wimhii Wohupathuhir Woli Worsopixu Wouluthafhau Wuthalhuino Xalcu Xani Xaufusumhone Xehau Xhaihoteixhal Xhalsho Xhame Xharfuxhomhefhar Xhehiinho Xhelwe Xhelxirhe Xhethi Xhihe Xhilcoe Xhirhorofihol Xhoe Xhorwhai Xhosi Xhotaunhorhehai Xiomunhohal Xithir Xolcipho Xonilirshirsi Xota Xouthir Xuheahacou Xulsi
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edasaurus · 2 years ago
oh my god i need to watch hannibal again for these reasonsdfasdfads;hkjfahsd;fhaes;ofiaweh 'aksdfj;asdhf'asoih 'e5wo∫¨√˚Ω3¢¶÷“ß∞kmd0
I think it’s really interesting how Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal differ in the portrayal of class. Silence of the Lambs is very American Dream-esque: Clarice “beats” her rural and poor upbringing by working hard, following the rules, risking her own life in favor of doing the “right” thing etc. While I feel like Hannibal has a much more cynic approach. Will tries to do the right thing, lay low and follow the rules, but he burns himself out in the process, which in my opinion illustrates how capitalism leaves vulnerable groups (e.g. people with physical and psychological issues) behind. Also the show makes it THAT much clearer how much of an advantage Hannibal has, just by being an upper class member of society. Silence of the Lambs-Hannibal is obviously upper class, but he’s already been convicted and has much less sway. But show-Hannibal is basically invincible (on account of his class). He’s being attributed not only intellectual, but physical superiority, he has social sway (on account of his class) and sheer unlimited resources (on account of his class). He’s even ever so slightly above the narrative (with him breaking the fourth wall). He also views certain people as “below him”. So while Silence of the Lambs still conveys the “work hard, stick to the rules and it’ll pay off”-attitude, Hannibal very clearly illustrates how the system is rigged and the only way to beat it is to bend the rules. It’s not a coincidence Will starts playing dress-up when he’s trying to catch Hannibal. He’s playing the zero-remorse game he’s learnt from Hannibal.
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faetonmusicblog · 2 years ago
fhae - heard
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hbdcrb · 2 years ago
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Message from Marjon ❤️
Happy happy 37th Birthday, Badi! We wish you many years of joy and friendship! Mag ingat palagi sa mga byahe kahit na hindi naman ikaw ang nagmamaneho ng eroplano. Haha! Always stay pogi! 😂 Basketball and gala soon with Fhae and Riz! Labyu! Mwah mwah! Tsup tsup! 🫰
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sofhtie · 6 years ago
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fantasy high aesthetics: hilariel seacaster
tomorrow, I’ll teach you how to actually swordfight
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marsohki · 10 months ago
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Miss Madame President 💋
going to meet brandon rogers at an upcoming con so i’m working on a bryce poster to give em :33
(says fhae bc my handle on every other platform is different than here lol)
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kimsonvalon · 20 days ago
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manjiroro · 3 years ago
Hi,I'm sorry if I disturbed,I wonder if you can make a mikasa!reader.can the characters be chifuyu, mikey and hakkai.sorry english is not my native language.
s/o who is like mikasa ackerman
characters: chifuyu, mikey, hakkai
content: fluff, gender neutral reader
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hello!! thank you for requesting!! dont worry you're not disturbing huuhu and don’t apologise!! this one’s a bit short because mikasa’s personality is so hard for me to get fhae
i apologise for any mistakes and i hope you enjoy~~
c h i f u y u
chifuyu was shocked when you confessed to him
because you were usually so stoic and quiet, you never even bat an eye at him
so when the day came where you shyly confessed shocked him yet he felt like he was the luckiest man on the planet
chifuyu definitely wasn’t expecting you to be so loving towards him
although you’re shy, he can tell how much you love him
especially when you’re constantly wearing the bracelet he bought for you on your birthday
you seemed to never take it off and it really warms his heart
chifuyu likes that he’s one of the few to experience your love and affection
you have a circle of friends and family that you care deeply for and they’re the only ones to see your love and affection
so he definitely feels special
he’s slightly intimidated by you
he thinks that you’re scary whenever you get mad
and because you rarely get mad, it’s truly terrifying to chifuyu
so when you’re mad at the fact that he got hurt, he’ll grow anxious at what you were gonna do 
chifuyu knows that you’re super protective of him and he definitely appreciates the gesture
but he really doesn’t want you getting hurt for his sake, so he’ll do anything to get you to change your mind
he’ll try to distract you by telling you all about his day or anything really
but you’re very strong willed and eventually, you will go out to find the culprits who hurt your boyfriend
and you just looked so intimidating to them that they ended up not bothering chifuyu ever again
you’re very caring of him too
whenever he goes out to fights, you’d offer to go with him so that you can help him in any way
although he knows how strong you really are
he’ll always turn you down
because 1. he doesn’t want you getting hurt and 2. he wants to protect you
when he comes back hurt, you’ll definitely tend to him 
but you’re also planning on going out to find the group of people who hurt your beloved boyfriend
chifuyu definitely adores you and greately appreciates the things you’d do for him <3
m i k e y
mikey is in love with your strength
he knows just how strong you are and he knows how strong willed you are and he’s honestly impressed
he really looks up to you
he also loves how caring you are towards your close friends and family
you would do anything to keep them safe and he really looks up to your for that as well
mikey thinks you being shy is extremely adorable
he thought that since you were so caring towards your loved ones, you wouldn’t hesitate to show physical affection
but he was proved wrong when the both of you went out on a date and all you’ve done is just stare at his hand, contemplating on whether to hold it
he notices of course, and went ahead to hold your hand
and you immediately tensed up, looking visibly flustered as you malfunction
not knowing what to do
so after that, he likes to tease you
often sneaking small kisses on your cheeks while you’re least expecting it
he likes seeing you grow flustered as you stare back at him with a shocked expression
mikey prefers to protect you instead of you protecting him
he is the strongest after all, so he feels like there’s not a need for you to protect him
so instead, you’ll let him cling onto you whenever he wants, sort of like repayment
when you get angry, it’s usually for mikey’s sake
mikey’s having a bad day because of someone?
you’ll go out to look for this one person to teach them a lesson
because you’d do anything for your dear boyfriend
and he quite enjoys watching you beat a group of thugs up
he thinks you’re badass for single handedly beating them down
but he’ll stop you before you go too far
he’ll be there to shower you with compliments afterwards though
stuff like “you did great out there” and “that’s my s/o”
he’s really really proud of you 
mikey is definitely thankful for having a partner as strong and loving as you <3
h a k k a i
you and hakkai are probably gonna be the shy couple
you’re too afraid to hold his hand while he’s too caught up in what to say to you
hakkai is generally a shy person and paired with you who is shy with affection, dates are practically quiet
but the both of you don’t mind because you’re still in each other’s presence
and that was enough for the both of you
the both of you look out for one another
hakkai will protect you just in case anyone tries to be funny with you
while you look out for hakkai just in case he gets into fights, you’ll be there to back him up
he knows just how much he means to you
especially when he sees that you’ve kept and displayed every gift he’s ever sent you
whether be it jewelry, flowers, or letters
you’ve kept them all in your room
you would press the flowers so that you can keep them longer
and hakkai’s face will always flush at the thought of it
there was a time where hakkai found out that you had beat up a group of guys for talking smack about your boyfriend
when he learnt of this, he immediately runs to you to check up on you
he was relieved when he sees that there were no scratches on you
and when the realisation that you were fighting for his sake kicks in, he becomes a flustered mess
stumbling over his words and not looking at you directly
the same goes with you, when you find out he had fought for your sake
you end up becoming a flustered mess too
when you get mad however, hakkai will always find a way to calm you down
he was the only one who can calm you down
he would bring you into a tight hug while rubbing your back and giving you words of affirmation and reassurance
and it works all the time 
how the both of you got together, no one really knows, seeing as how hakkai was too shy to go anywhere near you and you were quiet and constantly had a stoic expression on
but yuzuha was definitely there to help 
hakkai may be shy around you, but you can tell just how deep in love he is with you <3
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❥ masterlist
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My user name is one of my many names for the pair! (Dimitri) ALEX(ander)AND RHEA! Because someone else got the Dimitrios handle first and I think Lion Lily are not tragic sounding and SIlver Moon might veer too close to dmcl but andsdnfa
I know it's weird for me to go unhinged over this because I don't talk about Dimitrios much and only post hints of this ship in my hcs and aus but butbutbu ! There's another person! There's another here with in this raft with me! AHHHHH! There are three!!!!
Yes! CF good yeah! CF convinced me that they are a perfect pair for maximum pain! The combined hatred for these two just fuelled my fire to see them together! AND THEIR PARALLELS ANDNADD
Did you know that in FEH I have all their alts paired up?! Ok that's a lie. Academy Dimitri will always belong to Dedue but I had everyone else paired!
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OMFG People are going to kill me because I'm outing myself here! And did you know I have them in an OT3 with Dedue (Demitrhea)! I love them because of CF! CF is my bread and butter for this ship! THey're gonna die in the worst ways possible but they would have a a year of peaceful happiness (because the 4 years would be spent in crippling denial and doubt and beating around the bush). Highest of highs and lowest of lows. And OT3 Demitrhea totally had a kid together because Rhea used her skills to make homunculi so so so so
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Someone will definitely put a hit on me for this but akhdja;hf asfar a I still ship them with others because their other ships are soooo good too (Dimitri mostly because he's my fandom bicycle!)! BUT BUT BUT!!!!!!!
Dimitrios! Dimitrios! Dimitrios! Demitrhea! Demitrhea! Demitrhea!
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You have good taste in rare ships. (✿◡‿◡)
Ferdinand/Sylvain/Lorenz is cool. But what's this about Seteth/Sylvain?
I think this little thing I wrote for Princes does more to explain why I love the idea of them more than words can dfgkjfdlg
“May I be blunt, Rhea?” He saw Rhea’s reaction to her name in the corner of his eye. Now, Dimitri kept his gaze trained elsewhere for his own benefit. “I owe you that much,” Rhea said eventually. “Tell me what is on your mind.” “At one point or another, everyone experiences a loneliness that is forced upon them,” Dimitri said, voice having gone soft without his behest. “Deaths of loved ones, positions of power . . . There is precious little in life we can control.” Finally, he looked at her, saw the wideness of her stare. “But there is also a loneliness we choose, and that, quicker than anything, is the loneliness that kills us. I suppose I was hoping to show you how much better our lives can be when we choose a little bit of company.” He flexed his hands, watching the metal glint in the night’s light, listened for the barely-there creak of his gloves. “That was a little presumptuous of me, though, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, Lady—” “Thank you, Dimitri.” He ignored the wetness of her voice. “Thank you. Very much.”
They're just. Ugh. I want to put them under a microscope. You know how Dimitri compares himself to Wilhelm and Byleth to Seiros in that one conversation? Well. I mean. I think (what people see as) the second coming of Seiros and the Tempest King could be a story in its own right <3
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chewypussy · 3 years ago
argh argh argh argh argh argh argh argh aegh aehg ahe fhae fha efvf ga f ageh ageh dgehahegha
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