#FE3h 5th Anniversary
rorah · 2 months
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To celebrate the Anniversary, I redrew the first thing I did for this game and gave it cohesion
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... And played with it. Here are all the individual pieces 💙💛❤️💚
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cainlawiet · 2 months
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After battle.
Days late but happy 5 years anni of FE3H. I love this game so much <3
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azurindavo · 2 months
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Happy 5th anniversary to my beloved Fire Emblem: Three Houses!
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starblizzard247 · 2 months
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5 whole years…5 whole years since I begged my parents to let me get the game on release day during the summer before 7th grade. Now I’m heading into senior year of high school.
This game genuinely means so much to me, and I adore it so much. I am so attached to its lovable cast, its lore, its world, its music, its art, its themes, its voice acting—all of it.
Thank you, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, for being my first Fire Emblem game (that I played. Awakening was the first that made me fall in love with Fire Emblem), and thank you, for becoming one of my lifelong hyperfixations.
Here’s to the post-timeskip (with hopefully less tears because MY GOD, this cast deserves so much better from their cruel world. They all need therapy. ALL OF THEM).
Pose Template/Reference (because I did not have the time to make a full piece I’M SORRY I’LL TRY TO MAKE A FULL ONE SOON)
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justme-inmyownworld · 2 months
I did it! Although I’m late but happy anniversary to the game that changed me, gave me the motivation to explore on things and life and prompted me to be better. The game that let me found my beloved man named Dimitri 🤭❤️💛💙
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crimson-flow3r · 2 months
I've only liked fe3h for a little over a year but I'm being so serious when I say it's probably one of the most important games I've played in my life
when I started, I got it as a "I haven't seen you in 5 years heres some late bday gifts" gift from a friend of my mom. I knew literally nothing about the game, and got to go in completely blind
I spent a solid 10 minutes just staring at the screen for when you get to choose what house you teach -- I could not choose between the black eagles or golden deers. I don't remember why, but I just didn't like the blue lions at all
I eventually chose the black eagles, only because I remember I loved Linhardt's dialogue and him as a character
I fell in love with the group immediately, and found everyone extremely interesting and funny. The characters that intrigued me the most were Edelgard and Linhardt.
I did some non-spoiler research and head that apparently the black eagles split off into two different routes, so I tried my best to get high support with Edelgard
(below this is gonna get more personal and is gonna definitely be a lot more writing so its gonna be under read more lol)
Where the game really clicked for me and ended up becoming so special is Jeralt's death. I lost my own father a few years back, so it was honestly extremely hard to watch the cutscene-- especially since I loved Jeralt so much. But it genuinely helped me work through the trauma of my own dad dying. I had to take a week long break from the game, but it helped me process so much. I feel like I never got to properly mourn my dad's death, but this genuinely helped me.
Seeing Byleth so upset over this, and seeing everyone support him so much-- it was so healing.
Im really connected to Byleth as a character, and see a lot of myself in him. And everyone in the monastery comforting him after Jeralt's death felt like people comforting me.
It just genuinely helped me so much. After that I genuinely learned so much more about myself and how I grieve, and started to heal better. I talked to more people about how I felt, and coped in my own ways [art and fanfiction]. And it was all because of this game. Mourning over Jeralt was like mourning over my own father all over again, but in such a more healing way.
I could also go off for hours about how important the Crimson Flower route is to me. All the characters feel like family to me. Edelgard is such an intriguing character to me and I love her as a house leader so much. Over time of the game I grew to love absolutely every Black Eagle. I also ended up recruiting only Lysithea, so I definitely consider her an honorary black eagle.
Going into the Crimson Flower route completely blind literally changed my life. Every story beat had me on the edge of my seat. Every character interaction made me extremely emotional [have that be happy, sad, or angry depending on who lol].
The last two fights of the route were genuinely heartbreaking. Having to kill Dimitri and Dedue broke my heart. Even though I originally didn't like the Blue Lions, the fandom really made me grow to love them. Going up there and having to kill them made me feel ill. Then, the fight after, having to slay Rhea -- it felt so rewarding and also so upsetting.
I hated having to kill anyone, and I really just wish everyone could be happy lol
But, the point is, there is no story route where everyone is happy.
apologies if nothing makes sense
happy 5th anniversary, fe3h
I love you so much
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revel-arts · 2 months
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"I must protect Edelgard"
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academy-emblem-zine · 2 months
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Happy #5yearsFE3H!!! To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Fire Emblem Three Houses game release, and the 5th anniversary of this project, we're releasing Academy Emblem fanzine for free!
Academy Emblem is a Fire Emblem crossover fanzine where we created 9 original houses, one per each pre-Engage continent, and imagined what Officers Academy filled with various Fire Emblem characters would look like.
The whole book is imagined and presented yearbook-style. Thank you, @sorryoutofrice for lending us your skill and vision.
Download link >> https://academyemblem.bigcartel.com/products
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merimerz · 2 months
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It was my pleasure to work with the incredible team of FE3H5YearsZine! The pre-orders for this zine are open until August 26th ♥️
My house was Black Eagles 🦅🖤
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space-spring-art · 2 months
In honor of the 5th anniversary (timeskip day!!!), here's an animatic I did a while back of the Crimson Flower reunion cutscene.
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hyperiondaylily · 2 months
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“I wish I could tell you how much I love you”
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alexissara · 2 months
5 Years Of Three Houses, 5 Years Of Loving Edelgard.
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5 Years ago today, I was first able to enter the continent of Fodlan, I meet Edelgard and from there I fell for a character in a way I never had before. I was already a professional writer with published worked and focused on Character driven work but I was still blown away by what an amazing character Edelgard was. 5 years ago, I got Engaged at a queer con, I was playing my 2nd route of three houses having played from Three Houses. The game was with me at this wonderful landing point in my life, it was there during the rough covid era struggles, when I was deeply, deeply sick, I was sicker than I ever been, not with Covid but with stomach issues and was hospitalized multiple times in one month ending in a surgery. I ran a roleplay inspired by Three Houses in Thirsty Sword Lesbians which I played for many years, I dated one of my exes through the whole campaign and grew a lot closer to one of my current girlfriends through it. I refined a version of one of my favorite OCs Ever Lena to do a Three Houses OC AU version of her for a different roleplay and while that fell through she did end up being used for that previously mentioned TSL game.
I reviewed Three Houses after finishing all four routes, I wanted to be really through and experience every route, every story, every FF romance arc, etc before I reviewed it. I gave the game a 7/10, I think now I'd give it an 8/10 maybe but a review score is what I think of the game as an overall package. The life changing power of Crimson Flower was really the big deal for me. That was 10/10, that was peak, it was just that the other routes were nowhere near as good for me. Edelgard the revolutionary who is happy to cast herself as a villain if that's what it takes to change the oppression in the world, something that was so strong, so powerful that it was reflected into our world. She was so good at being a character who impacted a fictional world, the only reason things happen at all that people to this day get angry about people loving her, discourse about her, cast her off, make up shit, show their political asses, etc. What a fucking character to be hated so strongly, for so long by this rabid group. Keeping love from a small fan base over time is hard but maintaining hate as a fictional character, that's harder especially with a 24/7 culture war of new women to hate. However, she also maintained love, Edelgard is the most popular character in all of Fire Emblem, in the 5 years she's got the most fan art, the most votes in CYL, she clearly makes nearly the most money in the gacha given how often they make new versions of her or rerun her, she is the moment.
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Of course, it is not just Edelgard I love but the Black Eagles as a whole from the classic roster to the extended family of Mercedes, Lyesthia, Shamir, Leonie, to the Hopes additions of Monica and Shez. Edelgard stands so tall but she doesn't overshadow her amazing allies in changing the world. Even the men, me a famous not man enjoyer, finds at worst like, kinda boring rather than like repulsive. Plus I really love Hubert and Jeritza both as characters and think they are lovely, brilliant characters I wouldn't want to see replaced.
Three Houses hit me in a way "better" games haven't hit me in. I still think about the characters, the world, the politics, the ideas, the lore, the romances, everything so often, daily. I love so much art, most of this little blog is me talking about art I engaged with and I struggle to think of another piece of art that took me by storm in the same ways that Three Houses has. I'd love to have another game sweep me off my feet and have me giggling like someone who just met their idol but even if it doesn't happen again I am glad it happened with Three Houses.
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Then there was Three Hopes and I fucking love Three Hopes, it only exists in the context of Houses but Scarlet Blaze and Golden Wildfire blew me the fuck away. Both routes do a ton for the characters in the series, the plots are fantastic, bringing Monica back and making her one of the best characters in the Fire Emblem series was so fucking great, and I adore the Warriors gameplay. Three Houses was a gift that not only gave itself but Hopes which really just furthered helped put Houses in focus, tie in way more lore, way more context, and way more information. I could explore the world of Fodlan even more honestly, I still hope for Hopes DLC because I just love this game.
It was so amazing to see Edeglard freed of Those Who Slither in the dark and the way her revolution works if she could just have saved her lesbian best friend and probably girlfriend. I loved to see the new amazing paralogues, the way the war shakes out, how she operates free of enemies resting in her house, how the nobles react when Edelgard is a free agent, the way the church fights back in this new time line. It really exciting and it is fun to see how the world once again revolves around the actions and moves of Edelgard and how she sets Fodlan Ablaze with change but now with more time to do things more carefully. It is such a great alterative look.
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I don't have enough glowing things to say about Three Houses but I do have some things to say for the future of my favorite video game series. I deeply hope the future of Fire Emblem is more like Houses and not like the games around it. Houses was a return to form and the first story that blew me away since Radiant Dawn. I want more games that have the style and budget and scope and ambition of a Houses. I don't really trust intelligent systems to bring me that kind of story, so I hope they work with Koei again in the future and let their writers do their thing,
I love the smaller scale Fire Emblems but I can play indie games and smaller budget SRPGs and get the scope and ambition of a smaller scale Fire Emblem but only Nintendo money can bring the kind of game Houses is to the table. I really want to see the expensive class system brought back hopefully without the sexism and the big roster of characters and so much of the little things that made houses so charming. I don't need multiple routes but I would like a good political message like Crimson Flower to be in the future. I don't know if I'll ever love a character not made by me or my loves ones as much as I love Edelgard again but I want them try and I want them to pull it off.
Happy 5 Years Fire Emblem Three Houses, you are something special. If you want to see more of me gushing about houses you can read my fics here https://archiveofourown.org/users/AlexisSara/works?fandom_id=23985107
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artisticzaati · 2 months
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Happy 5 Years of this Delight of a Man.
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maslosstuff · 2 months
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Happy anniversary to them! I enjoyed playing this game so much and replaying it I fell in love with them and I was never the same afterwards. They stole me and my sister’s heart
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sotiredmostnights · 2 months
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cynical-gamer-media · 2 months
Happy 5th Anniversary to FE3H, a Game That Changed My Life
It is no exaggeration to say this game changed my life.
In 2019, pre-release, I wrote headcanons during the time about characters, friendships, romances, scenarios, AU, etc. I just decided one day to give it a go. I never imagined doing it but yeah! There were a few others who were writing headcanon lists too, and it was fun going back and forth with them. I got popular enough that people made suggestions if I could write headcanons about 'x, y, z'. It was an extremely fun time! I continued with the headcanons until late 2020.
(Alas headcanons and people suggesting ideas is a dead art unfortunately.)
I also wrote Tumblr drabbles about all manner of scenarios! The game made me rediscover my love for writing. I always enjoyed writing, but I lost that love--it was more of 'I like doing this, but I wish I could love it again'. It also made me get back into writing fanfiction. For years I thought I would not go back to those days, but I came back in full force (even 5 years on)
I wrote my very first gift fic to a headcanoner like me (it became the literal first 'Byleth Eisner & Jeralt Eisner' fic on AO3)! I literally wrote the very first 'Edelgard von Hresvelg/Dorothea Arnault' (Edelthea) fic ever on AO3!
From release date I kept writing fics. I wrote a multi-chapter fics. I wrote a smut, and I never thought I would: but funnily enough through reading FE3H AO3 smut it showed me that it can be an amazing way to flesh characters. And shameless smut is great as well!
I was never actively involved in fandom like this. I wrote fics in the past but left it at that. But I interacted with people and enjoyed it!
The very first discord I joined was based on FE3H. I didn't even know what a discord was until someone I went back and forth with invited and told me about. I never thought I would join something like that, but I did.
During 2019-2020 I received fanart for my drabbles, based on headcanons, and on fics. I had some comments say I single-handedly got them into Edelgard/Claude (Edelclaude) through my multi-chapter fic 'The Eagle and Deer Walk Parallel Paths'.
2020 I ran the very first Edelthea Week! I never imagined I would ever run a fandom event, and that I would also create a Twitter for it! I tried to run an EdeltheaNSFW Week but it failed twice, but that was a fantastic lesson: not all weeks are destined to succeed!
I participated in fan weeks, such as 'FE3H LGBT Week', 'Edelclaude Week 2020' & 'FE3H Polyship Week'. I tried out a big bang but had to step down, but I tried it!
Few months later I was invited to be a social media mod for the Edelthea Fanzine 'To a Brighter Dawn'. I said yes. I also became a writer contributor. I never imagined joining a fanzine ever, as a contributor and especially as a mod.
Not much happened fandom wise in 2021 due to stuff. I lose the will to write (in everything). BUT I put my hand up for the 'Choose to Prevail: An Adrestian Trio Fanzine' towards the end of the year and got in!
2022 and 'Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes' is announced. Eventually I got back into a active fandom role, having overcome 2021. I made dear friends through our love of FE3H that year. I ran Edelthea Week again! I participated in fan weeks again! I started writing two fics that have become near and dear to me: 'Can There Still Be a Brighter Dawn?' and 'The Eagle Who Must Leave Her Nest'.
2023 kept contact with friends. I assisted a friend of mine @laminecuisine (and made a new companion) to run 'Edelgard Rarepair Week'! First time co-running something, and it was fantastic!
2024. Made new friends through FE3H, and kept old ones too. Wrote a collab fanfic with amazing friend @laminecuisine! Ran the third Edelthea Week, am co-running 'Edelgard Rarepair Week 2024', AND will co-run 'FE3H Polyship Week/Weekend 2024'.
FE3H helped me overcome obstacles throughout my life. It brought joy throughout my life. It made me get out there (safely) in the world to interact with others and make friends through some, and acquaintances with others. Throughout these years I have participated in many fan weeks, I joined discords, put my hand up for fanzines, interacted with others, and so forth.
FE3H means so much to me. It has its flaws, absolutely, and problems in the fandom, but when you curate your experiences then you can meet some of the loveliest and most open-minded people out there. I am still a fan, and will be now and forever.
Thank you FE3H: for existing, giving me the gentle nudges to get involved, for rediscovering my love of writing, and trying things I never thought I would do and enjoy.
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