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she-who-brings-darkness · 7 years ago
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I've just spotted Favaro Leone on a children's book 😂
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nekojetto · 4 years ago
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Same ship energy
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august-u7 · 8 years ago
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hakmangaanime · 7 years ago
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I know this was supposed to be an emotional moment but....
all I heard was “FAVAROOOO”...
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mikanrulz · 8 years ago
I know you have answered a similar question, but it is paramount for my soul to confirm this! Are Azazel and Lucifer related as brothers? Not only do they resemble each other, plus Lucifer caring quite a bit more about Azazel than he should compared to the other demons, but the official Bahamut fandom wiki has been stating they are brothers for a long time, long before the skit they recently performed at the end of the latest episode. So is the wiki wrong? Just want to straighten my ship out! :o
Keep in mind that wiki is written and edited by fans; no wiki is ‘official’, so to speak. Also, try to double check the source if it’s possible. I looked up Lucifer’s page in snb:g wiki one day and once I read that azazel’s brother part, I just… never went back there.
Also, since I’m answering your question, I might as well make this since it pretty much covers all the bases (I think).
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(aka no, really, they’re not actually brothers.)
I’ll be separating the source into two: the actual ep, and the extra contents.
The actual episodes include, well, the actual episodes content; as in, canon things that really happen in the actual eps.
Firstly, they have ZERO canon interaction in the anime.
No talking, no looking, not even a glance.
In fact, they have never even been in the same frame together.
No, seriously.
But never fear, even if they never interact in canon, they at least know each other! And other ppl know they know each other!
Cerberus keeps reminding Azazel of their ‘order’ and implies that said person who has given their order may not satisfied with the result (ep5)
Bacchus describes Azazel as Lucifer’s right hand man (ep5)
Martinet confirms that Lucifer’s Azazel’s superior (ep6)
Gabriel and Michael talking about Azazel in relation to Lucifer (ep8)
Azazel mentioning Lucifer in canon:
Lucifer’s the only person in the entire series who he calls with honorific: Lucifer-sama (ep6, ep8)
For Azazel who looks down on humans and demons alike, this is a big thing, bcs it means Lucifer’s the only person he respects.
In ep8, when Belzeebub attacks him, he thinks of Lucifer first and foremost: “What are you scheming, betraying Lucifer-sama like this?!”
Not why are betraying *me*, but why are you betraying Lucifer-sama.
It just shows how loyal he is to Lucifer.
Meanwhile, Lucifer… lmao
The only time Azazel gets mentioned to him is in ep8:Lucifer: It’s been a long time, Beelzebub.Beelzebub: Azazel has failed miserably. We can afford no more blundering, Lucifer.Lucifer: A pity. I’ll just send someone else, then.
All the while, Lucifer never looks up from his book.
Looking at that conversation, it looks like Lucifer doesn’t actually care about Azazel.
(But then in the commentary he’s described as worried. So it’s possible he just doesn’t show his worry in front of Beelzebub.)
Aaaand that’s it; that’s all the canon mention of Lucifer/azazel.
Extra content includes everything official that are separate from the actual episodes, such as episode previews, character commentary from BD bonus, official site description, official twitter content, as well as the official artbook.
2.1. Episode 10 preview
English translation:Lucifer: I’m Lucifer.Azazel: I’m Azazel.Lucifer and Azazel: We’re the Fallen Angel Brothers.Lucifer: Hold on. You’re my subordinate, aren’t you?Azazel: Your white feathers are beautiful.Lucifer: Yours are beautiful, too.
This is the original Fallen Angel Brothers skit. It can be seen here that Lucifer both 1) reminds Azazel they’re not actually brothers, and 2) emphasizes his and Azazel’s relationship: “you’re my subordinate.”
So no, Lucifer and Azazel are not brothers at all.
(Also, this skit was such an oasis for Azazel’s fans at the time bcs when this aired, it was still unknown whether he lived or died, since the last time he was seen, he was being burnt by Beelzebub and losing consciousness in ep8. Him sounding so fine and energetic in this skit gave fans hope that he might still be alive after all.)
…and that he and Lucifer’s relationship might not be as one-sided as one might assume from watching the eps, bcs, wow, weren’t you two quite friendly??? Doing a skit together! Praising each other’s wings! Lucifer’s gentle voice at the end! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
2.2. Character commentary
There are two character commentary eps that touched a bit on Lucy/Azazel’s relationship:Ep05, commentary by Favaro and Azazel
Even though Favaro never even mentions or asks anything about Lucifer, Azazel still manages to bring up Lucifer’s name without being prompted. “What, did you feel Lucifer-sama’s male presence?”
(also him asking favaro that means *he* himself actually *notices* Lucifer’s *male* presence.)
Which is just awwww
Azazel (to Favaro): “About your relationship with that hammer head (kaisar). Are you guys brothers? Aren’t you thinking it’s okay to die for his sake?”Azazel: “I’m a bullet (鉄砲玉). If it’s for the sake of my brothers, then I shall die anytime.”
Also, he calls himself a teppoudama (鉄砲玉), which literally means bullet. In yakuza term, this is similar to that of a messenger who goes out and never returns; as in, his role is to be the bullet, be the sacrifice, the pawn, the messenger who executes and never returns.
(pls note that yakuza members often call each brothers even though they’re not related by blood. Brothers here is meant as comrades.)
Similarly, when he asks if Fava/Kai are brothers, he doesn’t mean by blood; he was the one who indirectly caused the death of both of their fathers, after all. He knows very well they’re not related. He’s asking if they’re ‘comrades’ or ‘nakama’.
It seems to him, the term brothers (comrades) refer to ppl who are considered to be important, enough that one would offer own life for them.
Adding that Fallen angel brothers skit he does with Lucifer (where they’re ‘brothers’), and how dutiful and loyal he’s to Lucifer, it is assumed he’s indirectly talking about Lucifer here.
Ep12, commentary by Favaro and Kaisar
For the parts that mention azazel, pls take a look at my translation post here. But to summarize:
According to Cerberus, Lucifer tells her to go save Azazel.
Not only that, but Lucifer himself even comes bcs he’s actually *that* worried about Azazel who goes missing a while.
Favaro describes them as: “And after that, [Azazel] and Lucifer *intimately* go away together.”
I’m just… Favaro, is it really necessary to describe them as *intimate*?
What did Favaro see that made him use such an adjective to describe the way Azazel and Lucifer go away together?
Favaroooo I need details dammit
2.3. Official site description
Azazel’s page: http://shingekinobahamut-genesis.jp/character/character_08.php
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“Following fellow fallen angel Lucifer’s command, using moving castle Gregor. he’s looking for the girl who stole the God’s key from the Land of the Gods.”
Lucifer’s page: http://shingekinobahamut-genesis.jp/character/character_18.php
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“He commands Azazel & co. to investigate the God’s Key that’s missing and stolen from the Land of he Gods.”
Based on that official description above, it’s made clear that while they both are “fellow fallen angels”, considering Lucifer gives “command” to Azazel, their relationship is either superior/subordinate, or master/servant.
2.4. Official twitter content
Firstly, please look at both Valentine and White day illustration from snb:Gofficial twitter. Each illustration shows couples (Fava/Mira, Kai/Rita) but then in the Valentine’s part we also have a broken heart looking azazel being alone, only to be paired up with Lucifer and smiling so brightly in White Day.
Conclusion: Lucifer/Azazel is also a couple now.
Or, more accurately, they’re treated as a set somehow.
Valentine illustration: https://twitter.com/bahamut_genesis/status/566166402801750016
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White day illustration: https://twitter.com/bahamut_genesis/status/576322764233056257
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2.5. Official Artbook
The character profile description is more or less the same with the ones written in official site, just more detailed. This book also includes commentary by character designer Onda and director Satou. Notable comments include:
2.5.1. Lucifer“I remember the director instructing me to ‘please don’t make his under nose long’.” Onda Nobuyuki (chara designer)
(Notes: basically, he’s saying the director’s telling him to make Lucifer beautiful, since the part from under nose to upper lip is believed to decide whether one’s face is beautiful or not. )
They made Lucifer sits and never moves bcs it’s troublesome to animate his enormous six wings.
He’s drawn as a beautiful demon.
His horns have two different colors.
Onda already designed Lucifer’s giant ass sword just in case, and even compared to his whole body proportion and this giant sword, his wings are just so, so enormous.
2.5.2. Azazel“’He has that delinquent feel about him,’ is what the director instructed me, so his facial expression’s range is expanded.” Onda Nobuyuki (chara designer)
Azazel was supposed to die early (around ep8 possibly), except the staff loved him, so they changed things a little and included him in later eps.
The main reason Azazel’s lower horns got cut was bcs they were a pain to animate.
Similarly, his wings are made to be smaller compared to the illustration on his cards to make it easier on the animators.
Just like Lucifer’s horns, Azazel’s lower horns have two color tones.
Also according to the artbook, Azazel’s around 190cm, Cerberus 170cm, and Pazuzu 250cm.
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2.5.3. MartinetMartinet’s original design is supposed to resemble Grigori, except then his look would overlap with Lucifer and Azazel, who are supposed to look exceptionally beautiful and are in a league on their own; so they scrap Martinet’s prototype design and make him uglier.
Comment: Looking at the chara design’s comments, it’s pretty evident that design wise, while both Lucifer and Azazel are supposed to be beautiful look wise, expression wise, Lucifer’s ‘just’ beautiful, while Azazel’s delinquent and very expressive.
It’s probably meant to show that unlike Azazel, Lucifer’s much, much, MUCH calmer. Since his expression is very limited, Lucifer’s also probably hard to read in general.
The thing about Lucifer/Azazel’s relationship is that, in genesis, if you only watched the actual eps, then yes, their relationship is quite one sided.
Despite Azazel showing loyalty and respect toward him, Lucifer doesn’t seem to care one bit about Azazel in return, even though Azazel’s supposed to be his right hand man.
This is esp when confronted with Azazel’s failure, Lucifer’s only reaction is, “A pity. I’ll just send someone else, then.”
No worry about why azazel hasn’t come back, no nothing. He acts like azazel’s dispensable.
But if you look at the extra content, then…
…it’s pretty much still one sided lmao
No, hear me out here.
The thing about Lucifer/Azazel in the extra content is that, Azazel pretty much thinks his feelings are one sided, when in truth he just never notices.
In ep5 commentary, about the “I’m a bullet” comment; Azazel thinks his life is dispensable, that none would actually stop him from dying or that none would ever worry about him.
But from ep12 commentary, we know Lucifer cares; Lucifer worries; Lucifer actually goes out himself to save him, after he also commands Cerberus to go save Azazel.
I’m starting to think the real reason Cerberus complains so loudly is not bcs she’s told to save Azazel, but more bcs Lucifer makes her involved in his and Azazel’s affair lmao
No, srsly, favaro, I really, really need details on how and why and what part exactly about Azazel and Lucifer going away together that makes you described them as ‘intimate.’
Also, I’ll be repeating this once more: nowhere in the official materials state that Lucifer/azazel are actually brothers related by blood. srsly.
*i’ll be editing this post to tidy up the links and pics and whatnot. But for now pls bear with this.*in my ep12 translation post I wrote nakama, but a much better headphone later, it turns out it’s actually nakamutsumajii (中睦まじい), literally means harmonious or intimate.
*lmao I thought describing them as nakama is already pushing it since they’re officially just superior/underling, but turns out the real one is even more outrageous.
“Intimately” favaro says. I mean. well.
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vorekara · 8 years ago
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bingsoobean · 8 years ago
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ryo-maybe · 8 years ago
cerastes ha risposto al tuo post : I like how in the aftermath of a humonguously...
The Personality entry in his bio is a photo of his face with bulging eyes and the caption “FAVAROOOO”
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eyesofaliar-blog1 · 8 years ago
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justintaco · 8 years ago
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junkandstuff · 8 years ago
But seriously, he’s back for a full episode and we didn’t get a single FAVAROOOO!! Kaiser you’re losing it buddy, 2/10 series can’t recommend
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pootan · 8 years ago
I want my text alert to just be Kaisar screaming, FAVAROOOO.
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gorilla-daddy-dick · 8 years ago
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droneseco · 8 years ago
Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul Episode 8 Anime Review - FAVAROOOO!!!!!!
Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul Episode 8 Anime Review - FAVAROOOO!!!!!! published first on http://ift.tt/2k2AtEs
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samiichan · 8 years ago
the ep should have finished with a "FAVAROOOO"
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animextreme · 9 years ago
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