itsmissing · 1 year
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went ahead and made this year's halloween costumes for my personal server's discord bots. crazy that it's been 5 years...
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the-art-block · 2 years
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Vamptober Prompt 15: Remorse
Krispy has already forgotten what happened but Freida will remember until her final death 🥺
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lailoken · 1 year
Famulus vs. Magistellus
Something I thought might be worth talking about here—at least for the sake of preemptive clarity, should I ever speak on the matter more—is the difference between a Famulus and a Magistellus, as they are understood within the paradigm of the Wending Way. I could try and get into the historical and etymological aspects of these terms, but that's probably a larger undertaking than I'm currently up to. Instead, I will simply explain how they are specifically understood and used within the context of the tradition I adhere to. Suffice it to say, however, that historically speaking, the terms are virtually indistinct.
The word Famulus (or Familiar Spirit) is used to describe any spirit with whom a mage has established an ongoing compact. Accordingly, a famulus can serve any number of functions—some, simple and reserved in nature, while others are more complex and personal. Examples range from things like the Alraun (a root familiar,) to things like servitors (programmed "thought-forms".) I have a couple of famuli, though only my mantic famulus is anything like a close friend and ally to me.
On the other hand, the word Magistellus (which translates literally as "Little Master") is used to describe a spirit granted to a mage directly by their Witching God(s). Magistelli are literally bound to the spirit of the mage in some way, generally following an outhbound initiation. While some might find it surprising, I am yet to be granted a Magistellus. I have been promised that, when the time is right, I will be yoked to a fitting spirit, but even after all my years of practice, that time is yet to come. And while that made me antsy at one point in time, I no longer feel hurried, and I trust in my Witching Gods to help direct me along my path in the way which will serve my highest good.
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clanlasombrasp · 7 days
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She is a piece of the Abyss, my dear Shadow, my pet, my famulus,...
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One of my oldest and fierce companion ever. I hope she will be fine, along Miss Kore in the bayou house. I will miss both, for sure!
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iravaid · 2 years
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Commission for @qwib of their Ravnos OCs, Andy and Santiago! Andy is showing off his developing Chimerstry skills
Commission information can be found here
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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lafayettenossie · 2 months
Salvation: a tale of the past (Part 5).
Last time…
"Yes, we mostly drink human blood. Although not all of us do. I, for example, prefer to feed on animal blood. I have more affinity with them… Others go to blood banks and drink bagged blood…" He seemed sincere when he told her this, his green eyes following her wherever she went.
"Yeah… animal blood? And what do you do? You go to a slaughterhouse and buy blood from… I don't know… pig or cow or…" she asked him while holding the gun with her right hand, but already pointing at the ground and bringing the bottle of bourbon to her mouth to take a drink, that was impossible to digest while sober!
"No. Normally, I go to the source to feed myself. I have certain special abilities to… make myself understood with animals and not be considered an enemy." he told her trying to downplay the matter, although it was clear that it was something quite incredible.
Britney smiled after the last drink. She put her service weapon in the holster on her belt. "Are you Dr. Dolittle?" she said sarcastically.
Lafayette shook his head a little. "Well, the book is very good, the movies not so much…" and he gestured with his hand behind the blonde woman.
With a mixture of fear and curiosity, she turned slowly and what she saw made her snort. On the ledge of the terrace where they were, there were at least a dozen cats staring at her.
"Oh, fuck! What a scare! Where… how… what are they doing here?!"
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NOLA, Lafayette's Famulus...
"It was them who warned me, the one with the blue eyes and long grey fur. Her name is NOLA, and she's my Famulus, my partner… she knew something bad was about to happen to you and she used the rest of my spy network to warn me so I could get there on time…" he said as he approached the cats, who brought their heads closer and began to purr while the Nosferatu Detective petted them one by one.
"Thanks to them, and other stray animals, I know everything that can happen in the city." He added, staring at Britney.
"Wow… and thanks to her you knew I was going to…" she tried to clarify what had happened to Lafayette while pointing at NOLA. The cat meowed as if answering her, scolding her for what she was going to do until the detective went up to stop her.
The man nodded. "You're a good person, Britney Loup. You care about your job, you want to stop the criminals who kill in the city. That does you credit. There's a lot of corruption in your industry, I'm glad that at least you're a trustworthy person."
"You have no idea what you're talking about, Lafayette… I'm a woman who's just divorced, who's lost custody of her son, who's going to have to go live in her car because I'm not going to have a roof over my head starting tomorrow either… I do my job the best way I know how, but I assure you that I'm not a good person. I drink too much, I get involved with the wrong people, I don't go to church, and I don't find any meaning in my life…" Tears welled up in her clear eyes again.
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Britney Loup having a bad moment...
"But you have me. I'll help you in any way I could and that you allow me, of course. And I think we can help each other make this city a better place for us and the people we love…" he said, approaching her with NOLA in his arms. The cat purred, closing her huge blue eyes.
"A deal? Working together?" she replied, wiping away her tears.
"The strange cases you would find I can take care of investigating with my own means, and the more mundane cases that I will investigate may require some daytime help…" It was a quid pro quo, for both of them.
Britney approached and petted NOLA's head. She looked towards where the other cats were and there were none in sight anymore, they had left as quietly as they came! "Okay… But if you're fooling me I swear that…"
Lafayette shook his head. "I don't lie. I don't usually lie unless it's for a greater cause. I was raised Catholic, but over the years I learned to have my own set of values ​​and code of conduct."
Britney Loup lowered her gaze. "Ok. We'll try to make it work, Mr. Lafayette."
"Francis. My name is… Francis. If you want, you can call me that, Detective Loup." she replied, with a slight blush on her pale face streaked with tiny dark veins.
"I'm Britney, or Brit. Call me that in private. I think it would be a good idea for us to get down from here… if someone sees us they might actually call the police and we'd be in a bit of trouble… me at least!" she replied with a slight smile as she noticed the Nosferatu's blush.
"Yeah, let's go…" and gestured for her to go ahead towards the stairs leading down the building…
It was the beginning.
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versinator · 4 months
Melegíts famulus
Feltálalom nej vasatok törtünk Nyomomban kancsót gesztus lebontja Félholtan honszerzést diszkrétül bőgünk
Termeted nyírfaderék tenyereid kiirtja Hacacárét poétán zálogba aggálya Mezében esküsznek hangszerelésből beborítja
Teljesüljön példájuk takarómon víztartálya Hirlapot meszelni rajok fületlen Lapunk hámor üveggolyó kastélya
Lehunyni csigolya elolvad sületlen Megvetik drinápoly koszton küzdelmünk Pörkölődő veszteségünk zengtél asztalszélen
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marcusvolator · 2 years
– – – – – E finda está a trilogia das versões latinas . A obra máxima das mágoas de amor etílicas. Componham o drama em suas mentes: uma mesa de bar, beberagens diversas, um garçom obsequioso e uma carta remetida pelo amor de sua vida informando que vai se casar. Somente o vate supremo, Reginaldo Rossi, o faria. – – – FAMULUS _ _ _ Composita et cantata a Reginaldus Russorum vel…
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felixitous-rising · 5 months
sad to see thistle hate going around again. the old days are back once more......
anyway show me your thistle babies. i'll start
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itsmissing · 1 year
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did some extremely minor (but long overdue) touch up on the designs of my discord bots i use for my friend server. the ones on the left are from 2019!
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the-art-block · 2 years
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Vamptober Prompt 13: We Gather Here Tonight
Local Nosferatu Marries His Ghoul more at 6
👇👇👇(Skylar, Anushka, Bravo, Victor, and Jeff © WritingPhelps!)
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st-guliks-fnord · 7 months
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Woah I finally made my own Nosferatu son to be obsessed with
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revenant-coining · 3 months
hello! do you know of any labels that are similar to these descriptions? i’ve been looking, but i haven’t found any yet.
someone who experiences queer attraction to girls/women, but isn’t sure what kind of attraction it is
a boy who experiences queer attraction to girls/women, but isn’t sure what kind of attraction (i already know about lesboy, saphboy, and boydyke, and i’m trying to find similar but different labels)
someone who is nonbinary and experiences queer attraction to girls/women, but isn’t sure what kind of attraction
someone who experiences mlm/nblm/mlnb/nblnb attraction primarily, and also experiences the aforementioned undefined attraction to women
— @a-famulus-fox
here’s what we could find!
Femique (link): “a non-gendered term for anyone who feels queer attraction to women [a femique person]/a non-gendered term for queer attraction to women [femique attraction].”
Queerbian (link); “a term for queer attraction to primarily women.”
Lesbian Man (link); “a man who experiences queer attraction to women.”
Sapphic Man/MLW (link); “This flag is for sapphic men who do not feel connected to womanhood / being wlw, but who still feel like their mlw attraction is inherently sapphic/queer”
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autism69 · 7 months
should I try multi level marketing tactics on rats during the next vtm sesh. for spying...
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famulus-seira · 1 year
HER feet pounded brutally against the uneven ground as her breaths became harsh and violent. She was running, but from what was quite a long story indeed. She hadn’t the time to recall it though as finding a place to hide seemed more crucial at this very moment. Especially when the voices were getting closer and closer.
The young, pale maiden tripped over a tree root, sending her tumbling towards a big spiky bush that pricked her oh-so delicate skin.
“Ouch!” she hissed as the bright crimson blood trickled down, illuminating itself under the waxing gibbous moon.
She was already covered head to toe in scars and bruises, and as for the rest of her appearance, it was almost depressing. Her grey, white spotted, hair was jagged; a complete mess, and her hooded dress was so torn and crinkled - even one of her sleeves were missing - when did it go missing?
She was fortunate that the hood of her dress wasn’t torn as brutally as the rest of it, as it fitted over her hair, covering her forehead and the glimmer of her grey-white locks.
The other voices were becoming increasingly clearer by the second as they drew near. “I heard something over there!” someone shouted.
The maiden was frantic now. She knew she was going to be found if she didn’t find a hiding place soon. She looked around before focusing back on the spiky bush behind her. Finding a little hidden passageway in amongst prickly twigs, she didn’t hesitate any longer.
As she crawled through the small space in between, the thorns tore at her hunter’s dress more, making sure not to miss her porcelain flesh. She fought the urge to hiss and curse in pain as she hid herself amongst the bristly bush and waited.
“Where is she?!” a tall, sturdy woman hissed.
The maiden peered through the little gaps to find a tanned woman, with red silk covering her neck. A metal weskeh sat around her collar, bearing two golden frames with a dark, pale green in the middle. This collar piece had a cross on the bottom of the golden frames, acting as an religious extension piece, despite the knight’s disbelief.
From under her weskeh, her bronze armour was evident, starting with pauldrons on each side, along with two almost isosceles triangles right next to them travelling towards the middle, and finishing off with then two sharp-curved pieces in between that acted like pincers getting ready to either pursue the cross or be its protector. The maiden couldn’t tell its true purpose.
The woman also wore a lorikion; the sleeves stopping halfway across her biceps and the hem of the clothing stopping at just above her knees, that were also plated with armour. From her knees and elbows, scales travelled towards her hands and feet, stopping only due to the metallic armour covering both - the feet being covered by silver and black boots, and the hands by black armour that stopped at the middle crease of her fingers and in between the creases of her thumbs.
In between her lorikion and elbow, and knee plate and same cloth waving above; the red silk that covered her neck peeked, colouring her fingers and thumbs as well.
Most knights wore the same thing, minus her weskeh; the only other differences being the almost-isosceles and pincers design, and her osiris belt, that helped holding her blade and its pouch in place.
The maiden really couldn’t help but focus her attention solely on this one knight; someone her sister praised and blabbered on about often - swooned, was probably the correct word.
Unlike the maiden’s white-grey hair, tucked firmly in the back of her hooded dress, the knight had curly leathery black hair. It was extremely untidy; bangs in an unruly but parted mess, fringe as unkempt as ever, bun frizzed in the frenzy and rest of the strands that didn’t cooperate when tying her hair into a bun.
She wondered why her sister admired her at first, criticising the knight’s atrocious aroma and her natural demeanour, but soon came to understand why when she joined her sister as an audience.
It was dark, the light from the moon and stars barely touching the knight’s figure, the Wolf barely at her peak, and still the maiden could outline the woman’s every detail. After all, a General who led her disciples into battle was someone extraordinary, (and again, her sister was quite mouthy).
Everyone in the Kingdom and in the villages nearby knew of her. She was a leader who trained her disciples to the best of their abilities, never failing once - hence why she was voted to be.
The only thing that the General and her knights lacked, however, was their ability to find the maiden herself. She was the best at hiding, her and her sister being an unbeatable duo! Even though her sister wasn’t with her now, she wasn’t going to give in - not even the monsters that roamed the night could deter her anymore.
One of the disciples spoke up. “I don’t know! I could’ve sworn she was over here!”
- and here she was, in a place that they’d least expect.
The General grew irritated. “Well, find her! She couldn’t have gotten far!”
The knights and the runaway trembled at the booming voice, one resistant to her demanding voice. It wasn’t like they hadn’t heard it before, but whenever the General got mad it was a time to worry - the maiden was just vulnerable to harsh tones.
The knights all scramble to form a straight line in front of her, the stray complying calmly, as they saluted.
“Ser, yes, Ser!” they all synchronised, a solitary knight sounding flat.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Sooner or later they all left in the same direction. The maiden, who witnessed the scene, slowly crawled out of her hiding place. Not bothering to remove the thorns that made her flesh and dressing their new home, she took off once more, the echoing of a metallic sound wishing her luck from afar. She was smart not to follow, she’d be crazy to do so!
Now looking back to where they all left, the maiden couldn’t help but be proud of herself. She managed to escape the General and her knights! Who wouldn’t be proud of something so unheard of? Surely she would’ve won part of the land - if it weren’t for her being on the run in the first place.
Tears pricked at her eyes, her lips twitching. Freedom was in her grasp at last. All she had to do now was take it and fly away. Do you hear that, Vykki? Adelfos? We’re going to be free at last.
Without much warning, she bumped into a commoner.
“Ow…” she hissed. The maiden looked to the woman who fell, and quickly arose from the ground in a hasted motion. “I’m so sorry, ma’am!!”
The runaway stretched out her hand, but the lady was more focused on the maiden’s torn dress and excessively damaged skin.
“Oh my, dear! You’re wounded!”
the commoner exclaimed,
as she picked herself up from the ground.
The maiden wanted to speak up, but found she was at a loss for words. She hasn’t spoken to a normal human besides her hunter in years.
What does she even say to one?
“Don’t worry, ma’am! I’m fine, truly!” Though that wasn’t convincing in the slightest.
The older one clicked her tongue.
“You’re not fooling anybody, sweetie.
Come with me.
We’ll have to treat those nasty wounds of yours
before they get infected!”
The maiden was a loss for words as she was dragged along by the commoner.
This lady is strong!, she noted.
The runaway saw no point in struggling or refusing the generous lady’s help. Was there any need to? None of the citizens outside of the Kingdom knew who she really was and the person’s scent was comforting, almost familiar; familial.
As long as I stay hidden, it’ll be fine, she convinced herself.
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